#the warlock's hairy heart
Inktober Day 15: Dagger
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Many, many years ago, when we were both very small, I used to read my sister stories before bed. And not picture books, because that would be normal. No, I used to read her (and our brother when he was interested), stories from The Tales of Beedle the Bard. My favourite, by far, was always “The Fountain of Fair Fortune” because I like happy endings. Her favourites, however, were always the sad ones. Every time I read to her, I’d be holding back tears as I recounted “The Tale of Three Brothers,” or mild disgust as I told her the story of “The Warlock’s Hairy Heart.” Now, years later, when I saw the sketch she’d done for day 15, I was immediately transported back to those moments.
For those who’ve never heard the story, “The Warlock’s Hairy Heart” is about a warlock so worried about love making him weak that he literally rips his heart out of his chest and locks it in a casket. When he overhears people judging him for not being married, he decides to find a wife, and when he shows her what he’s done, she is so shocked that she demands he puts his heart back. The story ends with him killing both himself and the maiden after his heart rejects her love. This was one of my sister’s favourite bedtime stories. She was maybe 8 at the time.
This story is meant to teach children about the dangers of locking away feelings. I do wonder though, what would have happened if the warlock hadn’t carved the maiden’s heart out of her chest. What if she, seeing the dagger, had stabbed his heart first, before he was able to put it back in his chest. Would it have darkened her own heart? Or would she have simply killed a monster and moved on with her life? What would be the lesson then?
All art by @cool_beans_jw on insta. Ramblings by her weird sister.
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grimalkinmessor · 10 days
Say what you want but The Warlock's Hairy Heart is peak romance idc what the haters say
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Gellert Grindelwald: revealing & admitting love
... or a study of Albus and Gellert's last encounter, revealing Gellert's feelings
In FBtSoD, Gellert Grindelwald appears to be, despite the years and the tragedies, still not over Albus Dumbledore. It is quite a surprise to me, I must admit. I have no doubt that it has already been discussed in the fandom, but I want to write down my observations — especially regarding the end of the film.
[disclaimer : i do not support JKR. english is not my native langage, sorry for the mistakes!]
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The unworded and unwilling admission (a quick description of the end of the fight scene)
The most evident proof of that is, of course, their duel: Albus and Gellert feel under their palm the beating of their former lover’s heart. The troubled expression on Grindelwald’s face enables us to conclude that his heart beats as well, not just Albus’ (and he is a bit distraught by it).
First of all, a quick description of the scene: they are fighting, closer and closer, and they finally find themselves mirroring each other, palm on heart. The shot is Dumbledore’s perspective: he stares at Gellert’s face, then at his own hand, feeling the beat. The countershot reveals his astonishment (or it is again Jude Law’s choice of playing Dumbledore constantly open very widely his eyes)... and his understanding. A beat (pun intended). Then, they finally both lower their wand, giving up, looking at the world around them crumbling.
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I will definitely write a more detailed analysis of that scene, which is very akin to a sex and post-sex scene (it is not a joke, but a quite serious statement based on rather obvious clues). But now, I think that we can agree on the fact that this is at least a revelation scene: Dumbledore understands that Grindelwald’s heart beats and echoes his, ergo, Gellert is still moved by Albus. They both know it. They stop the fight, because neither of them can bring himself to actually fight the other — and there is no solution.
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Before diving on the subject of the heart a bit more, I just want to highlight how powerless Grindelwald seems to be at this moment: he has revealed himself.
The beating of Gellert Grindelwald’s heart
The heart beating, in Harry Potter meta and in literature/movies/art, evokes several things — life, passion, sexuality, love. It is 100% sure it is also that it holds the same meaning in the HP/FB imagery & meta, because The Warlock’s Hairy Heart, Beedle the Bard’s tale, confirms it: the warlock extracts his heart to protect himself from love [1].
This very choice of putting emphasis on the beating heart is so telling — and quite romantic, if you ask me. Let us spot the differences between Grindelwald and Beedle the Bard’s warlock (and Voldemort, because the contrast is always interesting).
Grindelwald and the Warlock are ambitious and proud; yet, the Warlock took drastic measures in order to avoid falling in love – he fears to be submitted & to sacrifice his reason. Voldemort never loved anyone: his snake nature, both thematically and physically, links him to coldness (the snakes are “cold-blooded” animals).
'I regret it,' said Voldemort coldly. He turned away; there was no sadness in him, no remorse. — chapter 32, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (murder of Severus Snape by Voldemort)
(I think this example is quite telling; he is devoid of what is considered as “human qualities” (here, consequently, of compassion (com-patior, suffer with: he does not this)) in a few systems of morals and, more importantly, in arts (literature, cinema…).)
In a way, both Voldemort and the Warlock abandoned a human quality — love and by extension, empathy and careness; consequently, they both chose animality over humanity and its weaknesses.
On the other hand, a pumping heart evokes heat – the heat of love, of ire [2]. Gellert still has passions: strong ones, mostly destructive. He is not immune to love because he chose not to. That is a very interesting detail of his personality: he knows the pain of having a heart (having experienced love), as he says to Yusuf Kama. Yet, his heart is very most likely what moves him: his hate for muggles is a pulsion and a passion. 
He chose the heart — he chose to not abandon love… and passion.
I bet that his very heart will be why he will hesitate, in 1945 — why Albus will be able to conquer the Elder wand. But I digress.
I think Grindelwald is a very interesting villain, because unlike Voldemort, he is very much human. That fact embraces the morals developed throughout the books — humans are capable of beautiful, and terrible things.
(I am so disappointed by the FB films, because they could be so much better (I really don’t like them), they have such a good raw material)
“Who will love you now, Dumbledore?”
Anyway; regarding our first question, I would like to raise Grindelwald’s — already much discussed — question:
Who will love you now, Dumbledore?
He says this seconds after they lower their hands; after he made a small step towards Dumbledore (as if to… be closer? I can’t help but wonder if he wanted to touch his face, or kiss him, and for a reason I am about to expose, I think he is doing it sincerely). The pendant is slowly falling, and he is a mess — dishevelled, panting, glancing around him with a very expressing face.
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I would like to stress the fact that it is implied that Grindelwald actually loved him (meaning: before the moment Dumbledore started to fight him, several minutes before). Just after that, the pendant breaks, the world appears again, and he adds:
You are all alone.
It is a Albus’ leitmotiv — and a GGAD essential dynamic: only he can truly understand me. Quite toxic, already confirmed since HPDH, I still hesitate if Gellert can understand Albus entirely in 1932. Not the subject. But here is the context of the infamous quote.
Of course, it could be Gellert playing gleefully (cruelly) with Albus’ feelings — just like he did in the diner scene, at the beginning of the movie: he is glad Dumbledore love(d) him. My personal interpretation is that he intended to do just that, but failed miserably: he was losing the battle (not of wands, but of the lethal game they are playing not really willingly) and grasped the most accessible and more deadly weapon he had within reach — out of sheer anguish and, most likely, heartache.
Somehow, I think that this move revealed more of his own despair than Albus’ suffering: he lost Albus and managed to admit, unwillingly, his feelings (a second time in a minute). I think it is a mistake to believe that he is mostly troubled by the loss of his immunity: Grindelwald is moved.
(I want to highlight that I love how Mikkelsen plays Grindelwald, really)
The fact that the world is breaking, the pendant is breaking, while Dumbledore walks away, might refer to both of their (broken) hearts, by the way, both magically and metaphorically (the more I think about it, the more I find that scene actually rather tragic, I must admit). 
Not much more to say about that, except the fact that I will analyse also that part in a future post, and that Gellert’s cruelty is literally deadly — but in a more subtle way that it was in FB2: in FB2, he was killing babies, now he strikes right to his former lover’s (beating) heart, albeit not that efficiently. A way better characterisation, in my opinion, showing several facets of the man at the same time.
The heart and the question have something in commun: they reveal Grindelwald’s emotions. The beating heart states that Gellert is still very human in front of Dumbledore. The question fails to be rhetorical: his desperation shows the fact that he is probably concerned by the answer – that someone will love him, and not nobody, just like he wanted to imply.
“I was never your enemy”
Another (last) moment quite telling about Grindelwald’s feelings is his last speech before disappearing. Dumbledore walks away (you can see him at the bottom of the shot), while the rest of the group (Newt, Theseus, the officials, etc) are approaching and trying to fight him, without success. 
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He speaks one last time. It is clear that his speech has two addressees: the world, and Dumbledore.
“I was never your enemy.” A beat. He looks in the direction of Dumbledore, whose eyes are piercing him. “Then, or now.”
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(the description is written by myself, I am guilty)
“I was never your enemy” is partly addressed to the world, because he seeks support among the wizarding world. But despite the fact that he says this while he looks at the crowd gathered in front of him, I believe it makes even more sense when we consider he says this to Albus.
“Never his enemy” may imply several things considering the context:
not his enemy when they made the blood pact: I am a firm believer that the pact was not just a move to protect himself, but a way to protect Albus as well (I refer to the theory of the 1945 vision Gellert might have had in 1899) and an act of love (which is almost confirmed by Dumbledore, if I am correct) (once again talking about the blood pact, but it is first and foremost a troth, something evoking marriage and bonding)
not his enemy when he sent Credence: he probably knew that Dumbledore would be largely capable of overpowering Credence, or hoped so; even better, saw (thanks to his visions) that Albus would not be defeated.
But even more important: “then, or now”. He says that looking right at Dumbledore. If he is still not his enemy, in my opinion, it means two things:
Gellert does not want to fight Albus.
Gellert still wants Albus by his side.
The former is obvious, we talked about it in the fight and the heart section. 
The latter might seem to come out of nowhere and I must admit we cannot be sure; but the context forces us to at least seriously consider this possibility. Indeed, the pact shattered and their bubble exploded — but Albus walked away before Gellert had been able to talk to him. Thus, it is quite possible that he feels the urge to express what he has to say quite cryptically. In that context, he may have chosen euphemism — not your enemy now, so your ally tomorrow, if you want to.
Dumbledore understands that Grindelwald is talking to him, of course. I am still unsure about how he deals with it, but his melancholy before the wedding (even though he seems genuinely happy for Newt’s team) makes me wonder — he does not enter, after all; he chooses to stay alone, and that is the end of the movie. That is why I tend to believe, for the moment, that Dumbledore thinks Grindelwald is right: despite his relatively close friends and numerous acquaintances, he is… alone — guilty of his past, penitent [3].
I repeat that I am surprised about the film: somehow, I thought the film would be far less talkative about GGAD. I focused a lot on Mikkelsen’s acting here, it surely contributes to the overall experience (the man knows how to play the well-dressed handsome enemy in love with the main morally grey character) (I am referring to Hannibal NBC)
I have not evoked Albus’ very direct (and a bit performative, if you ask me, but still welcomed) declarations of love (the poor man can finally talk about his crush and he does, without filter and to everybody, he is just like me fr); a win for the GGAD nation — even though I am convinced the film itself is quite a disaster, both on a narrative and on a coherence-of-the-universe level (but it is my humble opinion). Anyway, back to the conclusion.
Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore’s short but intense encounter has a lot to offer, first and foremost answers: neither of them is over the other, as far as I can tell.
But Albus seems to be healing. He refuses to stay near Gellert and has the upper hand in their last encounter — whereas Gellert has the upper in the very first sequence of the film. It indicates an evolution of the two of them as characters which might be very interesting in the future, especially in a crisis context like 1945…
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[1] – It is 100% sure it is also that it holds the same meaning in the HP/FB imagery & meta, because “The Warlock’s Hairy Heart”, Beedle the Bard’s tale, confirms it : it might seem a stretch to give that importance to a tale. Yet, I think it is justified.
Roughly, tales (as literary genres) are meant to:
be a thesaurus of the morals and knowledge of the human heart: they synthesise people’s common knowledge and their brevity enables the author, a moralist (someone having knowledge about the human soul and heart), to convey a lesson.
represent a system of signs the reader has to decipher: works referring to tales refer actually to a system of signs and convey a message thanks to those signs. 
Thus, a work referring to a tale builds a metatextual/metacinematographical level of communication made of correspondences: a scene in a film is thus multilayered — a layer of signs and associations, a layer of knowledge of the human heart (emotions and morals). JKR actually wrote tales in the universe, meaning they are all the more relevant regarding the correspondences of signs, and the morals in the wizarding world (in the UK). That is why, I think, we can affirm that the theme of the heart, in HP/FB, has to be linked to The Warlock’s Hairy Heart and hold a similar meaning (or at least, the tale can inform us on a metatextual level).
[2] – a pumping heart evokes heat – the heat of love, of ire : I don’t want to develop that aspect that much, but throughout literature or arts history, it is quite often linked — just think of Achilles and the Iliad beginning by “ire” as its first word — and artists always look back to what has been made before. 
[3] – he is… alone — guilty of his past, penitent : a Gellert’s word struck me when I watched the film, “sinful”; the religious dimension on a textual level (what the characters think and how they see themselves) and a metatextual level (what religious figures are they embodying?) has to be addressed at some point. (once again, I highly recommend the fanfiction “Illumine” by meanwhiletimely, exploring (among others) the theme of religion)
Anyway, thank you for reading! :)
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cukrkandl · 2 months
just came across the story "the warlock's hairy heart" in the tales of beedle the bard and am i the only one who sees it as very aromantic coded??? obviously it's really shitty considering what happens and how it's presented as a fucking tragedy (sigh idk what i expected from jkr) BUT what's good is that it's definitely gonna serve a purpose in my aroace4aroace wolfstar fic lol
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lesbian-shadow · 3 months
My Opinions and Interpretations of "The Tales Of Beedle The bard"
"The Tales Of Beedle The Bard", is a collection of stories written for young witches and wizards. They have been popular bedtime reading for centuries, with the result that the Hopping Pot and the Fountain of Fair Fortune are as familiar to many students at Hogwarts as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are to Muggle children. Beedle's stories resemble our fairy tales in many respects; for instance, virtue is usually rewarded, and wickedness punished. However, the is one very obvious difference. In Muggle fairy tales, magic tends to lie at the root of the hero's or heroin's troubles - the wicked witch has the poisoned apple, or put the princess into a hundred-year's sleep, or turned the prince into a hideous beast. I'm the takes of Beedle the bard, on the other hand, we met heros and heroins who can perform magic themselves, and yet find it just as hard to solve their problems as we do. Beedle's stories have helped generations of Wizarding parents this painful fact of life to their young children,that magic causes as much trouble as it cures.
Another notable difference between these games and their Muggle counterparts is that Beedle's witches are much more active in seeking their fortunes than our fairy-tale heroins. Asha, Altheda, Amata, and Babbitty Rabbity are all witches who take their fates into their own hands, Rather than taking a prolonged nap or waiting for someone to return their list shoe. The exception to this rule, the unarmed maiden of The Warlock's Hairy Heart, acts more like our idea of a storybook princess, but there is no happily ever after at the end of her tale. Beedle the Bard lived in the fifteenth century, and much of his life remains shrouded in mystery. We know he was born in Yorkshire and the only surviving Woodcut shows that he had an exceptionally luxuriant beard. If his stories accurately reflect his opinions, me Rather liked Muggles, whom he regarded as ignorant rather than malevolent; he mistrusted Dark Magic, and he believed that the worst recess of Wizardkind sprang from the all-too-human traits of cruelty, apathy, it arrogant misapplication of their own talents. The heros and heroins who triumph in his stories are not this with the most power-full magic, but rather those who demonstrate the most kindness, common sense, and ingenuity. One modern-day wizard who held very similar views was, of course, Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin (first class), Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Winzengamot. The similarity of outlook notwithstanding, it was a surprise to discover a set of notes on The Tales of Beedle the Bard among the many papers that Dumbledore left in his will to the Hogwarts Archives. Whether this commentary was written for his own satisfaction or for future publication, we shall never know; however, we have been been graciously been given permission by Professor Minerva McGonagall, now Headmistress of Hogwarts, to print Professor Dumbledore's notes here, alongside a brand new translation of The Tales by Hermione Granger. We hope that that Professor Dumbledore's insights, which include observations on Wizarding history, personal reminisces, and information on key elements of each story, will help a new generation of both Wizarding and Muggle readers appreciate The Tales of Beedle the Bard. It the belief of ash who knew him personally that Professor Dumbledore would have been delighted to lend his his support to this project, given that all royalties are to be donated to the Children's High Level Group, which works to benefit children in desperate need of a voice. It seems only right to make one small, additional comment on Professor Dumbledore's note. As far as we can tell, the notes were completed around eighteen months before the tragic events at the top of Hogwarts's Astronomy Tower. Those familiar with the history of the most recent Wizarding war (everyone who has read all seven volumes on the life of Harry Potter for instance) will be aware that Professor Dumbledore reveals a little less than he knows - or suspects - about the final story on this book. The reason for any omission lies, perhaps, in what Dumbledore said about truth many years ago, to his favorite and most famous pupil; "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution." Weather we are with him or not, we can perhaps excuse Professor Dumbledore for wishing to protect future readers from the temptations to which he himself has taken prey, and for which he payed so terrible a price.
-J.K Rowling, 2008 (from the official Tales Of Beedle The Bard by J.K Rowling)
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ellorypurebloodculture · 11 months
'The Warlocks Hairy Heart' by Beetle the Bard is 1000% a story about a black wizard who ritually removed his ability to love, so the Black Blood Heart Curse wouldn't drive him mad, only to reassimilate it and be taken by the madness.
Or is it meant as a precautionary tale about horcruxes that all the old dark houses know but was sanitized a bit to make it into a children's book.
I've actually never read The Tales of Beedle the Bard, so I couldn't say. 😅
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 years
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☆ Destiel Witch/Wizard fics
Whether you call them witches or wizards, who doesn’t want a little magic in their lives? In these fics you get to have that as you immerse yourself in all these wonderful and imaginary worlds.
--All fic links go to our tagged reviews--
A Demon Like Him by EllenOfOz [Explicit, 24k words]
Dean Winchester doesn’t want to be a warlock. The idea of working in a lab, channeling demonic magic into enchanted batteries is not what he wants to do with his life, but it’s a dangerous opinion to have—his father was a powerful and well-connected warlock, and Dean is expected to follow the family tradition. His only way out is to fail the demon summoning class—failure means expulsion from the Warlock College. Despite Dean’s best efforts to fumble the summoning, it works. Although not the way anyone expects. Dean’s demon, Castiel, is an incubus, but also a powerful mage on a mission to rebalance the magic that is being stripped from Demonside by warlocks. Dean must choose: fail out of his final exam and turn his back on becoming a warlock, or help Castiel and graduate. But he doesn’t count on how hot the incubus is, or how close they have become in just a few days.
et florum magica: (And the Magic of Flowers) by wiccanstiel [Explicit, 52k words]
There’s a large, leafless tree and a road, a hand on a gnarled cane, a stoutly man in a black suit, his face scratched out. When Castiel Novak moves to the small town of Fox Hollow, he’s looking for a fresh start. Only his past seems to be–quite literally–haunting him, and even through his best efforts of settling into his new life, there’s a darkness in the shadows that he can’t seem to shake. And after meeting an otherworldly being named Dean during what was supposed to be a simple walk through the forest, he’s left with more questions than answers. But like it’s residents, Fox Hollow has some well-kept secrets, and things quickly turn to life or death when one of those secrets finally steps from the shadows and into the light.
He’s Kind of a Hairy Fairy by almaasi [Explicit, 24k words]
Dean agreed to help Sam run this summer camp, but he didn’t know he’d have to share a cabin and a bed with his own best friend. No biggie, though. It’s platonic. Except Cas goes and confesses his love for the sake of honesty. Dean’s not ready to say it back. The only way anyone’s getting an “I love you too” out of him is if some meddling witch curses him with fairy wings, and in order to break the spell he has to give in to his heart’s true desires. And THAT’s not gonna happen at a perfectly normal forest camp in Idaho… right?
Just Your Heart, In Exchange For Mine by noxsoulmate [Mature, 46k words]
Dean owns a bakery and Castiel loves his pie. This could be such a cute little bakery love story – if it weren’t for the fact that one was a retired hunter and the other one a powerful witch. There’s also the matter of the black little cat Dean finds in front of his bakery one cold and rainy night. Not to forget the crazy witch on the loose, ripping out other witches’ hearts.
Roots of Fate by Unknown [Explicit, 40k words]
Castiel Novak leads a quiet life in the little town of Fairhope. He tends his gardens and takes pride in filling his great-grandmother’s footsteps as the town’s honorary green witch. His quiet life comes to a halt when he gets a new neighbor and it’s none other than the alpha of his dreams and high school crush, Dean Winchester. But Dean’s not alone, he has a daughter now. Overnight, Fairhope is flipped on its head as every available omega and beta in town fights for the alpha’s attention. Cas tries to help as best he can but Dean eventually comes up with his own solution and that’s when the posters show up. Posters that claim that Dean Winchester is looking for a mate. But to win, you have to get a key from a certain orange cat. Let the games begin!
The Closest Thing We Have To Magic by EllenOfOz & TrenchcoatBaby [Explicit, 221k words]
Dean Winchester is a graduate student at Stanford University’s School of the Occult. A naturally-talented mage but a lazy professor and student, he figures he’ll coast through his final year the way he always has: with charisma, charm, and a natural aptitude for magic. All that changes when his thesis advisor, Dr. Castiel Novak, turns out to be the strictest and most challenging educator on-campus. Unfortunately for Dean, the uptight professor is nearly his age and infuriatingly gorgeous. But Castiel is keeping a secret, a powerful talent that’s more a curse than a blessing when he’s targeted by seditious parts of magical society. Can Dean and Cas put aside their animosity—and undeniable chemistry—long enough to instill real change in the magical community? Or will sinister plots and hidden agendas keep them apart?
The Shape of Regret by Halzbarry [Explicit, 70k words]
Two years ago, Dean walked away from Castiel after discovering his biggest secret—that he’s a witch. Since then, Dean’s spent his days hunting alone, filling the emptiness inside with sex, booze, and the next case. When he gets a desperate call for help from Castiel, Dean doesn’t hesitate to go. But things in the small Maine town aren’t what they seem, especially when he comes face to face with Castiel, who insists he wasn’t the one to place the call. Dean’s been given an opportunity to fix his past mistakes, but it means working alongside a very bitter Castiel, and Benny, a local deputy with knowledge of the supernatural, to figure out what’s plaguing Newport and why it all seems fixated around Castiel.
Willowsbend by miss_grey [Explicit, 51k words]
In the town of Willowsbend, the Supernatural police unit went by the name of Dean Winchester. Unfortunately for Dean, the Supernatural population of Willowsbend was zero. So Dean spent the majority of his time calming paranoid housewives when their pipes rattled and chasing off wildlife that over-zealous citizens were sure must be shifters. It’s a tiring job, full of false-starts and hysterical old ladies. It’s a rare day that Dean has to deal with anything truly Supernatural. That’s about to change, and it all begins with the arrival of one Castiel Novak.
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xkilljxy · 10 months
✿ - wendy & peter, wendy & dam, wendy & mina
wendy & peter;
wendy and peter's friendship is purely the byproduct of peter shooting a shot with her that ultimately failed. it was honestly probably a good thing that it did fail, because their friendship is stronger and better off for a complete lack of awkward tension between them.
peter has very little in his will, but he does have all of his mother's jewelry locked away in a jewelry box at the farmhouse, and there are strict instructions in his will that when he passes, every single piece of it is to go to wendy and no one else.
wendy & dam;
after damocles' first marriage ended abruptly, he truly remembered the story of the warlocks hairy heart and thought that might be the perfect solution for him. he knew that his mother was going to interfere, and annoy him about his life and particularly his love life, especially since he didn't have children, but he never expected the woman to hand him someone like wendy. he knew the kinds of people that his mother ran around with, and didn't think someone as bright and resourceful as wendy existed in even the outer lining of his mothers social circle. she was a surprise and a delight from the start.
dam bought wendy a ring after halloween, despite having no idea if they were going anywhere. he has no intention of using it for a long time, but the man likes to be prepared.
wendy & mina;
mina thinks wendy is far cooler than she is, and if she's ever being completely honest with herself, she's jealous of the girl with the strong backbone and the confident air. she wants to be like her, but also knows that wendy isn't all what you see is what you get, because she knows that no one is.
mina genuinely believed for a couple of months after first meeting wendy that she and barty were a thing because no one as hot as wendy came to the office of someone as hot as barty and didn't hook up on a desk. she's embarrassed to admit that she's so relieved now that they never were, but also too afraid to ask if there was ever a spark there before she met them.
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flowertrigger · 1 year
Can you tell me about Bewitched au and just hung please? 💜
Of course! 🖤
Bewitched au: David (warlock) is assigned to Patrick (non magical) as a sort of fairy godmother/fashion advisor as punishment for a magical misdeed he performs on an ex. I'm calling it Bewitched au solely for the image of David wiggling his eyebrows to perform magic like Samantha did with her nose.
David finishes his speech with a flourish of ringed fingers looking up from the card and meeting Patrick’s eye then follows his descent as he leans back against the pantry door and slides down to the floor. His heart rate had only slowed a little during David’s speech and he could feel himself getting clammy and lightheaded. The forgotten sandwich is next to his hand and for an unhinged moment Patrick considers picking it up and eating it just for something to do other than acknowledge the insane situation he’s in.
Seeming to have the ability to mind read as well David shouts “nope!”, before his truely remarkable eyebrows wriggle like hairy, disco dancing caterpillars and. The. Sandwich. Disappears.
“I hate mess, just so you know from the beginning,” David says, as if this explains anything at all. “So, do you accept?”
Just hung: Is literally just a smutty stream of brain diarrhoea about hung!patrick 😂😳
“Don’t stop,” he urges as Patrick moves his hands up David’s chest from behind, fingernails raking over his nipples. With a grunt Patrick thrusts up harder and thanks to the muscle relaxant aftereffect of his orgasm David’s body swallows the last remaining inch, dropping to settle into the cradle of Patrick’s lap.
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blackinnonism · 1 year
She peeked inside the room as the door was slightly ajar. After spending a week away to spend time with her family in Scotland, there were little chores around the house that she is yet to complete and she really didn’t want Kreacher doing much these days. The children are toddlers now, Marlene wanted them to learn how to clean after themselves. Regulus came just about an hour ago, he looked a bit worse for wear but then again Marlene had seen him this way many times, taking advantage of the time that the children are away to double up on doing his job at the ministry. Afterall, in spite of the current peace they’re all experiencing, there’s still a threat out there.
The squeals and yells of glee from the twins brought a smile upon her pretty face. They missed their father a lot, only being able to communicate with them through mirrors and such during their week away. Regulus carried both to bed telling them he had bought them a new edition of the popular children’s book that the two probably has memorized by now. Yet they were all excited at the idea of their father reading to them. Both already clad in their pajamas and ready for bed, Regulus held both as he placed himself in the middle of one of the beds and started reading The Warlock’s Hairy Heart. She left them that way and went on with her organizing and unpacking their things, albeit with the use of magic yet still needing the focus for it.
After everything seem to be in order, she decided to check on the twin’s room again, thinking maybe Regulus needs help in putting both to sleep. As she peeked this time, he saw all three with their eyes closed, the book laid open in Regulus’ lap. She leaned by the door’s sill. Taking in the peaceful scene in front of her eyes. She didn’t know how she arrived at this exact moment but Marlene felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness. Everything she wants and desires in a life is inside this room.
She will lay her life for them, her own little family. Having the twins was certainly not something they had planned nor something she expected, but it was the best thing that every happened to her. No amount of fame or glory can ever compare to the happiness that she felt upon seeing their faces. Her first world cup championship title wouldn’t even compare because the first thoughts she had when they won was how proud her children will be of her in the future. They’re her world and she knows they are Regulus’ too.
Her chest felt so full of love and happiness and she looked at Regulus, studying his sleeping profile from afar. She knows his face in every angle, knows the little planes and valleys of every inch. They had been in this long enough that every little thing about him is just familiar. She loves him with every fiber of her being. This person who she didn’t even know will be this huge part of her life and yet she was thankful. There were multiple times where she had found herself thinking she was in love with him, but never really said anything nor done anything about it. The thing is she didn’t have to, because there are times, she just simply loves him as the father of her children.
It was the kind of love that was gentle as a breeze. A whisper in the quiet of the night. The kind of love where you find yourself between the planes of waking up and falling asleep. The subtle feeling of peace in your heart. There was no longing, of wanting, of demanding, just the feeling of love and the beauty of it. It was like a shadow inside her being, a soul that didn’t need to be acknowledged nor returned. It was pure and giving, like a real love should be. She smiled to herself. They are her life and she will do anything to protect them from anything and everything. Walking quietly like a cat, she took the book and set it by the side table, putting a blanket on the sleeping figures. They looked like angels and her heart sang for their beauty, her little family.
This is a drabble i did for an rp. And yes i had a different kind of blackinnon and i found it refreshing so i thought i’d share.
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ithisatanytime · 25 days
the beast set up in the temple that causes desolation, is JUDEO christianity, its the star of remphan called the star of david wrapped around the cross. six points, six triangles, six sides thus the number, and in germany in the fifteen hundreds this star was called the red shield of david, and a man descended from the serpent, descended from the nephilim, adopted this name, CHOSE IT as his family title. red sheild in german is rothschild. that star is a hexagon which is the source of the phrase hexing as in to cast a curse because these so called jews after hadrian scattered them just as christ predicted, spent their time in exile as WITCES and WARLOCKS, and that is a matter of historical fact, nearly everything you think of to do with such things down to the pointy hats comes from these so called jews in the middle ages.
it is the mark of the BEAST (animal) they are descended of the serpent, not from adam, if they were they would be red in hue not yellow, as adam literally means THIS itself, that pinkish hue white people have and there is AMPLE proof of this. it is the mark of the BEAST (animal) and it IS on their arm and forehead, for like cain they are afflicted in their skin. what manner of beast did they ascend from? the star of REMPHAN which now is called the star of david, a blasphemy in itself, is found in old illustrations on the FOREHEAD of MOLECH statues, a statue of a giant part man part beast they would sacrifice infants too as part of an initiation. if that was the initiation what was the real deal? do you know me? am i insane or a fool? or am i shewing you things that once were?
6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (etc to show generations is liniage here and therefore plainly race he had no nephilim in him, hes contrasted with the state of the rest of the world who clearly got some in them whether they wanted it or not)
22 And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord.
23 And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
24 And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.
25 And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.
he was born red and completely covered in hair even unto the backs of his hands and smooth of his neck to the point jacob needed an animal skin on the back of his neck and hands to fool his blind father for his inheritance. what human baby is born covered head to toe in red hair?
i wont go into cain and abel as ive covered that ad nauseum. guys it IS what it REALLY IS
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The Warlock’s Hairy Heart
If we get both Fantastic Beasts 4 and 5, I think that the one that introduces the Dumbledore family flashbacks should start with a flashback of Kendra reading to Albus ‘The Warlock’s Hairy Heart’. 
For those who are not aware of this tale, it’s one included in The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Albus mentions that it’s a tale that speaks to the dark depths of everyone and he specifically mentions that “the story as [he] eventually read it in the original runes was almost exactly that which [his] mother had told [him].” So, starting with the fact that Kendra canonically told him this dark fairytale, it would be a nice way of introducing her character and the Dumbledore children when they were younger. 
The reason I’ve always wanted this tale to be included in Grindeldore’s story is because there is thematic coherence.The main story is this: A young warlock who has looks, riches and power finds love debasing, so he carves out his heart with dark magic and locks it in a box to prevent himself from falling in love. He stands by his choice for years, but one day he hears gossip about himself. He is pitied because he is alone and doesn’t have love despite all his gifts. His pride having been hurt, he decides to take a wife that would be worthy of him and would be envied by anyone. It so happens that he finds such a girl and tries to impress her with his wealth and courtship. The girl is fascinated, but she’s also repelled because she senses what is missing in him. Wanting to prove he has a heart, he shows her his detatched heart, which has withered, grown hair, and become hard within that box.The girl pleads with him to put back the hard because she things this will heal him. But the heart has become twisted and beastly. When they were found, the girl was dead on the floor. The warlock, having gotten a taste of having his heart back but needing to feel whole, had torn her heart out and was trying to tear his own heart out again to replace it with a healthy one.
I think this tale encompasses many interesting themes we see in Grindeldore. It is clear that there was something broken in Gellert since he was young. In Durmstrang he performed dark experiments and Albus mentiones that he used more force than necessary, whatever that means, He always planned to annihilate the muggles. He wanted to create an army from dead bodies at the age of 16. He was also interested in achieving invulnerability through power. Unlike the warlock, I don’t think that Gellert FORCED himself into finding someone. But I think it was something he never wanted. It just so happened that he found a man who was on par with him in every way and he could not help feeling a stir in a heart that had been dormant. Being mostly driven by personal ambition and narcissism, Gellert, much like the warlock, could not love healthily. Albus was fascinated by him and close his eyes to the parts that scared him. He thought that through their love and by putting limits (’where we meet resistance we must use only that force necessary and no more ‘), he could help Gellert be his best version and not fall back into old habits. Gellert has gotten his hear back in a sense, but he needs to be in control. He cannot  love selfleshly at that point. So, when Aberforth’s intervenence threatens to take away the companionship he did not think he needed, but which is now essential to him, he tears out Albus’ heart, Metaphorically speaking, by showing his vicious side, torturing his brother and pursuing his ambitions while leaving him alone to deal with his grief. And this is something that Albus never come backs from. He ‘bleeds’ for it for the rest of his life.
In his comments Albus mentions that this tory addresses the quest of invulnerability, which is one of the biggest temptations of magic. 
The resemblance of this action to the creation of a Horcrux has been noted by many writers. Although Beedle’s hero is not seeking to avoid death, he is dividing what was clearly not meant to be divided – body and heart, rather than soul –.
Dumbledore clarifies that invulnerability is impossible, saying that “no man or woman alive, magical or not, has ever escaped some form of injury, whether physical, mental or emotional. To hurt is as human as to breathe.’
We have specific mention of 3 kinds of vulnerability. Preventing the physical kind has been attempted with the creation of horcruxes: twisting the soul. The mental kind has been attempted by twisting the mind: Gellert thought that by taking away Leta’s memory he would make Kama free of mental pain (which extends to emotion) and make him more logical, able to focus on his superiority by blood). The emotional kind is addressed in this tale with the separation of body and heart.
This is Gellert’s own vulnerability and that’s why I would love for it to be addressed within the movies. It does not have to be literal. The use of the tale as a metaphor would be enough. The textually established comparison with the horcruxes makes it even more interesting, because of the only way that severing one’s soul (and possible one’s heart) can be undone:
“Remorse,” said Hermione. “You’ve got to really feel what you’ve done. There’s a footnote. Apparently the pain of it can destroy you. I can’t see Voldemort attempting it somehow, can you?”
"It's your one last chance," said Harry, "it's all you've got left. . . . I've seen what you'll be otherwise. . . . Be a man. . . try. . . Try for some remorse. . . ."
It makes the parallel of Gellert being in Nurmengard and going through extreme pain as he pieces back his heart and feels the weight of what he’s done even more powerful.
“They say he showed remorse in later years, alone in his cell at Nurmengard. I hope that is true. I would like to think that he did feel the horror and shame of what he had done. Perhaps that lie to Voldemort was his attempt to make amends . . . to prevent Voldemort from taking the Hallow . . .” “. . .or maybe from breaking into your tomb?” suggested Harry, and Dumbledore dabbed his eyes.
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thegirlwhohid · 5 years
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Magic causes as much trouble as it cures.
‘The Tales of Beedle The Bard’ moodboard
Favorite books: (32/200)
Books by J.K.Rowling (8/8)
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flamantrose · 7 years
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The Tales of Beedle the Bard - J. K. Rowling
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lesbian-shadow · 3 months
My Opinions and Interpretations of "The Tales Of Beedle The Bard"
I will be releasing separate parts that go over the different stories or tales in the book such as;
"The Wizard And The Hopping Pot"
"The Fountain Of Fortune"
"The Warlock's Hairy Heart"
"Babbitty Rabbity And Her Cackling Stump"
"The Tale Of The Three Brothers"
I have broken them up into different parts to make it a bit easier for me so I can get something out but also not have to spend so long on one thing. Also, including the story makes it to long to post in one, so I kinda have to split it up. The full tale will be written before I start talking about it, I DID NOT WRITE THEM, they belong to J.K Rowling.
If the name of the tale in the list above is underlined, it is already released and you may click on it to take you to the post.
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thisiskiwi · 7 years
Tamper with the deepest mysteries - the source of life, the essence of self- only if prepared for consequences of the most extreme and dangerous kind.
The Tales of Beedle the Bard (J.K. Rowling)
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