#the slower more critical side of drawing comes after the rough sketch
allastoredeer ยท 2 months
your drawing guides are SO helpful. Thanks for making them! I was wondering, how did you get to good at breaking down and figuring out what forms/shapes to use?
Thank you! I'm so glad they've been useful!
Well, something I've learned is that you can basically draw anything, and I mean anything, with just a handful of specific shapes, which are cylinders, spheres, squares, rectangles, and cones/triangles.
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These are your building blocks to drawing anything and everything, it's just a matter of breaking whatever it is you want to draw down to these shapes.
For example, here's a picture of my doggo.
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Let's break him down.
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It's all about ignoring the details, colors, textures etc... and simplifying your subject into its most basic form. And once you do that, it's easier to sketch them out using these shapes as building blocks to construct them. Once you have the basic shape, pose, or expression sketched out, you carve away what you don't need and add detail, clothing, hair, facial expressions etc..
We'll use Lucifer as another example, as I can go back to his character sheet.
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You can even break down their clothes if you want, like Lucifer's hat:
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You give the shapes curves and depth to show direction and action, don't feel like you have to keep them frigidly in their pristine, straight-lined shapes. Be loose with it.
So far, with deconstructing Hazbin characters, I've found that most of their shapes are triangles and cylinders (of various sizes and widths). They also tend to be very curved and fluid, which is fun.
In the end it kind of just takes practice and training your brain to strip away all the fancy details, cut the character 's body into the basic sections we know of (face, neck, chest, torso, pelvis, arms, legs, feet), simplify those into their most bare-bones shapes, and pay attention to how those those shapes connect together.
Hope this helped, or shed some light on my process XD
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