#this post is about leosagi
miracleofunicorns · 5 months
Got done watching Blue-Eyed Samurai and I'm making it everyone else's problem by writing gay samurai fanfiction with a love triangle until I get my season 2!!!!
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tazmiilly · 1 year
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top 10 funniest ways to come out to your family
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milolunde · 1 year
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“The greatest master needs his sword the least…”
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gen-0 · 1 year
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Having tea after a long day of silliness
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scatterbrainedbot · 5 months
i am plagued....with.......
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mutated-green-things · 6 months
I reblogged this meme awhile ago but I had a hard time narrowing it down to just one fic I have daydreamed about a lot but not written:
I really have so many Leonardo ideas buzzing around for this but I eventually decided to ramble about the fic I started mentally crafting awhile back about Leo having DID/being plural. Mostly because that’s the one I’ve made the most notes about (Haven’t actually written any actual fic/prose I just have lots of disparate ideas and such) The biggest thing being a system list for him! It’s all the alters I think he’d have along with a (somewhat) short description of them. So, I’ll start with that and share some extra thoughts at the end! (Also quick note: every alter listed uses he/him unless otherwise stated)
Leonardo: Host and most big brother-y of them all. Tries to get his brothers to follow the rules but isn't angry or cruel. Is calm and calculating and effectively uses the knowledge his librarian alter has collected. Doesn't ramble about it, but thinks about it often. The effective, precise leader, general, and combatant.
Okami/Wolf: The first split and inspiration for this fic/AU. Essentially Leo feels a bit like a different character in season 4: Angry, violent, brutal. So the idea is that when they’re all almost killed in that explosion on Shredder’s ship, that’s the start of Leo’s system. That failure and threat of death is so traumatic that he splits a persecutor who blames him to explain away something so devastating and unfair happening without reason. The idea being that if Leonardo was just a little better, it wouldn’t have happened in the first place, and that makes the universe still controllable and just in their eyes. They weren’t good enough to reach the happy ending that his family deserved, but they can be if they work hard enough. Okami fronts throughout the first half or so of season 4 and even after Leo gets better he switches in when the body has to fight and when feelings of depression and failure well up. Okami can often be cruel and unreasonable and he’s the one who over trains and self harms.
Ryushi/りゆし: Written in hiragana because this alter only speaks in Japanese. Ryushi is very formal and tends to front during the most traditional functions the family takes part in. Most active in the morning during meditation and morning tea, though he also pretty frequently comes out in Usagi’s presence. He regularly has incredibly lengthy conversations with Usagi exclusively in Japanese, which drives Mikey and Raph crazy, since they can’t follow all of it. Donnie and Splinter sometimes jump in too, but some of the more modern/technical Japanese words Don knows throws Usagi (and sometimes even Ryushi) off, so Don will usually just let them have their fun. Splinter hops in more often and will happily embarrass the hell out of his son, but he also knows when to let them have their private time. As a final note: Ryushi loves Japanese snacks, his favorite being milk candy.
Kit/Kitsune: This is the librarian alter listed in Leonardo’s description. They’re a Bookworm who loves to read and catalogue. They’ll happily ramble for hours about kata, sword forging, battle history, haiku, and stratagem. In general Kitsune has pretty big autism vibes with a pretty wide range of special interests that overlap. They sometimes forgets to eat if they’re perfecting a Kata or reading something particularly interesting. Sometimes referred to as Donnie 2.0 by Raph/Mikey. Non-Binary. Probably They/He/She in that order for preference of pronoun. Has some interest in combat but prefers to read about it rather than participate though I do kind of like the idea of their signature weapon being tessen. The Burnt Out Gifted Kid with a Praise Kink also really fits Kit.
Blue: Scared, scarred child. Trauma holder and only little. Probably around 8 or 9. Still carries an extreme fear of heights that the rest of the system “conquered” around this age. Conquered in quotes because really I think Leonardo pressed that shit down until it was all squeezed into the psychic space that would eventually become Blue. He may hurt others as a fear response but is sloppy and can't actually do serious damage like Wolf, Leonardo, or Ryushi. The second split after Okami. Comes around as Leo starts to confront his trauma and fears with Usagi and Donatello’s help.
Leo: The last to split and only formed when they’ve finally worked through a lot of shit and returned to some sort of relaxed normalcy. He’s close to Leonardo in personality but way more fun loving and easy going. Plays games with his family and makes dad jokes. Will happily play video games with Mikey and prank his brothers. Comes out when doing fun family activities, when they are loopy tired, or when they are under the influence of something.
I also have some idea for the system name being The Armory System or just The Armory, and have a ton of thoughts on how this is explained to Leo. But none of them are cohesive or concrete. I do know that both Usagi and Donatello would play a big role in this fic but I don’t know who would be more active/how I would achieve any sort of balance between them…
I could just have Donnie tag along into Usagi’s world when Usagi takes Leo on his Big Healing Adventure. I think Don would gladly tag along but there’s some steps I’d need to go through to make that happen without Raph and Mikey coming too. That and even if I make that happen I’d still have to balance interactions and such so it wouldn’t be weighted to one side too much.
A few stray thoughts and that’ll end my ramble:
This would ofc be a Leosagi story and getting explore Usagi falling in love with Leonardo and all his different alters sounds so so fun.
I also had this idea of using a magical journal or bottle that can transport words/objects across dimensions. I still like that idea a lot and will likely repurpose it for it’s own fic but I like the idea of Don, Leo, and Usagi all traveling together in Usagi’s world even more.
Okay! That’s it! Thanks for reading!
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tervaneula · 1 year
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dangerous-advantage · 11 months
why is usagi yoimbo so fucking good? (an analysis.)
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usagi yojimbo is one of the most interesting, well-told, intelligent, heartfelt stories i have ever read. it's stories are nuanced and likable, supported by characters and relationships you root for.
it's simple, balanced, and when things get serious, you feel it.
and if anyone had recommended it to me, i probably wouldn't have read it.
(spoilers for usagi yojimbo: volume two; jizo. fair warning: this will probably go long.)
i picked up uyv2 on a whim. i wasn't really planning on reading it, and if i did, i didn't think i would particularly like it.
but it was related to my current hyperfixation (they didn't have 'the last ronin' in stock, which was what i was looking for), and it was a special day, so i thought, "fuck it, i'll buy this."
a couple days later, i finished it and immediately needed more. yada yada, tale as old as time.
but what exactly made it so good? a lot of people will get into media and be hooked by the very first installment. usagi yojimbo, for me, required a little bit of faith.
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i started with uyv2: issue one, aka 'shades of green.' if you're a tmnt fan, this is a great jumping off point, because it lures you in with tmnt lore all while putting intrigue in your mind about what these other guys are doing, i guess.
there are callbacks to past comics that might interest you by creating a greater sense of lore and history. you'll find yourself eventually wandering back and maybe reading the next installment, just because.
this is very good, because the next installment following the shades of green arc (at least, in the usagi yojimbo saga: book one') are the "side stories," which will stick in your mind until your thoughts are overtaken by the funny rabbit guy, and you give in.
i love shades of green as much as the next guy, but damn, those side stories fuck. even if you didn't give a shit about the turtles and only read the stories (and maybe the origin tale), it is my belief that you would know basically everything you need to know.
jizo is what originally "hooked" me. in the og comics, it was a side story for the first part of the shades of green arc, which was ingenious, seeing as it's fucking amazing.
in my humble opinion, jizo is an example of sakai at his best. it's eight pages long with three panels per page, each following the same composition. its so simple, and yet, throughout my read-through of volume two, i found myself returning to it again and again.
it starts off with an image of a road, with a series of travelers passing by. a woman toting a small stone statue brings it to the edge of the road and starts on an iconic sakai infodump, with might disinterest some, but fully delighted my autistic mind!
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(here she is, by the way.)
she explains (by talking to the statute) that said statue is a representation of 'jizo-sama,' "guardian of the souls of lost children. her son was murdered five days ago on this very road, and the ones responsible, a party of bandits, have not yet been caught.
her hope is that by praying to the statue, nobody else will suffer the same fate.
she also explains some lore-- that the souls of lost children are "doomed to pile stones in the dry river bed of souls." by offering pebbles at the statue's base, she hopes to ease her sons' burden.
she then leaves, noting a chill in the air, and promises to bring back a coat for the statue the following day, in order to keep it warm.
now, by all accounts, this is an example of bad storytelling. just info-dumping is uninteresting to the audience, and clunky. well, here we are reminded that actually, if your story is worth telling, nobody gives a shit if you commit "writing sins" (see 'lord of the rings' for more examples of this. yes, uy is good enough to be compared to lotr.)
but anyway, the day progresses. there are lots of fun details in these scenes --
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--like this guy ^, who we meet/meet another person akin to later on in volume two (music from heaven). we also see a couple of people make offerings on their way past, which is nice (:
night falls, and with it comes-- holy shit-- its the funny rabbit guy again!
he's alone, just passing by. he doesn't even seem to notice the statue on the side of the road.
we then get some of my all-time favorite uy panels, and a perfectly-executed scene showcasing some of usagi's core beliefs and character.
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so the bandits (yes, those bandits) attack. and usagi five-v-one's them. the guards come, clean things up, etc etc. more usagi characterization shines through. and usagi leaves.
all the while, jizo-sama observes.
but wait. if you're anything like me, you might notice a small detail between in two frames.
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that's right-- the statue of jizo smiles. which could be creepy in any other context, but its only for a single panel, so you might assume it was just a quirk of the artwork on that one page.
but, no.
in the morning, the woman comes back.while wrapping the statute in a coat, she says, "huh? your expression has changed-- you look more at peace-- but that's impossible! isn't it?"
she ultimately decides not to worry about it, but does mention that it'll probably cause more people to be willing to give offerings as well. which leaves us with our final panel.
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so. what exactly does jizo accomplish?
well, a lot of things. it sets up worldbuilding for the more 'mystical' side of uy, introduces us to sakai's ability to make you feel like you've been punched in the gut in a good way, and characterizes usagi using only eight of the twenty-four panels that make up this story. in which, he doesn't say a word.
but beyond that. why does this work so well?
for me, a part of it is the inversion of the idea of "fate." let me explain-- in a lot of stories like this, there's this underlying trope of the "chosen one" or that things will end up a certain way. while these stories aren't bad, i generally find myself uninterested in the idea of beings beyond our comprehension pulling the strings for characters that are "special."
these characters are chosen ones. they're supposed to know everything that will go down, because they're important. whether or not fate actually plays a part, you get this idea that they were always supposed to be 'chosen,' in some way or another.
uy doesn't do that. while there is some "meddling" implied, it's not because usagi is the specialest boy ever. he's just some guy making his way through japan while trying not to starve. just... figuring himself out.
in thise story, the only people who know the full extent of the narrative are ourselves and the statue of jizo. the woman shows no indication that she's heard of the bandits' capture, and for usagi, this is just another night.
it's meaningful because we get to see all these parts of the story come together, while knowing we are the only ones this is meant for. this isn't a grand story or some epic of old. it's just a small, intimate moment of retribution.
the gods-- or, in this case, jizo-sama-- doesn't care about heroism outside of this moment. it's left vague whether or not the statue or any being it represents put this moment into fruition. if anything, it could just be a coincidence, and the statue is smiling at in gratitude.
regardless, it feels so much more meaningful than if it had been done any other way. usagi is just a character traversing these lands, weaving in and out of stories, many he will never know the full extent of. and that feels real. genuine.
i do think that this changes a bit, later on in the comics, but this beginning sense-- that usagi is just travelling through a greater world, pulled this way and that for no particular reason (unless otherwise noted) is very refreshing for a series like this.
jizo does a lot of other stuff, too-- like that core characterization i mentioned above-- but this post is long enough. i wanted to get more into other aspects of why uy is so good, but there's just so much, and honestly, you should read it yourself if you haven't already to find out what. (at the very least, read jizo-- it's short, but very, very good.)
i might do more of these for the rest of uyv2 and how it hooked me, but for now, i this this works well enough to begin answering the question of why this series is so good.
(okay, i caved-- the core characterization is his unwillingness to fight unless it's necessary. now, go read jizo!)
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kattythingz · 2 years
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(Speaker tags listed below the cut)
In absolutely no particular order, at all (headcanons bolded):
Aoi ⇒ Splinter (the lovely, precious source)
Berry-Blue ⇒ April
Leo-chan ⇒ Usagi
Sensei ⇒ Casey Jr.
Champ ⇒ Raph
Pepino ⇒ Señor Hueso
Nardo ⇒ Donnie
Leon ⇒ Mikey
Blue One ⇒ Casey
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kuaille · 8 months
i'm sorry to my mutuals who likes samurai rabbit and yuichi usagi but after reading usagi yojimbo, i am... not very fond of this show anymore
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spacewandererwips · 1 year
me before writing who dares to love forever : "Oh sure I will write about Leosagi. I can do that. Usagi shall be a well adjusted and elegant individual. A true warrior. The pinnacle of self control."
usagi for the entire fic : curses, digs tunnels with human bones he found on the ground, cuts an arm, tries to kill Leo the second he sees him with a shard of glass he once again found on the ground
"Oh well."
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bucketofbugz · 5 months
The weirdest domino effect of my life is probably me deciding to make Usagi in my first original TMNT iteration get dropped into the wrong universe as a child and get himself kidnapped by the foot clan somehow turning into me writing a rise-adjacent donsagi au where they go through the events of the little mermaid
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dustbunsinspace · 5 months
What if Leo and Usagi kiss under a mistletoe. Will they actually do it?
(For those who have not seen the Christmas Aliens episode; Raph’s operating a movable mistletoe to help Casey get a kiss from April and Mikey is missing for most of the Christmas night, getting chased around the city by some thieves).
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Well… no. Not yet anyway and for quite some time.
It’s 2004, world wasn’t very kind to gay people back then, or helped much with figuring things out for young queers (I would know, I was one). He still needs some time to precess. He just found his first best friend and he’s cool and strong and makes him happy and that’s all he wants to think about rn.
On the other hand feudal Japan was surprisingly okay with two men being involved romantically (despite the problematic side of things… good place to remind everyone 03 Usagi is a teen as well), so he’s a little confused by Leo’s mixed messages.
It’s okay, they’r still kids figuring things out. And when they will, there’ll be time for kisses.
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Comic that happens later that night (that I posteed before).
Part of 🟢 Leo gets Overwhelmed au🟢
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mrabubu · 7 months
A little post for easier navigation. Hi, I'm kishi, or Mr. Abubu.
A draw things and animate sometimes. I mostly draw Genshin and Rise of the TMNT art (and some other stuff sometimes) To see it, use #my art tag (yeah, very original, I know) To see answered questions, use #abubu ask
Tho not all posts with my drawing have this tag, because there are too many of those and I'm too lazy to edit them all...
Just in case, I apologise in advance since english isn't my first language. Big no to tcest and proshipping. You can have your ships and headcanons, but don't shove them in my face. I tolerate only x reader.
And a little note, I don't headcanon Leo as gay, so there won't be any leosagi or Leo with male characters. If people will be commenting about it, "fixing" my art by writing that I should've put Usagi there or that Leo is gay and not into girls, I'm going to ban you. More on this in this post.
Rise of the TMNT comic: Prologue: Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3 / Part 4 Heart of stone: Part 1/ Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / ... Additional stuff: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 /
Software I use: SAI 2, Photoshop (sometimes), Toon Boom Harmony (animation).
My other main accounts: Twitter Instagram YouTube Boosty
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djpachipikachu · 3 days
doodle dump of unreleased aus that r still actively in my Brain Often but i dont post shit about them
⚠️warning for old art and blood and injury drawn and death mentions⚠️
magic lily au:
main theme -
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summary is that leo is transported to the samurai rabbit universe instead of his family’s arms through a trifecta of his ninpo, mikey’s mystics that begged for him to be safe, and the ki stone sensing a hero in need
when leo lands in the world, he doesnt know any japanese aside from simple phrases he grew up with; “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me”, “help me”, “i love you”, etc
him and yuichi fall in love and he remains there for a few years ! however . theyve all known since the beginning that the ki stone would take leo back once he was healed. she was clear on the fact he was only there to be helped , not to live there . so yuichi and leo hold off the inevitable, despite leo missing his family horribly and knowinf they think hes dead , despite knowing how selfish it was to have one more day with each other , they avoided the ki stone until they go to the temple together and leo is ripped from the world without even a chance to reallt say goodbye to everyone
uhhh etc etc they were their first and last loves as they were both on the aro spec and didnt have a need to find that kinda love again they just . wanted each other and blehhh
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i have a playlist for it as well ! my oldest au , started since i got into the fandom
[temp name]
my original usagi/tmnt iteration with miyamoto usagi as the main protag ! i still want to create a comic and really officially send this out so i wont spoil a lot, but !
the basis is that usagi lives in a post apocolyptic solarpunk society and is forcibly sent back in time to a cyberpunk city where the seeds of a war have begun to sprout, dropped in the middle of the highest tensions between three turtles and their eldest brother who is on the enemy side
doomed siblings, doomed toxic yaoi, doomed Everything, its inspired by idw and 2003 so what else is there to expect
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only showing the beta design for usagi ! i have a lot of other drawings for this but again, spoilers
historical graves au:
this one is the most recent of the bunch, just putting my version of yuichi for rise into a more usagi yojimbo styled setting ! the story is entirely different from the fanfic and im still working on it But
yuichi is the great grandchild of miyamoto usagi instead of a distant ancestor , so the debt of the shogun’s assassination is that much heavier and Far more dangerous to hold. yuichi and his adoptive little sister, hana, have recently escaped the mass murder and pillaging of their rabbit village (the same one that mariko and kenichi and usagi grew up in) and are on a journey to find their aunt for sanctuary
along the way, they run into a lot of familiar faces, such as the hamato clan , who has karai as their jōnin ! also yuichi gets possessed by jei at some point
hes trans too so he “disguises” himself as a boy to be more hidden as they travel
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ive got one more original iteration but theres like . nothing i want to share from it rn lmao
SOOO THATS IT basicallt !!umm if anyone wants to know more about any of these aus id be happy to answer ! u can request doodles of them too !
if u read this far ily and im kissing you
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vibrates I wanna write and draw THEM again. My boys. My silly little blorbos
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