#tom milsom
good-judy-jush · 2 years
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runaway90s · 3 months
The last two times I purchased Almay mascara from Walmart, the tubes were empty. No mascara! I just called Walmart and received a full refund very quickly and the customer service person was very empathetic, acknowledging that when it comes to skincare or anything you put on your face, it should be taken very seriously. If only MAP (Mind Alignment Process) took peoples' traumas this seriously.
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s0lsticebirdy · 1 year
AI is blind to whats called The Random. It truly believes in algorithms..... that a yellow potato with five wingz and two cellphones wouldnt eat you for breakfast
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haveyouheardthisband · 3 months
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zedstickz · 6 months
no it’s definitely jesus
The NEW crabstickz Show! | (feat. Tom Milsom)
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T$$ Character Playlist
because I heard one that was perfect so I had to make a full one
Team as a Whole:
Who We Are - Nothing More
Great Vacation - Dirt Poor Robins
Secrets - OneRepublic
Rule #27 - Drunk on Pride - Fish in a Birdcage
Good Luck - Broken Bells
In the Room Where You Sleep - Dead Man's Bones
Hero - Skillet
I Only Say I'm Sorry When I'm Wrong Now - Cheekface
Sing - My Chemical Romance
Little Boxes - Rise Against
Post Party Depression - Days n Daze
Puppet Loosely Strung - The Correspondents
Icarus - Jason Webley
No Children - The Mountain Goats
The Most Beautiful Bitter Fruit - La Dispute
Pipes - Tom Milsom
fuck you i'm going underground - Grand Commander
Show Your Fangs - The Crane Wives
Legendary - Welshly Arms
Sha La La La La - Heavy Young Heathens
Lying Beast - Run River North
Salty Eyes - The Matches
Heaven's Gate - Fallout Boy
Control - Halsey
Don't You Dare Forget the Sun - Get Scared
Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier
Evelyn - Silent Films
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carefullfearr · 2 years
hiii i'm kinda new here so i don't really know what exactly happened that tumblr bullied John green off this site. (apart from the Anne Frank museum scene) I've read some stuff here and there but idk the details :( so I'd love it if you could explain some of it?
Yeah, fer sure. There’s a couple of different angles to this situation, and there are some folks who provided more information in the notes of my other post. I absolutely might miss some stuff or misspeak and I bet there’ll be folks in the notes who will Let Me Know. I took some time to research but a lot of this is from my human memory so please be kind if I get something wrong.
So basically, at the height of the Green Brothers’ influence, they ran a number of different entities associated with their media empire. One of them, DFTBA Records, was created to sign and distribute music from YouTube based artists. It also distributed merch from various online personalities that were in this orbit. Their reach online was huge- vlogbrothers was still going on, they started VidCon, etc etc.
At the same time, the Green brothers were experiencing a bit of a backlash on tumblr. There was a very particular vocabulary that they and the people in their fandom used, and to some folks around here it felt very infantilizing and “cringey”. JG was also up to some absolutely ridiculous behavior that I don’t really think I’ve got the time to get into, but suffice it to say that he has a tremendous track record for putting his foot in his mouth outside of tumblr, too. To people who weren’t impressed by his work, he was very easy to dislike.
Cringe is a word that I absolutely agree has been weaponized against vulnerable groups such as neurodivergent people. However, I think there was another understanding of the word at the time that described adults inserting themselves into children’s spaces. The “hello, fellow kids” kind of behavior. I think that was what we were responding to, but we didn’t have the vocabulary or sitewide maturity to identify it.
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So, given the culture on the site? There was absolutely some bullying going on. At the time, you could edit other people’s posts, and so the “cock monologue” wasn’t the only time John Green’s posts got vandalized. But here’s the thing- John Green was a very powerful person in this space. He’s an adult and he was interacting with some very young fans and some people, myself included, thought there should have been some firmer boundaries. He was being treated like a substitute teacher by a rowdy group of kids, and he couldn’t take the jokes. At the time, messaging and commenting features were pretty much in beta, and perceived temper tantrums from JG sometimes overlapped with outages in those features. We joked at the time that he was going all the way to tumblr hq to get them to stop the kids from cyber bullying him, but there isn’t actually proof that that’s what was happening.
So back to the YouTube musicians. For a few of them, Tom Milsom in particular, it was an open secret that they had very young girlfriends who had been former fans of theirs. Hank Green admits to being aware of these inappropriate relationships, but he brushed it off and described one girl in particular as a “cool fan who could hold her own.” There have been anecdotal accounts that during this time, the Greens warned girls away from getting close to particular people, but they did nothing to prevent this behavior. Things came to a head when a few former partners of Alex Day, a member of a Doctor Who themed band named “Chameleon Circuit” and who also released solo work on DFTBA, came out to allege that Day had coerced them into sex when they were not comfortable or ready. Initially Day denied these accusations, but later admitted that he had engaged in misconduct. This cascaded into more and more accusations, eventually totaling in nine musicians from DFTBA facing credible accusations of rape, grooming, and in one case possession of CP. Many of these survivors were former fans, and they were preyed upon by their abusers because of the poor boundaries in the culture fostered by DFTBA records and the greater Green Brothers scene. Hank green made a statement on his tumblr (John notably did Not) where he expressed surprise and grief over these accusations. The accused artists were kicked from the label and everybody stopped talking about it.
Well. Aside from when one person involved, edplant, returned to the internet. JG tweeted “welcome back” to that guy.
So remember the cyber bullying? Well somebody edited a post to make it look like John Green was rhapsodizing about liking to suck dick. JG, once again unable to interact with children normally, throws a fit. See, I’ve worked with kids before. I’ve been “bullied” by literal 12 year olds working as a teacher’s aide. And the only thing you can do is find it very, very funny that a child thinks they can hurt your feelings. That’s it! You’ve gotta roll with it. Either ignore them or laugh about it. I don’t know if it was really a kid or a teen who did it. But it was kid or teen behavior. Shortly after this, the loophole allowing users to edit other people’s posts was closed.
A lot of people remember John Green leaving the platform after that. But he actually stuck around for a while. It wasn’t until a now deactivated user made a post comparing him to a creep who sits a liiittle too close to the kids in the pool at functions. Here's the quote:
I bet John Green thinks people don't like him because he's a dork or a nerd or whatever, when in reality it's because he's a creep who panders to teenage girls so that he can amass some weird cult-like following. And it's always girls who feel misunderstood, you know, and he goes out of his way to make them feel important and desirable. Which is fucking weird. Also he has a social media presence that is equivalent to that dad of a kid in your friend group who always volunteers to 'supervise' the pool parties and scoots his lawn chair close to all the girls.
John Green took this opportunity to clarify that he, personally, has NEVER HARMED A CHILD. His response made it sound like she was accusing him of something and, because he was a much more powerful user, that was the version of the story that went around. This incident breached tumblr containment and led to a number of other YA authors making statements about how absurd the allegations were. The user who made that comment was for real cyberbullied off the platform. She recieved hateful messages and death threats from Green’s fans to the point that this site was unusable for her. Shortly after that, John Green also left tumblr.
The catalyst for my post was a TikTok made by Hank Green where he insinuates that, for no reason and in pure mean spirit, rapscallions on tumblr had ousted John Green with the infamous cock monologue. That got my blood boiling because no, that wasn’t what happened, and the kids on TikTok weren’t there to know the difference. There was a combination of people finding John Green's online persona off putting and creepy, actual sex abuse scandals in his orbit, the nonexistent boundaries between him and his young, vulnerable fans. It’s the most popular post I’ve ever made and I honestly regret posting something short and angry without corroborating information. If I’d known, I would have included some links! I have tried to be fair here but I have no respect for either of the Greens. There are a bunch of other reasons to dislike John Green- he has said some truly dumb and unkind things over the years. But ultimately he is a self important jerk who hid behind performative kindness and lukewarm progressive ideals that didn’t seem genuine in order to generate a cult of personality targeted at vulnerable, lonely kids and then he didn’t take that responsibility as seriously as he should have. And then kids got hurt.
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alexis-royce · 4 months
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Youuuuuu got it @windienine ! Updating an old post since the formatting broke on it:
Like any good OC gremlin, I have playlists for all my favs. The one I’ll put before the cut, though, is Kinesis’ theme song, written by Andrew Huang. He legit wrote it for Evil Plan. It’s both about my OC and it has a slick guitar theme that is just….EVERYTHING. It is the best character theme I have and I adore it.
Here’s a pile (though not even close to all) of character songs under the cut:
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Evil Plan
Kinesis: Upside down - Barenaked Ladies, Defeat You- Smash Mouth, half the Dr. Horrible Soundtrack because of course, Evil Genius - Pat Benatar, Bank Job- BNL. A reader also once sent me “Sexy Supervillain” by Fanatical, and I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair.
Alice: Science Vs Romance, Rilo Kiley , Do It - Spice Girls.
William: Vanishing, BNL.
Lemon and Lime - Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
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Anna & Susan - Odds Are - BNL
(Cannot for the life of me find the rest of those playlists. I’m sure there were a ton. Anyway I know a fuckton of weird old musicals, it’s mostly them.)
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morphE - Mage: The Awakening Campaign
Campaign Theme: Dark Blue - Jack’s Mannequin
Ammi: Esperandote - Rika Muranaka & Vanesa Quiroz
Sanguine (The First One) - Mister Blue Sky in G Major
Amical: Golden and Green - The Builders and the Butchers, Hurricane - Panic!, Killer Queen - Queen
Billy Thatcher: Every fucking song from Chess, The Musical, by Tim Rice and the boys from Abba
Hendrik Rakove: Hurt So Good - John Mellencamp, Lovefool - Spencer Day’s Cover, Love Me Dead - Ludo, Grace Kelly - BYU A cappella cover, Talk about You - MIKA, It’s All Been Done - BNL, Boomerang - BNL, The Show Must Not Go On - Harvey Danger, Circus- Drew Gasparini and Lindsay Mandez.
Andrew Cross: Camisado- Panic!
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Closing Shop - (The weird experimental meta campaign that literally ate itself)
Steam Rising - Murder By Death, Devil’s Calling - Florence and the Machine, Talkin at the Texaco - James McMurtry, Keepin’ It Real - Barenak BLOW BY KESHA BLOW BY KESHA GET MY SONG RIGHT GET IT RIGHT, Sometimes the Line Walks You - Murder By Death
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Exit Signs- Slashers/mixed nWoD Campaign
Season One theme: What if I’m Wrong - Damien Rice
Season Two Theme: I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
Cyril: Disaster - Drew Weston, A Little Irony - Tom Milsom.
Dea ‘Exit’ DeLus: When I Grow Up - Tim Minchin, Break Your Heart - BNL, If I Had a Heart - Fever Ray, Crystalline - Bjork, Still - Ben Folds, Come Into My Head - Kimbra, Dinner at Eight - Rufus Wainwright, What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club, Big Dark Love - Murder By Death, Bitter and Sick - One Two,
DRT: Bitter Rivals - Sleigh Bells, Passcode - BNL.
Swing: Boogie Feet - Kesha.
Deirdre Whitman: Welcome to the Ball - Rufus Wainwright.
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NonPlatonic Forms
I’m Gonna Win- Rob Cantor Boomerang - Lucy Schwartz, Hate that you know me so well- Bleachers, Jericho - Rufus Wainwright, Guster - Center of Attention, Toe to Toe - BNL, Give It Back to You - BNL, Limits -BNL (I apologize for nothing I love Silverball), Blood - ANIMA!, and of COURSE- Dead Inside by Patricia Taxxon!
- Other characters -
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Channery Keene
Artificial Heart - JoCo, Erase Me - Ben Folds Five, Desperate Measures - Marianas Trench, Haunted - Maya Kern, Cake - Melanie Martinez, Bulletproof- La Roux, Cassandra - Area 11, Stolen - Greentree, Guster - Simple Machine, Make Me Feel - Janelle Monae, Could I Leave You - (specifically Donna Murphy at the Sondheim’s 80th concert).
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Chrome and Prism
Kiss with a Fist - Florence and the Machine, Langhorns - Spybeat, Dancing’s Not a Crime - Panic!, Thanks I Hate It - Simple Creatures, Sweet Talk - Saint Motel, This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller, Nothing Without You- Vienna Teng
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Harold Ludicael
Consequence Free - Great Big Sea, Sea of No Cares- Great Big Sea, Don’t Threaten me with a Good Time - Panic!, Dust and Ashes from Great Comet, I Need to Know from Jekyll and Hyde; Boy Decide - Murder by Death, Spring Break 1899 - Murder By Death, My Type - Saint Motel.
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ahappydnp · 9 months
cw for sexual assault /
hello! i'm not the anon in question, but based on their wording, it sounds like they're talking about the alex day / tom milsom / youtuber sexual assault situation.
alex day was under DFTBA records iirc and people see john and hank as the "youtube dads" so to speak, so when these allegations came forward and sprung up conversations about consent and such, people kept hounding them asking for their opinions and takes on everything
in the aftermath, hundreds of people came forward about several youtubers, which was good! but this included one or two false allegations about tyler oakley and dan and phil. i vividly remember hank green publicly speaking out and said that the allegations against tyler oakley & dan and phil were completely false.
the person who made the allegations about dan and phil clarified that they were just attention seeking, but i can't remember if this was before or after hank green publicly sided with them
(fyi, i personally don't think this is definitive proof that phil was forced to come out to hank green..........? 🙃)
oh wow i totally missed that hank was involved in that. thanks for explaining! yeah i don’t think that would require phil outing himself?
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songfic tag game!
Pick a song to accompany each of your fics or as many as you like. This might be the fic's inspiration or just pure vibes that you'd like to share with readers. Tag as many people as fics you feature (or do as you please!)
tagged by @lamortwrites thank you 💕
soooo despite me writing or brainstorming to music 99% of the time this is actually really difficult for me…. it all just sort of amalgamates y’know. also i have written so much but only published 3 things so. let’s give it a shot!
so Prayer & Vow are actually part of a 6 letter series gortash sends to zeke after the tower arson arc/gort’s realisation™️ 5 of them promise to take over a part of ezekiel, most related to his 5 senses/instincts, with prayer being a claim over his voice. vow is the culminating ‘declaration of war’ so to speak on the wild from the machine. so they’re interconnected, y’know? anyways.
i’d go with absolute apocalypse destiny for this era!
ok y’know what i physically have to restrain myself from picking more!! but vow specifically is a culmination of gortash’s desire to learn to claim to destroy!! the vow of fulfilling the conquest!! one song is hard. anyways.
The Exhibit time! so the exhibit IS a bit easier since a large part was actually written with this song playing in the back lol
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delete lover in that last part (mayhaps replace with ‘equal in divinity’?) and we’re golden. gortash’s desire to dissect him, know his every part as his prime specimen is the main focus with this one.
also! just one bonus! pipes by tom milsom!
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‘And let me tell you I’ve tried and tried so’ AH! this line specifically…… how gortash narrates about the anglerfish…. one of his ‘tries’ before getting to (this ‘getting to him’ is what prompts those letters being written btw! he finally found it!) zeke, the culmination of the wild’s essence, his antithesis! and one of zeke’s deaths as the wild!
anyways. thank you if you’ve read this far through my deranged bullshit!!
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Why shouldn’t the green brothers be in charge of teens
At the end of the 00s/start of the 2010s, the Green Brothers set up a record label called Don't Forget to Be Awesome, also known as DFTBA. At the time they also ran events such as VidCon.
In 2012, it came out that a number of the "content creators" involved with one or other event (or both) had been involved in sexual abuse/inappropriate relationships with minors or both. I have a long post about this which I'll try to find and reblog, because interestingly, it seems like since making that post, some of the information has been removed from Wiki and other sources.
One of the most serious of these was Mike Lombardo, who was exchanging sexual pictures with underage fans, and ultimately spent 5 years in prison. Mike didn't just release music via DFTBA, he was friends, or at least friendly with the Green Brothers, especially Hank. A lot of the evidence for this has been erased from the internet, but some of it still exists- there's some stuff on this redit thread if you are willing to scroll through all the innocent until proven guilty stuff: https://www.reddit.com/r/nerdfighters/comments/puuf8/mike_lombardo_under_fbi_investigation_for_child/
Another is Tom Milson, who had a relationship with a teenager which began when she was 15, and he was 21. When the relationship ended, the girl stated that he was emotionally abusive and sexually manipulative. Again, Tom Milson wasn't just signed to the label, he was close to the vlog brothers, and Hank actually met the teen in question (see this link: https://www.dailydot.com/parsec/tom-milsom-underage-sex-scandal/). He says he wasn't aware they were in a relationship, but he was quite happy for a teenage girl to be hanging out "backstage" with adult men at an event he organised because she was "cool".
There are also other people associated with the label such as Alex Day, Ed Blant etc who were in abusive relationships with adult female fans at the time when some of this came out.
These aren't the only incidents, as I say I'll try and find the post I wrote about this a while back- but the point is that the Green brothers created a platform which allowed men to abuse (mostly younger, and in some cases underage) women and girls. They also ran events like VidCon where some of this abuse took place, it's very clear they had no real concept of duty of care, or any desire to protect young female fans at these events.
Now, people will argue/debate the whole thing- and I'm not saying the Green brothers 100% knew what was going on (although I sort of think they must have been turning a deliberate blind eye to these things) but as someone who teaches this age group in the UK, part of my duty is to keep them safe and keep an eye out for e.g. relationships that may be inappropriate or abusive so we can help and support the people involved.
I think, through their past actions, at best the Green brothers have shown themselves to be dangerously oblivious, and I also think it's very clear they HATE this being brought up, and then minimise it (about the time Paper Towns, or whatever it is came out a lot of this 100% disappeared from the internet too).
At the time, they paid lip service to teaching people about consent, but they are the last people who should be teaching anyone about anything, because as far as I'm aware they have NEVER accepted their own culpability about these things, and that they created an environment where this abuse was possible.
So yeah, I don't think they'd be very suited to being high school teachers, no matter how "cool" they might seem.
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strangefable · 2 years
🎶✨️ let’s spread some music! put 5 songs you listen to and publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your followers 🎶✨️
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
Take On Me - A-Ha
Heathens - Twenty One Pilots
Pipes - Tom Milsom
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fallouttboy · 3 months
3, 12, 17!
3: a song that reminds me of summer
miss missing you fall out boy! i have really happy summer memories attached to this song and my bff from then (that i still think of as my bff!! we still talk!!)
but also take a walk by passion pit :)
12: a song from my preteen years
for one everyone knows: dj got us falling in love usher.
for one that maybe 1 person knows: porphyrophobia by tom milsom
17: a song i would sing a duet for in karaoke
see. okay. because my initial reaction was don’t you want me and i would do it a la rachel and blaine glee. bc i would kill that.
but i also would love to do like, idk. if its emo karaoke then 20 dollar nosebleed (im patrick)
if it’s normal, then maybe ummm love shack because i’m gay. need you now because im from tennessee. leather and lace maybe?
ty!! this was fun :3
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discordkittenterumi · 4 months
no anon cause i'm not a coward
interesting! this is much more relaxed than i would have anticipated. lyrically it rings pretty true too i think. tysm!
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boygirlctommy · 6 months
16 and 20 for the music ask game 0:?
16:One of your favorite classical songs
hall of the mountain king 💪💪 i used to play the blockheads a Lot and this was my favorite song on the soundtrack lol
20:A song that has many meanings to you
a little irony by tom milsom :3
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thefigmented · 1 year
what are some songs ur listening to a lot lately?
oh man ok so. lots of Chonny Jash, perhaps unsurprisingly considering my last few art posts. Specifically his cover of Two Wuv and his original a devil's tricks. Against the Kitchen Floor by Will Wood is also rotating in my brain which. don't worry about it. oh and also Pipes by Tom Milsom and I'm Gonna Win by Rob Cantor!
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