#they're all such adorkable nerds and i love them
theangrypomeranian · 4 months
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thinking about them again ❤️
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Amity and Hunter aren't your usual 'mean and rich white girl bully' and 'bad but sad white boy' archetypes.Sure,you hear about them all the time if you're active in multiple fandoms but how many of them are actually canonically forced and threatened into tormenting other kids their age by their abusive parent(s)or they'd hurt them even worse and had this going on for most of their lives until they got the courage to stand up for them and make up for their wrongdoings?How many of those poor little meow meows weren't just repeating the cycle of abuse over and over again and actually worked to break it?How many of them were actually adorkable and fully fleshed out and good representation for victims of child abuse instead of just having their childhoods used as a plot device to explain their actions?
The awnser:Not very many.All that content you see for almost all of them is in reality only headcanons made by weird white nerds who don't want to relate to minorities other than lgbt people even if they're the mcs and are more than happy to disregard the feelings of traumatized people and poc and so forth to their own 'rep'.But Amity and Hunter are the exceptions,not the rules.And i love them so fucking much for it
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hi I'm learning destiny lore the hard way and I've seen you in my notes, who's Eris Morn? What's her deal? This is an invitation to infodump you seem like the person to ask XD
Oh wow! I will answer your question, despite feeling unworthy to do so, but before I do, since you mentioned you're learning the lore, this is the Eris page from the Ishtar Collective website: https://www.ishtar-collective.net/categories/eris-morn It gives a list of main plot points for Eris up until just before the Season of the Witch and links to all Eris lore that exists in-game, going into far more detail than I can in one Tumblr post.
The Ishtar site pulls a large amount of its info from the D2 API and then supplements anything it can't get from there with human volutneer transcribers pulling from sources like the Destiny Lore Vault: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqJlWJF0IucG7HXcEao78Cw .
If there is lore you can acess in-game, now or in the past, Ishtar has it and it is searchable via keywords. It is official lore, not someone's interpretation of it, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
However, not everyone realizes that the Ishtar Collective also has a Discord: https://discord.gg/v8GsggCV
And that Discord is full of lore nerds who you can just go to and ask obscure lore questions and they will happily answer them (or sometimes get into adorkable near-academic-level debates over them, with citations as well as historical and philosophical references) because that's their definition of fun. They are, for the most part, genuinely lovely humans and I adore them all.
Everything I know about Destiny I learned from either playing the game or reading that website or asking those people.
Now, to answer your question, I'm going to give you a short quick answer and then a longer more in-depth answer afterwards.
The short quick answer is a quote from a story I wrote (A Dance with Vengeance) where I have the Drifter explaining where Eris got her eyes to an Eliksni character I made up:
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Please note: this is fanfiction. This conversation never happens in lore, and the closest we've gotten to Driferis in-game is a delightfully sweet hug buried in the lore tab for a sparrow vehicle, but the events the Drifter is narrating (with a bit of dramatic flourish) did happen to Eris in-game.
The longer answer:
Eris, a former Hunter (and Ahamkara wish-dragon slayer), is the sole surviving member of the First Crota Fireteam, a team of six guardians looking to avenge all the friends and loved ones who died in The Great Disaster (when humanity sent an army of guardians to try to reclaim the Moon from the Hive) and, in particular, to avenge the death of a badass Titan named Wei Ning (Eris' friend and lover of Eriana-3, the fireteam leader). Their goal was to kill Crota, the then-leader of the Hive forces on the Moon (Crota is the son of Oryx, who, himself is both a Hive god and the Taken King, brother to the other Hive gods, Savathun, Hive god of Lies, and Xivu Arath, Hive god of War).
Everyone on the First Crota Fireteam except for Eris died horribly and Eris was lost in the Hellmouth on the Moon for a century. Eris' ghost (Brya) killed itself to protect her and Eris no longer has access to Light-based guardian powers. She killed a Hive acolyte and took its eyes (cutting out her own) since she had wished on her bone to know the way out of the Hellmouth but could no longer see. (Ahamkara wish magic is always tricksy - they're basically wish-granting genies who always twist what you ask for into the worst possible outcome.)
Eris has a few titles: "The Forgotten Blade," "Bane of the Swarm," "Crota's Bane" and, more recently in Season of the Witch, "Hive god of Vengeance." She is our main point of contact on the Moon (the Shadowkeep DLC is fantastic and the Moon is awesome and creepy and one of my favourite places to go in-game - I could go on and on about my favourite spots there).
Eris has devoted the rest of her (now mortal) life to exterminating the Hive and has guided the Guardian (the player character) to do so through many adventures, notably the Crota's End raid (where we kill Crota and finally accomplish what her fireteam set out to do), the Kings Fall raid (where we kill Oryx), the Pit of Heresy dungeon, and the Scarlet Keep strike (where she has one of her infamous fantastic lines: "Do you feel it as I do, Guardian? A hatred as pure and potent as sunshine, soaking through your skin?"
Season of the Witch is all about Eris becoming the Hive god of Vengeance to deal with Xivu Arath. If you've ever watched Full Metal Alchemist, the logistical problem with Xivu is the same: going to war with something that feeds off of violence and death just makes it stronger. Season of the Witch is still available (at the time I'm writing this) and there's some amazing scenes in there. I highly recommend playing through it but if you can't, here's an 8.5 minute video of the 3 main cutscenes including the ending [i.e. this is a spoiler if you haven't played it yet and still want to!]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVUWu-DqZvU
Eris' storyline in-game is all about recovery from trauma. Many of her quests are either helping her seek vengeance or helping her find peace (such as recovering mementos of her fireteam from various spots on the Moon). She is haunted (literally) by the ghosts of her past (here's 19 seconds of her yelling at them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcs1io-kvdg ) and her recovery from that has made her the unofficial trauma therapist for the Vanguard.
In Season of the Haunted (sadly no longer playable) she guides Zavala, Crow and Cabal Empress Caiatl through combatting and laying to rest their own nightmares-of-the-past-made-real. Here's a link to a 9 min video of the main cutscenes from that season (there's more content if you watch a full playthrough): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWHphu-iT3w
Eris taught herself how to wield Hive magic from a combination of her century of wandering on the Moon and the journals of Toland the Shattered (one of the members of her fireteam who betrayed them to the Hive and is now a floating sparkle-ball who sometimes helps us and sometimes just insults us on the Moon).
Eris is the Vanguard's Hive expert and Darkness expert. She is also one of Ikora's Hidden (Ikora is the Vanguard spymaster and the Hidden are her network of spies.) One of Eris' main story elements is that most people don't trust her, and not without cause. Another D2 character, Elsie Bray, aka the Exo Stranger, has been living her own personal Groundhog Day time-loop hell where she has watched humanity fail over and over against the Witness and then goes back in time to try to stop it. In most of Elsie's time loops Eris succumbs to her trauma and the corrupting nature of the Darkness powers she wields, goes full Hive, and leads the forces of evil to wipe out humanity in what is referred to as "the Dark Timeline."
Eris is constantly dealing with accusations that she's crazy, that she's evil, that she's unstable, and every time it's proven she's not, but people still find her untrustworthy and it isolates her from most of humanity, noteworthy exceptions to this being Ikora, Queen Mara, the player character, and the Drifter.
I am (obviously) especially enamoured of the relationship between Eris and the Drifter, and their in-game banter is absolute top-tier (he flirts and Eris roasts him and it is glorious), but the very core of their relationship is built on comfort and understanding. He trusts her (something almost no one else does) and she gives him hope (which is genuinely impressive and beautiful because the Drifter's own backstory is brutal and bleak as fuck).
Throughout most of Eris' narrative in-game she is a recovering survivor, but in Beyond Light (the DLC where we get our not-ice magic Stasis powers) we get to see Eris not just psychologically and emotionally recovered, but also getting to be a badass in battle. This is, in my opinion, the best cutscene in the entire game: (it is 1 min an 35 seconds and far, far too short): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAD6E_vESJY
I love this cutscene not only because it is visually spectacular, but because Eris has, for most of her narrative, been an injured survivor needing the player character to fight in her place because she no longer can. But in Beyond Light she is now able to kick ass and, perhaps even more importantly, be a part of a fireteam again.
There's more but I'm going to stop there. Eris is badass and amazing and creepy and fantastic. She uses the weapons of the Hive against them. She uses her own traumatic experiences to heal others. Her dialogue lines are evocative and snarky and brooding and poetic. The voice acting for her is some of the best I've ever heard anywhere. Her character has a complex, empowering, healing, hopeful, and beautiful narrative. And I love her intensely for it.
Ideally, this has answered your question at least somewhat, but do feel free to ask me any follow up questions you have about this or anything. I maintain I am not an expert in D2 lore. I am a writer and I don't just have biases, I use them to make art. But I do love the game and while I am not an authority on anything, I have immersed myself in much of the lore with wild abandon and will happily point you to places where you can find more information where my own understanding is limited.
And with that, I leave you with another fantastic Eris quote that so many people have connected with and found beautiful but that also encapsulates "who is Eris Morn" pretty well on its own:
"Recovery is a spiral, not a circle. You may return to the same patterns, but you will break free." —Eris Morn
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JJ Dating A Bookwarm
No one asked for this so I kinda wrote this for me, myself and I.
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JJ opens your backpack to get you something and he really shouldn't be surprised when he sees what he sees
"You seriously brought a book?"
"I always have a book with me"
You tell him "don't judge someone by how they're acting JJ you know that you never know the whole story" to make him calm down
"Why are you so fucking smart? Stop it"
Playfully calls you nerd
"How many books are you trying to read for your summer reading list?"
"What reading list?"
"Nerd" he smiles as you poke your tongue at him or flip him off or do both
Blonde fictional character? You think of JJ
Jace Herondale = "hey babe do you have a black v neck t shirt? And can I sharpie a rune on your neck?" "Why....?" "It would be really hot"
"Oh my god you are a real life version of Draco Malfoy but surfer and darker hair version i need to get you a slytherin shirt"
"......i swear to god I'll get past the fact that you have never read the books BUT IF YOU NEVER HAVE SEEN THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES I-"
Harry Potter movie marathon
He finds all the dirty jokes online and tells you them all while you are at the used bookstore
"After this can I slyther into your Chamber of Secrets?"
Or as you walk past him
"Girl, are you sure you're a muggle cause I'd swear that ass is magical!"
When he's high and horny
"My wand has chosen you!"
You tell him you feel you cheated on him
"How can you feel like you cheated on me¿"
"I met my new fictional boyfriend on page 19 last night"
"Of course you did. Dark hair with daddy issues or brown hair aka the childhood best friend that doesn't love her back until she has someone else interested?"
"Oh my god you listen"
"Kinda hard not to when you always rant on and on and on and on"
"I would hit you with my book but I could never do that to it"
He notices your collection of bookmarks
And smiles when he sees you using a flower he picked for you instead
Or a polariod picture of you two on the HMS Pogue that Kiara secretly took
When he comes over after a fight with his dad he snuggles up to you and makes you lift your book back up
"I don't want to talk about it. Can you just...read to me?"
Your voice calms him and does listening to your heartbeat
He shakes his head but smiles when you find out a new book is coming out
When it comes in the mail, he leaves you be
"Why do you like reading so much?"
"I like getting lost it, and sometimes it's better than reality and it's just fun"
"You know I'm here though right? Here to talk and listen"
You get a book themed tattoo
"Now you're my adorkable badass nerd"
He goes to his normal spot in the bookstore when you tell him he doesn't need to hold your books
Eyes go wide when he sees how many you're carrying
"I want all of these but my wallet doesn't please help me chose I can't it hurts to much"
"I'm addicted to weed and your addiction is books"
I could honestly and easily never stop daydreaming about this *nervous laughter*
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Can I get a match up? I'm a 5'5" Mexican straight girl with short brown hair and glasses. I'm super shy and quiet. It takes me a while to open up to someone but I love those closest to me to death and I constantly compliment them when they're around. I love drawing and creating stories. I also love watching animation. I'm just a super big nerd. I don't like fighting and I get freaked out if there's mad/yelling people around me. Thank you 😊
I ship you with maybe me //;; Zenyatta!
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(Beware: Omni-boy may or may not try to borrow your glasses and wear them, then will ask if he looks as cute in them as you do.) Zenyatta is probably the easiest person to talk to out there, making it very easy to open up to him and, gradually, encouraging you to come out of that quiet shell of yours. He takes great interest in your art and writing abilities and, if he’s not hovering around you and watching you work, he’s constantly asking about your next project and how your inspiration is flowing. (If you have writer’s/artist’s block, be prepared to go on a trip because he’s already mapping out an inspiring road trip.) He’s not a fan of fighting himself, though, if there’s a rough situation in progress, he’s ready to defend you with with life; then he’ll apologize profusely for partaking in a fight around you (even if he was doing it to protect you) and go into mega comfort mode after kicking ass. Keeping your anxiety towards anger and yelling, he tries to prevent you ending up in such situations to the best of his ability. He also loves your adorkable nerdiness and loves to join you in watching animation or partaking in any other nerdy activity you can come with. Your compliments make his circuits go all warm and fuzzy, and he returns each one with one of his own in hopes of making you feel the same way.
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