#took it all like a champ. she shouldn't have had to but she did and i'm proud of her (tho saying i'm proud of myself feels weird
mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Sometimes you just have to think about tween you and cry it out
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
The Right Place in Time
Summary: What if Steve was in the woods with Chrissy and Eddie buying weed for his headache?
Chapter one
Chapter two
Once Steve went home and smoked a little weed, he felt a lot better, especially when the headache started to fade away, but he was still upset with Eddie. He started driving back to the school once the weed wore off, and when he pulled up, he waited until all of the members of Hellfire started entering the drama room. They arrived early before a whole lot of people even started showing up for the game. He narrowed his eyes when he saw Mike, Erica, and Dustin enter the drama room last. Steve climbed out of the car and started striding towards the drama room when he got assaulted by Robin.
"Oh, thank God, you're here early," Robin said. "Wait, why are you here early?"
"Eddie! He talked Mike and Dustin into replacing Lucas instead of supporting him. From what I just saw, they replaced him with Erica! His sister!" Steve said.
"Well, that's fucked up. Can't they just post pone?" Robin asked.
"They called what Lucas did joining the dark side! It's fucking basketball," Steve said.
"It sounds like they're acting exactly like how bullies treated them. That's not cool," Robin frowned. "Are you going to kick Eddie's ass?"
"I hope not," a voice said from behind Steve.
They turned to find Chrissy standing there. Steve smiled at her and then frowned. He hated having to tell her that he was going to have to cancel the date. She had been so excited.
"Chrissy - ,"
"It sounds like Eddie's being a total dick. We should fix that - shouldn't we?" Chrissy asked.
"I mean, yeah, but why? You barely know him," Steve said.
"I have a feeling about him," Chrissy said softly and took his hand. "I want this to happen."
"Yeah, okay, me too," Steve blushed. "It's just Lucas, Mike, and Dustin have always been friends. They're kids who I babysit, and I just feel protective over them. So, they come first."
"That's sweet, and I totally understand," Chrissy said smiling and dropped his hand. "Let's go!"
Steve smiled, watching her run ahead of them.
"You're going to tell me what that was about, buddy?" Robin asked.
"It's nothing," he blushed. "What did you need me for?"
"Oh! My lip gloss. I left it in your car. I'll be next to Vickie, remember?" Robin asked.
"You play the trumpet," Steve said with narrowed eyes.
"And?" Robin asked.
"Here," Steve said, putting his keys into her hand. "I'm going to go after Chrissy."
Steve hurried to catch up with Chrissy and found her waiting by the drama room door.
"I figured you'd want to do the storming in. They're your kids. I'm only the girl trying to date their mom," Chrissy grinned and slapped him on the back. "Go get them, champ."
Steve smiled briefly before glaring at the door seriously. He rolled his shoulders and stormed through the doors, slamming them open. He was relieved to hear a few startled screams. Steve walked into the room to find Eddie sitting on the throne. He snorted. Right. And he was the arrogant one? Eddie grinned at first until he noticed Steve’s pissed off look. Steve placed his hands on his hips.
"What the hell are you shitheads doing here? Why the hell are you not at the game supporting your best friend?" Steve asked.
"Because Eddie's been planning this for a while," Mike said. "Besides, it's not like Lucas is going to be playing."
"You don't know that. Tonight could be the night that they put him in," Steve said. "And I'm sorry, but I think I missed the part where Eddie's been your best friend since you were babies. Oh, wait, no, that's Lucas."
"Lucas knows how important D&D is to us," Mike scoffed.
"Really? Because it wasn't so important when it was Will wanting to play, and you spent all summer ignoring him. After everything Will went through, he gets snubbed by his friends?" Steve said. "Yeah, that's right. Jonathan told me."
"How is this any of your business?" A guy with really good hair said.
"Maybe because these shitheads mean a lot to me. Wait, I don't need to justify myself to you. Who even are you?" Steve asked.
"Big surprise, King Steve doesn't know someone below him," Good Hair scoffed.
"I'm sorry, but do you know everyone's name in the entire school?" Steve asked.
"Well, no," he frowned.
"So, why is it up to the preppy people to know them all?" He asked, and the man opened his mouth before closing it again.
"The man's got a point," a man with pretty eyes said. "Name's Jeff. That's Gareth. The other one over there is Frank."
"Under different circumstances, I would say it's nice to meet you, but . . .I'm kind of in the middle of yelling," Steve replied and Jeff nodded.
"Steve, it's just a basketball game," Dustin said.
"That's right. It's just a basketball game. It's neither good nor evil. A few jocks pissed on your game, and you decided to make the assumptions that all jocks are bad," Steve said and cast his eyes at Eddie. "Kind of like how people made assumptions about you. Well, right now, you have the ability to show them that nerds and jocks don't have to be enemies. You have the ability to post pone it. Lucas doesn't. Right now, he's scared out of his mind that he's going to lose his friends over the fact that he wanted to branch out and try something new. He wanted to be different, and you judged him for that the way that everyone judged you. He's a scared kid, Eddie, and he's trying to find his place in this world. You're in the position where you can make him feel like he can have both, and you're pushing him away. It's one night. One fucking night."
The entire room was silent, and Eddie, as well as the others, had the decency to look ashamed. He cleared his throat, his voice thick with emotion.
"Does this mean we're not going to be hanging out?" Eddie asked softly.
"Man, that's up to you," Steve said, looking at him sadly. "Do you hate me for being a jock?"
Eddie looked down at his lap. He looked so vulnerable in that moment that Steve wanted to comfort him, but he figured that might take away from what he just did. Dustin pushed his seat back, looking properly shamed.
"You're right, Steve. We should go to the game," Dustin said. "It's one night."
"Yeah," Mike said and stood up.
Erica sighed and rolled her eyes before following the other two out the door. She did look guilty, though. Steve followed them, smiling when he saw Chrissy waiting for them. She clearly heard the whole thing. He went to say something when he heard Eddie's voice.
"Well, gentlemen, it looks like we're going to the game after all," Eddie said.
Steve grinned and started walking off towards the gym, the kids walking ahead of them.
"I just want you to know that I thought that was the hottest thing I ever seen," Chrissy said as she put her arm through his.
"Yeah?" Steve asked.
"Yeah," she giggled.
"Chrissy, right?" Dustin asked.
"Yeah," she replied.
"Are you guys dating?" Dustin asked.
"I'm trying to date him," she said.
"Ooh, he's making you work for it, huh?" Dustin asked.
"Hey, shithead, until you properly make it up to Lucas, you don't get to tease us," Steve said and Chrissy giggled.
"You're such a good mom," she said.
"Stop calling me that," Steve blushed. Smiling.
"Why? When you have such good childbearing hips," Chrissy teased.
Erica snorted, and Steve gave her a look.
"What? She's funny. Just the facts," Erica said.
It was still pretty early when they walked into the gym. There were a few people sitting in the sands. The band has yet to even come in. Chrissy hugged Steve and parted ways with him. Steve guided the kids up the bleachers and made them sit near them, leaving a space open for Eddie. It was quiet for a while until he heard the sound of Dustin sniffling.
"I didn't mean to hurt Lucas, I just - " Dustin said.
"I know," Steve said softly.
"It's just that we think Eddie is so cool like you are that we got excited over the fact that he likes D&D, and it was just nice to have somewhere safe to go to," Dustin said.
"You think I'm on the same level of coolness as Eddie?" Steve asked.
"Well, yeah," Mike scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Well, okay, but you know, if you think someone is being asshole to your friend, you can tell them off even if they are also your friend," Steve said.
"Yeah, okay," Dustin said, wiping his eyes. "I'm sorry for disappointing you, Steve."
"Aww, buddy, come here," Steve said.
Steve and Dustin hugged tightly and quickly. Dustin was soon sitting next to Mike again. Steve looked at Mike questioningly.
"I'm not going to cry," Mike scoffed.
"You're being an asshole, Mike," Dustin quipped. "Cry, damn it."
He smiled when he saw Eddie walk into the gym. He looked sheepish, his hands in his pocket. It was very cute. Eddie nodded at Mike and Dustin, indicating that he wanted them to go down. They looked at Steve.
"Go," he said softly.
Mike, Dustin, and Erica walked down towards Eddie, who led them out of the gym. A moment later, Eddie came back with the kids and the rest of Hellfire in tow. The kids sat back down, leaving an open space for Eddie. He stood nervously by Steve, hands in his pockets while the rest of Hellfire sat in bleacher above them.
"Is this seat taken?" Eddie asked, pointing to the spot beside him.
"Yes," Steve replied.
"Oh," Eddie said softly.
"By you, idiot," he said and pulled him down into the seat.
"I had them apologize to Lucas, and then I apologized to Lucas. I mean, you were right. About everything. I was a goddamn bully. I would totally get it if you thought less of me and didn't want to go out with me," Eddie said.
"If anything, I think more of you. You owned up to your mistakes, you apologized. . . ," Steve said and leaned close to whisper to him. "That is so incredibly sexy of you."
"Sexy?! Me!" Eddie whispered and Steve nodded.
Steve moved closer until his lips were nearly touching Eddie's ear.
"If you hurt one of our kids ever again, I will take out my bat and beat you with it," he whispered.
"Hot," Eddie choked on his saliva and shook his head. "But yeah, I got the message."
Steve laughed and pulled back. He looked down at the court below, and his eyes landed on Chrissy, who was looking at him curiously. Steve grinned and gave her a thumbs up. Her smile was so wide that she was showing nearly all of her teeth. She blew him a kiss. Eddie's hand flew out in front of Steve’s face like he was catching the kiss and made a show of placing it on his own cheek. Chrissy giggled.
"Hey, that was my kiss, jackass," Steve scowled.
"Was it? Too bad," Eddie said.
Steve and Eddie talked until the gym started to fill up with people. The band members filled their seats, and then Tammy Thompson came out to sing. Steve whispered to Eddie about Tammy sounding like a Muppet and he giggled in agreement. Soon, the game began. Eddie struggled to catch up at first, but once Steve started using D&D terms to help him out, he quickly understood. Eddie watched eagerly when they put Lucas in, and when Lucas made the winning shot, he cheered louder than anyone. Eddie pulled Steve into a tight hug.
"Thank you for making sure that I didn't miss this," Eddie whispered in Steve's ear.
Chapter three
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yesyourstalker · 3 months
Neta: ok everything is set up. Just a couple interviews. Warabi!
Warabie: hmmmmmm
Neta: warabie
Warabie: hmmm what?
Neta: I need you to manage for a little until Mahi comes in. I forgot they had orientation today and they had no time to reschedule everyone. (Clap clap) [Signing] Seth, I know you have four clients scheduled today for piercing. Help warabie when you're able to.
Seth: cool
Warabie: hmmm My stomach still hurts from the tattoo and it's still healing.
Neta: *sigh* then sit down or lean across the counter. I don't know what you want me to do. You shouldn't have gotten that if you can't handle the pain yet.
Seth: I told you it wasn't good to do it all in one sitting, I could have scheduled you for another session. But I have to say you did take it like a champ
Neta: I have no time to argue with you I have interviews I have to get to. If someone asks for an interview to send them to the back of the office.........
___________________ interview one_______________
Neta: so what would be your greatest strength?
Naomi [inkling]: uhhhhh...ummm.... I ....I'm regsijtfh
Neta:....I'm sorry can you repeat that.....
Naomi: uh.....I'm.........................hm
Neta: take your time I'm in no rush.......... It says here on your resume that you're an artist you intern at inkpin publishing you worked on several mangas. That's pretty impressive want to tell me about that?
Naomi: uh....uhhhhh..........I'm sorry......[ Leaves]
Neta: oh.... wait! Uh...ok...*sigh* She left her phone. She'll be back maybe she calms down.. we can get somewhere.
_________________Interview two__________________
Neta: where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Vinny [betta fish] definitely not in prison again hahaha! Uhh ohh shit ummm.... Being serious in 5 years? Maybe a manager or an assistant manager of this store.
Neta: really? Ok.... You used to work in a kitchen
Vinny: it was more like a cafeteria but yeah I used to prepare the food I actually made the menus for the week. See I used to tell the corrections offic-uhhhh- I mean my head manager what they needed to order for the week so I can get my team to learn the recipes and to make them meals.
Neta: so you like cooking?
Vinny: not necessarily. I kind of got into it because I just wanted to belong and be a part of something and I didn't want to join a gang..so.....uh.....
Neta: uh huh
Vinny: I just really like that kind of busy work environment. It keeps me on my toes and keeps me preoccupied. I really work well in high stake environments and I like being involved with people who also enjoy that environment. I also really like music and I used to be in a punk band back in the day it was called D.I. DIE.... Kind of sounds like DIY like do it yourself-You get it.
Neta: That's interesting... What did you play?
Vinny: drums, I used to play drums. It was really good at it never played in a while. I hope Betty didn't sell my set after I got locked up
Neta: ok ........ All right. Here's the thing this interview was pretty decent..... Once the background check is complete. Expect a phone call.... Next week around Tuesday okay?
Vinny: really?
Neta: yep... We just need to do the background check and you're set
Vinny: ..... Right, my background check...uhhhhh about that
Neta: listen man... I don't judge. What you've done in the past I probably did worse. You came here, you applied for a job you passed the interview. It's very obvious that you want to turn over a new leaf. I'm willing to help you with that... Just expect the phone call and an email and will be....SET AHH
Neta: ah ha ok ok you can put me down now....hehe cod you're strong....
Vinny: I also took up weightlifting when I was inside.
_______________ interview three__________________
Neta:.................................... So.... What would you consider to be your greatest strengths
anemone:...ehhhh ...... I don't know...... My honesty I'm very honest person
Neta: ok ...... That's good.... Resume seems fine.... You said that you play guitar and you're in a band. Tell me about that
anemone: ugh..... I'm in a band and I play guitar That's it.
Neta:...................*sigh* shit he's one of those.......ok. in a group setting, how well do you work with-
anemone: okay let me just lay it straight to you. I'm available Monday through Thursday. I do not work Fridays. I'm available in the mid shift and closing shifts. I don't do mornings I never have and never will. You have my resume and my phone number you can call me on weekdays around 12 to 5 . After that I'm not picking up see Tuesday. Bye.
Neta:................................ .*sigh*........ We need more closers anyway.
__________________ interview four________________
Neta: what would you consider your biggest achievement
Fugue [puffer fish] My great is achievement? I would say I was one of the few to be picked to play at the scuba dome during the rainbow night symphony orchestra. I was one of the youngest only 15 at the time.
Neta: Yes That's very impressive. I actually read that in the paper you used to Seiche high of the arts. I'm trying to get my daughter into that school next year.
Fugue: yes that was me. Played the tuba It's a wonderful school. I'm sure she'd love it.
Neta: That's very impressive. So why do you want to work here?
Fugue: well I'm trying to save up to go to college I'm trying to get into Brackish University they have a really good music program.
Neta: Brackish!! get out of here! My fiance goes Brackish!
Fugue: oh I'm well aware, ikkan right? That's very impressive, he must have a good reputation. They don't really take back many people once they drop out. If it's too much to ask, what instrument did he play for his audition? I'm assuming it was a bass an upright one right?
Neta: you'd think that but he actually did play the bassoon. He's actually the only one in his marching band in high school to play the bassoon
Fugue: He must have been very skilled. You don't see that many bassoons in band.
Neta: yeah.. he's very talented and hard-working. Most of it was self-taught you know outside of school and everything
Fugue: yeah.... Are you self- taught?
Neta: yeah.. I taught myself... I used to watch music videos and I used to copy their- oh Man we're out of time. I'm sorry we trailed off. I didn't even get to finish the interview
Fugue: oh I'm sorry so do I reschedule or
Neta: nah... you have the job kid. You seem like a really good kid and you have a lot of head of you. I'll send you an email and call you Tuesday okay?
Fugue: thank you sir.
Neta: aw what fine young man. We need more kids like that in this world.
Neta: it seems to be everyone... I still need to do the baristas but I have to wait for AHhhhhhh.....uhhh Stefan, you're here..... Great.... You could have said something
Stefan [betta]: sorry.... I didn't mean to startle you.....so...... Let's talk I'm thrilled to be a part of this store expansion
Neta: right.... First, how are you doing? How's business?
Stefan: business is great. I finally have my coffee in Mako March. I never thought I'd seen my brand...................in a discount chain store...............umm
Neta: I mean hey! If it makes you feel better It's the most expensive one in there.
Stefan: well of course it is. It's the best quality coffee out there. It should be the most expensive........ Anyway, did you hire me a barista for the shop
Neta: yes.....well I do have a candidate for that store. They are my last interview. They should be here in........ Maybe 30 minutes ......
Stefan: um...
Neta:..........so............. How's your father?
Stefan: he passed finally
Neta: oh.... I'm sorry to hear that.
Stefan: don't be. Its what we all wanted.
Neta: Was it peaceful?
Stefan: it was. he went in his sleep.... We were all prepared for it to happen so we had everything ready.
Neta: yeah that's how my mom passed. My aunt told me she just closed her eyes, dozed off and just never woke up
Stefan: and that's all we can ask for, no pain no suffering just go, when you're ready, you're ready...... I buried him with his prize possession
Neta: let me guess a coffee machine-
Stefan: A stove top espresso and coffee maker
Neta: of course
Stefan: it was his first ever coffee maker and used to make My mother and I coffee with that every day till the day he died. He cherished it like it was a child, Unlike how he cherished me.
Neta: oh...ok that's uh
Toguni: excuse me. I'm here for the interview for the barista job
Stefan: he's early..... Very Punctual
Neta: Right you must be ehhhhhhhh.......... Toguni!! You're the one I sent the email to!
Stefan: hello you must be my apprentice
Toguni: oh uh...wow your...
Stefan: Stefan the reinventor of coffee. Yes I know. Nice to meet you. sit down please I insist make yourself come through right next to me.
Toguni: Yes sir
Neta: well thank you for showing up today the interview will be short and simple I just want to get to know you and you're just going to answer some questions-
Stefan: Tell me what's your relationship with coffee?
Neta: Stefan
Toguni: un-
Stefan: what is your favorite type of coffee?
Toguni: I love coffee
Stefan: what is your opinion on cold brew
Toguni: hu-
Stefan: if I give you three cups dark roast, medium roast and light roast, how fast could you tell them apart? And if abel can you tell me what brand of coffee I give you?
Toguni: iiiiiii
Neta: Stefan, you're making him nervous
Stefan: what is an Americano?. Huh what is that? That's a genuine question. What is an Americano like what is that? What does that even mean? Neta you know history? What is that?
Neta: the Americano is named after a location during the mammalian period it was the first to be destroyed during world war-
Stefan: I don't need to hear one of your history lectures!!!!
Neta: your the one who asked
Stefan: what is the difference between a cortado and a flat white
Toguni: oh! I can actually answer this-
Stefan: quiet! be quiet, shut your mouth and I've had enough.......................
Toguni: ..........
Stefan:........................ I like you.... You don't sound like you're from here. Where are you from?..... Don't answer that.... I like you. I really do
Tagami: * gasp* really so I'm hired
Stefan: no. Not yet. You need to make me a single cup of coffee. Your choice.
Neta: We have a coffee maker in the break room but it only uses K-Cups
Stefan: no, he's not making that type of coffee. That's what you call coffee is an insult and abomination and you need to be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting that we use that coffee machine!!... *Sigh*.... here's my house address. You shall show up to my house at 7:00 a.m. I have all the materials needed. You make me one cup of coffee and if I like it........ You're hired.
Toguni:.........uh.................yes sir you said 7?
Stefan: Great! Be there at 7:00. I'll see you then. I see a lot of potential in you. Good bye....
Toguni: ......... .. ......
Neta: I'm .....so sorry. He's a fucking weirdo I don't know why I agreed to work with him. Listen you don't have to do any of that if you don't want to... I can
Toguni: I can't believe I'm going to his house. I'm going to Stefan's you make him a cup of coffee. I thought this was just going to be like a crappy part-time job
Neta: hurtful
Toguni: I have to. I have to go home. I have to practice I have to .. Make coffee....bye thank you for the interview!
Neta:* inhale* * exhale*.......
anemone: that guy was a fucking weirdo
Neta: ...... yeah he is ....... Why are you still here?
anemone: I just wanted to see all the other freaks I have to work with....... And they're definitely freaks *huff*
Neta: well, you're going to have to tolerate them.... Hey, maybe after a couple days you might actually like some..... Maybe you can let go of this mean facade you have on and actually make friends.
anemone: I have friends
Neta: ehhhh I don't believe you ... Trust me this whole 'thing' that you have going on, that's how I wasted my teenage years. Trust me.
anemone: *humpf*
Neta: *sigh* I still have that Naomi girls phone wonder if she's-
Naomi: I'm back! I'm sorry I panicked....uhhhhh I uh i.........
anemone: heh...
Naomi [faces away. Eyes closed] .....*sigh* One of my greatest strengths. I like to show up early and on time I don't like being late. I know that I didn't show it today, but I am actually very reliable............ I don't really have a uh......uh...... Life..... outside of work so I am available whenever you need me. Just call me at any time and I will show up.
Neta: what did you choose this job?
Naomi: Truth is that.. My therapist wants me to go outside and interact with people... .... and suggest getting a part-time job...... to further improve my social skills....... I decided on rockshock because I like music. ........ and I like the alternative community and that it caters to.... People in the alternative community, though they look scary. They are actually very welcoming and patient and I feel like that would be a good environment to start my journey in to social interaction
Neta: well I must say you were right on that......... You forgot your cell phone on the table...... I'll call you next week for orientation okay?
Naomi: ok .....*huff* ok. ..... I'll be going. Thank you... he's so nice.
Neta: It's no problem.
anemone: I gave give her a week
Neta: shut up
anemone belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
And Toguni belongs to @conkreetmonkey
And neta belongs to...oh me he belongs to me nvm
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jihyocentric · 2 years
I see u want natzu. Me want natzu too
Mommy!Nayeon making Tzuyu cockwarm her strap for hours while she's working because Nayeon is just busy and Tzuyu had been trying to get her attention. Tzuyu getting her reward after for being so well behaved on her lap.
this fill will be different than the original ask because i had written this like. weeks ago. but i accidentally lost the draft and i don't want to write it again... hope you can still like this, anon!
one of the things nayeon loved the most about tzuyu, was how much she tried to keep it cool and play everything as if it's nothing.
"if it's too big i can get another toy." nayeon told her, her hands on the sides of tzuyu's waist. it was quite the sight. tzuyu was absolutely beautiful despite not really recognizing the proportion of her own beauty, but nayeon was always there to remind her.
the younger whimpered, lowering herself further. the stretch was surely overwhelming, and although she was wet enough for it to slide in with less effort, she wasn't used to that size. but tzuyu wouldn't give up now. nayeon left work aside only to take care of her, she wouldn't make her mommy disappointed, she couldn't bare to do it.
"i-it's okay." tzuyu breathed in. the toy was in to the brim, and tzuyu took small breaths with her head hidden in nayeon's shoulder.
"think you can move?" nayeon asked, one of her hands slipping between them to rub tzuyu's clit.
tzuyu was more of a giver, truly. she loved to please nayeon, she could spend hours doing that — she never got tired of feeling nayeon's thighs closing around her head and leaving her breathless, or the way nayeon moaned her name, giving her a sense of pride for being the only one capable to satisfy her mommy's needs.
but whenever nayeon took over, it was always exhilarating.
"yes, mommy." tzuyu said, moving her head away from nayeon's shoulder.
she used it as a support for her hands and tried moving her hips up and then down, testing the waters. tzuyu had never felt fuller. her lower tummy was slightly bulging, and nayeon noticed it, her lips curving into a smile when she realized just how big that toy was. tzuyu had used it on her before and nayeon always took it like a champ, but now that tzuyu was on the receiving end, the toy suddenly looked bigger than it really was.
noticing tzuyu's struggle, nayeon took control and held tzuyu's hips, guiding her down on the length, making it slide all the way back inside, and then lifted tzuyu's hips, repeating it that so that they found a pace. tzuyu whimpered, her cheeks getting warmer with each thrust, embarrassed for liking it so much. she shouldn't be, really, not when she was with nayeon, because all nayeon wanted was to make her good girl have a great time.
"you look so pretty taking me like that." nayeon told her, looking down to their joined hips to notice that tzuyu's slick was staining her pants. but she didn't care. "are you enjoying this as much as i am, baby?"
tzuyu moaned before she could answer. her walls were clinging hard around the strap, and she knew she'd come soon.
"l-love it, mommy," she whimpered.
nayeon let tzuyu ride her and gave attention to tzuyu's hardened nipples, twisting and pinching the cute buds in her fingers. tzuyu whined, moving a hand down to rub her own clit, and nayeon allowed her, knowing how desperate tzuyu might be — or else she wouldn't disturb nayeon while she was working just because she wanted to get fucked.
it was no surprise for nayeon when tzuyu came seconds later. she was quite amused with the way tzuyu always came fast, at least way faster than she did. tzuyu's head fell over nayeon's shoulder and she bit her lip hard, containing the loud moan. she humped nayeon's lap until she was done, wanting to keep feeling full, gushing around the length.
"there you go, baby." nayeon cooed, hugging tzuyu's waist and placing a kiss on top of her head. "feel better now?"
tzuyu nodded. "thank you, mommy."
"the pleasure is mine." nayeon brushed tzuyu's back. "but now i want you to get on your knees and clean this toy up, because i'll be using it on you as soon as i finish working."
tzuyu couldn't be happier to oblige.
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Looks like Wendee Lee has apologised in her latest tweet but the damage has already done.
//I really don't like talking about it, but I will just so everyone's clear on my stance with this.
//One thing I have always loved about voice acting is that unlike normal acting, race and ethnicity doesn't really matter. So long as your vocal cords and performance are good for the character themselves, you can play just about anyone. In fact, Wendee Lee has voiced a fair few dark-skinned characters, and Anairis Quinones has voiced a fair few white characters.
//I don't think it's something that is needed to debate, or to pick a fight with someone over. If it was, we should have cancelled Sean Schemmel, because surprisingly, he is not an alien from a warrior race of half-human, half-apes, who crashed onto earth and began living life there.
//The issue I take with it is that Wendee had no reason to be such an asshole. The fault lies with the talent agencies decision to recast Yoruichi. I don't think she herself did anything wrong in that scenario before she decided to be a jerk about everything. This isn't the first time she's been like this either, so I'm not really surprised.
//I try not to follow voice actors unless I KNOW they're nice people. Fortunately, with a few notable exceptions, this seems to largely be the case. Most VO's I've seen/met are great people who just want to have fun with their lives and their jobs. In fact, I think this is a staple of voice acting as a career. If you're not having fun, it's hard to get into a role.
//But here's what I think we should do. We shouldn't focus on Wendee's actions, we should focus on Anairis'. Despite being the victim of the problem. She took it like a champ and I respect her for that, because I know I couldn't do that.
//Also, as a side note, I jokingly considered what might happen if Danganronpa got a reboot, and got the Persona 3 ReLoad treatment of the main cast being recast by different voice actors, and considered Anairis Quinones as Akane or Miu.
//I think it would be hilarious to hear Anairis Quinones of all people swear up a storm and make chronic sexual innuendos constantly, but I also REALLY think she could do it, lmao!
//Also, here's a fun fact that this discussion has just reminded me of: Anairis IS the VO of Chikumo Konishi in Danganronpa Kill/Cure. In fact, that's where I first heard about her.
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babykentthegent · 8 months
High-Five Months Old
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We're rapidly approaching Kent's first half year of life as he continues to grow faster than my morning race to the espresso machine. This last month has included a couple of firsts for little Kent, as his personality continues to blossom. He's truly one of the happiest little babies I've ever known, and that fact has yet to waiver as time marches on.
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Kent had his 4-month check up in September where he got a whole cocktail of vaccines, and handled it like a champ. We have a great pediatrician which certainly makes things much easier. She advised that we wait to start feeding Kent solids until ~5 1/2 months. Hard to believe we're now only weeks away from this! When you become a new parent, you get a lot of unsolicited advice from people, so our mantra continues to be "we're just following what his doctor says". It's hard to argue with that.
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Rob is now less than two weeks away from going back to work. We're a bit nervous since this means we'll a) be relying on others to care for him during the day and b) have to adjust to yet another major routine change. It's been so nice having them both home, especially since I work from home. Kent will be going to a nanny 3x per week and grandma/grandpa's house 2x per week. It's going to be so quiet here when this does finally happen. This'll be a big step for all of us!
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October is one of my favorite months, for several reasons. It's my birthday, for one, but also because of all the fun Fall festivities. We took Kent to his very first pumpkin patch! I think he was more intrigued with the tractor than the pumpkins, but that's neither here nor there. We had fun as a family picking out the perfect pumpkins and the weather couldn't have been any better - a sunny, crisp, Fall day!
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We had planned a trip down to my hometown to visit family and decided to make a stop at one of my favorite places - the cider mill. We got to drink fresh apple cider (blackberry apple cider to be exact), ate a fresh apple fritter, and got to show Kent several farm animals including goats, sheep, chickens, guinea pigs, and peacocks. He was extremely interested in the animals, which in turn brought me so much joy. Taking him on adventures, no matter how big or small, is by far one of our favorite things in the world.
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While we were on our trip, Kent rolled over for the first time! I started crying, which in hindsight is hilarious. Never did I imagine myself sobbing over something like a baby rolling over, but I was just so grateful to be there to witness one of his firsts. It's been a big worry of mine since going back to work; that I'd miss out on all of his firsts. So this was an absolutely magical birthday gift he gave me.
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Visiting with family was really nice. Kent got to see his grandpa, his great-grandma (GG), and his aunt and uncle. We even stopped to see his great aunt and uncle (not pictured) so we certainly got our fill of family time. It was such a nice way to spend my birthday and Kent did so good going along for the ride.
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An additional bonus to our trip was visiting one of my dearest friends for her baby shower. Kent was the only boy at the party and boy was he popular! His face says it all...he likes the ladies! All the gals were passing him around the room and he had zero complaints. He never ceases to amaze me. A few days after our trip, Kent had another first and sadly not one we looked forward to. He got sick! Considering all the people we saw, I shouldn't be terribly surprised. I suppose on one hand, it's nice knowing his immune system is kicking into gear and his white blood cells are learning how to battle infections. We knew this day would come eventually and it's been tough to say the least. Seeing him sick is so heartbreaking, but we are managing the best we can and hoping to kick it soon. I type this as I take a sip of Theraflu. Yup - mama got it, too. All things considered, we have no regrets. It was bound to happen eventually.
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We are about one week away from our final social worker visit and about one month away from the adoption being finalized. We felt like this day would never come and hope to have more to report in our next month's blog. Kent is by far our biggest joy in life. Being a parent is exhausting, and certainly not all rainbows and unicorns. All that to say, we wouldn't change it for the world! Our son is loved and has such a beautiful life ahead. We can't wait to see what kind of person he grows up to be. I'm betting he'll still be full of smiles 20 years from now and that he'll be a kind, loving, empathetic human. Stay tuned for next month's blog where we'll share our Halloween costumes, some more firsts, and hopefully more news on his adoption finalization. We're enjoying the parenthood ride so far, no matter how bumpy it gets. Happy October and thanks for reading!
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plaindangan · 1 year
Ok ok let’s talk real here.
It’s the first day of this new school year! Yay! Makoto, hajime and Shuichi can finally see their respective girlfriends after a summer away~!
However what none expected was how kyoko would develop a surprisingly muscular but also extremely thicc leged and fat ass.
Chiaki ? She turned bimbo size, not even talking about how tall she got~? And those mega bazoongas?!
As for kaede ? Thicc, mega boob, mega fat ass, muscular, tall.. and also added slutiness and.. a tan?! Yeah why not. Look Kaede is my fav so she gets every sexy point.
Oh and Shuichi also developed a very fat ass.
Shenanigans ensue.
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read
"You seem pre-occupied..."
"Wh-what!? M-m-me? Th-that's totally not true!~"
At least...that's what Makoto tried to tell himself. In truth, it was incredibly hard for him not to look at Kyoko - or more accurately - her backside. It was blatantly obvious Kyoko was working on her hips for the summer. She was already pretty much the reigning champ for her class, having a natural bubble butt that would put many to shame...but now?
Even as Makoto walked behind her, his eyes could resist those cheeks for long. Not only had Kyoko had gotten them quite toned, they had took an increase in size. Becoming so fat that the purple shorts the detective had decided to wear barely even covered up an inch of the new meaty rump. That's not even mentioning just how plump and toned her thighs were. If she were to put Makoto's head between them she'd have another body on her hands...and if that were to be the case, Makoto sure wouldn't have minded!~
Makoto was such a bad liar like always!~ She'll have to punish him...maybe by pinning him down with her large ass? A small smirk appeared on Kyoko's face, those new glutes of her's clapping louder than ever as she marched both back to his dorm. How lucky!~
When Hajime last saw Chiaki she was shorter than him, yet brimming with that cool, charming geeky allure she always had...
So...when the heck did this growth spurt kick in!? Standing twice as tall he originally was, Chiaki was towearing over him pretty easily. And she didn't even look fazed!?
"Aaaaaaaaah, hn? Hey, hey...Hajime...good morning. Hope you're doing okay..." With a another yawn, the gamer outstretched her arms and embraced her boyfriend...which kind of lead into the next issue. Basically, Chiaki had pretty much mega milkers for boobs now!~
Stupidly large, it was a miracle Chiaki could even stand up straight, let alone walk right with them. Her own dress shirt was hanging on by a literal button and it was clear from the gaps that Chiaki wasn't even wearing a bra. That alone had Hajime's ahoge stand straight on end and he imagined the chaos that button snapping off would bring.
But, that fantasy had utterly paled when was embraced!~ Unbeknownst to Chiaki, her new stature had effectively had Hajime's buried face deep in her new enlarged pillows. So soft...so plush!~ Combine that with the slow rocking Chiaki was doing and Hajime was feeling a strange blend:
Of absolute, soul satisfying comfort...and the feeling of soul-wrenching willpower doing his utmost not to ensure a certain 'part' of him wasn't poking his lover!~
At least, not yet!~
"Heeey, like that I'm back!~ Me, Mel and Mom went to Hawaii for a bit!~ Don't you think I look amazing!~"
Kaede was never one for subtlety concerning her feelings for Shuichi. After all, why play 50 questions when she can tell him how she feels and get inside those cute little pants of his!~ Especially in the case of showing off.
Thanks to her trip, Kaede came back with a rather impressive tan! Something she proudly showed off in her current outfit: pink shorts (displaying her extra plump booty and thighs) and white shirt that exposed much of her tight stomach and failed to cover up much of her gigantic tits!~ Oh, can't forget the sun hat of course!~ A pink one was settled right on the blonde's head, adding to the 'tourist' image she had approached Shuichi in!~
"Did you miss me, sweetie? Because I missed you!~" Kaede said, glomping the emo boy with her soft, plump, mass. Taking pride as she heard him sputter ever so cutely. With a mischievous smile, her hands dove for one of the things she missed the most - that detective booty!~ "I especially missed this bubble butt of yours!~ Did it get bigger?~" As her nimble fingers dug into the soft fleshy mounds of Shuichi, she heard the wonderful moans emit from him. A sound that she longed to hear more of!~
Yes, for all three couples some much needed quality time was in order...long, long, looooooooong quality time!~
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Future Gohan Survives AU Part 3! The Waiting Game
20 minutes after Trunks left to go to the past, Gohan woke up. Again. Gohan looked like he was pleased with himself. Bulma was at his bed with a bowl of meat soup in hand. Gohan looked Bulma in the eye
"Trunks left to fight Frieza, didn't he?"
"Good. I have complete faith in him."
"Are you mad at me?"
Gohan fell silent to think about what Bulma was mad about. Then, he hit himself in the head on purpose because he realized that Bulma was obviously pissed because he literally woke up to fight her son just to pass out
"Look, Bulma, I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have fought Trunks. What I did was moronic and when Trunks gets back from the past I'm going to apologize to him. I'm sorry. Really I am. I'm an idiot-"
Bulma finally snapped
"Oh my God will you shut up?!? You're not an idiot! Odds are, you're one of the wisest people I know! I get that you're angry you missed out on Trunks' training, I get that you're sad because you think you failed Trunks, I get it! But whatever funk you're under, I need you to work through it before Trunks gets back! He's going to be the future! Let's try to not be like your father and leave the future in some less traumatized hands!"
Gohan was speechless. He knew that he was off, but he didn't expect to be told that in such a straightforward manner. He was completely aghast. He figured that he should might as well do what Bulma says. Plus, he's absolutely starving and Bulma's the only one with hot stew
"Yeah. You're right. Thanks for that."
Bulma calmed down. She had gotten that visibly overwhelmed to prove a point. But, when she snapped at him, she realized something.
Gohan's only 23.
She realized that Gohan's really just a kid. When she was Gohan's age, his father was fighting Piccolo Jr. Sure, that was stressful, but that's nothing compared to everything Gohan's gone through. Bulma comes to a conclusion, that she's going to be a mother of two children. Just one of them is going to be a lot more stubborn and have a lot more of a savior complex than the other.
"Yeah, dummy. I'm happy to help. Now eat this soup I made for you. You haven't eaten real food in literal years. Do you need me to feed you?"
Gohan shakes his head
"No thanks, Bulma. I'm ambidextrous, so I didn't lose my dominant hand. But I appreciate the help!"
"Alright, kiddo. I'm gonna go, call me if you need me!"
Bulma exits the room
"Hey Gohan?"
"Yeah Bulma?"
"I love you, kiddo"
Gohan took a pause. Nobody told him that in years. He shed a single tear. He'd missed being validated. He'd missed his mom. Gohan figures that he definitely needs to stop by to visit once Bulma will let him out.
"I love you too, Bulma"
Bulma shut off the lights before leaving
"Goodnight, kiddo. Now go get some rest. You need it"
Over the next few months, Gohan began to train. In both physical and mental. Gohan decided to finally properly learn a one armed technique: The Makankōsappō. Gohan had tried his best to visualize how Piccolo used the move. Luckily, he had a couple of recordings to figure how out how Piccolo used his stance. So, naturally, he copied that. He took as many notes as he possibly could. Gohan wished that he listened to Mr. Piccolo more when he was describing how to the use Makankōsappō.
After a month and a half of trying and failing and taking notes, all Gohan could manage to do is just shoot his Kamehameha through his fingers. Gohan punched a tree and it snapped in half
Gohan felt a familiar hand place itself on his shoulder
"It's because you're not focusing your energy into your hand, runt."
It was Mr. Piccolo. Gohan didn't know how that's possible, and he didn't care. He began to bawl tears of joy and hugged Piccolo. He then fell through Piccolo's body and prompty ate the curb like a total champ. Piccolo chuckled to himself, wiping away a tear that he would vehemently deny if asked about it.
"Sorry, runt. I'm just a voice and a vision. I figured that the least I can do is bother King Kai into playing a free game of telephone at least once. Being on King Kai's planet with your father and Vegeta has basically been my equivalent to Hell anyways."
Gohan then heard the piercing voice of King Kai
Piccolo chuckled again
"Okay, lemme teach you this real quick before King Kai decides to kick me off his planet. He's already done it to Yamcha and I've got a feeling I might be next"
And so, Piccolo and Gohan began to train. Piccolo taught Gohan how to use his signature move, and for a few hours, everything felt perfect. Just a master and his student, training. It reminded him of the old days, when he was training with Piccolo for the Saiyans. Only, this time things were different.
Gohan and Piccolo were equals here
After four straight hours of training, Gohan finally did it. He finally used the Makankōsappō. Flawlessly, too. Piccolo gave his usual 'nice job, runt' and King Kai told him that he had five more minutes due to the fact that he had to feed Bubbles soon. Piccolo took the form of a vision once more and looked at Gohan straight in the eye
"Look, kid. I know I haven't been all that present, and I'm sorry. But before I go, I just wanted to let you know that I'm so proud of you. I love you more than you could ever know. And you're going to be a great teacher. I believe in you wholeheartedly. Continue training Vegeta's brat to your fullest extent. He may not say it, but I know that Vegeta's proud of his son. And I know that your father is proud of you. Next time you get the chance, try and talk to him. He'd love to talk to you again,"
Piccolo began to tear up
"I love you, my student. My family. My friend. I hope to see you again after you send those Androids packing down to Hell. I believe in you!"
Gohan felt a flurry of emotions. He felt the happiest he'd ever been. He felt odd that he wanted to talk to his father again. He'd hated Goku ever since he died. Maybe he's finally learning to move past his trauma like Bulma had told him to. But, most of all. Gohan finally knew that fate and the gods were on Trunks and his side.
Gohan finally had hope.
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maki-my-beloved · 3 years
Okay so I was thinking about Mikey's dream for Emma and Draken and came up with whatever this is. It started as an idea for a fic I'm pretty sure I'm never going to write. I'm posting this to see if I can convince someone of writing some Drakemma I guess.
Headcanons of what could have been in an alternate universe where everything is fine , no one dies and Draken and Emma get married and have a son named Shinichiro.
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Mikey is such a great uncle. He takes care of the baby almost every day. Takes him to the park, plays with him, buys him a gigantic amount of unnecessary stuff.
Everyone he knows has seen at the very least one pic of shinichiro. He has him as his phone background. He keeps a photo in his wallet. His phone is almost out of memory bc he has so many pics.
He is used to it now, but the first time he held him he was so scared he was going to drop him or squeeze him too hard.
Mikey and the baby usually nap together.
Unlike his parents, he does not care if he is spoiling his nephew
"Look at his little face, Ken-chin! How can you say no to that?"
Draken sighs
Izana is currently living in the Philippines with Kakucho. He sends tons of stuff for his nephew. More than he should.
He also comes to visit as much as he can. He and Mikey fight over who is the best uncle.
Takemichi and Hina babysit him a lot. Takemichi is really awkward with him but also incredibly cute. He does puppet shows for him.
Hina is the godmother of the child.
Hakkai and Mitsuya are third in the babysitting line (they would be second if not for hina)
They take care of him every Wednesday (they live together)
For his 2nd birthday, Mitsuya makes him a mini Toman uniform. It's the cutest thing ever.
Baji is a menace around the child, he likes to pick him up and run (Shinichiro really likes it). He also lets him play with anything he wants (His parents don't like to leave them alone together because they once found their baby playing with motorcycle parts)
Chifuyu is fond but exasperated by their antics. He is usually the one that babysits them when they want to hang out.
Pah and Peh sometimes forget they shouldn't yell when the baby is around. They always apologize profusely when he cries (they fight over whose fault it is tho so eventually they yell again)
Sanzu lives with Mikey. He doesn't like children very much
Inupi doesn't usually babysit Shinichiro. He sees him a lot tho. Emma usually comes to have luch with Draken and brings him along.
The first time he was ever in charge of the baby, it was because Mikey was late to pick him up and Emma had to leave to do something. Her idea was to drop him off at the shop so Mikey could go there. Draken had just left to pick something up. And suddenly Inui was in charge of a child he didn't know how to take care of. (After the initial panic worn down, he did a great job. Draken was back 15 minutes later to the sight of his son sitting on one of the motorcycles, Inupi holding him with one hand, the other was holding his phone to take a picture)
Draken is not a big fan of kazutora so he usually doesn't see the kid. Once, when Shinichiro is around three, Draken and Emma let him have a sleepover at Baji and Chifuyu's place. Baji picked him up but something came up so he left Shinichiro at the pet shop with Chifuyu. Kazutora, obviously, was also there. It was the first time he had seen him. Chifuyu and Baji usually told him about the kid of course, but they had never met. He was really nervous. It ended up being fine tho. He is usually good with kids and Shinichiro seemed to like to pet the animals so he just kept him company. (Chifuyu took a pic of kazutora siting on the floor with the three year old on his lap, surrounded by six big cats. Some were lounging on the floor. One was on Kazutora's shoulder. Shinchiro was looking at it laughing.)
Once, when Emma was getting everything ready for the house party they were hosting for their friends, she saw Draken and Shinichiro playing. Apparently someone had been telling Shinichiro about the Toman days because lately he wanted to be a gang leader. He was standing on the couch, Draken's old Toman jacket on (it looked huge on him), a small army of toys and plushies was on the ground in front of him. Draken stood to the side, intently listening to his leader's speech. She took a sneaky pic and decided to join. She was appointed Captain of the first division, in chage of a shark plushie and Shin's favorite stuffed bunny.
They were still playing when everyone arrived. They ended up ordering something to eat so they could all join in.
Bonus: this short scene I wrote
Ken Ryuguji woke up to the sound of a baby crying.
"Hey, Ken can you...?" Emma started to ask.
He sighed.
"Got it" He kissed her forehead, got up and went to the room next to theirs.
"Hey Shin, what happened champ? You hungry?" He said as he picked up his son.
Being waken several times every night was not among Draken's favorite things. Some nights were worse than others. Sometimes Shinichiro refused to sleep and made sure no one else could, either. He was getting used to it after 7 months of it, still didn't love it though.
Luckily, it seemed tonight was one of the good nights. After feeding Shinichiro, Draken held him against his chest and started gently rocking him.
It didn't take long for his baby to fall asleep. It usually didn't. Now came the tricky part.
He gently, slowly tried to put him in his crib. Shinichiro immediately started protesting. Draken sighed. They were probably spoiling him a little by letting him sleep with them on nights like this, but he was too tired to care.
He quickly picked him up again and the baby calmed instantly. He made his way back to his bedroom. Emma started a little when she heard soft steps heading towards the bed. She turned and opened her arms. Draken put Shinichiro in the middle of the bed and got inside the covers.
It took almost nothing for them to get settled, both parents hugging the child in the middle, Drakens hand in Emma's hip, her hand in his hair
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marvelous-imagines · 4 years
Eli "hawk" moskowitz x reader
Request: ok! if you get too busy or don’t like the idea you don’t have to do it...but would it be possible for you to do a Miguel or Hawk imagine where the reader and him (either boy is either) get into a fight and they accidentally hit the reader cause of ✨karate✨and then they have to apologize and stuff and maybe it’s like...fluffy idk...if you don’t want to do it that’s fine! No pressure! <3
Warnings: language. Angst. And fluff at the end because I'm all soft for eli🥺
Tag: @klt123456
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You stormed into your boyfriends bedroom slamming the door, face flushed with anger while you pace the room. Eli watched you with a cold hard stare, arms crossed as he huffs out a un-amused chuckle.
"shouldn't I be the one pissed? Considering you're the one who was hanging around that jerk!?" hawk growls, causing you to scoff and shake your head. "you was flirting with that - that asshole! All night!" he yells, walking closer to you.
You only roll your eyes and glare at him. Thankful his mother wasn't home to hear his loud yelling, "I wasn't flirting with him! I was hardly even talking to the guy!" you retort, voice raised as you stare at him, watching his anger grow. "and what words I did say to was about me and you Eli!" you tell the truth, for you told the random guy about eli and your relationship.
But the man who your boyfriend claimed you to be flirting with was insistent with his flirting toward you, one of the reasons you waved Eli over in the first place. But he was a stubborn hard headed hot head after he joined that karate class he always tells you about.
"then why the hell did he have his hands all over you? Why did you let him do that!?" eli yells stalking closer to you, his eye's alight with anger, rage rolling off him in burning waves. You actually felt a little intimidated by him and let your anger soften a little, trying to calm down.
"I didn't. That's what you're not understanding!" you spoke through gritted teeth. The man just slung a arm over your shoulder and started getting a little too friendly for your liking. Why you waved your boyfriend over.
"what you're not understanding is that you shouldn't have even talked to the asshole in the first place!" he exclaimed, clearly getting even angrier. You sigh deeply and shake your head.
"I'm going home until you calm down..." you say calmy, heading for the door until he graps your wrist and spins you around, hard blue eye's glaring down at you.
"you're not leaving until this is settled!" you huff out a frustrated breath, fed up with his attitude.
"there's nothing to settle Eli, not until you stop being a childish asshole" you said, venom dripping from your voice as you angrily pry his fingers from your wrist, in a attempt to leave. But when you done so he done some sort of move making you flip and land on his floor hard on your back, the wind knocked from your lungs. You stare up at your boyfriend with a frightened, betrayed look. This was not your Eli... Eli would never do something like this to you, at least you thought.
When you met his gaze, his blue eye's was wide with a horrified expression. He was quick to crouch down beside you, reaching for you. But you backed away, standing up and running out fthe door. You heard Eli yelling for you, pleading for you to talk... But you left his house. Tears swelling in your eye's.
You wasn't hurt, you pissed he'd do that, you was pissed at cobra Kai for corrupting your sweet shy Eli into an ignorant asshole who thought karate was the key to fixing everything. Like tonight at that stupid party he dragged you to, if your shy sweet Eli saw a man flirting with you, he'd take you home and calmy tell you what he was feeling, taking care of the situation calmy, he'd see you push the jerk away and cling to his side as you reassure him he was the only man for you.... But the new Eli... Hawk, he saw everything different, he saw the man wrap a arm around you and assumed you was madly in love with the stranger, he saw the chance to use his flashy new fighting skills and took it. Showing off his new self. You hated it.
A solid week went by with you ignoring Eli, not answering his calls or texts, distancing yourself from him at school or anywhere you saw him actually. You even had to ignore poor Miguel because he tried getting you to talk to Eli. But you didn't want to, not after what he done.
That's how you ended up walking home alone from school, bag slung over your shoulder as you kept your eyes glued to the sidewalk. But the sound of approaching footsteps caught your attention, you look behind you to see aisha. She walks beside you steadily. You sigh and already know what she's hear for....
"look, I have no idea what happened between you and hawk... But maybe you should try talking to him? He's really upset, he's even missing karate class" you look over at her as you stopped walking. That was a bit of shock, Eli skipping lessons like that.
"he's not been showing up for his lessons?" you ask, a curious brow lifted at her.
She nods, "he hasn't showed up for a week now, even sensei Lawrence is concerned about him, maybe you should call hawk, try working things out?" aisha told you. But you wasn't gonna forgive Eli that easily, just because he was skipping karate doesn't mean you'd forgotten what he done to you.
"maybe sensei Lawrence should give him a call, because I'm not letting Eli forget his mistake that easily" you grumbled, aisha sighs and follows you to your house.
"what did he even do? It can't be that bad!?" she said a little loudly as you got ahead of her. You stopped walking again, nearly home as you grip your backpack strap hard.
"he freaking body slammed me aisha! It's pretty bad" you state with frustration. Aisha's eyes widen as she catches up with you.
"why the hell did he do that?" she asks, starting to side with you on this one. You opened your mouth to answer her but no noise came out, you stared at your porch steps at where the familier man sat, his head resting in his hands as he bounced his knee, his anxiety getting the best of him.
You groan and March over to him, trying to ignore him as you head for the steps, but he stood up fastly and looks at you with big pleading eye's, his expression one of pain and regret. You felt your heart ache for him, for you remember this look on him all to well, the nights you spent holding him in your arms as kids words from school about the scar on his lip got to him...
You push those thoughts away and try to pass him, but he stops you gently, his shaky hand softly grasping your hand. You yank your hand from his grasp causing his heart to break right there, his eye's showing the defeated pained look that action caused.
"get out of my way hawk... Go home or whatever" you grumbled quietly while staring at him with a look over anger.
He sighs, a little frown on his face. He knew he messed up big time when you called him hawk, something you never called him, ever. "I'm sorry y/n, I'm so sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to do that... It was a reflex -
"don't go making excuses for practically body slamming me hawk, now move and get lost" you try and make him leave by putting up a angery facade. But it obviously wasn't working.
"please y/n! I'm sorry, what I did was stupid, how I was acting that night was stupid and nothing will ever make up for what I did, I know that but..." he sighs, looking down as his lip trembles. Pain embracing your heart at the sight, you hated seeing Eli cry...
"I can't leave without you y/n, I know that sounds cliché... But it's true, I didn't realize how enjoyable life was when you were in it... But when you left? When you're gone... It's miserable, a living hell because I can't stand not hearing you're voice or seeing you're face - I miss you y/n, so fucking much it's killing me not being near you... Please just give me a another chance " he spoke with tears slowly falling from his blue eye's. This was Eli, not hawk the big badass karate champ, but sweet, sympathetic, vulnerable Eli moskowitz. "please" he muttered.
You stare at him, eye's roaming his face. You look into his blue eye's, the eye's you've gazed in for nearly 3 years. You look over his adorable nose you've made a habit of kissing whenever he'd get stressed or frustrated over anything the action always melting his heart. Then lastly you look over the scar on his lip, the scar he hated with a passion. You've placed many kisses on that scar, telling him it wasn't seen as a flaw in your eye's, but a beauty mark, something that made him characteristic. All of that took place in the years before he went to Cobra Kai. The years you both was madly in love...
"eli... I'll never forget what happened that night, you acted like a total asshole, you overreacted over something stupid because you let anger and jealousy get the best of you, and you hurt me. Not only emotionally, but physically and that's something I'll never forget" you said with a through growing frustration. Eli's eye's already showing the way his heart was shattering at what he thought was you breaking up with him.
"but... That doesn't mean I'm just going to leave you, sure I may be angry but I'll never stop loving you Eli....but if you ever pull a stunt like that one more time... I won't be as forgiving." you say while giving him a serious look.
Hope fulls his eye's while he gives you a ghost of a smile. "it will never happen again, I swear y/n I'll never let no one hurt you, not even myself" he muttered. You sigh and walk closer to him. Delicately cupping his cheeks as you look up into his eyes, you then lean in and kiss his nose. His eyes fluttering closed as he let's a breath escape his lips.
"I love you Eli, I'll always love you and only you" you murmur as a smile tugs at your lips. His eye's open again as he smiles down at you.
"I'll always love you too babe, I'm sorry for being such an asshole...." he looks down as his smile turns to a frown. You make him look up at you by tilting his head up.
"let's put it behind us Eli, there's no point on dwelling in the past when there's a future ahead of us" you say, knowing guilt was eating away at him for what he done. And sure, you was still bothered by what he done... You knew he had alcohol in his system and wasn't thinking straight. And like he said, you knew it was a reflex.... Why hold one mistake on the man?
"okay..." he muttered with a smile, you smiled back and kissed the scar on his lip. He melts in your touch, while you both just stood there.
And as months went by, Eli stayed True to his word. He didn't let anyone hurt you, not even himself. He showed others hawk when you wasn't around, but when you was by his side. He was the shy sweet Eli you had fallen in love with.
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delusional-mishaps · 3 years
General headcanons for the boys? Like what are they like in general?-😗🔪 anon
under the cut :)
sorry this took me so long my brain is empty and ive never wrote my hcs down before so i had to try to remember them 💀
also dont mind the spelling errors you may find i wrote most of these half awake
Arbiter (Undertale Sans):
he really likes outdated memes. the older they are, the funnier.
he doesn't really remember resets, he depends mostly on Frisk to either fill him in on why they did it, or cues that they have already been in this situation before. he's aware that something isn't right and that deja vu shouldn't be lasting for this long...
he also gets dreams that are basically memories of past resets. good or bad memories, they always leave him feeling awful. it's either a timeline he could have had, or a timeline where he lost everything
gaster is their father because i love dadster but the reason i'm mentioning this is because he sort of forced arbiter to learn about astrophysics so he could have someone he could rely on no matter what. when no one else would believe in his skills to get them to the surface, he knew his own son wouldn't turn on him
so, yes, that implies the machine in the basement lab was supposed to get then to the surface. after gaster fell into the core (with arbiter watching), arbiter took over. he learned everything he knew from gaster, but he didnt learn everything so it wasn't enough knowledge to continue past a certain point.
he befriended grillby because grillby and gaster used to be friends and gaster would take arbiter to the bar for breaks between working on the machine. grillby later became a reminder of gaster, and it comforted him slightly
when he and champ were children, gaster was often too busy being the royal scientist so he raised champ basically on his own. it made him realise how hard it is to raise a kid and he would never want to do it again.
he's perfectly fine without his own children, but he'd be more than happy to be the cool uncle to both frisk and, if champ ever wanted children, them too
him and toriel are besties 😫😫 entirely platonic because i said so 😐 admittedly, he did used to have a crush on her while the two traded jokes through the door but when he learned she was the queen and was much older than him, the crush sort of died
he prefers baths over showers because one time he fell asleep in the shower and fell over and knocked down every single bottle. he's scared he'll fall again so at least if he falls asleep in the bath, all he has to worry about is waking up in cold water
Champion (Undertale Papyrus):
he takes his job as monster mascot super seriously, and he's become quite famous!
he wants to see the best in everyone, he wants to believe everyone is capable of kindness
he's not as naïve as he appears, he knows so much more than he lets on
he really likes those street performers, specifically the magicians. it's so cool to watch humans doing card tricks! he wants to learn
REMEMBER HOW HE LITERALLY FLIES OVER YOUR HEAD AFTER HIS FIGHT IN THE GAME? it's gravity magic, but he actually does it a lot its SO FUNNY
he'll just start floating over someone if they're in his way but he doesn't want to bother them I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
controversial take but he can also shortcut ��🤨 he just doesn't much because running builds his muscles even if he doesnt have any...
he is the funniest person you will ever meet, and most of it is unintentional too. he's just such a silly lil guy
we all know arbiter thinks he is the coolest, but champion thinks arbiter is the coolest. only the coolest monster alive could raise the great champion!
i used to have a headcanon that, when he got to the surface and the royal guard pretty much disbanded, he would pursue a job as a physiotherapist. i think this headcanon mostly started as a self indulgent "what if papyrus was my physiotherapist" for when i needed physio after i dislocated my knee for the second time, but i think it would honestly fit him! he'd get to help people heal, all while encouraging them to stay fit!
Phobos (Underfell Sans):
he doesn't like puns because he's not clever enough to make them. he can tell a mean knock knock joke, though
he's such a big car guy, he has little models of them and everything. his goal is to restore at least one old car in his life, he doesn't ever care what kind
he's really reclusive. not for any reason, he just prefers to be alone
YOU KNOW SUSIE FROM DELTARUNE? he laughs EXACTLY like her, head throw back, one hand over his eyes and the other on his stomach
he hates his brother's cat with a PASSION. she's always in his room and getting her fur all over everything
it isn't just doomfanger he doesn't like, either. he doesn't like most animals. they either need constant attention or they're messy, even worse if they're both.
while he doesn't like pets, he'll gladly keep plants. he's not exactly the best at caring for them, they often end up either over watered or forgotten, so his brother has to take care of them but he loves them <3
he names the plants.
i think its weird when people give him only one HP? like i know Arbiter only has one, but in Underfell they have dust on their hands. they have LV, and it raises your HP, at least if you go off what happens to Frisk when you kill a monster. he's still have really low HP, but it certainly wouldn't be 1. i think it'd at least be in double digits.
Deimos (Underfell Papyrus):
he's really soft on his brother considering the world they grew up in. phobos could have just left him on his own as a child, but he didn't. it's his own way to show his brother how grateful he is
i hate everyone who gave them an abusive relationship fuck you guys/th family comes first if you're not protecting your family in this world you are shunned. so no, he doesn't be mean to his brother to "keep up appearances", they are NICE TO EACH OTHER and they LOVE EACH OTHER even if it tough love. maybe that's all they know because of their violent world 😡😡
sorry it's three am and i am very passionate about that.
he's actually a big baby. and the only one who knows is his brother.
HONESTLY he's not as mean as people make him out to be. he's a really big nerd, he would totally love silly nerd things like Sci Fi movies and stuff
he really likes the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. he'll fight his brother (a notorious Friday the 13th fan) that Freddy is better than Jason
he's really strict and, in a world that's Kill or be Killed, he would still follow any laws still in place to a T. he is OVERWHELMED by the amount of laws he has to remember on the surface, but he would rather die than do something illegal.
he literally won't even jay walk like dude it's fine no one cares 💀
he's a very good cook because i'm a sucker for that sort of thing. he still originally "learned" how to cook from Undyne, but when he saw how horrible of a cook she was, he decided it'd be best if he learned on his own
doomfanger was literally picked up off the side of the road. deimos is a sucker for cute animals and he would probably bring in any stray he saw if his brother didn't stop him
Firefly (Underswap Sans):
while he does own a motorcycle, his main mode of transportation is a dad van. one of those minivans that have a tv in it and the doors have buttons to open and close them
he is very obviously the older brother
tacky tourist dad outfits
he's the dad friend.
he is the older brother and he likes puns and he has 1 HP and you can pry that hc outta my cold dead hands. actually no you cant cuz ill hold onto it in death 😋😋😋😋😋
he didn't join the royal guard because he wanted to, he did it because he felt like it would help protect his brother if anything were to happen. the only reason he isn't allowed to actually join the guard is because of his low HP
Meridian (Underswap Papyrus):
he started smoking as a way to calm his anxiety and grew dependent on it. he knows how much it bothers his brother so he is trying to stop the habit, switching to suckers instead.
he's really good at art but he gets embarrassed whenever someone wants to look at it cuz he thinks it's bad
he doesn't necessarily dislike puns, but he pretends to just so his brother will make more. it makes him really happy to see firefly enjoying his horrible humour
he's the judge in his AU but, unlike Arbiter, he doesn't have karma so he has to use more powerful attacks if Chara ever went on a geno run
Leo (Swapfell Sans):
as said here; they have the aesthetic/looks of fellswap red, although i think i like the outfit for fellswap gold sans more 😇😇
older brother
he's not as mean as he appears to be, it was mostly to keep up a scary reputation so less monsters would bother him and his brother
he has relaxed significantly while on the surface, putting up less of a "tough guy" act, now only one when needed
he hates human politics soooo much. they are all stupid and crooks. granted, his own queen is a tyrant which isn't much better, but at least she is honest with her crimes
if i wanted to make him the oldest out of everyone, i CAN 😡. he is 53 in human years and he is tired and he just wants a glass of wine please just let him have a single glass of wine
he's super busy all the time and he hates it 💀 he is still a sans, he still likes to be lazy
Cav (Swapfell Papyrus):
he has the biggest sweet tooth
he doesn't talk much, due to just being shy
his physical looks is similar to fellswap red papyrus.
he falls in love really easily and tends to get hurt more often than not due to his little puppy crushes
he likes to game, mostly cutesy farm simulators like stardew valley or other games like that, but he also really enjoys online games like COD or Overwatch :)
SPEAKING OF GAMES OH MY GOD he would love genshin impact and he would grind for primogens and somehow he would ALWAYS GET THE CHARACTER HE'S WISHING FOR.
Pisces (Horrortale Sans):
his head injury makes it hard for him to get words out, and even then, his mind is pushing through so many thoughts that he'll lose track of what he was saying midway through.
he has taken to write down what he wants to say, that way if he forgets halfway through, he can just read what he already has written to try and jog his memory.
i'm pretty sure it's canon that he never ate humans?, but yeah he hasnt 😇😇
this isn't a hc about him, but i like to think that Frisk never willingly left them. in their timeline, monsters were targets of a lot of hate crimes so they RESET and did a neutral run. they didn't want the monsters to miss them, so they didn't bother befriending any of them, which led to Undyne taking over instead of Toriel. if they knew what happened after they left, they would have figured something else out. Pisces thought they just didn't like them anymore and wanted to leave them behind.
OKAY so you know how he is a part of the bad guys? WELL IT'S NOT BECAUSE HE IS A "BAD GUY", GRIMM JUST SAW POTENTIAL IN HIM AND GAVE HIM A WAY OUT OF THE FAMINE!!!!! he's mostly like a dad who can cook really well and acts more like your friend than your dad yunno?
he never hurt others because he wanted to, it was just because he wanted to survive </3
if you ignore him being in the bad guys, then the way they got onto the surface in their AU was because he was secretly hoarding the SOULS to the humans he killed and he broke the barrier himself. ugh he's so strong and cool look at him go
Aries (Horrortale Papyrus):
he HATES the braces he has to wear to straighten his teeth. they get in the way and he can't enjoy all the food he wants to.
HE HAS A DOG ON THE SURFACE!!! a really big fluffy great pyrenees. she's beautiful and he takes her to the groomers often to deal with the shedding :) her name is fluffy, named by Pisces
pisces didn't want him to know what they ate during the famine, but he isn't stupid. he's well aware he had consumed human flesh. he feels guilty for it, even guiltier that he had enjoyed it.
despite just being an older papyrus, due to what he has seen and been through, his personality had changed a bit. he has a much shorter temper with others, and he wouldn't allow his guard down around threats.
he makes his own clothes if/when he can because he prefers clothing that fits 🤨
Hop (Dancetale Sans):
he gets really embarrassed while dancing in front of other people. he gets embarrassed doing it alone in his room sometimes too 💀
he's more lethargic than any other sans (quite the feat) but that's mostly because he doesn't really dance all that much and it takes a toll on his body. monsters naturally dance so for him to repress all his urges it strains him physically and makes him more tired
he's good at beatboxing smh
he used to be really confident in himself but with his hope going down, and with him stopping dancing, he lost his confidence
he feels like he'll never be as good as a dancer as he once was which just adds to the reason why he wont dance anymore.
Boleos (Dancetale Papyrus):
like you would not BELIEVE how cocky he is oh my GOD
its okay he had reason to because he is so epic 🙄
he's tried out hiphop once for his brother but he made a fool of himself. he'll claim that day never happened if anyone were to bring it up 💀
he loves reality TV, and i know it's cliche but he loves the dancing shows 🙄 dancing with the stars (he was on that show once), dance moms, any other dance show that i've never heard of...
he is a very famous dancer and he's probably weaselled his way into some broadway show just to flaunt his dancing
Callisto (Outertale Sans):
he is probably my shortest boy
very shy/easily flustered
shut up i just think he is cute and i can make him easily flustered if i want to
this is a popular hc but he floats when he's embarrassed and i love it <3
living in space gives him a boost on astrology. he can identify every single known constellation and he knows really bizarre space facts that most likely no one else would know
the lower gravity of the moon is really handy to him cuz he could jump up and take a nap wherever he wanted. just kick his legs up and fall asleep mid air
Pandora (Outertale Papyrus):
LISTEN HE'S SO FUNNY TO WATCH WALK AROUND he loves playing with the low gravity cuz he'll just start jumping around and it looks like he's basically flying because he also uses his gravity magic like champ ugh
sometimes he gets distracted by it and forgets what he was going to do 💀
sometimes he will float off the face of the planet ON PURPOSE and it always freaks everyone else out because "oh my god how does he keep doing this he is going to get lost in space one of these days"
yeah he's a trouble maker. yeah he thinks its funny to see others reactions. yes he feels bad if he pulls a particularity mean jape. love him <3
Crow (Birdtale Sans):
collects shiny things!!!!
when he gets anxious, he tends to pull feathers from his wings. it helps to ground him, but it also sometimes leaves him with bald spots when he has a panic attack
he loves going flying on the surface, being able to see the world he was locked under really makes him appreciate the beauty of the earth
he'll perch on a tree to nap all the time. despite him being a grown adult, it still makes others worry because they don't know where he is when he disappears for extended hours
Carrion (Birdtale Papyrus):
he also collects shiny things HABAIBD
he prides himself in his wings so he takes really good care of them
he and his brother both have SUPER good memories
he likes to sit high up in trees, especially in the morning to watch the sun rise
speaking of the sun rise, he always wakes up before it to watch it, he loves the pretty colours the sky can make
Aero (Killertale Sans):
he is a menace to society
he loves deez nuts jokes tell me otherwise (maybe i'm just projecting )
he is actually really mentally unstable. the liquid hatred coming from his sockets affects him badly, and he's prone to lashing out at random times
ik i already said he is shameless but i dont think you get it, he could literally do anything without being embarrassed about it. ANYTHING
so of course he is a masochist. he's also sadistic but he likes pain to be inflicted on him for some reason 🙄
he and vendetta are besties idc IDC
Vendetta (Dusttale Sans):
he doesn't like others to see his emotions because he's afraid they will use it against him. something makes him happy? he's afraid it'll be ripped from him. something makes him sad? someone may use that against him as a weak spot. he hides behind a mask of indifference towards everything
he doesn't trust easily. not after frisk; not after they've taken so many things from him over and over again until he went insane. he is very good at pretending he trusts someone though. you may think he trusts you when in reality he doesn't at all.
the papyrus he sees is only a figment of his imagination, a manifestation of what he's done to his brother, to everyone in his AU. it isn't nice and it often ridicules him. it goes away when he gets distracted, but when he's alone, the voice is louder than ever. it takes the form of Papyrus because he is the one he regrets having to kill the most
he is very sadistic and he doesn't fight fairly at all. if he knows he is losing, he'll try to distract his opponent to get a few easy hits in. against a weaker opponent, he takes glee in watching them struggle to not get hurt and, eventually, killed
he has one of the highest LVs in the multiverse
Vex (XTale Sans):
he gets really jealous of other AUs and how they all got their stories. he's jealous that he never got that, that his own AU died and left nothing but him (and Chara, technically, but they don't really count)
he still acts as if he is a royal guard, even if his AU is long gone and he no longer has to
he speaks like semi-formally??? like he would always say "you are" instead of "you're" and stuff like that idk
do i think it's funny that he wouldn't know how the internet works? yes. do i also think it's funny that he would use tiktok? absolutely. it is the only social media account he has, and no matter how hard anyone tries to find it, they can't. he has all of them blocked because he's actually kind of embarrassed about it, but he has a lot of followers. he makes sure his face isn't in any of the videos just in case 💀
he may be a part of the bad guys, but he is also really good friends with sunny. they like to go out and spend their afternoons in cafés like cute little old people do they're so silly. they like to tell each other embarrassing secrets the others have it's how sunny found out vendetta actually sings in the shower
Delusion (Error):
uses he/they pronouns!
he makes dolls of the people he is close to, or if he finds them interesting enough
they can tamper with the code of any AU, and if he really wanted to, he could fix any mistakes within the code. they never do, though, as their job is to destroy AUs, not fix them
speaking of, he does what he does because it is his job, he was created to destroy AUs. he mostly takes out aus that arent fully finished or abandoned by the creator
i headcanon him as aromantic asexual. he's more-so demiromantic, and he needs a REALLY good connection with someone to actually be interested
along with haphephobia, they also have a fear of germs. the two fears go hand in hand, bouncing off each other to create a whole mess of situations
that leads into this next headcanon; he used to have a cat but the hair everywhere really bothered both of his phobias so he ended up giving it to graphite to take care of
the cat, originally, was supposed to be a sort of "exposure therapy" to get over his haphephobia because he didn't want to crash just because someone touched him. it didn't work out.
he and fresh and siblings <3 why? because i said so.
Graphite (Ink):
he is a very physical person, always wanting to be touching someone
not held back by meagre things such as GENDER or PRONOUNS! he doesn't mind what pronouns others use, they just mostly use he/him.
he never really feels anything, not even with the paints that give him "emotions". they more so just tempt him to act a certain way, a subconscious message that he should do something that related to that emotion; like cry when "sad"
i like to think he can break the fourth wall in the sense that he is helping creators with their own Au and/or projects within the already existing Aus. it's also mentioned here that he "supports the artist to keep contributing to the fandom".
BOUNCING OFF THE DELUSION HEADCANON, he loves the cat del gave him. he forgot it used to belong to del and now he thinks it's a gift. he won't listen to del saying otherwise because he thinks he is lying 💀
the cat is named doomsday and it was named by del. graphite had to write the name on his scarf to remember it 💀
Grimm (Nightmare):
he hates the taste of apples
he likes to garden! and he is very good at it. when he gets too worked up, he'll water his large garden by hand to calm down
fuck you/lh bad guy found family trope. he took them under his wing and he lets them live with him and he is the FATHER BECAUSE I SAID SO
i like to think he's like venom in the way that the physical manifestation of negativity is venom, a parasite inhabiting grimm's body. they are two consciousnesses living in the same body. the negativity is sort of a protector to grimm, too. maybe out of fear of losing the host, or because it actually cares for grimm, who knows. that's a secret i'll never tell :)
he's really good at chess and no one has beaten him yet 🙄
he isn't keen on having an s/o, he'll vastly outlive them and he also just doesn't really care about dating too much
he still lives in the rubble that is his original AU. he constructed the castle he lives in within the AU.
he's shorter than sunny. short king <3
sometimes you could find him in the ballroom of his castle, music coming from an unknown source as he waltzes by himself
Sunny (Dream):
he has a very... sunny... disposition.. hehe.. HAHAH
by that i mean he is often very chipper, you'll probably never see him anything but happy, no matter how long you're friends with him
it's not that he doesn't feel other emotions, he just doesn't like others seeming him sad/angry/any other "negative" emotion. he's supposed to be the positive of the two brothers.
he's constantly moving, literally. when he's sitting, he'll bounce his leg or shake his foot to remind himself that he can move and he isn't still trapped in his stone prison
because of him being trapped in stone by his brother, he has slight claustrophobia, along with cleithrophobia.
he is very good at comforting others
he's... honestly a little afraid of Grimm. he knows he should have tried harder to stick up for his brother back when they were still children, and he still feels guilty and responsible for Grimm's corruption, but he's afraid of how powerful he has become; how Grimm could just kill all those people who wronged him
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staytiny-angel · 3 years
Grace and Country 2/5
Rating: M
Pairing: 'Hangman' Adam Page/F!OC, One-Sided Kenny Omega/F!OC
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Harrassment.
Co-Written with @lilmissriottbliss
Taglist - @moxleyunstable, @axelwolf8109
Summary: Ava and Adam go on that date, it goes about you'd expect with the Dark Order involved, Things with Kenny come to a head.
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"Ava? Mon Cher Smackdown is about to start why are you screaming?"
Violet gave Finn a look before putting her friend on speaker "Mon Roi is here too, what has you so excited?"
"ADAM ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE!" The younger woman yelled
Ava could hear Violet cursing in French from a small distance. “Really? That’s amazing! Give me details now!”
“I lost my phone and he found it near your adopted brother and then Kenny was annoying me again so he covered for me by saying we were going on a date so we’re actually going on one!”
“I’m so happy for you!”
“Could you do me a solid?” Ava asked
Of course darling," Violet agreed
"Could you guys not tell the big boss?" Ava begged "You know I love Seth to death, he's my dad shaped person but he wasn't happy about this whole AEW deal and he'll be even less happy to know I'm going out with one of their biggest stars"
Violet and Finn silently looked at each other before agreeing to the younger woman's request 
"We have you covered darlin" Finn said
"What are you going to do about Omega?I'm starting to worry. He's really not taking no for an answer"
“I honestly don’t know” Violet handed Finn her phone, taking out the one meant to contact family. “I think she’s going to threaten Malachi into watching over you” Finn laughed.
Ava sighed in relief. While Malachi Black, formerly Aleister to Violet, was dark and broody, he did scare Kenny with a simple stare.
“So how’s Mox doing?” Violet asked
"Good, he got Omega off my back last night at Dynamite, threatened him with Ruby." Ava said "He said something about promising Seth to look out for me?"
"Seth called him and Miro when you decided to go to AEW." Finn explained 
"Called in a couple of favors. You are the baby."
Ava rolled her eyes even though the couple couldn't see her "You've got to be kidding. I can take care of myself"
“We know you can take care of yourself, Seth has a overprotective complex” 
Ava sighed but didn’t disagree. “We got to go now, see you tomorrow!” Violet hung up.
Ava turned off her phone, seeing a text from Kenny. Rolling her eyes she deleted it. “Is he ever gonna get the point?” she asked herself before flopping on her hotel bed with a sigh. He thoughts turning to the next day and the date she'd been dreaming of for years. 
-Next Day-
She met Adam outside a café, the cowboy looking handsome in normal street clothes and without a certain purple and black group shadowing him.
“Wow, you look great” He said. As she grinned and twirled once, showing off the chic black suit she'd chosen for their date. 
“Hope you don’t mind but I invited Violet and Finn just in case your friends crash this”
Adam laughed. “They probably will ”
Inside the cafe, Finn and Violet were waiting at a four person table, surprisingly without their daughter in tow.
"Where's my honey bunches?" Ava said with a pout, that Adam found adorable
"Becky and Seth have her" Finn explained "Shes having a playdate"
“Next time you bring her” Ava pointed. Finn raised his hands and laughed. Violet slid over a black coffee to Adam. 
He accepted it with a smile. “So you’re both going after the top titles in Smackdown” he grinned.
“Yup!” Finn grinned. “It was fun in NXT but I wasn’t spending another week without my husband there” Ava sighed.
“It’s harder to get a title shot in AEW, I have no idea how to get to Britt”
“I lost the chance to be the inaugural champ because someone thought an ass deserved it” Adam muttered.
“Adam I think your shadows are here” Violet pointed to a booth in the corner
Sure enough, the purple and black clad Dark Order filled 2 corner booths, trying and failing to be inconspicuous.
"Oh god" Adam murmured "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have told them where we were going"
"They really care about you" Ava smiled at Adam causing that feeling to flutter in his chest again.
"You may not, have been the first AEW champion but you've got a shot at Kenny at All Out" Finn says
"Sure do" Adam says "I can't wait, I've owed Kenny an ass whipping for a while now"
“Fucking creep” Ava rolled her eyes. “How’s Paige?”
“You don’t know that from Mox?” Violet raised an eyebrow. Ava shook her head
“She’s ok, doing wonders with her makeup. Her and Sonya are planning a wedding”
Ava nodded. “Sorry about the Kingdom disbanding” 
Finn rolled his eyes. “Of course Vince brings up Shotzi and us but doesn’t want Kyle, Millie, Priscilla or Jordan”
Adam and Ava share a smile knowing while AEW wasn't a paradise by any means…it wasn't run by Vince. 
A loud bang sounded from the back of the restaurant and every turned to see one of the corner tables flipped on its side as John Silver looked around sheepishly. 
Adam dropped his head in his hands as Ava giggled "I'm sorry, I'm gonna go uh…handle this" he said rising from his seat and heading toward the back.
"They are quite the band of misfits aren't they?" Violet said as she tried not to laugh as they watched Adam easily lift the table back in place and start seemingly scolding them for crashing their double date.
"They love him, and with the entire….mess with the Elite…their very overprotective." Ava explained
“Reminds me of Seth” Violet said. Ava’s eyes widened.
“It totally is!” Finn laughed as Adam came back and sat down.
“They swear it’s just a coincidence they all wanted to come here on the same day and time as my date”
Violet flipped her hair and put on her flirty voice. “So this a date?
Adam blushed hard. “Um…well, it’s definitely not a…friend thing…we’re not friends. I mean we are friends!, but I want to be more then friends!" 
Ava blushed as she watched Adam flounder under Violet's question 
"Leave him alone, mo chroi" Finn finally rescued the younger man from his wife. 
“I was just being a good friend” Violet smirked.
Adam took a breath. “I don’t know why but I have a thing for goth people”
Ava looked at Violet.
“Really? Is that why you went to the Dark Order?”
“Honestly? Kenny ruined tag teams for me. The Bullet Club went to shit after you were kicked out”  
Finn’s eye twitched, remembering how the Young Bucks fucked him over.
“The Bullet Club is nothing to me now. They ruined it!”
“The Elite’s worse, nothing but kissing Kenny’s ass, apparently he was looking to go to Impact and take their top title”
“Thank god the old man bought them, Impact might have been the worse part of my career but AEW would have ruined them” Violet sipped her ice coffee.
Adam sighed.
“I don’t know what happened. One minute he was my brother, now he’s a stranger” Adam said quietly as Ava rubbed his back
"Its okay, your going to take the AEW title from him at All Out." Ava consoled him.
The 2 couples finished their meal and left the restuarant, Finn and Violet heading to the arena to get ready for Smackdown, and Ava and Adam walking though the city streets enjoying each other's company. 
"This has been great" Ava says as they finally end up back at the hotel
"We'll have to do it again sometime" Adam replied causing Ava to blush again.
"Maybe next time….just the two of us?" He asked softly
“No demon and vampires. No Dark Order” Ava agreed. Adam hugged her.
“Adam!” Evil Uno yelled. The pair looked at the stable. Anna walked over. “Well, the date was a success so Alex made you this” She handed a black jacket to Ava. It had a purple rose stitched in the back.
“Wow, Alex’s a suckup” Adam joked. “I’m totally wearing this next week” Anna smiled.
“C’mon Adam, before the idiots start screaming” 
He rolled his eyes but hugged Ava goodbye, kissing her hair before walking away.
The Next Week 
After spending the weekend and into the next week bouncing between elation over her successful date with Adam (including spending a hefty amount of time texting back and forth with the cowboy) and annoyance that Kenny just would not stop texting and calling, it was finally Wednesday and time for that weeks episode of Dynamite, at which Ava had a match against Nyla Rose.
Over the past few days she had gone hunting for more appropriate gear to compliment her new jacket and was now wearing black leather shorts with purple accents and a purple and black corset top. 
"Don't you look like a full fledged member of the misfit society, I really thought you'd have better taste Sweetheart" Kenny said walking up to her, the Young Bucks flanking him
“I’ve liked purple and black before the Dark Order existed” Ava snapped.
Kenny grabbed her arm. “Let go!”
“I just want what’s best for you” Kenny said fiercely 
“HEY!” Darby Allin hit Kenny with a skateboard.
“She’s said no to you for weeks now, get lost!” He roared, Ava seeing why Mox had pretty much adopted him.
Kenny looked panicked and all but ran. The Bucks, glaring at her as the followed
“Thanks” Ava said to Darby. “I hate that fucker”
"Join the club" Darby replied 
Later that night after beating Nyla Rose, Ava was celebrating in the ring when Kenny's music hit and The Elite surrounded the ring. 
"I really tried to do this in private Ava, baby but you just won't listen to me, you'd rather hang out with those losers instead of being part of The Elite"
“I. Am. Not. Your. Baby!” Ava screamed,.
Kenny stepped in, smirking. “Just accept the date”
The crowd began chanting variations of yes and no. 
Then the music of the Dark Order hit, Adam leading the stable to a beat down. Colt tackled Kenny, Adam waving sarcastically at him before going over to Ava, "You okay Darlin?"
"Yeah, fucking asshole. Why won't he leave me alone" 
"Ava, Ava!" Kenny panted, "I have a deal for you, since you and the drunk, seem so close lately, Next week….you and Adam against me and Britt Baker. You win, you get a title shot at All Out. You two lose, Cowboy loses his shot, and you go out with me"
Ava looked at Adam, who was clenching his jaw. Anna and Evil Uno nodded their heads.
Ava grabbed a mic. “We accept! And let’s raise the stakes!!! If we win and move on to kick you asses at All Out, you leave me the fuck alone!” 
Kenny gulped "Done!"
“I’ll add to that!” Adam yelled. “When I kick your ass, you don’t get to have a rematch as long as I’m champion. Let someone else get an opportunity”
"Deal!" Kenny said cockily "It doesn't matter anyway "You two are gonna lose and when you do...not only will Adam never get a shot at the AEW Championship,  Ava...baby...your all mine" 
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thejosh1980 · 3 years
Little Wing
(Trigger warning: animal/pet death)
Today, right now, I am sat at the spot where Mijo felt his last sunrise, just 24 hours ago.
He was 28 weeks old, he spent 20 of those weeks with me, and my family. He was my family. He was thrust upon me by my wife and mum, who knew Mijo would be the kind of birthday present I'd want, but could never ask for.
When he arrived he was unexpected. Straight from the car, into my bedroom, onto my lap, what a surprise, it was love at first sight. Those eyes, that tail, that round belly, the fur, I was all in. I had to say goodbye to 4 beautiful pets whom I loved dearly when I left Germany, so then and there I made a quiet, whisper promise to Mijo;
“I'll never ever leave you”...
We began like any other Daddy and cat story, playing, eating, talking to each other. We may have made a few messes on the bed learning to potty train, but I couldn't really fault him, he was perfect. He loved cuddles, got under our feet all the time, talked to us a lot and wanted to be a part of everything happening around the house.
He meowed very loudly too. Sometimes he'd meow from the next room sounding lost and worried. That's when I started to realized something was very different about him. It took about 2 weeks, but then I realized, he was totally deaf!!!! No vacuum cleaner, loud bangs, claps, or door slams could get his attention. When he meowed loudly, it was either because he had to, to feel himself meowing in his head, or he was missing us and could smell us, but not hear us in the next room. I had never had a cat who couldn't hear me call their name, so this was going to be a challenge.
Mijo accepted that challenge...
In a short time I figured out how to clicker train him, using a torch. I love training cats. Most folks think it's impossible, but I've taught cats to fetch, sit and come on command in the past.... So, pretty soon I had him jumping up, over and across chairs and tables on cue. I also learnt a way to “call” him; assuming he could see me, if I knelt down and tapped my leg, he'd come a running. Every time. We had it all figured out.
Grab a harness and a lead, and off we go, walking around the garden. This wasn't a cat, this was a dog. He had very little fear, I mean, he couldn't even hear the birds making a racket or the car driving by or the dog barking next door. He was fixated on me.
I bought him a blow up boat, to use in the pool, to help him get used to floating on water. It was a huge boat for his little size, but he'd hop in, and I'd “treat” him while he got used to the motion. The plan was to build him up to a real boat, or canoe or SUP. I could imagine him walking on water.
He was also great with other cats, so I could take him to visit his cousin and they'd play all day (if we'd let them). He'd come with me to visit other family and then... well, then the real adventures started. Mijo and I could go to the river, the park and the beach. We also went for coffee at the busiest part in the local village, and he took it all in his stride. We took bike rides too, as he sat in a special backpack I had for him. I could hold him while skateboarding or put him on my shoulder as I walked around. He was chill, happy to see and smell his silent world.
When Alex or I came home, and he'd be in the bedroom snoozing or gazing out the window, we could come in, take off our shoes, put our stuff down, maybe run to the loo, then we could snuggle up with him, cause he hadn't heard us arrive. He would just be waiting... He'd just wait for someone to step close enough, blow on his ear, feel a vibration and then he'd meow a big BIG hello, purr and snuggle. He was a no pressure cat... But always ready for hugs and pats.
Besides being deaf, he just didn't seem like any other cat I'd had or even met...
But isn't the way it is with all pets? They're all unique.
He loved Alex. He always had a hard decision between my lap and hers, or sleeping close to one or the other. We had a son to take care of, to love and to enjoy. At the beginning, Alex wasn't sure about having a cat, she'd pretty much always been a dog person, but it didn't take long for Mijo to wrap her around his little paw. She was hooked.
We thought he was going to be grow up to become a big boy. You know, Maine Coon sized 5-6 or maybe 7 kilo. We had high hopes for a dog-like cat, big enough to take on the world. We wanted to show him the world too.
After he had his snip (desexing) in mid March, he wasn't very well, and it really traumatized all of us, we just weren't sure why he took it so badly. He was in a lot of pain, even though the operation itself was quick and really good, with no issues. He would spend the day, in his “bread loaf” position, with his nose to the ground. It was like he was conserving all his energy for when we came home or wanted his attention.
Eventually, after a few weeks he bounced back, back to being his usual self, for a while. He actually lost a lot of fur during this time, most likely due to a reaction to the antibiotics and pain killers. Where his collar and harness were, he lost all his hair. It only took a few days, a bit too quick to realize what was going on, he rarely wore the collar or harness after that. It meant we sometimes lost him in the house without his bell on to tell which room he was in, so I'd be running around turning on and off the lights to get his attention and a meow.
It was our fun game of “Mijo Polo”.
We had noticed he wasn't eating as much, and he wasn't as playful. In fact, all his toys were being ignored, and he rarely chased anything we teased him with. When we took him for playtime with his cousin, he wouldn't last as long play fighting. Something was up, we thought he'd bounce back by now.
Overall, he was a very chilled cat, having just had an operation and now with, ringworm, a tooth problem (one adult tooth was causing him problems and needed to be pulled) maybe that was why he wasn't too interested in food. Surely it wasn't bacteria, an infection or a virus in his blood.
In early May, Mijo developed ringworm, which, by the way, isn't a worm but rather a fungal infection. The vet already had us on anti fungal cream day and night. It's very unusual to get ringworm; it's all around us, but a strong immune system, actually, a decent immune system, would fight off any infection naturally. Cats generally just lick it all off their fur. Humans sometimes get it, from a scratch or a wound. It's in the soil, it's in the air.
When we got the treatment for the ringworm, we also gave him an appetite stimulant, to encourage him to eat, but it made little difference. As nothing changed, we went back to the vet a few days later, and did a hypothyroidism test; the results were borderline.
What could be going on?
At the time of his desexing operation, he was 1.7 kilos, a week later he was down to 1.5 and eventually 1.45 kilo. His body was growing a little, but his muscle and fat wasn't.
We talked to the vet and decided, even though his ringworm was infectious, the tooth had to go, sooner rather than later. It seemed logical that it was his biggest barrier to fulfilling his dietary requirements and his well being. We wanted him fattening up, growing up, and being his usual self again, ASAP. We needed to get him back on track towards good health, enough was enough.
On Monday 17th May I dropped the little guy off at the vet for the day. A check up and a tooth pull.
Before any cat gets an anesthetic, they run a simple blood test to determine if the cat is well enough. During the day we got a call that the operation couldn't happen, and that he'd have to stay in over night or longer, with meds to help him, because his red cell blood count was low. 10%. Most cats need around 40%, if there's any complication with the tooth pull, his blood may not clot.
It's official, he was very unwell.
I was at school when I got the news. I was in shock. Our little boy was that unwell? But he does eat (a little), he does walk on the lead with me, he's eating his treats... was he that unwell?
Suddenly we had to decide on some expensive tests to figure out what was wrong with him. I mean, the red blood cells were being eaten up by the white ones, but why?? We arranged the suggested tests and they kept him in over night.
I was very distraught. How can my little guy be so unwell yet behave well? With that blood count, he shouldn't be able to walk, he should be so lethargic that he can't keep his head up!! He should be in a coma.
All in all, theoretically, he should be dead.
So was it dwarfism, hypothyroidism, mycoplasma??? And and and?? Tests... Blood being taken.. Our boy in the vet over night, alone, worried, scared??? Will he make it through the night? I didn't sleep well...
On Tuesday afternoon the vet let us bring him home. His blood level was down to 9.1%. The idea was that, at least at home he'd have cuddles and love, and that might help his immune system. He was lethargic but not completely terrible. I would need to bring him in on Wednesday for another blood test, to see how he was doing.
On Wednesday, it didn't go well, Mijo had gone from 9 to 8.1% blood level. It was now becoming almost impossible to get any blood out of him. I saw how difficult it was 2 weeks earlier when he had the hypothyroid test, they had to try on both legs and his neck to get a half mil of blood! He was a champ and barely complained. But now, I couldn't imagine the pain he went through with even less blood.
He's been that sick for how long?? Why hadn't we noticed?
We were panicking.
The vet suggested we meet with a mature, more experienced doc, on Thursday. We should be able to figure something out, we had to. Each day = less blood = more chance of...
Well, I am a hopeful guy. I realize, I live on hope. I spent years hoping certain people in my life would change, or love me in a way that I feel some love. I always hope things will change for the better. I don't know why, but it's ingrained in me to feel hopelessness or hope... I think I'm never in the middle... or is that called acceptance? OK, maybe I do feel that too, eventually... But it takes a long long time...
I have videos of Mijo on Thursday 20th, he's cleaning himself in the sun, meowing and purring, happy to see me, walking around the garden with me. Full of life and adventure.
At lunch time, Mijo and I go to the vet. He is his usual cute self, always curious at the vets, and now there's a the new guy he's meeting, what an adventure.
Before he opens the cat box he said something along the lines of “Well, because his blood levels are so low, today is really about deciding if he goes to heaven or not...” I'm not sure, but I know I heard words like “heaven” and “euthanasia” early on in the consultation. Shock was setting in. I barely heard anything else he said, luckily we had Alex on the speaker phone.
Turns out, not only is our little guy deaf, he's an anomaly.
Any cat with 8.1% should be comatose. They should barely be able to walk. They certainly can't pee or poo without help and don't drink or eat much. Mijo came out of his box and sniffed around, was alert and ready to meet the new guy!!
The vet was stumped. He had never seen this before, in over 30 years...
We didn't know he was so sick, because, he was, overall, a well behaved cat. His weight he lost, sure, but he was now at least stable. He was eating, it just took a lot of creativity sometimes to spark his interest (mostly warming up meals and giving him treats).
The vet tried to explain to me, but I'm sure Alex on the phone understood it clearly, that we had very little time, well, no time. We had 3 choices that day. Go to a specialist an hour's drive away, give Mijo steroids and hope he had mycoplasma or Immune mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) or, lastly, euthanasia.
Wait???? What does that even mean??
The specialist would give him a blood transfusion, and some special custom drugs which should help him. The vet said it could cost in the 10s of thousands, and may help Mijo for a few weeks, but it's not a solution that we are sure would be long term or not.
Giving Mijo steroids would give him a fighting chance, or not... Basically it could cure or kill him. Because we aren't sure what is the cause of the low blood count, it could be IMHA, mycoplasma or something else, but it's a best educated guess at this rate. If it is the wrong choice, he may die quicker than expected.
Euthanasia, no explanation needed.
We decided on steroids. According to the vet, there was a 50/50 chance it would work. If the cause of the blood cells killing off each other was for or against steroids, we'd know soon enough. Still shocked I tried to understand it all. I'm so grateful Alex was on the line and knows this stuff through experience and study.
The idea of taking Mijo an hour's drive north to the specialist, to a cubicle, a place where we may not be with him 24/7, on the off chance that he wouldn't make it and die alone, we couldn't fathom that.
Mijo took the steroid injection like a champ, he always did injections well. He was given some antibiotics to also help. The vet said, that by Saturday we'll know if it was the right decision. We'd know if he would be getting better...
It was decided that on Monday 24th we'd go back in for a blood test to actually see if the steroids were working (cause apparently one can't really tell with Mijo's behavior, the cheeky monkey).
Mijo and I came home, and well, he ate, he was purring, sitting on my lap. The usual deal. When I went out to get the washing in, he tried to go out too, something we, as parents, have been very protective about. He doesn't go out alone, he doesn't go out without a lead or a bell. He's not an easy cat to find if he runs off, not that he has ever tried. He deaf, he can't hear cars or other dangers out there.
I promised him I'd take him out to that side of the house/garden that afternoon...
So we did, we went out, we sat down, he explored. He was well, good, better, best. He was my boy. He trusted me, I trusted him. I'm always amazed how well he walks by my side, like a dog, with loose leash... Taking my steps as cues when to walk, and when to stop.
We also met the neighbor's dog, which was a first, both were not really interested in each other... But still, Mijo knew there's a lot to live for...
Overnight he went great... Woke up with him on my chest relaxing waiting for me to get up and feed him, luckily I have a wife who had to get up for work at that moment. I remember she sang him a lullaby and held him like a baby. It was really sweet to see how much love they had for each other. Rock-a-bye Mijo...
We wanted to him feel as much love as we could. We felt that, if the steroids and antibiotics were doing their part, and we did ours, there's nothing he can't beat. And he sure felt the love...
I held him while doing some singing exercises, close to my chest. It was something we hadn't done before, and he purred. He'd look up and meow every time I stopped making vibrations. He felt it, I felt it, it was a connection.
We spent a lot of time, reading, relaxing and sitting on laps. Alex and I cuddled him, told him we loved him. He was really fighting. He was eating. He was a little more playful than in recent weeks. He wanted to live. We could feel it...
He went from eating half a packet to 1.5 packets a day, plus dry food. He always wanted treats, and I was always glad to oblige.
By Saturday he was wonder cat! Kneading... Purring... Chasing toys... Eager to hang out...
We'd overcome the problem! He was getting better. There's fight, love and life left in him. He was amazing. If it hadn't been for his ringworm (which was also healing very very well) I'd say he was perfect, especially once he put on another few grams...
We had 4 awesome days, loads of energy and love. He was never alone in the house, and rarely alone in a room. We wanted him to know, to feel, that we loved him so deeply and that all we want was him in our life, for adventures and cuddles.
On Monday morning, his appetite went down... He didn't really eat much...
We all left for the day, work and school. I think we were all worried, but he'd been so good and improved so so much, that we were sure he'd be fine. We have the blood test booked for the afternoon, I'm sure he'll pep up by then. The injection could be wearing off too...
Mijo and I went in to the vet, and his test came back at 14%!!! Damn, that's 6 points!! The vet expected 3 to be a big improvement. In fact, if he had 3 or less, euthanasia may have been the only option... Happy days! He was well. He's going to live! He'll be fine.
We're not out of the woods yet, but we are in the right direction.
All that love we lavished on him, not just in the past days, but the past 4 months. The adventures, the friends he'd made (both human and animal) the smells and sights he'd seen, the vibrations he felt, it was all coming together... He was a fighter with a lot of love to give...
We were over joyed. Really, I couldn't have been happier when I got the results. I gave a “whoop” and threw my fist in the air (I've never done that before in my life!).
We changed to tablet form steroids, as they'll be better long term, keep up the antibiotics and off we go...
But we all know, that often people and animals, when they know they are dying, they give it one last shot. And that was it... We didn't realize until Wednesday, that he wasn't actually going to get better...
Mijo stopped grooming himself, he slowly ate less and less... He became more and more lethargic, he started to sit in the “bread loaf” position with his nose on the ground, as he did after the snip, resting. We thought it was the change in steroids, and as I was at school and the girls at work, we just kept thinking he'd pep up eventually.
When I left for school Wednesday morning, he was alert, but lethargic. When I came home early to check on him, he had really changed again.
His belly was a little bloated, but he had hardly eaten. He had trouble walking, it seemed like it was a mix of muscle degradation/pain and confusion. His meowing changed to a high pitch cry, similar to that of a young kitten. He also stopped eating, he wouldn't even touch any of his tasty treats. He searched for any bit of sun to stand in, but he was looking so uncomfortable, his posture had changed, half sitting, half standing. I was grateful, when I carried him to his water bowl, that he drank a lot. He also went to the toilet, I held his tail so he didn't make a mess on himself.
We spent the afternoon outside, as the sun started to set. He loved the sun, I wanted him to feel warmth... I held him, talked to him. I don't know now many times I asked him to please hold on, please fight and that I loved him. He looked more comfortable in the sun.
I did film us walking around the pool. I am forever grateful for technology, so that I could just put my phone down, touch a button and record a moment. As we walked and talked, oblivious to the camera, I recognized a change in his breathing... I may have missed it previously, but for sure, his breath was becoming more and more labored. Every 3 or 4 breaths, he just had to try harder... His eyes were changing too... But I was sure he could recognize me, the way the vibrations from my chest reached his body and the way I smell. He would react from time to time, shifting or clawing at me.
He often touched my chest with his paw. Reaching out...
Mum and I went to the vet late Wednesday afternoon, the earliest we could. I explained it must be the change of steroids. No, it wasn't. They were the same type, it was just that he wasn't able to fight anymore. We discussed the specialist, called them and made a plan to go in first thing in the morning. I arranged for a friend to come with me, and Thursday morning bright and early, we were going up to get Mijo cured. Transfusion, drugs, you name it, we were going to do it. We had to, we told him we'd make him better.
There and then, Alex and I decided to trade in our honeymoon, you know from the wedding we had 13 months ago and still haven't done the traditional thing of a week or two away somewhere. We decided the money we had aside for that, would go to Mijo's specialist costs, because without Mijo, our honeymoon, whatever and whenever we decide to do it, wouldn't be worth doing, if he wasn't around.
I made a firm plan on how to help him through the night. We would hold him in shifts... All 3 of us... If one showered, the other held him. Dinner time, we shared the responsibility, not that we ate much anyhow. We cuddled, we talked, we purred, I would blow gently on his head... He was feeling love and he was fighting...
Because he hadn't eaten all day, we decided to try feeding him with a syringe, with success. With the tablets we were putting into his stomach, I felt he needed something else down there too... With a small syringe, he took it well, lapping up a tasty liquid treat.
When it was bed time, we put pillows around the bed, incase he fell, because he was very wobbly on his feet. He would cry out at random times, possibly from pain, but I think more from confusion. He sometimes wanted to get away from us, as we know, pets know when it's time and usually disappear, isolate.
We barely slept. I managed about 3 hours... But it was tough.. He wouldn't stay still, and eventually we put him in his little bed, near our bed... Of course he didn't stay there long.
At 4am I heard him crying... I found him under the bed... Alex woke up too... His breathing had changed a lot... Every breath was labored. He wasn't getting enough oxygen.
I laid on my back, and Mijo laid on my chest. This was how it often was, especially when I was reading... We did that until around 7am... Alex taking turns, holding him, talking to him, loving him. Mijo could barely hold himself up, he just laid in our arms... Breathing... His eyes began to glaze over...
We discussed our options, we felt the specialist was now a long shot. We didn't think he'd make the drive, he was near the end. Our little man had little fight left... And we wouldn't forgive ourselves for him dying in a foreign place. There were a lot of tears and back and forwards, including mum coming in for cuddles with the little guy at 5am...
Alex called the emergency vet, and we planned to go in at 8:30... Mijo's time had come...
When the sun comes up, if the blind is open in our bedroom, the sun shines right on through to Alex in bed, Mijo was in her arms, while she drank coffee as the sun rose.
Sometime later I took the little guy out to the pool, where we walked and talked, cuddled and loved, around and around, in the morning sun. I talked to him about all the adventures we had, riding bikes, visiting people, the beach and the river. I spent most of that hour, holding him, looking to his eyes... He gazed up, I just hope he knew it was me. I just knew he felt the vibrations of my words.
We both told him, it was OK to let go now. We were ready. But he kept on fighting for each breath... I think he was just like his Dad, always hopeful..
He last moments at home, where in the chair I'm sat in now. It gets the best light, first thing, even though it's inside the “catio”. Alex had sat down while I was walking outside, I seem to do better when I walk, and I brought him in for cuddles with her in the sun... He was bathed in sunshine, in Alex's arms... It was beautiful...
Actually getting in the car and going to the vet, was tough, but it really hit me when I walked in. I held the little guy, and just burst into middle-aged-man tears and sobbing... If you were there, you'd know I was my mother's son, cause she was sobbing too... I couldn't look anyone in the eye... I didn't understand what was going on, or about to go on...
I think I was in another place...
We went into a consult room, and I just laid the little guy down, not thinking of using the blanket we had... The vet explained the procedure and took him away for his catheter and first injection, some anesthetic? I don't know, but apparently it was the right thing, it helped with his pain.
I couldn't even look Alex or Mum in the eye... I just cried...
I still had hope...
When they came back, Mijo was wrapped in a soft blanket, what a great idea...!! He was quieter, more peaceful... The vet left to give us a moment...
He was still breathing, still fighting... I put my ear to his face, and heard him...
I kept making sure his eye lids closed from time to time. I remember back when Catalina, my little girl in Germany, needed to be anesthetized for a check up. The vet put some put liquid drops in her eyes and made her blink, so her eyes didn't dry out... So for Mijo, I did that every once in a while... I didn't want his eyes to dry up... I wanted him to be able to see me, because laying on that table, he couldn't hear me.
I begged Alex not to bring the vet back in for the final injection... I think I may have screamed something at her... I don't know... I wasn't me... I was trying to hold him in my arms, without moving him... I was trying to give him another chance...
I bawled...
I don't know if I have ever cried like that before... I thought I'd be all cried out... I thought all my tears had already left the building the previous hours and days... But there was more... a lot more... and more to come...
I know that Alex and I held hands over his body... I felt the love... I felt his warmth... his breathing... I know I cried tears onto him, there were tear drops on his lips...
I looked him in the eye as much as I could, but mostly, I cried...
I felt the liquid go into him, I felt it go around my hand into him...
I don't know much about what happened after that... I know I didn't want to leave him, I had promised him I would never do it. I regret not holding him once more... I know that at that moment, I felt the life drain out of me... I felt hope die...
I walked out, not knowing what to do, and flopped down on the grass outside... I never sit on grass, but Mijo liked it...
I managed to drive home...
That was yesterday...
Since then I've tried to rest, tried to come to grips with what has happened, tried to connect with a few friends, I've tried... I'm still trying...
This morning I got up wanting to do some sport, washing, then study and take on the day with confidence... It's a new day, I should take that opportunity to get back into my routine... It took all of 1 minute, from bed to bathroom, to be bawling... Except for the time I manage to calm down enough to type this blog, I've been crying... It's now 10am... I was awake at 6:15...
We are running out of tissues..
I felt so bad this morning, I wanted to plead with Alex not to go to work, because I just can't today. I just can't. We have discussed how she copes in these situations, and I know that's how she copes, by going to work, so I kept my trap shut. I just want her to hug me all day, so I can feel her warmth.
I cried so much on the drive to drop mum off at work this morning, she started crying too, and contemplated not going to work... She wanted to be there for me, but I told her, honestly, I don't think I'd be much company today.
I don't know the grieving process, we haven't learnt that in counseling school yet, but I do know, I'm feeling very lost... I feel very numb...
I can't explain it, and maybe that's why folks can never really explain how they feel after someone close to them, or their pet, has passed. We are just lost.
I also feel that I am grieving for my other losses in my life. It's a bit like, it's a culmination of all the others before him, plus him on top, making me feel pain like I have never experienced before.
Grief is just love, with no place to go... Alex and I talked about that quote last night. I used this quote to help me through leaving my 4 pets in Germany, I know I have to find a new place for my love, but for now, I just can't.
I know I couldn't have gotten through this without the support of my Mum and Alex...
While Mum cries at the drop of a hat, she is solid and thoughtful and loving. Alex is strong and experienced in these matters. She knew what to say, and when, even if I did yell back… Both have a lot of time and patience for me.
I know Alex and Mum feel bad, maybe even guilty, for choosing him. Mijo was a present, to give me joy and love and comfort. And he sure did, in multitudes, to all of us. I would never have gotten a cat back then, I didn't feel Alex or I were ready, we were still working through our issues with our pets in Germany.
Alex and I decided that we want Mijo home with us. He was only on this earth for 6.5 months, we expected him to be with us for 10+ years. Taken too early. Once he's cremated we'll have him in a little urn. He was so small, but if there's a little left over, we will either plant a tree with his ashes or sprinkle him down by the river, the first place he went to that was close to water.
The past day or so, I have shared what happened with some friends, classmates and family, and everyone has been so thoughtful and caring. Thank you, it's really helped to know you're all out there, thinking of the little guy. He would have loved to meet you all.
He was perfection. If someone else had gotten him, realized he was deaf, they may not have given him the adventures and life he had. Mum considers him a rescue cat...
So here I am, in the chair, his last chair in his last moments at home.
I can still smell him on my shirt. When I walk around the house, dazed, I sniff my shirt. He had a wonderful smell. The smell of love and adventure. I hope that smell lasts a life time.
I miss his warmth, his meow, which was damn loud!! I miss, that sometimes he'd get lost around the house... Or he'd lose me, around the house. He was gentle, and only bit me once, by accident, piercing my thumb a little. I miss the fact he had 1 tooth growing forward, directly out, making him a tri-toothed kitten with a protruding top lip! He took on the world without fear. I've never experienced anything like it in a cat. My girl Catalina did sit on my shoulder as I walked down the street in Germany, but Mijo, he let me go skateboarding with him, played guitar with me (he'd chew the strings) and one time, I even vacuumed his tail.
All trust. No fear.
Back when he lost all his hair around his neck and stomach after his snip operation, we were pretty concerned. Funnily enough, it grew back pretty quickly, but it grew back white, not grey. He had a ring around his neck and kind of marks on his back wrapping around to his belly. Alex googled it, and actually found out, cats can often have their hair grow back white after trauma or experiencing extremes of temperature if their hair was cut short or fell out.
About a month ago, I sent my dearest of friends, Sandra, a photo of his regrowth, and she commented looks like “little angel wings”...
Fly on little wing, fly on...
RIP Mijo Angus
12-11-2020 – 27-05-2021
Thanks for reading,
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96thdayofrage · 4 years
Jerry Thomas got his Georgia Primary ballot on June 10. The Primary Election was June 9.
Getting shafted out of your vote is not unusual for an African-American like Mr. Thomas. What’s unusual is that Mr. Thomas's wife, Andrea Young, is the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia.
Young knows that her husband’s story was repeated thousands of times in Black households. And she is raising hell about it.
And that's how Trump stole the 2020 election. Because what the press calls the “meltdown” in Georgia (and in the Wisconsin and Kentucky primaries) was very much a dress rehearsal for the plan for minority voting hell in November, not only in Georgia but in a slew of other GOP-controlled swing states.
Don't pull out your hair: this ballot burglary can be busted—as long as we understand the crafty new mechanisms of the vote heist caper that the GOP took for a field test in Georgia.
There’s the nasty little secret of American elections: not every vote gets counted. (Photo: Allyn West)
Mail-in voting: more than “Pick and Lick”
Question: Why did Black voters Atlanta wait hours in line and risk catching a fatal virus?
Answer: You can't mail in your ballot unless it's mailed to you in the first place.
According to an MIT study, a breathtaking 22% of all mail-in ballots are never counted. Mostly, absentee ballots don't get counted because they were never received in the first place or, as for Mr. Thomas, sent late.
However, the “un-count” is huge because some states are simply refusing absentee ballots to hundreds of thousands of registrants—or, not sending cards that allow the voter to ask for the mail-in ballot.
Georgia is one of the GOP's ballot-refusing champs. The state refused to send mail-in ballot requests to over a quarter million voters on their so-called “inactive” voter list.
An “inactive” voter is a citizen who chose not to vote in a couple elections. In America, you have a right to vote—or not to vote. Indeed, the National Voter Registration Act says in crystal clear terms, that a state “shall not remove any person from the official list of voters registered to vote… by reason of the person's failure to vote.”
But, Georgia's Republican Secretary of State chose not to send an absentee ballot request forms to this mass of voters. Georgia was simply following the lead of swing state Ohio where another GOP Secretary of State refused over one million absentee ballot request cards to “inactive” registered voters.
Why? Here’s a possible explanation: Inactive lists, filled with young voters, are roughly two-to-one Democratic.
Then there’s the much bigger list of citizens also denied ballots: The Purged.
In 2018, Georgia purged, that is, erased the registrations of, over half a million citizens on the grounds they'd left Georgia or moved from their home county.
Seems reasonable: you shouldn't vote in Savannah if you don't live there.
But there's more than a wee problem with this list of “movers”—they didn't move. The Palast Investigative Fund retained John Lenser and company, the nation's top “advanced address list hygiene” experts—the folks used by Amazon and Ebay to confirm your address. The experts determined that 340,134 Georgia “movers” who lost their vote had, in fact, never moved from their registration address.
A deep evil of this purge of “movers” is that they don't know they've lost their registration. I was with voter Christine Jordan in November 2018 when the 92-year-old was given the heave-ho from an Atlanta polling station. Jordan had voted there in every election since 1968—the year her cousin Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered.
Those lines of African-American voters you saw in Atlanta this month waiting five hours were not the result of poor local planning. The deadly line disaster was directly tied to thousands of Georgians, according to Atlanta NAACP attorney Gerald Griggs, not receiving their absentee ballots—”The Purged,” the “Inactive,” and the many Mr. Thomases whose mail-in ballots were fatally delayed.
Without their ballots, voters had no choice but to wait those hours in humid rain. Then, at the end of the wait, many are, to their surprise, told to scram (as Ms. Jordan had been)—or given a “provisional” ballot.
The provisional dumpster
A better name for provisional ballots would be “placebo ballots”—because they let you think you've voted, but you haven't. In 2016, the Elections Assistance Commission reported that of 2.5 million provisional ballots cast, 925,973 were rejected, nearly a million votes tossed in the electoral dumpster.
And who is given these back-of-the-bus provisional ballots? Obama's Presidential Commission on Elections reported that Black and Hispanic voters are more than twice as likely as other voters to get the provisional ballot. Asian-Americans fare even worse. And young voters? Eighteen to 24 year olds are more than twice as likely to be shunted to a provisional ballot.
In Georgia, I saw the racial provisional ballot game in action.
Just before Ms. Jordan was given the heave-ho, Raheim Shabazz was also told he'd been purged. Shabazz demanded a provisional ballot—but he knew that, by Georgia rules, his ballot would be tossed out, uncounted. But the nice ladies at the polling station did given Shabazz an “I VOTED” lapel sticker which is printed on a drawing of a peach, the state fruit.
“What do I do with this?” said the radio host. “Eat it?”
Democracy is residual
And there's the nasty little secret of American elections: not every vote gets counted. States report to the EAC that a 1,913,369 ballots were cast—then rejected.
The rejection rate for mail-in ballots zooms through the roof compared to in-precinct votes. How? One other voting rights attorney, Stacey Abrams, faced losing her own mail-in vote when the return envelope enclosed with the ballot was sealed shut by Georgia humidity. While Abrams knew she had to go through the process of getting a new envelope, others, who unlike Abrams may lack a Yale law degree, would assume they can mail in the ballot with their own envelope. Forgeddaboudit. Into the dumpster.
In Morgan County, GOP-dominated and just southeast of Atlanta, 20 votes on scanned ballot images of mail-in votes had not recorded. It appeared the votes did not register because ovals that were supposed to be filled in were instead checked or marked with X's.
The scanners simply would not read the ballots, so a review of the mail-in ballots would locate other ballots uncounted. But the Republican majority on the county's board of elections blocked the hand count.
Mail-in ballots lost in the mail; provisional ballots for voters purged without warning; absurdly, dangerously long lines and ballots simply rejected: This is not an exhaustive list of tricks the GOP will roll out in November, but the ones they chose to take for a test drive in this past months’ primaries.
Body count and vote count
Deadly long lines for Black voters and deadly cops that gun them down are really one story, the lesson I took from my talk with ACLU's Andrea Young.
“Without voter suppression,” Young said, “Georgia's electorate would support people who have very different positions than the people who are in control right now in the Capitol.”
You can't take away an innocent man's life unless you also take away his community's means to do something about it: the vote.
And Georgia's ruling regime is particularly adept at both: taking away rights as they take away lives as in the killing of Rashard Brooks.
Noting that she has “ancestors who were enslaved in Clark County, Georgia, in the 1820s,” Young said her family has, “for 200 years [been] fighting to make Black Lives Matter” in the state.
“Georgia,” she said, “only has these extreme, anti-Black, anti-woman, anti-LGBT policies because of voter suppression.”
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phoneismybf · 5 years
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TharnType the Series Ep. 8 Review
I'm not ready for this episode yet people are very exited for the torture (?). Lol.
#TharnTypeEp8 #TharnTypeS #TharnTypetheSeries
It is unsual to see TumTar at the beginning but it is good to see them smile like that. Do you see that big smile from Tar when Tum plays the certain melody? Finally he can smile that free. Well suddenly sad again because of the birthday notification. Hurry up both of you need to clear everything.
Watch TharnType the Series Ep. 8 Engsub
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Okay Ai Tharn we knew that you like dark chocolate now but don't emphasis it. We knew who has a darker skin. Yes, khun mom want to see him, why you don't say that he is yours. Hahaha. (I think he remembers what Type said about he is not ready yet, yes, okay, gentleman) Now here he is, the P'San Khrap. Seems he really close to this family already. Liau, wait, Tharn isn't that happy receiving the gift from him. What is this, miss the 14 of Tharn, may be he was a cry baby back then but not now P'. Yes, no more cute little boy, he already have a daddy's little boy at the dorm. Oiiii, such a supportive big bro, yes Tharn is more handsome than him and look at Tharn's smile. He probably said "I love you big bro" in silence.
Ai No.... Euuuu he should go with Tharn to his house so Tharn could introduce him to everyone there. SEE...... EVERYONE HEAR THAT, THIS IS THE REASON WHY TYPE WANTED TO TELL NO ONLY BECAUSE HE IS THE ONE WHO WILL SPILL THE TEA. SO TYPE DOSEN'T NEED TO EXPLAIN OR DECLARE ANYTHING. LMAO. KEEP ASKING PEUN.... KEEP ASKING CHAMP, COME ON CORNER BOTH OF THEM. DAMN not this time guys... Let them "kin" each other, I mean kin the grilled meats. Look at No's apologies, how cute he is. Hahaha
Got an Audy bae... Ready to pick you up. Have a car but live in a condo. What else you could think Ai No beside it is more convenient for practice music, of course to let Type scream without anyone knows what they are doing. LOL.
Peun... Don't judge a book by its cover. The one who know the real Tharn is Type only between all of you. Also he is his wify so don't ever think to say anything bad about Tharn.
Techno really digs everything on Type, he is curious now about their relationship. Ai No... You are a good friend but I'm worry you will spill more. See, even he is the one who mention about P'San first to Type. Meung maeng....
Type.... make a wish for Tharn, please. You never make a wish on your birthday or never wish or pray for other for their own goodness? Why he can't understand? Yes, the bed is all yours don't feel ngao/lonely.
Yes, Long always remember his crush's birthday. I want to dig information from him. I'm sure that he likes Tharn. No excuses with those facebook updates. P'San was Tharn first love, O.K. may the war come then.
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YES, YOU HAVE ALL THE FLAVORS, WE KNEW YOUR FAVORITE IS C.H.O.C.H.O.L.A.T.E. He is starving for food not for S yet. Hurry up get him one then do the rounds later. Look at that satisfying smile on Type's face. Why I can't resist his cuteness though. Wow he opened the wraped present, not good boy not good, the owner didn't know it yet. Just say it you just got jealous. I smell something after this, what will Tharn do? Ai Tharn what will you do? Don't tell me that you the one who will start a fire between Type and P'San.
SEE.... TECHNO SPILLED IT AGAIN TO HIS FRIENDS, THE QUEENS. OIII AI NOO..... a little bit but (sigh). "I think he wants to keep it secret to" Type. Hell no, we all know the truth. "then why you still upset, shouldn't you be crazy in love with your boyfriend?" Techno. They were intended to be crazy in love but were canceled Ai No. Yes, help them make up so they can make love later. Mmmm... What?
Ow that smile comes from Tharn. I know there is something odd. Not funny Tharn, if you make, what I think, come true. Type really such an honest person, he keeps the emotion on his face while greeting P'San. YOU ARE JEALOUS AI TYPE. P'San's radar is on, get over that hand P, don't let people burn in jealousy. AI TECHNOOO WHY HE IS SUCH A J*RK. YOU SAID YOU WANNA HELP THEM TO MAKE UP. I can see Tharn don't want him to join too. Ai No... Why? Even Tharn is worry now about Type. I really want to punch this PEUN on his face, WHY HE MENTIONED THAT GIRL. SUCH A TRIAL FRIEND. That hand P' yud leui... Stop it... Now you understand right? Ai No... I can see your reaction, I'll punch you if you still act innocent. F*CK OFF BRO YOU GET ON MY NERVE. STOP BEING CURIOUS AND YOU STILL CAN LAUGH LIKE THAT. DONE WITH YOU. BYE... BETRAYAL. SEE..... I know he doesn't like raw food that's why he ordered the grilled one. But he never tells Tharn because he feels uneasy to say it when Type ordered a lot of raw food. But, it will become another problem if both of them don't talk about it. Bad situation, bad friend. Say it that he is your, Type, or silence and talk later with your present doing (coughing).
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A mature and a childish. This will happen. Now Tharn take control, he is upset not to Type but P'San, to much spoiler. Yes, he didn't spit it because his boyfriend fed him and now he is a mature one he can eat raw as he likes at least he doesn't have an allergic. If he has an allergic and never tell Type, this will be problematic. So, just forget the past and go on. Hahhhh, this P'San, he never gives up. I think he still hoping for Tharn to be his again. That's why he always come every year to get more chances. That's what will happen Type, if you never tell other who Tharn is, people will keep coming to bother both of you except you are mature enough to not think about it and live what you both should live.
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I'm speechless.... Type, you are more complicated than a girl who say "whatever" when she is asked what she want to eat and go for a war later because she doesn't give any clue. Jebb, why my heart hurt, this is not my problem, this is yours. You are tiring even Tharn said that too to his brother. Yes, you never listen, everything he said those are what he likes and what he hates, you are the one who never learn, you are the one who never understand, never ask, never curious about something might he likes or hate the most. What you think is only those c*ndoms. You even don't know that he likes chocolate. Stubborn, childish, stupid, heartless, what else guys? It is hurting me to see Tharn crying again. He always be honest, he knew you really like that restaurant, he ate and didn't spit. Appreciate it bro. Now he said, P'San is more understand him, Think bro think, don't be so emotional, you look like a girl on their period. LOL. He even said he hate "break up" the most. He already tired, give him more happiness. Don't make him like me, I already tired to find one, I even think to live my life alone. So don't ever make him to freeze his heart. A frozen heart will be very hard to melt. Meung maeng.... Assh*le.
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Arghhh I hate this rollercoaster. Yes Type yess I forgive you such adorable human being. But Tharn seems thinking about your words na. So, be careful. His heart is weak, he might be through a hardest path before that you would never think. "You won't never suffer as much as I do anyway" Tharn. Jebb mak Ai Tharn. You stabbing my heart, we are the same don't say that.
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So that is the real story about P'San and Tharn. Why it reminds me something. Team up with Type, yes, I hate him too. Thorn was took care of Thanya to hospital and he banged Tharn, he has a thick face seriously even Thorn was hit him that much. Of course he was that cute when he was 14 but it wasn't the right way to bang an under age. Poor Tharn, he was innocent that is why he gave P'San in. We talk about the comfort not the rational. Suddenly blow my emotion, it seriously reminds me something that I don't want to recall. F*ck. I can see something in Thorn's eyes, he knew that his friend is good but also dangerous. Thorn knew his goodness and badness, yet Tharn knew only his goodness. Ironic. Why we are so connected Ai Tharn. (take a deep breath). Marked, P'San.
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"If a woman ask you to sleep with her, don't you want to do it too?" Tharn. Bro, mind your age! May be I'm an old fashioned but I'm agree with the statement that we can't do these kind of stuff under 17. I mean take a look on the safest age. If something happen, you will lose your teenage time while you can play and hangout with friends as much as you like before you are busy with those time consuming work. Well if you are gay yes that pregnant will never happen yet it concerns to moral lessons. Others may think were born to be a gay or trapped in a wrong gender. In my situation it is not about you were born to be a gay but it is because you were experienced with a guy in that young age. The age where you were build your pesonality who you want to become. And may be Tharn did the same thing to Tar like P'San did to him. Experience lead him to be like P'San but thanks God that he is mature enough to differentiate what is good and what is bad. The comfort lead him to a guy, first thing that will stuck forever in mind, that's why he couldn't do it with a girl. The feeling and the comfort for man and woman are different. Some people easily to change it but for people like Tharn, me and Type, we already had the experience since the younger age, and we can't change it easily. It already stucked in the heart and mind. More complicated if you bring a word 'sin' to here for people who have religion like me, man, frustrating. I had what Tharn had, I did what P'San did and it has been lead me to live a life full of guilty. But, gratefully they did with girl. I don't want them to be influenced by me about this thing. That's why I whised for a frozen heart, I don't want others to be influenced, until he came melt the ice only by his attitude and went away after he knew me. Then it freezing again. But thanks to him that I can felt the warm again even though it was short and wasn't influenced. That's why I love to see Tharn and Type or every couple in a drama having good relationship, let them be happy even it is a forbidden love. They have a right to be happy.
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I do really love the way of Type for making up. I can't resist. He is so, cute. Sugar rush.... Yes Type, P'San is great to be hated. Why don't you tell him that Tharn is yours? See, Tharn also ask the same question. But you're not ready yet. Fine... Slowly, I understand, he also understand. "Don't forget what you have said" Type. He will never forget, Type, as long as you can have a good talk if both of you facing another problem.
MY GOD SUCH A TRIAL SENIOR. I'm done with P'San. Bad ending, next episode will full of tension again. This drama is complicated and tiring, even it just about a story of two persons.
See you soon pal.... I hope you like reading my review. I'm sorry if I sometimes put my personal matter in it. Hopefully it may help you to understand the situation or people like us. Or may be one of you have the same problem. Don't hesitate to tell me. We are at the same wheel. Cheer up...
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auxiliarydetective · 3 years
Character Development Snippets - Part 1
These are stories that I felt like were too short to make into posts of their own and that I wrote to get a feel fore Vicky's relationship with the Heroes. So I grouped them together.
1. The Well (Vicky & Carter)
Vicky waited anxiously as Kinch and Newkirk were hoisting up the rope to get Carter out of the well. She was pacing nonchalantly across the sand as if waiting for the search party to come back. Finally, Carter’s head rose from the depths. He had the code book clenched between his teeth and was shivering heavily. Immediately, Vicky sprinted over to the well. Carter was now sitting on the edge. Kinch put his hat back on him, then hurried off to notify London.
“Nice work, boy”, Vicky said, sounding obviously relieved. She wrapped a blanket around him as he freed himself of the rope. “You did really well. I’m proud of you.”
Carter only stayed silent and shivered. Hogan and Newkirk sat him down on the floor and rubbed his back and arms while trying to cover as much of his bare skin with the blanket as possible. Vicky kneeled down in front of him. Carefully, she cleaned his face of the grease he had put on his skin, then took off her gloves and put her warm hands on his cheeks. She glanced over at Hogan and Newkirk.
“Get him something to wear, will you? That way I can say he fell in the well if they find us.”
“Will do”, Newkirk said, jumped up and walked off to the barracks.
“You’re right”, Hogan agreed. “You’re the only one who can stay with him without being suspicious.”
He patted Carter’s back.
“Good work, champ.”
Then he was gone. Vicky rubbed Carter’s arms and gave him her warmest smile.
“Don’t worry, mate. The next time someone has to jump into ice-cold water, I’ll make sure it’s not you. It’ll be me.”
She hugged him and rubbed his back, trying to warm him up as much as possible. Carter just stayed still and shivered, leaning against her for support.
"Th-thank y-you", he stammered. "B-but you sh-shouldn't go d-down th-there either."
"Nobody should", Vicky agreed as she held him close. "And nobody will have to again in the future."
2. Food Customs (Vicky & LeBeau; also Vicky & Newkirk)
Newkirk, Carter, Kinch and Vicky sat at the table in the barracks, staring into their poker cards. They were betting anything from cigarettes to chocolate to pretty buttons. Meanwhile, LeBeau was standing behind them, leaning against the stove. In his hands, he had a sheet of paper. At first he seemed calm. Then, he frowned. Lastly, he started pacing and mumbling to himself. Vicky threw her head back and watched him.
“What’s wrong, mon ami?”, she asked sweetly.
“Vicky, it’s your turn”, Kinch reminded her.
Vicky threw a shiny button that had fallen off her husband’s uniform into the middle of the table, then turned back to LeBeau.
“What is it you’ve got there?”
“The menu for the dinner Klink is having with Burkhalter”, LeBeau mumbled.
“Oh, splendid. What’s for dinner then?”
“We have- I- To be honest, I can’t even read most of that.”
“Let’s switch places then”, Vicky suggested and held her cards straight up for LeBeau to take them. “Good luck with that.”
“Ah, merci.”
“Wrong choice, love”, Newkirk said with a smirk as he put a pocket watch in the middle of the table. “'E’s a bad bluff.”
Vicky shrugged lightly. Then she noticed the pocket watch on the table.
“Is that Schultz’s?”
“Of course it is.”
“Poor man. If he’s not careful you’ll steal his head one day.”
“And what would I do with that then? There’s nothing in it.”
“He owns a toy company, there has to be something in it.”
Vicky looked at the list and immediately laughed.
“Of course you wouldn’t know. I don’t blame you, Louis”, she said. “They’re all traditional German dishes.”
“Oui, I guessed so.”
“So, Kartoffelpuffer are basically pancakes made of potatoes.”
“Potatoes? What don’t the Krauts make out of potatoes?”
“Sauerkraut. Now, the second thing, Rouladen. Those are thin beef slices rolled around a filling of bacon, pickles, onions… It’s unbelievably time-consuming to prepare and you roast it in red wine. A shame, really.”
“I don’t know how to make any of that”, LeBeau said.
“You don’t?”, Carter asked with wide eyes. “But you know how to make everything.”
“But German cooking is probably a crime”, Kinch said. “Right, LeBeau?”
“Excuse you, I didn’t faff around in that dive of a wives’ school to now be told that everything I learned there is a load of tosh”, Vicky said indignantly. “I mean, it’s true, but you don’t 'ave to be so direct about it.”
“Wives’ school?”, Carter repeated, looking like question marks were sprouting out of his eyes.
“Sounds like a load of rubbish”, Newkirk grumbled. “What’d they do there, try to scoop your brains out?”
“Essentially. Tried to tell me that I was only alive to cook, clean and have children.”
“Pure rubbish. Anyways, Louis, if you want me to, I’ll teach you how to cook all this. I’ll help too. It’ll be done in a jiffy.”
“That would be lovely, mon amour”, LeBeau said with a smile. He motioned at Vicky to bend down, then gave her a kiss on the cheek.
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