#they were so rushed and its genuinely pretty sad because i think if depth charge knew about the transmutate incident
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Beast Wars Rampage
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lightskinrry · 5 years
If You’re Good…
Harry meets you in a bar and is seduced by your bubbly and outgoing personality, he asks you on date to know each other better little did he know he was not the only one with a special job
Part One: Bloody Mary and Museum Dates
 A/N: Here she is! Part One of If You’re good… Let me know how you like it!
Word Count: 7.3k
TW: Alcohol/Mentions of BDSM practices
A huge thank you to my little love @harryscumcloth for beta reading that shit and being so supportive! 
This story is dedicated to @lovegoodcrown (i can't tag you so I just hope you’ll see it) because they’ve been so sweet and excited! They fucking deserves it!
Moodboard! Talk to me about If You’re Good...!
 “I would go for a Bloody Mary, if I were you.”
The voice came from behind you; its depth, its pace and rawness sent a shiver down your spine and your palms started sweating. You took a deep breath and tapped your fingers on the cocktail menu the barman handed you earlier. An obvious sign of your anxiety.
You closed your eyes as you turned around. “It’s not fucking…” The voice in your head was cut off by the sight of the man who addressed you and… It fucking was. It fucking was who you thought it was.
You stumbled over your words, “W-What?”
“They have great Bloody Marys here. You should go for one if you don’t know what to order.”
He smiled at you widely and you inhaled deeply; most likely to keep you from passing out. You bit your lip and your eyes widened. He was even more beautiful in the flesh and you just couldn’t believe he was talking to you right now.
You blinked twice to be sure you were really seeing him and not just imagining it.
“Are you… talking to me?”
You pointed at yourself, your eyes shifting everywhere to see if you were mistaken but the tension inside your brain just blurred your vision and you couldn’t quite see whoever was around.
He laughed for a second and squinted at you. He furrowed his eyebrows and passed a hand through his hair.
“I think I’m talking to you. But I’m not sure.”
He looked around at the empty bar, making you realize that you were alone at the inn.  You looked around confused, “I’m sorry… I’m just-”
You held a nervous giggle in before telling him defeated… “I’m a dumbass.”
He chuckled again, the sound making you even more nervous and endeared by him as he stepped closer.
“It’s okay. We’re all a little bit of a dumbass, aren’t we?”
“Yeah. I guess we are.” You let out a jumpy laugh.
You tried to gain some composure. You were pretty much freaking out, but you had a good reason to; Harry Styles was talking to you. You smiled at the thought. You told him you were a dumbass. Your smile disappeared and you felt a bit embarrassed, but the feeling left soon enough when you just remembered yourself that auto-derision was a good way to introduce yourself to him.
You cleared your throat before speaking again, “So… Bloody Mary is your advice?”
His dimples popped out when he started to grin. Ask him to marry you right now, coward. The voice in your head gained way too much confidence in a matter of seconds.
“Yes! They’re really great here.”
You nodded and watched him call the barman to take his order.
“Two Bloody Marys, please.” He looked over at you and smiled.
Apparently it was your order now, not only his. You stepped up to pay, but like the gentleman he is, he held his hand up to stop you.
“It’s on me.”
He smiled tenderly and handed his credit card to the barman who swapped it with the drinks.
Who would’ve thought that your wooliness and your incapacity to make an easy decision in a social environment would gain Harry Styles’ attention?
Social awkwardness is sexy. The voice in your head was getting a little bit too full of itself and you felt a puff of confidence burst inside your body.
“Thanks for the drink.”
You gave him a smile as you lifted yourself onto the high stool, silently inviting him to sit with you.
“I’m a huge fan, you know?”
You watched as he sat next to you, his fingers toying with the top of his glass. He beamed at you and his eyes smiled from his cheeks.
“Oh yeah? Thank you!”
“I am! I really loved your album! Looking forward to what you’re going to do next!”
You gave him your worst wink and laughed before taking a sip from your glass.
He looked at you with a smile and gave you a sly look when you mentioned his next move.
“This is very sweet! I’m happy you liked it! Have you come to the tour?”
His lips reached the glass and you looked at him swallow his drink before you continued the conversation.
“Of course! The last night of the tour! At the Forum! What an amazing show! Like… You’re such an amazing performer!”
He snickered at your enthusiasm and gave you a tender smile before thanking you again.
“I mean… You sang Kiwi three times, that’s some performance skills!”
You both giggled. You remembered being at the show and the adrenaline rushing through your veins when instead of leaving, he just kept on performing it over and over.
“That was sick! By the second time I was like... exhausted!”
You got up from your seat and placed your hands on your knees faking your exhaustion and breathing loudly.
“I was like… He’s going for a third time? Really?”
You heard him laugh but his stare never left you, watching your every move.
“That’s some stamina here, man! I almost broke my leg dancing to Kiwi that night.”
You sat yourself back on the stool. His smile making you feel so warmed and welcome.
“I don’t regret it a bit, though.”
He snickered again while you took a long sip of your cocktail. Not so embarrassed and nervous now, are you? It seemed that his presence was just so natural and easy. His aura was just so friendly that you felt like you knew him enough to be yourself.
“It was my favorite show of the tour! I didn’t want it to end! I just couldn’t leave the stage!”
The eagerness in his voice made you giggle. Both of you really enjoyed the show and that was a beautiful thing. You loved his artistry so much, and his dedication to his fans. He just kept giving. It was just such a rare and genuine feeling of being cared for by the person you looked up to the most.
Truth was, you were quite a casual fan, if that was even a thing… Fairly, you weren’t freaking out as much now as when he started talking to you. Thank the alcohol slowly running through your veins, sister. You had to be thankful for it silently. 
“I had an amazing time. It was so much fun.”
He smiled at you and raised his glass. “So did I!” He took a quick sip before placing his drink on the counter.
“Did you come to the show alone?”
His question surprised you. Not that it was inappropriate but you always read too much in people’s voices and interrogations. He’s asking if you’re single. You shushed the voice in your head and tilted your head to the side, pinching your lips.
“Well… Yes.”
He gave you a little smile, and brought his glass to his lips. He answered before taking a sip.
“Going to shows alone is such an exclusive experience. I love that!”
He drank.
“Are you alone tonight?”
You looked around, a playful pout on your face.“Well it seems that I am.”
He grinned and you felt a shiver down your spine.
 “I’m alone most nights anyway.” You coughed for a second before picking up the conversation again.“I like being alone.”
 “It’s quite nice being alone sometimes, for sure. Am I bothering you?”
 You felt your cheeks burn. Of course not! Please stay with me! Forever! Forever would be nice… Your inner self was sure a clingy one. You chased your thoughts away and bit your cheek.
“No! Not at all! You- You’re really nice.”
A smile crept across his face when his eyes met yours, leaving your face flushed at the sight of his dimples. Not only was he gorgeous, but he was also sweet and witty. But you? You were just.. you. You being yourself had always been enough for anyone else, but no matter how friendly he was, he was still Harry Styles.
“You’re really nice, too.”
He tilted his head to the side, giving you a side smile and a tender look.
You giggled and tried to exhale the stress away. Just go for it! For once, you might listen to your inner self. How wrong could she be? It was worth a try.
“Would you want to dance?”
You asked him with a shy smile and just hoped that the next song would be something that would not require physical proximity. You were not quite ready for that yet.
You knew if his hands even brushed your skin, you might collapse… It was a lot of pressure that you didn’t really know how to work with. You needed to be in control; to be in charge, and letting go wasn’t really one of your strengths.
His lips formed a tight line before shaking his head. “I’m a terrible dancer.” You could tell he was trying his best not to laugh in your face.
You swallowed the gulp in your throat, you felt wrong for asking him to dance now that he refused. You didn’t want to insist; you just felt your confidence decrease drastically. Your eyes searched around the room, looking for something to keep the conversation alive. You weren’t ready for him to leave yet.
You stammered, “Well, it’s okay. I just… I mean… It’s cool. Do you… come here often?” 
He grinned and took another sip of his Bloody Mary, his glass slowly emptying while yours was still half full. You thought maybe you should drink it in one go and you’d feel better. 
“I came here a few times with some friends but tonight I felt like coming alone.”
You wondered what would bring him alone in a bar. Was he as desperate as you to meet somebody to sweep him off his feet? Was he depressed? Was he bored? Was he sad? Was he lonely? There were so many questions that you were dying to ask but you were too scared of overstepping and you valued his privacy.
It was kinda hard tip-toeing around the conversation because you were overthinking his status. If he was any stranger you would’ve asked but there was this weird line between the two of you where you knew he was on the lookout and he wouldn’t share personal information with you. He had to be careful and you couldn’t blame him for that. 
“Why did you feel like coming alone tonight?”
Of course your curiosity was stronger than all of your principles. So fuck personal space?
“Well…” It seemed he didn’t expect this question because he didn’t have an answer.
“I guess… Sometimes going out alone feels good too?” 
You shrugged, remembering that well you were alone tonight and as you previously told him, you were alone most nights. 
“I won’t argue with that.” 
You two shared a chuckle before you finally took another sip of your drink, relaxing you and making you feel easier. You asked him about the other nights he would spend alone. Were there many? He told you about every time he felt like the world left a bitter taste on his tongue and that being alone or with family was necessary to take a break. 
He was so much more open than you thought he’d be. You still didn’t know anything about him but every detail he sprinkled in his conversation were little treasures to you.
You talked about your favorite books and asked him for some music recommendations. He told you about his creative process and how writing helped him cope with communication issues; to which you responded that it did the same for you. Sparking the conversation over the fact that you liked to write too. 
He asked you if you were living in LA and if you liked it here. You asked him about what it was like living in the UK. You wanted to know if he felt sad that he had slightly lost his British accent. You were curious to know if he enjoyed gardening, or if he liked Pride and Prejudice? Had he ever binge watched a show for 15 hours straight before? Was he into video games? Was he an active user of MySpace in 2007? All of his answers were as valuable to you as they would be from a very dear friend.
He was curious of you also. He had questions like; How do you like your eggs? Have you ever gotten into a bar fight? Did you fancy Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter more? Have you ever danced in the rain? Were you interested in art? What's your favorite genre of literature? Could you stay in apnea for more than a minute? What's your favorite instrument? Can you play the kazoo? You answered all of his questions with delight. The two of you were getting along so well. He was very relieved to know you had never gotten into a bar fight.
You stayed at the bar for hours, just talking and laughing, until the barman asked you to leave because it was closing time. The clock was reaching three o'clock and you and Harry hadn’t finished your conversation yet. 
“Mind if I give you a ride?” 
You smiled widely to his proposition as the both of you walked out the bar. “Sure. Thank you very much.” 
He pressed his car key, and you saw the black Tesla’s headlights light up from across the street. 
“If you don’t mind, go ahead and get in the car before I do.” 
You noticed Harry side-eyeing around him, looking around if anybody was taking pictures of him, and more, if anybody was taking pictures of you and him. You didn’t want to take that risk. You nodded and, in the light of your alcohol consumption, started your best FBI moves to get to the car, brushing the walls, trying a stupid twirl and if it wasn’t for your natural self-consciousness, you would’ve probably pulled a Starsky and Hutch move by rolling over the car hood. 
Harry watched you climb into the backseat of his car with a smile plastered across his face as he tried to hold in his laugh. After a few minutes of laying on the leather seats, you heard the front door open. Harry placed his arm behind the head of the passenger seat and turned to look at you. 
“Everything’s good, down there?” 
You grinned with all your teeth. “Yep.” 
You climbed over the seat to get in the front, sitting your ass down on the passenger seat. You put on your seatbelt and watched Harry do the same. He started the car and asked you for your address to put in the GPS. Once all the settings were done, he turned on the radio. Bohemian Rhapsody started playing. You looked at each other as if it was a decades old habit of yours and started singing (or more like screaming the lyrics) in the car. 
The ride wasn’t long. He finally parked down your building. It was the moment you had feared the entire night; goodbyes. What if you never saw him again? What if you leaned in to kiss his cheeks? Kiss his lips, idiot…  The voice in your head was definitely too loud. 
“So… Well, I guess this is where we part ways?”
He smiled softly. “Yeah…” 
“Well… Goodbye, then.” Your bottom lip hung lower than usual, a sure sign of sadness. You reached for the door handle and gently pushed it open and stepped out.
“Hey!” You turned around and watched him scratch his head shyly, his eyes shifting from yours. “Hm.. I had a nice time.” 
You looked down and smiled. “Me too.”
He bit his lips nervously, you could tell he was jittery and the shy look in his eyes made your heart beat a hundred times faster. He looked out the window before his gaze ran over your face. “We could go out sometime?” 
You couldn’t even stop yourself from smiling, you immediately answered. “Yes. Yes. Absolutely. I’d love to.” 
He chuckled at your enthusiasm. You were definitely too much into it but you couldn’t hide your excitement. 
“I’ll hit you up?” 
You plucked up some courage and a lot of alcohol to ask him. “There’s… Hm… This Art Exhibit that seems interesting at The Getty. If you feel like going this week?” 
He offered you a huge smile, both of his dimples showing. “Sure. I’d love to.”
You walked back to your place, a blissed look on your face; even your roommate asked you what was going on. You just smiled at her and told her that you had a lovely evening. But you couldn’t quite believe it. You had to pinch yourself three times before going to sleep to be sure it wasn’t a dream. You had a museum date with Harry. It wasn’t usual for you to feel so drawn to someone that quickly.
The chemistry between the two of you was crazy. You went to the Getty on Wednesday. You walked through the exhibition, commenting on every work of art. He would ask you how you understood the pieces and you’d ask him how he felt about them. You two engaged in a heartfelt analysis of every piece in the museum; some of them being emotional others being hilarious. You’d stop in front of odd looking sculptures and give them names. He took pictures of you in front of the fountain, saying how pretty you looked and how your shirt matched the water colours. 
You’d make silly faces to children and he’d laugh from the back. You two played hide and seek in the basement of the museum; sneaking around the hallways to avoid the crowded areas. You settled in a group of teenagers to which a guide was explaining a very old painting. You sat down on the floor with the group, legs crossed and your head raised to look at the painting as the guide explained the creative process behind it; the years it took to make it and the legacy it held. Harry sat next to you the same way and later the two of you discussed the piece in a refreshing discourse. 
He brought some very interesting arguments and you found out he was way more educated on that matter than you thought. As the conversation flowed, you discovered that he was educated on a lot of subjects you never knew he had an interest in. 
You spent the afternoon in the museum. You went out as the sun starting to set. You ordered ice creams and sat on a bench behind the huge building. The golden hour made everything bathe in a dim light, the birds sang behind you and the large fountain in front of you reflected the sunlight. A light breeze made your hair dance in the air and your cookie dough ice cream made the moment even sweeter.
Harry turned his face to you, his own ice cream in hands. “Want to taste mine?”
“Is that mint chocolate chip?” 
He smiled, “Yes.” 
“What kind of sociopath are you?” 
You chuckled slightly as you watched him roll his eyes before a smile appeared on his face. He licked his ice cream vigorously. “Too bad for you.” 
“Alright, let me have a taste.”
He held it to your mouth and you took a lick. Your face scrunched to the taste of the mint and you stuck your tongue out. “Really not my thing.” 
You held yours to his face so he could taste it, he chuckled before trying your ice cream. “I like it.” 
“That’s because cookie dough is good. Mint chocolate chip is like… How many people have you killed?” 
He laughed before tasting his ice cream again. “Too many to count.”
“Not a good answer.” You licked your lips and shrugged. “But I’ll take it.”
You were enjoying Harry’s presence more than you’d want to admit. He was sweet and witty and oh, so dreamy. You looked at his lips for a second. Kiss him, you fool. You shushed your thought. Imagine if his lips roamed around your thighs and traced your body up and down. You took a deep breath. What if you sat on his face and gave him a taste? A shiver ran down your spine and left a shock at your most sensitive spot. You tried to focus on something else. While his hands are tied above his head. And he’s helpless and hungry for you. You squeezed your thighs as the images of Harry being tied up filled your mind.
“You know what we haven’t talked about yet?”
His voice woke you up from your daydream. “Huh?” 
“What you’re doing for a living? Like you told me you were a student and you had some other job.”
Your eyes widened as the image of Harry’s long body squirming underneath you as you ask him if the rope is too tight, slowly faded away.
“I’m a student yeah. And I have two jobs ‘cause living in LA is expensive.” A chuckle left your lips as you took the last bite of your ice cream. 
“It is…” He smiled softly as he cleaned the corner of his mouth with his paper napkin. “What do you do?” 
“I do… A lot of things.” You laughed nervously. “Anything that can get me some money and that’s fun enough to keep me entertained.” 
He smiled and didn’t ask for more. After all, he’d know soon enough and right now wasn’t soon enough. 
You and Harry went through all the museums in Los Angeles in less than 2 weeks and it seemed that now you were art buddies, despite your urgent need and desire to be more than his buddy. You’d say it was always so hard and awkward for you to grow touchy feely with someone you like, like more than a friend. As paradoxical as it was, touching a friend or a stranger never felt weird to you but the moment it was about someone you liked more; it was the hardest thing to do. You didn’t want Harry to get mixed signals, but if he wasn’t the one to place his arms around your shoulders or run his fingers on your cheeks first, you wouldn’t know how to act. You just hoped you were more than a friend in his eyes too. 
Since the two of you had seen most of the art exhibits and gallery openings in LA, for your next date, you agreed on something even more cliché than museums dates; the movies.
You would've proposed netflix if you weren't terrified to be alone with him, but the cinema was fine too. You still got to be in the dark with him. 
You had this mixed feeling growing inside of your stomach. You wanted to be alone with him. You wanted to touch him, to run your fingers through his hair, to bite his lip, to control him, in a way that would leave him wanting you even more but he had this power over you. The kind of power you usually have over people. He made you nervous and shifty and craving for his lips and you just couldn’t wait to reverse the trend. Get back in your place and exercise your power over him. If he wanted you to… 
He was a tough one to analyse though. He was confident, yet shy. Outgoing but still reserved. He was a lot of things at once and you were eager to discover every single side of his personality. 
The two of you laughed a lot during the movie, getting shushed by the other people in the theater. Every time he would touch you, you’d shiver. Like when his fingertips grazed your knee, or when his hand crept onto your thigh or that moment he stretched his arm out behind you and it fell on your shoulder, but especially when his lips brushed your ear when he whispered to you.
You felt helpless, but you knew that somehow, at some point, the table would turn in your favor. It didn’t take long to come. The two of you were sitting in his car outside of the theater with the rest of your popcorn in hands. 
“Let me help you.” He smiled as he took the box of popcorn out of your hand, giving you the space you needed to readjust in your seat. 
“Thank you.” You gave him a soft grin and took your popcorn back, bringing a piece to your mouth. 
He looked outside the window, as the dark of the night surrounded the car. He looked at you for a second before a smile appeared on his face again, his body sprawling on his seat. His head fell back and his smile never left his face. “I love spending time with you.” 
He looked at you from the side and you felt your cheeks burn. A nervous laugh left your mouth. “Thank you. I love spending time with you too.” 
He placed himself correctly on his seat and leaned towards you. His hands grabbed the popcorn box and put it out of the way. You could tell he was one to take the lead; that was usually your place. Grab his face, girl. And kiss the shit out of him. You didn’t know if listening to your inner self was a good idea right now. You preferred staying still. Harry’s face got closer to yours, so close you could feel his breath on your skin. His fingertips brushed your cheek and he whispered against your lips, “Can I kiss you?” 
You felt your heart jump out of your chest. Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Kiss me! Kiss me and then fu-! You shushed the voice in your head as you swallowed the gulp in your throat. “Yes.”
His lips were about to reach yours, his hot breath warming your skin and his hands cupping your face. You felt his wet lips land on yours but before you could open your mouth and taste him, the ringer of your phone resonated in the car. You slightly pulled away from Harry. You watched him take his hands off your face, a smile on his lips as he leaned back in his seat. “Do you have to take it?” 
You checked your phone and grimaced at the sight of the caller. “Yeah. It’s work.”
You got out of the car as Harry’s smile slowly faded away. “Sorry. It’s important.”
He gave you a weak smile and a thumbs up as you closed the door of the car. You started walking aimlessly as you spoke with your client on the phone. Harry was watching you through the windows, while his fingers ran through his own phone. 
You stayed outside for about 6 minutes and when you got back inside of the car, the atmosphere felt a bit heavy. Kinda awkward. Go back to business! Mouth on the mouth! Hands on the D! Your inner self was one too fast for sure. You smiled softly to Harry.
“Is everything okay?” 
You sighed as you sat back at your place. “Yeah. Sorry. T’was a call from work. Kinda got me stressed out.”
Harry pinched his lips as he gave you a compassionate look. “Oh. What was it all about?”
“Nothing too interesting. Just a client that wanted to squeeze in my schedule tonight.” 
He smiled and a giggle left his lips. “Tonight, I’m the one on your schedule?” 
You felt a boiling sensation in your stomach as Harry’s smirk widened on his face. “What?”
He looked at you deeply before licking his lips. “You know you haven’t told me what your job was, yet.”
You felt out of breath for a second. Time to show him who’s the boss, girl. You backed up with your inner self. You used your teasing tone. “Haven’t I?”
He raised his eyebrows as he looked down at you. “No…”
You felt a new burst of confidence and you gave him a smug look. “Well... I don’t talk much about it. People can be judgmental and I don’t have time for that bullshit.”
He looked a bit surprised by your answer, kinda intrigued, kinda amused. But mostly, he went on with the teasing turn the conversation took.
“I’m not ‘people’, am I? And I’m not judgmental. You do whatever you want.”
You smiled to his answer. He was definitely not “people”. He was Harry fucking Styles; that’s someone. And more, he was someone you liked. But you decided to play it cool. “I work in an Insurance office.” 
He gasped dramatically as his eyes widened. “Oh my god. You do not!” 
His laugh resonated in the car as his eyes ran over your face, offering a kind look. You batted your eyelashes at him and licked your lips as a conceited grin appeared on your face. 
“Only on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. But every night of the week, I’m a Dominatrix.” 
You talked fast enough for it to go unnoticed but slow enough for Harry to understand every word you said. You watched his mouth open as he started talking.
“That’s nice! Only on Wednesdays... And what?” He stopped mid-sentence, realising your revelation.
“And Fridays.” You smiled as the weird look on his face turned into a nervous expression. 
He ran a hand through his hair and moistened his lips. “But every other night of the week?”
“I’m a Dominatrix.”
He blinked twice in surprise. Maybe what surprised him most was your assertive and prevailing tone more than the words you said.
He looked like he ran out of words to say and you liked that now, the tables have turned. He was the helpless one and you were in charge. 
He looked surprised for a moment but then his expression changed and he started to laugh. 
“That’s funny! I definitely wouldn’t have guessed.”
He didn’t believe you. He truly thought you were joking. You smirked down at him. Of course he wouldn’t have guessed. Maybe you should show him what you can do. You ran your tongue over your lips before talking again.
“Nobody ever guesses.”
It took him a few seconds to breathe as the realisation struck him. You were very serious about it. 
He laughed nervously as his fingers tangled his curls. “You’re being serious right now?”
“I am.”
His smile disappeared for a second and you felt awkward. You knew now that once you revealed this information about yourself, things always change. People don’t see you the same way. You would always feel the need to explain yourself as if your job wasn’t legitimate, as if it wasn’t proper. You felt like you needed to tell him that you choose everything you do, that if he was uncomfortable with it, he could leave. But his little smile and the sparkle in his eyes made you feel at ease. There was no need to explain anything. He understood but you could also tell he was curious.
“It’s a very humane experience. You learn a lot about people and the way they cope with their lives. But it’s treated like a dirty little secret or something disgusting and unnatural.” 
“I don’t think it is. I think it’s a great way to cope with life and... I mean it’s great. As long as it’s safe, you know?”
You smiled softly as the tension eased. “Of course.”
“You’ve been doing this for a long time?”
“Two years now.”
He nodded along with your answer. You watched a little pout form on his lips. He was probably wondering what questions he could ask and what questions he shouldn’t. It was cute to see him nervous, tip-toeing around the conversation. The same way you felt when you first met him.
“Hm…” He paused to think for a second. “What’s the weirdest thing you ever encountered? I mean if you want to talk about it... You don’t have to, of course.... Just if you feel comfortable.”
You giggled tenderly. It was sweet of him to ask if you were comfortable with it. “You’re cute. The weirdest thing I encountered was a guy who was into kangaroo fighting.”
He laughed just as confused as you were when you met your client for the first time. “Kangaroo fighting?”
“Yeah…” You chuckled with him, admitting to yourself that it was, indeed, something unusual for the least.
“How did you help him...?”
You laugh as you shook your head. “You don’t want to know.”
He snickered as he watched you intensely, trying to decode you. Now you were no longer the nice girl he shared a few museum dates with. You were also the sex worker; the Dominatrix in his car.
You took a deep breath as you got more assertive and teasing. “How do you cope with the stress of your life? I’m sure you have kinks.”
He smirked and a breathy laugh left his lips. “Maybe.”
You raised your eyebrows at him. “You won’t tell me? I’m a professional you know.”
He licked the corner of his mouth before running a hand through his hair. You could tell the two of you were playing a little game here. “So you can help me with the stress of my life?”
You grinned and bit your lower lip before shrugging. “Only if you want me to.”
“Depends what you propose to help me.”
“Depends what you’d like me to do to help you.” You snapped right back at him. 
You tilted your head to the side. “So?”
“I could use some help.”
You smiled widely before your inner self took the lead, getting more commanding and tough. Hearing the tone you used, you could’ve grabbed his jaw and choked him a little bit, the sensation would’ve been the same. “My question isn’t if you could use some help. My question is do you want my help?”
You cut him off. “You?”
“Yes. I want your help.” You could hear his obedient tone, he was getting more docile. You liked to have him this way. It was definitely different from your usual interactions with him.
“Good. I like to hear it.”
He smiled as he gave you a chaffed look. “How can you help me, then?”
“Well, I can make your client chart, if you want to.”
“Like any other client?” 
Mister Styles wants to be treated a certain way. What a diva. You agreed with your inner self and gave Harry a complacent look. 
“You want special treatment ‘cause you’re a superstar?”
He scoffed in an over-dramatic way, as if you offended him and then a smile settled on his face. “More because I’m your... friend?”
His answer took you by surprise. His interrogative tone when he said he was your friend made you feel like he wondered if he was more. 
“Oh... Yes. You’re not like any other client but I won’t differ from my usual routine of work though.”
“Which is?”
He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he listened to you.
“I make the client chart, have a training session to set all ground rules and apply the chart for the first time and then if the client wants to continue, we set a date for our first session and what package they’d be interested in purchasing.”
He smiled softly.  “Sounds fair.”
“So, we can make your client chart right now?” 
A surprised and amused look crept on his face. “Right now?”
You shrugged. “Only if you want to.”
“In the car?” 
You giggled a little bit as you leaned back in your seat, pulling on the safety belt. “No I’ll need something to write on.”
You watched him start the car and put his seatbelt on. “Let’s go back to my place?”
You nodded as he smiled softly to you, running his gaze over your face before his eyes landed on the road.
The ride to Harry’s place was silent, a little bit awkward as both of you were realizing that what was coming next would be rather intimate. He parked in his alley and you stepped out of the car. His house was huge and beautiful. He invited you inside, took off your jacket and gave you a small tour of the place. You came back to the living room, and Harry offered you a drink that you accepted politely. You sat down on the couch and Harry sat in front of you on the other sofa, only a glass table separating you from him. 
“So?” He looked at you with a smile.
You sipped on the drink he brought you. “Let’s make your client chart.” 
He grinned widely. 
“Paper and pen, please.” 
You watched Harry get up and bring you a stack of white paper and a pen. You thanked him and you placed the paper in front of you. You placed your glass on the table and pushed it away.
“So, let’s make your chart funnier.. I can practice my guessing skills.”
He looked confused. “You’re going to guess... my client chart?”
“I can try.”
He chuckled slightly before taking a sip of his drink. “What’s even a client chart?”
You chewed on the pen for a second.
“It’s my work file if you want. All your contact info, the submissive Q&As, and a first set of rules and boundaries.”
He raised his head in interrogation. “The submissive Q&As?”
You smirked as your fingers played with your pen, tapping it on the table. “It’s a little grid of questions concerning your ‘kinks’.”
“And you’re gonna guess my ‘kinks’?”
You offered a smug smile and sipped on your drink before answering. “I’m gonna try.”
You stared at Harry for a few seconds. You tried to analyze his moves before asking your first question. 
“The first thing I usually ask is if you’ve ever been with a Dominatrix or if you have any experience of Domination and BDSM.”
“I’d say I’m new to Dominatrix stuff but… I know a little bit about BDSM, yeah..” He looked down with a smile.
“Good. You’ll know a few things already, then. Do you identify as more submissive or dominant in your intimacy?”
He smirked. “What’s your guess?”
“You switch.” Your tone was assertive. You knew your game.
“What makes you say that?” He seemed intrigued by your assumption, not surprised though. “You play it easy saying I do both.”
“I think you present characteristics usually linked to doms, the same way you present some associated to subs.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. 
“You’re very confident. You take the lead. You’re usually quiet and laid back. You’re assertive and not boastful. Very dominant like.” 
He shrugged smugly and you kept delivering your discourse.
“You like teasing and being playful while also discrediting yourself from it. You’re like “I didn’t do it.” And you don’t like confrontation. You get easily intimidated as much as you know for a fact that you are very intimidating yourself. A perfect balance.” 
He smiled softly. “Did you spend the last weeks analyzing me?” 
“I’m used to doing it. Gotta read people and understand them to be a good dom.” 
You gave him a smug smile and cocked your head to the side. “So...? Am I right?” 
He smiled as he answered unashamed, “I’d say I’m usually more dominant than submissive in my intimacy.”
You licked your lips before gazing at him through your lashes, looking directly into his eyes.
“I’ll teach you how to be a good sub, then.”
You watched his cheeks get all red as his eyes shifted away from yours. He coughed a little bit before passing his tongue over his lips. 
“What kind of things are you into? Whether it be as a dom or as a sub.” 
He took a deep breath. “Weren’t you supposed to guess that?” He decided to be a little tease and play with you. You liked it. 
“Indeed, smart mouth.” You took a long look at him. “Spanking?” 
His eyes widened before a smile appeared on his lips. 
“More into giving than receiving, I’d say.”
His usual smirk was plastered on his face. “Why do you think I wear so many rings?” 
You giggled at the thought of him picking up rings just so his spank hurts more. Such a dom move. 
“I think you’re into bondage. You give me Shibari vibe.”
You wrote down a few things as you waited for an answer from Harry. “Do you know what Shibari is?”
“It’s a Japanese art of bondage. It can be quite extreme.” 
“Indeed. You know your lesson.” You smiled down at him. “I think you like light bondage... Being tied up... Maybe a bit of choking.”
He choked on his drink for that matter. You touched a soft spot. 
“You like slapping. Being slapped. I can tell.”
He laughed nervously and you wrote your assumptions down waiting for him to confirm it. 
“You’re into humiliation?”
“I…” He took a deep breath and another jittery giggle fell from his lips. “I like bondage. Never been slapped unfortunately. And I think choking is quite cliché.” 
You laughed at his answer. He was a little brat. He probably never been into the actual position of a submissive. A power bottom at best. You liked the idea that you could be the one to get him there. You noted what he said and drank out of your glass again. 
“Anything you’ll never ever do? What we call hard boundaries.” 
“Anything that involves blood, knife and unhygienic things.” He larked about the comment. It was usual for you to hear these type of things when you ask about hard boundaries. 
“What about soft boundaries? Things you’re not much into but you’re willing to try?”
“Hm…” He took a minute to think about it. “Wax play?” 
You giggled. You could tell he said that out of the blue but you liked his eagerness to answer the questions. Make hot wax drip on him until he’s squirming under you. You were not quite there yet. But it would come. 
“Alright. If you’ve had experiences with BDSM what was your safeword?”
He rubbed the corner of his mouth with his fingers and laughed. He coughed before answering. “Kiwi.”
You felt your blood run faster in your veins. The song had a whole different meaning to you now. And you liked it. You raised your eyebrows at him. “Oh. I see. I like it.” 
He gave you his usual smirk and took a last sip of his drink. 
“I have a few ground rules.”
He made his head move in a motion to let you know he was listening to you. 
“I don’t have sexual intercourse with clients. I don’t switch. I need full communication no matter the subject at stake. It’s completely private and under oath of never revealing my real name when talking about my work as a Dominatrix. I work with rewards and punishments and I’m the one choosing them. I don’t engage in personal relationships with my clients.” You smiled at him for a second. “But you’re not any client so I might go around this one.” 
He ran his tongue over his lips. “Might not be the only rule you’ll break for me.”
Your cheeks burned as his gaze intensified. You couldn’t let him win on your territory but he knew how to make you swoon. 
“We’ll see that. If you’re interested in trying things out.”
“It sounds good to me.”
You looked down on him, taking back the lead of the conversation. “So? Ask me nicely.” 
He batted his long lashes at you, smiling shyly; giving you a glimpse of a side of him you were very excited to discover or at least uncover. You smiled back and licked your lips, taking the lower one between your teeth. 
“I’d love to try a session.” 
“Please.” You ordered him.
You liked hearing it coming out of his mouth. It sounded really lovely. He chuckled slightly before bringing his glass to his lips. “You seem good at your job.”
You smirked down at him. “We can plan that, no worries.” You raised your eyebrows in a smug way. “And I am very good at my job.”
He blushed for a second, his cheeks painted in a lovely shade of pink. You took another sip and you giggle slightly. 
“Now it’s all about knowing…” You tilted your head to him, licking your lips.  “If you’re good.”
taglist: @shhh-you ; @libbyhermione
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