#this one actually made me v v soft 🥺
girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Would it be ok to request Vox with an affectionate s/o?
More than okay, nonnie! I’ve been getting so many requests bro, literally every time I post one, I get like 2 more in its place. IM LIVING FOR IT, KEEP IT COMING YALL! But also plz be patient with me 🥺 been waiting for a request for my flat-faced prince. Tbh the first time I watched Hazbin, my immediate reaction to Vox was ‘OH NO HES HOT!!!’ So, enjoy these headcanons 😘
Notes: gn!reader, maybe a little ooc Vox?
Vox x reader- Affection 💋
Also oh my fucking godddddd the vest, him in a vest. I need more Vox in a vest PRONTO…🥵
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Okay so like…bro is more dirty minded.
He’s genuinely confused when you kiss his cheek or hold his hand like ???
Oh….you’re not just trying to fuck him and get famous?
Sure, he’s fucked and made out with ppl and probably done some other crazy shit but his experience with sappy romance and affection like you show him is very limited.
He’s pretty dense, he’s got a tough shell and doesn’t really understand love languages and stuff like that.
His love language is most definitely gift giving and I just know he’s terrible at actually showing his feeling through words or romantic gestures or physical affection.
It’s usually just like “Hey! I love ya! I got you this.” *insert item you’d flip your lid over*
At least he’s a good gift giver! He really does try to give you cool stuff he knows you’ll like but he’s still learning how to actually speak about his feelings and show it physically.
He tries to match your energy the best he can
Get him gifts!!! Plz he loves homemade gifts too- gift him art, sing him an original song, sew him something, whatever your skills or talents may be, use them and he’ll adore it and also praise tf out of you
You took time to make this just for him? ‘Marry me’
Besides fucking around with Val, Vox doesn’t get much affection so he very quickly falls in love with all the sweet affectionate touches you frequently show him.
It’s all so different than Val, so sensitive and genuine. It really makes him swoon~
Melts when you kiss the corners of his screen- there’s something about non mouth kisses that really gets to him
He gets a huge dorky love stuck grin when you sit in his lap and hug him close, also hugs you back super tight
Absolutely loves kissing you and then noticing the lingering smudges/lipstick marks on his screen later
Fix his bow tie while giving him a sneaky wink in front of his crew and he’ll huff and look away while trying to hold back a smile
Invites you on his nightly broadcast as a guest one time and quickly learned how embarrassed he becomes when you flirt and call him pet names on live TV in front of tons of viewers
After only 10 minutes of talking, giggling and giving him bedroom eyes, Vox was struggling to maintain his composure- you’re so fucking cute.
All you had to do was laugh loudly at one of his crude jokes about Alastor and call him your “honey bunny” and suddenly the entire V tower lost power.
Poor man literally short circuits over your darling voice calling him such soft names- he’s so down bad for you he can’t even hide it
Val and Velvette have that specific episode downloaded and saved to every device they own bc there’s no way they are letting this go, he’s never living this down
If you pause the video right before it cuts out, just before the power goes out, Vox has literal hearts for eyes and his entire screen briefly becomes this bright blushy pink color- that’s a color no one has ever seen on him
Just keep doing your thing, you little hopeless romantic, and you’ll see that color more often.
But Vox might have to leave you at home when filming bc he can’t control himself around you sometimes and you obviously can’t either 🖤
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javierpena-inatacvest · 11 months
Chapter 6: Dinosaurs, Dates and Diners, Oh My!
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Summary: After a long last week, Javi takes you out to celebrate the end of the school year. Even when things don't go according to his plans, you're convinced you've never been on a better date.
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected P in V sex (wrap it up, y'all), phone sex, oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, creampie, masturbation (m and f), mentions of panic/anxiety, mentions of food/eating, subpar Spanish (my 4 years of high school Spanish don't take up a lot of space in my brain, I apologize) Javi being our consent king, Javi caring so much about you it physically hurts me
Word Count: 14.1K (I didn't realize how long this was until I finished)
A/N: YOU GUYS. When I started doing this, I just wanted to write for fun and posted thinking that no one would read this, let alone be invested in it 🥺 Y'all are so sweet, thank you so much!! This was another fun chapter to write, I'm thinking I have some good ideas about what these two are up to next!!
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Javier Peña had always been a light sleeper. Even as a kid, he would wake up to the sound of a stray footstep wandering through his home, or the wind rustling the tree outside his bedroom window. Once he got to Colombia, it was like he never slept at all. Since coming home, his dreams were plagued with the violent images of his past, causing him to thrash and toss in his sleep, waking up sweaty and breathless. But last night, he slept next to you. Your warmth and presence draped over him provided a sense of comfort he hadn’t felt in years. For the first time he could remember since coming back, Javi actually slept. When he woke up Monday morning to the sound of his alarm, he so desperately wished to have rolled over and found you, to wrap himself around you and ground himself. To smell the warm and fruity scent of your hair, to kiss your soft skin, to take in every detail about how your body seemed to impossibly take up every corner of the bed, despite your small stature. This morning, Javi had to settle for the emptiness of his childhood bedroom, begrudgingly preparing himself for the very long 4 days ahead of him until he could see you again. 
He got out of bed, following his usual routine of brushing his teeth, shaving and showering, the emptiness of his bathroom making him wish you were there to serenade him with your cute sing-alongs as you both got ready. 
After he was dressed, he headed out into the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee and sit on the back porch, overlooking their acres of farmland and the impending sunrise. During Javi’s time away, Chucho had hired help at the ranch, now relieving Javi of having to get up at some God awful hour to feed animals or move cows from one pasture to another. Even in his older age, it didn’t stop his father from getting up every morning at 4:25 AM to make sure things stayed running smoothly on the ranch. Normally, he and his father’s morning schedules didn’t overlap, sometimes getting the occasional good morning in passing as they headed to their prospective jobs. This morning, Javi had to check his watch to make sure he wasn’t late for work, realizing his Dad had finished his morning chores almost a half hour early. He must have seen that Javi’s car finally made its way back to the driveway when he got up. Javi knew his dad would confront him about the weekend at some point, he just didn’t think it was going to be at 6:27 this morning. 
Chucho walked up the steps of the back porch, sitting down next to Javi on the top step. “Morning, Pops.” Javi took a sip of his coffee. 
“Glad to see you made it back. I was getting close to sending a search party out for you, Hijo.” He chuckled, seeing that Javi’s face was already starting to get red. “Seems like it must have been a good weekend then, huh?” 
“Yeah, it was uh, it was a really good weekend.” 
“Good. I’m glad, son. The way I watched you smile on Saturday… it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you like that.” 
“Yeah. She makes me really happy, Pop.” He reached down for another sip of his coffee, Chucho keeping quiet, in hopes to get more out of him. “I uh, I asked her to be my girlfriend. I know it seems really fast but… I don’t know, Dad. There’s something about her. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about anyone before.” 
Chucho placed his hand on Javi’s shoulder. “Sometimes Mijo, you just know.” Javi shifted his gaze from his reflection in his coffee mug to the soft smile of his father. In that moment, it was like a weight had been lifted off of Javi’s shoulders. He couldn’t quite describe what it was. Was it the fact that he could tell how happy his dad was for him? That he had found someone who liked him for who he was? That it wasn’t too late to prove he deserved the life he wanted before he left for Colombia all those years ago? 
“Thanks, Pops. She’s special.” 
“I can tell she is, Javier. I’d love to meet her sometime.” 
“She already told me she wants to come and meet the animals. Tried to buy a bag of carrots when we went grocery shopping so she could make sure the horses liked her.” They both laughed to themselves. 
“That was how I got su mamá to come to the ranch for the first time. She told me I was fine, but los animales were the only reason she really wanted to come over. It all seemed to work out okay.” Chucho patted Javier on the shoulder, before grunting as he stood up. “You going to see her again soon?” 
“Thursday. Taking her out to celebrate her last day of school.” 
Chucho smilied. “Ah, yes. No me hables hasta los niños estan libres. (Don't talk to me until the children are free). I’m happy for you, Javier. All me and your mamá ever wanted for you was that.” 
Chucho huffed as he took a step on to the deck and walked his way into the house. Javi smiled to himself, repeating his fathers words in his head. 
Sometimes, you just know. 
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You knew Monday was going to suck. It was inevitable. It had been so long since you had slept in the same bed with someone, after just one night of being with Javi, you found yourself tossing and turning, craving his body in your bed. To top off your not so great night’s sleep, you realized you had forgotten to set your alarm, made no food for your lunch, and hadn’t set your coffee to brew for when you woke up. Scrambling, you started a pot and threw whatever lunch-like items you could find into your lunch box, hoping that maybe you would have the appetite for one of them later. Not having enough time to shower, you threw your hair up in a bun, found a dress (since it was easier than having to pick out a top and bottoms), grabbed your things and raced down to your car. Thankfully, there wasn’t too much you had to prep when you got in- there wasn’t planned since it was the last week of school. But, you did have to have your room packed for summer cleaning before Thursday. You were planning on doing the majority of it on Thursday afternoon since the kids had a half day in the morning, but knowing you had plans with a very handsome someone later on that night, you were trying to get as much done as possible. 
Just as you assumed, your room was in absolute chaos as your students entered, like they could feel it in their bones that summer was almost here. You couldn’t have been more thankful to have music and gym this morning, sending the kids on their way shortly after they arrived, leaving you alone again with the sweet sound of silence in your room. Well, at least for a few minutes. 
Knock, knock, knock 
You had closed your door on purpose, hoping it would give the hint that you didn’t want people to come talk to you during your planning time, but the door meant absolutely nothing to the 3 ladies peeking in through your window, frantically ushering you to come open it for them. You should have known it was going to happen. 
“Hola, mijaaaaaaa.” Estelle greeting you with a smirking smile. The other two ladies snickered behind her. 
“Hi, you guys.” You responded as they made yourself at home at the large table you had at the front of your room. 
“Sooooo, how was the rest of your weekend?” Linda asked, raising her eyebrows at you. 
“It was good.” You responded, at least trying to make them work a little harder before you shared your news with them. 
“Cut to the chase, Mija. What happened with you and Javier?! We are dying to know. I tried to call, but Chucho is too good of a man to gossip with us, so we have been left high and dry since Saturday night.” Of course Maria would have no problem not beating around the bush to get the answers they needed. 
“We spent the rest of the weekend hanging out together. He offered to run errands with me on Sunday and we watched a movie before he left to go home last night. We had a really good time.” 
“How good of a time? There’s a very large gap between you leaving on Saturday and going shopping on Sunday.” Maria was invested in you two like a weeknight telenovela. The other two ladies shot her glaring looks, knowing she was the only one bold enough to ask the question. 
“Maria! Considering we’re inside an elementary school right now, I’m keeping it PG. We had a lot of fun, that’s all I will say.” 
“Fine, fine, fine.” 
You paused for a moment, blushing before dropping the next bit of information. “He um, he asked me to be his girlfriend too.” 
You blushed as the women shrieked in delight at the news. “No puedo creerlo!” (I can’t believe it) Estelle screeched. “Digame (tell me), how did it happen?” 
You knew they were about to have a field day with your answer. “Well, um, it actually kind of happened because of Lorriane.” 
Their faces went stone cold. They began whispering to each other in frantic Spanish. 
“Esa mujer está un punta loco…” (That woman is a crazy bitch…)
“Yo se, Maria, dèjala hablar!” (I know Maria, let the girl talk!) 
“Quiero saber qué pasó, shhh!” (I want to know what happened, shhh!) 
“Well, um, we were out shopping for a birthday present for my niece. Her and her family ended up being in front of us in line when we went to check out and she realized Javi was behind her. She asked who I was and before I could answer for myself, he introduced me as his girlfriend. She’s um… something.” 
The women paused before saying anything else. 
“Javi told me about what happened with them, don’t worry.” 
“If she said anything to you, mija, don’t let it bother you. That woman is ruthless.” 
“I know, I kinda picked that up after talking to her.” You grimaced your face. “But I guess I owe her a thank you because it really speeded up the whole him asking me out thing!” The ladies smiled again, recognizing your genuine happiness when talking about Javi. 
“We are so happy for you, mija. Really, you both deserve each other.” Linda chimed in. 
“So, are you going to see him again soon?” Estelle asked, prodding for more information. 
“Not until Thursday. He’s taking me out to celebrate the last day of school, we’re going to dinner and a movie.” 
The ladies swooned. “So sweet mjia. He’s already doing more for you than mí marido (husband) has ever done for me on the last day of school. He just looks at me and tells me he’s glad I’m not grumpy anymore.” 
“Yeah, it was really sweet of him. I’m really excited for it.” 
“Congrats, sweetheart. We really are so happy for you.” 
“Don’t think you’re escaping until August to give us an update. We know Chucho, his papá, will keep us up to speed.” Maria winked as the ladies started to get up out of their seats. “Well now that we know you have a busy day coming up, we’ll let you get back to packing.”
The ladies were almost out the door when Maria popped her head back in. “You tell Javi I’ll make good on my promise to him. He breaks your heart, I will run him over with his father’s tractor.” You snorted, picturing the tiny woman rage driving a heavy piece of machinery.  
“I wouldn’t put it past you Maria.” 
She smiled as she closed the door behind her. You stared around the contents of your room before picking up another box. You better pick up your packing speed. 
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You practically collapsed as you opened the door to your apartment. Today had been a LONG day. You left for work at 7:00 AM, and were now finally returning home to your apartment at 7:50 PM. Whoever decided to cram every single end of the year activity into the last week of school needed to be seriously evaluated. Yesterday was the annual teachers vs. 5th graders kickball game as a way to celebrate before they were off to middle school, and tonight was the school music concert. The thought of having to go to the Alma Pierce Carnival tomorrow made you want to cry in exhaustion. Only two more days until Thursday. 
You disregarded your usual routine of neatly putting all of your things in their rightful home before doing anything else, opting to drop everything by the door in a pile and crawl your way to take a shower. Stripping your clothes and throwing them in the hamper, you turned on the shower and cranked up the heat. Waiting for the water to warm, you looked at Javi’s toothbrush, still sitting next to yours in the cup on your sink. Now finally having a second for your brain to turn off of school mode, the sight of Javi’s toothbrush flooded you with three different feelings all at once. 
You missed him like crazy 
You couldn’t wait to see what he had planned for Thursday 
You were hornier than a middle school boy on the brink of puberty 
After going so long without sex (at most, it had been 5 times in the past 2 plus years), you had almost written it off as an afterthought. That was until Saturday, when Javier Peña causally decided to blow your mind with the best sex of your entire life, on repeat. As you stepped into the shower, you pictured where Javi stood only a few days ago, his tanned, muscular, very naked body soaping you up in your favorite body wash. You spent the rest of your shower wishing he was the one scrubbing the shampoo and conditioner into your hair, imagining his hands would eventually travel out of your hair to somewhere else. 
You wrapped yourself up in your towel after emerging out of the shower, the sight of his toothbrush once again only making the ache between your legs more and more present. God, how bad did you have it that even his freakin’ toothbrush was making you horny?! Stupid magic hands and magic dick. 
As you went into your bedroom, you shuffled through the very back of your nightstand. Patting your hand around the back right corner you found what you were looking for.  Please let this thing be charged, it hasn’t even been used in god knows how long, you hoped, pulling the small bullet vibrator out of your drawer. Holding down the power button, you were relieved to hear the low hum vibrating in your hand. You laid down on your bed, head propped up on the pillows as you brought the vibrator between your legs. Running it up and down your clit, you could feel how wet you already were, wishing Javi was the one rubbing his thumb against your sensitive nerves, his thick fingers pressing inside you as- 
Ringggggg, ringggggg, ringggggg 
The phone ringing startled you so badly, you practically flung your vibrator across the room. Breathing heavily, you wrapped yourself back up in your towel and ran to the phone. Considering you and your mom always talked on Wednesdays and your brothers didn’t call unless you called them, it left one probable answer of who it could be. You tried to compose yourself as the phone rang a few more times, beet red and sweating from embarrassment that the person probably calling you was the one you were just thinking about with a vibrator between your legs. 
“Hey, Osita.” The low, sweet voice made your heart sing. 
“It’s good to hear your voice again. I missed you.” 
“Missed yours too. Sorry you didn’t call yesterday, Pops needed extra help after I got home from work yesterday. Are- are you okay?” 
“Me? Yeah, why?” You obviously weren’t doing a very good job of hiding how flustered you were. 
“You just… you sound like you’re out of breath?” 
“Oh, yeah, I um, I just got out of the shower.” It wasn’t a lie.
“You’re out of breath from getting out of the shower?” The thought of you wet and naked made Javi’s cock twitch. 
“No, well, um, not exactly.” You were glad Javi couldn’t see you from the other end of the phone as you facepalmed yourself, jumbling over your words. 
“What’s goin’ on Osita?” Javi spoke with a sneaking suspicion. He didn’t want to assume what he was thinking, but given what he had done to relieve himself in his shower earlier this morning, he couldn’t help but hope you had been just as riled up as he was. 
You let out an audible sigh. Before you could try and come up with an answer, Javi spoke again. 
“Osita, it’s okay. You can tell me.” You couldn’t even see him, but even picturing his sweet, brown, puppy dog eyes was enough to make you spill your secrets in an instant. God, could this man read your mind?! 
“Well, I don’t know, it’s dumb. I- I was in the shower and I was thinking about Sunday morning.” 
“And?” You could practically hear his smirk through the phone. 
“And I was thinking about you, in there, with me. How much I wished you were there” 
Javi had to bite down on his lip from letting out an audible groan. “I wish I was there too, baby. What else were you thinking about?” 
“How much I missed your hands. How much I wished they were touching me.” 
Bingo. There it was.
Javi dipped another toe into the water, getting the green light on his suspicions. “Yeah? Wished I was touching you? Were you touching yourself, baby? Thinking about me?” 
Your face was so flushed. You were already mentally making space on your gravestone for “Magic, sexy words” under dick and hands. “Yeah, I was.” You paused for a moment, feeling completely un-confident in yourself. “Sorry, this is so embarrassing, I don’t know why I’m telling you this.” 
“Baby, it’s not embarrassing, I promise. It’s fucking sexy, is what it is. I can’t stop thinking about this weekend either, Osita. Came so hard this morning thinking about you sucking my dick in the shower. Fuck, I wish it would have been you instead of my fuckin’ hand.” 
Oh shit. Were you about to do this?  
“Javi, I- fuck, I’ve never done this before, like, had phone sex.” The innocence in your voice had him hard as a rock. He knew for a fact after this weekend, you were not shy about sex. Fuck, you were the one that came on to him first. But the thought of you sitting in your bed, hand between your legs picturing him? That pushed him over the edge. 
“It’s okay, baby, we don’t have to if you-“ 
“No, I do. Fuck, I’m so horny for you.” 
“ Dirty fuckin’ girl. Take off your clothes, baby.” 
“Lucky for you, I’m fresh out the shower and already not wearing any.” Your little giggle on the other end had him palming at his jeans. He quickly got up to double check his door was locked, thanking whatever higher power was up there that his dad was still out working. 
“Go lie down on your bed for me.” Grabbing your phone, you brought it to your room, and sat propped up against your pillows. 
“O-Okay, now what?” He could tell you were still nervous, a stark contrast from the confident and bold woman he usually saw.
“Relax, baby. It’s okay. I’ll take care of you. You trust me?” 
“Yeah. I do.” He knew you meant it. 
“Okay, hermosa. Tell me how you’d want me baby. Tell me what you’d want me to do to you if I was there.” The low rasp of his voice through the phone had you shuttering. 
“Fuck. I’d want you to kiss down my neck. Kiss every fucking inch of me.” The words began to spill out of you. “I’d want you to touch me. Put your fingers in me. Your hands are so big, they feel so good.” 
“Touch yourself, Osita. Feel how fucking wet you are for me.” You set the phone next to you, pressing the speaker button, freeing both your hands. Slowly, you dipped a finger inside you, diving in and out of your entrance, the other hand slowly rubbing over your clit. It felt like nothing compared to Javi’s hands, slowly adding a second finger inside you to imitate the pleasure he had given you this weekend. He could hear your soft moans through the other end of the phone, causing him to undo his belt, and slide his pants down far enough he could free his aching cock, already hard from your sounds alone. 
“It feels so good, Javi. Fuck I wish it was you inside me.” 
He spit on his hand as he began stroking himself, nestling his phone between his chin and his shoulder. His breathy groans traveled through the phone. 
“You touching yourself too?” 
“Fuck, hermosa. The thought of you touching yourself has me so fucking hard. Yeah, baby, I am.” 
“I wish I could suck your dick like I did on Sunday. You tasted so good, loved feeling you down my throat.” 
“Wish I could taste you too. Pussy tastes so fucking sweet. Fuck, I’d spend hours in between your legs making you scream my name as many times as I could.” 
That was an offer you would definitely take him up on. 
The pace of both your hands became more rapid, both of you so worked up from your conversation. 
“Fuck. Javi, I want you to fuck me so bad. Your dick feels so good.” 
“Want me to fuck you, hermosa? Want me to bend you over, fuck you over your dresser so you can watch in your mirror how fuckin’ gorgeous you are when I make you come? Watch your pretty face when I fuck you full of me?” 
Yes please. 
Javi’s words had you losing your mind, the rubbing of your clit getting faster and faster, the wet  sounds of your fingers in and out of your pussy filling the room. If you weren’t close before, the image that Javi had just planted in your head had you right on the edge.
“Javi- holy shit, fuck fuck, baby, I’m gonna-” the whimpers of your orgasm had Javi groaning, his hand wrapping tighter around his cock, imagining it was your cunt clenching down on him as you came. 
“Such a good fucking girl, Osita. Fuck baby, I’m gonna come too.” Over your panting, you heard Javi muttering your name as he climaxed, the both of you breathing heavily. 
There was silence for a few moments before you spoke. 
“Javi, holy shit.” You laughed, shocked and thrilled by what you two had just done. 
“Jesus Christ, Osita, I was just trying to call and ask about Thursday but this was a lot fucking better.” His voice still breathy, coming down from his high. 
“Well I still wanna talk about Thursday, it’s the only thing getting me through this week, although this was helpful, to say the least.” 
“Believe me, me too. Lemme just clean myself up really quick. Be right back.” 
There was a grin across your face so wide, it hurt your cheeks. You waited patiently on the other end, Javi quickly coming back. 
“You still there, Osita?”  
“Yes sir.” You replied in an obnoxious voice. 
“Oh shhh, you love it.” 
Fuck. There it was again. That stupid word. He knew you didn’t mean anything by it right? Did you mean anything by it? Even if you did, there’s no way in hell you’d admit that to yourself so soon. Right? You frantically responded before he could say anything. 
“Anyways, sorry for my incredibly horny tangent, what are you thinking for Thursday?” 
“All good, hermosa, well worth it. What time are you done with work on Thursday?” 
“I’ll probably be home at 4:15? The kids are only there in the morning so I just have to finish packing up my room and then I can go!” 
“Can I pick you up around 5:30? I was gonna make dinner reservations at 6:00.” 
“Do I get to ask what dinner is?” 
“You don’t do well with surprises, do you?” He chuckled. 
“How’d you guess?” 
“Just had a feeling. If you really want to know, I’ll tell you.” 
“No, I won’t ruin the surprise, that’s no fun. I was gonna let you have full reign on the movie we go see. You made a fantastic pick on Sunday, figured it would be fun for you to pick again.” 
“Do you want that to be a surprise too?” 
“Absolutely. I trust you.” He smiled, the phrase you had already used twice making his heart skip a beat. There was a brief pause before he spoke again, his voice a little more nervous than before. 
“Is it uh, okay if I bring stuff to spend the night? That way I can just go in to work from your place?” 
You bit down on your lip to try and contain your excitement. “I would be disappointed if you didn’t.” 
“Me too.” In the background of Javi’s phone, you could hear a faint voice in the distance yelling out to him. Holding his hand over the receiver, you heard him faintly yell “What, Pops? I’m on the phone.” Followed by a muffled, “stupid fucking horse…” 
“Hey Osita?” His voice once again full volume, trying to restrain his annoyance. “I’m really sorry, I have to go. My dad just came in and told me one of the horses got out again and it's a two man job to wrangle him back in.” 
“It’s okay, have fun horse wrangling, I hope he isn’t too much of a pain in the butt.” You giggled, imagining how grumpy Javi would look trying to fight with this horse. 
“Símon is the biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever met.” 
“Glad someone else gets to take the title besides me. I’ll make sure to give him extra carrots when I meet him.” 
“Won’t do you any good, bastard hates everyone. I’ll see you on Thursday, Osita.” 
“Bye Javi, see you on Thursday.” 
The line on the other end clicked, leaving you laying on your bed and smiling at your ceiling. You rolled over, now facing the dresser and mirror on the other side of your room, the image of Javi’s filthy words from earlier seeping into your brain. You would never look at your dresser the same. Thursday couldn’t come fast enough. 
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Javi had never really been nervous when it came to women. Even from a young age, he was confident in himself and his abilities to flirt, pick up girls, and show them a good time. Hell, half his reputation from his time in the DEA was trying to put the moves on any halfway decent looking woman as a way to fight the tension and stress of his job. Javier Peña knew he had a way with women. What absolutely terrified him, was trying to date one. Regretfully, Javi didn’t have enough fingers or toes to count how many women he had slept with over the years. He could, however, count how many women he had dated on one hand, and only needed 2 fingers. Lorraine Doogan, and you. He’d taken women on dates- the occasional movie, dinner, drinks at the bar, but the idea of dating someone with the hope to keep them around for as long as he could? That scared the shit out of him. 
Javi had been a nervous mess all of Thursday. He called to double check your reservation time at dinner, made sure he had an outfit to change into in his car, and spent way longer than usual getting ready this morning. The thing was, Javi knew you liked him. Fuck, you were his girlfriend. But this wasn’t hanging out at your apartment like you had done this weekend, he wanted to do something special for you to show how much he really cared.
Around 12:30, he found his co-workers sitting around their desks chatting and eating lunch when Javi stopped by, taking a break from his morning of doing nothing, too distracted by tonight to focus. 
“Hey, just so you idiots know, I gotta head out early today. Carter, can you finish up that Guadalajara report and give it to Morris before you leave?” Javi came out of his office to see Agent Miller and Carter staring at him with confusion, their mouths still half full of food. Javi never once had left early in the time that he had worked there. If anything, he was there after everyone had left. Ever since last week, Carter and Miller had noticed that Javier had been in a surprisingly better mood than normal. They had seen him smile, not once but multiple times, and had even said good morning to both of them, several days in a row. 
“Uh, yeah, sure Peña. Where ya going? Gotta hot date?” Carter meant it as a joke, but Javi’s lack of witty response and embarrassment on his face left him with an open door to ask the question.
 “Holy shit, you gotta date don’t you?!” 
Javi didn’t say anything, just ran his hand over the bridge of his nose. 
“He’s gotta fuckin’ date tonight, Carter!” Miller responded, outstretching his hand to high-five Javi. “My man!” Javi glared at the hand held high towards him before Miller quickly got the hint to get it out of his face. 
Javi let out a deep breath. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to tell people about you. He really did. He was so happy you were his. He just knew that these two buffoons were about to give him ten pounds of shit when they found out you were the person he was going on a date with. “Yeah, I’m going on a fucking date, okay? Happy?” 
“Shit, no wonder you’ve been in such a good mood for the past week, Peña. Who is it? How’d you meet her?” Carter stretched back in his chair, completely invested in any information Javi was willing to share. More silence. Javi put his hands on his hips and let out another deep breath. Before he could get out any words, it was like the gears had been turning and a lightbulb had gone off in Miller’s brain, filling him with absolute glee. 
“Carter… you said Peña’s been in a good mood for what now, a week?” Miller smirked. 
“Yeah, why?” Clearly, he was not catching on. 
“How long ago did he go in to do the presentation at the elementary school?” Miller’s grin widening, hoping it wouldn’t take Carter too much longer for him to understand his question. 
“Fuck, I don’t know, like a week ago-” He paused before his face lit up, even giddier than Miller’s. “OH SHIT. IT’S THE HOT TEACHER ISN’T IT?! YOU LUCKY SON OF A BITCH.” Miller and Carter were now playfully swatting at each other in shock over the news. 
There was no point in trying to deny it. Javi figured he might as well bite the bullet on this one. 
“Yeah, it is. Again, she’s got a fuckin’ name okay?” 
“I can’t believe it. Damn, she must really like you, Peña. The other teachers practically chased us away when we went to try and talk to her.” While he hated the thought of his idiot co-workers harassing you week after week, it did fill him with a little pride knowing he was the only one you were ever interested in. 
“You dirty dog. This the first time you’re seeing her since then?” 
Javi met every question with more silence. He wasn’t sure why he felt the need to disclose any information to them, but their persistence in getting you to Alma Pierce last Wednesday was the reason you found yourself in this situation. 
“No way. You’ve already seen her already, haven’t you? And she still wants to see you again? Damn. Good for you, Peña.” 
“So what are you two doing for this date tonight? Besides hopefully getting laid?” Carter and Miller high-fived each other. 
Was that part of Javi’s plan tonight? Absolutely. He wanted to fuck you until you couldn’t walk, and once he was done, he wanted to do it again. But the jealous and possessive part of his brain lit up hearing other people talk about you in that way. 
“Don’t fucking talk about her like that or I will snap both your fucking necks, understood?” Javi’s voice was stern and commanding, making Carter and Miller rapidly nod their heads in unison, knowing that if Javi really wanted to, he would. 
“Understood man.” 
“Yeah, sorry.” 
The two men stared sheepishly at each other. Javi took another deep breath before composing himself and focusing his gaze back on Carter. 
“Guadalajara report on Morris’s desk by the time I get in tomorrow, got it?” 
“Will do, boss.” Carter barely made eye contact with him. Javi nodded before turning around, heading back into his office and closing the door. 
Peeking his head around the corner to make sure Javi’s door was all the way shut, Miller leaned back over to Carter for one last remark. 
“They’ve gotta be fucking already, right?” 
“Oh yeah. That’s the face of a man who’s happy and gettin’ laid.” 
“Lucky bastard.” 
“You can say that again.” 
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You were shocked at how smoothly your Thursday was going. Your class had lots of fun at their class party, showering you with plenty of hugs and goodbyes on their last day. With your efficiency and determination to pack up your classroom, everything was labeled and put away by 2:45, leaving you with plenty of time to say goodbye to your co-workers before heading out early. 
Remembering Saturday’s disaster of trying to pick out an outfit, you had spent the whole week trying on potential choices to not leave yourself a frantic mess today. You had settled on a peach colored dress with small white flowers, having a feeling that Javi would like it just as much as the one you wore on Saturday. You had plenty of time to get ready, taking more time than usual to do your hair and makeup and try on your outfit one last time. By the time you were all ready to go, it still wasn’t even 5 yet, leaving you with enough time to do a brief clean (even though you had made your apartment spotless enough it would have passed a health inspection test) and turn on SportsCenter for a little as you anxiously awaited Javi’s arrival.  
At 5:25, you heard a knock at your door, practically sprinting up off the couch to greet him. As you opened your door, his tall, handsome frame filled the doorway. He was in a navy blue button down, its short sleeves fitting deliciously over his biceps, with a pair of tight, dark washed jeans. In his hands, he held a bouquet of sunflowers, but looked like he was practically about to drop them when he saw you answer the door. 
“Osita, you look… beautiful.” His jaw was already half slack as his eyes ran their way up and down your frame, taking in every detail about you. 
“Thanks, Javi. You don’t look half bad yourself. You blushed as you tried to contain your grin. 
“These are for you.” He outstretched his hand, passing the bright yellow flowers over to you. 
“Phew, thank god, I was worried that you just wanted to carry them around all night for fun. Thank you, Javi. They’re beautiful.” Carefully placing them on your entryway table. You stared up at Javi, his lip darting around his bottom lip, practically undressing you with his eyes. You grabbed him by his shirt collar, pulling him through the doorway, your mouths meeting in an electric kiss. He reached down to grab behind your head, pulling you closer into him his tongue danced along your open mouth. God, you had missed him. The scent of his cologne and minty breath overwhelmed your senses, as you leaned further into him, his other arm wrapping around your waist as he reluctantly pulled back from your kiss. 
“Wow. Definitely missed that.” You smiled up at him, your heart pounding as you caught your breath. 
“Fuck, me too. I missed you, Osita.” His sweet brown eyes stared down at you, a smile growing under his mustache. 
This man had been in your presence for less than a minute, and you could already feel an ache growing between your legs. His kiss had you begging for more. 
“What time is it? You said our reservation is at 6:00, right?” You asked, glancing down at Javi’s watch as you bit down on your lip and reached up to give him a kiss on his neck. It was clear to both of you why you had asked the question. You knew how riled up you both were given the phone call you had just 2 days before, and having gone 5 days without him, you were really holding it together to not jump all over him.  
“Hermosa… Fuck. I can’t believe I’m gonna say this.” He took a step back from you, causing you to cross your arms and raise an eyebrow. “Baby, if we don’t leave your apartment now, we’re not fucking leaving. I meant what I said on the phone. Osita, I’ve spent every goddamn day this week thinking about this, but I really want to take you out to celebrate, you deserve it.” 
It took every ounce of you not to protest. He looked so good that you would have fucked him right there on the floor next to your shoe rack. But he was right, he had worked so hard to plan whatever you two were doing tonight. He cared about you. He wanted to make sure you knew that you were worth celebrating. No one had ever cared about you this much. 
“You’re really sweet, Jav. Thank you. Although with how fucking hot you look and the fact that you pretty much eye fucked me from the moment you walked through the door, this is about to be a a battle of iron wills, and right now my will power is about the strength of a limp noodle.” You both laughed, trying to regain your composure. Smirking, you looked at him to give him a proposition. 
“I bet you 5 dollars.” 
“You bet me 5 dollars, that what, Osita?” He chuckled, shaking his head at you. 
“I bet you 5 dollars that you break before I do. I don’t think you can make it through the night. Not with the way your eyes are still trying to undress me.” 
“You sure? You were the one practically crawling all over me as soon as I walked through the door.” He crossed his arms to mirror yours, enjoying the prospect of your competition. 
“I may be stubborn, but I got all the patience in the world, Peña. And I don’t like to lose.” You shrugged and winked at him, giving a playful raise of your eyebrows. 
You drove him absolutely fucking crazy. 
Leaning down, he pulled you in to kiss you again, even more intense than the one you had just shared. Your tongues and teeth clashed, making you moan between your connected mouths, before suddenly pulling away and grabbing his keys, dangling them in your breathless face. 
He looked at you with a devilish grin. “You’re on baby. You ready to go?” 
“What?! That’s not fair, you can’t just kiss me like that and expect me to function normally!” 
“Never said it wasn’t part of the rules. Two can play at this game.” He leaned back down into your ear, his mustache tickling your neck as the low rasp of his voice serenaded you. “Besides, Osita, like you said, you have all the patience in the world, right?” 
“Javier I don’t know your middle name Peña, I swear to God, you really are trying to kill me.” You both laughed as you grabbed your purse and began to put on your shoes. 
“Jesús. Javier Jesús Peña. 
Something about him saying his name made you smile. Maybe it’s because his name was yours. “Cute. Good to know, in case of emergencies, such as times like these. Alright, I’m ready, and I’m making space in my wallet to be 5 dollars richer tonight.” 
As Javi opened his passenger side car door for you, you basked in the warm familiarity of sitting next to him while he drove. While his car was already neat, you could tell he must have gone through and cleaned in since Sunday. After he backed out of your apartment’s parking lot and you two headed on your way, his free hand almost immediately found its way to the skin of your thigh exposed under your dress, giving it a slight squeeze before tracing his fingers up and down your leg. 
“Music?” He looked at you, smiling, reminiscing on your last drives’ sing a long. 
“You don’t just want to listen to the Grease Soundtrack on repeat every time we drive?” You giggled as you reached into his glove box, shuffling back through the CD’s, noticing a new one that definitely wasn’t there this weekend. You quickly pulled it out, showing it to Javi. 
“This one wasn’t here on Sunday?” You looked surprised by the Queen’s Greatest Hits disc you now had in your hand. 
“Oh yeah, well you said they were your favorite band. I don’t know a ton of music by them, but figured you may want to listen to them if we’re driving.” He tried to play it off casually. You didn’t need to know that he drove to not one, but two stores after work this week to find that CD for you. 
“Wait did you- Did you get this just for me?” Your surprise was so genuine. Not only did he care enough to even remember your favorite band, he went out and got you a CD so you could listen to it in his car while you drove together? You couldn’t have been more thankful to have been stopped at a red light as you leaned over the center console, grabbing the side of his face to pull him in for a kiss. You only released him as you watch your peripheral vision turn from red to green. You both pulled back with smiles on your faces, Javi putting an even tighter grasp around your leg. 
“Play it. You’re in charge of music tonight, Osita.” 
“Figured you needed to let me be in charge of at least something, huh?” You rolled your eyes and snickered under your breath as you pushed the CD in and pressed play, the beat of Another One Bites the Dust thumping through the speakers 
“This song is dedicated to you after you lose our bet tonight.” 
“You weren’t kidding when you said you don’t like to lose, huh Osita? 
“I will admit being overly competitive is one of my biggest character flaws. Growing up with 3 older brothers who all played sports will do that to ya. I always wanted to play with them, and they wouldn’t let me play unless I proved I was good enough, so instead of crying about it, I just practiced to try and make myself better than them.” 
Javi couldn’t have been less surprised. Given your stubbornness, there were few things he’d put past you.
 “Did you play any sports as a kid?” You asked curiously. 
“I did swimming and some baseball. Always liked swimming more. Parents would call me el pez. (fish) They would always tell me that they’d have to drag me out of the water whenever we went to the pool or beach. Swam in college a little too, but was never super serious about it. What about you? I’m gonna assume yes.” 
“My brothers played everything, so yes, I’ve pretty much tried every sport under the sun at some point. Hockey was always my favorite though.” 
“I’m gonna be real honest with you, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hockey game in my entire life.” 
“That’s criminal. Well considering you’re from southern Texas, it makes sense that a game involving ice isn’t very popular. Did you know Texas has an NHL team?” 
“Wait, actually?” 
“Yeah, actually. I don’t think anyone in Texas knows you do. The Dallas Stars. They were actually pretty good this year. Lost in the first round of the playoffs like the Blackhawks did, so now my only hope is that the Red Wings lose but it physically hurts me to say that I think they’re gonna win it all this year.” 
Javi nodded, trying his best to follow along even though he had absolutely no idea what you were talking about. Embarrassed with your rambling, you quickly retracted. “Sorry, I know you don’t really care about any of that.” 
“You care about it, which means I’ll try my best to learn, Ostia.” 
Your eyes shifted up from your lap where they had been staring to meet Javi’s gaze, soft and genuine. It shouldn’t have surprised you, but the feeling of knowing he actually cared never ceased to amaze you.
“Okay. All you need to know for the sake of this conversation is Blackhawks- good, Red Wings- bad.” 
“Easy enough. I can remember that.” He winked at you before reaching to grab your hand and lock it with his. 
You spent the last few minutes of your car ride in a comforting silence, Queen quietly playing in the background as you watched the sky slowly melt into a pink and orange sunset. 
As you pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, you looked at the sign above the entrance reading “Andiamos on Main.” You’d never been here before, but you felt like the name sounded familiar from hearing your co-workers who had gone on anniversaries, birthday dinners or big events to celebrate. 
“Javi, this place is supposed to be really nice.” 
“I know.” 
“Like, people come here for birthdays and anniversaries and special things that only happen once a year.” 
“You only finish school once a year, too. You’re special to me, Osita. You deserve it.” 
“But I-"
“I’m not letting you argue with me on this one, baby. Please.” 
As much as you wanted to, how could you argue with his sweet face, staring at you with his pleading brown eyes? You would have been thankful for him to have gotten you sandwiches again, let alone take you somewhere nice and insist you deserve it. 
“Fine. Thank you, Javi. This is the nicest thing someone has done for me in a long time.” 
“You deserve it, Osita. I’ll keep saying it until you believe me.” 
He leaned over to give you a quick kiss before turning off the engine of the car and quickly unbuckling himself so he could walk around the car and open the passenger door for you. 
“Ready to eat?” 
“Javi, there will be very few times in life where that answer will be no.” 
When you walked into the restaurant, your suspicions were confirmed. This place was nice. The space was dimly lit with soft piano playing in the background, filled with other couples and large groups, all dressed nicely and casually chatting. You were surprised how busy the restaurant was as Javi took your hand to lead you through the small crowd in front of the hostess stand. 
“Hi, how can I help you two?” The woman at the front asked as you two approached her.
“Hi, I have a reservation at 6:00. Should be under Peña.” 
“Alright, let me just check real quick and then we’ll get you seated!” You watched as her fingers flicked through the notebook she had in front of her, a concerned look creeping up her face as she began to back track and flip through previous pages. 
“You said Peña at 6:00, tonight, correct?” 
“Mhhmm.” He nodded, also starting to look concerned by her confusion. 
“I’m very sorry, Mr. Peña, it looks like your reservation was for yesterday at 6:00 PM.” 
Javi may have looked worse than he did when you had run into Lorraine a few days ago. “Wait, I uh-, it should be for today. It’s for June 3rd? The 3rd at 6:00 PM?” 
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Peña. The 3rd was yesterday. Today is the 4th.” 
You could feel the panic shedding from his body. The hand that was holding yours now started to become sweaty. The look on Javi’s face was sheer terror. “No, today’s the 3rd? Today’s the 3rd, right?” He looked frantically back and forth between you and the hostess before she flipped her notebook around to face you both, accompanied by her digital watch. In scratch writing under June 3rd, sat “Peña, party of 2, 6:00 PM.” And on her watch read “Thursday, June 4th.” 
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me…”  he muttered himself underneath his breath, trying to keep his composure. “Are there any seats left? Anything at the bar, even?” Part of him already knew the answer, but was desperate to not give up yet. 
“Well, we have a corporate event tonight so it’s extra busy. Right now there’s at least a 2 hour wait, and that’s being generous, and no seating at the bar. Again, so sorry for the confusion.” 
He stood frozen in shock. He wanted to scream at himself. How could he have fucked this up? The guilt and panic flooded over him, leaving him speechless. He tried so hard to rebuttal- think of something, ANYTHING. Stuck in his chaotic train of thought, he felt your hand rub over his arm and heard your sweet voice. 
“That’s okay! Thank you for checking! Mistakes happen, not a big deal at all. Come on, Jav, let’s go!” This time, you were the one leading him back through the crowd, him, following you helplessly, trying to think of anything to say. As you finally exited through the doors, the golden sunset shining down into the parking lot, Javi grabbed down tightly on your hand, stopping in his tracks. 
“Fuck, Osita. Fuck, I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I fucked this up. I could have fucking swore today was the 3rd. I’m such a fucking idiot I-“ 
He stopped. He wasn’t sure what to expect. Were you mad? Angry? Going to agree with him and tell him that he was a fucking idiot? He wouldn’t have blamed you if you did. 
“Do you know how many times I took my class to gym on the wrong day when I first started at Alma Pierce?” 
He looked at you blankly. It was almost like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
“A lot. It took me a month and a half. I could have sworn they went to gym every Monday from 2:00-3:00, and at 1:55 every Monday, I would March them down to the gym for Mr. Luíz to tell me I had gym tomorrow from 2:00-3:00. It literally took me having to write it on my hand each Monday- don’t go to gym! For me to finally remember. It’s okay, Javi. I know you’re gonna beat yourself up about this. Please, please don’t. The fact that you even wanted to do something this nice for me is more than enough. I don’t care where we go, if I get to spend time with you, then I’m happy.”  
If I’m with you, then I’m happy. The words danced around his brain, trying to make sure he was comprehending what he had just heard. He had completely fucked up your plans and not only did you not care, you were happy? He was the reason you were happy? That was a sentence he was positive he had never heard before. 
You stepped into him, wrapping your arms around his waist as you gazed into his eyes, still pooling with panic. “I like you, Javi. I like you a lot. You could have taken me to go get hot dogs from the gas station and I would have been excited. Maybe not excited for what they would have done to me after I ate them, but if I got to do it with you, I wouldn’t have cared.” He let out a small huff under his breath, half a smile creeping across his somber face. “There are plenty of places for us to eat, we still have a movie to go see, and when we get back, I am so horny I think I could spontaneously combust.” It relieved you to see the smile grow wider, a genuine laugh now coming out of him. “Promise me.” 
“Promise you what, Osita?” 
“Promise me you won’t beat yourself up over this.” 
“Baby, I-“ 
“Promise me, Javier Jesús Peña. Or I will beat you up enough for the both of us” you poked your finger into his chest, playfully. 
“Promise.” He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head, savoring the sweet and familiar smell of your shampoo as his nose met your hair. “Going full name on me, huh?” 
“Told you, it was good to know in case of emergencies.” You laughed as he shook you, wrapped in the broadness of his arms. “There’s a diner down the road we passed on the way in, I could definitely eat a whole mess of pancakes right now.” 
“You weren’t kidding when you said you liked breakfast.” 
“I don’t joke when it comes to breakfast, Peña” you winked before you stretched up to peck him on the lips. “Let’s go.” You reached to grab his hand, leading him back to his truck. Trailing behind your lead, he soaked up every ounce of the image of you. An image he’d never get sick of. 
You didn’t even bother looking at the menu as you picked a booth in the back corner of the small diner down the street. Javi ordered a sandwich while you shamelessly ordered a stack of blueberry pancakes with whip cream on top. You could tell Javi was still upset with himself, staying relatively quiet since you two had unexpectedly changed your plans. You had a feeling there wasn’t much you could say at this point that would make him feel any less guilty- you would have felt the same way. Looking for a way to get him out of his head, you pulled out a kids menu and a wrapped pack of crayons tucked behind the condiments at your table, scribbling on it before sliding across the table to Javi. 
“Hangman?” Javi looked at you, chuckling. 
“We don’t have to play if you don’t want to, just thought it could be fun. Figured this was better than me coming across the booth to beat you up because I can tell you’re still mad at yourself.” 
This set off a more genuine laughter from him, shaking his head as he crossed his arms and leaned back in the booth. “I don’t know, Osita, after you told me you used to play hockey, you’ve got me a little nervous that you could take me out.” You both snickered at the idea of you trying to take down Javi. “Sure, let’s play.” 
“P?” He questioned, staring down at the dashed lines. 
“P? That’s what you’re gonna start with?” You drew a circle for the head.
“What’s wrong with P?” 
“Vowels first! Makes it way easier!” 
“Sorry, I don’t think I’ve played hangman since I was in elementary school.” 
“Which is why I’m an expert, seeing that I’m in an elementary school practically every day. Next guess.” 
“See, there you go!” You marked down several spots after Javi’s guess. 
“Okay, how about M?” 
“That doesn’t mean stop guessing vowels, dummy. But yes, lucky for you there is an M.” You laughed as Javi continued guessing letters and began eating as your food arrived. Through a bite full of your pancakes you gave Javi a dumbfounded look. 
“Javi… you seriously don’t know what it says? You can go hunt down drug lords in South America but hangman on a kids menu at a diner is what’s gonna do you in?” You both snorted as Javi tried to defend himself. 
“Osita, those are two completely different things.” 
“Well I’m not gonna lie Javi, one seems significantly easier than the other.” 
“Fine, I’ll guess. What movie are we seeing?” 
“Great work, detective.” You remarked sarcastically. 
“Gimme that.” He said, snatching the paper from you as he began to draw his own lines. “Your turn.” 
“Okay, thank goodness, I was worried we were going to miss the movie with how long it was taking you to guess. I'm starting with A.” 
Javi begrudgingly noted down some letters. You continued guessing, quickly filling up the lines until you had figured out the clue. 
“Oh, Jurassic Park! I’ve been wanting to see that! Have you seen the first one?” 
“Jesus, that was fast. No, but I figured it would be one you’d like. 
“I was secretly hoping you’d pick that one, so one point for you, Javier Peña.” You winked at him as you took a final bite of your pancakes. “I know this wasn’t the dinner you had planned, but it was still really good. And we still have a movie to go see and plenty of movie snacks to eat. You ready to go?” Javi smiled at you, nodding, still in disbelief how content you were with how things were going.
Your waiter came around to collect your plates and give you the bill, Javi insisting on paying, despite your attempt to physically try to open his hand and put cash in it. As you made your way out to the car, you reached down to grab his hand, embracing the familiarity of your fingers interlocking, his grasp engulfing yours. Your drive to the movie theater included several more tracks of Queen sing alongs, Javi’s favorite notably being your enthusiastic rendition of Don’t Stop Me Now. With the windows slightly rolled down, the wind blew through your hair, a smile stretched across your face. You were so wrapped up in singing, you hadn’t noticed Javi’s eyes locked on you, completely enamored by your presence. Part of him just wanted to say fuck it to the movie. Instead, take you back to your apartment, fuck, to have you in his truck and show you how thankful he was for you. 
As you pulled into the movie theater, you noticed that Javi had parked in a far back corner, a sizable walk from the front entrance. Before you could ask anything, his mouth was crashing into yours, running his hand through the hair on the back of your head, pulling you closer in. His other hand snaked under the hem of your dress, rubbing along your thigh before reaching under your underwear, his fingers grazing along your entrance.  Your hand mirrored, reaching across to grab his face, before planting kisses along his, working your way up to his ear. As much as you wanted to say nothing, you knew you at least had to tease him a little. You could hear his heavy breaths as you bit at his earlobe and whispered. 
“You owe me 5 dollars.” 
He pulled back, shaking his head, his breathing still labored. “Jesus Christ. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” 
You leaned back in, planting another kiss on his neck before pulling back. “I told you, I don’t lose.” You winked before giving him a quick peck on the lips. “Tell ya what, because I’m such a gracious winner, I’ll donate my 5 dollars towards buying our movie snacks, okay?” 
“Doesn’t that defeat the whole bet?” He laughed at you. 
“Well I needed to find a way to let you get me to buy something on our date so you don’t pay for anything, and I figured you can’t argue with me if I use my winnings from our bet.” 
“Fair enough.” He sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing. 
“Thank you. You ready to go watch some dinosaurs?” You nudged him before hopping out of the passenger’s side door. Javi sat there for a moment, regaining his composure before following beside you into the theater, his hand now taking its familiar spot locked in yours. 
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Javi couldn’t remember the last time he had been in a movie theater. He hadn’t gone in Colombia, probably making it close to a decade since stepping foot into one. Once Javi had told you how long it had been, you wanted to make sure you did everything you could to make it the best experience possible for him. After getting your tickets, you made your way to concessions, getting much more than your 5 dollar bet’s worth of snacks.
“Do you really think we need this much?” Javi asked, now carrying the frozen Coke and M&M’s you had handed him, you carrying a large popcorn. 
“Well first of all, you haven’t been to the movies in forever, so I want you to get the full movie snacking experience. Second, you ate two full bags of popcorn by yourself when we watched Star Wars, so I’m honestly worried this isn’t enough.” Mentally noting that Javi had already had 3 handfuls of M&M’s on your way to your seats. 
You were thankful that you were able to find two seats in the top middle of the theater, considering how crowded it was. You could feel a shift in his demeanor, like he was uneasy with how many people filled the room, constantly scanning back and forth. It wasn’t that Javi minded crowds, it was what could happen in a crowd if something went wrong that made him anxious. He had seen it first hand, and knew how poorly it could end. He hadn’t been somewhere this crowded in a long time, but with his instincts kicking in to overdrive, he could feel himself starting to panic at his current state. 
“Hey, you okay?” 
“Uh yeah, um, I’m fine, it’s just, um-“ 
You patted the seat next to you, ushering Javi to sit down. Once he did, you reached over to grab his hand and squeeze it and rest your head on his shoulder. You had seen this happen before with your brothers, especially your oldest, after he returned back from his first tour of active duty. While you could never truly understand how it felt, the last thing you wanted to do was make Javi feel like you weren’t there for him. “It’s okay. It’s more crowded than I would have thought too. We can stay here or if you need to move or go outside for a little we can do that too. Whatever you need.” You could feel a little of his tension ease as he kissed the top of your head. 
“No, I’m okay, thanks, Osita.” He felt a wave of relief wash over him that some way or another, you just seemed to know what he needed to snap him out of his funk.
“Okay. Just let me know if you need anything. I promise I’ll keep you safe from the dinosaurs.” You giggled while you looked up at him, Javi giving you a playful shake as he moved his arm to wrap over your shoulder, his thumb stroking back and forth across your skin as the lights lowered and previews started. 
As the movie is played, you found Javi’s hand somewhere on your body at all times. Holding your hand, wrapped around you, rubbing your leg, even playing with your hair as you rested your head against the width of his strong shoulders. The other hand was either in the popcorn or reaching down to eat the rest of the M&M’s. Javi really couldn’t have told you what was happening on screen, his eyes had barely left you, watching every reaction to what was happening. He was soaking in every moment, noticing when you laughed, excitedly poking him when something big happened, trying to fill him in so he wasn’t lost on what was happening. He was surprised when you let out a little shriek and grabbed on to him as one of the dinosaurs popped out on screen, even though you insisted that you weren’t scared, just weren’t expecting it. As the movie ended and credits began rolling, you looked over to already find Javi looking at you.
“So, what’d ya think? Good first movie theater experience?” 
“It was great, Osita.” 
“Good, I’m glad. Enjoy your snacks?” You laughed, looking at how the popcorn and M&M’s were completely gone, the frozen Coke only filled with a few sips worth left. 
“Oh shit, yeah, uh sorry…” realizing that he had pretty much eaten everything, oblivious to everything that wasn’t you. 
“It’s okay. I figured given what happened with the last movie we watched. You haven’t been to the movies in who knows how long, I wanted to make sure you got everything you wanted.” Javi wasn’t sure how you did it, but everything you did and said had him falling harder and harder for you. You were everything he wanted. You hadn’t cared when he fucked up the dinner reservations, you wanted to make sure he had fun at the movies, all you wanted was to be with him. Leaning over, he grabbed your face with both hands, engulfing you in a long, deep kiss. He didn’t care if people stared, in fact, he hoped they did. He hoped they’d see how lucky he was that you were his. 
“Wow. What was that for? Not that I’m complaining or anything.” You smirked, pulling away from his grasp. 
He knew it. He knew he couldn’t say it, but he knew it. He settled for what he could say instead. 
“I really like you, Osita. I like you a lot. Thank you for tonight. I, um… I, just, thank you.” 
“Javi, what are you thanking me for? I should be the one thanking you. You’re the one who wanted to do all of this for me. I really like you too, thank you for making tonight so special.”
Kissing the top of your head, he bent down to whisper in your ear. “Tonight’s not over yet, Osita. This isn’t the only part of our date I’m about to make special for you, baby.” He couldn’t help himself. He had spent the whole movie thinking about sneaking his hands further and further up your dress, how perfect you were, blissed out and moaning his name as he was inside you. 
“Jesus, Javi.” You shook your head, speechless. “I don't know what the hell we’re still doing standing here then. I’ll Tyrannosaurus Rex my way through this crowd for you to get me back home ASAP.” He laughed as you grabbed his hand leading him down the stairs and through the crowded lobby back to his car. 
The sexual tension in his car on the drive home was so thick, you would have needed a chainsaw to cut through it. You had both agreed, unlike Sunday, you would both have enough self control to make it back to your apartment, but with the way Javi was staring at you, and how dangerously close his hands were getting under your dress, the prospect of making it another 10 minutes home seemed practically impossible. When you finally reached the parking lot of your apartment, you practically threw yourself out of the car as you and Javi stumbled up the stairway, bodies crashing into one another as your mouths met furiously, hands frantically roaming over each other's bodies. You had no idea how you were able to get out your key and open your door as Javi’s chest pressed into your back, kissing your neck as your hands shakily unlocked your entrance to your apartment. The moment the door closed behind you, your clothes both quickly were shed, leaving a trail of items to your bedroom. Your bodies banged along the hallway as you shuffled your way to the bedroom, your mouths never leaving one another’s. Javi practically threw you onto your bed before shuffling his boxers down to pool around his ankles, his broad and handsome presence hovering over you. He knelt down to the edge of the bed, nudging your knees apart to reveal your pussy, glistening from its wetness. 
“Fuck, I’ll never get over your pussy, baby. Always so fucking wet.” Javi mewled before breathing in heavily and licking a long, broad strip along your clit. His tongue swirled around your heat as your hips bucked towards his face. One hand grasped your sheets while the other ran through his hair, tugging at the dark, curled ends as you moaned. You wanted him so badly to be inside of you, to fill the emptiness you were clenching around. Before you could ask, he slipped not one, but both fingers into you. His hand felt enormous compared to yours, his fingers so much more satisfying as they hit inside you over and over. As both digits curled up and his mouth sucked over your clit, you whimpered breathlessly. 
“Javi, you feel so good. Fuck me, holy shit.” 
“Patience Hermosa, I will, don’t worry.” He winked before diving back down between your legs. His free hand wrapped around your leg, grabbing your hip as you squirmed from how good he felt. The repetitive motion of his thick fingers plunging in you mixed with the skilled movement of his tongue across your sensitive nub had you already clenching down, close to your end. You knew with how worked up you had been this week without him, and what a goddamn menace he was, it wouldn’t take long for you to be on the verge of screaming his name in pleasure. 
“Baby, fuck, fuck I’m so close, Javi, I-“ 
Before you could finish your sentence, your orgasm flooded through your body, legs shaking and head thrown back as you moaned. The pleasure was so intense, and so much better than you could have even remembered. As you came back down from your high, Javi slowly pulled his fingers out from you before sucking them clean, your juices still smeared across his smirking face. “You taste so fucking good, Osita.” 
“Jesus, Javi… holy shit.” You breathed deeply, trying to regain your composure. He leaned over you, kissing up your body, stopping to take each nipple in his mouth, flicking it with his tongue before making his way up your neck.  
“I told you I meant what I said on the phone, baby. Is that okay with you?” His breath was low and raspy as he whispered into your ear. 
“Yes, oh my god, I haven’t stopped thinking about what you said all week. I haven’t been able to look at my dresser the same since.” You both let out light, airy laughs before Javi had picked you up and carried you over to your dresser before sitting you down on top of it. You spread your legs open, pussy still slick and shining from your last orgasm as Javi spit down into his hand before stroking his dick, already hard and desperate to be inside you. He then helped you shimmy down, smacking your ass as you turned around and placed your arms on the dresser. Looking up at the mirror in front of you, you could see the hungry look in Javi’s eyes as he ran his cock up and down your folds, collecting your slick. He kissed your shoulders as he rubbed his hands down the side of your body, squeezing your hips. “Javi, please.” You whimpered, the throbbing between your legs making it feel like he was taking years. 
“What happened to all that patience, Osita?” He smirked as he grabbed another handful of your ass. You were so desperate at this point your brain was unable to form words, only moans pleading for Javi to give you what you wanted. “So needy, huh? I’ll give you what you want, baby girl, don’t worry..” Slowly, he made his way into you, the sting of the sweet stretch of his cock making you breathless. As he bottomed out inside of you, a low groan from him mimicked yours. “So fucking tight, hermosa, fuck.” 
“Javi, move, please.” You were practically begging at this point. 
“I will, Osita. Look in the mirror first, baby.” Your eyes shifted off of the oak of the dresser under your arms and up to the image of Javi’s body towering behind you. His tanned and toned chest, his dark curls and mustache, the lust pooling in his eyes, Jesus, he really was the hottest man you’ve ever seen. 
“I want you to see how pretty you are when I fuck you. See what a good fucking girl you are when you take me so well, when I fuck you full of me. Can you do that for me?” As your eyes met his in the mirror frantically nodding, he began to move himself in and out of you, taking his time. Almost as if he was savoring how good each thrust felt. Each time he pushed back into you, your gasps became louder, the feeling intensifying. The spot he was hitting was so sweet, but your body was pleading for more. 
“Fuck Javi, give me more, please baby. Fuck me harder.” Your eyes once again locking with his, a delightfully surprised look spreading across his face. 
“Yeah, you want me to fuck you harder, hermosa?” You once again nodded rapidly, biting down on your bottom lip. “Use your words, pretty girl.” He teased, slowing his pace enough to make you squirm. 
“Fuck me harder, Javi. Please baby, you feel so good, I want more.” Javi knew his size was larger than average. He definitely hadn’t been gentle with you, but he hadn’t been overly aggressive, not wanting to push your limits and make you uncomfortable. But right now, he had you in the palm of his hand, begging him for more. 
“You sure you want more, baby?” He slowly began to speed up his thrusts, waiting for your answer. 
“Mhmmmm.” You whined at the ridges of his cock rubbing against your walls. “Give it to me, please.” 
With that, his pace changed drastically, his hips snapping into you repeatedly. You could feel every inch of him stretch you out in a way that you couldn’t describe. The way his dick pounded into, filling you so deeply and intensely had your screams echoing off the walls of the room. 
“Fuck, Javi. Fuck, oh my god.” 
“Yeah? Feel good, Osita? My good fucking girl, taking me so well.” 
Suddenly, his arm reached under yours, pulling you up so your back was flushed with his chest. He wrapped his arm over your breasts, his big hand engulfing one while his other hand reached down for your clit. The added pleasure made the building feeling in your stomach creep closer and closer, knowing you were about to snap. His calloused fingertips rubbed back and forth as he leaned into you, his mouth grazing along your neck. “Look at yourself, baby. I know you’re close. I want you to see how pretty you are when you come all over my dick.” Your eyes watched Javi’s hand rub faster along your sensitive bundle of nerves before shifting up to see the damp, dark curls stuck to his forehead, a sheen covering his body in sweat. Each snap of his hips hit harder and harder, you feeling your pussy beginning to flutter around his cock. With only a few more thrusts, you felt something snap inside you, your legs shaking as you moaned Javi’s name as you came. Watching you had Javi reeling, his thrusts becoming more frantic as your eyes met in the mirror before he spoke. 
“Where do you want me, baby?” 
“Inside me. It’s yours Javi. It’s all fucking yours.” 
Your words were all he needed before he took one last pump, spilling inside you. You watched in the mirror as his jaw went slack as his muscles tense. You felt his spend covering your walls, his cock pulsing as he finished. He draped his body over yours, your heavy breathing syncing for a few moments before he pushed himself back up, slowly pulling out of you. You whimpered at the loss, feeling the mix of you running down the side of your leg. Suddenly, you felt Javi’s body press into yours, his arm snaking between your legs as two thick fingers pushed into you, making you gasp. 
“Will you keep me in you, hermosa? So I know you’re all fucking mine?” 
“Yes, Jesus Christ.” You whispered under your breath. He watched you nod as he pushed into you one last time before pulling out his fingers and kissing down your back, chuckling as he pulled away.  
“Nope, just me, Javi. Go lay down on the bed, baby. Let me get something to clean you up.” 
“Oh shut up.” You laughed as you still laid slumped over the dresser. “I would move but I think you fucked me so good my legs don’t work anymore.” He snuck up behind you, picking you up and carrying you over to your bed before plopping you down and heading to the bathroom, leaving you giggling, staring at your ceiling. He returned with a warm washcloth, gently wiping you up before tossing it into your laundry basket and climbing under your covers with you. You scooted close to him, your head resting on his chest, arm draped across and one leg hiked up, resting on top of him. His strong arms wrapped around you, tracing circles along your back as he kissed the top of your head. 
“Thank you, Javi.” 
“For what, Osita?” 
“This was the best date I’ve ever been on.” 
“You must have been on a lot of shitty dates then, Hermosa.” 
“I’m being serious, you goofball! I mean yes, I think before this, the most romantic thing someone had done for me was when Paul actually remembered our anniversary, and then asked me if we could go to his favorite sports bar instead of the nice restaurant I picked because he didn’t want to miss a football game that was on that night. But I’m not kidding, the fact that you wanted to spend time with me, let alone plan something nice, I don’t know… it just really means a lot. So thank you.” 
Javi paused for a moment before he responded. He wasn’t sure how to feel. Happy, relieved even, that you had such a good time on a date that anyone else probably would have deemed a disaster? Thankful that you wanted to spend just as much time with him as he did with you? Heartbroken that there had been one too many idiots who had come in and out of your life that had treated you like shit and you had accepted that was as good as it got? 
“Osita, I said it before and I’ll say it again, you deserve it. You’re beautiful and smart and sexy as hell and even if you won’t admit it, you deserve someone who sees that. I still can’t believe that you think that I’m worth any of your time, but I’m sure as hell glad that you do.” He kissed your head again as you nuzzled it closer to his chest, trying to fight back the tears welling in your eyes. Before you could say anything he finished with, “I sure as fuck hope that I never meet Paul either, cause I’d give that fucking guy a piece of my mind.” 
You let out a small huff as you looked up at him. “Ease up there, cowboy. Don’t worry, I think everyone I know has already given him enough shit to last him 3 lifetimes. You’re really sweet, Jav. Thank you.” You stretched up to plant a soft kiss on his lips as you reached up to cup his face. 
“Of course, baby. I lo-“ He stopped himself as quickly as possible. His brain hadn’t even processed the words that were coming out of his mouth. There was no fucking way he could say it, even if he knew it. He just prayed you hadn’t heard his slip up before he continued. “I really like you, and I’m so glad you had a good time tonight. I did too.” 
“Can I see you again this weekend? I know you have to work tomorrow and we just saw each other today and-“ 
“Yes, Osita. I’d love to see you again this weekend. I promised my dad I’d help him with some things around the ranch tomorrow night and Saturday morning but other than that, I’m all yours.” He leaned down to kiss you, his mustache tickling your neck as you pulled away. 
“Perfect. Can I pick something for us to do since you got to pick what we did today?” 
“Is it a surprise, or do I get to know?” He asked mockingly. 
“If yours got to be a surprise, so does mine. I don’t have anything specific picked out yet, but I have a few ideas.” 
“Can’t wait to see what it is, Osita.” 
You glanced over at your alarm clock, forgetting the fact that you didn’t have to set it again until August, and Javi still had one more day until his weekend. “What time do you usually get up in the morning?” 
“Why?” He asked, fingers still tracing up and down your shoulders. 
“So I can get up with you in the morning and make you breakfast and say goodbye to you before you go to work.” Your fingers mirrored his, circling over his bare chest. 
“Hermosa, it’s your first day of summer, you’re not getting up with me in the morning, you get to sleep in.” 
“What if I want to get up with you in the morning? You gonna force me to stay in bed until you leave?” 
“Fine, I’m not waking you up on purpose, but if you’re awake and want to get up with me I’m not going to say no.” 
“Well then I will see you in the morning, bright and early.”
“Okay, Osita. I’m gonna go run down to my car and grab my bag, are you okay if I leave the door unlocked so you don’t have to let me back in?” 
“Sure. I’ll be right here, unless you’ve pulled off hiding your serial killer act this long and you and the rest of your gang have found the perfect opportunity at this moment.” 
“Dork. I’ll be back up in a few, okay?” 
“Safe travels out there.” 
He laughed as he collected his clothes scattered on the floor trailing down the hallway to put on before heading out the door. You rolled over, inhaling the scent Javi had left behind on your pillow, his space still warm from his body. You pulled your covers further over you, snuggling in closer to the space he just was in. Even without him physically next to you, the feeling of knowing he would be back next to you soon flooded your body with a sense of comfort. Not realizing how tired you were until this moment, you felt your eyelids begin to droop, growing heavier with each blink. You swore to yourself you could stay awake the few minutes Javi would be gone, but by the time he returned back up with his bag, he was greeted with the soft sound of snores filling your bedroom. He set his things down at the end of the bed before turning off the lights and stripping himself of his clothes once again before crawling under the covers, spooning you, wrapping your body in his arms. 
“Dulces sueños, mi amor. Te adoro. Todo es más bonito si estás conmigo. Soy tan afortunado de tenerte” (Sweet dreams, my love. I adore you. Everything is more beautiful when I’m with you. I’m so lucky to have you.) 
He kissed your head as he pulled you in closer. He slowly breathed out, a sense of peace and comfort filling his body. He took one more moment to savor your presence before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep next to you. There were few things in life that Javier Peña had ever been absolutely sure of. You were one of those few things. 
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blingblong55 · 10 months
All the time- Keegan P. Russ NSFW
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Based on a request:
Can I request something for Keegan? 🥺 R/n working undercover (nice dress and everything) together with the ghosts and after the mission is done very soft hotel room sex with him I'm literally insane about this character
F!Reader, smut, 18+. MDNI, gentle!sex, established!relationship, unprotected!sex, vanilla!sex, missionary, P-in-V
A/N: wrote him for the request but also because i have a feeling he is like this yk
The mission wouldn't be the most difficult one you've been sent on with Ghosts, but what made it so difficult was how you were to be put in a dress and your boyfriend Keegan would be watching you the whole time. Going undercover was your speciality and you had every right to earn your current rank. As his gaze studied your surroundings and being, something more than love grew within him.
The curves of your body make that dress compliment you in all the right places. How he wished to take you then and there. Your legs crossed as you sat on the bar, a gun in his hand in case anything went south and he'd have to be your knight in shining armour. The way you drank that pint of alcohol, how your lips were so perfect, made him want to do things to you. "Russ, how copy?" Merrick tried to captivate the attention of his teammate. "Clear, eyes on the target." But that was a complete lie, his eyes on you the entire time. "Russ, you listen to me, The girl will be fine, we need eyes on the actual target."
"Roger that," he responds. And after hours of wanting and needing every inch of your perfect body, he approaches you in the hotel room. "You drive me insane, my sweet R/N." his hand caressed your soft facial features. You lean into his touch, "Hm, wonder what else I do." You wink. "Oh my dear little girl, can I have you? Just one night here, please?" It was a promise you two made, to never have sex during missions and now here he was, asking for it. You can't deny him, not when he looks at you with those big blue eyes of his. You sigh and that is all he needs. "Thank you." he kisses your cheek repeatedly.
He takes you to the bed and lays you down, "Oh my beautiful girl." his lips are on yours, hands trailing your soft body. "You are my life, you know that?" his hands hold your arm and he begins to kiss it. From your fingers to your shoulder, "I love you." he says after he is down kissing your arm. "Do you know I love you or can I prove it to you?" He was a lover behind closed doors, a very passionate lover. Soon, those kisses lead to your neck, collarbone, chest, stomach and thighs. One by one, the dress was removed, all the times it hugged your body now covered in his delicate kisses and touch. "My sweet dear, R/N." he goes back to you, hands warming your inner thighs.
Your soft noises and his needy groans, all filling the room with the love you both radiate. "Kiss me once more, dear." Your lips to his, cupping his face, "Mmm, I needed you, and I will always need you, R/N." He begins to trail down to your inner thighs, kissing them and stroking them, "So soft and beautiful," the occasional stretch mark on you being kissed by him. As his hands take your panties away, his lips kiss your ever-needy and wet cunt. He moans at the taste of you.
He gets on his knees and slowly rubs his hard cock with your juices. One of his fingers inside of you and soon guides himself inside of your cunt. You let out a small gasp, his size always made your sweet cunt stretch, and adapt to his size only. His thrusts are slow and gentle, he leans forward and begins to kiss you. Your hands are on his back, kisses to your shoulder and lips as he whispers sweet nothings to you. Your legs wrapped around his hips, bodies moving together. "My dear R/N, please keep making those noises for me." Your moans are like a melody to his ears, how you sound each time he kisses you and thrusts into you, what a sweet sound.
He kisses your chest, hands caressing your every curve, being so delicate as if you were the petals of a flower. You moan against his ear, he smiles and looks at you. "Keegan, please don't stop, please," your voice desperate and smooth. "Never my darling," he responds and continues to thrust into you. Your stomach is in knots as your orgasm gets closer to the edge. "Keegan," you cry. "I know princess, I know." he kisses you, his thrusts are faster and sloppier, and your legs ache, fingers pressed to his back, leaving marks on it. Your eyes roll back, head pressed onto the pillow as your moans get louder, "Keegan! fuck...-ah...i..." He kisses your lips and groans into it.
His final thrusts are rougher against you, his cum leaking inside of you, "oh..fuck..shit..my pretty girl." he caresses your face and kisses the tip of your nose. Your juices mixing inside, he smiles and chuckles a little, "Look how you have me, R/N." he kisses you once more and smiles. "I love you, Keegan," you whisper, his chest pressed against yours. "I love you, R/N," he doesn't hesitate in his words. Your fingers run across his hair, combing through it as he kisses your chest and rests his head on it. "You will ruin me, my dear." He whispers and closes his eyes. A soft sigh escapes his lips. The bedsheets cover both your bodies, the warmth and love mixed in between you both.
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wheresarizona · 2 years
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Learning to Live Part 10
summary: You haven’t seen Javier in three days, and he’s visiting during your lunch break at work.
rating: E (18+! Soft Javier Peña (he absolutely fucks), no y/n, dual POV, car sex, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, oral sex (f receiving & m mentioned), vaginal fingering, praise kink, (1) sir, dirty talk, come play, mentions of PTSD, feelings (Javi missed you so much), emotional comfort, fluff, small town dynamics, (1) full flashback, food mention, some medical talk (nothing graphic), Javier being the sweetest boyfriend (he’s got it bad))
pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader
word count: 11.2k+ (I apologize)
a/n: Hi! I cannot believe we are on chapter 10!! Thank you all for the love and support for this series!! The comments and reblogs make me smile so big, and I’m so thankful for each and every one!! This story is very special to me, so knowing people like it makes me 🥺😭. And I still have so much more of their lives to share!! I have a playlist on the series masterlist for this fic that will make you yearn. Shoutout to @juletheghoul for betaing and being an inspiration. I love you. Thank you all, and I truly hope you enjoy. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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On your first date with Javier Peña, he told you if he came into your apartment, he wouldn’t leave. This was proven to be partially true. You’d been dating for two weeks and only needed three fingers to count the days he hadn’t slept over at your place.
He was a welcome addition to your life, fitting himself so seamlessly into your days that you weren’t quite sure how you lived without him before. He brought you happiness, was there when you needed him, and your relationship was only growing as time went on—roots burrowed so deeply and intertwined, as what you had blossomed into something magnificent. He was an excellent partner—caring, attentive, kind, generous, and loving.
You knew he loved you in some capacity of the meaning—could feel it in all the things he said and did. He was hesitant in saying the actual word out loud, which you understood. You were, too, not because you didn’t love him; you did, a lot. Things were still new, and even though your feelings for each other were real, it would take some time, and you were grateful, not wanting to jinx the amazing thing you had going. You also felt that Javi needed to be the one to say it first—you knew his history, you knew he’d never been in love before; this was monumental for him. You wanted him to have his moment, whenever he chose to take it, and so you’d wait, continue to show him you loved him without using that four-letter word.
You were happy, and he was happy. Your lives had never been better.
The only reason Javi had to sleep in his own bed for three nights in the past two weeks was that you’d been pulling double shifts at work—one of the night nurses had called out, and you were willing to cover. This meant sleeping in the hospital on-call room on one of the poor excuses they used as beds in the hours between shifts, power napping on lunches, and not seeing Javi in person for the last three days, your communication reduced to a few minutes over your break.
You’d wanted to see him desperately, had even told him to meet you during your lunch or after one of your shifts, but he worried about your minimal amount of sleep and said that was more important—that you could call his cellphone on any of your breaks and he’d talk to you, any of them. This led to conversations late at night and early in the morning, Javi always picking up after the first ring, no matter the hour. You could always tell he wanted to hear about your day and how you were doing, and he made sure you knew he missed you.
You were back on your regular shift this morning, your neck a bit stiff from the lumpy hospital-provided pillow you used during your two-and-a-half-hour nap before work, and smelling fresh from the quick shower you’d taken in the locker room. You were running on coffee and the fact that Javi was going to visit during your lunch, and then he was coming over after you were done for the day.
You’d just arrived at the nurse's station. A long desk with four chairs and one computer, situated at the end of a hall with a clear view of the patient rooms, another hallway running longways with the desk leading to more.
You plucked the chart of the newest arrival from the inbox, someone who was brought to your floor while you’d been napping. You were already familiar with the other patients in your unit, mostly people recovering from surgeries. Your eyes quickly scanned over the information as you sat down at a chair on the far left side, giving you a view of the long hallway in front of you that led out of the wing. You set your styrofoam coffee cup on the table as you glanced at your watch to see how long you had before you needed to go administer meds to room five, when someone flopped down into the rolling chair next to you.
“Let me guess,” the familiar feminine voice said, a slight drawl to her words. “Two hours sleep and three cups of coffee so far?”
“Two-and-a-half-hours sleep and working on my second cup,” you replied. “I’ve only been awake for twenty minutes.” You frowned. “Remind me never to do three doubles in a row, Robyn. It was a horrible decision.”
You were used to running on little sleep when you worked at the hospital in Dallas, doing four twelve-hour shifts in a row each week, sometimes working more hours due to staffing shortages or general busyness.
She laughed.
“Will do, but think of your paycheck. You’ll be swimmin’ in it, and you’ve got tomorrow off,” she pointed out. “Only awake for twenty minutes? Didn’t talk to loverboy before work?” She teased.
You snorted, looking over at her.
When you met Robyn on your first day at Doctors Hospital of Laredo, you thought she was beautiful, with her long curly chestnut hair pulled back in a ponytail, her pale skin, big blue eyes, and red lips, her makeup always on point, and making the same blue scrubs you wore look fantastic on her small busty body. You quickly found out she was funny, too, the two of you getting along swimmingly. She was younger than many of the other employees, closer to your age, and worked the shift with you. Your department was small enough that only two were needed at a time. She was the closest friend you had in town, not including Javi, of course.
Her eyes shone brightly as she looked at you, a smirk on her full lips.
“No, I didn’t talk to him,” you answered. “He told me to sleep in because he’s going to stop by at noon,” you smiled.
Her eyes went wide.
“I finally get to meet this mystery man you’ve been hidin’?”
“Hey, you’re the one who said you wanted to guess,” you said.
Robyn was born and raised in Laredo and knew everyone, which was why when you told her you were seeing someone, she said not to tell her his name because she wanted to figure it out. It had been two weeks of you telling her about him, mentioning your dates, the sweet things he did, and some of the steamy stuff, too, and yet she never guessed Javi, even though she had to be aware of him.
“We’re going on two weeks,” you continued. “And somehow, you’ve named almost every male in town except him, which is really freaking funny. I’ll tell you his name if you want to know. It’s not a secret,” you said, picking up your coffee to take a sip.
“No,” she waved her hand like she was swatting away your words. “Don’t tell me. I want to see with my own eyes who your type is because all of my assumptions have been very wrong.”
Your eyebrow rose.
“What did you assume my type was?”
You saw Robyn think for a second.
“You know golden retrievers?” She finally asked.
Your brows furrowed.
“The dog breed?” You asked.
“Yes. You know how they’re easygoin’, a little goofy but loyal and protective?”
“Like that, but in human form.”
You laughed.
“I mean, most of that describes him. I’ve told you about him. He can be goofy sometimes, and pretty easygoing, definitely loyal and protective—those are spot on. He’s smart, a bit grumpy, devilishly handsome, and so fucking sweet. Also, he’s packing, if you know what I mean,” you said with a wag of your eyebrows.
“As a Texan, my immediate thought is gun, but as a woman whose mother refers to her as a trollop, I know you mean his dick, and girl, you are lucky.” She looked like something had dawned on her. “Oh, okay, let me try again. I have another guess.”
“Lay it on me,” you smiled.
“Edgar Morales.”
You frowned.
“I have literally no idea who that is.”
She sighed.
“You have no idea who anyone is,” she whined.
“That’s not true. I know some people,” you said defensively.
Miss Gladys, an elderly patient who had a minor surgery yesterday, invited you to Thanksgiving dinner. That was months away, and it was probably the pain medication talking, but the sentiment was nice.
Robyn huffed out a breath.
“Aside from who you work with and our patients, name five people,” she said, holding up her hand to show you her fingers. “Don’t name your boyfriend, either,” she quickly added.
You could easily name five people who weren’t Javi or from the hospital.
“Mrs. Hernandez—”
“Nope, your neighbor doesn’t count. I’m talkin’ random citizens, just some townsfolk.”
You sighed.
Your brain went to the people you’d met at the farmers market.
“Okay, Pauletta Moore, Anna, and Erica Martinez—” You thought about El Mercadito and how Javi had taken you there a few times since your second date and met the family who ran it. “Manuel, Juanita,” the parents, and then their children, “Maria, Oscar, and Victor Flores.”
“That’s an entire family—you’re cheatin’.”
You set the chart down on the desk to give her your full attention, your coffee cup still in hand.
“You’re being mean and making up too many rules,” you grumbled. “There’s Stacy, the cashier at H-E-B.” That was the grocery store you shopped at. “Oh! Arlene over at the garden center and her husband, Richard. Victor at the gas station mini-mart. Tony and Bianca at the bar.” You made a face of disgust as you said the next names. “Tammy and Lorraine.”
Robyn also made a face.
“Three weeks, and of course, you’ve met some of the Smith clan. Oh! Wanna hear some town gossip?” She wagged her eyebrows.
You checked your watch and saw you still had time before your rounds.
You smiled at Robyn.
“Um, always,” you replied.
“Okay, maybe a couple of weeks ago? There was an altercation between some mystery woman and Lorraine over at El Mercadito.”
You tried to hide your smile and feign surprise.
“An altercation? A mystery woman in Laredo? Please, tell me more,” you said, taking a drink.
“From what I’ve heard, the woman is new in town, which isn’t surprisin’ with the push to get people to move here. So many new folks I haven’t met, and I haven’t heard too many details about her,” Robyn shrugged. “Now the altercation, there’s this guy, his name’s Javier Peña. Have you heard of him?” She asked.
“He’s kind of famous for workin’ with the DEA and helpin’ take down Pablo Escobar and some other cartel, like real hot shit.”
“The name sounds kind of familiar…”
“Oh, you’ll hear his name a lot if you haven’t already. When I was still in high school seventeen years ago? He left Lorraine at the altar—just disappeared in the dead of night, faster than a prairie fire with a tailwind.”
“That’s shocking,” you said, not sounding shocked at all.
“It was all everybody could talk about. Mayor’s daughter’s groom runs away? Skips town to get away from her? There was damage control and some really nasty rumors started by her family that he’d run off with another woman.”
Your stomach dropped. Javi cheat? No, that made zero sense in your brain. He was too devoted to his partner. You felt tendrils of anger beginning to form in your chest that this family made him look absolutely horrible, and you wanted to yell at the lot of them. Javi was a good man who’d made a mistake, and he didn’t deserve these things said about him.
“Did he?” You asked softly.
“Did he what?”
“Leave Lorraine for another woman?” You knew the answer, of course.
“Oh, no,” she waved her hand. “He joined the DEA and went off to South America. He showed up six or seven years later, for a few days when his mom passed, and then he was pretty much gone again—he visited for maybe two weeks some years ago, but he moved back to town just last year.”
“A long time to be away—you’d think the town would forget.”
Robyn snorted.
“Laredo? No, the wedding was the biggest scandal in recent years. They won’t let it go until the next one.”
You hid your frown by taking another sip from your coffee.
“Anyways,” Robyn went on. “This woman who went off on Lorraine is apparently datin’ him, which is crazy, because he doesn’t do relationships. Especially not after Lorraine—we’ve heard about stuff he did in Colombia, talk about a real ladies’ man.”
Your frown deepened.
You knew the town had feelings about Javi and his dating life, but it made you sad that they thought so little of him. His mistakes constantly haunted him, and nobody seemed to want to let him forget. You wished you could hug him right that second.
“Is it really that crazy?” You asked. “Everyone deserves a chance at love.”
“I guess, but it's Javi Peña. The guy has been around, here and abroad. He’s hot as hell, but he’s never seemed like the love type.”
That stung you a bit.
“People grow. Maybe he decided he wanted to settle down?” She scoffed, and you sighed. “I’m just saying things change.”
“They can, and we’ll have to see. There’s more to the story—not even a week after the Lorraine incident, his girlfriend went off on Tammy at the farmers market.”
“She must have it out for their family.”
“With how they treat Javi? I don’t blame her! They’ve held a grudge since the wedding, even after Lorraine married some local rich guy and popped out a few of his kids. It’s honestly messed up how they treat him, but that whole family thinks they’re better than everyone else, and he made them look bad. I heard Lorraine’s uncle kicked him out of his barbershop when he returned and told him he wasn’t welcome back.”
You felt like you were going to be sick, your eyes going wide.
Her uncle kicked Javi out of his barbershop? That was too much. It made you want to tell Javi to pack his bags and run away somewhere nobody knew about his past, or either of you for that matter. But that wasn’t practical. His dad and the rest of his family were here, so he stayed.
You couldn’t help thinking about how Javi had apologized to Lorraine, and she said she’d forgiven him. Was she being honest, or had she simply thought she’d won after all those years? She had the rich husband and kids, while Javi was miserable and working. She was living her dream life, her best life, and he was surviving. The moment Lorraine saw Javi experiencing the slightest bit of happiness on your date with him, she’d tried to knock him back down and take it all away from him with sharp jibes about his past. She never accepted his apology and never forgave him, and as Robyn said, Lorraine’s family thought they were better than everyone else, Lorraine included. She was a spiteful woman.
“And,” Robyn continued. “The night at the restaurant, Lorraine said some nasty things about Javi; Tammy wasn’t any better. Honestly, that girl he’s with must truly care about him because from what I’ve heard about how she reacted, it was warranted. He’s a lucky guy,” she had a solemn look on her face. “I just hope he doesn’t break her heart.”
Yours was aching that she’d think he’d hurt you.
“A lot can change in seventeen years. Maybe it’s the girl who’s lucky,” you said.
“Possibly. I mean, he’s kept to himself since he came back. I know some women who tried pickin’ him up at the bar, and he turned them down, which was shockin’. Maybe he has changed,” she shrugged. “It still blows my mind to hear he’s datin’.”
“Honestly, with all I’ve heard, I think he deserves a chance to be with someone, and definitely has potential as a good boyfriend. He shouldn’t be vilified for what he’s done in the past.”
Robyn chuckled.
“This is why I thought your type was a golden retriever—you’re so optimistic.”
“I just choose to see the best in people,” you shrugged. You checked your watch. “Okay, enough gossiping. It’s time for rounds.”
“Yes, it is. You better make sure I’m present when your mystery man arrives.”
You huffed out an amused breath.
“I will.”
“Good.” She clapped her hands together. “Let’s get to work.”
You did your rounds and went about your day. More cups of coffee were drunk, and vending machine snacks were eaten. You had a minor mishap a little after eleven that required you to change your scrubs (thankfully, it was food related), and by the time it was close to noon, you were back at the nurse’s station, sitting at your end chair, writing up chart notes, Robyn sitting next to you doing the same.
Your unit was generally quiet, not a lot of people passing down the halls, and all of your patients were content in their rooms, resting or watching television.
You saw Robyn's head raise from the corner of your eye.
“Oh my god,” she smacked your arm. “That’s him.”
You looked up, eyebrows furrowing.
“Who?” You saw Javi walking down the long hall towards you, with purposeful strides like a man on a mission. “Javier? Oh! He’s very cute.”
His rich brown waves atop his head were combed neatly, his mustache trimmed, the rest of his face freshly shaved, and you took in how the navy blue button-up he was wearing was hugging that delicious chest of his, leaving his golden tanned arms on display. Your eyes tracked lower, looking at his tight dark wash jeans and the slight bulge, making you gulp, before you were meeting his gaze, the dark pools almost burning with how intensely he was looking at you, his lips curving up in a smirk. You suddenly felt hot under your scrubs, fingers itching to touch him.
“That’s the lady killer,” Robyn said, taking you from your lusting thoughts. “God, he’s hot.”
“Yeah, he is,” you mused. “Look at those jeans. I bet he has a big dick.”
God, blowing him sounded fantastic.
“Jesus, yeah. Probably. Those shoulders are ridiculous.”
“They are, and those huge hands bet they’d feel good gripping your hips while he—Hi, babe!” You said excitedly, smiling brightly as he got close to the desk. You got up quickly, moving out of the station towards him.
“Cielito, baby, come here,” he replied with a big smile.
The moment he was within reach, his hands were cradling your face, and he was crashing his mouth against yours in a searing kiss that made a surprised sound escape your throat. You tangled your fingers in his hair as he kissed you harder, the two of you overjoyed to be seeing each other again after three days. He deepened it, his tongue sliding against yours, and it was welcome, familiar. You’d missed having him this close and being able to taste him, smell him, feel him—you just missed him, and from the way he was kissing you, he felt the same. There was a hunger in the kiss, your energies matching, plying one another with strokes of your tongues, kissing until the need to breathe became too much, and you pulled apart, breathing hard.
“I missed you,” he panted, eyes so soft, and you could see he meant what he was saying, making you feel all gooey.
“I missed you, too, like so much. Too many days to go without seeing your gorgeous face,” you replied, trying to fix the hair you’d messed up.
He grinned, that dimple of his showing.
“Fuck, I missed looking at you, touching you.” His hands slid down your arms. “Kissing you.” He leaned in to kiss you tenderly again. “Could barely sleep without you, baby,” he murmured against your lips.
You leaned back to look at him.
“Sleeping with clothes on and nobody cuddling me was the absolute worst,” you said.
He hugged you into his arms, your head resting against his chest.
“We’re going to sleep so fucking good tonight.”
“God, yes, we are.”
He moved so his eyes could meet yours.
“You ready for lunch?” He asked.
“Yes. Just need to let Robyn know I’m leaving.”
He kissed your forehead.
“Sounds good.”
He let go of you, and you turned to face your friend, her mouth gaping open and eyes wide. You walked over to stand in front of the desk by her, your eyebrow raising, her eyes still on Javi.
“You okay?” You asked her.
She looked at you, closing her lips, and pointed at Javi.
“Mystery man?” She pointed at you. “Mystery woman? All this time? This is the guy you’ve been gushin’ about? Mr. Brings you flowers, cuddles you on the couch, takes you on drives,” her voice went low for only you to hear. “The guy who made you come so many times last Saturday you passed out? This is the guy? You’re datin’ Javier Peña?”
You looked over at him and back at her, smiling as you raised your chin.
“Yes, I am.”
“Wow, and you let me say those things earlier? Girl, I was so wrong about him. Jesus, you were right; seventeen years changes a man. Good on him, though. Good on you, too. Y'all are cute! Hi, Javi!” She waved at him.
“Hi, Robyn,” he replied. “How’s your mom?”
“Still hatin’ my life choices, but what can I do about it,” she shrugged.
The life choices were her spending her weekends in San Antonio partying, meeting different people, and living her best carefree single life, instead of settling down with a nice young man and having babies.
“Still lively as ever, then,” he said.
“Yep.” She looked at you, smiling. “I can’t believe you. Go have lunch with your dreamboat of a boyfriend. I’ll see you in an hour,” she winked.
“Thank you!”
You walked back over to Javi, and he took your hand, beginning to pull you down the hall in a hurry.
“Did you want to eat in the cafeteria?” You asked Javi.
He looked back at you.
“I’m taking you somewhere. Is that okay?”
You smiled.
“That’s perfectly fine, as long as I’m with you.”
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Three days.
Over seventy-two hours since Javier had seen her last.
He’d thought it wouldn’t be a big deal—new couples didn’t see each other daily. There’d be days when they’d be busy with their own lives and could only make time to talk on the phone. That was normal. Going a few days was fine. Javier could sleep in his own bed and wait for her phone calls; it wouldn’t be an issue. He figured since they’d only been dating a couple of weeks he wouldn’t notice her absence too much.
He noticed.
He noticed right away.
When he lived in Colombia, he missed the peacefulness of the ranch—he hated the city sounds, the gunshots, the constant chaotic noise. He longed to hear cattle in the distance, chirping crickets, and croaking frogs, the way the old house creaked, and his bedframe squeaked softly when he moved—the sounds of home and peace, giving him a sense of tranquility. Yet even as he listened to those familiar sounds that first night back in his own bed, the noises hadn’t sent him off to sleep as they had before—something was missing.
He had tossed and turned on his full-sized mattress, the sheets he’d used for years feeling all wrong against his naked skin, the pillow held against his chest a poor substitute for the woman he wanted to hold, and there was that missing sound—her even breaths that comforted him, and had lulled him into a deep sleep every night since the first time he’d stayed at her apartment. He had missed her soft skin pressed tightly to his body, her warmth, her smell, and the sounds of another person sleeping soundly next to him.
He missed her.
He was still awake when his cellphone rang that night, her calling him on her first break of the evening a little after ten. He’d quickly grabbed it from the bedside table, happy to hear her voice and listen to her talk, and finally, after they said their goodbyes, Javier restlessly slept until she called again before her shift the following day.
The second night, he had fallen asleep quick and early—he worked harder than usual that day to try and wear himself out and passed out almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. He’d woken in a panic a couple of hours later, sitting upright and panting with sweat dripping from his pores, heart pounding in his chest as the lingering images flashed through his brain—always the same shit haunting him—things he’d done, things he’d seen done. The aftermath of atrocities, memories of blood, and death. He had clumsily opened the drawer in the table next to his bed, rummaged around until he found the half-smoked pack of cigarettes, and with shaky hands, gotten one between his lips, honestly surprising himself when he lit the fucking thing. With his palm pressed to his forehead, he took a drag letting the rush of nicotine calm his body, trying to think of anything else when ringing sounded beside him, and even though he’d jolted at the noise, Javier had never been happier or more relieved to get a phone call. He’d slept without any more nightmares after hearing her voice that night, dreamless, peaceful, the knowledge that he’d talk to her again in the morning allowing him to rest easier.
He knew the final night that there was no way he could wait an entire work day to see her and had contemplated driving to the hospital at midnight for her second shift lunch. He hadn’t bothered trying to sleep before she called—he’d stayed up in bed mindlessly reading a book, his eyes scanning over the words but not paying attention, his head miles away with the woman who held his heart. He’d answered his phone on the first ring and heard the fatigue in her voice, his plan to visit that evening nixed so she could sleep instead, and Javier asked if she would want to see him the next afternoon, her emphatic yes made him smile almost as much as the prospect of seeing her again.
It had been another restless night of sleep with her on his mind, thinking about her and how she made him feel—the happiness, the contentedness, and then his thoughts wandered to when he saw her last—Monday morning before her first shift, they’d gotten ready together like usual, had breakfast and coffee, and right when they were about to leave, she’d dropped to her knees and sucked his dick right there in the entryway, Javier coming down her throat while moaning her name. She didn’t let him return the favor, instead kissing him hard, letting him taste himself on her tongue.
“Don’t forget about me, Javi.”
“You really think I’d forget about you, Cielito?”
“Wasn’t sure if I made a big enough impression,” she’d said with a mischievous glint in her eye.
“I really fucking like you,” he’d replied.
“I really fucking like you, too, Javi.”
The memories had made him harder than a fucking rock, and he’d had to roll out of bed and jump into the freezing cold shower to calm himself down. He hadn’t come since that last morning with her, holding out to be with her again, because his hand was nothing like being inside her—it’d scratch the itch but wouldn’t be as satisfying, and Javier had been spoiled the last two weeks, coming anywhere but inside her seemed pointless. He’d have to examine that thought later.
They were now in his truck. Cielito cuddled close beside him on the bench seat as he drove, her head on his shoulder, their hands twined together on her thigh. The moment he was in her presence, a wash of calm came over his body, and warmth traveled through his veins. They were so close, he could smell her, not her usual shampoo or body wash, but she still smelled good.
Her scent, her proximity, it was driving Javier crazy, knowing he could touch her, he could kiss her, taste her, feel her. He was listening to her tell him about her day, and he was half-hard, his hand gripping the steering wheel tightly.
The drive was short, and before long, he was pulling into a parking space, his head turning towards her once the truck was stationary.
“You’re taking me to lunch in a…” She looked around. “Empty parking lot?” She asked, her eyes finally meeting his.
They were in a back corner, a thick row of giant green arborvitae lining the lot in front and to the side of them, offering some privacy.
“It’s hospital overflow parking—used to be employee, but it’s so fucking far away, and the hospital isn’t busy, so they just let everyone park in the general lot,” he said.
“They told me when I got the job to park in the back of general, or as far from the entrance as possible,” her eyebrow rose. “Javi, is this one of your spots?”
He gulped, his throat suddenly feeling dry at what she meant.
“Spots?” He asked.
Her eyes narrowed.
“Don’t play dumb, Javier. Is this one of your sex spots that you have around town?”
“I’ve never had sex here,” he answered truthfully. He moved his hips, trying to ease the tightness of his jeans, watching her lips tip up into that smile she gave him when she was about to say something he was really going to like.
“Would you want to have sex here?”
Her words caused a hot spike of arousal to shoot into his belly, blood rushing straight to his dick.
“I really fucking would,” his words came out deeper, raspier, and he saw her pupils dilate at the tone. “Do you want me to fuck you here, Cielito?”
She nodded.
“I really fucking do.”
His hand went to the back of her head as he pulled her in for a kiss and crashed his lips against hers, swallowing her moan when he deepened it, wanting to taste her again, not getting enough when they were back in the hospital. She tasted like coffee and something sweet, but as his tongue licked into her mouth and his lips moved against hers, all he could think about was them back in her apartment—in her space where she’d welcomed him with open arms and an open heart, giving him a place where he belonged and was loved, cared for, and cherished. Her kisses tasted like home and where he was meant to be.
His cock was throbbing. He wanted her so fucking bad—wanted to show her how he felt without saying the word that floated to his mind when he thought of her. He broke the kiss, not wanting to waste another minute, quickly undoing his seatbelt while she did the same. The moment they were free, his mouth was back on hers, kissing her deeply as he moved her to lay underneath him across the bench seat, his hips slotted between her legs, grinding himself against her clothed pussy, making her moan when he rubbed just right.
He had an arm beside her head, keeping him up as their tongues moved together, his other hand palming the familiar weight of her breast, her nipple going stiff beneath the cup of her bra. Her hands were tangled in his hair as she kissed him just as hard, and he could feel her want and need, that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.
The need to be inside her was intense, wanting to sink in deep and feel her tight heat around him. His lips moved to her jaw, tasting her salty skin.
“We have to be quick,” her voice came out breathless. “Let me get my pants down—fuck me from behind. Fuck, I need you, Javi. Please.”
He groaned, moving off of her, kneeling between her legs, his hands quickly undoing his belt, watching as she moved to her knees facing away from him and shimmying down her pants and underwear, revealing the soft swell of her ass. His mouth went dry, his jeans quickly undone, and pushed down to free his swollen cock, stroking it with his hand, while the other reached out without thinking to grab her plump flesh, massaging it in his big palm.
This was one of his favorite positions, but he didn’t want her like this—he wanted to kiss her, and feel her body pressed against his.
“Kick off your shoes,” he said.
“What?” She asked, looking over her shoulder with furrowed brows.
“Kick off your shoes,” he said again.
“Okay?” She said, doing as he asked, Javier pushing them to the floor.
With both hands, he tugged her bottoms further down her legs, wrapping an arm under her torso to lift her and get them down to her ankles and off her body, making her squeak in surprise when he flipped her onto her back and spread her legs.
His eyes were on the glistening seam of her pussy, seeing her slick coating the inside of her thighs, his tongue wetting his bottom lip.
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“What are you—” Your words trailed off into a moan as Javi bent forward, hands on your thighs, as he licked a stripe through your slit. “Fuck,” you gasped. Your fingers threading into the thick strands of his hair, feeling him groan as he started eating you out like a man starved.
“You taste so fucking good,” his voice vibrated against your core, making you tremble as he licked and sucked through your folds, swiping his tongue from entrance to clit, before pulling the sensitive bundle of nerves into his mouth, making you moan his name loudly.
Your nipples were hard, the muscles tightening in your belly, already so worked up just from being in the same space as him.
Three days without seeing him, three days without his kisses or touches, over three days without an orgasm, and this man had only started, and you were already so fucking close.
He had you mewling, back arching as he pushed a thick finger into your soaked entrance, your breath hitching when another followed, filling that ache in your core and making your walls flutter. He started pumping them while his mouth continued to work, your body alight in pleasure, pushing you so close to the precipice you could practically taste it. Your fingers tightened in his hair, pulling on the soft strands and making him groan.
You knew what his next move would be as he zeroed in on your clit, sucking on it roughly, and yet when he crooked his fingers and found that one spot only he could reach, it took you by surprise when that blinding jolt of pleasure hit, whiting out your vision, and pushing you over the edge with a shout of his name. You clenched hard around his digits, hearing his loud groan as he drank down your release, your body awash in ecstasy as it spread through your limbs with a tingle.
“Good fucking girl,” Javi’s voice came out as a breathy rasp against your cunt. “Fucking missed this pussy.” His mouth continued to work you through the aftershocks, and when you stopped fluttering around his fingers, he pulled them out of you, and you heard the wet sucks of him cleaning them before he crawled up your body and kissed you.
Tasting yourself on his lips had you moaning, your salty tang mixed with notes of coffee, mint, and something that was simply just him. Your shirt had ridden up your belly as he’d moved up you, the hard line of his cock pressed against your skin, feeling him hot and leaking. Your orgasm still lingered, yet you suddenly felt achingly empty, wanting to feel him inside you. It had been too many days since the last time, and you couldn’t wait another second.
Javi must have felt the same, his lips coming off of yours to look at you with lust-blown eyes so dark you could barely see a sliver of his coffee-colored irises.
“I need—” He rasped.
“Please, Javi,” you interrupted, moaning the words, not caring how needy you sounded. “Need you inside. Need it. Please.”
Nothing else mattered in this moment—not work or food or even the risk of getting caught—the only thing that mattered was him, Javier, and how much you needed him with every fiber of your being.
“Okay, Cielito,” he nodded. “I’ve got you, baby.”
He kissed you quickly before moving, using his arm to brace himself on the seat, while he gripped his dick with his other hand, pushing it through your wetness, making you gasp when he rubbed against your clit, and your eyes closed. You whined when he pressed against your entrance, pausing for a second, feeling him where you wanted.
“Look at me,” his voice came out in a deep timbre, making a shiver move down your spine.
Your eyes opened immediately, and when your gazes met, he started slowly pushing in, you both sighing as he did, your fingers digging into his shoulders, feeling the fabric of his shirt bunching.
You saw in real-time Javi becoming absolutely wrecked as he filled you, stretching you open inch by glorious inch, his eyes hooded and locked on yours, eyebrows creased, his mouth falling open, those plump lips of his shiny and red, his mustache and chin glistening in your juices, watching you with such softness and devotion. You knew your face mirrored his, you both feeling the same intense emotions at how fucking right it felt to be together again, to be doing this again, your body taking him with such ease like you were made for him and feeling so full when he finally bottomed out.
“You feel so good,” his voice was strained and breathy; a shudder moved through his frame, his body flexing with tension like he was doing everything in his power to hold back. “Wet, so fucking wet and warm, so fucking good. Fuck, I missed this. I missed you.” You felt him pulse inside you, his eyes completely black.
“Missed you, too,” you replied, the words coming out on a breathy exhale. “Filling me so good. Move, baby. Let me feel it. Please.”
The windows had fogged up, a sheen of sweat on your skin and Javi’s brow.
He pressed his forehead against yours as he pulled out almost all the way leaving just the tip before he punched forward with enough force to push the air from your lungs in a cry of his name. You felt every ridge of his thick cock against your walls, rubbing against all those delicious spots that made your toes curl, blindsiding you with the ripples of pleasure that pulled taut.
He was going deep, hard, his pace steady, and the coarse hair at his base rubbing deliciously against your clit on every downstroke, grunting as he built you up with every push and pull, feeling that familiar coil winding tight in your abdomen. Your hands moved down his back, gripping onto the flexed flesh of his ass, hanging on as he pistoned into you, a rough sound bubbling up his throat.
His lips found yours, kissing you deeply, his tongue tangling with yours, the two of you lost in each other, pressed so close, filling as much of the other with yourselves as possible.
Javi pulled your leg higher up on his hip, changing the angle to rub against that one spot that made all thought leave your brain, eyes rolling into the back of your head as you gasped into his mouth.
“There it is,” he murmured against your lips. “Want to feel you choke my dick. Come for me, mi amor. Soak me, baby.”
He kept working into you, his hips never faltering, making pressure thread through your center, all of it weaving so tightly, you were gasping out moans, your mind only able to focus on the sensations—him fucking you, tasting his tongue in your mouth, smelling his aftershave and cologne, hearing his grunts of exertion as he pulled you apart molecule by molecule—all of it was a heady, overwhelming mix that had the tightened coil snapping and the last thread that held you to earth being cut. Then you were gone, coming hard, feeling like your body was ascending high above, as euphoria spread through your veins. Javi swallowed your moan of his name, muffling the sound as your pussy squeezed him, and arousal spilled around him, a rumbling groan rising from his chest as he worked you through your climax, your mind becoming a haze of pleasure.
You could tell he was close when he sped up, chasing his own high, breaking the kiss to roll his forehead against yours once again, feeling his hot breaths as he panted.
You started rambling in your blissed-out state.
“Fill me up, Javi.” He groaned. “Fuck me full of you. I want to feel it, baby. Make me drip for days. I want it so bad. Want to feel you. Please, let me have it. I lo—”
He crushed his mouth against yours roughly as he pushed in deep, coming with a guttural groan that vibrated out of his throat as he filled you with ropes of his hot spend, fucking it deeper with each grind of his hips.
His lips moved languidly against yours, a hiss of breath escaping him when the overstimulation became too much, and he stilled, the weight of him collapsing on you, and he gathered you in those strong arms you loved so much, holding you close, as he continued to kiss you.
You pressed your fingers into his hair, rubbing at his sweat-damp scalp, him sighing into your mouth contentedly.
This was your favorite, feeling his weight on top of you, your fingers mindlessly moving through his hair and scratching lovingly while he held you, your heartbeats slowing together, sharing in the post-coital afterglow. This was the time when everything was soft and hazy, just enjoying one another and feeling good, your bodies relaxed, the endorphins overriding everything else in your systems as you basked together.
The kissing slowed to a stop, and Javi moved to look at you with his puppy dog eyes.
“I missed you,” he said softly.
You smiled, hands moving to hold his cheeks.
“I missed you, too,” you kissed the tip of his nose.
He sighed.
“So fucking much,” he added.
“It was only three days,” he frowned.
“Felt like a fucking week.”
“It did.”
“Good news,” you said.
“I have decided that multiple doubles in a row are no longer for me.”
His frown deepened.
“Because of me? I don’t want to interfere with your work.”
“No, no,” you shook your head. “Well, not only because of you. When I used to work the long shifts in Dallas, I was single with zero life, and working gave me something to do. The extra money was a bonus. But now, I have a life, and I’m not single. So I’d rather spend those hours with the person who makes me insanely happy.”
His eyes softened as you spoke.
“It won’t mess with your career?”
“No? I’m doing what I love, in honestly, the best department. Post-op patients? Usually super out of it, sleepy, and say the wildest things. I have been proposed to three times since I started working here.”
His face took on a grumpy look with his furrowed brow and frown, making you grin.
“You haven’t even worked at the hospital a month,” he pouted.
You giggled, hand moving to smooth the wrinkle between his eyes with your thumb.
“Stop pouting. I’m not leaving you for an incredibly high patient who was overly excited I brought them apple juice and graham crackers after they hadn’t eaten for twenty-four hours and felt that marriage was the only way to properly thank me.”
“What about a regular patient?” He grumbled.
“Nope. I’m sorry, but unless the patient’s name is Javier Peña, I am not accepting any marriage proposals. I let those who asked know I was happily off the market,” you said, kissing him.
“Good,” he murmured.
The kissing stopped, and you were looking at him, taking in his features, admiring his nose, moving your hand to stroke your finger down the bridge, his eyes closing for a moment at the touch. When he opened them again, you met his gaze, and you could see the deep tiredness in the chocolate depths and something else you couldn’t quite place. You knew he’d missed you, he’d told you every time you’d talked on the phone, and he’d been so eager to see you on lunch today. The look in his eyes made you worry something had happened while you hadn’t seen him.
“Javi?” You spoke his name just above a whisper.
“Are you okay?”
He let out a long sigh, swallowing hard.
“I am now. I slept like shit while you were gone.”
“Because you missed me, or did something happen?”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He looked away, swallowing again.
“I just have fucked up dreams sometimes.”
His eyes squeezed shut for a second.
“Yeah,” he breathed.
Your heart clenched in your chest because you knew without asking what they were about—his years in Colombia and all the horrific things you could only imagine he’d seen. You’d read articles over the years about the goings on, and the war on drugs, glimpses of the horrible stuff narcos did, and though Javi had never gone into detail, you knew it all got to him sometimes—the change in his demeanor when his time with the DEA was brought up, or how he brushed off the topics when people wanted details about catching Pablo Escobar, or how he’d taken down the Cali Cartel.
He looked at you.
“If you have one,” you started. “And I’m not there, will you call me? It doesn’t matter the hour or where I’m at, have the hospital page me if I’m working because it’s important to me that you have someone there for you, okay?”
His eyes were a little watery.
“Okay,” the word cracking as he said it.
“And if I’m in bed with you, wake me up, whatever you need to feel better, and get you out of that headspace, I wanna help,” you kissed the tip of his nose again.
“Thank you,” he said softly.
You smiled.
“No reason to thank me. You’d do the same.”
He kissed you with feeling, strong presses of his mouth against yours like he was trying to imbue your lips with all of his thanks, and you welcomed each one, returning his thanks with your own. When the kissing stopped and his eyes met yours once more, you could see how much he cared about you in his gaze, could see the thoughts swirling in his mind, words that hadn’t been said out loud, but you didn’t need to hear because you felt them every day you were with him.
“What a lunch,” you sighed, breaking the silence and needing to say something to cut through the intensity. “Thanks for visiting me. I was expecting cafeteria food and cuddles, but surprise car sex was definitely a better choice. I’ll get snacks from the vending machine when I get back. Were you still going to pick us up dinner after you got off work?”
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Javier frowned at her comment about vending machine snacks, his stomach dropping as he thought about what was going through her mind over the sex.
“I brought you lunch,” he said.
Her face scrunched up in confusion.
“I’m sorry?” She asked.
He sighed.
“I brought you lunch. The sex was a surprise to me, too.”
Her eyes narrowed.
“You drove us to an empty parking lot….”
He realized the implications of that now.
“For privacy, while we ate.”
“Javi, you know parking your truck in secluded spots makes us horny.”
He snorted.
“The truck's location has nothing to do with us being horny,” he replied.
“Allow me to rephrase. Javi, you know your truck parked in secluded spots makes us both decide to test your public sex luck.”
“Why is it my luck?”
“Because before you, I’d only had sex in the privacy of people’s homes.”
“Javi, baby,” she pinched his cheek. “You are literally the only person on the entire planet I’d risk public indecency for.”
His eyebrow rose, a smirk curling on his lips.
“Yes, because you make it worth it. Which we are really pushing that luck of yours with your dick still inside me.”
“Right,” he said.
He hugged her a little tighter and kissed her before moving and pulling out of her with a hiss, kneeling between her legs. His eyes were locked on her pussy; seeing it all puffy, his fingers spreading open her lips, watching as some of his come started to drip out of her. He gathered it on his middle finger and pushed it back inside her, feeling her clench around his digit, as she moaned, his eyes met hers.
“Will you keep me inside until you get home?” He asked.
She bit her lip, nodding her head.
“Yes, Javi.”
Her words and knowing she’d have a part of himself with her until she saw him again, had him smiling as electricity moved through his body, and excitement tightened his chest.
“That’s my good girl,” he purred.
She clenched around him again.
Arousal was beginning to stir in his belly, and he removed his finger, bringing it up to his mouth, but she sat up, grabbing his hand, her eyes on his as she sucked it between her lips with a lewd moan.
“Fuck,” Javi groaned, eyes closing for a second, as she licked it clean.
“We taste good,” she said when she was done.
He leaned down to kiss her, his hands cupping her jaw, pushing his tongue inside, and groaning when he tasted them.
His lips left hers, moving to kiss the tip of her nose and her forehead.
“Let’s get you dressed and fed,” he said.
“Yes, sir,” she said, making a tingle run down his spine.
They needed a few minutes to get their clothes back to sorts.
Javier had so many emotions whirling around in his mind in the silence while she dressed, doing his best to process them all.
Happiness was the biggest, amplified by post-sex chemicals that had him almost saying things hanging on the tip of his tongue.
He was relieved, scared, worried, and too many other things to name. The fear was the next big one, creeping into his mind, wrapping like tendrils around the happy thoughts, eliciting doubt and worry.
He’d been a fucking mess without seeing her for three days, and it fucking scared him.
What if something happened?
What if he fucked things up?
Their relationship was still new, and even though Javier knew in his heart he loved her, the worry he could still ruin things had him hesitant to tell her—to speak the word and give her that final piece of his soul was a lot, and it seemed too soon, even with how intense his feelings were for her—he needed more time, a little longer to make sure he didn’t screw up because he wasn’t sure what he’d do if he me messed it all up.
These feelings warred with the fact that she’d wound herself so tightly with his entire being that any plans he made, any thoughts of the future, she was automatically there by his side in his mind, and it hurt too fucking much to think about the alternative.
Her words, her actions, the silent things she didn’t have to say that he knew, all of it told him she was picturing the same future as him, and it soothed him a little, and gave him hope that everything would work out, that his dreams of the future would become reality.
He was also feeling an overwhelming feeling of deep affection for her over her insistence that he had someone there to comfort him on his bad nights, so strong that it made his chest go tight.
It was hard sometimes for him to accept that someone cared about him so much—it was hard for him to believe someone cared about him so much, but Cielito seemed determined to make him feel worthy of it all.
“I can’t believe I still have thirty minutes before I need to get back,” she said as she put on her remaining shoe, bringing his focus back onto her.
“I didn’t last as long,” he said.
He wasn’t embarrassed about how quickly he came—he’d ensured she was satisfied before letting himself go. He leaned over the back of the seat to grab the large paper bag from behind them in the backseat, placing it between them.
“I can assure you, I am not complaining. Two orgasms and food? Literally, the best lunch I have ever had,” she said. He chuckled, smiling at her, feeling pride in his chest. “You really weren’t expecting sex?” She asked.
He shook his head.
“No, I, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck. “Just wanted to see you and bring you lunch.”
That had been his plan. His goal was to make sure she had a decent meal and see her. He assumed there’d be some kissing, maybe some groping, but nothing else.
“That is incredibly sweet.” She leaned forward to kiss him. “What are we having?” She asked when she pulled back.
He felt a nervous flutter in his stomach, swallowing as he opened the bag and started pulling out the contents.
Two sandwiches wrapped in foil, a large bag of potato chips, and two glass bottles of Coca-Cola were on the seat.
“Sandwiches, chips, and Mexican Coke because American is shit in comparison.”
She laughed.
“As you’ve informed me, and I completely agree.”
He discarded the lunch bag onto the floorboard, and Cielito picked up one of the sandwiches.
“It’s still warm,” she said, looking surprised.
“Thank fuck, I made them before coming over,” he ran a hand through his hair.
She unwrapped it.
“Javi,” she said, lifting the top piece of bread to see what was on it. “You made us BLTs.”
“I did,” he nodded.
“Javi,” their eyes met. “You made us my BLTs.”
Her recipe was like a traditional BLT, except she used arugula instead of lettuce, garlic aioli instead mayo, and added avocado. It was Javier’s favorite version of the sandwich.
“Without the garlic stuff,” he frowned.
“I can see you used mayo instead of garlic aioli, and that’s fine,” she reassured.
“I went to three fucking grocery stores this morning trying to find it,” he said.
Her eyes went wide.
“What do you mean this morning? Didn’t you work today?”
He scratched at his neck again, looking away.
“I took the day off.”
“To visit me on my lunch?”
“To make sure I could get the stuff to make the sandwiches.”
“Hold the fucking phone, Javi. You skipped work to go to multiple grocery stores to buy ingredients to make me lunch?”
“And Anna’s bakery,” he mumbled.
“You went to Anna’s bakery, too?”
He looked at her, sighing.
“I wanted to make the same sandwich you did.”
His dad had given him shit about the entire thing.
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Javier had gotten up at his usual time for work that morning, his father already sipping coffee and reading the newspaper at the kitchen table, and Javier had let him know he was taking the day off.
“You’ve been taking a lot of personal days, mijo. You stopped working weekends and haven’t been sleeping at home. Have you gotten tired of me?” Chucho asked, lowering the paper to look at him.
Javier sighed.
“No, Pops,” he said.
His father smiled.
“Did you meet someone?”
“Must be one hell of a girl.”
“She is,” Javier nodded.
Later, while he was finishing getting the lunch together, his father came inside from work.
“It smells good in here. Did you make me whatever it is you’re cooking?” Chucho asked.
“Sí, Pops, on the table,” Javier said, wrapping the last sandwich in foil.
“Muchas gracias, mijo.”
“De nada.”
He heard the scrape of a chair being moved.
“Why are you cooking before lunch?” His dad asked after getting settled in his seat.
Javier sighed.
“To be at the hospital by noon.”
“Is someone you know sick?”
“No,” he answered, beginning to pack the bag.
“Then why—”
“I’m taking someone lunch,” Javier cut him off.
“You’re making someone food?”
“Because you want to?”
His dad whistled lowly.
“She really is one hell of a girl.”
The bag was packed, and Javier finally turned towards his father, resting his hip against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Yes, she is,” he answered.
“Do I know this woman?” Chucho gave him a curious look.
“I don’t think so. She moved here at the beginning of the month.”
“Ah. Will I get to meet her?”
“Sí,” Javier nodded. “Tell me a night. She said she’d cook us dinner.”
His father’s eyebrow rose.
“You’ve discussed her meeting me?”
“She wants to cook us dinner?”
“Sí. The sandwich recipe is hers. I couldn’t find one of the fucking ingredients, so it’s just got mayo, but everything else is her.”
Javier watched his dad pick up the sandwich, looking at it quizzically, before taking a bite, holding his breath while he watched the other man chew and swallow.
Their eyes met.
“You better marry this girl.”
He sighed in relief, chuckling.
“That’s the goal.”
“You’ve never been like this. Bring her by tomorrow night if she can. I want to meet her.”
“I’ll ask her.”
“Love is a good look on you.”
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Javier watched Cielito’s eyes soften at his admission that he was trying to follow her recipe.
“If I wasn’t on a time crunch,” she started. “I would suck your dick. Just the sloppiest blow job for being the best boyfriend on the entire planet.”
He laughed.
“Please, eat your sandwich,” he said. “I heard they’re okay,” he shrugged, grabbing his own and removing the wrapping.
“Was your dad a taste tester?” She asked before biting into the sandwich, humming in delight.
Javier nodded.
“He was.” He took his own bite and had to admit it was pretty good.
“The sandwich is amazing,” she said after swallowing. “What did he say?” She asked.
“That I better marry you,” he answered.
There was a pause while she ate some more, speaking after she swallowed.
“And, uh, what was your response?” She finally asked.
“That it was my goal.”
She smiled.
“I really fucking like you, Javier Peña.”
“I really fucking like you, too, Cielito. He wants to meet you tomorrow.”
“I’m in. I have the day off and can go grocery shopping. Tell me what he likes.”
Javier grinned and started telling her the types of foods his dad liked as they ate, her asking clarifying questions and seeming genuinely excited over the prospect. He’d popped open the caps on the Cokes with his keys, and they shared the big bag of chips, easy conversation flowing between bites and drinks, Javier the happiest he’d been in days.
“Oh!” Cielito exclaimed when they’d finished eating. “Robyn brought you up today!”
“I saw she still hadn’t guessed me,” he chuckled.
He knew Cielito’s coworker had been trying to figure out who she was dating. Javier was surprised by a lot of the guesses and confused by others.
“No,” she shook her head. “She guessed some guy named Edgar Morales.”
Javier scoffed.
“Edgar? He’s like twenty-something. You wouldn’t be into him,” he said, positive with his statement. The Morales kid was okay, but he was a kid.
“Of course, I wouldn’t be into him,” she said, leaning in to kiss him. “He’s not you.” He followed her lips as she pulled back and kissed her again.
“Why did Robyn bring me up?” He asked, the sound muffled with his mouth pressed against her.
She broke the kiss to look at him.
“To tell me some town gossip about your mystery girlfriend.”
His eyebrows creased.
“You’re my girlfriend.”
“I am, so I let her tell me everything she’d heard,” she frowned. “Javi,” her hand came up to rest on his cheek, and he leaned into the touch. “I hate how people talk about and treat you. It upsets me a whole fucking lot. Lorraine’s uncle kicked you out of his barbershop? Her family spread rumors about you? The town gossips about your dating life? I just,” she paused. “I sometimes wish we could move away, you know? Just the two of us, disappearing somewhere nobody knows either of us, where we can start a new life together. Have you ever thought about leaving?” She asked. “I mean, I know you were gone for a while.”
“I’ve thought about it, but my whole life is in this town,” he answered.
“That’s true,” she nodded. “Your dad’s here. You wouldn’t want to leave him alone.”
His hand cupped her face, stroking his thumb along the apple of her cheek.
“Not just my dad—you’re here, too.” He took a deep breath. “My father is… older. I missed a lot of time with him—I missed a lot of time with my mom, too, and it’s one of my biggest regrets. I don’t want to get that phone call and be in another fucking country again, and he needs someone looking after him. When the time comes, I’d be more than happy to get the fuck out of Laredo. Until then, people can say whatever they want about me—I don’t care.”
“You’d move away with me?”
“In a fucking heartbeat. Anywhere in the world, I’ll follow you.”
Her lips met his in a kiss.
“I care what the town says about you,” she said when she looked at him. “And I’ll fight every fucking person who says something negative. Lorraine’s family? I’m sorry, Javi, I’ve got some money saved that we might need for bail because I think I might literally punch at least one of those fuckers.”
His chest had tightened, and warmth radiated through his body at seeing the seriousness on her face, that what she was saying was true. She really would protect and fight for him.
He pulled her in to kiss her hard, her nails scratching against his scalp when he deepened it, kissing her until they needed to breathe and panting when they separated.
“Thank you,” he said breathlessly.
“For what?”
“Always protecting and sticking up for me. You’re the only person on this fucking planet who hasn’t looked at me differently because of my past, and,” he swallowed hard. “You think I’m a good man,” he said softly.
“Javi, you are a good man. A really fucking good man. I won’t judge you for your past mistakes. All I care about is your here and now and your future. I care about you a lot, like more than a lot, and I just want you to be happy.”
“You make me so fucking happy.”
Her smile beamed.
“Good, you make me really fucking happy, too.”
He kissed her again.
They cleaned up with paper towels he’d brought and packed away the garbage back into the bag, Cielito taking her seat beside him, holding his hand and leaning against him as they drove back to the hospital. He felt better being with her, his soul content, knowing he’d see her again when she got off work. He’d parked his truck, Javier kissing her for a couple of minutes before they got out, her hands moving to fix his hair while he straightened her clothes and let her deal with her own hair in the side view mirror. She looked a little rumpled, but it didn’t seem too obvious as they walked hand in hand back to her work, unable to help the smiles on their lips.
He had to hold in his laugh when Robyn came out of a patient's room and saw them, her eyes going wide and mouth falling open, waiting to speak to them when they were all back at the Nurse’s station.
“Oh my god,” she said in a harsh whisper, eyeing Cielito. “Y'all fucked! You’re literally glowin’. Does he have a magic dick?” She looked at him. “Javi, is your dick magic?”
Heat crept up his neck.
“I don’t know about magic—” He started.
“Oh, his dick is definitely magic,” Cielito said. “Like there is some kind of sorcery involved, or else he’s just a sex god. Like my God, Robyn, I came twice, and we still had time for a lovely lunch,” she was giddy, and his chest puffed out as he smirked, proud to be the topic of gossip for once.
“You are livin’ the dream,” Robyn said, raising her hand up and Cielito immediately high-fiving her like it was something they’d done many times before. “It’s a damn shame you don’t have any brothers, Javi,” her attention turned towards him. “What about your cousins? Any of ‘em single? I know Danny got married.”
He thought it over for a second.
“I’m not sure?” He answered.
“You find out and let me know,” she winked before looking back at Cielito. “Okay, now that you’re back, it’s my turn for lunch. I’m afraid it won’t be as satisfyin’ as yours,” she grinned.
Cielito faced him, and he turned towards her, giving her his full attention, taking in her warm smile and the way her eyes sparkled. She did look like she was glowing, the happiness radiating off of her, and Javier smiled as he took in her beauty, feeling so fucking happy that she was his, and he was hers.
“Thank you for coming by. I can’t wait to see you tonight,” she said.
He tilted her chin up with his fingers, his thumb moving across her bottom lip, wanting to kiss her.
“Anytime, Cielito,” he said. “I’ll bring dinner. Tacos?”
Her smile got bigger as she nodded.
“Tacos sound amazing. You spoil me.”
“Of course, Cielito. Only the best for you,” he said, giving in to his want, and kissing her softly, lingering for a moment, just wanting to feel her lips against his.
“This is sickenly sweet,” Robyn said. “Who would have thought, Javier Peña, the boyfriend every girl wishes she had. Y'all are makin’ me yearn on this here Thursday afternoon.”
Cielito started laughing, and Javier chuckled.
He knew he’d do whatever it took to ensure he was everything Cielito wished for because he wanted her to be as happy as she made him feel.
Maybe his dad was right—love did look good on him, and it looked really fucking good on Cielito, too.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
(Note: Didn't realize you took Thirst submissions because I am a chronic MOBLE user and have yet to see all of your info pages. Forgive me if this is not what you meant by "Thirst". I'm just going off my current knowledge of tumblr lingo. Feel free to delete.) 
18+ Content
Let's start with Kanroji cuz she has been on my mind a lot lately.
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Some random relationship HCs before I get into my feelings
You can not tell me this precious girl isn't going to worship your every breath. And she deserves the same appreciation.
Total "Love you like i'm going to lose you" vibes.
IF you have a praise kink in any capacity then she is a good match. Tell her how adorable she is everyday and she will instantly turn red and tell you that you are cuter. 
Is afraid she will smother you to death if you ask her to sit on your face. (Thicc thighs end lives, and I'm looking to die)
Many sweet good night pecks on the cheek, nose, and eyelids. *noises of smooching, noises of smooching, these are the noises of smooching*
One of those girlfirends that cares more about snacks than sex. (And I'm here for it)
Clearly has bottom energy, but prefers to be the big spoon.
Bath house & HotSprings dates or couples massage dates!
Gets really insecure if you don't ever hold her hand when walking.Those kinds of casual intimacies are very important to her. Though she will understand if you don't like participating while in public.
k so... I am so in love with her. Like SIMP levels. In a sensual platonic way mostly. She is so fucking sweet and enchanting. I'm not much of a romantic but I would do my best to make sure her romantic side is cared for in every way if she were mine. I want her to be my best friend and partner in crime too. Like, just let me braid her hair and tell her how beautiful her heart is while we watch stupid rom coms. I don't even like rom coms, but I know she will. And if she is in the mood to let me pick (which lets be honest she is the type of person that will offer the other person picks because she doesn't want to risk picking something they don't like) we can watch a cute slice of life anime and cuddle on the couch. I just want to talk about life, other partners, and Hashira drama with her. I want to bake with her and learn new recipies. I want to be a sweeter person in general when I think about her. And There is no hesitation in my will to buy her all the sakura mochi and dumplings she can eat either. I would rack up $30000 in credit card debt to please her.
She makes my heart expand in new ways every time I see her. And I no longer know how to handle those feelings. 
Here is a quick KNY lofi edit to listen to while reading. <3
Misturi Inspired playlist l really like <3
ps: I just discovered the Rescue Ink biker gang and I have new goals in life now.
... months later (I read this when you first sent it 😁, but evidently took my sweet time actually answering it 💀) !! 🥳
I giggled so hard reading (and rereading) your random relationship headcanons. 🥺🥰 "these are the noises of smooching" 😂 and SNACKS 😋. In my snacks hcs, Mitsuri actually has a special lunchbox for you (that she keeps stocked w/ SNACKS). 😌 The overall softness I feel for this woman is softer than a squishy kitty, and lemme tell you how much I ADORE cats. 😻💖
The one and only one shot I've written for Mitsuri was essentially an ode (albeit, not a poem) to how generously and tenderly she deserves to be loved: hopeless romantic. 🫶🏽 HELL RAIN FIRE ON ANYONE UNWILLING TO HOLD HER BEAUTIFUL HAND. 😤 Ofc, if public discomfort is the issue, then compromises can be made, BUT OTHERWISE !! 😒😎
As for her thicc thighs ending lives... 🫠
18+NSFW below
"Are you sure?" Mitsuri hesitates, fingertips warm as they trace the curves of your collarbones.
"I'm sure," you huff, grip firm on her waist, licking your bottom lip, "Absolutely sure."
"But..." frowning now, "I'm-"
"You're what?" you interrupt, not unkindly, "Depriving me of your beautiful pussy?"
Her thighs clench at your forwardness, ass plush as she grinds lightly on your stomach, perched pretty and pouting atop your body.
Your tone softens, hands kneading slowly up her sides, carefully pulling her down till her tits press full and snug against your chest, her breaths melting sweetly into the crook of your neck, "Honey, you're not too heavy, nor are you going to hurt me."
"I get very invested," she admits, cheeks pink, nipples hardening as your embrace tightens.
"Good," you murmur, "I want you to be very invested," smirking, "I want you shaking and messy and noisy when you sit on my face," playfully smacking her ass, groan in your throat at its satisfying jiggle, her shy yelp following soon thereafter, "Can't wait to feel your gorgeous thighs suffocating me as I worship your beautiful pussy."
With a low whimper, Mitsuri allows you to coax her into position, giggling at how muffled you sound while guiding her, apologizing profusely when she accidentally knees your ear, squeaking loudly as you immediately swipe your tongue flat and languid across her folds.
Oh when you grab her ass, encouraging her to set her own rhythm.
Ah when you finally flick her clit, folds slick with spit, thighs quivering at the unexpected jolt of pleasure.
Shit when you keep your tongue out wet and steady, desire fuelling her movements as she begins chasing her orgasm, ignoring the dull ache in your jaw.
Fuck when you reach for her bouncing tits, nipples pinched, twisted, and tugged, eyes closed as pressure builds, thighs burning, desperate and frantic to Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop.
"Look at me, babygirl," almost inaudible as she moans eagerly, orgasm washing over her when she takes in the gleam of your stare, the heat of your tongue, nose glistening from her fervor.
"Told you I get invested," she whispers roughly.
Oops as she rolls off of you, laughter bubbling as you inhale deeply, arm already wrapping around her.
"Where're you going?" you demand fondly.
"Huh?" she smiles easily — entirely unaware.
"I'm not done with you."
"I haven't even made you whimper my name yet."
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emmyrosee · 1 year
HIIIIII EMMYYY are you ready for possibly my most self indulgent rant yet?
so I actually haven’t had the best past few days and using fictional men as my comfort actually helped make me feel better a bit, soooo I’m here to share another rant in case you’re down and need this too!! :D
atsumu, the love of my life, my pride and joy, my husband, my everything tbh!! comforts you after a hard day, you’ve been down about so many things-body image (my main struggle as a not so skinny girlie tbh) not feeling good enough, missing out on stuff, whatever it is!! and when you get home you’re all teary and admit that the only thing you wanted all day was him. And he MELTS AND MAKES IT HIS MISSION TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. he’d make sure you’re properly taken care of- sooooo many cuddles, the SWEETEST of sweet nothings whispered in your ear to make you ease up and feel so loved. That’s all he wants for you- he wants you to feel every single ounce of his love. He’s so set on taking care of you the best he can. Rubbing up and down your back and kissing you all over, every inch he can reach (if you’re like me with the body insecurities, he’d definitely give extra attention to those places). He’ll also do his best to make you laugh if you don’t want to talk about it. And when you wake up the next day, he’s still all sweet on you, making you breakfast and using your favourite pet names, etc. he hates when you feel sad, so he’ll be on high alert for the next couple days making sure his baby is recovering and not stuck in a bad place. I’m just so so so so soft for him always and he brought me a lot of comfort today so I wanted to share!!! There is absolutely NO RUSH to respond to this btw, please don’t feel pressured to!! ILYYYYY I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL !!!!
anon <3
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Listen. ListEN TO ME DAMN IT-
also just as a tiny baby tw for some potential body dismorphia, there’s nothing in detail but I know negative talk in fics can trigger it, so I just want everyone to feel safe 🥺❤️
Listen. Self esteem is something hard to maintain. And he knows that, he’s so proud of you for the strides you’ve made- but no one always loves themself. No one always loves who they are or what they see in the mirror.
And he’d rather shove a toothpick under his toenail and kick a wall than ever have you fester in these thoughts alone.
The minute your fine ass comes strutting into your house, eyes a little watery and bottom lip trembling, he instantly jumps up and wraps you up in his big arms, cradling your head and shushing you softly. He’s not gonna make you talk while you’re sobbing into his chest, though his mind is soaring a million thoughts a second to try and figure it out.
“Bad day?” He murmurs into your hair once you calm down, and you offer him a sniffle and cling to him tighter.
“They’re so… mean, ‘tsumu,” you whimper and he’s about ready to maim someone and their first born.
“Who is?”
“The little voice in my head…” you choke on your tears while Atsumu tenses up. “And telling me you’re too good for me and I’m too ugly for you and fat and-“
His sharp word make you tense up, and you look up at him with watery eyes.
He wipes one of your tears with his calloused thumb, “I’m not ‘too good’ for you. That doesn’t exist. You deserve even better than anything I could give ya; and even if you don’t feel like the sexiest piece of ass on this damned planet, it’s not for you to decide if I’m ‘too good’ one day. You’re mine baby, and the universe made us for each other. So shut your fine ass up.”
It makes you giggle, but you know that there’s complete truth in his words, and with a shaky sigh you nod and let him kiss you once, twice, and a third time with only love on his lips.
But he doesn’t stop there. Nay nay.
If anything, things escalate in the best ways.
Because he already can barely keep his paws off of you, but if you’re feeling especially insecure, even for brief stints, he refuses to let your mind continue to tread.
If he’s at the stove, you’re tucked under his arm while he cooks with his dominant hand, letting his left hand soothingly stroke your arm. He makes little noises and grunts when he wants you to try a taste of whatever he’s making, and he smiles when you hum in contentment.
If you’re folding laundry, he’s gently grabbing your hand and spinning you into his arms, dancing a quick back and forth with you; it ends when he bends you into a dip, but that’s mostly because the squeal and the subtle smacking of his chest lets him know that you’ve had your fun, but you need to focus or whatever.
When you’re washing your face, his arms are looped low around you with his chin hooked over your shoulder, smacking on a silly voice to “explain” what products you’re using and how much of it to use, like a beauty guru.
When you’re finally settled in bed and he’s finishing up in the bathroom, you smile sweetly at him from over your book when he slinks back in, basketball shorts low on his hips and muscle tee clinging to his frame. Wordlessly, he leans on the edge of the bed, soft lips tracing kisses from your cheek, to suckle at your jawline and neck, and once he makes his way to your collarbones, he takes your book out of your hands while you recline back.
“Bookmark it.”
“I know what to do.”
His lips move to the valley of your breasts to leave marks just along your skin, his massive paws cradling the soft part of your belly. Your breath hitches, and he hums a soft reassurance.
“My baby,” he mumbles. “Wish I could’ve been there with you today. Kept those nasty thoughts away.”
You mewl as he buries his face against you, the unruly parts of his hair tickling you softly, “you’re here now.”
“And I’m never goin’ anywhere.” He wraps his arms around your torso to nuzzle into you, seemingly settling into a comfortable position to sleep for the night.
You giggle, “comfy?”
“Extremely,” he murmurs. “Told Meian I was spewing chunks and couldn’t come in tomorrow, so you’ve got me all to yourself.”
“What, you think ‘Omi’s gonna let me on the court if he thinks I’m puking? He hates puke.”
“Stop saying puke,” you whine, swatting at him with some giggles. “You’re killing the mood.”
“Ah?” He hums, raising his head with a cheshire smile, “there’s a mood?” He raises back on his haunches to wrap his meaty hands around your thighs, and with a quick pull, he’s got you on your back just below him, squeals and giggles pealing from your lips.
“‘Tsum, I’m tired,” you whine, though your legs instinctively curl around him.
“Not gonna do anything,” he assures, the hands moving from your legs to brace on either side of your head. “Just like lookin’ at you… always love lookin’ at you.”
He cocks a brow, “you think that’s creepy?”
“I do.”
“Well wait ‘til you hear what smellin’ ya does to me.” Before you can say anything, he ducks his head down to the soft pillowiness of your neck, taking ridiculously loud inhales through his nose. You shove at him with uncontrollable laughter, knees bumping into his back.
“You freak, get away!”
“Wait ‘til you hear what feelin’ ya does to me,” he mumbles from your neck, and in a similar fashion, his left hand comes down to claw at your sides dramatically, his sniffling now mingling with the tickling.
“S-Stop it!”
“But nothin’ quite like tastin’ ya, dollface.”
Your mind can barely process his words before he leans up to kiss the giggles straight from your mouth, his massive frame keeping you still and as if protecting you from anything you may fear.
He’s warm, he smells divine and he feels just like home, and for a moment you forget that even if you hadn’t come home and said you weren’t feeling great, there’s still a chance the night could’ve ended the same.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He whispers, nuzzling your nose with his.
You bite your lip, “I want cinnamon rolls for breakfast.”
He chuckles, “you got it boss.”
And just as atsumu always does, he holds true to that; the next morning, you wake up to the smell of vanilla and honey dancing through your home, and while part of you is bumming out for not being in your boyfriend’s arms, he’s up for you.
He does his daily affirmations with you- once again obliterating you with tickles when you snort at some of them- makes sure you eat anything you desire because he could die from the idea you’re not eating enough because of the things you try to convince yourself, and just. Being there. Holding your hand, complimenting you no matter where you are, playing hooky on his day off just to make sure you’ve got your fill and you’re right back where your sexy ass left off.
“Yeah baby?”
“Thank you.”
He kisses your hairline without a second thought, wrapping an arm around you and letting you curl against him.
“Never gotta thank me for something I was born to do, babydoll.”
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dollsuguru · 3 months
KAIROOOOO 🥺🥺🥺 i think you’ll see this in the morning so. good morning!!! here is your ari delivered breakfast ☕️🍵🧇🥞🍳….. i woke up to your tags on my old sugu drabbles and i’m here to cover you in kisses YOU’RE THE SWEETEST EVER EVER EVER :(((((( i’m soooooo overjoyed that you liked them…. ms. geto herself……… your approval means everything 2 me 🫂🫂🫂
no but your tags made me crazy w joy i was bursting at the seams i fear 💔💔 i’m willing to become a spring baby if it’s for you!!!! spring/autumn solidarity is real 2 me so i’m halfway there i think….. and YES you get it purple was invented for suguru geto alone!!! he’s. such an acts of service bf…. 😔😔 so endelessly patient and endeared….. i think you could actually just kill someone and he’d be like ”damn that’s not good… but it’s so you.” he’s insane <333 AND THE BABYBOY SUGU DRABBLE it’s my pride and joy…… i think he deserves to be hugged and coddled endlessly T_T FLUSTERED SUGU IS A FAVE OF MINE TOOOO it’s such a vulnerable position for him to be in so i think his brain kinda explodes… just lets himself be pampered…. as he should :3
ily kairo tysm for taking the time to read my silly drabbles 🥺🥺 and for your kind words!! they rlly do mean so much 2 me T_T suguru told me to give you a kiss from him so a big fat MWAH to you <333 and here is a silly meme too <333333 
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you calling me ms. geto is so dangerous bc i’m more delusional than usual this morning 😹😹😹 FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU FOR THE BREAKFAST am sending you desserts back rn :3 🍰🍪🍭🍦🍡 (do NOT let gojo at these……… you BLINK and they’re GONE 😪) AND OMG SPRING/AUTUMN SOLIDARITY IS GOING SO STRONG are you an autumn baby bc that’s so cute :>
I LOOOOOVED YOUR SUGU DRABBLES!!!!! you write suguru in such a tender, fond, & soft way i think that’s why i’m so enamored by him <333 your suguru is canon to me idc! like i truly genuinely believe those are actual facets of his personality <3 YESSSSSSSS ACTS OF SERVICE BF i fully believe that’s one of his biggest love languages he loves taking care of you :> & PURPLE REALLY IS SOOOOO HIS COLOR v royal v elegant v mysterious <333 also biggest compliment i can give you rn is that your writing it soooooo stunning & emotion-invoking and the imagery is SO pretty that they remind me of hozier lyrics like omfg ari 🤝 hozier
AND FLUSTERED!SUGU MY ANGEL MY LOVE MY REASON TO BEEEEEEEE AHHHHHHH I LOVED HOW TENDER THAT DRABBLE WAS I LOVE SEEING SUGURU SHY & MEEK!!!!!! it’s so underrated i think he enjoys flustering others so much that when it’s done to him it’s like Suguru Exe. Has Stopped Working……… need to make him blush then have him fall on top of me… it would heal me <3
ALSO THANK YOU FOR MAKING SUCH CUTE DRABBLES HEHEHEHE here’s a sugu meme back :3 i am readily accepting his smooch <3 MWAHHHHHH!!!!!
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vincentmatthews · 16 days
Summer Rain
{Small trigger warnings: Mentions of blood and sickness, as well as language.}
I hope you enjoy this, I've worked on this for a few months now. Thank you 🥺💕
Vincent sat outside on the cold, wet concrete steps. He was wearing Johnny's Samurai tank top, his bullet necklace, and a pair of Kerry's ripped black jeans. His green eyes watched the zippo lighter he kept flicking; entranced by the hot, dancing flame. He didn't move from his spot, unaware as the door behind him opened. The soft patter of rain falling on the cement road and sidewalks.
"Christ, V. How are you not fucking freezing?" A soft male voice spoke from behind him, placing his warm hand on V's bare and cold shoulder.
"I'm not."
"Mhm. That's bullshit." The flame went out as the lid was clicked back on it. His eyes flicked up to meet Kerry's worried grey-blue ones. He couldn't help but still be entranced by the gold ring around the iris of his optics. Kerry was wearing his tour hoodie that was a few sizes too big, his black synthleather jeans, and those damn goth boots V teased his about when they first met. Kerry of course said they were threatening because no one wants to be curbstomped by someone in platform goth boots.
"I'm not."
"V, you have goosebumps and you're shaking."
"I am?" V looked down at his trembling hands, ones he'd just passed off as being sick and weak. Yet there they were, trembling and goosebumps freckling his arms. He didn't feel cold, in fact, he didn't feel most sensations any more. His sense of touch was gradually diminishing, as was pain; and now his brain couldn't tell the difference between hot and cold. He just felt numb.
"Babe?" Ker knelt down next to V, his hand still on his shoulder. "How long has this been happening?"
"What?" V's fingers nervously fidgeting with the lighter again.
"Don't give me that shit." Kerry spoke in an authoritve voice that made V feel small, wanting to hide in on himself. Seeing this, Kerry took a deep breath and calmed himself. "How long have you noticed this change?"
V went quiet, looking at the lighter in his hand; it was a vintage black zippo lighter with a gold KE engraved on it.
"How long have you noticed that you can't feel the difference between hot and cold?" Vince stayed silent for a long moment before letting out a forced answer.
"It's new.." V continued looking down to avoid eye contact which worried Kerry on how long it's actually been. Could be days, week, hell even months for all he knew.
"New? What else have you noticed?"
"Any loss of motor functions such as: your legs or hands not working correctly, anymore?"
"No." V lied, his fingers clicking the top of the lighter anxiously. He put the end of his bullet necklace in his mouth, the taste of the cold metallic metal tinged his tongue.
"Loss of depth perspection and/or balance?"
Oh god yes.
Kerry sat down next to V, sitting cross-legged for the next question, which almost seemed to worry him.
"Any loss of your sensation of touch?" There it was. The question was like being stabbed in the back by someone you trusted. It was sharp and unexpected, and just the honest answer to it, made V feel tears prickle the corners of his vision. He felt his heart drop to his stomach, as if it was tied to a brick.
"No." That was a fucking lie. He'd been gradually losing his sense of touch for over two months now. It terrified him because there's a good chance it's completely irreversible.
"You know, I can tell when you're lying." Kerry's voice was still calm despite him having the burning desire to grab Vince and scream at him while they cried. Yet he had to remain composed for him. "You get quiet, give short answers, you get fidgety with whatever's in your hands, you refuse eye contact, and you always put the bottom of your necklace in your mouth."
Vince looked up with the end of the necklace still in his mouth. There was no point in trying to lie to him, Kerry knew him like the back of his hand. And he knew that if he kept it up, there's a good chance he's going meet his backhand. His lips parted enough for the necklace to fall from his lips around back on his chest.
"What are you so worried about?" Kerry placed his hand on V's thigh, looking up at him with those large blue doe eyes. Vince was quiet, snapping the lid of the zippo as he looked back down. The male sighed, looking down at V's fidgeting hands that were bruised all to hell.
Vincent's lungs felt heavy, each breath was agonizing. His throat burned with the desire to scream, to yell, do anything to get the point acrossed that just the idea of dying fucking terrified him. If he had it his way, he'd grow old with Kerry and never leave his side. But instead, he felt like he was suffocating, that he was drowning, unable to see the surface of the water; that no matter how far he went, he'd never reach the top. His fingers wouldn't stay still now, he couldn't feel anything, and now all he could think was how he was affecting Kerry, just by staying.
He didn't want to hurt him, but he could tell just by looking at him, that he was affecting Kerry, and not in a very positive way. Then it dawned on him. He was Kerry's Alt.
"Vincent.?" His voice was more broken that time.
He was Kerry's Alt. He was dying slowly because of Arasaka, just like Alt. Ker even made a joke the other day that if V was to suddenly drop dead, that he'd bomb 'Saka tower, in his honor. Even go as far as sprinkling some of his ashes in the explosives used, so V could have one last big bang; while also tearing down an evil corporation. He even said he'd get a sexy golden arm in the same style of Johnny's. It was a joke that they both laughed off but now, it felt more like a promise. His hand holding the lighter trembled as another wave of shakes cascaded through him.
"Dean?" There it was, V's real name.
"Hm?" He hummed, his mind still a million miles away.
"An enny for your thoughts?" He smiled softly to V who tried his best to continue to avoid eye contact, remaining silent.
"Please, Dean. Give me something." Ker reached out, gingerly taking V's face in his hands. "At least look at me." Kerry's hands shook against his face. "Please." Guilt knawed away his heart, he knew without even looking, that Eurodyne was crying. "You know I love you." He sniffles, and yet V still couldn't bring himself to looking Kerry in the eyes. "I just hope you always remember that." He kissed his forehead, he could feel the moisture of tears on the male's face. He let his face go, standing up.
"I'll be inside if you need me." Was all that was said before the door opened and closed.
Vince sighed, leaning his head against the door. He closed his eyes, trying to clear his head. The sweet smell of rain mixed with the cool summer air. His mind kept wandering to how Kerry gripped his face. How his voice broke when he spoke his name. It made his stomach churn and his heart ache. He couldn't help but hysterically weep into his arms. He pulled his legs to his chest, crossed his arms over his knees and cried. He didn't tell him because he didn't want to be seen as a burden. Yet not telling him made Kerry feel like he didn't love or trust him enough to tell him. He wanted to tell his husband everything, but knew that it would kill him. Kerry still had his music career, his fans, his tours, his upcoming albums and collaborations. Something as small as this would just get in the way of Kerry's big plans for the future. One that V had to be as supportive as possible for; even knowing he'd probably not live long enough to see it through to the end. And just that alone was soul-crushing.
His heart rate picked up. He couldn't breathe. His mind was racing, he couldn't focus. His mouth got dry and he felt reality slipping from his grasp. He felt like he wasn't himself. His mind didn't register pain or other sensations. His head hurt so much, like it was being split open. His teeth hurt, and his jaw locked up from the stress which put pressure on his sensitive teeth. It felt like he'd gotten into a fist fight with Johnny Silverhand. His eyes prickled from the tears and next thing he knew, he was crying, hysterically.
After a good thirty minutes, he was able to calm his breathing and clear his head enough to stand up, wiping his tears away. His knees shook and tingled from falling asleep. His pins and needles legs dragged themselves inside. He exhaled a sigh of relief as warmth washed over him. The sort of warmth that seeped into your clothes, and relaxed your tense body.
Kerry was in the kitchen, his head down, washing the dishes. His hoodie carelessly tossed on the back of a chair, now wearing his white tank. He had the radio playing faintly that was playing Never Fade Away by Samurai. Eurodyne's blue optics illuminated a blue, turning the radio off, before they dimmed.
"Hey babe." He simply said not looking up. Vince hated this. Hated when Ker was upset with him. He hated hurting his husband like this. Hated how his face pouted when he was upset. He snaked his arms around Kerry's waist, leaning his head on the male's tattooed shoulder.
"I'm sorry.. I don't mean to upset you.." Vince sighed, watching Kerry scrub a plate with a shaky hand.
"You didn't upset me, Baby." Ker continued to refuse eye contact. Vince could tell by his reddened eyes that he'd been sobbing as well. Ker exhaled, heavily. "Just promise me you won't leave me. Just talk to me. That's all I ask." He finally looked at him, his face doing that puppy dog pout that instantly melted Vincent's heart. He could never say no to him when he did that face, especially with his large tear stained blue eyes.
"I promise.." Those words were heavy and hard for him to say. He knew it was a lie, Vince was a runner when things got too hard or scared him. His relationships never lasted more than a month, except for Kerry. Eurodyne was his longest relationship, going on almost three years now. But he was scared, and his instincts were kicking in.
"Thank you." His husband placed his forehead on his. "You can trust me. I won't hurt you. I just want to know what's going on with you. I love you Dean, but you're starting to scare me." Kerry kissed V's forehead lovingly. "Just promise me you won't leave in the middle of the night." Ker laughed, going back to cleaning his dishes, V released his arms from around him.
"Promise.." Another painful word that left his mouth.
"Good, because I'll hunt you down and kidnap you~♡ Keep you chained up as my prisoner~♡ And That's A Promise~♡" Ker pointed at Vince with a steak knife, smirking at him.
"Careful, I might fall in love~♡" He cooed back, which caused Ker to roll his eyes at him, and turn back around to continue washing. Eurodyne's optics flashed as the radio clicked back on, now playing a rock song that Vince didn't have any time in figuring out which one it was. He crept upstairs towards their room.
"What are you doing-?" A voice asked as he entered their bedroom. He instantly recognized the gruff voice, which resulted in Dean rolling his eyes.
"Classic fucking Johnny. Not knowing how he fucking impacts people. How fucking fitting of you to have your head so far up your ass, that you don't even realize that us just staying; is fucking killing him!"
"Stop being such a fucking pussy and tell him how you feel!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Vince screamed, angry tears rolling down his face. A light knock sounded on the doorframe. He turned his head to look, and saw a sad and concerned Ker standing in the doorway.
"May I come in?" His voice was soft and calm, even though years of worry wore on his face.
Vince took a breath, his mouth was dry. "Yeah." He hated this. Hated seeing his husband hurt like this. Hated how he always found a way to make him cry. Hated how he was always on borrowed time.
If he had it his way, he'd spend an eternity with Kerry. But 3 years, wasn't very long, and six months of those have already passed. Six months, and he'd already made a drastic decline in his progress. How was he supposed to hold through the next 30 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days?
Kerry snaked his arms around Dean's waist, pulling him close. Vince sighed, laying his head in the crook of Ker's neck.
"You scared me, screaming like that." Kerry's voice was calm, as he rubbed soothing, slow circles on V's back. "You know you can talk to me." That elected a heavy sigh from Vince. "Hey, I mean it. You can talk to me about anything, I'll understand." Ker gingerly cupped the male's face into his. Dean looked down, far too ashamed to make eye contact. "I mean it. And just don't do anything stupid. Talk to me, first. Promise me that?" There it was. The promise. The one thing he couldn't keep.
"I promise." He forced his scratchy voice to say. It came out more painful than as second nature as it used to be. Now those promises weighed more. He felt like he was being pulled underwater by them.
"Just get some rest. You're tired." Kerry hummed, running his hair through Vince's short red hair in a loving manner.
"Yeah.." His voice was soft and barely audible. His throat was locking up, tears prickling the edges of his vision.
"You'll be better after some rest." He leaned in, kissing V's neural port. "And you be nice to him. Cut him some slack. Kid's been through hell, let him rest for once." A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, he knew that wasn't for him, but rather the brain parasite that pledged his mind. "Please try and rest. Or I'll have to knock your ass out." He laughed, and gave him a playful glare. Sure, Eurodyne was joking, but in a way, he was also serious.
After a kiss and an "I love you" he left the room to go do God knows what. Vince sat on the end of the bed, putting his head in his hands, leaning forward.
"You're fucking gonk."
"Shut up."
"This is going to fucking kill him."
"Shut UP! THIS ISN'T YOUR FUCKING CHOICE TO MAKE!" He sat up quick, putting his finger in Johnny's face, who stared at him wide eyed, his hologram wavered before the pixels shattered and glitched away. "YEAH, FUCKING RUN! JUST LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO WHEN THINGS GET TOO FUCKING REAL FOR YOU!" He huffed, rubbing a hand over his face, his breath trembled, as did his hands.
He bent down, pulling a black suitcase, setting it on the bed. His hands examined the acrylic Samurai kerychain Ker gave him during one of the tours, even signed the back of it with a permanent marker. "For my favorite groupie." He said as he gave it to him.
"Really?" A pair of legs appeared hanging off the edge of the suitcase. Johnny was sitting on the top of it.
"Move." Dean growled, glaring daggers up at the male who scoffed, leaned back, and lit up a cigarette.
"Make me." He blew a cloud of smoke in V's face who sneered and waved a hand in front of him.
"Now." He pushed the square of Johnny's chest who fell back, but shattered as soon as his back hit the bed. "Fucking parasite.." He mumbled to himself, undoing the zipper, flipping the top open.
He looked around the room, wondering where to start. Then his green eyes caught sight of himself in the full body mirror. He looked ghostly pale, his face didn't even have the natural tint of blush. His eyes looked dark, and heavy. He slowly approached the mirror, lifting up the ends of his shirt. He'd lost weight, and not in a healthy manner. He knew Ker noticed, he even mentioned it briefly. Saying how he needed to eat more. Yet the idea of food made him nauseous, and most meals now ended with him hugging a toilet.
He dropped the ends of his shirt, the fabric that once fit him perfectly before, now looked a few sizes too big. Almost like his clothes were trying to eat him.
"You're ugly." V's voice broke as he spoke. He didn't know if it was Johnny speaking or himself; not like it really mattered anymore, they both knew he was. "Skinny. And looking half dead. Can you even feel anymore?" His mind wandered to the dark depths. He wondered if he could cut himself on glass and still feel the sting of a fresh wound.
"Do it." A voice whispered in his ear. "Do it you fucking pussy."
V rolled his eyes, turning back to the duffle bag. He opened the black hardwood closet. He pulled out his clothes off the hangers, he stuffed them inside the bag, followed by pants and boxers. Then he pulled out a shirt that Kerry had gotten him. It was a blue and pink ombre US Cracks shirt with Kerry's face on it.
"I remember when he got us this." Vince sighed softly as he looked the shirt over, tearing up at the memory.
"Remember when he insisted on signing it?" Johnny leaned against the wardrobe, watching as Dean folded it and placed it in the bag.
"Remember how mad he was when I told he didn't need to?"
"Yet he didn't listen, did he? Just had to sign it anyways." Johnny sighed, watching Dean continue to stuff clothes in the duffle. "You sure you wanna do this?"
"No, but what choice do I have?" He zipped the bag up.
"Oh I don't know-" Johnny held up his metal hand. "Tell Kerry wants going on, be open and honest, stop running from your problems, don't be a pussy, talk about it, get help, stay, sleep on it." He counted them out on his fingers, which made Dean glare at him. "You know, just to name a few."
"You're one to fucking speak. Mister my Girlfriend died so I killed thousands of innocent people as a form of revenge."
"Listen here, Mother Fucker-" Johnny got in V's face, pointing at him with his metal finger. Dean dead panned as he reached out and touched Johnny, causing him to blue screen and glitch out.
"Mhm.. and you're nothing more than a virus on a chip." He hissed at Johnny, throwing the duffle over his shoulder.
"Mhm. I just worry about him, you know? He's not eating as much as he used to-" Kerry was leaning over the cutting board, chopping away at a carrot. "And he's gotten more quiet. He stares off a lot. Yes I'm sure it's not stress. Stress doesn't effect V in this way. Stress makes him want to go street racing and street fighting. Not shut down completely." His optics were illuminating a blue, indicating that he was on call with someone, most likely Vik.
"No. No. No. He hasn't mentioned anything about the Relic or Johnny in a while, now." Kerry sighed, gliding a ringed hand through his salt and pepper hair. "What really scares me is he's losing his sense of touch." Kerry adjusted Dean's MISSIO t-shirt that he was borrowing from him. Classic Kerry, cooking in a t-shirt and boxers.
Maybe if he was silent, he could slip out the door, unseen.
"He's having violent nightmares again." He finished with the carrots and moved on to an onion. "What type? The type that leave him in a cold sweat. The type that make him wake up screaming then break down into tears. Those type of nightmares. Lord knows what they're about because he won't tell me anything about them. Everytime I ask, he fakes a smile and says he's fine." He sighed, lowering the knife, setting it on the cutting board. He leaned back, both hands on the counter, even from looking at Kerry's clothed back, he could tell he was tense about the whole ordeal.
"Yes, he's taking him pills regularly. Same with hydration and eating. Although the hydration part seems a bit harder than I'd like to admit." Kerry laughed softly. "I swear he's like a child sometimes. If it's not flavored, he doesn't want it. I mean who hates the taste of water?"
"Right. Sometimes I forget how drastic of an age gap we are. I swear sometimes he makes me feel my age." Another laugh came from Kerry. "I mean what sort of kid hasn't seen or at least heard of *Shrek*? Back in my day that was cinema gold." Another laugh.
Dean stood there, taking in the sweet sound of his laugh. One that he was fairly certain he'd never hear again, Kerry hasn't had much to laugh and smile about as of late. He'd even returned to drinking and smoking once V was in bed for the night. He tried to hide it all, not wanting to worry him, or prove that he couldn't handle it. Their once cheerful, sunny household, was now grey and full of tears. He'd seen how much this had aged Kerry, if not physically, than certainly emotionally. And the only thing going through V's mind is he was the cause of it all. This angelic laughter and half smiles was further proof that Kerry would be okay with out him. He could finally heal from this all. Even if it meant doing it alone.
It was starting to get dark outside, unfortunately the heavy rain showed no sign of letting up anytime soon. A deep rumble came from the sky.
"Ooo~♡ Thunder~♡ I wonder if we'll be lucky enough to see lightning~♡ What do you think V?!" Kerry called out, still having his back to him, returning to chopping a few more times before transferring the cutting board contents to the oiled pan. Dean kept silent, which elected a heavy sigh from Kerry.
"Yeah.. He's gotten into the habit of not answering. I don't know if he can't hear me or what. I have this fear of checking on him one day, and him being.. gone.." His voice got strained. "The other day I went to the store, to grab a few things. And when I'd come home, he was asleep on the couch with the TV on. I swore for a second, that he had died on me while I was gone. I didn't tell him of course-" He stirred the contents in the pan with a wooden spatula. "I mean what do I even say? 'Hey, you scared me today when you fell asleep'.? That would just make him force himself awake, and he has enough problems sleeping as it is." Kerry sighed. "And the last thing I need is to make him feel like a burden."
He had heard enough. V carried his bag to the door, opening it. He tried his best to close the door, silently, yet the latch made a soft click sound.
"What are you doing?" V nearly jumped out of his skin as the voice sounded behind him. One he'd grown far too comfortable with hearing, and one that had become more loud and prominent since he's been sick.
"You know what I'm doing." Dean huffed, carrying his bags to his motorcycle. Ignoring the fact that his clothes were being soaked by the cool rain.
"He's going to kill himself if he finds you gone. Or worse. He'll become me." V scoffed.
"You'd love that wouldn't you? Kerry self destructing so much that he becomes you. Proof that the only reason Kerry loves me is because I'm becoming you. Because that's how it is. Everything is about you. No wonders Alt fucking hated everything about you. Classic Johnny Silverhand, only caring about himself. I bet she didn't even try and fight it when they-" He didn't finish the sentence before a hard smack was delivered by a metal hand, he dropped the bags to the pavement road. He coughed, unable to breathe, he doubled over, his hands on his knees, trying to remain standing on his trembling legs. The warm copper taste filled his mouth, he kept letting out hard coughs, trying to clear his lungs enough to breathe. His hair was pulled, forcing him to stand up straight again.
"Don't talk about shit you know nothing about." Johnny hissed at him. Vince finally spat the blood on where Johnny's shoes would've been, if he was real. He took a shaky, pained breath; finally able to breathe.
"Fuck you." V let out a weak laugh, leaning over to grab his bags once more.
"You're fucking pathetic you know that? Running away from your problems, instead of dealing with them."
"Like you'd know anything about that? All you did is run when things get too real. You ran from Rogue. You ran from Kerry. You ran from Alt. You deserted during the war. You ran from everyone in your life! So you know what? Maybe this isn't me. Maybe it's You." Vince pushed past Johnny to get to his bike. He'd just secured his bag on the back as the door of the villa opened.
"What are you doing.?" Kerry's voice sounded distant, he had his black robe over his shoulders, and his ugly blue sandals. "Where are you going.?" He could hear how heavy those words were for Kerry to vocalize. He couldn't turn to look at him, just the thought of having to stare into those big blue doe eyes again, it would make him stay.
"I'm leaving, Ker."
"Please come inside, we can talk-" Kerry slowly approached the male.
"I don't want to come inside!" V raised his voice, resulting in Ker recoiling his hand from touching Vince. His throat tightened up, his lungs burned with the urge to scream, he tried his best to bottle it up, yet his eyes prickled with tears. "I'm afraid that if I come in.. I might not leave.. And I can't have that."
"Why not? Baby, please come inside. You're wet and cold. Lets at least dry you off. I'll make you some tea. Then we can discuss-"
"For the love of GOD!! WILL YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN TO ME!!" V finally turned to Kerry. He was drenched, his big blue eyes were crying with the rain.
Kerry was taken aback by his tone, and that look of scorn on Dean's face.
Dean took a deep breath, his face softening. He didn't mean to raise his voice, let alone scream at him. He reached out to caress Kerry's face, but he pulled away before he could touch him. His lungs tightened, he'd never had Kerry pull away from him, let alone in fear.
"Ker.. I.." He sighed heavily, shaking his head. Dean picked up his bags, setting them on the back of his bike, using a bungee cord to secure them.
"Where are you going-?" Kerry sniffles, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.
Dean went silent. Kerry reached out, placing his hand on V's arm.
"Please just come inside.. Let's talk about this please.." Kerry looked up at Dean with his big blue eyes.
Dean sighed heavily, pushing Kerry away. "No. I'm leaving Ker. I'm sorry." Kerry backed up, the tears surfacing in his eyes again.
"Please don't. Babe.. Come inside please.."
Dean avoided eye contact from Kerry, as he got on the motorcycle.
"No No No.. Please don't.. Please.."
V sighed, starting the motorcycle, putting on his helmet. His stomach twisted and a wave of nausea washed over him. Something about seeing Kerry, soaked and in tears made his eyes well up. He had to leave. Rather leave while he could still semi-function, than wait until he's too weak to walk.
"V, wait! Please! We can talk about this!" The blonde rocker cried out.
"I love you. And I'm sorry." And with that he finally left.
Kerry stood there, watching his bike disappear from sight. He was shaking from the cold rain that was pouring over him. He was crying so hard he was hyperventilating. His hands trembled as his optics illuminated a red, trying to call Dean, but the call was instantly dropped.
"Fuck.. No.. Please.." He tried again, gaining the same result. "Fuck no please, God-" Again, nothing. "Fuck-" He took a shaky breath, trying to calm his breathing and think for a moment. "I'll call Vik.. He'll know what to do.." Kerry combed a hand through his disheveled and wet hair.
V pulled over on the side of the road, at least 30 miles away from Kerry's Villa. He tossed off the helmet, throwing it to the ground. He couldn't breath, his lungs locked up, and seized. All he could do was cough. He spat up blood, finally able to take a pained breath; which came out more as a heavy wheeze. Gravity hit him and the whole world spun for moment.
He took an uneven gasp before he reluctantly picked up his helmet and got back on his bike. Heading towards the only cozy motel he knew, that was just on the outskirts of Night City; The Sunset Motel. The most peaceful place Dean knew of. It wasn't much, but it would do, up until his body finally gave out on him. And judging by the numbness in his fingertips, it wasn't very long from now.
He put back on his helmet, and headed off down the road. He hated how silent everything had became now. He hated how there was a gap between calls and texts from Kerry now.
How still the world felt. It was oddly comforting. How quiet everything became. It was something he hadn't felt in years; since he was a kid. To have everything just stop for a few seconds. To finally be able to breathe again. He could only hope that Kerry would somehow feel the same, after Dean had left this world. To be comforted by the silence once more.
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juminsmysticmc · 2 years
OMG OPEN REQUESTS!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! This is like my first request ever, cuz im rly new to tumblr. Ur my favorite blogger!! >.<
Ok, so could you do RFA+V with an MC who falls off the bed every morning? I used to do that a lot 😅 I'd love to see each of the members' reaction to that
RFA + Jihyun x Mc who falls off the bed every morning
Hello! BABE HOW CAN I BE YOUR FAV BLOGGER? Like, thank you? 🥺🥺🥺💘💘 so in Italy my sis and I sleep in the same bed and she is literally a HORSE moving around and taking my space! So back when we were younger, I fell off pretty much 😂 this request was so funny, I hope I could meet your expectations 💘
Have fun reading!
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Your husband never let you go. After the both of you had your cuddle or slept together, Jumin Han made sure to stroke your soft skin and inhale your scent, feeling at home.
He didn’t really have a light sleep and could always sense you moving around and so, when you were slowly turning around in your shared bed, Jumin thought you had to get up, get some water, or go to the toilet.
The black haired man let you move around, withdrawing painfully his arms around you and suddenly, he heard a nasty noise.
Jumin jumped up. The sleep he felt was seconds ago as his heart was beating crazily in his chest.
You were laying on the floor, one leg still up on the bed while you rubbed your head. ,,Good Morning,“ you smiled, making him calm down a bit. But only a bit. 
He was only at ease after the doctor checked you up.
This was the first and the last time you could ever fall from the bed because Jumin made sure to have some protection put around the bed.
He also made sure to never ever let go of you.
His beauty sleep was one of the most important things.
No beauty sleep, no perfect start to the day, and so usually Zen had a pretty heavy sleep.
The white haired man never heard you falling from bed. He didn’t even notice the fact that you weren’t lying in bed anymore, but were instead on the floor.
Only one day, when he already had a kind of rough night, he heard something moving around and a louder sound.
It sounded as if something fell.
Zen‘s eyes were still closed. His ears were trying to focus on the noises as he heard the birds singing, helping him realize that it was early in the morning.
His slender fingers were slowly moving on the bed sheets as he could feel the still warm place you should sleep on. Not feeling your presence, not having the chance of pulling you to him and hugging you, Zen opened his eyes. He blinked a few times until he realized that your arm was on the bed.
Scared you could have collapsed while getting up, Zen was quickly on all fours, looking down just to see you rubbing your eyes.
,,I never once woke up on the bed,“ you laughed, taking the helping hand he gave you to get up.
Zen didn‘t like the blue spots on your back and since then, he always made sure to get up earlier than you and hold you until you woke up.
,,So much better ever since you took care of me,“ you smiled happily, giving him the good morning kiss he deserved.
Since Yoosung still had to go to his classes even after the wedding, the young boy was never there when you had to get up.
Although, he always left you the cutest notes and freshly made breakfasts.
And since, on the weekends, you made sure to wake up early and prepare something nice for him. Yoosung never knew that you regularly fell from the bed in the mornings to wake up.
He didn’t notice until one day when he actually overslept because the power wasn’t working.
A loud noise made him jolt, wake up from his wonderful dream, and realize that something was wrong.
,,Ugh, I‘m tired of this,“ you groaned, making Yoosung blink a few times as you slowly got up.
,,Yoosung? What the heck, it’s late!“ you noticed.
For Yoosung, this wasn’t as important as the fact that his wife was laying with her body on the floor, although he came to realize too that he was missing an important class at the moment.
The two of you actually noticed that Yoosung never noticed that habit of yours and you even laughed about the hilarious situation.
Seven years passed and Yoosung never managed to keep you from falling.
No pillows helped you to fall soft, His arms he made sure to wrap around your body, never stayed on you and nothing seemed to help.
It wasn’t until the day the two of you found out you were pregnant that Yoosung seemed to take your habit more seriously.
,,Yoosung, this costs too much,“ you groaned as he and Zen made sure to put a net on your side to hold you properly.
,,Nothing costs too much for my wife and my baby,“ he stubbornly hissed, making Zen proud with his cool behavior.
The woman didn’t sleep heavily.
As soon as her eyes were just a bit heavier, she could already react to her surroundings.
The first night the two of you finally managed to sleep in the same bed was already programmed to be a restless one for her while you peacefully slept on your side, smiling to yourself.
Jaehee was turning around on her half from one side to the other, mostly because she was nervous because she liked you so much that sleeping seemed way too hard.
But when she finally managed to fall asleep, everything felt just so much better. Her body felt lighter and she felt at ease.
That was until she heard something fall, a groan, and something moving on the mattress.
When she opened her eyes, the only thing she could see was you trying to get on the bed once again, struggling as you were still half asleep.
,,Mc…why are you…?’’ she mumbled, rubbing one eye before her hand tried to reach out for yours to help you up.
,,I don’t know. I never managed to stay on my bed whenever I had to get up.
As soon as my clock rings or I want to get up, I fall from the bed,’’ you smiled, embarrassed and flustered that Jaehee knew that side of you, the clumsy one.
Jaehee could finally laugh and the nervousness from the entire night was minimized.
Throughout the day, Jaehee was pretty sleepy, but at least she didn’t have to worry about how to fall asleep and or how to wake up because you always made a loud noise when you fell.
Although, she made sure to put away anything that could hurt you while falling.
Sleep deprived.
If one word could describe him, Saeyoung would use that word, next to words like aggressive, angry, and scared.
He was in the room with you, in Rika’s apartment, and suddenly his world began to crumble.
Acting nicely to you wasn’t an option anymore and even though he didn’t want you to be in pain, he knew very well how much he hurt your feelings with his behavior.
Once again, the sun shone on the new morning, welcoming his pale face as Saeyoung turned his head to you.
He observed how you nuzzled your head into the probably soft bed sheets, how you smiled and slowly turned around.
Saeyoung watched you intensely and somehow didn’t notice that the slow turns you were making were awfully dangerous for making you fall.
And indeed, the fall happened.
Saeyoung was still watching you as you fell with one side on the hard floor, the blanket over you as you laid on the cold floor, waking up in a pretty rough way.
He was shocked. Did he just watch you fall?
,,Morning,’’ you groaned as you noticed his eyes on you, rubbing your sore muscle.
,,Don’t worry, it happens daily,’’ you said, wondering if he even worried.
Suddenly, a loud, clear laugh was heard and Saeyoung couldn’t help but laugh about whatever just happened to you.
You suddenly had the urge to laugh with him, not knowing that this perhaps made you grow a bit closer to each other.
,,I’m so happy that you came back,’’ you mumbled, two years later when you finally could hold Jihyun in your arms again, hug him, feel his skin, warmth and affection towards you.
,,You did so well, you worked so hard,’’ you praised him.
But the man craved more than your words. The two of you ended up cuddling together in the cozy couch, falling asleep there, embraced.
It wasn’t until the next morning that Jihyun woke up totally comfortable on his couch.
He slowly woke up and stretched his body, feeling pretty good and wondering how you were already awake.
When he, however, could feel something pretty soft beneath his feet, he noticed that you weren’t awake yet.
,,MC?!’’ he called, wondering if he pushed you away in the middle of the night while sleeping.
You slowly opened your eyes as you adjusted your eyes, recognizing your surroundings.
,,Morning, did you sleep well?’’ you asked him as if it was only a little detail that you were laying on the floor.
,,Yeah, I did, and you…?’’ he wondered.
,,I did, yeah, even better ever since you’re back with me…. and don’t worry, I’m falling off the bed out of habit,’’ you chuckled, finally noticing why he looked so worried.
It made him feel better since he was scared that he pushed you, but this didn’t solve the fact and indeed, Jihyun bought a bigger bed and something soft for the floor so that the fall wouldn’t be as hard…
Sadly, you always landed next to it.
09.09.2022 // 18:00 MEST
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Me: Ok, I have some free time today. I need to be productive. Maybe get those notes I've been procrastinating for weeks...
My brain:
My brain: or....we could do a moodboard.
Me: no, stfu
My brain: :))))
Anyway, guess who won??🙂
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I'm actually really glad I did this lmao. It had been some time since last one and I have so much fun making them🥺 hope you like it!!
Noah. I- *cries softly*
You know I was like 'oh no after lbaf v I'll probably never write about David again' and when I see reminders like this I realize how much I love writing about him.
LIKE "David is not meant for undercover. He is not a trained field agent. He's too gay for that" IT'S GOLDEN AND ONLY DAVID WOULD SAY SHIT LIKE THIS AND I WILL NEVER STOP WRITING ABOUT THIS BABY BOY AND THAT IS THAT.
This was so so so beautiful and as always - you've put so much thought into this. AND I LOVE THE BORDER. WOW. YOU ARE SO CREATIVE.
The second emoji on the left side inspired by this little scene so I hope you like it. This is for you:
Max grabs his badge and puts it in his pocket. 
It’s very shiny. Probably because he cleans it everyday. He’s kinda super fond on it. 
A long time ago, after the whole self-blackmail incident, dad had made a joke about how Max would make a good criminal if he had fewer morals. 
Then bapak had joked about how most criminals would make good cops. 
And then Max had an idea. 
Sure, he never wanted to join Interpol. But then again, he never wanted to move to France either.
But he did in fact do both of those things.
Because sometimes life has a way of giving you the things you didn't know you needed or wanted.
And because he is ridiculously in love. 
It’s not bad. The job. Being a field agent is the fucking best. Not to mention the fact that he gets to flirt with one of his coworkers and not get fired for it. Since said coworker happens to be his boyfriend. 
Max grabs his watch and looks around their bedroom. 
Badge. Watch.
He’s missing something important.
He hears a soft muffled ding from under the blanket and chuckles as he reaches for his phone. There we go.
It’s a text from David. 
“Babe?” Max calls over his shoulder. “Have we really reached that stage where we text each other inside the house?”
David doesn’t respond. 
Maybe he ran out to get breakfast. 
Max opens his texts and stares at the message. 
It’s a simple text. 
Max blinks at it a couple of times. Then a couple of times more. 
David: 💍❓
Max almost drops his phone as he whirls around. David is leaning against the doorframe with a stupid smile on his face. 
Max wants to marry him yesterday. 
“You did not,” Max says in disbelief. 
“I believe I did,” David nods solemnly. 
“David Beauchamp,” Max giggles. “You did not.”
“You are going to reply or just put me on read?” David asks him. 
Max does neither and decides to jump into his boyfriend’s arms. “Not gonna lie. I expected something cheesy and romantic from you.”
“So, you’ve been expecting me to propose then?” David grins. 
“A man can dream, David!” Max huffs. 
David chuckles. Max’s heart softens at the sound. 
“Marry me,” David whispers the words out loud and Max wants to perish. “Marry me and I’ll give you a lifetime of romance.”
“A lifetime?” Max manages to say because he is dizzy with happiness. “So, like this is a forever kind of deal, is it?”
“I’m afraid of so,” David nods. 
“Well,” Max sighs dramatically. “Then I guess I’ll have to say yes.”
“Yes?” David smiles. 
Max smiles with his face. Maybe his heart. “Yes.”
David’s hands find his face and David’s lips finds his own. He kisses Max as he does everything else. With love. 
“God, I want to marry you yesterday,” David groans against his lips. 
Max feels that. So, he pulls back and stares his boyfriend. His fucking fiancé. “How about you marry me today?”
David blinks. “Today?”
“You’re already off today. I bet if I can sprain my leg, I could get the day off today.”
“Max. You can’t sprain your leg every time you want to stay home whenever I’m off work. Our colleagues will start to get suspicious.”
“You’re right,” Max nods. “Let’s sprain my arm this time.”
“Mon ange,” David chuckles and kisses him again. “There is no rush.”
“But I wanna!” Max groans. 
David chuckles. “You wanna?”
Max nods. “I wanna be your husband.”
That last word seems to do the trick. David sighs softly and pulls him closer. “I suppose we could tell them you have fever.”
“I do,” Max nods. “I feel so hot right now.”
David chuckles against his skin. “Are you sure about this?”
“Hell yeah. There is nothing that can change my mind,” Max huffs and then suddenly blinks. “Shit. Wait. My parents. They’ll probably kill us.”
David considers that. He hums. “If we are getting married today, hypothetically, will you wear a suit?”
“I’ll wear whatever the fuck you want me to wear,” Max winks. 
“Then I suppose we’ll have to get married today,” David tells him. 
“What about my parents?” Max asks.
“Meh,” David shrugs. “They hate me already.”
“That is true.”
“I was joking!”
“I was not.”
“You know what?” Max asks. “They’ll probably hate you a little less if you’re related to us. We’re a very forgiving family.”
“Are you?”
“Alright then,” David reaches into his pocket and takes out a ring with a blue diamond on it. “I guess we’re doing this.”
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milkbreadtoast · 9 months
Ask and ye shall receive! I am here to ask you to tell us all about your OCs! What kind of world do they live in? What kind of story do you want to tell with them? Their personalities? Your favorite aspects of each of them? What do you associate with them, like, what thing, when you see it, makes you go "ohhhhh! This reminds me of them!" Please tell us!
OMG.... THANK U FOR ASKING AAAH 🥺🥺🥺 so im going to answer this for the 2 OCs i drew and posted most recently... these guys...
FIRST OF ALL want to start off w a disclaimer that I'm going to talk abt them as if it's like. a story or webtoon or webnovel that im going to make but in reality i think theres a slim chance of me making that a reality even tho i rly want to TT but its still fun to think abt/develop them...
This OC story has a main 4 (2 guys and 2 girls); there's a 💙girl, 💚guy (the 2 protagonists) and ❤️girl and 💜guy (on the opposing/"antagonist" side). This story is actually based off a dream I had back in 2018 LMAO but my subconscious just gave me the very basic concept/vibes (like a prompt basically) and i had to flesh it out from there... also only 3/4 showed up in the dream, the 💜guy I had to make from scratch and he went thru the most changes(+all r still being developed)
-what kind of world do they live in?
So in this universe there's a power system/a small percent of the population has powers... I've just been generically calling them "psychic powers/espers" like in mp100 (超能力/초능력, lit: superpowers) bc i dont have a name for them like "nen" or anything... I'm not going to go into detail of how it works yet but I think it does share some similarities w mp100 (like how some r born w it and others can awaken it thru stress)... Anyway, both 💚 and 💜 are very strong psychics(aka have strong power)... I think all 4 of the main charas have some powers, or at least 3/4 (💙 is also a very strong psychic.) Other than that I guess it takes place in modern day Korea..? Except... I may be Korean American but I know very little about actual Korea/have never lived there, so if I was ever to make this story a reality(again prob neverㅠ), I'd have to do a lot of research and/or have a Korean writing partner/consultant...
-their personalities (v basic intro)
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💚guy... His name is Hyojun (lastname tbd) and he's the son of a rly rich family (3/4 mcs are from rich familys...def influenced by ouran smhdsj). Even tho he's from rich society, he doesn't really look or act like it (he's handsome, but has a rough/rowdy look), and really detests this environment and most of the people; finds them suffocating, obnoxious, scummy, Fake, etc. He has a rebellious personality, hates rules and values freedom... He's also really good at and enjoys fighting/sparring. He is a powerful psychic and is also physically strong (knows martial arts + how to fight). (yyh yusuke is def one of his influences heh..) The "hyo" in his name means filial piety/duty... basically a name given with the hope that he'd be an obedient and dutiful son...
His color motif is green💚 and his animal motif is snake🐍 (secondary motif: lizards in general). He's one of the 2 protagonists!! (The other is the 💙girl)
I like the idea of one of the protags having an atypical animal motif that's often associated with evil (or being slimy/conniving etc) like a snake... tried to incorporate this subtly into his design too (slit pupils + cute fang(s)... the fangs give him a cat/dogboy look but it's actually bc snake motif😙)
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💜🦋: I kind of designed him to be a foil to hyojun and contrast him in many ways... He's one of the main "antagonists" of the story! (in that he's on the side opposing the "protagonists"... not that he's necessarily "evil"...) He's the heir to a very rich & powerful family, and Unlike the rough and rebellious Hyojun, he's refined, elegant, reserved, calm, polite and gentle. His design is made to look very soft in contrast to Hyojun's sharp edges (literally designed him to contrast hyojun in as many ways as possible lmao🫣). He's also a powerful psychic. He and his family are involved in some shady business behind the scenes... He usually seems kind and gentle, but he's hiding a lot of things behind his smile... He and Hyojun may be opposites in terms of personality, but they may have more similarities than they seem. 👀 I'm being vague but KDJSKDN basically know that he's the smiley faker type... like Clotted Cream Cookie... (clotted actually matched so many of the ideas i had for this OC which I think is 1 reason why I got so attached to him when he came out bdkbdn... his lore is diff but his personality/vibes r p similar + both have parental issues/trauma...)
His color motif is purple💜 (+yellow) and his motif is butterfly🦋!! (/moths? +insects in general) I really love this motif for him bc butterflies have an image of being docile, fragile, gentle and pretty... I love the trope of villains/antagonists with aesthetics/motifs that are soft/pretty/unassuming and atypical of villains... Just like w hyojun having a 🐍 motif as a protagonist... But I also love the butterfly motif because besides being pretty, as insects, there's a somewhat creepy/horror element to them too? I think the duality of butterflies suits the duality of his chara perfectly... And I tried to incorporate the motif into his design thru his spotted eyes... They're normally light on dark and look like sparkly eyeshines, but the colors invert when he's using his powers and become dark spots on light, inspired by spotted butterfly eyes (u can google "butterfly eyes"), creating an entirely different vibe + invoking slight trypophobia (but in the latest/final iteration of his design I simplified the spots to just 3 as to not go overboard)
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(Btw I actually wanted all the psychic charas eyes to look diff when using their powers as a cool visual indicator... 💜's are prob the coolest atm but Hyojun💚's eyes also change/invert; they go from black w a light green slit pupil to green with a black slit pupil)
-what kind of story do u want to tell w them?
If I had to describe it, it'd be like a mix of a shounen/action genre piece (action scenes, fighting, facing an evil org, superpowers etc) and at the same time play heavily off of/include a lot of elements/tropes of the shoujo/romance genre??? This won't make sense without more context but... there'd be a lot of insp from/playing off of (and subverting) tropes from shoujo romance manga/webtoons... while at the same time blending it with the action genre... The goal is to draw heavily from both and take these tropes and mash and twist them up and create something new and really fun (and hopefully funny... I def want it to be a comedy kdhfj. But also I want it to include well rounded characters with deep and angsty backstories and relationships... def a lot of overcoming trauma...) Even the makeup of the main 4 mirrors the main character tropes of both the action/shounen and romance/shoujo genres... there's 4 main charas, mirroring the main 4 of some of my fav shounens (mainly YYH and HxH), but they're also evenly split in terms of gender, 2 guys and 2 girls, which mirrors the main cast formula of the romance genre (ex: female lead, male lead, sub male lead, sub female lead/rival)... It's definitely going to have a strong theme of friendship/found family/platonic bonds (as is typical of shounen genre) bc I eat that sht up... It wouldn't be classified as a "romance", but that doesn't mean it won't have romance... just not in the direction one might expect... Idk how much I should say but it'd be sooo hetbait dkbfdjd I love the idea so much... (hetbait but actually gay kshdjdh)
Anyway I want to make a story that'd have readers (like the webtoon commenters i see) confused about what genre it is lmaoo... like is this supposed to be action or romance... and also be like who am i supposed to ship... KFJSKJ (i have my own ships but it'd be fun to see who ppl would ship during the course of it... ppl liking diff ship dynamics... fantasizes abt it being a real thing even tho it prob wont happen lmao)
I need to draw updated art of 💙girl and ❤️girl..!! In the meantime here's some older art of 💙girl(2021-2022) that I apparently never posted... my pookie she is everything to me mfbdn Her name is Seol!
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And here's some even older art (2018-2019)!! I've had these charas since 2018 (well... 💜 didnt exist back then... conceptualized in 2019) but I only drew/developed them once in a blue moon bc i usually just draw fanart of my hyperfixations🥹... sorry for neglecting u, ocs...
edit: I realized I forgot a very important piece of info... ages MCNDNB Hyojun and Seol are both 20 (at least for now? it could change) and 💜guy(NEED TO NAME HIM SOON FR) is like 1-2 yrs older. hmm... when i first made them they were my age but now theyre younger lmaoo. Maybe I'll age them up or not but they're all over 18 at least
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mitamicah · 1 year
for the soft asks thing: 10, 21 and 27 <33
Thank you for the asks 🥺🤗💚
10 - What's something you're excited for? - Well, this might need some context but in Denmark we have these "adult schools" where you can go and live for between one week to half a year or even a year and explore your passion for whatever you like. And for the last 8 years I've been going to one of these schools for 2 weeks to just live and breathe music and songwriting :3 For ease of use I've referred to this as my time at 'summer camp' ^V^ So in under a month I'll be going to summer camp yet again where I have signed up for a pop and rock cover band in one of the weeks and to record my own music in week 2. Both of these are making me excited since I have made it my goal to see if I can learn Cha Cha Cha by heart so I can try getting the band to play it with me (since the hardest thing in that song is probably the lyrics after all) and in week 2 I am excited since - from reading the description that the teacher made themselves - the course is taught by a nonbinary producer using they/them pronouns 🥺💚
So here's my long answer to a simple question x'D
21 - If you could tell your past self one thing what would it be? - I'd love to tell them that they don't have to fit in so bad. That what they think is a curse (whether it is not being social enough, getting an autism diagnosis, not being feminine enough, not liking sex or romance enough etc.) is really their strength and worth cherising :'3
27 - which character would you want to be? - Oh boy this is tough since I have clear favourite characters but I'd actually not like to be one of them since Hunter (the Owl House) and Jim (Tales of Arcadia) for instance are very put through trauma on the daily :'3 Maybe I'd like to be Raine Whispers from the Owl House since yes they get some trauma too but they are dang badass, play violin (which I'd love to do), and gets to snuggle with the owl lady :3 Oh and they are a respect nonbinary witch so what's not to like :D!! So yeah I'll take Raine Whispers x'D
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brighteststar707 · 9 months
Also for the ask game!! I'd like to make it sound all fancy and smart like I'm an English teacher, but my brain is too silly for that
6 - Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics: Is it weird that the first thing that came to mind is Jaehee with pigtails from the 'Hair' fic you wrote for her? It was such a domestic piece, but picturing myself playing with her little pigtails and watching her blush as I call her cute, is something I still remember very vividly, oddly enough. I love Jaehee!! And I love the way you write her to bits and pieces. Soft coffee wife, my beloved <3
7 - What made me the most emotional after reading: Telepathy. It's always going to be Telepathy. Okay, maybe not always, but it'll definitely remain up there even in the future. I'd say it's my favorite fic of yours, actually. Which is... honestly very surprising, because I don't get as effected by Jumin/V stories as I do with Choi twins or Rika, for exactly! I do get sad and it's interesting for me to see them explored in different ways, but I never really felt... all choked up about them, you know? Well, you took that and slapped me right across the face with the masterpiece that is Telepathy./pos The way you wrote down the slow and painful process of drifting apart from your best friend... God, it felt both cathartic and painful. Probably because it's something I've experienced first hand, very recently, at that. Telepathy is a fic that left me laying on my bed and staring up into the ceiling, just thinking about it for a good 15 minutes. And, you know what? That's my favorite kind of feeling after reading a fic. I love Telepathy. I will gush about for as long as it exists. Go read Telepathy, ya'll.
8 - What I like the most about your writing: Descriptive writing. Now, it's probably because descriptive is my personal weakest point (in my opinion), and I tend to always focus extremely hard whenever I read someone else use descriptive writing in their works to learn new techniques and memorize if it sounds good or not. Either way, God, do I adore the way you manage to just paint the exact image of what's happening as I read. It's not too much, and it's not too little. It's just right. If I would write up everything I vividly remember from your fics, this ask would get too damn long, but what's important is that I often remember the exact location. How it looked. How it felt. How it smelled. How a certain character was dressed. How their face looked. Whether it was warm or cold. What sounds there were. It's those tiny details that make even the simplest of your stories shine so brightly! They just... get stuck in your head like your favorite song. And I think that's just amazing <3
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I don't know what I did to deserve this Mia!! I've been sat here reading this over and over and feeling all warm and fuzzy🥺 Please don't worry about trying to sound English teacher-y, you've conveyed everything here so well.
Soft coffee wife Jaehee! I've made it my personal mission to write her soft and happy because she gets to little opportunity to do that in the canon routes (and I love her to bits and think she deserves the world). I'm so glad the pigtails imagery stuck! She deserves her cute moments too!
The Telepathy love!!! I will always appreciate love for Telepathy, it's one of those fics that will also always be one of my favs because of the writing process and the relationship between V and Jumin. It's a wonderful surprise to hear that my writing had that effect on you, especially for a relationship that doesn't usually affect you that strongly. It's all I could ask for, really. I'm very sorry that you had to deal with the slow loss of a friend. It's a uniquely painful experience and I'm sending you a lot of warmth <3
The details of my stories sticking in your head like a song.... Oooh I'm going to need a moment, that's one of the nicest things anyone has said about my writing. Thank you, Mia.
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euphor1a · 2 years
heyyyy, ive been meaning to ask you this but idk why i didn't until now🙃, lol anw since you posted that anon hour thingie im just gonna ask: which kpop idol is *actually* your type?? fr who would you date irl👁️👄👁️
your stan list is hefty(lol i check your carrd randomly sometimes it's so pretty)so im v curious
Ahhhh interesting question 😳!! I have never really thought about it, but y’know, sometimes (more than sometimes tbh) I’m watching a video and someone does something and internally I’m just going “hmm I think I’d actually date this guy” or “damn I think I’m in love is he maybe looking for a wife or something” 🧍🏽‍♀️
Skshksjk anyway, I made a whole ass list. Because yes. You might find it suprising at some points but not really... idk 🤡
bts: hobi (... he’s so hubby material it huRTS 😭! have you ever noticed how fucking caring and understanding this man is? and the way he’s so passionate? he’s so attractive 😔 also his vibe is top tier I LOVE IT SM GAHHHH >.< it’s like an instant mood lifter) + jk (pretty sure no one is surprised that i’m picking him, but 🥺 he’s so boyfriend shaped 🥺, and god, i can’t explain in short but i adore everything about him to bits ☹️, you can go through my tag for him and see the embarrassing ass posts i make about him if you wanna know more. PLS DON’T ACTUALLY, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR)
txt: binnie (i’m aware that i rarely scream about him so let me just— OH MY GOD CHOI SOOBIN IS LITERALLY MY IDEAL TYPE 😭?? i love quiet and shy people who are actually unhinged once they get comfortable, because guess what i’m exactly the same 🤠! we can be introverted clowns together and i’d love him so bad 🤧! i’ll probably be whiny and pouty all the time and i just know that he’s the type of boyfriend who pouts back and then kisses you. KICKING MY FEET WHY DID I IMAGINE THAT FUCJNSSS)
svt: gyu (the male-wife agenda is real you guys 😔!!! he’s a soft giant™ type of guy :( also his vibe??? idk bro something about enfjs 🥲, i feel so drawn to whatever he does. and he’s really fucking tall and buff, which are such a BONUS, because for some reason i really like the thought of being carried around in the house, especially if i’m tired or sleepy. so yeah. would climb 10/10. cuddles for life. size kink go brrrr. big boobs so i can hide from all the scary things in his chest. also i love him so very much and it hurts. ok that is enough simping) + dino (ah... love me a guy who can make me laugh to the point i feel like i’m gonna die because i haven’t breathed in the past 40 seconds. another enfj too :') i just know i’d be the happiest girl on earth with him. he’s so attractive??? and his personality??? and when he laughs???? and he’s so honest about how he feels :( *falls in love and breaks a limb*) + cheol (look me in the eye and tell me that he isn’t TOP TIER HUSBAND MATERIAL. i. dare. you. if he cares about you, you’re gonna be his top priority and i stan that shit so hard. he actually makes me feel like a 14 y/o who has developed a crush on someone for the first time 😭)
enha: park jongseong (🛐🛐🛐 he regularly makes my expectations for a partner reach new heights and i’m not exactly a fan of it. LIKE??? DUDE DON’T DO THAT I’M GONNA DIE SINGLE🧍🏽‍♀️??? ugh god he’s so :((( totally the type to hug you from the back as a surprise and then kiss any bare skin he can find in your shoulder/neck area. also, the type to bury his nose there and inhale your scent because he associates you with home— NOW TELL ME WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF 😭😭😭😭)
&team: kei (the irl disney prince i deserve!!! 🥺 throughout &audition he tightened his grip around my heart so badly... i legit get heart flutters whenever he appears on screen. he’s so exceptionally thoughtful and caring 😭, and his energy is so intoxicating! i love it, it makes me smile all the time! can’t wait for his debut 🥺)
skz: chan (do i really need to explain?? this man makes me feel such a wide range of emotions. a big heart with a big... nose and so goddamn boyfriend??? i love him. and ngl, it feels like he walked straight out of a romance webtoon. chan is very supportive of everyone too, it’s kinda crazy? i adore him 😞)
atz: yunho (this guy... i’d commit arson for him. he’s my honeybun, sugarplum, cuppycake, gumdrop etc. etc. you get it 🥺🤧😭!! i love him so much fuck i know i’m repeating the same shit over and over for everyone but yunho is so precious oh my god 😭!! soft boyfie :(( my heart aches for him, and!! yes i do the cooking, yes i do the cleaning 🤠👏🏼 *is that enough for a ring?*)
— “ anon hour ☁️ ” + send me an ask!
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hi Angie dear, can i get a 🍒, 🍊 & 🍌 ?
these asks always seem so cute, i wanna participate haha
send a 🍒 and I’ll describe/make a combined aesthetic for me and my mutual
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HELP some of these are such specific references but I think I’m funny 😂 I could’ve added like 3829 pictures to this tbh
send a 🍌 and I’ll say what characters I think of when I think of my mutual
Well the characters I associate with you most is probably George Luz, Nick Nelson, pretty much every Olivia Colman character tbh, and that Rooster guy from the new Top Gun movie even though I haven’t seen it 🤣 the characters that you remind me of most, probably Nick Nelson, Shifty Powers and Beth March (notice how they all have v soft energy 🥺)
send a 🍊 and I’ll say what song I think of when I I think of my mutual
So many songs!!! Actually the very first one that made its way onto the playlist was I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor, so maybe that one? It’s happy and upbeat and I feel happy when I think of you so I think that’s a fitting choice!
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woozi · 2 years
HOW WAS CHEERS FOR YOU? im so so happy with the leaderline cb, i still can't believe we got it. all 3 of them slayed it with capital s <3 (also vv happy about it dropping on my birthday 🥺) vv excited for the repackage also.
how was concert for you?!! did you get to watch? i hope you did ( look at me asking as if we both actually attended 💀 ) felt so good to watch them perform after ages best two days of last month tbh. i cannot let shadow choreo get out of my mind godddd and cheol was so right about gyu's part being addicting (AND LIVE SHADOW GYU 💀🔥 GOD HELP US) they all looked so good eap in those prince outfits, and so so soft in their snapshoot encore outfits 🥺🤍 what were your favorite performances?
also what were/are your rankings of face the sun i wanna know tell me tell me:3, and OFC " 'bout you " ranks high in my list and is even more dear to me, always puts me in good mood no matter what 🥺 it's cheery, so upbeat, it's like a jar filled with colorful sweet clouds. darling has also become one of my favorite soft songs it's v cute i've lost the count of how many times i have listened to don quixote and shadow jsjdjdkdj total opposite of bout you and i love that so much. the angst and edgy vibe these two have i love love that.
that being said manifesting don quixote and cheers live performance we badly need it ( if you leave me too bc i love crying <3 djjsdjdk )
OMG ALSO im so happy my beloved 2 minus 1 made it on the setlist. vernon and shua should collab often tbh they always bring out bops.
wanted to recommend you some music last time i dropped ask but forgot dhdjkd woodz (album : colorful trauma ) and woosung (album: moth ) also released music in may along w got7 and svt. i wanted to tell you they also made may music wise good for me i feel like you'll like a song or two from these
also how have you been? <3 what has been your mind? <3 what music have you been listening to? <3 missed you very much 🥺 sending you best vibes as always and happy birthday month to you :3 hope july is very very kind and lovely to you. sending/receiving replies to you really be charging me with serotonin for days fr <3 thank you for listening to me 🥺🤍
also have i told you how i love it whenever i open your ask box and see " ask woozi a question " hsjdjdkdkd
i think it's good!!! not yet obsessed w her but she might be a grower <3 i love the choreo sm though 👁 AND IM SO SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!!
AND I DID WATCH THE CON ON BOTH DAYS <333333333 was so pumped tbh, they really were about Performances this time and i LOOVE THAT sm <3 ok but you're SOOOOOOOOO valid JFDHSJFDSH could he please put the double ds away 😭😭 also isn't shadow the choreo they rushed 👁 (idk if im rmb things correctly) it's even MORE amazing how they pulled that off tbh and for that to become ur fave <3 incredible!! i really loved the rearrangements for BeTS sm i thoroughly enjoyed all the performances but i'd say wave tbh <33 its FRESH!! also omg r u going to see them irl as well?
ALSO SAUR TRUEEEEEEE <3 darling has grown on me a LOT tbh <3 also love how u appreciated songs from opposite ends of the spectrum 😋 my ranking changes a lot but rn its hot > ash > don quixote = march = darling = shadow = domino = bout you > if you leave me
also they did perform don quixote (or is my memory lying to me fjsdhfsd im pretty sure they did though bc i rmb it from soundcheck) <3 AND NOT WANTING TO CRY PLEASE FDJHDSFDS
AND I KNOW?????????????????????????? god rocket line really is a blessing to humanity i'm so glad they were included in the set list
ALSO OH MY GOD ILY EVEN MORE I DIDNT KNOW U LISTENED TO WOODZ AND WOOSUNG TOO????????????????????? IM KICKING RN???????????????? ur taste oh MY GOD. i'm so so glad i met u tbh <3 and ure right may really brought us some BANGERS
i've been on summer break for a month now so it's been v fun for me, i finally got lots of sleep + got to do things i kept putting off bc of uni <3 so that's great!! honestly i'm just a svtpoppie 😭😭😭 but lately i've been more obsessed w sunmi than usual i really love her latest release <3 u should listen to it if u have the time!!
thank u for always being so kind ily vm </3 happy birthday month to US!! thank u for always hanging out w me <3 MWAH
PLS DSJKFSDHF THAT IS SO CUTE OF U 😭😭😭 wish i could also ask jihoon a question fr lmao ANYWAY!! hope u get to eat good food and spend the day as u want <3 hope today brings u much joy i love UUUUUUUU!!
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