#this is on my taraprowl playlist i never finished
arturer · 1 year
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spotify wrapped prompt. heavily referenced from Serge Lutens
Darling, you can't walk away Your feelings come & go There is nothing I won't do
"Darling, You Can't Walk Away" - Ark Patrol
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soundwavereporting · 9 months
it's dracula daily/big bang posting season again so that means i've got MAG32 brainrot I'm thinking about last year's big bang fic!
Here are some Facts(TM) about it that I never got around to talking about before, and because I realized ao3 ate my author's notes:
-There's a playlist! I don't know why it didn't make it onto the author's notes.
-The redacted text can be highlighted for additional details/easter eggs!
-The Roadbuster portions were my favorite to write! The first part of Roadbuster' line "But he is not a god—or if he is, he is one of his own making" was a reference to @ckret2's 2019 taraprowl BB fic "The Cop and the Cryptid", and the rest of the line "crawling and many-legged with plans you and your education and examinations could not hope to comprehend." was a very obvious rewrite of MAG32 "Hive".
-(Actually, most of Roadbuster's lines were rewritten MAG32 lines. MAG32 is my favorite episode of The Magnus Archives)
-Despite getting ahead on Dracula Daily for this fic, I never actually finished Dracula last year.
-I'd deliberately left the timeline of the fic pretty open-ended, but one of the reasons Tarantulas could have been overly familiar with Prowl was because Tarantulas had been stuck in a time loop (possibly due to his experiments with Tor and the obtenteum).
-Another reason might have been Prowl being shadowplayed prior to the events of this fic, in which his memories of Meso/Tara were removed, but he'd created a contingency (the investigation) to reconnect with him. I didn't have the time to explore the ideas further, so the interpretation is up to the reader.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
2 11 13 and 15 for the big bang fic?
(The fic.)
I did 11 and 15 for the last one!
2: What scene did you first put down?
Oh, I can't write out of order usually. If a scene comes first, I write it first. I get very confused spatially and chronologically otherwise, unfortunately. What I do tend to do is go back and rewrite stuff at the start after finishing, but I wound up not having to do this here! So, the first scene came first, as in pretty much all my fics. I struggled a lot with the bit before he got out of the ship, so I was there... a while, haha.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I never listen to music while writing, but I do sometimes listen when I'm taking smoke breaks to think about what to do next, haha! The obvious answer is 'graves', the song this fic is named for, by purity ring. I also just listened to a bunch of stuff off my general taraprowl playlist, which includes 'Horror Of Our Love' by Ludo, 'Very Good Bad Thing' by Mother Mother, 'Bodies at Bay' by Cold Specks, and 'Vampire Smile' by Kyla La Grange. I think for anyone reading, purity ring are a good bet. They've got that uneasy tone and sort of sparkly-but-unnerving sound that just always makes me think of Mesothulas. Affable until you listen closely, that's them, and him.
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