#there's some other things i drew before finishing the game i can post now
artilite · 3 months
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stuck... forever?
drew this right after finishing act 4! had a day of intermission before going on and finishing the game so this ending really got to soak with me...
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renmarrr · 6 months
Okay, so my two DustFell-related questions are:
1. Have you ever come up with any concepts or lore for DustFell beyond the original post? Because if you did, I would love to hear about it.
2. Do you have any plans to work on DustFell any further, or do you consider it fine the way it is?
I have, actually. From the moment all this au-ownership fuss started I thought that this au combination can have a chance. Since then I have this. Main plot and difference (from dt au) is that Sans failed at finishing his murdery job. He got caught. But the human meets him without being immobilised.
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Sans’s scientific experience and monster history knowledge formed his bad opinion about powerful humans.
Sans isn’t aware of resets but he sees the events from previous timelines as blurry and half-abstract exaggerated nightmares. There he can see that human does harm to lesser monsters (in fact they can’t kill main monsters). Therapy barely works.
He refuses to give Toriel that crucial promise. Instead, first few timelines he spends on attempts to capture/kill the human. But the kid returns after their every misfortune.
Sans, obsessed with idea of stopping the human, decides to act less reasonable and kills some of lesser monsters (to gain some lv and to leave less enemies to the kid).
He gets carried away and more and more crazy in his killing “spree”. Until the royal guard imprisons him.
Papyrus isn’t dead, he just refuses to talk to Sans because 1) Sans put them both in danger now (the king = danger); 2) Sans now resembles the Kind even more; 3) Sans isn’t sane anymore. Papyrus-shaped illusion scolds Sans for every possible thing his mind can think about. He talks to the illusion but the conversation sounds meaningless.
Sans can escape but he can’t live long in freedom — he gets caught and brings his execution closer. Overall his attempts to stop the human are never effective. Unless he can bring boredom to a human by making the “game” much harder and less fun so the other would just stop. Or start more merciful route.
Human’s journey is sneaky and by the time they arrive to the Hotland, evacuation starts. Flowey set most of prisoners free. Unfortunately he also freed Sans, so he’s now the final boss. If Frisk survives the stage of the fight, there’s a chance for Flowey to bring Frisk through the barrier (Frisk uses “flee option”). This moment of chance repeats once a few turns.
There are grey zones but something like that. None of it was in my head when I drew that first drawing of df. Also I didn’t want to make Sans so powerful he managed to put the whole underground into the grave. So he has a little bit more adventures.
2. I’m not sure. That would be cool of course, but I don’t have so much strength unfortunately. And I am not able to focus on one project till it’s done, so. As I said many times before, other people free to come up with their ideas/concepts/designs as I didn’t invent the au, I only happen to draw a combination of two. Anybody is free to use that I described here, if it’s interesting or helpful enough.
(Of course it’s forbidden to use/edit/still/repost my drawings. I had some older sketches of the same things but they were worse.)
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thenukacolachallenge · 7 months
some fun facts about Luis and André Peña(his VA) Part Two: Electric Boogaloo
okay so i did one of these that was just from the Nick Apostolides streams(minus the Separate Ways DLC stream(s), THOUGH I DO WANNA WATCH THAT), but now i'm going through other videos of streams and finding out even more stuff that i wanna talk about lol sooooo... PART TWO BABEY
this all is from Twitch Streamer Peralt's charity stream for JDRF UK, in which André is a guest on! it's a fun watch, i recommend the whole video tbh, André gives out a lot of useful life and acting advice and the vibe is just lots of fun. but, these posts are primarily for stuff related to Luis, which is what i'll be cataloguing!
-André considers the role of Luis to be more than just voice acting, more of just full-on acting, since he also did his motion capture, which i find very interesting. i always love hearing the BTS processes of things i enjoy and that's such a cool fact. i'm sure most people know that he did mocap for Luis already, but I like that André doesn't consider his performance as Luis very different from a regular acting role. (timestamp)
-André took the more cheerful aspects of Luis from his own personality. He mentions that he's a relatively happy person himself, but that happiness comes from knowing darkness, and that was just something that he kind of naturally transferred over to Luis, considering Luis's backstory itself is so dark. One of the first things that drew me to Luis in this game was his goofy behavior in a terrifying situation, so i'm thankful for it! (timestamp)
-André also gives a lot of interesting BTS with pointing out the differences in acting mocap vs stage vs onscreen acting. it's not related to Luis per se outside of his relation to André, but it is SUPER fascinating, and you can tell André is really passionate about acting and it makes me appreciate his performance all the more. I can't wait to see him in new roles! (timestamp)
-When asked if there was anything from OG Luis that André took with him as character inspiration/canonicity/whatever else, he mentioned that he tried to take mostly the essence of Rino Romano's voice and mannerisms, and tried to emulate all of that without it being in "bad taste"(in reference to OG Luis being kind of gross toward women), and kind of added more quirkiness as more of his own spin on it. personally i think he did a great job; Luis is still very much a flirt, but he comes across as less of a creep and more just a harmless flirty goofball, which i think threads the needle really well for him as a character! (timestamp)
-(not related to Luis, but André is very adamant that the S in Leon S. Kennedy stands for Sancho, not Scott, which makes me giggle) (timestamp)
-André picked up smoking(again) for the role of Luis! it was also how he practiced Luis's lighter trick(which he clarifies is referred to as 'lighter juggling'); every time he'd have a cig, he made it so he had to do the tricks before he could light it. One of the tricks is called "the Infinity", where you flip the lighter through your fingers in a continuous motion, and there's one where you toss the lighter in the air, and close it as you catch it. He was a smoker growing up, he had stopped, he picked up the habit again for Luis, and then threw his cigs out the second he finished his final scene as Luis. He also clarifies NOT to smoke; he is able to start and stop smoking fairly easily, but that is not the case for most people. As a former smoker myself, i agree: if you dont already smoke, don't pick it up! don't pick up vaping either please!!! (timestamp)
-not related to Luis, but André talks a bit with Peralt(the streamer) about self-defense, martial arts, and alcohol. He tells a story about how he got jumped in a bar by a drunk guy and how his background in self-defense helped there, and talks about the effects of excess alcohol consumption. i keep repeating this, but the stream is a really good one, and i highly recommend watching it yourself! (timestamp)
-Someone asked what André thinks about the Luis and Leon shipping, and I really like his answer. He starts off by clarifying that everyone is allowed to have their headcanons, and there's nothing wrong with shipping in general, and to ship whatever you like. However, for André himself, he used the model of how he and his brother interact for how Luis interacts with Leon. He likes to goad his brother, who he describes as "a hothead" and "like Leon", and so he transferred a lot of that energy into Luis goading and teasing Leon. He played Luis as realizing that he and Leon are stuck together, and he knows Leon won't do anything to really harm Luis, so he put a lot of energy into basically razzing him like one would a sibling. He also finished by once again clarifying that people are allowed to do whatever they want in their own headcanon lol. (some people do get really upset about that stuff!) (timestamp)
-as a quick aside to the above conversation, André mentions that Luis cares SO MUCH about Ashley. When it comes to Leon, Luis is, in André's own words, "a dick to him". Ashley, to Luis, is "pure" - the one thing in the entire scenario that has no business being in this place. With Leon, Luis knows from his uptight demeanor, that he's been through hell before - this guy is stuck with him, in hell, for better or worse. But Ashley is innocent, dragged into this to be a pawn of Saddler's. So he's most concerned with Ashley's safety overall, and André tried to really push that concern and care in his performance. i think it really shows, especially in the scene after the cabin standoff, where Ashley coughs up blood and Luis immediately realizes that she's been infected, and he has to save her. (timestamp)
-During Luis' scene in the vanilla game with Ada(not Separate Ways scenes, although i think this scene is in the dlc too?), André confirms that Luis telling Ada "you should be telling me what a good job i did" is just him trying to make up an excuse of sorts for not having the Amber on him. Small detail, but one i like! (timestamp)
-André once more affirms that Luis is a cat person! He also specifically states, again, that he'd probably start off as not a pet person, but he'd probably get adopted by a stray cat, who he'd leave out food for but eventually let into his home, and that'd begin his love for cats. He also mentions that actors have to think about things like this, to flesh out their characters, which makes me wonder what other headcanons he has for Luis! (tbf tho, i've been wondering this since i watched André's unboxing of the Luis jacket he got commissioned for cosplay, and he mentioned that Luis loves spice) (timestamp)
-in the end, the stream raised a bit shy of 1k for the charity JDRF, which is super awesome!!!! i am several months late but congrats to Peralt's community for making that happen!!!
that was all i managed to find out about Luis specifically, but if i missed anything, feel free to add on in a comment! sometimes it's hard to hear with so many people talking and so much going on, but i'm enjoying learning about Luis outside of the game itself like this :D i'm planning on watching André's streams, the rest of Nick's streams, Nicole Tompkins'(Jill Valentine's VA) streams with André as a guest, and anymore i can find, so if i mind out more stuff about Luis from these vids, yall can expect more of these hahaha!
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
woah hey a year has been passed wowie :0
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First two weren't posted here cos they were too long ago & not CJish related but love the way he took up 70% of the year lol
[ Full images + templates below :} ]
[TW for Bright Colors, maybe blood & very very vague themes of depression/suicide for like 2 drawings I believe]
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Long text about the arts if anyones actually curious!!
January: An old OC I completely forgot about until making this. He's based on old radio like things :}
February: Played Person 5 Royal last year & drew Joker cos idk he's neat. Fun fact, the same day I fully finished the game was the day Storm & a Spring came out. Also while grinding in the game, I had his Bidding & VoaC covers on repeat. Which was a bit annoying to do since they weren't on Spotify yet & YT on mobile didn't have looping then.
March: The Hawaii Part ii album cover :} I did post that eventually but that's the time I actually made it. Had listened to TME a couple of months before then which got me into the album, so months later I drew it cos why not? [Also the month Vol.1 fully released on everything. What's funny is my gallery for that day was a handful of memes I saved at 4am before I fell asleep. And then the next image saved is when I woke up which was a screenshot of the whiteboard in TfaR lol]
April: First main Jash art !!! And its not even with any of the songs from Vol. 1 lol. I had his Moss cover on repeat again & now that all of Vol. 1 was out, I drew Heart in some moss. Or really in the image from the video.
May: Lil animation I made of Heart with the song Don't Hit the Lights! Link to my post & the song can be found here :}. Still really like the song & even the drawings. Might remake em eventually idk
June: Sky/socialc1imb's Clue AU! I like murder mysteries & this one was real interesting so I drew it a lot lol. Might remake that one or one of the others I made at somepoint? It'll be a bit later if I do but ye
July: A redraw of a HMS piece I originally made back in May, based on the Three Wise Monkeys thing. I like the idea of it so I keep wanting to remake it.
August: I honestly can't remember if I posted that art or not. Actually yea I don't think I ever did PFFT. It's one of the few drawings I did of myself this year & its from CJs Not Perfect cover [as you can tell by the lyrics on it]. Also one of the very very few vent-ish arts I made. I like the background more than anything but its still neat ig?
September: Art for one of the best songs ever. I love Fine, I'm Fine its so good & I listened to it for like 70% of the 20+ hours it took me to make the drawing. Still proud of it so there's the sketch I drew on paper, the one on my tablet & then the final versions.
October: There was a lot from this month due to Jashtober. I still like this one lot & it wasn't insanely rushed so I picked this one to show lol.
November: I have no idea why I made a fun lil soul. I was having an identity crisis over my art style & ig decided to draw the guy who is a walking identity crisis/j
December: Same as September. One of my favorite songs ever was covered & released, so I made a drawing like everyone else lol.
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tiggyfiretiger · 8 months
Soooo…. I have been inspired and I drew a thing! As you guys know, I love Barnaby and I’ve been obsessed with him for a while and even made a ask blog where you can ask him questions and I’d draw a picture, responding to the question as Barnaby! So, I was reading facts about him the other day and it said….
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I was wondering how or what Barnaby does to handle these types of situations where people want to die of old age, since he doesn’t have any time related powers. That’s when I realized: Barnaby needs a little assistant to help him murder his party guests!
So, I’d like to introduce you all to my first BBU OC, Bartholomew the bat!
(Psssst! If you turn him upside down and look at his face, ignore the ears, you’ll see a little Easter egg in the outline of the head! Could that be the outline of Barnaby’s head?!)
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I would’ve liked to choose a time related name for him, but Bartholomew was his WIP name and…. I think his name fits him quite well!
Now, Bartho here has Time magic. I had to come up with all of this from scratch, since the game isn’t out yet and no time related characters have been revealed, but basically, Bartho can manipulate time on himself and on others. He can make himself and others look and feel any age he wants, using his magic, he has technically found a way to make himself immortal by rewinding time on himself, as a result, he has lived countless lives, so his backstory can be anything you want! If you can think it, he’s probably lived it!
(This makes him kinda OP, i know, but I honestly can’t think of any drawbacks to this power, so if you have a suggestion, feel free to leave a comment!)
When Bartho went to go join Barnaby’s party, Bartho surprised Barnaby by saying that he wanted all the deaths that Barnaby could possibly think of. Barnaby questioned it of course, but when Bartho explained what he could do, I’d like to imagine that Barnaby probably had a heart attack out of joy! XD
Compared to Barnaby, Bartho is extremely tiny! About the size of a mouse! Barnaby can definitely eat him, if he wanted to!
I’d like to think that he is a clockmaker who loves clocks and watches and loves to fix them!
One of my favorite ideas I’ve come up for Bartho is that when he sleeps, he sways from side to side like a pendulum on a clock!
Concept art tiiime!
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These were Bartho’s concepts, and they’re not pretty. I was going to post these the other day, but after looking at them some more, I decided that I wasn’t happy with either of them, and needed to go back to the drawing board and make something that I’m actually happy with! And yes, Bartho did have a tail at one point, but I quickly scrapped that idea, created a inspirational board on Pinterest, and tried to get inspired. The things that inspired Bartho’s design is Steampunk, clocks, other bat OCs, actual bats, furries, Halloween, autumn, and Of course, Barnaby!
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I would have loved to have this somewhere on Bartho’s ghost design, but alas, I wanted it to be as easy to draw as Barnaby is, adding this would complicate things a lot. So I opted for a finished hourglass, signaling that his time alive is finished and that he has no need to keep track of time anymore. Because he can’t keep track of time in his ghost form, Bartho prefers to stay alive, but isn’t afraid of death, since he can just rewind time on himself. (Yay!!! My version of time magic is broken and OP! LOL!)
Before you guys ask, yes, you may make art of Bartho, just credit me as the creator of Bartho and show me if you do decide to draw them! I’d love to see! Oh! And tag it with #Bartho bat, that way I could find it easier!
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tricitymonsters · 11 months
This is mostly taken from my kickstarter update but I wanted to post it here for yall too.
Tri City Monsters has funded at 141% with the help of 273 backers!  The total raised was $7,064!!
Firstly, I want to say thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart for helping me make this game. For backers to trust and believe in the project to make pledges literally just makes my stupid little goblin heart swell. I had someone pledge over $300. I had an ARMY of $2 and $5 pledges that did so much heavy lifting together and everything in between. I had snipers down at the last second putting pledges in. It's insane!
Beyond pledges though, I want to specifically thank everyone who took time to play the game on itch, who wishlisted on steam, who talked about it on socials, who drew or made posts or wrote about it. Your effort to get the game seen was fucking HUGE. And it WORKED. TCM doesn't have a formal marketing budget- while I did save up and set aside some specific money this month for blaze posts and some other ad runs, the fact of the matter is that you guys did a ton of heavy lifting and I don't make the kind of money it would take to buy those numbers. (Not a lot of indies do, that's how much you guys pushed).
I want to cringe call out/ profusely thank @booket-png as the game's lead artist but also as a huge and wonderful help in all the design work that's constantly being done with this thing, @epoch-smog for tolerating me posting their drawings constantly, plus @coyoxxtl, @rainmonarch, @mineshaft-birdie, @gedankenmoon ALL of whom are a constant support team and also blorbo crucible who tell me to keep making Kazu taller and his tits bigger like a little pack of shoulder devils when I waffle.
Sometimes they say raising a kid takes a village and I'd like to add that making indie games takes a community.  So! Not to belabor the point but THANK YOU!
To business:
As mentioned in during the campaign, I will be using Pledgebox to help me organize orders and move ahead with logistics way later down the line when we get to that point.  To reiterate some important dates, here's what the immediate future is kinda going to look like:
I'm happy to report that I've already got a head start on some of the digital rewards
Backer surveys will go out towards the end of July at the earliest, I may push it back a little bit depending but I want to give Kickstarter the full 14 days to collect payments with some buffer.
These surveys will be where you can choose variants for what products you purchased.  So if you backed for a daki, you'll be able to choose your character at this point.
Digital rewards will begin filling in July as well.  I hope to have the discord space ready for you within a week or two (the tcm server is chill to hang out in anyway but a backer dedicated space will give you instant updates and banter with me as I'm working plus you'll be able to talk about love letter contents and pinups and stuff like that without a lot of worry about spoilers or anything.  I hope to see yall there soon!)
The wallpaper pack will be quick to follow this.
I would like to finish all the love letters before I begin releasing them, right now that's also looking to be a late July delivery, possibly early August delivery.  I've gotten a couple done already and they're very fun to work on, I think yall will enjoy them a lot! >:3c
Pinups will be on a longer time scale.  I have one of three artists confirmed (Atlas will be doing Mori's!) and we're going to go through their schedule to see what their timeframe looks like.   Regardless, you can expect updates on that as I make progress.
As far as the physical merch, remember that fulfillment is slated to begin Q1 2024.  The process to produce physical goods is long and I want to have plenty of time to carefully go over samples and get through packing and shipping. 
Also slated for Q1 is the prologue release!  The prologue will be one long introductory chapter featuring all three ROs and will segue into the route of your choosing.
And then, my goal is to update the game each subsequent month with a chapter update to one character's route, cycling through all of them in turn until we can wrap them up.
SO this is my plan for the latter half of 2023 now that the Kickstarter is over but I'm going to pull a Nintendo Direct because I have one final announcement to make.  
The Pledgebox will continue to sell TCM merch, including digital stretch goal access, for the next few months while I prepare all of this stuff.  
If there's something you missed, you'll be able to add it to pick it up through TCM's Preorder Page
Please be sure to contact me if you have any questions or need clarification regarding the Pledgebox page, you can find me on discord 99% of the time (i'm pockatuck) or message me here!
As always, transparency is a huge priority for me so please expect more updates as all of these tasks get underway!
in TOTAL gratitude,
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edupiii · 2 months
🦇The Cryptic Tales of Coppersfield Update!!💛
Now I’m not entirely sure how many people on here actually read my fic The Cryptic Tales of Coppersfield, but incase you do I just wanna give a small update!
I’m more than halfway through finishing Chapter 10 as well as beginning Chapter 11, however, I am in the middle of final exams and essays for my first year of uni so my attention is focused on that stuff. I checked the other day and realized I hadn’t posted a new chapter in a while so I just wanted to put out this PSA incase any readers were wondering what was happening.
I’m also finishing up the designs for Lizzy and Khan, and sketched out Alice and Beau (even though they aren’t gonna show up for a while, I wanted to draw them). I think I’ll be making a new design for Uzi and possibly Thad since they were the first ones I made and looking back I think I could do better on them. To thank you for your patience and understanding, here is the intro to the next chapter!!
(Uzi uses she/they pronouns interchangeably btw, just a heads up incase you get confused reading)
TW: mention of body horror
Chpt 10, Game Plan
It was getting closer, she was sure of it. They couldn’t hear it over the sound of her own laboured breathing and the crunching of fallen leaves underneath their heavy steps; but they knew it was coming. They had been running in the dead of night for…she wasn’t sure on the exact amount of time, but a long time would suffice for an answer.
She stopped in the middle of a clearing and spun around, feeling the distinct fear of recognition growing. She had already been here. They’d gone in some type of messed up circle. But how?
Without warning, the sound of whatever was chasing her had caught up. They could hear it’s own heavy breathing and it’s snarling grin as it approached the small, tired figure. She begrudgingly turned their form to face their enemy, feeling her gut twist as the moonlight glistened off its torn and broken flesh’s
The creature cocked its head while making some sickly attempt to laugh at its preys reaction. It looked like it could have at one point been human, but its length and height were far too unnatural of any persons. Where Uzi assumed its eyes would be was covered by greasy hair while its mouth hung open. It’s not that it was opening its mouth, it’s that it no longer had a bottom jaw to close its ever gapping gob.
Long, spindly arms helped it crawl its thin yet heavy body closer to Uzi, her feet trying to move but unable too. Finally this thing stood over the terrified teen, drool dripping from its hanging maw onto Uzis hair and face. Its head drew closer and closer, its features becoming more prominent with every passing second.
The filthy hair covering its eyes slanted as it smiled down at Uzi, allowing her to be able to see the creatures face. As they looked in horror, a tinge of confusion began to swell. What gazed back at them were not eye’s necessarily, but two sagging black sockets. In the middle of each empty hole was that strange three pronged symbol Uzi had seen so many times before. They were glowing yellow and shaking sporadically.
Uzi snapped out of their trance as the thing inched its putrid face ever so slightly to her own, causing them to try and retreat. But they couldn’t. She looked back up and gazed at the beast whose warm breath incapsulated their face.
“Wha-what the hell are you?” they asked in a shaking voice. “Some kin-kind of eldritch monster?”
The thing reared back slightly, almost like it was in shock. However, this feeling quickly faded away as it brought its face right back up to Uzis.
“It hurts our feelings you don’t remember us.”
Uzi tried to pull away once again while looking at the things mouth. “How can-can you talk!? Some psychic link! You don’t even-“
“Easier to assimilate then explain.”
A large claw seemed to almost emerge from the shadows, its skin black with webbing between the talons. It rose up quickly and came back down on Uzi who readied for their painful demise, when suddenly-
Uzi shot straight up from their sleeping position, her alarm clock blaring it’s awful symphony. The noise hurting her very being, Uzi wasted no time scrambling over and slamming a shaking fist on the old electronic. It finally shut up.
Leaning back slightly, Uzi began to notice how much they were shaking. Their breathing was incredibly heavy with her heart rate sending small tremors throughout her body. She also began to notice how sweaty they were (gross! i hate waking up sweaty)
However, like the past week of restless dreams, it’s memory quickly faded from her mind. They couldn’t recall any of it. At least…they’d like to not recall any of it, because the one thing that stuck in her head were the unnerving words that were spoken to them before they awoke.
Spoken in that god awful, familiar monotone voice that chirped in their head.
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clqveris · 6 months
stock dancing but it's all the fandoms i've ever been in
despite tumblr's accounts being called blogs, this is probably going to be the only "blog post" that I'll ever post. at least in the near future.
it's going to be a long one. disclaimer, it will contain some talk of things like fandom discourse, as well of mentions of Dead Dove topics, so scroll away if you need.
it will also be pretty personal, so I'm not adding all the tags for the fandoms and characters. this is mostly to those who know me.
I'll start at the beginning, in the best chronological order that I can remember. Not by order of appearance in the video, because I kept forgetting what came first when drawing the frames.
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My Little Pony (Rarity) and Warrior Cats (Firestar)
These were my very first "fandoms." Before I even went to school, I discovered MLP on the television. I then proceeded to draw those stupid little ponies on the desk and some plastic containers. Thankfully it was with pencil, and not on any important containers and whatnot. Very glad I'm not a brony now, and very glad there was a human version so I didn't have to make a pony awkwardly dance.
Warrior cats was a series I read for a long time. I don't remember when I dropped it, but I just ended up losing interest. It has been stretched out by a lot by now, I believe. Warrior cats was also the first fandom that I "participated" in, by using Amino. Somehow, miraculously, I got out unscathed. By that, I mean no "safe adults" or suspicious people approached me. Not that I would've fallen for it after listening to internet safety week. Firestar is at the end of the animation because, well, it's difficult to make a non-anthro cat dance the same way as people do.
It's funny, because these two are most associated with people becoming furries later on in life, and somehow I am the only one who doesn't take much of an interest in furries within my friend group.
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LittleBigPlanet (Sackboy) and Vocaloid (Miku)
LBP wasn't something that I was really "in a fandom" for, but I definitely really enjoyed playing it with my best friend and even made my own username based on it. I remember playing LBP, LBP2, and LBP3, and the disaster that was LBP3 because after finishing the story, none of it would load properly. Tons of surfaces and props would just be missing. Still, it's a nice game to look back on.
I will be honest, this is probably the first Miku I've drawn. Vocaloid has just been a thing in my life since discovering it back... I don't remember when, but the first music that went in playlists of music I liked to listen to was generally made with vocaloid or other voice synthesizers. Miku has always been there, somehow.
*not to be mistaken with AI voice generators, as people actually agree to provide their voice for the voice synthesizers
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Marvel (Winter Soldier), Pokemon (Misty), Yandere Simulator (stand in- Vera)
I never drew anything for Marvel, except for the above frame. My family watched it when I was younger, everyone watched it before it started falling off after the infinity stones thing got resolved. The only reason I put it here was because I definitely read fanfiction for it, and definitely thought there was something fruity about america and his best friend. I mean, you find yourself in the future and everyone you've ever known is dead except wait, your best friend isn't, but he's brainwashed and now you have to kill him, so you betray the government and all your new friends instead to try and reach him. Shame that kind of story was stuck in the mcu.
Pokemon was an interesting phase. I drew Pokemon in ms paint, but never any of the humans. I had (still have some) Pokemon plushes and watched the first Pokemon anime on Netflix when it was still on there. I also watched the one with Serena. This was also the fandom that I first discovered porn. And tentacles. So if you ask me why, it's because of Pokemon. It's rather funny, because once again, I seem to be the only one in the friend group who doesn't take an interest in Pokemon anymore.
Yandere Simulator was discovered in elementary school. Because it's been shown that the dev was found to be interacting inappropriately with minors, I have not drawn the protagonist of the game and instead used an OC of mine as a stand in. All you need to know about Vera is that he is not a good person. I used to draw for this fandom back in my Amino days, just a bit, but ended up dropping it because of more and more people pointing out his incompetency. Plus, the complaint that to do anything in game you would have to watch the videos on YouTube, thus making a blind playthrough impossible. As well as his "sex license" comment, which was more than enough to turn me away from that game.
That aside, YanSim was my first exposure to the "yandere" trope- the obsessive, possessive type characters. In the game, it was done in a very bland way, but I like the general idea of the trope. Its influence still drives me towards certain preferences of mine in other fandoms, but I'd rather attribute that to Araki, who apparently popularized the trope with Yukako. I guess this is probably where my interest in "bad things happening in fiction" started.
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Sketchbook), Don't Starve (Willow), Cookie Run (Roguefort Cookie)
Initially, DHMIS was going to be my second or third fandom on the list, but I realized that I got into it when I was old enough to have an email address, and not before. Hence, now it's down here. I ended up using that popular design of the human sketchbook to be recognizable. It was an interesting fandom, and also another from my Amino days. I don't know who came up with the idea of the sketchbook and the clock having a love-hate relationship, but looking back on it, they might've been cooking. I remember joining a discord server for it, having my phone get taken away, and then coming back and the server was about the grinch. I also remember that this was the first time I actually interacted with the community and talking to the others within the fandom, since the Amino community was pretty small. I look back at it and cringe, because there are so many things I did for attention. Instead of linking back to a person, I would put emojis around the link with sunglasses and pointing hands saying "This idea came from 😎 👉 this person." All that aside, this is probably where my interest in horror started.
The only reason I remembered that I was technically in the Don't Starve fandom was because I went looking in my folder of drawings and found some there. Then I remembered that yes, I had also read fanfiction for it. Mostly, though, it was a videogame that I played with my family. I ended up using the charcoal pencil brush here for Willow, instead of the pen, to mimic the artstyle just a bit.
Cookie Run is a fandom that I was in, and only get back in briefly whenever Roguefort is in an event. I also first discovered it due to an artist on tumblr who I followed for DHMIS. No idea where they are now because I can't remember the correct spelling of the username. Other than that, I just play the game, which I have been playing since before high school. Now I am out of high school. It was also the fandom that I believe was probably responsible for a good amount of my early art improvement, due to some art challenge where you drew every cookie. Overall, fond memories, but I'd rather not return to the fandom. Too much drama, too many people making big fusses over dumb shit. The Valentine's Day video being an especially dumb one, especially when you consider that maybe, putting in offensive stereotypes contributes to bad perceptions of real life people vs some ship between biscuits. I even remember asking, when I was younger, "Should I ship Pink Choco cookie with White Choco cookie or Hero cookie? I can't decide." Poor little me didn't know about multishipping, and the answer I got was that "Some people headcanon the Choco cookies as siblings, so it's safer to ship her with Hero." Well, now that I'm older, I have decided that I don't have the energy to act like fictional ships anywhere near the same level as real relationships and problems, and would probably ship both were I still interested in the fandom.
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Team Fortress 2 (Sniper), Doki Doki Literature Club (Monika), Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (Kakyoin)
Yes, I was in the TF2 fandom. I barely played the game but I usually played as Medic when I did. I also realize that as I type this out, this might have been the original old men thing. Or at least, some of the oldest. I drew them a lot, and I wrote a fic that I orphaned some years later out of shame. It had a werewolf in it for some reason, and was multiple chapters. Although each chapter was only about 1000 words, compared to my current long-term multichapter fic which easily have 2000+ a chapter. Well, aside from that, I don't know why I liked Sniper the most. He throws piss in bottle and I will say, piss is something I avoid if I can. It's in my muted words somewhere.
I never personally played DDLC. I did watch playthrough of it, and seeing people's reactions to some of the stuff was always enjoyable. Yes, Monika was my favorite, and still is. I can't say with certainty why she is, but maybe I just found her the most interesting out of all the characters. This fandom I remember drawing for because this is where one of my OCs originated from, although that character I am only really remembering as I type this out, despite repurposing her.
JJBA. I cannot say that I look back at my time here happily. This is probably where I first started learning about the current state of fandom (ie, Not Good) and getting a bit of personal experience with it. At the time, I did enjoy it. I enjoyed talking in a ship server (A) about it, and another general server (B) about it. It was great and all, until A started blowing up. Which wouldn't be a problem if it didn't have a blacklist of topics that anyone could add to. They're useful in smaller circles, yes, but in large public servers, most things are going to end up being blacklisted. I remember dresses and "positive talk about mothers" being blacklisted, and eventually I got too anxious that I would say something on the blacklist to speak at all. B was okay, and I even tried to get over my fear of talking to strangers in voice chat by joining one during a whiteboard or something similar where everyone draws on the same canvas. I later ended up deleting all 200+ of my messages there and leaving. Why? Because the members of the server did not know the concept of "block and move on." "Scroll away." "Ignore things that you don't like online." A popular artist in the fandom was brought up and the people started trashing on them because of their wedding, which was apparently themed with the favorite JoJo ship. (But honestly, if someone wanted to theme their wedding to a ship I would respect the hell out of them.) The reason I ended up leaving that server was because they started saying stuff like, "It's creepy and weird, because the characters are minors so there's probably something wrong with that person," and implying such things over a JoJo ship of all things. (And, it gets into the territory of the "violent videogames are the cause of vioence" argument. Do you think that because I particularly enjoy using shotguns in videogames because I find them satisfying means that I want to go out and shoot real people with a shotgun? The state of gun control in the US is awful, and if anything, I want less guns.) And, generally, judging things by how "weird" they are rather than whether it harms or helps people is too arbitrary of a measure. Unfortunately, this was far from the last time that I would see serious accusations made on the basis of dumb shit, and now I am doubtful of most callout posts.
Other than that, at least I know all the Jojo references people complain about seeing all the time. Although, now that I'm not into JoJo, I don't actually see that many jokes about it.
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Helltaker (Malina) and Weak Hero (Alex)
Malina gets two frames because she unluckily got the one that did not show her face. I can't say I remember much about the Helltaker community, but this was the community that I posted on Reddit to. Since then I have not used Reddit, but it was a good game and people seemed nice, at least from what I remember. Azazel was the one I drew the most, but Malina is a gamer girl, so I chose her for this.
I only remember Weak Hero because I saw that I drew a total of two images for this fandom. I discovered it on Webtoon, and joined a server which I have long since left, and that's all I can remember. Other than that, it was a webtoon with fighting and that's all I can say.
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Omori (Omori) and Genshin Impact (Xinyan)
Omori was the first rpgmaker game I actually drew things for, although most of these drawings consisted of Sweetheart. Although I do like Ib and The Witch's House and Corpse Party, I never really went into the fandom. There wasn't much else to it, but the plot of Omori was good and it led me to discover one of my favorite artists, who, unfortunately, has left the internet. I wish them well.
Xinyan is here because she was and still is one of my favorites from the game. I wish she got better treatment from the game, especially gameplay-wise. I haven't drawn much for this game, due to the level of detail on outfits, but I did still play it for two years and read fanfiction for it. Lately I've just been watching videos for the story quest, though. Uninstalling it gave me 50+ GB back of space on my computer. About the Genshin fandom... JoJo may have been my first real bad experience with how online communities are, but this was my first time seeing how widespread it was. Lots of baseless accusations, fighting over headcanons, telling people awful things because they dislike a character... Well, the post that says the best way to enjoy fandom is to enjoy it with a small circle becomes more and more correct.
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OC era (Left to Right- Aster @/sepialkali, Lucy @/hattiestgal, Alason @/moonlightguardianmoon, Zion @/sweet-pattycakes, Bisu/Sparrow @/monarch-orien, and Danaus)
For this one I realized that I had leftover blank frames at the end of the animation, and asked my friends for their ocs to fill in. This era lasted a very long time, and started because I discovered Tupperbox. Since then, my characters have become a lot less watered down as I drifted away from roleplay, and most of the things I do with them is just art now. Two of them are getting a sort of visual novel story thing made of them though, if that counts for anything.
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Nu:Carnival (Kuya), Stardew Valley (Elliott), Wildfrost (Tusk)
Despite playing this game for a sizeable amount of time, the most I've done for this fandom was read fics and draw an event character once. Somehow, despite the bland gameplay, I have made a habit of continuing to play the game. I used Kuya because he's the only character I consistently roll for.
I first played Stardew Valley a long time ago without mods, and then forgot about it for a few years. When I came back to it earlier this year, I thought it would be funny to install mods that makes characters into crazy yanderes. It was definitely entertaining, although most of them were pretty standard. I will give massive props to whoever made the Elliott one, because they added events and schedule changes and a lot more than just dialogue changes. Anyways, the reason this is here is because I decided, on a whim one day, to start writing a very long fic for Stardew. This was at the beginning of the year, and it is not even halfway through right now. Then I lost interest in the game while retaining an interest in writing the fic, somehow.
Wildfrost I picked up near the beginning of the year. It doesn't have much of a story, and there's little fanart because of that, but the character designs are pretty good. I still play it daily, and Tusk is still a good unit, because it's basically free damage.
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Honkai Star Rail (Peepaw Welt), The Greatest Estate Developer (Lloyd), The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (Ashley)
Honkai Star Rail remains on my computer, but I cannot find the energy to open and play it. Each new character becomes its own meta, and the gameplay loop isn't that enjoyable anymore. During the time that I did, however, I had my 50/50s ruined twice by Welt, which is why he is here. Otherwise I would've chosen Tingyun or Yanqing instead. Gameplay aside, I am lucky to have found a good community for this fandom through a ship server, as an almost complete mirror of the previous servers I was in for JoJo. They are what keeps me in the fandom.
TGED was a very short era that lasted for less than a month. During that time, however, I was afflicted by the demons, and drew and even wrote a decent amount (at least for my standards.) Funnily enough, what drove me away from it was the server I was in for it. This fandom is a very small one, and so the server had probably the majority of active fandom members that could speak English. What made me leave was the poor moderation and some immaturity from some members. Links to NSFW fanart was allowed in the same channel as SFW fanart, NSFW conversations wouldn't always be in the NSFW channel... Which, if it was an adults only server, would've been fine, but it is not, and I feel that this server is a genuine safety concern with the NSFW problem.
TCOAAL was a game I watched a playthrough of when it first came out, and then I saw the chaos that happened when it blew up with the release of the second chapter. I personally found it very entertaining, with the way people didn't have a problem with cannibalism and murder and cults until they found out there was an ending with incest, and suddenly the game was a bad game you shouldn't play. Although if you look at the Steam reviews most people don't care because, well, it's only a game. This game also served as a bit of a precursor. I find codependency in ships interesting, but I am only slightly interested in the game. I don't think about it that much, for some reason. Maybe that'll change when more chapters are released.
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The S-Classes That I Raised (Han Yoojin)
If you take a quick scroll through my account, you can probably tell that this is my current fandom. Funnily enough, the server that brought me into this was one I joined while trying to get out of TGED. I suppose it only worked because I read it on Webtoon awhile ago. This server is a lot better kept, although maybe it's because it's strictly an 18+ server. As well as that, it's a smaller community within the fandom, because the server's subject is inherently tied to one of the Big Dead Dove topics, so there's a lot less worrying about drama starting over that sort of stuff. To my mutuals, I will not talk about weird dead dove stuff that I'm into unless asked to, so don't worry about it. Some sort of codependency just makes me go crazy. Unfortunately, I was not able to fit him next to another image to make Tumblr make him smaller, and had to remove one of Malina's frames to fit the 30 image limit.
If any of my friends are reading all the way down to here, thanks! I'm very lucky to have you guys as friends, and I hope we can stay friends for a long time.
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sahmandbean · 1 year
Inherited Manor Challenge 2023 - a Sims 4 Gameplay and Build challenge for anyone who loves games like Homescapes and Lily's Garden
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TW: fire, murder
Lucky Montresim took his name a little too literally on a recent Batuu vacation and found himself in serious gambling debt. In an effort to pay off the debts quickly and avoid being taken by a bounty hunter, he decided to list the family manor. The housing market took a downturn and the house didn’t sell. Driven insane by the stress of looking over his shoulder every minute and now the failed sale of his home, he turned his rage towards his neighbors and invited them over for one last dinner party. Surely their antics had resulted in the property values tanking and left him in this mess! Poor quality Pufferfish Nigiri was only the first course of punishment for the failed home sale: his “friends” found themselves locked in various rooms, lit up by fireworks, electrocuted, and even the subject of voodoo. Lucky burned as much of the evidence as possible, but it seems he either left or was taken before the manor burned completely. Once the news hit the family, they drew straws and decided you were the one who had to deal with the mess. You’ve always been the black sheep of the family, so while you are pretty sure the draw was rigged, you’re not mad about this fresh start. You have $1000, the photos from the real estate listing, and a heck of a lot of ghosts to deal with.
Content order: Maps Gameplay Rooms Links I will make a separate post with FAQs because otherwise this will be entirely too long.
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If you have all of the required packs, I recommend using the save file for the full experience:
Cottage Living
Island Living
Get Together
Laundry Day
Get to Work
Discover University
Tiny Living
City Living
Cats and Dogs
If any of these packs are not in your game, it will affect the save file. There is also a gallery download available which has been adjusted accordingly; burned items have been removed, etc.
Start as a single Young Adult sim. Gender, lifespan, aging, neighborhood stories, season length, and weather effects can be set to whatever you want to play with. There is no time limit.
If playing with the save file:
Load the game from the Load Game menu, not Resume
Select the lot and move in a new household
Create or place your Sim in CAS
If playing with the gallery download:
Select the save file you want to play in, whether new or existing
Place the lot ‘Inherited manor 2023’ on a 64x64 lot. I used the mainland lot in Windenberg.
Once the lot is ready:
Create or locate your Sim
Use ‘freerealestate on’ to move onto the lot
Use ‘testingcheats on’ and ‘money 1000’ to set your starting funds.
The main objective is to restore the manor one room at a time by cleaning, fixing, and refurnishing each room to reach the target Simoleon amount. Some rooms contain ghosts, some are more damaged than others, some require specific items (read as at least, not at most), and all those things are listed below and available in the ‘Listing Photos’ your Sim has access to to help with the challenge. These listing photos are below with each room requirement.
The listing photos are merely suggestions: you can redecorate however you like, so long as the requirements are met! And once the challenge is complete of course you can do whatever you like with the lot.
Lot traits and challenges are allowed.
No selling landscaping or furniture from finished rooms to make a quick buck!
You can earn money any way in the game, but no cheats for money! Get a job, kidnap the neighbors, even marry Father Winter, but once the game has started you shouldn’t be opening the cheat bar for money anymore (aside from the ghosts).
Mods are permitted but if you want to keep the bragging rights of completing the challenge, please keep them in the spirit of the challenge: no hundred thousand dollar child support payments, living on multiple lots, etc.
Marriage, kids, etc are all allowed BUT spouses and kids must live on the lot with you until Young Adulthood.
When you reach the Living Room, you will also have to start a graveyard. This is the only time you’re allowed to sell some landscaping; if you need to rearrange or make space for the headstones.
When you finish a room with an urn, place it in the graveyard. You may either release the ghost and receive a gift from the afterlife ($1000 through the rosebud cheat) OR add the ghost to your family to put them to work. You may not simply leave the ghost wandering as you found it. The poor souls have been through enough: give them rest or a family.
If playing with the gallery download, you can add a ghost to your family by doing the following:
Open your cheat bar and type ‘testingcheats on’ and ‘cas.fulleditmode’
Shift-click your Sim and select “modify in CAS”
Use the “add Sim from gallery” option to add the ghost to the family
You can find all of the manor ghosts in the gallery under “[ghost name] IMC2023”. For example, when you complete the laundry room, you can add Eliza Pancakes by finding “Eliza Pancakes IMC2023” on the gallery. They have been calibrated to not affect household funds, but if that bugs out (I know, this game? Have issues?) either work it into your story or use ‘money xxxx’ to set your funds to what they were before adding the ghost.
You may revive and/or marry the ghosts, but not with cheats.
Bills will be about $16-18k/wk assuming you don’t have any lot or character traits to modify it (those are allowed). If the repo man takes anything from a room you have already finished, you must replace it before you continue.
If an item breaks in a room you have already completed, you must repair or replace it before continuing.
To check the value of the Room, go into build mode and select the Room. Some Rooms are made of multiple rooms: for example, the carriage house is three rooms on the main floor and one room on the second. Add all the individual rooms together to get the total for the Room by selecting each space, selecting “save room” (no need to actually save it of course), and adding the totals and checking them against the Target Amount listed below. This price will include walls and windows, so it’s less than you think. No need to grab top notch appliances for the Carriage House just to hit the goal!
Gallery players: because you do not have the smoke and fire damage, you must keep the ‘Filthy’ lot trait enabled until the last room is completed (assuming you have City Living). You can also enable and keep Gremlins if you want to replicate the ghostly chaos other players are experiencing, or add some ghosts of your own, or take the advantage.
Optional gameplay if this isn’t enough of a challenge:
Double the Simoleon requirement for each room. As it stands you pretty much just need to replace everything to reach the goal but if you want to be forced to decorate more, double the amount you need to hit before you can move on.
Enable all your lot challenges and remove one at a time at random as you complete rooms. You may choose to NOT remove the randomly selected lot trait (ie, keep Off the Grid if the bills are too much already) BUT you must complete another room before rolling again. One room, one roll, take it or leave it. Gallery players must keep ‘Filthy’ until the end.
Change the lot type to Haunted House.
Revive Paolo Rocca and Jade Rosa and return them to the Partihaus household.
In the end, I want you to enjoy this challenge. If it becomes too frustrating to play, take a deep breath, gift yourself a little cash, and keep redecorating and saving those ghosts!
Huge special thanks to my amazing playtesters: Alasmina daleksndemons Jellyfluff131 katie.dickman otherlaine
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1: Carriage House Target amount: $10,000 Ghost: none Must include: full kitchen, bath, and bedroom with dresser/wardrobe
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2: Entry Hall (three levels, but the second level doesn’t register as a separate room in build mode because reasons) Target amount: $25,000 Ghost: none Must include: one skill or activity item, one art piece $2,000+, two matching art pieces over the door (where the knights are)
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3: Living Room Target amount: $15,000 Ghost: Ulrike Faust Must include: seating for five, fireplace, one skill or activity item
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4: Laundry Room Target amount: $10,000 Ghost: Eliza Pancakes Must include: full bath and laundry. If no Laundry Day, plus one skill item
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5: Kitchen Target amount: $17,000 Ghost: Gunther Munch Must include: full kitchen, plus one skill or activity item
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6: Dining Room Target amount: $15,000 Ghost: Julia Wright Must include: seating for 8, fireplace, three pieces of art
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7: Game Room Target amount: $20,000 Ghost: none Must include: three games or activities, one skill item, seating for three aside from any game tables
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8: Library (two levels) Target amount: $23,000 Ghost: Reuben Vu Must include: desk, four bookshelves, fully stocked fish tank (or three fishbowls if you don’t have cats and dogs)
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9: Conservatory (two levels: includes small balconies) Target amount: $20,000 Ghost: none Must include: two planters, fountain, seating for five, chess table, eight plants
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10: Ballroom (two levels) Target amount: $46,000 Ghost: Paolo Rocca Must include: piano, guitar, bar, mic, seating for eight; dance floor and DJ booth or the Landlord Whisperer if you don’t have Get Together.
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11: Pink Bedroom Target amount: $13,000 Ghost: Bob Pancakes Must include: sleeping space for two, desk/table, dresser, two skill or activity items
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12: Blue Bedroom Target amount: $10,000 Ghost: none Must include: sleeping space for one, dresser, two skill or activity items
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13: Family Bath Target amount: $7,000 Ghost: Jade Rosa Must include: full bath, two sinks
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14: Main Bedroom Target amount: $30,000 Ghost: Penny Pizzazz Must include: full size bed, seating for two, full bath, two dressers, one skill or activity item
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15: Gym Target amount: $15,000 Ghost: Summer Holiday Must include: treadmill, weight machine, punching bag, stereo, large mirror 
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16: Orange Apartment Target amount: $20,000 Ghost: Rosemary Briscoe Must include: full kitchen, full bath, sleeping space for two sims, dresser, fireplace, seating for five, desk
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17: Green Apartment Target amount: $15,000 Ghost: none Must include: sleeping space for two, full kitchen and bath, dresser, desk, two pieces of art
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18: Yellow Apartment Target amount: $30,000 Ghost: none Must include: sleeping space for two, full bath, full kitchen, dining for four, bar, additional seating for two, one additional skill or activity item
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19: Back Deck, halls, and small bathroom Target amount: $30,000 Ghost: Johnny Zest Must include: half bath, grill, three planters, DJ booth or stereo, bar, seating for 12
To place the save file, use this link and download the file.
Go to Documents > Electronic Arts > Sims 4 > Saves. BEFORE SAVING MAKE SURE THE FILE NAME DOES NOT MATCH ANY EXISTING FILES. You can now load this save when you open your game just like any other saved game you have created. This is not available for console players and I am also very sad about it.
To download from the gallery:
Lot title: Inherited Manor 2023 Ghosts: [ghost name] IMC2023 Gallery ID: sahmandbean Gallery hashtag: IMC2023
This is a link to the FAQs post here on Tumblr
This is a link to the Reddit post
This is a link to a video guide to help you get started, if you're interested
This is a link to the official Inherited Manor Challenge Discord Server
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mushiewrites · 1 year
can I just be sappy for a moment about 2022? It was so shitty for a multitude of reasons but you guys made it better ):
firstly everyone that interacts with my posts, i love u and appreciate u so much ): if i didn’t have people interacting, i wouldn’t really have a reason to want to keep writing.
but there are some very cool and lovely people I want to fawn over and just say a few things about 🫠
thank u to:
@an-inkling-of for hyping up my writing and always encouraging me to be mean (hehehe 😈)
@elliot-tword for being one of the first people i remember being so kind and supportive when i first started out writing
@fluffy-fics for making LITERAL BEAUTIFUL ART FROM MY FICS / DRABBLES???????? still so honored tbh 🥺💕
@sleepy--anon + @azuregiggles + @starshinenova for providing the best hc’s i’ve ever seen and allowing me to run wild with them 👀
@amitlee for being my enemy, one of my favorite people to bully/be bullied by, and also one of the best people i’ve gotten to meet on this hell site 🔥
I have a million more people I could thank, so if you weren’t mentioned, just know I love u and appreciate you. I want to tag you all 🥺
I hope every has an incredible 2023, it’s gonna be great I can feel it ✨
(okay i’m putting the longer ones under here…..this is going to be SAPPY sappy - this is your warning)
@cayjno - my baby jworm ): i don’t even know what to write for you. i went from freaking out in the best way over your fics to getting to be so close with you and i am still confused as to how????? i have no idea why but i was so nervy to speak with you bc u were just so COOL to me and i was scawwed. i remember the night we had our first real conversation, i was just so hype that you were as cool as i thought, probably even more so. you are one of the most kindest and sweetest humans i’ve ever met. i am so so thankful to know you and get to be in your life. you make me feel so safe, you never ever throw judgement on me and i am so grateful for that. i don’t ever feel scared telling you things because i know you’re not going to look at me differently for it. you also don’t let me brain run with bad things - you normally tell me straight up how something is if i seem to be going a different direction than what actually is happening in situations where that might normally happen. you are just such a lovely support person. we are so comfortable with each other and i love doing stupid things with you. you are so extremely talented in so many ways (i will never have another wallpaper that isn’t a juno drawing ever again btw). u are absolutely adorable and i adore you and your art and your writing and just skdndjdndjsj i love you ): i can’t wait until we invent teleporting so i can hug you for a million years ): i love u so much mouse 💕
@covenofwives - I literally stayed hyperfixated on The Blame Game for m o n t h s. you are SO UNBELIEVABLY COOL. the first few times we spoke i was so hype because you were so kind! we’ve gotten to be such nice little fwens and i love that for us ): we have our own little bobbi duo! i love when we exchange art and wips, it makes me feel so nice that you allow me to see your creations before they’re finished. you are so insanely talented as well, i’m still so hype that you drew Big Challenges on the beach just enjoying his day. you and your feathers are the cutest things EVER, i can’t wait to keep our cute lil friendship growing! i love and appreciate u and ur kindness always 🥺💕
and last but definitely not least
@awkwardtickleetoo - my lil baby puppy knight. the other half of puppyduo. mr bones. i could list everything we’ve ever called each other here but it would need to be a whole new post tbh. i adore you. you already know this. i remember being nervy to speak to you too, but god am i glad we started bc here we are now, months later and clingy as heck. we are the cutest little besties and i wouldn’t trade our weird little freaky conversations for anything. thank you for always bouncing ideas around with me or reading things if i need to know if things sound okay. i love that we don’t gatekeep, and i love that we bully each other about the embarrassing things we share. i love that we’ve resorted to using mostly pet-names for each other, and i love the ones you give me (all of them are good but you know my favorites 🥺) i love that we don’t EVER judge each other and i don’t ever second guess it when i tell you things that fluster me. you’re always so kind (and mean) in the best way and you are just such a lovely person. you, just like everyone else on this list are so extremely talented. you know i binge your fics and fawn over the shit you say all the time. i am very clearly cal stan #1. i actually could keep going but this would end up being very long and repetitive, but it’s all true. love you, idiot. 💕
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waspsinyouryard · 1 year
So I got tagged in an ask game thing by @hotleafbeverage and felt like participating, but I'm making my own post because the reblog chain of the post I was tagged in is REALLY long and I don't think my answers are interesting enough to justify scrolling through a bunch of other responses just to read them, you know?
1. Name?
I don't really have a preferred name, actually. You can call me Tumblr User waspsinyouryard, or some nickname of your own choosing based off of it. I don't really care
2. Pronouns and gender?
I am agender. As for my pronouns?
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3. Sexuality?
I am aroace
4. Country?
I live in the United States of America
5. Top 5 fandoms?
I read through the Wings of Fire and (the first 4 arcs of) Warriors book series a bit ago and enjoyed them. Sometimes I still think about the occasional joke or point of discussion for them. I much more recently read through the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books and enjoyed them well enough, even if I have since lost interest at Mark of Athena in Heroes of Olympus. I also played through Rhythm Heaven Fever a bit ago and enjoyed it, as well as currently being in the process of finishing Rhythm Heaven DS.
I wouldn't really consider myself to be a part of The Fandom of any of these things, but I guess I have enjoyed them so I'm in the fandom by default?
6. What is your Most forbidden snack?
I feel like molten metal might be tasty
7. Would you pet a bug?
My hands are obviously too large to pet a bug-sized bug, but if any mad scientists are out taking their massive bugs on a walk then I just might.
8. Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class.
My oldest memory is being lowered on onto one of those diaper changing stations in a public bathroom by my mother. I don't remember anything before that. I don't remember anything after that for a good long while.
9. What does the color blue taste like?
I am not synesthetic enough to say anything more than the fact that sky blue probably tastes like yogurt.
10. What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?
Probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen is the landscape in and around Yellowstone National Park.
11. What is the stupidest thing you've ever done?
In 2016ish I became one of those obnoxious internet atheists. I burned bridges because I was so desperate to debunk religion. I devoted so much of my time, energy, and personality into fighting against religion that even now, SEVEN YEARS LATER, there's still a massive hole in my personality that used to be filled with my all-consuming desire to prove that there are no gods.
12. Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say?
Probably the stupidest person I've seen is Kevin from the Reddit Kevin Story. As for IRL, I honestly can't say. If someone does something idiotic, I'm just like "ok that was stupid of them" and then I don't think about it anymore.
13. Hyperfixation song?
I don't really know what this means so here's a small assortment of songs I've been varying degrees of obsessed with in no particular order (featuring YouTube links):
Are you Coming Home, Love MOM (World of Goo Soundtrack)
Best of Times (World of Goo Soundtrack)
Cog in the Machine (World of Goo Soundtrack)
Jelly (World of Goo Soundtrack)
Years of Work (World of Goo Soundtrack)
The City (Little Inferno Soundtrack)
And bliss everywhere bliss (Everywhere, an empty bliss)
Equinox eyes will stop (Everywhere, an empty bliss)
Loss of want back there (Everywhere, an empty bliss)
Basically the entirety of stages 4, 5, and 6 of Everywhere at the End of Time
Kick the Cart! (Noita OST Vol. 2)
Looting the Rainforest (Noita OST Vol. 3)
Old Magician's Last Wish (Noita OST Vol. 3)
14. Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username?
There's no real reason why I chose the url I did, but I drew the PFP I did to fit with it.
15. Dream career as a child?
When I was a very young child, I wanted to be a cop. lol
16. Dream career as an adult?
I don't really dream of any type of labor specifically to be honest. Maybe if making mediocre posts to social media sites was a well-paying job..?
17. Thoughts on cilantro?
I don't actually have any thoughts on cilantro whatsoever. I have eaten it before but I still can't tell you if it tastes like soap or not to me.
18. Have you ever been banned from any location and if so, why?
I have not been banned from anywhere thus far
19. What is your cursed food combination?
Once upon a time I made a corn chip sandwich that was just a bunch of corn chips between two slices of bread. There are better ways of eating corn chips.
20. Trans rights?
Hell yeah!
Now I want to hear from
@anyone who wants to participate. I'm not tagging people because I don't know who I would tag and am scared of intruding even if I did
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dont-call-me-algernon · 10 months
Ty @circeancity for the tag!!
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
The thing is, I don’t have a single wip folder, but a different wip folder for each fandom. Meaning I have something like 20wips at a time, in various states of abandonment… yeah. So I think I’m gonna stick to the ones I’ve edited/added to at least once in the last month, for this one!
1. dead ringers
A pre-canon first meeting one shot about the citrus killers from Bullet Train, written by me for me basically, given the almost non-existent fandom for this book. Unfortunately a case of “I have everything written and more or less edited EXCEPT the last few paragraphs, how do you even end a fic”.
[...] "It's a bit freaky from up close, isn't it?"
"I beg you pardon?" He scoffed, affecting annoyance for being suddenly addressed by a stranger.
"Too bad there can only be one," the other man said, a small grin beginning to form at the corner of his mouth. Tangerine almost expected him to laugh and exclaim something along the lines of ‘oh, I always wanted to say that!’. How cliché. "And that would be me. You can save your energies. If I could be killed, I would be already dead," but then he backtracked, "Then again, if you went down without a fight, it would be kind of a bummer. So try to put up a little resistance, yeah?"
2. fishbones
I recently made a mistake, and that mistake was getting into Funger (Fear & Hunger). Now everyone must put up with my rare pair shenanigans over there too. I’m prooobably gonna keep the title, unless I come up with anything better by the time I've finished writing it (very unlikely). Also – small warning for people chit-chatting during an impromptu autopsy, I guess??
[...] "Much obliged," the doctor said, offering him a thin smile that looked almost as out of place on his gaunt features as the rest of him, with his eccentric slacks and silken bow tied around his collar, did in a devastated village turned warzone. "Henryk, was it?"
"At your service," he replied mechanically and regretted it at once. He didn't want him to get any creative ideas about his willingness to help with his current task.
"Let me tell you, Henryk, you'd make for a terrible pickpocket," the other remarked as he drew another cut along the dead man's sternum.
3. bank time babyyy
Incredibly silly working title for an incredibly self-indulgent Death Note fic about “what if some of the corrupt yotsuba execs had lived long enough to be able to react to the events of the 2020 one shot (re: the new Kira using yotsuba bank for his plan)???”
[...] "Somehow, the board still believe it’s an elaborate publicity stunt."
"And you decided you’re going to let them," Mido concluded for him. "They must think we have the strangest concept of guerrilla marketing."
"Only until I'm able to fix this…" he seemed on the cusp of adding something – situation, debacle, utter trainwreck – before likely resolving that no Japanese word could do justice to the absurdity of their predicament. "I never thought I'd be grateful for the depth of human stupidity, but here we are," he gave way to another pause, marked by an almost solemn intake of breath preluding to what, from his perspective, must have been a pretty humiliating admission. "I'll need your help. And your spirits."
Besides @bespectacled-bookwyrm I’m… not really sure who else among my mutuals has any active wips, so I’m gonna tag them and anyone else who may want to do this little game, as usual.
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teaandgames · 5 months
Top And Bottom of 2023
2023, we hardly knew ye. Everyone says the years go by fast but this one barely shook my hand before running off. Maybe it’s because I’m thirty now. Maybe as the decades pass, the years get faster. In which case, by the time I’m eighty I should be able to do a decade of games in one post. Now that’s efficiency.
Anyway, this list only contains games I’ve actually played, so you can blame time and money for the lack of games like Baldur’s Gate 3 on this list. Instead, it’s going to be a little bit of a strange list, so bear with me. I’ll be doing top and bottom five, just to get straight to the point really, and alternating them, to try and drum up some suspense.
That leads me to…
Fifth Bottom - Dead Island 2
From a purely functional standpoint, Dead Island 2 doesn’t really do anything wrong. Hitting the zombies is fun, strapping batteries to machetes is fun, walking along beaches is fun. But at the end of the day, functional is all it is. The fun I had with it is not unique to Dead Island 2 and is done better in pretty much every other big zombie release. Dead Island 2 is just a zombie game, with no other thought or creativity poured into it. Doomed to slide out of your brain the moment it’s done.
I’d say to play Dying Light 2 instead but, to be honest, I didn’t have time to play that one either.
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Fifth Top - I’m On Observation Duty 6
This one is a bit of a cheat, as I’ve not actually played that much of number 6 itself. But I haven’t given the previous ones the props they deserve, so sod it, I’m doing it here. I’m on Observation Duty has a unique mechanic - a sort of horror spot-the-difference. You man security cameras, pointing out differences and looking out for intruders. It’s thoroughly unsettling, wonderfully engaging and yet so brutally simple.
It shows the value of a good idea that’s given a lot of room to breathe. You could probably make the case that 6 is little more than a rehash of the previous ones but I don’t care. Just give me more.
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Fourth Bottom - Rogue Cards
I feel a little bad about this one, not least because the developer sent me a classy email after the review went up. Still, this was a year that was saturated in roguelikes. I’ve lost count of the amount of cards I’ve thrown at bad guys. It’s like if Vegas was taken over by goblins. Rogue Cards drew the short straw, unfortunately, by being a below average roguelike in a saturated year.
Its runs all feel a bit repetitive, it doesn’t look that great and the good ideas it has are dragged down by the rest of it. My fondest hope is that it becomes a learning experience and those lessons can be fed into another bloody genre.
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Fourth Top - DREDGE
I only learned about DREDGE days before I reviewed it. I just liked the title. It turned out to be an absolutely wonderful game and one of the few titles this year that I played after I had finished reviewing it. It’s a lesson in how horror can build up at the pace of the player, as that first mutated fish you catch changes everything. There’s no going back after fishing a bloated, pus-filled mass out of your nets.
It also potentially shows that nearly anything can go together with a life simulator. Eldritch horror? Why not? I’ll be over here playing fish tetris when you need me.
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Third Bottom - Nimbus INFINITY
Part of why I started reviewing games was to dip my toes into genres I’d never experienced before. You never know when you might find something new and exciting. Probably won’t be the Mecha genre though, going by Nimbus INFINITY, which was a lesson in crashes, awkward writing and awful voice acting. My only real memory from the game is the mispronunciation of ‘biplanes’, which really isn’t a good thing.
The combat did have its moments but really just boiled down to locking on and mashing the fire button. Final boss fight was a pain in the arse too.
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Third Top - The Talos Principle 2
At one point in my life, I considered doing a philosophy degree. I’d quite enjoyed it in school. Decided against it though, which was a shame. It might have helped me appreciate what The Talos Principle 2 was banging on about. I joke - I did genuinely appreciate the philosophy in The Talos Principle 2. Its characters were deep and the central issue of growth vs. destruction gets more relevant by the day.
It also had some excellent laser puzzles, even if it can’t find many philosophical things to say about them.
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Second Bottom - Assassin’s Creed Mirage
Might be a controversial one this, but Ubisoft has ten times the resources of others on this list and they still churned out something that’s fundamentally shallow. Frustrating, given the interesting setting. Basim is a suitable face for it, being as deep as a Disney prince, who spends his every second of screen time talking about how he wants a better future. Too busy for a personality, bless him. Then all the side-content followed suit by being as shallow as a teaspoon.
It was a brave return to the original formula and I applaud that. Assassin’s Creed desperately needs to get rid of its bloat. Still, this feels more like a chicken bone thrown to fans of the original rather than any real attempt to rekindle the fire.
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Second Top - Blasphemous 2
A very valid criticism of Blasphemous 2 is that it’s little more than an extension of the original. My rebuttal is simple: I don’t care. If I had found a suitable replacement for Blasphemous in the meantime, it might have held water but I didn’t. Blasphemous’ world is idiosyncratic and I’ll take whatever I can get. It helps that Blasphemous 2 did a lot to make its gameplay a lot smoother and a lot less frustrating.
Granted, it did that by shaving down the ‘Vania’ part of Metroidvania. Maybe I’m just more of a Metroid Man?
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The Bottom! - Anthology of Fear
Horror is one of my favourite genres - certainly my favourite film genre. So I’m always inclined to be a bit more critical towards it. That certainly didn’t do Anthology of Fear any favours but you don’t need to be a critic to see its flaws. Brutally short with barely any interaction on our part, it fails to either engage or scare. You’d get much the same experience by browsing the new releases on itch.io and at least they would be free.
Looked nice though.
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The Top! - World of Horror
It’s rare to stumble across a game that could have been personally made for you. I’m a huge fan of Junji Ito-style body-horror and World of Horror serves that up in a unique style. It somehow preserves the unsettling, skin-crawling feeling that comes from reading body horror manga, which is no mean feat. I think it’s down to the stories contained within and the constant knowledge that death is never too far away.
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea and the graphics and general feel might turn some people off but I’ll be damned if it didn’t charm the hell out of me. Just as well, seeing as I’d been following it for about half a decade.
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So that’s the year - even I wasn’t expecting to put a horror game as the first place on both lists but, hey, it’s been a scary year. Here’s to 2024. I hope you have fun with your 2024 games. I’ll be busy saving my pennies for all the 2023 releases I missed. If you come back next year, I might even be able to tell you how Like a Dragon: Gaiden is.
For fun, here's a quick list of others that didn't quite make it to my top list:
Like a Dragon: Ishin - was a lot of fun, but the updated faces ruined the plot a bit.
Dave the Diver - the best game that I keep forgetting about.
Riftbound - mistakenly got a code for it this year but released last year, so wasn't viable. Wonderful tower defence game. What Plants vs. Zombies 2 should have been.
Astrea: Six Sided Oracles - The best roguelite I played this (last?) year. Maybe because it didn't use cards.
TEVI - an adorable metroidvania with great movement, if flat combat
Hope 2024 brings good things!
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blueberry-lemon · 6 months
What I Did In 2023
Ever since finishing school in 2017, I've always had a hard time feeling like I've "accomplished anything" in a given year. The months all blur together, and it's crazy how quickly I will forget something that happened or something I did.
To help myself with this, I wrote up a post last year of What I Did In 2022, which honestly felt good. So I figured I'd try again.
Sorry if you find these kinds of posts obnoxious. Hidden under the Read More just in case you do!
A few things I accomplished in 2023:
I wrote some stuff
I wrote Chapters 3 and 4 of Soul Symphony: Abandoned Encore. This is a sequel to a webcomic called Soul Symphony that I made and completed from 2010-2015. Olivia Myers, former music maestro and magical-girl adventurer, lives life as a depressed freelancer after quitting her teaching job. I think literally only like 2 or 3 people are even reading this, but good enough!
I wrote about JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out, when players have to work with different characters and resources in games.
I wrote a review of Bittersweet, an album by Jamie Paige.
My big piece of the year, which I chipped away at for months, reflected on nostalgia in culture and our personal lives.
I wrote about Cozy Games, which bizarrely was recognized in a Critical Distance weekly roundup.
I wrote about my fear for the direction of art and social media, a review of the writing in Sea of Stars, and other Cohost/Tumblr posts, which you can find in the #blogofkylelab tag.
As usual, I've continued my work as a Writer working on Rhythm Doctor, detailed below.
Art and Game Dev
Another sad year of barely 👏 drawing 👏 anything 👏 which is a huge bummer but I'm coming to terms with it.
Don't have anything finished to show for it, but doing a lot of messing-around in Twine and RPGMaker, which has been good for practice at least.
I funded the guest art and music for an upcoming card game, Isle of Swaps. I commissioned around a dozen artists, who I think drew around 50 total cards. Getting paid work as an artist is getting rough out there, so I wanted to help freelance artists the best I could.
Still working on Rhythm Doctor and A Dance of Fire and Ice at 7th Beat Games
We released Act 5 of Rhythm Doctor, which was our huge undertaking of the year! I co-wrote this with fizzd, and for the first time we were working with a completely blank slate with no levels made beforehand. I was recently looking through my Google Docs and was reminded how many different drafts and outlines I had come up with for this Act, some of which were long before the "athlete" story was even decided upon at all. I eventually helped come up with the character of Lucky (designed by our pixel artist Winston), and we got it all built out from there. I had a part in almost every sentence you see in the Act, I believe. I think I did an okay job, and players seem to really like the story and characters of Act 5, so that's a big relief.
Other Stuff
I've been running IndieGamesOfCohost for more than a full year now! I hope people have been enjoying this. It's been really tough to make the spare time for it, especially getting multiple developer interviews up per month, but I'm gonna keep pushing forward. Maybe "one interview a month" is a better goal to aim for. It's hard to tell how much people enjoy the efforts, but people do keep Liking and Sharing and Following so hopefully that means I'm doing something good with my spare time lol.
My partner and I moved! Aside from Act 5 of Rhythm Doctor this was probably the biggest thing. It was my first time apartment-hunting, as well as finding and paying for a moving truck and buying big furniture, getting renters insurance and all sorts of annoying stuff. In past apartments, I was lucky enough to be invited in as a roommate after the place was already set up. I also helped my parents pack up to move from the house they lived in for 28 years. Lots of moving. Hopefully no moving in 2024.
I hope your 2023 was bearable! Take pride in the little things you were able to get done. Let's all push through 2024 together.
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mtk2 · 1 year
Because I don't post anything interesting here, I made another drawing of another one. Here is The Dark Lord for ya.
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I tried to make the uh... blade hand thingys different from the last time I did it. I don't like it though.
Now that I think about it, a lot of my drawings seem more like redraws when I wasn't even thinking of that. The poses and stuff look similar to how I drew the other stickfigures as well (though those were posted as a sort of ava/m crossover thing with a game. Long story. Look at my past drawings. Like.... far back. They were first drawn here for a sort of crossover fanart thing. idk what to call it.)
I am.... not original when it comes to drawing. And then drawing again because like I said, the poses look similar to how I drew them the first time.
Sorry. Can't lie. I still suck at this. XD
(excuse my bad ramble here of sorts)
When I finish drawing all the stickfigures (not counting those new ones in the new Animator vs Animation episode, if ya know what I mean), those will be the last time I post something interesting and with tags. I'll still probably draw, but it won't be tagged. (Though anything that's with the original stickfigures I may or may not draw in the future will be the only things tagged. Anything else won't)
It'll just be more ocs and me wanting to work on some kind of blog with those. Well. No one wants to see a stickfigure oc blog thingy XD. But I would like to try it. Ive seen blogs. Though Iguess those are justwith the original stickfigures and their own AUs. Or whatever its called (i wouldn't be smart enough to make my own au and use the original stickfigures. So yeah)
Ah. I'm rambling.
Before this gets more uninteresting (unless you were before seeing this), um... Idk. enjoy this. I guess. Cuz I don't. (No matter how many times someone says I shouldn't be hard on my art and to be nice to it, it eh... Idk if that'll happen).
Art block just sucks. I wish I was more original. Like... I can at least try to do some kind of art style besides just stick figures..... Idk. (I know I say 'idk' alot. Sorry)
Here. Tags. Uh.... wooo. Even though Idk which other tags to put. So I'm stuck putting two. fricking. tags.
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everythingfromdust · 1 year
What Homestuck is About
I don’t remember writing this, I never finished writing this, and I just found it in my drafts. If you asked me today to come up with what homestuck is about I would not be able to go into this level of detail at all. here you go.
the post;
As told by someone who hasn’t read Homestuck.
Before I begin, lets go over my Homestuck experience. At some point in like 2010 probably people got obsessed with zodiac symbols for some reason, and also candy corn horns. I saw them around and they did not affect me in any way. A few years ago I was commissioned to draw Homestuck fanart, I was linked a video of nonsense about some dude who controlled planets with his veins maybe. This was for inspiration for the drawing. I drew fanart, they liked it. After that happened I found out that I had been drawing other Homestuck fanart by commission, about a green planet or something, this was a surprise to me. I found this strange, told my friend who liked Homestuck and he told me to read it. I read the first few pages and got bored, I am sorry to your fandom, it just wasn’t my thing. What was my thing, was reading random-ass theories about Homestuck and looking at fanart as it came on my dashboard.
Now, with that in mind, here is what Homestuck is about...
Homestuck is a webcomic about 4 teenagers, Dave, Rose, Karkat (Online handle?) and Egbert. Egbert and Rose are the same age, they are friends by convenience but don’t have a lot in common. Dave is Egbert’s cool older brother who is also an asshole sometimes but only to hide his fragile ego. Karkat is a loner type who is sarcastic. Rose has a crush on Karkat but they have never met in person. Rose is also very sarcastic, but hers is more mean spirited while Karkat is just defensive with a kind heart. 
Karkat is way more into videogames than the rest of them, and ends up being the ‘leader’ of the group, ironically as most of her motivation is to be alone. However, Rose likes her, so she follows Karkat’s lead with regards to what games they play online, Egbert follows Rose because he doesn’t have other friends, Dave has to keep an eye on his little brother so follows them on their adventures reluctantly (but slowly learns to be part of the group). The first story arc establishes the characters and the world. The viewer interacts with these characters through the occasional videogame interface but mostly a webcomic format. The characters are very meta and self aware which is funny without getting into too much action before...
Suprise plot twist Karkat realizes they have been playing a game copy of their own lives within a webcomic/web-game thing. We find out later that she suspected this all along and only wanted to be alone because she thought everyone else was a simulation. 
Almost immediately Dave thinks that this plot twist is stupid, and the meta commentary on Homestuck itself reaches new sarcastic heights. The fandom takes this idea and runs with it, causing many fans to insist that Homestuck sucks. 
When they break into ‘reality’ Karkat is shocked to find that the other three have come as well. Thus begins her overarching subplot of learning to trust others and believing she can fall in love with Rose. Karkat and Rose question still if this reality is really the real one. Spoiler: It isn’t. While they try to discover the why and how of their situation Egbert is busy altering the code of the game to give himself insane powers and become ‘god tier.’ Dave is doing stuff to, but I think it’s mostly just fucking off and making jokes. 
There are monsters called trolls with candy-corn-horns at some point, but I’m lead to believe that they aren’t actually a big part of the story even though they are widely loved by fans. They probably happen early on in the story which is why they are fairly iconic for the series. The trolls are sentient too, each represents a sign of the zodiac, and each main character has a troll that is ‘them’ in an alternate game reality. So there are 4 trolls that represent the main characters, and this is symbolic somehow especially when you think about the 8 trolls who have no ‘main character’ components. 
Insane Clown Posse is involved somehow but I don’t understand if they are plot relevant or just a joke that the comic creator likes to fall back on. 
So anyway, eventually all the characters go god tier, they have to figure out their own personal way to get there and I bet it is really plot heavy and long. They can control the base code of the game, and they all start fighting with one another. 
The plot gets really huge in scope, as they find that their simulated reality 
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