#this however. i do Want to experience the story for realsies n all that
carp-esh-ove-lem · 1 year
i think me making a dropout/d20/naddpod sideblog is inevitable at this point
#ty xeph my beloved for givin me the final push to get dropout#dam i dont even remember if there was a specific thing u did xD i had been wantin to get it for a while already tbh#anyways i wanna look at naddpod stuff on here so bad but also started from the beginning and ;-; spoilers#lol it’s so weird it’s been YEARS since ive been invested in a fandom/media n cared abt (or even had the opportunity to care abt) spoilers#tbh i usually dont care but even if i did#a lot of the time the content ends up easy to catch up on yknow? limited series & books and stuff n all#or fuckinnnn yt series that u dont need to be caught up from the beginning lol#this however. i do Want to experience the story for realsies n all that#anyways. the sideblog is definitely fuckin happening imma be real#idk when i’ll stop being a coward and *nike voice* just do it#but it’ll happen it is quite literally inevitable. ive gone past the point of no return#i Do need to dwell on a url though. that may take A Bit (read: far too long)#i think i was considering maybe a silly dumb ref to andhera from acofaf#bc that was the first campaign i watched and they are Best Boy. god i fucking love andhera#but also. man idk#ikikik ik u can change urls l8r but this is How I Am *awkward smile*#i Need a silly little ref that Satisfies Me. it doesnt even hafta be a good or recognizable reference (<- historically true)#but it’s gotta be good to Me Personally bc im ~like that~ teehee#anyways screaming crying How will i ever catch up to naddpod#i mean tbf. im at ep 26 for first campaign and it’s been maybe a week? maybe under (or over??) a bit??#so theoretically it hopefully wont take me more than 2 months to finish bahumia campaign even w school starting factored in#hopefully. idk#d20 shit is gonna take 50 goddamn yrs tho xD im in my naddpod arc rn#and all ive seen is acofaf and most of coffin run. and am keepin up w neverafter ofc#and idk even which intrepid hero campaign to go for next. i was thinkin unsleeping city but like damn i dont even know for sure yet#ALSO i HAVE to watch mice&murder first now. idk if it’s any good but Conceptually im just. oh my god i need to get my grubby lil hands on it#but again. before that im In My Naddpod Arc currently and im like. most of the way thru coffin run. god i’ll finish it i promise#it just didnt Grip me as much as the other stuff ive consumed so far. i dont dislike it tho; it’s cool but brain didnt stick as hard#and im like literally one episode from finishing too. like 20 min of the penultimate and the final one thats it#anyway im evidently fuckin rambling i’ll shut up now
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
alright codi i need your opinion
is yuri on ice as good as people make it out to be? it’s been on my to-watch list forever and i’d like to know if i’m missing out on something
also history maker fucking slaps
yuri on ice is quite literally a ride. in my humble opinion, while it is short and at times a little cheesy, stands today as one of the most emotional pieces of media ive ever consumed.
my personal experiences at the time may bias my review, but i think that yuri on ice has an excellent grasp on creating fun and balanced charscters, and a good perception into what anxiety feels like. Yuuri Katsuki is an excellent protagonist and has such an incredible lense to view the story from that i think it stands as one of the best usages of unreliable narrator in mainstream media.
the plot is both insanely simple and heart clenchingly good, that even without the romance aspect youd be rooting for yuuri the WHOLE way. While i cant vouch for the actual sports aspect as i still fall over on my ass in the ice rink, i know that it has gotten the approval of SEVERAL professional skating legends like Jonathan Weir (who, btw, is one of the first openly gay international ice skaters in the world) and Evgenia Medvedeva (who i love very very much).
The scope YOI set up for issues under competitive sport and being a representative for your country are shockingly real and nuanced. As a person who HAS competed internationally and been described as a prodigy when I was younger, the narratives that followed Viktor, Yuuri, Yurio, and all the other characters were... very relatable. The character development that is shown alongside the raw flaws that every character started with were ones that do exist in society today and I think were excellently addressed.
In terms of the LGBTQ+ and romance aspect of the show—I think YOI is an excellent example of queer media. Aside from the fact that it is barely fetishized (at least not for fanservice), it explores the idea of sensuality and gender expression as something that is ACTUALLY SIGNIFICANT TO THE PLOT (see: Yuuri Katsuki's short skate performance Eros) rather than a 'quirky character trait' or gag. The romance is also excellently made in my opinion and aside with my very few pickings at its pacing—I think that Viktuuri was well developed and satisfying to see bloom. As a young questioning queer person at the time of watching (now proudly bi and gnc!) YOI was a hallmark for media that actually depicted being LGBTQ+ as a comfortable and NORMAL experience. There was little to absolutely NONE discrimination or mentions of homophobia, and it didnt hugely overshadow the plot of the anime itself which largely revolved around the development of Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov as both athletes and people. It was a reminder that LGBTQ+ media doesnt always have to be 'tragic' or 'realistic' in order to be popular.
tldr: If you're watching it purely for the romance, I dont recommend it because it is a sports anime through and through. HOWEVER yuri!!! on ice excellently handles character development, plot execution, and real world issues as an anime. It has EXCELLENT MUSIC that makes me feel so many things AND choreography that blesses my eyeballs whenever i happen upon it again AND a cast of characters that i loved so much that i still remember everyones names until now (n u can quote me on that)—drawing the conclusion that it really is deserving of at least some of its hype.
TLDR tldr; yes oh my god aj please watch it.
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