#the shemitah 2015
biblenewsprophecy · 4 months
‘Warning Signs of America’s Destruction – Jonathan Cahn’
Jonathan Cahn, a favorite ‘prophet’ of many American evangelicals has been spouting inaccuracies and had a movie with them awhile back:
Warning Signs of America’s Destruction – Jonathan Cahn
According to Cahn’s new upcoming movie called “The Harbingers of Things to Come,” we can turn it around, but it’s going to take repentance, prayer, faith and God to do it.  Cahn explains, “The harbinger is revealing the Biblical template of national judgment that begins with a strike on the land.  It happened in ancient Israel.  It’s a wake-up call, calling the nation back.  The nation is then given a span of time, years, to come back to God.  It’s mercy.  The same harbingers or warning signs that happened in the last days of Israel have now happened or have all appeared in America.  So, the warning is now for us.  Ancient Israel did not turn back.  It actually got worse, and that is exactly what happened.  In America, the strike came on 9/11, and all the harbingers, nine harbingers, all appeared starting with 9/11.  They were warning America of judgment.  We have followed the course of ancient Israel. . . . One of the things that ancient Israel did was lifted up its children on the alters of Baal and Moloch, and they killed their children.  Israel killed thousands, and we killed millions.  Therefore, this puts us in danger of judgment.”
So, how long do we have before God’s judgment starts?  Cahn says, “19 years before judgment.  When did it happen for America?  It was 9.11.2001.  Could it be the 19th year would be when great shakings would start coming on the land?  What’s the year?  It pinpoints the year 2020.  2020 is the year that the shakings come on.  The plague comes on.  Cities are burning.  We are still dealing with Covid.  We have been shaken and locked up, and all these things to this day. . . . In Jeramiah, he said a plague would come on the land in Israel.  We have a plague, and on the 19th year, the plague came.  What’s the name of this plague?  They call it Covid and then the number 19. …”
So, is the recent Supreme Court decision to limit abortion something that can help save America from Gods judgement? Cahn says, “It’s definitely a step in the right direction, but who knows? 05/07/22 https://usawatchdog.com/warning-signs-of-americas-destruction-jonathan-cahn/
Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jew who is known for promoting his well-selling books. But he is not known for being prophetically accurate.
Yet, World Net Daily, Pat Robertson, TBN, and others have improperly promoted him over the past eight or so years.
As far as Johnathan Cahn’s “who knows” response about America’s direction, God knows. The biblical reality is, without massive national repentance, the USA is doomed. Even if Roe v. Wade is overturned, there are still many states in the USA that will perform abortions.
Related to Jonathan Cahn’s comments, let me state that he has a history of asserting that certain connections are biblical when they are not.
Furthermore consider, if his 19-year time of judgment was accurate, it would have ended in September 2020, which is 19 years after 9-11-2001. But there were more COVID deaths in 2021 than 2020, to mention one point. And as far as “shaking” happening after that, it was prior to September 2020 that there were the BLM/Antifa riots that burned buildings, etc. Hence his own logic is clearly flawed as he has contradicted himself.
As far as his history goes, in 2015, he said that would be the end of a so-called Shemitah year. He says last year was a Shemitah year. However, I disagreed and asserted any claims he or others made based upon that were irrelevant. I suspect that the last Shemitah year ran from sunset September 18, 2020 through sunset September 6, 2021. This coincided a bit with the COVID situation, as well as the debacle in Afghanistan.
Notice the following, that I posted on September 1, 2015 related to Jonathan Cahn:
Jonathan Cahn’s “The Harbinger” and his other book “The Mystery of the Shemitah” are flawed (here is a link with some information related to him: Pat Robertson declared ‘Harbinger’ author as God’s prophet; is he right about 2015?). Also, his contentions about a temple must be rebuilt in this age are also biblically wrong (see Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required?).
Some specifics on calculations related to the ‘Shemitah year’ are in the article The Day of Atonement–Its Christian Significance. …
Sometime back, I saw an interview on CBN by Pat Robertson of Jonathan Cahn that was first broadcast 02/05/2013.
The interview screen at one point showed something that resembled two Power Point slides, apparently from Jonathan Cahn or one of his books. The first slide had the following information:
So, the above is a prediction of a possible global collapse at the end of a year that is NOT the Shemitah year.
The second had the following information:
Now if by tribulation, Jonathan Cahn meant the Great Tribulation, then it is not at all possible to begin then. I have gone over this before in various articles and videos, and I have directly debunked the ‘Blood Moon’ hypotheses of the Great Tribulation beginning in 2014 or 2015 (see Blood Moons and Prophecy and/or watch Blood Moons, Prophecy, 2014, and 2015).
Near the end of the interview Pat Robertson said:
God…has ordained this young man as His prophet…Jonathan…
Is Jonathan Cahn God’s prophet as Pat Robertson stated?
No, he is not.
Jonathan Cahn does not meet the New Testament criteria, plus his misunderstanding of various matters disqualifies him (to learn more about prophets, please see the article How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God and/or watch the video also titled How to determine if someone is a true prophet of God). …
Truly a lot is happening in September 2015. But the end is not yet (cf. Matthew 24:6). (Thiel B. The September ‘harbinger’ convergence? COGwriter, September 1, 2015)
Some, however, attempted to claim Jonathan Cahn was right about the Shemitah. Notice something also from 2015:
Over the weekend I saw the following at World News Daily (WND):
Markets tumbling in Shemitah’s wake
September 19, 2015
Before rushing to write off the effects of the biblical Shemitah cycle on the nation’s economy, critics might want to step back and take a look at what has already happened and the direction things are heading.
August brought a gut-wrenching correction to the stock market, with billions of dollars lost in a 10 percent drop-off in value.
The first two weeks of September saw a mild upswing as Elul 29, the day of reckoning on the Hebrew calendar, came and went with nary a jolt being felt.
But as Shemitah researcher Jonathan Cahn has pointed out, the real damage of the Shemitah often occurs in its “wake,” in the Hebrew month of Tishrei. The U.S. market took another big hit Friday, falling 290 points to close at 16,385. http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/markets-tumbling-in-shemitahs-wake/#M70lTa8lfhfK93xU.99
Was there devastation in the ‘wake of the Shemitah?
First, this, in my view, was not a Shemitah year.
Second, as far as financial destruction to the stock market in the claimed Shemitah year by Jonathan Cahn, let me again state that the DOW Jones Industrial Average opening at the start of their claimed Shemitah year was 17,033.93 and the DOW Jones Industrial Average close today was 16,510.19. A reduction of about 3%.
Since the Dow Jones for the last trading day of this claimed Shemitah year (9/11/15) was 16,433.09, we have seen a slight rise so far in the ‘wake’ of the claimed Shemitah year.
While we could see drops the next week, I do not believe it is related to this claimed Shemitah (some specifics on calculations related to the ‘Shemitah year’ are in the article The Day of Atonement–Its Christian Significance).
Notice also something posted today at WND:
Learn the significance of the Shemitah cycle
Exclusive: Sid Roth interviews prophetic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has spent years studying the signs God revealed in the Bible so His people would not be caught unawares. The “harbingers” (warning signs) for ancient Israel are also happening here in America. http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/learn-the-significance-of-the-shemitah-cycle/#ZUA1jRTxvLDwUeJd.99
Jesus laid out a variety of signs which have not happened (cf. Matthew 24:9-20). Jesus said nothing about the ‘Shemitah’ being an important factor.
Here is, however, what Jesus taught would be the final signs:
5 And Jesus, answering them, began to say: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 6 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and will deceive many. 7 But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. 8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.
9 “But watch out for yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and you will be beaten in the synagogues. You will be brought before rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony to them. 10 And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations. 11 But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit. 12 Now brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. 13 And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
14 “So when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not” (let the reader understand), “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 15 Let him who is on the housetop not go down into the house, nor enter to take anything out of his house. 16 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. 17 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! 18 And pray that your flight may not be in winter. 19 For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be.m (Mark 13:5-19)
While prophetically important matters occur regularly, the falsely identified ‘Shemitah year’ was NOT, of itself, something of biblical import.
Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jew and is NOT a true prophet of God. Jonathan Cahn hyped a period of time that did not need that type of prophetic hype.
He is probably best known for his book The Harbinger, which while it gets some items right, is partially-based on certain misunderstandings of prophecy that Jonathan Cahn has. (Thiel B. Dow Jones up in the ‘wake of the Shemitah’? COGwriter, September 15, 2015.
All that being said, Jonathan Cahn and others have pushed the idea that 2022-2023 was a Shemitah year (I disagreed). Related to that the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put out the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
2022-2023 Shemitahs: Destruction/Reset?
Modern Jews claim that the period of time from sunset September 6, 2021 through sunset September 25, 2022 is a ‘Shemitah year.’ Some claim that this and the year that begins when this one ends (the claimed ‘jubilee’ is being called a ‘super shemitah”) and runs through 2023 may cause destruction or the Great Reset. Is this possible? Is Messianic Jew, Jonathan Cahn (of the Harbinger fame) a prophet of God as Pat Robertson has said or a false prophet? Was he right about the financial collapse of the USA in 2015? Are the Jews right about their Shemitah year being year 5982, or is 5991 closer? What about the beginning of sorrows? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
Here is a link to our video: 2022-2023 Shemitahs: Destruction/Reset?
We in the Continuing Church of God strive to always rely on God and the Bible for our prophetic positions: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19, KJV).
Messianics, like Jonathan Cahn, do not.
Related Items: Messianic Judaism Beliefs Differ from the Continuing Church of God Both groups keep the seventh-day Sabbath, but have important differences in doctrines and practices. Here is a link to a related sermon: Messianic Jewish Beliefs.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2024, 2025, or 2026? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Tribulation in 2024? Here is a video in the Spanish language: Es El 2021 el año  de La Gran Tribulación o el Grande Reseteo Financiero.
Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2031 or 2025 or? There is also a video titled: When Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
The Day of Atonement–Its Christian Significance The Jews call it Yom Kippur, Christians “The Day of Atonement.” Does it have any relevance for Christians today? What is the Jubilee? Is fasting healthy? Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required? Although people like Timothy LaHaye teach a third Jewish temple is required, who is ‘the temple of God” in the New Testament? Does the Bible require a rebuilt Jewish Temple? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Por qué no se requiere un templo judío en Jerusalén? Here is a link to a sermon titled The Temple, Prophecy, and the Work.
Nascent Sanhedrin and Prophecy The reconstituted Sanhedrin wants the reimplementation of animal sacrifices. A related video is titled Sanhedrin pushing animal sacrifices. And a newer one is: Sanhedrin makes burnt offering to dedicate altar!
Why Be Concerned About False and Heretical Leaders? There have been many false leaders–here is some of why you should be concerned about them. Here is a related article in the Spanish language ¿Por qué estar preocupado acerca de falsos y heréticos líderes?.
How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God There are many false prophets. How can Christians determine who is a true prophet? There is also a sermon-length video titled How to determine if someone is a true prophet of God. Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Cómo determinar si alguien es un verdadero profeta de Dios?
Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18? Does any church have the confirmed dream and prophetic signs of Acts 2:17-18? Should one? Here is a link in the Spanish language: ¿Tiene la CCOG confirmadas las señales de Hechos 2: 17-18? Here is a link in the French language: Est-ce que l’Église Continue de Dieu confirme les signes d’Actes 2:17-18? A related sermon in the English language is also available: 17 Last Days’ Signs of the Holy Spirit.
Church of God Leaders on Prophets Have there been prophets throughout the church age? Are any supposed to be around in the last days? What have COG leaders stated or written about prophets? Here is a link to a related sermon: Church of God Leaders on Prophets.
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yhebrew · 2 years
God's Patterns - Shvii shel Pesach 7 - Count Omer 6 - Nissan 21 with today's Scriptures
God’s Patterns – Shvii shel Pesach 7 – Count Omer 6 – Nissan 21 with today’s Scriptures
NISSAN 21 Happenings Shvii shel Pesach – 7 Counting of Omer Day 6 2022 Shemittah Year – April 22 Deu 16:8  For six days you are to eat matzah; on the seventh day there is to be a festive assembly for Adonai your God; do not do any kind of work.  My Hebrew calendar lays it out like this: Fast of Firstborn – Nissan 14 Pesach Day 1 – Nissan 15 (Unleaved Bread) Pesach Day 2 – Nissan 16…
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itsdinaestudos · 4 years
Yom Teruah
Estamos em tempo solene!
Este dia iniciava com o toque do shofar aos ouvidos do povo! Lembrando que a palavra hebraica shofar é usualmente traduzida como “trombeta” ou “corneta”.
Shofar שופר é um “chifre curvado de um carneiro com uma das extremidades virada para cima...O primeiro dia do sétimo mês de Tishrei, tb era chamado de Yom Teruah.
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Teruah – São nove (ou mais) sons curtíssimos como suspiros entrecortados, de forma que Yom Teruah era o dia deste toque especial, porém a cada ano, este toque solene anunciava ao povo a proximidade do Yom Kipur (Dia da Expiação/Perdão),
A cada 7 anos ele anunciava o Shemitah (ano sabático), o nosso próximo ano sabático será em 5992/2023.
E a cada 50 anos, anunciava o Yovel (jubileu), o nosso próximo Yovel será em 2031 – ano 6000!
Hoje acontece da mesma forma, mas com um adicional!  Os que reconhecem esta profecia, “ouvem” alto este som de shofar, sabem que ele anuncia o fim deste dia profético....
No kadosh kadoshim acontecia  kaparah “expiação” de todas as faltas do povo, e para isso, o kohen gadol fazia aspersão de sangue sobre a arca do concerto! Era uma ocasião solene!
Como estas festas são representações de acontecimentos solenes na história da terra, não estamos alheios a elas.
Vivemos atualmente o momento solene do Yom Kippur desde 1844. No dia 10 do sétimo mês em 1844 findou-se a profecia de Daniel 8 sobre os 2300 dias/anos que se iniciou no outono de 457 antes da era comum, com a ordem de Artaxerxes para edificar e reconstruir o Templo em Yahushalaym.  Somente neste dia o koren Gadol, entrava o lugar Kadoshim e lá permanecia durante 12 horas do dia, nesta ocasião, se ouvia um som característico do shofar, um toque longo, que se chamava Tekiyá Guedolá (grande toque) anunciando o fim do dia em que o korem gadol esteve fazendo expiação pelo povo e os pecados foram apagados.
 O dia de Yom Kuppur era um período de 24 horas anuais, um período metodicamente respeitado, onde inicialmente o koren gadol (sumo sacerdote), fazia expiação pelos seus próprios pecados no início do período, e entrava ao amanhecer no  kadoshim (santo dos santos) permanecendo ali até o entardecer, qualquer erro no tempo custaria a vida do koren gadol (sumo sacerdote) e a perdição de todos os vivos que estavam participando do período de 24 horas daquele dia de Yom Kippur. 
Vivemos em tempos previamente determinados, e fomos predestinados para nascermos nesta época da história, as Festas eram  um “ensaio”,  somos os personagens reais do Dia do Yom Kippur que acontece atualmente, somos testemunhas dos acontecimentos históricos reais, que cumprem o que foi previamente ensaiado, hoje você e eu somos atuantes, e nossos destinos eternos pendem nos atos escritos do Livro da Vida, devemos estar atentos à saída do nosso Koren Gadol do Lugar Kadoshim, breve ele mudará suas vestes de Koren Gadol e vestira Suas vestes de vingança...
Incríveis, foram os acontecimentos entre os anos de 2014 e 2015, quando luas de sangue e um eclipse ocorreram todos nas datas das Festas Fixas, e no Rosh haShanah (início do ano).  Estes eventos astronômicos soaram como o shofar, como sonido dado no próprio céu; muitos olharam para "ouvir" e tentar discernir, para o que tais eventos estavam chamando a atenção!  Os céus estavam literalmente anunciando, a aproximação da última hora da história da terra, os últimos 15 dias/anos proféticos...
Vivemos o “Dia profético do Yom Kippur” ele terminará em tempo determinado, muitos que estão lendo este texto, viverão para testemunhar o cumprimento da Sukot e o cumprimento de Zac. 14:16 a 19.
No dia do Yom Kippur o povo ficava em suspense, pois a ocasião era soleníssima! Chegará o dia que o tzadik -justo será declarado tzadik-justo e o ímpio nunca mais poderá mudar a sua impiedade. Não compreendemos todas as coisas, mas temos tremenda responsabilidade naquilo que nos foi permitido ver. Os ventos estão sendo seguros enquanto os malachim (anjos) do Eterno selam o restante do Seu povo. Afinal tudo se cumprirá.
Diná Soares
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I'll be publishing bits and pieces on this topic if you'd like to click on the link and follow.
What brings this on, one may ask? The missing siblings from #Dakota, #JJ & #Tylee. Their step father, #Chaddaybell, a #doomsday prophet has written several books. He married their mother #LoriVallow who has also always supported doomsday prophets, prosperity preachers, and #Evangelist that have more money than they need! Their former spouses are dead and now these 2 children are missing and I feel they won't be found alive. Yes they are known as #Christians but many people are but that doesn't make them #Christlike! There's a difference in being like Christ and being labeled a Christian, although the 2 are the same for the few faithful followers. Lori Vallow's oldest son says he is a Christian and lives Christ-like... he considered his mother a devout Christian, and explained after looking back, he can see how evil she was. How sad for him. He stated, he's constantly praying for his younger biological siblings. Let's pray with him.
How many of you have fallen for these doomsday prophets, and their teachings? Such as #JohnHagee, #PatRobinson, #JonathanCahn, #PaulaWhite, #JimBakker, #JoelOsteen, #FranklinGraham and more? This is a warning out of love and concern from no-one but a common woman, and that's all I'll ever be.
#Pastors, #teachers, #leaders this is just another reason why you should be careful about what you listen to that could influence you in an evil way. Are you relying on #books & #stories from #newday #prophets or anyone
with eloquent words? This is a caution of word for anyone who that relies on the words, teachings and any person who uses books to presuade you into something that could be very dangerous. You have a #brain, you have #GodsWord and you have the #HolySpirit to call upon so use it! This should be sufficient without searching for extra.
eloquent adjective
el·​o·​quent | \ ˈe-lə-kwənt \
Definition of eloquent
1: marked by forceful and fluent expression
an eloquent preacher
2: vividly or movingly expressive or revealing
an eloquent monument
articulate, fluent, silver-tongued, well-spoken
Credit for the above on Eloquent taken from the Merriem Dictionary.
CONCLUSION; There is nothing wrong with being wealthy, of course. But with great wealth comes great responsibility. Regardless of your rung on the income ladder, we must remember that Jesus viewed wealth as a gift from God to be used in His service. The Parable of the Shrewd Manager teaches us that God must be the most important thing in our lives: "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money" (Luke 16:13-31).
Everyone that knows Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell considered them religious and faithful Christians. #ChadDaybell wrote several books and claimed 2 near death experiences. They started their new church called, Prepare A People. He was a Mormon in earlier life but made a drastic turn around and left. Some of his books are, Edge of Heaven, Rise of Zion, Evading Babylon, Reclaiming Liberty and many more.
I'm going to continue to publish bits and pieces concerning this topic so feel free to follow.
A little bit more about one of the wealthiest, #Rabbi & #Prophet, Jonathan Cahn:
Mr. Cahn promotes his work aggressively in Christian media, appearing regularly on “The Jim Bakker Show,” “Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!” and “The 700 Club,”
. In particular, Mr. Cahn has attracted the attention of a network of Christian critics who see him as part of a growing stream of over-the-top supernaturalism in the church.
Tensions came to a climax in 2015, when Mr. Cahn suggested in a book and during several TV appearances that an imminent cataclysm was on the horizon.
Leaning on arcane readings of the early books of the Bible, Mr. Cahn said that just as God visited judgments on the wayward Israelites according to a particular seven-year pattern — something called “the shemitah” — modern catastrophes might follow a similar pattern. In 2001 came terrorist attacks, in 2008 there was an economic crash. Mr. Cahn asked: could 2015 bring another disaster?
But months passed, and the doomsday date came and went. He was dismissed as a grifter.
Pastors should warn people away from Cahn,”
@missingchildrenalerts-blog @abcnews @youtube
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wakingthefury · 5 years
Christian author, Jonathan Cahn, has written another Christian novel along the same line of his previous books, which are all non-Biblical
Listen to Today's Program JD: David I know in 2014 Jonathan Cahn released his second book to which you also responded and which not only dealt with his book but also responded to what I think we can call the blood moons fiasco. DJ: September of 2014 he had turned chapter 17 of the harbinger called the Mystery of Shemitah with the subtitle the 3,000-year-old mystery that holds the secret of Americas future, the worlds future and your future. And Jonathan Cahn believed he had found a mystery that was affecting American and world economy and world events.
2014 and 2015 there was a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses that occurred on the Feasts of Passovers and Tabernacles in both years. There was a book written by a Hebrew Roots pastor that said that these would be a fulfillment of Joel 2, Matthew 24 and Revelation 6 concerning the moon turning to blood triggering the Tribulation and fulfillment of prophecies. And when Jonathan Cahn picked up on it he tied things to it in his Shemitah book and so I responded and here we are 4 years later and nothing has happened that they said would happen.
JD: What can you tell us about Cahn’s new book, The Oracle?
DJ: I actually downloaded it at 4:30 this morning from Amazon. I wasn’t able to get through it completely yet but I did read over a quarter of it already. Jonathan Cahn wrote an article and the second paragraph reads as follows: Is it possible that the events unfolding in the world right now are following the exact parameters of a 3,000 year old mystery? Is it possible that this mystery has determined the past, the present and will determine the future? Could this mystery have even ordained the outcome of American elections and the secret of a modern American President meaning President Trump?
Since I haven’t finished the book yet I’m withholding judgment. But after all I’ve seen over the past 7 years you could call me a confirmed skeptic.
JD: David James Bible in hand explaining his concerns about Jonathan Cahn’s books and the fact that they are neither historically nor Biblically correct.
We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
David James has done much research on the books written by the best selling author Jonathan Cahn. That research has revealed that Cahn has difficulty with historic and Biblical content in his books. These books lead to false teaching by the author. Jesus warned us of false teaching in the last days, that’s Matthew 7:15 and Matthew 24:11 & 24.
These false teachers or false prophets will deceive the true church with this non-biblical teaching. In fact this false teaching deception is the first indicator of the soon return of Jesus Christ.
via Jimmy DeYoung's News Update https://ift.tt/30fLCvu
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lightnings-blog · 7 years
America, King Jesus has released you to a Fall! (Recorded February 4, 2015!)
On the day former President Barack Obama gave his sixth State of The Union address to Congress, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, The Lord Jesus spoke to me several times saying, “I release you” and “Covenant” and “Restore the relationship.”  Days later The Lord commanded me to confront cancer which I later learned was American Pride.  I was not fully aware of what The Lord was talking about until I read Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s book titled, The Mystery of the Shemitah.  The Lord revealed to me that He was releasing America to a fall because of American Pride which manifests as “No Fear Of God” The Father of Jesus Christ.  
The Fall began quietly.  First, on Friday June 26, 2015 The Supreme Court of The United States of America decided in Obergefell v. Hodges to sanctify homosexual marriage nationally by legalizing the same.  A few days earlier on Tuesday June 16, 2015, Donald Trump announced he was running for president of the United States.  These two events quietly confirmed the Fall of America.  
On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, Donald Trump shocked America by winning the presidential race against favored Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.  More shocking was the fact that Vladimir Putin helped Trump win with computer hacking, hacked email leaks, information warfare, propaganda and fake news.  Putin employed trolls and computer bots to deliver on his arrangement with Trump to get Trump elected in exchange of course, for a few things. The fraudulent election of Trump is a not so quiet sign of America’s Fall.  
Additional evidence of America’s Fall are clearly evident.  The inability, thus far, of The Republican Party to forsake partisan politics and their coveted legislative agenda in order to confront the nasty reality that their presidential nominee colluded with a foreign enemy to get elected, is indicative of America’s Fall as well.  The Republican Party who were formerly hawkish with respect to Russia went soft on Russia with respect to Ukraine in their National Convention’s platform at Trump’s request.  Certain Republican’s like Representative Devin Nunes have since worked sacrificially to deflect, hinder, delay and distract the American people from the most serious issue facing the nation, Trump Russia Collusion in the 2016 Election Campaign.  Most Republican Congresspersons are complicit with Trump’s ongoing treason through silence.  They are waiting to see if Trump will survive this storm of fall by the way side before speaking out.  Unpatriotic cowards they are.
Further evidence of America’s Fall is the dogged adherence of Trump’s base to a illegitimate President that openly undermines their well being through Obamacare Repeal, Trump’s proposed budget and so-called Tax Reform.  The loyalty of Trump’s base is mystifying. 
More evidence of America’s Fall can be seen if we examine the multiple investigations into Russian election interference and Trump’s collusion therewith.  The investigations are thus far all SHAMS according to The Lord Jesus.  The FBI investigation has been decapitated by James Comey’s firing, and the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel.  Mr. Mueller has a glaring conflict of interest in that he is a friend and former employee of the WilmerHale Law Firm.  WilmerHale Law provides legal services to Jared and Ivanka Trump Kushner and Paul Manafort, each persons of interest (to say the least) in The Trump Russia Collusion Probe!  While Mr. Mueller reportedly hasn’t done any work for the Kushners or Manafort, his association with WilmerHale cries out Recusal!  Furthermore, former FBI Director Comey was an out of control person who was not afraid to speak to the public about matters traditionally kept quiet by the FBI.  Comey presided of a leaky organization.  Mr. Mueller in contrast is very discreet, limits public comment about past, present and future investigations and works hard to plug all leaks.  Trump could not have selected a better special counsel, whom he can fire at will if he fails the loyalty test.
Additionally, the House and Senate Intelligence Committee investigations are also SHAMS.  The Republican leaders of both committees have not made a serious effort to conduct a thorough investigation to date.  As mentioned above, Rep. Devin Nunes has all but sacrificed his political career to obstruct the House Investigation.  Richard Burr, who provided anonymous source to refute a New York Times story published on February 14, 2017 related to repeated contacts between Trump associates and senior Russian Intelligence officials, presides over a very slow moving poorly staffed investigation of perhaps the worst scandal in America history.  Mr. Burr also functioned as an adviser of some sort for the Trump campaign. Umh. SMH.
Finally, I think, Mr. Trump has quickly removed America from her famed Leader of The Free World status through several intentional moves.  He pulled America out of the Trans Pacific Partnership.  He has boldly alienated Mexico and Canada, and has opened NAFTA for renegotiation.  He has begun the process of undermining America’s relationships with seventy year old allies by offending NATO partners, The G7, and by pulling out of The Paris Climate Accord.  The Lord Jesus Christ told me Trump pulled out of the climate accord to aggravate America’s allies and to produce further separation from the same.  
In conclusion, Donald Trump is the best thing that has ever happened to Putin’s Russia.  To overcome Trump’s treason and the Fall of America, The Nation will have to come back to King Jesus as fast as possible.  Repent America and receive The Gospel of Jesus Christ again!!!
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shtickler · 7 years
My son trying to get us to go out for shakes tonight... "We need to celebrate the end of the Shemitah year." #Jewishhumor
— Scott Chaney (@iamscottchaney) September 13, 2015
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lenbc2h2ho-blog · 9 years
http://www.cornerstoneassetmetals.com/wealth-transfer/ Terry Sacka, AAMS, of Cornerstone Asset Metals made a recent appearance on The Wealth Transfer Show for part seven of a special Shemitah series to discuss the synchronicity between the Shemitah of September 2015 and the Four Blood Moons - all of which may have been signs of past market crashes.
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raymondfulcher83 · 9 years
http://www.cornerstoneassetmetals.com/shemitah/  Part 5: Terry Sacka appeared on the Wealth Transfer show on CTN (Christian Television Network) Thursdays 10pm EST & Saturdays 10am EST in a new series explains the ongoing and upcoming of the Shemitah, the Jubilee, and the four blood moons, all coming due around this September 2015 and how it ties with the ancient mysteries of Moses on Mt. Sinai. Dr. Charles Vance and Terry Sacka, AAMS also tie together these biblical prophecies with the greatest market crashes in U.S. history and explain how these events will impact your current state of economic affairs.
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lragland866 · 9 years
http://www.cornerstoneassetmetals.com/shemitah/ Part 3: Terry Sacka appeared on the Wealth Transfer show on CTN (Christian Television Network) Thursdays 10pm EST & Saturdays 10am EST in a new series explains the ongoing and upcoming of the Shemitah, the Jubilee, and the four blood moons, all coming due around this September 2015 and how it ties with the ancient mysteries of Moses on Mt. Sinai. Dr. Charles Vance and Terry Sacka, AAMS also tie together these biblical prophecies with the greatest market crashes in U.S. history and explain how these events will impact your current state of economic affairs.
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deannewarth · 9 years
http://www.cornerstoneassetmetals.com/shemitah/   Part 1: Terry Sacka appeared on the Wealth Transfer show on CTN (Christian Television Network) Thursdays 10pm EST & Saturdays 10am EST in a new series explains the ongoing and upcoming of the Shemitah, the Jubilee, and the four blood moons, all coming due around this September 2015 and how it ties with the ancient mysteries of Moses on Mt. Sinai. Dr. Charles Vance and Terry Sacka, AAMS also tie together these biblical prophecies with the greatest market crashes in U.S. history and explain how these events will impact your current state of economic affairs.
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SHEMITAH: HERE IS ANOTHER CLUE FOR THE WORLD, I WAS ACTIVATED BY THE TRUE GOD IN 2015 AND I WAS BORN EXACTLY SEPTEMBER 13TH. This is not a coincident!!! September 2015 being another Shemitah, which ends on Sunday , September 13, and with the global financial markets seemingly on a razor's edge, people from Wall Street to Dalal Street are tanking up on their knowledge of this event from Hebrew history .
How Shemitah, end of Jewish calendar cycle, spooks market - The Economic Times
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wakingthefury · 7 years
Prophecy, which is the teaching of God's Prophetic Word, is in crisis and that's because present day prophecy teachers are doing what they are doing
Listen to Today's Program JD: David as we consider the matter of prophecy that’s what we’ve been focused on today, and the importance of handling the Word of God correctly. There seems to be a growing trend that you deal with in a seminar that you have called Prophecy in Crisis, talk to us about it. DJ: Well you know it’s been almost 5 years ago in January when Jonathan Cahn first came out with his book, The Harbinger, and then in 2014 he followed it up with the, Mystery of the Shemitah, of course I wrote books rebutting both of his books and it has to do with people taking the Word of God out of context, misapplying scripture, misrepresenting history, misusing statistics and things like that to prove points and try to connect a dot that can’t be connected concerning current events and prophecies in the past. And of course Mark Biltz and John Hagee came out with their books on the Blood Moon Tetrad, we passed that in the September 2015, and nothing happened. As we said they were mishandling scripture and of course those things they said would happen, including the Tribulation and the return of Christ, they just didn’t happen.
 And then there’s another branch that we’ve called Nephillim UFO eschatology where men like LA Marzulli, Tom Hornsby, Quail, Doug Ham, Gary Stearman even, unfortunately, have got caught up in talking about that demons are going to be using UFOs. There’s going to be UFO encounters and that there are nephillim on the earth today; the antichrist is going to be a nephillim, the fallen angels in Genesis 6 were involved with dna manipulation, that’s just speculation and wild sensationalism. And then there’s another trend that’s anti dispensationalism, the neo covenant guys, saying that dispensationalism is the wrong way to look at scripture. And then those who are against the pre-trib understanding of the rapture of the church like Joe Schimmel, Joel Richardson, Jacob Prasch these are all things that put prophecy in crisis, I believe.
JD: Yes, I would have to agree with that. Amen and amen.
Well a lot of these prophecy teachers who tend to specialize in the sensational have gained quite a following whether it be through their books, or DVD’s; through television programs, and radio interviews that they do and even some are holding major conferences around the nation.  
DJ: Well that’s true you know the Harbinger was the number one Christian book of 2012. A lot of these sensationalist claims and all these things they attract people’s attention and it get’s people away from the solid study of the Word of God. And it’s really unfortunate that people start following personalities rather than the prophetic Word of God.     
JD: David James, author and broadcast partner right here on Prophecy Today with details on this story.
We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. And let me quickly remind you that II Peter 1:19 says that we have a more sure word of prophecy and we should be studying it today. 
via Jimmy DeYoung's News Update http://ift.tt/2iIllfT
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