#there's so many more but these 3 made me 👀😱
wordswhisperinthedark · 5 months
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moonlightndaydreams · 5 months
2023 a year
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Jan: I fell in love with skz (although I knew of them).
Feb: Went to my first kpop concert, then 3 more throughout the year.
March: Read fanfic for the first time 👀
April: Wrote fanfic for the first time 👀😱 and joined Ao3
June: had a breast lift/reduction… finally after years of wanting to.
July: Joined Tumblr, made some besties here as well as on a fb group.
July to Nov: immersed myself in smutty stories. Deepened friendships.
November: diagnosed with adhd.
December: had a birthday. Late 30s now ppl (how???)
In 2023 I finally found “my” people. The ones whom I can be myself around. Have any conversation with. Cheer on, be cheered on by, share our troubles together and our deepest feelings without feeling judged.
My marriage has been livelier than it’s ever been… if you know what I mean 🤫🫢💦
I’ve explored in my mind fantasies, kinks (alien Han) and been opened up to so many interesting ideas, combinations and situations through fanfic.
Skz allowed that to happen. They were the catalyst for how my path panned out this year.
But I feel the most important and most meaningful aspect to 2023, that I could never have planned, is the connection and friendships that I’ve been lucky enough to be part of.
@channieandhisgoonsquad @lyramundana @2chopsticks2eyes @chansmanda @its-hannjisung @noellllslut @thatonenoona @antoniorhinothethird @queenmea604 @queen-in-the-shadows @bethanysnow @weareapackofstrays your friendship and support means so much to me my loves.
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aelsie · 1 year
Welcome to my Ted Talk. Topic of the Day: Darklina Season 2 👀😬😱
Spoilers! 🚨
I had very low standards for this season when it came to Darklina because I’ve read the entire Grishaverse and well….it was rough when it came to that ship. I was a little disappointed that they took out certain moments, lines and points from the books. They made up for it with some replacement scenes but most of all with that ENDING! Oof, the ending gave way more open doors than I expected!
I always knew that they wouldn’t end up together. My beloved Darklina ship was a Shakespearean tragedy from the beginning. And yet I was looking forward to watching one half of my ship kill the other half of my ship. What a very strange ship! And yet I rode it happily! The connection they had throughout the season was powerful, the strange trust Alina and the Darkling had, the magnetism, the undeniable pull between two people who really had no other equal but each other and in so many ways made the other their only refuge. It was as if they were fighting on stage but behind the curtains they were confiding in each other, no matter how angry they were, conversations between two kindred souls, or two people who KNEW that no one else could truly understand them but the other. A literal one of a kind connection.
Throughout the season, the way he talks about their powers and the darkness, he’s warning her, cautioning her about the dangers of it, and all the terrible things that come with it. He also flat out tells her that with him gone the nichevoya will hunt her, but she takes it as a threat instead of a warning. A very Darkling thing to do btw. In the end, he’s saying, be careful because you’ll end up like me and it’s not pretty, you’ll lose yourself and will lead an empty life. I wouldn’t want that to happen to you. When the nichevoya goes to attack her, he yells for it to leave her alone and boy, that just proves that he still has a kernel of humanity and that he does indeed hold affection (maybe love or as much as he can love) for Alina. And he doesn’t want her to end up in the place he has—filled with pain, rage, resentment, loneliness, heartbreak, loss of humanity and quite possibly no salvation.
One of the surprisingly emotional moments was when he talks about hope and there’s a flashback to their first kiss. He basically admits that when she came into his life, he started believing that he could have some salvation, he started having HOPE, hope in controlling the literal demons and darkness in him, in ultimately saving HIMSELF. The Darkling remains nameless in the books and he only reveals his name to Alina about 2/3 of the way in book 3 during a *cough* intimate scene. For the show Ben said in an interview that his incredibly vulnerable admittance of finding hope when Alina came into his life was their replacement scene for that scene. I think that just might be more impactful.
As The Darkling dies, he looks up at her and says “Blue skies. My little saint.” This is the one scene I wish they kept from the book. Alina was way more emotional about his death in the book, she cries and holds his hand as he’s dying. In the show, you can see a flicker of empathy and sadness on Alina’s face. It’s there but not enough in my opinion. Either way, it still tells us that now more than ever, after everything this season, she understands him and knows him even better. She has seen and been around that darkness well enough. Maybe a little too well, as we see in the end. She grants him his final wish which is to make sure there is nothing left of him (but not really, his hand is still out there, ooooh!) His funeral was strangely sad when technically he is the villain. He’s a fantastically complex villain.
Also, boy am I glad that she chose not to be with Mal and decided to stay in the palace with Nikolai because that means no losing her powers and no Malina (for now). Alina is tenfold better in the show than the books just for that and that crown looks GOOD on Alina. I do want my Zoyalai eventually. And we see flickers of that when Zoya looks at Nikolai, interested. I do think that they will be endgame at the end of the day. Which begs the question, what about Alina?
The show ends with Alina using the shadow cut and her looking shocked and then scarily pleased with herself. The darkness has creeped into her. Exactly what Aleksander warned her about and didn’t want to happen to her. He will come back (which does happen in the books, so don’t fail me Netflix 😭) and I wonder if he might play a role in getting rid of that darkness within her, an ultimate show of how he cares for her. Wouldn’t that be a crazy “redemption” arc? He does tell her in the show “let me be your monster” and “let me carry the hatred of the world” as if he’s saying I’ll carry the darkness and you the light and together we’ll balance out and create peace. At least, that’s what’s going on in his head. Either way, those were really heavy lines to say to Alina. In the books, we do see him make a sacrifice for Ravka, stopping the Fold growing again by willingly trapping himself into a tree—literally being a monster holding back the bad things in the world. Maybe he'll do some redemptive thing for Alina also. We never did see his body disintegrate in that last scene. Also, Zoya was shooing a bee off of her--bees being the sign of Sankta Elizaveta aka one of the Saints who resurrects The Darkling in KoS. Maybe Alina will suffer under the weight of the darkness and who knows maybe Alina will find some strange relief to see him again. The one other person who not only understands but KNOWS. At this point, I expect that they will become even more like equals and will meet halfway. Now that Alina has slowly, subtly but surely walked a similar path to darkness—use of manipulation, harsh words about taking everything away, becoming colder, leading the second army, working as right hand to a king, saving a loved one with merzost, and finally, gaining shadow powers.
It’s the best we could realistically ask for in this ship. Because yes, in many ways, they do have a romance—twisted, toxic, gruesome, and tragic as it is but it’s there in my opinion. It’s an undeniable connection, a temptation that can’t be taken away, and what happened between them is the definition of changing someone’s life completely. Even on Alina’s end when she talks about how he was the first to show her her true powers, her value, how she was meant for more. Of course Baghra says that those still remain true regardless of him but you know that as Alina is saying it a part of her still feels so betrayed and so hurt. Because she did feel something for him once and had HOPED for something more with him, even Baghra tells Aleksander that there was a time when he could have earned Alina’s love. At the end of the day, it’s a way more compelling pairing BECAUSE of its complications and tragedy.
I never imagined Alina to take a dark turn, that’s a ballsy but fantastic move for the writers but I am SO here for it. It was always a pipe dream for some Darklina shippers. But...well, here we are! It basically happened! She might not have joined the Darkling's dark side, but she's basically gotten her own dark side now. It makes her more interesting and complex and opens the door for more darklina. Maybe not endgame Darklina but just more of their angst and drama. I remain a darklina fan even if their romance is terrible and tragic but their pairing is so messy, complex, poetic and has so many layers. Let’s suffer with this ship together my friends 😈🥹
With that, can we have season 3 now PLEASE?
PS. The Darkling is such a simp, even when she's destroying the Fold, he looks around with amazement and says "extraordinary" as if he's so proud of her. He's like biiiish that's mah wife-y, she's about to destroy my creation AND me because she's a badass. You go wife-y!
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7ndipity · 7 months
Hey Sara!!! ✨💞 I came back! Hahaha i had a pretty busy weekend 😵‍💫 but that only means I have a lot to catch on your blog <3 but before I forget!
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY 🍰✨🎉!!!! I hope you had an amazing day honey and full of joy and good treats, I hope your new year will be full of happiness, success and health <3 and omggg you’re a scorpio bby!!🤭 what a funny coincidence because my rising sign is Scorpio too hahaha I send you a big hug and many kisses from yoongi too👀💞✨
Now, I’m still have a few updates to catch on but! The kitty one? THAT WAS LOVELY, I read it with a smile on my face because that’s a very real scenario of him with a calico kitty🥹 I love your surprises and ofc you’re right, that was very Jimin coded, and the ending line about the kids???? THAT’S SO HIM, our natural teaser libra boy<3 I saw that someone already ask you for. a Yoongi one ! Oh that’s gonna be chef kiss!😙
Now, going on with our kitty chat omgggg your boy seems to be very special 🥹🥹✨and with those eyes!! I bet he’s beautiful!!! And it’s soo good to hear that your family makes stray kitties life easier <3 and now your dad! Being a Kpop gg man! I love that ❤️‍🔥! Hahaha well he surely did not mention anything about the explicit version to you hahaha he would be like 👁️👄👁️ this man wants to f*ck my daughter seven days a week? In the rightest way?? Jdjsjsjsjs I’m now thinking on a scenario with any member with that plot hahahahhahaa I’m sorry I’m just on a silly mood today 🤭😂 but! If your ever decide to write something like that , I think JK, or anyone of the rap line would be accurate 😂
But , going back to the original point, jsjsjsjsjs yeah!! There’s something with jk and taehyung voices and parents , they always end up getting them!! And for the right reasons!
Love you Sara! I do have a smutty request because girlll, that Yoongi one?? I do have to say that the use of the color system and how you write it… like I think that was my Roman Empire for the week ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥👁️👁️ because …. Of course I’ve seen it on different works BUT, here I could imagine him doing his thing and saying that like … I don’t event want to think about anymore!!!! It was HOT AF, I’m loving this side of you <3 anddddd now I’ll write my request on another box hahahaha 💞💞big message today!!
I legit squealed when I saw your name in my inbox, like I missed you this week, Hon!😚😚Omg, putting the rest of this under the cut bc theres so much to catch up on, lol!
My birthday was good, went shopping with my fam and made lemon bars instead of a cake for myself!(ya girl finally got Tae's & Jk's albums as gifts, so now the Ot7 solo album collection is complete!👏👏) Also yay Scorpio buddies! Now I'm kinda curious what your sun sign is for comparison, lol(my rising sign is Cancer btw)!
I'm so glad you liked the Jimim blurb, I had a lot of fun writing it! I'm looking forward to writing the Yoongi one as well, cause we need more cat dad Yoongi on this site.😊 And yeah, not to brag on my boy, but he is so beautiful I love him sm, even tho he's a chaos noodle! (I might share a pic sometime if anyone wants?)
Also, omg not that Jungkook scenario, I can't breathe!🤣 It would be soo funny but soo awkward, like Jk slipping up and saying smth like "y/n's been a big inspiration for my music" like just trying to be nice, and then remembering what his lyrics are and just😱 NOOO TAKE IT BACK, PLEASE UN-HEAR THAT!!🤣😭I may have write this bc just yes, lol!
Also ROMAN EMPIRE?! Thank you?! I really liked the color system thing too, it just seems like a very Yoongi thing to me, just casually checking in to make sure you're okay, regardless of the scenario.🥺
I've also really been having a lot of fun exploring the smuttier concepts, so by all means send the ideas! I'm gonna respond more on your other message, bc just from a quick glance do I have some thoughts!😳
Love you sm!💜💜💜
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
As I promised I would say more about this "later"....
Continuing along the topic about Zendaya and role opportunities in Hollywood, I highly highly HIGHLY recommend that everyone (especially women) see the documentary entitled: "This Changes Everything". 👏
I watched this documentary about a month ago on Netflix, and it was really eye-opening to me about the subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) discrimination against women in the Hollywood industry, especially when it comes to film-making, and how women are portrayed onscreen.
Not only that, but the point made in the documentary was that there are plenty of female Directors and creatives that are in Hollywood or trying to get their break. They just rarely get a chance and are rarely given opportunities like their male counterparts. 🥴😔 If this is happening even to white women in the industry behind the scenes, what do you think is happening to black/woc actresses in FRONT of the cameras? 🥴
It also impressed more and more upon me why Zendaya is so adamant about trying to get roles that aren't just regulated to "the girlfriend" of the protagonist male, and why she stated in an interview not too long ago that she sees roles that come across her desk, but she declines a lot of them due to the fact that they are either stereotypical, don't put women in a favorable light, or are just regulating her to a "side chick" role. 😏 After watching this documentary, her comments in her interview make SO much more sense now. This documentary was excellent, and it featured so many famous women in Hollywood sharing their own thoughts and feelings about the industry and the unfair treatment women are given. 😔
What was even MORE eye-opening to me is that MOST films these days do NOT even pass the simple Bechdel Movie Test! 😲
The Bechdel Test: 1) The film has to have at least 2 NAMED female characters in the movie 2) The two women have to at least TALK to each other 3) And their conversation has to be about something OTHER than a man
When I started thinking back to the movies that I have watched over the years (past AND present), I was amazed at how so many Hollywood films don't even pass this simple test!!!! 😲😳😱
Do the test yourself! Try it out! Do YOUR movies that you have seen recently (or in the past) pass this simple Bechdel test?? 👀 You might be SHOCKED when you really start analyzing things.
Actress Jurnee Smollett has also discussed this double standard in Hollywood in this interview (below). The disparity definitely exists. And if it's bad for white women, then you know it's even worse for black women and other woc.
Another reason why representation matters so much in Hollywood is because these films are seen to others AROUND the world. So whatever the American media/Hollywood puts out, this is also what the world sees. So when you portray certain people a certain way in these HW films, or worse...don't even portray them at ALL, the world sees ALL of this! And it shapes their views. 😔 So yes, if you are a woman especially, I highly HIGHLY recommend this documentary. It might be eye-opening for some of you....maybe not. But it's a great watch regardless. I always knew there was discrimination going on in Hollywood, but I guess I didn't realize just how MUCH was going on until this documentary spelled it out for me. 🤧
I highly recommend it. It was VERY well done. 😊 It just goes on to prove that representation MATTERS.
The Documentary can be viewed HERE for FREE on YouTube:
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topshelf2112-blog · 2 years
Ooh tell us more about the books on your wishlist!! 👀
Oh, anon, bless you for the opportunity to talk about books (and apologies for probably boring you to death). They’re kind of my life - what can I say?
First - a note on book hunting. I review books for NetGalley, subscribe to Scribd & Audible and have a decent library nearby - though neither my university nor the local library has ILL (weeping & gnashing of teeth). The books on this list are either things I want to add to a collection (I think I have a better big cat library than Harvard) or things I cannot access. (These are also just the ones I really want *right now* lol)…
Research Titles 📚
I recently got a grant for big cat books, but I only learned about these after I had budgeted!
1. Khairi: the beloved tigress (Choudhury) - an expensive title, this one chronicles the life of a forest agent who raised an orphan tigress 🐅
2. To walk with lions (Patterson) - Patterson is a well-known & much-published advocate for lions; I’m curious to see how he connects these awesome beasts with spirituality 🦁
3. No covenant: eaten by lions (Swemmer) - my research began with man-eaters, so I can never resist more of them 🦁
4. Shadow cats (Mayes) - Do I believe in North America’s cryptid cats? Not really. Does my heart long for their long-tailed, shadowy existence? Oh, yes. 🐈‍⬛
Did anyone think for a minute that M*A*S*H wouldn’t come into this? 🏥
1. Laughing Matters (Gelbart) - this will probably be terrible, but I’m hoping for a sentence or two about pretty Jamie!
2. The medics’ war (Cowdry) - I found this & the next two titles courtesy of the amazing MASH historian (https://themashhistorian.com/mash-library/) - thank you, Eric!!
3. Back down the ridge (White)
4. Mashed up wisdom (Reed)
Scaries 😱
After many years of refusing to read horror, I now like it very much!
1. The daughter of Dr. Moreau (Moreno-Garcia) - the original is one of my favorites (though animal torture is hard to read) so I’m curious to see how the story is expanded here. 🐆
2. Lure (McGregor) - sea horror, hooray! 🌊
3. Roosevelt’s beast (Bayard) - big game hunters should definitely be stalked by monsters
4. Deep zone (Tabor) - I’m reading his non-fiction now; can’t wait to read more!
5. We made it all up (Harrison) - encountered this in reference to my favorite horror, The Outsider
6. His & Hers (Feeney) - a recommendation I received
7. X, Y (Blumlein) - trans horror (possibly outdated but it’s a small genre)
8. Pallbearer’s club (Tremblay) - epistolary!!!
Audible Possibles 🎧
1. Persians (Llewellyn-Jones) - I’m trying to expand my grasp of world history
2. Path to Power (Caro) - an era that interests me
History 📜
1. Firewater (Johnson) - unfortunately, I spent seven years of my life in a house with an abusive alcoholic, so I’m interested in the thesis here
2. On the Ho Chi Minh Trail (Buchanan) - thus emphasizes the role of women in history
3. A sultry month (Hayter) - Victorians!!
Just for fun 🪁
1. Witch please (Aguirre) - a cute (maybe polyamorous?) romcom
2. QB VII (Uris) - I’m big into courtroom dramas again…
3. Notes on your sudden disappearance (Espach) - era-specific nostalgia
4. Hawk mountain (Habib) - issues of class & power
5. Joan (Chen) - there are so many stories about her
6. Falcon’s eyes (Stanfill) - connection to Eleanor of Aquitaine
7. Invisible things (Johnson) - this reminded me of the prime directive
8. League of gentlewomen witches (Holton) - such a fun writer!
LGBTQ+ 🏳️‍🌈
1. Bi (Shaw) - I had this preordered but funds ran out
2. In the face of death we are equal (Cao) - new cultural perspective
3. Little blue encyclopedia (Plante) - this one reminded me of my dear friend @charlesemersonwinchesteriii
Please send all & any book questions anytime!!! ❤️📚❤️
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marie1-kersaint · 2 months
K1.0 yanked mom’s picture away
https://www.facebook.com/share/JAKs37VGzkXzWViG/?mibextid=WC7FNe (https://www.facebook.com/share/JAKs37VGzkXzWViG/?mibextid=WC7FNe)
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Even roaches 🪳 little ants 🐜 don't stand still and be bullied 🐂, 🦵 away and killed WITHOUT TRYING
GOD PUT THAT desperate survival mode inside us
A live dog is better than a dead lion 🦁
GOOD JOB 👏 ON SENDING K1.0, nice concise to the point respectful (by yanking MOM’s picture out and telling me she doesn’t like that and don’t put it back out) Possibly The first time in years she'd ever talked to me. You say hello 👋 no one hears. The F words almost always
https://kjbo.org/Matthew-22-15/ (https://kjbo.org/Matthew-22-15/)
Please 🙏 if someone from the school text me or sent me a note that Mom’s picture outside may hurt K1.0   or her grades. i will not take it out anymore.   While cleaning 🧼 Mom's room one day she'd gone to chiropractor, i noticed and thought k1.0 loves mirrors BUT WHERE TO PLACE IT?
BUT last Wednesday or Tuesday i thought near tv 📺 by front door and i picked it up and it was this latest battle in this war.
it could be another power 💪 play like the rehearsal Thursday 031424 8:43 WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME even if one of them assaults and i defend myself
Or chiding me for glittering the place NOW HOPEFULLY INSTEAD OF LATE ⏰ FOOD or bishop pastor serge jerome had a more important funeral✝️the storm✝️business ✝️Easter and Christmas 🎅 are the biggest draw 💰
They can complain about glitter on their clothes
2014 “well, she gave you a place to stay” Saturday “well it’s been 9 years,  GO”
Which scares me 😱 to no end when feeds 🆎 how a guy kept slipping his brother's pregnant girlfriend abortion pills 💊 until the baby died and "DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO KILL SOMEONE"
WHICH OF THE 3 CHIPMUNKS WILL GET A BETTER "head" bad words. galore
The list goes on and the bad words and i know that i am likely to call the regulations KGB
Can't @PBCSHERRIF or @FBI @FCC can regulate YouTube, TikTok feeds, contents, age
@highlightPBSO - Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Communications help us investigate what our kids are watching
Like i said i am exposed here, my food, my water they are of great size and many. That kind of stress wears the heart out.
To be 🆙 watching people whose not in your corner 👀 @4u
Yesterday 1:37 am lights, doors opened,closed
i don’t know who coached K3.0 to sniff and sniff and sitting close to me sniffing UNTIL afternoon the cure come and sniffing stopped and kicking kersaint out did not work. (i briefly passed by library 📚 Planet Fitness 💪
i am impervious to her sniffing now. i have been played too long
One Friday i kept going to car changing skirts because the top that i changed into i think was 1 of K2.0 's old Tshirts
My heart was breaking, and i knew i took a shower the morning
When i came in after Mom’s October Hospital @wellingtonRegionalmedicalCenter 🏥 stay, i WAS AMAZING 1 of GINA’s kids showed feelings. i said ‘you’re giving me a big head’
“'Anti' kersaint is here” i prefer just Kersaint🙏
It turned out you wanted me to go against my beliefs. I WANTED MOM TO GO TO PLANETFITNESS.com 🌎 💪. TO TRY TO DO THINGS FOR HERSELF. I DON’T WANT HER IN BED UNTIL 1 or 3 PM
Wellington Fl to clean 🧼 🧽 mom up
i set up doctors appointments and rides BUT THEY WERE CANCELLED
i want Mom to drive in salem community church of God in their vans 🚐 so she can find newly come Haitian to talk to
Sent from my iPhone 📲
Yes, every good move is full of regrets, and possible infections and lots of other meds BUT she knew how she felt and the cost and losses BUT SHE LIKED AND WAS COMFORTABLE WITH THAT BODY
SUZIE just has to find a safer, better alternative (after all these years there must be something safer, fewer side effects)
i believe this verse even before i read it
https://kjbo.org/Ecclesiastes-9-4/ (https://kjbo.org/Ecclesiastes-9-4/)
Since DOROTHY and KATHY are associated with PBC schools 🏫 & programs, if you send me text or email stating remembering her grandmother may "hurt her school work" and she goes to church ⛪️ with her mom until at least the first day of summer 2024... OFF COURSE I WILL GET RID OF MOM's PICTURE LIKE YOU WANT IT
i thought of keeping it until the🆕 owner, realtor or sheriff threatening fines that i cannot pay 💰 or the neighbors complain (not being laminat
ed 😢it looks shabby, messy, and ugly ) YOU TOOK CARE OF MOM in life and THROUGH DEATH. i cannot cry for #MICHAELJACKSON
#MARIEELIARINTUSSDEMOSTHENES who’s going to MEANINGFULLY comfort me and make me stop 🛑 crying 😭 and not go 👎 into depression (forgetting that a live dog is better than a dead lion 🦁) then forget to just keep going keep fighting
i cannot have “a shrine” (it might become idolatrous) BUT i don't want to forget her too like LINDA
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17 April 2023 Monday 3:24 pmpdt lunes 🌘🌒
Also, another idea 💡: maybe don’t make pearlescent paint for cars 🚗? I like the look 👀 but if it uses stuff that we need for building bones 🦴 (left upper arm pain bone 🦴😞😖😭) probably shouldn’t make it? Maybe okay for nail polish 💅🏼? But that’s probably it. 3:27 pmpdt Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ much left hip bone 🦴 pain incubus making me afraid 😱 again right hip pain I’m afraid 😱 afraid afraid 3:29 pmpdt 3:30 🕞 pmpdt
4:19 pmpdt about cemeteries again, i would imagine the head stones would stay, but if murder is happening Bcz of bones 🦴, it would probably help slow down murder if there were some graves that are very old that may be it would save current lives if those were dug up. I’m not trying to be disrespectful. I’m trying to find solutions. Bcz I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ how cemeteries run. We should all consider where does it start and stop 🛑? It’s tricky Bcz I don’t want to encourage further murder. But if someone died of old age then that’s more probable that they are not going to rise up from the grave, but I’m at least saying WAIT 2 months incase. And if there’s no body in the grave when it’s dug up 🆙 after 2 months we can either assume theft or someone is alive again? And we will not be forever ♾ wondering 💭 if it will ever happen. Brain 🧠 skull 💀 acid pain 4:28 pmpdt. I’m most curious 🧐 about Christina grimmie. Bcz I was like a kid thinking 💭 he’s going to bring her back! She’s alive! But now I don’t think 💭 so. That was probably around 2018 when I thought 💭 that. 4:30 🕟 pmpdt. Also I heard when I was a kid 👧 that people used to be buried alive and they put strings and bells 🔔 in case they made a mistake burying someone. A kid told me that. So I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if it’s true. Probably waaay b4 tv 📺. 4:33 pmpdt
4:44 pmpdt to clarify, I once did recover and lost weight, but the incubus redamaged me and has made it impossible for me to stay recovered. Last time I weighed myself probably 2 months ago I was more than 150 pounds. I have never weighed this much b4 in my life. Always tlc of your self. But know I relate to those people now that find it nearly impossible to lose the weight. And it’s not in our control most of the time even though we try very very hard. When I went to the hospital 🏥 and held there against my will and I didn’t trust the food 🥘 Bcz they intentionally bruised fruit and drenched (acid rough brain 🧠 skull 💀 pain 4:49 pmpdt) the food 🍲 with water 💦 when I was avoiding it, I lost the weight very easily! But b4 that when I was starving myself for days, the weight didn’t come off easy! So it’s a basically a curse from the demon lord and it doesn’t matter how much you eat some times! (😖😭diarrhea cramps! 4:52 pmpdt)
4:55 pmpdt why was I avoiding water 💦? Bcz almost everytime I had water 💦 I couldn’t breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️! The first time I was held against my will in 2020 (acid brain 🧠 skull 💀 pain rough hot 🥵4:56 pmpdt) I tried to get help for it by telling them I think 💭 I have asthma I think 💭 I have narcolepsy?(stop breathing in sleep 😴?) they told me to ask someone else later and then they conveniently forgot. 4:59 pmpdt so I think 💭 it probably slipped out, and they decided to be food bully the 2nd time I was taken against my will. 5 pmpdt
5:03 pmpdt my buns (butt) are on fire 🔥!!!! Fuego!!!!! 5:04 pmpdt 😫😖😭
6:38 pmpdt incubus is still breaking my bones 🦴 away with acid. Even if I had prayed for him to stop 🛑, and incubus had the power to make him stop 🛑, and controlled my flow of thoughts 💭 and what kind of thoughts 💭 I had, Bcz I’m “babydoll” as “Brendan” had called me multiple times in 2001, he still holds me at fault (right big toe sharp cutting pain 6:41 pmpdt) he needs my bones 🦴 for someone else. So I’m probably going to die soon 🔜. He wanted me to fail. So he deceived me. And made it hard for me. Intentionally misleading me. In many ways. He is officially a scumbag. Ponscum. 6:43 pmpdt my mom might die with me it looks like Bcz I asked her about acid. 😞 right toe cutting sharp pain. 6:44 pmpdt deceitful no good *sshole. Right hip bone 🦴 pain. 6:44 pmpdt that’s who he really is: a con artist 👨‍🎨. 6:46 pmpdt
6:46 pmpdt yeah, even though (rough acid pain brain 🧠 skull 💀 6:47 pmpdt) the guy most probably is alive and well after what I did Bcz he dodged me, incubus is still going to punish me. 6:47 pmpdt
6:52 pmpdt most deceitful part was doing me a favor when I lived in south San Jose and showed me he controlled traffic days before I went to that bank 🏦. Started thinking 🤔 maybe god exists and he’s my friend and he will stop 🛑 all pedestrians 🚶‍♂️ from getting in my way. 6:54 pmpdt I probably would have been more careful if he never did that to me. 6:55 pmpdt I also drank too much alcohol 🍺 in 2010. Any amount is too much when you have chronic eczema. I still was dealing with past head trauma. And abuse (left side jaw joint ? Pain 😤😥😤🥵😤😤😠😤🥵 6:57 pmpdt) from cano (acid pain skull 💀 6:58 pmpdt) when he bit and yanked the spot on my neck near the jugular (acid pain skull 💀 6:59 pmpdt) it’s basically the spot the incubus tattooed a “B” on in old English letter. 7 pmpdt I guess incubus got it to psychologically deceive me. 7 pmpdt
7:03 pmpdt I wrote about it in previous posts. Scott wanted to drink 🍺. I thought 💭 I was saving him from himself by trying to drink 🍺 some of his 40 oz beer 🍺. I also wanted to try $2 buck chuck. I brought it. And then he cracked open another to my dismay. I didn’t trust his cooking 🧑‍🍳 for a weird reason so I had it on empty. And the month b4 in New York I had I think 💭 3 cups? Servings? Of wine 🍷 with my sister and her friend. I had it even though UCB warned us about drinking. I also had a beer 🍺 or 3 or 6 btwn 2007 and 2009. I’m very surprised now that I tried drinking that much. I actually had a hang over in June 2010 for the first time and may 2010 I felt almost mute 🤐 afterwards. 7:10 pmpdt 7:11 pmpdt I think 💭 it wasn’t a good idea 💡 at all. But for me even though I did not (acid skull 💀 a brain 🧠 pain rough 7:12 pmpdt) bcome addicted to it it was a crutch emotionally for me to try not to be irritable and to be more friendly at UCB. 7:14 pmpdt incubus has no sympathy/empathy 🫂 for me. He wants to deceive me and give me a hard time so that I’m always alone. He thinks that some things make up 🆙 for the short comings and loneliness and longing. 7:16 pmpdt I was tortured emotionally and psychologically and physically all my life. 7:16 pmpdt I can’t believe in him anymore. He’s crossed the line too much. I anticipate him never stoping like he/they say in their song 🎶 Iharder to breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️. He is the worst person in the world 🌎. 7:18 pmpdt
7:31 pmpdt incubus runs a pyramid scheme. Not with money 💰 but with life and death ☠️ and bones 🦴. 7:32 pmpdt he does (left shin bone 🦴 pain) it with false promises. 7:33 pmpdt
7:34 pmpdt in 2017? He was flirting with everyone including Alicia Keyes making dreamy eyes 👀 at each other. 7:35 pmpdt even posing with Miley Cyrus (pain left brow bone 🦴 7:36 pmpdt) Bcz she has some resemblance to behati and the my had some weird symbols to show behati was the one with power and changed hearts 💕 but misleading it was Bcz he made me (acid pain brain 🧠 skull 💀 rough 7:38 pmpdt) think 💭 it was about emotions/ love 💗 and saying like when it’s true she has no power over that (acid throat pain right hip pain 7:39 pmpdt) he made me think 💭 that he meant his love 💗 for me but obviously 🙄 a lie now. He attacked me too much. I don’t believe anymore. I felt TOO much pain in my brain 🧠 and skull 💀 and couldn’t breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ and he attacked my heart ♥️ too much. Behati’s mermaid 🧜‍♀️ tattoo and dusty tattoo and dusty’s height. They are harvesting my bones 🦴 I have to rely on the tattoo symbols and what’s been true for the last 6 years. 7:44 pmpdt attacked my brain 🧠 means they lied 🤥 about new earth 🌍 with shakugan no Shana anime. 7:45 pmpdt now hear Cyrus’ voice? And look 👀 at Ariana grande. They lied 🤥 to them and used them to lie. Triangulation. 7:46 pmpdt (skull 💀pain traveled through bone 🦴 7:47 pmpdt
7:48 pmpdt they touched me my body to trick me. And then they proceed to kill me the parts they touched. Always allow a woman to respond. Don’t assume you know what she wants. ESPECIALLY if you are a man 👨. Men are frightening. I should have never been alone. Unfortunately I didn’t have friends anymore. Fake Scully. 7:52 pmpdt
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rinadragomir · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: Alastair is overrated
Sure, he's trying to do better, and sure, he has grown, but that doesn't mean that the Merry Thieves are obliged to forgive him or that Matthew deserves hate for making comments about him. I've seen how bad bullying, even non-physical, can get at my school. Stealing lunches, destroying projects (that took weeks to make), inscribing lewd messages on toilets about the one they're bullying, making vulgar comics, forcing others to come together and get someone else intro trouble... I managed to avoid it because I sat next to one of the bullies in class and showed her the answers to every tests so I was classified as 'a good sort of nerd, let her be', but a lot of others weren't lucky. You don't become a bully by just spreading a couple of rumors about someone's parents. It's absolutely ridiculous when people hate on James and Matthew for not forgiving Alastair. I swear if he weren't gay everyone would be after him with pitchforks.
Hi friend
Here's my essay👉🏻👈🏻
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1) "If he weren't gay"
-Charles is also gay and fandom hates him (not me tho)
- Him being gay is just one of the reasons I AM cheering for him this much. I can imagine what it's like being gay in the beginning of Edwardian era. Especially when you don't have such supportive parents as Gabrily. (Cordelia believes their father wouldn't be happy to find out he's son is gay).
- We stan gays in TSC, we don't have too many of them. 😌
2) "They are not obligated to forgive him"
- In the world where you have to fight demons, where you were raised to be a warrior, where you have to cope with the death of friends and family members at a very young age IT'S A BIT WEIRD BEING SO MAD AT ONE GUY WHO BULLIED YOU WHEN U WERE AT SCHOOL🐣
But for real. Here's cut scene Cassandra Clare sent me😱😱😱😱😱😱
"James, Thomas, guys! Barbara's funeral has already begun. Why aren't you there?" Cordelia asked.
"Oh, sorry we were too busy throwing rocks at your brother. Tell Sophie and Gideon we won't be able to come, we have a real problem here. Now, Daisy, join us, people you know for a month. Take this rock, let's throw it together"
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- So they forgave all those people in academy who spread rumors, they forgave those parents who STARTED the rumors, they're not actually mad at anyone EXCEPT ALASTAIR 🙃they act like Alastair was the only one who did sth bad.
-They were at the academy for exactly a year. A year spent surrounded by your best friends. It was really hard for me to read about how James was deliberately ignored by other students and laughed at his eyes. At that time, I really hated Alastair, as did many of us. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think I should add I'm really sorry all of that shit happened to you in school, but I really believe you had worse memories about school days than James or Christopher, since I'm sure you've spent there more then a year.👀
But if you read that story again, you'll find out that that year wasn't A PURE HELL. Here's a quote👇🏻
"Matthew's friendship made other friends creep forward, too. Esme cornered James and told him how sorry she was that Mike was being an idiot."
"Life was much, much better now that he had friends".
- I'm actually surprised that when people try to prove Alastair is evil they use "HE SPREAD RUMORS" instead of "actual one guy died cause of one of Alastairs friends and him"😶Thats why I was mad at him.....
🤔Matthew's sister didn't die cause of Alastair. Alastairs friend died cause of him. 🤔
3) We simply can't mention Matthew when it comes to wHaT eLsE aLaStAiR dId wRonG
Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all:
👉🏻Even if there were no rumors, Matthew would still have bought that potion and his sister would still have died. 👈🏻
Here's why:
Charlotte is constantly working, Henry is constantly focused on his inventions. In theory, this is not a problem, GOOD FOR THEM✨ But there's a reason why Charles is so private and Matthew doesn't trust parents his feelings and thoughts.
They don't talk🌝
- Charlotte is the first consul and therefore she works even more than necessary to prove that she deserves this position😭 -> Charles is so into politics cause he spent his whole childhood helping mom with sth, Matthew can't talk with her cause barely sees her (it was mentioned in tlh)
- Henry barely leaves his laboratory -> good for science, bad for children. He loves them and will fight for them, but he's not the best dad when it comes to taking care of the kids (Matthew took care of him)
- Therefore any, I'll repeat, ANY other misunderstanding in this family could lead to the same consequences.
Charlotte is too busy to talk about sth properly
+ Henry believes everything is fine
+ Charles spent more time with mom in her office than with brother and that's why he doesn't know shit about Matthew
= Matthew buys that potion.
And Matthew knows about it. He just can't get over what he's done.
4) Therefore I kinda understand Matthews feelings, but what Christopher, Thomas and James problem is I don't know😑
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mo2k · 3 years
It's ok if your reply is long! Just hope your ok for my long reply as well *cracks knuckles*
No Bam I'm not reading the manga, I read spoilers on puropse for fun.... yeah I'm weird like that 💀 but I'm sure you already know that Mitsuya has 2 little sister so they can join aswell! I'll always fight for my lil sis (that you sweetie 😗) and you don't need to worry, me and my brother don't fight often he's actually a great guy- I'd never say that out loud tho but when we do it's not that bad (he mostly needs me to help with some projects of his and when I refuse he pyscially drags me 💀) Baji is gonna look so pretty at the end of the day 🤣🥺
AOT is def my kinda anime... horror, thriller sort of deal yk! Trust me aot gets real interesting in the final season so be prepared 👀 You already met Levi? That means you have gone pretty far! Yes! he's the captain 😌 humanity's strongest soldier! But not just his skills and looks he also has a really interesting and complex personality! It's what makes him a great character and that's why he hold half my heart ❤✨
That scene shocked me too! I was like - WTF THE MAIN CHARACTER JUST DIED??! 😱 that's just one twist of the many that is yet to come 😵💫 Once you're done with the 1st season tell me I got something to show you 😂
I don't think he will ever simp for a character... him teasing me doesn't really bother me, it's actually one of his less annoying traits 😅 Him not liking Oikawa is coz I like Oikawa, that's how he is- it's just to annoy me but I'm to old for his traps 😒
Same here 🙄✋🏼 I wanted a slight fever so I can skip class but nothing... I went to class straight after my vaccine. I can't get sick even if I tried 😭 but I used to be such a sick child when I was little.... Lol moms are like that 🤣 Don't worry I'll take care of myself! You're gonna send Shin? Would I have to look after him too? 😂 You take care of yourself too ok <3
Ohohoho who do you think you’re talking to Amanda-san ? 🤨 I always love seeing you respond with long reply darling <3 btw why yer cracking yer knuckles ? just curious — kidding ! 🤡🤡🤡
Oh I see and no honey you’re not weird, my dad’s exactly just like that, he loves watching spoilers in case the anime / movies didn’t continue to the end </3 Well yes I know about them omg how did you know ? 😵 and ofc they can join ! They’re like another two cute sisters in my eyes !
Please 🤧💗 Thank you, you’re too sweet. But for one thing, I’ll fight for you too my big sis ♡︎ Ah alright I am not worried…. Really. Yeah my sis actually is a v. kind person, and a v. good person as well. But lord I’d never ever say that to her — Wait what ? Love r u alright at that time ?! I think he should be a bit more… gentle, y’know. Although you refuse but he’s gotta be a bit… um… polite. Since he’s the one who ask you for help.
Awww I can practically imagine him in my head. A very pretty boi with magnificent hairstyle made by you, and cute bows adorning him by me awwwwww 🥺💖🥰❤️ (But at the same time — I’m laughing hysterically while taking loads of pictures of him just so I could send them to the secret toman group chat… the one that’s built for this purpose only… which means he’s not in it, now we can roast him as much as we want while he could never know about it, he couldn’t right ? 🤣🤣🤣)
Ahahahaha yes I understand ! And yeah I already heard that from my dad — damn, he’s a real big spoilers, he already slipped lots of things gosh I wanna cry 😭😭😭
Yep yep I’m on ep 20-21 I think ? 🤔 So that means I’m close to finishing ss1 soon ! And yeahhhh he shocks me a lot ! Uh huh I can totally see why you fell for him 😏✨ He’s such an excellent charac and you have such amazing taste so it matches 😌👏
But hold on — look at this —
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(Got this from my friend but well —)
Look at his waist oml — do you think it’s broken ? I do think it’s broken omggggg 🤣🤣🤣
And yeah — it’s like it’s impossible ! And yes I know, my dad already told me that there will lots lots more twist to come (Ugh I hate him 🙄😫😭) Oh sure sure, I’ll tell you when I finished sis <3
Really ? Well if you say so — And wat ? Wow I think I’ve face the similar situation… but it just my sis simp for almost every charac I simp for just to annoyed me *sigh* but yeah we’re both too old for their traps already *high five*
Oh my, and huh ? But but you’re okay now right ? If not then take even more care of yourself okay ? I don’t want you to get sick :( Good good, just like that, and well I will def send shin... but then it’s up to you whether you wanna take care of him or not, although... For the reason I send him in the first place is that I want him to take care of you so... 💀💀💀
I will ~ Ty sissy, u too <3
- With love, BamBam 🦢🌙
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oswald-privileges · 3 years
horror movie asks: ALL OF THEM
KY I KNOW IT'S YOU but you're giving me a reason to skirt right up to the start of my work day before doing anything useful so thank u
😱 Scene that always terrifies you
Listen, I will admit that the climax of The Babadook is not as strong as what comes before it, from an editing stance? But those cuts between the fucking... empty void and the protag clutching her son will always make my skin crawl. I hate being made to look directly into the dark, what can I say.
🙌 Favorite Horror film director?
I don't really put much value in film directors? Like, if a film by Jordan Peele comes out then odds are it's gonna be pretty excellent, but like... he couldn't make the movies he makes without working with a really good DoP, cast, camera crew, editors, all that. So, I dunno really.
👀 2 sequels that were better than the original
Listen. Listen. I Do Not Vibe with horror franchises. the moment you start making sequels to an already complete story, you've lost something.
Friday the 13th Part 2 HAS to be better than the first movie though. It just has to be
😕 Movie that scares everyone else that you’re not afraid of
idk if this is 'everyone else' but my mum was like- properly terrified of The Devil's Backbone and Silence of the Lambs, both of which are Very different films, and neither of them really scared me? Like, I l o v e both of them, but I was never like. Frightened.
😰 First ‘scary’ movie you saw as a kid
Spirited Away counts. I will not be taking questions. Apart from that, probably Pan's Labyrinth or the opening of Final Destination 2. Or maybe 3? the one with the rollercoaster. Luckily I was already terrified of rollercoasters so it had no impact.
📺 That one really bad horror movie that you love to watch
Man, I really can't think of one? Like, I'll always be down to watch a REALLY bad horror movie, but I honestly can't think of any film that's bad that I would want to watch on repeat.
👻 What scary movie you’ll be watching this Halloween?
ALL OF THEM I stream as many horror movies in the toonkind server as possible every October and I love to make everyone suffer
🤢 Grossest horror movie
Any of the Saw movies are just. Ugh. Go away. I don't get grossed out easily, and I actually quite like seeing how far I can push myself with gore and gross stuff, but like... idk, it's not that The Gore Is The Point, I can respect a movie that's just there to pack set-safe explosives into plastic bags of butchers leavings, but the Saw films don't even seem to be having fun with it. It's just... cynical garbage. I at least want gleeful garbage, you know?
💀 Favorite Zombie film
The Girl With All The Gifts is just an absolute delight. It's probably more action thriller than horror proper, like 28 Days Later? But the perspective it takes on anthropocentrism is just, very very refreshing.
👽 Favorite Sci-Fi Horror
I Am Mother is just. So good. A little long, maybe? but SO good. love me a spooky robot.
😡 The sequel/prequel that pisses you off
Prometheus Does Not Need To Exist. Like. its fine. but its so mindnumbingly unnecessary.
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 years
*Deep breath* Just on the occasion of Somararu's birthday’s eve ... I finished reading the main saga of Donten Ni Warau aaaaand.... Now I feel SO empty!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 A plot that is only apparently simple, but actually masterfully managed, and capable of twist the feelings in an instant like few others. This story managed to extrapolate, dissect, cook, eat and evacuate my heart in just 6 volumes. I watched the anime two years ago, but I had never read the manga, so in this period of quarantine I decided to take advantage of it, to detach a little from the hours of study... and GOOD HEAVENS, guys! I was really struggling to resume studying, I was literally GLUED to the pages, I wanted to go on reading!!! 😱😱😱😱😱 I don't even know how many breaks I've taken these days, to enjoy one or two chapters per session ahaha
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I was literally infatuated with Donten Ni Warau’s manga at extreme levels, I swear, not even the anime (which I liked a lot anyway) had taken me AS MUCH as the manga did ... This work is a MASTERPIECE, not only with the M, but also with all the other capital letters!!! Seriously: passionate, engaging, the characters are all well characterized, and I emphasized with ALL of them, so much so that I managed to feel sympathy even for the bad guys on duty (No Kagami, I’m not looking at you...noo. At all 👀). I like how the protagonist is not only what you might think at first, but at the right time it’s clear that each one of the three Kumou brothers is a protagonist in due course. It’s a story in which the protagonist is tripartite, not only on a physical level, but also on a sentimental level: the love for your own family, the strength to never give up, even when everything seems to be lost, and the sacrifice for others. In my opinion, these are the real protagonists, the true message of the whole work, personified through the three Kumou siblings.
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Not to mention the absurd swing of feelings that conveys the sequel of events... AAAAHHHH I found myself crying often :')
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And do we want to talk about the stretch?? It’s nothing short of SPECTACULAR!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Think that, in the anime, I didn’t like Tenka's hair, it looked like a spider (and I'm terribly scared / disgusted by spiders ahaha...brr) BUT HERE it made me fall in love with it! 😍😍😍
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I liked EVERYTHING, literally EVERYTHING! Not a useless chapter, not a cartoon too many, all perfect, really. THE MANGA COVERS TOO, are sooooo incredibily beautilful!! Each one of them!! (I rarely like all the covers in a series, there’s always at least one that make my nose turn up a little, usually)
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I’d really like this manga to be more known and I really hope and wish it to be translated here, in Italy, too ... Comic and tragic at the same, in a perfect balance. I NEED IT ON MY LIBRARY😭😭😭😭😭 And now that I feel so empty ... Maybe I could start reading the Gaiden series ... I don't know why, however, this prospect worries me a little, I'm afraid of what could happen in the course of the story...ahaha So maybe I could rewach the anime, I was already going to do it 💕
What can I say other than that really, it’s a fantastic work and deserves a lot? ❤️️ It made me feel so many emotions, it was like I was following the story for the first time, although I already knew every single event, this didn’t affect my reading experience at all, on the contrary! Quite the opposite, it made me appreciate it even more! So, I can’t help but recommend a lot the reading of Donten Ni Warau, from the bottom of my heart.
I really learnt a lot from the 3 Kumou brothers and from this story. And remember: even if the sky is cloudy, sooner or later the sun will rise again ❤️️
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growinstablog · 4 years
9 Instagram Tips for Business Everyone Needs To Know
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Well, you might want to list down these Instagram tips for business.
Did you know that Instagram has 1 billion monthly ACTIVE users, meaning that many people are actively checking their IG app every month? This increased exposure can help you gather more leads, increase your website traffic, build brand loyalty, reach your target audience and be mobile ready. If any of those items interests you this blog post was made with you in mind! 🙂
Below I’ll reveal the skinny on 9 best Instagram tips for business you can implement in your marketing campaign! These tips will help you make the most of Instagram’s many features while giving you an edge over your competition.
Shall we commence? We shall!
9 Proven Instagram Tips for Business Everyone Needs To Know
1. Use the Proper Hashtags
Let’s start with the all too famous #HASHTAG!  They’ve become a staple part of all Instagram marketing campaigns and rightfully so. Because Instagram is one of the most popular and highest engaged social sites, understanding hashtags and how to use them is rather crucial.
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Today, users will often click on a hashtag that they find intriguing. In other cases they’ll search specific hashtags and scroll through posts that contain that particular tag.
This brings me to Instagram Tips for Business #1. You should not only include tags that relate to the image you post, but, you should include one or two branded hashtags! These custom tags can be based off of your business name, a current marketing campaign, or the action you want your audience to take.
Take a look at this post from Lazu Skin Care. This company follows the best practice that most businesses do by attaching their custom branded hashtags to most of their posts.
They use their brand name as a tag and a second tag, #lazued, what they say happens when you use their products! Cute eh?
It’s important when brainstorming your tags to make them as evergreen as possible, meaning always relevant! Other great examples include the all too famous #justdoit from Nike, #americarunsondunkin from Dunkin Donuts, and #indiquehair from Indique Virgin Hair. All of these tags are evergreen because they encompass parts of each brand that will always remain relevant.
2. Publish Great Content
The only thing more important than your tags is your content or creative itself! When thinking of content ideas be sure to keep three words in mind; short, memorable, and fun! Now this doesn’t mean that EVERY post has to reflect these three adjectives but content created with them in mind tend to perform the best!
We all know creating images, capturing the perfect shot, adding text, creating short videos can be a huge hassle, especially when you’re business is a one-two man show so for Instagram Tips for Business #2 I suggest you “Work smart not hard”!
“How”? 👀
Thought you’d never ask! 😉😌
Use ready to use templates! Creative apps like Spark Post, Canva and Venngage should become your new BFF’s! You’ll be able to create quality graphics that are appealing and engaging with ease. Take a look at these images all created using Canva templates!
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Every business owner’s time is precious. And when you use templates, you’ll have the ability to create graphics that look professional without taking a lot of time!
Speaking of time, let’s keep it moving! ⏰
3. Tell Stories
Did you know that OVER 300M users interact with Instagram Stories daily?
Now, Stories is one of Instagram’s newer features and was created to compete with Snapchat Stories.
Initially, no one was sure if it would surpass Snapchat stories. But within its first year of existence it had close to double the views of Snapchat Stories! 😱
With that being said, no business can really afford to NOT USE Stories!
Still not convinced? No problem, just take a look at these stats because these facts don’t lie!
Instagram Stories had over 300 million daily users by the end of 2017! And for a bit of perspective, Snapchat’s had only about 166 million daily users last year!
A study conducted by Digital Trends showed that 1 in 5 stories causes a follower to send a direct message (DM) to a company.
A case study conducted at Agorapulse found that ads run on IG stories tend to be better at driving cost-effective results (including clicks) than traditional feed ads.
This makes Instagram Stories a powerful tool to create conversations, learn your audience’s opinion, and give them a voice in your company decisions!
Now, I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself, ok GREAT, use IG stories. But how do I make the most out of them? Well, welcome to Instagram Tips for Business #3. To make the most of using your IG stories you should:
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Use stickers to drive results! The top four you should be sure to include are hashtag, location, poll, and emoji stickers. Using these will help drive engagement all while making your stories more attractive and current!
Most businesses post a lot of photos on their stories, as they should, but don’t forget about video! A quick 10 second video of a few behind the scenes shots can make all the difference in a return story viewer vs. a one time view. Video is extremely engaging and makes users want to know what’s coming next through visual storytelling!
Lastly, it’s imperative you use your story insights to learn what worked to engage your audience the most! In case you didn’t know, you can now find analytics on your stories performance in Instagram insights! Simply check under the “content” tab. You’ll be able to see your stories and who viewed them. I know, the data doesn’t provide a large mass of information, but it’s gives you an idea of what’s working and what’s not!
You could also consider allowing a micro or mega influencer (who fits your industry) to take over your story for the day! This way you not only engage your current audience, BUT can engage all of their followers as well.
4. Go “LIVE” with IG Live or IGTV
Instagram Tips for Business #4 is Use the IG Live Stream or IGTV feature to engage with your audience in LIVE TIME! You can use it to share big and exciting news, teach a tutorial, or share what goes on behind the scenes in your business. Be sure you promote your LIVE event via an Instagram post a few hours earlier. In addition to this be sure you post on your Story to drive traffic to your live as well! Let them know the time and a little bit of info on why it’s worth their time to tune in, a teaser so to speak!  
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You may be asking yourself, how do I know which one to use — Instagram Live or IGTV? Well there are 
two questions you have to ask yourself when making this decision:
How long will your video last?
How long do you want your audience to have access to the video?
Instagram Stories have a short lifespan and will disappear after 24 hours, unless you add the footage to your highlights, while IGTV, like youtube videos, stay on your channel forever, until you manually delete them!
5. Make Your Posts Shoppable
Now, this next tip is for my ecommerce readers! One of Instagram’s newest features is Shoppable Posts! This feature has made it easier for a consumer to purchase your products! Instagram Tips for Business #5 is to start using this feature if you aren’t and you’re an ecommerce business! This will alleviate the step you customer has to take to go and find a specific product on your site for purchase. Potentially decreasing the possibility of their initial intrigue will turn into a conversion.
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The setup is fairly easy, all you have to do is connect your product catalog to your account. Once that’s complete you’ll be able to tag your products as if you were tagging a person when you upload your post.
At the end of the day, Instagram’s new shoppable posts feature offers an incredible opportunity for you business to turn its’ followers into customers! Don’t miss out!
Alright, so far we’ve talked about all the various creative sides of Instagram and tips you can apply to each area, so now let’s tackle a few items you might find tedious and potentially impossible to do on your own.
Let’s start with follower growth!
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I’m sure that’s your current sentiment! 😌
6. Organic Follower Growth
As a small business we understand how important it is to have a large following on your social media platforms. In a world where looks ARE everything, we understand how important it is to have high follower numbers, so I wanted to include some strategies on growing your following!
Before I go into Instagram tips for business on growing your following, I want to define organic follower growth, vs. paid follower growth. Organic follower growth is when your content attracts followers over time while paid follower growth happens when you buy followers. I never suggest taking the latter option! For my Instagram Tips for Business #6 I suggest you implement these 10 strategies In terms of your organic follower growth (the best practice for growing your numbers):
Post consistently (at least once a day)
Try videos, live videos, and Stories
Study and use quality hashtags
Share user-generated content
Collaborate with others – Maybe influencers in your industry
Post at your best times
Use your analytics
Engage your fans – respond to their comments
Host contests
Cross-post – Post on all your social media platforms
As mentioned above, user-generated content is considered as one of the most effective and cheapest ways to grow your organic followers. You see, it doesn’t matter if your brand is a newbie or how small it is, there will always be people who will talk about your brand. 
So don’t miss the chance to engage with these customers. Doing so will not only nurture these customers but will also allow you to build a solid, loyal fan base. And mind you, this UGC can help you promote your products or services for free too. Let your happy customers spread the word about your brand. 
When you consistently implement these best practices across the board you’ll see follower growth! It will take time, but Rome wasn’t built in a day right?
7. You Gotta Pay-to-Play in this World
So, algorithm, defined by Webster as a step-by-step set or rules or instructions necessary for performing a specific mathematical task or solving a particular mathematical problem, determines who sees your posts.
Recently Instagram revealed the three main factors that determine what posts pop up on Instagram users feeds:
Interest – How much someone would care to see a post
Timeliness – How recent the post was made
Relationship – Accounts you regularly interact with
In addition to these they take three other factors into consideration:
Frequency – How often a user opens Instagram
Following – Content from all accounts a user follows
Usage – How long a user spends on IG
Social media sites like Instagram want you to pay to reach your ideal market! I know what you’re thinking… Why?! Simply put, it’s because that’s how they make their money! According to business2community.com, brands only reach about 6% of their audience without using paid advertisements on Facebook.
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And because Facebook owns Instagram I and other marketing experts are almost certain, they will only continue to further restrict how many people will be able to see your post organically. With that being said, Instagram Tips for Business #7 is put money behind your posts. You’ll see a drastic change in engagement and views with boosting a post for as little as $5 over the course of 1-3 days!
8. Track Your Analytics
For Instagram Tip #8 — remember, the devil is in the details and you need to be right there with him!
Above I mentioned checking your Insights in terms of your stories, but it’s imperative you use all aspects your IG analytic data! Here’s a quick overview of some of the most important reporting measures Instagram Insights offers and what they means:
Impressions – How many times your post appeared on your users screen.
Reach – This describes the number of unique users that have seen your Instagram posts.
Website Clicks – This insight reflects the number of times any links you’ve included in your business profile have been clicked.
Profile Visits – This insight reflects the number of times your profile has been viewed.
Followers – This insight tells you how many followers you’ve gained or lost over the past week! It also lets you know the best “average” time of day your followers are using Instagram so you know what time is most optimal for you to post.
Use this data to maximize your results!
9. Have Fun!
For our last Instagram Tips for Business #9, remember to keep it fun and creative!
Be sure you have fun with your Instagram! Implement giveaways to drive traffic, partner with other business who aren’t direct competitors, use your Instagram as a way to solve your clients pain points! Be creative! Keep it light, and keep it fun.
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Before we finish this blog post, I do want to touch a little bit more on giveaways, never do one without thinking through what you hope to gain from it! These limited promotions can help you spread brand awareness by enlisting participants to share, like, and tag three friends to enter your giveaway (one of the many rule sets you can create for your giveaway)! A highly shareable post will drive social shares and lead to greater impressions and exposure for you!
Let’s recap!
Moving forward, when creating your flawless Instagram campaigns you’re going to include branded hashtags that are evergreen! They’ll be paired with content that didn’t take an excessive amount of time to create because you checked out those canva.com templates! And if you’re an ecommerce business I’m sure you’ll be tagging those products!
You’ll also start using those Instagram Stories, Live videos and IGTV as a means of engaging your audience! And in the midst of all the fun you’ll be keeping an eye on those analytics so you know how to alter your approach and rework your strategy to ensure organic follower growth.
I hope these Instagram tips for business were helpful. If you implement these tips your competitors may just think you hired someone! 😉But, if you feel like you need some additional help, feel free to contact us today to get started!
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mia-soufi2018 · 5 years
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IG / Sugars meghan 👀
#funPost Hallo, Community!
Here are reasons WHY BABY SUSSEX could be already born! 😮😱
1. On May 19, 2018 right after the wedding the couple went on honeymoon and until now no one had figured out where they went! 
2. Meghan got pregnant. From August to October many people could saw the so called ”pregnancy glow“ and you know what? IT WAS RIGHT! 
3. New Statement from Buckingham Palace stated: Their Royal Highnesses have taken a personal decision to keep the plans around the arrival of their baby private. The Duke and Duchess look forward to sharing the exciting news with everyone ONCE THEY HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO CELEBRATE PRIVATELY AS A NEW FAMILY! (☝️)
4. Middle April the announcement Meghan’s mother Doria arrived in London. 
5. Meghan didn’t go to the annual Easter church service (obviously not capable to attend); Prince Harry did although he didn’t go for decades (Granny birthday no reason since they celebrated after). A maneuver?
6. On Easter Sunday Meghan & Harry made a post congratulating the Queen and used the word ”Granny“, i‘m going to admit —yes, she’s a Granny of Baby Sussex already— it made one wonder. Just saying! 
7. It has been reported that the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge visited the couple at frogmore (also the Queen)!
8. Prince Harry looked too happy on ANZAC DAY. 
9. During The Duke of Sussex presence at the@LondonMarathon to present medals and meet volunteers, he had —in my opinion— a very lovely and melting expression... Caring and soft even?! And more dark rings than usual. 
10. Yesterday the Duchess made a post very late at night about ”mental health“, and unfollowed the Royal Family accounts, to honour mental health month... So far so good, but... If is mental health MONTH there is in my personal opinion plenty of time to make a honorable post such as this... 11. Now, Harry the born-protector agreed to make Amsterdam a Visit so early...
12. You don’t need to agree with me. These were my personal suspicions collection of a longtime ROYAL BABY WATCH.
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daisylincs · 3 years
seeing all this discussion on shadow and bone...
i've only read shadow and bone and i haven't yet watched the tv show...should i? i've seen lots of gifs of the absolutely gorgeous cast & it is one epic plot 👀
OhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHH my gosh, well, love, you know that there is only one answer I can truly give this question 😍😍😍 Yes, a thousand times yes!! ESPECIALLY if you've read and enjoyed the books - this adaptation of them is seriously so. goshdarn. good.
My favourite part is how it takes the two separate series - the Grisha trilogy and the Six of Crows duology - and merges them, in a way that actually works. You know what, it doesn't just work, it works INCREDIBLY well. In fact, I'd go so far as to say you'd be crazy to give this show a miss!! It's all the buzz lately for a REASON, and that reason is because it's legitimately amazing.
But if you're still not convinced -
Here's Why You Should Watch Shadow And Bone
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1. The deep satisfaction of seeing a book-world beautifully come to life on screen
I don't know about you, but when I finish a book series I really loved, I always like to spend some time picturing it all playing out in my head like a movie. Because as incredible as books are, there are some things that are just so much cooler on screen. And it's always just such a dream come true when the screen-world matches your book-world, you know? It's like Harry Potter, to me :D
And, seriously. SAB is a damn excellent adaptation, and the richness of the book-world and its characters comes through on screen in a way that's honestly just spine-tinglingly amazing.
2. The deep satisfaction of getting to watch a series that's (for once!!) not set in America
Thanks to Hollywood, basically EVERYTHING we see has huge amounts of Americanism and US self-importance in. Ravka, however, is based on Russia, and Ketterdam on Amsterdam. It's just such a refreshing change for me to see, and you can bet I was eating up every second of it.
3. The deep satisfaction of seeing magic come to life on screen
Am I a fangirl? Absolutely yes. But I just seriously LOVE magic, it's the coolest thing ever and just... 😍😍😍 seeing it on my TV, and watching characters be badass and powerful with it, will forever be one of my favourite things. And if you're in any way the same as me, then I'm willing to bet you'll LOVE Shadow and Bone!!
4. The deep satisfaction of plot and character arcs that actually improved from the books
The author has said it herself; the initial Grisha trilogy is a YA series, and comes with all the faults and flaws typical of the genre. In the show, they're able to not only include MUCH more diversity, but they also make the main character more independent and less reliant on the men in her life. Which, c'mon, is only ever a good thing.
There's also a consent change in one of the big kiss scenes from the books, which especially in today's era is SUCH a good and important thing to clearly represent.
In terms of characters and shipping, too, the show is a HUGE improvement on the books!! Seriously. Boring and cliché ships are made MUCH less boring, and the "good" ships are brought to life with crackling chemistry and pretty much the PERFECT actors. It's all a dream come true, basically!
5. The deep satisfaction of watching, like you said, a SUPER attractive cast
I'm going to leave you with some gifs that will make my point better than I ever can in words:
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And so many, many more!! 😍😍😍😍😍 Seriously, I could drop gifs of this incredible cast and all my OTPs from the show for the rest of the night, it's THAT good, and there are THAT many OTPs in it. I ship everyone so hard, and, OMG there's even canon gay 😱😱😱😍 And so many scenes that COULD be gay if you just put a slight AU on them 😱😱😱😍 *sniffles* it's just beautiful, okay.
And if NONE of that has managed to persuade you even a little, then, well... I have no more words for you. NO MORE, MY LOVE!! And, alright, yes, it's nearing midnight in my timezone, so I'm getting very dramatic here, but the point is that Shadow and Bone is one EPIC, deeply satisfying and ultimately INSANELY fandom-worthy show, and I honestly can't recommend it enough!!! 😍😍😍😍😍👌
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marie1-kersaint · 2 months
K1.0 yanked mom’s picture away
https://www.facebook.com/share/JAKs37VGzkXzWViG/?mibextid=WC7FNe (https://www.facebook.com/share/JAKs37VGzkXzWViG/?mibextid=WC7FNe)
Sent from my iPhone
Even roaches 🪳 little ants 🐜 don't stand still and be bullied 🐂, 🦵 away and killed WITHOUT TRYING
GOD PUT THAT desperate survival mode inside us
A live dog is better than a dead lion 🦁
GOOD JOB 👏 ON SENDING K1.0, nice concise to the point respectful (by yanking MOM’s picture out and telling me she doesn’t like that and don’t put it back out) Possibly The first time in years she'd ever talked to me. You say hello 👋 no one hears. The F words almost always
https://kjbo.org/Matthew-22-15/ (https://kjbo.org/Matthew-22-15/)
Please 🙏 if someone from the school text me or sent me a note that Mom’s picture outside may hurt K1.0   or her grades. i will not take it out anymore.   While cleaning 🧼 Mom's room one day she'd gone to chiropractor, i noticed and thought k1.0 loves mirrors BUT WHERE TO PLACE IT?
BUT last Wednesday or Tuesday i thought near tv 📺 by front door and i picked it up and it was this latest battle in this war.
it could be another power 💪 play like the rehearsal Thursday 031424 8:43 WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME even if one of them assaults and i defend myself
Or chiding me for glittering the place NOW HOPEFULLY INSTEAD OF LATE ⏰ FOOD or bishop pastor serge jerome had a more important funeral✝️the storm✝️business ✝️Easter and Christmas 🎅 are the biggest draw 💰
They can complain about glitter on their clothes
2014 “well, she gave you a place to stay” Saturday “well it’s been 9 years,  GO”
Which scares me 😱 to no end when feeds ���� how a guy kept slipping his brother's pregnant girlfriend abortion pills 💊 until the baby died and "DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO KILL SOMEONE"
WHICH OF THE 3 CHIPMUNKS WILL GET A BETTER "head" bad words. galore
The list goes on and the bad words and i know that i am likely to call the regulations KGB
Can't @PBCSHERRIF or @FBI @FCC can regulate YouTube, TikTok feeds, contents, age
@highlightPBSO - Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Communications help us investigate what our kids are watching
Like i said i am exposed here, my food, my water they are of great size and many. That kind of stress wears the heart out.
To be 🆙 watching people whose not in your corner 👀 @4u
Yesterday 1:37 am lights, doors opened,closed
i don’t know who coached K3.0 to sniff and sniff and sitting close to me sniffing UNTIL afternoon the cure come and sniffing stopped and kicking kersaint out did not work. (i briefly passed by library 📚 Planet Fitness 💪
i am impervious to her sniffing now. i have been played too long
One Friday i kept going to car changing skirts because the top that i changed into i think was 1 of K2.0 's old Tshirts
My heart was breaking, and i knew i took a shower the morning
When i came in after Mom’s October Hospital @wellingtonRegionalmedicalCenter 🏥 stay, i WAS AMAZING 1 of GINA’s kids showed feelings. i said ‘you’re giving me a big head’
“'Anti' kersaint is here” i prefer just Kersaint🙏
It turned out you wanted me to go against my beliefs. I WANTED MOM TO GO TO PLANETFITNESS.com 🌎 💪. TO TRY TO DO THINGS FOR HERSELF. I DON’T WANT HER IN BED UNTIL 1 or 3 PM
Wellington Fl to clean 🧼 🧽 mom up
i set up doctors appointments and rides BUT THEY WERE CANCELLED
i want Mom to drive in salem community church of God in their vans 🚐 so she can find newly come Haitian to talk to
Sent from my iPhone 📲
Yes, every good move is full of regrets, and possible infections and lots of other meds BUT she knew how she felt and the cost and losses BUT SHE LIKED AND WAS COMFORTABLE WITH THAT BODY
SUZIE just has to find a safer, better alternative (after all these years there must be something safer, fewer side effects)
i believe this verse even before i read it
https://kjbo.org/Ecclesiastes-9-4/ (https://kjbo.org/Ecclesiastes-9-4/)
Since DOROTHY and KATHY are associated with PBC schools 🏫 & programs, if you send me text or email stating remembering her grandmother may "hurt her school work" and she goes to church ⛪️ with her mom until at least the first day of summer 2024... OFF COURSE I WILL GET RID OF MOM's PICTURE LIKE YOU WANT IT
i thought of keeping it until the🆕 owner, realtor or sheriff threatening fines that i cannot pay 💰 or the neighbors complain (not being laminat
ed 😢it looks shabby, messy, and ugly ) YOU TOOK CARE OF MOM in life and THROUGH DEATH. i cannot cry for #MICHAELJACKSON
#MARIEELIARINTUSSDEMOSTHENES who’s going to MEANINGFULLY comfort me and make me stop 🛑 crying 😭 and not go 👎 into depression (forgetting that a live dog is better than a dead lion 🦁) then forget to just keep going keep fighting
i cannot have “a shrine” (it might become idolatrous) BUT i don't want to forget her too like LINDA
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