#tho i do have kinda a sequel in mind i guess
Sweets (1/?)
The snugness was barely tolerable. She had overestimated herself. She looked surreptitiously over her shoulder and ducked around a corner. The only thing following her were her bad decisions, but she felt chased all the same.
Okay. Calm down. Breathe (but not too deep). Evaluate the situation. What are your options? Can you loosen anything?
She looked down at herself. Past her swollen breasts, past a fluffy roll of upper belly, she examined her waistline. Nope. The button was the only thing keeping the zipper together, and vice versa. For the millionth time, she lamented her morning. What a bright idea, interviewing for a job with a snack company. She was very well aware of how sweets affected her.
Could she find somewhere discrete to wait out her... little metabolic mishap? She looked around for a discrete nook to accommodate her fresh bulk.
The little atrium she had found had a series of plush benches around the walls. She sighed and headed for the one in the corner. She sucked in as best she could and sat down. Some horny little corner of her mind made note of how it felt as her tight belly shifted against her puffy thighs.
Sitting like this, only barely upright lest bending too far compromise her jeans, she couldn't ignore how her waistband was trying to cut her in half. She thought back to how she had done this to herself. The lovely HR manager had very explicitly pointed out the basket of the company's sugary offerings there in the middle of interview table. The woman had been insistent that she try at least one of each, gushing like any good salesperson about their rich flavors and subtle textures, occasionally even peeling one out of its wrapper and handing it to her.
How could she have done anything but eat what was offered to her? And by a beautiful woman, no less. She knew how her body reacted to food like this, but she had been desperate to make a good impression, to look good and eager and employable. A good girl. She ignored that last thought, and the accompanying shiver through her frazzled tummy.
She closed her eyes and tried to steady herself. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth (but not too deeply). All she had to do was calm down, and give her body a chance to do the same. Then she could find a back door to sneak out of, go home and hope that somehow that she hadn't blown the interview.
She opened her eyes again and caught sight of herself in a mirror across the room. Holy crap, she was huge. She had been her normal, narrow self, and her outfit had fit very very normally, when she had arrived. But now? Now it looked positively painted onto her. Her breasts were trying to spill out of her tastefully exposed bra and over the lapel of her blouse. She was more balloon than woman at this point. She ignored another tingle.
As she watched herself in the mirror, she noticed something change. Slowly but surely, the last wrinkle in her blouse smoothed out. Uh oh. That meant... she was still filling out. Panic. She tingled again.
No. No. Calm. Breathe (but not too deep). She closed her eyes again, and could feel her plump body quietly grow. Crap.
Panic. Calm. Breathe (but not too deep). Calm.
Maybe if she didn't look, it would go away. That had never worked before, sure, but there's a first time for everything, right?
As she rationalized to herself, she noticed the sound of heels clacking towards her hiding spot. Panic!
Maybe their owner would pass and not notice her?
No such luck.
The woman who had interviewed her rounded the corner.
"There you are!"
She struggled to stand. So tight.
"You left your purse upstairs. I get it, though. Interviews can be pretty stressful, huh?"
Like nothing had changed. Did this woman not notice that she was currently three times the size she was when she had shown up? Could this woman not hear every seam in her clothes creaking in harmony? Could the woman not see how wide and deep and round she was becoming?
"It's such a beautiful handbag, I almost wanted to keep it for myself!" The woman laughed. "Oh well."
She took the bag from the woman. "O-oh! Thank you!" Leapt out of her.
"Listen," said the woman, "technically I have to review a few other candidates, but I think you're a shoo-in for the position." The woman moved closer. "No one else has shown so much... enthusiasm." Closer still. She basked in the smell of the woman's musky perfume.
"Oh... that's great!" she managed to squeak out.
"In fact," the woman continued, "if you'd like to come back upstairs, we can have you fill out the onboarding paperwork now, so you don't have to come back just to fill out some forms if... when we give you the job." So close now.
"Um! Okay!" What.
The woman placed a gentle hand on the side of her massive, tight, growing belly. "Listen, between you and me, that passion you showed today will take you far with us. Do you feel like the offer is fair? We can negotiate further if you need." The woman's eyes were so sincere.
What was going on here? She could barely think.
The woman placed her other hand on top of her belly, well hidden by her burgeoning breasts. "I do hope you'll say yes."
There was a pop. Her button pinged away across the room from her overburdened jeans. It made a little thwack sound as it hit the far wall. Her zipper flew down, zizzing audibly. Her belly erupted through the breach. Her blouse retreated upwards. The tingling became a roar. All the while, the woman, as though no tectonic shifts were happening right there and then, continued to implore with borderline puppydog eyes.
The world held its breath with her. How had this woman not reacted to any of that?! What? Was the woman still waiting for an answer?
"...okay?" She tried. She wasn't sure if her brain was still working. "Sure?" Best to stick to small sentences.
"Yay!" cheered the woman, "I really think you'll love it here!" The woman launched in for a quick hug around her exposed belly. The woman's arms didn't go even halfway around her. And still the woman didn't seem to notice that anything was wrong.
"Well! If you'll follow me back to the elevators, we can at least get the formalities out of the way."
The woman took her by the hand and pulled, still gentle. She followed, mutely. Even the horniest, shamiest corners of her mind were silent, waiting with bated breath.
As they reached the elevators, the woman pushed the up button and stood to the side. "Please," said the woman, "after you!"
On autopilot now, she stepped into the elevator and... wedged into the door. Stuck. What. Panic? Calm? The elevator dinged again as if to say "I'm waiting!"
The cold of the elevator doors brought her back to reality. She put a hand on either side of herself and tried to pull herself in. As though this were somehow normal, the woman chirped "Oh, here, let me help!"
She felt a gentle pair of hands press into her oceanic bottom. Her horny brain thrilled again. She clamped down on those thoughts. No time to be a pervert.
Between the two of them, they muscled her into the elevator. She turned to face the doors in time to watch the woman press into her in order to let the doors close. Normally equipped for eight full-sized human adults, due to her immensity, it very barely fit two.
"We need floor thirty," said the woman into her barely contained cleavage. She tried to reach for the panel of buttons, but by now there was simply too much of her in the way.
"I've got it," said the woman, reaching behind her without looking.
They rode the thirty floors quietly. She could feel herself still widening, pressing towards the walls of the elevator car. Her embarrassment had burnt out, leaving only a kind of stunned peace in her mind. She tried to will her body away from the woman, but where else could it really go?
By the time they reached their destination, the woman was firmly pressed against the doors, still showing no indication of the extra-ordinariness of the situation.
As the doors opened, the woman stepped back, grabbed her hands, and pulled as she tried to wiggle through the door. Eventually she floomped through, and they set off toward the HR suite.
Full-on waddling now, she felt an inner tension release. She had stopped growing. Relief. If nothing else, at least things had stopped getting worse. Sure, she was almost round enough to roll. Tingle. Sure, her clothing had been reduced to barely covering her... rude areas. Tingle. Sure, a beautiful woman was acting as though this was all perfectly normal. Tingle tingle tingle. But hey, at least it finally wasn't getting worse.
The woman pushed open the double doors to the HR suite and welcomed her in with another glittering smile. They seemed to be the only ones there. The woman led her, patiently, to the front desk area. The woman ducked behind the desk, looking for something.
"Hmm, it looks like I'll need to go print off more some more copies of the forms. Shouldn't take more than a minute or two." Finally she'd have a moment to collect herself.
Then the woman produced a basket, laden with various goodies, from underneath the desk. "Here! Help yourself, sorry to make you wait." Uh.
"Oh, here, allow me," said the woman, picking out a chocolate confection, peeling it, and pressing it into her mouth. "I'll be right back!"
She chewed and swallowed the treat.
Uh oh.
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daftmooncretin · 6 months
rip to rian johnson but star wars sequels would be way better if ben solo was just kinda cowardly and han solo coded so he defected from the jedi and went to be a fun swashbuckling anarchist space cowboy instead
and finn and poe have to find him and try to convince him to come back to the rebellion but hes afraid who he is and what he could become
also instead of luke trying to kill his nephew for NO REASON (so insanely out of character it boils my blood) he just realises after ben dips thats hes not cut out for teaching. and is living on a mandalorian colony as rebellion liason/ambassador with chewie and sometimes lando i guess (din djarin is there) he aids the rebellion (because of course he would fuck that plotline) but he wont stay on the rebel base because he doesnt like all the chosen one clout and mandalorians are very chill and mind their own business
han and leia are still together and play active parts in the rebellion because fuck that plotline too although they do disagree about the ben situation (leia is annoyed and han is understanding) poe and ben childhood friends and for what.
in this au, rey is raised in the empire and is a sith lord but she has doubts and isnt as abjectly disgusting as kylo ren because of course not. (appears slightly too interested in the rebellion when poe is captured and maybe??? possibly lets finn and poe escape but thats up for debate.) rey gets more evil over course of movies before turning to light for plot drama and a satisfying zuko arc.
force awakens timeline
prophecy that a new jedi will rise and take down the dark side. rey and sith lord (dk who but fuck snoke im writing him out) assume it is the missing ben solo (its finn and rey tho fr) and are intent on finding him. movie opens on rey being evil probably and capturing poe. also finn as a character actully needs no real changes hes great. and then next scene space pirate ben solo doing his thing (but without identity revealed so we dont know who he is yet he may go by kylo because funny)
instead of luke poe has a lead on missing almost-jedi before he dipped ben solo and is searching for him on leias orders.(rebellion also believe the prophecy is about him. but nuh uh) torture scene and escape scene doesnt need to change but show reys nuances and how lost she is.
in the interest of narrative poe and finn still crash on tatooine but finn manages to pull poe out of the crash. (finn still gets the jacket at some point because i say so) poe is too injured to fly so they seek out help and and meet ben solo who saves them from pirates or something idk. (but neither know who the other is)
finn and poe convince ben solo to be their pilot still thinking hes a random smuggler named kylo. they get along very well, especially finn and ben. rey by this point is tracking their whereabouts
they end up on that lightsaber planet and ben gets the weird darth vader nightmare and freaks out, (hes afraid of being evil or something idk) poe is getting suspicious now also finn feels the force and takes up the lightsaber. rey comes and finn trys to hold her off. finn get hurt and drops lightsaber. ben is forced to take it up and his identity is revealed as rebel reeforcements led by han and leia arrive and they see him fighting. rey and ben have a weird charged moment (yes i guess i am still making reylo a thing but its reyben now and its woke so shh) and in a dramatic desperate effort he manages to knock her lightsaber away with the force. poe crawls into a plane at somepoint and blows up reys ship. the rebels destroy the stormtroopers but rey captures finn and escapes in a stolen ship.
ben has a oh-shit-i-said-id-never-use-the-force-again related existential crisis which makes him freak out and leaves. a distraught finn-less poe calls him a coward. poe picks up the discarded lightsaber and the jackettm and sadly packs them up. leia tells him about the starkiller and poe volunteers to go on the starkiller and save finn. han and leia have a sweet moment and han decides to go with poe on the suicide mission, chewie goes too.(chewie arrived at somepoint i guess)
mid hostage situation finn blocks reys force attempt and shes shook up. he sees something in her (finn is a beautiful sweetheart) and he trys to appeal to her. she force chokes him and books it out of there. but it is clear she fears him a little. he escapes with mind tricks and runs into han poe and chewie on the deck. finnpoe moment fr. poe gives him his jacket back in order to get the keep it it looks good on you line.
meanwhile ben is back on his ship(i guess its the falcon?) and he thinks about finn and his mom and luke or something.. a dream maybe?? idk something emotional and motivational for his arc. and he goes to a box under the floor in his ship and pulls out a green lightsaber. he turns the ship around.
on the ship poe finn han and chewie are planting the bombs and escaping when they get stopped by stormtroopers ordered by rey. poe is about to be shot by a big droid thing when it is cut in half by ben wow big reveal hes here oooo ah. rey is shot in the shoulder by chewie and angrily orders more stormtroopers. they cant take them all. han sacrifices himself by blowing up the bridge. he tells finn and poe to find luke in the mandolorian colony ben is distraught him and han have an emotional goodbye he tells him to tell leia he’s sorry and that he loves him and he proud of him then he makes chewy get ben out of there and he blows himself up. leia senses it v sad rip man but he had to die to intensify plot drama
rey chases them onto the ice planet and another weird charged moment. mind link established??? this time ben is too angry and grieving though so its not a good match and she wounds him real bad all over hes v scarred now. poe shoots at rey and throws lightsaber at finn. he gets ben onto the ship and finn and rey have the big force awakens show down. finn uses the force v powerful all that jazz the good guys get away. on the ship finn mentions how he felt a connection with rey to poe and claims he sees good in her
movie ends with meeting luke on mandolore. ben is very traumatised wont really speak to finn or poe and avoiding luke. finn returns lukes lightsaber and rey has doubts movie over. movies ends with ominous rey ben mind link
final notes (on first movie and overarching rewrite plans)
finn is the protagonist of this movie so it would be much more character heavy on him them the original. more in depth on his stormtrooper trauma, how he always chooses the people he loves over the cause and his reluctance to join the rebellion. his friendship with poe and the han/leia parallel’s especially. relationships with han and ben important for his character exposition and he plays a key role in supporting both rey and bens character progression. possesses the strong sense of mercy and kindness at the heart of the star wars franchise.
rey is raised in the first empire and does not know anything different. when she meets finn who was able to rebel and escape from the same system she is trapped in she becomes plagued by doubts and projects all of her hatred and resentment onto finn to compensate, but it is clear she fears him. to escape from her doubts she fixates on finding and capturing ben solo imagining him to be a frightening and terrible adversary. however when she meets him they see eachothers minds, and she sees how plagued by doubt and fear he is, how he runs from everything and he sees her too. they connect and develop a strange mutual fascination/understanding. this is put askew by finns appearance at the end of the movie in defence of ben. reys fear of finn increases when she sees the true extent of his power. she fears and hates equally finns strength of character and easy goodness and by extension hates ben for his alliance with finn. she blames finn for “taking” ben from her.
ben solo
kylo ren is a disgusting blight on the star wars names so ben solo is being completely reclaimed by me into a different character because i fucking hate that stupid pretentious eboy. instead ben solo is an incredibly han solo coded character with a heart of gold and deep love and loyalty to his friends and family. his main weakness as a character in this rewrite is his fear and lack of self belief. ben is terrified of being a jedi and of his own power. he fears his own nature and was so afraid he would become his grandfather that he ran from the jedi altogether. ben solo is a runner that wont face his problems, he runs from the jedi and from his parents to avoid failing or becoming something terrible. finn and ben recognise the need to run in eachother (although important distinction finn runs because he doesn’t want to fight for a cause. and ben runs because hes afraid he will be the reason the cause fails) and ultimately encourage eachother to break the cycle and stand their ground (well finn motivated ben in this movie, finns not fixed yet.) Bens arc in these movies is about learning to live with his own nature and fighting for what he believes in despite his fear. also dealing with mommy issues (ben is kind of jealous of poe and leias relationship the son she wanted or something blah blah blah etc) and being a malewife to his murder girlfriend. his job is kind of to support and fight with finn and later rey and help them save the world
finnpoe (will be a gay couple)
their friendship will be front and centre in these movies because they represent duty vs personal loyalty. poe puts the cause above all else and values his own life and personal relationships little. finn on the other hand is disillusioned with establishment cause of stormtrooper trauma and wants to protect himself and others from it. poe is the first person that finn truly bonds with and loves. he puts poe above everything, including being a jedi and the rebellion. this leads to a lot of fighting and discord between finn and poe as finn doesn’t understand how important the rebellion is to poe and poe doesnt get why finn is trying to protect him from it. ultimately though poe teaches finn faith and belief and finn teaches poe to accept love and value himself. (also many hanleia parallels) the two of them are the harbingers of a new age. poe as future leader of the new republic and finn as the jedi messiah or whatever. in terms of romance, im thinking slowburn. baity first movie, kiss at the end of the second and established relationship by the halfway mark of the third.
also when rey eventually joins the light in the beginning she refuses to talk to ben (cause of romantic drama i havent thought of yet but centres around some sort or betrayal in the second movie) or finn (because hes her narrative foil and slow burn best friend forever) so her first friend is poe and she kind of follows him around in her first few months before she eventually bonds with finn 4eva. her poe shadowing has lots of cute friend moments where they fly together and he tries to talk her down about finn and the ben drama but also more importantly it foreshadows her leadership ability and tactical mind as she gives him advice and aids him with the rebellion behind the scenes (also leads to leia taking rey under her wing probably because poe is her surrogate son and mirror) which will eventually lead to her and poe leading the republic together because in my mind rey is a jedi but actively a member of republic government because ben can’t do politics and finn won’t but shes great at it so she’d be a perfect jedi liason and vice president to poe. meanwhile finn and ben lead the jedi. finn as a knight travelling across the galaxy and ben as a teacher. (luke is happy in retirement rn on mandalore but leia is still probably an advisor in the republic because retirement is definitely not for her) and everyone is happy the end. force ghost han solo is clapping.
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laughing-with-god · 3 months
How would victor jungkook be ?
in terms of what? like yandere or his story?
well, my original plan was that Victor's revenge would be the sequel to Quarter Quell once JK won it and he'd join the other victors. However, I used Taehyung in QQ so it wouldn't make sense if he was also in VR lol. Ofc, i can prob do a rewrite and just replace taehyung in QQ, but idk.
either way, here are some random headcanons for how I picture jk as a Victor
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thinks some of the other victors only won on a technicality and doesn't mind making passive-aggressive comments about it
does NOT like being associated with Jin or Jimin's weak asses, thinks they're sneaky little shits who had to rely on tricks bc they would lose in a physical fight
he's very popular as a victor. tbh i think he's the only one who rivals jimin's popularity. the capitol love how bloodthirsty he is. while jimin mainly has female fans, jungkook has a good mix of both since men want to be like JK, and obvi women find him hot
I think he'd do a lot of tv shows and interviews. he knows people value his input for games so I can see him offering his insight on current tributes. remember the scoring system for how tributes would get rated? i can see him being asked to be on the team that assess those.
as a mentor, I think he'd be the type to pick a favorite and only really focus on that kid. he doesn't care if it's heartless, he's not wasting his time on a lost cause just to make them feel better.
I can see him looking at the other kid like "you might as well live it up while you can, you probably aren't gonna make it past the bloodbath."
if by some miracle that kid did survive and win, JK would be like ".....damn, guess I owe you a drink. my bad. welcome to victor's row tho :)"
as a mentor, he will tell his kids to just stick to the career alliance. if for some reason a kid from 2 wanted to align themselves with someone whose not a career, JK would just be like "ur on your own w that" bc ain't no way he's gonna attempt to talk to non career victors who prob hate him
I think he's another victor who splits his time pretty evenly between the capitol and his home district.
does not have to sell his body or anything because he is a capitol fav, but I do think he'll make shitty comments towards jimin
"Hi whore- I mean, Jimin"
yeah those two hate each other lol^^
doesn't really have any triggers or trauma from his games.
if anything he looks back at it with fond memories, which kinda freak the rest of the victors out
I don't think he has any victor friends
thinks jin and jimin are weak, namjoon is too clever for his own good, yoongi is annoying, hoseok is ungrateful and tae is just there...
I think yoongi is the only one who outright tried fighting jk once in a drugged up rage
jk prob made a comment about a tribute from 6.
"I bet if we put morphling in the cornucopia she would've actually survived the bloodbath. all kids from six are just addicts."
yeah yoongi tried punching him for that and Jk wiped the floor with him, namjoon had to get involved
I don't know how he'd spend his winnings tbh. I don't see him being really into anything other than weapons.
As a yandere, i think he'd try really hard to market you guys as the ideal victor couple
he'd def talk anout marrying you and having other victor babies in interviews n shit
"when it comes time for Yn and I to train our kids for the games-"
it's an open secret that the capitol just let JK have you lol
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cursedvida · 4 days
I ship Noa and Mae, do you think Mae will have a love interest in the sequel? I saw an interview where freya gave some backstory for Mae; apparently she had a love interest in the group she was traveling with and was killed by Proximus Apes. She even mentioned a deleted scene when she asks Noa if he likes Soona that she remembers that love interest in that scene but was cut out I'm guessing. Will she have another love interest (i mean i hope not but i wouldn't mind it either if done right lol) Considering Noa is already being kinda paired up with Soona also tho in my opinion it feels forced (no hate to soona, love her, but the movie didn't do them any justice).
Wow, how interesting! It really saddens me that they didn't include it in the movie because it would have provided more reasons to understand why Mae was so determined to complete her mission. It would have made it clear that it's not just a matter of humans vs. apes, but for her, it has a very strong emotional component, having lost not only her mother but also her love interest. I hope it's at least mentioned in the upcoming movies because it seems quite relevant to her character development.
Regarding the question... Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they did it as a way to make it clear to the audience that they have no intention of anything happening between her and Noa. It's something they do with many ships that tend to be fan favorites, but the producers don't want them to happen. They basically create separate love interests for the characters to nullify those ships. If that's the direction they want to take, they will probably do it. I hope they don't, but I wouldn't be surprised either.
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hyperbolicgrinch · 1 month
Teehee,,, here she comes,,, to ask,,, questionnnnnsss, (no pressure of course bestie) 1, 5, 12, 13, 16, 25, 29, 33 and 34 !!! But no pressure to anything!!! no pressure to answer either <3 I’m on laptop so this is a v boring ask i apologise it won't let em format this at all :(
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There she is!!!! To ask questions!!! (Bless you for fighting the laptop to send me these, ilysm 💕)
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I simply can't. It's impossible. I never look directly at my writing so I don't know her well enough 😂
Okay, fine, fine, she's mid, that's what I'll say?? So ⭐⭐ ?? Not doing anything spectacular but gets the job done more than not?
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Maybe my All Out!!! requested ones because I actually finished and posted them, which was a miracle 😌✌️
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Honestly I'm really excited about a silly modern university One Piece au I'm sort of doing on the side sometimes when I need a breather from other fics. Even though I've barely written anything officially for it, it's a cumulation of all my sister's and my 2am ramblings and silly little biased ideas and I just really wanna bring them to life so she can read them. 😂
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Ooo, if my memory serves right it was One Piece or Supernatural. I didn't ever finish or publish any of them but yeah- gateway drugs.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Let me think, what's at the top of my head right now...
Argh, I guess I like when arseholes catch feelings for each other but still stay arseholes about it adsfggh 😅
Ohhhh and where one of them gets injured or beat up or whatever and the other dickhead is like "tell me who did this to you" while cradling their face or something hnggg 😳👉👈
Or when they've been complete dicks to each other but one of them turns up on the doorstep of the other cause they had nowhere else to go and then they have to deal with each other and they fall in luvvvv 😏
I also really am a bitch for the bastard is in love with and pining for other character (in fiction!!! In fiction!!!!). ugh if done right and pulled off well (in fiction!!!! In fiction!!!), I am unfortunately on the edge of my seat 🫣
Love me a bitch that gets jealous and starts acting out too (in fiction!!!!!) because as a bitch that do get jealous (not to that level, I am not pulling that crap, I promise) it speaks to me a little ngl 🫢
Ooooo and the fuck the whole world, I choose you thing. Like if they damn the whole world for their person/people then I'm there. I'm right there. It's gotta be done right thooooo but to be fair, it's pretty hard to mess up 😌
Okay gonna stop outing myself on main because I could go on adafgdhjy and just end with, not really a guilty pleasure, just a pleasure, but if there's a forehead press I am on the floor every time. The chef's are kissing with tongue!! Nothing like a forehead press!!! 😍
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Okay so the big One Piece one I'm working on atm, I keep having an urge to make a sequel after it that let's me kinda do a fix it au and teams the characters up again for a joint revenge plot. I can see it in my mind but making it work is going to be a lot. Still love to daydream about it tho 😂
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Hmm. Well atm I'm writing a lot of seggs and I'm not that (pun intended) jazed about writing it because it's not really my thing or in my wheelhouse, so that might count?
Don't know how it turned out cause it ain't finished yet but pray for me. It's a slog but the uglies must be bumped, I guess (instantly regrets saying that) 🙃
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I'd need an audience first, pfftt 🤭
Nah, um, that it takes literal years and none of that shit is written in order. It's all an illusion, babbeyyy!!
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Crikey okay everything I'm writing at the moment is pissing me off so here's something I wrote in like 2016 and haven't touched since but that I think about often (even if I would change most of it today) because of a compliment I got on it. 😙
(It was for a Zoro pov zolu ficlet after the timeskip meet up when all the crew gets back together again in One Piece because that arc always leaves me with some damn big feelings and they have to go somewhere 👁️👄👁️)
And he will be.
And Zoro will be there when he does, because oh, he's not leaving this thundering feeling for anything in the world ever again.
He shuts his one good eye, and smiles.
The heavens will hear Luffy's name long before they ever hear his own.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Random question but does bmb dabi kinda let reader boss him around? I feel like she brats out at dabi and he like doesn’t know what to “do” about it lmao. Unlike bmb tomura whose like hold up lemme put you back in your place real quick
omggg anon i love this question so much!!!!
so i’ve kind of touched on this before BUT to answer your question more specifically and more in detail: yes, you’re so right in ur reading here!!! i wouldn’t necessarily use the term ‘boss’, because that isn’t really what it is; she can’t tell him what to do, per se, and he will absolutely push back (he has issues with authority n being told what to do) if someone is ordering him around, especially someone who is technically beneath him in their relationship hierarchy.
what she can do, however, is get away with being a hell of a lot brattier with dabi than she can with tomura. as such, she’s much more likely to get exactly what she wants from him, even if he huffs and snarks and growls and curses while he gives it to her. it also depends on where in the series we are, and how both reader and dabi are feeling. he’s a lot more likely to give into her easier and softer when she’s just gone through something and is upset, or when tomura’s mental break is cresting, versus the beginning of the series as well as after the series (in the christmas sequel that i have yet to post LMAO) when tomura is in a much better state of mind and, as a result, both dabi and reader are, too.
so i guess, in a way reader can kind of covertly be ‘bossy’ by being exceptionally bratty and stubborn, pushing back and pressing her luck with dabi in a way that she would never even dare to attempt with tomura unless the thing she was pushing for was extremely important to her.
in terms of dabi’s response and his pushover status, it is both because he has very little experience with this (aka doesn’t know what to do/how to handle it, like you said) and that he just has trouble refusing her. the series itself mentions that dabi has a very difficult time denying her or saying no when he knows he should, when he knows tomura would, in that situation. so those are the two main reasons why dabi is so likely to give into reader’s requests and/or demands. on top of that, he doesn’t have the same Daddy gene that tomura does; dabi likes being in control, sure, but it definitely isn’t to the extent that tomura does, nor does dabi find much satisfaction or validation in caretaking duties such as enforcing rules (tho punishing he will definitely have some fun with). bmb dabi can be kind of lazy, and while he doesn’t exactly like being told what to do, he also doesn’t envy tomura’s leader role and responsibilities (in any aspect of life).
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anosci · 1 year
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(91-105 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8])
names and thoughts below cut
91/ KNOWER - Think Thoughts (2011) peppy! bright and loud! well ok that might not be true for every track, but like. slapping those fakebrass chords feels great. shining characteristic.
92/ Photek - Avalanche / 101 (2011) (i have decided to be extra harsh on dnb) …oh its not dnb. actually this is a case where each track is stronger than the last. i didnt rly care for "Avalanche" but "Slowburn" is hitting HARD.
93/ Photek - Aviator EP (2011) i guess ive missed a few chapters of photek because this aint dnb. to my ears its hella 2011 but thats not inherently bad. overall i just think this one's ok. it kinda looks like a companion to Avalanche/101, and...sorry but i love that one far more
94/ Kryptic Minds - Can't Sleep (2011) dark! id call it ukdubstep but it clearly isnt. peak nighttime music tho. good shit
95/ Floating Points - Shadows (2011) the above is possibly the most apt word cloud for the sound of the ep. gentle punch. sleepy even. exactly the level of chillout i need.
96/ Joseph Nothing Orchestra - Super Earth (2011) joseph nothing has a melodic style that sits just right with me, coupled with a really playful ear for sound design. im happy to see it still hits just as hard a decade after his debut
97/ Secret Mommy - The Mall (2011) exactly what i remember 2011 sounding like. clicky choppy something. i feel like i enjoy this nostalgically now, instead of directly. like a layer of abstraction. kinda odd to realize.
--- April ---
98/ Towa Tei - Sunny (2011) this feels like that soulful type of uh… what do you call shakatak? that thing. but towa tei. really poppy sometimes. generally all over the place. i'd describe it as "peak sunshine music" which is funny because the album title agrees
99/ VA - Attaxolotls: Amphibious Fisticuffs Anthology Album (2023) a grab bag of styles and vibes. plenty of slappers. 2 specific hilites that make me want to type exclamation marks: "Arcadia Prime" "Minor Infraction"
100/ Ryuichi Sakamoto - CHASM (2004) a beautiful album that simultaneously embraces intimate acoustics and some of the dsp trends that ive noticed in 2004. a touch of oval, even? it's a really lovely take. im not a huge fan of the vocals but that's entirely personal preference.
101/ Ryuichi Sakamoto - Bricolages (2006) remix comp version of CHASM. surprised at how each song has a similar essence, but i unanimously prefer ryuichi's take on the tunes with rapping. that aside, i love how unabashedly ELECTRONIC this feels.
102/ Asking Alexandria - Stepped Up And Scratched (2011) vocals :\ wobs :) yeah idk im just not vibing with the metal side. the wob side is fun as a nostalgic romp but even then... eh. HOWEVER: "To The Stage (Bare)".
103/ nagz - Good (2020) the album lives up to its name. future music that you just don't get anywhere else. for me this feels like a sequel to hringur, in that I think that was the last EP to make me feel like this.
104/ Nondi_ - Flood City Trax (2023) incredibly shocked at how well this fits after nagz, at least in timbre. future sounds. alternatively: it embodies the "for vibin" attitude that early 90s warp/rephlex had, but applies it to modern styles. im into it.
105/ Selfmademusic - Kinema Ikon Soundtracks Remixed (2008) shimmering, lingering electric soundscapes. hazy, but specifically the warm summer haze that you see on urban roads.
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imrandymeeks · 2 years
What do you think of going on with Scream 6 without Neve Campbell? I'm hoping it's a game of chicken, but honestly with the way the last one was, I don't think I was going to see it anyway. And which Scream movie do you think has the most Agatha-Christie level whodunnit?
Call Anna Faris NOW.
With that in mind, well, at least #5 did some ground work for her exit. She has a life, she has kids and all, she really doesn't need to get into this tomfoolery again. I can see that. I mean if they don't pretend Sidney was killed between the movies or some shit. If that's the case, I'm noping out of this and never looking back.
And we do have another Skywalker Saga (derogatory) on our hands here, don't we? A legacy rebootquel which kinda does the original's story beat-for-beat again, but pretends it's new and fresh, drags the survivng characters out of retirement only to kill or sideline them and do nothing interesting with the consequences? Instead of maybe trying something actually new and fresh?
Scream 5 wasn't as bad as The Rise of Skywalker, sure, but it's getting too close to that for comfort. The wrong instincts are all there, if less obvious. And you know what, at least TROS didn't rant about the nature of Star Wars. Poorly. With a very muddled thesis.
(Tho come to think of it, Kylo is extremely the type to go on that kinda rant unprompted. But the actual nerd is Rey. And Finn is new to this bullshit and just kinda likes the movies the normal amount. Poe is into Trek.)
I dunno, I feel weird about the Scream series at this point, and my thesis is also very much muddled. We'll see I guess.
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As far as whodunits go, they're all kinda that, aren't they? I mean, it was the gimmick, make a slasher with identifiable motivations and a plot. But maybe the further it went, the more in-jokey it got, and it's all about movies and making movies and sequels and trilogies and reboots, so I guess the first one is the least that? It's the least meta one, and the story has less to do with movies and more with character stuff. So probably the first Scream is the most Christie. Maybe.
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hyperfixatinglove · 2 years
Hii!!! 1, 6, 10 and 13 for the meta asks!😁😁
1. how did you discover your f/o’s content?
I think I discovered it through yt? I watch a lot of gaming videos so sometimes yt just recommends random games to me and I think wat//ch dogs was one of them. I vaguely also knew abt the graphics etc controversy because I sometimes watch top x number videos about games.
I wasn't interested in Aiden's source at the time (this must've been around 2015 or something idk I have the worst memory with dates / years) and wasn't for long time. Suddenly his game just became interesting to me and I hyperfixated on it big time. The rest is history or something.
6. if your f/o is from a series, which episode/movie/game/book of their source content is your favorite?
First game obviously.
He's also in Legion (2nd sequel) as DLC character but his design is so far off what I imagine Older!Aiden to be AND Jackson is so wildly different to what I imagined him to be at 26??
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Does this look like the same person to you??? I get that ppl don't stay the same (Jacks is 8 in 1) but?? this??
Also the downgrade of Aiden just...
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I'm going to say it; that beard does NOT fit him.
Aside from.. superficial stuff like this, the way his dialogue is written is far too generic (at least in main game or something? I can't shake the feeling his dialogue is off somehow even when his VA did reprise the role or I don't like change this badly lmao) and doesn't FEEL like HIM at all. Also him working WITH Dedsec as whole when in Chicago he explicitly refused is bit, wtf moment for me (yes I'm aware that both San Francisco and London Dedsec are different from Chicago!Dedsec and his mind can change but?? still??) Also I can't see Aiden tolerating Wrench at all. He didn't as DLC reveals so anyway.
Also the whole "he's in coma and his mind is this Silent Hill-esque hellscape bc he never moved on from Lena's death in last 10+ years for majority of DLC" plot is just.. I'm letting out the biggest most annoyed sigh. (Him digging his own grave in the coma dream was kinda neat as it's sad tho)
All in all his inclusion felt like poor attempt at some sort of pandering or something. No effort.
Also he's mentioned to be homeless in Legion?? When in books he has safe room in house he rents to elderly?? He has his container safe houses?? He can just steal money and rent some place??
The only thing I kinda give to Legion is canonically him & Jacks & Nicky had no contact for years. Also the fact that Jacks is bitter and angry at Aiden bc he aggravated his PTSD and other shit.
I did like his short cameo in 2, where he's stuck in cell and 2's protagonist helps him out a little so he escapes by himself (and he's explicitly there to shut down human trafficking operations).
I'm kinda iffy but kinda love how he's famous in both 2 and Legion and his name and nickname Fox is known widely in hacker circles as sorta celebrity / legend type. I love it bc it's cute & makes for sorta interesting narrative but also I'm iffy bc I want him to be able to be under radar so he doesn't have to move all the damn time but he did become famous at the very end of 1 so I guess I gotta deal.
10. if you could change one thing about your f/o’s source content, would you? what would you change?
Either have the game explore more deeply how and why Aiden acts and thinks the way he does OR Clara survives
If we don't talk about story things, I'd change the gameplay from all the damn car chases to heavily feature ´hacking and potential gunfight / sneaking opportunities
13. do you have a favorite line your f/o has ever said
Favorite line I didn't mention earlier?
"You're not the first woman to tell me that" after Clara said she'd "open his world" in reference to her phone she gives Aiden that has some Dedsec stuff that makes it easier for him to hack stuff or smth. (Clara's observation of Aiden's intimidation being "very textbook" is my favorite line of hers)
Also the lines where he wonders did he get Bedbug killed are obviously my favorite because FOR ONCE Aiden actually stops to think about larger consequences of his own actions also he sounds pretty panicked there.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
Silly: I just can't get into P5 fanfics
Me, a P5 fanfic writer: ... I'll go home now...
(This is a joke dw, tho I am curious what keeps you from getting into P5 fics, at least generally)
Gomen anon. u_u I'm fine listening to ideas tbh!
I guess it’s dissecting what I like in fanfiction under the cut:
I'm just.....like It's a few things. The big thing is I gotta be in the mood for a fanfic. (right now, I'm not really in the mood for Persona fanfics, even of the games I do like). Sometimes it’s timing (I don’t have a lot of time to read). This is the biggest hurdle.
Then the next obstacle is......what I like, and what I like for each series I read.
I tend to like re-write what ifs. "What if this character dated this char?" or "What if the series was re-written but with this plot point." (Actually....that might be why I'm reading a lot of shojo "I got reincarnated *as the *insert char usually not the MC of* of a game/movie/book" or "I've gone back in time after I was killed and/or wronged and will avoid that fate" recently.....)
In that scenario with Persona (including just.....characterizing the silent MCs)........
P4 I think it's the one by Fortunesrevolver where Souji is NG+ post bad end, and is trying to recruit Naoto to change everyone's fate.
P3: What if Male/Female were both there? (namely The Fools' Tournament, Raison De Vivre, and I think another but the name escapes me). Be it that they are separate people (and will they kiss? O0O) or twins (they do not kiss hopefully, read more of these twin AUs during P3P's early years). There's also just "FeMC but she's kind of a dick but she doesn't voice it and the implications of that" (not really a what if but more leaning on just pure characterizing the MCs)...can't remember the name atm tho. 
I've probs read a few more under that umbrella but it's been a LOOOOONNNNG while
Next would be.....sequel fix. Looooove me some sequel fix. Read a lot of them (mostly P3 or P4/ P3 and P4 crossover) back before we got Arena and then the next sequel spinoffs.
P4: "Five years Later" and "Fate or Fortune" (oh gee they are also SouNao centered fics, how did that happen? 8U)
P3 same, tbh they are usually crossover with P4. I've read A LOT of these (mostly FeMC related ones) but it's too late for me to dig these up. Uhhhh The Fool's Turmoil is one (don't read unless you read The Fools' Tournament tho). 
And of course.....there's shipping. Sometimes it's fluff and not related to the above two. But it's usually related to the above two. I have to really care about a couple for that. (SouNao, MinaAi, SouHam, ShinjiHam, and MinaHam are what's drawn me tbh, MinaHam obvie shipped when they AREN’T siblings not that I’ve seen a whole lot of AU sibling ones that are shippy but it’s been like almost a decade since I last looked so I could be wrong!). Read lots. And yeah, shipping can be important. I'm 100% happy with no ships in my fanfics, but if there's a ship I DON'T like, it's a no-go. My ships or no ships. (this isn’t anything against the authors work obvie, I would like to think they’d be happy with me not....reading something that I know is not my speed). 
So where does P5 fit into all of this?
Well.....I really do not care of rereading P5's plot in a "what if" scenario (tbh I'll happily just stay in my own mind for that, I play around with my own scenario's tbh). Mostly cause I'm afraid of it.....being P5...and all it's.....P5-ness......but with added stuff. The closest I can see myself reading is a "fix it" fic rewrite but.....really depends on if I’m in the mood. 
I....do not care for a sequel with P5. Unless it is literally them falling from grace and getting their just deserts (and painstakingly going through how they really kinda screwed things up, crossover with past games is a plus but not required), then maybe. I'm a messy bitch who loves drama, the drama gives character development, PT become better and learn the error of their ways (and not the half assed bullshit that P5S does). But I’m not sure if people who genuinely like P5 and it’s cast would think that needs to happen. 
Then there's ships......I'm.....not really THAT invested in P5 ships.....to want to read them.... I do have ones I really don't like and other's I do like and would rather prefer seeing (but it’d probs be easier to just read a no-ships involved fic).
Anyway, yeah that’s what I like. Sequels, slight AUs/what if/rewrites (within universe/working relatively within canon, Non Persona Ex: What if Luz never went to the Boiling Isles and instead Amity was trapped in the Human World? still uses canon settings and rules but it’s an interesting “what if” scenario) , bonus points if my ships are in it. I usually like to work “in-universe” to something. If I’m just reading fluff it’s usually something in universe. And I don’t really care for like.....Coffee shop/Flower Shop AU, or doctors AU, or *insert thing that is completely separate from canon/working in universe* AU. I can see the appeal but it’s usually not for me (only real, true AU I think I read was a Samurai era one of SouNao.....can you tell I loved/still love SouNao?)
I hope that ramble makes sense and answers your question. ;w;/
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needsmustleap · 4 months
okay posting my thoughts IMMEDIATELY after having finished the finale:
-lance reddick 💔 hope whatever's next is treating you well. killer performance
-i think the show really would have benefited from longer episodes and maybe more eps too..... they really had to rush through things imo and i wish we could have gotten more downtime with the trio to see their personalities and relationships more. and also like camp in general, when they cut back to percy training w luke it was kinda jarring, like when did they even have time for that
-i really wish they had kept the dimension of annabeth having a crush on luke & showed us their relationship more. she struggles w his betrayal throughout the whole series and the reveal in the finale just felt kinda underwhelming. also i think it's so realistic and relatable to have a crush on a guy like that lol and it just overall adds more flavour in gen but also to her dynamic w percy
-in gen i feel like the show was already foreshadowing percabeth hard and i wish they had not lol. but i was worried they would do that so i may have just read what i thought i was gonna see into it.
-this ties back to pacing/short and limited # of eps, but it's just interesting to see how they tried to take it from book to episodic tv show. the second last few eps i think didn't come off as well/weren't as satisfying as episodes. just interesting to think about the structure an ep calls for and how/where it was a bit incompatible with the story. idk
-i did really like it. the guy who plays poseidon is so hot so gotta watch black sails i guess lol. i need to rewatch to better articulate the things i liked i think. looking forward to watching the making of lol.
-minor thing but wish they had eaten the food at times lol. i know there are very good reasons why they rarely do this in shows in general but i feel it just added to the sense of detachment from the characters that i had.... like idk, eating can just be so personal lol but also they're on this long quest and strapped for cash the entire time, they should be scarfing! they were in the book! minor but it distracted me a bit. and i think also speaks to the lack of downtime/pacing etc thing. i just feel we didn't get to really know the characters well. i think all my thoughts tie back to this really.
-concluding point : it took me so long to get used to seeing them be babies lol, i guess in my mind i tend to always think of them as my age. it's been so long since i read any of the books so i guess i was closer to their age back then esp during the sequel series, so i mostly remember having known them back then i guess? was just odd, they're literal babies!! but i got used to it. looking forward to (hopefully if they get renewed i guess) seeing more of this version of them. may have to reread the books but i may be looking for something i can never get back lol
-glad we saw so much of sally, and her relationship w percy and its complexities. they really focused on parenthood lol
-hopefully if they get renewed they can do longer and more eps. idk tho you really can't trust these platforms. it's sad bc the show could've been really great if they'd had more time to work with. it was good but you can feel the crunch for time imo
-like it's a tv show.... the whole thing is getting more time w the characters (yes the entire thing of all tv shows)..... i just keep thinking, how different is this to the movie exactly. ya it's more faithful the book but what else? it's been eons since i last sawthe movie lol but idk im just thinking.
-really need to rewatch to marinate more on they did end up saying/doing
-okay good night
-wish we had gotten more grover also lol but this ties back to everything i already mentioned
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keytaryourheart · 1 year
Brett Thoughts
I am keytaryourheart so it is time for some key talk. Not Tim Key.. the keyTAR.
I haven’t been blogging about BD lately even tho this technically started as a BD blog. Also my latest hyperfixations have been absolutely bonkers so BD as been put on the back burner so to speak.
So I’m gonna start by recapping the releases of late last year and maybe a little bit of the TikToks.
I’m a Werewolf (Unfortunately)
Solid. I haven’t listened to it much because ehhhhhh. Unfinished business will always be my #1 for halloween and Spook Me Up has the “Please feast on me” line which is CRAZY plus it had the keytar solo. I’m a Werewolf was a little too Tom Cardy for my liking and I do like Tom Cardy but this just didn’t really do it for me unfortunately. UNFORTUNATELY!
Everybody Needs to Know it’s Christmas
This was a revamp, remake, remix, rendition whatever whatever of the how to make a hit christmas song or something and I don’t know the exact name because I believe he’s PRIVATED IT! Goodness gracious. Anyway, the new version is really good so I get if he wants this to be the Final.Version.mp3. Although the original Pinocchio still very much holds up even with the 2020 version out. Oh well. The only thing I didn’t like about this 2022 version was the child choir. One of my biggest musical pet peeves. I just don’t get it. The figgy pudding line makes up for it though.
The Right Side of History
I like this. Like it’s good you know? Yeah.
TikTok has been interesting. He’s having fun, he’s getting views. Good for him.
NOW we can get onto the mother flipping Patreon.
Around 73 people expressed interest in subscribing to a Rob J Madin Patreon and apparently not all have followed through. I know there was a BDT Patreon a while back but that’s defunct.
So the Patreon will give you 1 new single everything month and this month it’s Lola (4-Letter-Word-Song) the sequel kinda to Bin Guy. It’s good. I like it a lot. I never thought I’d hear Brett say the phrase “hits diff” ever in my life. It’s a lot of fun and I got into it immediately. It go me really excited for all the BD stuff to come this year. I’m on the highest tier (I believe) but the first one is still really good and definitely worth it. I’m just a crazy fan which is why I’m forking out.
For the middle and high tier you get stuff from the archives. Which is pretty exciting given how much has been fucking archived LMAO. There are also some sick as discounts for Bandcamp and Vinyl. I’ve already bought mostly everything I want from Bandcamp so that’s not really useful to me. I also normally buy stuff for more than the minimum pay what you want anyway. I also already have the Keytar Your Heart Vinyl. Maybe I get one for playing and one for displaying. I’m only joshing that would be unwise.
The highest tier is the T-Shirt tier because guess what, you get a T-Shirt! Keep in mind you need to be in that tier for 3 months in order to be eligible to get the shirt. It’s got the Steamroller pineapple but with ROB J MADIN on the pineapple spikes. It looks like the pineapple is going to be the Patreon symbol which I totally dig I think it’s really nice.
I’ve just realised that the Bandcamp discount also extends to the merch. I highly highly highly recommend the Home Studio tote it is fucking massive, fits all of my shit and just looks so cool. I’m from Melbourne where we take totes very seriously and my god I secretly think I have the best one in the major metropolitan area.
So that’s it! That’s my spiel. I’m beyond estatic about this direction. I hope RJM gets what he was looking for out of this Patreon (lots of money) and we get some amazing lovely tunes spanning from Brett Domino all the way to Ironwood. Cheers RJM! Here’s to 2023 🍻
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2:01 am pdt 26 November 2022 Saturday 
{{updating 27 November 2022 7:09 & 10:55am & 12:14 pm pdt}}
still reading 📖 this (& the other link). I read a similar one this year.
2:30 am pdt 26 November 2022 Saturday 🪐
6:06 am pdt I’m upset 27 November 2022 I left this open to add stuff - probably 24+ hours 0_o. Minutes ago Added stuff but it didn’t save even though it has automatic saving feature. I have to start all over again. Read webtoons hooves of death ☠️ Sam Bragg, sirens 🚨 lament instant miso & tangent.. something, toy story sequel from 2010 ( in movie theaters 🎭 @ the time). I’m damned either way. Woody the 🪵 wood pecker. The floor is lava. Volcano 🌋 6:13 6:15am pdt
6:28 am pdt Also found a new comic before 6am pdt. I guess it’s a sign 🪧 I’m going to die soon. Lucky 🍀 me.
6:30 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday 🌞 ☀️ = sol? Is this my this my solmate? Soul sole solimente Solomon = autocorrect. Anderson. 6:33 am pdt.
7:09 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday ☀️
if fairytales 🧚🏽‍♀️ aren’t full of sh*t (pay phone ☎️ 🎶🎵) then how would we know we aren’t seeing what’s not really there? Holograms, hallucinations, mirages, Et cetera? He’s got to be good looking because he’s so hard to see 🎵🎶 Beatles?? Princesses 👸🏻 and the worn out dancing 💃 shoes 👠 Grimm fairytales 🧚🏽‍♀️ 50 times hotter in person??? @_@ how would I know even if I saw him in person if my eyes 👀 have been messed with to deceive me??? 7:19 am pdt see/sea 🌊 season evergreen 🌲 silver creek. 😭😞😖😫😭😤🥵😵 7:22 am pdt strange monogatari 7:23 am pdt
9:29 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday ☀️
I wish I could go somewhere with my family where they can’t touch us. 😭 he’s going to do whatever he wants which is hurt me, f*ck other women.
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blurry. 9:33 am pdt. 🦩🦚🐓🦜🦃🕊🦤 9:34 am pdt 9:35 am pdt he likes 2 rub it n my face.
saw this online ths year? Thru apple news app 📰 🗞?? I found it again thru ecosia.org ??
ive seen people use “gate” with things I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what that means. Now that I’ve seen that “whisper sweet nothings “ to a butt line for than a month I realized that this is very seductive & it’s not as bad (referring 2 an article title - labeling his sexting as kinda lame? What he did was still BAD - bad dog 🐶! Bad boy! Bad man!! 🤬😡6:13 pm pdt) as people initially think it is. He’s basically preying on very innocent minded women. Sliding in slyly with something that can b interpreted as humorous 😭😭😭😭😭😵😵😵😵😩😖😖😖😖😖😖😖🤬 & prob tricks us into our comfort zones. If he were to literally act this out, it would literally possiblyprolong titillation, draw out to thorough foreplay! It serve to become “pussygate” 🤬 bcz of its proximity to” the devil” to make out with. 🤬😡 10:06 am pdt it is in disguise 🥸. I have to imagine it to contemplate it’s potential? He’s a dog! 10:08 am pdt 🐶
10:54 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
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11:39 am pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
Making out with hot guys is the worst. Funny it’s a guy asking. Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies 🎼
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It’s only okay for them not us. He won’t say that out loud tho. Don’t count on him to be honest. Why would he really share like a nicolatian unless he didn’t want them anymore ?
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12:03 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday ☀️
looks like they had real s*x in the video .... why didn’t he marry her??
12:14 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
12:20 pm pdt 27 November 2022 incubus likes to psychologically torture me with things I cannot have Bcz he won’t allow me to have it. But he does whatever he wants. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have more than one baby daddy, but what can you do if the first one is a bad ass? Is marriage a trap for women? Is having sex with a man too soon a trap , too?! YES !! Don’t forget that!!!
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12:24 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
12:29 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
12:31 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday
12:39 pm pdt tbh I think I would like to date someone (a man) up to 5 years younger (35 years old) than me. But that’s where I draw the line . & probably 1 or 2 or 3 years older than me (up to 41 years old). 12:41 pm pdt. Anyone who is rich I’d have to wonder if they sold their soul to the devil 👿 ... 🤷🏻‍♀️ 12:43 pm pdt you know Taken, Liam neeson. Why does anyone hoard money 💰? 12:44 pm pdt. Edited this part 1:35 pm pdt - to be clear about age range. When I was 18 I was interested in someone/a man 👨 5 years older than me. But now I’m older I 🔼 my mind. 1:38 pm pdt 27 November 2022 Sunday.
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softieskywalker · 2 years
Ok maybe Luke being lenient or dismissive on the no attachment rule is something he will have a change of mind later or maybe he's in denial and trying to be a good jedi but it's not working. They can explore that later if Luke is going be around in future series. That would be good character development onscreen if he's struggling against following the old ways or coming up with a new code. If this isn't just dis ey forcing filoni's hand on how to portray Luke to fit their b.s. sequel trilogy.
i would like that honestly, to give luke some conflict but why not *say* so. like we can't just extrapolate meaning from everything when the text is directly contradicting that. in this episode luke acted like a jedi from the old republic. in how he talked, what he said, the way he treated grogu. which isn't bad per say but it's very out of character for luke! it's fine if he has no idea what he's doing, i liked when he second guessed himself in front of ahsoka. luke is a character that always shows vulnerability!!!!!!! that's his greatest strength, he wears his heart in his sleeve!! and ahsoka is an authority figure for him, it makes sense he feels inadequate. it's fine that he's clueless about a toddler, i would be too! but.... everything was fine, kinda, until the "choose between mandalorians and jedi, literal toddler!" why tho. that's a little cruel.... :(
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
ROSE I AM FREAKING OUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE PREQUEL STUFF???? WHAT IS GOING ON, my god... I was literally about to go to sleep, decided to check Tumblr one last time and see this.... what WHAT!! WHATTTT!!!!!! I don't even know if this is good bad or what but just JENSEN IS PRODUCING A SUPERNATURAL PREQUEL AND DEAN'S GONNA BE THE NARRATOR OR Sth LIKE???? -🐸
YEAH i am normal about this <3 (jk i am also freaking out) welcome to: people screaming to me in my inbox about prequelgate ft. j/2 fallout theory. let's goooo!
Another copypasta and suddenly chaos machine is full on gay I love this prophecy
you know whats funny i just checked the j/2 tag and i feel like for the first time in a long time they are starting to realise that maybe THEY should be the ones who are "gutted" *sips tea*
Nevermind just read prequel and well good luck I guess but just you know kind of bleh who wants to watch John Winchester well let’s have hope anyways
i know a lot of people are bummed out but i am kind of very excited actually?? i trust robbie and even though yeah j*hn winchester turned into a nasty abusive bastard, it can be interesting to explore how it all started (imo). it's just the first of many stories they can tell.
I can only accept this circus if it’s Dean telling the stories to his and Cas’ kids and then we have a revival to show that the whole finale was in fact the end Chuck wanted there Jensen I fixed it
i would not say no to this
heyloo bee anon here
um- wtf is happening?
jackles prequel series?? why? i want to be excited about this but sheesh im scared
because supernatural is never dead <3
okay, but, jensen... john winchester ≠ jdm, you don’t have to go /that/ hard for him 🙃
true true... though i am waiting for jdm to comment on this, please i need it
Rose you really picked the worst time to sleep for real
bestie it was literally 4 in the morning, what do you expect from me sdfjsfhsf
I can’t literally can’t we were all right LMAO j2 fallout theory is real and cockles (Misha supporting Jensen) is [gunshots] I’m just laughing cause what the hell is this timeline we’re living LMAOOOOOOOOOO
we would always end up here <3
Do we have the copypaste anons to thank for JP basically confirming the J2 fallout? lol 🦚
yes, everybody say 'thanks annoying idiots!'
Anticipating that there's going to be a lot of yelling about the prequel on here: I am cackling, but also, I mean, the first time Dean got a look into his parent's past, Cas was the catalyst: literally entered Dean's mind and catapulted him to the 70s. So idk, it's not completely unreasonable to expect some Cas cameos, maybe setting up a parallel timeline since Dean is narrating. What I'm saying is, this is Jackles, he's getting JDM and Misha in on this lmao -Honeymoon Anon
you were right lmfaooo also i fully agree. misha's tweet further cemented that thought for me. he knew about this prequel and i dont think he is cas-baiting us, i think he'll be involved. i'd also be obsessed to see jensen and jdm act together again (though idk who jdm could play seeing as it's a prequel and he is way too old to play young j*hn)
longlivethetribbles heeft gevraagd:
Heyyyyyy bestie, are you SEEING the absolute madness going on right now holy shit
well a little late but I SURE AM BESTIE
bestie wake up pls s16 finale just dropped.
- 🍯
and WHAT a great one it was
I love coming home from work to see all of the chaos unfolding on Tumblr and Twitter. I'm absolutely buzzing right now. I'll probably still be here by the time you wake up and check tumblr 😂 - 🐢
lmaooo and were you still awake?? did you see my freak out??
Oooh bestie wake the fuck up, I know you’re gonna be excited for this one jsnsjsj
god i had SUCH a morning like. it's 12:00 now and all i did since i woke up is check tumblr rip
short summary: jen and dee gain the rights, they post on ig/twitter about a prequel ft john and mary that no one asked for, the fandom loses its everloving shit as usual, they trend on twitter thanks to the beloved twt intern who missed us, misha qt’s jen about cas possibly benefiting from being in the prequel, then j*red qt’s jensen abt how his feelings got hurt by him not being told about a prequel his character as no involvement in & he initially throws a tantrum, and the rest is history - 🦋 anon (ps: i hope this helps a little, i’ve been scattered brained trying to keep up with it all night lmao so pls let me know if i missed anything, bug crew !!)
thank you so much darling i figured it out eventually but this is a helpful summary!!!
I hope you enjoyed waking up to all of this XD -🐢
i sure did!!! also that answers my question about you being awake lmao
well the party was still going strong this morning so im not TOO "gutted" see what i did there lmaooo
Now that you are caught up with the news... So idk if you remember this but...didn't jarpad tell jackles he was up for a reboot in an online panel? And jackles answered that this was news to him??
yeah i think you are right but he was clearly joking and didnt expect jackles to actually be working on something already
J2 anon spare more of those anons let's finish this - tea anon
please, we're having a ball in this bitch
I saw a post on tumblr where someone said now that Kripke gave J&D the rights, maybe they’re starting with a prequel just to end on a reboot in years time and honestly ? I wanna believe that so badly. This is tinhatty but what if this is all calculated in a way that makes it so that Jensen is slowly starting to fix everything that was wrong with spn - now that he has the rights and he’s slowly making spn his own story ?! I mean he did say in his ig post he wants to ‘fill in the rest’ - and maybe Mary and John’s story is only the beginning of spn related content from J&D to come ??? Maybe he wants to give spn the justice it deserves ?? Thoughts ??
i dont think this is tinhatty at all i think this is very possible and not that much of a reach. i could see this happening yeah for sure
want to hear something funny. I found out I had a ruptured blood vessel in my eye because I was sending my friend a video freaking out when the prequel news dropped and I noticed the corner of my eye was red af. and when I got back online jared had tweeted.
rose.. bestie... how are you feeling about The News? nsfshsf being european is a curse </3 🐞
i feel GREAT im living for it i feel on top of the world tbh (and yeah it really is dsjfhs)
What am I waking up to I can't WHAT I rested my eyes for like 5 minutes help *hits reblog button* - anon anon
yep yep essentially djfhs
“Jensen and Misha are Co workers who barley talk”
I can’t be sure of course but I’m fairly certain that this is the copypasta that brought the j/2 fallout theory back to life. Who’s apparently ‘barely talking’ now? skansjsjsj. It’s almost prophetic, these j/2 anons have superpowers I’m telling ya.
-poker face anon
next time we get one of them we should be thanking them lmaooo
ok, but are we gonna talk about the "When Daneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew that the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester [...]"-quote because the way this is phrased implies they formed CHAOS MACHINE Productions with the intent of telling this story (first), i haven't been in this dumpster long enough but the name just tickles me in that Misha way, isn't it so sus??? am i missing something???? i mean with this announcement they SURE lived up to that name... 🧩-anon
you are absolutely right, chaos machine SCREAMS misha and we are all here for it!!
hey hey hey. joining the clownverse, there's no way THEE cas girl danneel doesn't know just how much the fandom loves misha and cas. so 2 + 2 = misha in the spn prequel!
So I think I finally managed to catch up on wtf happened while I was asleep and my brain melted. What a shit show to wake up to.
Anyway thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of a Mary&John sequel. I think it has the potential to be good (It has the potential to be really bad too, so I'm kind scared).
🕯️🕯️🕯️ manifesting Mary being badass and John being kinda useless🕯️🕯️🕯️
As for the Jensen and J*red thing.
I can see Jensen not telling J*red even if they are still friends, because J*red is kinda good at accidentally telling Secrets. He could have told him right before he announced it so, so that J*red didn't have to find out from twitter. He was on the show for 15 years, he is bound to get asked about it. The public twitter meltdown was really unprofessional so. Like you have Jensen's number J*red. You could have sorted that out in private like a normal person, but instead you choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Is it weird that I'm actually going to be kinda that for them if the actually had a falling out, even tho I don't like J*red all that much. They seemed to be really important to each other and while I thought before that the might have triefted apart a bit, I didn't think that the where actively fighting.
- 🐌 anon
the thing is, the polite/normal thing for jensen to do was text him before announcing it on twitter. it's weird he didn't, and that makes me believe that maybe yeah they did have a falling out. especially with the way j*red responded to it on twitter. if he had no other reason to be this upset (no prior beef or falling out) you'd think that he wouldn't be responding like this. on the other hand, the man is a mysterie to me so who the hell knows. i'm not gonna mourn about it if they did/do grow apart because j*red is just.... awful imo.
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kitausuret · 2 years
You know I've literally never read any marvel comics so I kinda don't remember why I started following you but I have no regrets about it. I probably started following you for something to do with the venom movies bc I'm obsessed with those but I can't remember what it was?? And i haven't seen anything about them since then so idk
But anyway like even tho I've never read a single marvel comic I love reading your little comments about events I know nothing about lmao. Especially when you talk about Flash, Eddie and the symbiote like those tags about the first time Flash sees Eddie smile were so cute it made me rlly happy. And it's so funny bc I only know the movie versions of Eddie and V who I'm guessing are pretty different in the comics, and I'm still just sorta piecing together who Flash actually is as I read more posts on here but you've managed to make me ship something with characters I barely know from media I've never even touched before lmao
Hi anon! This is super sweet of you to say and I'm glad you've stuck around even if you don't always know what's going on. 😅
Believe it or not I do actually really super love the Venom movies as well, I just tend to hyperfixate on the comics because they are the most intriguing/aggravating to me. Back around late 2018 and such I actually reblogged quite a bit of stuff about the Sony ot4 (Dan/Anne/Venom/Eddie, AKA D.A.V.E.) and I still extremely love them. Nearly every Sonyverse fic I've written at least alludes to them.
In fact... I wrote a couple crossovers between 616 and Sony: - We See Through a Glass, Darkly (where 616!Eddie goes to the Sony Universe, and meets the other 2 of the ot4 and his counterpart) - Like Two Passing Ships (the sequel, where Sony!Eddie (and Venom!) travel to Earth-616, they also meet 616!Flash (: )
And for a holiday exchange I received this incredible piece! By @x-jean here on Tumblr, link is to the Ao3 version.
Tumblr media
So yeah, I really adore both of these universes for Venom stuff! And by Venom stuff I mean shipping the combined entity of Venom with at least one other person.
And yes, Eddie and the Venom Symbiote are really different between Sony and the mainline comics universe (Earth-616) but that's kind of what makes it fun for me! At first I hated how different they were but Sony!Eddie eventually grew on me. And of course, I love the ot4.
616!Venom is a different beast entirely because the symbiote does have so many different connections with so many more people. That, of course, is what inspired the symbiot3 for me (Eddie/Venom Symbiote/Flash). Flash Thompson, however, originated as a Spider-Man supporting cast member looooong before Venom was even a thought in anyone's mind, so that also influences a lot of my headcanons and indeed my fics. It's with that knowledge and history in mind that I weave together any interactions he has with Eddie and the symbiote.
If you ever want to know more about Flash, or really even any Venom comics, always feel free to reach out to me via private message or the like! But this was so sweet to see and I'm glad you like my content, Anon. And yes, I fill those tags like they're going out of style.
And on that note, if anyone DOES have any questions or ideas or stuff they want to yell about movie!Venom with me I love to talk about that too.
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