#this is super long i'm sorry i love talking about myself lmao
liamobrienlove · 6 months
My MCM Comic Con Experience
Oh y'all, i have been wanting to talk about this to anyone who will listen haha Sorry this post is a bit late but it's been busy at work since i got home.
Where do i even begin? I met Liam! Still seems surreal even though i have photo evidence haha Let's just start with meeting him!
First up on the Saturday morning was meeting up with the amazing @formulares - who is amazinnnng btwwwww! had so much fun! 10/10 would recommend being friends with him lmao
Next it was time to get in and get in line for the Liam autograph! CR had their own section for autos which was great because the queues were SO LONG. Luckily, we were like 5th in line! When they all came out, the whole room erupted and the cast looked utterly amazed and completely taken a back with the turnout. Here starts the whole Liam experience haha I made Ares go first because i just couldn't and to watch is conversation with Liam was special. Liam is a special guy, i'll say that.
When i got to him, i was so nervous and he just made me feel like we were old friends. I gave him some letters i had to give and then the dice i'd brought him and he was so happy and rolled them! got a Nat 1 on his first roll but rerolled because halfling luck hehe and got a much better number! i then was able to tell him how much his characters and he have helped me through a lot in recent years and he was so grateful and wrote a lovely message on my print i was getting signed (which i'm not going to share yet as i will most likely be getting it as a tattoo) and then that was the end of the auto portion! when i went in for my photo with him, he remembered me! ahhhh and then we had the cutest picture and he gave me a bug cuddle as i was leaving. Liam is an amazing human, so kind, sweet and humble. I'm hoping i get to meet him again in the near future because truly, one of the best moments i've ever had.
Then i had photos with Travis (who was making sure to ask everyone their names and shake their hand before the photo) and was thanking everyone as well once they were done. it was so sweet!
I did have a Sam photo op but because i was anxious about not making it to my Taliesin one (sam's was the same time as Travis), i gave my photo ticket to Ares who had a great picture with Sam (who is really tall!). Next it was time to have my photo with Taliesin who is just a super sweet man and was wonderful! i love my photo with Taliesin so much! he was so excited to meet everyone!
Now, onto meeting Matt! Bear in mind i queued for three and a half hours to meet him. One thing i will say is MCM need to work on their queuing system because the line for matt was 4 people wide and just didn't seem to go down! By the time i got to the front i was emotional and overwhelmed and i think Matt could see that right off the bat. He shook my hand and asked my name and then we jumped into what was a very amazing and sweet conversation, where when i started to get emotional, Matt took hold of my hands (he's an utter sweetheart) and when i told him how much this show, this world had changed my life, he was just so receptive and so humble about it all and just amazing. Then he got up to give me a hug and it was so sweet of him - that man just adores every single person/fan. He spent time talking to every single person and stayed late to make sure everyone got to meet him.
i cannot begin to put into words how amazing they all were. From seeing Travis, Laura, Ashley, Marisha, Sam and Tal interact with everyone when standing in line, to how they were in photo ops - this cast are genuine and amazing. I count myself lucky to have been able to see them in person and cannot wait until i'm able to again in the future. I just adore them and it's an experience i will never, ever forget.
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slytherin-ghost · 1 year
Hello again, hope you are having a good day/night?
First I love your writing ❤️
Secondly if you like the idea I was wondering if you could do a batfam x Super tall GN reader who is a total badass and always getting into trouble or trouble always finds them lol. Bruce and reader kinda have feelings for eachother but reader is scared after they lost their family in a tragic accident and only they survived kinda thing which leads to my main thought, they save Damien who would be around the same age as their own kid would be, recklessly putting themselves in harms way maybe getting severally injured?
Sorry if this is long I spend way to much time in my head lmao
Hello! I also spend too much time in my head as well. I did a short fic and head cannons for this ask.
Reader is between 6'3 and 6'4
A/N: This is so bad and rushed. I'm so sorry. (might fix later)
Warnings: Mentions about losing a family, guns,blood, angst
This is a Gender neutral story! Both females, males and nonbinary people can read it and replace the pronouns with their own!
Bruce sighed as he entered the cave to find Alfred patching you and the boys up. "Bruce! I swear on my life that it wasn't my fault! They jumped me!" You explained. "Boys go upstairs. You too Alfred we'll be fine." Bruce said. As soon as you guys were alone, that's when it got serious "So what actually happened?" Bruce asked "I told you what happened!" You exclaimed.
Bruce sighed again "I know, I know. Just... The boys, Alfred, and myself really care for you. You're like family to us." You winced at the word family. "I do like you guys. I do but...." You started "I don't want to lose anyone else." You finished before walking away.
You had feelings for Bruce for awhile but after losing your first family you couldn't risk anything again.
The next night you haven't talked to Bruce or the boys all day. Alfred did check up om you bringing you food and water. You slowly got ready to go on patrol.
"Damian! Look out!" You yelled put yourself in Damian's way. You winced as the bullet penetrated your upper leg. Jason and Dick quickly helped you to safety. "Go back to Tim and Damian. I'll meet you guys in the cave." Bruce said quickly helping you into the Batmobile.
You held in your emotions as Bruce helped you into the car. "You shouldn't have done that." Bruce said. "But-Damian! I couldn't have gotten him hurt!" You stated. "You had flashbacks of your family." Bruce said. You looked down at you hands. "Damian reminds me off my own child. They would've been the same age." You sniffled.
"I know. It's not you fault." Bruce said holding you close. "Let's get you patched up." He said kissing you forehead, not realizing he did that.
A/N: Might make a part 2
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itsaspectrumcomic · 3 months
man ok idk if youll be able to advise on this or something but like. do you know anything regarding dealing with like internalised ableism?
i live in a rural part of ireland, right? and idk what it is about rural ireland but some of the people are heinous. my school is in a small miserable-ass town and like. God, man. not everyone sucks, of course but like. jesus lol additionally i have a ~mildly ableist~ mother (a "we're all a little bit autistic" and "erm. youre not disabled because youre not in a wheelchair or blind/deaf" etc etc type stuff. + "npd = bad person" which isnt particularly good for me specifically because i have npd (that i both Cant get an official diagnosis for, for various reasons, and im not really Looking for one either because i know what i am and its not like you get support for it because ~ooh scary narcissist~.)
and like. idk if this is Obvious but that can kinda cause a weird-ass relationship with You (being Me in this case, yk how it is with the second person perspective when. ranting) and The Concept Of Being Disabled. like, objectively. im disabled. im autistic, ive definitely got adhd (that im hopefully going to get examined for at some point cause college stuff requires it for the disability forums and stuff. gotta love that. fuckin 80% comorbidity right?), ive got a laughable number of repetative strain injuries, i have a sensory processing disorder, an endocrine disease that effects my Entire cardiovascular system, a spine that felt a lil quirky and bent in too much. so on a so forth
but also like. it feels wrong to call myself disabled. yk, like im doing a disservice to all the other ~actually~ disabled people (being Anyone but me lol) (none of this is At All helped by the fact that my mother refuses to listen to me regarding Jack Shit about my health in Any way. "oh you nearly passed out on top of a hill because of your cardiovascular condition? erm youre just not exercising enough actually" "you dont have depression [said while i was filling out an assigned mood diary after being forcefully brought to camhs for Reasons" like. shut the fuck up and Listen to me please. at least Entertain the idea that i could be right about something for fucking once lmao. cause ive been right about EVERYTHING regarding my mental health so fucking far so. fuck off /nay ofc) (also man. like, even if you ignored the physical issues ive got im still disabled on account of being autistic. like, motor function is fine, despite being a lil clumsy and/or unsteady sometimes but like. my emotional needs are Fucked. think of the response youd get if you asked a. fuckin. 8 year old or something to do algebra. but with a very emotionally stunted and traumatised 17 year old lol. lmao, even /lh)
so like. if youve got. any advice or whatever on any of this thatd be Super cool + no pressure obvs. sorry this is a whole. like. fucking essay's worth of Random Guy Complaining To You On The Internet lol
-🐢 <- just so i can find this again if you respond. i Like Turtles. i am Normal about the tmnt and also turtles The Creatures. i wont talk at length about turtle mutant anatomy (i am deceiving you)
Internalised ableism is a really hard thing to deal with, especially when you're surrounded by people who constantly re-enforce it. I've also spent a lot of time worrying that I'm not disabled 'enough' to deserve certain accommodations, that I'm making an unnecessary fuss. But the truth is, autism IS a disability and if there are accommodations that can help support you, you deserve access to them. You're not taking away from others with disabilities by advocating for yourself.
It's taken me a long time to understand this and I still worry sometimes. What has helped is talking about my experiences with people I know understand, like my therapist or best friend, and learning about the experiences of other autistic people through books, social media, YouTube and even real life.
I'm sorry your mother and others aren't being understanding - remember that's a them problem, not you, and try to spend your time with people who do understand.
🐢🐢🐢 <- the turtles wish you luck
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drinkingbitterboy · 9 months
alright. i have emotionally recovered from miles posting on instagram this morning, which truly threw off my plan to do a little concert recap bc i was busy yelling at my phone/on tumblr. as you do.
a couple notes:
i don't really do concert photos; literally took a grand total of 4 during the actual show. so sorry, don't have much there!
i did not get a poster :( turns out they ran out before AM even went on stage?? i'm sad, but not too pressed bc really i'd much rather have a good view than wait in the merch line.
here we go!!
so getting into the arena was kind of a shit show lmao. we rolled up around door open and the line stretched 5 city blocks and doubled back on itself; it was mostly organized but asshats loved to pop in when the line got broken up by the streets. took us almost an hour to make it our five blocks and the line behind us was still just as long by then. at least folks waiting by us in line were nice! beyond nice conversation the true highlight was outfit spotting. shoutout to the absolutely dedicated guy who showed up in the full on fwn clown outfit complete with face paint by himself. in this weather! found a couple folks dressed exactly like the car alex (again, why are you wearing a blazer in this weather) and you know. felt real old about it seeing some of the other concert outfits. i'm sorry, not to be judgemental of the tiktok girlies, but holy shit. i managed to out myself once as a weird fan about it bc i had "inside knowledge" aka i saw the ig stories james and davey posted lmao. i'm so sorry i'm incapable of holding it in when i want to correct someone. had a grand time talking to some people in line next to me around my age; one of them even had an old sias shirt from seeing them live back then! good bonding about "hey what have you done since they announced this album?" one guy switched jobs twice, we got married, and the other couple had a baby. jfc.
further highlights include the person who wrote the batphone and cheeseburger notes, a couple other car truck bits i didn't take pics of saying things like "who the fuck are the arctic monkeys", and the true comedy of whoever designed the tickets. big mike wazowski energy
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fontaines dc sounded great! a lot of folks around me had no clue who they were, though. so the crowd wasn't too excited overall. also i have no idea who put together the playlist in between sets bc it was nuts.
and then: the big reveal (that i then updated tumblr on)
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i'm really surprised the whole set made it! the anticipation before they took the curtain down was absolutely palpable. also, didn't get a picture of it but at one point someone had a giant pole and was trying to poke something right at at the top of the frame of the screen. no idea what that was about but it was hilarious. not pictured: the bonus screens on either side of the stage.
an aside: my partner is fucking hilarious. every time a roadie came on state with an instrument he'd go "i don't think that one is a monkey." he also generally calls them the "monkfys" anyway bc he really latched onto that clip aksdjfs
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so this was interesting! they didn't show the body paint symbols at all on any of the screens; instead, they showed this colorful wheel thing.
and then the actual show. oh my word. opening with sculptures was absolutely my dream and honestly i don't have words for what it's like to see alex in person. he's absolutely captivating. hypnotizing. one of the most amazing things is watching how he proceeds through the show--how he goes from suave and put together with his choreographed arm movements for emphasis and his little things like the little bubble pop in that song. and then he starts to loosen up (along with his hair), we get the silly dramatic theatre kid during cornerstone and do me a favour, and by the time we hit body paint he's just completely letting loose. even when they played much of the usual setlist and i obviously know the music super well--better than anyone else around me--it was still absolutely thrilling to just be there and listen to the music and sing loudly and jump around until we felt the floorboards creak. they felt really high energy last night! turns out coming off of a break is good for them!
related, getting to watch the transformation into the poofy lion hair in real life is incredible.
i must admit, i am not immune to things like alex waving in our general direction to the crowd and walking over to our side of the stage and all of the charming bits. just can't help it.
otherwise, the only other person i could consistently see was nick - we were standing stage right, maybe 15 yards back? so you know. gorgeous as always. i'm sure jamie was wonderful also in his insane leather jacket -- didn't see him at all lol. i managed to get a very convenient window to center stage so i actually saw alex a decent amount. worked out well because i couldn't actually see the screens super well. i'm short. here's the only two pictures i actually took of the band, right at the beginning:
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and now for the rest of the setlist -- we all know they played a lot of the usual suspects. as expected, much of the crowd was pretty young and very invested in only AM and the hype songs. i didn't mind; at least i wasn't the only person screaming for perfect sense (weren't a lot of us, i was the only one in my general area, but that's alright. i don't care.) my spouse was entertained by the person next to us who looked up the spotify set playlist in between every song; he was like "why look it up? if you don't know the songs well enough to identify by intro then how is the list supposed to help?" anyway, holy shit when is snap getting out of the playlist? and yet even though i was not thrilled by it it was still so fun to sing along.
4 out of 5 had a really funny bit at the end while he was just kinda ad libbing lines. "four stars out of five, not quite there yet, but almosttttt." teddy picker and view from the afternoon were absolutely fantastic, too. and then we get the basic AM bits again, though turns out the crowd was also really hype for fluorescent adolescent. 10/10
i was so goddamn loud for perfect sense. shoutout to the spouse again for only knowing that song bc i learned to play it and then played it constantly bc i wanted to manifest it aksjdflaskdj
he was constantly saying "very nice. very nice. very good" in between songs, which was adorable. "hope you're having a lovely evening, folks." as my partner put it: "very good. that's him like yes, i've met my crowd interaction quota for the night"
and then of course we brought out the drama for do me a favour and cornerstone. i cracked up that there were already gifs of the "forcing a smile" bit by the time i got home.
mirrorball started with alex conducting the stings again. i love it so much. also makes my musician ass miss performing lmao. but really, i can't get over how good mirrorball is. it's so dramatic, so emotional, then the actual mirrorball reveal??? i cried. it's insane. it's beautiful. it's honestly indescribable. i generally don't like people filming a lot or taking tons of pictures but you know what? mirrorball is an exception. holy mother of god.
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and then 505!! i know i mentioned this earlier but really??? the mirrorball is only lit up like this for 505 and then they pull it back up?? there better be a mirrorball for me, he says, then we pull it down for the very miles song, and then they get rid of it???????? i had some thoughts.
our end of the stage got a bit distracted during do i wanna know bc we had someone go down in the crowd and had to call someone over to help. good news is that they were pretty close to the wall/barrier so it was easy to make space. even so, i realy can't get over how good that guitar sounds.
and then body paint. we've all seen videos of the extended outro and really, truly, it's just a life-altering experience to watch it life. it sounded incredible, it looked incredible with the rainbow lights, everyone looked like they were having a blast. i am a little biased bc i'm so attached to that song i'm getting tattoos about it on monday lmao. but man. not over it.
and finally the encore. ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE?????? i was NOT expecting it and absolutely lost my shit. unfortunately at this point bc we did some shifting around i no longer had a good view of anything. so it goes.
dancefloor, as always, was an absolute jam. bonus points bc now it's forever associated with our wedding. and r u mine had the place going nuts bc you know, the AM only folks, but really, i am also not immune to how hard that song goes.
all in all, that concert was absolutely incredible. i had an absolute BLAST and it was such a joy. i loved getting to be loud and truly did not care that there were bits where i was the only one who knew all the words. even my partner who is only really a tangential am fan had a really good time. they sounded amazing. i'm absolutely still on a high from it. hopefully the transition to a smaller venue again after the huge stadium tour was nice for the band, too!
and now time for some more coffee.
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sky-kenobye · 7 days
⛵️ Five Fandoms, Five Ships ⛵
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms!
Thanks for the tag @underacalicosky !!
Putting it under the cut because this is LONG, sorry.
I love them your honor. Doesn't even have to be romantic, I just want to see them being obsessed about each other. I'm also a pretty big obianidala fan, hence why I added her too. (I'm a multishipper really. I have my otp but there's a lot of ships that I enjoy)
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker(/Padmé Amidala) (Star Wars)
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When I first watched star wars (not that long ago, I only watched it because I wanted to see the sequels in theater lmao) I wasn't a big fan of the prequels so I mostly ignored them, but then a couple years ago I randomly rewatched them in the middle of the night and suddenly I was obsessed. I'm not even sure how I ended up on AO3 (did I go look for obikin? Did I stumble on it? Idk) but eventually I started reading Pining in Preschool, then realised that @palfriendpatine66 was on tumblr, I started interacting with more people around here, and now I'm (slowly) writing fics, and I'm having the time of my life here, so thanks Pal!
I don't think any if my past fandom brainrots reached my current level so I'm pretty sure I'm here for the long haul (at least it's not stopping anytime soon).
It's not super obvious here but I'm actually a huge Marvel fan (well, the MCU, I've never read a comic), and especially Captain America. Stucky is just, 🤌 so tasty (a lot of similarities with obikin actually imo). I'd like to talk to whoever thought "I'm with you 'til the end of the line" was a straight sentence to repeatedly say to your bro throughout an entire century though. Like?? I'm all for relationships that defy the boundaries of platonic and romantic, but still, that's kinda gay.
2. Steve Rogers/James "Bucky" Barnes(/Peggy Carter) (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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The first MCU movie I saw was actually captain america 2 (and not the first one lol) in theater, and I was instantly hooked, though since Endgame I've been less into it, since my fav is gone (and I have to agree with tumblr on that one: they're making too many movies and shows, I can't keep up 😩)
(And I'm still super salty about what they did to steve in canon, they should have killed him off instead of whatever the fuck that was, honestly)
I also added Peggy because she's great, and polyamory is so much better than love triangles or shipping wars. (I'm not polyamorous but I believe in their beliefs. I think it's because of the aromanticism)
Same as with obikin (and stucky too tbh) I don't really care how they love each other, I just care that they do. They're the most important person to each other, be it romantic, platonic, familial, idc.
3. John Watson/Sherlock Holmes (mostly BBC Sherlock, but from the RDJ movies and the books too)
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I've obsessed over (non-existent) clues during the last season, and deluded myself into thinking they'd become canon, alas, it didn't happen.
I've translated a couple of fics in french for that ship, but I've never written for it (I thought about it tho), and I've read a lot. That's the fandom where I've read some of the best queerplatonic fics, and that's my favorite interpretation of the ship, especially sherlock being some flavor of aroace.
4. Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
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I love them as a queerplatonic relationship, and I genuinely think that's what they are in canon, the haters can suck it, that's not queerbaiting even if they dont become a canon couple.
Okay, I'm starting to see a patern here. Am I really that predictable? You can just copy-past what I said above.
(I'm fully on board with them being a couple though)
Hey, a straight ship! With a woman not added as a second thought!
5. Elizabeth Bennet/Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
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Not quite the same vibe as the others, but I've read sooo many fics and books (straight up published fics lol), I've watched a bunch of different adaptations (even the one with zombies)... The worst part is that I think I've only read the og book once, oops.
I actually inherited that fandom from the women in my family lmao. My mom, sister and sister-in-law are all obsessed with it, so I read it to see what all the fuss was about and, yeah, I get it.
And that's it! There are other fandoms I'm into, and other ships in those fandoms, but that's pretty much it (the main one that's missing is Dinluke, the others are mostly smaller ones).
I'm not super actively in those fandoms (apart from Star Wars obviously) but i come back to them now and then. Usually I re-watch it then binge-read a bunch of fics (while my main fandom stays in the main spot in my brain) then I let it go again until it comes back (while obikin still stays in the main spot).
Also Harry Potter used to be my main obsession but JKR kinda ruined that for me so I'm not really into it anymore (hence why I didn't list it even though I have written fics for it).
Anyway that was way too long, if you've read all of this then props to you!
I'm tagging: @cottonraincoat @fem-anakin-skywalker @kingdomvel @ineffable-snowman @arobiwan (and whoever else wants to do it because I'm nosy and I want to know stuff about people)
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cloudbells · 2 months
some of your posts actually got me thinking about these questions! i'm very curious how people feel about this sort of stuff, since my own fandom opinions are relatively mild and it got me wondering how other people's experiences compare...
so how about #'s 2 (for stony), #9 and #27 (other than frostshield??😉)
Thank you for the ask (and for creating the game)! Lol, I'm glad me and my inability to keep an opinion to myself was a part of the inspo <3 And sorry for the long wait!!!
2) What's your biggest stony pet peeve?
BIGGEST? Oh man, I'm not sure...Teenification of Tony Stark. He's written so...infantile and emotionally weak (I love vulnerability, but my word choice of him being written as weak is my gripe) in many Stony fics. It genuinely gets on my last nerve. He's damn near 40 in AV1. And he only gets older. And sure, maybe there's some arrested development there, but he isn't a damn child. He knows this. And actually conducts himself well enough in canon (in a way that matches his issues) but it's the fanon portrayal I don't like.
WAIT...I think I have something that's popular for the ship itself. Not very fan of the lengths that misunderstandings go for Steve and Tony...Like, I understand they aren't great at communication, but sometimes it gets to the point where I'm like, "It's passed dense and shot straight into pure asshole territory". I know a lot of people write like this because of CACW, but hot take, I don't think CW was so much of a communication or misunderstandings problem. I'll elaborate on this in a separate post, maybe. But the way misunderstandings are drawn out with seemingly no reason gets on my nerves, but it really depends. I can love misunderstandings, but it can't be something that's contrived for drama's sake.
Oh! Another one is in AUs where Steve was still Captain America, and Tony is still Iron Man, and Howard was still lovesick after Steve died and Tony knew all about Steve as a child....and then the AU has Steve undercover or something and Tony doesn't recognize Steve's face. LOL. This sounds specific, but this exact set up has happened enough to where it bothers me. Like, it's kind of funny though, how annoyed I get over it lmao.
9) What's something that bugs you in fanfiction that you encounter often but isn't necessarily a dealbreaker for you as a reader?
I have a lot of not-dealbreakers. Primarily because if I were to strictly stick to my vision of every possible portrayal, I'd have like 3 fics to read. I'm picky in theory, not so much in practice because I'm also extremely greedy. I'll give one each for Stucky and Stony.
Stucky: That Steve crashed the Valkyrie because he was so sad about Bucky dying. I talk a little about how much I generally dislike this trope here. I think it's a huge disservice to this character, I will never take it seriously, and I will never write it. But, it's not a dealbreaker as long as it's not repeatedly more than....let's say 3 times in a fic. Looking back, I already gave this answer, so an additional one - Bucky being community dick and then getting upset that Steve doesn't realize that Bucky wants him and the tone of the fic also supporting that Bucky has a right to be mad lol. It's a weirdly common narrative point in a lot of fics and I just don't care for it. It's actually one of the reasons I tend to stay away from pre-CATFA fics. This trope also happens in Stony too, now that I'm thinking about it. What's up with that?
Stony: I (unsurprisingly) have a few to choose from, but I'll say - when it's written like Steve was horrifically out of line or the aggressor in AV1. It's super common (from throwaway lines to paragraphs about how Steve was an asshole) and there is a fine line that this has to walk for me not to dip. Usually, it's a couple of line about it, which I can ignore.
27) What's something that you think [insert fandom/pairing] doesn't have nearly enough of that you're starving for?
I have an embarrassing amount of rare pairs that I ship and I've been itching for a chance to let them out (/ = romantic or sexual, & = platonic).
Steve & Wanda. Oh my goodness, I am absolutely starving for more fics that show their growing bond from AOU to CACW. I would eat it up. Even in AUs, honestly. I said in another ask that I dislike kidfics, but guess what I'm outlining right now involving kid!Wanda...I just think there is something to explore there with Steve's care towards Wanda in canon. I feel like he understands her, to an extent, and anything he doesn't understand, he tries to sympathize with. He reaches out to her and that's so, so important to me. Because I adore Wanda. So much.
Rumlow/Steve. I want to clarify, not so much as a romance pairing (though I have read a couple like that), but more so as a one-sided creepfest on Rumlow's end. Something about him feeling an erotized violence/hatred towards Steve is so delicious to me. In my mind, it's not even love/hate - it's obsession. Maybe even coupled with a childhood admiration morphing into a disturbed/twisted fixation on Steve. I think this Rumlow likes to see Steve hurt. I also think he hates to be kept away from him. He's not deluded enough to think that Steve loves him back, he in fact, probably loves how much Steve hates him after the Hydra reveal. Yum.
Carol & Steve. Nothing much to say here, but I'm sure it's not too surprising. Captain Marvel is my 2nd most-watched MCU movie after CATFA. And I think their stories and journeys and experiences are so, so amazingly similar that I cannot resist the temptation of wanting them to be in every scene together. The squeal I let out when she first met Steve probably broke a few records.
Can I get a little more obscure? I have Steve-ships with characters who aren't in the MCU. Here's a speedrun, no elaboration:
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)/Steve Rogers
Kushina (Naruto) & Steve Rogers
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha) /Steve Rogers
Ginko (Mushishi) & Steve Rogers
Epsilon (Pluto) & Steve Rogers
Kurenai/Steve/Asuma (Naruto).
Izaya Orihara (Durarara) & Steve....or Izaya/Steve...Izaya would hate him so much haha.
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Tag game that took me way too long to do
Hi, hello, I'm still here. Life and side-tracking happened a lot and, lately, my only online presence was some reblogs. Nonetheless!! It made me really happy to see that I've been tagged in this wonderful tag game by @inkoherentwriting and @dirty-bosmer and @blossom-adventures Thank you so much and sorry it took me this long to actually do it!
How many works do you have on AO3? Just 6 so far!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 100,271 (oh!! I didn't realize I hit the 100k word count before doing this!)
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age so far, but I would love to expand that list, and I have my eye on a few fandoms (looking directly at One Piece)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I only have six fics, and I don't really like looking at the statistics because it makes me terribly sad and unmotivated.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes!!! Comments are everything to me. It may take some time to respond, but just know that I read the comments as soon as I get the email notification and I reread whenever I feel self conscious about my fics (which is *very* often lmao)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My longfics are not finished yet, but if you read chapter 15 of WYGTYA, then you'll know which one will have the angstiest ending Spoilers: it's Hymn of the Highs Seas, it's prequel. Author's note: WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO, I AM SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THE PIRATES. But I *will* find a way to make it as satisfying an ending as possible, and it will most definitely have a fluffy/bittersweet epilogue. HOTHS will not be sad, I promise!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? After all the shit I'll put Ravonna through, she deserves it the most, so WYGTYA, probably! Also, my Ralof/Hadvar fic has a really happy ending, if ya know what I mean :)))))
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet. I have this wonderful small community of dear readers and they're the most awesome people in the world <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Smut is not really my thing, so no. The most I'll do is imply.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I haven't, but I'll never say never!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, and I doubt anyone would want to steal my writing out of anyone's
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? No, but I think it would be a very nice experience! I've spoken to a few beloved mutuals about crossovers in which Ravonna meets their ldbs, and I have an idea in mind where I could write a few chapters, each of them exploring Ravonna accidentally teleporting into their ldb's world, but it's still just an idea at the moment :)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? That I've written? I don't know if I can choose because I love them all, but Rumcurio and Ralof/Hadvar are incredibly underrated ships in the TES fandom and I wish they had more content! Fave ship of all time? Well, right now I am watching Jujutsu Kaisen and I am, of course, having satosugu brainrot. They could have had everything :(((( So beautifully tragic, this one. The fix-it fanfics are amazing, too! But if I had to pick just one ship to be my favourite, I think I'll go with the ineffable husbands because 6000 years of pining is just exquisite <3 <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? A very sad and romantic reincarnation AU of WYGTYA where we get to see many versions of Ravonna through the ages! I say romantic, but knowing myself, it won't be super sappy. It's Ravonna that we're talking about here :))
16. What are your writing strengths? I would say that dialogue, and banter in particular. That's what flows the easiest to me, and I think that is how I'm able to express a character's traits and personality the best
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I believe there's room for improvement in all areas, but what I struggle with the most is angst, probably. I need to practice focusing on describing the character's feelings more. Also, politics. Crucial to the plot, but my mind never cooperates when I want to write politics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue on another language in a fic? If it's a few words, it's fine, I think it adds flavour to the chapter, but translations should be provided. However, I would avoid writing entire paragraphs in another language, that's just confusing to readers.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Skyrim! I wrote for the Tes Summer Fest event in 2022!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love them all very dearly, but hear me out!!! WYGTYA is my first baby, my longest fic and the thing that led me to start such beautiful friendships online. It will always have a special place in my heart! In my soul, there's a jewellery box dedicated to just WYGTYA, and it's all heart shaped and made out of love. Ravonna is by far my most developed oc, so much so that she feels like a real person sometimes when I think of her. She's even become a source of inspiration for me at times and her story with her fellowship will never fail to put a smile on my face. She's also such a big impact on my writing that I think she will become a blueprint for future stories that I write. Every story will have a Ravonna-type character, for sure. That's how much love I have for her! But I started writing WYGTYA as a beginner, and I sense that I will go back to some of the earlier chapters and re-edit some stuff. Right now, the fic that I'm most satisfied of is HOTHS. It's still at 2 chapters (soon to be three), but I'm so excited about this project, and the characters are all ocs, and my heart is so full of love for them that it overflows! It's also a pirate story, and I always have such a weak spot for pirates. It also follows the storyline and plot twist that I'm most proud of in WYGTYA, all about Ravonna's lineage. Damn, I guess I have Ravonna to thank for this, too. I'm just really happy with this twist and canon divergence in Deathbrand's character. I feel like he has so much potential in the TES Universe, and I'm about to explore all that and more in this fic!
Oh wow, that last bit got so very rambly, I'm so sorry! I don't know who has done this or not, but I'll tag @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @bostoniangirl21 @sheirukitriesfandom @illumiera
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leonenjoyer69 · 19 days
I'd love to hear you ramble more about Elias
Okay, so, I've never had an actual OC before (except for a creepypasta one in middle school... but we don't talk about him) so I,,, don't know how to talk about them ngl 💀💀 so here's random things I thought of!
Voice claim for him? Anthony Ramos, but specifically him as John Laurens. I shuffled my Spotify earlier and Hamilton came on after years of not listening to it and idk, Laurens voice just gives Elias to me. Either him, or Leslie Odom Jr, but I'm kinda leaning more towards Leslie's voice for Lanyon I think.
A big song I associate with him so far is Misathrapologist (by will wood) bc,,, idk it's just so him. Horny yearning goes crazy. For the same reason, White Knuckle Jerk is also on my Elias playlist (which only has about 4 songs on it rn lmao)
Honestly, having him and Hyde in a room alone together is like having 2 cats in heat, a foot apart, being held back by the flimsiest leashes to ever exist. Honestly, I had to stop myself from immediately having them make out in that first scene with them 💀
He did keep Lanyons freckles to a certain degree! They're just fainter on his skin :3
His favourite colors are a sort of ruby red, pastel yellow, and now, green. Hm, I wonder why.
I feel like him and Hyde are both very possessive of the things they deem "theirs" since they're the unsavory parts of their original persons, and thus have very little identity for themselves :3 along with the fact that they spend less time as the dominant personalities of their bodies, so they don't really get many things they can consider their own in the first place. Also for Hyde, he must kinda gives hoarder vibes anyways lmao.
Elias likes stealing Hyde's clothes, along with Henry's old ones. Also, cue him finding the cufflinks he gifted Jekyll in such great condition and clearly well worn and getting super emotional about it >:3
Anyways, that's all I can really think of for now, but if you have anything specific you wanna ask about or bring up, then please do!! Not even just Elias, I'll drop HCs on Jekyll and Hyde too, hehe
EDIT: ALSO!!! His nose is basically in a perpetual somewhat-scrunched up state (Hyde might find it a bit endearing)
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cringengl · 2 months
Hey!! It's the byler music fairy!! What are the songs you most associate with byler, Will, and/or Mike, and why??
(sorry for the lack of emojis... your askbox wouldn't let me add them D:)
aaaaahhhhh I have a couple of these haha
for byler, my fave songs for them i have is fly out west by yot club, which is literally s4 byler. like mike literally flies out west at the start of s4?? lmao. there's also lyrics like
Well, tell me, do you know?
You're all I dream about
Take it from me, I'm too dumb to recognize your doubt
Well, I don't wanna go
I'm in too far to leave
Tell me how you live so easily, young and naive
Talk bad, who's that?
Walk back to your place
I think you fake that smile that's on your face
which could honestly apply to both will and mike, one being all the other dreams about and being jealous about how naive they are, and also both of them faking their smiles, mike because of his failing relationship with el and will pretending to be ok with it.
ok so for the second one is true blue by boygenius, and although the title screams will as the chorus says that the love is 'true blue', which is obviously mike's colour, there's a bunch of lyrics that connect to both of them.
lyrics from mike's pov:
You can't help but become the sun - will has a bunch of light symbolism throughout the series, especially in the last ep where the light shines directly onto will from mike's pov
When you moved to Chicago, you were spinning out
When you don't know who you are, you fuck around and find out
When you called me from the train, water freezing in your eyes
You were happy and I wasn't surprised
i can totally see mike thinking that will was happier and trying new things in lenora without him, especially after the lies el told mike in her letters and then mike being a little upset about it.
this part is from will's pov:
Now you're moving in, breaking a sweat on your upper lip
And getting pissed about humidity and the leaky faucet- digging the grave for unnamed hero agent guy haha and creating el's mind fight bath
You already hurt my feelings three times
In the way only you could- it's not my fault you don't like girls, the lack of letters/calls when will was in lenora, and the rink-o-mania fight
You've never done me wrong
Except for that one time that we don't talk about
Because it doesn't matter anymore
Who won the fight?
I don't know, we're not keeping score
these lyrics also have major it's not my fault you don't like girls vibes.
and then finally from both of their povs:
But it feels good to be known so well
I can't hide from you like I hide from myself
I remember who I am when I'm with you
Your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue
this is major painting scene vibes, with both will and mike feeling understood by the other, and not hiding from eachother.
finally, to finish this super long post off, here's a song that is soooo mike wheeler coded that literally every lyric can be applied, forever dumb, by surf curse. it's all mike's pov
I would run away from you, if I could
Never really wanted to, but I guess I should run - the first two lines obviously correlate to will and how mike feels about him leading to him wanting to run from him
I would fall in love with you, but I can't
It's too hard, maybe we'll just pretend- the next two lines are about his relationship with el lmao
But it's hard when I don't know what to do
I'm angry and I'm tired and confused
I got so many thoughts stuck in my head
And none of them make much sense- big big big mike vibes
I said I would follow you, but I lied
Don't be mad
Well, at least I tried- 'follow you' is both related to crazy together as well as mike's relationship with el
I never had a spot for you in my life
Which was true
Till I heard you cry- mike meeting el for the first time and taking her in or byler meeting at the swingset
And your tears dripped down your face into my eyes- either the van scene or el telling mike that he never said i love you
I'm sorry and I hate myself this time
Cause I got so many thoughts stuck in my head
And none of them
Make much sense
anyway, tysm for the ask!! (this was my reminder to change my anon settings haha)
here are the three songs!!!
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Alright I was going to do this on anon but honestly why not own it, ya know? So I first came to your blog with its a match and then slowly spiraled.
First off, I can not believe how fast you've been updating its a match. I don't know what your writing process is but holy fuck you have been feeding us so well. The different dynamics between all the guys and reader is so beautifully crafted. And the way you writer the dynamics between all of the 141 is so good too! I personally feel like they've all been together for such a long time and have such a good relationship outside of the normal chain of command and team bonding. Beautiful! I love when authors write Simon as wanting to feel normal away from work, and you do it so well. Like yes he's gruff and has dry humor but damn does he wear it well. AND THE BANTER!? It's so realistic, like some books/fics the way character talk just sounds so fake, but the way you have them all interacting, talking and texting, is exactly like how I'd imagine them to interact. (SPECIFICALLY THE "HONK SHOO HONK MIMIMIM" PART. I HAD TO TEXT MY HUSBAND ABOUT IT I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD!!) Like typing errors when you text and emojis when you least expect them is just so realistic and I'm obsessed.
Secondly, I came for its a match, but have been scrolling through for all the pegging content. Like I'm not into pegging in practice for myself, but hot damn is it hot to imagine all these super macho guys turned into blubbering, blissed-out messes *chef's kiss* honestly! Like it took me an extra long time to eat dinner because I was so caught up in the pegging tag. Then closed out and came right back to it for any and all updates, wild. Now the thought of pegging is stuck in my brain for as long as the worms feed off it. So thanks for your anons blessing us with the gospel then fucking dipping, honestly meme worthy. And your reactions are so funny, I laugh out loud for EVERY SINGLE ONE! I went through last night reading and liking almost every post under the pegging tag, I couldn't help myself.
Honestly I haven't read your other things tagged in your master list that I can remember (I tend to read without looking at authors) but I'm sure as shit going to do that right after i send this. Also don't feel the need to answer to this if you don't want to, I just wanted to express my love for the vibes here and the discussions you've been having. Keep up the good work on all of your works, it's all been amazing (no pressure, just keep being you!) Sorry for the book of an ask, got a little carried away reminiscing on the fic and pegging parts 😅 hope you have a great day!!
You just made me cry reading this so thanks for that 🙄 /jk pls I can't handle the kind words and the love 🥺🫶
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I'm so so thankful you enjoy the banter and dynamics and the texting and everything really! it comes very naturally to me (the banter and jokes) and I just let it flow as it comes to get natural dialogue
as for the pegging, blame my anons bc I literally had almost no hand on it, as you've seen, just corrupted pulled the sacred texts on us and blessed us with that brain rot and yk-
I also have a habit of reading without checking the author unless I've gone on a deepdive of their blog (and if I ever want to check if someone I don't know posted a new chapter to a fic, I just have to hope my dash blesses me with the next chapter LMAO)
I'm so glad you enjoy the vibes here, I'm honestly surprised my blog's fostered such good communication and energy and just... yeah!
(also do not apologize for sending a long ask, I love it so so so so much tytytytytytytytytytytyty)
hope you enjoy everything i've written and will write in the future!
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alexenglish · 4 months
I remember a few years ago there was a conversation about young parenthood on your blog and I found it really refreshing, especially since it's hard to hear about queer parenting in the first place unless you're actively seeking those stories out. Feel free to ignore, but how did you ever find the courage to navigate life as a queer young parent in an increasingly cis-centric world, and, if I can ask, what have been some unexpected positives about it (or positives you didn't think would happen but happened). (Sorry this is so formal, lol, I don't know whats up with me)
honestly, i have such a strong set of beliefs that i am compelled to parent in a way that is authentic to those beliefs, how i experience the world, and my own identity so it's less about courage and more about me being insufferable and correct and knowing what matters lmao
i do have the immense privilege of an incredible support system. even if the outside world is telling my kiddo that unicorns are for girls and boys shouldn't be sensitive, everyone who has a hand in raising him has a lot of the same fundamentals to teach him from. they either completely understand where i'm coming from when it comes to teaching him certain things/allowing him to express himself in certain ways, firmly believe those things themselves, or are willing to try to understand when it's something important. not having to defend myself to those close to me goes a long way. we are undoubtedly safe and comfortable and, most importantly, consistent. i don't have anyone close to him undermining us and telling him he can't cry or can't wear his hair long or that there are only two genders.
the most unexpected positive for me is talking to other parents who want to do what i do but don't really have a blueprint for it. a lot of people raise their kids like they were raised and parrot a lot of stuff their parents said and don't even realize that it doesn't align with what they actually believe or the values they want to teach their kids! they're just adhering to a script and they don't know they can go off it and make a generational change. i love having casual conversations with parents where i can refute the script and make them kind of light up in epiphany. and it's funny because it's not like i know jack shit either! we're all just learning! but sometimes what i think is obvious isn't to them and when we talk about it, it shifts their perspective. it's fun to be the person that makes them think more deliberately about how they're parenting!
anyway idk parenting is SUPER weird and it's a little bit of a landmine because it's a very sensitive subject for a lot of people, but it's between your family and your little and that's the framework that matters most. the work you're putting in at home. what you believe. what they believe. encouraging them to draw their own conclusions. we've personally done a lot of 'if you like it, that's what matters' work in the last couple of years because the kids at school telling him boys shouldn't like unicorns and he shouldn't paint his nails and pink is stupid, and while we're working on how important it is to deconstruct misogynistic thinking, he also has to has the confidence in himself and his interests outside of what his peers think of them and it's my responsibility to give him that confidence.
uhm honestly i'm not sure if that was the answer you were looking for, but thanks for asking. i really love talking about parent shit.
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dotster001 · 1 year
hellooo!! congrats on 1k! your writing is absolutely amazing and you definitely deserve the followers <3
for the event:
1. i took silver's hand first, cause i rlly liked maleficent and silver is pretty, and he seemed nice. (and i was right. silver my wonderful boy)
i don't clearly remember why i switched, i'm pretty sure it was just because i wanted to read all of the character's home screen lines so,,.
2. afterwards, i hopped from character to character, kalim, jamil, whoever's lines i wanted to read, and now lilia is the one who's on there most of the time. but i want a little romance story and i am not romantically attracted to lilia!
the only other characters that i switch to are the tweels, it's up to you which one to write, just pick the one you think will make the story more interesting! (or both?)
3. jade and floyd are one of, if not the, most interesting twst characters. i just love their personalities and how they interact with their surroundings, their designs are amazing, they actually remind me of myself sometimes, and i also just really love eels, and marine biology in general. i just wanna crack their skulls open and poke around their brains!
4. silver and i would get along magnificently, romantically or platonically. but there's just something about him that's so !!!! i don't think i couldn't fall in love
5. me! i'm very reserved, preferring to listen and observe rather than talk or do. and though i try to seem confident and eloquent, i'm a bit awkward with social interactions. despite this, people seem to relax in my presence.
strangers and acquaintances describe me as put-together, intelligent, and friendly, but quiet and reserved. once you get to know me, i'm a very confident, honest, and bold person. i love joking around and bantering. my friends describe me as funny and eccentric, but mature and reliable. i'm honest with people i'm close with, often to a fault, and i may be too harsh with my jokes. i'm always putting others first, but i know how and when to stand my ground. i have trouble showing emotion through my voice or body, but if you look closely, you can read my facial expressions.
my main hobby is visual arts, but i also enjoy singing, playing different instruments, writing (songs, poetry, fics,) and taekwondo. i don't do them very often, but i like physical activities like running, hiking, and anything swimming! my interests are marine biology, chinese myths and history, and anime and manga.
6. i'd love to be in a harem with both my og and new character. i'd like my story to be angsty to fluffy fluff. i struggle with cptsd (from childhood abuse) and depression, so you could use that for angst if you'd like, but i totally understand if you don't. whether i go poly or the ending is left open, i don't mind!
sorry for being so long winded! i like to be specific ^^' anyways, congrats again, and have a lovely day <3
(lmao you said pick a twin? I said both is good 😂 I hope you enjoy this, I tried to give you some angst without being triggering so I hope this works for you boo. Also, this came out super long, my bad.)
A Tale Where Silver gets Some Sense knocked into him by the Boy of his Dream's Boyfriends
The twins were dating you. You'd told Silver before that they were fine if you dated him too. The twins understood…and they would one hundred percent be willing to share you if it meant they got to experiment with get to know Silver. 
But Silver knew that the boy from another world was destined to leave. He'd heard his father talk about the people who'd come and gone in his life and had watched his face show his true age in those moments. It would be easier to let you go if he stayed away. 
And he was doing a good job staying away. Watching from afar as the twins dragged you from place to place, as you smiled and laughed with them, watching them cling to you like ivy to a wall. 
Sometimes you'd see him watching from across the hall and would wave at him with a light hearted smile. He'd wave back, his cheeks getting pink at being caught staring. 
He was doing well staying away until today. He'd slowly noticed chronic drowsiness getting worse. One minute he was walking down the hallway, the next he was awake with your arms around his middle as you tried to drag him out of the walkway, and the twins fought off someone who he had to assume was upset that he was blocking the hall.
"I'm up, I'm sorry," he muttered, despite feeling himself drift off again.
You looked at him in concern, then said, "Do you think you can walk? You can sleep in Ramshackle for a bit. It'll be quiet since Grim is in class."
He wanted to protest, but the world around him was starting to fade, so he nodded, and allowed you to wrap his arm around your shoulder as you began walking towards your dorm. 
When he woke up again, you were humming while gently running your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp.
He couldn't help but stare up you, allowing himself to give into the moment until you noticed he was up and stiffened. 
"I….sorry I should have asked permission to touch you, but you were having some kind of nightmare and it helped you calm down. I'm sorry."
"No…. it's nice," Silver hummed, before remembering he shouldn't get attached. He sat up and stretched. 
He got off the bed, and gave you a polite bow.
"Thank you for taking care of me. I'll be on my way."
"Oh, okay," you seemed sad, but he knew this was for the best.  So he left the dorm before the sadness could catch up to him.
"Hey Jellyfish, you're supposed to be a knight, right?"
It was three days later, and Floyd and Jade had plopped down in the chairs across from him as he was studying in the library. Both of them looked a little angry.
"Yes, why…"
"Our boyfriend did something nice for you, which means you're supposed to pay them back, right? You know, code or something."
"What my brother means," Jade cut in, smiling lightly and placing a calming hand on Floyd's shoulder, "is that he's a little put out that you made our 'Shrimpy' sad."
"We told you we were okay sharing Shrimpy!" Floyd burst in again. "So why do you keep pushing him away? It makes him sad. Even if you don't love him…"
"Which it's obvious you do…" Jade added pointedly.
"At least go back to being his friend!" Floyd started slumping in his seat. "I'm so annoyed at you that I don't even wanna talk to you anymore."
Jade looked at his brother for a minute before sighing.
"May I ask what the problem is?"
Silver bit his lip, then looked at the two irritated twins. 
Jade raised an eyebrow and Floyd humphed but that was the only response he got.
"Aren't you both a little worried about what happens when he goes home?"
The twins shared a look then turned back to Silver.
"Should we be?"
"Well the headmage is…"
"Like crow brain would ever do anything productive."
"And I'm sure they have friends who…"
"We're their friends."
"And their family…."
"Have you ever discussed this with him?" Jade said, covering Floyd's mouth before he could cut in with yet another response.
"I…no…but won't it be harder for all of us when he leaves."
Jade looked at Floyd thoughtfully, before removing his hand from his mouth. Immediately, Floyd burst out,
"Shrimpy's not close to his family! He made his new family here, you silly brainless jellyfish!"
"Deep breaths, Floyd," Jade said, not expecting the outburst to be as loud as it was.
"No! No deep breaths! He should know!" Floyd practically leapt across the desk as he grabbed onto Silver's blazer. Silver had to fight every instinct in his body to draw his blade in defense.
"Shrimpy had a rough childhood. He doesn't super miss his old world, especially since we can give him as much love and affection as he could ever want. Now, go kiss and make up, before I wreck that face that he loves so much!"
Jade did nothing to help Silver extricate himself from his twin's grip. So Silver gave a soft nod, and stood  up slowly.  
"I'll talk to him."
"Good, let's go!" Floyd stood up, and wrapped himself around.
"Yes, let us proceed. I believe our beloved boyfriend is in his dorm."
"But…" and Silver made the mistake of looking into the twins' eyes and seeing their threatening gazes.
"Okay, let's go," he sighed.
He was a knight. He had trained for worse. He could have a conversation with you about his feelings. Even if the twins were there he could….
As his eyes fell on you writing in a notebook, he felt his resolve fail. The twins must have felt it too, because it suddenly felt like they were pushing him forward. 
When he was five feet away, the twins let go and each placed a kiss on one of your cheeks.
"Hey Shrimpy!"
"-Hello darling."
"Hi boys," you said looking up, when you made eye contact with Silver. "Oh, hi…here have a seat!"
You seemed so excited to see him, it broke his heart a little bit. Maybe he should have just talked to you in the first place.
He sat down next to you and steeled his nerves.
"I like you. A lot. But I'm scared."
"Of the twins? They're okay with it, and they both promised me they wouldn't bite you…"
"Unless you asked!"
You shot a withering glare at Floyd as he giggled.
"No. Not the twins. I've fought off worse and can handle it. I'm scared of when you go home."
"Oh," you stiffened. "I…I don't think you really have  to worry about that…."
"We tried to tell you jellyfish, now stop making shrimpy upset!"
"No, it's a valid discussion Floyd. His feelings are valid," your eyes found their way back to Silver's and you gently took his hand in yours.
"Silver, I don't really plan on going anywhere. Yes, not everything was a problem back "home" but I've made a life here. I have my friends. I have Floyd and Jade. And…well I have you. You guys are everything to me. I never have to worry about anything with you three."
Silver sat in silence for a moment, searching your face for any dishonesty or doubt. But you looked certain. He had to wonder what things were like in the other world. But he could dig into that later. For now, he had to atone for his sins. 
He knelt before you, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand. 
"I have hurt you, and would like another chance to make it right, and prove my merit as a potential lover."
"No I wanna see him beg," Floyd cut you off, giggling happily.
"No he doesn't have to…"
"I've hurt you."
"Silver! Don't-"
"He should beg. Floyd's right."
"Please, allow me to…"
"Enough!" You shouted. All three boys went silent. You helped Silver to his feet, and kissed the tip of his nose.
"Silver, I've told you many times you are always welcome to join us. There's no need to beg.  You're fervor is admirable, though, so any pain you have caused me is behind us."
Then you glared at the twins.
"And you two are in timeout."
"No, Floyd, it's alright. We can make up for lost time later."
They each pressed another kiss to your cheeks, one eel more grumbly than the other, and left you alone with Silver, who was starting to realize how tired he was.
"Silver," you smiled fondly and patted your lap. "We're together now, you can rest on my lap if you want, I don't mind."
Silver laid down, stiff at first, but then your scent started to comfort him.
"I have to apologize to myself as well, I've missed being around you," he whispered, before speaking up again, "Can you hum that song and massage my head for me? I…"
He blushed and you laughed.
"Of course."
You started humming and running your fingers through his hair. It was the first nap of many where Silver would actually feel safe and well rested.
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shifting-lark · 2 years
Lark's Shifting Experience 6/14/22
Hello shifting friends!!!
So.... I successfully shifted last night.
It was crazy!!! Here is the short version of my experience: (Under Keep Reading I'll be more detailed!!)
Which method?: Lucid Dreaming Method (you get into a lucid dream and create a portal into your DR)
How did you fall asleep? Did you meditate beforehand? See angel numbers? Drink a lot of water? : No!! I didn't do any of that!! I didn't have a huge sign or experience anything unique beforehand. The only thing was when I laid down I said to myself, "I'm gonna shift tonight." and laid in a somewhat starfish position. But I fell asleep so fast I didn't have time to meditate or do affirmations. And then it just happened!!
Which DR did you go to?: I went to my One Piece DR as Lark Normandy!!
How long were you there?: I was only in my DR for what felt like 10 mins and then I woke up.
What happened in your DR?: I was in a dream and realized I was dreaming so I quickly made a portal and jumped through it into my One Piece DR. I opened my eyes and was on a ship with my captain and crewmates and we landed and explored an island.
What happened when you woke up?: I felt totally normal. I didn't think much of my dream until a few moments after I fully woke up I was like "Holy shit. I shifted." Almost didn't believe it and it took me a bit to process!!! (I'm still processing)
Overall: it was a very short experience, but it was incredible!!!!!
Okay so much to tell ahhhh.... I guess I'll start from the beginning!
For starters, I do not actively practice shifting anymore!! I haven't tried to shift for like a month now. I still believe in it and everything it just hasn't been my focus for awhile. (which is totally okay, take shifting breaks, it's good for you /gen) I of course still stay hydrated, I sometimes still meditate to relax myself, and every now and then I see angel numbers, but I haven't been actively trying to shift or anything.
So yesterday (6/13) I binged watched One Piece episodes with my husband and we were talking about it all day and I was watching meme videos about the anime and overall, just did a lot of One Piece related things the whole day. (Ya'll obvi know by now how that anime has me in a fucking chokehold and I'm not even sorry lmao)
Then it was time to go to bed. I was a little high and super relaxed and in a good mood, so when I laid down I randomly had the thought of, "I'm going to shift to One Piece tonight." I laid in a loose/relaxed starfish position but before I could even do any affirmations I passed the fuck out lol
I start dreaming and it's pretty normal, until someone mentions my grandma and I stopped and was like "My grandma is dead. She passed away years ago. Why is she alive now?" And that's when I realized, "Holy shit this is a dream!!!" Without missing a beat, I snapped my fingers and made this glowing white and purple portal. I said, "Here we go!" And YEETED myself through the portal. (I've never jumped so quickly headfirst into something)
When I opened my eyes I was in a row boat with my captain, Luffy, and a few crewmates, Nami and Zoro.
{ I gotta take a pause and say..... ZO R O. Being able to see him. To hear him. To be next to him. I was there. I was RIGHT there. The love of my life was just as handsome in person as he is in the show. Just being next to him was incredible. }
We were sitting in this small row boat and the waves were rough and choppy. Luffy was telling us to hold on as we were heading straight for an island up ahead.
This moment is when it felt so real I can't even properly explain: As the ship was rocking and thunder was roaring, a wave came up and splashed me in the face. It splashed me. And I FELT it. It was real. I was real. The water was real. I remember vividly wiping the water from my face and I felt how cold and wet it was. I can't stress enough how real it was. If you took a glass of water right now and splashed it onto your face, that's what it felt like in that moment. That was when I knew I had successfully shifted. I knew it wasn't just a crazy dream... It. Was. Real.
Afterwards, we finally landed on the island. Zoro and I went to explore through a few caves and were hiding from some monsters/bad guys. It gets a little fuzzy because shortly after I woke up! Like I said, it was a pretty short experience but none-the-less so amazing.
One moment I was Lark exploring an island, and then I blinked and I was back in my normal bed with my cats and husband next to me. It didn't hit me all at once what actually happened. My brain was still processing and questioning it. Was that an actual shift? Was it just a super lucid dream? Did I just make the whole thing up? All these doubts swam through my mind but after about an hour of being awake I stopped and said "Holy shit. I shifted. I actually shifted."
That's really all there is to tell!!! I told Lily about it immediately and then came on here to share with y'all!! I'm definitely gonna be shifting more and practicing different methods again. I have SOO much motivation now it's insane, so I'll keep y'all updated with my journey and whenever I shift again, you'll be the first to know!
Thanks for reading and anyone who hasn't shifted yet, DO NOT GIVE UP!! I started shifting November 2020 and it took me until June 2022 to fully shift. Shifting is real!! It WILL happen to you!! I can't promise when, but it WILL. Don't lose hope!!
All the love ~Lark
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alltimefail-sims · 11 months
In honor of me rising from the dead I think its time I talk about my two(?) fav lore families in the sims franchise the smith-curious and the spector-beaker families and I guess also the singles as well - lore anon
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Hello lore anon and welcome back! ❤️
Sorry I took a minute to answer this, it has been a crazy busy couple of days! I'm going to put my whole response under a read more because I have lots of thoughts on this topic!!!
We all took for granted how insane and amazing TS2 lore was. God, I pour one out for her everyday RIP.
Anyway, let's get into this! ↓
Strangetown is my favorite world in TS2 as well! No one is surprised by this I'm sure. I actually ended up tying it (and some of its townies 👀...) into my Strangerville story because I just couldn't help myself. But I'll be honest - the family tree stuff with Lola/Chloe/Jenny/Pollination Tech 9 has always made my brain melt a little. I'm a visual person so I had to reference their family tree as a guide for our conversation. I'll provide the one that I used below!
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Lore-wise, you have to start this conversation by talking about alien pollination and normal sim reproduction. You just can't avoid it. For me, I've always seen them as completely separate entities... otherwise Jenny is married to a man who, for lack of a better term, knowingly banged and impregnated her father lmfao. But not only that - if they were the same, that would imply that aliens are abducting people and engaging in sexual relations with them (with willingness or unwillingness not playing a factor; sim abductions can happen to sims who want or fear them) and this is kind of reductive and uncharacteristic of what we know about their species (plus the implications are icky imo). Therefore, I never thought that Pollination Tech 9 would view Lola and Chloe as his children, even though they technically are, in the way that Poli Tech wouldn't view Tycho as his child either (nor would Pascal regard Poli Tech as the father either).
If I'm recalling correctly, I don't think sims are necessarily aware which alien pollinated them in game (even though each sim neighborhood in TS2 has only one Pollination Technician, therefore making all the half-alien babies in that neighborhood half-siblings by default within the limited span of the game). I also don't know that male sims in TS2, from what I remember, are aware they've been pollinated because they're always surprised to find they're "pregnant," meaning there likely wasn't any a-typical intercourse happening that they could connect to the pregnancy (even if, let's be honest, Pascal might have been down for that). I think of pollination as an act similar to cloning, (the wiki says through "advanced technology") or as the name implies it could also just be a consequence of coming into proximity with their species (their name being a reference to reproduction methods of flora by pollination, for example). But realistically... it's a fictional simulation game, and in the case of TS2 it was super campy and a knowingly-leaning-into-the-outrageous kind of simulation game (which I loved and miss). So who knows!
All that to say that I agree; regardless of how the baby process works for aliens, it is still an absolutely crazy family tree lmao. But on the bright side... that at least implies that Pollination Tech 9 wasn't into his wife's father, nor might he be aware that Chloe and Lola are his children. 😅 But I'll stop here because if I think about it for too long, I think my brain might explode lmao. Still, I'm inclined toward the belief that the messiness adds to the flavor! 😂 The Sims team today could never write such a juicy bit of lore. My ass ate their dynamic up.
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Holy shit!!! This fact is equal parts incredible and terrifying. Thank you for bringing this my attention. I can't believe I did not know this before this moment. What a (horrifying) little legend.
Oh I loved (and still love) Nervous Subject and Pascal together. Just thinking about that ship makes me giggle because it was one of my first exposures to "shipping" and "fandoms" as a preteen. I always put them together and had them raise little Tycho to fulfill Nervous' family aspiration. (I should note that I was also an avid JRO enthusiast. Johnny has two hands, why should he have to pick between Ophelia and Ripp?) Another interesting layer to the Ophelia/Olive/Nervous family is that Ophelia would be unaware of her direct relation to Nervous (1st cousins)! I loved playing around with this; Olive was a very secretive person who had a dark side for sure, so I'm sure Ophelia would have a lot of questions following her aunt's death (the first being why her aunt's inheritance is going to some rando named Nervous lmao). Plus, who says Ophelia didn't know her aunt was taking people out? She might not have known why, but she had to know all those deaths around Olive couldn't have been coincidental. That's messed up on its own lmao. I like to think that once Nervous and Ophelia meet, they become close and he even helps care for her in a weird-older-brother type way. I just know they would trauma bond lmao.
I didn't care for Loki or Circe (I never played with their household), so I don't have super strong opinions on them. That being said, I love reading people's theories on their connection to the Curious brothers. I think the ongoing feud with the brother's and their connection to Nervous is the most interesting part of their story, but my ideal ending for them would have been being exiled from the town and their careers in general for their shady practices. Pascal seemed like the science antithesis to Loki and Circe who seemed to believe that it was okay for scientific truths to come at the cost of the wellbeing of others. Also, I think Circe is too hot and too evil for Loki AND Vidcund. That's woman commits many crimes, but her taste in men is up there as one of the worst things about her lmao.
Lastly, LAZLO. He's so silly goofy and so chill in comparison to his brothers, and he's definitely the black-sheep of the family. I love how in comparison to Vidcund and Pascal, his personal life is pretty typical and mild. He's just vibing as a third party witness to the chaos. He didn't sign up for any of the drama, yet you know he's a ride-or-die. In my mind, he's also the cool uncle. He'd catch Johnny smoking and be like, "Gotta share little man." He's the best. Little Fun fact - when I watched season 4 of Stranger Things, I couldn't unsee Lazlo Curious every time Argyle opened his mouth.
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If you don't see it, that's okay. I can't unsee it though! He's high af, he's precious, he's always has snacks, he will take down the government or transport a dead body for the homies. He should be protected. I totally, 100% agree that Nova is his child!
WHEW sorry for blabbing! Strangetown was a doozy and you're right that the Bella Goth situation adds a whole other intricacy (which I'll definitely be talking about in her specific deep dive post).
So glad to have you back! 🤗
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altschmerzes · 7 months
This is a super personal question so I completely understand if you choose to ignore it but I was wondering about your experience with the whole aro ace thing.? I just, I'm having some questioning confusing thoughts about things and there's such a wide range of things out there when you google I just feel like everytime I get close to being close to someone I panic and want to run because the idea of it isn't what I feel like its suppose to be. I don't know, I just feel kinda broken.
hey bud, sorry this took me a minute to get to, i had a pretty packed day. anyways, i'm gonna do my best to respond and hope i have something useful to say!! i'm always willing and happy to talk about this stuff, i know how hard it can be to muddle through and how unhelpful a lot of stuff out there can be. i'm gonna talk generally about my experience being and especially figuring out i was aro (and ace, i suppose, because while i don't really use the word 'asexual' anymore to define myself because people tended to ignore the aro part and focus on the ace part when the aro part was the part that i felt was more directly relevant to my life anyway, more important to my identity and understanding of myself + others, it like. it would still be accurate to describe me as aroace, i think!) and how i figured that out and some things i hope might be helpful. (this ended up being very long, lmao, sorry)
also - the first and most important thing is you aren't broken. no matter what the reason is you're feeling like this, you aren't Broken for not being comfortable with certain types of relationships or expectations. there's nothing wrong with that, and i'm so sorry you feel that way. i felt like that for a long time myself, and sometimes i still do, and it's terrible.
i don't really remember a lot about how i figured out i was asexual, back when that was a term i regularly and actively identified with. i remember that i freaked out at first, like. panicked about it, wholesale, and i could only really get myself to calm down about it when i reminded myself over and over that i was still 'normal' that i could 'still date and love and have relationships'. which is obviously an arophobic way to present asexuality, and was a huge warning sign of the massive internalized arophobia i was dealing with. it took me a WHILE to accept i even might be aromantic, never mind start identifying that way.
after i concluded that i was aro, it didn't really... get easier, not right away. not for a while, actually. when i first directly identified to myself that 'i am aromantic' i had an epic freak-out that outshone the way i freaked out at my (then) asexual identity by a hundred-fold. i'm talking i literally for over a week afterwards had regular, as in several times daily, panic attacks about it. given my family situation and the way society as a whole portrays and expects friendships to be temporary, situational things that fade as people 'grow up' and get 'real' relationships, i always saw romantic relationships as my only chance for actual love and the ability to build a safe and loving family. i was petrified of being alone and unloved, and that something was deeply wrong with me or missing from me for being unable to love the 'correct' way.
(obviously, this is bullshit. dominant western us american society and the narratives we're exposed to through it are... wrong. i am a person who feels a lot of love very deeply and profoundly, for the people in my life and the world at large, and i am in turn deeply and profoundly loved by the friends that have come to form my support system. i'm getting married in may, to someone with whom i have a completely platonic relationship, and relationship is one that is loving and intimate and happy and exactly what we want it to be.)
i really, really relate to what you say about how every time you get close to 'getting close to' someone you panic and want to run because that's exactly what i did - provided by 'getting close to' there you mean like, in a way that has the potential/likelihood to turn romantic and/or sexual. i always really wanted to be close to people, see above, but it always felt like i was going to have to accept that the only way to get that was to be with them romantically or sexually, and so that's what i figured i wanted whenever i felt warmly towards someone or wanted to be physically or emotionally closer to them.
when i hit high school, that was the point at which it seemed... weird that i wasn't dating and wasn't dating and wasn't dating while it seemed like everyone else was and people were getting Weird about me not dating. and so i dated. or.......... tried to. two or three times, i tried to date, with people i thought were genuinely lovely and fun to be around who i wanted to know better and wanted to develop more emotional and physical intimacy with. (i'm a physically affectionate person, and this is important to me. this was another reason that i was upset about identifying as aro - it felt like things like frequent hugs aside from brief squeezes with friends leaving events or something, cuddling, etc, most if not all types of physical intimacy were just. lost to me. which is also not the case! it's all about the specific boundaries and comfort levels in individual relationships, not the nature of those relationships. for instance, i have a very hard time sleeping lately because once i spent time sleeping in the same bed as my fiancee, i just. never want to go back to sleeping alone. and that's something i never thought i'd get to experience, but i have, and it's wonderful.)
returning to the point, these attempts at dating did Not Work. as soon as it became about dating, about romance or attempting to enter a romantic relationship, my entire Self revolted at the idea. i felt physically nauseated even just thinking about the person i was trying to date, and in one notable case with a very sweet boy in my high school freshman class when i was 14/15, we went on a few dates and do a dance together, and then the bad feelings and panic and revulsion built up in me until i sent him a frantic text essentially going I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE LEAVE ME ALONE and avoided him at school to such an extent that if i saw him in the hall i'd walk the other way. i did Not handle that well, as we can see. he was a good, lovely person, and he didn't deserve that. i actually looked him up on facebook a few years later and sent a message explaining and apologizing, and he was very sweet about it, no hard feelings, and we wished each other well.
so yeah, turned out i was aromantic, and accepting that was a huge step into no longer trying to force myself into things i didn't want and never wanted, with anyone, ever. (this goes for asexual too, since you mentioned aro and ace, which again is a like. Accurate Term for me but not one i use actively a lot anymore.)
additionally, the older i got the more annoyed and repulsed i felt by romance in fiction. fandom was a huge part of my life in my teens (and now!) and fictional narratives have always been monumentally important to me. they're how i've communicated my feelings and experiences, understood myself and others, and found meaning - and also just something i found very fun. fiction and fandom in particular also have increasingly drove me out of my fucking mind with the extreme, overwhelming emphasis on romance often to the exclusion and degradation of all else. it started out confusing and irritating me, and got to the point of being actively triggering for me. i joke sometimes that recently i've become more romance repulsed by the day, but it's true.
also, and i know this is a common one for people who are ace or aro or both - one of the bigger barriers to my choosing to identify as aromantic (and asexual, when that was relevant), outside of internalized arophobia and my fears associated with it, was the question of 'well, how do i know for sure.' it's hard to prove a negative, you know? what if i was wrong? what if i just hadn't met the right person yet? what if it changed? and it took me a while to reach this point but where i'm at now is like. well, maybe! so what if i am wrong? so what if i do meet someone later in life that i end up attracted to? that doesn't make anything about my current life wrong or untrue, and it's no guarantee. the identity label of aromantic has brought me more comfort and understanding and joy in who i am and where i fit in the world than i can express. so i'm going to identify this way, loudly and proudly, and if that changes later on, which it might but i frankly doubt it, i will never regret the time i've spent as aromantic and in the aromantic community.
this was a particularly helpful post when i was sorting things out at first. i don't know if there's anything useful to you on there, but it was a help to me.
i guess mainly it's just. that's how i sorted through things, i suppose, and as for you - how do you feel? what do you want? if you don't want to engage in sex or romance, you don't have to. period. ever. you have the automatic right to a permanent and unquestioned disengagement with sexual or romantic relationships if you do not want to have one. and if you panic when you try to engage in that sort of relationship, then maybe that's something you should listen to! i know that it was for me, it was a very clear message that i Did Not Want to do what i was trying to make myself do because i thought i had to do it. if you don't want that, you don't have to engage in it. period. ever. and there's nothing wrong with you if you don't want to or choose not to, either.
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artofloof · 5 months
BYF/Intro post!!!!!!!!!!!!! (super long sorry)
Hiiiiiiii!!!!! I'm Laura or Floof. I draw silly synth people and funny looking skeletons
The button below is the gate to the legendary post. >Hey um Joku...
RECENT ART THAT I REALLY WANT YOU TO LOOK AT!!!! (experimental) >Teto :) <3
☆Reposts of my artwork are strictly not allowed.
☆My current fandoms are UTAU/vipperloids and UTMV (Sans AUs)
☆Recommended 15+ if you're gonna interact! Here's why: --->I swear. a LOT. --->I sometimes post art with suggestive themes or lots of skin showing. These are always tagged! I do not post NSFW. --->I don't censor anything Be responsible!
☆I'm ALWAYS open to asks!!! I have tons of AUs and character headcanons that I would love to talk about. No pressure, but... easy way to get me clipped in the floor like a broken NPC going "YIPPEE! YIPPEE!" /hj
☆NO posting schedule. And also I post whatever I want. It's the wild west out here 🦅
☆Only send art requests if there is a post that says they're open. I delete these posts when requests close.
>BLACKLIST TAGS: -I use #eyestrain, #flashing colors, and #flashing lights to tag seizure/headache-inducing content. If you find a post like this on my blog and it's not tagged, PLEASE TELL ME!!! Sometimes I don't know what is triggering and what isn't!!! -#suggestive for posts with sexual themes or lots of skin showing. There is no NSFW on my blog. May also use #nudity and/or #partial nudity in the future -#long post for posts that eat the space on your screen (like this one...)
>SORTING TAGS: -#Laurart is my art tag! -#Laurtalks for text posts -#Laurtunes music?!??! no way -#Laura's creations for my own AUs and characters -To group art by character, use #(their first name)! I don't always have consistent tags for posts with the same characters, so this is an easy way to find art of them -#shitpost is a busy place -#not utmv exists because most people follow me for sans au content lmao (this tag is no longer in use because I don't post a lot of sans au art anymore) -#reblog is self explanatory and #other people's posts is anything that's not mine
Okay got that? Cool. Swag and poggers. More about me as a person below the cut
☆☆ MEEEE ☆☆
-My favorite aspect of art is COLOR THEORY - you might notice I'm crazy for complimentary color schemes, and they're something I purposefully shove into most of my artwork. I also love character design but it doesn't take a detective to see my painful lack of OCs
-I use FireAlpaca and some edited default brushes
-MY FAVORITE AU SANS IS DREAM and my favorite vocal synth is Ritsu Namine :)))) second favs are Killer and Ruko Yokune 💖
-very normal about Dreamtale. promise. I'm even MORE normal about the Shattered Dreams AU. PROMISE.
-I like to read "bad" fanfiction for shits and giggles. This eventually culminated into THE SECOND BIBLE, which I wrote with my friend @artobsessedloser: Bloody Love (you should read it)
-Biggest art weakness right now is my inability to draw characters consistently :( but we're getting there gamers!!! yeaaah!!!!
-I'm super picky about ships. Always. Also don't draw them a bunch, but here's a list of some stuff I like if you're wondering or want to talk about them: Driller (Dream Sans + Killer Sans) Crossmare (Cross Sans + Nightmare Sans) Sheam (Dream Sans + Shattered Dream) Dreamberry (Dream Sans + Swap Sans)
-Labeling myself the founder of missile boob mondays before anyone else does 💥 /lh (we love Ritsu a lot on this blog)
-more TBA because we all know this section is never truly finished
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