#the upcoming solangelo book
fearlessinger · 2 years
I watched the Mark Oshiro interview and noted down the rrverse-relevant passages for y'all
(I would rec watching the vid in its entirety if you have time to kill; Mark is super charming and thoughtful, just like I remembered them from their "Mark Watches" days, and says a lot of interesting stuff abt writing and the publishing industry in general)
– Rick had the full outline ready: major arcs & themes figured out already
– there’s stuff in the outline Rick had been planning for years, he had it sitting for a while
– Rick sought Mark out specifically, then Mark was asked to “audition” by writing the first 3 chapters that would be later seen by various ppl including some of the Disney publishing ppl. Mark decided to tweak/change some stuff. Kept 90% of the outline changed a 10%. They felt they needed to figure out/visualize things that weren’t in Rick’s outline, that were left unspecified there (the way Mark talks abt it, it feels like it’s mainly worldbuilding/lore stuff they are talking abt). Mark says Becky Riordan was very helpful with this, she knows the canon deets better than Rick.
– Rick wanted Mark to write first draft bc even tho the story is Rick’s, he wanted it to be told through an authentically queer perspective, with the nuance and sensibility that he as a straight man doesn’t feel capable of understanding/conveying.
– There’s things in the final draft that Oshiro decided to leave to Rick bc they felt Rick knew the characters better
– Oshiro talks abt the reactions of the ppl who have read the quasi final drafts and how one of the Disney editors said the book was for rrverse fans “like Spiderman No Way Home was for spiderman fans”, meaning this is a book that respects the identity these characters have built through the prev books and the history they have while still managing to take them somewhere new, which is exactly what Mark was trying to accomplish, and which they say “Rick is deeply thoughtful about. He cares a lot.” – Mark wanted to give these characters their due and also (said in a lighthearted but also clearly committed & passionate manner) make the gayest Percy Jackson book ever published
– talks a bit about an upcoming horror YA book of theirs and calls it “the fist dual pov book I’ve written”. The book comes out march 2023, it seems likely Mark’s started working on this before the solangelo book so… probably means nothing re: whose pov solangelo is told from?
– Mark thinks Rick has the ability to inject levity in extremely dark moments without lowering the intensity/stakes, which is essential when writing for middle graders while still wanting to take the story to emotionally challenging places, but very few authors can do it as well and as effectively (I AGREE)
– there’s a scene in the solangelo book where Mark kinda wrote themselves into a corner bc it was too scary and they realized it might not fly for the intended readership “and then I thought of the silliest way to deflate the terror” and they are very proud of that bc they feel they captured the quintessential Riordan tone. Bc the PJO books are great and complex and telling important stories etc but quote: “they’re fucking weird as hell” too.
– Mark actually only started reading the saga in 2018. Read them all in a week and was like the Lady Gaga meme. At the time they feel like they were only missing TON (if this was 2018 they were missing TTT too so either they are misremembering the year they read them in, or that they were missing TTT too). They reread them all when TON came out, and twice again last year.
– “the best time to start reading Percy Jackson is always.”
– They know it’s cheesy but their fave char from the moment he was introduced was Nico, and there’s a big reason for it that Mark can’t talk about bc it’s stuff that is in the solangelo book. It’s plot spoilers. Mark will be free to say it when the press tour for the book starts. (This seems contradictory tbh but it is how Mark explains it)
– They like Annabeth and Grover a lot
– “My favorite surprise character that at the beginning I was like ‘ehhhhh’ and at the end I was like ‘I would die for him’ was Apollo.”
– after reading series 1 Mark was like how are there 10 more of these where can this story possibly go, and then Rick did “a thing” (no spoilers) in series 2 that made the narrative world bigger, and then he did “another thing” in series 3 that concerns the character of Apollo, “and Apollo grew on me so much”, he goes “from the most annoying character on the face of the planet who judges everyone around to ‘all of these demigods are my children and I will murder for them’, it’s just incredible to watch that whole thing happen. Which means I also love Meg, and I love Meg’s growth too”
– there’s another character too that Mark loves and feels deserved the spotlight so they put them in the new book. “We don’t talk abt them enough” (Mark’s kinda joking as they say this, tho the love feels sincere)
– Mark’s godly parent would be Hades whom they liked in the PJ books but also always liked in general and share an aesthetic with
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thejudgingtrash · 1 year
Like everything in that new story in regards to Percabeth felt stilted and grating. It’s giving fanfic from 2013 somehow? The interactions between Sally – Annabeth – Percy just feel ooc?
The biggest glaring problem: this is not how Annabeth and/or Percy would react when someone (especially Nico out of all people) would say they’d walk into the darkest pits of the godly basement for free. Tartarus almost tore them apart, they’d try to stop Team Solangelo FIRST before giving out survival tips! (Yeah, yeah, joking is a trauma response but STILL!)
AND — Percy would also defo inform his mom and Poseidon’s latest toddler about how college is going on a frequent basis. Let’s ignore that as well.
“Percabeth pep talk” — what the fuck? Shouldn’t Nico still be shitting his pants about the fact that you can watch movies anywhere anyplace anytime?? In this weird wonky timeline at least?
Where tf is Hazel??
MONTERO?? What is this book I’m so confused 😭 Mark Orangutan you will pay for this! You as well, Slicky Rick!
If this is the characterization for the upcoming Grovercabeth book we’re about to encounter… damn. They lost the original sauce I guess…
Percabeth has such an intricate and special dynamic as a ship which works best in Percy's honest POV and Riordan caring about providing a good story for his son back then. While this is the worst it has ever gotten, HOO (and TOA (???)) also had some parts that were off.
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iadoresolangelo · 2 years
I want to have a solangelo kiss in the upcoming book about them.
A peck on a cheek.
Or on a forehead.
We had a whole make out scene for percabeth.
Why should we let the gays out of this???
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bulletproof-arista · 2 years
Potential powers/abilities Will Solace could have/gain in the upcoming Solangelo books:
Plague– the ability to make his surrounding people fall ill. How ironic would it be, Will Solace, best healer of camp, but also the only one able to inflict illness to his ennemies? I believe such power could be awakened if Will snaps, out of anger, or near death situation, anything, you pick! And like with training, he could also decide which illness to inflict on people– chickenpox, a fever, a cold, anything. How amazing would it be if he could even inflict DEADLY diseases? Bonus part, he can blow the illness into a ballon and use as a trap or something.
Will: *Gets angry* The other campers: *Gets a fever*
We all know Will’s iconic ultrasonic whistle–but get this: ULTRASONIC VOICE. Yes. He can sing Adele (horribly) and the entire camp will be there to suffer through it. And it’s not like the high volume, microphone amplified kind of voice, but the ear piercing, deafening kind of voice, you know? Like, if you’re right next to Will while he uses this ability, you’ll literally go deaf. And the windows will be breaking. And I feel like such a power would be awakened in a near death situation too! Picture this– Will cradling Nico’s injured body while screaming in agony, not realizing his scream was a tad too loud.
It would just be SO funny how the other Apollo children would sing like angels then you have Will.
Will is actually good with a gun. Before you say “oh but isn’t he horrible at archery?” But like, what if the problem is not actually his aim? What if Will actually has a very good aim, the only problem is the way he holds the bow/releases the arrow (I’m not an archer okay) is incorrect? You might wonder why I’m saying he’s be good with a gun– reason: he’s from Texas y’all. And the reason he never uses a gun is cause for some reason there’s no gun at CHB. Then before his quest with Nico, the Hephaestus cabin makes a celestial bronze gun for him!
POV Will going to the archery range with a gun instead of a bow and arrow
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cocrante · 3 months
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I Start Over With You
summary: After the great battle against the forces of Gaea, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter had formed a long-lasting alliance. Everything had gone well, and everyone was ready to start anew. This included Nico, who, after confessing his feelings to Percy, was prepared to open a new chapter in his life—perhaps the happiest one the Fates had ever written.
note: the chapters will be updated every Wednesday. If you want to read upcoming chapters of the fanfiction in advance, I invite you to follow me on Patreon. Subscribing is not necessary, these chapters will be added for free on the platform on Mondays and Fridays. Following me there is just a kind and free gesture to support my work c:
Reblogs are highly appreciated c:
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THE CAMP JUPITER WAS JUST AS HE HAD LEFT IT, with the only difference being the new temples being erected, following the architectural patterns indicated by Annabeth. The Roman camp couldn't look better. It still bustled with nature spirits, lares, and fauns trotting through the camp's streets, occasionally hindering a hero in training. Some demigods strolled through the paths, discussing the upcoming war games. Others stopped and pointed at Nico, wondering why he had returned. With all eyes on him, he headed towards where Reyna was waiting.
The hall was bright, the tiles reflecting the sunlight, and the marble columns giving the building a regal appearance. Sitting there, waiting for his arrival, was Bellona's daughter, his adventure companion and trusted friend. She stood up, walking towards him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Welcome back to camp, Nico" Reyna greeted, leading him outside. "I found a decent place in the city, and you can come to camp whenever you want" she said, heading towards the Roman city that mimicked the style of the Italian Rome, with its warm and round colors, making it almost feel like being on the same European peninsula.
Bellona's daughter told him - during the journey - that things at the camp had improved since the new agreement with the Greeks. She had received messages from Camp Half-Blood that summer, announcing that in the fall they would receive visits, so combat techniques could merge along with culture and lifestyles. "It wasn't easy" the girl explained. "Many are tied to the Mos Maiorum, the senate itself started by saying it was sheer madness" she sighed. "But even they cannot go against the will of our gods" Nico nodded, understanding the difficulty of accepting something different. He had been through it himself, and only the gods knew how long it would take for others to accept him as a camp member.
"But enough about the camp" Reyna said, noticing a certain silence from her friend. "It's been a while since we talked, besides that conversation the other day"
"I've been busy" he briefly recounted the past few weeks at Camp Half-Blood, mentioning something about Apollo's son, avoiding telling her about the Capture the Flag game and especially the kiss on the hill. The girl didn't make a sound, just let him tell, noting a slight and thinly veiled smile every time he mentioned Apollo's son. "He's a good friend" he concluded, letting out an imperceptible sigh.
"Just a good friend?" she dared to ask, as she had seen well beyond the tough exterior that protected him.
The boy took some time before responding. "Well, yes" he confirmed, though not entirely convinced. Reyna simply pursed her lips, not asking him more about that boy. If he wanted to tell her, he would, she thought. "Okay" she said, stopping in front of a building. "First floor. Your school is just a block away, you can't miss it. I've also taken the liberty of getting your books"
Nico was truly speechless; he hadn't imagined she had done him such a big favor. "Thank you, Reyna" he looked at her with deep gratitude.
"Don't mention it! For anything, you know where to find me" she handed him the keys, giving him a final pat before returning to the Roman camp.
Nico twirled the keys between his fingers, anxious and terrified to go in. He opened the door, dragging his suitcases behind him, climbing up to the first floor. There, he entered the comfortable apartment Reyna had found for him. It was a bright and warm room, the walls painted in a matte yellow and divided in half by charming Roman motifs. It seemed completely the opposite of his gloomy cabin.
Having found the bedroom, he unpacked his belongings there, hiding the box he had taken from camp in a drawer. He put away all his clothes, the few that he had, in the wardrobe, and having emptied the suitcase, he flopped onto the bed with a sigh. He didn't stay there for long because as soon as he touched the mattress, someone rang the doorbell, forcing him to go and answer. It was a real joy when he realized it was his sister, who had just knew about his arrival at camp. The two greeted each other warmly; Hazel had been missed more than anyone. Along with her was her boyfriend, the son of Mars, who seemed to have grown a couple of inches during those weeks.
Frank gave him a pat on the shoulder, quite happy to see him again. They had never really talked, but he was still part of Hazel's family, and that was enough for Frank to like him.
The son of Hades invited them both into the still-empty apartment, making them comfortable in the living room. He had a lot to tell his sister about those weeks at Camp Half-Blood, avoiding dwelling too much on Will and what had happened before arriving in New Rome. He also told her about Jason, who seemed to have completely rebuilt his life. "I'm really happy about that" exclaimed Hazel.
"Piper is such a good girl, those two make a beautiful couple" she told him, with Frank nodding in agreement.
"How's Percy?" asked Frank. The son of Hades just shrugged.
"Well, at least he hasn't gotten into any new trouble" he then told them about the absurd climbing wall challenge, of Jason being determined to win and not faint every two seconds.
The three spent the afternoon together, inviting Nico to join them for a bite to eat. The son of Hades agreed willingly, following them outside the building.
There were still many things Nico wanted to tell his sister, all carrying the same name. However, it was difficult to talk about them with Frank around.
They mostly talked about the Roman camp and how it had evolved in such a short time, telling him the same things Reyna had hinted at earlier: some problems that had arisen at the beginning, the decision to build more temples dedicated to minor and almost forgotten deities. "You should have attended the council" sighed Hazel, squeezing Frank's hand. "The Senate didn't want to hear any reason. According to them, we had to continue with our traditions" she briefly recounted what had happened after their return to camp.
"Some demigods thought the same, obviously" explained Frank. "Centuries of tradition thrown out the window" he grimaced.
"But even they had to bow to the will of the gods" Nico guessed. The son of Mars nodded.
"Thanks to the gods, they opened their eyes, our societies cannot survive if we don't collaborate. This was evident even this summer" added the boy, getting a nod of approval from Nico.
Frank began to speak freely, monopolizing the conversation a bit. He cared deeply about New Rome now that he had become praetor, telling them about the boring Roman bureaucracy that Jason had mentioned that morning, the holes to fill, the people to meet, all the supervision needed during the construction of the temples. "We could rely on Annabeth, she's a real architect!" exclaimed the boy.
The conversation gradually dwindled with the setting sun, coloring the green hills and the tips of the tallest buildings. Under that light, the city of New Rome seemed like a replica of the authentic Rome. "See you around" said Frank, bidding farewell with a nod.
"Of course" replied Nico, finally managing to spend five minutes alone with his sister, who had not missed the agitation and urgency to talk only with her. She was really good at reading body language. "Let's talk about what you forgot to tell me tomorrow, okay?" the girl smiled kindly, speaking near Nico's ear, who simply nodded and thanked her.
She walked away, the smile on her face leaving him in the driveway, which was slowly darkening.
The son of Hades returned to his apartment, finally lying down on the bed he had longed for all day. His mind was strangely empty, yet so full of thoughts that he didn't exactly know which ones to grasp.
He ran a hand over his face, forcing himself to get up, put on pajamas, and set the alarm for the next day. It was while turning the red hand that the air seemed to fold on itself, gathering the light like many small tiles, then opening into a window of light. On the other side, there was a brightly lit bedroom, although it was clearly night outside. The walls were covered with band posters, along with some photos and concert tickets now weathered with time. At the center of that window made of light was the boy who had been at the center of his thoughts all day.
"Hey!" Will was radiant as usual, but his smile faded when he noticed that Nico might be getting ready for bed. "Did I disturb you?" he hurried to say, regretful for not being able to call him earlier. Nico shook his head, placing the alarm clock on the nightstand.
"No, it's fine" he replied, unable to hide a certain embarrassment.
"Okay—" he tried to smile, but it was clear that something was wrong. All day, Will had berated himself for giving him that cheek kiss; he shouldn't have done it. Who knows what Nico thought now. "So, school starts tomorrow, huh?" he said the first thing that came to mind, even if it was rather mundane and predictable. Nico sighed, still not believing that he would really be picking up paper and pen again. "Yeah" he replied. "I'm kind of nervous" he hinted at a smile, sitting on the bed.
"It's normal" Will tried to cheer him up. "At least you won't have the fear of being expelled eight times" he joked, tilting his lips sideways. Nico stared at him, realizing that for the entire time, that was the first time he had looked him in the eyes.
"Then I guess they'll be more prepared for hyperactivity and dyslexia issues there" the boy continued. Nico struggled to imagine Will with such problems—at camp, he seemed like such a normal guy that Nico often forgot that, like most demigods, he suffered from hyperactivity and dyslexia. Life in mortal schools was often challenging.
"Do you start tomorrow too?" Nico asked then, breaking his silence.
"Yeah" Will sighed. "If it weren't for my friends, it would be a torture" It wasn't the first time he had said that, even during the days spent together at camp, Will always talked about his school and how heavy the schedules were, thankfully lightened by his two friends he had made during the past year. "Did you already get the list of extracurricular activities?" he asked, just to liven up the conversation. "It arrived yesterday, mom already signed me up for that music course. May she be blessed, I wouldn't know what to do without her" he said, unable to hold back a clear laugh. Nico thought about how it must be to have a mother; the only memory he had of his was of a faded smile, and maybe it wasn't even real. At that thought, he became saddened.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Will asked, concerned to see that dark expression.
Nico simply shook his head, coming out of his thoughts. "Nothing" he lied, trying to look at something other than Will's blue eyes. "Just tired, I guess" he said, trying to convince him with that excuse. Apollo's son tried to believe it, without delving too much into the details. "When does the course start?" he asked the next moment.
"Next week, while auditions for the choir are this Friday" he replied, and at that thought, he immediately became enthusiastic.
"A smile will be enough to get you in" Nico weakly smiled, imagining him auditioning for the school choir.
"Do you think so?" Will laughed.
"I think so" Nico answered so seriously that Will didn't know if he was really joking or being serious. He decided to take it as a joke.
The two continued to talk for a while, avoiding touching on the "hill kiss" topic. It seemed that both were fine with it, yet they couldn't deny to themselves that after that morning, a kind of strange tension had arisen. Will would have liked to explain, give him a reason for what he had done, yet something prevented him, perhaps the current situation. He thought that maybe it would be more appropriate to talk to him about it in person. Yes, he would do that when he returned to camp. However, he had not taken one thing into consideration:—"Remember during the game in the woods?" Nico suddenly reminded him, wanting to get that thought out of his mind that had been buzzing around all day. Will swallowed, hoping he hadn't heard it. "Yes" he replied, torturing his lips.
"You were about to tell me something" Nico continued, hoping he could talk to him about it now. Apollo's son nodded; he didn't want to tell him like this, via a message, but actually, at that moment, there was no one who could interrupt them. Will parted his lips, ready to tell him the truth. "Well, the thing is that..." he stammered, trying to find the right words, and as he struggled, the message was slowly dissolving.
"You'll tell me tomorrow" Nico hurried to say.
"Goodnight, Nico," he said just as quickly, before the window of light disappeared, leaving the son of darkness in the shadows.
"Goodnight, Will"
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1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20
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rvieskie · 2 years
why do you like solangelo? the relationship is super toxic and weird because of the age gap and will is literally nicos doctor. they didnt have any development at all and nico would have been better off with percy or even leo their personalities make much more sense than just a random occurring character. also, wills behavior towards nico is super toxic and doesnt respect him at all.
hi who are you and did u post this as an anon because u didnt want fangirls to come for u?
okay moving on “the relationship is super toxic” im gonna need some evidence for that because from what we’ve seen so far both nico and will are so so supportive of eachother and honestly one of the least problematic ships in the pjo fandom imo
for the age thing i think we can all pretty decently agree that despite rick being an amazing writer he is so bad at ages and even so, wills age is never canonically mentioned. rick also addressed this saying that will is the same age as nico so i think its pretty much accepted by now that the “age gap” is not a valid argument
next, will being nicos doctor is definitely not an issue in their relationship because a) will is literally EVERYONES doctor b) he technically doesnt have a professional interest in nico because he is just someone who patches people up when needed and c) according to this logic, basically none of the apollo kids can date
next point, “they didnt have any development at all” solangelo was definitely one of the ships that we didn’t see alot of canonically and hopefully we’ll see more in the upcoming book, however, you have to consider that there were, in the rr timeline, at least 6 months in between them having a *thing* and them seen dating. this is actually quite enough of time for relationship development especially considering they’re teenagers and if you look at some of the other ships in the fandom (mostly caleo)
now lets look at the other ships you have suggested as better for nico - these include percy and nico (percico) and leo and nico (valdangelo). i would probably need more of what you mean by “their personalities make more sense” but I’m pretty sure that both leo and Percy are 16-17, and age difference is obviously something aforementioned by you to be “weird”.
as as for will being “toxic” and “not respecting nico” well, the most common arguments for these two are in the last few scenes where will is urging nico to not shadow travel because if he does, nico will literally melt into shadows and die??? so, looking at it in this angle, was will really being “toxic” and “disrespectful”? doubtful, really
i mean, of course you are perfectly entitled to your opinion but personally i think given all of the arguments stated above we can saely say that solangelo might not be the most well written ship, but honestly, thats not a valid reason to hate solangelo or the characters in this ship
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solangelo · 2 years
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ICYMI: the upcoming Nico and Will novel has been finished by Mark Oshiro and Rick Riordan and sent in for copy edits. As stated, the book doesn't have art or a cover yet, but there is a yet-to-be-revealed title!
Any guesses on what the Solangelo novel will be called?
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pjo-worshipper · 1 year
Welcome to my blog
I'm late but whatever.
I love PJO and everything about Rick Riordan . My favorite characters in the series are Percy, Nico, Annabeth and Jason.(My Boy needs more love)
This blog will mostly be about the PJO verse and the show.
I will share my headcanons about my favorite ships and characters etc and my hopes for upcoming books and seasons of the show.
My minor interests are Stranger Things and the show Merlin.
My favorite ships are Solangelo, Merthur and Percabeth.
So yeah, that's basically it.
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sniggerwarning · 1 year
Not me realising Solangelo is KimChay with a different flavor after reading the chapter excerpt for the upcoming book The Sun and the Star!!!
I'm crying 😭 Solangelo was my first queer OTP!! I just can't control myself from kicking my legs in the air and screeching into my pillow!!!!
Not Nico being a sap for Will and thinking he melted his iciness is so Kim- coded!! Not him questioning how a very sunshiny person is his bOyFrIeNd??!!
And I don't even have to start explaining about Will being Chay-coded !! He's literally the child of the Sun god!!!
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smol-stardust · 2 years
Uncle Rick once said he believed the term for PJO fans is "long suffering" , and maybe I'll feel that way if someone dies. But at the moment, I feel like the whole PJO fandom has just been blessed and that 2023 is gonna be OUR year.
PJO TV show on Disney
Solangelo book
The sixth PJO book
Looking forward to seeing what the OG trio has got going on. And solangelo content sounds good to me.
It's giving me good vibes (unless uncle rick trolled us again and the 90% chance he won't murder someone was all lies) and I'm looking forward to 2023 now :)
Thanks Uncle Rick for all the upcoming content
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readriordan · 2 years
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Updates on the upcoming “Solangelo Book” - THE SUN AND THE STAR!
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winryofresembool · 2 years
(just some pjo related thoughts, pls ignore:)
checking the Leo tag made me immediately regret that decision. Looks like I’m like 1 of the two people on this website who still wants to see the good in Caleo. It’s... kind of tiring.
Also, every time I see something being said about the upcoming Solangelo book I get so worried about the state of their relationship. If Rick or Mark touches them I’m 100% gonna treat that book as non canon. 
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olympusrox · 1 year
how have you been💛💛❤️ opinions on upcoming solangelo book
until later <3
Omg hiii!!!!
Ive been really good thank you!! I just found out that i got a B on my RE exam which is a lot higher than i thought i would get lol
Oh god i honestly cannot wait, I have been trying to act like i dont care but omg im so excited
Honestly most of my happy emotions arent even cuz of solangelo im just happy we might get to see Reyna again (and possibly nicos reaction to her being in the hunters)
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doevademe · 2 years
Rick announced that the title of the upcoming (and I quote) solangelo novel is called "the sun and the star". What is the f*ck 😑🤨?
Okay... It sounds like a bootleg Narnia book rather than a PJO book like... I guess Will is meant to be the Sun and Bob the Star? Because Nico has never been particularly associated with star symbolism.
I won't judge it too harshly for the title (titling stuff is hard), but what I will critizice it for is calling it a "s*langelo novel".
Whatever passing interest I may have in that book comes from Nico and Nico alone, and that description is quite telling. Nico won't be his own person, he'll be part of a set with Will, who even at the best of times is written to be the blandest piece of toast, and he drags Nico down with him.
I'm sure the people interested will eat it up, and I hope they get what they are looking for in that book. Me? I never even read ToA, just some summaries to know what happened, and then decided I didn't care enough to follow it. I doubt "The Sun and The Star" (seriously, it sounds like the title of a fake book) will change that for me.
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bulletproof-arista · 2 years
Will Solace’s potential fatal flaws: a character analysis and theory.
Welcome! I’ve been working on this post for awhile now ever since I noticed that Will Solace does not have a fatal flaw. While I believe it would probably be revealed in the upcoming Solangelo book, for the time being, why not make a post on his potential fatal flaws based on what we’ve seen so far of him in canon?
In this post, we will be theorizing on Will’s potential fatal flaws, based on his scenes in the canon series– ranging from the original PJO series to the most recent TOA series. 
DISCLAIMER: Although I had to revisit most books in which I remember he appeared in, some things in this post may be incorrect– such as context, book titles etc– if so, do correct me (but respectfully)! The quotes I will be using will be recycled throughout the post, not because I’m lazy but because the same thing could insinuate many different things. Like I keep on saying in my post, Will so far is a pretty non-developed character. There is big room for interpretation but very little for actual facts. We might be leaning a bit towards fanon– but I made sure it’ll stay as canon as possible. Pls I’m running this shit with crumbs here.
And now, onto the post! Buckle up, it’ll be a long one.
-What is a fatal flaw?
The concept of fatal flaw originated from Ancient Greece. Alternatively, it can also be called a “Tragic flaw” or “Hamartia”. Like its name indicates, a fatal flaw is an emotional or psychological weakness that could lead a mortal/demigod/immortal to their downfall, or, to put it more dramatically, their death. In the PJO series, death caused by one’s fatal flaw is not unheard of. Thus, it is not all that dramatic either given the fact that it could happen to anyone if they do not learn to control it.
-What causes a fatal flaw?
Personally, the cause for one’s fatal flaw could vary. The fatal flaw could stem from (but not limited to):
one’s talent–Annabeth’s hubris due to her intelligence.
one’s experiences– Luke’s excessive wrath due to his childhood.
one’s godly parentage– like how most Athena kids have hubris as their fatal flaw.
one’s personality, a trait they were simply born with.
-Will Solace’s fatal flaw?
I firmly believe that Will Solace’s fatal flaw stems from the most important part of him– the fact that he is healer. Being a healer is the prominent characteristic of Will. This is what shaped him. Thus, I believe his fatal flaw is also linked to his healer side. 
1. Responsibility 
noun -the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
-the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.
I included the two definitions of the word because I feel like both could be applied to Will.
This is the most obvious one, what’s with his responsibility as the head medic (and probably the only medic with healing powers) at camp. As well as the fact that he is the oldest sibling of a cabin full of children, and his duty as a counselor. So basically, Will’s responsibility include (but are probably not limited to): head medic, oldest Apollo child and Apollo cabin counselor. Having been a healer since he was TWELVE, and being responsible of a cabin full of children (and consequently taking on more of a parental role than a sibling role for them), Will Solace has a pretty heavy baggage. 
So being exposed to this much responsibility since a very young age, it wouldn’t be surprising if Will feels responsible for everyone that’s surrounding him. And believing that he has to intervene in every situation because he feels like it is his duty. Alternatively, this could explain his… admittedly hilarious tendency of speaking up in tension heavy situations. Perhaps it is not necessarily responsibility that pushes him to act this way (sounds a little bit more like recklessness/impulsiveness), but I decided to include that trait of his in this part anyway.
In the Hidden Oracle, after Kayla and Austin’s disappearance, although Will was just as shaken as the others, he knew he had a responsibility at camp and needed to tend to the injured first and foremost.
I was stunned by his tone. I realized he was just as concerned about Kayla and Austin as I was. The only difference: Will knew his duty. He had to heal the injured first. And he needed my help.
Will defended Rachel against Clarisse, calming the latter down before things could go south.
“She’s right.” Will Solace, head counsellor for the Apollo cabin, put his hand gently on Clarisse’s wrist. Not many campers could’ve done that without getting stabbed, but Will had a way of defusing people’s anger. He got her to lower her dagger. “Everyone in our cabin has been affected. It’s not just Rachel.”
It is explicitly stated that not many people could do such a thing, and yet he did. I believe he knew that he could’ve potentially attract Clarisse’s anger, and yet he still took the risk to calm her down.
BULLETPOINT 3 (speculation):
Every time someone dies from an injury, I believe Will would be blaming himself. He would wonder what he did wrong, and doubt his powers and abilities.
BULLETPOINT 4 (impulsiveness/recklessness):
Here is Will preventing a war from erupting between two opposing camps. What a creative way to save yourself from spending the entire night tending to injured machos! /j
Will Solace saved the day.
He put his fingers in his mouth and did a taxicab whistle even more horrible than the last. Several Greeks dropped their swords. A ripple went through the Roman line like the entire First Cohort was shuddering.
“DON’T BE STUPID!” Will yelled. “LOOK!”
“No one hits my boyfriend,” Will thundered. “And no one kills my dad!”
Quite a courageous thing to say in a room full of powerful ennemies!
Responsibility as his fatal flaw; 
Will would bite more than he can chew, always taking responsibility for everything. The responsibilities would all stack onto his back, becoming overbearing. He would feel responsible for every bad thing that happens, believing that he could have done something to prevent it. He would speak up and do potentially dangerous/reckless things, thinking that it is his responsibility to do so.
2. Stubbornness
dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something.
Just like all of his potential fatal flaws, Will’s stubbornness stems from the fact that he is a healer since a very young age. He has been responsible for his patients and KNOWS what to do when they’re under his care. He also knows what a person in pain needs, thanks to his expertise in medicine as well as his vitakinesis. Imagine being able to tell what’s wrong with someone with a single touch, and thanks to your knowledge, you also know what to do to heal it. What else would you need then? You would firmly believe that your opinion is a fact, that you are right in every sense of the word and don’t need anyone to change that opinion. Hence Will’s stubbornness and his refusal to hear out what others have to say.
In The Blood of Olympus, Will kept on insisting that Nico needs to rest ever since he found out about his transparent body. In fact he only relented when the latter agreed. 
“Coach Hedge told me all about your shadow-travel. You can’t try that again.”
“I just did try it again, Solace. I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. I’m a healer. I could feel the darkness in your hand as soon as I touched it. Even if you made it to that tent, you’d be in no shape to fight. But you wouldn’t make it. One more slip, and you won’t come back. You are not shadow-travelling. Doctor’s orders.”
Short one, but Nico himself described Will as stubborn.
“And Will Solace … Nico revised his impression of the son of Apollo. He’d always thought of Will as easygoing and laid back. Apparently he could also be stubborn and aggravating.”
Stubbornness as his fatal flaw;
Will would refuse to listen to what others have to say (especially when it comes to medical terms), believing that what he is saying is right.  And even if he IS right, he wouldn’t change his decision by listening to what others have to say. This could be borderline hubris. 
3. Reticence
the quality of being reticent; reserve.
When you are a healer/doctor, you have to stay composed at all times, for the sake of not worrying your patients. This must be a trait Will has developed pretty early on( given that he started healing at the age of twelve. If he is constantly hiding his emotions during his work, and he works almost all the time– Will could have naturally developed a kind of wall around himself as a habit. Never talking about how he’s feeling– especially the negative emotions.
Will’s approach could be more subtle than Nico’s explicit “NO I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT MY FEELINGS”.
To learn more about this, you can read this awesome post
I was stunned by his tone. I realized he was just as concerned about Kayla and Austin as I was. The only difference: Will knew his duty. He had to heal the injured first. And he needed my help.
This is quite an explicit proof of his emotional reticence, and the fact that it is linked with him being a healer.
Will laughed under his breath. “I’m terrified. But one thing you learn as head counselor: you have to keep it together for everyone else. Let’s get you on your feet.“
This is said about Will’s personality on his wiki.
He has also developed a kind of shell, meaning that even in extremely stressful situations he at least looks calm and collected.
Reticence as his fatal flaw;
Will would always insist that he is fine and never talk about his feelings. He would close himself up, and worse of all, he is good at hiding. Will would bottle up every negative emotion he feels for the sake of looking composing in front of his patients. Until the day he cracks and spills everything.
4. Altruism
disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
Having so much responsibilities, it is natural for Will to always put others above himself, as the big brother/counselor/head medic. Consequently, he ignore his own desires and emotions (see previous fatal flaw) in favor of helping others.
During the battle of Manhattan, after witnessing his brother’s death, Will is whisked away by Percy to go heal Annabeth. And he didn’t bring up Michael once. Instead, he was focused on healing Annabeth, and he ignored his brother death in favor of saving someone else– the lover of his brother’s (indirect) killer.
In the hidden oracle, Will had to put aside his desire to go search for his siblings in order to heal some campers. He directly admitted wanting to go find Kayla and Austin.
“I got it reattached,” Will told me, his voice shaky with exhaustion. His scrubs were speckled with blood. “I need somebody to keep him stable.”
I pointed to the woods. “But—”
“I know!” Will snapped. “Don’t you think I want to be out there searching too? We’re shorthanded for healers. There’s some salve and nectar in that pack. Go!”
This is said about Will’s personality on his wiki.
With a tendency to overwork himself, Will is extremely dedicated to his work, even going so far as to not sleeping for days on end.
Altruism as his fatal flaw;
Will would put everyone above his own needs and desires, consequently ignoring his own health and well-being. This could be dangerous, because well, overworking can be bad for his health. Not sleeping for days on end is bad for his health on both short and long terms. His own altruism will weaken him considerably.
So in conclusion, all of Will’s fatal flaws (at least to me) has something to do with the fact that he is a healer. If you noticed how the proposed fatal flaws are quite similar, then you have a keen eye. They are indeed pretty similar, with only little to differentiate. 
I’m looking forward to learning more about Will, both of his good sides and bad sides in the upcoming Solangelo book. 
Have any thoughts? Which fatal flaws do you think he most likely has? 
The Blood of Olympus (HoO #5)
The Last Olympian (PJO #5)
The Hidden Oracle (TOA #1)
The Tower of Nero (TOA #5)
Will Solace Wiki
Will Solace quotes
Fatal Flaw
This amazing video essay I found on YouTube that inspired me to write this
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cocrante · 1 day
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Walking the Wire
summary: The dreams at Camp Half-Blood have vanished. Gentle nights embrace the campers in their hours of sleep, but just as the dreams have disappeared, so have the prophecies. For a mortal, this might not mean anything—nightmares suddenly gone, sweet nights wrapped them in the warmth of the sheets—but for a demigod, dreams are the bridge that connects them between the mortal and immortal worlds, an annoying bell that keeps them constantly on alert, and without those to disturb their nights, it was like losing their compass. But not everyone is without dreams, if "dream" this can be called, one is still allowed to travel in the dream world, perhaps out of pity and compassion of the Fates.
note: this is the second part of the fanfiction "I Start Over with You" also quite old and written a few weeks after the release of the third book "The Trials of Apollo" series. It contains significant spoilers, so please do not read it unless you have read the books first. If you decide to proceed, I will not be held responsible.
additional note: the chapters will be updated every Wednesday. If you want to read upcoming chapters of the fanfiction in advance, I invite you to follow me on Patreon. Subscribing is not necessary, these chapters will be added for free on the platform on Saturday. Following me there is just a kind and free gesture to support my work c:
Reblogs are highly appreciated c:
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BEING A DEMIGOD MEANS COMING TO TERMS WITH A FATE THAT ONE COULD NOT CHOOSE. Every half-blood has to come to terms with that as soon as they step through the camp gates. Each of them has their battles, their own wars to fight, and they're not always against monsters, often the worst battles are against themselves, and there's no retreating from those. You can't run from yourself, you can't hide, you just have to face your fears, face the person staring back at you judgmentally from the mirror.
Nico di Angelo had always faced such battles. He couldn't escape the shadow of his father reflecting in his eyes; he couldn't cling to fond memories because he didn't have any. For years, he had been alone, surrounded by ghosts and shades of the dead, searching among them for his lost sister, to see her again, to receive one last caress, to bid her farewell. He wandered alone through the mortal world, faced the Tartarus with his own strength, survived it, escaped the giants —children of Gaea— and heard the melodious voice of Cupid, which pierced him like a sword. For years, he had thought he was fighting alone, but he was wrong. He had been saved countless times by friends, reaching out a hand, warming him with a smile, standing by him when Cupid himself spoke to him and exposed him to who was a stranger to him. He was so angry with himself that he had to take it out on the one person who was with him that time, who was somehow trying to cheer him up, not knowing who he was facing "The only person who ever accepted me in my life was Bianca, and she's dead!" he yelled "I didn't choose any of this, my father, my feelings—" those words now swirling in his mind. Jason was there that day, the one everyone loved was there to help him, standing by his side, trying to be his friend. Jason had probably been a better friend to him than anyone else.
Yet Fatum in the life of a demigod can also be merciful. It sews small pearls of happiness into the colorful tapestry of life, allowing even the unluckiest of half-bloods a chance to be happy again, and Nico —that happiness— found it in Will's smile.
Will Solace, just one of Apollo's beautiful children, had managed to bring light into the darkness surrounding Nico with little effort. "You could have new memories" Will told him one afternoon at the bay, where they skipped stones across the flat surface of the sea. At the time, Nico almost laughed; the only new memories he had were definitely not the best ones to hold onto at night. Will knew this and was ready to be the architect of those new memories himself. He wanted to give him something to warm him at night, to embrace him in those moments of melancholy. He wanted to be the one, and only one, to bring him back to the light. They spent a month together at Camp Half-Blood, spending afternoons laughing, fighting in the arena, talking about themselves and the future that awaited them outside the camp. In those days, Nico felt like an ordinary boy, relieved of the burden every demigod was forced to carry. Will was a breath of fresh air, and Nico breathed in as much of it as he could: with Will beside him, he truly felt happy again.
Things were starting to go well for him too: he had friends who cared about his life, he had a friend to rely on and confide in when things got heavy, he had found new love, and one December evening he sealed that love with a kiss.
For a week at Camp Half-Blood, all anyone talked about was them, the new relationship between the Ghost King and a son of Apollo. Many bet on a quick end to this strange relationship, others watched with interest and curiosity, only friends congratulated them. Jason, who spent a few days at camp that winter, couldn't help but spill the paranoia Nico had long before meeting him at the bay. Will, with a smile, told the same of himself.
They spent wonderful weeks together, weeks spent getting to know each other, trusting each other, letting themselves cry. It was the first time Will saw Nico cry, and in those tears, there was nothing but the suffering of years spent repressing it, but with it there was also freedom; Nico was finally free to start again, and he was happy that Will was giving him this opportunity.
Slowly, December came to an end—some of the half-bloods had to go back to school, or so it should have been if one day Chiron muttered "The air is shifting" looking thoughtfully at the leaden sky, about to unleash a storm that didn't want to break.
The demigods now had a choice to make, to stay at camp and wait or to return to their homes. Chiron wouldn't stop them.
Nico knew he had to stay. Reluctantly, he informed Reyna at Camp Jupiter that he couldn't return to New Rome at the beginning of January, he didn't even know when or if he would ever be able to return. Then it was Will's turn to decide, it wasn't an easy choice for him either, but his place was with Nico:—"I'll stay" he said those words with the lightness of someone who hadn't had to think about it, squeezing the no longer so cold hand of the son of Hades. All of Apollo's cabin followed their head counselor, and they stayed at camp—if another war broke out, they would need archers and healers.
Most of the demigods stayed at camp to train, to wait for something or someone who would soon enter at Camp Half-Blood.
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