#there's examples of everything the teacher talks about EVERYWHERE around them
monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
Found my book tag! #pop rox plots book murder!
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Skill issue.
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kumachii · 1 year
Currently obsessing over Kazutora with a crush who is the school's sweetheart and loves to help people around.
Them meeting while his crush offers him help with something so very simple, maybe sharing their lunch or providing their notes, with Kazutora's heart fluttering at every interaction.
They seem to bump into each other everywhere, only exchanging small nods of acknowledgement while each losing their mind over how good the other looks, without even trying.
A stray cat that his crush tends to every day near the back alley of their house leading Kazutora to them. They don't mention each other's red faces, just laughing at the coincidence and talking about favourite foods, places and hobbies for hours on end.
Just simple meetups barely suffice and Kazutora finds himself sharing his number on the second week. The first call comes late at night, while his back is resting against a wall, legs thrown over the edge of the roof of an abandoned mall.
It's the most fun Kazutora has had in a long while, especially with his trouble of interacting with others while not fighting. He finds himself thinking about them randomly throughout his day, anticipating their next chat, staring at that one item on the shop's display that reminds him of his crush.
It's more than a bit stupid, he knows. But he's also aware it's not just a infatuation. Not like the one that made his mother take his father's every blow, verbal or physical, because she thought "That's just his way of showing he cares." Until it came to the point where she snapped.
Never like that, he thought.
Honestly, Kazutora is scared. Without having had any example of what a good relationship is supposed to be like, he's basically going into this blind. But the thought of it being them, their ever-present smile and understanding eyes, somehow it makes his raging thought a lot more bearable.
Kazutora didn’t mean for them to find out about his gang life, not finding it in himself to be shunned again because that's a part of him he'd long accepted.
His crush finding out while walking in on him beating the guys from Moebius who recently joined Valhalla for that one incident with Pah's friend's girlfriend.
Not speaking for an entire week because his crush is appalled, rightfully so since they'd never have imagined a kind soul like Kazutora — who helps every person when asked, feeds strays religiously and gladly offers up the last lemon shortcake for the kid who waited in line behind him — to pick fights for fun and be associated with delinquents.
Kazutora thinks everything has gone down the drain. The steady stream of development shattered in a moment. He knows he should apologise, for keeping them in the dark, for forcing on them his selfish desire to keep them close. He doesn't know how to.
But his crush isn't one to back down without an explanation. They march in to his classroom where he bothers to show up for half a day, once a week, pulling him out with an excuse of 'emergency' to the teacher.
They remain silent on the rooftop where neither should be — they'd be in deep shit if anyone found out — but both are too distracted to care. Kazutora has his breath caught in his throat, heart about to leap out of his chest.
It takes one word, "why?" and the warmth of their much smaller hand engulfing his for the floodgates to give out. His body is shaking as Kazutora tells them everything, starting with the fact he had been in juvie — notedly leaving out the murder part of his sentence — and about his violent streak.
He thinks he is too messed up for a perfect person like them to give him a chance. Kazutora is waiting for them to inch away, give him a look crossed between disappointment and terror and leave. Because that's what everyone did.
But then he feels two arms wrap around him. They are barely able to circle his curled up frame but the tenacity of that embrace makes his heart ache, gut wrenching with anxiety.
The words spilling out don't make much sense but Kazutora finds himself repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again. What is he apologising for? A whole lot. For lying, for being a selfish douche. For putting them in harm way without bothering to keep them in the loop.
His attention zeroes in on deft fingers tracing the ink on the branching tendrils of his tattoo. Also something he'd hidden. They had undone the collar of his gakuran, giving him leeway to just take a moment to breathe.
"I don't know why you thought it was best to hide that in the first place, Kazutora, but, I'm sure you had your reasons. I don’t know a whole lot about your world and truth be told, I don't see the point of unnecessary violence. Just promise me that you won't hurt anyone who isn't involved in your business. And dummy, if I wanted to leave, I wouldn't have asked for an explanation, would I? Let's just... never lie to each other like that, okay?"
note: should i make this into like a story with an oc? 😳
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pastriibunz · 6 months
me and @local-soda-can are gonna start outlining Nerdy Prudes Must Die Kai soon and here are a few ideas I had for that
can you guys tell i love inserting Kai’s name into the titles???
Kai comes in before/after/during literal monster holding a map of the school (the police or something forcibly enrolled her and now she has to go to school) and she’s just completely confused and lost
Max does the whole “this is my hallway!!” thing and Kai’s like “fun fact I literally do not care” and he pisses her off so much she kicks him in the balls- she meets the rest of the prudes while on the run from various teachers who’re trying to expel her or something
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Kai was in the Waylon Place night of the prank to try and relax and get away from the chaos of Hatchetfield. There isn’t a sign of anyone breaking in bc Kai knows how to pick locks. Kai hangs out there a lot.
She walks in on them looking at Max’s (almost) dead body and is like “woah you guys killed that guy!!! ö haha I’m gonna go call the cops on yall I’m OUT!!!”
…Grace then blackmails her into helping bury/hide the body because she threatens to pin everything on Kai (bc Kai breaks in and shit)
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Theres this scene with max and kai im making into a comic that has something to do with snickers and it needs to be real because it’s silly and also it makes way for this idea:
Kai hangs out with Max’s ghost a lot and she vents to him about how much she hates the prudes, how she wants to get back to Unington, and other shit
They like sending videos to the prudes group chat (that Kai was forcibly added into) that make it seem like Max is about to kill Kai and she always texts the dumbest shit after like “phew!!! made it out okay!!! gee, let’s hope that doesn’t happen again!”
They laugh their asses off about it
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Kai has no friends during the run of NPMD
she hates the prudes for getting her involved in a manslaughter/murder,
she has no clue if max is her friend or if he’s only keeping her around for the snickers bars,
And everyone else is too in love with afraid of her to even get near her
It kinda hurts but she’s learning to deal with it
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that shit is STRONG guys
she got that Wattpad MC rizz
she does not want it-
she is either oblivious to it or painfully aware
no in between
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She’s been bunking with Paul
They met on the street and they talked for a bit and Kai was like “yeah my hotels about to kick me out lol” and he was like “oh you can stay with me”
He doesn’t know why he said that, maybe it was just meant to be.
Anyways Kai agreed and Paul is the biggest dad ever
He asks her how school was and he cooks dinner for them and they snuggle on the couch and have movie nights
They have to share a bedroom but he got her dividers and turned the bottom of the closet into a hangout nook for Kai so it’s like she has her own little room
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everyone keeps dragging Kai everywhere by the wrist- she does NOT wanna be there-
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Kai keeps talking to the audience in front of everyone and she interacts with the audience a lot
For example, she crumples up and tosses her map to someone in the audience and finger guns and winks at them afterwards
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She gets like a gazillion love notes a day-
she gets so angry she just eats them-
nobody knows why and they’re just like:
“Aw she’s silly :]”
“I’m soooo in love with her :3”
in the words of my pal:
“she’s so perfect :3333
(she is going to go feral-)”
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All of Kai’s classes have at least one prude in them
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Kai kinda wishes she had friends and tries to talk to people, but she’s so autistic, socially awkward, and anxious she either ends up shutting down, staying quiet, or insulting them
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Kai goes to the sports games purely for the food and hides in the bathroom the entire time (the crowds and lights overstimulate her)
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Kai hangs out at beanie’s a lot
She’s still Emma’s favorite customer.
She accidentally calls her Mom a lot.
Emma loves it every time.
It often goes uncorrected.
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If Kai is alive for homecoming, she’s going there WAY overdressed-
she’s been homeschooled the majority of her life and has never been to a school dance-
she’s only been to like high class galas/parties so she thinks it’s like that
spoiler alert it is NOT
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Kai is aware she’s in a musical
she really doesn’t wanna be in one but she knows
sometimes you can see her groovin uncomfortably to the music in the background
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That’s all! Idk if I’m gonna script this one out as, like I’ve said before: TKWDLM has a special place in my heart and I’m not ready to move on
plus I’m still super hyperfixated on TKWDLM-
oki that’s all for now bye bye :3
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kailazlo · 2 years
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darren barnet & he&him/ cis male ‷ watch out , kaito “kai” lazlo has crash-landed into roswell !! they look thirty and celebrate their birthday on the fifth of march. they are from roswell, new mexico, reside in tripp’s trailer park  and are currently working as veterinarian. one thing you should know about them is they love looking up new conspiracies about the universe.‷ 
aanya and ricardo lazlo were married two years before they had kaito lazlo (prefers to be called kai), the eldest of the two lazlo children. the lazlo family was always a very laid-back kind of family. as long as both children were doing well in school, nothing lower than a B, they were pretty much free to do as they pleased within reason. it was a perk that kai had always taken full advantage of; plus, it helped that he also loved school. from a young age, he loved learning, and he was quick to pick things up. he was speaking at a much earlier age than most babies did, and even in kindergarten, he was asking questions that a second or third grader should've been asking. he was a curiosity to his teachers and a proud example for his parents, but all in all, he was just kai.
despite how he could excel in school that never stopped him from going a bit overboard with gaming, comics, science fiction television, crime podcasts, and so much more stuff that he loved to indulge in whenever there was a moment. sometimes he would stay up all hours of the night going hard on a new level of call of duty with some mates, screaming so loud, he'd sometimes wake up his parents and then get a light scolding to get off the game and get rest. but when kai wasn't diving into games or books, he visited the local record shop in town. nothing fascinated kai more than music and its history. after school, you could often find him hanging around feel good records.
as much as he loved his life in roswell, kai often thought about what life outside the town was like. he dreamed of a day he'd get the chance to get up and leave. during his college years, his second year to be exact, he met someone who kind of made him feel like he had left roswell in a way. she captivated him from the beginning with her dazzling smile and warm gaze; it was safe to say that kai was a goner. unlike him, she had come from london and had traveled to plenty of places. egypt, paris, turkey, everywhere he could only dream of going. they would spend hours just talking about her trips around the world, the best and worst parts of it all, and she would often ask him questions about himself too. even though they had an off-and-on relationship after they turned twenty-two, they never had any ill feelings towards each other.
at the age of twenty-five, everything for kai changed in plenty of ways. both his parents passed in a terrible car accident during winter, it was all over the roswell paper, and that same year he found out his girlfriend (then off) was pregnant. it felt like he barely had a chance to process his parent's death before he had to put on a happy face and suddenly accept and focus on the fact that he was about to be a father. as stressful as it all felt, kai did not stop working hard for a future that could be bright for his family. what he didn't realize, however, was that his partner did not share the same vision. the moment little clementine was born and able to be taken home, kai awoke the following day to a crying baby and a letter from the mother stating how sorry she was. she had noted in the letter that her feelings were deep for her friend april. for that, he was not upset with her; he was upset that she could abandon clementine the way she did.
picking up his broken pieces, kai quickly stepped into his new father role. he had ZERO idea of what he was doing, but the man tried. it wasn't all bad. in all of this, kai had a good friend who helped him throughout everything (WANTED CONNECTION). even if sometimes clementine's piggy tails weren't precisely the same level, she was a happy little kid, and he wouldn't change anything for the world. 
NOW he lives in one of the bigger trailers in tripp’s trailer park. clementine is seven and attends the local roswell elementary school. he went on to become a vetenarian. another habit he had, one clementine seems to have picked up, is bringing home any animal in need and nursing it back to health. now he just gets paid for it. he's very laid back and gentle when it comes to handling all the animals in his care and delivering any sad news to the families of the animals. clementine can sometimes be seen hanging around the animal hospital whenever he can't find a babysitter for her and it seems as if she will also be following in his footsteps of taking on the business as she often enjoys being his assistant and caring for the animals in any way she can. 
 super laid back, chill vibes, peaceful kind of guy. he’s proud to be a papa bear and if you let him he’ll probably go on about clementine for hours. he loves a good party and will sometimes find a babysitter so he can go out to a local house party a friend is throwing or the local bars. he’s there for anyone who needs it, whenever they need it, and is always ready to lend a helping hand. 
bisexual. he thinks he is anyway. he’s never actually been with a guy in any way, but he hopes to one day explore that part of him. 
the good friend: the one’s helped kai with everything as clementine was growing up!
the best friends: squad gang! some close friends! maybe childhood friends?
the gamer squad: gamer friends! pew pew!
the ex: it can be the one that left him with clementine or just a random ex! it can be a good ex or one that maybe things didn’t leave off to well?
the hook-up(s): one too many to drink? maybe back in his younger days? the possibilities are endless!
the secret hook-up: we can plot this one out! seems fun!
babysitters club: mei xuan
father friends: any dad friends would be lovely!
first m/m experience: we can plot this out <3!
whatever else anyone else wants!
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Story #28
Momma and Pa don’t see them. They’re blind. They don’t see the things all around them. The things that haunt us. I see them, though. I’m not blind. They’re everywhere. Watching. Waiting. I don’t know what they want. Momma says I have a big imagination. Pa says I’m crazy.
Momma wants me to make friends. She’s blind. She doesn’t see what they are. The smoke that rises from them and the red eyes that they see from. They see me, I see them, but why don’t they see each other? 
Pa took me to a ballet class. The teacher scares me. She’s got black eyes, not red. She stares with those big black eyes and her wide smile. Her teeth are sharp, like the Big Bad Wolf’s. I told Pa I don’t want to go back. He yelled at me.
They’re getting bigger. The smoke is hard to breathe through. I tell Momma, and she yells at Pa. He yells back. The smoke gets darker. Their eyes are turning white. I don’t want to talk to them anymore. They think something’s wrong with me.
I talked to a therapist today. He had orange eyes. He had no smoke. His smile wasn’t sharp. It was smooth and kind. I tell him about all the smoke and how I can’t breathe. He talks to Pa. He came back with bigger smoke. Pa yelled at me later.
My teacher was worried. She’s kind. Her eyes are normal, she has no smoke. I can breathe around her. She’s not blind either. She doesn’t see like I do, but she understands. She asked about the paint on my arms and legs. I told her Momma and Pa put them there because I was being bad. 
Teacher isn’t here anymore. Another is here instead. He’s scary. Brown eyes and sharp teeth. His claws are sharp. He could tear paper with them. He yells too much. I can’t breathe in class anymore. Pa is glad the teacher was replaced. Momma says I shouldn’t miss her too much. She set a bad example. 
I can’t breathe. It’s too much. Everytime I eat, I feel sick. Momma’s eyes are fully white now. Pa’s have been white for a long time. The house is full of smoke. How do they not notice? I stay outside now in my tree. Tree is kind to me. Tree has no smoke or eyes or teeth.
It hurts to move sometimes. The paint is spreading. Tree soothes me. Tree used to, at least. Pa said I spend too much time outside. I told him about Tree and how kind it was. Momma put paint on my face. Pa cut Tree down. I cried. Pa gave me a paper cut.
I took a bath. It’s been a while. Momma said I was smelling. The water was red. I thought it was pretty. When I was finished, Pa was in my room waiting. He said I had been good lately. He said he was going to give me a treat.
An officer came to the house today. He had normal eyes. No smoke. No teeth. No claws. He cleared some smoke from the house. I like him. He asked about my paint and paper cuts. I said Momma and Pa gave them to me. He asked what else they did. Pa yelled at him and he left.
I snuck out of the house. I wanted to find the officer. I’m having trouble breathing. I feel weak. I found him after the sun went away. He took me to his work place. It’s nice there. No smoke. No eyes. Everything is so warm. My house is always cold.
They brought my Momma and Pa to the work place. They were in trouble. The smoke covered everything so quickly. They yelled and yelled and yelled. They let me see Momma and Pa. I was in trouble. They took me home after. The officer told me to come back if they gave me any more paint or paper cuts again. He said to not let Pa give me treats anymore.
I can’t breathe. Everything is dyed red. It’s blurry. The smoke is everywhere. Pa is angry. Momma is mad at me. Pa keeps kicking and kicking and hitting and hitting. There’s a sound. It’s loud. I’m tired. I’m going to sleep.
I’m in the police station. Momma and Pa were taken like the teacher. Officer was there. He said I couldn’t see them anymore. I’m not sad. I could breathe again. He said I’d need a new family. I asked if he would be my brother. He said yes. He said no more paint or paper cuts or treats. No more eyes or claws or smoke. He said I’d be happy again. I finally see as I’m supposed to.
(one of the only stories I have with a genuine happy/non-cliffhanger ending)
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mayssa-m · 2 months
Had one of the worst arguments ever with my mom, i escaped to the gym on a burning day
the worst thing about it is me not talking about my emotions or explaining stuff that make sense on a daily basis, theres so much my parents dont know about me, they jus see the outside(how im getting affected by whats going on internally) n directly make assumptions relating everything to school
even your own parents dont even ask you about your mental, they only care about school n its seriously starting to affect me(uts been since last year but my grades skydived this year n thats when they notices somethings wrong with me when sht was going on since last year, me randomy gaining a lot of weight while i grew up being called a stick doesnt seem like like anything unusual to them, me not getting sleep anymore didnt see unusual to them, me being 24/7 in my room sleeping late n waking up late n being disorganized my clothes everywhere my plates n forks all around the room was nothing to worry about n me starting acting weirdly around anyone around me when i grew up being known for being shy n quiet they didnt even bother to think about that, the moment they seen my grades falling when i grew up being the biggest nerd in school n among the top students whether its jus my grades or my personality n respect towards people, the moment they seen the grades n the teachers starting speaking about how i changed, thats when for them they finally noticed something is wrong, on my side it was « theyre finally noticing something is being wrong »
I was finally happy as finally one of them would reach out to me n ill finally have the balls to explain myself n get whats inside of me as i grew up not speaking my thoughts n expressing myself, anything thatll happen no matter how dangerous it is, itll stay imprisoned inside of me til the day i die, i was happy n had hope that ill be able to speak n hopefully sht will clear up as a lot of people online would say if theres anything you need to talk about you should reach out to someone juices mom for example, as a mom i took her words seriously but stil didnt have the balls, but on their side it was them being angry at me for becoming like that as over tome the more time it took me to say what i got it gradually started stacking ip even more, i would change but by but until they noticed an even bigger change
i seriously don’t know what to do anymore, even me being someone that didnt get convinced by speaking about anything to anyone, got convinced by my mother to speak to only her n her
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jpnfilmhistorynmore · 3 months
Family Game
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Family Game by Morita Yoshimitsu was an interesting film focusing on the life of a family in postwar Japan. To get it out of the way, I just want to say that Yoshimitsu is very creepy. He is easily my least favorite part of the film and is perpetually an unsettling jerk.
The film follows a family known as the Numatas, more specifically their youngest son Shigeyuki. Throughout the film, the Numata family is shown to be incredibly dysfunctional. For example, in one scene where they are all eating together, none of the family members ever talk directly to one another and instead exclusively talk to their son’s tutor. This shows the breakdown of communication in the household between parent and child. The position that the tutor is sitting in helps make this connection, as his presence physically divides the parents from their sons.
The film also critiques the education system through its characterization of Shigeyuki. He is referred to as stupid by everyone around him, from his parents to his teachers, due to his poor grades on assignments. Despite this, he is shown to be a talented child, capable of drawing complex designs and creating a roller-coaster track for marbles. This shows that Shigeyuki is gifted in certain fields, yet not allowed to study them and as a result is considered stupid based on a limited evaluation. Due to him being thought of as stupid, the family hires a tutor to teach him. Unfortunately, this tutor is abusive and effectively bullies Shigeyuki into studying and living like a normal student. This tutor, much like society, encourages him to give up his individuality and gift, and instead conform to being a more standard student. The father brushes off the abuse from the tutor as ‘strict guidance’ and seems to not care as long as Shigeyuki’s grades continue to improve. At one point the film, we’re shown that even a bookstore clerk doesn’t particularly care about the abuse going on. This encouragement of abuse and lack of care from adults while Shigeyuki is continually bullied and abused is heartbreaking. Everyone from family to teachers and strangers choose ignorance and to stay uninvolved until it personally affects them. At the end of the film, after Shigeyuki achieves great grades, there is a scene where the family and the tutor are all eating dinner once again. During this scene, the true colors of their family comes to light. Everything breaks into chaos, with food being thrown everywhere, alcohol being dumped on people, and fights breaking out. During this entire scene, we still see the parents attempting to fulfill their role in the family by continuing to talk like normal. It creates this incredibly bizarre juxtaposition between what a family is ‘supposed to be’, and what their family actually is. In the end of the scene, the family is left in shambles in a destroyed kitchen, with everyone but the tutor injured on the ground. In the end they are left to return to their daily lives, yet they are changed by the revelations throughout the film.
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sweatproof-spandex · 9 months
Social blunder/moment my psyche likes to throw at me now and then to make me cringe to the max #1:
I was in the debate club at sixth form, and the topic we were debating was whether or not the classic sexy magazines should be banned or censored on grounds of sexism.
I was given the 'Ban Those Mags' side, so, naturally I go hard on eating disorders and other mental health issues created by women being constantly compared to skinny, booby models, right?
The guy opposing me argued that hey, men get body issues too (of course) and they do get sexualised too (also yes), so this wasn't anything unique.
I said well sure, I don't disagree that there's a problem there, but I don't exactly see every guy walking around going "Must Be Muscular"
And... You know those stories you hear, where someone said something amazing and funny "and everyone clapped"? I got the nightmare version.
I was the only girl in the room. Aside from the teacher.. everyone laughed. Immediately.
My perception was altered in a way I didn't get to explain. If I'd been able to heave the giant rock out of my stomach in time, I would have said something like "Okay, alright, point taken, just because I don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. But look at the differences here. Trying to get buff is not as damaging as literally starving yourself to death."
I still think it wouldn't have been a great argument- I mean, it is objectively true in one sense, trying to gain muscle means you need exercise and protein, which are less likely to kill you than literally not eating anything, or going through plastic surgery to get a flat stomach and breast implants or something. But it does ignore everything outside of those narrow examples, and really, no-one should have to live their lives constantly in fear about how others see their bodies.
I think about how I could have spoken up before he got chance to and faced the boys head-on, asked them "So you're all damaged by it yeah?" And have them go "Well duh" or "Kinda!" And then I could have said "THEN FIGHT TO BAN THIS CRAP! Once women get to ban Playboy Bunny mags, it'll pave the way for you guys to get in there and help each other out! Ban the mags on both sides!!"
That would have been a compelling argument.
I wish though that I'd been able to explain it better in the first place. Move it away from my experience and look at the evidence. Or, perhaps more accurately, explain a woman's perspective.
Compare Our magazines to theirs. List movies where a completely mundane, middle-of-the-road guy gets to be the lead in movie after movie, but his love interest always has to be thin, sub-30, with model-level looks and flawless hair. I could have communicated that whether or not boys felt pushed towards an ideal, the world constantly showed that attractiveness is Not a make-or-break thing for men's success in life, it isn't rammed down their throats everywhere they look, it's okay to be an average-looking guy, but not girl.
I'd have brought magazines showcasing male celebs with their clothes ON and their shape less important. And dared them to find a single image in their magazines of a famous woman in "respectable", office-safe clothing, not posed to show off their body.
But no.
Instead, I only looked at the surface of the issue, said something completely ignorant, and then crumbled as the whole club laughed at my dumb-ass take.
I know better now, but I still can't hear any talk about body image/expectation equality or anything like that without reliving that moment, and it is excruciating.
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longalpha · 2 years
Kindergarten 2 the game
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It’s even scary to think that in a place where so many children are kept such dangerous substances! On the other hand, you definitely won’t be bored. Discover all new areas and new characters as you assist the children with their various assignments. Kindergarten 2 is the long awaited sequel to 2017's Kindergarten After the events that occurred on Monday, the children have been rezoned to an all new school. Each time you will experience the same day. You get to take on the role of one of the children in this miserable location. Here you will go to a small pixel world in which there is a crazy kindergarten. Kindergarten 2 is a dynamic game project that is ready to please its fans with a new adventure again.
Here you will find the most incredible tasks – for example, get an achievement by poisoning yourself with a mixed poison. This summary is taken directly from the Steam Page and as so is not to be edited. Download Kindergarten 2 for free PC game. As you already understood, in this kindergarten, everything is arranged differently than everywhere else. What good will they also tie a similar thing to your head and you will completely stop thinking!Īnd the thinker will come in handy for you – at least in order not to end up in some unpleasant situation. I made a Danganronpa Au before, but someone in amino gave me the inspiration and motivation to make these two Idk if Ill be able to color the other characters. All this looks suspicious, so you should not lose your vigilance. The teacher is obviously up to something unkind, and the janitor, with a predatory expression on his face, wipes something that looks like blood from the floor. What’s going on here anyway? Children walk around like zombies, resignedly sipping tasteless slurry in the dining room and wearing strange beacons on their heads that are installed in the director’s office. Therefore, stay alert! Blood on the floor and poison in the dining room! Especially when not only your mental peace is at stake, but also your life! Yes, in this kindergarten you can easily part with it. To hold out in this terrible place from morning to evening is another test. You have to strictly follow the rules, endure the authority of educators and poking from stronger peers. Unfortunately, some people might not like pixel graphics.Life in kindergarten is no bed of roses. The Last Journey is an ultimate post-nuclear exploration game in which you travel the universe to find a new planet s. You will be able to clearly see the object. However, you should keep in mind that there are some violent scenes in the game. Kindergarten 2 is a fun game that can help you easily kill some time. Unfortunately, the game supports only singleplayer game mode. The progression of each story felt more streamlined and each solution made Fixed a lot of the issues I had with the original Kindergarten. Fixed a lot of the issues I had with the original Kindergarten. You will also enjoy playing the game if you like the first part of the Kindergarten game series. Metacritic Game Reviews, Kindergarten 2 for PC. You will enjoy replaying Kindergarten 2 in case you are a fan of indie games with an interesting plot. You can also play Kindergarten 2 using the gamepad because the game fully supports the above-mentioned controller. In addition, you can change them in the game settings. It will not be hard for you to control the characters because key bindings are default. Kindergarten 2 controls are pretty straightforward. It should be mentioned that it is not recommended for children to play Kindergarten 2 because there are a lot of violent scenes. You can also change the appearance of your character by choosing different outfits. Some students might provide you with missions that can positively affect your relationship. Each student will tell you a particular story. First of all, you need to talk to NPCs and get more information about kindergarten. You can browse the list of available missions. Gameplay 4/5Īfter you start Kindergarten 2, you will be able to look through a few tips that the game will give you. Nevertheless, you can run Kindergarten 2 even on weak computers. Some people might not like the game because of that style. Download Preschool & Kindergarten 2 SE and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. However, pixel graphics are not everyone's cup of tea. The game uses top view so that you could see more of the in-game area. The objects are nicely detailed and clearly visible.
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slytherinsnekxvii · 3 years
let's talk about lily evans and the marauders, aka moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs. given that i didn't use their actual names, i think you can figure out where this is going. it's also long as hell, so. canon vs fanon, marauder edition, except snek is sleep deprived.
now, before we begin, i don't dislike the marauders. or lily, tbh. if I'm being perfectly, genuinely honest, i still go back and forth sometimes but they've been growing on me for a while now. the canon versions, at least. fanon does them real dirty, and that's part of why i'm writing this, because i'm genuinely tired of it. it's an injustice.
you can at least make excuses for james and lily, who were so undeveloped that jkr practically dropped a fill-in-the-blank sheet of character information in our laps, but sirius, remus and peter were around long enough for y'all to get real acquainted with them.
in canon, sirius black is an unhinged mf. genuinely. this isn't to say he's a bad guy, in fact, we see that he's still capable of doing good things, still capable of love, still capable of all the things that prove he's actually not bad at heart, just,,, severely traumatised and very steeped in negativity from his time with the dementors. what i'm saying is that this man is absolutely, no questions asked, no holds barred demented, and how could he not be? the guy sat wrongfully imprisoned in azkaban for twelve years, a good portion of which he spent as a dog in order to protect himself from the dementors. he certainly wasn't completely insane, but you cannot tell me that he was all there. he got out of azkaban fuelled almost solely by the intent to get revenge on pettigrew, tried to commit murder in front of three witnesses who were also children—one of whom was his godson—ate rats and was also malnourished, which i'm certain did not help the situation any. this man is off his goddamn rocker, and you know what? you love to see it. good for him.
oh, but, snek, that's what he's like as an adult. what about when they were at school? before azkaban? my guy, the reaction he has to grimmauld place is not the reaction of someone without trauma. i don't believe that walburga and orion were the type to physically abuse their children, but whatever happened in that house helped to fuck him up enough that he skipped the joke of part of practical joke, and pranked snape by telling him how to meet a werewolf that he knew would be fully transformed and dangerous to humans. more than that, the werewolf was remus, whom he's friends with, and who—best case scenario—would be facing a trial if james hadn't stepped in. you can say that maybe he didn't think about or understand the gravitas of his actions, but at the end of it, that's not how properly sane people react to people they dislike, and that's not how they treat their friends. if anything, it reads like he was in the middle of a breakdown and absolutely losing his shit and he wasn't thinking at all.
my guy went through some serious shit, and was in no way completely mentally stable. we can see pretty clearly that he's got a serious dark side to him that probably would have gone unbridled had he not disagreed with his family, and yet, fanon took one look at him and went, "teehee, uwu bad boi go vroom."
fanon said padfoot is a pretty boy with nice hair who is tastefully traumatised from his horribly abusive household. sirius rides his motorcycle and plays jokes and flirts with anything that moves, but he can do no real wrong and always comes back to his soft, bookish, chocolate-loving boyfriend remus, who will laugh about his lycanthropy and quietly disapprove but secretly laugh at his friends' antics while hiding his smile in his cardigan.
respectfully, what in the absolute fuck.
i'd put that meme in here if i could, the one that's like, "well done, you've broken _______ down to its bare essentials," but no. i can't bc it doesn't even apply. this isn't a meme, it's theseus' fucking ship.
fanon broke it down, and replaced the pieces one by one until we got to this point, where we need to sit down and ask ourselves, "is this even the same character?"
the answer is no, by the way. it isn't. when people talk about woobifying characters—you know, taking away every flaw they have, romanticising everything they do and making them only capable of doing good, wonderful, lovely things?—this is what we mean.
and it'd be one thing if it was just the one character, but, no. fanon went all in and made them all squeaky clean and boring, especially peter, who draws the shortest of the straws.
remus got fucked, too. not just because fanon insists on sticking him into a relationship with sirius. which, we'll tackle wolfstar in a bit, but that's not even the worst of it. here, we have yet another example of blatant, rampant woobifying. again, is he a bad person? no. we know he's a good guy, we know he's generally kind and well-mannered, we know that he wants to fo the right thing but hey, fun fact. did you know that you can be nice and a coward? did you know that you can be benevolent and good and kindly and have the greatest of intentions and still be shady as fuck? no? ask dumbledore. the man played people like chess pieces when he needed to, and he was a twinkly grandpa. these are things that can coexist.
teenage remus is a coward who, understandably, does not stand up to his friends, likely for fear of being ostracised, and doesn't uphold his prefect duties as he should and takes part in their bullying of snape as a result. he lets them romp with him in werewolf form while they are in their animagus forms and then, he lets them continue to do so even after they have multiple close calls, which, again, had anything happened, would have resulted in a trial in the best case scenario.
grownup remus is still a coward, he tells no one that sirius can move about the school in his animagus form despite wholeheartedly believing that he's a mass murderer, he tries to run out on his wife and unborn kid. he isn't deliberately making attempts to harm anyone, but he's content to sit back and let things happen to him and around him so he doesn't rock the boat, although he is capable of action, which we see when he is more than willing to help sirius merk pettigrew in the shack. he can be careless, he runs out to the shack knowing he hasn't taken his wolfsbane and ends up transforming in front of the students he, as a teacher, is meant to be protecting. of course, this doesn't negate his good qualities, it just bears repeating that his flaws do exist, and they're pretty serious.
fanon moony is always pleasant and kind and soft-spoken and bookish, and he always has to have his chocolate. he knows when to tell off his friends, and he'll do it, even if he's secretly amused by everything they do and laughs about it with his best friend, lily evans, who coincidentally spends all her time with them so he and sirius can go on double dates with james and lily and no one has to remember peter exists.
why. theseus' ship 2.0. does the actual character still exist or is this something entirely different thing bearing the same name?
as for peter, who needs peter pettigrew, the actual, legitimate, fourth marauder when you have lily evans? canon pettigrew is opportunistic as fuck. he's latching himself to the biggest bad on the block and he's going all in. for teenage peter, that was james and sirius, and for adult peter, that's voldemort. canon peter is good enough at transfiguration to master the animagus transformation, just like his friends, and he's good enough at potions to brew the potion that gives voldemort a body. and honestly, you can't say he wasn't brave. he could've run off somewhere and died, or changed his identity or something after he faked his death and framed sirius, but, no. he goes and resurrects voldemort. that's fucked up, yeah, but it happened and honestly, i respect that it. he stuck to his guns.
fanon wormtail is lucky if he exists beyond being a spineless sycophant for james and sirius, or an evil conniving little rat who's looking to toss his entire friend group to the wolves at eleven.
of course, this isn't meant to negate his bad qualities, he still murdered people and framed sirius and sold out the potters to die, but his good characteristics do exist, and james, sirius and remus genuinely were his friends.
and now, we get to lily and james.
we have hardly any information on either of them. they're a pair of cardboard cutouts that we can paint and stick flyers to and colour outside the lines however we want. we can do whatever the fuck, as long lily is brave and smart and somewhat kind and james is brave and willing to die for his family. we were essentially handed a pair of ocs.
and yet.
what little bits of canon we have are thrown out of the window regardless.
james is privileged and rich, and he throws hexes for fun. he's willing to hex lily when she disagrees with him, and then, he goes behind her back to continue hexing snape after she believes that he's stopped doing so. and that's all we know about him until he dies for his family at twenty-one years old. once again, say it with me: this does not negate his good qualities. he definitely had them, he took sirius in when sirius ran away from home, he became an animagus to keep remus company as a wolf, and he saved snape in the shack, thereby saving remus and sirius by extension. him having flaws does not make him a bad person.
fanon prongs is a feminist. he fights for equal rights for women everywhere, and he constantly treats his girlfriend, lily, like an absolute queen. he's the hottest boy in school and everyone claps when he walks through the halls. mcgonagall and dumbledore are always patting him on the back and making jokes with him. he has a built-in dark detector that helps him sense when someone is a evil and needs to he punished.
give me a break. the dude's cool and all, but was the gary stu treatment necessary?
...oh, he needed to match fanon lily? right, right.
canon lily is a contradiction unto herself. she's supposedly a great friend, but since we see her at a point where they were already drifting apart, we see her putting little effort into keeping their friendship afloat. she victim blames based on rumours, she doesn't seem to care over much about what snape has to say about the people who have been tormenting him since day one. and she's justified, of course, she doesn't have to stick around. canon lily is a bit of hypocrite, she says that snape calls everyone of her birth mudblood, but then that begs the question why she still hangs around with him if that's the case. he calls her mudblood, she retaliates by calling him snivellus, and finishes up with a dig about his underwear, which, sure, it's kicking a man with a rusty spoon and pouring salt in the wound, but she's, again, justified. i get where she was coming from. and then, of course, she dies for her kid after marrying the guy who relentlessly bullied her quote-unquote best friend for their entire school careers. but, like i said, canon lily is, in many ways, a contradiction.
lily is basically a plot device. she pushes everyone's narrative but her own, and does little else.
of course, this trend would continue in fanon. fanon lily exists to be the perfect girl who gets really angry over the slightest injustice, and of course, she gets to be one half of one of the oldest enemies-to-lovers "it was just sexual tension" cliche pairings in the book. she's just,,, a mary sue. in so many fics, so many headcanons, she's just pettigrew's stand-in, a girl to form a gang with marlene, mary and dorcas—who happen to be more undeveloped ocs who also get the woobify mary sue treatment—to parallel the marauders. there is nothing compelling about her character when she's presented as a saint, and even less when she's supposedly the other moral compass for the marauders that doesn't actually work because she thinks that james is cute.
and this brings me to the next topic. jily. what, why, how. this was supposed to be a healthy, happy relationship that would have lasted in the long run? absolutely not. even for its time, i can't say that i see it lasting.
first of all, jkr presents james' crush on lily as just that: a crush. a mildly obsessive one, but a crush nonetheless, which she tries to liken to the pulling of pigtails. and then, we see that james' way of getting her to go out with him consists of blackmail, and when that doesn't work, he resorts to threatening her. this could have been set aside if he had actually, genuinely changed when they started spending more time together, but as we're told by sirius and remus, he didn't. he just got better at hiding what he was up to. and it has to be that he hid it, because if she knew, this further damages the character that she's set up to have and paints her out to be either unable to stand up to him or an enabler.
regardless, they get married. and while i have trouble believing that it was out of genuine love, there are scenarios that could make some semblance of sense. it's wartime, after all, and maybe lily is worried about her stability in the wizarding world, so why not marry into an established family whose son is already showing interest? or perhaps, she falls into the trap of every bad boy cliche ever, and she thinks to herself, well, i got him to be better then, maybe i can get him to do even better in the future. or maybe, she doesn't get into a relationship with him immediately and sees him on and off, until eventually, she accidentally gets pregnant and they scramble to have a shotgun wedding so as not to leave lily alone at nineteen with a baby. or maybe they marry each other because they're there and sure, neither of then is ready and they don't know what love even is but what else is there to do when there's a dark lord about? anyways, the point is, they get married.
and then what? if we count pottermore into canon, he goes on to further damage her relationship with petunia and vernon, to the point where she ends up crying. if we don't, she fades into the background enough that nobody has anything to say about her. she's harry's mum, she's james' wife, lily potter, she was kind and smart and brave and that's it. her agency is gone, anything else we have of her personality is gone.
jily just,,, wasn't built to last. and, yeah, this,,, this is a hill i'll die on.
same with wolfstar, honestly. there are so many reasons why it wouldn't work, but fanon has made it so fucking prevalent that it's literally everywhere no matter where you look.
first of all, i've said it before and i'll say it again. sirius is more likely to get with james that he is to ever end up in a relationship with remus. their chemistry is just,,, underdeveloped. net zero for a relationship.
secondly, sirius instigated the werewolf prank, and lupin would have paid the price for it. this could have been overlooked, but he doesn't seem the slightest bit guilty about any of it when it's brought up in poa. he could have been responsible for lupin losing the security of his place at hogwarts in the best case scenario, and in the worst case, his life. and he seems to look forward to full moons, even though they clearly aren't pleasant for remus, which,,, yeah, you're going to have fun, but like, maybe be concerned about the fact that your friend undergoes excruciating pain and it isn't a pleasant time for him? read the room, my g.
thirdly, they don't trust each other as much as fanon seems to think they do. they were both willing to believe each other the traitor before ever suspecting pettigrew. sirius thought remus gave away the potters, hell, he thought remus was a spy for voldemort, and remus was convinced that sirius was a mass murderer. neither of them needed to be convinced.
fourthly, maybe i'm reading too much into it, but like. sirius had money. remus had no money, since, yk, he was a werewolf and struggling for cash and still, sirius,,, did not leave him any money. i feel like if you had money to spare, you would give to your friend who is literally poor. but, again, maybe i'm reading too much into it and this isn't as valid a point as i think it is.
and ehh, the fifth reason is that it's,,, actually very much not the representation for the ltgbt community that fanon says it is but y'all aren't ready for that conversation.
anyways, just,,, even when you set the couple shit aside, the power dynamics between everyone here is fucked. like, james and sirius are clearly at the top of food chain calling the shots and egging each other on. then there's lily, who isn't even a marauder, but is always ever-so-slightly above remus but still not on their level, because, well. neither of them actually listen to her. remus is the novelty friend, the friend who's,,, alright, i guess, but you keep them around specifically because they're funny or they can dance or they have something that you can either show off to other people or keep as your little inside joke, your little secret, yk? and peter is just sort of there. like, yeah, he can do what we can but does that make him as good as we are? no. does he have a funny little something about him that we can exploit? nah. therefore he sits at the bottom. and like, yeah, james and sirius are on the same level, but james is yanking sirius' chain, not the other way around. anyways, like i said. power dynamic's fucked and it bothers me that we were given all of this, and fanon decided to take it all and throw it away so they could give us flamboyant!badboi!sirius black x softboi!motherhen!remus lupin going on double dates with feminist!trustfundbaby!james potter and saint!lily evans while ignoring peter pettiwho?
theseus' fucking ship, indeed.
anyways, this needed to be said. it might not make as much sense as i want it to, considering it's 4:12 in the morning as i'm posting this, after taking a break from writing to do some research and coming across way too much content about fanon marauders, but it's here and it still makes enough sense that you can read it and understand what i mean. and like, at the end of the day, you can go ahead and headcanon whatever you please, you can write fic and make art and do whatever you like, just,,, remember that they're exactly that. headcanons. stop presenting fanon as canon. please. i'm literally begging. we actually have evidence against it. just,,, acknowledge that they're headcanons and stop putting them forward as though they're able to fit into canon. please.
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thenovelartist · 3 years
Boys as Dads - Tears of Themis Headcanons
I've been sitting on this for days, writing it after @luke-appreciator mentioned the boys as dads and henceforth planting the idea in my mind.
LOOK! Luke is living past his three year “time limit” goshdarnit! He gets to see his kids grow up!
And he has several of them with his MC (I’m thinking four or five.)
They were all mostly planned. (They were just rolling with however many they were blessed with until they decided to stop.)
When his first child was born, he cried. He didn’t think he’d get this opportunity, but now he’s a dad and feels overwhelmed by the blessing.
He is as involved in his kids’ lives as he possibly can be.
He’s the dad that will teach his kids how to fix everything.
Totally the hands-on dad of wrestling and headlocks and ruffling their hair.
Yes, even his girls, but in a slightly different context. Uses those moments to teach them self-defense. (Yes, he’ll do that to his boys, but he’s more concerned about his girls.)
That said, he’s very protective of his kids and wants to give them all the knowledge he can to make sure they can keep themselves safe.
Will try to get his kids into Sherlock Holmes.
One of his kids is named John after John Watson. It was actually MC’s idea, much to Luke’s surprise and delight.
When he’s away on mission (which already makes him sad because he doesn’t like being away from his precious family), he hates it when he has to go full dark mode. Because he’d at least like to call them and tell them good night if he can’t be there.
The king of pictures.
There are cameras scattered throughout the house so he can easily steal a picture whenever he wants to.
Will put together scrapbooks upon scrapbooks of photographs for all kinds of events. The kids get in on these activities, and it has become a bit of a family event to arrange the pages together.
Not a day goes by he takes for granted. Does not matter if he’s cleaning up diapers or one of his kids is sick or he’s having to do damage control when something gets out of hand. He cherishes all of it.
I see Vyn having one or two. Both were totally planned.
Mostly, he just sees children as patients, but now, he’s got two children he actually raises.
And the moment his first child is placed into his arms, he realizes with sickening clarity that his actions have a direct impact on their lives.
While he knew that beforehand, there was a moment it clicked, and Vyn felt himself change that day.
He strives to be the best father he can, minding everything he does to lead by example.
He didn’t have the greatest childhood, meaning he does everything he can to make sure his kids never have to experience the things he wished never happened to him.
He’s a bit of a helicopter parent despite knowing he needs to not be. All he wants to do is protect his kids, is that so wrong?
However, because of that, he happens to understand and sympathize with parents more now. His kids wrecked him in ways he didn’t think possible.
It’s a bit of a learning experience for him to allow his kids to learn on their own. He knows so much and wants to just tell them everything they need to know, but realizes that he can’t do that. He has to let them learn and grow in their own ways.
He wants to give his kids the best, from quality schooling to extracurricular activities. But he’s also is more than happy to teach them their way around the kitchen and garden as well as play games and do puzzles with them.
Also really enjoys reading them books at bedtime. A habit that will linger around for surprisingly long while.
He’s the dad that is glad to help with homework whenever they need it.
Always offers to listen to them and talk them through things. It would be pretty shameful if the psychiatrist couldn’t help guide his own kids through their own mental hurdles.
And he knows he did something right because his kids are comfortable talking with him about a lot of things, even in their teenage and young adult years.
Ends up the dad who has the best life advice that his kids eventually learn to always listen to even if they don’t appreciate it when they’re younger.
Ends up with a large family, both adopting and raising his own.
Probably two of their own, and two or three (or four… maybe five) adopted.
The kids they had were planned; the ones they adopted… not always. It tended to be a “this one grew on you unexpectedly” situation.
Loves all his kids equally, whether they’re his own or adopted.
Super supportive dad. Probably spoils his kids in praise and hugs.
That being said, he won’t coddle them. He’s all for supporting them, but knows when to allow his kids face the negative consequences of their actions. He’s an attorney, after all. This is his “justice” side showing.
But he’s fair. He will guide them the best he can but will let experience be the teacher if he needs to. And if experience is the cruel teacher of the day, he’ll be there, whether to pick them up, dust them off, and offer hugs or to talk them through how to best navigate the consequences and avoid the situation next time.
His schedule revolves around any and all events in his kids’ lives. Which, considering the size of his family, is a balancing act.
Days off are sacred. That is his time to spend with his family.
Nightly family dinners are a big thing in the Wing household. Game nights on weekends are even bigger. And louder.
He’s the dad that can go from tutus and tea parties to action figures and lego sets. Whatever his kids are up for, he’ll gladly participate.
Every year, for each kid’s birthday, will spend one-on-one time with them and do whatever they want to do for an entire day. With a big family, especially with the adopted ones, he knows it might be easy to feel lost in the crowd and doesn’t want any of his kids thinking that.
Once a year, they go on a week-long vacation somewhere in nature. No phones, no technology; this is family bonding time and time for kids to just run around and be kids.
All in all, grade A dad.
Ends up with two or three.
The first one was a surprise, and likely one more after that was not planned, either.
But the moment he holds his first child, a switch goes off in his mind and Marius matures, knowing he’s got not only his girl to protect and keep safe but now a helpless little one who’s wholly dependent upon him.
He’s probably the second most hover-y of the boys behind Vyn. And that’s less because he’s a helicopter parent and more because he knows he’s a target for people and is very concerned for his kids’ safety. So he’s hypervigilant of everything, including what school they go to, who they’re friends with, where they go, etc.
Their house… oh my…
He’s an artist, and he will inspire that in his kids. There’s paint, stickers, crayons, and markers freaking everywhere.
Oh, and art taped to practically every wall. And a few in his office.
Marks every major event down on a calendar. His assistant knows there will be hell to pay if there’s a scheduling mishap.
Never let him help with homework (unless it’s art). Because he’s the guy who will teach his kids the smartass answers to some questions, even if it gets his kids in trouble.
(Spoiler: his kids never mind and instead pick up his bad habits.)
(Much to MC’s chagrin. Will make Marius go sit in the corner, much to his children’s delight.)
Will put his kids into any extracurricular activities they want growing up.
Totally spoils them in that way.
But the minute they turn into little shits about their wealth? Say good bye to your technology for the next few days. Marius is all about spoiling his kids, but not rotten. Even he hates snotty rich people he has to deal with, and he’s not gonna let his kids be like that.
Loves spending time doing things with his kids. Up for anything from the midday ice creams when mom told them no to spontaneous adventures. Oh yeah, he’s that dad.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
Do you think that the original 2017 comics are still canon? Or at least certain characters like the ferryman, north wind, and the mirror monster?
Short Answer: Yes.
Long answer: Like everything else in Little Nightmares, it's complicated.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that, out of all the characters from the comics, the Ferryman is the only one who is 100% confirmed as canon. I say this because of various paintings with him as the primary focus appearing in the Maw both in LN 1 and the DLC - this last one is especially important because the DLC was released after the comics were already cancelled, therefore implying that the Ferryman is still an existing character in the universe of the games.
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Plus (and again, this is important!), he's also one of the collectibles in VLN.
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I have mentioned this in my various posts about the Ladies already, but I must repeat that I like how the room reflects the character of their jack-in-the-box in very creative ways. For example, the Ferryman's room here is filled with water that most likely came from the broken barrel on the side (see as two Nomes are taking a quiet bath in yet another barrel), and the largest piece of the barrel somewhat resembles a boat. It's really clever.
I would talk about the VLN rooms for hours, but I'll keep them for another post. Moving on.
The Mirror Man also has his own jack-in-the-box and paitings on the Maw! Incidentally, he's also standing in the same pose.
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(he's gonna do it to em)
Judging by all the broken mirrors laying around in both LN games and DLC, we can assume Mirror Man also has canon privileges, although I'm fairly sure the Lady, the Hunter and possibly the Teacher aren't too happy about it.
Now, about the North Wind... this is where it gets complicated.
You see, the North Wind himself does not make any other appearence outside of the comics... but the Refugee Boy he was chasing does.
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And this is extremely strange to me. Why him, and not the North Wind himself? The Humpback Girl isn't relevant to Mirror Man nor his room at all and all the other jack-in-the-boxes are antagonists - monsters, so why this major shift? Maybe it's trying to tell us something about the true nature of the North Wind?
Going back to your OG question... this room still shows signs of the North Wind's presence, overall. It's incredibly messy and the toilet paper has flown everywhere like it was either thrown or blew around by an extremely strong wind.
Ultimately, I would say that, while Mirror Man and the Ferryman are definetely still canon to the games, the North Wind might not be - or he might be different from the one we saw in the comics. The presence of the Refugee Boy might imply that the kids from the comics are still somewhat canon characters.
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omegaverse-daily · 3 years
More pup headcanons because I love them~
-All puppies love playtime! They each have different favorite things based on their dynamics. Alpha pups will like playing with baby dolls and stuffed animals and playing house. They love having something to take care of. Beta pups enjoy things that they can be creative with like building with blocks or coloring. They need something to get all of that creative energy out. Omega pups will be the most fussy when trying to pick what to play with. Most of them go for the safe bet of playing pretend with dolls and dress up. Omega pup tea parties are a must.
-The little crafts they make in elementary school definitely are scattered around their houses. Most parents will keep all of the things their kids do and save them in a big box speaking that most of them have multiples.
-Omega pups are the most sensitive out of all of the dynamics and thrive on routine. If Daddy comes home at the same time each day, if he/she gets off one hour later, you can expect the omega puppies to be crying at the door holding their plushies or blankets.
-Alpha pups are the biggest cuddlers. They make the best forts out of all of the dynamics and love inviting everyone into them especially if they’re more extroverted. They’ll go and cuddle with the omega pups whenever they start getting sad or scared.
-Preschool works on a buddy system! Everyone gets a buddy to pair up with. Most of the time it’s the same dynamic as partners, but sometimes it’ll be an omega and a beta or an omega and an alpha or an alpha and a beta. They mostly pair them up on how well their personalities match.
-In elementary school, everyone gets a little book where if they do a good job, (not crying after their parents leave in most omega puppies’ cases) they get a stamp or a sticker for that day in their book. They make the little books themselves out of paper and yarn. On the front cover it says their name, their teacher, and their grade.
-Most teachers like keeping the buddy system going throughout elementary school. The desks are usually set up with four people in a group so it can be two groups of buddies together. This is where they switch up the dynamics. So an omega pair will be paired with a beta pair for example.
-Omega pups in little dresses with Peter Pan collars! Especially if they go somewhere that has uniforms, the omega puppies can wear little long sleeved Peter Pan button up shirts under their little black dresses.
-Pups being so afraid to go to the doctor, but once they get there they realize the doctor isn’t that bad and they get candy at the end and it doesn’t feel like a scary place because they have good scents everywhere instead of everything smelling clinical. A lot of pups will cry their first time going to the doctor, but after that they don’t cry because these doctors and nurses are trained to deal with little stressed pups.
-Omega pups who are so scared constantly having a place to be able to talk about it and then potentially get on some hormone balancers. Pediatricians go through some of the most schooling in our rp and nurses who want to work with pediatricians have to have more schooling too because pups are so scared of the doctor.
Aaaaa I just love talking about pups~
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
Mkay, since I’ve seen you do big butt and small boobs or big boobs and small butt, let’s go the extra mile bc I KNOW I’m not the only one with big boobs (and I’m talkin DD’s) AND a big butt. Can you do this w/ Bakugo, Todoroki, Shinsou, and Kirishima?
The Double Whammy
WE ARE ENTERING SOME DEEEP SHIT! I mean deep! Extremely deep, please put your big girl pants on because I'm gonna get into the subject as deep as I possibly can because I can relate to this on a thousand levels. Let's go.
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Eijiro Kirishima
* (I swear, I simp this man too hard.)
* Please acknowledge the fact that he’s a firm believer in respect, manliness, and more. So regardless, he’s going to love you for you and respect you as well, even with that disrespectful body god blessed you with.
* He’s the ultimate simp for you honey and you just don’t know. You see him for more than his insecurities as well and that’s more of a fuel within the relationship.
* Now, Don’t expect him to just let anyone say anything about your body, this includes even his Bakubro. You’re his pebble, he’s gotta protect you.
* Those guys who randomly try to ask you out at parties, restaurants, or even when you’re just inside the store and you’re just grabbing a few things, Kirishima will quickly shut that down.
* The only thing I’d worry about with him is his insecurities getting the way, the mere fact that he might not be enough for you. I mean, look at you. Can you blame him?
* This Red Riot isn’t as innocent as you think though, he loves it when you’re as close to him as possible. For example, when you’re hugging him and you’re breasts are pressed against his chest. It drives him insane while he can admire that gorgeous smile of yours.
* Strapless outfits are his go-to favorites on you, why? That chest is on full display yet your neck is open where those bites he creates a few days ago are being seen as well.
* Speaking of bites..you think they’re not going to be included? When it comes to samwiches, he isn’t picky but the fact that you have the best of both worlds just makes everything so much better.
* Just expect a lot of biting, the constant changing of positions, and more. You’ll be in a missionary first and then you’re somehow on the floor, getting carpet burn on one side of your elbows and knees while he’s holding your other legs, pounding you from behind.
* His favorite place for you two to do the nasty? His gym..but that’s for another headcanon.
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Shoto Todoroki
* This might be the first time I go the left with Shoto. Trust me, He loves you. He really really does.
* He loves you for you and everything but he might be a bit hesitant about the relationship at first. Why? Because you’re wanted all the time by many guys.
* I know he’s wanted by thousands of girls everytime he simply walks into a room but you’re a real eye candy. With that, his father did the same thing with his mother. (Besides the fact that she was crazy powerful.)
* The another issue you two would have to face is basically him letting you handle yourself. Remember, he doesn’t want to push his boundaries and pause your independence because he knows you can handle yourself.
* That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t step in if he has to for a guy who doesn’t know when to take no for a answer, just hope he doesn’t commit a full blown murder in front of you.
* His favorite thing on you will still be tights, but remember you have a double whammy now. Top wise? V-Necks or really low shorts. Like the ones that are still sexy yet professional that makes you look like as if you’re Jessica Rabbit in a teacher’s uniform.
* If you want to kill him, during the next winter trip you two take, wear a pair of tights and a top that shows your cleavage. As soon as you attempt to put on your winter boots, you’ll be pulled right back in.
* IcyHot is still a fucking boob guy, don’t think he’ll ignore that junk you got though. He’s going to grip each part of your body while trying to control himself.
* Everyone’s going to wonder why he’s covered in scratches and hickeys.
* While you’re over here with frostbite and slight burns, covered with hickeys and lastly can barely sit down, all because of what you wore.
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Hitoshi Shinso
* (They seriously need to use this guy more, he’s fucking great.)
* Please understand another fact here, he’s going to be skeptical about the relationship at first. You’re talking to a man who was told his quirk would be perfect if he was a villain.
* That’s insulting enough, but you know he was constantly judged and tormented as a child because of it. That and you’re an absolute pleasure to eyes.
* So, when the relationship first starts, he’s skeptical about your feelings and how you truly feel, don’t let that hurt you.
* Just reassure him that your feelings are genuine and true, then he’ll start to fully believe you.
* Of course, he’s going to defend you, but there’s going to be times where he might have to use his quirk.
* Which are for the guys who don’t know how to take no for an answer.
* Off-Shoulder shirts or sweaters. He loves it when it hangs off your shoulders but with those shirts, you’re often wearing a tank top underneath? That’s the true prize to him.
* Another thing he loves to see you in? Fishnets and stockings. He honestly prefers you to wear those instead of thigh high socks, the turn on of ripping them apart before he can have you begging for mercy with him.
* Samwiches with Shinso is every brats dream..
* He’s not stopping until you’re shaking uncontrollably, unable to say anything other than his name or pet name, and sweat is coating your body. That mattress will be SOAKED.
* I see that scarf of his being put to good use withholding those arms over your head and blinding you. He’s a trailer and not the park. He’s leaving his mark all over you, trailing all over your body.
* I mean everywhere too, from your thighs to your neck.
* That pretty neck of yours will be gripped while your ass is slapping against him from his hard thrusts.
* While the neighbors are wondering is this man killing you and where can they get one too.
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Katsuki Bakugo
* This Silent Simp here is enamored by your personality..but was reeled in by that body afterward.
* Please also understand, when he’s supposedly ‘jealous’, it’s not because of you or even them. He’s just skeptical of those guys.
* You have his heart and he wouldn’t want anyone to woo you away from him, it’s one thing he doesn’t want.
* This also includes friends as well, meaning guy friends. He’s a guy and he knows how some will do to get to you. There’s no limit.
* Enough Angst though, let’s get to the good parts, Remember how I said booty shorts are something he loves? That and jeans. Skinny jeans to be exact. The way your ass looks phenomenal in them and yet there’s a little tiny slot of air right around you waist. Oof!
* Lastly....fight me on this, I’m ready for it. I’ll say it. *claps* leotards, like lounging bodysuits. You know the ones you usually wear under a pair of shorts but you just decided to stay home and wear socks with them?
* That’s gonna be your funeral. That’s it.
* Now, Samwiches with him..is like a combination of Hitoshi and Shoto as one.
* He love to bring you to your limits and go beyond. (I immediately thought of All Might and I’m disgusted.)
* While caring at the same time, one thing he’d never want to do is hurt you..but..he wants you to remember just who the hell he is.
* I hope you have soundproof walls because that clapping noise is staying like that until he’s done with you.
* And you’ve got five more rounds to go.
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x Reader) Chapter 10
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 3.3k
You were on cloud nine. Waking up in Sauls arms the next morning was the highlight of your life. Granted, you were sore! The discomfort was something you were willing to put up with however because last night was mind blowing.
The morning after was filled with gentle playing and heated make out sessions. It was Sunday so luckily neither of you were expected to be anywhere. You showered together, learning each others bodies further. Saul made you breakfast and after that you lay and watched a movie together. Normal, mundane, relationship stuff. It was all you could dream of.
Unfortunately the time came where you had to go back to your dorm. Instead of doing the walk of shame you opted for your new favourite method of transportation. Portal. Saul kissed you deeply before the black whole appeared and you disappeared through it. At least now you could teleport back and forward into his room having seen the inside more clearly.
The girls jumped when your portal appeared in the middle of the room. They’re were on your instantly, eager for the juicy details. You sat down and gave them the PG version, not delving into too much detail. What you both did last night was personal and not for the faint hearted. You also showed off the presents Saul had gotten you and the Winx club squealed in delight when they saw the ring. After your lowdown of the events last night, the girls let you know that the party was a massive hit and if it wasn’t for Terras hangover potion they’d all still be in bed.
Presents adorned the floor of the main room you notice, someone must have brought them up for you. There were so many you didn’t know if you’d manage to open them all on your own. So one by one the girls helped you unwrap the gracious gifts. That took up a chunk of time. Still chatting and opening, Terra blushed and rattled off about how Helia had kissed her goodnight at the end of the party, then you noticed Aisha blushing too, the same thing had happened with her. The specialists were making moves and you couldn’t help but swell with excitement for your friends. Everything was perfect, maybe too perfect.
-The Next day-
“What do you think the assembly is about?” Your arm was linked with Stella’s as you walked through the grand halls of the castle you called your school. You’d never get used to your real life Hogwarts.
“It’s a burned one assembly apparently and even worse, my mother is leading it. Yippee. She’s really just here to check on my progress and remind me how much of a disappointment I am.” Your best friend rolled her eyes. You were slightly nervous about meeting the Queen of Solaria, I mean, who wouldn’t be. Stella had insisted you’d stay with her. Emotional support. You took her hand in yours and gave it a squeeze.
The cars pulled up and the chauffeur opened the door for the Queen. Regal and gorgeous, the spitting image of Stella apart from she had brown hair instead of blonde. She came over and greeted Stella with a hug and then stopped. Her eyes widened as she looked at you. She was starring and you didn’t know why….
“Pleasure to meet you your highness.” You curtsied, Stella had shown you how. It seemed to snap the Queen from her daze and she smiled at you.
“How lovely, you must be Y/N, Stella’s told me a lot about you.”
You’d left Stella to catch up with her mum. Aimlessly wondering the halls looking at features you’d never stopped to appreciate before. Then you saw one flustered looking man.
“Sa- Mr Silva!.” You jogged to catch up to him. He stopped turning. He didn’t smile. Woooah. He looked stressed.
“Now isn’t a great time Y/N.” You wanted to reach out and touch him but there were students all around. Did he really just brush you off though? Must be something serious going on for his shitty attitude.
“Okay.” You whispered. “Well, maybe we can talk when you change your attitude anyway.” You were annoyed. You knew his job was stressful and you knew that you had to act like student and teacher during school hours, however, you’d like to think that he would be a bit more… kinder, even when he was pissed at something else. Before he spoke you’d turned on your heel, flicking your hair behind you and walked off. Suck on that.
The assembly had started. You weren’t there. You were too annoyed with Saul to sit there while he was up at the front acting as if he wasn’t rude to you two minutes ago. You skipped, wondering the school grounds when you bumped into Bloom.
“Whats your excuse for skipping?” You fell into step with the red head, who explained she was trying to find more about where she came from. Part of you realised that maybe you should have been making more effort in that department. You were still a mystery and going through the books you had stolen from the library in Magix hadn’t turned anything up yet.
You reached a storage cellar, old books, pictures and other junk filled the room to the brim, all covered in dust and cobwebs. Sky was there, he seemed surprised to see you, like wise.
“Maybe while were looking I might find something about me too.” You started searching through things. Not sure at all about what you were looking for when you were then joined by Beatrix and Riven. Not two of your favourite people to say the least.
You didn’t know them too well, but there was a reason for that. Trouble seemed to follow them everywhere and Beatrix gave you a weird vibe. Not good juju. Riven was just a punk. He thought he was the bad boy but it was all an act which you saw straight through. Example A. Beatrix just dropped the bomb that Riven was the one walking around school telling everyone Bloom was a changeling. You still didn’t see the big deal about changelings. You were one too after all. Sky and Riven left, leaving you alone with the two girls.
“So, that door is locked. Are we breaking in or not?” You didn’t wait for their answer. Curiosity getting the best of you. Walking over you put your hand on the lock and picture it heating up. Fire. Another one of the many abilities you possessed. Your magic was second nature to you now. Like you’d been practising for years. It was scary and cool at the same time just how intone with your abilities you were. The lock fell off and the door swung open.
What the hell had you been dragged into. Honestly this wasn’t really your style. But hey, you’d gotten this far. You were currently in a stolen car, driving to some place called Asterdale. Bloom had a theory that’s where her parents might be from and hey, what do you know, Beatrix knows where it is. So yup, you were in the front of a stolen.. ROYAL car.
Ohhh lord. This wasn’t going to end well.
- Sauls POV -
Where the hell was she. Why wasn’t she at the assembly?! Saul was ragging, scared, angry at himself for being so flippant with Y/N earlier. The visit from the Queen and with the death of a teacher, it was a lot to deal with. He hadn’t meant to take it out on his sweet girl. Now he was just worried. Leaving the assembly would look suspicious so he stayed, part of him hoping she was just running late.
His fears got worse when he went back to Farah’s office. Farah had noticed Y/N wasn’t there either. She was more worried than she’d ever been. Then Y/N’s suit mates burst through the door looking worried too.
“Y/N and Bloom were in the east wing its Beatrix during assembly.” Saul, Farah and Ben all looked at each other.
“Okay and why were they down there?” Farah was quick to get it in the neck from Musa. Who was visibly concerned about something. Saul couldn’t stand still, pacing back and forward.
“Omg we know, we know that someone killed Callum and you think it was a fairy and that’s what you were looking for in the assembly!” Saul’s head whipped round to Terra. “We haven’t heard from them in hours and no one as seen Beatrix either.” Saul’s thoughts were interrupted by a voice through the ear piece he was wearing.
“One of the Queens Guards are knocked out, his SUV is gone.” Sauls jaw clenched and made his way to the door. He was mad. If Beatrix had hurt his girl in any way, there would be hell to pay.
“We will find them, I promise.”
-Your POV-
The place Beatrix took you to was bare. Was this some kind of sick joke? You drove two hours for this? Nothing but open fields and shrubs next to a steep looking cliff over looking choppy, cold water.
“And this is where you’ve taken us to kill us, right?” You joked but part of you was actually worried. You’d always thought Beatrix was a shady bitch. “Asterdale is a town right? So where is it?” You stopped, looking into the vastness. Bloom looked twitchy, annoyed almost because you guaranteed she was thinking the same thing as you.
You were alarmed all of a sudden when your ears pricked up at the sound of electricity, turning just in time to see Bloom shouting at Beatrix who’s hands were glowing with power.
“You’re not the only powerful fairies at Alfea you know.” Yup, you were right. You were so about to die. You raised your hands ready for a fight but the bolt of blue electricity burst past you hitting an invisible forcefield just like the one that surrounded the school and crashed with a loud bang, revealing chaos behind it.
Beatrix went on to tell you both about how Asterdale used to be a beautiful place, but one winter Burned Ones surrounded the settlement and a Military Unit from Alfea decided destroying the Burned Ones was more important than the lives of the people living there. How Queen Luna was the one who had put up the veil that stopped people from really seeing what had happened to the once thriving village. Then she went onto drop the bomb that Asterdale is where she was born and her family were killed there. The only people who survived were her… and you and Bloom. You were from Asterdale?
“I saw it, Dowling, Silva, Harvey.” Beatrix had tears rolling down her face. No, no…. Saul would never kill innocent people. Never. He couldn’t… that wasn’t your Saul. You whipped quickly at the stray tears that had fallen. He knew about this and he didn’t tell you? Did he know where you were from and he didn’t tell you because… he had a hand in killing a village full of innocents?
You’d heard enough and couldn’t bare to listen to anymore. You walked away, Beatrix and Bloom still talking about what had happened. You watched as the veil came down again slowly, covering up the evidence of a war crime. It was gone, just like that. As if nothing ever happened. As if the people that had once lived there never mattered. Forgotten in time.
Bloom still didn’t trust Beatrix, and neither did you. You opted for sitting in the back this time. Keeping an eye on the girl you hardly knew. What game was she playing? You felt like there had to be more to the story. Why would you and Bloom be hidden away in the first world? Why would Dowling, let you and Bloom into the school knowing that she killed your families?
“And we will get it because Rosalind is alive.” You caught the tail end of the convo, having been zoned out with your own thoughts. Hold the fuck up. The mysterious woman who had been leaving cryptic messages in Blooms head was.. Alive? After Miss Dowling told her that she had been dead for years. The plot thickens. You were about to make a comment but something on the road caught your eye.
“Oh fuck.” You braced yourself against the seat in the back as you watched Saul fire an arrow at the wheel of the car. It burst, sending the car skidding across the road. This was nottt going to be good.
You all jumped out of the car, Beatrix tried to run but Farah had used her magic and she was slowly sinking into the ground. Miss Dowling walked over, slapping on two bracelets on Beatrix’ wrists, it looked like coiled pieces of barbed wire. You didn’t care if B was shady, no one deserved that pain. Both you and Bloom bolted from the car with shouts of protest. You were lifted up into Sauls arms where you kicked and screamed to get free. Bloom was held back by Mr Harvey who was a lot stronger than he looked. You gave up, settling into Sauls arms, he was whispering in your ear trying to calm you, his hold on you tightening. Normally you’d feel comfort in his touch, but the story from Beatrix left you with some unanswered questions too big to go ignored.
The girls were waiting for you outside. Stella grabbed you in a hug, you could tell she was worried. Saul was carting Beatrix away to her magic prison cell, not before letting you know that he’d speak to you later. Duty called. Duty sucked.
“Y/N, after we deal with Beatrix see me in my office, there’s something important we must discuss.” You glared at Miss Dowling who gave you a sympathetic look. Stella squeezed your arm.
“Y/N, you need to hear what she has to say. It’s important.” How did Stella know what she wanted to talk about. This whole day was one big bowl of confusing and you just wanted it to be over with. “Just know, I’ll be here when you’re ready, I promise.” Okay, so that wasn’t worrying at all…..
“I’m afraid miss Y/L/N, Stella won’t be able to keep that promise any time soon. Were leaving, Stella get in the car.” Stella’s eyes widened as she watched her things from the dorm being packed into her mothers car. The Queen was waiting for Stella to do what she said and this was one battle you wouldn’t win. Could you catch a break?
“No, No, NO, Stella you can’t leave, please I need you, you’re my best friend.” You were crying, the frustrations of the day coming out all at once. Stella was crying too but the Queens guards took her by the arms despite her struggles and stuffed her in the car. It was too much, you were sobbing, your vision blurry from the tears. You felt someone come up behind you and noticed the familiar tingle, crying harder as the car sped off into the distance. You turned and screamed in Sauls chest, luckily his strong arms were around you otherwise you’d have fallen to the ground in despair. Could today get any worse?
Replaying the events from today to the other girls was hard. Luckily Bloom did most of the talking. Beatrix had apparently killed Callum and things were even more confusing now. You didn’t know who to trust, who to believe. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.
Saul. Your tired looking soldier was standing at the door with heavy eyes. “Babe, can you come with me please, Farah wants to talk to you.” She’d already spoken to Bloom about the events earlier. Now it was your turn after having time to calm down about Stella.
Standing up silently, you made your way to the door, the girls hugging you on the way out. You had the urge to ask Saul everything there and then. Let the cat out of the bag. Say ‘I know what you did,’ but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You didn’t want to believe the reason you were an orphan was because of the man you loved. Instead you took his hand when the coast was clear and sighed, having needed his touch all day.
You found yourself at the Headmistresses office more often than not these days, but this time something felt different. You turned to Saul and look him in the eyes.
“Why do I feel like if I go in there life will never be the same again.” His hand came up to touch your cheek which you leant into, savouring his warm touch.
“Darling, everything is okay, everything will be okay I promise.” People had been making a lot of promises today, hopefully they would be able to keep them. You started for the door but then noticed Saul didn’t budge.
“Are you not coming in?” You tilted your head. He shook his and gave you a kiss before you went through the doors.
“I’ll be right outside if you need me though.” With that you left him, facing whatever punishment Headmistress Dowling had in store for you.
It hadn’t been as bad as you thought in the beginning. She sat you down, asked you if you wanted a drink or anything. Then she got into the nitty gritty stuff about what compelled you to go with Beatrix and Bloom. Answers. Answers you needed, that’s why you went with them.
“Bloom said something about her parents being from a place called Asterdale, Beatrix knew where it was. She took us there, we hoped we would find answers about why we were changelings. Turns out we learnt an ugly truth instead.” Farah looked shocked but you continued. “She said that Rosalind took her, me and Bloom, saved us from destruction cause by you, Silva and Harvey. Is that true?” Farah had her head in her hands. Guilt. You could practically smell it on her.
“It’s not what you think Y/N, please believe me, there’s more to the story.” She stood up, walking around to stand next to you. You stood up to, moving away from the woman who had set Saul up to spy on you. How could you believe her, all she’s done since you joined this world was lie.
“Why would I believe you! You killed my fucking parents!” You were angry. So angry, You could feel your eyes turning black. The shouting had alerted Saul who tried the door handles to get into the room but with a swish of your hand, the door was sealed shut, fire melting the hinges closed.
“Just calm down Y/N, please, lets talk about this.” In the background Saul was banging on the door and calling your name.
“Because of you, I don’t have a father, because of you I’ll never know my mother!” You advanced on the woman who had her hands up ready for a fight if that’s what it came to. You could feel the power coursing through your whole body. This is why you could control your magic so easily, you were so emotional.
“Y/N, I am your mother!” Farah screamed, Saul stopped banging on the door and your eyes faded back to their normal colour.
You knew before stepping into the room that something was going to happen and you were right, your world would be changed forever.
So, I bet you didnt expect that to happen.. Please let me know what you thought in the comments, Like, Follow and Reblog! <3 If you want to join the tag list please let me know !
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dinopopduck · 3 years
Ezekiel Only Being Unaffected By Certain Kinds of Magic
Let’s just start with me saying this isn’t exactly a new theory. It’s the demigod thing, and it’s a fairly popular one. If you haven’t heard of this headcannon, I put as much as I can find here. If you have, I found a bunch of new stuff that I haven’t seen anyone else mention, so reading this isn’t a complete waste of your time, I hope.
I tried to keep this from becoming wordy, but it got really long anyway, because there was a lot to talk about here.
Ezekiel being unaffected by magic is sort of an ongoing thing in the show. He is influenced by it much of the time, such as by Santa’s Hat, Pan’s Flute, Prospero’s spell, lycanthropy, etc. When it comes to the stuff he was seemingly completely immune to, there is one link that connects them all.
Apple of Discord: Everybody knows this one. The Apple is a Greek artifact, meant to turn you into the worst version of yourself, and Ezekiel was only one completely unaffected. It’s blamed on “he’s already the worst version of himself” or whatever.
Zeus Lightning Bolt: the episode where Ezekiel ends up decked out in Greek armor, and is sent to pick up Zeus’ Lightning Bolt, which was freaking out and zapping everywhere. He picks it up just fine, and he’s then able to hand it off to Flynn. It may have been purely because of the Greek armor he was wearing, but Flynn did not seem so sure about that working.
Cindy’s Love Potion: Ezekiel is able to be near the potion without becoming obsessed with Cindy. At first, it’s blamed on him being obsessed with himself, then later Jacob tells Ezekiel that he was already in love with Cindy. It was an obsession, not a love, potion you literally spent the episode proving that blah blah, he didn’t even recognize her at first blah blah, anyway, I have a better reason.
There are two Greek mentions in this episode. First, the potion project itself is called Project Aphrodite, a Greek goddess. Second, the sunflowers; when asked, Jenkins mentions how sunflowers are a Greek symbol of unrequited love. In addition, “love” potions may have originated in Greece, or at the very least, were common enough to have multiple sites claim that, lol. At the end of the season, where each librarian uses their gifts to turn Apep mortal, this greek potion is what Ezekiel ends up using.
See a pattern here? Everything that he was completely unaffected by was Greek in some way. So, he has an immunity to these kinds of artifacts, but why? I vote demigod.
Anyway, moving on.
Here’s some magic he could have been immune to, or could not have been. Its pretty debatable.
Fortuna: Technically a Roman Goddess, but the show does acknowledge how similar they are to Greek Gods. He may have been affected by the spell, but broke out of it pretty quick. Some think he may not been affected at all; slot machines aren’t exactly fair, especially in a casino that exists to cheat completely. As for Ezekiel getting so upset over losing, what he says, “Not the guy that loses, I’m the guy that wins” sounds very similar to what he was saying in Point of Salvation, but that’s a whole nother topic.
Alternately, he was affected and this point shouldn’t be here. I don’t know, I’m not the writers.
Libris Fabula: He was a little bit affected, just far less than the others, as he acted pretty much the same. He did get a barely noticeable clothing change, became luckier than normal, and was just able to cast a spell for some reason? Speaking out that spell, it froze the guy, and a certain Greek God does have the ability to put people to sleep. Not really the same thing, but worth thinking about. Maybe. More on that later.
Most people think he was immune, but he could have just been similar enough to the character he was portraying that he didn’t need to change a whole lot.
These ones are barely worth mentioning, because have other reasonable (though I guess your definition of reasonable may be different from mine) explanations, but you could see them as magic immunity as well:
Silver Screen: Ezekiel gets into character the least, while Cassandra and Jacob are out singing and calling people by their character names. Maybe less affected, maybe just a spoilsport. Probably the last one.
Point of Salvation: Was the only one able to remember previous loops. Since they were in a video game, it’s explained that since he was the first through the door, he became the player while everyone else became NPCs. I mean, sure.
Christmas Thief: Saint of Thieves only used his truth telly power on Ezekiel’s mother, not him. Ezekiel did not feel obligated to say anything. Could just be that the guy wasn’t talking to Ezekiel. Or, earlier in that episode Ezekiel tells his mother he doesn’t steal anymore (at least for anything other than the Library, I assume, cause he still kinda does) and therefor that made him immune to the spell, since it only works on thieves.
Image of an Image: Both Cassandra and Ezekiel got their pictures taken, and Cassandra was the only one affected by the transfer spell. However, Ezekiel wasn’t one of the “chosen ones” because he snuck in, and jumped in front of the camera while Eve (one of the “chosen ones”, who was later able to be affected) turned away. Either that, or he just didn’t have time to feel the effect, since his picture was taken after Cassandra’s, and Eve’s was placed in manually.
That’s all the possible instances of magic immunity I could think of.
Next, we have some other stuff that is relevant to this point, but wasn’t necessarily artifact/magic immunity.
Prophecy Cube: Created by the Oracle of Delphi, who is from Greek mythology. This isn’t about whether Ezekiel was affected by something, as he was still able to use the prophecy glass/get stuck in the cube. Rather, it’s about the Zeus Challenge in the cube. They probably would have died in there, but luckily, Ezekiel had just happened to steal, and keep on him, the exact thing they needed to get through– a bunch of golden coins, and a prophecy that ensures at least one coin can’t be destroyed. Luck? Prophecy? Divine Intervention? Plot convenience? Okay its probably the last one but STILL
Also, Ezekiel getting pissed at Zeus.
Zeus’s Bolt (again?): There is a promo image I think for season 4? that has each of the Librarians holding their tools. Jacob had his axe, Cassandra had a notebook, Flynn had Excalibur, all normal, except for Eve and Ezekiel. Eve had this big staff thing I didn’t recognize, and Ezekiel had Zeus’ Bolt for some reason?
Lightning, just, in general: If there is wild electricity in an episode, Ezekiel is probably around.
City of Light: Gets shocked and knocked backwards into Jacob by a very electrified fence, gets up right afterwards and is fine.
Broken Staff: The Zeus Bolt thing, you get it.
Image of an Image: Ezekiel electrocutes Jacob. Jacob was not really fine. He lived, though.
Point of Salvation: Ezekiel electrocutes Jacob part 2 Electric Boogaloo, but this time on purpose. He was not fine. He died. But don’t worry, he lived.
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Mentioned a little bit above, Ezekiel, Jacob, and a student get stuck in the Zeus Challenge, and Ezekiel uses some coins he just so happened to steal recently. Throwing them on tiles shows whether or not lightning will strike if it was stepped on. Seriously, why is it ALWAYS Jacob?
The Dark Secret: Ezekiel is the one sent to wrap a cord around a lightning rod constantly being struck by lighting. “Why am I bloody doing this”, he asks? I mean, Zeus probably isn’t going to kill his descendent(?), right?
Werewolves: Have you heard of the Lycaon of Arcadia? It’s a Greek myth. Basically, this dude named Lycaon wants to test how smart and all-knowing Zeus is. To do so, he kills his own son, cooks him, and serves him to Zeus to see if he notices, ya know, no biggie. Zeus was like “wtf man” and brings the son back to life, and turns Lycaon into, you guessed it, a wolf. So, Zeus creates a werewolf of sorts, maybe one of the firsts. In Fangs of Death, Ezekiel just so happens to be the one (main) character to be turned into werewolf. So, if he was a descendant of Zeus, imagine how big of a “fuck you” that was to the god. That all being said, Ezekiel was turned by an Egyptian god, so that might not have been intentional. Also, they may have just been avoiding turning Jacob, because there is already a werewolf named Jacob and they didn't want another Twilight reference in that episode.
Family/Name: Ezekiel is adopted, and his adoptive mother mentions how she took him in off the streets. Because of that, we don’t know who his birth parents are, and whether or not he, or anyone else, knows is unknown. Soooo, we can take some creative liberties as to who his parents might have been.
As for his name, it carries some religious connotations. It should be remembered though, the meanings I’m talking about here are Biblical, not Greek, so again, might mean nothing for this argument. “Ezekiel” is “God’s Strength” or “God will Strengthen”. Jones might also be something like “God is gracious” or “God has favored”, thought different sites say different things. However, I’m pretty sure the name Jones came from his adoptive mother, and apparently Jones is a common last name in Australia. His first name is more relevant, because all of his siblings have themed names; Mercy, Charity, and Honor. So, either his mom named him differently because she knew something we don’t, or he already had the name before she adopted him. Either way, this probably means absolutely nothing. But what are we here for? To analyze a dead show like an English teacher analyzes the color of curtains in an 100 year old text. If it wasn’t for all the other stuff, I probably wouldn’t think about this too much.
Okay. So Greek stuff, lightning, and Zeus himself come up a LOT when it comes to this guy. So is Ezekiel the son of Zeus? Possibly, but a more popular theory is that he’s Zeus’ grandson. Because Zeus’ son just so happens to be Hermes; god of things such as luck, travel, money, trade, and most importantly, thieves. Oh, and animal husbandry/shepherds and sleep, I don’t know how much those apply but I will try.
Time for some comparisons, honestly most of these don’t even need to be explained so I’ll keep it short-ish, cause this shit has gotten way too long already.
Luck: Ezekiel, especially in the first season, likes to rely on luck, and tends to be very lucky in general. Examples where this is mentioned include Fables of Doom and Apple of Discord. “Smarter to be lucky then lucky to be smart!”
Travel: We can assume that he ended up traveling in his previous job (that being heists all over the world) fairly often, even before the Library. Becoming a Librarian with a teleporting door increased that of course.
Money: Steals very high-value items to sell. Also apparently likes to take money from his coworker’s wallets. And probably everyone else’s.
Trade: The aforementioned high-value pieces he steals are traded/sold for money. In Christmas Thief, we find out he kept none of the money or items, giving it away to others who needed it. That kinda fits this category, I think.
Thieves: I really don’t need to explain this. Unless you haven’t seen the show.
Animal Husbandry/Shepherds?: Basically the care of animals. Um, well he doesn’t keep cows or anything, but he has a tendency to “adopt” magical creatures that need help. Stumpy, Nessie Jr., maybe Frankenstein’s Monster as well?
Sleep: I mentioned earlier how Ezekiel froze a guy (not really in an icy way, just couldn’t move) by hitting him with his coin. Hermes is able to send people to sleep with his Caduceus (the snake wand thing). Yeah, it’s not really the same thing, though you could consider being frozen a kind of sleep. He could have just been lucky enough to find a magical coin, and lucky enough to figure out how to use it at the exact right time without even knowing what it did. It’s a stretch either way, really, and was never explained in the episode at all. Yeah, I can't find anything else that fits.
Hermes is considered to be a thief and trickster, and a lot of the things he is god of are Ezekiel’s main occupations. With all those similarities to Hermes, frequent events related to lightning and Zeus related things, and immunity to Greek artifacts, we can conclude that he is perhaps the son of Hermes, taking after his father in abilities and getting visits from grandpa.
Alternatively, his somehow IS Hermes, but I doubt that. He’d probably be way more powerful. He was also able to see the future with Prophecy Glass, which Jenkins claims is impossible for immortals to do (although in that case he was talking about a Prophecy Cube, but close enough). It’s more likely that he is a demigod.
Okay, that is all I can think of that is relevant. I binged the series about two months ago, and have been thinking about this theory. I went ahead and re-watched the episodes that I mentioned in more detail, as well as parts of others that I remebered. The reason I bring this up is because I may have missed things. I did not rewatch a majority of the episodes, more that I looked at a list of episodes on wikipedia and tried to remember what happened in them, watching clips and episodes if I needed to.
The show was cancelled, so we’ll probably never get a confirmation as to who Ezekiels’ birth parents were, and as such, you can’t prove me wrong! That being said, if I got any facts incorrect in this, please tell me so I can fix it. I’m not well versed on Greek Mythology, in fact I know basically nothing, and did the research as I went along. So again, there could be more. This is just what I found in like, less than a day of searching.
Join me next time on “How is Cassandra magical, where’d she get it from? Also, were we ever gonna meet her parents?” And “In the first episode of season 3, Jacob is just able to hit a heavy punching bag of its chain, across the room, at bullet speed, just because of a shift of his wrist, and later in that episode do the same thing to Apep, and it’s just…never addressed or spoken about again? Like wtf man?”
I'm probably not doing that
If you managed to get through all of this, thank you, and I hope this wasn’t too painful to read.
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