eeunoia · 3 years
THE BOYZ Timestamps
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9:30 pm
it’s not always your boyfriend celebrate his birthday so you’ve decided to surprise him.
word count: 1k
a/n: hello, first post for the boyz and it’s for my bias. happy happy birthday, my love! 
you tried so hard to squish yourself into one of the sunwoo’s cabinets. Yeah... cabinets. it is not always that your boyfriend celebrate his birthday so you thought, why not go to korea and surprise him?
being away to someone you love is surely not easy. different timeline, his busy schedule and your busy schedule because of work/school. but you two were still here... you two were still together. you made it, even after all the things that were happening, you two manages to still keep your relationship going.
sunwoo’s very patient with you and is really trying hard to understand both of your situations. you are indeed very lucky to have him. even if he have a busy schedule in front of him, he never forgets to message you or call you.
he was okay with it and understands everything—that’s what you thought. what you didn’t know is that he wants so bad to have you beside him. to have you inside his embrace during his hardest times, to have you caress him softly assuring him that you’re there for him and that everything will be okay whenever it’s tough for him.
you were ignorant of that fact until one night. with all the things going on, right after their successful win in road to kingdom, sunwoo was caught in an issue that causes for his sleepless nights. hyunjae—one of his hyungs called you without sunwoo’s consent.
you, too were clueless by the sudden call from him. feeling a bit curious what’s up, you answered. only to be greeted by soft whimpers. stunned, you stayed silent and listened carefully to your crying boyfriend.
he wasn’t talking to you, he was talking to hyunjae. softly letting out the things he can’t tell you.
“what is it that you really want, sunwoo?” hyungjae asked resting his phone over the table so you can hear it more clearly.
“y/n... i want to see her, i want her to be here for me, i want to hug her and kiss her. i just want my girlfriend here, hyung.” he mumbled under his breath.
the two grew silent as you cover your mouth, tears falling down your eyes. he never tell you he was that desperate to have you beside him. you completely thought you’re set-up was fine with him.
“she’s studying/working.”
“i know, hyung. that’s why i can’t tell her what i really want. i love her and i really want to support what she wants. but i just can’t help but to think how it would be so nice to have her here.”
after the call, hyunjae sent you a message telling you that he isn’t forcing you or something. it’s just he wanted you to be aware of what’s your boyfriend truly feel about the situation.
so here you are, squeezed inside a cabinet, trying so hard to stay still and not make any single noise. you’re here to surprise him for his birthday.
your heart thump faster as you heard the door to their dorm opened as the voices of the new arrived people filled the whole places. you gulped trying to get rid of the lump inside your throat.
“happy birthday, man!” eric greeted sunwoo as they head over to his room.
you heard him chuckle softly, “thank you.” he said, his smile not reaching his eyes.
“aw, cheer up dude! i’m sure y/n will message you any minute now.”
sunwoo heaved a sigh as he took of his jacket leaving only his black t-shirt on. you saw how he sat down over to his bed, shoulder hanging lowly.
“i don’t know, eric. she’s been so weird this past few days. she always have reasons whenever i call her, it’s either she’s doing something or something suddenly came up. one time, she did answered the call but then she said the camera’s ain’t working well.”
you covered your mouth to stop yourself from laughing loudly. it was the time you were packing things up because you were moving. you don’t want to spoil anything so you tried so hard to avoid his calls.
“and now, she didn’t even greeted me.” he sound so frustrated as he let out a groan.
there was a couple of silence before you finally heard hyunjae talked, “sunwoo, can you open your cabinet? our gift is inside.” he said. that was your signal to get ready.
you can’t wait anymore. you’re more than excited to go out and hugged your boyfriend tightly.
sunwoo sighed and stood up, walking closer to his cabinet. without him knowing, his members gathered and tried to record his reaction once he opened the cabinet where you’re hiding.
he opened it and all the members together with you chant in unison, “happy birthday!”
to say that he looked so surprised was an understatement. he was shook at his spot, not even moving an inch. he was just starring right unto your eyes as you smile to him.
the members laugh at his reaction, “are you r-real?” he asked stuttering. the members once again burst laughing as they find him cute.
you nodded, hugging him carefully. his manly scent quickly invaded you as you shut your eyes, enjoying the moment both of you were waiting for a long time.
sunwoo pursed his lips and bury his face over your neck, crying. he can’t believe it. he was really scared that you two will end your relationship because you were acting so strange lately. now he understands why.
“how long are you gonna stay, baby?” he asked softly, arms caging you in a very tight embrace.
you pulled away a little to cup his face, “i decided to stay in korea, baby. your manager and members helped me find a good apartment near your dorm.” you said.
you saw how sincere happiness flickered over his eyes. he looked over his members with very thankful stares. they laughed at him, happy to see him happy.
“i love you,” he mumbled before he hugged you again.
“i love you, sunwoo.”
“you gotta blow your candle, dude.” hyungjae said holding his cake.
sunwoo pulled off the hug but one of his arm remained wrapped around your waist.
“aren’t you gonna make wish?” you asked when he was about to blow the candle already.
he smiled and looked over at you. “i already got what i wished for.” and he dropped a sweet short kiss over your lips as the members cheered while he blow the candle.
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"Kevin I think one of your tricks is the easiest," Changmin said and Kevin laughed.
"For making a fan contest for my trick is easy and I already had an idea," Kevin said.
“What’s your fan contest for your trick?” Changmin asked.
"Well, they should film like a perfume commercial ad and I will choose the best video," Kevin said and smiled at Changmin.
“Wow! I bet all the fans will surely show how good they are in filming like in a commercial ad. Good luck Kevin!” Changmin said and smiled at him.
" Thanks, Changmin! I will get going and probably the fans are waiting for my turn for the fan contest." Kevin said and smiled back at Changmin. Then he announces the fan contest where the fans should send a video that was like a perfume commercial ad. Then Y/N saw the fan contest of Kevin and…
“His fan contest really fits me since I am a perfume lover and I will definitely prepare for this.” Y/N said. Then her friend named Jiye went to her house and…
“Wow! Whenever I come to your house, I feel like that it has various vibes here because of the scent that is lingering here. What are you doing?” Jiye asked.
“I am doing a perfume commercial ad for Kevin’s fan contest because his trick is, make sure you smell good and he wants us to do like a commercial ad.” Y/N said.
“Oh! He will definitely choose you and if he had the chance to come here in your house I bet he will be lured by you.” Jiye said and smirked at her.
“Lured? What do you mean?” Y/N said.
"Y/N don't be so innocent and you know sometimes men are lured by just smelling women with their perfume but of course it depends on what perfume you put on," Jiye said and winked at her.
“Well, I don’t know let’s just see if I will win Kevin’s fan contest.” Y/N said.
"Good luck with your perfume commercial ad," Jiye said and Y/N nodded and smiled at her. Then Y/N proceeds to capture a video of her commercial ad and she used much perfume that she had on her room. Then after a few minutes of capturing and editing the video, she decided to sent the video.
"Gosh! I hope he will choose and I had so much effort in the video." Y/N said and calmed herself down as she waited for the announcement of the lucky fan. As for Kevin, he is watching all the videos of his fans. Then when he watched one of the fans' videos…
"Wow! This fan really loves perfumes and her perfumes are expensive too. Also, her video is really like a commercial ad and she can be a real endorser of a perfume brand. I like it!" Kevin said. Then suddenly Changmin went to Kevin and…
“How’s your fan contest going?” Changmin asked.
“The fans are really good at preparing for my fan contest especially the one who I chose. I can really tell she is a perfume lover.” Kevin said and showed the video to Changmin and…
“Oh! Is she a commercial model? Also, it seems she is rich too and she has those expensive perfumes too.” Changmin said.
“You’re right! I think she should be a perfume brand endorser and definitely many will accept her when they see this video.” Kevin said.
“I agree with you! I bet when you go to her place tomorrow you will smell her scent immediately.” Changmin said and Kevin laughed.
"I think so Changmin! I will go and see it tomorrow." Kevin said. Then he suddenly thought of how can he announce the lucky fan but he decided to just capture a screenshot photo of the perfume that was used by the fan but he decided to cover what perfume brand it is and he posted the photo and has a message on it
"I bet all of you are curious who used this perfume in the photo, right? I can say that her video can be a real commercial ad for a perfume brand and it was great content. Congrats to her and you will definitely meet me tomorrow!
Then Y/N checked the perfume she used for the video and…
"I had similar perfume in the photo. OMG! I might be the lucky fan!" Y/N said and smiled widely at herself but then she suddenly thought.
"Wait! What if another fan used that perfume in their video? I shouldn't assume things quickly and I should just wait for tomorrow." Y/N said to herself. Then the next day, Y/N is a heavy sleeper and it was almost time for lunch but suddenly someone rang the doorbell.
“Gosh! I am having a good sleep and someone is interrupting it.” Y/N said and she fixed herself and as she opened the door…
“OMG! Kevin of The Boyz is here right now! But I am not prepared!” Y/N thought as her eyes went big and gulped then Kevin laughed at her reaction.
“So cute! You’re Y/N, right? “ Kevin said and smiled at her.
“Yes, I am! “ Y/N said and smiled back at him. Then Kevin went inside her house and…
"Hmmm… coming into your house is really inviting because it really smells good," Kevin said as he still smelling and feeling the perfume lingering in her house and Y/N smiled at his words.
"Umm… To be honest, I just woke up when you rang the doorbell. I have to go shower first. Is that alright? It will be just quick." Y/N said.
“It’s ok! I understand. But I am sorry I interrupt your sleep.” Kevin said.
“No need to be sorry. I am really just a heavy sleeper. I really have to shower so, that I can talk to you.” Y/N said and smiled at Kevin.
“Ok! I will wait for you!” Kevin said and winked at her and she blushed again. Then as Y/N went to shower, Kevin is checking out her house and he was curious where is Y/N’s room then he went inside in one of the rooms and…
"Wow! She has many perfume collections!" Kevin said and he carefully smelling each perfume in her room. He didn't know that Y/N was already finished and…
"Where is Kevin? He is just in the living room when I left him. That's weird." Y/N thought and she decided to go to her room and when Y/N was about to enter the room, Kevin hide himself somewhere in the room.
"Wait! Why I am hiding? Oh well! I will just think she might get mad at me if she saw me here." Kevin thought. Then as Y/N went inside her room, she is only with a towel on her, and Kevin was shocked and…
“This is a bad idea! I should have just shown up myself !" Kevin said and tried to calm himself down.
"I wonder where Kevin is?" Y/N said and sighed but when she decided to put on perfume on her and Kevin suddenly smelled the perfume she put on and as he continued to smell and feel it…
“The perfume is really strong and it’s also tempting too. It looks like Y/N is doing this on purpose luring me like that.” Kevin thought and he decided to show himself to her quietly and went to back hug her and Y/N was shocked while she was still in a towel and she blushed…
“Are you doing this on purpose Y/N?” Kevin said in a sexy voice and Y/N gulped.
"Kevin you scared me and what are you doing here in my room?" Y/N said and blushed while Kevin is still back hugging her and still smelling her like he was a wolf and his breath in her neck making her shiver and…
“That’s not the answer Y/N! I am asking you if you are doing this on purpose? Also, your perfume is really tempting and luring me so much.” Kevin said and he suddenly licks her neck and…
“N-no Kevin, I am not doing it on purpose.” Y/N said as she stuttered answering him because of his previous action.
"Are you sure about that?" Kevin said and Y/N nodded. Then he decided to turn Y/N around to face him and Y/N saw his eyes were on fire and lust.
“My gosh! It seems Jiye is right! Good luck to me!” Y/N thought and her thoughts were cut-off when he holds her head and kissed her hungrily that made her eyes go big again but she just responded to his kiss and while they are still kissing, one of Kevin’s hand went to her towel and removes it and he slowly lays her in the bed as he went to her neck he licks and bites it and make some hickeys on it and he also licks and kisses her jawline that made Y/N moan his name softly. Then he stopped at his actions and Y/N helped him removed his clothes and…
“You want this too huh? That’s my girl!” Kevin said and smirked at her and she just blushed at his words. Then he decided to dive in her breast and licks the middle part of it and captures one of her nipples in his mouth.
“Ugh! Ah! Kevin! Ah!” Y/N moaned. Then he continued to suck her nipples that made her moan more and she pushed his head more in her breast and he smirked at her actions. Then he suddenly inserted two fingers to her pussy and…
“SHIT! KEVIN! AH! UGH! AH! MORE PLEASE!” Y/N moaned and he pumped his fingers to her at a fast pace.
“YES! KEVIN! SHIT! LIKE THAT!” Y/N moaned and Kevin was looking at her and smirked at her.
"Moan my name like that Y/N! I will give you more later." Kevin whispered to her and bites her earlobe and she moaned more and gripped his arms than without a warning she cums in his fingers and as he pulled out, he licked his fingers as he looked at Y/N in a sexy way and he put a condom
“Shit! he is hot when he is like that!” Y/N thought and…
“Prepare yourself for me Y/N! I love you!” Kevin said.
“I love you too Kevin!” Y/N said then he slowly inserted his cock to her and…
“SHIT! I-IT HURTS KEVIN! FUCK! UGH!” Y/N said and Kevin kissed her tears away and…
"Don't worry Y/N it will be pleasurable for you later," Kevin said and Y/N trusted him as Kevin let her adjusted first to him. Then in a few minutes, Y/N suddenly buck her hips up to him and Kevin moaned at her actions and…
“KEVIN! FASTER! UGH! AH! AH!” Y/N moaned then Kevin obeyed her and thrust his cock to her at a fast pace.
“SHIT! SO TIGHT Y/N! UGH! AH! YES!” Kevin moaned and he kissed again her neck while he still thrusting to her.
“FUCK! UGH! AH! KEVIN MORE! SHIT! AH!” Y/N moaned and her hands went to his back then Kevin went harder to her.
"YES LIKE THAT! KEVIN! FUCK! SHIT!" Y/N moaned and her nails scratch Kevin's back because of the intense pleasure she felt and that made Kevin moaned more. Then Kevin decided to go harder and rougher than ever to her.
“SHIT! RIGHT THERE KEVIN! YES! FUCK! AH!” Y/N screamed as Kevin hit her g-spot many times and she arched her back that made their chests touch to each other.
"UGH! FUCK! I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF YOU Y/N! AH! YES!" Kevin moaned and he leaned into her neck then while he is still thrusting to her he whispered dirty things to her that made her arousal high.
“WAIT FOR ME Y/N! SHIT! UGH! AH!” Kevin moaned. Then in a few minutes, both of them screamed each other’s names as they cum. Then Kevin removed the used condom and laid beside her and looked at her.
"I think your scent will stay with me," Kevin said and winked at her and she blushed and slightly slap her bicep.
"Stop it, Kevin! You are teasing me again." Y/N said and Kevin laughed at her.
“Why? Did I say something wrong huh? Or you want round 2?” Kevin said and smirked at her.
“Kevin, you already made me tired and I think I can’t handle you for a second round. Let’s just rest ok?” Y/N said and Kevin nodded and still slightly laughing at her.
“Ok! By the way, I can tell you can definitely sign up in a perfume brand and endorse it.Your commercial ad looks like a real ad for a perfume brand," Kevin said and smiled at her.
"Oh! Thanks for the compliments, Kevin. I think I can submit the video to a perfume brand company, right?" Y/N said.
“Yup! I will support you when you are accepted as an endorser and I will buy the perfume that you will endorse.” Kevin said and winked at her.
“You’re so sweet Kevin! I love you!” Y/N said.
“I love you too so much Y/N!” Kevin said and he kissed her lips quickly and both of them went to sleep and they cuddled each other.
“I really like hugging Y/N like this especially her scent is really addictive.” Kevin thought.
Thank you for reading my one-shot smut trick version of  THE BOYZ’S KEVIN!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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lil-bby-multistan · 4 years
Do you ever just like think about how nice it would be to be bestfriends with some idols?
Like Seoho from Oneus. The most adorkable bestfriend ever. You would have movie nights and hes let you borrow his sweaters If you wanted and hes get all shy about it. Hed treat you so nice and feel bad about him being an idol sometimes getting in the way for your friendship and hes call you almost every night so you two dont miss a single thing. Or how he'd willingly cuddle you if you wanted because he like to make sure you feel safe with him.
Or Mark from NCT. And how youd have the worlds most soft and loving bestfriend. He'd be by your side as much as he can and can always tell when something is wrong (even over call or text). Since he's always working and barely get time off (fuck you SM) hed probably would have bought you a stuffie/plush and gives you a sweater of his (is it just me or is stealing your bestfriends sweater the best?) And when you call him crying either being you were having a bad night or because you missed him he'd tell you to wear his sweater, if you weren't already, and to cuddle the plush he got you and sleep/nap. Also I feel like he'd give great hugs and would probably cuddle you if you wanted (I want a Mark)
Minho from Stray Kids. Just pure crackhead vibes together. Never a dull moment with him and it will always be like that. Extremely caring but doesn't exactly show it. He'll buy you your favorite snacks/drink and give it to you nonchalantly like its no big deal, but want you enjoy with a slight smile on his face. When you hang out you just chill in comfy clothes and lounge. Probably just watch shows and chill with his cats. Speaking of his cats he probably sends you pics of them all the time. Also one to give great hugs. They feel like home and you always feel safe him his arms
Kevin from The Boyz. Hed probably either be more affectionate or big brother like. Taking care of you and worried about you. Protecting you from others and harsh judgement on any potential partners you may have, only because he wants you to have the best and wont settle for anything less. Will give you his sweaters and say you look cute in them (because you 100% would) and takes a whole bunch of pictures with you all the time. Probably even has a selfie of you guys as his lockscreen or something. Probably has an arm around you when you guys go out, skin ship seems like it'd be a casual thing with him, that is unless you dont want it. Would not hesitate to LEGITIMATELY TACKLE YOU in a hug after a tour or something or just not seeing you after a while. And will definitely invite himself in to your own house on his days off just to come see his bestfriend.
Chanyeol from EXO. He'd be the one to border on annoying and adorable. But it's okay because he likes to treat you as much as possible and would give you the world if possible. Wants to set an example of what kind of person you should be with and that you shouldn't settle for anything less. Will say you look beautiful/handsome/good looking/pretty/cute and does expect you to say he looks handsome too and gets all shy when you call him a adorable and cute. His hugs... omg the best. Since hes is tall he just traps you and hold you and will 100% give cuddles if wanted. Takes you with him to make music and has had you in the recording booth while he records so he can show off his skills. You steal his sweaters and he jokingly complains but actually doesnt really mind.
Idk I feel like there are more idols that would be great to be bestfriends with but these are the ones that came to mind first :)
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incorrecdeobi-blog · 5 years
Kevin: the only thing stopping me from photosynthesizing is your negativity
Jacob: go the fuck to sleep
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cheekpockets-q · 6 years
Jealousy // The Boyz
genre: fluff/jealousy
word count: about 480 per member
pairing: Haknyeon x reader, Kevin x reader, New x reader, Juyeon x reader
summary: the members start to get jealous when you’re around another member
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Haknyeon never really had a jealous side. In fact, he wanted to have everyone talk to you all the time because he loved seeing you interact and become friends with the other members. He loved how the other members would talk about you or how they wanted to hear how Haknyeon was able to meet you. Haknyeon was super proud to have met you, and he would always boast about how you liked him the best out of the other members. However, his demeanor changed when he found you hanging out with New almost 3 times a week. He would casually be looking around the dorm, asking the other members where you were, and they would always answer that New was taking you out somewhere. You and New began bonding over cooking together and fashion, so you would both go out for grocery runs or thrift shopping adventures together. Although Haknyeon was happy that you and New were close, he felt jealous that New was taking you out all the time. However, he would never want to tell you about how he felt because he wanted to make sure you were having fun. Thus, he would always push you to hang out with New, even when you wanted to hang out with Haknyeon. Sometimes he would even be a bit passive aggressive and say that you would just be lying to him when you said you wanted to spend time with him. Unsure of why Haknyeon was being so distant, you avoided him for the rest of the day. However, Haknyeon’s hidden feelings were released when New was telling everyone the really cute outfit he bought for you and that you were both best friends now during dinner. Taken over by frustration between both his feelings for you and wanting to make you happy, Haknyeon suddenly stood up from the dinner table and walked to his room, barely touching his food. All of you were in shock from his reaction, and some of the boys would stand up to go knock on his door or ask what was wrong. Then, one of the members would come back to the table and say that Haknyeon just wanted to see you. You would stand up, grab a little bit of food, and walk over to Haknyeon’s room. As you pushed open the door, you’d see Haknyeon laying on his back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head, but he’d see the food in your hands and he’d immediately sit up. Giggling, you’d walk over and sit across from him, both of you eating your food silently. After you were both done, he’d move closer to you, so that you were both cross-legged in front of one another, and he’d reach his hand out to rub your knee.
Haknyeon: “I’m sorry, Y/N. I just wanted to make you happy and I thought that you would just be happy with New all the time.”
He would start chuckling and pulling his hand back, but you would lay your hand on top of his, encouraging his thumbs to rub little circles on your knees.
Y/N: “I don’t want you to ever think that you don’t make me happy, Haknyeon. You’ll always be my closest friend, and nothing will change that.”
Haknyeon would smile brightly, and he would reach up to brush your hair with his fingers.
Haknyeon: “See? I knew I was the best.”
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All the boys knew about how much Kevin would talk about his best friend from Canada, or how he would always tell a joke but it wouldn’t make sense to anyone but you. Thus, when you came to visit, Kevin would be nonstop talking about the old memories you both had, and the other guys would tease Kevin to leave you alone. Kevin didn’t have many problems with most of the boys getting to know you, and he would often sit beside to help with translation. However, because Jacob was also from Canada and didn’t need to speak in Korean, Kevin didn’t really need to be with you to talk to him. However, he began to feel uneasy when Jacob would always open the door for you, pull out a chair for you to sit on, or play guitar for you. Jacob was the sweetest member out of the entire group, and everyone knew it. Thus, the other boys began to tease Kevin more about how Jacob was always one-upping him or that he could never compare to Jacob. Even though Kevin and Jacob were extremely close, Kevin couldn’t keep his jealousy out of the way either. Thus, Kevin would uncharacteristically be super kind to you, even when you were both being playfully mean to one another. Whenever you would be hanging out with Jacob, Kevin would try to get your attention by asking you to hear him play the piano, wanting to give you massages, or needing you to sit still so he could draw you. Although you were grateful, you felt like he was taking you away from Jacob on purpose. Then, Kevin’s odd kindness changed when he heard you and Jacob were going to go out for lunch. Kevin came along, still trying to find more ways to be the gentleman. Suddenly, after the nice lunch, it began to rain. None of you expected it to rain except for Kevin, but, as he took out his umbrella, he saw Jacob taking off his hoodie and helping you put it on so you wouldn’t get wet. Kevin felt incredibly defeated, as he knew that even with all of the preparation he had, Jacob could easily turn the situation into his favor. Kevin opened the umbrella for all three of you but was silent the entire walk back home. As soon as you got back inside and you gave Jacob back his hoodie, Kevin grabbed your hand and led you back to his room to talk. Closing the door, Kevin suddenly slammed his fist against the wall in anger and sat with his back against the door.
Kevin: “I just don’t know how Jacob does it... He always knows what to do to make you happy, and he’s going to steal your heart, Y/N.”
You knelt down in front of Kevin and pushed his wet hair out of his face, trying to hold on to his fingers.
Y/N: “He’s not going to steal my heart because you already have, Kevin. Please, just be yourself.”
Kevin looked up and smirked, reaching his hand out to wipe the water off your cheeks.
Kevin: “Forgive me for ruining the moment, but… did you say I stole your heart?” He’d chuckle as you rolled your eyes, but only to hold your face for a little longer.
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New would be much more subtle when introducing you to the other boys. Of course, it wasn’t because he wasn’t proud of himself to know you, but he wanted to be extra cautious with you meeting the others since he was still kinda shy. At least, that’s what he thought at first but only realized over time that he was quite jealous when the other boys wanted to hang out with you. He would be especially cautious of when you and Sangyeon were together. Sangyeon was the oldest, so he was always extremely respectful of you and tried his best to take care of you. Sangyeon would playfully threaten the other boys whenever they messed with you, or he would tell you to always tell him if you needed anything. He would even hold any of your things without asking and would pretend to not know what you were saying when you tried to get them back. New didn’t know how to combat against Sangyeon and his masculine attitude, so New began to change his own behavior. New would substitute his cute polo shirts and big cardigans for sweatshirts and baggy jeans, and his happy innocent laughter suddenly turned down an unnatural octave. His change in attitude was somewhat interesting at the beginning. He became somewhat less nervous and more chill and open about himself. Sometimes he would coolly lay his arm around your shoulders when talking with the other guys, and you took it as a positive spin. However, it also brought along a somewhat negative behavior about him. He would suddenly try to be mean to you for no reason, pretending not to hear you whenever you would talk to him. You really didn’t know what was up with his behavior until you were about to go out with Sangyeon to pick up dinner for the rest of the members. As you were leaving the dorm, New suddenly grabbed your arm and told you that you couldn’t leave with Sangyeon. Sangyeon, noticing New’s behavior over time, approached him and told him to stop bullying you. As New was about to retort, he looked back up at you, your eyes about to be on the verge of tears. New, realizing how much he had been hurting you, suddenly dropped to his knees and began apologizing to you.
New: “Oh my god… Y/N, I am beyond sorry. I can’t believe I’ve been acting out so much just because I was jealous… Please forgive me and give me a chance again!”
All the sudden you burst out into laughter out of relief. As New looked up, he almost fell backward as you launched yourself into his arms, his face in full shock and his hands petting the back of your head.
Y/N: “You’re so stupid, New. Of course, I’ll forgive you! Just don’t ever do that again, alright?”
You could barely finish your question as New only hugged you tighter, tears welling up in his eyes.
New: “Oh, Y/N… Never again, I promise.”
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Juyeon was definitely a jealous type. He wouldn’t mind introducing you to the others, but he always made small comments to you, telling you to stay away from this member, be careful of that member, and watch out for those members. While you took it lightheartedly, you didn’t realize how serious he could get. He liked to make you wear his hats or his jackets as a constant reminder that nobody should mess with you less they want to face him. Of course, nobody would ever hurt you to begin with, but it was rather Juyeon’s own weak points with his feelings that he felt the need for others to back off. Juyeon would try to figure out ways to include himself whenever you would talk with other members or find ways to hang out with you more, but his words always fumbled slightly when he was near you or he would accidentally hurt you when trying to do something as simple as pat your head. Of course, no one was smoother than Hwall when it came to getting close to you. He would always casually wrap his arm around your shoulder, telling you that he would protect you from the other boys. Hwall would also always defend you when the boys would tease you, arguing that they shouldn’t be so mean to you as he put his hands on your shoulders protectively. Juyeon would get more and more jealous as Hwall would find more ways to hang out with you. Thus, Juyeon would always pull you away when he saw Hwall coming around the corner or when you all were outside. He would ask you to play basketball with him at 8 PM or randomly tell you to cook with him when you had just eaten lunch. His behavior only get weirder as he would try to tell Hwall to move away from you so he could sit next to you or that he would save you a seat whenever possible away from Hwall. It was incredibly obvious with the rest of the members that Juyeon seemed to not want Hwall to interact with you, so Hwall would sadly avoid seeing you or even saying hello because of the way Juyeon acted. Fed up with his mean behavior, you would begin to avoid Juyeon and not talk to him for days. Finally, the other members told the confused Juyeon why you were so upset, and he would knock on your door late at night to ask for forgiveness.
Juyeon: “Y/N! It’s…. uh…. Really nice to see you again…”
He began, brushing his hair back and looking really happy to see your face after so long. However, his expression changed after he saw how hurt you were.
Y/N: “Really? That’s all you have to say to me? Whatever. Goodnight, Juyeon.”
You were about to close the door until Juyeon stopped it with his foot, his hand grabbing your wrist before you could leave him again.
Juyeon: “No, Y/N, please… What I did was unforgivable and it wasn’t okay. Hwall didn’t deserve it at all, but I couldn’t help but get jealous over it. Please forgive me…”
After finishing his sentence, he turned away and bit his lip. His hand was losing its grip as the silence between you grew with every second. Then, he felt your hand hold on to his and he looked up to see your smile that he missed for so long.
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swegjaecken · 6 years
“My Longest Yeah Boi Ever”
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fabceleby · 2 years
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Kevin Samuels is referred as one of the most popular social media image consultants. He owned a self-titled company and was also the brand ambassador. But despite them, he got involved in various controversies throughout his career. Source:- fabceleby.com
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tinygmusic · 3 years
"THE BOYZ" (다보이즈) have unveiled their concept MV for their upcoming comeback 'THRILL-ING' out August 9 at 6 pm (KST) #official_theboyz #다보이즈 #theboyz #Kpop #theboyztracklist #theboyzcomeback #theboyzthrilling #theboyz_thrilling #korea #케이팝 #케이팝아티스트 #kpopartists #official_theboyz #TINYgMUSIC #crekerentertainment #theboyzsangyeon #theboyzJacob #theboyzyounghoon #theboyzhyunjae #theboyzjuyeon #theboyzkevin #theboyznew #theboyzq #theboyzjuhaknyeob #theboyzsunwoo #theboyzeric (at Seoul, Korea) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSNZHLdCb-T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rapperlj15 · 6 years
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KEVIN #kevinmoon #kevintheboyz #theboyz #deobi #theboyzkevin
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woroood · 5 years
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مزز💕💭 . . . ‏‎‏#arab_theboyz#THEBOYZ #Sangyeon #Jacob #Yonghoon #Hyunjae #juyeon#Kevin #New #Q #Juhaknyeon #Hwall #Sunwoo #Eric #theboyz #theboyzedit#theboyzfirstwin #theboyzkevin #theboyzeric #theboyzjacob #theboyznew#theboyzsunwoo #theboyzjuyeon #theboyzhyunjae #theboyzsangyeon#theboyzyounghoon #theboyzhaknyeon #theboyzhwall #theboyzq#theboyzmemes #bloombloom https://www.instagram.com/p/B1NY6dRHQNC/?igshid=lpci82cc696i
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nats-aaa · 3 years
Kevin is the twerk king 🤴 ig-nats_aaa
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neo-ramyeon-blog · 6 years
The Boyz Kissing Styles
band: The Boyz ( hyung line )
genre: slight smut???
note: bEAR with me i may be wrong-
1. Sangyeon
being the oldest, i suppose he would be the experienced and righteous type—gentle and caring. perhaps after a fight, he would gently pull his partner’s waist closer as their smiles inch in, “You can trust me, babe.”
2. Jacob
considering how much of a pure angel he is, i think his first kiss would be very, very slow and shy with his partner. but after being together for a while, their kisses would quickly turn into the playful cutesy ones.
3. Younghoon
to me, younghoon does not look like the type to always be making out with his partner—he would only do so in certain occasions. and in those certain occasions, he would give his partner a long, passionate kiss to let them know just how much he loves them.
4. Hyunjae
hyunjae can be really cocky at times, so i would like to assume he’s the type of guy who would make out in bed—or anywhere, really—with his partner the minute they are left alone. He would give sensual and sexy kisses, leaving his partner wanting for more.
5. Juyeon
i feel like juyeon would be the type to peck his partner from time to time instead of getting down instantly. he’s a very serious man, so he would love for his significant other to know that he’s serious about them and will never lay an inappropriate finger at them until he has their consent.
6. Kevin
last but not least, our moon boi. i don’t think kevin would be very straightforward during his first kiss, so he would try to hint his partner very subtly, hoping that they would get it. but way past the awkwardness of the first kiss, he would kiss you everywhere and any time he can. plus, he’s weird! in a good way. they would be the couple who has the weirdest kissing positions ever.
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Kevin - We finally meet - M
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: MERRY CHRISTMASSY THE Bs! I hope you will like my scenario for Kevin this Christmas day! :)
  Y/N and her friend named Hyeri are in their apartment and it was their day-off from their work. Then Hyori noticed that Y/N is very busy chatting with someone on her phone and she slightly peeked and…
“Y/N, who is that? It seems you are happy,” Hyeri said and Y/N just smiled at her.
"I forgot to tell you that I have a long-distance relationship with someone," Y/N said.
“What? You mean you have a boyfriend now?” Hyeri asked.
“Yup! But he is from Canada and we already did some video calls,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Are you really sure that guy is really serious about you? By the way, what is his name?” Hyeri asked.
“His name is Kevin. Also, I am really sure he’s serious with me and he also told me that he will visit me here,” Y/N said.
"Oh! Good luck with your relationship with him!" Hyeri said and Y/N smiled and nodded. Then the next day, while they are working, someone called Y/N on her phone and when she saw it was Kevin, she smiled and just answered the call.
Y/N: Kevin! Why did you call?
Kevin: I just really want to deliver some good news for you.
Y/N: Oh! What is that?
Kevin: I will be going to meet you next week.
Y/N: OMG! Are you sure about that?
Kevin: Yup! Also, I will tell you another good news when I already met you there.
Y/N: Kevin, you should just tell me now.
Kevin: I will tell you about the other good news when I am with you. So, I hope you understand.
Y/N: *sighed* Okay! I am getting excited and curious about your other good news.
Kevin: I bet you will really like my other good news for you. So, just wait for one week and we will finally meet each other!
Y/N: Okay! Don’t worry! I will prepare for our meet up next week. By the way, I have to go back to work.
Kevin: Oh! Okay! Talk to you later again. I love you Y/N!
Y/N: Okay! I love you too so much Kevin!
After she hang-up the call, she smiled widely and her friend, Hyeri noticed it.
“Hey, Y/N! It seems you are very happy. Huh? Did something happen?” Hyeri asked.
"Kevin called me earlier and he told me that he will meet me next week and he has another good news for me but he will tell me when we already meet each other," Y/N said.
“Oh! That’s great! I am happy for you, Y/N! Tell me about what happened when you meet him, okay?” Hyeri said.
“Don’t worry I will tell you the details when I meet him,” Y/N said and winked at her and Hyeri smiled at her. As they went back to work, Y/N noticed a name in their foreign clients and…
“Hyeri, I have a question,” Y/N said.
“What is that, Y/N?” Hyeri asked.
“Are you really sure that this name “Moon Hyungseo” is a foreigner?’ Y/N asked and looked at Hyeri.
“Yup! He’s a Korean-Canadian. Why did you ask?” Hyeri asked.
“ Oh! I just thought the name of the client is mistakenly added here. Thanks for informing me,” Y/N said.
“No problem, Y/N! I have to go back to work,” Hyeri said and Y/N nodded. As Y/N still looking at the client’s name and…
"I think it was just a coincidence that Kevin has the same surname as our client. Oh well, I think it's not him, right?" Y/N thought and just went back to work.
Y/N is in the office and someone suddenly called her and it was Kevin and she answered the call.
Y/N: Kevin! Why did you call?
Kevin: I think you forgot that I will meet you this week.
Y/N: No, I didn’t forget that, Kevin.
Kevin: Okay! I just want to tell you that prepare for yourself.
Y/N: Huh? Why?
Kevin: Just wait and see. I will call you again later.
Y/N: Okay! Bye! I love you, Kevin!
Kevin: I love you too so much Y/N!
After their conversation, Hyeri approached her and…
“Y/N let’s go to the conference room now,” Hyeri said.
“Huh? Why? Is there an emergency meeting?” Y/N asked.
"Yup! But they don't tell us what is the emergency meeting was for," Hyeri said and both of them just went to the conference room. As the meeting started…
"I am sorry if we had a sudden meeting for today, but this will be just quick and I just want to introduce the valuable clients of our company," the manager said. Then one-by-one the clients entered the conference room and when the last client entered, Y/N was surprised and…
“OMG! Kevin is one of our clients? It means he is Moon Hyungseo?” Y/N thought and…
“Hyeri, I have to tell you something,” Y/N whispered to Hyeri.
“What is it?” Hyeri said.
'The last person on the right side is Kevin who is actually my boyfriend," Y/N said and Hyeri was surprised.
"What? Are you serious?" Hyeri asked in a low voice.
"Yup! To be honest, I didn't know that his real name is Moon Hyungseo because he just told me his name is Kevin Moon," Y/N said.
"I am happy for you that you will be with him today since we are just going to work half-day. I really hope that he will stay here for good," Hyeri said and Y/N just smiled.
"Thanks Hyeri! I really hope that it will not be a long-distance relationship anymore for the two of us," Y/N said and Hyeri just smiled and nodded at her. As Kevin looking at the employees, he suddenly saw Y/N.
“Am I seeing it right now? Y/N is actually working here?” Kevin thought and their eyes suddenly met and both of them smiled at each other then it was Kevin’s turn to introduce himself and…
"Good morning everyone! I am Kevin Moon but my real name is Moon Hyungseo. To be honest, I am surprised that one of the employees here is my girlfriend," Kevin said and the rest of the employees suddenly chatted with each other because of his statement.
“Oh shit! Why did he tell in front of other employees! I am doomed!” Y/N thought and tried to lower herself in the seat and Hyeri slightly laughing at her.
“Can you tell us who is that employee?” Hyeri asked loudly and Y/N suddenly glared at her and Kevin slightly laughing at her.
“Her name is Lee Y/N, the one who is seating beside you,” Kevin said as he smiled at them and suddenly the other employees slightly teasing and cheering them because of their relationship.
“Ms. Y/N, is that true that Mr. Kevin Moon is your boyfriend?” the manager asked and Y/N gulped at his question and Y/N stood up while the other employees are still staring at her.
“Yes, Mr. Park! To be honest, I didn’t know he is one of our clients in the company,” Y/N said as she blushed and Kevin just smiled at her.
"Oh! Okay! Don't worry Ms. Y/N. I understood. You may sit now," the manager said as he smiled at her and Y/N just sat in the chair, and Hyeri is still teasing her.
“Aren’t you happy that Kevin told everyone here that you are his girlfriend?” Hyeri said.
"Hyeri, I think this is not the right place to say everything about the relationship between us since sometimes the company has strict rules about the relationship between an employee and a client," Y/N said.
"I think Mr. Park, understands that you didn't know that he is our client. Believe me, he will not give you a sanction for you for having a relationship with Mr. Moon and in the first place, you really don't know about that thing, right?" Hyeri said.
"Well, you have a point Hyeri. I am just kinda anxious awhile ago because you know I don't want my job to be at risk too. But I am happy that I was able to see him today," Y/N said as she smiled at Hyeri. Then someone sent her a text message and it was Kevin and she read as…
“Are you free later? - Kevin”
"Yup! I will be working just until noon. But we still have to talk about what you did today - Y/N"
“Haha! Okay! Let’s just meet at the restaurant that is near this building - Kevin”
"Okay! See you later! I love you, Kevin! - Y/N"
“See you! I love you too so much Y/N - Kevin”
As time goes by, it was already noon and Y/N went to the cafe' and met Kevin.
“Kevin!” Y/N said happily and hugged him then Kevin smiled at her action and hugged her back.
“Finally we meet in person Y/N!” Kevin said and they pulled out from the hug and both of them sat down in the chairs.
“I already ordered some food for us. So, we have now the time to talk,” Kevin said as he smiled at her and Y/N blushed.
“So, I really didn’t expect that you are one of our clients and you didn’t even tell me,” Y/N said and Kevin laughed at her.
“To be honest, I also didn’t know that you are an employee of the company. I am really surprised earlier when I saw you in the crowd,” Kevin said.
“Oh! I see! I thought you knew that I am one of the employees in the company. But why did you have to tell everyone awhile ago that I am your girlfriend?” Y/N said.
"Why? Don't you like it? " Kevin said as he looked at her with a worried face.
“I liked it! But I am kinda embarrassed earlier and also, I am kinda anxious because my job might be at risk since some companies are really strict about employee and client having a romantic relationship,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Okay! Don’t worry I talked already to Mr. Park, about it and he told me that he understands it and he will not give you a sanction for that. Since both of us didn’t know that we will meet like this,” Kevin said and Y/N smiled at him.
"Thanks, Kevin! By the way, what is your other good news to me?" Y/N asked.
“Ummm… I will tell you about it when we reached my place. We should just eat our lunch and I am very hungry,” Kevin said and Y/N laughed at him.
"Okay! I can't wait for your other good news!" Y/N said and both of them smiled at each other. After they had eaten their lunch, both of them went to Kevin's place.
“Wow! Your place is really big and spacious,” Y/N said and Kevin chuckled at her.
"So, I will tell you now what is my other good news to you," Kevin said as he looked at her and Y/N looked back at him.
“Okay! So, what is it?” Y/N asked and Kevin held her hands and she slightly blushed.
“Y/N, I will stay here for good and this place is not just only for me, It’s for us,” Kevin said as he looked at her lovingly and Y/N was surprised at his statement.
“Are you sure about that? This house is for us?” Y/N asked.
"Yup! Also, I bought this house for us and.." Kevin said as he kneels in front of her and gets a little box and he opened it was a ring and Y/N was shocked.
“OMG! Is this really happening to me?” Y/N thought.
“Will you marry me, Y/N?” Kevin asked as he smiled at her.
“Of course, I will marry you, Kevin!” Y/N said and Kevin put the ring to her finger and they hugged each other.
“Thank you for accepting me as your husband, Y/N! I love you!” Kevin said.
"I love you too so much Kevin!" Y/N said and both of them pulled out from the hug and Kevin kissed her passionately and she responded to the kiss then his hands went to her waist and pulled her closer to him and Y/N suddenly felt an erection in her core that made her moan into the kiss. Then suddenly they stopped kissing and Kevin held her hand and went to the bedroom and as soon as they went inside the room they remove each other's clothes and when both of them are naked, Kevin stared at her with lust and love and licked his lips at the sight of her being naked.
“ You’re so sexy Y/N! I am happy that you are mine!” Kevin said and Y/N gulped at his words.
"Oh gosh! He's so hot! Will I able to handle him later?" Y/N thought. Then suddenly Kevin pushed her into the bed and hovered above her and kissed her harshly as bites her lower lips and slipped his tongue and explored her mouth. Then his lips went to her neck as he licked and sucked a certain spot and made a hickey on her that made Y/N moaned his name softly. Then after giving attention to her neck, he suddenly dived into her breast and he sucked harshly her nipple that made Y/N arched her back and Kevin smirked at her action.
"So, responsive! I like it!" Kevin said as he suddenly bit her nipple and slightly pulled it and Y/N moaned loudly his name. Then one of his hands went to her core and inserted two fingers to her and thrust it a fast pace and Y/N moaned loudly his name and gripped the bedsheets tightly because of the pleasure she felt.
"Oh shit! M-more, Kevin!" Y/N said and Kevin smirked at her and he decided to thrust his fingers more to her and he saw that Y/N was now a moaning mess and it was a hot and erotic sight for him.
“Fuck! You’re taking my fingers well, baby! I will give you more later,” Kevin said.
“Shit! This man is really killing me! He was just super hot being so horny!” Y/N thought. As Kevin continued to finger her…
“Kevin! I will cum! Shit!” Y/N said.
"Cum in my fingers, Y/N! I want to taste you so bad," Kevin said, and with his words, Y/N cum in his fingers and as he pulled out his fingers from her core, he looked at her seductively and licked his fingers and Y/N gulped at the sight of it.
“You’re so tasty, Y/N!” Kevin said as he smirked at her. Then get a condom in a drawer and put it on his cock and Y/N can’t stop staring at him.
“Gosh! Good luck to me!” Y/N thought. Then Kevin hovered above her and kissed her lips quickly and both of them stared at each other.
“Are you ready for me, Y/N?” Kevin asked.
“Yes, Kevin! I love you!” Y/N said.
"I love you too so much Y/N! hold me tightly when you feel the pain, okay?" Kevin said and Y/N nodded. Then he slowly inserted his cock into her and Y/N yelped in pain and she just gripped his biceps and Kevin looked at her.
"Don't worry Y/N, I will make you feel so good later," Kevin said as he inserted fully his cock into her, and in a few seconds, Y/N already adjusted to him.
“Kevin you can move now,” Y/N said.
“Are you sure about that, Y/N?” Kevin asked and suddenly Y/N moved her hips against him and he suddenly moaned at her action.
“Fuck! Wrong move Y/N! I will give you more than that!” Kevin said as he smirked at her and he suddenly thrust his cock at a hard pace and Y/N moaned his name loudly and Kevin gripped his waist tightly.
“Oh shit! You’re so tight!” Kevin said as he put Y/N’s two legs on his shoulder and thrust it at a harder and deeper to her that made Y/N screamed his name because of the overwhelming pleasure she felt. Then Kevin holds slightly Y/N’s jaw to look at him and…
“I want to see you how much you enjoy this with me, Y/N!” Kevin said as both of them tried to make eye contact with each other.
“Feel so good inside of you, Y/N! shit!” Kevin said as he just continued to thrust his cock at a rough pace that made Y/N moaned like a mantra and as she is becoming oversensitive in her core and felt that she is close …
“Kevin! I will cum!” Y/N said.
"Cum with me, Y/N!" Kevin said. As he continued to thrust his cock at a stable pace, both of them moan each other's name as they cum and then he pulled out his cock from her core and removed the condom to him and threw it in the trash bin, and went back to lay beside her.
"Y/N, I am really happy that we overcame the struggle of being in a long-distance relationship for 2 years," Kevin said as he smiled at her.
“Me too! I really thought that it will not work out. But here we are, finally we met in person and we are also engaged!” Y/N said as she smiled back at him.
“I will cherish you, take care of you, and I will make you happy as always. I love you Y/N!” Kevin said.
“I love you too so much Kevin!” Y/N said. Then Kevin kissed her lips and forehead quickly and he hugged her close to him as both of them went to sleep.
“I will never regret that I chose Kevin as my husband,” Y/N thought.
Thank you for reading my one-shot smut fan fiction of  The Boyz’s Kevin/Moon Hyungseo!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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eunhaeforever · 4 years
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So much to post, that's what I get from being busy. 😋 Ok so Wednesday 9/23/20 Weekly Idol's 478 ep was Super 5 and The Boyz. NCT's Johnny & Haechan special MC-ed for Eunhyuk after the first half because Eunhyuk had a schedule. . . @eunhyukee44 @prince_kwanghee . #superjunior #eunhyuk #elf #weeklyidol #leehyukjae #kwanghee #nctjohnny #haechan #nctzens #super5 #a_cian #hyukjin #a_ura #hoetaek #myungjun #aroha #hyeongseok #jinwook #theboyz #sangyeon #theboyzjacob #younghoon #theboyzhyunjae #juyeon #theboyzkevin #theboyznew #theboyzq #juhaknyeon #sunwoo #theboyzeric https://www.instagram.com/p/CFnvG01BemT/?igshid=itb5nm7gn15e
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incorrecdeobi-blog · 5 years
*kevin and jacob in the bedroom*
kevin: let’s role play ;)
jacob: oh o-okay..
kevin: i’ll be shrek
kevin: ÐÖñKÆ
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cheekpockets-q · 6 years
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I wonder if I keep listening to this album, will Kevin and I eventually listen to the same song together...?
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