#the voices of the atmosphere
how silly are your billy
(The doll looks to Apollo or Tessa, whoever is nearest or responds first. @dont-loose-ur-head @wiresinbetween )
How silly are you
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ratboyugly · 6 months
don’t speak
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wr3hart · 26 days
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Got back into playing Persona 4 (PS2) again. Here's Chie.
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introspectivememories · 8 months
can't stop fucking thinking about sun/moon shuggy bc shanks is the sun always and buggy is forever the moon. buggy will never be the sun, he will never shine as brilliantly as shanks or anyone else. and the moon makes no light of it's own!!!! it only shines bc the sun's light reflects off of it!!!! buggy never shines by himself!!! he will never make his own light!!! buggy who is always second best, shining only from the light shanks gives him. even worse, you only ever see half of the moon illuminated at one time!!!! shanks who gives buggy the light he needs to shine but only for certain parts of buggy!!!! never all of him!!!!! buggy never shines fully and he never will bc buggy is the moon, he isn't a star or a comet or a meteor, he's a moon and moons don't shine by themselves. and buggy who devotes himself to shanks bc he wants to shine, by god he wants it so badly he aches somedays, but shanks is the golden child, shining with splendor, and buggy knows when to stop fighting a losing battle. he sticks around for years drawn in by the gravity of shanks' orbit until loguetown, and as his captain's head hits the ground, buggy feels himself splinter into thousands of little meteoroids. he leaves shanks standing in the rain and thinks to himself, i will shine by myself or i will die trying
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gammija · 2 years
My tma pet peeve is when fics describe the characters as being able to hear static around Jon using his powers. As if the static is a real sound in their world that the recorder is just literally transcribing, instead of an artefact created on the tape by an otherworldly power brushing against it, like white spots appearing on film from nuclear radiation
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piratecaptainraven · 2 years
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still thinking about how, rushing to escape an exploding planet and fresh off a fight with a guy who had been impersonating Adam for god knows how long, Samus still freezes instantly at Adam’s warning
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theinfinitedivides · 1 month
the rest of the Heeramandi soundtrack just dropped and it's giving Bajirao Mastani meets Muskurahat from Gangubai meets Qala meets Kavita Seth's work on A Suitable Boy. very interesting soundscape choices Mr. Bhansali sir i approve
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lucidsprings · 4 months
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your child is going to make meth in New Mexico
Apollo. Apollo what are they talking about
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as spooky season grows ever closer, i want everyone to do themselves a favor and look at this: The Cabinet of Curiosities.
it's a website full of creepy and unnerving stories-- i used to have the anthology of them all in bound form, some of them are genuinely terrifying. they're in order from most recent to oldest, so i linked page 22 of the archive for ease of reading. here's a list of my favorites, to start you off:
- Fairy Cakes [all horror is insinuated through noise and absence of evidence afterwards]
- The Cake Made Out of Teeth [body horror, uh. cannibalism, maybe? you'll see.]
- The Tin Man's Price [not so much scary as unsettling, unlikely to keep you up at night]
- Transcript: Information Provided by an 11-Year-Old Male, Two Weeks After the Incident [shook me to the core, body horror warning]
- Quicksilver and the Stranger [not as scary, mostly just a good story. possible existentialism]
- The Talent of the Howl [again, not as scary as bittersweet.]
- The Sandman Cometh [scary, and unreality, but a very good read. highly recommend]
- Dark Valentine [child death, and everything that comes with it. this one kept me up at night, it's simple and devastatingly effective.]
feel free to reblog and add your favorites! as far as i know, they stopped updating in 2016, so it's absolutely possible to catch up and read them all. happy exploring!
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laniemae · 5 months
Milgram Archives pt 11: Voice trailers
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ikkosu · 1 month
Yk what if tf one pulls like a jump 21 and gets dark I'm going to scream DONT YOU THINK IT'S A LITTTLE SUSPICIOUS THEY MADE IT SO GO LUCKY??????
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shebsart · 5 months
Have you ever read the Winternight trilogy? I'd love to see your artist take on some of those characters, especially after seeing your take on the ones from Spinning Silver!
yesss i have! i actually have some sketches somewhere but i was never happy with them so never posted :'D
Konstantin was my fave by far but i just couldnt get his face right in my drawings
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
Hello! I'd like to request "There's an 80% chance of this working out" from List 5 with Mahiru and Mikoto! Horoscope Girl and Tarot Boy...what will they do...
Ooh this one was so fun, thank you!! It was really neat learning about tarot :0 (It'll take a bit longer, but I got carried away with the idea and also started writing something of Mikoto doing a reading for Fuuta hehe). It always makes me sad that Mahiru doesn’t trust Mikoto at first, so it was really fun to picture them bonding over things like this during T1! I never thought of them having that in common and my mind has been opened to this duo asdfsdfds
“Alright, I’m going to need you to manifest your energy as hard as you can.”
Mahiru squeezed her eyes shut. Her face scrunched up in concentration. She let out a little hum of effort as she poured all her emotions into the card deck under her fingertips.
“Uh… maybe not that hard, Mappi.”
She looked up with a giggle. “Right, right! I’m just so curious!” Well, she was curious about how a tarot reading itself would go, not about what it would tell her. Mahiru was fairly confident of her upcoming verdict, and the cards would only confirm it. So far only one prisoner had been named guilty, and everyone could see he was just a bully. Mahiru was nothing like him. She would be forgiven. She just knew it. 
Mikoto started shuffling the cards. “Are you ready?”
“Oh, yes!”
To be honest, she’d had her suspicions about Mikoto for a while. His smile was too perfect at all hours of the day. (Even someone as cheery as her knew a smile like that couldn’t be consistently real.) She’d seen enough cheaters who chatted as easily as he could with everyone here. His nicknaming habit was a cute one, but she was keeping her eye on how informally he acted with little basis for friendship. She knew for sure he was a dangerous flirt when he’d grabbed her palm to read her fortune, launching into talk of life and love lines. However, none of that meant he was lying about his tarot expertise -- so who was she to refuse his offer to read her cards?
Her eyes glimmered as she watched Mikoto lay out three cards before her. Though he used the same theatrics he had for the others, she was just as entranced. It was just so magical, she thought.
Mikoto circled his palms over the cards. “We’re going to begin by looking at the past and present to get a bit of perspective before we move on to what your future will hold, alright?” He’d already explained that the cards couldn’t read one’s future as much as they offered self-awareness. He said it was all about being in tune with oneself, and the world. She was sure someone like him was already perfectly aligned within himself, but she could admit her heart carried her away at times…
Mahiru held her breath as he flipped the first card. She studied his face for any trace of negativity. Seeing her worry, he slipped back into his usual smile. “For the past, we have the Reversed Page of Cups,” he said. “This suit deals with emotions and intuition.”
Mahiru nodded, excited at the accuracy. Her past certainly had its share of intense feelings. 
“This card in particular may mean emotional insecurity, or immaturity. It could also point to an avoidance of reality, something that’s not being faced head-on.”
She nodded, with a little less excitement this time.
“It also represents a specific person who influences you.” His face lit up, recalling Mahiru’s favorite topic. “Pages can represent a companion! Is there a romantic someone in your life who may have been causing some emotional insecurity?”
Picking up on the way her face paled, he said quickly, “or maybe not! They could be a messenger, or a childlike figure, or…” He reached for the next card. “Moving on, uh, to the present. Ah! This is a really good sign.”
She perked up.
“Here’s Justice. It’s fairly self-explanatory, representing the consequences that follow your actions. It’s about cause and effect, and accountability. It means things are happening according to karma, which is natural.”
He turned over the last card. “And finally, when looking to the future, we’ve got the Two of Swords. Swords deal with the mind -- conflict and communication. That’s… interesting.”
Mahiru’s eyes grew round. “What’s interesting?” She slid the card closer to herself, studying the picture. A blindfolded woman with two swords. There was water, and the moon. Was that bad? Was the woman unhappy? She was all alone. What did that mean?
“Don’t worry,” Mikoto soothed. “It just means you’ll make a big choice. Well, actually, it means you’ll get stuck, so you need to make a choice. I just thought it was funny, we’re here wondering about Es’ decision, but it turns out you’re the one who needs to make a decision.”
“Ah,” she breathed a sigh of relief.
“Now we can look at the big picture. It seems like some of your past problems may have come from emotional issues, so you’ll want to keep an eye on your emotions going forward.” Mahiru shifted. “The fact that we pulled Justice should reassure you about being here. I’ve heard some of the others complain that they don’t belong here, or it’s all a mistake, but this card is showing you that it’s just cause and effect. The events of your life are running their natural course.”
It was true, even she had been unhappy that her actions were being labeled that of a murderer. After all, those were an entirely different breed of people, right? Someone like Fuuta, who was guilty. People like her and Mikoto could never raise a hand to another. It was good to know, then, that this was all meant to be.
“And going forward, you’re gonna want to make sure you’re being decisive. Face your problems head-on, and communicate. If you can do that, things will be alright.” He folded his hands on the table, finished his reading. 
Mahiru thought for a moment. A smile crept onto her face, growing larger and brighter by the second. She clasped her hands together. “That’s wonderful! Thank you so much for doing this. It’s told me everything I need to know.”
“Yeah?” He picked the cards up, shuffling them back into the deck. She pulled a slip of paper from her pocket, pointing to some lines scribbled down.
“Yes. I’ve been jotting down some birthdays, see? I’ve had to make a few guesses until I get more information, but if Es is either a Scorpio or a Virgo… as a Capricorn myself… we’re very compatible, look! Capricorns have excellent communication with both of those signs, and you said that’s what I’ll need to get through this tough decision.” She turned the paper over to reveal more notes. “On top of that, my extraction is scheduled right before my birthday, during Capricorn’s governing period. At that time, things will be aligned more in my favor.”
Mikoto’s eyebrows raised at her notes, impressed. “Wow! You have this all worked out, huh? If that’s the case, you seem very prepared to have a successful interrogation.”
She steepled her fingers. “I’d say there’s an 80% chance of this working out!”
He returned her beaming smile. Things would be perfect. Nothing to worry about.
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blinkpen · 7 months
Messily Dispatched Target: [continues to be a body on the floor of a trashed room in a pool of blood, and has nothing to contribute]
Vireo: ...So, not your best work... Hey, are you drunk?
Demersa: No, I'm just. Lost in my own thoughts a bit, today. More than a little bit. Bad timing.
Vireo: Well, the good news is, even your odd fuckup is pretty clean... this is pushing it though. Can we make it look like an accident?
Demersa: Mh. Doubtful... I might... be able to make it look like a haunting, though... [casually steps behind the curtains of a nearby window, allowing the fabric to drape over her pseudo-sheet ghost style]
Vireo: Funny... Are you sure you're not drunk?
Demersa: I am sure.
Demersa: [with the curtains held in place by unknown means, she then walks away, ripping the curtain rod out of the wall behind her]
Vireo: ... uh, Demersa,
Demersa: Like... Poltergeists...
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