cozy-cinnamon-roll · 3 months
A Princess' Guide to Interrogating a Radio Demon (Part II)
(read Part I here!)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Ler!Charlie, Ler!Vaggie, Lee!Alastor (strictly platonic)
Content/Trigger Warnings: tickling, interrogation (in the most playful sense). If there are any trigger warnings you'd like me to add in the future (and/or to this fic), PLEASE let me know! I am always happy to oblige.
This is a ticklefic! If that's not your cup of tea, kindly move along.
First: MAJOR thank you for all the sweet notes and feedback on Part 1 of this fic! I was not expecting such an enthusiastic response, and it really made my week! So grateful to be part of this lovely community 💕
As promised, here is part 2... This one gets a little more intense than the last, but it's still all for fun (and Al can handle it 🤭) So excited to share it with you all!
Vaggie is never quite sure what she's going to find when she hears a commotion elsewhere in the hotel - especially when it's coming from the direction of Alastor's room.
But nothing could have prepared her for the sight of her girlfriend pinning the most powerful overlord in Hell to the floor, tickling him to hysterics.
"Uhhhh..... Sweetie?"
"He won't tell me where he hid it!"
Vaggie just takes it in for a second. "So you're tickling him?"
"How else am I supposed to get it outta him?!"
"That's an... unconventional method, babe."
Charlie pauses her assault to shoot her girlfriend a deadpan look over her victim (who merely remains sprawled out on the floor beneath her, using his reprieve to take in as much precious oxygen as possible).
"You think I'm stupid enough to threaten real harm on The Radio Demon?"
That remark draws a maniacal little chuckle from the crumpled heap.
"Doesn't sound very effective," Vaggie observes.
But Charlie is too busy growling taunts at her victim again, tazing him in the sides. "Sorry, did I say something funny, giggles? Huh?! Did I?"
Vaggie can't help but smile herself at how hard it is for her girlfriend to keep a straight face during her "interrogation." She pokes and prods and scribbles all over the poor man, until his distinctive cackle echoes from the ceiling. And then she sits back on her heels, practically beaming with delight as he continues to shake with residual giggles.
At one point Charlie flashes her girlfriend a goofy grin. "I really think I'm wearing him down."
"Oh yeah. Absolutely, babe." Vaggie leans back against the doorframe with a smirk. "He really looks like he hates this, doesn't he."
As Charlie goes after his ribs again, Vaggie tilts her head. "He's lost his weird radio buzz."
"Oh!" Charlie abruptly clasps her hands to her chest, eyes wide with sudden worry. "Are you okay, Al?"
"Heh - yes, yes, of course..." While he is indeed too drunk on laughter maintain his usual tinny radio filter, the tiniest hint of a wheeze still edges his voice - which surprises Alastor himself more than anyone. His evil cackle is, after all, one of his signature intimidation techniques, and it's never affected his voice before.
But the uncontrolled, helpless hysterics Charlie's had him clutched in is very different from what he's used to. For all his practice intimidating his victims with a well-timed chortle, it appears his genuine laughter is rather rusty.
"I'm not hurting you, am I?"
Still breathless, Alastor can't help but chuckle at that too. "...Y-you are aware of what an 'interrogation' is, right?"
Charlie's look of concern drops to a mild glare.
"Alright, babe. Step aside." Vaggie curls a dangerous little grin of her own. "I'll handle this."
As he sees Vaggie striding toward him, Alastor scrambles to sit up. "Wait, wait- Vaggie, dear, can't we-" He presses backward, only to find himself cornered between the couch and the coffee table. "Er- can't we talk this over?"
Vaggie crouches down. "You wanna tell me where Angel's speaker is?"
Fingernails are crawling up both sides before he even registers movement. Poor Alastor is clutched over cackling within seconds.
Charlie may be a surprisingly effective ler, but it quickly becomes clear who taught her: Vaggie is ruthless.
"Get his tummy, that's his weak spot!" Charlie chirps, not even bothering to hide her delight any longer.
Alastor actually feels a spark of legitimate panic as Vaggie's nails find their way to his upper belly, tracing along the lower edge of his ribcage, sending his laughter silent for a moment.
"Hey, if you really want me to stop, you can just tell me what I wanna know."
"YOou cahan-" (gasp) "-PRY it from my-" (brief giggle fit) "-cold, dead-" (wheeze) "-fingers!!"
"Yeah? I'll show you cold, dead fingers..."
Alastor feels a hand slip under his shirt.
"AaaaAAAHH! No, no, Vaggie don't!"
"Oooh, this is a good spot, isn't it?"
"NO don't do that- please please please..."
"What? You don't want me to do this?" Her fingernails skitter across his bare tummy. The poor man can't remember the last time he laughed this hard at anything - which, for someone who literally hasn't dropped his smile for decades, is a pretty high bar to clear. And he's gotta admit, it's the best he's felt in weeks.
"Don't kill him," Charlie pipes up, "I still need him to help run the hotel after this."
"I'm not gonna kill him." Vaggie leans in close. "I'm just gonna keep tickling this sensitive, vulnerable, unbearably ticklish little belly, up and down, over and over, on and on..."
The surge of radio static induced by this one sentence is so intense that it leaves Alastor's own voice virtually incomprehensible for several seconds. He tries to summon a shadow creature, a tentacle, anything, but he's so disoriented the shadows dissipate before they can be directed anywhere.
And that's finally what breaks his resistance. Being rendered helpless under Charlie's fingers is one thing, but being unable to use his powers at Vaggie's mercy is considerably more unnerving.
"OKAY, OKAHAY! I'll talk! I'll talk!"
Vaggie lifts her hands off him, though they remain hovering just a few inches over his torso.
It takes a solid minute for Alastor to catch his breath. "For heaven's sake, you could've just asked me..."
Vaggie scrunches her fingers in the air a couple times, causing the radio demon to fold up like a lawn chair.
"Ack! Nonono I'm kidding!! I'm kidding!" He fights back a fit of nervous giggles.
"Ten seconds to spit it out before I go borrow Nifty's feather duster."
Alastor rolls his eyes. "Oh please. You think you can threaten me with cleaning tools? Don't be ridiculous..."
"Five seconds." Vaggie turns to Charlie. "Hey babe, have you tried his ears?"
A little squeak of microphone feedback. "13th floor hall closet, second-to-top shelf, under a dead rat."
Charlie recoils. "Ew! Al!"
"Pardon, two dead rats." As Vaggie withdraws her hands Alastor sits up, brushes himself off, and reaches for his microphone. "Second one came along as I was arranging the first, and... offered to help."
Charlie just stares at him in horror as he stands and twirls his mic with his usual classy flair, the very picture of eccentric elegance - as if he hadn't just spent the last twenty minutes being reduced to a hysterical mess on the floor.
"Is there any point in warning you not to pull something like this again?" Vaggie mutters, more to herself than the demon.
"No. But you can if it makes you feel better." Alastor grins and offers a hand to Charlie as she gets to her feet. "That was a lovely chat, my dears. Next time I need a good laugh I'll be sure to commit another petty theft."
Charlie rolls her eyes as he turns on his heel and strolls off.
"And let me know if you need help finding the batteries for that speaker," he tosses over his shoulder.
"OH you little piece of-"
This was such a fun fic to write! Hope you had fun reading it too.... let me know what you think!
💜 - Cozy
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rwateringcan03 · 3 months
i love how almost every fic is just daryl getting wrecked 😭 it's so funny to see
anyway, if requests are open, maybe lee reader and ler daryl?
and as prompt, "I didn't know you were this ticklish."
ily stay hydrated and take care teehee
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As the sun beat down on Alexandria, you found yourself alone in the armory, organizing some supplies for a quick supply run, when Daryl walked in, his crossbow slung over his shoulder.
"Where ya goin'?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe. You quickly gathered the rest of your weapons, and shoved them in your supply bag.
"On a run." You replied, bluntly, turning to face him. Daryl grunted and nodded softly, moving a little to let you through the doorway. As you passed him, he spoke up again.
"Can I come with?"
"No." You replied, desperate to be by yourself.
He followed you out the armory like a lost puppy.
"Why not?" He grunted, readjusting his crossbow.
You paused. You didn't want him to worry, but all you wanted right now was to be alone.
"Because I said so." Was the only answer you could think so.
Just as you were about to keep walking, Daryl grabbed you by your waist and pinned you against the wall. You let out a small yelp, and began squirming.
You glanced up at him. Daryl gave you a teasing smirk before digging his fingers into your sides, managing you keep you pinned against the wall.
You squealed with surprise and tried to squirm away, but Daryl was relentless in his tickle attack.
"DARYL STAHAHAHAP AHAHA!" You squealed between laughter, trying to push away his hands.
"I didn't know you were this ticklish," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips as he continued to tickle you.
His fingers danced along your ribs, sending uncontrollable waves of laughter bubbling up from deep within you. You tried to catch your breath between fits of laughter, but Daryl didn't let up. His fingers found every sensitive spot, eliciting even more laughter from you.
"STAHAHAP PLEASE HAHA!" You pleaded between giggles, but Daryl only chuckled in response.
"Maybe I should tickle ya more when ya grumpy." He teased, his fingers finding their way to your sides again, squeezing relentlessly.
Between fits of laughter, your knees buckled underneath you and you slowly slid down the wall, bringing Daryl with you. Daryl stopped tickling you, his hands staying firm but gentle on your hips.
Eventually, you were able to catch your breath and regain your composure. You turned to face Daryl, a mix of embarrassment and amusement on your face. You let out a giggle, resting your forhead against his chest. "I hate you so much" you teased, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Daryl simply grinned in response, the rare twinkle in his eye never fading. "Just thought I'd cheer ya up," he replied with a wink. "So...can I come with ya on that run?" He asked.
You rolled your eyes and stood up. Daryl stood up with you. You playfully pushed at his chest.
"Fine. But no more tickles, I swear to God." You replied. Daryl smiled softly and nodded.
You both walked out the room, armed with your weapons. Even though Daryl could be a pain towards you, and only you, you were grateful he was able to make you laugh.
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the wait😭
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wishitweresummer · 1 year
The First Fight (Dream x GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)
Word Count: 2509
(Part two to Dream Tickling Class~~)
(Check out a comic I had commissioned for this!!!)
It had just been so much fun tickling Dream. The hilarious wheezes were still ringing in George's mind as he laid in bed scrolling on Twitter. He was supposed to get up early in the morning so he was the first one to leave their little hang out on the living room. But now, sleep evaded him.
Just a few hours ago Dream had been pinned under Sapnap and George and tickled silly. Sapnap had shown him most of Dream's spots and how to tickle them. And now, George couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the adrenaline running through him. He imagined his friends were still hanging out in the living room and suddenly missed them. Strange, considering he had spent years without their physical presence. But right now a few hours felt like too much. A quick peek on Discord showed him Sapnap was active and Dream was not. Okay...that didn't give him anything. He pushed out of bed and headed back to the living room. He could be tired tomorrow, but right now he wanted to hang out with his best friends.
George found Dream alone in the living room. It looks like he hadn't left the floor from earlier, but was sat with his back against the couch watching TV.
His fingers twitched as Dream's laugh from earlier echoed in his mind. Yeah...he wanted to hear it again. He leaned over the back of the couch and stared at Dream's unsuspecting head of curls. Silently, he thanked Sapnap for giving him all the information he needed to wreck Dream. George jumped over the back of the couch and landed on the cushions on his knees with a loud 'oof’. Dream startled at the movement, and then crumbled into surprised squeaks and giggles as he felt hands grab onto his shoulders and squeeze where the muscles met at his neck.
"What?!", he squawked as he tumbled to the side and George climbed on top of him, forcing him onto his back. "George!", he cried out and burst out laughing as the skinny fingers dug roughly into his sides and ribs. George leaned over him, snickering meanly as Dream squirmed under him.
     Sapnap should have been more clear with George about how much of a rare event getting Dream pinned today was. Also, George should have been able to look at Dream's size compared to his own and realize how dangerous his playful surprise attack really was.
     It took Dream a few seconds for his brain to catch onto what happened. Once he got his bearings he scooped George's small wrists together and flipped their positions. The movement was so fast and effortless it left George red-faced and sputtering. Dream sat there for a second over George, pinning him in place with one hand like nothing, as he let the last of giggles out.
"You little shit.", he shook his head and chuckled in amusement. George's eyes went wide as he tugged helplessly at the firm hold on his wrists. His arms were stuck above his head.
"Dream...", he trailed off nervously.
"Alright alright. So you want me to find your spots now right? Is that what this is about?", Dream teased, leaning in close to George's face with a dangerous smirk. George flushed darker and squirmed.
"Dream!", he squeaked and could only shake his head 'no' over and over again. His flustered state apparently leaving him with only the ability to utter Dream's name like an idiot and nothing else.
     A piercing shriek cut through the air as Dream squeezed George's side.
"Whoa!", Dream giggled as George broke down into frantic laughter, trying and failing to squirm away from the offending hand as Dream tickled up and down his side. "God, you're fucking ticklish.", Dream murmured. George wailed, the embarrassment gutting him.
"Dream!,", he shrieked and bucked his hips uselessly.
"Okay okay let's see...", Dream made a claw with his hand and vibrated it against the side of George's ribcage. George's body convulsed like he was being electrocuted, and then he threw his head back and cackled wildly. Tears prickled in his eyes.
     "Jesus...", Sapnap whispered to himself, watching from the doorway. George was loud. He had been drawn back out of his room with all the noise and was now secretly watching the scene play out. He had been trapped under Dream's merciless fingers enough times that the fear alone kept him from making his presence known. But, George's hilarious cackling and flustered appearance was keeping him from leaving entirely. He watched as Dream seemingly focused in on George's upper ribs and high pitched shrieks were torn out of the older boy. Sympathy...yeah Sapnap was feeling a bit of sympathy at George's predicament. He knew how hard it was to get himself out of Dream's hold, and looking at George's thinner frame he figured it was actually impossible for him.
     "I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!", George begged. No matter how much he squirmed or bucked Dream hadn't budged an inch, he had barely even acknowledged George's attempts to escape at all.
"Where's your worst spot Georgie?", Dream sang lowly. He decided to test his own. Dream jabbed some pokes across George's jumping tummy, sending him into hysterical giggling.
"Stahp!!!", he cried. Dream smiled and shook his head, slipping his hand under George's shirt and wiggling a finger into his bellybutton. George crumbled into little wheezes and giggles. He shoved his red face against his arm in embarrassment. Dream hummed. While it was very cute, it was not a death spot.
     Sapnap was filling up with a weird mix of jealousy and an instinct to protect George. Dream was going to find George's death spot without him? Some ridiculous voice in his head shouted about how that should be an event that required all roommates to be present. He watched as George's legs spasmed and kicked desperately at the ground while Dream explored his bare stomach and sides. George’s giggles were filled with squeaks and hiccups. The soft flutter of butterflies within Sapnap’s tummy grew angry as he took his first step into the room, but his sense of justice was driving him. George stood no chance against Dream, so he would help.
     George saw Sapnap before Dream did. He whined at the position he had been found in. It was enough to actually make him turn his head and close his eyes, embarrassed he couldn't cover up the heat burning through his cheeks. But, his eyes snapped back open at the sound of Dream's squeal. He pulled his suddenly free arms back down and wrapped them around himself. Dream burst into laughter on top of him.
"Are you bullying Gogy?". Sapnap was crouched down next to them tickling Dream's sides and stomach. The surprise attack was enough to send Dream tumbling off of George.
"He is!", George gasped out gratefully, still recovering from his tickles. Sapnap pressed Dream down onto his stomach and climbed onto his back, then he grabbed George's arm and tugged him over.
"He started it!!!", Dream yelled out, but crumbled to giggles when Sapnap started pinching at his hips. "He did!!!". Dream squirmed as he tried to blindly fight off the tickly hands.
"Kind of.", George grinned sheepishly and wiggled a finger into Dream's side, drawing out a squeal. "I couldn't sleep so I came back out, but then Dreamie was all alone and didn't hear me come in so I wanted to tickle him.".
"Alone? You're cra-AH!", Sapnap was cut off as Dream bucked and tossed his body into George.
"Hey!!", George cried as Sapnap's weight hit him and they both went down and tangled together on the ground.
     A frantic energy wound through them as Dream pushed himself up and leaned over them. In a panic they both started to clumsily try and get away, but got caught up in each other. Big hands descended on their ticklish sides and stomachs and they both burst out laughing. A chorus of both raspy and crazed laughter mingled as they squirmed. Dream grabbed Sapnap's ankle, but he flipped around roughly enough to shake his grip loose.
Sapnap grabbed Dream's arm and yanked him down, sending him collapsing down on top of them with a yelp. George shrieked and laughed as he was crushed, taking the opportunity to dig into Dream's sides and make him yelp again, puncturing through his bubbly laughter. Dream grabbed George's sides and shook him, causing him to cackle. He reached over to grab Sapnap and do the same thing, but squealed and curled back over George when he had tickled into his stomach.
     Dream pushed himself up with an arm between the two so he wouldn't keep crushing George, but Sapnap stupidly jabbed into his ribs. He jerked to the side and fell fully across Sapnap with a cry. Sapnap gasped out and flailed, trapped under the bigger body. It only took George a second to recover and realize his opportunity. He sat up and grabbed a hold of Sapnap's thigh, tearing a scream out of him.
"Whoa!!!", George giggled excitedly as he watched Sapnap smack lightly at Dream.
"Get off me!!!", he yelled, panicked. Dream smirked at George approvingly. A few more pinches and squeezes to both of Sapnap's twitching bare thighs had the youngest in stitches. Sapnap cursed his basketball shorts, jealously surging for George's sweatpants or Dream's flannel pajama pants. George's evil fingers played with his kneecaps and pinched the muscles above them. Sapnap screamed with laughter, shoving and slapping at Dream's body on top of him helplessly.
"He hasn't confirmed it, but my theory is that’s his worst spot.", Dream giggled as he watched George's hands.
'Worst spot.', Sapnap's mind yelled. Maybe this is how he could get them to stop.
"We don't know…George's worst spot yet!!!", he screeched, laughter still forcing its way out of him, his body jerking at the maddening touch down at his legs. George furrowed his eyebrows at Dream's curious gaze. The look was intense and sent a shiver down his spine.
"No, we don't...", Dream murmured dangerously.
Dream suddenly moved back onto his knees, releasing the smaller boy that had been trapped under his body. Sapnap's body snapped like a whip at George, pulling him down, twisting him, and pressing him on his back down to the floor.
"What the fuck!", George cried as his cheeks flooded with a flustered heat. Does he weigh nothing to them? Sapnap was still trying to catch his breath, straddling George's waist and nudging Dream with his shoulder.
"Get his hands!". Dream obeyed happily, moving above his head and grabbing both of George's hands. He lifted them up and George squeezed his eyes shut. Cursing himself for letting himself become helpless again.
"Alright.", Sapnap clapped his hands together. George opened his eyes again, not wanting to be taken by surprise. "So it's not his tummy, sides, or ribs…right?", he looked at Dream for confirmation. George whined, realizing Sapnap had seen more of his torture from earlier than he thought. Dream averted his gaze with a small laugh, realizing the same.
"Right...", Dream agreed sheepishly.
George considered just blurting it out. There's no way they weren't going to find it. He squirmed as Sapnap's eyes trailed his body. He knew he was screwed either way. He shrieked as he felt a hand latch onto his thigh.
"Hmm...here?", Sapnap grinned as George burst into his crazed cackles, the jealousy from earlier being sated.
"No!!! I'll tell you!!!", George cried through his laughter. His squirming didn't seem to phase Sapnap much and he was flustered at how helpless he felt. Sapnap stopped. Dream leaned forward to try and meet George's eyes, grinning evilly. George couldn't meet his eyes and Dream snickered.
"Alright Gogy!! That's awesome! Where is it?", Sapnap cheesed.
"Okay hold on, give me a second.", George grimaced and squirmed. It was like he could physically feel the eyes on him. Sapnap and Dream's desire to make him scream crawled across his skin.
"Go on.", Dream adjusted his hold on both his hands and rubbed his thumb encouragingly over George's wrist. It would have been sweet if it wasn't Dream trying to coax out the information he needed to wreck George. It drew a blush to George's cheeks anyway.
"Hold on okay, I'll tell you!!", George squirmed. Panic wormed through his body. The other two went quiet and just watched him, seeming to understand they should cool down the teasing if they wanted George to get enough nerve to tell them himself. Some time passed as George got most of his breath back and seemed to be done running scenarios in his head. "Okay okay...", George took a few breaths. "It's my underarms.".
Sapnap and Dream grinned at each other over the squirming boy.
"That's cute.", Dream blurted. Sapnap laughed as George cried out at the compliment. Dream stretched George's arms out more and Sapnap wiggled his fingers over the open underarms, George whimpered. Only the fabric of a thin t-shirt separated Sapnap's approaching fingers from George's death spot. "Ohhh he's going to tickle tickle you...", Dream coo'ed teasingly. George let out a strangled noise at the comment alone. Sapnap giggled. It was fun to see Dream be cruel when it wasn't directed at him.
When Sapnap had lined his fingers up above George's armpits he had assumed he would be attacked with finger flutters and wiggles. What he was not expecting was for Sapnap to instantly find the most sensitive muscle and massage it lightly with two fingers each. George went ballistic. Dream and Sapnap watched gleefully as George broke down into hysterics immediately. His feet pressed flat against the floor as he tried and failed to buck Sapnap off. He screamed with laughter as he yanked against Dream's hold with more force than he had the whole night. He couldn't get any begging or pleas out, he just threw his head back and gave in entirely to the laughter.
Sapnap experimented with his touch, crawling his fingers around the sensitive underarms. As he watched a tear slip down George's red cheek he considered mercy for a moment, but decided he could handle a little more. He nudged over and under the short sleeves of the t-shirt and tickled softly into the bare underarms. George convulsed and slipped into silent laughter, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head 'no'. Dream coo'ed and the two attackers smiled at each other.
Just as George's cackles started to reappear, Sapnap pulled his tickly fingers out and let him breathe. George went limp and whined, gasping softly. He looked wrecked.
It had passed midnight during their tickle fight and their second day together turned into their third. Finally together. They had waited so long to finally be able to see and interact with each other. It was no wonder they had been drawn back together again after trying to separate for the night.
That night they slept together sprawled across the couch. Sleep no longer evading any of them.
(Art by @kazenomegaminowanpisu )
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daybreak-tkler · 1 year
❝The Green Eyed Monster.. Goes Good?❞
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Lee(s): Sin Of Envy! Hyunjin
Ler(s): human! band member! Felix, human..? band member! Jeongin
Small Synopsis: Hyunjin often has to watch from afar when band meetings are held at Felix's apartment, his bandmates don't know about the sin after all. But when just one of them is over and Hyunjin is introduced as a "friend"... maybe he can have a little fun... and maybe let Felix know that his band members aren't quite who they say they are.
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"So... This guy is your friend that you magically met one random night after a gig...." Jeongin raises his eyebrow as he stares at Hyunjin, a little too smug in Felix's opinion. He didn't know why his younger bandmate would look so smug towards the literal sin of envy but... Felix also didn't know how Jeongin was even buying any of this crap. "Yeah! We stumbled into each other and the next thing I knew we were best friends!" Felix responds in a bright tone, a nearly convincing smile gracing his lips. Hyunjin's eye twitches unnaturally before he graces Jeongin with the smile that his aussie roommate would typically refer to as the "Jealous Jin" smile. He hated it, but he always let his brown haired roommate get away with anything.
It had been about a year since Hyunjin had all but moved in with Felix, and the human still hadn't introduced the sin to any of his bandmates. Hyunjin repeadedly made the claim that he "didn't need to meet them" because "some kind of force is telling him that they wouldn't get along". Felix had just smiled and nodded, because he didn't even know how one would possibly respond to that. But after some sneaking around and some very convincing pleads, his envious sin was sat here meeting the sub-vocalist of their band. Jeongin smiles, a little too tongue-in-cheek. It's like he knows something but he refuses to ever say what. "Well... nice to meet you, "new friend", I hope we can get along," Felix has no clue as to why his younger friend used air quotations, but he ignores it in lieu of offering the boy another cookie. "Oh, Lix! I feel bad, I've eaten loads of them already!"
The aussie gives the other a charming grin "Don't worry 'bout it. Hyunjin and I never eat them anyway," he explains as he practically leaves the tray in the youngest's lap. Jeongin was known in the band for having the biggest appetite. He was very good at eating massive mouthfuls in one. "A little gluttonous of you, don't you think?" Hyunjin raises a brow, a look that the human can't wuite distinguish is on his face. Felix elbows him, sending him a look that says "don't be rude!" to the envious sin.
To his surprise, Jeongin just sent the sin a knowing smile. "Always so quick to chastaise.." he titters to himself as he pops one of the smaller cookies in his mouth whole. Felix's eyebrows raise at the impressive feat. He was still confused, though. Why were the two being so unnecessarily... sneaky...? Was that even the word? The Australian decides that it was probably best that he ignored it. Hyunjin twirls a piece of blonde hair around his finger and presses his lips together, his green eyes glowing as they fixed their gaze on Jeongin. "You need to stop playing this game with him, In," he says seriously.
"....Huh?" Felix's wide eyes turn to the envious man. Jeongin chuckles "It's your own fault for not following through with the plan," he raises a perfect brow, looking a little too old and alluring to be the Jeongin he knows. "What? What plan? What the hell is happening?" Felix demands an answer from the two vague males. That's when he first notices it. Whether it had been like this the whole time or not, Felix couldn't tell, but Jeongin's eyes were a soft orange hue. It was the same way that Hyunjin's were a soft green. But that was to show that he was envy, Felix's brain supplied. So wait... did that mean...? "Jeongin-ah! Why didn't you tell me?" he asks. The youngest laughs delightedly at the fact that their human friend had figured it all out for himself. "Because! It was part of the plan! Hyunjin was just an ass who didn't follow Chan's orders,"
"That's because Chan's plan was stupid,"
Jeongin leans back against the couch with a smirk "He'll know you said that and you'll be dead...er than you already are," he teases and the envious sin merely rolls his eyes. Felix interrupts their bickering witu a frown "Wait.. Wait so if he's envy then... Who are you?" he asks "And why are you mentioning Chan like he's a part of any of this?"
"Jeongin is the sin of gluttony," Hyunjin helpfully supplies. "In fact, all of your band members are sins. We were sent to the mainland in order to find the perfect human to fuel the power of sins back in the underworld. Chan, the sin of lust, chose you and clearly you're not what we thought. So I ditched the disguise plan and came to you up front because I can," he explains in detail, kicking his legs up casually as he eyes a bewilderes Jeongin, who wasn't expecting him to out them tp their target like that. Felix snorts "Wait... Chan is the sin of lust?!" he queries with a loud laugh. He did not see that one coming. "What about the rest of them then?" Jeongin shakes his head at Hyunjin, silently instructing him not to say a word. The envious sin merely grins and ignores the youngest sin.
"Chan is lust, Minho is greed, Changbin is wrath, Jisung is sloth, Seungmin is Pride and Jeongin is gluttony..." he hums "And yours truly is obviously Env- hey!-"
Jeongin leaps over Felix's lap to pin Hyunjin down beneath him, squeezing the boy's hips rapidly. "H-Hehehehey you brahahahahaat! Stohohop it!" the sin of envy laughs as the youngest scrabbles his fingers over the envy boy's hips and sides. "You just exposed us like that to our target!!! You need a lesson for that, giggles," Jeongin grins widely as he continues to poke and prod in every spot he could reach. Hyunjin squirms beneath him, begging him to stop and uttering loud sorrys that everybody knows he doesn't actually mean. It was a very similar reaction to what the green sin always did when Felix was tickling him.
"Do you tickle him a lot?" he tilts his head as if his question was very normal and standard whilst he grabs one of the lee's flailing legs, his grip firm around the ankle. "Oh, Yeah, Minho hyung does all the time... Hyunjin is kinda a brat. A loveable brat, but still a brat - y'know?" he replies in a normal tone as he continues to rake his nails up the ticklish man's sides. "Pl-Plehehehhehhease! Ohohohoh my gohohohohod don't you dahahahare!" He accusingly glares at Felix who shrugs innocently before trailing his fingers up his socked sole. "Coochie coo, hyung, be thankful that it's just me and Lixxie tickling you or you'd be in for it aaaaall night~" the youngest sings as he manages to worm his hands under Hyunjin's arms somehow which makes said male screech.
"Shit, that sounds awful.... would you all just like.. gang up on him?" Felix asks, a small flush finding it's way onto his cheeks just at the thought of having so many hands tickling him at once, as if Hyunjin and his magic wasn't bad enough. He peels the envious man's sock off slowly before scrabbling his fingers up his arch. "Pleeehehehehheease! Plehehheheeheease i'm so sohohohohorry!" Hyunjin breathlessly begs as he laughs. "Dohohohohon't tehehehell Chan or Mihihihinho!" he pathetically pleaded. Jeongin giggles "Oh, you become such a mess like this don't you?~ yes you do~" he teases in a sweet voice, making even Felix have goosebumps.
Hyunjin pleads for his freedom as the gluttonous sin runs his fingertips all over his torso with sweetly devilish intentions. "Plehehehehhehease! I'll beehehehehehehee goohohohohood!" the envious sin squeals out, going a little loopy from his torso and feet being tickled. "When Chan finds out about this... you're done for~" Jeongin coos. "You'll be good, hm? Well tell that to him, not me, hyung!"
Felix makes a soft noise as his fingers trace up and down the long haired male's feet. "I so can't believe this," he laughs softly. "What, that sins exist?" Jeongin responds with a question as he teases Hyunjin's ribs, causing the sweet melody of laughter to pour out like a flowing waterfall. "No," he says quickly "That my entire band are sins from the underworld," his grip around Hyunjin's ankle becomes loose, so the envious sin takes the opportunity to slide his foot out of the human's grasp - only to be met with more wiggling fingers against both soles. "You didn't think you'd get away, did you?~" Jeongin coos, much to the older's distain. "We met three years ago, how come Hyunjin only appeared much later?" Felix asks curiously.
Jeongin hums whilst he continues to torment the green sin's feet. "Well, like I said, Hyunjin doesn't like listening - nor does he like playing by Chan's rules. As a result, he wanted to be able to secretly feed on your envy rather than get close to you... And his own plan backfired, isn't that right?~" he turns his attention to the ever giggling black haired male beneath him. Who continues to squirm and beg for forgiveness.
The human chuckles to himself at Hyunjin's plight. "You promise you'll go good and behave from now on?~" he asks teasingly. "Y-Yehehehhes! Plehehhease stohohop tihickling me!" fortunately for envy, the sin of gluttony decided to let up and let him breathe. "We'll see what he does after Chan gets on him," the youngest happily chirps shifting on the couch to face Felix again. "So... are we still cool? I know it's a lot to take in.. but we don't wanna kill you or anything," he explains with a hopeful gaze. Felix nods slowly "Yeah, we're cool!"
"Hyunjin you are in so much trouble!" another Australian voice comes from outside Felix's door.
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mollygiggles · 24 days
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Hi, I’m Molly! I’m a tickle fic writer and looking forward to sharing my work with you all! Minors, I ask that you do not interact as many of my works will include suggestive themes. Below, I’ve listed my fandoms, and my prompts are open, for fics or headcanons!
Navigtation: Fandoms List | Masterpost
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Tickle Fic Tumblr Requests (28817 words) by Ticklefics Chapters: 44/? Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Morality | Patton Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Deceit | Janus Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders Additional Tags: Tickling, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, you know those collections of smut requests?, this is that. But tickling requests, Light Bondage, Tickle Fights, Any chapters without consent explicitly stated are written with consent established offscreen, Interrogation Tickles Summary: Lots of little tickle fics. Some have light tickling, some intense, some have bondage, some have manhandling, just all nice tickly things.
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feathery-fics · 1 year
So I've been on Tumblr a long time. I've been writing for a long time. I enjoy reading tickle fics a lot.
There some ideas I've had for fics that I want to try and write. They probably won't be very good but even if no one else reads them I'd like to have them documented for myself :)
Fandoms I currently have some ideas for:
- The Batman
- Cyberpunk 2077
- The Witcher
- Star Wars
- Marvel's Loki
If you want to send any prompts my way feel free!
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hype-blue-fixation · 24 days
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RadioStatic Week Day 3 - Jealous/Posessive - "Your Laugh is Mine" (SFW ticklefic)
All day he'd kept his claws off the Radio Demon and let him go about his daily business. Forced to watch as the object of his obsession talked to other people. Conducted business with them, made small talk, cracked jokes. He hated how they made him laugh and smile. How those people gave him what he wanted. Vox knew he could do better.
And it was worst with the ladies. Alastor was far too kind to them. To the point it made Vox sick. The only time he even felt the smallest pang of guilt over these emotions is when the lady was Rosie. He respected the deep connection the two shared. But if it be anyone else, jealousy was sure to run rampant.
As the day went on, Vox became more fidgety. His body itchy. Everything in him wanted that furry deer back home and in his arms. Evening felt like it couldn't come soon enough. He was already daydreaming of all the things he wanted to do, making the wait all the more agonizing.
“I'm back!” the door clicked open and in came Alastor. Vox was already there, offering to takr his jacket and even unlace his shoes. Dinner was ready. Jazz music played on the radio. Whatever the deer wanted was only a whim away. “I think you love me too much.” Alastor cooed as he was lead to the dinner table.
“Nope. I love you just enough.” Vox held out a cooked human hand, humming in adoration as Alastor leaned forward to nibble each finger off. A playful look coming to his face.
“You love me so much you're even hand-feeding me!”
Vox snorted at the double meaning. Such a charming sense of humor. “Speaking of loving you so much…” his voice trailed off as he lost himself in Alastor's eyes. A small nibble at his own fingers shook him out of the daze with a frightened shout. As much as he loved the other, he was still a beast to be reckoned with. A unique, dangerous, and downright gorgeous beast.
The TV headed man offered more food. Smiling as it was gingerly eaten away. “I couldn't help but watch how you interacted with everyone today. They gave you what you wanted. Satisfied you. Made you smile. Laugh.”
“Mhm. What's your point?” Alastor smacked his lips, signaling he was done with dinner. Vox wiped the blood from his mouth, losing himself in those eyes again. They were always so expressive, and right now they were full of love and interest. Wondering what fantasies had been running through that dumb box head.
They went to bed, Alastor the first to settle down and get comfortable. Vox was right at his side. Wasting no time in getting his claws on that furry belly. Scratching at it and digging in possessively. “This soft little thing? It's mine.” His voice was strong. Not accepting any sort of argument. Whatever Alastor tried to say was silenced at the feeling of a tummy kiss.
Warmth focused on the mouth area of Vox’s screen as he planted kisses at the waist line. He gently pushed up Alastor's shirt as he trailed kisses up to his belly button. Then a blue tongue projected out of his screen to draw buzzy lines around the sensitive spot.
“Vox, darling. You don't have to–”
“I want to.” A firm grip came on his sides as warm kisses and electronic licks graced that fuzzy deer belly. Alastor couldn't help but fluster at the tender care. One hand rested on the back of Vox’s head while the other came up to his mouth to hide the noise that wanted to come out. A task that became harder when the hands on his sides began lightly scratching the soft body.
Alastor was now biting into his hand. Desperate attempts to hold back noise. Vox was quick to tug it away. “I want to hear you. Are you really going to let all those other people hear your beautiful voice and laughter all day then keep it hidden from me?”
“I suppose that is unfair of me, hmm?”
“It's criminal.” Vox blew a strange, vibrating form of a raspberry square on that belly button. Tickling his claws into the sensitive sides. A loud laugh echoed in response. “See, I bet that felt good, right?”
“It does feel good to let loose and laugh.”
“Good! Because all those laughs are mine, you hear? Every sound you make tonight will be mine.” Vox stared directly into Alastor's eyes as his claws scribbled around the belly button. Small giggles ensued. “Every little whine, laugh, breath, wheeze, beg, and whatever comes in-between is mine.”
“No it's not!” Alastor playfully teased.
The claw dipped into the center of that tummy with a small electric shock. That seemed to bring the radio demon back into his place with a storm of uncontrollable laughter.
“Yes. It. Is.”
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ticklishraspberries · 7 months
Tell Him (George O'Malley x Reader)
Summary: You’re dating George O’Malley. You tell him about a certain liking of yours, and although he’s initially confused, he tries to understand. (This is incredibly self-indulgent and the reader is essentially just me. If anyone actually reads this, it’ll be a miracle, lmfao. Mentions of sex and tickling as a kink, but overall this fic is more fluff than smut.)
“I can’t.”
George sighed, but he had an amused expression on his face. “Whatever you’re gonna tell me, I won’t freak out. You know that, right?”
You blushed, avoiding his eyes. “It’s embarrassing. It’s not bad, but it's embarrassing.”
He took your chin, making you meet his eye. “Well, I’m not gonna pressure you. Whenever you’re ready to tell me, I’ll listen.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “Alright. Go save some lives, Dr. O’Malley.”
He kissed you quickly before heading out, and you sighed, resting your head in your hands. It was silly, really, and you were getting him worked up over nothing. If only your embarrassment, your shame didn’t run so deep, if only you had the guts to spit out a simple confession.
And it was over something so stupid.
Cuddling in bed with George last night had been nice. He was warm, and groggy after a day of interning at the hospital, but present enough to rub your back sweetly, muttering sweet words. And then his fingers had strayed near your side, soft and it had startled you and made you twitch.
“You alright?” he asked.
You had nodded. “All good.”
And then, he’d done it again. By accident, still. And you had twitched again, a puff of air resembling a soft laugh leaving your nose.
“Oh, I’m sorry, am I tickling you?” he’d asked.
You chuckled nervously. “A little.”
“Sorry,” he said again.
“It’s fine.”
And that had been it. What you hadn’t said was that it was completely fine if he tickled you, and that it would be fine to continue, because you enjoyed it.
You just couldn’t spit that out. And George deserved to know, because he would clearly do anything in his power to make you happy, and yet, you were afraid that something as simple as a little tickling would be the thing to scare him off.
His shift was long. Long enough for you to think it over. To plan out everything you would want to say, to prepare for a worst-case scenario. It wouldn’t be so bad. George was sweet. He was an angel, honestly, and the chances of him reacting poorly were slim to none. But that fear still lingered. The fear of rejection, ridicule, or just plain old misunderstanding.
But George would understand. He had to.
So after a long, long shift, George was back in your bed. Warm, sleepy, and hopefully ready to listen to your words.
“You ready to tell me what you wanted to say this morning?” he asked.
“Yes. No. Maybe?” you replied. “It’s…I really need to stress to you that it’s not a big deal. It really isn’t, but I’m embarrassed and this is really hard for me to talk about.”
He pulled you close. “I’m here to listen. What’s going on?”
“So, last night…You were rubbing my back, and you…Well, you…”
“Is this about me tickling you?” he interrupted. “Because it was an accident, and I won’t do it—”
“No, no, that’s…I wanna tell you that it’s okay. That I…I liked it. I mean, I would like it if you did it…Intentionally, next time.”
George blinked at you, mouth opening and closing. “I’m sorry…You liked it?”
There it was. The twinge of judgement in his voice. It made you deflate, cheeks turning red.
He sensed the shift in your attitude and immediately shook his head. “No, no, it’s not a bad thing. I’m just…Surprised, that’s all! Because, well, my brothers used to tickle me all the time and I always hated it. I mean, they were rough, and it hurt, and they used to make me cry…So, I mean, the idea of someone liking it is just sort of weird to me. Not weird in a bad way, God, that came out wrong…Weird as in uncommon—”
“No, it’s okay, I get it,” you said. “I’m sorry your brothers did that to you. But, it’s just…I’ve always liked it, and I can’t help it, it’s just wired into my brain for some reason, and it’s embarrassing and I’ve had partners react badly to it in the past, so if you’re weirded out, it’s fine, I just…I wanted to tell you because it makes me happy, and you make me happy.”
George smiled. “Okay. If you like it, that’s fine. I can…I can do it, more, if that makes you happy. Is it…Is it like, a sex thing or a cuddly thing?”
You gave another nervous laugh. “Both? It’s not inherently sexual, but it can be hot. We can talk about the sex part later, though. This is all too embarrassing for me.”
George laughed, too. “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s fine,” he said, kissing your temple. “We can talk about it another time.”
You assumed that was the end of the conversation, but his hands found your sides and squeezed, making you squeal.
“So, you like this?” he asked. “Or do you like it better…here?” His hands moved upwards towards your ribs, his fingers prodding into the spaces between your bones with his surgical precision. It only made you giggle harder, feet kicking.
“You’re giggling too hard to answer me, baby,” he cooed.
“Shut up,” you whined. “You’re being mean!”
“How am I being mean? I’m doing what you asked! I think that’s pretty nice of me, actually.”
You had nothing to say in response, just laughing. You were so happy. So loved.
That night, you fell asleep wrapped in George’s arms, the phantom sensation of his tickly fingers still on your abdomen.
“Tickling you is really fun,” George said. “I mean, it’s cute. You smile and you laugh and it’s adorable, and I know it makes you happy.”
You flushed, biting your lip. “But…?”
“No, no but. Well, maybe? I think…If you did it to me, I don’t know if I would hate it or not, but…I know you’ve mentioned that you like it either way…If you wanted to try, I mean, I’d be open to it.”
He was blushing, too. How fucking cute could he be?
“Really?” you asked. “I mean, if you’re open to it, I would love to try. Only if you’re sure, though. I know your brothers were pretty harsh, so I don’t wanna push.”
“No, I’m…I want you to try it. You always look like you’re having so much fun. And, it might take my mind off of the three surgeries I scrubbed in on today.”
You grinned. “It is a pretty good distraction.”
He laid back against the mattress, looking up at you with those doe eyes. You grinned, sitting up beside his body and using one hand to stroke his hair. “Where should I start, hm?”
George squirmed. “Well, when I was younger, my stomach was really bad. And, and my sides. But I’m pretty much ticklish everywhere, as you’ve discovered during other activities, which, if I had known you liked it, I wouldn’t have apologized so many times when I laughed—”
You interrupted his rambling by using one hand to lightly tickle his stomach, feeling his muscles jump beneath your fingertips, listening to the loud, squeaky laugh that burst from his lips.
“Still bad?” you asked.
“Still ticklish, but it doesn’t suck,” he giggled in response. He was clearly fighting to keep still, his hands balled into fists at his sides.
You grinned. “You’re so cute.”
“I’m not cute,” he cried. “I’m a strong, masculine—Ah!”
His laughter took on a new octave as you introduced your other hand to his belly.
“Too much?”
He shook his head. Then, after another minute, he shook it again. “Wait, no, actually, too much!”
You stopped immediately. “Are you okay?”
George wrapped his arms around his middle, protecting his middle although your onslaught had already stopped. “I’m fine, I’m fine, it’s just…still a lot.”
“No worries. I know, it can be really overwhelming sometimes.”
He smiled. “A little. But I didn’t hate it,” he said. “We can try it again, another time.”
“Yeah, of course. For now, cuddle me.”
And, well, how could you say no to that?
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cozy-cinnamon-roll · 4 months
ya know
I'm always assuming that my tickly headcanons for my fav characters are just wishful thinking. Half the ticklefics I read include some sort of apology for being "out-of-character." A lot of us seem to assume that we're stretching suspension-of-disbelief to absurd lengths to imagine certain characters having positive reactions to tickling.
But it just occurred to me... I'm sure people who have only seen me irl would find it absurdly OOC to write me as someone who is into tickling.
I'm quiet and easily overwhelmed. I tend to come off extremely reserved, and people tend to assume I don't like to be touched (which makes me hella sad because I DO DAMMIT, PLEASE CUDDLE ME). I am terribly self-conscious about my laugh, so I actively try to avoid using it.
And I tell no one that I lull myself to sleep each night with imagined tickle scenes, check tumblr daily for new ticklefics, and have several sketchbooks filled almost entirely with sketches of various characters wrecking one another.
Not a single day goes by where I don't end up in a ler or lee mood at some point.... but not even my best friend is aware that tickling occupies a solid 30%-110% of my brain's processing power at any given moment.
Moral of the story: if you think your ticklefics are "silly" because your character is "just not the type!" to get lee/ler moods.... guess what? it doesn't seem like many people irl are the "type" either...
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rwateringcan03 · 4 months
Hi, could I request a lee!reader ler!daryl when the reader is very shy? Thank you!
Hi! Yes of course! I hope you enjoy :D
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The sun was setting over the Georgia skyline as you and Daryl Dixon walked through the abandoned bushy streets. The air was heavy with tension as you moved cautiously, the sound of walkers echoing in the distance. Daryl's crossbow was slung over his shoulder, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of safety knowing that Daryl was by your side.
As you carefully made your way through the streets, you couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine. Daryl noticed and gave a reassuring squeeze to your shoulder, a small, comforting gesture that made you feel a little less afraid.
"Y'okay?" Daryl murmured, his voice soft but gruff.
You nodded shyly, your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to silently calm your nerves. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just a little on edge, y'know?"
Daryl nodded in understanding, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any danger. "Don't worry, I got ya," he said, his voice steady and reassuring.
As you continued on your journey back to Alexandria, you still couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness. Daryl must have sensed it, because he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to face you.
"Hey, come 'ere," he said, reaching out to pull you into a tight embrace. You let out a shaky breath and buried your face in Daryl's shoulder, taking comfort in the warmth of his arms.
For a moment, everything felt okay. You were just two people in a world that had gone to hell, finding solace in each other's presence. But then, as Daryl pulled away, his fingers brushed against your sides. You let out a small giggle, shyly covering your grin with your hand.
"What's got ya grinnin'?" he asked, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Your cheeks flushed pink, embarrassment washing over you as you tried to hide your smile. "N-nothing. Just-"
But before you could finish your sentence, Daryl reached out experimentally, tickling your sides.
He knew.
You let out an adorable squeal of laughter, desperately trying to squirm away from his touch. But daryl only grinned. He dropped his crossbow, it making a thud as it hit the ground. He wrapped his arms around you, this time in a strong bear hug, using his free hand to scribble all over your belly.
"AHAHAHAAA DAHAHAHARYL STAHAHAP!" You squealed, struggling to break free from his grasp.
Daryl held you firmly in place, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Yer ticklish, ain't ya?" he teased, his fingers dancing over your sensitive sides and belly.
Your laughter mingled with helpless whines, laughing and squirming uncontrollably.
But Daryl didn't let up, his fingers relentless as he continued to tickle you, your laughter echoing through the empty streets. Your cheeks were flushed as you tried to catch your breath, your sides and stomach aching from the relentless assault of Daryl's fingers.
Finally, Daryl relented, letting you catch your breath. Your knees buckled and you layed on your back on the concrete, giggling tiredly. Daryl lay beside you, giving you a playful nudge.
"Jesus," you panted, your cheeks still pink from embarrassment. "You're relentless."
Daryl chuckled, a rare grin on his face. "Y'needed that. Lighten up a bit, darlin'," he said, his voice soft and light as he now gazed up at the sky.
You couldn't help but smile, the warmth in Daryl's eyes melting away your nerves and insecurities. You and daryl layed on the cool concrete, before making your way back home.
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wishitweresummer · 1 year
Kissies (Quackity x KarlJacobs x Sapnap)
(Karlnapity fic)
Word Count: 914
Warning: This one is pretty intimate, kissy, and domestic bliss-y. (Still a fluffy SFW fic)
     This one's set in the DSMP with their characters and the storyline where they are all engaged together. This is in a sweet spot where everything is okay and perfect.
     Quackity was in heaven. His body melted into the couch slowly from all the touch and emotion consuming him. His arms wrapped around the loves of his life. His head was turned slightly to the side as he matched the pace of Karl's sweet kissing. They both smiled into it, Quackity's a little twitchy-ier. Sapnap's mouth was a little more mischievous. He really should be sucking on Quackity's neck, but instead he kept getting distracted with his want to make him squirm. Slipping in ticklish little smooches and nibbles.
     It teetered on the edge of torment, but enough that Quackity could still hold back from letting any embarrassing giggles out.
"You're so squirmy.", Karl murmured amusedly against his lips, not yet aware of his other partner's playful mouth driving Quackity a little crazy. The acknowledgment drew a soft whine from his lips. He thought he'd been keeping his reactions under wraps better.
"He's just so ticklish, I can't help it.", Sapnap spoke up, all too aware of the effect of his words.
"Oh are we tickling him now?", Karl trilled excitedly. He smirked as Quackity pouted at the sudden lack of lips against him.
"No...we're kissing him.", Quackity informed the two, speaking in third person. Sapnap sat up a little and he swiveled his head to see him, only to shrink back a little at the dangerous glint of playfulness that stared back at him.
"Kissies? You want kissies?", Karl whispered into the unsuspecting ear, suddenly holding him in place. Karl kept him in place easily while delivering soft tickly kisses rapid fire down at his collarbone, relishing in the desperate giggles it drew from the smaller boy.
"So cute.", Sapnap purred evilly, striking fear in Quackity's heart. He knew he was done for now.
     Sapnap's hand suddenly slid up his shirt and grabbed at his bare tummy and sides. Quackity squealed embarrassingly loud, completely worked up.
"Guys...", he started, but halted the horrible words and shook his head. 'Shit.', he thought. The other two laughed anyway.
"Guys pleeeease! Don't tickle me!", Karl mimicked in a high-pitched voice.
"Guys pleeeease! I'm just so ticklish!", Sapnap teases, matching Karl's pitch.
     Quackity folds instantly, groaning as he puts his reddening face in his hands. The feeling of both his fiancé's zeroing in on his every word and movement overwhelming him.
"I hate you guys.", he mutters, flinching at the warning poke to his side. He's done it now. "No, I hate you!", it's more muffled as he covers his face more. A squeak forces it's way out as someone squeezes his side.
"Oh you better stop.", Karl growls right up against his ear, making him jerk away with giggles. Sapnap catches his shoulders easily and sinks his teeth into his neck, wringing out a hilarious shriek from the smaller boy, laughing as the feathers on golden wings shift frantically.
     Quackity can't help but move forward and bury his face in Karl's chest, probably the worst protection from what he feared possible. "Are you scared baby?", Karl trills wickedly, the tone sending obvious shivers down Quackity's spine.
"No, he's just presenting his back to me.", Sapnap stated proudly, quickly tickling into his back before he could react, skillfully finding the exact spot that drives his fiancé crazy every time. Karl clutched on for dear life as Quackity broke down into hysterics in his arms against his chest.
"Sapnap!", he cried out uselessly, his wings shaking as he squirmed between them, shrieking with laughter. "Please!", he croaked as he tried to twist away from Karl's grip.
     Karl released him and Quackity pressed his tingling back against the couch again with a relieved gasp. The two playful boys cuddled into either side of him and he whined.
"Why are you two so evil today?", he huffed.
"You love it.", Sapnap accused, slithering his hand back under Quackity's shirt to draw more gasp-y laughter out of him.
"No I don't, shut up! Stop!!", he twisted with a squeal, Sapnap having squeezed his bare side.
"The squirmiest worm.", Karl coo'ed lovingly, burying his face into Quackity's neck and nuzzling in, grinning as he felt Quackity shake with giggles.
     He was completely useless under all this stupid love and tickling. So sweet, but so mean. It melted every bad thought, really every thought, from his mind. His fiancés had taken their sweet time long ago finding every single spot on Quackity to draw whatever reaction they wanted from him. It was excruciating to be known so well.
     "I'm getting you guys back later.", he murmured, shivering as he felt Karl's grin disappear and refocus on drawing other noises out of him, teasing with his tongue so softly on his neck it forced a small cry out of him. Sapnap let the words wash over him before joining the other, trying to ignore the feelings it spiked inside. Maybe he could make Quackity forget how they had stopped the sweet make-out session to torture him.
     As teasy and mean as Karl and Sapnap could be, it was nothing compared to Quackity's wrath.
     For now, Quackity relaxed and let the two try to make up for it all. Desperate lips trying to beg for forgiveness with kisses and soft praise. Forgiveness that wasn't granted...but they tried their best.
(Art is by @kazenomegaminowanpisu )
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daybreak-tkler · 1 year
❝To Save Seoul...❞
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Lee(s): Superhero! Mark
Ler(s): Supervillain! Haechan
Small Synopsis: Mark has saved the city of Seoul countless times, he is their hero through and through. Can he be their savior once more when their fate rests in his ability to keep his lips sewn shut?
a/n: this was my wip that you may have previously known by it's former title "the giggle machine!" :D I hope you like this extra long fic, because I wanted to give back to you all! I just wanted to thank everyone who gave my fics a chance and loved them as well as the characters in them. I never would have thought after posting "Explorer" back in June that i'd get this much attention again like I did before when I wrote bts works and your continued support has carried me through the second half of 2022. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you, and I can't wait to see you all in 2023! Please like, reblog, scream at me in my asks and share this fic to all of your lee, ler and switch friends! Your love makes me more motivated to write!
also... the names of our hero/villain duo as well as their powers are all my own idea!
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High above the buildings of Seoul, a hero waits wity baited breath. New Years eve was a day many cherished. It was the sign of new beginnings, a fueled desire to do even better in the next year than you had in this one. And most of all, it was a time where most liked to party; especially younger people. Our hero, SilverStorm was his name, knows better than anybody that on such a populated night... There was bound to be some villains lurking in the darkness and waiting to cause trouble.
SilverStorm, who was better known out of his persona as Mark Lee the writing major at college, gazes over the city from above, perched atop one of the many tall building's Seoul had to offer. The streets still bustled even in the darkest of nights. The neon signs that adorned the sides and fronts of buildings seem much more vibrant in the dusk, and they do a good job at illuminating the populated streets of college students and older adults who were clearly outside to have a drink or three. It was the last day of the year, after all. Mark sighs to himself, remembering what he had sacrificed in order to save the city. Renjun, his highschool crush and prettiest boy on campus, had invited him to go drinking with a few friends. Unfortunately, Mark knew what kind of trouble would be lurking around on such a busy evening.
So he had to opt out.
It was so annoying, Mark thought as he flew down from his perch to land on one of the shorter buildings below, because he knew that if he didn't go drinking with Renjun... Jaemin and Jeno would. Mark always got jealous whenever his crush hung around with those two. They were too into him! It irked Mark more than it probably should have. He dusted off his silver hero suit. It was a dull silver colour (so that he didn't shine too aggressively and get caught) and had angel-esque wings attached to its back, making him able to fly. He also had the same powers that most superhumans did.. super strength, super speed... that whole shebang. He wore a matching black and silver mask over his face and he had a hood to mask his raven hair - mainly to protect his identity from people.
He drifts down a bit further and peeks his head around the side of a taller building. They were nearby the college campus.. which means.. "Gotcha," he grunts as he spots his target. The Crimson Knight... his archenemy. He knew that the supervillain was around his age, and couldn't for the life of him ever figure out why anybody his own age would act so wild and chaotic. Mark squints his eyes to try and figure out where on Earth the villain could be heading. Then, it clicks. Zhong Chenle's New Year's party... of course! So many people their age would be attending that party, so the supervillain wanted to crash it..!
Not on his watch.
Quietly, he tries to keep up with the supervillain. He takes precaution, because he wasn't a huge fan of the idea of getting caught and fighting it out with the villain right now. Not when he still didn't know what Crimson Knight was planning. He follows the other man pretty far and it isn't until he makes it right to the window of Chenle's penthouse kitchen that he loses sight of the supervillain entirely. Mark firgures that he should stay alert for wherever the cunning villain had gone. He grips onto the deep ebony pipe that traveled down the side of the block of penthouses, hiding beside the clear glass window so that he wouldn't be spotted by any party-goers.
Zhong Chenle was a boy who was in his second year at college, a year below Mark, and he was stacked. Hence why he had the top penthouse nearby the campus, his parents bought it when he first arrived in Korea. Everybody on campus knew him and they all wanted to be his friend or have some form of relation with him. Mark didn't know much about the boy, personally. The only reason he knew him was through Renjun, who had been pleased to find another Chinese friend on campus.
Mark had been all but focused on Crimson Knight until he wasn't. In all honesty, he doesn't recall when he stopped looking out for the villain. He figures that it wouldn't be a crime to inconspicuously look through the window and see if he could spot Renjun... so he does. He looks around as much as he can from the kitchen window and that's when he sees it. "Son of a...!" Mark curses, much louder than he intended since some guy who was drinking a canned beer heard him and turned to gaze at the window. Luckily, he managed to duck in time. He waits for a moment before popping his head back up and cursing under his breath. Right there, in Chenle's massive lounge, was Renjun being chatted up by Jeno and Jaemin. Not only was he looking absolutely fine in those jeans, but he was blushing at the two as well!!
Mark couldn't believe his eyes at first, and he especially couldn't when Jeno (the really smiley guy that everyone loved) took Renjun's hand and playfully spun the shorter boy around. God dammit! Why couldn't that be Mark spinning Renjun around like that?! He couldn't stop staring at the three of them, presumably gazing at them flirting with one another. "Got the lover blues, hmm?~" a voice coos in his ear and he shrieks, ducking below the window again in panic. "Who the hell...?!" he turns to look in the direction the voice had come from.
But the next thing he knew, everything was black.
The superhero of Seoul wakes up again at least an hour later, head foggy and vision blurry. It takes a few long minutes for him to shake himself back to reality, and the first thing that helps with that is the fact that his arms are pinned up and outstretched either side of him. "Wh-Wha..?" he murmurs groggily. "Well, well, well!! Our powerful hero is finally back with us!! Did you have a nice nap, sweets?~" a familiar voice sings. Mark raises his head up, not initially noticing that his mask is pulled down and his hood is also down. "Crimson Knight..?" he asks under his breath.
"Wait.. Mark?! Mark is SilverStorm?" another familiar voice says in bewilderment. No way that he's here too..
Just as he suspected, Renjun and his other friends are all tied up behind the supervillain. The strangest part was... They certainly weren't tied the same way that Mark was. "Huh, who would've thought... I just had the impression that he was a loser lyricist that hated partying.." Chenle snickers from where he sits, arms behind his back and knees bound together so he couldn't escape, like the rest of his friends. Now that Mark was more awake, he could assess the situation better. Crimson Knight stood before him, in his signature long deep red coat. Behind thehe supervillain was Renjun, Jaemin, Jeno, Chenle and Chenle's boyfriend Jisung. They were all tied up. "What's the deal, Knight? Why tie them up too?" Mark asks with a scowl. The villain merely titters "Assess your own situation first, mister SilverStorm, then maybe you'll understand more~"
Mark skeptically looks around at his own predicament. His legs were outstretched before him, locked away like his wrists were. He was strapped to some sort of device that had a chart beside it. The little chart, he soon figures out, is a tracker with a little arrow that has five faces displayed in a row. At the moment, the arrow was pointing to the first face "Not Laughing". It was strange, but the last face was really what set the hero off in a panic. "Ka-Boom" with a picture of an explosion. "What the hell is this?" Mark queries with a glare.
"Why, I'm so glad you asked!~" the villain chirps. "This smart machine you've found yourself attached to is called "The Giggle Machine"! And it'll track your laughter through that microphone, following these five stages and then when it reaches stage five... everything goes boom!" Crimson Knight finally explains with the proudest grin Mark had ever seen. "Your friends are here to watch you fail and blow up the city!~"
Mark was confused... giggle machine?,, blow up the city? What was he talking about? "Wait I recognize that voice.. Oh that's totally the guy from Jisung's music class, he never attends! His name is like.. Haechan or something?" Chenle chimes in, clearly not at all concerned about what the supervillain had just said. Jisung nods his head in agreement "It's totally him but... LeLe we have more pressing matters!" he hisses to his shorter companion. Haechan rolls his eyes, seeing that Mark still wasn't getting it. "C'mon, Stormy, it's not that difficult! I'm gonna tickle you, duh! How else would you laugh up a storm for me? Hah! See what I did there?~" he turns around to his literal captive audience who just nod in fear of what a supervillain might do to them. "Super clever, dude," Jeno praises him with an awkward grin.
Mark immediately shakes his head, pulling on his trapped ankles with as much force as he could muster. Now that he thought about it, it was a little strange that his shoes had bern taken off. Haechan sits down on the floor with a wicked grin. The evening breeze was getting quite chilled atop the penhouse block. It was either that, or Mark was getting really nervous for some reason. He couldn't be that ticklish.. could he? His answer is given to him rather quickly as Haechan trails a finger down the black sock protecting his foot and his whole body twitches. "Awh.. tickle tickle tickle!!~" he teases as he sets off immediately to scrabbling at the bottoms of Mark's feet. "This is gonna sound really stupid but... Hold your breath, Mark! That should keep you from laughing!" Jaemin suggests from where he's trapped. The hero follows his instructions, taking a deep breath in and holding it. Haechan tuts "Y'know... it's only going to be all the more satisfying when you start laughing!" he smirks as he scratches all over the superhero's soles.
Never in his life had Mark needed to keep his lips sewn shut like this... it was surprisingly difficult when Haechan kept scribbling across his arches and squeezing his knees. He kept teasing him, too, "I know you're gonna break soon~" and the more he heard that phrase, the more he felt like he was going to give in. He can just about see behind the supervillain, that the captive audience was doing their best to escape to lend him a hand. Mark knew he was a goner the second Haechan's tanned fingers tickle his lower tummy. "Nohohohohot thehehehere, crap!" he curses as the laughter pours out of his mouth.. much to the satisfaction of the villain causing his tickly plight. "Plehehhehehease stohohohop ihihit!" Mark begs as Haechan returns to mercilessly scrabbling his soles. Out of the corner of his eye he could make out the chart from before. The green arrow was slowly moving away from the "Not Laughing" face and ticking towards the second face "Giggly Mess".
The hero didn't know how he could help himself, he was trapped and his powers couldn't get him out of this situation at all.. he was stuck, laughing at the hands of his archenemy until the city blew up. Because now that he had started to laugh, he just couldn't stop! It was part of Haechan's super power, he thinks, and damn if the villain wasn't a genius for setting all this up. "Ehehahhaha! Plehehheehase not my hihihihihihips!" he squirms in his restraints, earning a coo of faux sympathy from the villain. "Is Markie too ticklish there?~ Is he about to move the arrow to stage three already?~" the evil male meanly coos at him. He couldn't help himself! Especially as the villain trailed his skittering fingers up his sides, ticklishly wiggling them in the hollows of his underarms. He couldn't believe what was happening right now, was Haechan really going to win here? Was the whole city going to explode because Mark was too ticklish?
As the night continued on, Mark could tell that the arrow was getting dangerously close to the "Ka-Boom" face on the chart, but he couldn't stop himself from laughing and squeaking. The supervillain made sure to get every spot, wiggling and poking his fingers at every expanse of sensitivity. "Pleheheheehease! You dohohohon't wahahahaant thihis do you?" he genuinely begs the villain to stop the torture. Haechan evilly chuckles. "I would like nothing more... it'll be so satisfying~" he sings as he squeezes Mark's sides over and over, letting out a satisfied coo at every squeak and giggle. "Watching you squirm and writhe and having you be responsible for Seoul's destruction.... I couldn't be happier~"
The arrow ticks closer and closer... and as it does, distant voices cheer and scream, excited to start the new year's countdown and all hope seems lost as Mark helplessly laughs at his ribs being plucked. "Hey, Crimson Knight!" a voice from behind them calls out. Haechan spins around in confusion, allowing Mark to heave in a few breaths. "Huang? How did you even escape?!" the villain asks in confusion as Renjun stands tall before him. "Magic..~" the short man winks. "Mark! Oh, sorry, SilverStorm... Do us all a favor and send this guy to sleep!" Renjun snaps his fingers the superhero pulls at his limbs, he's suddenly free! He leaps up from where he was tied and, using his superpowers, sends the supervillain into a deep sleep. In the distance, the countdown has began as soon as Haechan grunts and its the floor.
"10! 9! 8! 7..!"
"Woohoo!!" Chenle excitedly cheers "That was so cool! I didn't know Renjun hyung was magic!!"
The shorter man bashfully smiles, shaking his head. "It was nothing... but uh..! Mark!" he quickly looks up and locks eyes with the hero. "Ticklish or not, you're still a cool hero," he grins. And just as the echoing voices yell "Happy New Year!" the smaller places a kiss on the hero's cheek, making Mark become flushed.
"That's cute n' all... but could you untie us so we can figure out what to do with Haechan?" Jaemin huffs out a laugh.
"Only if you guys pretend that you don't know my identity,"
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justaticklishdeer · 22 days
Unconventional Methods
lots of inspo from @hype-blue-fixation
this took forever to write, give feedback! (I personally don't think this turned out too well.)
Tw/CW: Restraints, Fluff, Teasing (a ton,) tickles, gets intense in spots.
word count: 1.5k
Vox and Alastor. Rivals, enemies, whatever you call them. They were busy fighting, as usual. Alastor had antagonized the TV Overlord yet again, and now they were in the lobby of the hotel – thank God everyone else was out for the day. Besides, the gang would hate to see the mess they had made… 
‘Fucking–hold still!’ Vox snarls, jumping forward at Alastor who easily steps to the side. 
‘Hmm, I’d prefer not to. I’m not getting taken down by some picture show–’ Alastor yelps as Vox grabs him. He struggled and hissed as the TV demon ties his arms above his head. 
‘You forget I know your weaknesses, Alastor.’
‘You know nothing about me. You barely know me! You’ve been obsessed with me since day one!’ Alastor snorts, glaring at him defiantly from his restrained position. 
‘Where shall we start? Perhaps..here?’ Vox places a blue tipped claw on Alastor's palm, tracing small circles. He had completely ignored the defiant jab. Alastor’s body jerks back and he whimpers out a giggly protest. 
‘There you go, pretty boy. Trust us. Or perhaps, myself. You know you can. You want to.’ 
Alastor whines again, squeezing his eyes shut as Vox continues. Vox smirks. ‘What's wrong, ticklish little fawn? Can’t handle my claws all over your palm? Perhaps I could move them. Have them slide up this pretty forearm, up near your underarm…then, sliding down your ribs while you whine at me. Then we could tease those sides of yours, oh, yes. Sliding my claws up and down your sides while you whine and try to curl into a sickeningly sweet ball of fluffy ticklishness. Then slide down to your tummy and tease there. I could go on for hours, Alastor. Hours. How does that sound?’ 
A helpless whine was all he got. ‘Aww, is someone a ticklish little fawn? Yes you are! Come on and tell me all about it,’ Vox hums, claws tracing slowly down his forearm. Slow. Teasing. Torturous. ‘Vohox. Vohohox, plehease..’ he whines, trying to flinch back from the tickles. His restraints held fast. Vox held him still. Alastor whimpered again, a giggly mess. ‘Shh, you can take more than that. I’ve done more than this. Come on. You can do it,’ Vox croons, reaching his other hand up to gently and teasingly stroking up and down the feathery-soft edges of Alastor’s ears. The deer whines loudly, trying to shake his head. ‘Ah, ah, ah. No. Stay. Oh, good boy! Look at you, taking the tickles so well.’
Alastor whines, trying to arch away from the soft dragging of Vox’s claws. He felt Vox get close to his underarm, and he gasps and arches. ‘Nuh uh, don’t shy away! It’s alright, just stay…oh, look at you. Such a helpless fawn, ensnared in my trap.’ Vox continued to trace lighty around the area, whiney giggles and breathy sighs joining the mix. ‘Vohox, plehease..move alohohong…’
‘I don’t think I will,’ Vox hums. The deer whines and flinches, body trembling. ‘Good job, Al, you’re doing amazing for me.’ 
Alastor nods, desperate as he squirms in his restraints. Vox was sitting on his legs to make it so escape was essentially impossible. ‘I–oho! Mm-!’ Alastor cuts himself off as Vox reaches his upper rib cage. ‘Oh, so here’s a bad spot, hm? Should we…count them?’ he teases, pressing slightly harder. Alastor frantically shakes his head. Quite the deer in the headlights. ‘Plehease–plehehase–Vohohox plehease—’ 
‘Ah, ah, shh…I’m not even nearly getting started. Calm yourself, little fawn.’ The TV demon slowly traces claws down Alastor’s ribs, eliciting a small squeak and twitch every time he hits a bad spot–the bad spot essentially everywhere. Alastor’s voice was shaky and giggly, no real words really making their way out of his mouth. He bleated like a fawn helplessly. Vox’s claws dragged slower, down his sides, resting on his stomach.
He uses one hand to push Alastor’s shirt up to expose his fuzzy stomach. He could hear Alastor whimper with anticipation. ‘Oh, my dear, I haven’t even started yet! You’re already squirmy and all vocal for me!’ ‘Sh-shut up!’ Alastor whines through a fit of happy giggles and whimpers. 
Vox gently scribbled around his belly, tracing a claw around his navel. Alastor’s breath hitched as he arched his back, trying to escape the torturous feeling. The television grins. ‘You’re lucky I’m not too..hungry right now, sweetie,’ Vox murmurs, continuing with the slow dragging. ‘Stahap th-that!’ Alastor snorts, trying to tug his hands out of the restraints. Vox hums softly, ignoring the plea. ‘Plehease Vox plehease plehease–’ 
‘Nuh uh, pretty boy, ticklish little fawn, adorable buck. You’d be safewording like hell if you hated it that much,’ Vox points out, tracing shapes on Alastor’s belly. He gently traces circles and little swirls all over the fur. The deer demon lurches and writhes, whining with the giddiest look on his face. He seemed to be on a whole different cloud of fluffy happiness. 
Vox smiled, continuing the slow, teasy tickles on the deer’s sensitive tummy. ‘Does that feel good? All nice and tickly for my favorite fawn?’ Alastor giggles happily, ‘m-mhm!~’
Vox moves his claws up to Alastor’s deerlike ears. Soft strokes, nothing too much. Yet, it still had the radio demon nearly crying with silent giggles and whines. Such a strong reaction. ‘Who’s a good tickle fawn?’ Vox croons. He could feel Alastor trembling. Good. Alastor could feel phantom tickles on his stomach still, making the whole thing worse. He squirms and whimpers, little breathy giggles coming out. “Just like that, good boy.”
Alastor bleats helplessly, grinning as wide as he could while arching his back. “Hmm, now the deer noises?” “Shuhut up..”
Vox moves back down to his tummy, cooing teases at him. A claw circles his belly button, and Alastor’s hooves kick as he whines. “Pretty baby, pretty tickle baby, c'mon..you can handle it,” Vox hums, continuing the awfully slow teasing movement. Alastor whines desperately.
“Use your words. You’re poetic.”
“It-ihit–Vohox plehease..” 
“Please what? Words.”
Alastor flushes and his ears pin as he shakes his head. “Yohou know.” “I know. I want to hear you say it,” Vox hums, claws still teasing at the spot. 
“Vohox–! Mmm! N-noho–!”
Vox’s scritching got more intense, making the deer squirm, his ears flicking as he tried to comprehend the feeling. “Fuck–fuhuhuck–Vohox i-ihit–ihit–!”
“It what, darling?” Vox chuckles.
Vox begins to trace claws on his neck, making the radio demon whine softly and smile. ‘You know, Al, you’re quite good at handling these. Or am I not doing enough?’
‘Vohox, it-it ihis plenty.’
Vox starts applying a steady tickle to the deer’s ribs. ‘Nohoho! Vohox, plehease–’
He blinks, looking Alastor right in the eyes as he continues. ‘You’d be safewording. You enjoy it, don’t you? You love how I make you feel all tickly. And happy.’ Alastor’s ears flick and flatten, and he turns his face away. Vox took the restrained position as an opportunity to tickle Alastor’s underarms–which got a desperate whine and shriek, then loud laughter. ‘Good boy!’ Vox praises, continuing to tickle him, aiming for a full on wrecking. Alastor shrieks and phrases, trying to comprehend what was happening. 
‘Vohohohox! Plehehehease–Nohohot thehehere! Ohoho shihihiht–!’ Alastor bleats in distress, his deerlike instincts coming out profoundly. His body thrashed and Vox held him still with a firm look. Alastor whined and bleated again, melting under the eye contact. He was holding back every urge to hide his face. To hide the flusteredness. To hide how much he loved this. 
‘Hold still.’ ‘I-I cahahahan’t!’
‘Yes, you can.’ 
Vox continues, and he could see Alastor’s eyes starting to glisten with tears of pure mirth. ‘Stahahap! Nohohohot the ehehehHAHAHARS!’ 
‘Yes, the ears. You know I couldn’t resist. They’re just so…fluffy, pure. Surely the radio host can handle it? Or perhaps…I could show this to all of hell? Let them know how much of a ticklish little fawn you are?’ Vox suggests, tracing claws down the feathery soft edges of his ears. He moves to Alastor’s tummy, scribbling all eight claws over the sensitive fur and skin beneath it. Alastor screams before his laughter fades to soft radio static and silence. 
‘REHEHED! ReHEhehed! SHhihiHit!’ Alastor practically screams the safeword, and Vox instantly stops. He reaches up to untie Alastor, chuckling as the radio host throws himself onto Vox with exhausted pants. He giggles occasionally in between breaths, and Vox gently rubs his shoulders to get rid of any of the phantom tickles. He offers the deer a glass of water which the former gladly accepts. 
‘You alright?’ Vox asks, amusement and fondness in his tone. Alastor nods, downing the water rather quickly. Vox notices and hums, ‘More?’ Another nod. He stands up and gently sits Alastor on the sofa. ‘Here. Stay, I’ll go grab more water.’ 
Alastor pants out, ‘Y-yohou’re evil…’
‘I’m an Overlord, darling. It’s my job. Now rest up. Can't have your hotel staff know about this, can we?’ Alastor’s cheeks redden and he shakes his head, mumbling, ‘They can’t know.’
‘Mhm. Now rest up, okay?’ Vox sighs softly, gazing down fondly at Alastor as he dozes off on him.
Perhaps…perhaps this wasn’t so bad after all.
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trashyswitch · 7 months
Dangerous? Or Friendly?
Mike is fearful of the animatronics. I mean, can you blame him? They're huge! But Abby appears to gain their trust really quickly. Who are these ghost kids hidden in the animatronics? And why do they want to play with him so badly?
Thus begins the first of many FNAF Movie fanfics. I had started this fanfic before watching the movie. Then, when I watched the movie, I went home and tweaked it before finishing off the rest of the story. Naturally, this fanfic is going to contain spoilers. But despite that, I hope you like it!
Mike stared at the huge bear animatronic that was walking closer to him. He had picked up a chair in an attempt to hit the bear animatronic…or at the very least, keep some space between them…He desperately didn’t want to die by the animatronics tonight. All he wanted was to finish this shift and get the heck out of there. 
“Mike!” He heard, running from the animatronics up to her brother. “They wouldn’t stop tickling me. I thought I was gonna die!” Abby explained. 
Mike was too busy staring at the orange-coloured eyes of the bear animatronic. It was not only huge, but the thing was growling at him suspiciously. He was too busy focusing on that, to realize Abby’s choice of words at first. 
“Freddy…this is my brother, Mike.” Abby told the bear. 
The bear looked Mike up and down, still suspicious of the adult in front of it. Mike didn’t know what to say…or even what to do. The only thing keeping him safe was the wooden chair in his hands. According to Abby, these huge machines weren’t really hurting her…well, not technically. They were tickling her, but not really causing any other harm to her. But he didn’t care if they were harmless right now…the animatronics were still hella terrifying…
Freddy’s eyebrows dropped their ferocious scowl and raised into a more ‘happy’ facial expression. Mike was a little taken aback by this. Was Freddy…not angry at him anymore? Then, the bunny animatronic started making its way up to Mike next. Still scared of the other animatronics, Mike quickly aimed the chair towards the bunny, making sure to keep some distance between them. “Stay there.” He warned. “Abby, get behind me.” he attempted to order.
Abby looked at her brother with worry. “They’re not gonna hurt you. You’re with me.” She told him. 
Mike was still unsure though. He'd rather risk losing their trust and keep the chair up, than lower the chair and let his guard down. As much as he trusted his sister…he was too scared to do anything that risked getting him killed. But…if he’s with Abby…and Abby gained the trust of the animatronics…then maybe…
“This is Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy and Chica.” Abby told him, pointing to every animatronic as she said the names.
He started to lower the chair. The chicken and the fox animatronics made their way closer to Mike as well, soon surrounding Mike in somewhat of a rough circle. Mike looked a little more nervous now…cause it seemed that no matter where he looked, an animatronic would be staring right at him. Though Freddy and Bonnie’s eyebrows had calmed down and showed its trust, the others hadn’t yet. They still looked as suspicious as ever.
But right as Mike felt like he finally had some control and comfort…he felt a single poke to his side. 
“-?!” Mike jumped, barely making a sound as he contorted his body to look at the animatronic that had poked him. “Who did that?!” He asked, staring at both the chicken and the fox. 
Abby giggled. “Chica did!” She told him. 
“W-which one? The…yellow one?” Mike asked. 
“Yup! Chica, as in chicken.” Abby replied. 
Though he would never admit it, Abby’s wordplay…was actually a good strategy to help him remember the name. 
“W-what…” Mike attempted to ask Chica as it got slightly closer. “What are you…” 
Another poke hit him right in the ribs, surprising Mike enough to let out something. “aAh-?!” His voice wobbled, a strained, tiny smile appearing on his face for only a moment. “No.” Mike warned the fox, who was staring at Mike and holding its index finger up in frozen shock. 
Abby smirked. “Uh oh~” she teased. 
“Abby, no.” Mike warned his sister. 
“It’s too late~” Abby teased evilly, letting out a giggle.
“Abby- GaAha-!” He jumped again, curling in a little bit and temporarily losing his footing. 
“Go for the ribs and armpits!” Abby declared. 
Mike looked over at Abby with panic and betrayal. “ABBY!” He reacted. 
“His feet are ticklish too! Hehehe!” Abby giggled. 
Mike shot Abby a fearful glare. “Shut it!” He ordered. Then he looked at the animatronics, which were all staring at Mike just inches away from him. “Sh-she’s lying!” He told them desperately, hoping and praying they don’t try anything. 
But this lie didn’t do anything…in fact, all it did was encourage Abby to run up and squeeze his sides! Mike gasped and hugged himself, curling up a bit and trying to keep his laughter in. “aAH- ST-Stop- stOP!” He ordered in desperation. Though they weren’t the most ticklish spot, they were still bad enough to render him somewhat helpless. 
“See?” Abby told the animatronics with a proud, shit-eating grin. 
The animatronics looked back and forth amongst each other, showing contentment in their robot faces. Mike didn’t know whether he wanted to strangle his sister, or run away. He loved his sister, but my god…the girl loved to test the waters and make him question it. And if this week wasn’t evidence enough of that…then I don’t know what was. 
On top of that, Mike could feel his knees beginning to buckle due to his sister’s tickles. He was curling into the sides and fighting every instinct to flee as he felt his legs weaken further and further. He knew he was going down slowly…but he was not going down without a vigorous fight. But his arms could only protect so much at once, especially when you’re trying to prove to the animatronics just how not ticklish he was. The truth was…Abby was right. He’s very ticklish, and wouldn’t be able to last much longer. 
The man wasn’t sure if he should continue to fight on, or just give up and laugh. 
…And then Abby pulled a brutal move on him…by squeezing his lower ribs. 
“aAAHA!” Mike dropped to his knees and hugged his ribs. “A-ABBYHYHY-!” Mike shouted, flopping onto his side and kicking his legs as Abby playfully dug further into his ribs. Mike had closed his eyes…which meant he couldn’t see the animatronics’ reactions and movements. Dammit, Abby! Why must she do this to him!? 
Mike’s panic only exacerbated the moment he felt a pair of large, metal, blue hands grab his waist and lift him up. Yes…I am not kidding. The animatronic lifted him up like a toddler, not even phased by the size and weight of this security guard. “AAH! NO! LET ME GO!” Mike shouted, now squirming and kicking his feet wildly. But to no one’s surprise, not even a body shift could compromise the animatronic’s undeniable strength. Whoever thought making scarily strong animatronics like this was a good idea…was unbelievably insane. 
“Wow! Bonnie’s really strong!” Abby reacted, somehow unphased by this huge feat. 
But Mike’s squirming halted for only a moment when he felt skitters and squeezes on his upper ribs. Mike gasped and started squirming for a completely different reason, as a wobbly, stupid little smile began to fill his lips. “Ohno- NONONO-!” Mike opened his eyes and screeched as he felt the fat skittering fingers of the bear animatronic, moving up and down his lower front ribs. Finally, Mike burst out in surprised laughter as he tried and failed to get out of their strong grip. “OHGOD NOHOHOHOhohooo! aaAAHAHAAA-!? NOHOHO! Thihis isn’t fahahairrr!” He laughed. 
Abby was giggling like mad, loving every second of this. “Hahaha! How’s it feel being tickled by robot tickle monsters?” Abby asked with a grin. 
“Thihihis ihis INSAHAHAHANE!” He hung his head and shook in Bonnie’s grasp. “C-Cohohome ohon-” He jumped and lost his composure yet again, when he felt the blue fingers going up his ribs slightly to the 4th or 5th rib. “NAHAHAHAhahahaha! W-WAHAIT- GAHAHAhahaha!” Mike yelled. 
Abby smiled brightly. “Go for the armpits! His armpits are bad too! They make him all squeaky!” Abby told Freddy. 
Mike groaned through his laughter. “Abs plehehease stohohohop!” He pleaded. “Yohohohou’re nohohot- NO!” Mike screeched and yelled as Bonnie scooted its hands slightly lower on his ribs, presumably so Freddy had more access to his underarms…
Why Abby keeps telling Freddy and the animatronics his ticklish secrets, he could not tell you. But man, he was tempted to tickle his sister to tears the moment he got free. 
“F-FREDDYWAIT-” Mike stared at the thick fingers that were subtly threatening to tickle his now-vulnerable armpits. When Freddy had placed the fingers mere millimeters away from his armpits, Mike knew he was doomed. But still…he tried one last attempt to ask for freedom. He gulped. “Uh….m-mercy?” He asked rather anxiously. 
Freddy’s ears wiggled slightly before the fingers finally touched down on his armpits. Just the touch down was ticklish enough! But when the fingers started MOVING?! HOLY CRAP, IT TICKLED LIKE MAD! Any amount of laughter that filled his lungs, came out in an uncharacteristic, high-pitched squeal. “aaaAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHO! NaAaAAH! NAHAHAHEHEHEHE!” Mike squeaked and squealed through his laughter. 
Abby just laughed as she watched. “Isn’t Mike’s laugh funny?” Abby asked. 
Freddy then stopped his tickle attack for a moment, to let the man breathe. Mike treated the break like a trophy, and happily took advantage. It was like he hadn’t taken a breath in years! The feeling of a simple breath made him overwhelmed with gratitude. He cleared his throat a little bit as he tried to pull himself together. 
Once Mike felt calm enough to properly think, he tried to get himself free from Bonnie’s grip. “Okay…You had your fun. Can you please let me go now?” Mike asked. 
Abby looked at the other animatronics and watched as they…almost conversed with each other. Mike watched them with both confusion, and fear in his eyes. He lowered himself slightly to talk to Abby. “What’s happening? What are they talking about?” Mike asked. 
She giggled. “They’re talking about what tickle spot to go for next.” She told him outright. 
Mike bit his lip. Oh no…Not good. 
Wait…How does she know?! Can she- Can she TALK TO THEM?! 
Mike widened his eyes and turned to Abby with fear visible in his eyes. “Can you tell them to stop?” Mike asked. 
Abby tilted her head. “Why? They just want to play.” She told him. 
“I…I don’t have time to play. I’m supposed to be working.” Mike told him. 
The animatronics stopped their ‘conversation’ and looked over at Mike and Abby. Mike tensed up slightly as he stared at the animatronic bear’s eyes again. Something about those eyes looked dead inside, yet…their eyes glowed in a human-kind of way that made a shiver move up his spine. It was nerve-wracking, and he wasn’t sure he liked it all that much.  
But Freddy looked over at Chica, and…started waving for Chica to come over. Mike widened his eyes and started squirming all over again. No no no, that chicken thing had better not be getting closer to him. Abby had gasped and covered her mouth, letting out an excited squeal. Oh no! What in the world were they planning that was so exciting to her?! 
“Abby?! What are they planning?!” Mike asked. 
Abby looked at Mike, and giggled menacingly. For the love of-WHY WON’T SHE TELL HIM?!
Mike looked at the chicken animatronic and prepared himself. “Chick-Chica NO.” Mike lifted his right foot up and started pushing against Chica’s middle chest. “Stay back. I’m warning you.” He ordered before pushing with his other foot as well, in an attempt to get the animatronic away from him. 
But to both Mike AND Abby’s surprise, Chica grabbed his ankles, and gave him a bit of a tug. And to Mike’s horror, Bonnie let go of him and let him fly upside down! “WhooOOHNO-” 
Abby gasped and held her stomach as she bursted out laughing. 
Mike felt his bangs fall above his head as he struggled to come to terms with being upside down. Great…Looks like the animatronics were just toying with him at this point. 
“Abs, please…” Mike said, looking at her upside down. “What are they doing?” He asked, confused and worried. But his attention switched over to the fiddling and adjusting he felt against his shoe. “What-” Mike muttered as he curled himself up, attempting to see how his feet were being toyed with. “Hey! Stop that!” He ordered. 
But Mike widened his eyes in horror the second he felt his shoe being slipped off his foot. SHIT! 
“OHNO-?!” Mike started to panic as he heard the shoe fall to the ground. “Abby help!” Mike yelled as he pulled on his ankles and struggled to get himself right side up. “ABBY!” Mike held his arms out desperately. 
Abby only giggled. “You are all gonna love this! His feet are so ticklish!” Abby told them excitedly. 
Mike groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. “Abbyyyy…” Mike groaned. 
“And don’t forget his piggies!” Abby teased. 
“Abby-” Mike was growing somewhat impatient with his sister by this point. 
“Though be careful with his toes. He might die if he’s tickled too much there.” She warned. 
Heh…‘Be careful’...Hearing that was funny enough in its own right. At least she has the right of mind to tell them to at least be careful…
His breath hitched the moment he felt a fat finger on the arch of his socked left foot. He squeezed his eyes shut and covered his mouth with his hands. NO. They are NOT getting away with tickling him again. Nuh uh, no way. They can fight with him all they want to, but they will NEVER get a laugh out of him! Not now, not ever again. 
Or so he thought…
Only one little flutter…right under his toes…was enough to make every bit of laughter burst out of him. The poor man threw his arms against his chest and leaned his head back slightly as every laugh he had bunched up in his lungs, had finally let themselves free. “GAHAHAHAHAhahahaha! Ohohokahay, okahahahayyyyy!” Mike yelled. 
“YAY!” Abby declared, laughing alongside him. 
Mike put his hands in praying position. “Yohohou got mehehehee! P-Plehehehease stohohop! Ihihihi’m lahahaughihihing ehenohohough!” He pleaded. 
“Okay, let’s stop.” Abby told Chica. 
Chica moved its fingers away, and looked at Abby for her next instruction. 
Abby waited a few seconds, while listening to his brother breathe somewhat heavily from exhaustion. “You okay?” Abby asked. 
Mike huffed and puffed a few more times. “Ihihi…Ihi’m okay…I’m good.” 
“Do you need a break?” Abby asked. 
“Thahat…would be nihice.” Mike admitted. 
“Okay.” Abby replied. “How about…in a few more minutes?” Abby asked, looking at the animatronics. Mike nodded his head. A break sounded amazing right about now. Especially if…wait, did she say ‘in a few minutes’? 
“Okay go!” Abby suddenly told Chica. 
Mike’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. “Wait WHA-” 
Mike shrieked as the fat fingers started tickling him all over again. He couldn’t even hold in his laughter this time, instead just letting it fall out of him. “BAAAHAHAHAhahAHAhahaha!” Mike cackled, shocked by the sudden tickles against the ball of his foot. When he finished his fit, Mike took in a breath and squealed in a rather high-pitched voice before falling into another fit of cackles. “Plehehehehehease! HAHahahaha! Ihihit’s toohoohoohoo ticklihihish!” He told Abby. 
“So ticklish you can’t remember your right from left?” 
“HEHEhehehehe- Yehehehehesss!” He replied. 
Abby walked closer to Mike and started poking and tickling his sides. “How about now?” 
Mike jumped and grunted, grasping at his sister’s hands, laughing slightly harder. This is the most Abby has touched him, let alone tickled him, in quite a long time. And though he was technically in a very vulnerable position right now, there were much worse scenarios to be stuck in. 
“Alright. Let’s stop for real this time.” Abby told Chica. 
Chica stopped its fingers. 
“Can you flip him the right way, Chica?” Abby asked. 
Chica lowered its body down and placed its hands under Mike to help pick him up. “ooOKAY…” Mike felt as Chica grabbed under his arms and nodded to Bonnie. With that nod, Bonnie let go of Mike’s feet and let them drop. “Okay- OW.” He yelped as his foot inevitably hit Bonnie’s leg. “Ohokay.” He muttered. Chica lowered Mike down till his feet were touching the ground. “Thank you…” He huffed and attempted to pull himself together. “Not…sure how I feel about you being able to lift me so easily…” Mike admitted. Chica removed his fingers, accidentally tickling his armpit one more time. This made Mike jump snicker one last time. 
Abby shrugged her shoulders and smiled. “That wasn’t too bad, was it?” Abby asked. 
Mike turned to his sister…and slowly gave her a devious smile. “Get over here, you ticklish tattle-tale!” He declared, picking her up and skittering his fingers all over her ribs and belly. “Tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tickle~!” He teased, using toddler-like teases so he could further torment her. 
“Sorry’s not gonna cut it, Abs.” He teased. “You understood exactly what they were doing, and didn’t bother to tell me all of it.” He moved his fingers to her belly button, earning him a high-pitched squeal. “AND you couldn’t keep your mouth shut about how ticklish I am!” He added. “You’re a little menace who deserves to laugh just as much as I did.” He told her. 
“What belly button?” He asked innocently. “I didn’t know you had a belly button! Let me see!” Mike picked her up bridal style and blew a raspberry onto her belly button. 
Abby squealed and screamed with laughter as the raspberry filled her belly, before stopping. He lowered her sister down, and continued to hold her bridal style. Abby was still a bit of a giggly mess despite not being tickled for nearly as long. He put her down onto her feet. “There. Should we make it a tie?” He asked, holding his hand up. 
Abby nodded her head and gave him a high five. With that set in motion, Mike started to collect his stuff and take Abby out to the car. Funnily enough, the animatronics had tickled him up until his shift had ended. 
And by the time Mike had pulled into the driveway, Abby was sound asleep against the car door with a mauve blanket being used as a pillow. 
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mmjmmj · 3 months
Huskerdust ticklesss!!!! Lee husk if possible ;) please and thank you
(No pressure my darling!)
Ohohoho don’t worry my friend, Lee husk is DEFIANTLY possible!
Keep a note this is my first fic that I’ve wrote in 8 years so I hope he succeeded in making this the best fic I could possibly write so thank you! <3
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Your fuckin’ ticklish?:
Hazbin hotel | tickle fic|
Husk had seemed more moody than usual, mumbling under his breath as he worked, that negativity didn’t go unnoticed, especially to Angel dust.
Angel dust watched Husk work as the rest of the Hazbin hotel group spoke with one another, until the others began to conclude to do their own things such as Charlie and Vaggie going to their room to nap, Alastor manifested into the shadows and disappeared into thin air to go god knows where, Nifty running off to go clean the hotel some more and finally Sir Pentious slithered away to go work on some wacky invention. This left the spider sinner and the miserable looking bartender to themselves though the two were barely interacting.
Angel decided to break the silence between the two, walking over to the bar and sitting on a bar stool, resting two arms on the bar and resting his head on his hands.
"What’s gotten in you today?" Angel asked, he couldn’t help but feel a little concern for Husk as he usually wasn’t this groggy at all.
Husk had his back turned, cleaning a bottle with a cloth that he uses to clean everything with.
"What do you mean?" Husk grumbled, that response was very clear enough that something was wrong with Husk today.
"I don’t know, you seem.. how do I put this..? More grouchy than usual,you know? Is there somethin’ up" Angel asked, it was a surprise to Husk that Angel wasn’t trying to dish out little flirty remarks to the bartender.
Husk turned to Angel, reaching under the bar and pulling out a bottle that he had near by, taking a big swig before his black and yellow eyes met Angel’s.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about." Yeah bullshit, something was defiantly up and Husk just didn’t want to admit it.
"Is it because you been missing me Husky?~ cmon! You can admit it, you know." Angel grinned leaning over the bar a little.
Husk scoffed before turning away, he thought too soon about Angel not flirting with him.
"Oh fuck you." Husk hissed.
Angel’s grin faded a little, deciding now probably wasn’t the right time to be trying to flirt with Husk, seeing as he did not want to hear it.
"Are you sure you don’t need a break or anythin’? You’ve been on your feet for hours. Cmon, come have a seat." Angel offered, patting his hand on the empty barstool next to him.
Husk thought for a second, he was getting tired, mentally and physically, bartending is not a very easy job when you’ve been working without a break for a good few hours. Husk took the offer, putting his bottle down, making his way around the bar to sit next to the taller sinner.
"Fine but not for too long, I still have things that need to be done before I can finish work." Husk told Angel, having a break kind of felt wrong to him, he never really took breaks, he’d only usually take one if Charlie would pretty much force him too, seeing him work for too long wasn’t a nice sight for Charlie either, In this case it was Angel to made him take a break.
".. hey, are you not gonna pour me a drink before you take your break?" Angel asked, Husk immediately went to get up but was stopped by Angel, placing his hand on Husk’s lap and pushing him back into his seat.
"I was jokin" Angel assured Husk. Husk sighed and relaxed into his seat, this kind of felt very comfortable.
Angel’s next move was try and get in to the bottom of this case to see why his alcoholic friend was in such a bad mood today.
"So, are you gonna tell me what’s up? Bad day, or are you just not in the mood today?"Angel asked, crossing his four set of arms as he waited for an answer.
Husk’s eyes narrowed a little, he didn’t really like talking about things that was stressing him out or putting him down, but seeing Angel this concerned for him made him gave in to speak.
"I just.. didn’t really feel like working today.. that’s all.." Husk mumbled reaching for his bottle to take a few swigs before finishing his drink, practically slamming it back down on the bar.
Angel frowned a little, he didn’t like that, Angel knew how stressful it was not wanting to work but having to anyway, though the two’s line of work was completly different but still work is mentally DRAINING.
"Maybe you should start taking more breaks, your overworking yourself a little, I mean your up awake before anyone else is just to work, you deserve more then one break, you know." Angel gave Husk some reassurance.
"Works the only thing I know.. there’s nothing better to do anyway." Husk grumbled, that negativity quickly coming back, oh Angel did not like this at all.
"Ohhhh bullshit! There’s more to this afterlife then workin’ even I have days off, so should you!" Angel reached over and lightly scratched his fingers under Husk’s chin.
Husk suddenly pulled away, a soft little chuckle escaping his lips which he couldn’t hold back, fuck. The room went silent, Angel’s eyes winded as he pulled his arm back.
"What was that?"
Husk immediately tried to cover up, stuttering over his words as he spoke.
"T-that was nothing! You should really keep your fucking hands to yourself." Husk muttered, his fur stood a little out of embarrassment.
Angel didn’t know what to make of it, he never would have expected that reaction from Husk, he was expecting more a low like purr then a chuckle, then the realisation struck him, no there’s no way, is Husk ticklish?
"… are you fuckin’ ticklish?" Angel asked in a surprised tone, this made Husk panic and tried to cover it up, there was no way he’d live that down, nevermind the group knowing he’s ticklish but one person? That was enough for him.
"F-fuck no! I’m not fucking ticklish! I don’t know where you would get that assumption from!" Husk trembled over his words, the stuttering only made things worse for him.
Angel couldn’t hide that grin that was now growing on his face, standing up as he looked down on Husk.
"That assumption is coming from that little chuckle that came from you when I scratched that little furry chin of yours’ whiskers! I was expecting some purrin’ not some fuckin’ chucklin’." Angel purred, Husky stood up backing away a little from Angel.
"You know.. i really should be getting back to work thanks for the break but you can go n-" Husk was cut off when two long arms grabbed the bartenders wrists and pulled him to close to Angel, pulling them up and holding both hands above his head.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Husk hissed, tugging at his hands that were now stuck above his head.
"Well I’m trying to help you lighten up! And I think I found just the way to do that, Whiskers~" Angel cooed, Husk had felt his nervousness hit the roof.
"A-And how are you going to do that? Come on, Angel this is fucking stupid, let me go!" Husk begged, he could feel his fur puffing and standing up when Angel said he was trying to lighten him up, knowing damm well what was going to coming his way next.
"Well I’m gonna tickle the moodiness out of ya of course! Now let’s see a smile!" Angel rose his voice, his lower set of arms reaching out for Husk’s sides, starting off the tickle attack with some quick paced ticklish squeezes to them, this made Husk jump immediately feeling his knees go jelly as he tried to wiggle his torso away from the tickles hitting his body.
Husk tried to hold in those giggles that were building up in his throat, threatening to escape through his lips once they opened, shaking his head at what Angel said about seeing his smile.
"Ohoho? Not breakin’ yet? Not to worry! This tickle monster is gonna eat you all up!~" Angel playfully growled, drilling his fingers into the little pressure points in Husk’s sides. The teasing and drilling was the right technique to make the grouchy, old bartender break and let those giggles slip through the passage that was now his open mouth.
Husk squealed out, beginning to giggle away at the ticklish sensations that were refused to leave his sides.
"A-Ahahahahahangel! You fuhuhuhuhuhuhucking bahahahahastard! Stohohohohop this!" Husk giggled away, his laughter sounded so different to his normal voice, Husk’s voice was low and raspy, his giggles were way more high pitched.
"Awww look at that! Looks like you’re just not some old boring bastard after all! Your a adorable little kitty!" Angel continued with the pet names, this actually made Husk feel his face burn up from embarrassment, Angel was tickling him and teasing him?! This was fucking heaven torture
"Dohohohohohohohont fuhuhuhuhuhucking cahahahahall me thahahahhat! Quhuhuhuhuhuit it!" Husk tried to sound serious but the tickling was preventing that, making the former overlord sound all silly and giggly.
"Quit it?" Angel asked
"We’ve only gotten started how c- oooooooh I see what the problem is, you want me to tickle somewhere else, don’t ya? Make my little whiskers laugh till all his problems have faded, that’s what you want, don’t ya?" Angel cooed, his fingers began to move up to scribble into Husk’s armpits, earning a now sharp squeal from the shorter sinner.
"EHEHHEEHEK! T-Thahahahahhaahahats n-nohohohhoot whahahahhat I fuhuhuhucking meant!" Husk whined; Husk was actually fucking whined! Seeing Husk like this warmed Angel’s heart up to the touch, circling his fingers on Husk’s armpits with enjoyment, Angel was definitely gonna have to do this to husk more often.
"Then what did you mean hmmm? It seems like to me you’re already enjoying this too much! Listen to that handsome laugh and how big that smile is! You’re adorable!" Angel teased, succeeding in making Husk get more flustered by the second he spoke, already aiming for a new spot, his wiggly fingers traveled down from Husk’s armpits to that soft, white furry tummy of his.
This made Husk shriek, immediately falling weak to the tickles. "FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK AHAHAHAHAHANGEL NAHAHAHHAHAT THEHEHEHRE!" Husk begged, Angel went down with Husk, pinning the overlord to the ground, seating himself on his waist, letting his fingers do the work as they squeezed, scribbled and prodded away at Husk’s tummy like there was no tomorrow!
"Awww did I find a sweet spot? I think I diiiiiiid~ coochie coochie coo, Husky!~" Angel couldn’t help but laugh along with Husk, finding Husk go from the grumpy old bartender, to a now happy little ticklish kitten at his mercy to his wiggling fingers was adorable to him.
Angel wasn’t that evil as a tickle monster, so he decided to give Husk a break, not wanting to completely destroy him… yet.
"There I stopped, now catch ya breath before I resort to let my claws tickle away at that tummy again" Angel purred, letting the bartender catch his breath.
"Ohohoho f-fuhuhuck.. t-that was ruthless.." Husk panted out, though husk was exhausted already a little sound could be heard rising from the back of his throat, Husk was purring!
Angel’s eyes widened, not expecting this at all from Husk, this to him was fucking adorable. "Are you fuckin’ purring?!" Angel exclaimed, Husk’s fur stood proud as his face now burned up with blush as he panicked to try and cover it up.
"N-no I’m fucking not purring, your hearing things!" Husk claimed, uh huh, his purring was still very loud and could be heard.
"You like this don’t you?" Angel purred, Husk became a lost for words, the room quiet, the only thing to be heard was Husk purring uncontrollably and loudly.
"Awww, don’t be embarrassed! That’s adorable!" Angel teased, giving a few pokes to Husk’s tummy. Husk giggled through purrs, trying to suck in his tummy.
"Shuhuhuhut up!" Husk whined, finding this all very overwhelming to comprehend. Angel retreated his fingers, a big playful looking grin on his face as he stared into the bartender’s eyes.
"Alright your break is over! Let’s get back to tickling this very ticklish tummy of yours, shall we~? alright imma count to 10 and when I finish countin’ I’m gonna make you shriek!" Angel cooed, his fingers twitching in anticipation.
Husk could not argue with any of this, feeling unable to get the words out, if he tried to speak he would just be a flustered, stuttering mess.
"Ten… nine… eight.. Seven.." Angel began to countdown, lowering his now wiggling fingers to Husk’s tummy, slowly, threatening to tickle him with every inch of his life.
"Six… five… four… three two one!" Angel counted down to end his counting, his hands’s shoot down and squeezing all over Husk’s tummy, making him shriek loud enough to possibly shatter a window.
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHNGEL! EHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!" Husk screamed out, cackling away once more, kicking his little legs under Angel desperately, trying to get free, though he was actually enjoying this, but there would be no way he would admit that.
"Awwww listen to that laugh! Such a handsome little kitty I have here, don’t I?" Angel teased, his wiggling fingers scribbling up and down Husk’s tummy, making it quiver and suck in, trying to get away from those evil fingers that were attacking it with tickles.
"EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEK! THIHIHIHIHIHIHIS IS FUHUHUHUHUHUCKING EHEHEHEHEVIL!" Husk whined, his face burning up with blush, squeezing his eyes shut hoping this would make the tickles more bearable, which didn’t work at all.
"We’re in hell! Course this is evil! You’re my little victim who can’t escape out of my web! Meeeeow~" Angel cooed, now laughing along with Husk once again, having too much fun with all of this.
Angel’s fingers scribbled all over Husk’s tummy with pleasure, making Husk wheeze out and cackle away under the wiggling fingers that were attacking him, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, unable to take this anymore.
"EHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHHAA OHOHOHHOHO PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! MEHEHEHEHEHEHERCY! MERCY! NOHOHOHOHHOHO MOHOHOHORE STAHAHAHAHAHAP!" Husk begged, Angel immediately stopped, not wanting to push any boundaries, letting go of Husk’s wrists.
Husk was a messy, flustered pile of giggles, giggling away as the purring came back straight away. "Ohohohohoho f-fuhuhuhuck.. t-that was brutal." Husk huffed out, Angel reached out and rubbed his hand on Husk’s tummy, helping him get rid of the phantom tickles that was still attacking his tummy.
"I’m glad you had fun too." Angel winked, knowing damn well Husk enjoyed all of this.
"O-oh s-shut the fuck up.." Husk whined, his purring rising louder from the tummy rubs, Angel was being very caring for Husk and you know what? This was actually cheering him up.
"Do you plan on going to work or are you gonna call it a day?" Angel asked, cocking a brow in question.
Husk calmed down a little, feeling capable to speak properly without stuttering now. "I’m.. probably gonna finish my jobs tomorrow now" Husk told Angel, Angel nodding in approval to that answer.
"Good… hey, since you’re not working now, would you wanna.. maybe go back to my room and watch a movie or somethin’?" Angel asked, standing up off of the bartender and reaching out to help him up.
Husk took Angel’s hand and stood up, he couldn’t help but smile, feeling very much cheered up, all thanks to that spider.
"I… I would love that.." Husk told Angel, which earned a big smile back from Angel.
"That’s great, cmon! Let’s go, I have a good taste in movies!" Angel claimed as he grabbed Husk’s hand and began to drag him to his room.
"Only if you’re not talking about your movies." Husk joked, earning a snort from Angel.
"Nah of course not!" Angel giggled, feeling very happy that he cheered up Husk, he was defiantly going to do this again if he catches his favourite bartender down in the dumps again.
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