#then you act moody the rest of the damn day watching youtube and then say all that time watching YouTube was stressing you out
shoveitevil · 2 months
god. why does no one care about me in this damned house
#two days of hanging out with childhood friends having the best fun I’ve had all holidays just to be ruined by my brother#my god#firstly you have a complete fucking meltdown right before we’re supposed to leave despite you having a full 6 hours to prepare while im#in a rush to get in the car 10 mins after waking up because my mum didn’t wake me up#then you make us call you because you were feeling left out despite you specifically saying you didn’t want to hang out with these people#then the next day you agree to go and immediately start insulting me for laughs and then hitting me with hard plastic when I respond#you continue to do things to the rest of us and then complain when we do the same#eventually going to mum and conveniently ignoring any part where he hit me#then you act moody the rest of the damn day watching youtube and then say all that time watching YouTube was stressing you out#then I get home after a 40 min drive of josh crying over some unexplained problem with all the “stress” on his face leaving immediately#my mum asks me why I wasn’t feeling the best and I explain all the shit that josh did to me#and then she has the nerve to stay “why have you stayed so mad about this” as if josh doesn’t constantly pull this shit#apparently she thought all the times we didn’t fight were just normal?? as if I don’t have to constantly walk on eggshells around josh#and I had to explain how I constantly had to comprise for him and how I just for once wanted to have fun with my friends#and even then we constantly invited him to play with us#and then refused to#the two hour later I decide for once in my life to be vulnerable with my dad and get on the verge of tears explaining how I’m treated by jo#and how despite doing the actual limit to what I can mentally handle to appease josh he still treats me like dogshit#and he decides to make this about him and his brother and how their relationship worked#and then told me basically that my brother will never leave my life and I have to stay with him forever#I love my mother#My father and my brother not so much#but when it’s not about josh getting a pinprick and having to cancel a 2 week holiday#it’s about mum and dad and how they are going through a rough patch and constantly have to let us know#the only time it feels like I’m paid any attention to at all is when I’m with my sisters or I get a grade back#ughhhhhhhhhhhh#vent
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Do you have any friends who are on and off with bfs/gfs all the time? I don’t have any friends, so no.
When was the last time you almost cried out of exhaustion? It’s not a rare occurrence. I get very moody, irritable, and frustrated and I’m just so mentally and physically exhausted and yeah it gets to be too much and my emotions get the best of me. It doesn’t help that my sleep schedule is actually shit. 
What`s a TV show you hate missing? There’s ones I like to watch as they air, but if I miss it I have it recorded to watch later. There’s some I don’t catch up on until the next day or so because I watch it with my mom, so it depends on her schedule. 
Do you think it’s funny how people always say their pet is the best ever? It is funny how other people say that because mine is the best ever, soooo. Haha.
When did you last brush your teeth? Yesterday. Before you judge me, it’s 3:15AM so I haven’t brushed them yet today.
What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited? YouTube.
Do you have a friend who you think you’ll be best friends with forever? Yes, I know my mom and I will always be close.
Does it annoy you when you accidentally delete things? If I can’t get it back easily, yes. Or if it was important, but that’s beyond annoying. That’s freak out mode.
What`s a movie / book / TV show / band / whatever you highly recommend? If you like murder mystery thriller types, check out the Emma Griffin series by AJ Rivers. As for TV show, I just recently binged the Unsolved Mysteries reboot on Netflix. There’s only 6 episodes, though. I like mystery type stuff if you haven’t noticed. As for band, listen to Linkin Park. Chester Bennington’s voice is SO GOOD. RIP <3
When did you last use a dictionary / thesaurus? Not too along ago.
Are you anticipating or dreading anything? I’m dreading the rest of summer.
What`s the most annoying thing in the world? Right now it’s the fact people won’t wear a damn mask and those who are acting like the pandemic is over and hanging out around large groups of people, partying it up like nothing. AND Disney World just reopened....wtf. Florida is one of the major hotspots, like???
When did you last use one of those water slides you put on hills? I’ve never done that.
What are you sitting on right now? My bed.
What skills would you like to learn / develop? It’d be cool if I could be fluent in Spanish. I’d also love to start practicing the piano again, but I don’t have the energy or motivation D:
What is something other people say you’re good at but you think you’re not? Uhhh. I don’t know what people would say I’m good at cause there isn’t anything.
What does your bedside lamp look like? It’s a floor lamp.
What did you last take a photograph of? My doggo.
When was the last time you got really frustrated with technology? Hmm. I don’t think there’s been anything recently.
What was the last funny thing someone said to you? Just a story my brother was telling me about something he saw online.
Who taught you to tie your shoelaces? My mom.
What was the last thing you bought? Deli sandwiches and pasta salad.
Do you want to move to somewhere else? If so, where? Yes. I don’t know where, exactly, but away from this town.
What time is it where you are? 3:29AM.
What’s your favourite picture of yourself as a child? Maybeeee I’ll post one later for a birthday post. Do you like your neighbours? I don’t know them, but there hasn’t been an issue so we’re cool.
Does your room need to be cleaned? A bit. 
Do you have a good relationship with your family? Yes.
What is something people are surprised to hear about you? The shocked looks and gasps when I tell people about my accident that happened when I was 7 months old.
Do you make judgments about people straight after meeting them? I mean, yeah. That doesn’t mean they’re bad judgments. I just think we all get some idea or opinion about someone when we meet them, which could just be something like, “wow they seem like a really nice, chill person.” Or that they come off shy or awkward or something. I know people think that about me.
Do you hate any particular groups of people? Actual horrible, bad people like abusers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers....
Do you fall up or down stairs usually? I can’t take the stairs.
Do you constantly break things? (By mistake or otherwise) No. What was the last bug you saw? Ugh, an annoying moth. 
Are there any smells which make you feel nauseous? Yeah, like rotting/sour food, smelly garbage, if dishes with food on it have been sitting in the sink overnight, the smell of shit...
Do you have anything unusual in your bag? I have a bag of straws cause I use straws with everything I drink, so I want to make sure I have them if I get a drink somewhere. Not really that unusual, but that’s all I got. The other stuff I have are common things one would typically find in a bag/purse.
Are there any people you know in real life that you only talk to online? Yeah.
What`s your favourite key on a keyboard? All the ones I use are pretty great. ha.
Do you always finish what you start? No.  
Who`s your favourite character from The Simpsons? Or do you hate that show? I never got into that show.
Have you ever had any friends who always tried to steal your things? Uh, no. We wouldn’t be friends.
What is something you will never understand? I really don’t understand why some people are just hellbent on not wearing a mask.
When did you last laugh hysterically? I haven’t had a good laugh like that in a long time.
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