#in a rush to get in the car 10 mins after waking up because my mum didn’t wake me up
shoveitevil · 2 months
god. why does no one care about me in this damned house
#two days of hanging out with childhood friends having the best fun I’ve had all holidays just to be ruined by my brother#my god#firstly you have a complete fucking meltdown right before we’re supposed to leave despite you having a full 6 hours to prepare while im#in a rush to get in the car 10 mins after waking up because my mum didn’t wake me up#then you make us call you because you were feeling left out despite you specifically saying you didn’t want to hang out with these people#then the next day you agree to go and immediately start insulting me for laughs and then hitting me with hard plastic when I respond#you continue to do things to the rest of us and then complain when we do the same#eventually going to mum and conveniently ignoring any part where he hit me#then you act moody the rest of the damn day watching youtube and then say all that time watching YouTube was stressing you out#then I get home after a 40 min drive of josh crying over some unexplained problem with all the “stress” on his face leaving immediately#my mum asks me why I wasn’t feeling the best and I explain all the shit that josh did to me#and then she has the nerve to stay “why have you stayed so mad about this” as if josh doesn’t constantly pull this shit#apparently she thought all the times we didn’t fight were just normal?? as if I don’t have to constantly walk on eggshells around josh#and I had to explain how I constantly had to comprise for him and how I just for once wanted to have fun with my friends#and even then we constantly invited him to play with us#and then refused to#the two hour later I decide for once in my life to be vulnerable with my dad and get on the verge of tears explaining how I’m treated by jo#and how despite doing the actual limit to what I can mentally handle to appease josh he still treats me like dogshit#and he decides to make this about him and his brother and how their relationship worked#and then told me basically that my brother will never leave my life and I have to stay with him forever#I love my mother#My father and my brother not so much#but when it’s not about josh getting a pinprick and having to cancel a 2 week holiday#it’s about mum and dad and how they are going through a rough patch and constantly have to let us know#the only time it feels like I’m paid any attention to at all is when I’m with my sisters or I get a grade back#ughhhhhhhhhhhh#vent
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yyawnjun · 10 months
5.33am SUNGHOON [ 성훈 ]
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a.n: it was supposed to be a short one-shot for my jealous!enha boys series…I don't know how a 1.6k wc one came out…and I don't think it's right for the series but it was so cool to write it😭
anyway...please let me know your opinions and hcs !! comments, like and reblogs are always greatly appreciated. I hope y'all will like it ♡
fluff!! ; hoon being hoon ; a creepy man appears but nothing serious happens ; sign a petition for yn and hoon to say OUT LOUD what they think
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Since you had to catch the bus at 5.30 am to visit your family, you did get up at 4.55 am as planned. Your mother's birthday fell on the day you moved away from your hometown two months ago, so you decided to surprise her.
You were lucky to discover a low bus ticket that would have taken you there in just five hours. Everything was unplanned; you bought it the day before and quickly packed your things into a small but comfortable rucksack. 
It was 5.10 am, and you were leaving the house. Your apartment was only 10 mins by foot to the bus station, so you did not rush. There was none around except for an old lady walking on the opposite side of the road and a few cars. Some birds were already awake, and the sun was rising, it was when almost everyone was still asleep or slowly people were getting up to start their day. A new day was about to start for everyone, your heart was light, and you were happy.
You were lost in your thoughts that you did not realize that you stopped yourself while looking at the clouds in the sky. You come back to the world only when a boy runner next to you screaming: "HE'S GONNA KILL ME IF I MISS THIS BUS TOOOO"
You did not even check the time; you started to run too. Because actually, your "natural clock" understood that you were late.
Indeed, when you arrived at the station, you looked at your phone which showed 5.33 am.
You missed your bus...and you could not even say it to anyone, because it was a surprise. Discouraged, you went to the ticket office to see if to buy a ticket for the next bus that would be passing in just an hour.
It was summer, so the natural light was already there, but still a bit of fear there was because you were alone, but it was replaced by laughter when you saw the boy, who had run earlier near to you, on his knees in front of the man in the ticket office begging him to find him a bus that would arrive there before an hour.
He was so funny while literally kneeling for a bus ticket at 5.35am. The man looked so annoyed, but after a good five minutes, his prayers worked. 
Indeed there was a special bus - the number 5 - that only for that day was active, and that would arrive in 33 minutes.
You never thought you could see someone's mood change so quickly; he would have hugged the man if there was no glass separating them. Happier than ever, the boy buys his ticket and turns to go to wait for the bus. That's when he notices you and guesses - from your amused expression - that you had seen the scene.
After a quick nod and a thinly veiled smile, he walks past you and goes to wait for the bus.
It was thanks to him that you found out about bus number 5, which was also perfect for you. So you immediately bought your ticket and went to wait patiently for the bus.
As you expected, you met the boy there again. He was seated on the only bench there, where you would soon be joining him. 
You greeted each other with a simple smile and head nod; by this point, you were companion victims of misfortune on that summer morning.
So you sat, put your earphones on, and waited while looking around and letting your thoughts run free. 
You could tell that he kinda did the same because after 15 mins you felt something - or better, someone - graving on your shoulder.
Yes, the bus would arrive in 33 minutes at 6:08 a.m., but the funny boy only after 15 mins of waiting falls on your shoulder.
You were a bit hesitant to wake him up because he looked so peaceful while sleeping.
He had closed eyes and a steady breathing pattern, and his lips and his cheeks were flushed pink. His dark black hair and eyebrows created a contrast with his pale skin and total-white outfit.
A mole on his note distinguished him, and knowing the legend of moles - it says they are said to be the place where, in another life, your soulmate loved to kiss you - you smiled.  When you had to gently touch him to wake him awake because the bus had arrived, you blushed a little more.
Oh yes, 18 minutes passed after he had dozed off on your shoulder...
You quickly got on the bus after waking him up, and he immediately boarded behind you after mumbling an awkward thank you.
The bus was so full of men at that hour, and most of them seemed to be surprised by your arrival.
You did not feel comfortable at all, but you decided to ignore everyone turning up the volume of your music and sitting in the only empty place. Luckily none was sitting next to you, you were safe you thought. 
However, you started to feel truly scared when you noticed a man, who must have been in his 50s, standing up and walking toward you.
As fate would have it, the clumsy boy, your company of misfortune also saw, and he immediately sat down in the seat next to yours. At that moment your music stopped, and you heart lost a few beats.
"Not gonna lie, that man creeped me out too. Hope it is okay if I sat next to you; I would never leave a pretty girl alone with someone like him" he whispered while still looking at that man with dead eyes.
Your eyes brightened in response to his words, and you thanked him. 
"Young boy leave that seat and let me sit next to the beautiful girl." Just hearing those words was enough to send shivers down your spine.
Instinctively, you reached for the boy's shirt hoping he would not leave you with that old man.
He wasn't going to let go, on the contrary, he said:
"She's my girlfriend, you'd better stop bothering her."
Your heart began to beat faster and faster, adrenaline and anxiety were invading your heart, and you felt helpless.
"Oh sure. I bet you just met her. Why such a beautiful girl should be with someone like you. Hmm? What do you say?" the man asked, turning to you.
He was about to answer back but you anticipated him by saying.
"You better shut up before I call the police. Leave me and my boyfriend alone.. and I don't need me to explain to you idiot why I am dating this handsome boy."
Now is the boy's heart that was beating fast. 
"The bus is moving. A message to the man who is bothering the girl. You had better sit down before you falls and the police have to meet you at the hospital instead of the next stop" 
The driver's voice was heard everywhere, and the timing almost scared you. 
Someone had also called the police, and the man would have been reported soon.
Even though you were safe at this point, your heart continued to race since so much had happened so quickly.
You eventually turned to look at the boy who helped you after the grumbling man had moved away from you.
"Thank you so so much. You saved me," you said, but he was not looking at you-
He was glancing down at the bottoms of his shoes while his hands were covering his face.
"Is everything alright? Are you okay?" you asked worried.
And he finally turned to you almost screaming
But he quickly tried to ignore your confused expression as he attempted to regain his calm and added, "It's nothing; I acted on instinct. I couldn't bear that creepy man would sit next to you. Hope you are okay now"
He wanted to finish his sentence with "pretty girl" because he truly meant it. Although it could have worried you, he chose not to.
Even though you too really meant what you had said - that he was a beautiful guy - you preferred to ignore his question too.
"I'm fine thanks, and nice to meet my name is Y/n."
"Park Sunghoon. My name is Park Sunghoon, nice to meet you" 
"Well Park Sunghoon if you also have to get off at the last stop, I guess we have a long journey ahead of us," 
"Yes y/n, but I think that by staying right next to you, the time will pass more quickly," he replied without thinking.
You nodded in agreement as you internally chuckled at the sound of your name coming out of his mouth. 
He was very kind and easy to talk to since you discovered that you had a lot of things in common - for example he too was going to the surprise party of a friend of his in the same city as you.
While talking you find out that you enjoy the same singers and songs, and that is how you ended up sharing your earphones while your playlist was playing.
Sunghoon however, fell asleep off again and let his head fall forward when the softer section of your songs began to play.
Oh, and the reason you gently shifted his head to your shoulder was for no other reason than to make him more comfortable…right?
serie> hee ; hoon ; jay ; jake ; sunoo ; jgwon ; niki
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wibta if I started a different discord chat for my friend group just to exclude one person
I know it sounds bad and that I'm just starting shit but we've all been friends for 10+ years now so it's not something I'm considering lightly. We currently have a private discord server of just the 4 of us that we switched to as opposed to a traditional gc since we all have different phones and its good for having multiple conversations, quality photos and videos, and keeping a clear record of when and where plans are made
Anyway, this isn't a recent problem but the friend (A) has always had a tardiness problem it started with her not being able to wake up early in the morning but even if we have late night/afternoon plans she still can't get dressed and/or finish her makeup on time and causes us to be consistently at least 1 hour late which I was hoping she'd start growing out of after highschool but this isn't the case (we're now all 22+) and is especially frustrating when going out to eat bc by the time we leave all of us are hangry and expected to eat hours earlier. Recently A has started prioritizing other friends of hers which is nbd she can have other friends we all do except she'll drop plans last min with us to go with them which is also annoying bc it's disrespectful for the rest of us to be blown off like that. We're clearly not her priority anymore but she always expects to be ours, plans have to be on her work schedule, on her timeframe, on if she will be tired etc. plus being an afterthought leaves out a friend in the group (B) who had to move out of state with family and now he can't tell if we're making plans behind *his* back and he feels left in the dark when in truth he knows as much as I and the other local friend (C) do
It's to the point we've stopped doing any plans that start before like 2pm because we can't rely on her to be ready but she'll be upset if we don't wait for her while she's still getting ready, esp cuz we usually carpool, which already limits what we want to do together in the first place
However, it was my birthday recently and I'm currently ~2hr drive (no more than 3 with heavy traffic) from A and C, who doesn't have a car and needs to be picked up by A. I really wanted to go to my fav breakfast place and had some other plans for after and I kept emphasizing what time A needed to get here because the place closes early (they only serve breakfast). And at this point no one should be surprised she didn't arrive until after 1pm, after the place was closed, and at that point no one had eaten all day so we had to rush and find somewhere else that'd be open and nearby bc we were all starving and half my plans for the day were gone bc they were based on places we'd go after breakfast that also close in the afternoon (2-5 depending on the place) and since they are my closest friends and dont know my other friends who live closer and I've only known for less than 2 yrs (who I wasn't comfortable to ask for bday presents from yet still) (still got one from 1 even tho I insisted they didn't have to tho lol) they were the only people I made solid birthday plans with this year so it was really heartbreaking to deal with and have everything I was excited for be cancelled since it's hard for me to go out like this on my own w anxiety and busy work schedule too but I scheduled the day off. I was hoping that she would try even just a little bit because it was my birthday the one day I ask for literally anything and we rarely see each other now bc of conflicting work schedules and I DID plan for her to be semi late in secret but I didn't expect her to arrive for breakfast after 12
Anyway that's the whole backstory plus the recent straw on the camel's back but I just want to make a new chat between me, B, and C, to plan virtual movie and game nights bc she never reads the events chat anyway and all our online call plans grind to a halt for hours or days waiting for an answer bc at least C still wants to try and include A even tho her schedule is so busy or she's tired or will prob be late to the call and make us wait for her or cancel or leave early or we debate what game/movie A wants but she doesn't even NEED to be there it's just like.. Minecraft. Or a pirated 90s movie we're streaming or wtvr
I've tried saying like "hey I'm gonna be playing x on Saturday if anyone's free come and join me" but that usually just ends in me gaming alone bc it's so noncommittal the others will catch up on other work they have but really I'm just trying to hang with any of them even if 1 person can't make it at the time we don't always have to only call in a group yk?
A is nice otherwise like she's still my friend just planning anything with her is starting to be like pulling teeth and I still want to keep in touch with her and hear how she's doing from our discord server but stuff like that I just want to start separating her from weekly calls (which are currently more like monthly) bc she's so flakey but I know it's kinda shitty to purposefully leave her out and she'd be upset if she ever found out I was doing that.
I'm also open to advice on how to deal with this situation in general, thus the detail, without causing a huge fight or make anyone pick sides +her tardiness won't be something we can talk through it's something we've worked on for years and recently have just given up and accepted since she's late even to things that are important to her
What are these acronyms?
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aching-tummies · 1 year
5 Days of Upset....
Literal last-minute holiday guests as well as unexpected gifts of food have been stressing me out and doing a number on my digestion.
I found out while at work one day that we'd be having a last-minute guest stay at our place for 2 weeks. I was at work--far away from the house--where our guest-room was filled with boxes and piles of my old clothes as I took my time sorting out what to donate, what to store, and what to keep. I rushed home, foregoing my plans to get food and fill my starving tummy. I had ended up unwillingly skipping breakfast too that day when the bus had skipped. I had planned to find, buy, and eat breakfast in the area once the bus got me there--meaning I left the house and planned to be on a bus a full hour earlier than the one I'd usually take to get to my workplace. The bus skipping on me meant I spent an hour shivering at a frozen bus-stop, feeling my stomach begin to wake up and start grumbling at me, wondering why I had yet to fill it.
I managed to quickly tidy up the guest room. My tummy was snarling at me the whole time and I definitely slowed down to comfort my starving tummy a few times. Being hungry and having a mess of random groceries in the kitchen as well as impromptu stuff being thrown in last minute in hopes of it defrosting in time for the guests...I planned to eat instant noodles, but I couldn't bear the wait (we boil 'em rather than microwave or dump hot water on 'em--so a pot of 'instant' noodles is actually 10-20 min noodles). I ended up digging out a forgotten frozen personal-pizza out of the freezer and nuking that. It was gone in maybe four bites--a record for me because I'm usually the type to take small bites and savour my food rather than swallowing piping hot mouthfuls. I ate the noodles too, once they were ready. I was still feeling hungry after it, but the pell-mell mess I'd so quickly swallowed had left me with a nasty upset tummy. My stomach-organ was bloated (I drank the broth from the noodles too) and a bit too stretched while my intestines were being gummed up by microwaved dough and cheese.
All of that went down 5 days ago as I write this. I'm writing on the morning of the 6th day since the guests arrived. I haven't had time to truly sit down and be mindful of the state of my tummy or to write about it until now. Yeah...my stomach's been upset for the entire 5 days with maybe only two times where I felt somewhat hungry...but the hunger was definitely muffled under "upset" even when it felt like my guts were empty. The bus skipped and even blew right passed me a couple of times throughout the last 5 days--days where water literally freezes in under 3 minutes when left outside. I'm not exaggerating--I was the one standing at a bus stop with my water-bottle in-hand--watching it ice-over in real-time before the song I was listening to had completed.
Aside from the first day stress, diet, and upset...we've had other things to throw my digestion completely out of whack. Lots of fried food because family decided to bring home fried chicken for dinner spur-of-the-moment while I was at work, eating fried spring-rolls that I had bought thanks to craving 'em for weeks. So that resulted in me having to join them for fried-chicken dinner when my belly was already a vat of oil from the spring rolls.
My coworkers have been supplying me with desserts and candy to bring home and share with my family--and that's more sweets than I planned to eat in a single month right there.
On my days off I'm told there are no plans, so I make and cook something for myself (instant noodles 'cuz with the guests here I have no clue what belongs to whom and what is safe to use in the fridge). Only to be told extended family have just invited us out for dim-sum, ass-in-the-car-in-20-min--and it'd be terribly rude not to attend. Off we go to dim-sum, my belly sloshing with noodles and broth and already churning away unhappily.
Due to how busy work has been and the random scheduling because every one of my coworkers is taking days off except for me...I haven't had as many opportunities to indulge in tummy stuff for the whole month. I decided to change that the last two nights.
My poor belly has been upset for 5 days in a row and I guess I haven't been giving it much TLC when I have a minute (usually before bed) to tend to it. I learned how to shimmy an elastic off of the suction toy to tie-off my pulled-out navel. Prodding deeply into my navel was my old trick to get my tummy to rumble--stirring it up and basically irritating my intestines via my navel was the old trick. With it popped out the way it's tied, I've found that even just rubbing the senstitive nub draws deeper growls from my upset tummy. Because the base of my navel is up and accessible, I don't need to rest my palm on my tummy like deep prodding used to require--this means that the squelches and rumbles aren't being muffled by anything sitting or pressing on my tummy. A combination of an upset, bloated, and fairly full tummy and the singular stimulation of teasing my popped-out navel resulted in a very loud upset tummy. It was like my intestines were twitching as a result of the rubbing (like how a ticklish person reacts to being tickled). Having my intestines twitching while there was still stuff in various stages of digestion in them caused such loud squelches and rumbles--it was glorious. I actually feel bad for not having a partner and for indulging alone because those noises were pure bliss and I feel like it was a crime to enjoy it all alone.
I'm pretty sure that the abuse I've been conducting on my navel has caused more upsets. My navel is sore and I guess my intestines around that area are also sore because of being sucked out and manipulated for 20+ minutes the last 2 nights. I made sure to use plenty of lotion to prevent chaffing and to prevent the rough edges of the toy from cutting into my navel like the first time I used 'em...but the lotion doesn't do much for the soreness left over from the fun. I've been walking around with a distinct soreness radiating from my navel area.
I just woke up on day 6. I feel hungry, but it's the kind of hunger that feels muted by indigestion. I've been feeling the small twinges that usually signal my tummy working up a hungry growl...but there's also a molten-lava feeling in my guts...like a veiled threat that swallowing anything is going to reveal the knots my guts have wound themselves into and that whatever I swallow is going to beat a hasty exit from either end of my digestive system.
I've been missing interacting with my followers. If you've got an RP-Ask or RP-Lite, or general comment on my posts or the state of my tummy--don't be a stranger. I know that I created this blog to be my own personal archive of stuff and that followers and interaction don't change that--but at times I do feel like I'm just sending this stuff into the void.
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writemeeverydayyo · 2 years
6th October 2022
Today I was meant to wake up early and start studying. I did not do that. In fact, I didn’t do anything productive at all today. 
Around 1pm V called me and he was feeling a bit off today, so I decided to be there for him and go and hang out with him. It’s the least I can do after what him and K do for me. I feel really bad because I don’t know how to help V when I know he is struggling right now. I am hoping that my constant company will be enough, just like how his and K’s company was enough to make me feel better. 
So V and I sat at Damas still like 3:30 and then he had work. When I left Damas, I was feeling determined. Also it was very cold today, like the breeze was something else. At midday I think it was 11 degrees, which is crazy considering how hot its been during rainy days. Anyways, so I left Damas and I was like I’ll either go home and smash through an assignment, or I will go to the doctors and finally get the studylink things sorted out. There was a lot of traffic, but luckily K messaged me like 10 mins later that he would meet me at Damas. 
I was about to piss myself so I didn’t wait in the car and was going to go inside, but he pulled up just then. I went to pee, he went to pee too and he talked to me through the mirror. He got a haircut today, and he shaved his beard too; it was a lot of changes all at once for me to handle, but he looked good so vibes. But yeah, we didn’t talk much when we were sitting at Damas. We don’t talk much these days. I feel scared asking him questions that I might be overstepping, and that it becomes too date like, but I don’t think he sees it that way but its okay, I’ll get over it. 
We played cards and he whopped my ass. I will find something that I am better at than him and I will make him pay for all the ways that he has tortured me these past few months. But he is very nice. 
I am very grateful to have good friends like them in my life. 
Oh, I also just blowdried my hair cause I was in a rush, and it turned out very damn good. It looked better then when I try to do it with a brush. 
Yeah, and then we played pool. I actually beat V today, it was very rewarding. And then I went Damas for the third time today. K ate, V and I did shisha. V was being kinda touchy (not in a weird way. I hit him all the time) and I was in a weird mood and I kinda might’ve said something kinda meanly and now I feel bad. 
Also when I told K that I don’t like it when guys talk about cars when they first meet, I meant the money side of it. Not like cars in general, like what else do they have to talk about???
I came home, didn’t study. I watched Na Umar Ki Seema Ho. Such a good show omg. So good. I totally get the dad’s point of view, he ain’t wrong. And he is pretty understanding too, cause my dad would’ve done what her dad did, but beat my ass. I just watched tiktoks after it. Checked if the assignments were compulsory (not). And then I watched a youtuber, thewizardliz, she’s very good. 
I think I’ll listen to one video a day, or every other day and try to improve myself. 
I have started to realised, that I am slowly becoming myself again. I was so dull before, but I am finally starting to be my bubbly happy self again. 
I’m wondering if I should message the guy and let him know that what happened that night, I consider it rape and that it has fucked me up so bad.
Some day I guess. 
But I am doing well, and better. I really am. 
Me writing this is proof of it. 
Tomorrow I will set small goals for myself, and find out what my boundaries are. 
thank you, next. <3
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atzsslut · 3 years
requested by @let-this-be-a-lesson from this, and this list.
chosen prompt(s) : 
#1 - “Is that my sweater?”
#11 - “If you were my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
pairing : bang chan x fem ! reader
genre : fluff 
warnings : long time best friends, very obvious crushing, kind of more than friends (unidentified relationship) to lovers, implied slow burn 
word count : 2.4k words
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You promised to meet Chan almost an hour ago. 
The adrenaline coursed through your body as you ran out of the bathroom after a shower, which was relatively dangerous but you didn’t care, sprinting back to your room to get into some decent clothing. 
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you almost punched it from the frustration. But you didn’t, of course, as if you didn’t have enough bad luck already.  
Are you that stupid to have fallen asleep on the couch? You thought to yourself. You were much too thankful that you already washed your hair in the morning, so it looked good enough now. 
As you dropped your towel, you swore that you’ve never grabbed such a mismatched set of underwear and bra before, but it didn’t matter. You’d opt yourself to become quicksilver if it was for Chan. 
Your hands let themselves skim through until your phone lit up on top of your cupboard and showed three notifications from the man himself. You froze in your spot reading the following messages. 
chan: okay :( if u insist [5:02 PM]
chan: but since u seem tired [5:03 PM]
chan: i’ll pick u up since i’m only 10 mins away [5:03 PM]
Your mind went back to when you had woken up to three missed calls from Chan, various texts asking if you were alright since you never missed a ‘hangout’. At least, that’s what you two always called your frequent meets. 
Your first instinct was to call him back, your voice rather nasally from the blocked nose you always got after sleeping. His kind voice kept replaying in your head;
“Chan, I’m so so sorry-”
“Oh, did you just wake up?”
“I.. yes. Yes I did. I’m so sorry, I fell asleep because I ran a million errands up until 3pm.”
“Hey, no. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Do you want to move our hangout to some other day? I think I’m quite free this week.”
“No, no. I need to see you, honestly. My stress has piled up and it’ll be great to see you. You always cheer me up.”
“I try my best, Y/N. I’ll wait for you as long as you’d like. Go get ready!”
“Will do, Mr. Bang. Thank you so so much!”
The last thing you heard after the call ended was his farewell that was mixed in with his infectious laugh, and that was when you ran towards the shower to get the thin layer of sweat that always came after a nap in the living room.
Your fingers quickly typed away a ‘did god send u down to me as my angel or smthn THANK U BANG CHAN’ before going back to rushing to pick out a nicer outfit. 
Because of him willing to pick you up, you had an extra ten minutes to get ready but your mind was still blank from the adrenaline rush. You had picked yourself out a cream-coloured pleated skirt, but you had no idea what to pair it with until you saw a familiar black sweater pushed to the back of the drawer. 
You weren’t too sure why it was familiar to you, but it was nice enough for you to use with the skirt. For a reason you couldn’t pinpoint, it hugged your body well enough, but the area where you could see the stitch of the shoulders were clearly too broad for you, falling around the middle of your upper arms. 
Strange, you thought, I don’t remember buying this but it’s so comfortable. 
And just like he said, Chan was there in ten minutes, voice heard through your apartment intercom, asking you to come downstairs. Although you tried to ignore it, you were excited just from hearing his voice through that old system speaker. 
Taking the elevator down to the lobby, you smiled seeing the boy standing around, clearly waiting for you to come down, as he kept shifting his feet. 
It was music to his ears as well when he heard you call out his name. Although he would never admit it, or so he thinks, he swore that he heard a hymn whenever ‘Chan’ spilled from your lips. But he shook that away when he reached in for a side hug. 
“Hey you.” he said, “You look awfully fresh for someone who just woke up.”
“I work my magic.” you boasted, not wanting to admit the fuss you made for him. Since Chan was a bit taller than you, not by too much (which you teased him about, but he only let it be because it was you), you held onto him as well by slinging your arm around his waist. 
And as you both walked to the parking lot at the front, stuck together like two pieces of paper with a hefty amount of glue in the middle, that was when Chan stopped right in front of his car. 
You looked at him with concern, thinking that he’d probably left something inside, “Did you forget something?”  
He paused, looking at you with the face he’d make whenever Felix did something strange. That wasn’t new, but you felt flustered when he let you go and stood in front of you, arms crossed, eyes checking out your whole body. 
You looked at him strange, not understanding what he was doing. Your hand only clutched your bag strap harder, not understanding the situation. But before you could say anything, he cut you off. 
“Is that my sweater?”
And the realization hit you. 
A few months ago, Chan had gone to your place to spend some time with you after not getting to meet you for three weeks. But of course, the two of you did not look at the weather forecast when a rainstorm dawned over the whole of Seoul. 
You insisted that Chan should not be driving in this weather in fear of a accident, but he did have to get his car to the indoor parking lot incase it began to hail. However, once he had gotten back, the umbrella you had given him was soaked and so was he, the two of you getting into a hysterical laughing fit at the state he was in. 
In all seriousness, you did quickly get him out of the clothes he was wearing and washed them, shyly looking away when he directly began to take his shirt off in the living room until you yelled “Chan! I have a bathroom!”
However, as the night passed, after he slept in the same bed as you, finding his arm around your waist in the morning to which he quickly pulled away in surprise— he left with only his jeans and socks that had been dry cleaned. 
“Oh shit, this is your sweater!” you swore, the event having replayed itself in your forgetful mind, “I’ll clean it after this and give it back to you.”
“Oh, no. You look better in it than I do.” he complimented. 
In between your reminiscing, he had clicked the car key, making the vehicle make the familiar unlocking sound and flashing lights. Running over to your side, he opened the door for you. 
“M’lady.” he offered, 
“M’Chan.” you joked, only to laugh for a bit then go in with a murmured, “Sorry that was cheesy.” 
“It was!” he admitted, yelling so you could hear him through the car glass since you closed the door already. He did his little jog over to the drivers seat and went it rather smoothly, not that you were impressed by that. 
“So, arcade?” he asked, smiling when you nodded and tapped excitedly on his dashboard. 
Once again, in ten minutes, the two of you had reached the destination, quickly running out as if the both of you were six, and not in your early 20s. 
As you ran into building, fluorescent hitting your eyes with a familiar nostalgia coming alongside them, much too familiar from the high school days of you and Chan going to another arcade that was already closed down now. 
“So, what do you want to do first?” you asked, as if you didn’t guess the answer already. 
Chan looked forward, scanning the place more and finally seeing a row of big,  bulky, metal boxes that couldn’t be missed. He pointed at them, rather cutely to add, smiling down at you. 
You gave him an excited grin back, happy that you guessed right in your head. You walked ahead, pleased to hear him tread behind you at a faster pace to catch up with you.
Drawing back the curtain, the two of you went inside and swiped the arcade card that you had because of several trips that were forced by your auntie with your little cousins. Luckily, there was still money inside. 
The recognizable ‘twinkling’ sound of the photo booth rang in both your ears, opting you to choose the frame decor, etc. 
And as the screen showed both your faces, a robotic voice was heard through the same speakers at the sides of the booth, stating ‘please move more towards the centre, thank you’ 
But if anyone were to look inside, you and Chan were already considerably close, especially since the bench space wasn’t wide at all. But you side-eyed the boy, scooting closer to him as he did the same to you. 
You felt his arm squish against yours, feeling flustered at the sudden contact. 
“Can..uh..” he trailed, “Can I put my arm around you? I.. I think it’ll make the pictures look less awkward, don’t you think?”
“Y-yeah!” you responded a bit too enthusiastically. Clearing your throat, you gave him the gentle smile that he could never hate, “Yeah. Go ahead, Chan.”
He did as he asked. Unlike the playful hug that you two had shared in your apartment lobby, this one felt more intimate, especially when you saw the screen reflecting the two of you. 
You could feel his rings dig against his cotton sweater on your body, assuming now that it was yours, comfortable enough for you to feel secure— at home. Nevertheless, you always felt that Chan was your home. 
Your eyes fixated on the screen as you moved forward to press the red button that would soon make you both take simultaneous pictures together. 
We look good together, you thought to yourself, Wait what? Shut up. 
But why did this feel different? You two had taken hundreds of photos together, varied with ridiculous, attractive, and unnecessary ones. But you swallowed that wondering lump in your throat, quickly dismissing it as you posed with Chan for each one, your vision rather blurry for a reason you couldn’t pinpoint. 
And as the twelve clicks ended, Chan stood up first. You were quite upset about the absence of his embrace, but didn’t mind it when he smiled at you like he always did,
“Let’s see the pictures.” he held his hand out for you to take, which you graciously did, feeling the pit of your stomach drop as you, as per usual, questioned what your relationship with him was at this point. 
The two pairs of feet, albeit the both of you were wearing matching shoes on accident, met their way towards the printing area. Looking at the screen which read 99% complete, Chan heard the sound of the photo paper hit the stopper that avoided the prints from falling on the ground. 
He bent down and took it, showing it to you. Naturally, your arms went around his left bicep, hugging it to look closer. Chan sucked in his breath, knowing that if he was in a cartoon right now, his brown head of hair would be sticking up in all places as a silhouette of his heart pumped dramatically out of his chest. 
It was ironic, as most of your friends would say; it was ironic how you two hugged often but got shy whenever your hands would simpy graze, it was ironic how you two were so affectionate yet were so resistant, and it was very ironic that your ‘hangouts’ weren’t dates at this point. 
He watched as you pointed at his face from top to bottom, questioning, 
“You’re not even facing the camera in most of these! Stop looking at me and look at the lens next time. Do you want to retake these?”
Your question wasn’t too hard, but you didn’t understand why Chan looked at you with such solemn eyes, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was frustrated. But the look was soon replaced with one that held adoration, but that only increased your confusion. 
“I mean.. we don’t have to retake these, Chan. What do you want to do?” 
“If you were my girlfriend, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
He didn’t know why he said that. Not a bone in his body was willing to let that out but his mind decided to play a little game of “thinking out loud”. The impulsivity of the statement made the two of your freeze in front of the photo booth.
But there was something that the both of you knew, something that neither of you wanted to admit. You had been friends for too long, had been too close for too long, but what was different now?
Why, after more than ten years of being best friends, was now the best time for you two to be together? 
But something resided within you, and in Chan as well. This was to atone for all the pain you two had experienced without one another. You and Chan always wondered why you’ve always loved, but never been in love truly. All this time, the person that was it from the start was right in front of your faces, but pent up denial never allowed it to happen. 
Until now. 
Somewhere, somehow, this was the universe’s way of telling you that today was that day. You woke up late, wore his sweater, and Chan had slipped up with his thoughts aloud. It made sense. 
So, you took a small step forward. 
It felt as if the gravity between your feet and floor was much heavier than before, especially watching Chan’s jaw clench out of nervousness, but you knew it was just you mustering up a ton of courage to finally ask, 
“Who’s stopping you from asking?” 
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 10
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You're having to work a lot more, feeling guilty that you're hardly around for your own hybrids. One night, Yoongi gets into trouble and needs you to bail him out. But what you didn't expect was to have new hybrids move into your house that very same day.
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“Ah...” You finally closed the main door of the house, slumping down on the ground. You had just finished a 36 hour shift because the medical residents were called back to campus for their exams, so the hospital was even more short staffed. 
“(y/n)?” You heard Jimin’s voice and opened your eyes, smiling tiredly at him. He stood up from the heating lamps and made his way to you.
“You’re home!” His tail moved excitedly. 
“Yeah.” You stroked his head. Behind him, Taehyung bounded down the stairs. He jumped into your arms, burying his head into your shoulder. You yawned tiredly, leaning into his warmth. It was lulling you to sleep. 
“Jagi, are you falling asleep on Tae?” A voice chuckle and you opened your eyes again, seeing Jin and Namjoon. One, two, three, four... Wait, you had 5 hybrids, not four. You stood up on your own, shaking your head as you looked at all the hybrids in the room. Where was Yoongi? His classes were supposed to end at 6 today. 
“Where’s Yoongi? He was supposed to be home 3 hours ago.” You frowned. The other 4 looked at each other. 
“We haven’t heard from him. His phone is off.” Namjoon informed. That made your blood freeze. Did they mistake Yoongi as a stray and capture him? 
“Wait.” Your phone rang and you pressed the device to your ear. As you listened on, the four in the room saw a frown evident on your face. That wasn’t a good sign. 
“WHAT?!... I-I’ll be right over!” You jumped to your feet.
“(y/n), what’s wrong?” Namjoon asked. You were giving off such strong emotions that all of them felt it. They knew that something was terribly wrong and it had to do with Yoongi.
“Yoongi is in trouble. Jin and Namjoon, you’re coming with me.” You mumbled and grabbed your coat, ready to leave the house again. 
“You two just stay here.” You told them and left. Where Yoongi was, it would be too much for Taehyung and Jimin. You were already distressed, you didn’t need two distraught hybrids to care for. Right now, you needed to get Yoongi out. When you pulled up to the gravel road, Namjoon and Jin immediately grew rigid at the vibe.
“Let’s go.” You gulped, stepping out. The three of you immediately held onto one another. This was a scary place to be. This place was only for feral hybrids. It was dark, run down and there were loud noises from coming inside. 
“Why is Yoongi here?” Jin asked. 
“I don’t know. I just got a call that Yoongi and some group attacked another hybrid and was brought in here.” You shook your head. Of course, that was ridiculous. Yoongi would never hurt another hybrid.
“Excuse me, I got a call about my hybrid? His name is Min Yoongi.” You went up to the warden in front.
“Right. Please come with me.” The male stood up and you all followed him through a door. When he stopped in front of a dark cell, you saw a small figured curled up in a corner. There was a shock collar around his neck and an ankle brace around his leg that chained him to the wall. 
“W-What did you do to him?!” You gasped, seeing the state that he was in.
“Madam-” The warden started.
“How dare you do this to him?!” You immediately went into a rage, screaming at the male. 
“Madam, your hybrid and a few others attacked another hybrid. But we were alerted and all of them were brought here. The collar and the ankle are there in case he goes feral again.” The warden explained. 
“He is not feral! Don’t you say that about him! He’s not part of some hybrid group, he is my family. Did you even ask him what he was doing there?! Of course you didn’t and just forced him here against his will. You have no right to treat him like this!” You continued to scream at the warden. Jin held your hand.
“Jagi, you can deal with this later. Your priority is to get Yoongi out of here.” Jin whispered softly.
“Unlock the door. Now.” You said through gritted teeth. The warden nodded, opening the door for you to enter. You choked on a sob as you entered. Yoongi was so distraught he didn’t even notice you were there. 
“Yoongi... Baby?” You called out softly. His eyes perked up first, hearing you call his name. He stood up, his nose and eyes red from crying. On instinct, he tried to rush to you but the chain that attached him to the wall held him back, making him fall to the ground. You ran forward instead, dropping to the ground to hold him in your arms.
“Well?! Are you dumb?! Unchain him now!” You sneered at the warden.
“Madam, I have to remind you of your behaviour.” The warden stated. Nonetheless, he proceeded to remove the chain and shock collar from Yoongi. Yoongi cried softly, pressing his face into your shoulder.
“It’s okay. I got you.” You whispered. 
“I didn’t hurt him. He was getting hurt and I wanted to help him. You need to help him, (y/n). He’s badly injured.” Yoongi’s whole body shook against you.
“The injured hybrid, where is he?” You asked. The warden confirmed that he was still in the building, in a different cell from Yoongi as there was still the risk of him being feral. 
“You idiots didn’t think to get him medical care? All you’re worried about is whether you will get hurt but did you think about him?! Bring him to me now, I’m a doctor.” You commanded, flashing your doctor’s card. The warden nodded and led the three of you out. You left Jin and Namjoon to comfort Yoongi in the lobby while you went to tend to the injured hybrid.
“You said you’re afraid of him being feral? He’s unconscious!  He’s got a fractured wrist and he’s all bruises up. I’m bringing him out of here.” You said, checking on the unconscious hybrid.
“No, you listen to me. You messed with the wrong family. I’m letting my mother know about this. You may know her, (y/l/n) (y/mom/n).” You frowned and the warden went pale. Your mother had that much of an influence and the warden knew he would definitely lose his job. 
“Get me a wheelchair.” The warden got it for you and you hoisted the unconscious hybrid onto it. You wheeled the injured hybrid out in a wheelchair. 
“(y/n).” Jin came up to you. Yoongi still looked shaken.
“He doesn’t look too bad. I’ll treat him at home.” You told them. Namjoon took over, carrying the unconscious hybrid while you held Yoongi. 
“If you have your hybrid’s papers...” The warden said and you showed him Yoongi’s papers. After that, you signed whatever papers you needed. Luckily, under doctor’s jurisdiction, you could take the other hybrid with you.
“Next time check his collar before you bring him in. What’s the point in making them wear collars if you’re just going to chain them up and threw them in jail cells.” You spat angrily, taking Yoongi’s papers back. Yoongi was still glued to your side as you went to the car. Jin drove you all back. 
“Remind me to call my mother in the morning.” You told Jin, who nodded. Entering a spare bedroom, you began to treat the injured hybrid. 
“Boys, let’s give them some space.” Namjoon ushered Taehyung and Jimin out of the room. 
“But...” Taehyung whined. 
“You’ll see them tomorrow morning.” Jin coaxed and they left, making you let out a chuckle. Yoongi stayed by your side the entire time. 
“Are you injured?” You asked as you gathered your supplies, Yoongi shook his head, keeping his head down. Looking at the unconscious hybrid, you tended to his broken wrist, placing it in a splint. Then, you cleaned his cuts, putting bandages over them.
“Wanna tell me what happened?” You asked softly, not looking up from what you were doing.
“I was leaving when I heard some crashing from the alley. After smelling blood, I went to see what was going on when I saw these strays ganging up on this other hybrid. He was already injured so I jumped into to help and we got into a fight. The security guard of the school saw us and called the cops. They thought I was part of that gang. But I swear-” He panicked. 
“I know, Yoongi. Breathe... It’s okay. I know you will never hurt someone. I believe you.” You held his arms, patting his head.
“I think he’s a golden retriever. I haven’t really come across that many domestic hybrids before.” Yoongi said.
“You should go rest, Yoongi. You’ve had a long day.”
“I don’t want to sleep without you.” He whispered. You nodded your head, understanding him. Using your hand held ultrasound machine, you checked for any internal bleeding. 
“He’s fine.” You told Yoongi and he let out a sigh of relief. Leaving Yoongi to take a shower, you went downstairs to let the other 4 know of the situation, as well as tell Jimin and Taehyung the gist of what happened with Yoongi. It was sad and you knew Yoongi was definitely traumatised from the situation.
“If the boy wakes up at any point, let me know immediately. Goodnight, boys.” You smiled and hugged all of them.
“I promise you, they’ll be punished accordingly. I’m not letting this go.” You told Yoongi. He nodded and your eyes trailed to the cuts around his neck, where the shock collar had imprinted on his skin.
“Can you let me treat you?” You asked first. Yoongi nodded and you grabbed your first aid kit. As you moved closer to clean the wounds, Yoongi’s grip on your thigh tightened as he tried not to flinch. You whispered comforting words to him and you slowly wrapped the bandage around his neck, as well as his ankle. Once you were done, Yoongi finally relaxed.
“Kitten, do you have any more of those pills?” Yoongi suddenly asked.
“Yoongs, you know I really don’t like you being on those them.” You sighed. When Yoongi was still having nightmares, there were sleeping pills that you would give him to help him calm down and sleep.
“Please.” He begged.
“Yoongi... I...” You didn’t know what you should do. 
“I can’t even think straight. It was like I was back in the ring... I don’t want to think... Please, (y/n).” He cried in your arms. 
“Alright, just tonight.” You got up and went downstairs. Accessing your medicine safe, you unlocked it and took out the bottle, shaking out a pill into your palm. Grabbing a glass of water, you headed back upstairs to the room. Yoongi took the pill and downed it with the water.
“Go to sleep.” You held him as he slowly drifted off. You didn’t like giving him the sleeping pills since he could be dependent on them and they’re very potent but for Yoongi to beg you, you knew he was really desperate.
“Chim, don’t you want food?” 
“No... I want (y/n) to wake up.” You were woken up by a conversation happening outside your room. You chuckled, hearing Jimin. 
“She’ll wake up soon.” 
You got out of bed and went to wash up. The previous day and night had been so hectic that you slept in, waking up at 3 pm. Before leaving, you crawled on the bed, feeling Yoongi’s cheeks. 
“Yoongs, let me take your temperature.” You took the thermometer from your nightstand. Yoongi opened his eyes partially, obediently letting you put the thermometer in his mouth. Once it beeped, you removed it. You frowned when you saw that he was indeed running a fever. 
“Sleep more.” You whispered, kissing his cheek. Slowly, you opened the door and Jimin jumped into your arms. 
“(y/n)!” He smiled. 
“Good morning... or afternoon. Let’s lower our volumes, okay? Yoongi is not feeling well so he has to rest.” You said and he nodded happily. Walking down together, you were greeted by your other hybrids around the kitchen island. 
“Hey.” You smiled at them. 
“Yoongi’s running a fever. Probably from all the stress yesterday, I’m gonna fix him some porridge.” You told them. 
“I’ll do it. Why don’t you eat?” Jin said. 
“You’ve been doing a lot the past few days. You should rest too, let me do it then I’ll eat.” You smiled and kissed his cheek, going to the fridge to get what you needed. In the porridge, there were some vegetables and minced chicken. Yoongi liked meat and you knew if you didn’t put some sort of protein in there, he wouldn’t eat it. 
“Have you guys eaten?” You asked the 4 as you placed the lid over the pot to let it reduce. 
“We have but Taehyung and Jimin haven’t.” Namjoon shrugged. You looked at the two, raising a disapproving eyebrow at them. 
“We wanted to wait for you.” Jimin pouted. 
“Alright. But next time, just eat first, hmm? Wouldn’t want you guys starving.” You ruffled their heads and plated their food for them and yourself. Checking on the porridge one last time, you sat down between them to eat. There was sounds from upstairs. 
“He’s awake.” Jin stated. You tilted your head. 
“The stray.” Namjoon finished. You swallowed your food and pushed out of your chair, heading upstairs. You knocked on the door before entering to see him sitting there.
“Hey?” You called out cautiously. 
“Hi!” The golden retriever perked up, turning to you with a smile and wave. He looked so animated, as if he wasn’t injured and unconscious just a few hours ago. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh in disbelief. 
“Are you feeling okay? How’s your wrist?” You asked. 
“Don’t worry, I’m feeling fine. A little sore but nothing I can’t handle. But I see you fixed me up! I hope that black panther hybrid is alright... Thank you for helping me, by the way. I’m Hoseok!” The golden retriever rambled, holding his uninjured hand out to you. You blinked in confusion, processing what he said before shaking his hand in yours.
“Uhh... Hi. I’m (y/n). You’re welcome. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling fine and yes, Yoongi is fine. He’s resting now.” You smiled.
“Oh, that’s good to hear! You know, you’re really cute, you remind me of Jungkook. Oh no! Jungkook! I have to get back to him.” Hoseok’s eyes widened in realisation.
“My little brother!” Hoseok informed.
“Let me grab my keys and I’ll send you home.” You said and Hoseok nodded. Taehyung and Namjoon offered to follow you to send Hoseok home. But when you pulled up, it was an old, abandoned house. You followed Hoseok in and he was tackled to the ground by a bunny hybrid. 
“Hyung!” He stood above the golden retriever. Namjoon just hid you behind him for safety.
“Hyung! Where did you go? You’re injured!” The bunny hybrid checked his brother, seeing the bandage around his brother’s wrist.
“I’m fine, Kookie. These nice people helped me. I was jumped last night and this human’s hybrid saved me. She even saved me from the feral shelter.” Hoseok gestured to you. The bunny finally noticed your presence and stood up. He gave the three of you wary looks.
“Feral shelter?!” Jungkook looked like he was going to have a heart attack from his brother’s words. 
“Yeah but I’m out because of her.” Hoseok grinned. 
“Hi. Jungkook, right?” You started. 
“How did you bail my brother out without him being adopted? We’re strays, we don’t have tags.” Jungkook questioned you, ignoring your question.
“I’m (y/n) and this is Namjoon and Taehyung. I’m a doctor. Don’t worry, your brother is fine, except for a broken wrist and some superficial injuries that should heal in a few days.” You explained with a smile. Jungkook looked puzzled but nodded at your words. 
“Do you two have an owner?” Taehyung asked and the two stiffened.
“We did. She moved and left us behind. But we’re fine on our own.” Jungkook said coldly.
“I have no doubt that you can take care of each other. But this house is old and doesn’t look like there’s heating. I would actually like to offer for you two to stay with us. Just for the approaching winter. I can also care for your brother’s wrist.” You asked, making all the hybrids look at you in shock. Were you really ready to house 7 hybrids?
“(y/n)...” Namjoon didn’t know what to say.
“We don’t need your help!” Jungkook grew angry, his foot tapping against the floor angrily.
“Jungkook, be nice. They rescued me and nursed me without asking for anything in return. There are 5 other hybrids living with her. She’s a nice human.” Hoseok told the younger boy. 
Jungkook gave Hoseok a weird look, annoyed that his brother was so easily bought by you. You understood why he was so guarded. They were already abandoned before.
“You can stay for the winter and leave after that. I won’t stop you.” You shrugged. Jungkook still looked unconvinced.
“Okay!” Hoseok agreed.
“HYUNG!” Jungkook shouted in outrage.
“Oh, stop being a worrywart, Kookie. She’s right, we’ll freeze to death this winter.” Hoseok said. You couldn’t help but laugh. Hoseok was so positive and bright like the sun.
Here you were, driving home with Namjoon, Taehyung and two new hybrids in your backseat. When you pulled up, Jimin was rolling around in the sheets under the heating lamp, enjoying and basking in the warmth despite the cold weather outside. 
“(y/n)!” Jimin ran over to you but backed away slightly when he noticed the new people. 
“Hey, Chim. Where’s Jin?”
“He’s feeding Yoongi hyung in your room.” He informed. 
“Alright, I would like to speak to the 5 of you. Jungkook, Hoseok, I hope you don’t mind sharing a room.” You informed. The two brother nodded and you led them to the spare room Hoseok stayed in. The two were alright with sharing a bed, being brothers. Your hybrids all gathered in your room. Yoongi was awake but still a little disoriented. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” You asked. 
“Sleepy. Jin hyung said you have some news to share with us? Taehyung texted us while you were in the car to catch us up to speed.” Yoongi explained. 
“Well then, share your thoughts.” You looked up at everyone. Yoongi opened his mouth again but you cut him off. 
“If you’re gonna say that it’s my house, save it. This place is all of yours as well. I’m sorry I made such a decision without you guys but you know I can’t let the two of them stay in an old house during the winter.” You crossed your arms.
“I was gonna say, let them stay.” Yoongi said.
“Really?” You were shocked.
“I wouldn’t want them having to fight the cold either. It sucks that their owner abandoned them. They don’t deserve it.” Yoongi shrugged. The other four nodded in agreement. Taehyung was happy to have more people to play with while Jimin was still shocked when you told him that he had a say in the house too, even though he was not actually a permanent resident.
"Jimin, are you okay?” You asked. 
“I-I’m a little shy... B-But I’ll be o-okay.” Jimin stuttered, feeling anxious when he realised all attention was on him. 
“Sweetie, I don’t want you pushing yourself too much. You have been doing great since you started staying here so we’ll just take baby steps, hmm?” You rubbed his ears. 
“I know it’s hard that all 7 of you are going to live here. Thank you for letting them stay.” You said and gave them all a hug.
“I have more people to play video games with!” Taehyung cheered.
“Doesn’t Yoongi play with you?” Jin asked.
“But he sucks at games, keeps losing.” Taehyung pouted, making Yoongi glare at the tiger. You chuckled, happy to see them all getting along. The 4 healthy hybrids decided to watch a movie together downstairs while you called your mother. You explained to her the situation that happened yesterday and she took note of it, promising that this matter will be dealt with.
“Sleep here.” You insisted and Yoongi nodded, getting comfy under the covers. You gave him some medication to help with his fever. 
“I’m going to check on Hoseok and Jungkook.” You told him and he nodded. 
“Hoseok? Jungkook?” You knocked before entering. 
“I’m sorry it’s not much. We can go shopping tomorrow and get you more clothes. I’ll also get you separate beds.” You told them. Hoseok nodded his head while Jungkook raised a skeptical eyebrow at you. 
“Why are you being so nice? You don’t even know us.” Jungkook asked. 
“Well, you trust me enough to come into my home. I don’t know why I shouldn’t be giving you back the same trust. If you’d like, the others are watching a movie downstairs if you want to join them. I’m still tending to Yoongi in my room so you’ll meet him later.” You smiled. 
“Yoongi?” Jungkook looked over to Hoseok. 
“He’s the hybrid that saved me yesterday. He ended up in the feral shelter too.” Hoseok explained. 
“I’ll leave you guys to do what you want to do. Feel free to help yourselves to anything in the house, including the food.” You waved and exited the room. Jimin was waiting for you. 
“Can I stay with you?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, bringing him to your room, where Yoongi had fallen asleep. Getting back into bed, Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist while Jimin got comfortable on your other side, letting you put your arms around him to comfort him and his nerves. 
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fireflyinsummer · 4 years
Gymnopédie | myg
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> pairing: min yoongi x reader
> genre: mostly angst, but a lil’ bit of fluff, too
> words: 8.3k
> warnings: blood, mentions of sex, car crash, violence, kidnapping, swearing
> summary: you had two options. number one: trust your desires and risk losing yourself. or number two: be rational about it and come to terms with the fact that, even though you’ve been dating for quite a while, he never uttered those three words, the ones you craved the most. and that’s not all he’s been keeping from you.  
a/n: well, that’s a shitty summary. it’d be cool if you gave this a chance, though. i really enjoyed myself while writing it, especially towards the end. feedback is always welcome, it means a lot <3 anyways, thank you! hope you like it.
  [11:32 PM]
  You let the robe slip through your skin and immediately shivered. The bathroom was cold, and you were alone. Again. As your body sank in the hot, comforting water, you felt your muscles relaxing. It was like a hug, really. And you needed one. With a sigh, you went through the night in your head again. Every kiss, every touch. Sometimes it felt so meaningful, so real. So why didn’t he say it back? Why does he never say it back? You were exhausted from having to deal with those questions all the time. It was always at the back of your mind when you were with him, haunting, lurking. You never had the guts to be vocal about them, though. Wouldn’t be able to bear if you got the wrong answer, so it was best to give him time. How much more does he need, though?  Maybe he just didn’t. That thought made you shiver again, but not from the cold this time.
  “Angel”. Lost inside your own head, you didn’t notice when he entered the bathroom. He was so beautiful. Even when he didn’t mean to be – he hardly ever did, he was just so… himself. There was really no better way to put it. His dark hair was beautifully disheveled, covering his entire forehead. He wore grey sweatpants that hugged his hips perfectly. That sight alone made you want him again. “You’ve been there for a while now. Aren’t you coming to bed?”. It was so easy to pretend when he talked to you like this. To forget he never actually said he loved you, even though you’ve lost count on how many times that sentence had slipped through your lips. He’d always kiss you sweetly after that, but never uttered a word. For a while, you just thought he was having trouble expressing himself. He was never really comfortable when it came to opening up, letting his feelings on display. But as time passed by, you couldn’t find any more excuses. Deep down, you knew. You knew he couldn’t say it simply because he couldn’t lie. It has been that way for two years now.
  And, as much as it hurt in the beginning, nothing could compare to the pang you felt in your chest now. Because you just couldn’t picture your life without him anymore. You loved him too much, you could never recover from that, you were sure of it. He could destroy you completely if he said the right things. Or if he didn’t. So, every time your whispered confessions were met with a morbid silence and a few pecks on the mouth, your stomach churned. Suddenly it was cold poison in your veins, not warm blood. But he never seemed to notice. He hadn’t noticed much lately, always busy with work, always too tired to even give you a chance to say it out loud. Angel, I don’t think I’ll be able to come to dinner tonight, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you. He never did. He never tried. It was odd to have him home this time at night, really. For the past few months, you’ve hardly ever had time for each other.
“Yes. Yes, I’ll be there in a minute”, you tried your best to put out a convincing smile. He nodded and closed the door again. “God…”, you muttered under your breath. That night, when you finally escaped your prison of a mind, you found him already asleep. Except he wasn’t. He hadn’t been able to sleep much lately.
  [7:13 AM]
  The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. His scent was still lingering, and it made you miss him even more. He used to wake you up with lazy kisses all over your face so you could have breakfast together – that often lead to the best morning sex, too.
   But dreamland must be put on hold now, you were late for work. Realizing that, you kicked the sheets off your body and rushed towards the bathroom for a quick shower. There was an important meeting that day and you definitely could not be late.
  You worked for a big publishing company as a personal assistant. Your boss, Michael Stewart, was a living breathing nightmare of and editor. And a jerk, but you were getting used to it by now. He liked his coffee black, no sugar. Suits him. His wife was the picture of perfection, but that never stopped him from crossing boundaries with some of his coworkers. Word on the street was that he was using his desk for shady purposes when a rather noisy Mrs. Daisy from the copy machine went to see him.
  “Y/N? Wait!”, a breathless Brianna called out, causing you to stop on your tracks.
  “Morning, B. What’s up?”, you offered her a heartfelt smile when she caught up to you.
  “I’m good, I’m good”, she smiled mischievously. “So, how’s mister sunshine today? I bet the prospect of this meeting is eating the man alive. I feel terrible for you.”
  “No, you don’t”
  “I don’t. But only because I love seeing him nervous. Seems like he’ll suddenly combust any moment now”, she whispered while the two of you entered the conference room, earning a little giggle from you.
  “Oh, the fine line between love and hate. I see right through you, miss B.”, you tried to taunt her.
  “Y/N, I swear to God…”, she seemed truly revolted by your words, but quickly recovered. “Well, it’s not my ass he eats with his eyes every now and then”, she teased. It made you want to regurgitate breakfast, but you let it go as soon as you saw him at the end of the table, looking quite pale and skittish.
  “Good morning, Mr. Stewart.”, you greeted him and placed his coffee on the wooden surface. He tried to give you his usual flirty grin, but failed. Instead, it came out as an awkward grimace. It was fun seeing him nervous.
   [10:47 PM]
  It had been a long day. Michael had put you through hell because, apparently, it was your fault that he had forgotten to bring the signed papers to the meeting. He was stubborn and could never bring himself to plead guilty for something he’d done, so you were always to blame when things went south. You hated that. Specially ‘cause you knew you could do his job better than he did. But patience is a virtue, so you just called your business partners and rescheduled. Which was a shame, you were really hoping to see how’d that particular book deal go.
  You entered the apartment with a deep sigh, dropping your keys on the balcony and getting out of your murderous shoes. Everything was dark, so you figured he wasn’t home. “Surprising”, you murmured to no one in particular.
  “What is?”, the unexpected answer made you jump on your feet.
  “Fuck”, you gasped, fear making it’s way to your voice and giving it a pitched quality. “Yoongi? Why are you in complete darkness? You scared the shit out of me”. You turned on the lights and finally situated yourself. He was sitting on his black armchair, eyes fixed on a glass of what you just assumed to be whiskey. Neat. Just how he liked it.
  “Sorry, angel. Didn’t mean to frighten you”, he said as he got up, walking towards you slowly, elegantly, awfully like a feline predator. Maybe a black panther. He cupped your face with his unoccupied hand and you immediately felt little shock waves spread through your body. His touch was warm and inviting, leading you to let out a shaky breath. You hated how a simple gesture of his had such an impact on you. You hated it. “Have you eaten?”
  “Um… No, not really. It was a busy day at the office. Have you?”
  “I haven’t. Thought we could order something”, he mumbled as he went to fix himself another drink. Don’t go. Touch me. I miss you. Instead, you said something like “It’s a little late, let me see if there’s something edible in the freezer”. It was so out of character for him to be home before midnight these days. He looked tired, dark circles under his eyes. His white dress shirt was wrinkled, his hair was pushed back and you could just tell that he’d been running his fingers through it multiple times. He looked stressed.
  “Did something… happen?”, you caught his attention while heating something up for the both of you. “I mean, you seem so tired, that’s all. I’m worried about you, baby”. Your last sentence was nothing but a whisper. He looked at you with a characteristic blank expression and opened his mouth a few times before finally speaking.
  “I’m okay. Don’t worry”. It hurt a little, how dismissive he was. And you didn’t foresee the anger that sparkled within you after hearing his words. You were tired, so fucking tired.
  “Bullshit”. The moment you said it, he snapped his head in your direction, surprised. Good. At least that kind of emotion he’s able to show. But before you could blink, he recovered his previous façade, and that made you angrier. Why the hell couldn’t he just open up to you? “Shit, Yoongi, it’s crystal fucking clear that you’re not telling me everything. In fact, you tell me absolutely nothing. What’s wrong? Don’t you trust me?”. You sounded defeated by the end of your little speech, and you could tell it got to him, but you didn’t stop. You couldn’t stop, not now, not with all the pent-up hurt, anger and fear. Fear of the truth you’ve been trying to look past, but couldn’t. “Do you not want this anymore, is that it? Do you even care at all??”, you were purposely avoiding the four letter word because it hurt just thinking about it. You were not ready to hear the answer.
  “Is that what you think?”, he was annoyed. “You think I don’t fucking care about this?”, a bitter laugh escaped him before he cupped your face with both hands and plunged his next words directly to your heart. “If I didn’t want you anymore, angel, it would be easier. Believe me, we wouldn’t be together a second longer”
   That stung. His last words cut deep, making it impossible for your built-up tears not to fall. That’s when he knew he had made a mistake. He could see the hurt in your eyes and he couldn’t bear it. So when you rushed upstairs without sparing him a second look, he felt something inside him churn. He fucked up, he always did. He wouldn’t even dare try to comfort you in that moment because he knew you needed space from him. He was absolutely sure that he was only going to make things worse if he went after you like he wanted to. He wondered how much of his shit you would take before you packed up and left. You wouldn’t be the first to abandon him, hell, his own mother did; so he’d like to pretend he was prepared. With that in mind, he grabbed his jacket and his car keys. He was definitely getting wasted that night and would probably end up sleeping at one of his friend’s. Maybe Jimin’s. He didn’t care.
      You couldn’t sleep. Not with the bitter taste on your tongue and the burning flame within your chest. You felt like falling apart. Hot, heavy tears tumbling down your puffy cheeks. It was tiring how you couldn’t stop your restless body from shaking, even though you craved some sleep, just so you could take your mind off it. Those exact words were thoroughly printed inside your mind.
  If I didn’t want you, it would be easier.
 Believe me, we wouldn’t be together a second longer.
  You did believe him. Shit, you probably knew that way before he said it, but you still didn’t know why. Why was he still with you? Gathering from what he said, your relationship was a burden.  
  At some point, you were no longer crying, you were laughing. Hard. Maybe you were going insane, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Thinking about tomorrow morning, you went downstairs to pop some pills, just so you could get some sleep. Your steps were careful, quiet. But, as soon as you got to the living room, you realized there was no use to being silent. He wasn’t there.
  [12:42 PM]
  It was lunch time when it happened. You usually ordered something with your coworkers, but you decided to grab some sushi at that restaurant you loved. Mr. Stewart was being a pain in the ass all day, but he did give you some extra time off because he had an appointment that afternoon, he wouldn’t need you for a while. You had asked Brianna to come along, but she had to catch up with some papers. At the end of the day, you were glad she couldn’t make it. No one to witness what seemed to be your whole world tumbling down, every plan you had made with him slipping through your fingers in the blink of an eye. In the touch of a hand.
  There he was. Through the glass wall, you could see he was tense, as if he was afraid of something or didn’t want to be there. You almost went over his table to check on him, willing to forget last night’s argument for a moment, to call for a truce, because you cared about him still. But then you noticed something important. He wasn’t alone. The woman in front of him was beautiful. Dark hair, olive skin, the prettiest red dress. She had her hand on top of his. That’s when you finally realized what was happening. In that moment, everything clicked. Why he had been so distant, why he would never confess. Why it was hard for him to stay.
For how long?
  Suddenly, you felt the urge to throw up. The whole situation was making you nauseous. You had to get out of there, but your feet wouldn’t move. You stood still for god knows how long, trying to digest what you were seeing. You hadn’t even noticed the tears, couldn’t feel them. You couldn’t feel much, it was all just a haze, like you’d dissociated. You didn’t hear him at first, acknowledging his presence only when he touched your shoulder.
  “Y/N?”, he said, confusion and concern lacing his tone.
  “J-Jungkook”, you stuttered. “Kookie! What are you doing here?”. When you realized who it was in front of you, you immediately threw yourself at his chest and hugged him tight, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
 “What happened? Why are you crying?”, he couldn’t help the questions flying out his mouth. He hadn’t seen you in so long. He missed you. “Y/N, please… Talk to me. Are you hurt?”. The affection so raw in his voice, you couldn’t help but cry harder. You missed him, too. He pushed you slightly away so he could take another look at your face.
  “Oh, god… Oh my god, Kook, this is so fucked up. I’m so fucked up”
  “What are you talking about?”, his voice was soft, you could tell he was trying his hardest to soothe you.
  “I-I need to get out of here. Can you take me somewhere else?”
  “Yeah… Yeah, of course I can. Do you wanna go to my place so we can talk?”, you didn’t trust your voice, so you just nodded. “S’okay, noona. Look at me”, he cupped your face and brushed your remaining tears away. “It’s gonna be alright, I promise. I’m here for you, I’ll always be here for you”. It was reassuring, mostly because you knew it was true. He was safe. He felt like home.
  [1:53 PM]
  “He was… cheating on you? Y/N, you know I hate the guy, but that doesn’t sound like him at all. Are you sure?”
  “Pretty much”. It was hard to tell him. You felt like an idiot for trusting Yoongi for years, for loving him even when he didn’t love you back. It was hard to come to terms with that, let alone tell Jungkook. But you thought you would die if you didn’t talk to someone about this. And he was still your best friend, right? “I’m so stupid, Kook”, you let out a humorless laughter. “I wanted us to work out so bad that I didn’t even see it coming. But it was staring right at my face, really. God, I just can’t believe this”, your voice wavered.
  “No, don’t say that. Y/N, he’s a jerk. He’s the one who should be feeling stupid, not you. I knew I was right to hate him, I just knew it”, he seemed truly upset at this point.
  You took a minute to contemplate his apartment. While your house with Yoongi was neat and clean, Jungkook’s home had so much personality that you would think about him immediately even if you didn’t know who it belonged to. He hadn’t changed much since six months ago. He was still the same caring, funny, protective friend he’d always been. Even smelled the same. You felt bad for the distance that grew between the two of you. It was just that you were both so busy with work and stuff, it felt only natural. You’d never admit to anyone, not even yourself, that it also had to do with the fact that he and Yoongi didn’t get along. It was like Sophie’s choice, and maybe you had made the wrong one.
  “Kook, I missed you. I’m sorry for not trying harder to keep in touch”, you said before you lost the courage to do so. He seemed taken aback by your bluntness, like there was some secret agreement that neither of you would bring it up.
  “I missed you, too, noona. A lot. We should’ve both tried harder”
  “Yeah. It was stupid”
  There was a moment of silence. You were sitting at one end of the couch, while he was at the other. He wanted to give you space, always so considerate. But you needed your friend, so you threw caution out the window and crawled closer to him, clinging to his black shirt. He let you ball up against his chest and held you close.
  “Let’s watch a movie, shall we? And then I’ll take you home if you want to. If not, you’re welcome to stay for as long as you need. You know I’d love to have you”
  “Thanks for offering, but I’ve got to fix this. I need to confront him”, your heart was beating painfully faster just thinking about it. “I’ll take you up on that movie, though. Pleasure first, duty later, isn’t that what you taught me?”
  “You’re older. If anything, you’re the bad influence here”
  “I am three months older than you, Jungkook. I don’t even think it’s okay for you to call me noona”
  “Yeah, right. Whatever. Okay, so what do you want to watch?”
  “And don’t say Friends. I forbid you”
  You pouted. “But you know it’s my comfort show, Kookie”, you figured he’d give in if you whined a little, but the boy seemed resolute.
  “Yah, Y/N, how many times have you watched that?”. It was rhetorical. You didn’t even know and he was aware of it. “Have you seen Phantom Thread?”
  “I have not. And I don’t wanna watch your movies, they’re boring”
  “I resent you for that, by the way”, he scowled. “But you’ll like this one, I promise. I thought about you all the time while watching, it’s definitely one of yours”. You were touched that he thought about you in the past few months. If he could read your mind, he’d burst into laughter. Because you were always in the back of his mind, like a little ghost that kept him company even though he chose to ignore it.
  “Okay, I’ll pretend to trust you this time. But if I don’t like it we’re watching Friends until I leave, no bathroom breaks”
  “Here we go”
  “You’ll have to admit that Chandler is indeed the funniest”
  “Hey, you know damn well that Joey is the funny one!”, he took his arguments very seriously.
  “Don’t get on my nerves, Jeon. Put your excuse of an entertainment on so I can tell you how bad it is and we can watch my show, hm?”
  “We’ll see about that”, he smirked mischievously.
  You spent the entire afternoon curled up on Jungkook’s couch watching his goddamn cult movie. He was right, you loved it. Although you couldn’t completely forget what was going on and how you ended up in that situation, you were somehow calmer. The worst part about taking big, important steps was deciding what to do and how to do it. At some point, it was eating you alive. You had to make a decision, an important one, but you were completely torn. Because the thing is, you loved Yoongi so fucking much. You sincerely could not envision how life would be like without him. But when you realized that even saying his name out loud tore your heart apart, you knew that he had made that decision for you; things would never go back to the way they were. It was over. That thought hit you so hard that you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom, so Jungkook wouldn’t see how exasperated you were. It was like a hole had been carved in your chest, one that would never completely heal. So you twisted your shirt with both hands in the spot where your heart was supposed to be; you had to keep it together. You had to survive this, even if you weren’t exactly sure how to do it yet.
  Thinking about it now, a couple of hours later, you felt relief. The hole was still there. The emptiness, the anguish, the excruciating pain, it was all there. The only difference was that you had already made peace with your fate. Not seeing him anymore was easier than being constantly reminded that you probably didn’t mean shit to him. That even if you did, it was not enough, it would never be enough for him to love you. You didn’t wanna fight it anymore because it was agonizingly painful and bitter. Maybe this is for the best. So when you left Jungkook’s apartment, it was with a placid sense of duty.
  [1:09 AM]
  When you arrived at home, you didn’t have the guts to turn on the lights. You calmly took your jacket and your shoes off, heading for the kitchen to get a glass of water; your throat was painfully dry. You leaned on the counter for a couple of minutes, heart rate through the roof, thinking that maybe he wasn’t even there. Either way, there was no point in stalling, you had to do it now. So you leisurely carried yourself to the bedroom, opening the door carefully. If he was asleep, you wouldn’t want to wake him up. If he was asleep, this… thing you were about to do would be considerably easier. Of course, luck was never your forte.
  “Your phone is off”. He was sitting in the armchair, a drink in his had and a bottle of whiskey on the desk. His black dress shirt was wrinkled and he seemed worried.
  “Yeah. It is”
  “Look, angel-“, he was getting up when you cut him off.
  “Don’t call me that”
  He seemed confused, and you could see a hint of hurt in his black orbs. “I know we’re not in the best place right now, and I wanted to apologize. I didn’t mean to hurt you the other night, and I know I did. I’m sorry”, he blurted out. He looked too sincere, and that caused your heart to constrict. Because you knew there was no way in hell he was being honest right now.
  “Let’s cut this short, okay?”, you said sternly. Suddenly you couldn’t stand the sight of him anymore. Your words must have surprised him, because he was looking at you with wide eyes, something just indecipherable about them. “I saw you today. I know what you did – or what you’ve been doing, I really don’t give a fuck about how long you’ve been at it. I saw you with her”. As soon as you uttered your last words, you recognized what was it in his eyes. Fear. He was afraid.
  “No, it’s not what you’re-“
  “Shut up. Just do us both a favor and shut the fuck up, Yoongi”, you whispered tiredly.  He could see it in your eyes that you had given up on him, that you didn’t even intend to fight him anymore. That caused a chill to run down his spine.
  “Please, just listen to me. I wasn’t cheating on you, I-“
  “Have you fucked her?”
  “W-what? No! Y/N, stop saying shit like that. I’ll explain whatever you need me to, but don’t jump into conclusions before I do so. I didn’t do it, I’d never do it”. He was closer now. You could smell the alcohol mixed with his scent, you could see how deep the dark circles under his eyes were. You could see honesty slipping through every word. Surprisingly, it didn’t change much. You wanted more. You wanted him, all of him. So in the last attempt to save your sanity (or ruin it entirely), you decided you had to ask. You just had to.
  “Do you love me?”. He froze, hands in the air trying to reach you. You had never confronted him about this and he didn’t see it coming. His hands fell to his side, closed fists. His eyes were bulged, breathing was erratic. It was all the answer you needed. You immediately felt the hole again, and you didn’t even realize when your hands made their way to your chest, just like it happened in Jungkook’s bathroom. A sob escaped your parted lips; you couldn’t be strong anymore. Through your blurry vision, you didn’t notice the panicked, pained expression he was wearing. You couldn’t know about the pang in his heart, or how hopelessly desperate he felt at that moment. It said it all, but you just couldn’t know.
  “I-I’m fucked, okay?”, he stuttered. “I’m fucked in the head, angel, it’s not about you”. You couldn’t process his words, didn’t want to. As you slid to the floor with a whimper, he grew desperate. “Please, you have to believe me. I’m begging you to understand, please, please…”. He wasn’t able to control himself and let out some tears of his own. Deep down, he knew why he couldn’t say it. It was not because it wasn’t true – he knew it was. Fuck, he was petrified. It’s for your own good, for your own good, I can’t do it to you, too. He didn’t know what to say anymore, so he just held onto you for dear life, hoping you’d give him a chance to redeem himself for all the shit he put you through. You just had to stay. You had to, he wouldn’t even dare to think otherwise.  You didn’t know how long you stood in that position, scared to move a finger, but you knew what you had to do. So you got up. It pained you to look at his face and see how truly devastated he was, but you were too far gone.
  “I don’t think we can get through this. I don’t know if we should”
  “Don’t say it. No”
  “I’m going to stay with Jungkook for a while. I ran into him today and he helped me a lot when I thought you were… you know”. Your voice was devoid of any emotion at this point. Too scared of being engulfed by the hole if you let yourself feel.
  “What? No! You know I don’t trust him, right?”. He was standing in front of you now, voice pitched and tear tracks staining his cheeks. “Don’t do this, Y/N, I can’t… I can’t even… No.”, he shook his head a couple of times.
  “It’s not up to you! Just looking at you is a constant reminder that you don’t feel the same as I do and I just can’t, I can’t do this anymore. Because, shit, I do, I love you so much, it’s killing me”
  “That is not true. I never said I didn’t love you, don’t put words in my mouth”, he was very serious now. But it didn’t matter.
  “You didn’t say you do, either. If you can’t even look me in the eyes after almost three years and say that you love me, I don’t think we can salvage this. So I’ll just take the hint before I get my ass kicked”
  “How can you even say that? I don’t want to break up. You don’t understand, but please, trust me. Just trust me”
  “You’re right, I don’t understand. But I can’t wait around until you figure it out”. You grabbed the bag that was on top of the wardrobe and opened the zipper.
  “For fuck’s sake, just stay home! It’s almost two in the morning, we can talk about this tomorrow, please”, he tried to persuade you, but you didn’t listen. You picked out a few clothes and your toothbrush, closing the bag when you were done. “Y/N…”, he followed you to the door. It was obvious that he was crying, and even though it broke you to leave him like this, you felt like you would lose your mind if you stayed. So you just climbed down the stairs, bag on one hand and keys on the other. You tried to open the front door, but he stopped you.
  He was a mess. Bloodshot eyes, trembling hands. So unlike him that you were a little taken aback by the sight. But you were sure you looked a lot worse, though. “Don’t leave me”. His voice was small. He seemed a bit smaller, too; like a child, scared of some imaginary monster. But he wasn’t a kid anymore, and the monster was real. Too real. “Angel, how am I supposed to live without you?”
  “You’ll do just fine”, you said in a husky voice. You didn’t want to wait for a response, so you just closed the door in his face and ran to your car.  
  Already halfway to Jungkook’s house, you decided to just ignore your shaky hands and faltering voice and dialed his number, but your call went straight to voicemail. Which was strange, because he knew you were coming over. “Hey, Kook. I’m sorry if I took longer than expected, I hope I’m not waking you up or something. I’m on my way. And… Thank you so letting me stay a couple of days, really, it means a l-“, you couldn’t finish. It all happened so quicky, your mind wasn’t fast enough to keep up. A pickup truck had deliberately hit the back of your car, as if trying to get you off the road. You lost control for a second, the vehicle doing little zigzags, but soon regained it.
  “WHAT THE FUCK?!”. Your heart was pounding, almost hurting your ribcage. At first, you thought it had been an honest mistake, but that idea escaped your mind soon enough. Something was seriously wrong, and you didn’t want to find out why you were being targeted. The truck was still on your tail, so you didn’t have much time to think. You sped up, in order to put some distance between you and the stranger on the wheel, but they picked up the pace as well. “Shit, shit, shit”. The adrenaline was rushing through your veins like a drug, and you couldn’t keep your hands steady. You had dropped your phone when you startled, so you fumbled through the car floor trying to find it. That’s when they hit you again, this time a lot more brutally. You whimpered, trying to maintain control of the car even though you were scared to death. What the hell is going on?!
  As you stepped harder on the throttle, you decided you had to contact somebody, anybody, a terrible feeling creeping up your spine. You fumbled again, only this time you were able to grasp your phone. The call had been cut off, so you searched for his contact. You needed him, no matter what happened earlier, you needed him. And you knew he would come. Your whole body was trembling and the truck was getting dangerously close again, you had to be fast. You held the phone to your ear with shaky hands. He answered almost immediately.
  “Y/N?”, his voice was rough.
  “Yoongi!”, yours was desperate. “Yoongi, something’s going on…”, in that moment, the truck hit the rear of your car again and you screamed. He sobered up instantly.
  “What?! What’s happening, where are you?!”, he sounded hectic.
  “I’m on the Fourth, someone’s after me. L-Like, a truck! A truck hit my c-car, I-“, you tried to make sense through heavy breathing.
  “Fuck”, you heard him tripping through the bedroom, trying to put some clothes on. “Angel, listen carefully. Do you remember when we got lost near Target’s? We ended up in a wasteland, remember?”
  “Good. I need you to go there, okay? I’m coming for you, baby. Okay? I won’t let anything happen, I promise”, you could already hear the engine starting and that soothed you a tiny bit. You trusted him with your life. It would be okay, he was coming.
  “Y-Yeah, okay”, you couldn’t stop the tears. “Yoongi, what’s going on?”, the words left your mouth almost like a whimper.
  “I’m sorry, love. I’ll get you out of th-“
  But you weren’t listening anymore. This time, when they hit the rear again, you lost control. The car spun like crazy and you could hear Yoongi yelling something through your screams. You tried your hardest to get on track again, but couldn’t. All you could think about was how wrong this all was. You wished you had stayed home like he asked. Before you could have a reasonable train of thought, you hit something. Your head jerked towards the steering wheel and it all went dark.
  [2:17 AM]
  He was going crazy. He was absolutely losing his mind.
  “FUCKING HELL!”, he hit the steering wheel an abnormal amount of times while making almost a hundred miles per hour. He had to keep his mind clear and sharp, he couldn’t let his emotions cloud his judgement, not with your life on the line. Still, all he could think about was how scared you sounded, how raw your screams were. How he stopped breathing right away when he heard the loud crash, how he shouted your name a million times asking what happened. He was sure he would go insane when you didn’t answer. You had to be okay, anything other than that was not an option. He wouldn’t let his mind go there, now was not the time to lose control. Yet.  
  He knew who it was inside that truck. It had to be her or someone doing her dirty work. If anything happened to you, he would kill them. He would kill all of them, and then he would kill her. He would take his time with it, too. You had never seen him this angry, he always kept himself together when he was with you. But now he was furious. He felt like he could burst in rage anytime now.
  “Shit, fuck, fuck”, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut because it was all too silent. He lost connection with you after a few minutes and he just felt sick to his stomach. Lost in thoughts and trying to focus on the road, he startled when his phone rang. He hesitated for a moment before picking it up, the number was unknown. “Yes?”
  “Honey, I already miss you”. He felt his blood boiling to the sound of her voice.
  “Where is she?”, he roared.
  “Don’t you miss me?”, she whined. It was disgusting.
  “Mura, I am being very patient, but don’t mess with me. I swear to God, if you hurt her…”, the threat was evident in his tone, and anyone but her would be shitting themselves. But she loved him too much to care. He wouldn’t really hurt her, right? They were meant for each other.
  “She’s here, darling. And she’s so annoying, too. Had to shut her up a couple of times”. He growled, knuckles white as he pressed the wheel tighter.
  “Tell me where you are”
  “Are you coming to see me?!”, she seemed thrilled as she clapped her hands and made happy noises. “I’m at the warehouse, honey. Where else would I be?”
  “Don’t move. And Mura…”
  “What is it, honey?”
  “Don’t think I won’t kill you, yeah? I’m warning you, if she has as much as a scratch, you’re dead. I won’t think twice, you hear me?”, his voice was dark. There was no doubt he meant it.
  “Oppa, you can’t talk to me like that! But I forgive you… I know she must have something against you, you couldn’t possibly love her. You already love me, darlin-“
  “Shut the fuck up. I’m almost there”
  He felt like he could finally breathe now. You were alive.
  [2:27 AM]
  Your entire body hurt. There was something hindering your vision, and when you realized what it was, your stomach churned. Blood. There was a deep cut near your hairline from when you hit your head. You were tied to a chair, the ropes too tight on your wrists and ankles. When you looked around with the eye that wasn’t completely covered in blood, your stomach sank. It was dark and humid, the cold punishing your sensitive skin. You were scared. Where was Yoongi? What happened and where the hell were you?
  “Hi, there!”, a high pitched voice startled you. It was a woman, beautiful dark hair, olive skin… Wait, what?
  “Wh-“, you tried to talk, but your voice was raspy and rugged. “Who are you?”, you tried again, barely succeeding.
  “I’m Yoongi’s girlfriend. Who are you?”
  “You’re w-what?”
  “His girlfriend, darling”, she laughed melodiously. “My name is Mura, what’s yours?”
  Your brain was operating a hundred miles an hour. What the fuck was going on? Had he lied? Had he been lying to you this whole time? It was too much, too overwhelming. You just wanted to lay on your bed and sleep forever. Every single part of your body was sore and cold, your head was killing you and you were emotionally exhausted.
  “What am I doing here? Where are we?”
  “Honey, you have so many questions. I intend to answer every single one them as long as you answer mine, okay?”. You hated her already. And not just out of jealously, but because she was so irritating, too. You wanted to shut her up with your fists, but you were in no position right now. Instead, you just nodded. “Alright. Now tell me, when did you and Yoongi meet?”
  “Three years ago. A friend introduced us”
  “I see. So you two are together now? You’re dating, is that it?”
  Your answer hurt, you felt a pang in your chest. “No, we broke up”. She was silent for a moment, as if processing your words. And then she laughed.
  “Is that so, darling? You shouldn’t lie to me. I’m trying to be good, but I don’t think I can hold back for much longer”
  “What the fuck are you talking about?”. Just as you finished speaking, she made a move with her hands. Suddenly you notice a gigantic man guarding what you suppose to be the entrance. And he was walking towards you.
  “Hirashi, the girl lied to me. Can you believe that?”
  “That’s not good, ma’am”, his voice was deep, scary. Every cell of your body was telling you to run as fast as you could. But you were stuck. “Do I have your permission, ma’am?”
  Permission for what?
  “Yes”. You didn’t even have time to react before his fist stroke your face. You couldn’t breathe, all the air escaping your lungs as you lose your balance and hit the malodorous floor. You gasped, your head spinning and your jaw burning from the impact.
  “Are you ready to tell me the truth now? Because I’m pretty sure he didn’t mention you two breaking up”
  You tried to form a coherent sentence and couldn’t do much. You were in too much pain, your jaw was on fire. “W-we d-did”. At your words, she sighed.
  “Fine. If that’s how you want it, that’s how it’ll be. Either way, it doesn’t matter anymore. I was never gonna let you out of here alive anyways”, her words petrified you. You knew she meant them. “I’m sure Yoongi won’t mind. He doesn’t love you, after all”
  He doesn’t love you
  He doesn’t love you
  He doesn’t love you
  It hurt more than it was supposed to, because you already knew that. No, he didn’t love you. But he cared for your life, right? The thought made you laugh. If he cared for your life, he would be here. If he cared for your life, he wouldn’t let his… girlfriend kidnap you and have her way with you. If he loved you, he would’ve said so. So yeah, maybe he wouldn’t mind at all. Tears stung your eyes and you barely saw when Mura signaled to Hirashi again.
  “Finish it. I want to go home and cuddle with my man”
  Oddly, you weren’t scared. Hell, after all you’ve been through tonight, maybe death wouldn’t be so bad. But then he kicked you the first time. You let out a painful yelp, sure he had broken a few ribs. And then came the second. The third. You couldn’t take it, it was agonizing.
  “P-Please, just… j-just kill me already”, you blurted out, praying for his mercy. Just do it. Do it quickly, please, just do it.
  [2:35 AM]
 As soon as he saw the abandoned warehouse Mura used for her… activities, he peeled out, leaving long tire marks on the road. He rushed out of the car, not caring enough to close the door. That’s when he heard the first scream. His heart was pounding in his chest, heart constricted and throat dry. He ran inside, not wanting to waste any more time.
  “P-Please, just… j-just kill me already”. First, he heard your pleading. His blood was already boiling, fists closed tight, anger slowly taking over him. But nothing could prepare him for the moment he saw you all curled up on the floor, shirt ripped and bloody, your beautiful face starting to swell, a purple eye. He went livid and stopped on his tracks. That day, a part of him died. It was like someone had ripped his heart and stomped on it over and over again. His immediate reaction was to go for the son of a bitch who was doing that to you. He knew his name. Hirashi. A dead man walking. When his fist first collided with Hirashi’s face, he fell to the floor. In the back of his mind, he registered Mura’s gasp. He was a mad man now, growling and punching the other ruthlessly. There was blood everywhere, and this time they were not yours.
  “Yoongi, you’re gonna kill him!”, Mura yelled.
  “Yes”, another punch. “I am”, he was strangling him now. He was blind by rage, every ounce of his body seeking revenge.
  “Y-Yoong-gi”. The angel said and he froze, loosening his hold on the other’s throat, making him gasp as he searched for air. He looked at you and the anger was overpowered by a lot of feelings. Guilt, sadness, fondness. Love. It should be him in that state, not you. Never you.
  “I’m sorry”. He crawled towards you, splashes of blood all over his face and his shirt. You looked… broken. It devastated him. After untying you carefully, he held your upper body on his lap and removed a few hair strands of hair from your face. “I’m so, so sorry, angel. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry”, he chanted. “I love you so much”, his voice broke. “I really, really do”
  “H-Home”, you whispered.  
  “Yes, love. Let’s go home, I’ll take you home, okay? I’ll take care you”, he promised. He took you in his arms and you whimpered. It all hurt so much. You don’t think you’ve ever been in so much pain before. He scowled, guilt plastered on his pretty face. “Sorry”. He had a lot to be sorry for, didn’t think this lifetime would suffice if he wanted to redeem himself. But he would find a way.
  “Yoongi, where are you going?!”
  “Mura… remember what I told you. I’ll come for you soon. Let Hirashi know that I’m not done with him either, will ya?”. She didn’t reason. Perhaps too scared, now that she saw that he wasn’t joking. He would come for her. And she had to make some arrangements to vanish for a while. Until his rage subsides and he can love her again, that is. In her mind, she knew he would. He just needed some time, and she had plenty.
  After the both of you left, she made a call. It went straight to voicemail. Stupid boy, didn’t he know how to make business? Phones on at all times. She hated leaving messages.
  “It didn’t work, J. They left”
  [7:39 AM]
  Your entire body hurt like hell, that was the first thing you noticed. The second was a warm hand intertwined with yours and a soothing breathing hitting your shoulder now and then. You opened your eyes cautiously, afraid of something you couldn’t quite pinpoint. He was sitting in a chair beside you, head resting near the crook of your neck, hands in yours. He was asleep, but as soon as you moved a little, his eyes shot open. He startled, correcting his posture immediately, and then he scowled. The position he had slept in wasn’t the most comfortable. He looked at you like you were his whole world, and you wonder how you never noticed it before. His feelings were crystal clear.
  “How… How are you feeling? The doctor came by earlier when we got home. You were passed out, though. He said that you had a few broken ribs and a twisted ankle, but these were the most serious injuries. I mean, you’ve got a purple eye, too, and your jaw is a little swollen, but-“
  “Yoongi”, you cut his blabbering off. You predicted the diagnosis, but it was still good to know. For a moment there, you really thought you would die. It was good to know you didn’t.
  “Yes, my angel?”, his voice was soft, feelings pouring through them.
  “Did you mean it?”
  He didn’t have to ask what you meant, he already knew. “Every single word. I love you, Y/N. I have loved you since the beginning, I just… couldn’t say it”. Your heart skipped a beat at his words. You didn’t think he would ever know how much of a hold he had on you.
  “Why couldn’t you say it?”
  “Because… Because everyone I love leaves eventually, one way or another. I couldn’t lose you, too. And yet, I almost did”, his voice faltered near the end. He was being so raw, so honest. You could see in his eyes that he was telling the truth. He really was. But his words hurt you a little, too. You knew he was talking about his family. Yoongi rarely talks about them, but you know enough.
  “I’m sorry, baby”
  “No, don’t say that. It’s me who has to apologize. I shouldn’t have let you leave when I knew she had found out about us. I promised I’d keep you safe, but I couldn’t”. Suddenly, you remembered. Mura.
  “Was she really your…?”
  “No. Mura and I never had anything. We met six years ago on a business trip, but I didn’t… I never slept with her. When I rejected her, she became obsessed. She followed me around for a couple of years, but she had already left me alone when I met you. She came back… when she learned that I was with someone else. Her father is a very powerful man, and she is clearly spoiled, so I didn’t want to make things worse. I didn’t want to confront her because I was afraid of what she might do to you. Look how that turned out”, he laughed bitterly.
  “Don’t blame yourself. Please”
  “How could I not? You’re hurt because of me”, his face was twisted in an anguished grimace. You couldn’t stand it. Yes, he had hurt you. But what happened last night with Mura was totally different. You held his face with both hands and pressed your lips gently against his. He groaned. “I don’t deserve you”, he said, lips still lingering in yours.
  “But you got me”. He smiled big, the prettiest gummy smile you had ever seen. God, you adored him. It was easier to understand him now that you knew his reasons. You couldn’t not forgive him. He was your whole heart.
  “I forgive you, but you can’t keep secrets from me anymore. Okay?”
  “Yes, ma’am. I wouldn’t dare”, then he pecked your lips sweetly.
  “And you gotta tell me you love me every day now. You owe me. For all the time I lost”. Sadness crossed his features, but he let it go soon enough.
  “I love you, my angel”, he pecked your nose. “I love you”, your cheek. “I love you”, your forehead. “IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou”, finally, your lips. You giggled.
  “Thank you”
  “You’re welcome, miss”, he said as he got up. “Would you like me to prepare you a bath?”
  “Extra bubbly, mister”. He smiled and entered the bathroom.
  After a few moments, he came back wearing a mixed expression.
  “Y/N, I was thinking… How did Mura know where to find you? She wasn’t anywhere near the house when you left, I am sure of it”
  “Uh… I don’t know”, you were confused. His question made sense, no one else knew where you were going, except for J-
  His eyes bulged, so did yours. You could tell he had come to the same conclusion as you.
  “Fuck”, you both said at the same time.
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nina-nkl · 3 years
The Notorious Alpha// Chapter One//Peter Hale
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A/N: I KNOW. I KNOW. I am terrible, but life has been a mess. With university, personal life and all that. My mom had the corona but she is great now. I am trying  to come back to writing.  I am really sorry guys. Merry belated Christmas!
The Notorious Alpha// master list.
Chapter one.
S02 E12- Master Plan
Zoe’s P.O.V.
I parked my new BMW X6, which was a gift from my father when he tried to get me to stay with him, in front of Beacon Hills High School to see my little brother and Stiles who is not my brother but after knowing him for his entire life, I am pretty sure he is my brother. 
As I walk in the school hallways so many memories come to my mind, I mean it’s only been a year since I was a student here, I miss high school life was so much easier. I was late when I parked the car in the parking lot, some people were leaving, there was a lacrosse game tonight, Stiles took my ear off about it. I walked towards the locker room first to see if the boys were in there, as I neared the locker rooms I could hear talking.
“She is gorgeous,” a voice said.
“Shut up” I heard two different voices say at the same time and I am pretty sure one of them was Scott.
I leaned against the wall watching for a few seconds, and I decided to make myself known.
“Well, isn’t this a sight for sore eyes!” I say and in a flash four pairs of eyes snap to me. I see my brother, a cute blond guy beside him and to men in front of the boys.
“Zoe?” Scott said surprised to see me.
“Surprise, I guess?” I said a little bit weirded out from all the attention I was getting right now.
“What are you doing here?” Scott asked me.
“Stiles called me a couple days ago, filled me in on what's going on. I got a little tied up with dad or else I would have been here sooner” I answered “ I can’t believe you are a werewolf” I continued.
“Uhmm, who is she?” the cute blond asked.
“Zoe, my sister,” Scott said.
“Another McCall? Great,” the tall moody man said sarcastically.
“Tone down the sarcasm Cranky Pants” I bit back at him.
I glared at the man as I walked around him towards my brother. I am not going to lie, he is kind of hot.
“I am going to guess you are Derek and you are Isaac,” they both look at me weird, “as I said Stiles filled me in”.
“Hi,” Isaac said awkwardly.
“Hi,” I said sweetly to him, “so, who is the Cranky pants.” I pointed towards him as he glared at me and I sarcastically smiled back at him.
“That's Peter, Derek’s uncle. Little while back he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat out.” Scott explained.
“Hi.” Peter waved with a small awkward smile.
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“That's good to know,” Isaac replied. 
I was too shocked to say anything, I mean yeah Stiles filled me in but only informed me about my brother being a werewolf, the kanima, and Derek’s pack. That is just too much to handle. I mean my brother took part in the murder of someone, werewolf or not, psycho or not, that is still a life. Not to mention the supposed murdered victim is alive, breathing, and standing  right in front of me.
“How is he alive?” Scott asked, still glaring at Peter .
“Look, long story short he knows how to stop Jackson, maybe even save him”  Derek answered him.
“Well that’s very helpful, except Jackson is dead” Issac says.
“WHAT?” I scream the same time Derek says what too.
“Yeah! Jackson is dead. It just happened on the field” Scott confirms. 
Derek and Peter look at each other obviously bothered by the news.
“Okay why is no one taking it as good news?” Issac asks. 
“Because if Jackson is dead, it didn’t just happen. Gerard wanted it to happen,” Peter says, and damn his voice is deep, mysterious and sexy.
“But why?” Derek asks his uncle to elaborate.
“Well, that's exactly what we need to figure out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing”.
“Peachy, just god damn peachy.” I say done with this whole thing already. 
“We are going to the Hale House,” Peter says.
As we walked towards the parking lot, I could feel eyes on me from behind. I didn’t turn around though. When we reached the exit I started walking near my car, when I felt Scott stop a few steps behind me. I turn around to look at him.
“Well aren’t you gonna come? I am driving!” I tell him.
“I think you should go home” Scott tells me and I look at him with disbelief. “I will go with Derek,” he continues.
“Oh, so I am supposed to let you get in the car with the guy who turned you and tried to kill you and the guy who slashed his own uncles throat out? I am not crazy yet. ” I tell him seriously and am kind of angry. Derek looks at me mad, or offended I can’t really tell and Peter just looks uninterested.
“Zoe--” Scott tries to plead.
“No, puppy eyes don’t work on me. I am the one who teached you that look.'' I cut him off. “Now get in the car and let’s go”. Then I unlock my jeep and hop in, which is kind of a challenge since I am short and the stupid thing is 10 times the size of me.
“Do you need directions?” Derek asked me when Scott got in the car with me.
“No, I am good. I know where the infamous Hale  house is,” I replied and with that my car roared into life and I backed out of my parking space. “Don’t get left behind Sourwolf”. I saw Issac try to hold back a chuckle and even Peter let out a small smirk slip out of his hard façade.
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As we walked into the Hale house ( Derek got his ego bruised ‘cause I beat him here) Scott was looking at his,
“Oh. Oh they found Stiles.” Scott said relieved.
“I told you I looked everywhere,” Derek said to Peter who walked towards the stairs.
“You didn’t look here”, Peter says and crunches at the beginning of the stairs and takes something from underneath a step.
“What is that? Α book?” Derek asks/
“No, it’s a laptop. What century are you living in” Peter replied with sarcasm. Derek rolls his eyes at him. “A few days after I got out of the come, I transferred everything that we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren’t the only ones that keep records.” Peter says. He got up and walked towards a table. Suddenly Scott's cell phone rings.
“Hey, Mom, I can’t talk right now.” Scott answers the phone. “What's wrong?” he asked. After a few seconds he hangs up the phone and announces that we have to go to the hospital. “ Isaac, Zoe, we have to go to the hospital.”
“I don’t think I should come with. I haven’t seen mom yet and I don’t think we should reunite over a dead body” I say to him. “ Take my car, I’ll stay here to see if I can help” I look at him as I extend my hand to give him the car keys. “See you soon, be careful.”
As Scott and Isaac practically ran out of the burned down house, I look at the older werewolves in front of me. Derek just looks at me, as Peter has already started working on getting information for the kanima. 
It’s been maybe 30 minutes since we were all staring at the laptop screen, I was standing leaning over Peter's right shoulder and Derek was just standing by the left.
“Oh my god, what is that?” I look at the screen. 
“Call Scott.” Peter says. I was still staring at the screen leaning closer to it and brushing Peter’s shoulder in the process. Ignoring that, I hear Derek talking in the background.
“Okay, look, I think I found something,” Peter says. “ Looks like what you are seeing from Jackson its just the Kanima’s Beta shape.” he continues.
“Well, meaning what? It can turn into something bigger?” Derek asks, also leaning over.
“Bigger and Badder.” Peter replies with worry in his tone.
“He is going to turn into that? That thing has wings.” I exclaim. 
“I can see that sweetheart.” Peter says to me but not sarcastically, but with fear in his voice.
“Scott bring him to us.” Derek says into the phone.
“What is that? Right there?”  I point towards the screen where there is a play button.
“Look, somebody made an animation of it. Maybe it’s less frightening if we--” Peter taps the mouse and a screeching sound comes out of the speakers. The tree of us jump back and Peter closes the laptop quickly. “No not at all. We should probably meet him halfway”
All of us ran towards the door and suddenly I ran into Peter’s back. “For fuck’s sake Cranky Pants” I curse under my breath.
“We need Lydia.” Peter says.
“There is no time for--” Derek starts
“That's the problem. We are rushing. We are moving too fast. And while everybody knows that a moving target is harder to hit, here we are, racing right into Gerard’s crosshair.” Peter says.
“If i get the chance to kill Jackson, I’m taking it.” Derek says and turns back around. 
I freeze in my spot, shocked that I am about to participate in the murder of a teenage boy- kanima or not. Peter sees it and grabs my hand rushing behind Derek.
We stop behind an abandoned building, Derek and Peter get out of the car and I follow.
“You guys stay here. I will go meet Scott and Isaac. Peter you will know when to come out” Derek says.
“Whoa, hey, wait a min--” I was caught off by Derek already running in all fours, like a dog I guess. “Well, fun meeting you Cranky Pants, but I am going to go to my brother now.” As I turn to walk away, Peter grabs my arm, really hard may I add, and turns me towards him.
“What are you doing? You can’t go out there. When Jackson will wake up he will go on a killing spree.” Peter whisper yells.
“Well, you already went on a killing spree once, what if you get off your rockets again and I will be your first victim.” I whisper yell back at him.  
“Bye Peter!!” I say as I look him in the eyes and tear my arm from his grasp. I could see that he was a little angry, but excuse me that I wasn’t gonna stay with somebody that tried to kill my brother less than a year ago. When I cached up with Scott and the others, they were already in the abandoned building. I could hear Peter close behind me. 
“-- wouldn’t let a rapid dog live.” A middle age man explained to the three werewolves. I was about to walk into the building another voice broke the silence.
“Of course not” an old man said. That’s when Peter grabbed me and pushed me beside the door. I knew it wasn’t the time to argue. I could feel the tension in the air. Peter and I peek around the corner although he tried to hide the view from me the best he could. “Anything that dangerous. That out of control... Is better off dead.” The old man said.
Right when Derek went to slash Jackson stomach, Jackson’s claw dug in his chest. I felt like I was going to vomit and I turned myself so I wouldn’t see what’s about to happen. From the side of my eye I could see Peter getting angry and his claws expanding. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself and I look towards Peter. 
“Kill them all” I heard shouting and I almost fainted. I got down to the ground and pulled my knees close to my chest, trying to make my self as small as possible when we heard the screeching of tires and a loud bang. I heard the voice of Lydia yelling Jackson name and I slowly stood up. After a couple of seconds Peter jumped out and pushed his claws in Jackson back and Derek in his stomach. When Lydia was on the floor besides Jackson body I make my way towards my brother and Stiles.
I was looking toward the couple with tears in my eyes as I stood beside Stiles. Derek was looking on with a sad expression on his face and Isaac too. 
“Where is Gerard?” Allison asked and the middle aged man answered that he can’t be far. When Lydia turned towards us Stiles started towards her but was stopped by the sounds of claws dragging on the concrete. All heads turned to the dead boy in front of Stiles jeep to see his wounds starting to close and Jackson getting up slowly. My eyes widened and turned my eyes towards the older werewolf here hoping that’s there is an explanation for this but all he did was too looking on with a shocked expression. 
Stiles started to tear up and moved forward but stopped beside Scott for a few minutes the two boys were looking at each other when Stiles looked down and said “He scratched my Jeep.” With hurt in his voice.
“Stiles...” I moved towards him following behind in the Jeep. He got in the driving seat and  I got on after him. He started driving and didn’t say a word. “Stiles... are you okay?” I speak softly as if i was going to scare him. I didn’t get a reply back...
“Stiles, let’s go at my place, have a sleepover like old times.” I said and he turned towards the route for Scott’s and mine’s house. When we got there my mom’s car wasn’t in the driveway, she must work late night shifts. I will see her in the morning. 
We go up to my room and I give Stiles some of my brothers clothes as I too take some for pajamas, because my suitcase is in my car and right now I really don’t know where my car is. After I was my face in the bathroom, I go to my room seeing Stiles in my bed already. I creep towards him and get in the bed beside him. I hug him from behind when he starts to sob quietly.
“It’s okay, everything is going to be okay, Stiles” I whisper sweet nothing to his ear until he fells asleep, me following close behind.
A/N: The sibling love is real between Stiles and Zoe!!!!
Tag list: @wil2space​ @iclosetgeek​
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The Greatest Thing You’ll Ever Learn is to Love (A.I)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin X fem!Reader 
Request: Yes!
Summary: Ashton is trying to propose, but fate’s not putting it easily 
Warnings: Smut, oral (female recieving) unprotected sex in a stablished relationship (wrap it before you tap it, please) Language, maybe a few grammar mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 5.3 k
Author’s Note: Requested by the lovely Lizza @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof 💕 is my very fisrt attempt to smut writting (I literally have no experience with this) so please be kind. Reblogs, comments and feedback are always welcomed and encouraged so please, I would love to know your opinion 😊 You can find the rest of my work HERE. Hope you like it and Happy reading  ✨🦋
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@iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​​ :  hi, i hope i'm not bugging you (wow didn't know my social anxiety shows so much) , i wanted to ask if you could write some fluffy smut with ash or mikey. maybe they just got engaged or something. lots of love - lizza
Everything was going according to plan. At least that’s what Ashton thought 5 min into the date. 
“What do you mean there is no reservation?” He asked the host, as calmly as he could. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Irwin. But I have no reservations under your name for tonight” Said the lady, trying to avoid any conflict “I do have one for the 24th but for the next month” 
Ashton wanted to slap himself in the face. Did he really make the reservation and messed up the date?! Tonight, out of all nights, it had to be tonight. His mind was racing like the Lightning Mcqueen himself, trying to find any kind of solution for this inconvenience.He had to find a way to stick to the plan, even if the first step was already ruined. 
“Is everything okay, Ash?” A voice snapped him out of his head. 
Ashton looked at you and his eyes softened when he felt your delicate hand on his arm, he was thankful for this little comforting gesture you always do when you notice he was starting to get frustrated. He gave you a reassuring warm smile as he interlocks his fingers with yours. 
“Yeah,” Ash said, thanking the host and guiding you out of the fancy restaurant onto the busy LA streets. “I'm just an idiot who can't tell June from July appart” He sighed. 
Your mouth became a thin line as you tried to hold back the laughter. “Oh no, baby…” You said, barely holding in the giggles. Ashton rolled his eyes. 
“Okay, let it out” He said as you burst out laughing in the middle of the sidewalk. Ashton briefly stops, but you kept on walking, allowing him to pull on your hand and make you turn around until your chest hit his “Well, now you´re just being mean” He pouted as you started giggling again. 
“Aww I´m sorry, baby” You said pecking his lips “But that's what you get for always teasing me about not remembering dates” 
“Yeah, I guess I deserve that” He sighed “You're not mad?” 
“Why would I be?” You frowned confused. 
Ashton looked at the floor, his hand still intertwined with yours as he played with your fingers. He didn’t try to hide his disappointment. 
“Because! We’ve been waiting for this date for a while now and you spend a lot of time getting yourself all ready and gorgeous to go to that fancy restaurant and I just ruined by getting all wrong from the beginning and-“
“Ash!” You interrupted him, cupping his face in your hands and making him look at you “Nothing’s ruined and the date isn’t over! Maybe it was fate… think about it! I bet that restaurant didn’t even have fries and I’m seriously craving some right now” Ashton chucked “The important thing here is that I get to spend time with you, so as long as I do, I don’t care if it is in a five star restaurant with minuscule portions of overly priced food or in a McDonald’s parking lot” 
Ashton looked at you and all he could see was how your eyes crinkled with your smile. He swears that if he were to die in the next 10 seconds then he would die a happy man, because your smile would be the last thing he’d see. 
This was just a minor setback, he thought, just one piece of his plan that didn’t exactly stick to it, but he still had all night. 
“I love you” He said, smiling as he brought his lips to yours. 
“I love you too, baby” You responded, stepping back and tugging on his hand “But first, fries” 
Ashton laughed, letting you guide the way to the closest fast food restaurant. And as he felt the weight of the small velvet box on his pocket, he knew that you were right, as long as he was with you, then everything would be okay. He only hopes the rest of the night goes according to plan. 
In a matter of minutes, you and Ashton were sitting on the sidewalk in your fancy clothes eating fries and milkshakes, laughing and joking around without a single care in the world. Your head was resting on his shoulder as you both saw cars and people pass, trying to create narratives with complete strangers and laughing at the absurdity that came out of each other's mouths. 
With every passing second, Ashton was even more sure about his decision. He was looking at you while you wondered aloud about the possibility of fate and he couldn't believe his luck. It seemed like yesterday where he got the nerve to ask you out on a date, palms sweaty as he blurted out the words, holding his breath until you smiled at him and said yes. He's hoping that tonight you would do the same. 
Your words drift away in his head as he starts daydreaming about your future together. He can see you standing all in white in front of him, a house with a lot of rooms to let your friends crash whenever they needed to or to fill with toys for your children, oh he can't wait to start a family with you, knowing that that's what you want too, eventually, maybe in a few years. Or maybe not at all? You could´ve changed your mind and that would be alright by him, after all if he has you then that's all he needed. But maybe you don't want him anymore, maybe you changed your mind completely. What would you say then? Is he rushing this? You talked about this before, but you could still say no. Would you say no? You have all the right to do so. Oh God, is he ruining this by asking you? Would you break up with him? Wh-? 
Your voice pulls him out of the trance, just like it did the first time he asked you on a date. 
“Hmm?” He hums. His eyes find yours and it's easy to spot the worry in them, the anxiety of it all is consuming him, but he can't let it show. 
“Where'd you go?” You chuckled, knowing he was in a different headspace. 
“I'm right here” He said, sliding his thumb against your lip to clean a bit of ice cream that was left forgotten,  pressing his lips against yours right after. 
He knows he shouldn't overthink this instead of enjoying this moment with you. He loves you and he knows you love him, that's all that matters, that's all there is to care. You belong together and if fate wants it, then you´ll be together for all your lives and he wants nothing more. He couldn't be more grateful when he's holding you like that, kissing you like that. With you, he feels like home. You are like a dream come true. 
He pulled away after a while, giving your forehead a little kiss and staying like that. You smiled.
“Not that I'm complaining,” You said, lifting your gaze to meet his eyes “But are you okay, baby? You seem… off” 
Ashton just smiled and nodded “I´m good, love. Just thinking,”
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“Maybe later.” He chuckled, getting up from the sidewalk and offering his hand for you to the same “Now, are you ready for step two?”
“Ooh, there's more?” You teased, locking your fingers together as you walked side to side. 
“I want you to have the best night of your life, dear” Ashton said, pulling you closer. 
“I already do! Every night that I have you with me is the best night of my life” You leaned closer to whisper in his ear “Where I can have you all by myself,” You bit his earlobe quickly, wanting to tease him just enough. 
“Careful, princess” Ashton warned in a low voice “Don't want to start something you don't intend to finish. We still have a long night ahead of us ” 
“Oh, I'm counting on it” 
“Excuse me, what?!” Ashton asked the security guard of the gallery. The man just stood there and shook his head. 
“I’m sorry son, but the exhibition is closed until next week for reparations” 
“Oh no, no no no no no” Ashton murmured, tangling his fingers in his hair “fuck fuck fuck fuck” 
He was thankful that you needed to go to the bathroom, that way you didn’t see him freak out in front of a complete stranger. 
The security guard looked at Ashton like he was crazy. 
“Are you okay, son?” 
“No!” He said loudly, but quickly lowered his voice when he realized more people were staring “That exhibition belongs to one of my girlfriend’s favorite artists, they have this whole collection of couples in different stages in life and intimacy and she just loves it so much and I already plan on asking her to marry me but the restaurant didn’t have my reservation and now the gallery is closed and I’m fully panicking because I don’t know if she’s going to say yes now that I ruined again just because I didn’t ask before coming in here and-“
Ashton was interrupted when he felt two large hands grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him slightly. 
“Calm the ef down, chief” Said the old man “You are going to have seizure if you keep rambling like that without taking a breath” Ashton closed his mouth and just stared at the man who still hasn’t let go of him “Look, you love this girl, don’t ya son?” 
“More than anything”
“You wanna marry her?”
“She loves you?” 
“She does” 
“Then why the hell are you so nervous?! If she loves you and wants to marry you then just ask her! Believe me, women don’t care about the flowers or the chocolates or all that bullshit. If you are the one for her and she’s the one for you then that’s all that truly has value” The man gave a small, kinda ‘wake the hell up’ slap to Ashton’s cheek that made him blink in disbelief “Now, don’t be an idiot, puff your chest and stop being a little scared puppy and go ask her!” 
Ashton nodded, kinda weirded out by the whole interaction but still understanding everything that man said. He thanked the man for the pep talk and walked a little too fast over where you were standing. 
You had just come out of the bathroom when you saw your boyfriend walking up to you. You noticed he was a little distressed once again. 
“Hey, Ash. Everything okay?” 
“Uhh, yes? No, yeah. What?” He mumbled, trying to wrap his head on what he should do next “Sorry, it just seems like the exhibition you wanted to see it’s closed for the week” 
“Oh no,” You said in a little disappointed tone that Ashton was quick to catch up, cursing at himself for making you sad, even though it wasn’t exactly his fault “Eh okay, that’s fine. Maybe we can just hang out on the other exhibitions” You smiled. 
“Babe, we’ve seen the other exhibitions like a million times already, don’t you think it’ll be a waste of time?” Ashton carefully asked. 
“Of course not! I love them,” You exclaimed, tugging on his hand and already walking to an isle full of portraits “And besides, time’s never wasted when you’re in good company and I so happen to have the best one there is” 
Ashton returned the smile and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to peck your cheek “I love you so darn much” he whispered in your ear “Why don’t we make this a game? You give me a list of things I have to find within the gallery, since we’ve been here before you need to make it clever so we don't end the game too soon, and I’ll do the same to you. Okay?”
Your eyes lighted up at the idea of a challenge. Both of you were very competitive and you knew this was going to be one of those times where it was all or nothing. 
“What happens if I win?” You asked.
Ashton pulled you closer, his hand dangerously placed on your lower back, slowly traveling lower and lower, making you shiver under his touch “We can do whatever you want, baby” he whispered, leaving a burning kiss on the side of your ear. 
“Mmh, whatever I want?” 
“I’ll be at your mercy, my princess” He smirked. 
You grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a kiss “Then let’s make sure I win, then” 
You exchanged phones and opened the notes app. The goal was to find ten items, it could be people hiding in one of the pictures or portraits, sculptures or random pieces of art scattered around the gallery. To prove you have them all you had to take a picture next to it or of it. Once you finished writing the list on each other’s phones, you started your search. 
You walked alongside each other, hands laced together as you took in the different kinds of art the gallery offered, stopping from time to time when one of you spotted one item on the list, making one of you take the picture while the other rejoiced in victory. 
“Hold up!” Ashton said as you passed in front of a peculiar painting “If I remember correctly… yes!” He celebrated quietly “There’s the duck with a bow tie! That means I win” 
“This isn’t fair!” You whined after taking Ashton’s picture next to the stupid duck. He had a smug smile on his face as he held two thumbs up to the camera “I can’t find the last item! You cheated!” 
“Aww” Cooed Ashton “Someone’s being a sore loser” 
“Am not!” 
“That’s alright babe, you can win another time” Ashton chucked “What’s the last item?” 
“The lady with the diamond ring” You groaned, rolling your eyes “It’s so stupid! I’ve been here before like a thousand times and I’ve never seen a painting or anything like it with a lady with a diamond ring. Diamond tiara yes, but ring?” You scoffed, clearly frustrated “Are you sure there’s a lady like that here?”
“Well…” Ashton started, but he was soon cut off by a loud, annoying sound. 
Soon enough, droplets of water started falling down the roof. The sprinkles had been turned on, meaning there was a fire inside the gallery. 
You looked at Ashton with fear in your eyes, the same fear you saw reflected in his hazel gaze. He grabbed your hand, ready to sprint out of there in a second when someone started yelling.
“Sorry! False alarm! I fell and pressed the button sorry! There’s no fire!” A masculine voice echoed through the isles. 
Ashton was livid, once again his proposal suffered a step back. How could everything get so messed up? He had everything planned and yet none of that worked. He was always used to having at least some sense of control over things but now he just felt completely helpless. Everything was wrong, everything was-
He snapped his face towards you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he saw you place a hand to your mouth, cheeks turning red from trying to stifle your laughter. But as soon as your eyes met his, you lost it completely. 
Your laughter burst through the halls, crackling at the situation “You-,” You said through a fit of giggles and snorts “Your face! You-“ You gasped for air, trying to gain some composure but failing miserably “I- we’re soaked! Look!” 
Ashton gaze followed to where your finger was pointing, finally stopping at a mirrored window in front of you. The image of both of your fancy outfits completely drenched, humid strands of hair falling on your faces and your make-up completely ruined except for the waterproof eyeliner was truly a sight to behold.
Ashton’s eyes were concentrated on your reflection the entire time. Even soaking wet you were the most beautiful piece of art he’d ever seen, your laughter filling his ears as a muse’s melody. He couldn’t wait to hear it every single day of his life. 
He joined you soon enough, his giggles resonating along yours, finally accepting how ridiculous this situation was. That’s something you love about him, his laugh. You’d never get tired of it. It was so sincere and pure, you don’t know how’d you spend so much time without that laugh in your life. 
He was truly the love of your life. You knew, as soon as you saw him, that you were done for. You remember waiting patiently for him to ask you on a date, almost giving up and asking him yourself when he blurted out the words one day, thankfully. You are so in love with him it hurts, and to know that the feeling is mutual is just… the greatest thing that could ever happen to you. 
You pressed your lips against his, both of you smiling into the kiss as your hands played with the back of his neck, training the lines of the condor tattoo. His hands quickly found their way to your waist, rounding it as he lifted you off the ground and spun you around the soaked marble floor. 
Ashton broke the kiss when he put you down once again “Wanna get out of here?” He asked, smiling. 
You nodded as you let him guide you outside the building. 
The cold air of the city made you shiver as soon as you stepped foot on the streets, Ashton quickly gave you his jacket, which was a sweet gesture even though it made no difference since it was soaked as well. 
“Let’s head back home” He said, placing an arm around your shoulders. 
“Thought you had a whole night planned?” You asked, not wanting to discourage him.
“Yeah.. but that already went to the dogs. We can’t go anywhere in this state” He chuckled, making you laugh as well “And besides, someone once told me that the most important thing is that we get to spend time together. So as long as we do that, every plan is a great plan, don’t you think?” 
You hummed softly “Must be a very wise person” 
“Very much so. And beautiful. And funny. And hot as hell…”
“Wow, really?” You asked sarcastically. 
“I must meet them someday” 
Ashton laughed and pulled you closer to him. Never wanting to let you go. 
The drive home was peacefully quiet, both of you content with each other’s company, the radio filled in the silence and the traffic lights gave the atmosphere an ethereal feeling. You knew this was one of the moments where words were unnecessary, one of those moments to put away in a little box and opening it for a rainy day. It was a moment of love and peace. A true treasure. 
Once you are home, you open the door as soon as Ashton stops the car, expressing your dire need of a hot shower “Can I join?” Asked Ashton as he took the key out of the engine tab. 
“Always” You winked at him. 
He chucked, making the car keys fall from his grip “Aw shit, go ahead love. The keys are in the pocket of my jacket” 
Ashton heard you mutter an okay as he bent down to grab the car keys from the floor. Realizing a moment too late that there was something else in his pocket that night. 
Oh shit. 
“A-Ash, wha-“ you stuttered, holding a little blue velvet box in your hand. 
He rushed to you, quickly grabbing the object from your hands “Oh shit, uuh” he gulped, starting to panic “I-I, fuck. I didn’t- Oh fuck it” 
In a matter of seconds, Ashton fell on one knee. He grabbed your hand delicately as he looked into your eyes. He took a deep breath and gained the courage he was trying to master since the beginning of the evening. 
“I honestly didn’t expect to do this on the porch of our house. I had everything planned. The fancy dinner, the gallery, countless other romantic activities we could’ve done tonight… as you can see nothing went as planned. I tried so hard to find the perfect moment to say this, but there isn’t such a thing. There isn’t because I know that every moment that I get to spend with you is the perfect moment. 
Y/N, I love you. I have loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you, and I haven’t stopped since. I find myself falling harder for you everytime you smile or you laugh, god I would give anything to make you laugh every single day of my life. You are the smartest person I know and I love hearing you talk about the topics that make you happy, wishing I could be one of them. Y/N you are… kind, you are funny, you are the most patient and resilient person I’ve ever known. Baby, you are my everything and I don’t know… I don’t want to know what I’d do without you. 
I want you with me, always and forever. I want to be yours in more ways than one. I want to cherish you and be able to call you my wife, my love, my world. Everything I have, everything I am is yours. You make me a better person and you just make me the happiest man on earth just by staying by your side.
I’m yours, Y/N. In every possible way. Will you be mine? Will you-“
“Yes.” You said breathlessly through the tears. 
“Yes! Ashton, yes! A million times, yes” 
You pulled him up from the floor and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him like your life depended on it. 
Ashton cupped your face in his hands and deepened the kiss, parting your lips as you both melted to one another. 
“I love you” he said, breaking the kiss to slide the ring onto your finger.
“I love you more”
He chuckled “Not possible” 
You barely make it through the door before you are kissing him again, not being able to stand even a few more seconds without being close to him. Your heart is beating faster than ever, almost bursting out of your chest as you tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling it slightly in a desperate need to have him even closer. 
“Fuck, baby” Ashton groans, cupping your ass and squeezing it as you jump and wrap your legs around his waist “You don’t know what you do to me” he said planting kisses all over your jaw, marking up a trail down your neck. 
You moaned as you felt his lips sucking your sweet spot. Ashton had you pressed against the wall, his mouth clashing with yours, feeling every inch of your bodies as you battled for dominance. You let one of your hands fall and travel to where your lower halves meet, palming his growing erection and earning a low moan from him. With your other hand, you tug on his hair and whispered in his ear “Show me” 
In an instant, Ashton dropped you to the floor and picked you up bridal style, making your way to your shared bedroom. He gently put you down on the bed and kneeled down in front of you. 
He slowly started to undo the straps on your shoes, kissing your legs from your ankles to your knees in an agonizing pace before moving to the other one. 
“So beautiful..” He said, sliding his hands up your body, removing your clothes in the process. 
“Ash..” you whined. Pulling him by the collar of his shirt and disregarding it completely, bringing your lips together. You moaned into the kiss when you felt his fingers brush through your sides, leaving a burning trail of goosebumps wherever he touched. 
“Where’d you want me, baby?” He said, kissing down your body, leaving marks wherever he could, stopping just right above your hip bone. You shivered when his fingers traced along your panties, adding pressure where you needed him most “You’re so wet, my love” He whispered as he hooked his thumbs on the side of them and pulled them off completely. His fingers running up and down your folds collecting your wetness and using them as lube “All of this for me?” 
“Yes” You breathe heavily, moaning as you feel one of his fingers slip inside you. 
“What was that, Princess?” He teased, kissing the inside of your thighs. 
“All for you, Ash. All for-“ You moaned as he inserted another finger inside your hole, setting a pace that already made you see starts “Ash… please” you begged.
“Please what, Princess?” 
“I need you” 
Ashton presses his lips to your clit, kissing and sucking it as his fingers curled up inside you. Your hand made its way to his hair, fingers locking with his curls as you tugged on them, holding him in place. 
You let out a pornographic moan when his fingers brush your g spot, bucking your hips when you felt that tight knot in your stomach, but Ashton put his arm above your hips and held you down. You whispered as you felt him groan against your sex, sending vibration all over your body. 
“You’re close, aren’t ya?” Ashton said as he quickened the pace of his fingers “I can feel you clenching around my fingers, baby. C’mon, let go. Let me hear you, baby” He attached his lips to your clit once again, sucking it hard as your orgasm hit you, moaning his name as you came down from your high. 
Ashton kneeled down on the bed, bringing his fingers to his mouth “Mmh” he moaned as he tasted your juices “Baby, you’re exquisite” 
You quickly sat up as well, smacking your lips against his. Humming into the kiss as your hands started to unbuckle his pants and lowered them down just enough to palm him through his boxers, already feeling the precum leak through the thin fabric. Ashton let out a low moan at your touch, dropping his hand to stop yours.
“Later, Princess” He said, bringing your hand to his lips, kissing it softly “I need to be inside you” 
And with that, he pressed his arm around your waist and flipped you over so you were on top of him. You quickly caught his idea as you started tugging down his pants and boxers, taking them off completely, 
“You don’t know how many times I imagined this” Ashton hissed when you speed your legs to each side of his hips, starting to grin on his cock with your bare sex, coating it with your wetness and moaning with delight “You riding me wearing this” He said, grabbing your left hand and kissing your new ring “And only this” 
Your eyes were fixed on him as you stroke his cock and lined it up with your entrance “And how was it?” You asked in a teasing tone. 
He smirked “Just like this” Ashton said, grabbing you by each side of your hips and slowly entering you until he bottomed down “Fucking fantastic” 
You moaned at the stretch, loving how every inch of him filled you up and made you feel whole. Ashton groaned when he felt your walls clench around his cock, letting you adjust to him before you started to move and setting up a pace. 
You started rocking on him, lifting your hips up and down his length as your hands flew to his chest for leverage, nails digging on his skin and leaving marks for you to trace later, a faint memory of the night that Ashton would treasure forever. Your moans grew louder and louder as you started going faster, Ashton’s name became a mantra to your lips as you started chasing your own pleasure. 
Ashton grunted and moaned praises to you, stretching his hands so he could cup your breasts in each one “So fucking right, princess” he said, squeezing your boobs while his thumbs brushed your nipples “So. Fucking. Good. And all mine” 
You moaned loudly at his actions. The feeling of him suddenly becoming too much as he lets go of your breast and grabs you by the hips once more, meeting your thrust and fucking you harder. 
“Say you’re mine” He moaned, digging his fingers into your skin, applying a pressure that will leave bruises later on. 
“Ah- a I’m yours! I’m yours” You said between your panting and your moans. Letting your upper half fall onto him, placing your arms at each side of his face as you let him take control. 
“Yeah, baby... Fuck” He groaned in your ear as he speed up the pace, feeling his release approach with yours “You’re mine. My wife. My princess. My everything.. Fuck” 
“Ashton…” You whined. 
“Come baby, come on my cock. C’mon, I’m right behind you” Ashton said, bringing his lips to yours for a messy kiss, sticking your moans as you came all over his cock. 
You felt dizzy as Ashton fucked you through your orgasm, your whole body trembling against him as he chased his own release. Ashton’s body tensed, his thrusts became sloppier as your walls clench around him, making his cock twitch inside you and filling you with his cum. 
You both sighed heavily, content in your own pleasure as you slowly started making out again. Soft kisses and touches mixed with reassuring words of love filled the room as your post orgasmic daze faded away. Ashton carefully pulled out of you and made his way to the bathroom, bringing with him a small wet cloth to clean you up, peppering kisses all over your body as he did so. 
Once he was done he laid in bed next to you, pulling you to his chest and kissing your forehead.
“You make me the happiest man on the planet” He whispered, not wanting to break the comfortable silence between the two of you “Fuck, baby. I’m so glad you said yes” 
“Was there another option?” You chuckled “Did you really think I would’ve said no?” 
“To be honest, I was a little worried you might” He laughed “It seems stupid now but I was so pissed earlier, I wanted to propose on the restaurant but then I messed up, then I thought that the gallery would’ve been a better option anyways and it ended up beign-“
“One of the best dates of my life?” You interrupted him. Ashton looked at you confused “I had fun today, Ash. I had a great time just being with you and having our own little chaos. And even if you decided to proposed at that McDonald’s I would’ve said yes regardless” You said, placing a small kiss to his lips “Though I’m still pissed about the game” 
Ashton raised his eyebrows “Oh! That reminds me,” He got out of bed and started looking through the clothes that were laying on the floor for his cellphone. Once he found it he came back up and took a picture of your hand with the engagement ring, turning to you with a shit eating grin “I win” 
“I found the lady with the diamond ring!” He said excitedly. You slapped him in the chest “Ouch!”
“So you did cheat!” 
“In my defense I was going to propose right there and there” Ashton said in as a matter of fact way “I was trying to be romantic” 
You rolled your eyes and curled up to him, placing a soft kiss to his chest. His arms wrapped around you and traveled along your back, caressing it softly as you drifted to sleep. 
“Y/N?” He whispered after a while. 
You hummed “Yes?” 
“I can’t wait to marry you” 
You smiled into his embrace “I can’t wait to marry you, either” 
347 notes · View notes
sicjimin · 3 years
—Little Min's Discovery : Morning Sickness pt. 2
A.N : hahah ... you already know. i hope you like this :)
TW : emeto, graphic descriptions of vomiting
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Seokjin never expected that there would be a day where his morning sickness just gonna hit so hard, until to the point it become extreme.
He wakes up with a harsh wave of nausea engulfed him. He's used to waking up with nausea but never the harsh one that almost left him suffocated. He squirms and curled his body deeper into his husband's chest while inhaling and exhaling his breath deeply. Yoongi is a light sleeper, so it didn't surprise Seokjin when the younger raspy voices followed with fingers brushing his hair gently come into his sense, "Baby .. what's wrong?"
Seokjin shakes his head, "I'm just so nauseous ..", he says as he inhales deeply in the hope to calm his chaotic stomach. Yoongi hugs him tighter and rubs his back a few times before he checks the time on his phone. 9 AM — " Hyung, is it okay for me to go to the company? I already make some appointment with PD-nim, Hobi, and Namjoon", Yoongi warily asks. He wants to stay in bed and take care of his pregnant husband so bad but on the other side, he also didn't want to disappoint his member and producer.
"Of course you can go. I will be fine, Yoongi-chi. This is just like my usual morning sickness", Seokjin says in between his effort swallowing every wave of nausea that crippling the back of his throat. "I think I will continue to sleep", he continues. Yoongi mustered a soft okay before slowly getting up from bed and get ready as quietly as possible. He plants a soft kiss and whispers, "I'm going" to his sleeping husband that makes the older stir a little before he goes to the company.
The moment Seokjin wakes up, it's already 10.30 AM, and the other side of his bed already cold—meaning Yoongi is already gone for a quite long time. He inhales deeply feeling nausea that still hit him on and off but not as bad as earlier before moving his body slowly and take a bath. The warm water gives a nice sensation to his skin and relaxing his muscle, he took his sweet time there, absorbing every sweet and warm feeling he could get, slowly rubbing his bump that's not quite prominent yet, hoping the baby there also relaxing. When he feels the water start gone cold, he finishes his bath session and moves to the sink to do his skincare routine.
A thing about morning sickness is the wave of nausea hit you in surprise, just like right now. He was about to open his toner when his tongue suddenly arched, making him open his mouth wider as a harsh gag erupted. He ducked his head to the sink, spilling a quite generous amount of thick saliva. He spits as he closed his eyes shut, riding the wave of nausea that comes on and off to his stomach, flipping it upside down even though he's empty. His shoulder heaves again as he let out another gag. It goes for a solid one minute, he keeps gagging as his stomach clenches but brings nothing except a trickle of saliva. Seokjin squirmed on his position, still letting his mouth wide open, drooling the thick saliva. Shit, he's so nauseous.
He sucked a deep breath before lurching his body more to the sink as a mouthful of beige murky vomit spurts from his lips, leaving him coughing after. He didn't manage to catch a breath before another wave following after, this time sending his dinner down to the drain. He squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered as the wave is quite .. big. He opened his eyes slowly and, that's proven a mistake, seeing the half-digested dinner below him as a pale brown color liquid, sending another retch from his stomach. Seokjin's stomach keeps contracting, demanding to expel every bit of his dinner. It took him another 3 rounds of sick before he managed to let go of the sink and rinse his bitter taste mouth.
Seokjin took a look at the mirror, immediately meets with glassy—bloodshot eyes, his cheeks tears-stained, and he sniffles once a while as his nose becomes runny, "Baby, look what you did to my handsome face", Seokjin whispers slowly while rubbing his bump, " please don't make it too difficult for me, okay?"
Seokjin decides that today is a good day to eat some toast with Nutella and banana—Hobi's recipe— a thing that he rarely did if it's not because of his pregnancy. His early episode of vomiting got the baby in him hungry. So it didn't take a long time for him to make one and devour it happily, along with chamomile tea that quick to spread warmth and calmness to his body. Completely washing the bitter and foul aftertaste on his tongue. After his breakfast, Seokjin brings his leg to the couch and turns on the TV, so it won't be too quiet in their apartment. He took a glance at the clock, 11.35 AM, its still a long time before his husband goes home. He sighs before opening his iPad and start reading through the recording notes and other emails he has. After 10 minutes of scrolling through, his morning sickness acting up again.
Seokjin sighs tiredly as he shut his eyes closed and starts controlling his breathing when he feels his stomach churning. He makes a soft pattern over his belly, "baby... no", he whispers slowly, hoping that his little one would give mercy. But the little one apparently a rebel, since his nausea becomes more prominent. He could feel the gag hanging on the back of his throat like a yawn. He tightens his lips and swallows thickly, pushing the sick back to his stomach. It was a tight battle between him and his stomach until he's losing.
Seokjin's body convulses as a harsh gag finally escaped his throat, he quickly clamped his mouth as his eyes frantically searching for a place to be sick. Another heave erupted from his stomach, filling his mouth with thick water, some of it already spilling from his mouth, making his palms wet—urging the man to search faster. His eyes fall to the box on the table, as far as he remembers, that was the container for cookies last week. Bless anyone that placed it there. He reaches for the clear plastic box and opened his mouth widely, letting the thick brown liquid filling it.  Another wave immediately rushing from his lips, making him cough and gag more when he could feel the sweet taste of chocolate in his mouth. He gasps, before sending another round. This time he could see banana plopping to the container. The sight only making him more nauseous, so he squeezed his eyes shut while his body keeps heaving forward.
Seokjin leaned his body to the couch, panting when the wave finally tapered down. He weakly walks to the sink and washes the container with his eyes closed, rinses his mouth, and drinks some water to calm down his burning throat.  
He plops back to the couch, exhaustion crashing his body. Suddenly, his throat tightens, as his eyes start brimming with tears. Damn this pregnant hormone, he only wakes not even 2 hours and he already being sick 2 times and he's so tired. He doesn't want to be alone. He wants to be cuddled and curled himself in sleep.
And damn Min Yoongi and his job, that makes him need to go to the studio and leaving him alone. Seokjin groans in frustration and harshly wipes the tears that manage to spill, fished his phone and tap the number, "Bighit Min Yoongi—husband"
5 seconds, before the deep voices of his husband entering his ears, making his emotion sky-rocketed, and the next thing he knows, Seokjin is crying, "Y-Yoongichi ...", he croaked out in between sobs. Alarming the man on the other side, "Hyung? Babe? Why are you crying? What happened? Are you hurt?"
"Then why are you crying?", Yoongi patiently asks, "Babe, breath. You cant talk if you're sobbing like that. Hey, I'm here, breath"
Its silence for a minute as Seokjin busy calming himself down, "Can you come home now?", he cautiously asks. His voice small and weak, making Yoongi coos but sad at the same time, "I can, right now?"
Seokjin nods, completely forgot that Yoongi can't see him. "Can I know why I need to be home now? Does anything happen?", Yoongi softly asks as his hand starts grabbing his things and turn off the computer. 
"My morning sickness ... is bad. I keep throwing up, and I don't want to be alone", Seokjin mumbled. Yoongi could imagine the older talking while pouting. "Okay, is there anything you need?"
"No, just .. come quickly" 
"You're so demanding baby", Yoongi giggles, "Oh shut up" 
Seokjin can hear the sound of the car beeping at the other side, indicating that Yoongi already in his car. Suddenly, he felt guilty, what if Yoongi was busy? what if Yoongi currently finishing his deadline then it got cut off because of his whining? 
"Umm... Yoongichi", Seokjin calls out
"I'm sorry"
"Huh?", Yoongi confused, "Why are you sorry? Did you break or lost something mine?"
"Uh .. no, but", Seokjin exhales, trailing his words. 
"I'm sorry I cut your work.. just because of my whining"
Its silence. Seokjin pulls his phone away, the call still connected, "Yoongi?"
Oh. Yoongi didn't want to talk about it. Maybe the younger is really upset. Asking him to go home early is a mistake. Seokjin sighs, "Nothing, drive safely. I love you", he says before ending the call, not waiting for Yoongi's answer. 
Seokjin stared blankly at the TV, his mind is too loud for his liking. Nausea start building back on his stomach as his baby could sense his distress. He rubs his bump again, "No baby, I'm okay", Seokjin croaked out. Voice-breaking at the end. He sniffles back tears that almost slip down when the front door opened, showing his tiny husband figures. 
Seokjin didn't move from his seat, busying himself rubbing his stomach. He feels the couch dipped, "Hey" 
"You're home", Seokjin says but not lifting his head. 
"Yes I'm home", Yoongi scoots over and lifts the older chin, "Look at me", and Seokjin did. The sight of the younger black soft eyes making his eyes teary. He really gonna fight everyone that has an idea to mess with pregnant hormone. He's tired of being so emotional. Tears start spilling to his cheeks that quickly wiped off by his husband thumbs, " I'm home, and i'm not upset you're asking me back faster, and you're not bothering anything. Okay? So,", Yoongi flicks Seokjin's forehead, gaining a glare from the older, "Yah!"
Yoongi giggles, "So, wiped out all the negative thoughts you're pilling in there. Remember, happy things only"
Seokjin nods slowly and lurched himself to his husband's arms, "You're clingy today"
"Blame your baby that keeps making me sick", Seokjin pouts, voice mumbled as he nuzzled himself on Yoongi's crooks. Inhaling the fresh pine from his husband's perfume, he loves it so much. Yoongi plays with Seokjin's caramel hair, " You're so strong. Lets move to our bedroom and cuddle"
"Mhm, sounds like a plan"
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thedyingwriter · 4 years
BTS hybrid X Reader AU
Part 1 | Part 2
Character (age)
Kim Seokjin- Fox hybrid (28)
Min Yoongi- Jaguar hybrid (27)
Jung Hoseok- G. Retriever hybrid (26)
Kim Namjoon- Wolf hybrid (26)
Park Jimin- Cat hybrid (25)
Kim Taehyung- Panther hybrid (25)
Jeon Jungkook- Rabbit hybrid (23)
Reader- Dr Kang Seo Yoon (27)
Jaehyun- Seo Yoon's best friend and coworker. (25 for the sake of the Story)
{ Dr Kang Seo Yoon was a very successful researcher and doctor of the hybrids and worked at the hybrid welfare center. She lived with her six hybrids- Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook- who had grown up on her through the years when she found them at the rescue shelters. She was a kind and empathetic person who had used all her resources and knowledge for the betterment of the hybrid species. What will happen when she comes across an injured Panther hybrid Taehyung outside her house and decides to help him regardless of him being hardly human towards her. Will she take him in? Will he become a part of her sweet happy family? }
Chapter 1
The Injured Hybrid
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" Wake up noona" Seo Yoon heard the voice of Jungkook shaking her from slumber. He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck tickling her with his soft ears. She chuckled at his action and finally got up.
"Aish, kookie where do you get so much energy at 5 in the morning." You said gently rubbing his bunny ears. He purred.
"Noona everyone is sleeping and I have been up for a while. I didn't want to disturb you but you said you have to wake up early for your work today so I thought I should come and see" He said his cute smile on full display a faint shade of red on his cheeks.
"Let's go and make some breakfast for everyone then, you can help me" She said getting down from her bed and following Jungkook towards the kitchen. The 23 year old was always cheerful making sure everyone around him is happy too. For his age he definitely acts like a cute lil toddler but she loved him dearly.
"Kookie I plan on making fried rice and omelette for breakfast. I'll start with the rice could you whisk me some eggs?" She told him and he nodded while grabbing a large bowl and a crate of egg from the fridge.
Seo Yoon was cutting the vegetable when Jin walked in the kitchen his hair a mess. "Good morning Jin oppa" "Good morning hyung" You and Jungkook said at the same time.
She felt gentle hands at your back, untying your apron. “I can take over Y/N, why don’t you go take a bath? You have to be at the center early for the rounds right? " Jin said shaking your hair.
“Thank you oppa, what Would I do without you” she said, stepping away from the stove. If Seo Yoon weren’t cooking, Jin was. He loved the activity ever since you taught him how. Soon enough he surpassed her skills, creating mouth-watering dishes. In thanks, she rubbed his dark fox ears. He leaned into your touch, fluffy tail swaying.
"Noona shall I go and wake all the hyung while you get ready? " Jungkook asked.
"Yes kookie that would be really helpful. Tell them all to brush their teeth and come for breakfast. " She said and walked back to her room to get ready for the day. Seo Yoon and Jaehyun had to work hard today. It was an open out patient day and different shelters were bringing their hybrids for checkups. She took a shower and dressed up in jeans and a formal shirt tying her hair in a ponytail her beautiful bangs covering her forehead. She could hear the commotion of the boys from the kitchen. She took her white coat and some files and walked out towards them.
All of them were sitting on the counter eating their food. All the 6 hybrids looked cute in messy hairs and pyjamas while stuffing their mouths with food. She took out your phone and clicked a picture. The sound of the shutter gathering everyone's attention. Despite most of them being younger than her, she insisted on them calling her by her name as she felt really old though Jungkook still called her noona because he always wanted an elder sister.
" Aahh Seo Yoon, you look so pretty. Come join us for breakfast " Hobi said wagging his tail happily. She went to sit with them patting each of their hair as they smiled at her. Yoongi took her in a hug and passed her a travel coffee container filled with her favorite drink which he made each morning for her. She took a sip and groaned in pleasure while everyone laughed at her love for coffee which she shared with Yoongi. " What would I do without you Yoongi oppa. I can hardly work without your coffee. " She said and sat down to eat her breakfast.
After breakfast Jimin went and kept her files and coat inside her car and Jin packed her lunch. She picked her bag and was ready to leave. Namjoon came to her and gave her a hug. It was their thing. Every hybrid hugged her before she went out showing affection. She kissed Joonie's cheeks and then hugged Hobi. Jimin and Jungkook group hugged her nearly trampling her on the floor with so much force and enthusiasm. Yoongi kissed her cheek as she went out to her car where Jin was ready to drive her to the center. He liked driving her and would spend an hr with shelter kids helping around and come back in an hour. His dark green silk scarf which acted as a collar sat perfectly on his neck. Jin dropped her at her office saying goodbye and going towards the shelters behind the building.
Seo Yoon entered her building and was immediately met with the strong smell of hospital which she has grown to call home now. She went to her locker and changed into her scrubs and came to her office which she shared with her best friend Jaehyun who as usual was late as always. 10 minutes later you heard the door open and a panting Jaehyun in his scrubs appeared before you.
"I'm sorry I'm late, before you say anything Seo Yoon, Ik it's third time this week and today we have a busy day ahead of us but what can I do I was watching a drama at night and couldn't get up early because of lack of sleep. " He ranted in a breath going on and on about how the protagonist if the drama was so stupid for not understanding the guy loves her.
She shook her head. " Aeyah!! stop talking Jae before I murder you. One day I'll give you a nice trashing for how casually you take me. " She said with a pout. He laughed at her and hugged her as she melted into giggles. She can never be mad at the kid. He was way too sweet and cute.
Somebody knocked at the door and a nurse appeared. " Dr Kang and Dr Jaehyun, the patients are here. We can start with the day. " She said and left.
Jae and Seo Yoon sat at the table and opened their lunches. Jin always packed food for your best friend who loved his food even though Jaehyun himself was an excellent cook.
"I'm coming to your place for the weekend. I really miss the boys. It's been a while. And this week we even have the Saturday off from shelter duty" Jae said with his mouth stuffed. She has lived so much around boys now that it's hard for her to remember what sophisticated people looked like.
"Why don't you just move in with me. You already live at my place nearly all the time when we aren't working" I scoffed. Her place is more or less like an open motel for her friends to stay in whenever they want considering the size of her big real estate. After her father's demise when she inherited his wealth. She decided to make a big place where she can adopt some hybrids and live happily. It had literally all the required materials a person could need to survive in luxury. She really had spoiled all the boys with 24x7 wifi and gaming.
Jaehyun shook his head and laughed at her scowled face. He loved teasing the older girl.
"Why noona that's an excellent idea. I'll have an amazing time with the boys and get free food. " She got up and punched his arm. She absolutely did not liked being called noona.
"I told you not to call me noona or I'll give you a good trashing. " She angrily chewed on her fish.
"Ayee you are biased Seo Yoon, why does jungkook gets to call you noona and all of us don't. " He teased her further.
"Well if you really want an answer he is more cuter, is good at everything, doesn't gives me a headache every 10 minute and definitely isn't a constant pain in my ass. " She said laughing and Jaehyun threw her a dirty look.
When Seo Yoon left the hospital in the evening it was quite late then usual. Jaehyun had left half an hour ago but she stayed looking at the shelter kids who ran around each other enjoying life without a worry. She had a smile on her face and a tear in her eyes as she walked back to her home. She always liked walking back to home and it wasn't an issue as it was a highly safe residential society with great love for people and hybrid. She felt someone's presence behind her and immediately knew who it was.
"Jin oppa you didn't have to come I was on my way. " She said and turned to see a flustered Jin caught following her. He was worried that she was coming home alone so late and thought to accompany her.
"How did you know it was me? Do you have a secret third eye behind your head or something? " He said and took your backpack from you holding your hands firmly.
"Well I have been around you since the beginning. It's easy to feel your presence. It's a girl thing. " She said and looked in the front. They were very close to their home.
A young man clad in black outfit was walking in front of them. He had a slight limp and looked almost drunk from pain. As if he was drowning his sorrows. He was limping towards the other side when he suddenly disappeared from their eye sight.
"Oppa did you see that? " She asked Jin. Jin pulled her behind him and they both walked quietly towards the road crossing. A black van was parked ans the man from earlier was being pushed inside it. He was being abducted. 2 men pushing him inside. Jin quickly rushed towards the van. He pulled the man from the goons hold and layed the now almost unconscious man on the road side. This gave the goons time to flee. Jin was about to go after them when Seo Yoon stopped him.
She immediately knelt beside the man. He wasn't drunk. He was badly injured. His abdomen was bleeding and his legs were tampered. She tried helping him.
He groaned as she touched him to treat his wounds. He immediately backed up at an inhuman speed. This shook both of them.
"He's a hybrid oppa. We need to help him. " Seo Yoon said and Jin immediately called Yoongi to keep first aid ready.
The hybrid's cap fell from his face revealing two soft black cat like ears. His tale was brilliantly tucked in his pants not giving anything away that he wasn't human. He immediately tried fleeing from the human who looked at her with her almost teary eyes but he couldn't. He did not have the strength. He collapsed in her arms his world going black as the last thing he saw was the beautiful face of a teary eyed angel who somehow did not look like she wanted to harm him like other humans.
Seo Yoon was almost gonna cry after seeing the hybrid. He fell in her arms. His life almost slipping away. Jin picked him up and they rushed inside the house towards the guest room. Yoongi and the boys had kept all necessary medical aid that they know Seo Yoon kept for emergency on a table nearby. They were as astonished as the duo seeing how badly injured this hybrid was.
"What happened to you" Seo Yoon wondered out loud.
A/N: this is my first hybrid au. I hope you all enjoyed this. Please like comment and reblog if you liked it. I'll post next part soon. Put your name in the comment section below to get tagged in the next part.
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junhaoshua · 2 years
a Taylor jukebox musical concept
So in honour of Taylor day, I had planned to put together a playlist of my favourite Tay songs... which somehow turned into a whole jukebox musical based on her work LOL
Presenting "Us": a musical in two acts, with 12 and 13 songs respectively (because 12/13). you can listen along here!
ACT 1: MR WRONG (tracks 1-12)
The first act has 12 tracks - because it's just short of lucky.
Track 1: i knew you were trouble
Spotlight focuses on Main Character (MC). She introduces Wrong (W) to us. Flashback to the first moment she saw him at a party; she knew he was trouble when he walked in, but reflects that she couldn’t resist.
Track 2: don’t blame me
MC narrates falling in love with W, trying to explain that he’d made her crazy and she was hopelessly drawn to him, even though she knew it was a bad idea.
Tracks 3 & 4: love story + starlight
Montage of MC and W’s relationship. She wants to believe that it’s a secret love that society won’t approve of, a Romeo and Juliet relationship, but looking at the starlight, she’s dreaming impossible dreams of being with him, and she fantasizes about him proposing.
Track 5: style
The cracks start to appear in the relationship; a rollercoaster of ups and downs, breakups and getting back together. Still, MC doesn’t want to see it; she insists that they’ll never go out of style… until she realizes that the “other girl” W’s been out and about with is his fiancee.
Track 6: illicit affairs
MC’s realisation that she’s been the third party, a million little things lining up and making sense in her mind as we revisit the scenes in Love Story. It wasn’t a secret love story, it was an illicit affair.
Track 7: wonderland
MC reflects on their relationship: it was wonderland, never meant to last, and that’s why people were watching and talking all along.
Track 8: getaway car
The flashback finally catches up to the moment in I Knew You Were Trouble, where MC began her story. MC breaks up with W. She admits she was lying to herself (after all, she knew he was trouble from the start) and tells him that he should have expected this outcome, driving off in tears and leaving him.
Track 9: death by a thousand cuts
MC’s driving off when she hits a red light and stops. She asks the traffic lights if she’ll be alright, and the song begins. Montage of MC moping around brokenhearted.
Track 10: all too well (10 mins)
MC looks back on her relationship with W. Montage of the same scenes from Love Story + Style + Starlight, but now we realise those scenes are the ones that ATW mentions. She’s broken, miserable, but then she sees him with a new lover, another young girl.
Track 11: clean
That night, MC goes home and cries, thunder echoing as the sky cries with her. But the realisation that W is just plain bad news finally snaps MC out of her misery. She wakes up the morning after the rain and decides to move on. She throws out all the gifts he gave her, blocks his number, and finally feels clean of him.
Track 12: august
MC has finally moved on. She looks back, accepts that W was never hers to lose, and puts the summer romance behind her.
ACT 2: MR RIGHT (tracks 13-25)
The second act has 13 tracks - because she’s finally lucky and in love now.
Track 13: new romantics
Time skip. MC’s at another party, and she’s older here. She seems to have moved on entirely from W, defiant and unashamed, joking that heartbreak is the national anthem, and showing off her “scarlet letter” (from being known as the “other woman” - she was a "scarlet letter" in Love Story). Then Right (R) walks in, and he’s gorgeous.
Track 14: gorgeous
R immediately catches MC’s eye - and she, his. She’s clearly dazzled by him, but tries to avoid him to avoid making a fool of herself. The party ends, as we hear “ocean blue eyes, looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die”.
Track 15: gold rush
MC’s alone in her apartment. She thinks of R - “gleaming, twinkling, eyes like sinking ships on water, so inviting, I almost jump in” and resolves to stay far away. The last time she felt this immediate attraction, it was with W.
Track 16: mirrorball
MC and R continue to cross paths at various parties. But instead of MC’s facade we saw in New Romantics, we get her internal monologue: she’s still shattered from W, and just trying to fit in and keep people’s attention, even if it means being mocked or having to treat her wounds as though they’re nothing (e.g. showing off her scarlet letters). But somehow, R seems to actually care about her as a person, unlike the other revelers. He asks her out.
Track 17: the archer
MC decides to give R a chance, desperately hoping that it’ll work and she can hold on to him this time. He seems to see right through her and understand her - an idea which terrifies her. To be loved, she knows she must go through the mortifying ordeal of being known - but every friend who’s truly known her has eventually turned into her enemy.
Track 18: cruel summer
Another relationship montage - this one between MC and R. Going on dates, wandering around the city (specifically Centennial Park). She tries to act tough and keep it casual, as though everything’s fine. She’s guarded, believing that he might betray her at any moment, not knowing if he’s leading her on. (It’s obvious to the audience that he’s head over heels in love with her though). It seems to be all fine until she impulsively tells him “I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” before running away.
Tracks 19 & 20: delicate + you are in love
MC’s actions explained as she looks back on their relationship. The delicate beginnings as she tries to figure out how and why R wants to be with her. And the sudden, “oh shit” realisation that she’s in love with him, blurts it out - and runs away.
Track 21: cornelia street
R comes back to their apartment to find that MC’s packed and gone. He calls her frantically, finds out where she is, and chases after her. When he finally catches up to her, he shows his hand and confesses to her that he’s been in love with her all along.
Track 22: this is me trying (+ cruel summer)
MC finally opens up to R about her fears and her feelings, and how hard she’s been trying. She doesn’t know if it’s enough to try - but he’s grateful to have what she can give. He asks her to give him another chance to react. She tells him that she loves him, and “he looks up, grinning like a devil” before kissing her.
Track 23: invisible string (+ cornelia street)
R walks MC back to her apartment, holding her hand. They wander through the city, back to their old haunts like Centennial Park, as they talk about all the ways they were meant to be. They’re barefoot in the kitchen, dancing in the refrigerator light (a deliberate callback to ATW), laughing and in love.
Track 24: long story short
Spotlight on MC. She turns back to the audience, the way she did at the start when she narrated the way she fell in love with W. A bold boast that she’s survived - then the reveal that the whole musical has been her story to R, telling him about her past.
Track 25: lover
Another montage - winter, snowfall, decorating their apartment for Christmas and leaving the lights up, inviting friends over for parties that MC truly enjoys instead of forces a smile for. As the bridge begins - “ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand” - she walks down the aisle to him. They say their vows.
Curtain down on the kiss. Finis.
(if you read to the end, thank you!! and i hope you enjoyed this ~)
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Sleep Alone - Part One
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Pairing: Namjoon x Female Reader (ft. Hoseok and Seokjin)
Word Count: 3.9k
Rating: PG-13
Genres: SFW, Soulmate AU, Angst (Future Fluff)
Summary:  The timer on your wrist is ticking away until the moment you get to meet your soulmate. You often spend time daydreaming about your him. The time remaining on the timer has fluctuated throughout your life. Each big decision you or your soulmate makes can have an affect on the timer. A week before you finally get to meet, the timer gets extended by an additional forty years.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, drug dealing, drug lording, meth labs, death, murder, blood, scary guys being scary dudes, someone gets arrested, but there is not smut lmao. 
A/N: Proud to be part of Bangtan Scenery’s April Showers Bring May Flowers Collab! This is the first part of this fic. Part two will be coming in May! I may also do a NSFW one shot later this year. I’m excited to continue working on my soulmate series (one for each member). They are all based on songs by Waterparks, check out Sleep Alone. 
Big shout out to @megahwn and @ho-baebae​ for beta reading and thank you to @lovely-literati​ for always being supportive. Love y’all! 💜
The street is deserted, only one parked car about a few feet away. He sneaks around the corner into the alleyway. Careful not to step on any debris or in any puddles, he slinks past the dumpster overflowing with garbage. He can barely make it out in the dark, but he’s found the door with the marking. 
He reaches into his back pocket for his lock picking kit, but when he begins to work on the door he finds it unlocked. He pauses, unsure if he should continue inside, but the overwhelming metallic scent of blood floods his nostrils.
He rushes into the building. The first room is large and dim. But he can see boxes, buckets, beakers, tubing, and trash everywhere. It’s a meth lab. The smell of ammonia starts to overtake the smell of the blood. Until he sees two bodies in the next room and one big puddle of blood between them. 
As he approaches cautiously he begins to recognize one of the people. Dae-hyun. He falls to his knees. The one person he was trying to protect from all this. Before the grief strikes him, there’s a crash from the other room. And footsteps. And then his chest is on the ground, the breath knocked out of him, a knee in his back. A booming voice.
“Kim Namjoon, you are under arrest for the murders of Jung Dae-hyun and Yoo Young-jae. You have the right to remain silent...” 
It’s the same dream you always have. Following the path of rose petals up the hill. The sun is setting and at the top you can see him: your soulmate. You’ve never been able to see his face. You always wake up just before you reach him. This time as you approach the hill, he’s nowhere to be seen.
The gentle thunder from the approaching storm wakes you from your sleep. An early morning thunderstorm, one of your favorite types of weather. The gray sky and light drizzle almost lull you back to sleep. But just as you’re dozing off you see it. Your timer. 
You have to do a double take. Forty-four years? Just last night your soulmate timer was counting down from four years. It’s not uncommon for it to change. 
Each decision you make could potentially affect the timer. You changed your mind about college three times before you settled on the one that only added two years to the timer. One day, your timer went from 5 years to 3 minutes, but then quickly returned to 5 years. You had just been watching TV, so you often wondered what decision your soulmate made that brought you so close together and why he would have changed his mind. 
But you couldn’t have done anything in your sleep last night to cause this... what did he do?
It’s the story of the year. Of all the exciting cities across the world, it has to be breaking in your hometown. The sexy new drug lord, Kim Namjoon, finally caught. It’s sick, but it makes for good news. Or whatever Buzzfeed is. They’re taking it as far as possible with their quizzes and bullshit articles. 
Are you compatible with Kim Namjoon?
10 reasons why Kim Namjoon is the sexiest drug lord of the century. 
Which paradise should you and Kim Namjoon escape to?
22 things to know about Kim Namjoon’s life before drugs. 
Kim Namjoon as exoctic birds.
It’s not something you would normally be interested in, but during your morning social media scroll, one article catches your eye. 
Could Kim Namjoon be your soulmate? Click here to see his timer. 
There’s something growing in the pit of your stomach. It really really couldn’t be. The fact that the story broke the same day your timer had 40 years added means nothing... Right?
You check the comments, refusing to give into click bait. 
Kim Min-seo
President Namjoon 2020
Steven Borden
Why do we care about this? He’s a murderer and drug dealer. 
Karen Smith
prayers for the family
Jae Lee
He can murder me any day of the week. 
Julie Ann
Can’t imagine having a half empty bed for 44 years. Thank god I got my mans already.
The feeling in your stomach radiates throughout your body. It can’t be. You give in and click on the article. A picture of Kim Namjoon. A close up of his wrist. It’s not exactly the same as yours, but it was taken two days ago. At 3pm. You do the math in your head. Then you do it again on a piece of paper. Then you plug it into Google, just to be sure. 
It’s him. 
So if any of you ladies or fellas out there have the matching timer, you can find him at the 48th Police Precinct before he’s transferred to a maximum security prison upstate. Click here to stay up to date on all things Kim Namjoon. 
A gif of Namjoon being escorted into the police station plays on a loop at the end of the article. He is beautiful isn’t he? He could be a murderer, a full on drug lord. But as it begins to fully sink in, you know there has to be more to the story. Your soulmate couldn’t really be a killer. 
There was no air conditioning on the bus to the police station. The warmth of late spring is making you sweat. You might think it was just your nerves, but the overwhelming smell of body odor confirms that everyone else is sweating too. 
Looking around the bus at the other passengers, it’s hard to imagine where they might be coming from or where they’re going. Most people are probably doing normal things, shopping, going to work, visiting friends. Is anyone else on their way to face their soulmate?
Some chattering from the front of the bus pulls you out of your head for a moment. Everyone on the bus begins looking out the windows on the opposite side. You crane your neck to try to see what everyone else is looking at. It’s a crowd of people, but that’s about all you can make out. 
“Stop #27: West 12th Street!” The bus driver announces over the intercom. The bus slows to a stop, your stop, right in front of the police station. 
Fiddling with the strap from your bag, you exit the bus slowly. Soon you’re able to get a good look at the crowd. It’s mostly young women, all crowded near the entrance of the police station. They’re holding signs, it must be a protest of some kind. 
As you get closer you can read some of the signs. 
The protest signs seem... inappropriate? Especially considering he was arrested for murder and not his alleged drug lord-ing. 
“Free Namjoon!” Shouts the girl wielding the “President Namjoon 2020” sign. 
“He’s too hot for prison!” The girl next to her screams.
“Ji-woo shut up! You’re invalidating the cause.” You don’t stay to hear Ji-woo’s rebuttal, instead opting to duck inside the police station before they engage you. 
It’s a bustling place. Lots of people in the waiting room. A woman with two small children is ahead of you in line trying to reason with the woman behind the counter. She’s trying to convince her that the $10,000 bond for her husband’s DUI is unreasonable. 
“Ma’am, the judge sets the bail amount. There are bail bonds services down the street. Next!” She motions for you to step up to the counter.
“How can I help you?” She asks, not making eye contact, but instead clacking away at her keyboard.
“I’m here... to see Kim Namjoon?” It comes out as a question, without looking up she responds.
“You can go join the group of your friends waiting outside. No one can see him. Next!” There is a grunt from the man behind you in line when you don’t move immediately. 
“I think...” You start quietly. “I’m his soulmate.” The woman stops typing to look up at you. You reluctantly pull back your sleeve and show her your timer, still ticking away. 
“I see.” She stands and disappears down a hall and out of sight. You fight the urge to look around the room, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone who might have heard you. The forty years on your timer don’t change and you’re not sure what this means. Maybe they still won’t let you see him, soulmate or not. 
After several minutes of awkwardly standing and waiting, she returns with a police officer. 
“Ma’am please come with me.” The officer motions toward a door that leads out of the waiting room and the woman returns to her keyboard. The officer meets you on the other side of the door. It’s quieter than you expected. A bulletin board of wanted flyers stares back at you. 
“He doesn’t want to see you, but he was willing to add you to his phone call list.” Your stomach drops. How could he not want to see you? He’s the one who’s been arrested, it’s you that shouldn’t be willing to see him.
The officer continues down the hall to a small conference room. There are two other people in it, another police officer and a man. The officer guides you in and then leaves. 
“Hi please have a seat and fill out this form.” It’s a fairly simple form. Name, address, phone, relationship to detainee....
“Who are you?” The man next to you asks. He’s looking at you trying to fill out the form. You don’t respond to him at first, because who is he? He looks like any other guy off the street. Well maybe not quite. He’s dressed in basic dark jeans and a graphic t-shirt, but he is very handsome.
“I’ve never seen you before, why are you here to see Namjoon?” He prompts you again. He must know Namjoon. But if he’s friends with Namjoon... Namjoon the potential drug lord and murderer... can he be trusted?
“I’m his soulmate.” The words still feel awkward falling out of your mouth. But you don’t have much choice but to trust him. He’s your only line into the life of Namjoon. The man tenses up, drops his head into his hands. He says nothing, the lights in the room flicker slightly.
After too much awkward silence, you push your completed form toward the officer across the table. He tells you that you may receive calls from the station or prison when Namjoon is able to call, but the only way for you to reach out to him is to send letters to the prison. You thank him for the information and pause, waiting to see if Namjoon’s friend will say anything. He doesn’t, so you get up and leave the room. 
You manage to get out of the police station and through the crowd of weird fan girls before the tears start flowing. What are you supposed to do now? Just wait around and hope he calls? 
“Hey! Hey!” You turn and see the man from the conference room running toward you. You quickly wipe the tears away and straighten your posture. He slows a bit before approaching you cautiously. 
“I’m really sorry. I don’t know... God. I don’t really know what’s going on to be honest. I just know that what they’re saying... what they’ve accused him of. It isn’t true.” Even though he’s a stranger. Even though you have no reason to trust him. You feel relieved. 
“Who are you?” You finally ask him. He smiles a little and stretches out his hand.
“I’m Jung Hoseok.”
Namjoon’s friend, Hoseok, walks with you down the street to a cafe. He buys you a drink and tells you about Namjoon, the English, Government, and Philosophy triple major. The boy set to start law school in the fall. His best friend for years now, the friend who helped him finally find his own soulmate connection. 
And now here you are. Namjoon’s soulmate, sitting across from Hoseok at a coffee shop. 
“So, you clearly don’t think he could have done this,” you mumble across the table, “so what do you think is going on?” Hoseok is quiet for a long moment. He’s looking down at the cup of coffee, stirring mindlessly.
“I think he’s being framed.” The air between you is heavy, the weight of the situation settling onto your shoulders. 
“Namjoon has- had this friend from his childhood,” Hoseok starts again, “he got mixed up into some bad things.”
“Dae-hyun?” You ask before taking another sip of your drink. Hoseok nods.
“I know Namjoon was trying to help him. He asked me to follow Dae-hyun a few times because he wouldn’t have recognized me.” Hoseok shakes his head a bit, as if he’s wiping away some memories.
“You followed him? That was so dangerous, why would you do that?” You question. 
“I owed him one.” A faint smile crosses Hoseok’s lips. 
“Well.... Did you learn anything?” Eager to hear more, eager to figure out how to fix this problem.
“Dae-hyun was dealing something, I’m not sure what. I guess meth, they found Joon in a meth lab didn’t they?” Hoseok takes a drink before continuing. “Dae-hyun was in a relationship with the other guy that was killed, Young-jae. I wasn’t sure, but Namjoon thought they were together. He said Dae-hyun would never do drugs much less sell them, so he assumed Dae-hyun must have been trying to help Young-jae get off drugs, get out of the drug ring.”
“Why did Namjoon do all this, why not go to the police?” You ask, your head beginning to hurt. Trying to connect the dots is taking its toll. 
“If he had reported it to the police they would have busted Dae-hyun and Young-jae.” Hoseok pauses. “I think Namjoon was trying to take down the whole drug ring.”
“By himself?” You laughed to yourself. The stupidity... the guts... your soulmate is something else, isn’t he?
“Namjoon is a genius, but even more than that he’s compassionate and caring. And he must have been close, because they framed him for murder, framed him for running the drug ring himself.” Hoseok was right. The real leader of the drug ring must have felt Namjoon was getting too close to exposing them. 
“Hoseok?” You tilt your head to the side, an idea brewing in your mind. “Do you think Namjoon may have left any evidence or clues for someone to find?”
“What are you thinking?” Hoseok raised his eyebrows. 
It wasn’t difficult for you to convince Hoseok to take you to Namjoon’s apartment. It’s proving to be much more difficult to convince him to cross the crime scene tape. 
“Hoseok this isn’t even where the alleged crime took place!” You shout, tugging your hands, trying to break Hoseok’s grip on you. 
“We have to be careful about this. If we get incriminated too there won’t be anyone left to help Namjoon.” You don’t want to admit it, but he’s right. 
“This is the closest I can be to him Hoseok, please let me go in.” Your shoulders droop and you stop fighting him. He doesn’t let you go though. He’s about to speak, but before he does, both of you hear footsteps running down the hallway. 
A tall man wearing a baby pink sweatshirt is running toward the two of you. Hoseok drops your wrists and puts his hands on his hips with a huff.
“Jin what are you doing here?” Hoseok greets his friend with a hand slap and a bro hug. 
“I don’t know exactly. My fiance sent me here to see if I could find anything helpful. She’s headed to Namjoon’s hometown to be with his family. They were close growing up.”
“Oh yeah... does that mean she was friends with Dae-hyun too?” Hoseok questions.
“Yeah she’s really upset about it.” Jin turns to you finally. “So who are you?” 
“She’s Joon’s soulmate.” Hoseok says before you can answer. 
“Bad timing, huh?” You laugh a bit to stave off the uncomfortable feeling. 
“Yeah, well. I know a thing or two about bad soulmate timing. I’m Seokjin.” You shake his hand. He laughs a bit, not bothering to tell you about his soulmate story. The focus is back on entering Namjoon’s apartment. 
Hoseok stands in front of the door, still wanting to weigh the options. Without hesitation Seokjin begins furiously tickling Hoseok’s underarms. Hoseok doubles over in laughter and then dead weights himself, sending both of them toppling to the ground. While both of them are laughing, you decide to reach for the door. 
The door is unlocked, so you swing it open. You step through the tape, trying not to break it. Silence breaks over the three of you. The boys scurry to their feet and enter the apartment behind you.
“Don’t leave your finger prints on anything.” Hoseok whispers. It takes a moment for it to set it in, but the more you look around the room it’s easier to see. 
Someone has been here. The place has been completely trashed. Drawers are open, couch cushions thrown about, pictures and decorations knocked down and smashed. You reach down and pick up a framed picture of Namjoon and his family. The glass falls out, so you remove the picture and slip it into your pocket. 
Before anyone can say anything, there’s a sound from the back of the apartment where the bedroom must be. It sounds like a drawer slamming and then someone curses. Someone else is in the apartment. 
The hair on the back of your neck stands up and you look back at Hoseok and Seokjin. They’re both frozen. Footsteps are coming from the hallway and a figure comes out of the shadows. Hoseok grabs your arm and pushes you back behind him. 
It’s a man, yet another person you don’t recognize. He’s wearing all black and a leather jacket. Hoseok seems to tense further upon seeing the man’s face. 
“What the hell are you doing here Min-jae?” Hoseok demands. The man stills upon seeing the three of you standing there. He puts his hands up and slowly continues walking toward you. 
“Probably the same thing you are. I just need some answers man.” Min-jae stops about ten feet away and puts his arms down. Hoseok turns to you. 
“Young-jae’s brother.” Hoseok mouths this information to you, trying to hide what he knows.
“I need to know what happened! Why would this guy kill my brother?” Min-jae shouts. He kicks a chair over in the kitchen while tears begin to fall down his face. 
“Listen, we came here to figure something out too.” Hoseok continues, cautiously approaching the man. “Namjoon didn’t do this. He loved Dae-hyun, he was trying to help them. Dae-hyun was on drugs, your brother was probably trying to help too, but just got caught up in the mess.” 
Hoseok was intentionally sharing the wrong information. He must have a reason to not trust Min-jae. Seokjin looks over at you and you shake your head once, so slightly as to not let Min-jae see. 
“Well good luck because I haven’t found anything.” Min-jae let out an exasperated sigh. 
“You’ve never been here before, so maybe we should give it a once over. We’ve all seen this place before.” Hoseok says, again, not the truth. You’ve never been here. You play along with Hoseok’s ruse. 
The four of you search the house for anything that might be helpful. It’s more difficult than you thought because you don’t know what you’re looking for. But you are learning about Namjoon. 
In the kitchen you learned that he seems to eat a lot of take away and instant ramen. In the bathroom you learned that he has a full skin care routine and that he uses cinnamon toothpaste. In the bedroom you learn that he probably misses the hamper when he’s in a hurry, and based on the polaroids taped to the wall, he enjoys traveling. Back in the living room, you learn that Namjoon is an avid reader. You’ve parked yourself in front of his book shelf, scanning each title carefully. 
“He’s always got a book with him.” Seokjin says as he comes out of the kitchen. He reaches past you to grab a book from the shelf. It’s leather-bound and has his name printed across the cover. 
Seokjin opens it and the two of you stand there, silently looking through the notes scrawled throughout the pages. Except, they aren’t notes. They’re song lyrics. 
Your phone begins loudly ringing in your pocket, causing both you and Seokjin to jump. You excuse yourself into the hallway. It’s an unknown number, your heart skips a beat. 
“Hello?” You answer quietly. 
“A detainee at the 48th Police Precinct is attempting to contact you, do you accept?” An automated voice is on the other line. This is it. Namjoon is calling. 
“I’m so sorry.” Kim Namjoon on the other end of the call, it sounds like he’s crying. “I never meant for any of this to happen.”
“Oh I know sweetheart.” You coo into the phone, it feels strangely natural to comfort him.
“Where are you?” He sniffles.
“I’m with Hoseok at your place.” You continue speaking in a hushed tone.
“Okay that’s good. Stay with him until this is over. You can’t trust anyone else.” The words send a chill down your spine, reiterating the seriousness of the situation. 
“Seokjin is here too.” Your voice is trembling now, your hands shaking. 
“Jin is safe.”
“A guy named Min-jae was here when we got here.”
“Son of a bitch.” Hoseok seemed to be suspicious of him and Namjoon’s reaction confirms that he is bad news. “Listen to me. Listen carefully.” Namjoon takes a deep breath.
“I can’t say much, I don’t know who is listening. There is a small flash drive taped to the back of the painting above my couch. Jin will know who to take it to. Get away from Min-jae as soon as you can, don’t let him see the flash drive.”
“Namjoon I-”
“You don’t have to do any of this, you can leave now and I won’t blame you-”
“No!” You almost shout it, probably getting the attention of the boys back inside the apartment. “No, I’m in this now. We’re in this together.” Namjoon takes a deep breath.
“Thank you. Please get yourself out of there.”
“I’ll see you soon, Namjoon.” You say firmly. It’s not an option. You will get him out. 
“See you soon.” He chuckles lightly before hanging up the phone. 
You take a moment, pressing your back against the wall. You try to catch your breath, but instead you cry. The tears silently roll down your face.
Back in the apartment, the three boys seem to be in the back of the apartment continuing their search. You tiptoe toward the couch and reach for the painting. It comes off the wall easily and you set it down silently on the couch cushion. 
It takes a minute to spot it. It is actually very small and painted to be the same color as the back of the painting. You carefully remove it and stick it in your front pocket. You put the painting back up and turn to go find Hoseok and get the hell out. 
Min-jae is there behind you, staring at you. 
“Find anything interesting?”
Thank you for reading! Part Two coming soon! Check out my Not Warriors Soulmate Series Masterlist! 
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dazed--xx · 4 years
Beside you 3
Member: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 3,494 
Genre: Angst, Smut, Light Fluff
Trigger Warning: None
A/N: SO here’s part 3 i got inspired and just wrote it Part 4 will be coming soon hope you guys enjoy. 10 COMMENTS FOR PART 4. 
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My arm released quickly as Sang realized the figure behind me. “Jungkook! I-I didn’t know t-that s-she was....I'm sorry I swear I didn't know Min-Jun invited me on a date with S-Sunny and Y/N I didn’t even know she was married” Sang stuttered terrified. Jungkook grips my wrist and spins me to face him “Are you okay?” I nod “I just want to go” I push past Jungkook and run out the door as I hear Jungkook and Sunny’s voices calling my name. Rushing down the street as the need to vomit rises in my stomach. Leaning over the side of the apartment building, the world spinning as the alcohol takes over.  
A strong hand began rubbing my back, as the stranger pulls my hair out of the trajectory of the vomit. Tears stream down my face, as the figure speaks “Shhhh, I got you baby....” Jungkook’s melodic soothing voice goes through my ears. Soon the sickness subsides and Jungkook is carrying me back to his car. My exhausted frame too weak to walk. We get to Jungkook's car and he releases my legs, pulling me close to his frame sobbing. I wrap my arms around his neck, him holding me as if he's going to wake up and I will disappear. “Kookie-ah” I whine “I'm cold can we get in the car now?” He chuckles and pulls away opening the passenger door.  
The second he sits in the driver's seat he has a vice grip on my hand. “So, um... am I bringing you to umm Sunny’s?” He asks hesitantly. I shake my head remembering her words. “Honestly I don’t really have anywhere to go....” I mumble. A loud sigh escapes his lips as he pulls my face to look in his eyes. “Come home...you can always come home to me baby and you know that....” I shake my head “How would I know that I figured you would’ve moved on already...” Anger builds in his face as he hits the steering wheel shouting “GODAMMIT Y/N! YOU DON’T FUCKING GET IT! THERES NO MOVING THE FUCK ON!!! I WANT YOU....YOU! YOU FUCKING BRAT CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK FUCKING SKULL!!!”  
“Excuse me!? Who's the one that fucked some random slut on the night they slept with me? Who’s the one that slept with some bartender not even 3 hours after being married? Who’s the one that degraded me every second up until our wedding when YOU fucking knew how I felt? I've done everything for you ever since we were kids. I took everything your evil friends did until that night. You betrayed me and I still went through with this. You embarrassed me multiple times and then lied to me” I shout confusion appearing on Jungkook’s face “What are you- what do you mean how you-”  
“IVE LOVED YOU SINCE FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL DON’T ACT LIKE YOU DON’T KNOW BECAUSE I CONFESSED AND YOU KNOW I CONFESSED AND YOURE GOING TO USE ME NOW LIKE YOU FUCKING DID THEN YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!” The memory slowly returning to his mind. His face freezing “I know what you mean now b-but this-s isn't like that Y/N I swear” His voice shaky his hand reaching for mine. “You just want me back there so you don’t look like a failure in front of our parents....I'm not stupid Jungkook” He sighs running his hand through his hair. “Baby the only thing I want is for you to come home. It broke me when you left, especially after I told you I love you...You didn’t even let me know you were okay. I’ve been worried.” and for the first time I really looked at Jungkook’s face.  
His eyes are red and swollen, dark bags under them. His frame thinner, hands less steady. His worry looks still stuck on his face. “But then I get that text, your text and it was obvious you were drunk you would never say things like that when you’re sober.” Confusion rising in my body.... MY TEXT?!?! “Wait what do you mean you got my text?” Jungkook pulls his phone out and hands it to me. “Yeah! Look you texted me...how else did you think I found you baby girl.” Turning the phone screen on a picture of me and Jungkook from our wedding is on his lock screen. The picture of us sharing our kiss as husband and wife. My eyes lock onto the photo examining it, my fingers trace over my lips as the ghost of his kiss appearing on them. The car pulling into the street, as my messages appear on the screen.  
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“I need to know where I'm bringing you or I'm just going to bring you to your parents.” “NO!” I shout as Jungkook jumps out of his seat swerving the car “FUCK Y/N! DON’T DO THAT” He reprimands me. “I’m sorry but I don’t want to go there, I haven't told them...” “I know....” He interrupts. “How?” Suspicion rising within me, did you stalk me Jungkook? Fuck how do you know that
“Your mother came by 2 weeks ago to take you out to lunch, she seemed genuinely confused when I told her you weren't there. So, I figured to keep our business ours and just said you went out with your friend to spend the day together.” He chuckles at my accusing tone. “Oh.” My mind drifts off, the memory of the club returning to my mind “Well can you bring me back to your place.... Me and Sunny-” "I know I heard; I can bring you to get your things if you want” “Oh....um....” “Please, Baby...just come home okay? I'll do anything, I'll give you your space you can have your room I haven't changed anything. I can change, Areum is gone.... She means nothing to me. She was gone the second you gave yourself to me. I didn’t tell her that morning because I didn’t talk to her until after you had already left me to tell her to leave me alone.” His voice shaky. “If I knew how that night was going to pan out, I would have never left your side” He turns onto his street.  
“Look I-” “No please let me finish, If I knew what they were planning back then I would have never done it I'm sorry I didn’t protect you. You were my best friend in middle school and then I met Byeong-Cheo, he was cool and didn’t care about anything anyone said. I followed behind him and that was the same with how he treated people, we were terrible. But please know I was in that video too okay? I didn’t know it was being filmed let alone being distributed to the entire school. I beat him senseless after figuring out it was him and haven't spoken to him since.” He pulls into the driveway of his home; memories begin flooding back into my mind. Jungkook's hand grasping mine, his other making me face him. “You can tell me to take you somewhere else...but you know I'd like you to stay” He mumbles, my eyes shifting to our hands interwoven.  
My hand in Jungkook’s it feels so natural, comforting. I grasp his hand back “Look at me, Y/N” he whispers. My eyes following his hand noticing the fresh ink upon it. Trailing up his defined bicep, the worry in his eyes a frown permanently placed on his lips. His eyes traveling to my lips, silence around us. He sighs “We should get inside. It's going to get cold and you’re only wearing.... that” His eyes following the low sinking neckline, his bottom lip in-between his teeth. I smile, “Yeah, I’m still a little tipsy” getting out of the car. The alcohol taking over as the world spins. Jungkook rushing to my side to steady my feet as I wobble trying to walk toward the door. His hands fumbling with the keys, shaky and nervous.  
The heat from the familiar home rushes through my skin. Finding solace on the couch as Jungkook runs to his bedroom. Laying back as the familiar surroundings make me feel at home. 2 articles of clothing hit me in the face “Get changed you probably aren’t too comfortable in that dress” Jungkook says from behind the couch. A seductive smirk appears on my face “I need you to help me, I don’t feel too good” I whine as I lift my hands. He smiles and lifts the dress over my arms tossing it to the side. “Fuck...” He mumbles as his eyes trail down my body. He lifts the shirt I recognize as my own, my hands halt his movements. Lifting my body, my face to his chest hands sliding around his waist sliding under his shirt lifting it slowly. “Y/N-” I silence him “I want to wear this one” I pout. “I can right kookie” I ask as cute as possible. He bites his lip and nods. Taking his shirt off and placing it on me.  
I toss the shorts he grabbed to the side, as he walks toward the kitchen “You should eat something so you don’t throw up again? I'm going to get you some water” He returns with a glass of water shoving it into my hands “Here. Wait here I'll be back with something for you to eat” He says roughly. I follow behind him back to the kitchen as he starts prepping some rice. “I didn’t know you could cook” I say softly, “You never asked” He retorted. The rice almost done as Jungkook prepares the kimchi in a pan, I sneak behind him my water long forgotten as his shirtless frame stands focused on his task. My hand snakes around his waist, sliding over his abs. Jungkook’s body tenses as my fingers make contact with his skin. Slowly, I slide my hand down toward his hard member, Jungkook turning the burner off. “Y/N, you need to eat” He says curtly.  
I pout as I pull away and sit at the dining table, him placing a beautiful meal in front of me. Not realizing how hungry I was until the food was in front of me, I take a small bite as a burst of flavor explodes in my mouth. After the food is gone, feeling a little more sober. “Thank you that was really good I appreciate it.” I mumble looking down feeling guilty. I shouldn’t have called him this is messed up; he shouldn’t have to take care of you. “I'd do anything for you” He states softly, almost like a whisper. I nod slowly, its silent again. “You should get some sleep. You’ve probably had a long night.” Jungkook speaks up after a few minutes of silence standing up from the table. I nod hesitantly, not wanting the night to end. The fear this is a dream creeping in my as I stand and head toward my old bedroom. Jungkook hugging me before I open the door “Goodnight baby girl” He sighs. My heart racing at his tone, the need to feel his lips on mine grows the longer he holds me. Pulling back, I wrap my arms around his neck hugging him back pressing my lips against his. His lips moving against mine instantly, pressing me against the wall.  
My hand pulling at his hair holding him against my body. My panties growing wet as I pull his bottom lip in-between my teeth. His member pressed against my thigh, hard. Jungkook pulls away his forehead against mine “Baby...You’re drunk...I shouldn’t” “You don’t want me” I pout, making puppy dog eyes. He kisses me softly his hand sliding around my throat “You know that’s not it, baby girl your drunk and I'm not the type to take advantage” I press my lips against his neck “Do you miss me like I miss you?” I whisper, I feel him nod. I nibble “I never stopped thinking about how you fucked me... I'm not that drunk please” I brush my lips against his as I beg. “Baby stop...don’t” He pulls back, my hands taking a hold of his before he can pull them off. I shift back to my spot on his neck and begin sucking and nibbling a small red mark, claiming him for my own. “Fuck, baby girl... you're making my cock so hard. Stop please...” He begs.  
My lips trail down his torso, I nip on the soft area over his waistline. Pulling his sweatpants down exposing his member smacking against his stomach. “Baby you don’t-” His words cut off as my tongue runs from the base of his shaft to his tip, his left hand gripping my hair. His right finding his balance against the wall in front of him. Profanities escaping his lips as I take him in my mouth. Soon his thrusts are sloppy, stuttering his words “F-fuck, I l-lov-ve th-is mou-th.” My pussy growing wetter at his pleasure, surely a puddle in my panties. His climax approaching fast as I rapidly bob my head up and down forcing him into my throat. “S-SHIT, THAT’S IT BABY GIRL! FUCK SUCK THIS COCK, SWALLOW ALL MY CUM.....IM SO FUCKING CLOSE KEEP GOING BABY GIRL” He looks at me, caressing my face. “Hmmm that’s my good girl, you look so fucking beautiful with this cock in your mouth. I can’t wait to reward you...FUCK!” His praises cut off as his seed spills into my mouth.
I swallow the contents in my mouth standing slowly turning away from Jungkook embarrassed by my actions. I rush to open my bedroom door, as Jungkook wraps his arms around my waist, his hand in my hair pulling my head to the side as his lips attack my neck. A moan escapes my lips “Where do you think you’re going?” A rough smack to my ass as Jungkook’s hand snakes around my neck. “You were just so good for me what happened?” He questions lust and dominance in his eyes. I look toward the ground, ashamed and silent. Another rough smack to my ass as he leads me into the room. “Answer daddy when he’s talking to you. What happened to my good girl? Why did you try to leave daddy like that?”  
“I’m sorry daddy I just felt a little embarrassed” I look toward the ground squeezing my thighs together, turned on by his dominance. My panties soaked, the taste of his cum still on my tongue. He spins me around pressing his lips against mine. “Come here baby girl let me make you feel as good you just made me feel would you like that?” I nod “Good girls use their words; you want to be daddy’s good girl, right?” He whispers against my lips. “Yes daddy” I moan, as he pushes me back against my bed. His tongue running over my soaked core through my panties. “Hmmmm you taste so good baby girl, so fucking wet and I haven't even touched you yet. You must get so turned on being treated like my little slut huh baby?” I cover my face in embarrassment Jungkook's frame jumping up pulling my hands away “Don't be embarrassed with me kitten... you're mine and I'm yours I don’t care about anything else your pussy is amazing to me I love how well you behave for me. You do things for me and me only, that’s what makes me cum so fucking hard for you baby girl” He kisses me, leaving a trail of kisses down to my core.  
He pulls my panties off swiftly. His tongue attacking my clit my hand tangling in his hair. “FUCK!” “Hmm that’s it baby” He moans licking rapidly at my core. My climax building quickly “No! Daddy please I want to cum on your big cock fuck me please” He pulls back smirking, sliding into my core slowly. “Fuck baby girl, you're so tight” He moans burying his head in my neck. His size stretching me out immensely, “Fuck baby you waited for me, didn’t you? Of course, you did, you’re my baby girl. No one else would be enough for you.” He thrusts roughly as he speaks. “I was so scared someone else was making my kitten cum for them.” “Only you daddy, I belong to you, fuck just like that” I moan out interrupting him as his pace speeds up.  
“Fuck that’s your pussy daddy make me cum on this big dick, ughhhh” the profanities released through my mouth as he fucks me roughly. His member attacking my g-spot. “Daddy” “Who’s making you feel this good baby?” “You!” “Say my name” His hand wraps around my throat. I sit silent from the angle as he attacks my core my climax growing closer and closer. He pulls out “Noooo!!!!!!!!!! Daddy why?” “Answer me next time.” I pout. “Let me see that beautiful ass baby.” I blush and flip onto my stomach. He thrusts into me returning to his original pace “Fuck daddy” he smacks my ass roughly, pulling my head back by my hair. “whose pussy is that?” “Yours daddy” his thrust grow sloppy. “Fuck! Who fucks you the way you deserve?” “Fuck!!!! YOU DADDY YOU FUCK ME SO GOOD” my eyes roll to the back of my head as I feel that familiar knot form in my stomach. “Let the whole neighborhood know who owns this pussy” “Jungkook!” “Fuck yes say my name again baby girl it sounds so fucking beautiful out of your mouth” his thrusts becoming sloppier and rougher bringing me to my orgasm as I tighten around him. “Fuck Jungkook! AHHH I'm cumming baby” “FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!” warmth falls in between my legs as Jungkook forces his lips on mine caressing my face.  
Pulling himself off of me, he looks into my eyes. “I really hope this wasn’t a dream. Baby I'm so lost without you” He says shakily. “We’ll talk about the important stuff in the morning let me enjoy this....us...for now” I whisper softly, exhausted. “Come here baby girl. I need to hold you; I need you close to me just for tonight let me have that” He begs. I press my lips against his softly as he lies on his back, my head resting on his chest as we drift off to sleep.  
The sun shining into the curtain in the morning is blinding, my head killing me. The side of the bed next to me empty, my eyes flutter open slowly. Sliding out of the bed, walking toward the bathroom groggy. A knock on the bathroom door alerting me to the fact that I've drifted off using the restroom. “Y/N?” Jungkook's shaky voice calls out from the other side of the door. I open the door, Jungkook’s troubled look plastered on his face a coffee in his hand. Smiling at his figure “Yes? I can't pee now?” I joke “Oh! Of course, I just went back to the room and you weren't there. I went to get you some coffee and Advil I figured you'd be a little hungover since last night” Last night flooding back into my mind as I mess with him “ugh I don’t remember much....it's all fuzzy I remember getting here and then nothing” I shrug. The color from his face drains “Y-you don’t?” he questions as I burst out laughing and pull him into a kiss. “That rings a bell” I giggle, realization dawns on him and he whines “That's not right you know I was nervous about this” “Don't be I remember everything okay I wasn’t that drunk” He gives me a knowing look “I sobered up throughout the night.” I laugh.  
“Can you maybe spend the day with me? If you don’t want to live here baby then fine but give me a chance. I'll take you out today, show you how it could be” I shake my head. “Why not?” He pouts “I don’t really like going out. I'd rather spend the day just you and me if that’s okay?” I bite my bottom lip. “That sounds perfect.” He smiles  
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nonstoplover · 4 years
Suffering from separation ~ Tom Hiddleston
Summary: after a long time spent apart from each other, (Y/N) and Tom can’t wait to see each other again, and when they finally do, events swiftly turn only to make it one of the happiest days of their lives...
Words: 1.7K
Approximate reading time: about 10 mins
A/N: i first wrote this at age 14, quite literally ages ago lmao, with a terrible english (due to only learning english from age 9). luckily i’ve improved since then and after remembering it just today i was able to rewrite it now. i actually still love this idea a lot haha. let me know what you think and as usual, hope you enjoy <3
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It's what they call a normal, cold and rainy October day. Water’s falling from the sky nonstop since I woke up in the morning, but even that can’t dampen my excitement. Today’s the day my boyfriend comes home after five weeks of being apart due to his job, shooting a new movie again.
It’s the first time we spent such a long time separated, I usually go with him and spend the time on set, sitting in his trailer working away on my laptop, thanking the heavens for choosing a job I can do whenever and wherever I want to.
Though this time my brother’s wedding is coming up and I offered my help in the last minute arrangements, meaning that I’m not able to spend several weeks away from home, since my much needed help could only be used here, with my personal, live assistance instead of a few advice spoken through a screen.
Slowly the day turns into night, even the swift passing of time unable to stop the rain falling down, and I’m moving around the kitchen making the final touches of dinner, cutting up some salad whilst listening to the raindrops jingle on the windowsill, when out of nowhere I hear the sound of a car engine growing louder through the dash of rain before a flash of lights beam in through the kitchen window, making me go blind for a couple seconds.
The car stops in our driveway, and after winning my sight back I’m able to outline the familiar silhouette that’s stepping out from the vehicle. A sudden burst of happiness makes me forget everything else, legs already moving to run towards the door, and as soon as it was opened, I rushed out towards my boyfriend.
He’s on the other side of the car now to grab his bags, and when I get in a reachable distance to him, I launch myself right into his arms. Tom takes a step back, trying to keep his balance, one arm instinctively wrapping around by waist to keep me steady whilst the other still clutches the bag.
He lets out a surprised chuckle, holding me tightly to his body for a moment before leaning back so he could look into my eyes.
“(Y/N), darlin’, are you crazy? What are you doing out here without a coat?” he asks, voice gentle and caring, a lovely smile splattered across his face as his eyes move down my body, soon coming to a new discovery, speaking up once more. “...and without a shoe?” 
I almost faint from alone the sound of his voice, only hearing it through smart devices, distorted just a tiny bit but still enough to make it sound differently building such a huge contrast with the way it rolled out his mouth live.
I follow his gaze down towards my feet, only noticing it now that I did in fact run out into the rain in nothing but a pair of socks. 
"I just missed you so much,” I answer, cheeks flushing pink from the slight embarrassment I’m feeling.
“Oh, love, I missed you too,” Tom says instantly, leaning in to press a soft kiss against my lips.
It feels too good to be real, waiting so much for it, trying to imagine feeling his mouth against mine in growing anticipation only making the real sensation a hundred times better.
“I love you,” he whispers, the skin of our lips still touching, before he moves and starts taking the remaining steps left until we’re back inside the dry warmth of our house, my legs still around his middle, his hand still holding me up carefully.
"Let me down, I can walk,” I giggle as he continues to walk.
“Nope, I don't want you to get ill.” Tom answers just as we enter the house.
He still doesn’t stop, I can feel his legs move to kick his shoes off before continueing his way further inside. Arriving in the living room, he gently places me down on the couch before moving to put his bags down from his other hand.
He shrugs his jacket down from his shoulders, putting it around the back of a chair as I sit up still giggling, watching him in adoration. As soon as he’s finished, Tom comes back to sit next to me, immediately leaning in to kiss me passionately. Without a moment of hesitation I kiss him back, and as his hands slowly make their way around my back, fingers caressing me through the material of his old T-shirt I’m wearing, I feel complete again.
I feel content and fulfilled with love, making me realise how lonely I actually was in the past weeks, and I cling into him like I’d never let him go again. And a part of me wants to do just that.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After dinner, the two of us stroll back to the living room, having decided to watch a movie, though still not knowing which one. I’m sitting on the couch, legs pulled up and crossed in front of me, heels digging into the fabric as I'n still looking for a romantic comedy that sounds interesting and good on an online list.
When I finally find something probable, I glance up to ask Tom about it. I haven’t noticed him moving up from his previous sitting position on the sofa next to me, eyes immediately go to search around the room to find him.
It doesn’t take much time to do so, catching sight of him kneeling on the ground just besides the couch, in front of my legs. I’m just about to open my mouth and ask him what he’s doing when he starts speaking, preventing me by a millisecond.
“(Y/N), I have to tell you something.”
From this one sentence I can hear the sudden thickness of his accent, signalling that he’s nervous, and I wait a bit impatiently for him to continue, but he seems unable to find the right words. When his eyes that are frantically moving around finally land on mine for a moment, I shine a reassuring smile his way to calm his nerves. It seems to help because after clearing his throat, his lips open again.
“When we were apart, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. You were stuck in my mind 24/7. And I was suffering. Honestly, truly suffering. ‘Cause I couldn't see your beautiful face, touch your wonderfully soft and deliciously scented hair, taste your luscious lips, hear your lovely voice. ‘Cause I couldn’t be with you. It felt so wrong, so unnatural. And every time I heard your voice through the phone, this feeling only grew stronger. In the end I came to the realisation that it’s because you’re the one for me. You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, you’re the one I want to feel next to me every time I wake up. And you’re the woman I want to have kids with, if you too want to have one or two in the future,” his voice trails off for a moment, a grin on his face as his eyes seem to travel to a different place in a different time, seeming like he’s already picturing the scenes he painted with his words before he focuses on me once more, lips opening once more to finish his speech. “My beautiful, one and only love, my dearest (Y/N), will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
His eyes are full of love as he’s staring at me patiently, I can see that even through the blurriness of my eyes caused by the wave of teardrops that are coming nonstop almost since he started speaking in the first place.
I’m breathless, unable to speak so I simply move my head in frantic nods to answer his question. Tom’s smile grows even bigger if that’s possible, splitting his face in half as he raises his right hand only a slight bit.
It’s enough for me to catch sight of the box in between his fingers, showing off a gorgeous ring sitting inside. As my eyes take in the beauty, the words that seemed missing only a couple seconds ago come to my lips, leaving them without a stop.
“Oh my goodness, Tom! This ring is... wonderful!” I exclaim, one hand flying up to cover my mouth as my jaw dropped down, leaving it wide open. “I can't believe this is truly happening.”
Another sob escapes my lips and I chuckle from the strange emotionality that took over me, Tom laughing away with me.
“What, you’re gonna leave it in there?” He asks with a teasing tone after a few seconds, the fingers of his free hand moving to wrap around the jewellery, pulling it out of the box. I move a hand towards him almost in an instinct, watching in awe as he pushes it up my ring finger, the coolness of it touching my warm skin delicately.
When he finishes his action, Tom leans in to hug me tight against his chest, lips searching for mine only to kiss me like he’ll never stop. And in the moment both of us know that we never want to be apart again, never want to feel this suffering again, expressing our thoughts and feelings only through our actions, no words spoken.
We spend the rest of the night watching a movie we eventually come to choose, but neither of us truly pay attention to it, either deep in thought of the joyful future we have ahead of us or talking about anything and everything that comes to our minds.
Still, one thought seems to come back every other second, not leaving me for the remainder of the rainy October day, always filling me up with joy when thinking about it.
Everything feels just like living in a dream. I’ve found my Prince Charming, and though it feels like I couldn’t get any happier no matter what, something, some kind of strange gut feeling tells me that it’s only going to get happier from today.
.::the end::.
my masterlist
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