#they want to marry Jason for his cooking skills trust me
fandom-drake · 1 month
Roy posting on his mostly dead social media: Some of us were playing fuck marry kill and now everyone is arguing over who gets to marry Jaybird. Rayner insists not redheads should get priority lol.
A very confused Dick who's been trying to invite Jason to movie nights for months: Roy Harper call me right now or so help me-
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The Crown Found in Rose Thorns (Part 2) - fic
Characters: Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, Timothy Drake, bits of Steph, Jason and Dick Summary: Jonathan and Damian go on their first date. A/N: I just think about royal princes jon and damian a lot, mmkay. also, those flowers don’t ever wilt, Damian will find out. maybe it’ll be important later, if I remember that detail.
There was a giddy energy around the castle this morning. He felt it as he walked through the halls. The servants were all chattering amongst themselves, smiling in his direction whenever he passed by.
The prince has a date! They were all saying. The prince has chosen a suitor!
Damian could only roll his eyes. Hardly.
He found his hand had drifted to the hilt of the sword on his hip as he entered the courtyard. Perhaps he could challenge that infuriating Jonathan to a duel? It was only appropriate – he tried to mock Damian in front of his court.
But he ended up shaking his head. Knowing what little he did of this prince of Krypton, the simpleton might enjoy that.
As he neared the gates, he felt himself give an involuntary sigh. It must have been loud, as the one waiting there turned and grinned.
Almost as annoying as Jonathan of Krypton – his brother, Timothy.
“Don’t tell me you’re my chaperone for this…event.” Damian called.
Timothy kept his smirk. “Well, since you sound so enthused by the prospect, I can ask to be.”
“Don’t.” Damian scolded as he reached him. “I don’t need protection. Especially against the knight.”
“While I don’t doubt your skills, we don’t know that.” Timothy reminded. “He could be working for Ra’s.”
“He claimed to be the child of Father’s ally. Or did Richard not tell you that?” Damian hummed, staring out into the bustling streets. A small child waved towards them. He smiled and waved back. “Or do you just not believe him?”
“You do?” Timothy raised an eyebrow. “Prince Damian of Gotham, believing people at their word? Surely Father has taught you better than that.”
Damian felt heat in his face. “Of course I don’t. But I also know he doesn’t fit Grandfather’s brand of agent. He’d use someone we wouldn’t expect. A fortune teller or shop keep. An old cook or cleaning woman. A young, strong-looking knight who draws so much attention? Seems…implausible.”
“Strong-looking, hm? And here, Richard told me you only agreed to meet with him today as a barbaric game.” Timothy questioned mischievously. Damian pursed his lips and punched Timothy’s arm. “Ow! Hey!”
“Frankly I trust Sir Jonathan to not be an agent more than I trust the likes of…of Cassandra’s suitor.” Damian mumbled. “Why don’t you spend more time investigating that bard woman? How can you be so sure she’s not an agent? That’s exactly the type of person Grandfather would use. No direct ties to me, and could harm someone else in our family in the process. Exactly what Ra’s al Ghul would want.”
“Stephanie has been vetted. She was vetted long before she and Cassandra were romantically involved.” Timothy explained. He laughed then. “Speaking of her – back to your original question. No, I am not your chaperone today. I’m here waiting for Stephanie.”
“Why?” Damian demanded. “Does Cassandra know?”
“Yes, she does. She’ll be joining us.” Timothy nodded. “Stephanie is a bard, like you said. So she hears the stories. She knows things.” He looked towards Damian. “We’re hoping she knows things about the Kingdom of Krypton and a certain prince.”
Damian crossed his arms. “So…who is my chaperone, then? Surely there is one.”
“Not directly. You and Jonathan will still be alone in general. He’ll just follow in the distance.” Timothy shrugged. “And it’s Jason, I believe.”
Jason, the raunchy brother. He had almost as little manners as Jonathan himself. Always yelling and cussing. No filter, no politeness. A rough man who drank too much.
He’d almost prefer Timothy.
“And I believe Richard will be joining him later in the day, or switching. But I cannot remember.” Timothy suddenly stepped forward. Damian looked into the crowd and saw a blonde woman in a purple travelling cloak gliding towards them. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
The woman came forward, and bowed when she was close enough. Damian gave her a head nod in return as Timothy turned to guide her into the courtyard. They were halfway to the castle when Timothy turned back.
“And Damian, don’t forget!” He called. “If Sir Jonathan does anything untoward,” He pulled his own blade out of its sheath halfway. “You stab to kill.”
Stephanie laughed. Damian grinned in response, and turned towards the town, making his way towards the forest.
He caught sight of Jason a few times on his walk. Riding his gray horse lazily fifty or so yards away. The one time, Jason saw him watching, and gave him a cheeky wink.
Damian had scowled and tried to walk faster, almost hoping to get lost in the crowd. Just because he had to have a chaperone, didn’t mean he couldn’t make the job worth their while.
As he entered the clearing on the edge of the forest – the agreed meeting place – he slowed. Jonathan was already there.
He wasn’t in his armor today, but rather a simple tunic and pants, similar to Damian’s own outfit, just minus the tied vest. He was sitting on a fallen log, fiddling with the flowers popping up around his boots.
Damian did not see a weapon on him.
Along with the change of outfit, his demeanor seemed different from the day before as well. His face was no longer sharp confidence and sunny mischievousness. Now, his eyes were half-lidded as he relaxed, face thoughtful as his head tilted and he examined the flowers.
Damian ignored the sudden feeling in his chest. Because it wasn’t annoyance or haughtiness or even suspiciousness like he expected.
Without warning, a bird swooped down from overhead, cawing as it brushed along Damian’s hair. The noise made Jonathan look up, and once he recognized Damian, he smiled.
“…She sure seems to like you.” Jonathan laughed as he stood. “Hello, Your Highness.”
“Hello.” Damian mumbled, holding his arm out. The bird fluttered down to land on his elbow. “Waiting long?”
“No, not long.” Jonathan scratched awkwardly at his hair. “…I tend to arrive places early when I’m nervous.”
Damian snorted. “You? Nervous? Your showing yesterday implied you didn’t know the meaning of the word.”
Jonathan let out a gentle laugh. “Well…I had to get your attention somehow.” When Damian glanced up at him, he found himself unable to hold the gaze, so looked to the bird. “Is she yours?”
“No, she’s wild.” Damian assured, even as he pet gently at the bird’s head. “I…spend a lot of time out here. Feed them on occasion.” He looked towards the bird and smiled. “She must remember me.”
“Well, you are hard to forget.” Jonathan mumbled. Damian had a feeling he wasn’t supposed to hear it, so didn’t push the issue…yet. Instead, he let Jonathan admire the bird for a moment, then shook his elbow and pushed the bird back into the sky. She flew off with another caw. “…Lead the way?”
Damian nodded and moved down the path. Jonathan stayed behind him for a few moments, before jogging to catch up.
“I…um.” He let out a small cough. “I don’t mean to alarm you.”
Damian glanced at him.
“There’s a man on a horse following us.” Jonathan whispered. “…Would you like me to deal with him?”
Damian stopped walking and turned. In the expanse of trees, he could see the shadow of Jason, chaperoning as promised.
Damian smirked.
“I should.” He called loudly. “I should absolutely let you dispatch of our stalker.” He heard Jason’s horse snort as Jason turned her away.
Jonathan glanced between him and the trees. “I…think I am missing something.”
Damian laughed. “My family is overprotective.” He explained. “With this…situation with my grandfather, they are chaperoning my every movement, including with potential suitors. That’s merely my brother, Jason.”
Jonathan hummed. “I’d heard about that.” He sighed. “I’m…sorry.”
Damian shrugged. “My grandfather has always been ruthless. Apparently tried to kill my father when he and mother agreed to marry. Why anyone is surprised he’s come after me is beyond me.”
Jonathan didn’t respond. They walked in silence for a few moments. Damian’s bird friend let out another cry as she flew above them once more.
“That was why you came, though, isn’t it? For all that glory?” Damian asked. “You know, to be the one to succeed in protecting the youngest prince of Gotham?”
“No.” Jonathan said simply. “I came for you.” When Damian looked at him, he was uncupping his hands, revealing a small flower. He twisted the stem into his fingers and held it out. “Just for you.”
Damian stared between the flower and Jon’s face, then back again.
“…You weren’t holding that before.” Damian whispered. He looked up again. “I know you weren’t.”
“No, I wasn’t.” Jonathan smiled and held the flower out. Damian took it without thinking, cataloguing that the mischievousness was back in Jonathan’s brilliant purple eyes.
“I will admit, though, that hearing about your mother’s call for a suitor did spur my action.” Jonathan admitted wistfully. “Gave me a reason to return to Gotham and try my luck.”
“You’ve been here before?”
“Many times. My family travelled often when I was younger. We were in and out of kingdoms all the time.” Jonathan chuckled. “How my father met and befriended your father, I still don’t know. It’s a story he won’t tell.”
“Old men love their secrets.” Damian agreed. He stared down at the flower as they walked, stroked at its pink petals.
Those feelings Damian expected, the pride and suspicion, they weren’t manifesting. In fact, he was finding that it was…surprisingly nice, walking with Sir Jonathan. It didn’t feel awkward or forced. Their conversation was flowing naturally. There was no hint of the bordering animosity from yesterday, or the challenge. And, loathe as he was to admit it, even just to himself, he was easy on the eyes.
He still couldn’t trust him, though. Couldn’t stop assuming there was going to be another shoe to drop. A catch to this seemingly simple situation.
“So…” Damian sighed after a few minutes of silence. “I am to believe you are sincere, then?”
“You aren’t here for the glory of protecting the prince?” Damian repeated, putting the flower behind his ear so he could clasp his hands behind his back. Jonathan shook his head. “Or for the riches that come with joining a highly respected royal family?” Jonathan smirked and shook his head. “You are here for love and all it entails, truly?”
“Yes.” Jonathan said easily. “At least I hope so.” He looked up into the sky, watching the clouds between the reaching tree branches. “I believe love could happen, but I also know that’s no guarantee. I mean,” Another laugh, this one nervous. “I know you’re not happy with me so far, but I will admit I am fond of you already. But I know that could change.”
He gave out a dreamy sigh.
“I could end up hating you.” He mumbled. “Or I could end up so deeply in love with you I don’t know what I’d do.”
Damian stared at him, specifically at his sparkling purple eyes. “…The former is more likely.”
Jonathan blinked and the sparkle disappeared from his eye as he looked back at Damian. He gave another smile, but it was sadder. “Surely you think better of yourself than that, Your Highness.”
Damian shrugged. “It…has happened before. An occurrence I’m used to. Friends, family…look at my grandfather, after all. Why do you think my mother feels the need to beg for someone to love me?”
“Well then, I will just have to hope to fall even deeper in love with you myself, then. Show them all what they are missing.” Jonathan decided.
But the answer made Damian stop. Jonathan took a few steps further before stopping and turning back himself. Damian watched as he glanced over Damian’s shoulder, no doubt at Jason’s lurking form. “Why?”
Jonathan looked back. “Why what?”
“Why are you so keen?” Damian demanded. “You know nothing about me.”
Jonathan blinked, and that shine in his eye was back. “Of course I do.” Jonathan said simply. “I know a lot about you.”
“How?” Damian asked. “Your father?”
“No. By our own interactions.” Jonathan shook his head. “You don’t remember, and that’s fine. It’s not important, really. Maybe one day you will.”
“When did we interact?” Damian snapped. “When did we meet?”
“As children.” Now Jonathan frowned, glanced at the ground. “But if you don’t mind, I don’t wish to talk about that now. That’s not what today is about.”
Damian crossed his arms. “What is today about then, if not to get to know each other?”
“Get to know each other, yes!” Jonathan agreed. “But as we are now, not as we were.” He took a step towards Damian. “Maybe another day, when you trust me more?”
He almost sounded like he was pleading, and Damian couldn’t help but narrow his eyes. “Who says I ever will?”
Jonathan laughed again, bowing his head in admittance.
“Like I said, who knows how this will turn out. I’m hopeful, but have been wrong before.” He smiled. “But that is neither here nor there, and I won’t bring it up again. The future doesn’t matter, only today does. So let’s get back to it, shall we?”
Damian pursed his lips in thought, vaguely sensed the flower tucked behind his ear.
“Fine. Let’s.” Damian nodded, stepping off. Jonathan’s face lit up as Damian returned to his side and they continued their quiet stroll through the woods.
Jonathan kept his promise, he kept his romantics to himself the rest of the day. Instead, they talked about typical things. Not love and coups and kingdoms, but food, books, battles. Jonathan, it turned out, enjoyed cooking. He spent much of his time in Krypton attempting to recreate the recipes he was taught when they travelled to share with his court. He also loved competing, and learning a skill when it bested him.
Damian asked about the bloody armor he had from the day before. Jonathan admitted is was from an attack on Krypton right after his father had retaken the throne. He didn’t like war, or the constant fighting around the lands, but recognized the need to take part when he had to, especially when it came to protecting the innocent.
Jonathan asked about his own skills, especially by being the son of the notorious Talia al Ghul. Damian explained that was what was so silly about this suitor business – he could protect himself. Always has been able to. Just like his siblings.
He then talked about his family. How his siblings were all adopted, but it’s not like you could tell, since they all looked so alike anyway. Richard was adopted by his father, Jason by his mother, and Timothy and Cassandra after the two were married. Damian had been an accident.
Their rendezvous was supposed to finish by midday, but they were so distracted by their winding conversation that they did another two laps around the forest path, before making their way back into town in the late afternoon. Absently, Damian noticed when Richard joined Jason, but otherwise continued to ignore them.
He could also see the townsfolk all whispering already. Gleefully talking about how handsome Jonathan was, how close the two were walking. He even heard a few talk about how warm his own smile was, and how relaxed he looked.
He ignored them too.
As the sun went down over the hills in the west, he found them nearing one of the castle’s gates and decided to end their meet for the day.
“Shall we see each other again?” Jonathan asked after Damian said so. “Have I proven myself to be worth even a second of your time?”
Damian let himself have a small smile as he crossed the gate threshold and turned back. “I suppose we can. How long are you staying in town?”
Jonathan shrugged. “As long as I need. Unless I get a letter from Krypton or something, I have nothing urgent to return to presently.”
“Alright. Where are you staying, then?”
“The tavern a few streets away.”
“Okay.” Damian smirked. While the day had been pleasant, and Jonathan an interesting companion, that didn’t mean he wasn’t still going to have his fun. “I’ll come find you when I wish to see you again.”
Jonathan gaped for a moment. “And when might that be?!”
Damian just kept his grin. “Whenever I feel like it. So, if you’re actually serious about this. I suppose…well, don’t leave town.”
Jonathan stared for a moment more, then let out a bark of a laugh. “You’re cruel, Your Highness.”
“So I’ve been told.” Damian agreed cheekily. He turned to walk away, but:
He hesitated and glanced over his shoulder. Jonathan was still there, looking down at his hands as he clasped them together.
“I…would like to apologize, for yesterday.” Jonathan muttered. “I didn’t mean to potentially embarrass you in front of your court. I only wanted to get your attention, by any means necessary, which was selfish of me.” He bowed his head. “That…is not me. Not really. Today, though, that was me. I promise.”
“No, it wasn’t.” Damian countered. Jonathan looked up, confused. “You never explained how you made the flower, how you know me, or why your eyes sparkle – and yes, I noticed that. You’re still hiding something of yourself.”
Jonathan lowered his head once more.
“But we all have secrets, I suppose. Masks we wear on occasion.” Damian relaxed his shoulders, and touched at the flower still behind his ear, still as fresh as the moment Jonathan gave it to him that morning. “So…all is forgiven, Sir Jonathan.”
Jonathan perked at his words. After a moment of silence, he stepped forward again.
“Damian?” He asked softly. Damian hummed in response. Without warning, Jonathan took hold of Damian’s hand and leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. He lingered there for a moment, breath brushing Damian’s skin as he whispered, “Thank you for a lovely day.”
As quickly as he approached, he retreated, backing up until he was almost in the street.
“Until next time, Your Highness!” He called as he raised his hand. And in a flash, he was instantly lost to the evening crowd.
Damian was left blinking owlishly at the gate threshold. As he heard Richard and Jason approach on their horses behind him, obviously coming into the courtyard from another entrance, he looked down at his hand, the one Jonathan had held.
A purple rose sat against his fingers.
He looked back into the crowd, looking for even a glimpse of that black hair and violet eyes. There was nothing.
He swallowed thickly. This was supposed to be a game. Damian wanted it to be a game. He wanted to break Jonathan down and send him back to Krypton weeping.
He’d wanted that.
Now…so quickly…he wasn’t so sure. He wasn’t so sure what he wanted. Wasn’t so sure if it was a game. And if it still was, who was winning.
“…Until next time.”
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hintofcolor · 4 years
Things I’ve managed to convince myself are canon:
Dick was born in Romania and spent his entire childhood traveling with the circus not once settling down therefore when his parents died in America (supposedly just another country they stopped in) he was forced to stay there. Meaning dick was an illegal immigrant for a long time while Bruce constantly was trying to use his money and power to get Dick legal without him leaving the country OR anyone finding out
This also means Dick couldn’t really speak English when he moved in with Bruce (this is backed up by him constantly dismantling the English language in the YJ cartoon)
All of the bat kids were bullied brutally in school
Bruce encouraged them to fight back just like Alfred did with him (“never throw the first punch but if get hit make sure they’re the ones that stay down”)
Dick spent a couple weeks in juvie after his parents died and it was the worst couple weeks of his life
Dick had a childhood crush on Wally (who is straight) when dick was 16 he sat Wally down and told him. He told him he expected nothing out of this confession he just hated feeling like he was lying to Wally, Wally understood and was really nonchalant about it nothing changed in their relationship
Jason grew up loving wonder woman and considered her his greatest inspiration in being a hero when he was robin
In return Diana absolutely adored Jason
When Jason got older his respect for Diana only grew and Diana constantly stood up for him, even going as far as (subtly) threatening Bruce a couple times
Jason can’t handle the smell of drugs at all, he always has to wear a filtered mask during drug busts just in case
Jason used to smoke but ever since coming back the smoke just reminds him of the explosion (I saw this somewhere I can’t remember where shout out to you tho)
Jason hates the color green
Tim was severely neglected as a child
Tim learned multiple different languages from all the nanny’s he’s had
Tim is an amazing photographer
All of Bruce’s kids are really close with Selina and go to her to talk or just if they need a break from Bruce and she absolutely adores it
This is one of the main reasons Bruce wanted to marry her
Bruce might be a little awkward and socially inept but he is a good father and loves all of his kids and even tho he might slip up sometimes he would NEVER (I’m looking at you Tim king) NEVER EVER intentionally hurt one of his kids physically or mentally BECAUSE THAT IS EXTEREMELY OUT OF CHARACTER @ ANY WRITER WHO HAS MADE BRUCE A JERK GOD LEARN YOUR CHARACTER JEEZ
Damian is a phenomenal artist and is considered a prodigy
It is something he keeps to himself however
Both Dick and Tim have gone and worked under Selina during thier robin days for a few weeks
The only person who is close to Dicks level when it comes to acrobatics is Selina
There are days where you are only allowed to speak in your native tongue to help Everyone keep up their language skills (Tim speaks Filipino dick speaks Romani Jason speaks Italian Stephanie speaks Portuguese Damian speaks Arabic bruce switches Cassie speaks Chinese) these are the days duke feels like slamming his head through a wall
All of the bat kids have green lantern shirts
Tim has a habit of stealing clothes from literally anyone
Tim prefers tea over coffee
Ace and Titus are both trained service dog however Titus is Damians specifically while Ace is trained to alert Alfred of Bruce and to alert Bruce of Dick Tim and Jason
Bruce is think about getting another dog for Cassie steph and duke because he doesn’t want to overwhelm Ace with 3 more people
Nobody in that spoiled family except for Jason and Alfred can make ANYTHING other that ramen cereal and toast
Dick is insanely healthy because that’s how he grew up in the circus AND the manor
Bruce once lit the refrigerator on fire trying to cook. No one knows how. He denies he ever did such to this day
Dick was considered a heartthrob as a teen and actually was featured on vogue in native dress and took the opportunity to talk about his culture
Vickie was fuming but so was Lois
Dick dresses like Harry styles. Convince me otherwise. I dare you.
However his go to look is a Hawaiian short tucked into black skinny jeans and black converse
Just like Selina everyone in the batfamily has a tendency to confide in Dinah
No homophobia sexism or racism is allowed in the Wayne house hold if you display any of the following you will promptly be kicked out. It has happened before
Cassie has punched lex Luther in the face at a gala
Bruce laughed
Cass has also only worn sweats and a sports bra to a gala
Cass is a ballet dancer and likes teaching her brothers the moves she has learned
When Bruce came back from the dead and found out the justice league thought Tim was going insane with grief and didn’t do anything about it he yelled and screamed for a solid hour. Then he went silent. for weeks he didn’t say a word. It was the most terrifying he had ever been
Duke hangs on to the fact that he is the only meta allowed in Gotham with absolute pride
All the robins check in on the kids from the ‘we are robin’ movement every now and again just to make sure they are okay
Adults are terrified of the bats however children love them
Every member of the batfamily has been called over by child screaming out their window only to spend the next hour helping said child with their homework
Batman makes sure he is approachable to children he wants them to feel safe enough around him to ask for his help no matter what
That has led to him: 1. Patching up stuff animals 2. Calming down imaginary friends 3. Giving opinions on important matters such as which color is the best 4. Helping with homework 5. Trying to be persuaded into convincing the parents not to make broccoli anymore. It’s his favorite part about putting on a mask
Teenagers tho a little more hesitant also approach him with a little more serious matters and more for advice. (How can I help my friend with depression? How can I help my anxiety? I think friend is doing drugs how can I help. I don’t think these are good people I’m hanging out with but now I’m too scared to stop)
However if teens catch any bat sitting on a rooftop close to their windows they ask more stupid type of questions
“Hey nightwing how do you ask out a girl?” “Red hood I’m trying to write this book so hypothetically how long does it take some one to bleed out?” “If I payed you would you take my physical for PE for me?” “How good do you think you would do on the pacer test?” “Can you tell my little sister to shut up, she’ll listen to you?” “How much do I have to pay you to scare my friend?”
Talks between people and the vigilantes from rooftop to window happen a lot and it is always the highlight of the patrol. They like that the people of Gotham trust them.
Jason was brought back via whatever that superboy reset was (I’m still a little fuzzy, sue me) clawed his way out of his grave and then found by Talia. He was then but in the pit for his head injuries. Making it easier for the shadows to manipulate and brainwash him into hating Bruce. However that’s the only thing they manipulated him into. Jason didn’t go ‘insane by the pit’ and his thoughts and stances on killing are his own. And the way Bruce handles Jason being back is what made Jason continue hating Bruce even aged the brainwashing ‘wore off’
The day his dad died was what Jason considered the best day of his life
Dick is extremely intelligent and was considered a child prodigy (this isn’t a headcanon this is actually canon some of y’all just forget and need to be reminded)
Dick loves math (also canon)
Jason can sing. Like really really well.
Theater Nerd™️ Jason Todd
Jason is scared of thunderstorms
Damian is afraid of heights
Lady shiva absolutely adores Tim
They have all been arrested a few times each for varying reasons when they were teenagers
If Alfred or Bruce yell one thier full names the other kids will cover for them but ONLY if they use the full name other wise it’s every man for himself
I know this one isn’t batfam but I think kon playes the electric guitar and has a really unique punk-ish vibe type singing voice (think hobo Johnson)
Dick has naturally curly hair
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angelimortisrp-blog · 6 years
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G L O R Y (&&) GORE — meet KAI CARTER; the PHOENIX.
“we are choking on halos that angels buried six feet under realisation. the saddest one? we were never made to be holy.”
{ ♚  AT A GLANCE }
name: Kai Carter.
age: 37.
gender & pronouns: UTP.
occupation: Contract killer for the Romano family.
loyalty: Romano.
availability: Open.
faceclaim: Jason Momoa. ( non-negotiable. )
The weight of the gun was heavy in his hand, the cool metal of the trigger pressed against his fingertip, poised and ready to shoot. He was barely nineteen, the man kneeling in front of him being his first assigned hit. Kai hadn’t particularly listened to the story behind why this man deserved to die - he didn’t care. He was contracted to do a job, and he’d do it. Kai cocked his head, raising an eyebrow as the man before him began to plead for his life. Within seconds, his finger had pushed down on the trigger, the gunshot echoing in the room around them. Was it supposed to have been that easy? Was he supposed to be able to take a life like that, without any hesitation, without any guilt after? Kai was sure the answer to that would depend on who you asked – but was he really going to ask? If this was to be his life, he’d better get used to it.
The only son of a single father, Kai and his dad were a team from the moment the boy’s mother walked out on them. Cynthia left the family just after Kai’s third birthday, leaving a fractured family in her wake without any sign of looking back. Kai had been adopted at birth by the Carter family, with a mother so desperate to have a child that it didn’t make sense that she would walk out on him. The reasoning behind this was something that Kai wouldn’t learn for years to come, but his father tried his best to make sure things remained stable for his son. The two were closer than anyone could believe, rarely seen without one another, the only exception being when Kai’s father was working late at night. Despite the ever increasing frequency of these nights, Kai and his father were as close knit as a family group could be and nothing would ever change that.
Although he was an only child, Kai spent much of his childhood with the Romano family. His father was one of Michael Romano’s closest friends and associates and as such, Kai grew up with the eldest Romano son, Christian. Kai didn’t know what his father’s job was, nor did he know what the Romanos did for a living, but he liked the idea of having an extended family and eventually came to see Christian as his brother, although they were unrelated. Whenever his father wasn’t working and they weren’t spending time with the Romanos, he spent most of his time teaching his son. Kai had always loved learning and did well in school, but outside of that his father taught him how to cook, taught him self defence, taught him all of the valuable life skills that he wasn’t going to learn in a classroom. Kai had always appreciated everything that his father taught him and committed every detail to memory, vowing to never forget any of it and to always find a way to put it to good use.
Kai was twelve when he learned the truth. About everything. His father, Gareth, sat him down and explained why his mother had left the family - a result of his job. Kai, more curiously than anything else, had asked his father what he did for a living and was shocked at the response. His dad was a hit man - his father, the man he idolised, his hero, killed people for money. A contract killer, working for the Romano family - and to add to the information overload on his son, the man went into detail on explaining what the Romanos did for work. It was at this point that things began to fall into place, that Kai realised why his father had always been so big on teaching him how to fight and how to defend himself. It was at this point that he learned that even being associated with the Romano’s meant danger, but for some reason, it didn’t scare him.
The newly discovered criminal involvement took Kai a while to get used to, but he got over it eventually. Christian, too, was only learning about his family’s work at this time and both boys leaned on each other to get through it. They both came through the adjustment with the same opinion; their fathers were wonderfully strong, brave men and they would do anything to follow in their footsteps. Whilst Christian began sitting in on his father’s meetings, Kai demanded that his father teach him more. That he taught him how to shoot a gun, how to use a knife - perhaps most importantly, how to take a life. Gareth, thinking his son was still a little bit too young to start killing others, taught him this in the form of hunting and thus, the family found something new to bond over.
It was shortly after his initiation into the Romano mob that he became romantically involved with Maria Romano. The two had been friends for years, high school crushes, if they’d call it that. In the beginning, it was a little fun - something casual to pass the time. Until Kai fell in love with her. For a short while, Maria Romano was the only thing that occupied his thoughts - earning him a few slaps on the back of his head from his father whilst in training. Before long, though, he was well equipped to follow in his father’s footsteps. 
His job description didn’t change much after the Latin Alliance. Kai was seventeen at the time, having yet to make his first kill. The only difference his father had ever pointed out was that the work load doubled - but that made sense, taking into account the fact that two families had suddenly become one. By the time he was twenty five, Kai had lost count of how many men he’d executed on AM’s orders - and had long stopped counting the money that he’d made doing it.
Somewhere along the line, Kai dropped to one knee and made a proposal to Maria. Unsurprisingly, she agreed to marry him without so much as a pause, and with Maria’s meticulous planning, they were married within a year. A few years later, a daughter followed. They named her Freya, and Kai decided that there was nothing in the world more important than his girls. He often begged Maria to give up boxing, for her own health - but the woman was stubborn, she dug her heels in and refused to give up on something that she loved. 
Ten years after they married, Kai and Maria are as strong as ever, and their five year old daughter is growing up with her mother’s attitude. Although his job is questionable at best and serving jail time at the very worst, Kai has never looked back. Living and working within criminal organisations is all he has ever know - and if he has it his way, will always be what he knows. However, he wasn’t expecting the Angeli Mortis to come to such a destructive end. 
The death of Michael Romano shook Kai to his very core. For the news about Juliet Venturi to come so quickly after - Kai was certain something was wrong. Whilst the families were busy blaming each other, Kai had his ear to the ground, listening to whispers that were coming from those outwith the Angeli Mortis. There were whispers of another organisation, one he’d never heard of - one he wanted to investigate further. The Church didn’t particularly make them sound like criminals - but Kai is more than aware that appearances could be deceiving. He’s spending as much of his time as he can trying to gather further information, before he attempts to provide a different outlook to the rest of the Romano family - and he wants to ensure he keeps his information as far from the Venturi family as he possibly can. Protecting his associates and his family are of utmost importance to him, even more so in such tumultuous times.
+: observant, intelligent, analytical, rational -: unempathetic, patronising, sarcastic, distant
Kai is known for being somewhat unapproachable. Whilst this is based partly on the fact that his build and demeanour make him intimidating, it also comes from him simply being quiet. He prefers to observe and analyse everyone that he meets - to the point of psychoanalysing every part of their speech, actions and movement. Ina  way, he finds people watching fascinating. Kai doesn’t talk much, unless incredibly familiar with the other person, and he likes it that way. It’s self preservation in a way, that he doesn’t feel the need to spill his entire life story to every person that he meets. Outside of his work, Kai is incredibly studious and spends any free time reading - one of his favourite pastimes, constantly forcing himself to develop and learn has been a factor of his entire life, and one he’s not prepared to give up on.
♠ Maria Romano-Carter ( WIFE ) - “you would have gone to hell for him, i know. oh, but darling, he would have stayed to burn with you.” ;  There is nobody more important in his life than Maria. The love of his life, the mother of his child - the one thing in this world that actually keeps him sane. Kai needs her, far more than he will ever be able to explain, and he would do anything to keep her safe, no matter the consequences. When their daughter was born, Kai found someone else added to the list of people that he has to protect. Although he doesn’t always approve of his wife’s job, there’s nothing that Kai won’t do to keep his family safe and happy. 
♠ Christian Romano ( BEST FRIEND ) - “you’ve got a friend in me” ;   Christian has been a fixture of Kai’s life since they were children, ever since Gareth started bringing him to the Romano home. Wherever Christian went, Kai was always close behind - that hasn’t changed. The two men are the same, cut from the same cloth, and they’ve always been as thick as thieves. Kai is one of the family’s assigned hit men, but outside of that, he has always been one of the only people that Christian trusts enough to confide everything in - other than his wife.
♠ Caleb Bianchi ( INFORMANT ) - “i’ve got friends in low places, where the whisky burns and the beer chases my blues away” ; Caleb has always been a snake. Kai has known the man ever since growing up with the Romano family, and has always struggled to trust him. It’s always helped that Cal has been afraid of Kai at the best of times, too. However, after a few drinks and the occasional pill, Caleb develops a loose tongue - and never remembers the information he’s let slip in the morning. Kai is pushing him, bit by bit, to give him all of the information that he has on The Church and their operations, and is fully planning on using it against him if he ever gets the chance to.
{ ♚ EXTRAS }
character teaser.
inspiration tag.
gif hunts.
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