#karlnapity tickle
azuregiggles · 2 years
Karlnapity my beloved ♥️
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wishitweresummer · 1 year
Affection for Karl (Sapnap x Quackity x KarlJacobs)
Word count: 1485
Warning: Feet tickling and lots of mouth tickles.
     Karl was a complete mess. He struggled uselessly on his back on the bed with Quackity and Sapnap at either side of him, his arms pinned beneath them.
"Pleaseee!!!", he cried out shakily, his bubbly laughter nearly swallowing the words whole as he tilted his head down and scrunched, never enough to protect himself properly. His fiancés were relentless. Peppering kisses across his shoulders and his neck. The feather-light affection was driving him crazy.
     Earlier they had fallen into the bed with soft whispers and sweet kisses to lips until the shirts were coming off and Karl responded to a neck kiss with a giggle instead of…any other noise.
"So sensitive.", Sapnap growled directly into his neck, pulling free more squeaks and squeals. It had gone very downhill fast from there. The cute noises grabbed Quackity's attention and the two made quick work of getting their ticklish fiancé pinned under their brutally sweet affection.
"You're adorable.", was whispered right against his ear.
"We love you.", was breezed into the other one. Karl was practically vibrating, unable to get away from both as his giggles grew more frantic.
"You guys are so mean!".
     "I could be meaner. Could you be meaner Sap?".
"Oh I could be way meaner.".
"No don't! I'm sorry, this is fine!", Karl cried. He was all too aware of what his fiancés were capable of. While the soft lips trailing and peppering his worst spot were bad, he knew things could be a lot worse.
     Too bad he didn't think of that before calling them mean.
     Suddenly, hands were grabbing everywhere. At the soft section of his sides. At the thickest part of his thighs. Where his shoulders met his neck. Karl's body jolted and he threw his head back against the pillow as a chaotic round of cackles flew out of him. Each fiancée had one arm pinned completely under their body so he was forced to just lay there and accept his tickle-punishment.
"Didn't appreciate our affection...", Sapnap mumbled sadly, really playing it up.
"We'll make him beg for ticklish kisses.".
     Quackity sat up and pressed his assigned wrist to the bed next to Karl's head and started crawling his hand up and up his side towards his open underarm. Karl yelped and shook his head 'no', shaking with laughter. Sapnap pushed up onto his knees and locked down Karl's arm with both of them. Then, he latched onto Karl's narrow hips and started playing with the small bones that stuck out there, timing it perfectly to when Sapnap reached his underarm. Karl screamed. The man beneath them was flung into chaos; squeezing his eyes shut and laughing hysterically. His adorable cheeks grew red. His body jolted and he kicked his fluffy-socked feet into the bed.
"I'm…sorry!!!", he cried helplessly.
"Tell us you want our affectionate tickles.", Sapnap growled again, nudging his warm nose against Karl's ear.
"Okay...okayyy!!", he wailed, the laughter starting to overtake his ability to talk. The other two smirked as they kept up with the harsh tickling. Sapnap dragged Karl's arm up higher as he teased directly into his underarm. Quackity squeezed and pinched at his twitching hips. Karl was getting a bit lost in the laughter.
His eyes prickled with tears before Sapnap or Quackity realized he couldn't speak. They laughed as they halted the tickles and Karl was sputtering in seconds.
"Tickle kisses please fuck okay please god...", the words flew out of him and bounced along with the giggles that accompanied them.
"Okay, we can do that!".
"But, only because you insisted!". Karl already knew this was just going to be more trouble for him and the butterflies in his tummy fluttered. Forced to beg for his own doom.
     Karl giggled breathlessly as they both moved down to straddle a leg each and pressed his wrists down to the side of the bed.
"Fuck...", he whined. "Please guys this is so messed up!". But, they didn't care. A flurry of ticklish kisses fell on his bare tummy and sides and he was thrown into a frenzy of crazed giggles. "No!!!", he cried. His body convulsed softly. He squealed when a loud smooch was pressed against his bellybutton and the two attackers laughed.
"Is this where you wanted your tickle kisses?", Quackity smirked up at his red-faced fiancé. Sapnap kept his relentless lips teasing kisses up and down his side. Karl could only shake his head as he giggled his heart out. "Sap baby, he wants his kisses somewhere else!".
"Oh yeah?". Sapnap mumbled against the jumpy skin before nibbling it to draw a yelp out. Karl snorted and twisted away as wiggling fingers replaced the mouth. "Where else should we try then?", he asked dangerously. The two exchanged the evilest of silent conversations over the squirmy man.
"Flip over.". The two started to flip him over from both sides, all three of them bursting into giggles as it didn’t accomplish much.
"No! Quit it!". Karl shoved at Quackity's hands as they slid under his back, but Sapnap yanked him in and flipped him like a pancake. Strongest, of course. Karl could only squeak in protest. The two straddled his legs again, but this time wrangled in his ankles. Karl shrieked. "Hey! NO!!".
"Ohhh yes.", Sapnap laughed as he pried off the fluffy sock, ignoring Karl's second shriek.
If they were about to do what Karl thought they were he was sure he would die. The real fight began.
"Stay still!".
"Hey! Relax!!".
"Fuck!!", Karl cried out in panic as his thrashing failed to dislodge either tickle monster. Quackity tore off the fluffy-sock-barrier and they each got a nice good hold of Karl's bare feet. The toes wiggled in fear.
Sapnap's delivish fingers teased across the ticklish toes. Karl squealed as he grabbed his fourth toe and wiggled it.
"I like to play with my food.". Karl gasped sharply at the implication.
"Nonono—", he didn't make it far until he squealed loudly again. Desperate squeaky laughter filled the bedroom as nibbles attacked the pads and stems of Karl's toes.
Karl wanted to argue 'nibbles' were different from 'kisses'. He wanted to point out other ways they could show their affection. He wanted to beg for mercy oh please mercy mercy. But, all he could do was lose himself in his shrieking laughter as the tickles grew more and more unbearable. He tore at the sheets and the pillow with no place to put the electricity shooting through him. He could feel the vibrations of Sapnap's playful growling against his toes. Quackity's soft nibbles teased his pinkie toe and a scream tore from Karl's lips.
"Mercy!!", he wheezed out. Cruel smooches to the stems of his toes sent him squealing again. Karl yanked the sheets on the bed free entirely as he sunk into hysterics. “Fuck you!!”, he wailed.
He just screamed and laughed as he pounded his fists and twisted against the bed. His sweaty hair stuck to his red and tear streaked face. Quackity and Sapnap happily nibbled along the wiggly toes. All the love in the world put into each and every bite, really. Karl's laughter chimed like bells for the best Christmas. The happiest one. His cackling cut out a few times, but always came back full force with a delicious screech.
Karl couldn't believe the feeling. His fiancés had brought tickly fingers and even ticklish kisses against his feet before, but never nibbles. This was a first. The soft scraping and pressure of the teeth against his wiggling toes felt like certain death. What usually made him squeal and laugh when targeted on his sides or neck was now absolutely taking him apart. Every jerk of his foot or wiggle of toe made things worse. The increasing slickness from the two mouths was amping up the sensitivity as well. Karl needed to get out before he died.
     Of course he didn't die, though. Just laughed himself silly. Completely silly.
     When his laugh cut out for longer and longer, the two eventually relented. Two arms scooped Karl's shaking form into a warm chest. A very warm chest; Sapnap. A smaller body slid in to create a Karl Sandwich and two pairs of hands worked him down from his tickly haze. Firm touch to sides and shoulders grounded Karl where he should be, between the loves of his life. His giggles faded to whining, which faded to heavy breaths as sleep swept him away. Surprised eyes met each other over the adorable man.
     More tickle affection was given as he slipped deeper and deeper into dreamland. The softest of kisses pressed to his eyelids and nose, down his cheeks, and finally his forehead.
"I love you guys...", Karl murmured into the air as his body grew more limp in their cuddle pile.
"I love you too.".
"Love you very much, mí amor.".
(Art by @kazenomegaminowanpisu )
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msmelgar · 1 year
¡Solo mírate!
Ler/Lee!C!Quackity Lee/Ler!C!Karl Ler!C!Sapnap. Sfw!
Resumen: Quackity decide divertirse un poco con Karl, y Sapnap llega para vengarse por él.
Advertencias: fic de cosquillas, insultos.
Si no te gusta éste tipo de contenido porfavor no leas <3
"¡Q-quajajackity! ¡D-deja las manos quietas!".
"¿Por qué? Solo me divierto inocentemente".
"¡P-pejEJEJro por qué CONMIGOJO!".
"Bueno, no hay nadie más en la casa, ¿A quién se supone que le haría cosquillas? ¿A las plantas?".
Quackity y Karl esperaban ""Pacientemente"" a que Sapnap regresara de la heladeria para por fin poder comer algo refrescante en éste día caluroso.
Karl solo estaba recostado en la cama mirando su teléfono y Quackity estaba a su lado pero sin batería en el suyo. Al principio decidió darle pequeños toques a Karl como para llamar su atención, pero al ver que Karl lo ignoraba, empezó a arañar su costado de manera que Karl tuvo que darle atención si o si. En éste momento Quackity se encontraba encima de sus caderas arañando y garabateando en sus costados haciendo reír al pequeño Karl que intentaba detenerlo sin mucho éxito.
"aAHJAJAJAJ CÁJALLATE!" Rió Karl agarrando las muñecas de Quackity pero sin tener las suficientes energías como para apartarlas de su punto débil.
"Mmh, nah" Quackity se liberó del agarre de Karl y llevó sus manos al cuello de éste para rascar debajo de sus orejas haciendo que Karl ría de manera dulce y continua. "Ahora eres tú el que no se calla".
"N-Nojojojajaj! ¡Bajastajajaj! a-AhjAjaJa" La risa de Karl empezó a tener muchos chillidos y hipo entre medio.
"Aaw, ¡Solo mírate! Eres la cosita más linda en éste momento" Quackity se burló con una sonrisa cariñosa pero se paralizó al escuchar el ruido de una puerta que se abría detrás de él.
"¿Qué está pasando aquí?" Dijo Sapnap entrando a la habitación con una bolsa en su mano. La dejó en el suelo y se acercó a sus prometidos. "¿Encerio Quackity? ¿Otra vez aprovechandote del pobre Karl?" Dijo cruzandose de brazos con una sonrisa ante la escena.
"¿Qué? ¿Yo? Ja, nunca.." Dijo Quackity apartando sus manos de Karl y cruzandose de brazos sin bajarse de encima de él.
"S-sajajpnap! ¡Él me estaba haciendo cosquillas!" Dijo Karl señalando a Quackity mientras hacía cara de perrito mojado.
"HEY, eres un delator!" Dijo Quackity y arañó sus costados nuevamente como venganza.
"AAHJAJAJAJ ¡MIJIRALO!" Gritó Karl bajando la mano que lo señalaba y pegándola a su costado otra vez.
"Ya tuviste suficiente diversión Quackity" Dijo Sapnap agarrando a Quackity por debajo de sus brazos y levantandolo como si fuera un gato para luego dejarlo al lado de Karl.
"¡Éso es trampa, tienes más fuerza que yo!" Se quejó Quackity.
"Tampoco fue justo para mí" Sonrió Karl acomodandose detrás de Quackity mientras sujetaba sus brazos y hacía que su cabeza descansara en su regazo.
"Llegó tu turno patito revoltoso" Dijo Sapnap subiéndose a la cama y sentándose en la cadera de Quackity. "¿Últimas palabras?".
Quackity le sacó la lengua con el seño fruncido mientras le sacaba el dedo del medio.
"Yo también te amo" fue lo último que dijo Sapnap y a continuación clavó sus dedos en las costillas de Quackity haciendo que éste estalle en carcajadas burbujeantes mientras pateaba el colchón detrás de Sapnap.
"Éso ya lo dijiste, inventate otra excusa" Se burló Sapnap sonriendo descaradamente.
"Oye Sap, recuerda su punto débil" Dijo Karl llamando la atención del atacante de Quackity.
"Ya casi se me olvidaba esa debilidad tuya.." Sonrió nuevamente Sapnap levantando sus manos en forma de garra y dejándolas por encima de las axilas de Quackity, sin tocarlo, por supuesto. Ocasionando risitas nerviosas y involuntarias en Quackity. "¿Te estoy haciendo cosquillas telepáticamente o por qué te ríes tanto?". Oh oh, llegó la hora de la horrorosa anticipación.
"Qué coincidencia, ahora eres tú el que no se calla" Se burló Karl sosteniendo firmemente los brazos de Quackity a los lados de su cabeza.
"A-AHJA pojor quéje son tajajan malosjaj!" Quackity hizo un pequeño puchero con la intención de manipular los sentimientos de sus atacantes. Pero ellos lo conocían muy bien, Quackity no se arrepentía de nada.
"Si ajá, nosotros somos los malos Quackity" Dijo Sapnap clavando por fin sus dedos en los huecos sensibles del híbrido ganándose un fuerte resoplido seguido de carcajadas agudas y chillonas provenientes del antes mencionado.
"¡N-NOJOJAJAJ! ¡C-AJAJAMBIA DE LUGAJAR! aAHJAJAJAHAJ" Quackity estaba totalmente rojo en este punto. Sus ojos estaban completamente cerrados y su boca tenía la sonrisa más linda del mundo dibujada en ella. Su cabello y ropa estaban muy desordenados de tanto moverse y agitarse.
Sapnap decidió bajar un poco la intensidad y hacer pequeñas figuras en su panza con un dedo, haciendo que Quackity entre en un estado de cansancio y dejara de luchar. Sus risitas fueron disminuyendo su sonido pero nunca dejaron de estar ahí, se mezclaban con algunos chillidos y aveces eran interrumpidas por un poco de hipo para luego volver a aparecer. Quackity estaba agitado y super colorado, aunque no podría distinguir si era por las cosquillas o por el calor que hacía en ése momento.
"Aaw, mírate, eres la cosita más bonita del mundo" Karl dijo con cariño y maldad al mismo tiempo.
"¡n-nojojaj..! noJO digas esoJOJAja jaj, bajaJastajajaj..!"
"Aaaw.., tienes suerte de ser tan lindo, la próxima vez no te irá mejor" Dijo Sapnap y detuvo sus dedos para plantar un beso en la cabeza de Quackity. Karl siguió su ejemplo y soltó los brazos de Quackity para besar su mejilla cuidadosamente.
"Será mejor que me traigan un helado ahora o los odiaré el resto de la tarde" Amenazó Quackity y los chicos rieron, excepto él obviamente.
"No te descuides tan pronto patito"
Quiero remodelar mi perfil AAA se vienen cositas 🤑 JAJAJAJ
Eres libre de hacerme una solicitud de cualquier miembro del dsmp o karmaland <3 solo sfw!
Gracias por leer, bye bye. 🦆
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mushiewrites · 10 months
The Gift of Giggles
Today is Karl's birthday!! I wasn't planning on doing anything for it, but then summer sent me an ask (found here), and I immediately knew I had to write it. It's very cuddly and sweet, my favorite way to write karlnap <3 I hope you all enjoy!
Karl and Sapnap are finally together for his birthday, and he has a very interesting birthday request for Sapnap
(lee!Sapnap / ler!Karl : 1.8K words)
“I can’t believe you’re here.” Karl remarked softly, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy standing in front of him, looking out the window at the grey clouds and watching as the rain bounced off the pavement. He let his chin rest on Sapnap’s shoulder, letting out a pleased noise when the younger boy leaned his head against his own. 
“I know, I really wanted to make sure I could be here for your birthday,” Sapnap replied, bringing a hand up to rub at one of the forearms holding tightly across his chest. “I wish it wasn’t raining, though. I feel like it’s kind of ruining it.” 
“Nonsense! My little panda is here, and that’s all that matters.” The comment went straight to Sapnap’s cheeks, painting them a light pink as he whined and turned his head away from the older boy.
“Okay, grandpa, noho need to get so sappy.” He giggled, squirming to the side with a yelp when a quick poke was delivered to his side in retaliation. “Hehey!” 
“Watch it, you. I may be a grandpa, but I can still take you down.” Karl smirked, turning his head slightly to press a kiss to Sapnap’s temple. The smaller boy hummed at the action, letting his head fall back onto Karl’s shoulder as he closed his eyes and melted into the warmth of his arms. Karl started swaying back and forth from one foot to the other, allowing himself to close his eyes as well, just taking in the others' presence and letting himself relax into the comfortable silence. After a few minutes, he poked at Sapnap’s side again, making him giggle and squirm. 
“Hey Sap? Angel? My darling baby boy?” Another two pokes into his side, this time further up towards the middle of his ribcage. Sapnap bit his lip, trying to keep his giggles in.
“Do you think…you know, since it’s my birthday…” Karl started, loosening his hold and turning Sapnap in his arms, keeping his hands on the smaller boy’s shoulders as he looked him in the eyes. 
“What is it?” Sapnap asked nervously, shifting his weight onto either leg as he waited for Karl to continue. 
“Well, I was wondering, since it’s raining and all, and again, it’s my birthday,” Sapnap raised his eyebrows at Karl, prompting him to go on. “Can I tickle you? Just a little bit!” 
“What?! Karl!” Sapnap reached up to wrap his hands lightly around both of Karl’s wrists, squeezing twice as his blush grew darker. “Just…come on, why?” 
“It would make me really happy! I love hearing your giggles and watching your cute lil nose scrunch up.” Karl let his bottom lip stick out as he pouted, giving Sapnap the biggest puppy eyes he could muster. As much as Sapnap wanted to refuse, he felt himself melting just from the way Karl was looking at him. 
“Karl, I-“
“I’ll be so nice and gentle, baby, I promise!” Karl cut him off before he could protest fully, bringing a hand up and gently cupping Sapnap’s face, letting his thumb rub over the soft hair of his beard and giggling when the younger boy melted into the touch. “Come on, for me?”
“Ugh, fine! Only because it’s your birthday…” Sapnap huffed out, rolling his eyes when Karl jumped up and down and began clapping his hands with an excited squeal at the agreement. He let go of Karl’s wrists, only to have his own scooped up by the elder, pulling him in the direction of the couch. He watched as Karl took a seat in one of the corners, still holding his hands and swaying Sapnap’s arms back and forth, making them both laugh. 
“Well come on then, pretty boy, sit with me, won’t you?” Karl let go of his wrists and tapped the cushion next to him, signaling for Sapnap to join him. Sapnap complied, sitting down with his thigh pressed against Karl’s, knocking their knees together playfully and making Karl grab at his thighs to get him to stop. Sapnap cried out with a yelp, grabbing Karl’s hand and yanking it away. The older boy patted his own thighs a few times, raising his eyebrows at Sapnap. When he still didn’t get it, Karl spoke up.
“Ankles up, gorgeous.” 
Sapnap felt all the color drain from his cheeks, instantly regretting agreeing to the torture he was about to endure. He turned his body slightly towards Karl, shaking his head quickly and grabbing both of his hands, bringing them up to his lips and giving them each a quick kiss. 
“No, no Karl, please. Baby, you know I can’t handle that!” Sapnap whined, groaning when Karl broke out into giddy giggles at his complaints. 
“Come on, angel, I’m gonna be so gentle, I promise,” Karl spoke softly, swallowing his giggles down in favor of trying to comfort Sapnap. “Only for a little bit, okay?” 
Sapnap didn’t reply, just allowed himself to flop back against the seat cushions of the couch, slowly bringing his legs up and dropping his feet onto Karl’s lap. Immediately there were light traces on the tops of his feet over his socks, throwing Sapnap into a fit of quiet giggles as he tried his best not to kick and accidentally hurt Karl. 
“See? It’s not that bad! You’re doing so good, baby boy.” Karl cooed at him as he struggled beside him, curling his toes and trying to block the tops of his feet with the opposite, eventually giving up and wiggling them wildly instead. 
“Well yehehes, but- ohoh noho, Karl!” 
Sapnap was cut off with his own laugh before he could continue, jolting when he felt a finger sneak in through the tops of his socks to trace over the small round bone of his ankles. The skin there had always been incredibly sensitive, and Karl was the one to find out this information the first time they met up. The scream Sapnap had let out had scared Karl half to death, worried that he’d somehow hurt the smaller boy. But upon further inspection, he saw the bright red blush and heard the giggles he had been desperately trying to hide, and from then on, it was one of his favorite places to torment the poor boy. 
“Oh yes, my sweet boy! Absolutely, yes. I need to keep tickling your poor little ankles right this second or I’ll die!” Karl announced dramatically, now using his baby blue colored nails to gently spider over the thin skin there. Sapnap’s legs squirmed slightly, the boy clearly trying his hardest to keep them in place and make it easier for Karl to deliver the tickles to one of his worst spots. He threw his head back with a loud laugh when Karl traced the spot directly below the balls of his ankles, making him ball his fists up in his hoodie before quickly reaching up to hold the brim of his hat, yanking it down over his face to hide his flushed cheeks. 
“You won’t dihihie!” Sapnap replied through his laughter, thrashing harder when Karl reached a hand around to wiggle over the arch of his left right foot. The younger boy tried to pull his leg away to escape the feeling, only to be stopped by a hand wrapped around his ankle, holding his foot in place. 
“Are you trying to take away my favorite birthday present?” Karl gasped in fake offense, shaking his head slowly and turning his attention towards the squirmy boy next to him. “I’m hurt. Devastated, even!” 
“Oh, you’re fihine!” He giggled at the way Karl played up his fake disappointment, rolling his eyes even though the older boy couldn’t see. It seemed as though Karl didn’t appreciate the back talk, picking up speed and wiggling a few fingers along each ankle now and making Sapnap shriek. “NOHOHO! P-Plehehease!” 
“Just a little bit more, Sap, I promise. You’re doing so good, thank you so much for letting me do this, gorgeous.” Karl went back to using one finger to trace over the balls of his ankles, allowing Sapnap to get a quick breath in before falling back into a fit of laughter. The kind words and praise made Sapnap want to do whatever Karl asked him, always wanting to please him and make him as happy as he could. He blindly reached an arm out and made a grabby hand motion, wanting to hold Karl’s hand immediately when a wave of emotion rushed over him. Not a second later Karl’s hand was slotted into his, fingers tangled together and holding tight, comforting him silently and making his heart soar. The other tickling hand slowly came to a stop, and soon it connected with the brim of Sapnap’s hat, pulling it up slightly until he could meet Karl’s gaze.
“Hi!” Karl smiled at him, making his cheeks heat up further as he let go of his hat, allowing Karl to push it up all the way. 
“Hi, darlin’.” Sapnap replied, returning the smile when the nickname made Karl burst into tiny giggles. The older boy wiggled himself out from under Sapnap’s legs, leaving them resting on the couch and wedging his body between Sapnap and the back of the couch. He cuddled into Sapnap as much as he could, letting out a relaxed sigh as they wrapped their arms around each other. 
“Best birthday present ever.” Karl mumbled into Sapnap’s neck, making the younger boy laugh into Karl’s neck in response. He shook his head at the comment, perking up when he noticed Karl laugh at the stubble scratching against his sensitive skin. He smirked, an idea popping into his head instantly when he realized a perfect opportunity had just presented itself. 
“Shush, you,” Sapnap began, rolling his eyes at the comment before continuing. “But..Karl?” 
“Hm?” He could tell Karl was sleepy. Even better.
“Did I ever tell you about our birthday tradition in the Dream Team house?” 
“Uh…no, I- I don’t think so,” Karl yawned, pulling Sapnap even closer and cuddling tightly against his chest. “What is it?”
“Well..it’s-” Karl let out a squeal as Sapnap pressed a raspberry into the side of his neck, directly below his ear, before planting another one on the muscle where his shoulder and neck meet. 
“NAHAHA! Sahap, whahat?! Stop it!” Karl burst into another round of laughter when Sapnap maneuvered them so that Karl was now flat on his back, the smaller of the two straddling his thighs and smirking down at him. 
“Don’t worry! Only 23 more to go!” 
“What?! Sap- Sap just…just- NOHOHOHO!” 
“Happy birthday, angel!” Sapnap giggled before inhaling deeply, diving back in and planting raspberry after raspberry. He made sure that by the end of the 25 raspberries, Karl would be well acquainted with their special birthday tradition.
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aninklingof · 1 year
Some Lee Sapnap
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Found an oldish traditional doodle of Sapnap getting tickles and decided to digitalize it. I also turned the hands, which were just random hands at first, into Karl and Quackity’s hands (if you look closely you can see their rings 😊)
One last thing— on the other side of the Lee Sapnap drawing is a Lee Karl drawing. Should I digitalize that one too?
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nekoma-not-lee · 2 years
Day 22 - Vampire
C!Sapnap/C!Quackity & C!Karl ROMANTIC (since it’s a canon couple lolol)
TW - Swearing
Note - Sorry I had to change today’s prompt, but I hope you still like this one, these are two little ficlets merged into one! Hope y’all enjoy <3
“Shihihit! Sahahahap! Nononohohohoho!” Sapnap nibbled all along Quackity’s tummy, making playful growling noises, getting really invested in the role he was playing. “I’m sorry, can you hold still? I can’t suck your blood with you squirming around like a cute lil ducky~” Sapnap teased, moving back down, nibbling at Quackity’s ribs, causing a squeak and a bunch of swears in Spanish. Sapnap chuckled into his ribs, continuing the nibbles while his hands moved to his wings, spidering lightly at them. Quackity lost it, shrieking out pleas in Spanish, and Sapnap stopped soon after, but not before blowing a raspberry on his ribs. He made up for the meanness with lots of kisses and cuddles afterwards.
“Sahahapnahahap! Thahahat tihihickles!” Of course Quackity wasn’t the only one who became a victim of Sapnap ‘sucking his blood’. Karl was next on the list, but of course he didn’t mind. “Oh really? I hadn’t noticed, now hold still, I’m trying to suck your blood, cutie~” Karl giggled at the nibbling on his side moving to his tummy. He made an effort to stay still, but it wasn’t working too well, “Ihihihi’m sohohorry! Ihihihi cahahahan’t hehehelp ihihihit Sahahahappehehehehe!” Sapnap softened at the nickname, “Awwwww don’t worry cutie, I’ll help you~” His fingers raised up to Karl’s neck, causing him to melt into the cushions of the couch. Snorts and squeaks peppered through his giggles, even after Sapnap stopped and started giving him lots of kisses and cuddles. Quackity later joined them in the cuddle pile and they all fell asleep peacefully.
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strangleetomz · 2 years
Hi!! Can u do #14 with ler karl and lee either sapnap or George? :)
- 🦆
“I wanna hear your laughter!” Karl exclaimed, looking down at Sapnap who he currently had pinned to the carpeted floor.
“If you tickle me, my laughter will be the last thing you hear.” Sapnap said flatly, crossing his arms against his chest.
“Is that a challenge?” Karl questioned as he tilted his head to the right with a smirk, his fluffy hair bouncing slightly with the motion.
“Maybe it is!” Sapnap retorted, retaliating the smirk. Karl chuckled.
“Alright then,” Karl said flatly before digging his fingers into Sapnap’s sides. Sapnap’s hands suddenly flew up to his mouth to prevent any laughter from coming out.
“Aww, come on, Sap~! You know you wanna laugh!” Karl exclaimed, suddenly worming his hands underneath Sapnap’s hoodie and spidering his fingers all over his bare tummy. The dam broke then and there.
“KAHAHAHARL NOHO!” Sapnap’s stomach was probably one of his worst spots, even worse when the bare skin is tickled.
“There’s it is!” Karl cheered happily, keeping up the tickling.
And all Sapnap could do was take it, either until he tapped out or Karl decided he had enough.
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awkwardtickleetoo · 6 months
hello everyone!!
so a little while ago mushie made a concept most centered around sap’s thighs/hips with small hcs of what george, dream, and karl would each do if they had access to them, and i decided to write small little ficlets/drabbles about those concepts!!
the george one is abut 750 words, the dream one is about 780 words, and the karl one is actually exactly 1.1k words because… i simply cannot help myself when it comes to karlnap i must write for forever with them im sorry i must
based on this post from @mushiewrites
(lee!sapnap with ler!george)
“NOHOHOHO!” Sapnap’s shrill scream rang against the walls of George’s office, falling on deaf ears despite his efforts to get through to his assailant. “GEOHOHORGE, STOHOP–” He demanded, though the desperation of his raspy laughter made him sound significantly less threatening than he’d hoped for.
“Hmmm… nah,” George denied, grabbing Sapnap’s hips when he threw his body to the side. “Nope! I’m not done with you yet, you little idiot.” He lightly scolded, harshly pulling Sapnap back towards him and digging his thumbs into the crease of his hips and thighs. Sapnap squealed, his hands flying forward from where they were yanking at George’s wrists, grabbing onto his forearms to steady himself.
“WHYHYHYHY!?” Sapnap replied, still just as confused about his situation as he was when the attack started– barely two minutes prior, when he knocked on George’s bedroom door and pushed it open after receiving a text from the older man asking for his help with a project.
It only took a few seconds of him being in the room for George to act on his sudden crazed urge to destroy him. Before Sapnap knew it, George’s hands were latched onto his hips, squeezing around the bones, over his upper thighs, and now, digging harshly into the spot where his hips and thighs met with a special kind of cruelty Sapnap had been the victim of many times before at the hands of the elder, reserved for when he truly wanted Sapnap to suffer.
“WHAHAHAT– whahat dihihihid I DOHOHO?!” Sapnap continued when he was given no response, feeling his knees grow weaker the longer George’s stupid thumbs kept digging into such an incredibly sensitive spot.
“What did you do? Oh, nothing. I just haven’t tortured you like this in a while, I’m worried you’re forgetting your place,” George explained casually, as if he was just explaining what he had for breakfast that morning, and Sapnap could feel his mind reeling at the response, his breath catching in his throat and making him feel dizzy.
“WHAHAT– thehe f-FUHUHUCK–“ Sapnap struggled, in disbelief at what he was hearing. His hands jumped down to George’s wrists again, before he felt his knees give out on him entirely and buckle underneath him. He whined through this laughter when he felt himself falling, grabbing onto George’s shoulders in an attempt to keep himself standing, but George wasn’t about to let him off that easily.
He took a small step forward, leaning more into Sapnap, and he suddenly shot his hands up to his sides to give two quick squeezes. George returned to drilling into his previous spot immediately after, but the squeeze worked exactly as he intended it to and nearly folded Sapnap in half. He yelped once again, jerking forward into George, losing his footing and sinking down to the ground. George followed him down, even as he fell onto his back and curled his legs to his chest, worming his hands in between his thighs and hips to continue his cruel, merciless digging.
“NAHAHAHA! GEOHOHORGE, PLEHEHEHEASE!” Sapnap begged, shaking his head wildly, pulling desperately with unsteady hands at George’s wrists, one last helpless attempt to get him to relent and stop the borderline evil tickling technique.
He could feel his chest burning with every breath he took, his lungs begging for air, begging for a break, begging for any kind of reprieve, but that feeling never came. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, even as he kept them squeezed shut, and he could feel how red and hot his face was from how hard he was laughing.
“PLEHEHEASE– OKAHAHAY! OKAHAY, OHOKAY, MEHEHERCYHY, PLEHEASE!” Sapnap conceded, hitting George’s forearm with the tips of his fingers rapidly to get him to pay attention. George giggled above him, pulling his hands away from the smaller man’s hips and resting them gently on his knees while he caught his breath. After what felt like hours of recovery, he asked, “Whahahat… whahat the fuhuhuck… was thahat fohohohor…”
“It wasn’t for anything. I already told you that, stupid. I just felt like destroying you,” George explained, just as casually as he had the first time. Sapnap groaned again, trailing off into a whine at the end, slamming his hands over his face and curling up on his side. George giggled again, sitting cross legged on the floor and rubbing his hand up and down Sapnap’s back to help soothe him through his residual giggles as he calmed himself down from the torture he’d been put through.
(lee!sapnap with ler!dream)
“Dreheam!” Sapnap giggled, feeling the butterflies rise up in his chest as he pressed his back into the wall behind him. He pinched his elbows into his sides, his fingers still curled up into fists, prepared to reach out for Dream’s wrists at any time. His shoulders stayed tense as well, and he shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut through his happy giggles. “Drehehe– thihihi– yohou–“
“What’s wrong?” Dream asked, voice low and teasing, rumbling through both of their chests and vibrating against the inside of Sapnap’s ribcage due to the way Dream was looming over him and leaning into his space. Sapnap giggled again, tensing his arms more, pressing himself further against the wall.
“Juhuhust–!” Sapnap protested further, his hands finally shooting forward and gripping harshly onto Dream’s forearms when the taller man rested his knee in between Sapnap’s thighs. The smaller man gasped, his eyes shooting down to the offending limb, forced to stand up on his toes as Dream pushed his thighs further out. “Dr- Dreheheam! Stohohohop! Let- lehet me dohown!”
“I can’t! It’s not my fault you’re so tiny!” Dream defended, making Sapnap gawk at him in disbelief before falling into sudden bright giggles as hands found their way back to his hips, squeezing just above the bones. Dream giggled along with him, looking down at him fondly as Sapnap continued to let out squeaks and strained chuckles the more Dream’s long fingers curled and squeezed around his hips.
“I– ah! Ihihit’s nohot like ihit’s my– hehe– fahahault ei-eitheher–!”
“Shhh,” Dream interrupted Sapnap’s response, making Sapnap scrunch up his nose and shake his head through his laughter. “I’m busy.”
“Y-yohohou ahare noho-OHOT– NOHO, DREHEHEAM!” Sapnap’s laughter grew much more frantic when Dream yanked his arms out of Sapnap’s grip and reached down to pinch and scratch at his inner thighs, Sapnap moved his hands to Dream’s shoulders, needing some way to steady himself so he didn’t lose his balance completely. “DREHEAM, stohohop! Nohoho, oh my gohohod, Dreheam, dohohon’t!” Sapnap pleaded, looking up at Dream in a last ditch effort to reason with him.
The smirk he was met with in response told him all he needed to know.
“Too late, I’ve already started,” Dream said with a smile, leaning in to speak closer to Sapnap just as he had done earlier, his voice still rumbling through Sapnap’s bones, making his chest feel just about as rattled as if someone had dumped a box of rainbow sprinkles inside his body.
“Nohoho, Dreheam, nohohoho!” Sapnap whined, protesting more frantically now, but letting himself fall forward to press his face into Dream’s shoulder when the pinching fingers and scratching nails returned to his thighs. He attempted to close his legs, to squeeze his thighs together to dislodge the cruel hands, but with Dream’s leg between his it was impossible for him to get anywhere. He was completely trapped, barely able to shift his legs at all, only able to push himself further forward into Dream or backwards into the wall, neither option really assisting him much. “DREHEHEAM! Plehehease, I cahahan’t!” He pleaded, trying to reach one hand down to bat at Dream’s, but finding he would have to lean down too far and almost lose his balance in order to even reach him properly. He settled on burying his face in Dream’s shoulder, gripping his bicep tightly with one hand and resting the other on the knee between his own legs. “Thihihihis is so STUHUPIHIHID!”
“Is it stupid? I think it’s adorable.”
“DREHEHEHEAM!” Dream laughed at his response, but he could hear the strain on his voice and feel the way his squirming– the little amount he could do– was growing more desperate, and he knew it was time to bring this to a close…
…but he really didn’t want to.
So, instead, he slowed his hands down and brought them up to hold Sapnap’s sides, giving him a few seconds to breathe and pulling back his leg so the smaller boy could stand on flat ground again. Then, after he seemed relaxed enough, Dream suddenly leaned down and wrapped his arms around Sapnap’s hips, quickly picking him up off the ground and throwing him over his shoulder.
“OH, FUCK– DREAM?!” Sapnap yelped, grabbing onto Dream’s shoulders for stability, both boys giggling when Sapnap was suddenly thrown onto Dream’s bed, the older boy kneeling between his thighs and looming over him in seconds. “Oh, NO! Dream, no, don’t do anything, I know what you’re planning, don’t do anyth–ING, FUCK, NAHAHAHA–!” He tried to plead, but Dream simply latched his hands back onto Sapnap’s inner thighs, squeezing up and down until the boy was lost in desperate laughter once again.
(lee!sapnap with ler!karl)
“I’ll be right back, I have to go make a call really quick,” George began, pushing himself off the couch and walking towards the stairs.
“Bro thinks he’s important,” Sapnap teased in response.
“It’s Dream, idiot.”
“Oh, so bro’s just in love.”
“Bleh,” George mocked, sticking out his tongue and scrunching up his nose as he did so.
“Bleh,” Sapnap bit back, making the older boy smile before he scampered up the stairs. Sapnap chuckled at their behavior, turning to settle back into his spot on the couch.
Whatever Sapnap had expected when he turned around, it was not Karl sitting practically on top of him, his face a few inches away from Sapnap’s. He jumped, not expecting Karl to be that close to him, his eyes widening as he took in Karl’s wide smile and adoring eyes.
“Uh… hi?” Sapnap began, locking his phone and putting it down on his lap.
“Hi, handsome,” Karl said back, his smile widening as his head cocked to the side slightly, offering no additional explanation.
“Uh… whatcha doin’?” He asked in confusion, pulling his legs in, unable to do anything about them being pressed against Karl’s chest.
“Just looking at you.” Karl shifted closer, pressing Sapnap further into the corner of the couch, essentially trapping him there as he rested his hands on Sapnap’s knees and his chin on the back of his hands. Sapnap giggled, feeling a soft blush rise to his cheeks, nervous butterflies fluttering in his tummy, the way they always did when he was around Karl.
“O… kay?” Sapnap questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Karl moved his hands forward, sliding them up Sapnap’s thighs, pushing the legs of his shorts up and gently trailing his nails over Sapnap’s skin, dragging them up and down, from above his knees to the bottoms of the newly exposed legs of his boxers. He flinched at the feeling, giggling nervously. “Hehehey, wha–what is thahahat fohor?”
“Just wanna,” Karl explained unhelpfully, giggling as Sapnap bit his lip and looked anywhere but at Karl. “I like when you get all nervous like this. It’s cute. You don’t get like this with anyone else.”
“Ihihihi– thahaha–” Sapnap giggled, and he had no doubt his face was bright red with how much it was burning. His knees pushed further against Karl’s chest, but Karl only used this to his advantage, forming his hands into more firm claw shapes and scratching his nails more deliberately, over the tops and outsides of his thighs. Sapnap gasped, jumping at the new sensation, his toes curling against the couch cushion underneath him as he let out a soft whimper. “Ihihit’s juhuhust ‘cahause it's yohou…” He said, his voice growing whiny at the end, feeling the cogs in his brain turning slower as Karl clouded his mind with warmth and fogginess.
“Yeah?” Karl questioned, chuckling softly as Sapnap nodded. “Well, aren’t you just the cutest little thing ever?” Karl teased, earning a groan from the boy in front of him.
“Okahayyy, shuhuhut uhuhup, thahat’s enohough from yohohou,” Sapnap protested with a dramatic eye roll, pushing up against the couch to try and get himself out of the corner he was trapped in, but Karl seemed to have other plans. Suddenly, there were hands attached to the tops of his thighs once more, now squeezing up and down the length of them and migrating up towards his hips. Sapnap’s jumping and flinching increased heavily, his legs shaking under Karl’s hands, one hand reaching out to Karl’s arm for support and the other coming up to cover part of his face. “NAHA– Kahaharl, nohohoho!” Sapnap shook his head as he protested, and Karl looked at him with wide eyes and a smile– an expression Sapnap barely caught through the half-second or eye contact he gave Karl before looking away again.
“This is good, isn’t it, angel?” Karl asked, making Sapnap whine again. He pushed further, pressing in just enough for Sapnap to feel it once he reached the junction between his hips and thighs. Sapnap squealed and jumped, sliding down the couch slightly, throwing his head back against the pillows and squeezing his eyes shut. “Oh, that’s a bad spot for you, sweet boy, I know it is.”
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUP?!” Sapnap complained, reaching down to pull at Karl’s wrists when they squeezed there a few more times before moving up to the spot above his hips. “NOHOHO, Kahaharl, plehehehease!” Sapnap pleaded, jolting again, pushing himself against the back of the couch enough to tilt the hat on his head to the side.
Karl pulled his hands back and broke into laughter himself, resting his hands on the sides of Sapnap’s thighs again and leaning his forehead against his knees. Both boys were lost in hysterical laughter for what felt like hours, leaning in to each other and catching their breaths only to fall into more giggles seconds later. Sapnap threw his hands over his face, hiding his blush as much as he could, until Karl softly pulled his wrists down to uncover his face again.
“Nohoho, Karl–” Sapnap whined, but he kept his hands away when Karl let them go to fix the boy's hat for him. He giggled again, biting his lip as he looked up at Karl. “Thahank you…” He said bashfully, sliding himself back up so sit cross-legged in his original position in the couch.
“Of course, cutie. Gotta make sure my little man is all happy,” Karl said as he cupped Sapnap’s blushing face, and Sapnap’s smile grew wide enough to scrunch up his face as he giggled again.
“Are you guys done being annoying now? Is it safe for me to sit down again?” A voice came from behind them, and both boys whipped around to see George standing at the base of the stairs, arms crossed, shoulder against the wall as if he’d been waiting a while.
“H-how much did you see?” Sapnap asked, feeling the embarrassment creep in again, only slightly calming when Karl’s hand began to play with the hair in the back of his head to soothe him.
“Enough,” George said as he walked over and plopped himself down on the couch. “All I’ll say is that I found that spot first. So I'm winning,” He finished, casually taking out his phone and scrolling like nothing had just happened. Sapnap whined, leaning forward and hiding his face in Karl’s neck, throwing his arms around his waist and pulling him in close. Karl giggled, wrapping his arms around Sapnap as well, continuing to play with his hair as they both relaxed back into the couch.
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tfemdwt · 6 months
c!karlnap ; 449 words ; songfic - also on ao3
I see God in healing bones
“Why didn’t you come to me first, Sapnap? You know George doesn’t know a thing about healing. Would’ve saved you a lot of pain.”
In the sanctuary of our homes
Sapnap sinks down in his seat, a deep blush spreading up through his neck and cheeks. He shouldn’t be embarrassed, but the feeling still washes over him as Karl lectures him on potion safety. He feels like a little kid, listening to the other man go on about the dangers of mixing up ingredients.
I see God in the wilderness
A few hours earlier, Sapnap had been exploring the Nether and made the mistake of falling face first into a lava pool. He’d run to George in a panicked daze, which also turned out to be a mistake. George’s solution was to throw a potion of healing at him, which would have worked…if it were actually a potion of healing. George had mistakenly grabbed a potion of harming, instead, leading to Sapnap being blinded.
(George apologized profusely and brought him to Karl.)
In our magnetism to recklessness
Sapnap’s voice comes out a little more timid than usual, and Karl seems to take notice, softening his tone as he speaks to Sapnap.
“It’s okay. Glad George got you to me before the damage was made permanent.”
Black or white, we're vivid color
Karl unwraps the cloth bandages around Sapnap’s head and stares. Sapnap’s face is marred with pink, but nothing looks too bad. He assumes most of the damage was done by the harming potion. Cloudy eyes stare back at Karl, and he can’t help but wonder what Sapnap can see right now, if anything.
After a while, it all runs together
“This might tingle a bit.”
Karl reaches into the little glass enclosure on his nightstand, holding it still until something lands on his palm.
Our stained-glass means nothing without light
A little butterfly, purple and black, painted with colorful spots, teal and orange and yellow and pink. It shimmers under the sunlight coming through the window.
Karl brings the butterfly up to Sapnap’s face, and it crawls onto the bridge of his nose, delicate wings resting over his eyes.
I see God in our damaged good
Sapnap wrinkles his nose. “Tickles.”
Karl laughs softly under his breath.
“Don’t touch it. It’ll take a few hours to get your sight back, until then you should rest, okay? You can stay here.”
But you see God in ways I wish I could
Sapnap nods and leans back.
They sit in silence for a while, until Sapnap speaks quietly.
“Thank you, Karl.”
“Of course, Sap.”
You see God in ways I wish I could
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fluffallamaful · 1 year
Non-Nuke DSMP AU’s with Llama and Soup
a compilation of ‘fix-it’ AUs from ‘Soup the Destroyer’ to heal the hearts of those mourning the dsmp 🥺 (in a easy to read format, ie. THE MASTERPOST)
below cut!!!!
Beach Party AU
The nuke fails mid air and no one dies. They instead throw a party to celebrate Tommy and Dream finally getting along
The nuke hits and only Dream is hurt badly. He can barely move on his own and requires the help of others (HERE)
Tickle Therapy AU MASTERPOST
Sam/Quackity use tickle therapy in prison instead of isolation/starvation (HERE)
Disc Finale AU
Instead of being thrown into prison Dream just gets tickled by the smp members
link 1 - Dream gets tickled
link 2 - Punz gets involved in tickles
link 3 - item teases
link 4 - interrogation turned comfort
Drunz Interrogation AU
The nuke fails. Tommy’s newfound hope for Dream creates confusion for the rest of the server. Dream and Punz are captured and interrogated
link 1 - Dream and Punz capture
link 2 - tickle interrogation expanded
Brotherly Foolish AU
Foolish finds Dream and provides comfort tickles (he’s also massive)
link 1 - travel tickles
link 2 - Dream provoking
link 3 - giant Foolish
link 4 - Dream provoking with Bad
link 5 - Foolish’s new rules
link 6 - Foolish punishing Sam
link 7 - Foolish punishing Quackity
link 8 - mandatory sleepover
link 9 - sleepover reasoning
link 10 - Foolish actually ruling
Manhunt AU
The nuke doesn’t hurt anyone but still scares them enough to get therapy. Dream is nowhere to be found and a manhunt search party is sent out for him
link 1 - tickles to calm
link 2 - tickles to catch
link 3 - protecting Punz, Q + Sam ed.
link 4 - protecting Punz, Sap ed.
The server realises that Dream will never heal if the prison is still standing; so they blow it up. (HERE) was once ‘Sapnap Manhunt AU’
Sleepy’s ( @sleepy--anon ‘s) AU
The nuke doesn’t explode and Dream allows Tommy to get him used to good touch again
Memory AU
The server reset occurs but Dream recovers from amnesia faster than everyone else
link 1 - intro
link 2 - people start to remember
link 3 - Quackity and Sapnap fight
link 4 - Dream omitting memories
link 5 - ‘evil’ Dream defence
link 6 - Dream’s manipulation techniques
link 7 - techniques don’t work
link 8 - tickles and reassurance
link 9 - pre vs post pandora vs s2 dream
Dream gets out of prison and is so weak that he transforms into his blob form (HERE)
Karlnapity AU
Karl’s memory is restored and Sapnap and Karl go to inform Quackity
All characters are sent to limbo in the reset. They get inspired to fix all their flaws, and then get sent back in time to the point where Techno breaks out of prison, with this knowledge in mind. All of them except Dream (HERE)
Limbo x Therapy AU
The Time Travel AU meets the Tickle Therapy AU. All characters go through limbo and break into prison to save Dream, meanwhile Sam has begun tickle therapy with a very confused Dream
link 1 - set up, everyone storming prison
link 2 - Sam’s explanation
link 3 - tummy kisses
link 4 - the schedule
Locked-In AU
Same as the Time Travel AU, except that Dream is sent into a coma after limbo. Everyone gets a self-reflective limbo except for him.
link 1 - set up, Dream’s coma + escape
link 2 - tickle amendment
link 3 - capture and explanation
link 4 - comfort tickles
link 5 - Dream’s confusion
link 6 - frozen lake amendment
link 7 - frozen Dream cuddles
link 8 - pre-lake fluff
Servant Quackity AU
Post-nuke. Dream is paralysed from physical detonation and Quackity is selected to be his carer
link 1 - Quackity’s new job
link 2 - shapeshifter Quackity
link 3 - dehumanised Quackity
link 4 - dehumanised Quackity 2.0
link 5 - Q feeling like he’s intruding
Dream Egg AU
Techno escapes the prison and Dream is left alone. Dream is so distraught that he lays eggs and develops animalistic traits lmao
link 1 - intro, Dream’s eggs
link 2 - transformation reasoning
link 3 - surrogate eggs
link 4 - Quackity’s abduction
link 5 - Quackity gets tickled
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wishitweresummer · 1 year
Poor Ducky (Sapnap x KarlJacobs x Quackity)
Word count: 1966
Warnings: Intense tickles and kissing.
DSMP world where the fiancés are together and everything is perfect, of course.
     "Please! PLEASE!", Quackity begged desperately through his giggles. Karl was sat above him, carefully sitting on both his arms keeping them pinned straight up. He was teasingly dancing his colorful nails slowly and gently down his forearms, headed for his exposed underarms. Quackity was lost, babbling out a string of giggles and pleading.
Quackity kicked up the blankets on the bed and shrieked as Karl finally reached his armpits. His wings ruffled under him at the feeling. Karl was gently poking around, scribbling lightly and digging in softly with his individual fingertips; really just exploring every means possible to tickle into them. He had never gotten his underarms so open and helpless before. Quackity was going to die. He was hysterical already, cackling like a maniac as he could only squirm and kick. He screamed when Karl's dedicated searching found a particularly sensitive spot directly in the middle of both. Quackity's lungs couldn't keep up with his next round of laughter and his screaming cut out for a few seconds before he screamed again, pathetically helpless to the feeling. The noises were enough to attract a worried looking Sapnap into the room.
"Everything okay in here...?".
     Sapnap took in the scene. His cheeks flushed a dark red and he spun around, quickly closing the door between him and the screaming. He pressed his back against the door.
"Shit...", he muttered breathlessly.
"Sap get in here!".
     Now, this is a problem. Both of his fiancés could be vicious with their revenge, and now with them on opposite sides he would have to choose. He furrowed his brow and let himself be as dramatic as he wanted. He contemplated the possible consequences. He felt his instinct to be playful with his fiancé's call him back into the room. But, Quackity's desperate cackling, loud enough to be clear through the door, had him frozen in place.
"Sapnap!", Karl boomed. He was scary like this. He only hesitated for a moment before he headed back inside.
     Sapnap gulped as he took in the scene again. Quackity's face had a dark line of blush crossing his cheeks and nose. Streaks of tears were glinting in the light. He was jumping and howling with one of the their favorite laughs as Karl focused on tickling his ribcage. It was quite evil, the way Karl's fingers darted between each rib so fast. Sapnap wondered if Quackity had committed some awful sin he wasn't aware of yet or if this was just revenge for the tickling they had both inflicted on Karl last night. His gaze focused in on Karl's finger movements. Every time Quackity's laughter sounded like he was breaking, Karl would speed up or switch to a meaner technique. Merciless.
"Are you trying to kill our little ducky?", Sapnap asked carefully as he climbed up on the bed. Blankets and pillows were strewn messily everywhere. Quackity's eyes were begging for help. Words seemed out of reach for him, only gasping and laughter available.
"Can you get his legs for me? I can't reach from here.", Karl said casually. It hit Sapnap suddenly that he hadn't heard any teasing coming from Karl. He was just quietly and expertly taking Quackity apart piece by piece like he was some kind of tickle robot. Butterflies burst to life in his stomach as he kneeled between Quackity's kicking legs and pressed them to the bed.
"Baby, what did you do?". Quackity could only shake his head as the laughter spilled out of him.
     Sapnap prayed he had done something awful as he started to massage at his thighs. Quackity convulsed and threw his head back, completely hysterical. Karl looked up from where he was perched above Quackity and digging into his ribcage with two clawed hands to give Sapnap a little smile and a nod. Chillingly calm for the brutality of his actions.
     Sympathy pooled in his chest for his winged-fiancé and he stopped tickling his thighs.
"Can you at least tell me what he did to deserve this?", Sapnap asked as he rubbed and soothed where he had just finished tickling. Karl stopped his ticklish attack to level his gaze with Sapnap. He opened his mouth to talk, but giggles started to tumble out. Sapnap grinned stupidly at his love. Karl was far too much of a goofball to keep the scary act up and it was endearing watching the playfulness force it's way out. Beneath them, Quackity was gulping for air dramatically.
"He tortured me last night! And he's so cute like this, isn't he?". Karl tilted his head innocently, bubbling with giggles.
"Sapnap you have to grab him!", Quackity croaked.
     Narrowed eyes met each other across Quackity's squirmy body.
"Or you can help me tickle this little ducky here.", Karl jammed a knuckle into Quackity's ribcage, earning a yelp. "See? Look how cute!".
     It was tempting. Karl looked feral at the moment and Quackity would be zero help if he chose to fight. Plus, Quackity was gorgeous like this. His feathers ruffling from the embarrassment. Adorable giggles unending. His insane squirming had forced his shirt up and his stomach looked downright edible. His tickled-silly glow was doing nothing to sway Sapnap away.
     "Do you remember your safeword ducky?", Sapnap held his sides and squeezed a squeal out of him.
"Oh come on!! You're siding with him?! And Karl, he helped me torture you! And, we weren't even that bad! We went so soft!", Quackity huffed and squirmed through his rant. It was a mistake though, considering how cute he was when he was mad. The other two just gave him fond smiles. "Fuck.", Quackity dropped his head back in defeat. "It's quack.".
     Quackity's lack of safeword use so far was a little telling, but the two kept quiet. They had plenty of ways to embarrass and tease him without risking influencing how Quackity wanted to use his safety net.
     Sapnap still pushed Karl to let Quackity have a bit of a break before diving back in.
"His laughter keeps cutting out, don't you want to hear his cackles?", Sapnap spoke as he rubbed Quackity's shoulders after Karl got off his arms and helped him sit up.
"Hmm...I do love his cackles.".
They both slid in on either side of Quackity and peppered his pink face with kisses. He had been flustered by how they spoke about his laugh and tried to cover his face.
"Guys please…", he whined, giggling under all the affection.
     The three of them together was always so intense, it was intoxicating. Never boring. Just completely surrounded by attention. Sometimes it was like floating in a sea of love. Sometimes it was like being sucked underneath the warm waves. Overwhelmed in the best way. There was nothing else like it. They balanced each other out and egged each other on. Perfect harmony. Thrilling chaos. Always a hand to grab or a mouth to kiss. A home that was never without noise.
     In theory Quackity knew he should be on high alert, but the fondness for his fiancés overrode the fear in his mind. Karl had excused himself to the edge of the bed to get a few texts out before he could focus entirely on the other two for the rest of the night. In the meantime, Sapnap had lured him in with his sweet lips. Once they were intertwined he melted in and forgot entirely about the torture that was to come.
     Sapnap was sat up with his back against the headboard while Quackity straddled his lap and lost himself in the movement of his lips. The two were the more aggressive of the bunch and it usually translated into their kisses. Quackity wrapped his arms around Sapnap's warm neck as they traded playful nips and tongue swipes back and forth.
     Sapnap got the upper hand and sucked on Quackity's tongue until he broke away with a whine. As soon as Quackity buried his face in Sapnap's neck for some revenge, a shock shot through his sensitive wings. Suddenly he remembered what the main event of the night was.
"Karl...", he pleaded before nearly collapsing against Sapnap as he felt Karl's cold skinny fingers tease him where it tickled most. The feathers in his wings ruffled in protest as Karl found the muscles in his wings and squeezed them. Sapnap held Quackity up as he broke down against him into desperate laughter hilariously fast.
"Q you're so cute...", Sapnap murmured in awe at how his lover fell apart in his arms.
"Not there!". He cried against the side of Sapnap's face. He was squirming from side to side, unable to find grounding as Karl upped his speed and drew some squeals from him. His arms weren't long enough to bat away the tickles and instead his hands twitched around aimlessly. He failed to hold himself up again and again as he relied on Sapnap’s hold, Sapnap loved to see him panic like this. Quackity was always so confident and sure. A cocky prick, to be frank. Only Karl and Sapnap knew now to pull the ground out from beneath his feet like this.
     Sapnap took pity eventually and let the squirming man collapse entirely into his arms. He held the writhing body tightly and angled his elbows expertly against the squirming arms. Quackity was completely at their mercy now.
     Or lack of.
     Quackity shook like a leaf as he screamed his heart out. Laughter barreled out of him with no room for protests or begging.
"Does that tickle? Oh it must be so bad, not being able to stop it! He's getting your wiiiings!", Sapnap tossed down some teases to earn a frustrated shriek as Quackity could only thrash in protest. "Whoaaa there!!!", Sapnap laughed.
     Karl grinned at Sapnap as he tickled Quackity to bits easily. Karl having a horribly ticklish back of his own meant he was to be feared when he targeted that spot on others. He pressed and rubbed into Quackity's shoulder blades just right to make the younger man cackle just how Karl liked. He rubbed firm circles into his back muscles, smiling as he felt Quackity jumping underneath the touch. Each scream he could yank from the man was better than the last.
     Quackity would die, he was sure. Karl was trying to kill him. Those evil fingers were massaging and prying out the most embarrassing sounds he had ever made in his life. He slipped in and out of the ability to talk and used every second he had a voice to curse them out.
"Fuck youuuu!", he shouted. His usual angry tone was clothed in a veil of giddiness; humiliating.
     There was an excitement to how intense things were. Trust was there. A lot of it. They always loved to push each other to the limit and often found the limits were further than imagined when all together. Being together made them stronger. Sometimes, it made them weaker than they thought possible.
     They didn't find Quackity's limit that night. Sapnap held his squirmy body as his laughed himself silly. His mind was blank and he gave himself over to the torture. When he could, he shouted his need for air, his need for mercy, his need for it to stop, stop, please stop. His cackles were threaded with wheezes and hiccups. Unbelievably precious wheezes and hiccups.
     Sapnap finally released his hold on Quackity and let him flop to the side. He played dead.
"Hate you guys.", he mumbled, the stupidest of smiles on his face. He looked utterly wrecked. It was beyond endearing and it wasn't long before the other two smothered him in comfort and love. Overwhelming as usual. Overwhelming in the best way. In the way it could only be them. Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity.
(Art by @kazenomegaminowanpisu )
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kasey-writes-stuff · 6 months
Reader tickle fics
Platonic Reader tickle fics
Switch!Reader Switch!Boomer
Ler!Sapnap Lee!reader
Lee!Reader Ler!Sapnap
Ler!Karlnapity Lee!reader
Ler!Sam Lee!reader
Ler!Dream Lee!Reader
Ler!Sapnap Ler!Dream Lee!Reader
Ler!Reader Lee!Sapnap
Ler!Sam Ler!Quackity Lee!Reader
Ler!Niki Ler!Quackity Lee!reader
Ler!Foolish Lee!Reader
Ler!Dream Ler!George Lee!Reader
Lee!Reader Ler!Dream Ler!Punz Ler!Sapnap
Last levels
Ler!BBH Lee!Reader
Accidental tickles
Romantic reader tickle fics
Ler!Sapnap Lee!Reader
Switch!Quackity Switch!Reader
Ler!Dream Lee!Reader
Ler!George Lee!Reader
Neutral reader tickle fics (can either be platonic or romantic, or involve unspoken feelings between to characters, or be in a relationship with a minor character)
Lee!Punz Ler!Reader
Switch!Reader Switch!Sam
Lee!Dream Ler!Reader
Lee!Reader Ler!Sapnap Ler!Dream
Reader fics with only slight tickling/No tickling
Car rides with punzo
Missing his hand
Sapnap you make it easier
Mini golf Punz
Good dad
Calm because of you
Take a hint
Double date
The boy with the reindeer clothes and captain america mask
Part one
Part two
Part three
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mushiewrites · 7 months
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just found this picture of sapnap's thighs and I’m thinking thoughts...
thoughts like
george easily digging his fingers into the crease spot between his hips and thighs while sapnap gets lost in hysterics and raspy screaming
dream sliding his leg between sapnap's thighs to keep them apart so he can squeeze up and down his inner thighs and make him howl
karl crowding in on sap, making him blushy and giggly and nervy as he teases the life out of him
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aninklingof · 1 year
Three Times Rough & One Time Soft: Sapnap edition
This is my birthday fic for Sapnap, which is also the start of a possible series that I want to do!
Thanks to @mushiewrites for proofreading the first part (Dreamnap), @wishitweresummer for help with the second part (Karlnapity), and @kasey-writes-stuff for the third part (Punznap)!
Lee! Sapnap
Multiple Lers!
Warnings: swearing ✨Platonic✨
“Sapnap!” Shouted Dream from the kitchen before he came stomping into the living room, crossing his arms and staring annoyed at the younger lounging on the couch.
“What,” he replied without meeting Dream’s gaze.
“It’s your day for the dishes.”
Sapnap groaned and slumped further down into the cushions dramatically. “Can’t you do it?”
“No, it’s your day.” The blonde tapped his foot, his anger steadily increasing with the man. “I did it yesterday, like I was supposed to. Now it’s your turn.”
“But you’re closerrrrr—“ the ravenhead whined and threw an arm over his eyes.
Dream almost shouted again at him, but paused. He took notice of how Sapnap was sprawled on the couch— how his t-shirt had ridden up to expose a sliver of skin when he raised his arm— and it gave the blonde a much more fun solution.
Sapnap hadn’t heard Dream answer right away and thought for a moment that he’d left (he still couldn’t see due to the arm over his eyes). Just before he went to peak however he felt a weight settle over his hips and a firm hand press to his forearm, holding the arm on his face in place.
“Dream—? What’re— wAHAHA—!!” a sudden squeal leapt from his throat as he felt the torturous touches of fingers in his armpits, kneading roughly into the sensitive spot and sending shockwaves of intense tickles through his nerves.
“This should teach you to do your chores,” Dream spoke, the smirk on his face audible in his words. “Tickle tickle Sappy~”
“DREHEHEHEAM NOHOHOHO—!!! STOHOHOHOHOP THAHAHAT!!!” The brunette cackled wildly, kicking his legs and slapping Dream’s tickling hand frantically with his free one.
“Do the dishes!” The older exclaimed, starting to rub his knuckles rapidly up and down Sapnap’s ribcage. And he lost it.
And as soon as the vicious tickle attack started it was over. Dream released Sapnap’s arm and it immediately shot down to protect his tingling ribs while the younger took gasping, greedy breaths.
“You good Pandas?” Dream chuckled fondly after a minute or two.
“F-Fuhuck…. Yohou…” Sapnap stuttered breathlessly, his smile genuine to show he wasn’t actually mad.
“You want a round two?”
“Noho!! I’ll doho them!! Lemme up!”
Dream wheezed as the younger pushed him off and immediately jumped up to go do his chore, rubbing his ribs that still buzzed with ghostly tickles.
Sapnap, Karl and Quackity sat huddled together under a blanket while they watched a movie. It was late and they had spent most of the day streaming and goofing around, being loud and chaotic for most of it. Now though they were relaxing and shamelessly cuddling each other.
Sapnap was sandwiched in between the two others at the moment, clutching a bag of sour patch kids and snacking on them periodically. Quackity randomly threw his arm over Sapnap and cuddled into his side aggressively. In doing so his hand landed on Sapnap’s side, making the brunette let out a squeak which he tried to cover up.
“Quackity get off me!” He snapped shakily, hoping the ravenette hadn’t noticed his little noise.
“Did you just squeak?” Karl asked.
“N-no!!” Sapnap answered far too quickly.
A shiver ran down his spine upon hearing a maniacal giggle from Quackity next to him. “You squeaked, didn’t you?”
Suddenly he felt tickly sparks in his sides from curious prodding fingers, those of which belonging to Quackity. He puffed up his cheeks in an attempt to hold in his laughter, his eyes squeezed shut and his hands gripping at the younger’s wrists.
“Aww look at him! He’s turning all red!” Karl cooed, reaching up to Sapnap’s chin and scratching gently with his pretty painted nails.
At this Sapnap snorted and broke down into high pitched, adorable giggles. “Kahahaharl!!! N-nohohooo!!”
“Nawww! Look at himmmm!” Karl added a second hand into the chin-tickling.
“Hey, I wanna try something George told me about!” Quackity exclaimed. His hands shot up into Sapnap’s armpits and started scratching and scribbling sporadically. “Is wittle Pandas ticklish?”
The Texan’s face flushed brighter than a stoplight and he began cackling loudly. “NOHOHOHO!! DOHOHOHONT TEHEHEASE!! GEHEHET OHOHOHOUTTA THEHEHERE!!!”
“He’s flustered by baby talk?! That’s so cute what the honk?!” Karl squealed happily. “Who’s a ticklish wittle baby? Huh?”
“GUHUHUHUYS PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Sapnap pleaded as he thrashed, tears of laughter pricking in the corners of his eyes.
“Alright alright,” Quackity chuckled, stopping his tickle attack and removing his hands. Karl moved his from the brunette’s chin to his scalp where he started to scratch to soothe the man down from his giggly high.
“Thahat wahas cheheheap,” Sapnap sighed through residual giggles as he melted into the cushions, relaxed by Karl’s hand in his hair.
“You loved it, pretty boy,” the oldest retaliated, making Sapnap whine and blush again. The three snuggled up together and picked a new movie to watch, Sapnap dozing off in between his two best friends happily.
“PUHUHUHUNZ FUHUHUHUCK OHOHOHOFF!!!!” Sapnap wailed, the vicious squeezing and kneading to his sensitive thighs driving him into peals of hysterical laughter.
Punz simply smiled down at the younger man while he tormented him relentlessly. “I told you you’d regret being a little shit to me during the stream yesterday!”
The stream Punz was referring to was a late-night Valorant stream on his Twitch account. The entire time the two were playing together, Sapnap was being particularly bratty. He continuously stole the older’s kills and gloated about how bad he was, getting Punz down to his last nerve.
“When you get here tomorrow I’m going to absolutely destroy you,” he threatened lightheartedly, gripping his controller tighter in anger as Sapnap sniped another one of his kills.
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” the Texan laughed. “Judging by your ability to ‘destroy me’ right now, I don’t think I have to worry too much!”
Oh how wrong he was.
Upon his arrival he was hurried inside and ushered to put his stuff in the guest room rather quickly. At the time Sapnap had thought nothing of it, however now that he was pinned on the couch laughing his lungs out it started to make more sense.
“If you say so,” Punz responded, lunging forward and shoving the brunette’s sweater up to blow a big raspberry right in the center of his belly.
The blonde continued covering the man’s tummy in raspberries despite his plea, eventually snaking his hands up to Sapnap’s ribs as well. Upon feeling rough digging in between the bones his laughter ascended into silence.
After a minute more Punz ended his ruthless attack, sitting up with a proud smirk to admire his work.
Sapnap was smiling ear-to-ear, his face bright red and streaked in faint tear tracks showing that at some point tears were shed. He giggled while gulping in air greedily, finally cracking an eye open once he had leveled out his breathing to see the older smiling fondly down at him.
“Stohop staharing…” he whined, flushing red all over again and covering his face in embarrassment.
Punz laughed and climbed off of the younger to sit next to him, pulling his head into his lap and idly brushing his fingers through the brunette curls while turning on the tv.
He was in for one hell of a weekend.
“Sappy~ wake up birthday boy~” Dream cooed as the brunette slowly drifted into consciousness. Looking down at him was Dream and George, their fond smiling faces filling him with warmth almost immediately.
Sapnap blinked blearily and a sleepy grin stretched across his face. “Mornin’…” he mumbled, his morning voice rasping quietly.
The two climbed onto the bed and squished the sleepy Sapnap between them. Dream started to gently trace the youngest’s ears and jaw while George’s hand slipped under the blanket and his shirt to lazily trail over his belly, getting him giggling immediately.
“We had to give you your special birthday wake-up tickles~” the blonde continued. “And this time Georgie is here to help…~”
“Special tickles for a special day,” George muttered, inwardly cringing at himself but continuing since he knew Sapnap liked all the soft attention.
Sapnap giggled softly and started to squirm as he grew more and more awake, but the tickles remained feather light and gentle. It filled the youngest’s belly with butterflies that served to only worsen the tickles on his tummy.
“Nawww, does little Pandas like his tickles~?” Dream purred as his fingers fluttered lightly over Sapnap’s collarbone.
The Texan flushed at the special nickname used only to tease him and make him red as a strawberry. He moved to hide his red face in his hands, only to hear a ‘tsk tsk’ from George.
“No hiding, Sappy. We wanna see your red face,” the oldest scolded gently.
Sapnap whined. “Ihihi’m uhuhup..”
At his words the two stopped and squeezed him in a tight hug. “Happy birthday,” Dream muttered.
“Happy birthday, idiot,” George repeated, adding an affectionate ‘idiot’ at the end for some authentic George flair.
After a moment the three broke the hug and the two older men stood. “Breakfast is ready downstairs. Get dressed and come on down,” Dream smiled as he and George left the room and shut the door.
Sapnap sat in his bed and sighed happily. Life could not be anymore perfect at that moment. It was gonna be a great birthday.
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nekoma-not-lee · 1 year
Day 7 - Soft
Here is the lovely prompt list <3
C!Sapnap/C!Quackity ROMANTIC (since it’s a canon couple lolol)
Thought you might wanna be tagged again <3 @rxsahgrce
This is a Karlnapity fic btw, Karl just isn’t mentioned at all, but he is still in the picture
“SAHAHAHAP! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE!” Quackity squealed as he buried his face into the cushions of the couch. Sapnap’s fingers had found purchase on Quackity’s gorgeous, golden wings. Of course Quackity hadn’t said the safeword yet, which was ‘gold’, easy to remember and easy to say if needed. Sapnap smiled and scribbled his fingers into the base of Quackity’s wings. The beanie clad man screeched as the fingers clawed softly at the skin beneath the feathers. Quackity’s laughter soon turned into soft giggles as he’d asked for Sapnap to slow down. Now the fingers only lightly traced at the wings, just enough pressure to keep him giggling and melted. Sapnap smiled, “You enjoying yourself, Ducky?~” And his heart melted as Quackity nodded.
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cyncerity · 1 year
TW for safe vore, swearing
“Here you go sir, health and fire res.” The seller handed him a potion. Quackity smiled as he happily took the potion. “Gracias hermano, su carímiso.” He stifled a laugh as he turned and walked away, ignoring the seller who began to call out his name.
Now he didn’t have to be afraid of Technoblade.
The avian happily slipped the potion into his bag, walking fairly quickly towards the portal in the city center. Nether travel was always easy for him, until of course Techno came in to mess with his travels.
He would have the upper hand this time.
- - -
Quackity’s hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword as he arrived in the territory of the piglin hybrid. This was going to suck.
“Back for round three?” The piglin hybrid asked, seemingly appearing behind him. Quackity in turn jumped back and pulled out his sword. “Aw, the avian’s scared?” Now would be a good time to run.
He turned almost too quickly, running to hide f***ing anywhere.
He did eventually find a spot, ducking behind a wall where he leaned the sword against it and took out the potion. He very greedily gulped it down, gasping at the slightly spicy taste.
He grabbed his sword again, picking it up and getting ready to move before he felt something tickling the inside of his stomach. G**, did the seller put something bad in there?
He watched his surroundings, watching for the piglin as he ran towards the portal home.
He nearly fell through the portal with a yelp, grabbing onto the wall to stabilize him. Quackity breathed, although stifling laughs as something small tickled his insides. “What the f***?” He asked, pressing against his stomach, only to feel something strange.
“Hey!” Something shouted from inside him. “Let me out!” F***.
“Oh s*** I think I’m going to be sick.” He muttered, deciding to run out of his door and into the woods. His friend could help, right?
“Karl?” He shouted, eventually finding the colorful tree that the outdoor borrower called home. “Big Q!” He heard Karl shout. The avian smiled, looking around, spotting Karl poking out from his hole.
“Hey Karl, you seem to know some things, do you have something that could make me throw up? I ate something bad.” He explained slowly. “F*** you.” The thing inside him muttered.
“Yeah, I think I have something.” Karl responded, motioning for Quackity to sit down as he dove into his home to pull out a bundle of herbs. “This should be good.”
“So what do I do with it?” Karl smiled when Quackity asked. “Just eat it and walk away from here until the effects kick in.” He instructed. The avian slowly nodded, carefully placing the herbs in his mouth as he got up to walk away.
Karl watched as the human walked away. Thank honk he wouldn’t see that.
- - -
Quackity came back an hour later. “Karl?” He asked, wiping the fairy down again. “Stop, you're going to give me a rash.” The fairy responded with a growl. The avian laughed.
“Q! You’re back! Hey, hi, um, I have something to get later if you want to stick around until then-Oh wait, right, how did the herb work?”
The avian and fairy both seemed to laugh at their friend. “It worked like you said Karl, but why did you need me to walk?”
“Don’t exactly want to watch you throw your guts up.” The outdoor borrower spoke as he wandered back into his hole. “What did I even need?” Quackity took that as an invitation.
“A new home? For both of you?” The fairy perked up. “What? I literally just met you, I have a f***ing home!” The fairy shouted.
Karl poked up out of his hole in the tree. “Well, I did accidentally eat you, so I should at least do something to make up for it. And I could get both of you anything you need. Just try it out for one day, okay?”
Quackity definitely didn’t want a reason to help his friend, nope, not at all.
“Fine, whatever.” The fairy responded. “Sounds like fun Q!” Karl smiled. Quackity nodded, and he began to guide the fairy through the air to his home.
- - -
It had been about an hour since he and the fairy–who had said his name was Sapnap–had gotten to his place, and Karl still hadn’t arrived. He got up, looking at the sky through his window. Where was the borrower?
Karl was a borrower. Not a fairy, not an avian. A borrower. He didn’t have wings. “S***!” Quackity shouted at the realization.
“What’s wrong?” Sapnap asked as he flew in front of the avian’s face. “I forgot Karl doesn’t have wings, and he doesn’t even know where I live, f***!” Quackity shouted as he ran out the door. The fairy followed closely to not get lost as well.
“Karl?!” Quackity shouted, sprinting through the forest. He needed to find the borrower before anything happened to him.
An hour.
That is how long he scoured the forest for the borrower before finally going to check the borrower’s hole.
“Karl?!” He whispered as he crouched down to look into the little hole. Karl was there. But the poor borrower was crying.
“Oh Karl, Karl, I am so sorry…” Quackity frowned, not daring to reach into the too-small hole. But Sapnap did, flying down in and cradling the crying tiny.
“I needed my things-” Karl whispered between gasps, to which Sapnap repeated for the avian to hear. “But you two had already flown away-” Sapnap held the other so closely. “I did try to look, but I almost got lost-” Quackity wanted to reach in there, but settled with picking up the bag filled with Karl’s supplies. “So I went back home…”
“I’m so f***ing sorry Karl…” The avian whispered as Sapnap carefully lifted the two out, letting Quackity scoop the two into his hands as he got ready to fly.
“Have you ever flown?” Quackity asked, but Karl shook his head. “Open your eyes, alright? This will be so cool.” Quackity smiled as he nuzzled the two.
He slowly lifted up into the air before his powerful wings slowly pushed them along to his house. He smiled as he heard Karl gasp. Hopefully the three would get along.
- - -
“F***!” Quackity shouted, the borrower quickly exiting the walls and the fairy flying behind him. “What happened?” Karl asked.
“The stove broke, I can’t share my pizza pockets.” Quackity frowned. “The f*** is a pizza pocket-Whatever, where is it?” Sapnap asked, and Quackity pointed to the plate.
The fairy rolled his eyes as he slipped under the heater and began heating up, quickly warming up the food. “Whoah!” Quackity smiled, and Karl wandered over, giggling happily at the heat. “It’s so warm!” The borrower smiled.
“You are going to love it here Karl. And so will you if you want to stay, Sapnap.” Quackity smiled. “Fine, I’ll stay for one more day…”
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