#well i did one spotify wrapped prompt; nice job @me
arturer · 1 year
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spotify wrapped prompt. heavily referenced from Serge Lutens
Darling, you can't walk away Your feelings come & go There is nothing I won't do
"Darling, You Can't Walk Away" - Ark Patrol
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queen-rowenas · 3 years
for the spotify writing game: 12!
spotify wrapped writing game: 12 - ready for it. taylor swift
send me a number 1-100 and i’ll write a fic based on that song on my top 100 playlist. requested by @lookforanewangle and @darthbecky726
stealing hearts - 3.7k, destiel au, thieves, this was supposed to be a short fic but i got carried away and now i’m obsessed, tempted to make a series out of this, my first au!
Dean doesn’t understand rich people. Why does someone even need a mansion? Or priceless jewelry collections? Or security teams with really big guns?
Well, that might be an exaggeration. The jewels aren’t priceless. Dean is very aware of how much they’re worth. It’s his job to know that. More than his job, really.
Helping people. Stealing things. It’s the family business. John Winchester was an obsessed bastard, but he was also a great thief. And he made sure his sons were better thieves.
The detailing at the top of the mansion’s stone columns catch the flood lights and barely manage to hide the security cameras. He winks at one as he circles the back of the property. “Charlie, am I good?” he mutters under his breath.
“Yep,” the hacker pipes up over the comms, “I’ve got the cameras, so you’re good to go, boss.”
Walking around to the side door and the big guy guarding it, Dean holds up his security badge and gives his best smile. “Hey, the boss wants me to double check everything in the back before the main event starts.”
The guy manning the door frowns. “Again? Mick just did a walkthrough.”
Dean shrugs. “I don’t know, man. You know how Ketch gets. He’s not taking any chances.”
“Yeah, he’s been on everyone’s butt all night.” The guard looks Dean up and down, still frowning. “You new? I haven’t seen you on any details.”
“Yeah, they brought in some extra help for tonight and made me throw on a monkey suit,” he says, tugging on the collar of his jacket.
The guard scoffs. “At least you don’t have door duty. It’s the most boring gig.”
“Well, hopefully things don’t get too exciting.”
“True.” The guy opens the door and steps aside. “Alright, you have a good night.”
“Thanks, man. You too.”
As soon as the door closes behind him, Dean checks his watch. 7:24pm. Six minutes until the next change in security. Thirty-six until the jewels are put on display for the event. “Alright, I’m in.”
“Okay,” Sam’s voice cuts through the comms, “I’m headed to the back. Meet you at the elevator.”
Dean counts each second as he makes his way down the hall, each step timed to keep him out of the circuit of security guards and panning cameras. His dress shoes click on the hard floor, echoing down the empty corridor toward the basement elevator, distant from the actual festivities. The mansion was a freaking marble maze.
He glances at his watch again. 7:27pm. He walks a little faster.
When Sam meets him at the elevator, Dean chuckles. “Nice hairnet.”
Sam scowls at him, unclipping his kitchen staff badge from his uniform. “Next time, you get kitchen duty and I get to wear the suit.”
“Be my guest. I look great in a hairnet.”
“Whatever.” Sam steps up to the security panel. “You got the audio?”
“Yep.” Dean holds up his phone. “You got the thumbprint?”
“Got it,” Sam says, taking the skinniest wine glass Dean has ever seen out of his jacket. How can someone even drink out of that?
As Sam transfers the thumbprint to a glove, Dean checks the time to see it switch to 7:29pm. “Come on, man. We got one minute til security’s gonna be walking through again.”
“I got it. Chill.” Sam presses the print to scanner, and Dean holds his breath.
Two green lights blink on. When the screen asks for the voice prompt, he hits play on the phone. The seconds after Ketch’s voice prattles in his dumb accent feel like an eternity. He should be well past heist jitters, but Dean’s heart feels like it’s about to beat out of his chest.
The light turns green, and Dean releases his breath. He types in the password Charlie texted him, and the elevator doors slide open. As they step inside, Dean looks at his watch. 7:30pm.
The guards walk by just as the doors close.
The elevator moves slow, programmed by Charlie to not reach the basement until security has passed through. Dean leans back against the wall and closes his eyes, taking a moment to breathe.
The job isn’t that different from their usual gigs. The Stein family is bad news. They’ve hurt a lot of people, and they need to be taken down. But they’re also connected to a lot of worse people, bigger than they’ve taken on before. And Dean can’t help but feel like they’re about to get into something they’re not ready for.
The doors open and they’re moving. Charlie directs them down the hall, with a few jumps into side rooms to avoid the rounds of security guards.
“Alright,” Dean says, taking the necklace replica out of his pocket, “Bela said this should buy us some time until they actually check—”
An alarm pierces the air, and Dean’s blood runs cold. He looks back at the door, praying no one runs in. “Charlie?”
“It’s a fire alarm, so not us.” Fierce typing carries through the comms. “The smoke detectors aren’t showing anything. No reports of anything.”
“So someone probably set it off,” Sam says.
Dean nods. “We need to move.”
“There aren’t any guards between you and the necklace,” Charlie says, “Go.”
They break into a run.
The room where the jewels are being kept on standby for the event has a gold door. Dean doesn’t even stop to judge it before pushing it open. He breathes out a curse.
The jewels are already on their display, waiting to be carried out to the party. Emeralds, rubies, and a freaking bejeweled dagger are arranged around the centerpiece: the biggest diamond necklace Dean has ever seen.
And this is just what they’re showing people tonight, Dean thinks. He can’t imagine what the actual jewel room is like.
“Alright, give me the fake,” Sam says, pushing past him. The lock holding the necklace to the display had been custom engineered for this event. Fortunately, they know a smart kid named Kevin that can reverse engineer almost anything.
Sam unlocks it with Kevin’s key and holds the necklace out to Dean without looking up. Dean takes care in taking it and tucking it in the inner pocket of his suit jacket, handing Sam the replica. The fire alarm still blares.
“Okay.” Sam clicks the lock shut. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Uh oh,” Charlie pipes up.
“Uh oh?” Dean falters. “What’s uh oh?”
“Looks like we got company.”
Sam and Dean look at each other. This can not be happening. “What kind of company?”
“Hello, Dean,” a deep voice speaks behind them. “Sam.”
Dean curses under his breath. Great. Just perfect. He whirls around with a smile. “Hey, Cas. Didn’t expect to see you here. You look good.”
Castiel. An experienced thief and con man, much like Dean. Except where Dean and Sam depend on Charlie’s creative banking, he has the backing of a very powerful and very shady criminal empire.
Cas’s blue eyes flick past him to the display. The tuxedo fits him perfectly, doing a lot for his shoulders. Dean tries to ignore it. “Thank you. I’m assuming you’re here for the diamonds as well?”
Dean nods. “Yep. And as you can see, we were here first.”
“True, but given that this isn’t an elementary school playground, that doesn’t hold much merit.”
Here’s the thing. Dean likes Cas, professionally speaking. He’s good at his job, and he’s a funny guy when he wants to be. And even more so when he doesn’t.
“Come on, man. I saved your skin back in San Diego. Doesn’t that get me something?”
Cas frowns. “My actions in Bogotá more than made up for that. You would still be in a Colombian prison if it wasn’t for me. Or worse.”
“What do your people want with this necklace anyway? Did your boss even tell you?”
Cas’s jaw tightens. “That is none of your concern, Dean.”
“Oh yeah, right. I’m convinced now.” Dean waves a dramatic arm toward the necklace. “Go ahead and take it.”
“I will take it.” Cas takes a step forward.
“I’d like to see you try.”
“Uh, guys?” Charlie speaks up, “The events team and security are on their way to get the jewels.”
Cas turns back towards the hall and curses. “She’s right. We need to go.”
Checking the necklace in his jacket, Dean follows him down the hall with Sam close behind. “Dude, did you tap into our comms?”
“Of course I did.”
As they run down the hall, Dean realizes the fire alarm has stopped ringing. “If we get caught, I’m blaming you,” he hisses at Cas.
They’re almost to the elevator when the door dings. “Guys, get out of the hall,” Charlie says, urgent. “Get out of the hall now.”
“Crap.” Dean clamps a hand on Cas’s arm and yanks him through the nearest door as Sam takes another one.
It becomes painfully obvious that Dean has made a critical mistake. They’re in a closet, a small one. Cas glares at him, face inches away, faintly lit by the light from the hall. They’re pressed chest to chest, crowded in by shelves, and Dean can feel Cas’s breath on his face.
Here’s the thing. Dean likes Cas a lot. He’s actually a nice guy, something Dean had not been expecting given the guy’s line of work and choice of coworkers. He’s funny and really good at his job. And he’s also really hot.
And now Dean is stuck in a closet with him, staring into those big, blue eyes like an idiot, with the risk of being caught hanging over their heads. It’s like a dream and a nightmare all at once. He can almost guarantee Cas can feel his heart pounding in his chest.
They wait for the event coordinator to pass by, blabbing about the schedule to his assistants. Cas shifts, and Dean makes the mistake of looking down at his throat as he swallows.
“I thought,” Dean’s voice cracks, trying to keep it low, “I thought after we pulled off that job in Philly together, we’d be good.”
Cas sighs, eyes flicking across Dean’s face. “I would like us to be good…but I have a job to do.”
“So do I. Come on, Cas, you gotta understand. We’re trying to help people. I’ve got a client, and the money from this necklace is gonna help people. Help me out here.”
“It’s not that simple. You know who I answer to. You know what they’re like.”
“Which is exactly my point. They suck. Did they really send you to do this job alone? This is not a one man job. What cover did you blow getting an invite to this? ‘Cause you’re not gonna be able to show your face here again.” Dean huffs and moves his hand only to smack it against a shelf, wincing. “They’re not good, Cas. And they’re not good for you. Don’t you want to get out of it?”
“It’s not my job to want things, Dean.”
“Oh, come on. That’s a load of crap. Isn’t there something you want?”
Cas stares up at him, quiet for a moment, something intense and a little wild in his eyes. “Yes.”
Wait. Dean sucks in a breath. Oh.
Here’s the thing. Dean is a good thief and a good liar. He can spin a tale and sell a bit to anyone. He can talk someone’s ear off about something he knows absolutely nothing about.
He’s not good at this. Telling the truth. Being earnest. He keeps that close to his chest, locked away, because that’s how you mess up a job. That’s how you get burned.
But Cas is the most earnest person he’s ever met. Those blue eyes cut straight through him, like he’s looking straight at his soul, like he sees him.
Dean opens and closes his mouth. “Cas…”
“You look very nice,” Cas says, his voice barely above a whisper.
“What?” Dean’s head reels from the whiplash of this conversation. His cheeks grow hot. “It’s just a suit. I look like I always do.”
“Well, you always look very nice.”
The security detail marches by, boots stomping down the hall, and Dean flinches. His fingers brush against Cas’s wrist. He wishes he could reach out and feel the pulse underneath, see if it jumps under his touch.
He looks back at Cas’s face to find him still staring at him. Those blue eyes drop to his lips.
And suddenly Dean’s heart is trying to leap out of his chest, pounding faster than it has all night. The blood rushes through his veins, adrenaline lighting him up like no job has before. He feels like he’s rappelling down a building and racing down a city street and sprinting across a roof all at once.
I’m not good at this, he thinks, but I want to be.
He takes Cas’s face in his hands and kisses him. A slow press, not too hard although his hands are shaking. Cas gasps under the touch and Dean breathes him in.
So that’s what his hair feels like, Dean thinks in a daze, running one hand through the ever-tousled hair, That’s what he tastes like.
Cas melts into him, wrapping arms around him to pull him in closer, humming into his mouth. Dean is a rocket. He’s about to shoot into the sky.
Footsteps pass by, and Dean pulls back with a gasp. They’re taking the display upstairs to the party, but he can’t bring himself to care.
He cradles Cas’s face in his hands, holding him close. “Come with me.” He presses another kiss to his lips. “I’ll take care of you. Come with us.”
Cas pants against his lips. “I can’t. They won’t let me go. They’d never stop hunting us.”
“Like we’re not already on the run all the time.
Cas shakes his head. “Not like this. It’s too dangerous.”
It already is. Dean tightens his hold on him. He wants to shake him, knock it into his head, convince him to run away with him. “Cas—”
“I didn’t come alone,” Cas says quickly.
“What?” Dean blanches.
“They sent Uriel as insurance. He’s upstairs, waiting to intercept you.”
“And by intercept, you mean pound me to a pulp.”
“Essentially, yes.” Cas shifts out of his hold and takes a keycard out of his jacket pocket. “There’s a service stairwell at the east side of the basement. This card will unlock it.”
Dean takes it reluctantly. “What are you gonna tell your boss?”
“That you took it from me,” Cas murmurs, eyes hooded as they drop to Dean’s mouth, “because you’re a very good thief.”
Dean sways into him. “You really think they’re gonna believe that?”
“I’m not sure, but that’s a risk we’ll have to take.”
“Our next job,” Dean blurts out, “It’s in Manhattan.”
“You shouldn’t be telling me that.”
“I want you to know.” Dean wants to kiss him again, so he does. “I want you to be there. I want to see you there.” His voice drops to a whisper.
“Dean…” Cas shakes his head. “I don’t know if I can do that.”
“Okay.” Dean nods, trying not to let his face drop. “That’s okay. I get it.”
Cas sighs and presses him back against the shelves, kissing him deep. And Dean lets him in willingly. One of Cas’s hand curves around his jaw, fingers splaying out to hold him, and Dean shivers.
Cas draws back, pressing a chaste kiss to Dean’s lips as he tries to follow him. “Everyone has gone upstairs,” he says, voice rough. I did that, Dean thinks distantly. “We should go.”
“Right.” Dean nods. “Yeah, you’re right. Where are you gonna go?”
“Back to the party. You should leave before Uriel finds you.”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” Dean doesn’t move to leave. Cas is warm against him and Dean wants to press into him again, bask in the warmth. Maybe if they just stayed here, no one would find them.
“Uh, guys?” Sam’s voice startles Dean, and he curses. The comms. He completely forgot about the comms. Which means Sam and Charlie definitely heard everything. His face burns.
“Yeah, Sammy, what?” His voice cracks, and he cringes even more, unable to look at Cas
“Sorry, but Cas is right. We should head out while it’s clear.”
“Yeah.” Dean nods, desperately trying to sound normal, “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry.”
He puts a hand on the doorknob, but stops to look at Cas. His hair is even more of a mess and oh god his face is flushed, the blush spreading down his neck. His eyes are wide and watching Dean, unsure.
Can’t have that, Dean thinks and leans in to press a quick kiss to his cheek. “Ready, sweetheart?”
Cas’s smile is a small thing, and Dean feels like he won the biggest score. “Yes.”
When Dean opens the door, Sam is leaning against the wall, a huge grin on his face. Dean could punch him.
“You guys good?” Sam asks, way too smug.
“Yeah.” Dean clears his throat. “Are you?”
“A little traumatized, but I’ll be good.”
“Shut up,” Dean says, his face growing hot again.
Cas steps forward, the calm smile a stark contrast from his disheveled hair. His holds out a hand to Sam. “It was good seeing you, Sam.”
“Yeah, you too, man.” Sam shakes his hand, glancing at Dean. “Hope we see you again. Maybe under better circumstances.”
Cas looks over at Dean. “So do I.”
Dean’s mouth goes dry as he opens it. What does he even say after all that? “Yeah,” he croaks. Wow, real smooth, Winchester.
Cas’s eyes soften and he nods. Turning away, he makes his way to the elevator. Dean watches his shoulders shift with each step, and he wants to ask him to come with them again.
Sam claps a hand on his shoulder, breaking him out of his reverie and turning him around. “Let’s go, man.”
Dean slaps his hand away. “I’m good.”
“Sure you are.” Sam’s smirk fades and he’s quiet for a moment as they walk. “Cas is a good guy. I’d want him with us, too.”
“Yeah,” Dean mutters. He can’t decide if tonight was a win or a loss. His lips buzz, but his hand flexes at his side, missing the feeling of a warm pulse underneath.
The van is parked a good distance from the mansion, so it’s a long trek. When they finally get there, the door slides open to reveal Charlie’s grinning face. “Well, looks like one of us got lucky in more ways than one.”
Dean can’t help the smile spreading across his face. He did, didn’t he? He shrugs, some of his old bravado coming back. “What can I say? When you got it you got it.”
He reached inside his jacket to get the diamonds—
And his hand wraps around nothing.
His heart drops. Wait. He reaches in the other side. Nothing. He opens his jacket all the way, pats down all of his pockets. “No, no, no.”
Sam’s and Charlie’s eyes grow wide.
“You’re kidding,” Sam says.
“I swear I had it in here.” Dean reaches around in his jacket again. “You gave it to me and I put it in here and I…”
And then he was pressed against Cas is a closet. And they kissed. And Cas’s hands slid under his jacket.
“Dude.” Charlie looks torn between yelling and laughing. “Are you telling me your boyfriend stole the necklace from you?”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Dean hisses, “but…maybe.”
“You’re an idiot,” Sam says, “And I knew Cas made you an idiot, but I didn’t know it was this bad?”
Dean groans and drops his face in his hands. “I can’t believe I let him play me.”
“If it makes you feel any better,” Charlie says, spinning in her chair, “I think he still likes you. He just also stole from you.”
“Yeah.” Dean trudges toward the van. “‘Cause he’s the best.” He’s freaking perfect. This is so not fair.
“Alright, let’s get out of here and get you some pie, Romeo.”
* * *
Dean takes a long drink of his beer, watching the Manhattan traffic pass by down below from his hotel window. Their mark is just across the street. The building’s blueprints are spread out on the table behind him.
There’s a knock at the door, and Dean sighs. He sets the drink down, careful to keep it on the coaster and away from the plans.
“Dude,” he calls as he walks to the door, “did you forgot your key again?”
He peeks through the peephole, but there’s no one there. He frowns. Well, this is a good way to get mugged or killed.
Fortunately, Charlie is a wizard and has the hotel’s security cameras at her mercy. Dean takes out his phone and pulls up the hall camera. Still no one.
He squints at the picture. There’s a package at the door. Huh.
He opens the door and looks down at it. It’s small, nondescript. “You better not be a bomb.”
Glancing up and down the hall, Dean picks it up and takes it inside, kicking the door closed behind him. That’s when he sees the note.
There’s a small piece of paper taped to the top. D + C scrawled in neat, familiar handwriting, and Dean stops in his tracks. He rushes back to the door and flings it open, stepping out into the hall. His eyes strain like if he looks hard enough, those blue eyes will appear.
Heart racing, he goes back inside and sets the box on the table. His hands shake a little as he opens it. There’s an ungodly amount of bubble wrap, but when he unwraps it all, Dean freezes.
Emeralds. Rubies. A dagger. It’s the Stein collection save for the diamond necklace.
There’s another note folded carefully in the bottom of the box. Unfolding it, Dean handles it with more care than he had with the jewels.
It’s not the necklace, but maybe these will help :)
- C
Dean stares at the paper. He put a smiley face, he thinks distantly, running his thumb over the writing. His chest feels tight.
I think I’m in love with him.
Dean drops into a chair and presses his forehead to the table. He laughs at himself. I’m so screwed.
It’s cliche. It’s stupid. A thief getting his heart stolen. But he supposes that’s what makes Castiel a great thief, being able to pull off something like that.
He raises his head and looks at the emeralds shining back at him. He looks at the careful curve of the smiley face, the ink a little smudged.
Maybe—Dean hopes, he prays—maybe he managed to steal something too.
writing tag list pt. 1 (ask to be added or removed)
@10x02 @alivedean @alex-is-a-boy-b-tch @bixlasagna @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @blue-moon-elf @brokenyouth @butchnatural @carvereracas @casblackfeathers @castiel-for-lunch @castiel-is-a-cat @castielevermore @castielsbeeslippers @ccstiel @clouds-starlight @destieldisaster @destielfactory @destielinimpala @donestiel @donvex @dstiel @ensignabby @expectingtofly @feraladoration @folklorecas @fireghost-x @galaxies-of-the-heart @galaxycastiel @good-things-do-happen-dean @heller-swift @himitsutsubasa @how-the-feathers-have-fallen @ialwaysordericedcoffee @immortalcas @im-sam-fucking-winchester @itsshadowdancer23 @jackles-acting-choices @lalisfandoms @lateral-org @littlewolf2703 @llamasdumpsterfire @martymar1963 @miniaturereviewmaker @mishha @mochadean @mostly-marauders-headcanons @mrswatermelon
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Hello there,I hope you're well. This is my first time doing this and I hope it isn't much of a bother,but can I ask for a prompt?One of W Red,M(The song being "Rewrite The Stars" from The Greatest Show)?If you can't,I understand and its fine.I just want to know and I hope you're doing alright. 💙
M is for music, and “Rewrite The Stars” can be found on Spotify and YouTube. And thank you, sweetheart! <3 I’m doing really well! I hope you’re well too, and survived the holiday season with minimal emotional strain.
A faint rustling overhead is the only sign of Lupin Red’s presence before he speaks. “Bonsoir, Officer Gorgeous.”
Keiichiro sighs and doesn’t look up. “Did you just call me ‘Officer Gorgeous?’ That’s a new one, I feel like you’re not usually that complimentary. I’m exhausted, can we do this another time?”
“Do what?”
“Do...whatever it is that you wanted to do.”
Another faint sound, feet on the pavement, Lupin Red’s voice now close behind him and soft. “You don’t know what I wanted to do, though.”
Looking up is one thing, but Keiichiro’s not going to keep his back to a career criminal. He turns. “Do I need to--whoa, you’re much closer than I’d realized.”
Lupin Red grins at him. One gloved hand is over his head, wrapped around his zipline, which is anchored to...something...far above them. It gives him a weirdly impermanent, ethereal sort of look, like he might fly off at any second. “I like being close to you.”
It clicks. Keiichiro knows what Lupin Red wants to do. “I can’t let you kiss me again.”
The grinning mouth curls into a pout that Keiichiro wants to kiss despite himself. “Why not?”
“I--do I need to list the reasons why it’s a terrible idea? Because it’s a terrible idea. For one, you don’t even like me--”
“Wait, have I actually said I didn’t like you? Past me didn’t mean it, he’s an idiot, ignore him.”
Keiichiro barrels on past that statement. “--and I’m not a big fan of you, and arresting you is literally a major part of my job, and...” He loses focus for a moment, staring at the curve of Lupin Red’s lower lip, but then realization strikes and he continues with, “and, I am in a relationship.” And then uncertainty strikes, just as hard as realization did. “I think.“
Lupin Red has a really nice laugh, and it’s kind of a problem. “You’re in a relationship?”
“Why, is that somehow funny to you?”
“With who? The cute waiter from that French restaurant?”
“Well, yes, if you--wait, how do you know about him?” Keiichiro’s back goes tense. “Stay away from Kairi.”
He expects another laugh, but Lupin Red doesn’t laugh at him, just looks, still standing too close, lips pursed thoughtfully. “You really do like him, don’t you. This Kairi guy.”
“I really do--why am I having this conversation with you?”
“I’m an easy guy to talk to.” A fluid shrug, red brocade catching the streetlights.
“Well, I’m not going to keep it up. You get a pass on me arresting you for the day, but that’s it.” Despite every instinct that tells him not to, Keiichiro turns his back on Lupin Red and walks away.
There’s a rush of air, and he steps back in surprise as Lupin Red swings around in front of him again, hanging a few inches above the pavement now with one arm and one leg wrapped around the zipline. He’s very close again, near enough that they’re already almost touching before he reaches out and Keiichiro doesn’t push him away. “Kei-chan--that’s what your cute waiter calls you, right? Kei-chan?” His free arm wraps around Keiichiro’s waist, like they’re dancing, an impression only heightened by how weightlessly he drifts along when Keiichiro turns again. “I’m sure he won’t mind sharing you a little bit, Kei-chan, since you’re only kissing an old friend.” Keiichiro’s back bumps into a wall, and Lupin Red is so close to him and so warm, lips moving a whisper away from his. “We know each other pretty well, after all.”
This is a really bad idea, Keiichiro, says the quiet voice of his conscience, but for once he ignores his conscience and kisses Lupin Red anyway.
“Not saying we have to make this a regular thing, Kei-chan,” Lupin Red murmurs against his lips, “but if you want to, I bet we can figure out a way to make it work.”
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Love Stress - H. H Story
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Prompt: "Y/n," Harry whined, but your eyes were still fixed on your laptop, "Give me attention!"
          A person would think that being in lockdown with your significant other would be a wonderful time due the time you would have to spend time with them. However, they do not count the stress from work due dates getting closer and the more work getting pushed onto you because your boss thinks that you are at home and have nothing better to do than to work all day. After graduating from university with a business administration bachelor’s degree, you thought the job you had would be fun, but it is hard-tiring work at times. Compared to your boyfriend Harry, who is a photographer, so his work is more fun and interesting. 
       The projects that are assigned to me can either take two hours to complete or it could take a whole day requiring zoom meetings with co-workers to complete it causing some disagreements between Harry and you at times. For example, there was an important deadline that you had to meet but Harry wanted you to model for his photoshoot. You tried to finish it beforehand so that there was enough time to help Harry, but of course, your boss added more work onto that project so that next morning you woke up early to add on those additions. That night before you went to bed early to Harry’s surprise because the plan was to be done by the afternoon to be able to model for him because you were done your work. A sneaky and needy  Harry had a different plan though, he climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you in close to his chest while peppering kisses on your neck making you make sweet noises to his ears.
          Squirming against his body as he starts to suck harder on your sweet spot on your neck while pushing your hips into his front making him groan and gripping your hips while softly grinding back making you buck and causing friction between you two. Pushing him on his back so that you are straddling him, he grips your hips helping you move in a motion that created pleasure for both of you making you moan out, “Harry, please give me more.” Harry smirks and slyly comments, “Of course love anything for you,” flipping you over so he is on top kissing your lips and grinding harder bringing you both close to finishing. He goes harder while you lift your hips to meet his thrusts and kissing him deeper and more passionately as this moment has not been able to happen lately due to work. He groans and you both come together he lays down and says, “Who knew dry humping could be so hot? I mean I just wanted a kiss but that was way better love.” You laugh into his chest as you rest onto him to get some sleep. You look up to him saying, “I am sorry that we have not been able to be together much, but after next week I WILL have a week off to spend all my time with you. I love you so much I wish I could make you know that more.” He cups my jaw gently tiling my face upward saying lovingly, “Baby, please do not apologize. I understand work is important and I am here for you always. I am always going to support you. I love you to the moon and back.” I lean up and kiss him sweetly and lay back down dazing off to sleep onto Harry’s warm chest. The next morning as you try to get out of bed early, you feel Harry’s arms tighten around my waist as he cuddles deeper into you. You smile amused and admire how lucky you got to be with someone like him, leaning over kissing his forehead as he holds onto to a pillow that you switched to be in your place. Looking back once more to make sure he is okay; you go to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. After getting ready and grabbing the necessary paperwork for the day to finish off the project, you decided the kitchen was the best place, so you do not disturb or wake anyone up. Setting up the office space took less than expected and you got started working right away, in your dream last night the solution to the problem showed up and it helped you to be able to turn in the project before being able to model for Harry’s work. 
       A pair of footsteps enter the kitchen but you are to wrapped up in your mind and work to notice that it is Harry and that he has placed a cup of tea near your phone on the table and how he sadly walked away with a frown on his face and his head down disappointed that you could not even be able to his photoshoot even if that is the only one thing that he asked for you to do. You are halfway done and see that it is only about ten in the morning and there is plenty of time to get ready for his shot at one. Smiling to yourself and unconsciously sipping on the tea which you remember that you did not make and suddenly think Harry must be awake, not putting together that he must have seen you working and thought you could not do the shoot for him. Pushing the thoughts away, you get to work and finish so you can get ready to make your boyfriend happy again.
Harry’s POV:
       I wake up to an empty bed which is normal and see she put a pillow to cuddle into him, it’s a nice token of her genuine niceness but it does not compare to her warmth and love that her body radiates. I hear typing going on in the kitchen knowing it is her and decide to make her some tea and to see what she is up to. I quickly freshen up and go to the kitchen seeing her working with her determination face and laugh to myself as she is adorable when she wants to finish something. As I finish the tea and place it near her phone, I look at her screen and see that it's her big project that is due to today and get a little upset and annoyed she left it until today as she agreed to help me. I shake my head and try not to be selfish and understand that sometimes her work is more important but this shoot is not only for a brand but a chance for us to bond in the day time not only during night time. Then an idea pops up and knowing it may upset her not only because he is replacing her but also that the girl, he is asking is someone who she is not so fond of. I think for the future what is better and decide to text Sarah, “Hey, I know this is last minute, but could you please do a photoshoot for me today?” I get a response in less than a minute with an “Anything for you handsome 😉” I shake my head and make myself get ready for the day and what it is to bring.
     I do the finishing touches as I hit the save button and see Harry walking around back and forth, I ask out loud, “Love, are you okay?” He stops mid-step looking at me with an odd expression on his face answering coolly, “Yes, I am fine that is if you even care.” I stop typing the email of my boss and turn in my chair as I ask calmly, “Please repeat that, I must have heard you wrong. I care about you and your pacing and gathering are not exactly quiet. I am trying to do an important project here.” He scuffs,” Of course you are assuming that your work is more important than mine. Just because you have a degree and I do not make you better.” I gasp angrily and turn around before I say something, I regret but decide to move along and let him calm down and do his own thing. He mumbles to himself, “Of course you are not going to admit that I am correct. You can never apologize even when you are wrong.” I feel my eyes tearing up and feel one fall down slowly and wipe it quickly before he catches it and comments something petty but it's too late as he already came over and looks at me like I am in the wrong here. “What now you are going to cry because I insulted you, I thought you were so mature, what happened.” I ignore him as he continues, “You know I thought I could trust you when you said you would always help me but now, I am not so sure. I feel like you have changed, and I am not sure I am a fan of it.” I take a deep breath and snap, “Please if you know what’s good for you walk away. I am trying to finish this and be done with it, but your talking is disturbing me.” He walks away finally but not before saying the last few words that hurt the most. “I wish I sometimes have never run into you.” I instantly grow cold and go back to work sending off the email but sit at the computer before hearing him walk away. 
       I feel tears freely run down my face and see Tom walk into the room and greet me a good morning. When I did not answer he turns around and sees me crying and shaking and instantly pulls me out of the chair into a hug and kisses my forehead. “Tell me what’s wrong, I will make us breakfast.” I nod my head and make sure all my work is turned incorrectly shutting the laptop for the next week. I smile and go to the kitchen where Tom was cooking breakfast and sat on the kitchens island chair. Tom turns around and smiles as he sees me not crying anymore. He asks gently, “Did Harry and you get into a fight? I heard a little about it this morning. But from last night I thought all was good.” I blush and mumble, “Great you heard that, but yes Harry and I fought. He thinks that I am not supportive of him and he pushed in my face that I have a degree and that he does not make me more superior to him. Which is not true by the way. So please tell me what to do.” Tom analyzes what I said and says,” Well you can still do the photoshoot for him, maybe that will make him forgive you.” I nod my head and run to Tom to hug him out of happiness.
      As I am getting ready, I play our favorite playlist of songs on Spotify and jam out finally relaxing after completing that big project which was a huge part of my job’s requirement. Harry is a wonderful and understanding boyfriend but sometimes he does not realize what stress I am under with working on these projects. I do the finishing touches as I head towards the door to go surprise Harry and hear a laugh that sounds familiar. Sneaking out the door quietly and walking around the corner, I see someone who I am not a huge fan of since Harry’s friends consist of some girls that flirt with him knowing he is taken. She is draping her hands all over his arms, but he seems uninterested and pushes her off nicely. I smile at that but still get upset that he had replaced me without even asking if I could still do it with my workload. I turn back around so I do not say anything that I will regret and feel my eyes tear up slightly. One of the boys must have heard my footsteps faintly because they called my name out and I had to otherwise Harry and the others would think that I am spying on them. I walk out slowly and as I do, Tom smiles at me and compliments, “Wow, you look beautiful. Doesn’t she Harry?” I see Harrison in the corner of my eye give Harry a look of caution as to choose your words lightly. Sarah on the other hand says before Harry could say anything, “Yes she does, too bad I am the one who is doing the photo shoot,” while smiling at me with an evil glint in her eyes. I look away from her and look directly into Harry’s eyes that show a combination of emotions. 
       He clears his throat and says, “She always looks beautiful; however, I did ask Sarah to do the photoshoot this morning since Y/n work was demanding her attention even though I asked last night.” He mumbled the last part, but I still heard it. I gather the courage and say, “I had a plan to get up early and finish the project so I could help you. This morning instead of asking if I can do it, you assumed it and instead of asking. Now you will not even let me do it because you asked someone else. I even dressed up” He looks annoyed now and spitefully says, “At least Sarah gives me attention. You are so busy with work that you barely give me a minute and I only see you at night. So, please forgive me for not choosing you because you got dressed up.” I feel tears running down my face and say, “Well I am sorry for wanting to make you happy by putting myself through more pressure to finish off my work and taking the time after months to make time for you.” While the words linger in the air, I walk away to make myself calm down so the situation does not get out of hand.
         As the evening goes on Harry does not do the photoshoot, he sent Sarah home and kept the set up in place in case you walked out and used Tom or Harrison as a back shoot in case things did not pan out. He had planned to apologize and make it up with cuddles and a movie night with taking out which was your favorite kind of date night. He included Tom and the boys in the plan. At approximately five, he walked over the bedroom and saw through the slightly open door that you were still dressed up and sighed in relief that you were able to do the photoshoot if you still wanted to. Knocking on the door softly he entered as he heard a faintly come in from you. He walks in and sits down close to you as he discretely puts his hand nears yours knowing you would try to slyly hold it. He turns to you and as he says, “I am sorry for acting the way that I did out there, I was just upset that I wanted to do something with you but I saw that you were busy and wanted to make things simpler for you so I asked another person. I did not think that it would upset you so much, you can never be replaced.” You look into his eyes and see that every word that he said he meant. “I did not mean to overreact; it is just that I did not want to make you upset so I tried to juggle everything and make it possible,” I say as tears stream my face now. He moves closer to so that he is holding me by my waist and letting me rest into his chest. “No, no please stop crying love. You mean the world to me, and how you try to make everyone happy is beyond me. I am the luckiest man on earth and if would like to do the photoshoot, I saved it for you.” I look up smiling, “I would love to.” I lean up and kiss him passionately, he kisses back with more love than ever. We both pull away and laugh at how our love is strong enough to overcome any fights.
         We both walk out and do the photoshoot; the whole time was full of laughter and happiness. Tom and Harrison watched from the living room ever so often making comments about how lucky Harry was to have someone like Y/n. The rest of the night after editing and sending out what was necessary, Harry gave you the best date night that was well deserved for both of you.
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reversecreek · 3 years
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ziggy strutting up to me like this gif as i hold up a crucifix n say begone begone vile beast BEGONE from my vicinity i will NOT buy u a happy meal wretched little boy...... some live action rp to start this off..... and SCENE. takes my bow. his pinterest is here n his playlist is here.
* dylan minnette, cis male + he/him  | you know ziggy benson, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, all of his life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to hand crushed by a mallet by 100 gecs like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole glitching televisions impaled by remotes, nonchalantly texting the babes as a stove fire ravages your kitchen & cartoons turned up so loud it fries your eardrums thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is november 24th, so they’re a sagittarius, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt she/her  )
from the second ziggy ws born he didnt stop screaming. within the first hours of his life he gave his father an ear splitting headache tht prompted him to say “that uncooked chicken’s fucking demonic” n joke abt popping “it” in the oven to roast. when this understandably received disgusted glances frm the nursing staff he ws all like “jeez alright alright i’m kiddin i’m kiddin can’t a guy have a joke around here?” n i feel like that sets up their dynamic so nice n sweetly <3 (sarcasm) (lips pursed)
frm day one he ws just honestly a rly hyperactive child. when he laughed he’d shriek it out at the absolute top of his lungs bc he’d just get this huge giddy surge of energy all the way to the very tips of his toes n it’d hit him like a shock from a fork in a plug socket. their parenting style ws rly just lazy tbh.... they didn’t have much time for disciplining him. ziggy’s mum wld halfheartedly be like “ziggy quiet now....” n then go bk to nuking whatever vegetables she’d defrosted until they tasted like dinosaur bones..... this wld not make any difference in ziggy’s behaviour
his father rly just took the stance that it ws ziggy’s mum’s job to discipline him or raise him in general which is. 🔪 please enter the 20th century sir.... get ur noggin sorted..... needless to say he wsn’t much involved in ziggy’s life n honestly generally jst didn’t like him. ziggy was a responsibility he didn’t want (accidental prregnancy) n in his literal words once said (blatantly while ziggy ws watching cartoons on the sofa) tht ziggy just “harshes my fucking vibe a lil bit”. 
he wound up leaving when ziggy was six ish.... ziggy watched thru a crack in the blinds as his mum tried to grab at his jacket to make him stay as he lugged out his suitcase..... she even tried to physically cling onto him so he cldn’t get in his ride bt the door wound up slamming n she sat on her knees watching the lights pull out the drive n even long after they were gone. ziggy didn’t rly kno what to do abt this (emotions hd never been smthn he particularly understood, his own or how to handle other people’s) so after watching her fr 5 minutes he went out n gently shook her shoulder n was like. mom come inside u look weird out here. FKGHSFHGSFHKGFHKSGSFGHK. this was him trying to show love <3
ziggy’s mum is like.... rly relationship dependent. she gets all her self worth n validation frm whtever man she’s dating.... so she went on this like.... wild rampage of jst. dating a very large string of men. they ranged frm dreadfully boring to downright awful n were always below her standards. ziggy quite literally hated. all of them. every last one. even one that tried to b nice to him by offering to help him do his math homework when he ws 13 (bc ziggy was struggling a lot w this) n in response ziggy loudly barked until the man gt scared n stumbled backwards into a dining chair on his way out of the room. KGHFHKSJHFJGSHKFG
while him n his mum hv a kind of strained situation (there’s a great deal of resentment from her end n kind of. blaming him fr “driving his father away” n it’s never spoken abt bt it’s very much Present in their relationship n honestly ziggy kind of resents her too fr bringing some of the men into their lives tht she did) there is. love there...... sometimes she’ll like. reach out to cup the back of his head n he’ll duck his head away n be like wtf are u doing checking me for lice? n she’ll jst smile like :)...... knowing that’s how he loves. KHSFGKJGHKSFGFHKGSHF. ugh we love men who know how to process their emotions yesssss king give us nothing <3
(abuse n violence tw) idk i won’t go into it too much bt even tho ziggy’s constantly like 🙄 when his mum shows him affection he wld quite literally. kill fr her n almost did one time.......... narrowly avoided getting charged w assault when one of her bfs was drunk n evil n he went into protective mode.... idk he. has gone thru a lot n seen a lot n so has his mum. they look after each other the best they kno how despite the negatives in their relationship.... it’s complex <3
literally got in trouble so. often. at school. he ws always hyperactive (undiagnosed adhd n also probably not helped by the fact he ws jst allowed to eat sm junk food w 459729457952 sugar percentage all hours of the day) bt when his dad left n like. dealing w acting out so severely at home where his mum’s bfs were concerned it rly escalated..... i jst think he ws like. literally a terror. probably got suspended so many times. maybe even was permanently expelled before he cld get his diploma honestly. set off a firework in school hallway. smthn absolutely reckless n stupid.
hs hd a bunch of jobs mostly in the service industry...... usually ends up getting fired.... worked at mcdonald’s fr a while n then one day he went in rly high n ate three cheeseburgers in front of a weeping child who hd ordered one.... promptly gt fired bt he ws like yo fuck this place i’m quitting n threw off his apron n was like who’s with me??? who’s joining the union??????? to the rest of the staff n they were all mostly like >_> <_< before security approached to forcibly remove him n he grabbed a cookie n crammed it into his mouth in rebellion mid frantic n frankly possessed escape.....
in terms of wht’s going on to this day w his living situation i honestly think he still lives w his mum. i can just see this. KHGFSKGHSFGKSFGH. in like. a ramshackle bungalow in delphinus heights.... having said tht she probably isn’t. there tht often nw she’s dating her latest man (jonas, somehow always sweaty no matter the weather, wears too many gold rings n smells like shoe cleaner) who owns a car dealership n thinks he’s a kingpin for it. still home sometimes tho.
ziggy spends his days working shifts at an ice cream parlour (one he got fired from once bc he broke in high n ate sm ice cream he was lay on the floor in the bk pants unbuttoned stomach bulging sm calling himself garfield saying he had too much lasagna. they hired him bk tho bc he has a harem of middle aged women who lust after him n it brings customers....) or like. cruising parties...... setting off fireworks.... skateboarding...... breaking into abandoned buildings.... filming stupid jackass type tricks....... playing guitar hero...... getting drunk at the arcade..... sometimes busking fr cash in a tossed dwn hat (very badly) (thinks he’s sick at it however)........ or alternatively...... fucking chicks aha...... fuck.......... not exclusive to chicks tho just had to sound despicable bt :smirk: he’s bi Baby.... 
i won’t lie he’s kind of an asshole................ never rly was taught properly how to empathise with ppl so like he struggles w that....... sometimes he’ll say smthn tht’s genuinely just quite mean n doesn’t need to be said but he doesn’t rly realise it’s like bad. n he’s like. what’s the deal haha why are u mad...... 
fuckboy. genuinely jst. rly summarises it well. insatiable. sleeps around wildly. will say he’ll call u back n then will not call u back. lies like oh babe i’m moving to france tomorrow fuckkkkkkkkk sucks so bad that we can only have one night but let’s make it special yeah? tits? n then they’ll see him casually skating past them on the street a week later n be like well clearly he’s not in france. ziggy doesn’t care.
calls himself a “genius inventor” bc he once gutted a vintage analog television n made it into a fish tank. it literally leaked water a bit. still convinced he is a literal visionary never seen before never done again. he’s like i’m on the brink of greatness. i’m the next einstein.
has a bit of a god complex where he thinks he’s the sexiest person in any given room n it’s kind of funny bc like dylan minnette’s sexy to me bt tht isn’t a widespread opinion n ur being a bit bold ziggy...... regardless has confidence thru the roof tht isn’t rly deterred by anything or anyone.....
dyes his hair 49729572459752 colours every colour under the sun. sometimes all at once jst different patches. wears lots of tie dye tshirts n basketball shorts even tho he doesn’t play basketball. rly colourful sneakers. just lots of loud colours tbh. often wears a paper clip in his ear as an earring. pierced it himself. someone probably recorded him doing it fr his insta story. probably was drunk.
drives a vespa around tht is baby blue with pastel yellow polka dots. it has lots of tin cans attached to the back by string like on those cars when u just got married. he did not just get married. u can hear him arriving frm over a street away.
almost never pays fr anything bt is always like “yo it’s my treat” n then either dine n dashes or u have to pay
his idea of romance is nuking a hot pocket as breakfast in bed n then complaining he’s hungry n eating half
fuckboy antics: he’s insatiable. rabid. notorious. mayb they fkd n he didn’t call........ jst completely ghosted........ mayb they were genuinely into him n he honestly built up kind of false pretences abt them having a connection n then jst dipped..... cld  b good fr angst n drama <3 someone please egg his house he deserves it <3
high skl heathens: locals tht were equally chaotic in hs..... just picture him having this group of misfits tht were like so loud n always getting up to no good doing god knows what god knows where.... probably gt arrested together breaking into an old abandoned hospital one time........... rly just doing the absolute most at all times............. probably so loud........... drinking n smoking far too much.....
an attempted teenage relationship: i’m like. tentative to even put this one bc i just feel like ziggy wld be a shit bf. KJHGFSHGFHGSFHGFKGHFKSG. but. maybe it ended in drama.....i’d say this wld probably be a girl bc in hs he probably ws less open w his sexuality... maybe ziggy cheated on her or she cheated on him................ angst........ strife.... we love it we love it........ i crash my car into the bridge... i don’t care... i love it... sudden icona pop moment me stood on stage singing karaoke.... it’s just gone 7am as i write this so i apologise if this is losing any. coherency. smiles so sexy....
last adolescent plot i swear: i picture when ziggy was expelled he somehow amassed a large group to protest w signs outside the school fr him to be accepted back. it didn’t work. he threw a party when he received news he hadn’t got back in anyway. maybe ur muse was involved or helped organise this or was violently opposed.
enemies: ppl who just. don’t like ziggy bc like honestly that’s so fair n valid. KJHGFKGHKSFGHSGKHSFHG..... mayb he like. exploded their mailbox one time when they were younger. mayb he skated over their toes. mayb he fucked their bitch aha fuck................. (joking btw) (don’t condone misogyny) (hashtag feminism). cld be fun to play around w
fwb: probably hs a few of these......... mayb they’re cool w things being no strings attached n lax n at ease w ziggy being the mess tht he is in general..... mayb they want more bt ziggy cannot provide...... mayb they literally don’t get on at all n this is their only mutual ground n they keep coming bk to each other.... :smirk:..... whatever u Farncy....
maybe ziggy’s mum dated ur muse’s dad at one point???? we can discuss this if u think it fits..... cld be fun to play around w............
coworkers: past or present r fun..... mayb they were like WTFFF is this guy fking ONNN at a past job (he’s had a few in the food service industry so pretty open in tht area)... mayb they work w him at the ice cream parlour now..... cn discuss the dynamic probably wld be dependent on the muse involved fr like. how he’d act n stuff.... :yum:
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Bad Idea: Part 7
Summary: When pop star Trixie can’t get her act together, her team makes a deal with the NHL…one that she can’t turn down. When NHL player Tyler Seguin can’t seem to get himself under control his team decides to thrust a certain Pop star into his life. Can the two play nice?
Warnings: Cussing.
Note: You guys have been wonderful, honestly with the whole world in lock down, it’ll give me time to write a bit more so hopefully I can get more out. Send me your thoughts, send me some prompts or drabbles I shall be here watching netflix and catching up on shows. 
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It was Friday and Trixie sat on the piano bench in a cute little summer dress and brown boots, hair done up and make up done perfectly down to her lipstick and Tyler wasn’t here, not that Trixie had been relying on him to show up. He said he would, even texted her the night before asking for the time and the address. It’s not like she expected him to show up; It just would have been nice for him to keep his word.
“Alright Trix, we’re ready for you to start.” Trixie nodded and traced the keys of the piano getting ready to start. They had already done the interview portion of it and now were moving on to the performance part. She knew the routine, the interview part was just the intro to her performance and to give a preview for any future tours or albums, and honestly an easy way to dig into her private life. 
“Okay Trixie in 3...2...1.” She always got nervous performing no matter how many times she had done it and today was no different. Her leg started to bounce as she watched her team from behind the sound booth. Cami sent her a small smile encouraging her to go on; Trixie took a breath and grabbed the microphone to bring a little closer to her. 
“So, hello everyone my name's Trixie, I’m sure you all knew that. I’m just going to be here in spotify’s lovely live lounge singing some songs for you all…” Her voice trailed off as she watched the sound booth door open and Tyler walk in. The butterflies had surprised her as she watched him apologize and look around a little confused in his black button up and jeans. He of course had on a snap back on with the Dallas stars logo which made her smile. 
 He had actually made it. Tyler was directed to sit on the couch which he did as quietly possible. Trixie  took notice as to how her pr manager had whispered something to Tyler. He shook his head and looked over at Trixie, their eyes locking for a moment. She sent him a nod which he acknowledged with a small smile.
“So here’s Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi, good man, great voice, great song.” Trixie cleared her throat and closed her eyes and started the beginning keys of the song.
“I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me. This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy.I need somebody to heal, Somebody to know, Somebody to have, Somebody to hold ,It's easy to say .But it's never the same, I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain.” 
Tyler watched as Trixie sang the song he had never heard of, he didn’t listen to much music on the radio but he couldn’t deny that she was talented. 
“Now the day bleeds Into nightfall And you're not here To get me through it all I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved…”
The last line is what hit Tyler, he could tell this wasn’t just a song to her. Trixie had been hurt, deeply and he had no idea how deep. She hadn’t opened her eyes, letting the music completely over take her. She continued to sing and play the piano effortlessly, kind of how hockey came naturally to Tyler, music came naturally to her. 
Cami glanced over at Tyler, she had seen Trixie perform more times than she could count that she sometimes forgot how much vulnerability Trixie was actually showing until she saw the look of awe on Tyler’s face. Sighing, she got up and sat next to the hockey player on the couch making him jump slightly at her presence.
“I’m surprised you came.” She spoke in a hushed whisper; Tyler glanced at Trixie’s best friend.
“I told her we’d try to work through this and she asked me to come.” Cami nodded and looked back to Trixie. She wondered if Tyler realized how much Trixie was opening up in the sound booth without actually talking about anything.
“It’s about Anderson isn’t it?” Cami nodded without looking at him, so he knew about the ex.
“It’s always about him, Tyler. He did a number on her, I watched her have to walk down a red carpet nursing a broken heart, I watched her win an award for best female artist the day he ended it with her. The morning of that award show he had called her and broke it off.” Tyler nodded, what a dick.
“Yeah but wasn’t it mostly a publicity stunt?” Cami shook her head.
“She fell for him, hard, Tyler. She was head over heels, wanting to settle down in love. And then he had cheated and left her. You can ask her the rest if you want but she’s still healing Tyler.” He didn’t say anything. 
“Don’t hurt her, please. She’s a good girl.” He went to ask Cami what she meant and to let her know it wasn’t like that at all, but the girl had already stood back up and continued to watch Trixie. 
“I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug, I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved…” 
Tyler watched Trixie play the final key of the song and when she opened her eyes he could see how they were rimmed red with tears; and a part of him wanted to know the whole story, what had happened. Josh Anderson always seemed like a decent person and who was Tyler to judge, he had broken his own set of hearts. Trixie seemed very hard on the surface But as he watched Trixie wipe her eyes with the back of her hand trying not to smear her makeup all he could think of was how fragile was she really?
She really thought she was in the clear, she really thought she could wrap this up and go get some Jamba juice and just relax the rest of the day. She was wrong.
“So I know we usually do the interview part before the session, however we noticed Trixie, you had a visitor during your performance, care to elaborate?” Tirxie knew this was part of the plan, Tyler had made a public appearance, they were supposed to be dating. She glanced back at the sound booth and saw Tyler nod at her. When the hell did she become so reliant on him? 
“Yeah Jeff, I don’t know if you watch hockey or anything but I snagged myself a hockey player.” The host laughed and shook his head.
“Wouldn’t be your first one,” Trixie shrugged, not really saying anything, she just wanted to get out of there. 
“What’s this one’s name?” 
“Tyler, Seguin, Tyler Seguin.” The host cleared his throat.
“I’m assuming he plays for the Dallas stars?” Trixie nodded not saying much about his team.
“The same player who posed naked for the ESPN magazine? I remember when that magazine was released everywhere, nice job. ” Trixie cringed and glanced over at Tyler. He was no longer sitting, now standing in front of the glass that separated the two. Arms crossed and a hard expression on his face. Sighing, Trixie turned back toward the host.
“How did you even manage that? You two seem to be a match made in hell.” Of course, the world saw the two as a player and a princess. Why wouldn’t they be a match made in hell.
“We’ll see, it’s still fresh and new. I’ll tell you something though, he’s definitely arm candy.” The host let out another laugh, good. Keep them entertained, keep them from asking any more questions that she didn’t feel like answering.
“Well you heard it here you guys, Trixie and Tyler Seguin. Look out Dallas, you may have a new power couple on the scene.” Trixie rolled her eyes and shook her head, sometimes she wondered if any of this was worth it. 
“So, thanks for coming.” Trixie and Tyler had decided to grab a quick lunch before he had to go home and pack for his plane tonight. He glanced up at her and nodded, with a small smile he watched as she ate her turkey sandwich from subway with a smile on her face.
“No worries, I told you I’d come. Sorry for being late though, there was traffic-” Trixie shook her head and took a sip of her drink.
“There’s always traffic downtown it’s okay.” The two ate in comfortable silence until Tyler decided to break the wall she was holding up.
“Tell me about him.” He could feel her tense up from across the table, taking notice to how all movement stopped.
“Tyler…” He put his sandwich down and stared back at her, he just wanted to get to know more about her, why she was so guarded and why Josh was the one who made her this way.
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay. I just want to know more about you, understand you, Trixie. You’re clearly not over him.” He took notice of the glare she sent him but honestly at this point he was going to dig until she caved. They were supposed to be working on being friends any ways, this would be a good place to start. 
Tyler could tell she was having a battle in her head, he knew she was trying to decide whether or not she could trust him, but who was he going to tell without exposing his current situation? After a couple moments of silence and nothing but the cars in the street going by Trixie spoke up.
“What do you want to know?” Tyler raised an eyebrow at her tone of voice, she was hard and cold and he didn’t know if he hit a switch or if this is just how she was when it came to her ex.
“Start from the beginning, how did it become more?” He offered, he wanted her to feel comfortable talking about it without feeling too pressured. 
“He uh, I guess he wasn’t getting the recognition he deserved in the hockey world. He was up against a lot of good players on his team. His manager didn’t like that he was so quiet, didn’t really attend events, so they sent me in. We got to know each other...for weeks. We were photographed together, we went out to clubs with his friends. I went to a couple of his home games, he showed up at a couple of my talk shows and performances. It was easy and comfortable and there was a friendship forming until it became more one night.” Trixie picked up a pickle off her sandwich and popped it into her mouth, she loved pickles.
“You’re gross.” She smiled a wide smile at Tyler making him laugh.
“He came over one night, a little drunk may I add. Proceeded to tell me how pretty I am, how he’s always thinking about me, the same old thing most guys tell girls to get laid and it worked. I slept with him that night. As time went on, we got closer and eventually it turned into us actually dating. Going out, introducing me to his friends as his girlfriend. I would stay over his house a lot of the time, I was happy. We dated for close to a year, the thing I didn’t know was the deeper I fell for him the further he pulled away.” Tyler was confused, he knew you couldn’t help who you liked but to waste at least a year on someone and then cheat? He also couldn’t help to think who the hell would cheat on Trixie? She was hot, really hot, gorgeous even. How did one just throw her away? 
“We voided the contract half way through our relationship, they paid us both and we continued on with what we were but like I said he was pulling further and further away. He wouldn’t ask me to stay over anymore, I would fly from California to Columbus and spend hardly any time with him, after the games he would text me to meet him at home and he’d go out with the guys. TMZ loves me, I’m one of their favorite topics every week.” Tyler could tell she was annoyed.
“So as soon as they found me one night out alone at a club with no boyfriend on my arm they ate that shit up and decided to print it in their headlines that there was trouble in paradise and even though they were right, it was still annoying and still hurt to read.” She stopped and glanced down at the table, her leg shaking hard, a habit Tyler learned she did when she was extremely nervous.
“I had to go back to California for one of the music award shows, he couldn’t come with me because he had a game which wasn’t a problem. It was his job and I understood that. I had woken up that morning in California with a text from him a text that said ‘call me.’ So I did and that’s when he told me he wanted to be with someone else, he had been seeing her for months apparently.” Trixie let out a shaky breath and Tyler watched carefully as the woman in front of him slowly tried to keep herself together.
“I loved him Tyler, I really did. I felt my heart break into a million pieces that morning, I remember crying so hard and calling Cami, asking her to come pick me up and to call my manager to cancel the show. I had an award to accept, a red carpet to walk down and a performance for my fans and I felt like I wanted to just crawl in a hole and never come back out.” Tyler was starting to understand a little bit more how strong she was. He watched her and the two jumped when his phone went off, Trixie sighed and went to reach for her phone, assuming he was going to answer it but then he did something that surprised both of them.
He silenced the call and shoved it into his pocket looking back up at her.
“Sorry, go on.” Trixie stared at him for a moment and then continued.
“Cami knew how much of a mess I was but she also knew they couldn’t cancel anything on such short notice. So with a couple shots of tequila and a few pep talks from her,  I walked down that red carpet, head held high, I accepted the award for best female artist with a broken heart and I performed for my fans with  tears streaming down my face moments before.” She finally looked up at Tyler and he could see what she had been hiding this whole, the broken heart she was nursing.
“I haven’t talked to him since, it’s been months and I’m finally okay with that. It still stings though, to know I wasn’t good enough.” Tyler shook his head.
“He’s nothing, Trixie. He fucked up and lost something pretty great.” She let out a small laugh.
“You don’t even know me.” He shrugged.
“Exactly and I can already tell you are something great.” Trixie couldn’t hide the blush that took over. Maybe there was hope for the two after all. 
“Hello?” Trixie stood in her kitchen with nothing but an oversized t-shirt and boxer shorts on. She had had a long day with her management deciding when her next appearance was, when she was going back into the studio and what other events she was going to be working on so when she got home she took a shower and changed into the comfiest clothes she could think of.  
“I have two tickets for tomorrow night’s game with your name on them, just go to the front of the building and tell them Tyler Seguin sent you.” Trixie scrunched up her nose.
“How do you know I don’t have plans?” He let out a laugh.
“Okay, sorry princess. Do you have plans?” Trixie pretended to think as she mixed her fruit into her yogurt.
“Maybe, all depends. Is your hot friend going to be there? The tall quiet one who looks like he could beat a man to his death?” Tyler groaned.
“Are you talking about Jamie?” 
“Yeah, that one!” She wasn’t actually interested; she just liked to tease Tyler; he could afford to be knocked down a couple of pegs.
“You wound me, Trixie. Be there or well there’s no other option; depending on if we win or not we’ll most likely be going out after.” Trixie made a noise of acknowledgement.
“Bring Cami, everyone knows you can’t go anywhere without your other half.” Trixie let out a squeal.
“Thank you, Tyler. We’ll be there.” 
Which is how the two girls found themselves by the ticket booth at the American Airline center on a Tuesday night. Both in casual clothes, nothing crazy. When Trixie had asked for the tickets she could see the surprise  on the employees face when they handed over the two tickets to her without any arguments. 
Trixie was used to this attention which is why they arrived early to the game even before warm ups happened because she didn’t want to make it a big deal that she was here. Trixie and Cami made their way into the building as Trixie glanced down at the tickets in her hand to figure out where they were seating. It was at that moment she realized...shit. She was sitting in the WAGS section, the VIP section for family and friends and of course girlfriends and wives. Shit. She wasn’t ready for this and if she was smarter she probably would’ve asked Tyler about it. 
“It’ll be fine, Trix. We’ll stay to ourselves and not really talk to anyone, we’ll watch the game. If it’s too much we’ll leave.” Trixie nodded and tried to keep her anxiety at bay. But of course she had no luck with anything tonight because as she walked into the booth, the usher checking her tickets to make sure they were valid, she took notice of a couple of the girls that were in there; all in which stopped to stare and gasp at her. Fuck. 
“You’re okay, Trixie.” She listened to Cami’s voice and nodded. She could do this. But then her eyes connected with a tall brunette that was standing across the room and immediately she knew this wasn’t going to be a good night. 
Aly stood talking to a blonde by the bar and when she glanced over to where Trixie was standing, Trixie could see the anger in her eyes. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
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danandthereader · 7 years
Dan is supposed to be away touring on your birthday but surprises you by showing up at your party?
A/N: The first thing this reminded me of was a much happier version of the Taylor Swift song The Moment I Knew, to be honest with you. But I’m also a lowkey huge Swiftie of many years, and I’ve had her Spotify playlist on repeat for the past few days. Thank you so much for the prompt, lovely ! I’m happy to fill it, because I think it’s absolutely adorable, and I’m really really happy with how it turned out. I hope you enjoy the fill; heart you ! ♡
It wasn’t intentional, your birthday celebration ending up on the same day as one of the band’s tour dates. You liked to joke with Dan about how it wasn’t your fault you were born that day, you were right on time, and if anything he should be blaming your parents. It always made the two of you laugh despite what it actually entailed.The two of you had talked about it, the possibility of him missing it, in the weeks leading up to the official public announcement of the tour. Despite insisting, again and again, that you were going to be all right, that him missing it wasn’t that big of a deal, the regret and guilt never truly left his system, never was fully wiped clean off his features, even after the conversation was over.
When the tour dates were announced, his fans went wild. It was all over all of your social media feeds, everyone’s excitement, and you actually shared in it as well. Ninja Sex Party going on tour always meant some amazing live performances, and those wonderful words he told the audience every night, the words that made you fall in love with him in the first place. Love everyone, and forgive everyone, especially yourself.The first day of it came around quicker than you had liked, but Dan was more distraught about leaving you than you were about him. It made you laugh, hugging him goodbye at the airport, as their tour started on the east coast instead of the west. He promised he would call every other night, and he was going to FaceTime you for your birthday. He wanted to see everyone, see you blow out the candles and wear a goofy paper party hat. Even though he wasn’t going to be there physically, he wanted to still see you smile.He kept to his promise - every other night was a phone call, often with interludes by Brian or one of the members of Tupperware Remix Party. They all shared a bus together, and Dan tended to be very open with his relationship around them, so it was easy for it to feel like you were just another good friend. However, not once did it ever feel like a bad thing; it felt nice to be included so easily and fully. The I love yous at the end of each call always reminded you of who you were to him, even when he wasn’t there. You were his, and he was yours, distance be dammed.Though it was a sweet sentiment - love could conquer anything, even hundreds of miles and thousands of adoring fans - you never did get a hundred percent used to being alone at home. As the days wore on and you spent a lot of your nights in a too big bed with the white noise machine you hadn’t used since you were a kid on full blast, you begun to ache for him more and more. Phone calls stopped being enough after about a week and a half, and there was weird disconnect with FaceTime despite seeing him in real-time.
When the day of your birthday came around, you awoke to the pale sunlight streaming through your blinds and a ringing cell phone. Reaching over with half-closed eyes, you blindly swiped at the screen until it stopped and brought it to your ear. “Hello?” Who was calling you at this hour? “Good morning, birthday girl!” It was Dan’s voice, and you rolled over, smiling sleepily. “What time even is it?” you muttered, not bothering to open your eyes. He sounded way too cheery to not be on the other side of the continent. “Time for your birthday!” Turning your head once more, you blinked slowly to look at the bedside clock, which read a quarter past nine. At least it wasn’t noon, you supposed. “The party’s not ‘till, like, seven, Danny,” you told him with a laugh. “But you’ve got a whole day of celebrating to do! C’mon, sleepyhead, up you go.” It was like he was there with you, you could imagine him jostling you awake with the most excited look on his face. “All right, I’m up, I’m up.” No you weren’t, but you could pretend, at least for a few more minutes.In truth, your boyfriend was right about you having a busy day. It was mostly pre-planned things, appointments your mother set up for you to make before your birthday tonight. Cosmetic things - get your hair trimmed, your nails and toes done, and just enough money for a pretty pair of shoes - were all all on the list for today, all leading up to the party that somehow everyone you knew got invited to. It was probably thanks to your brother - salt of the earth, with his crazy-good party-planning skills - who pulled some sort of post-frat sorcery to put it all together.“Well, now that I’m up, I should probably get started on my day…” That earned you an exaggerated whine. “That means you have to hang up,” he told you, voice pitched and faux-upset. “I can’t lay in bed forever, remember? It’s my birthday?” That and he knew just as well as you did your mother’s displeasure over missing appointments. “All right, yeah, you’re right.” A pause. “I should get going too. We’re on the road again, and I’m being waved at by Brian to get off the phone.” He chuckled. “Go get ‘em, birthday girl! Have an amazing day, okay?” It was almost gross, how sweet he was. “All right, sunshine. I’ll talk to you later.” After exchanging the definitive I love yous, you hung up, and off you went.
Your day went by quickly, a blur of places and faces and all kinds of kind words. With your hair trimmed, nails and toes done, and an outfit picked out, you headed over to your parents house. It was an actual house, as opposed to your shared apartment, and had much more space to mingle and meander. Plus, it was your parents, they had sort of insisted.A small group of people were all ready there when you arrived. A chorus of Happy birthdays rang out as you entered, your father dragging you in by the hand. It was sweet, to say the least; you hadn’t had an actual birthday party since you were in your teens. And they had done a great job at preparing the food and decorating, you had to admit. It was all the stereotypical things - streamers and balloons, the holographic letters spelling out Happy Birthday! hanging above the banister, confetti sprinkled on the table and what smelled like a cake baking in the oven. You knew part of it was your brother - who was wearing a party hat and talking with his plus-one for the evening - but your parents loved you; you knew they had a hand in it as well.As more and more people arrived, the party became more lively, music playing in the room and voices rising just above it. You were seemingly at the center of it all, cup in hand and talking to everyone that approached you. Many hugs were exchanged, but every one of them, after they left, never lingered. They weren’t the hug you seemed to be looking for, a hug you knew you weren’t going to get for another month or so. No one had asked about Dan - not many knew about him, only your immediate family, and they all ready knew of the situation - but it was still heavy on your shoulders, the thought of not being able to find him in the crowd, not going home with him that night.“Hey.” The voice made you look over, and there was your little brother. He was still wearing the party hat, but was alone, just the two of you in the small gathering for just a few moments. “You okay?” Your eyebrows furrowed, as if to ask, Why wouldn’t I be? “You look a little lost, t’ be honest.” Did you? Was it really that obvious, how alone you were suddenly feeling? “No, I’m okay. Just - I don’t know. Miss Dan, I guess,” you replied with a small shrug, a bit at a loss for what to say. “Ah. It’ll be okay. We’ll FaceTime him a little later, when we do the cake and stuff. He’ll be here in spirit.” He was trying, you knew that, and it made you smile a bit as he walked away.
The night had no intention of winding down until well into the midnight hour, because the cake didn’t come out until around ten. Everyone gathered around to take photos, videos, and, of course, sing to you. Sitting in the chair like you were nine years old again, you let the room sing the classic birthday song to you while you grinned in both embarrassment and affection. When you blew out the candles, everyone cheered.As your father brought out the paper plates and cutting knife, your mother hushed the crowd. “All right, everyone, now I know we said gifts weren’t required,” she began as all eyes landed on her and you stood. “But we coordinated a little something for our birthday girl this evening.” The crowd laughed and oooed, you chuckling along naturally. Honestly, you weren’t all that good with surprises, but it couldn’t have been that big, you didn’t see anything in the livingroom when you walked in.As if on cue, there was a firm knock at the door. Everyone was quiet as your mother - beaming with excitement - disappeared to answer it. A few looked back to you; you could only shrug in response to their quizzical looks.What came back with your mother was a surprise, but the best one you could get on your birthday.“Danny!”No one knew about your boyfriend, but they all did now. There was a lull of confusion as you scrambled from the table to get to him, then they understood when you collided, and the cheering and laughing began. “Hey there, lovely!” he greeted as he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, making you squeal in delight. “Babe I -” You didn’t want to pull away, didn’t want to let go, because you were afraid if you did, he’d disappear, or be someone else entirely. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” His voice had dropped to a murmur as he pulled away, gently taking your face in his hands and kissing you sweetly.
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machihunnicutt · 7 years
Fic-vember Day 1
Hi y’all. I’m challenging myself to post fic every day this month and here is day 1. Look out for chapter 2 tomorrow if you’re interested. Also! The first person to send me a pairing and/or prompt will get it in a one shot on day 3. (So do that if you’re so inclined.)
Bubble Tea and Feelings (vld klance fic)
(or read on ao3.)
Chapter 1: Bubble Tea
"I thought you didn't like boys?" Lance asked, opening the cash register and counting the stack of ones. "Isn't the point of that game to date boys?"
Pidge glared at him from across the room. They were balancing on a stool with their bare knees tucked to their chest, phone in one hand (plugged in and tethering them to the wall), and plastic cup of plain boba in the other. They were eating them with a spoon, an odd practice Lance could never wrap his head around. "First of all, there's a girl you can romance. Second of all I don't like anyone. And third, Mystic Messenger is a game of mystery, intrigue, and dueling hackers so shut your mouth," they shot back at him, eating another spoonful of boba and swiping their hair out of their eyes. It was starting to get long in the front.
"You lost me at intrigue," Lance checked his watch. They had 15 minutes until opening. "Can you check on the cup situation?" He asked.
Pidge climbed off the stool, standing to their full but meager height and setting aside their phone. A week before school ended they'd chopped their hair off at their chin. Instead of gentle waves it spiked out away from their neck and in summer was perpetually mussed and lightened by the sunshine. Today Pidge was wearing their wrinkled Holt Teahouse shirt (two sizes too big with the sleeves rolled up, probably one of their brother's) tucked into high waisted jean shorts they'd doodled on with sharpie. Their legs were bruised and bandaid covered, and they'd stopped shaving in December (to which their nasty middle school classmates had turned their noses up at and Pidge had commented "disposable razors are a tool of the patriarchy. We should really be worrying about the aliens the government is hiding from us.") Their face was sunburnt, eyebrows unruly, and their glasses had fake lenses (for the aesthetic). This was a classic Pidge look. Lance couldn't help but smile at them as they surveyed their cup inventory and then turned to Lance's phone to make a Spotify selection.
"You should download it Lance. Dating fake boys is better than dating no boys."
"You're so funny."
"Thank you."
He'd worked at the Holt Teahouse for the past two summers. The bubble tea craze hadn't subsided. They were a hit: like an ice cream shop but for pre and post teens who wanted cute Instagram photos. He'd gotten the job through Matt, but seemed to spend the majority of his shifts with his sibling, especially this summer since he was on a European backpacking trip with his boyfriend. He didn't mind though. Pidge Holt was his best friend.
"Do you think he's going to come back today?" They asked, wiping down the counter with a cloth. The comment nearly made him lose count of the quarters.
"What do I care, mullet guy can do as he pleases," he said defensively, not bothering to look up at them.
"That was an unnecessarily emotional reaction. Is this because he didn't get that you were flirting with him? Because I think that's more about him than it is about you."
Lance whipped his head around to look at them. "So I wasn't off my game. I felt off my game. It was clear to you that I was flirting with him? I didn't look more awkward than usual or anything?"
Pidge grinned. "Oh, I see, you like him."
"What? No!" Mullet guy had been coming to the teahouse everyday at 4 sharp for the last week and a half. The first time Lance had turned on his trademark charm and the poor guy had turned bright red and stuttered out his order. Only the blushing and stuttering was so cute Lance lost his own composure and ran into Pidge when they slipped past him with a not yet sealed cup of milk tea that ended up all over the both of them.
It wasn't his fault. Mullet guy was almost aggravatingly cute (apart from the mullet.) He'd smiled, half embarrassed, half amused when the collision happened and his smile was prettier than his face. He always wore red: the first time it was a red tank top and redder face. Later there were band t-shirts, and running shorts and converse in the shade. Every time he'd order something different and exchange a few words with Pidge or Lance. He always seemed vaguely embarrassed, flushed, and awkward to the point where Lance thought this was the only social interaction he got on a day to day basis. Today though, when he ordered he seemed distracted, blatantly ignoring Lance's attempted banter. He looked tired too: hair tied up in a little bun at the top of his head, and greasy like he'd forgotten to wash it.
"I'm just worried, he didn't look so good."
"Well there's clearly something wrong with him if he wants to drink this crap everyday." Pidge only liked the boba, ironically they weren't a tea person.
Lance hoped mullet guy was okay. He looked about his age. Maybe a student? He usually had a backpack so Lance figured he was taking summer classes. He never really pried in their brief conversations. He just told bad jokes to make him smile. Heck, he didn't even know the guy's name.
"Are you done over there? It's nearly time to open."
"Shit I lost count, give me a minute."
Pidge laughed their happy, rolling laugh and Lance flushed. "I don't like mullet guy."
"Whatever you say Lance."
Keith didn't realize he'd forgotten his umbrella until he was outside in the rain. Warm drops hit his nose and rolled down to chin. It was the kind of rain that came in a wave of relief. The humidity of the air let up for a moment, the liquid coming down splatters instead of lingering in the air.
He sucked in a breath. He could skip today. That was always an option, not an option he ever took but it was an option. He was tired. So tired and done with his ridiculous schedule: classes from 7 to 3:30, homework, some semblance of food, and then work at the library from 5 to 10. It had been like this every week. And would be until the end of the summer. Such was the life of a scholarship student. This would all be worth it if he could graduate sooner. The sooner he had a job and a decent place to live and something more than soggy backpack straps to cling to the better. It will be worth it, he repeated to himself. His red converse squidged onward, white laces turning to murky brown.
So Keith was kind of an idiot. Struggling college students shouldn't be buying $3 bubble tea everyday. Furthermore they shouldn't be wasting precious time and physical energy walking two miles in the rain to get to a stupid teahouse. In fact Keith had passed at least two places where a similar beverage could be purchased. But it wasn't about the tea. It wasn't about the tea because Keith Kogane was almost certainly an idiot.
He'd been steered to the teahouse in the first place because of Shiro. His boyfriend's family evidently owned the place, although Matt had been on vacation the whole time Keith had been coming there.
"Hi, I'm Lance how can I help you?" The first time Lance's smile was so wide and inviting that Keith's internal monologue shifted from It will be worth it to I am so gay.
"I, um..." The other man had leaned forward out of the ordering window and winked at him. Keith stupidly read the first item off the menu, very conscious of how red his face was getting.
"Um, sure thing," Lance replied, looking kind of embarrassed himself. What did he have to be embarrassed about?
Keith had laughed hysterically when Lance ran into his co-worker and spilled tea everywhere. He felt bad afterward but it was too funny how his eyes went all wide and how he nervously scrambled for the roll of paper towels.
And it had been a rough day. Most days this summer had been rough and it felt good to laugh.
And so he was here in the rain, umbrellaless, with eye bags that had eye bags, walking to the Holt Teahouse on a Wednesday afternoon.
The little stand (a renovated ATM strategically located alongside a bus stop) was always steeped in sunshine. Keith knew the menu backwards and forwards now so he barely looked up as he ordered a passion fruit milk tea.  
"Are you alright?" Now he looked up, and Lance looked concerned, very concerned. Keith probably looked as bad as he felt, but he didn't realize he looked bad enough to garner a verbal response.
"I um..." Lance was leaning in again but in a worried way and not a flirty one. "forgot my umbrella."
"Do you want to take mine?" He asked without skipping a beat. Keith looked around as if there were anyone else he could be talking to. No one else was in line.
"No, it's okay I uh..."
"Are you sure because you don't look so good and I don't want you to get sick or anything because your probably a student or something and you can't afford to miss class and I know I don't really know you or anything but..."
"Lance!" Lance whipped around to look at his co-worker who already had his tea made and was holding it and the umbrella out angrily. "Stop babbling and go out there."
Keith grinned. He couldn't help it. He couldn't feel like shit when this boy was tripping all over himself because of him. Keith was never the one people got embarrassed over. He was the one who got embarrassed.
"I don't want to just take your umbrella."
"Then he'll walk you home," Lance's companion cut in. "His shift's nearly over anyway."
"Pidge!" Lance looked over at them, horrified.
"Okay," Keith mumbled.
"Okay?" Lance gaped at him.
"See Lance, he wants you to walk him. Get out of here."
"I'm Keith," Keith said, once the umbrella was over the both of them. "I don't think I ever told you my name."
"Keith," Lance repeated dumbly, head tilting to one side. "It's uh, nice to meet you."
"My place isn't far. I'm sorry to be of such trouble though."
"It's not trouble." It may have been wishful thinking but Keith could swear Lance leaned in toward him a little bit. They bumped shoulders. "I insisted you take the umbrella and Pidge insisted I take you."
"Pidge seems very persuasive."
"They can be scary when they want to be."
"Do you go to the university?" He asked. Keith's hair was dripping around his face and he reached up a gloved hand to push his bangs out of his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm taking summer classes," he didn't say more. It was better not to admit that he was broke and friendless. "Do you?" Keith had never seen him on campus but it was a big school.
"Oh, no I'm just here for the summer. I'm saving up for classes at my school in the fall. It's about an hour from here. I stay with the Holt family every summer."
"Oh so you know Matt?"
Lance stopped in his tracks. "You know Pidge's brother?"
"Matt is Pidge's brother?" Keith had never actually met Matt. Shiro had promised he'd introduce him sometime but their schedules never seemed to mesh. "I don't know him really I know his boyfriend Shiro. Actually Shiro's like my brother."
"I'm losing my mind right now," Lance said, laughing. "You're Shiro's Keith? You're the gay hermit conspiracy theorist with the knife collection? You seemed so normal I didn't put it together."
Keith flushed red. "Shiro exaggerates."
"That's too bad. Shiro's Keith sounded pretty cool."
"Shiro's not taking summer classes is he?" Lance asked. There was another question in it but Lance was too polite to ask outright.
"No, he isn't. I um...I'm only here because I'm a scholarship student. The quicker I get out of college the better."
Lance frowned. "That's an unconventional attitude."
Keith felt his face going red. He didn't like talking about where he came from. No family, no friends, no future wasn't the most convincing tagline albeit an accurate one.
"But I get it," Lance said quickly, evidently noticing his discomfort. "It's a lot of pressure. What are you studying?"
"I'm pre-med," he replied. He didn't add that he wasn't sure he'd be a halfway decent doctor. His professors always said he was too reckless and impulsive.
"Wow, you must be really smart then," Lance said, eyes lighting up.
"What do you study?"
"Art," he grinned. "Is that a deal breaker?"
"Of course not," he replied, wondering in a flustered fashion what he'd meant by deal breaker. It was raining harder now and Lance pressed closer to him to shield himself from the downpour. He directed him which way to turn when they got close. "What kind of art do you make?"
"I draw," he grinned. "And I paint and I make movies that nobody watches. I like school. I'm scared to even leave."
Keith nodded absently. "I think I get that too."
"Is this your place?" They'd come to a stop in front of Keith's dingy apartment building. He looked down at his soaked shoes and nodded.
"It's not much."
"Dude I don't give a shit if you're a scholarship student and live in a crappy apartment. I'm here working my ass off to afford next semester while my friends are off on vacation. I get it. It sucks. You seem like a nice guy. You seem like a nice guy who works himself to death but a nice guy nevertheless. Don't be ashamed of the hard work it took to get where you are okay?"
"Okay," Keith said, because he was too surprised to say anything else.
Lance nodded and gave him a slight smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to go off I just...look I've been there too and I think it's better to own it than apologize for it."
Keith's heart was going a mile a minute. He felt, for a second, like he might cry. "Okay," he repeated. They were in front of his door so he said so.
"Well, good luck. I'll see you tomorrow probably," Lance smiled at him and turned, umbrella bobbing as he walked.
"I'm SUCH a dumbass," Lance groaned, jabbing his straw in his mouth and accidentally sticking himself in the roof of his mouth.
"I knew that one already," Pidge said. They were outside wiping down the windows of the teahouse with Windex while Lance moped. "What exactly are you referring to?"
"Keith," Lance muttered. "When I walked him home yesterday I kind of lectured him."
"Lectured him? About what?" Pidge put down their bottle of Windex.
Lance flushed. "He was doing that thing I always used to do. He's a scholarship student and he got all embarrassed about his shitty apartment and the fact that he has to take summer classes to save money."
"So you're telling me that the first time you actually talk to the guy you like you tell him off for internalized classism?"
Lance groaned. "Why am I so stupid? He'll probably never come back now. Did I tell you that he's Shiro's Keith? I made a huge fool of myself in front of Shiro's Keith."
Pidge burst out laughing. "He's my nerd brother's boyfriend's nerd friend? Holy shit Lance you know how to pick them."
"He hates me."
"I think you're jumping to conclusions."
Lance shook his head. "I can't talk about this anymore. How is your class schedule coming?"
Pidge had been accepted into the Garrison, an advanced science and technology high school both Matt and Shiro had attended. They'd been sent the course catalogue a week ago.
"The freshman requirements are pretty straight forward. I'm taking geometry and biology and the advanced computer science I tested into," They avoided eye contact.
"Are you okay?" Lance asked.
"I'm fine," they shot back too quickly. Pidge hadn't talked much about high school since they got in. Their family, of course, was ridiculously proud.
Pidge finished up the windows and came back in the kiosk. "Hey Lance, can I have a hug?" Pidge looked up at him, a little lost.
"Always, bud," he replied, opening his arms for them.
"You're a good friend Lance."
"Thanks nerd."
"Hey, um are you guys open?"
Lance looked to the source of the voice. Today Keith had a red choker and, if Lance wasn't mistaken, eyeliner.
"You came back!"
Keith looked confused. "Why wouldn't I come back?"
"Because I told you off for internalized classism," he said, borrowing a phrase from Pidge.
Pidge laughed ridiculously and then had to go in the bathroom because they couldn't stop.
Keith was bright red. "Well you were right. And I uh...I'm spending a ton of money on tea I don't need because I don't have the guts to ask you out."
"You," Lance gaped at him. "Want to go out with me?"
"I mean if you don't want to obviously we don't have to. It's not a big deal if we just forget about..."
"Keith stop talking," Lance cut him off. "Are you free this weekend?"
Keith let out a breath and relaxed a fraction. "Yes, yes I am."
"How about Saturday night? I can pick you up at 6?"
"Sounds good."
"So do you want any tea or..."
"I uh...I'm good."
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