#tho i feel like this scenario is fitting a certain grumpy someone too
ryllen · 9 months
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pitter patter
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remembering one time when i was little, i ask whether the harvest moon protagonist is okay running around in the rain like that
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magnetic-rose · 3 years
can we get a taste of what your 40 min long mccoy video would be like please speak your truth
ok so like when i started watching star trek for the first time, mccoy wasn’t my favorite character. it was spock. i thought mccoy was an amusing grumpy doctor man and i didn’t really give him more thought than that. i was also a really big spock/kirk shipper because i mean... have you watched TOS lmao. 
funnily enough, it was jj abram’s extremely EXTREMELY flawed 2009 movie that made me appreciate mccoy more. i didn’t really care that much for the portrayal of kirk OR spock in those movies. there’s a whole other essay i could write on how they took a genuine and caring friendship and turned it into a macho rivalry and i HATE it. but because i didn’t like spock or kirk’s portrayal as much in 09 trek, it kind of forced me to appreciate mccoy more. even if he wasn’t given a lot to work with, it’s obvious that karl urban put a lot of love into the character because he’s a fan of TOS.
i kind of like TOS and AOS mccoy pretty equally. i think they’re the closest of their counterparts in terms of personalities and ideals. i think that mostly comes down to karl urban’s respect for the source material. so the stuff i love about the character fits both versions of the character for the most part.
the thing about mccoy is that on the surface he is just a grumpy doctor man with poor bedside manners. but here’s the truth about mccoy: the man has the biggest heart of gold. he’s a meanie because he cares. he barks out orders and huffs and puffs and yells indignities because he can’t control just how much he cares about EVERYTHING and about everybody’s safety. 
bones is an extremely anxious character! he’s always worrying about someone or something. he’s always fretting when someone risks their lives. he wants to protect people so bad. jim and spock nearly give him heart attacks on the daily with their recklessness. but bones is kind of a hypocritical bastard too. he’ll chew jim and spock out for risking their lives, but at every opportunity mccoy has to sacrifice himself for others, he takes it. we see it in miri where mccoy injects himself with a potentially life-threatening vaccine because he doesn’t want to test it out on others first. we see it in mirror, mirror where mccoy risks almost getting left behind in a tyrannical alternative universe so he can save a spock he doesn’t even know. the biggest example of it is in the empath, where mccoy makes sure that aliens brutally torture him instead of spock or kirk. mccoy will always value others before himself. the self-sacrificing love of my life.
something i love about mccoy as well is how much he WASN’T a fighter. he didn’t have the brute strength of a vulcan or the fighting skills of kirk. he obviously passed starfleet’s basic fighting training, but that’s about it. mccoy is a healer through and through, even when he’s portrayed by hunky alpha male karl urban. i love this personality trait in both version’s of mccoy, but i love it a little bit more in 09 trek if only because i find it so endearing that someone who looks like karl urban is such a caretaker and non-combatant. 
he’s a pacifist but he’s not a push-over. in space seed, khan held a knife to his throat and he dealt with the situation with such calm confidence that he earned khan’s respect (the ONLY member of the enterprise to have khan’s respect btw!)
mccoy is the ultimate “kind, but not nice” character. he’ll try to get a rise out of spock and angrily debate him but will also jump to his defense in a moment’s notice if something unjust is happening to him (see: plato’s stepchildren.)
and to finish this off because it’s almost 1 am and i’m hella tired: my favorite thing about mccoy is that his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness: his emotions. mccoy is a deeply emotional character, that’s the entire point of him. he is the id to spock’s super-ego. they don’t butt heads because mccoy just wants to be a contrarian to the annoying vulcan. they butt heads because spock will always choose the logical solution and mccoy will always go for what’s morally right.
but the thing about that is that while spock represents extreme logic, mccoy represents extreme emotions. mccoy feels things SO deeply. while his emotions and his morals are what make him a great person, they’re also his downfall. mccoy will sometimes let his emotions control him to the point of pure irrationality. he’s SO concerned with doing what’s morally right he fails to see the bigger picture. when someone will always unflinchingly choose being good over being lawful, it’s going to create serious problems for them in certain scenarios. 
anyways i really could write a ten page essay about this because i just love mccoy so much. he’s one of my favorite fictional characters ever created. but it’s now 1:03 am and i have work tomorrow. thank you so much for sending this ask tho! i will always make time to gush about my baby daddy.
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kirishwima · 4 years
Male Mc headcanons,, please,, And mc could be like the same height as female mc just because it would be funny.
a short male MC it is! idk why but i imagine him to be v feisty and will break someone’s kneecaps if they mention anything about his height.....maybe that’s just because im also short tho lmao
* He’d probably have the hardest time out of all of them accepting that MC’s a guy
* The potential there’d be if MC was a cute girl.....woe is he.........
* It’s not that he can’t appreciate a good looking guy; it’s more that he’s probably never felt attracted to another man and this dude stirring up all sorts of trouble with his big and cheery personality in the messenger, and the sweet way he cares for Zen makes him feel Some Sorta Way he can’t really name
* When MC comes to Zen’s apartment and he opens the door for him he looks straight ahead....only to see nothing and have to look a little further down instead, only to meet MC’s grumpy face as MC realises just how much taller than him Zen is
* If Zen even tries to mention their height difference he will get a kick in the shins and a ‘it’s you that’s freakishly tall okay! Have fun knocking your forehead onto door frames and stuff’ along with a huff that okay, why is Zen finding another dude’s huff to be this freaking cute?!
* He’ll eventually come around to the idea of liking another guy, and he’ll probably be just as posessive as he’d be with an MC of any other gender; if anyone even looks at his MC funny they’ll be met with Zen’s Death GlareTM
* Will brag about his boyfriend to the press, which would probably make the entirety of his fandom on tumblr scream tbh 
* He....literally doesn’t care? Lmao
* This dude is completely indifferent to gender, he’d never think twice about wether MC’s a man or any other gender.
* When MC comes to his penthouse, he’s shocked and delighted to find this short man on his doorstep. He’s like a little cat!
* He wouldn’t mention their height difference, careful as to not offend MC, but he’d point it out in subtle ways, be it helping MC grab something from a higher shelf, or hugging them from behind and resting his chin on the top of their head
* There’s only one, very very significant difference to the fact that MC’s a man...
* We now have an answer to Does Jumin Han is Gay
* ??? Doesn’t care???? 
* Pretty much same as Jumin more or less
* It took quite a while for her to even start to look at MC from a romantic perspective, so  she didn’t really care about neither their gender nor appearance
* It might’ve been really hard for MC at first when he was falling for Jaehee-seeing her constantly mention how beautiful Zen is with his tall frame and long legs was a big hit to MC’s ego, as he looks to his own height
* When he and Jaehee get together though, she assures him she couldn’t care less about how tall he is-she doesn’t love him for his appearance, she loves him for who he is and for the inner beauty he’s shown her
* Besides, she finds it endearing almost how they’re pretty much the same height. They’re the cutest couple around!!
* He’ll try and do the ‘grab-that-thing-that’s-too-high-up-for-you’ thing only to fail miserably, which would probably lead to a fit of giggles from Jaehee as she leaves to bring one of the stools they keep around the coffee shop to help them reach high-up items
* Like Zen, he’s also really shocked to realise he’s falling for a guy
* It’s not that he cares about gender much; he’s had crushes on both men and women before, but this would be the first time he’s actually dating a guy well, daitng anyone really
* He’s also a short guy so it’s perfect!!
* If he’s even a little taller than MC he’ll never shut up about it-even if it pisses MC off, he’ll just be happy to tease him and call him his pint-sized boyfriend, much to MC’s dismay
* He’ll brag about MC to his online friends, and if anyone even dares to make the smallest negative comment, they’ll be immediatly and magically (*cough* Seven *cough*) expelled from any and all interaction with Yoosung, as well as have their social media accounts suddenly full of NarutoxSasuke fanfiction links
* He’s a raging bisexual, so his flirting and memey way of talking would be the exact same as if MC were any other gender!
* He’ll definitely try and get MC to crossplay with him; if MC agrees he’ll make them into the prettiest looking pair of maid cosplayers and send a bunch of photos to the RFA group! If not well, Seven will be happy to crossplay just for MC *wink wonk*
* Loves his short boyfriend so much!! He’ll make short jokes all the time, even if he gets an elbow to the ribs each time he does so within MC’s vicinity
* He’ll absoloutely crouch down when talking with MC to ‘hear them better’
* MC keeps promising Seven he’ll protect him from anything and anyone that ever dares try to harm him, puffing his chest and standing tall across Seven which...barely brings him to the height of Seven’s shoulder, and who’s he trying to kid, he has the cutest little protector in the whole wide world!
* LOVES to pick MC up like a sack of potatoes and just take him with him around the house. He’ll be certain to use MC’s short frame to his full advantage~
* Oh
* Oh nO
* This boy is t a l l, he’s a mini-giant, and he has bad eyesight....which is a big issue when he and MC meet face to face....
* ....mainly because he absoloutely failed to notice MC right in front of him and stumbled straight into him, throwing them both down to the floor
* Like Jumin, attraction has nothing to do with gender for V, so he doesn’t care at all wether MC’s a man or any other gender. He also genially doesn’t care about appearances at all, this sweet boy is all about the soul and inner beauty.
* He never means to insult MC about his height, but it often accidentantly comes acrosss that way, be it by his constant offering to help with things that are out of reach for MC, or by the fact that he often leans his elbows onto MC’s shoulders, using him as his own little restpost.
* MC can’t even be really mad though....V loves him so much for who he is, tall or short and MC just loves his freakish giant boyfriend just as much
* Although he’d have to ask V to lean way way down everytime he wants to kiss him, which’d be embarassing as heck for MC lmao
This was harder than I thought orz, im not used to writing for MC as a specific gender ;u; hope you like it nontheless~
-Send me a mystic messenger scenario/headcanon for character(s) reactions!-
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