#top 17 of '17
boy-gender · 1 year
i want y’all to know i got my top surgery at ~270 pounds and it looks fucking fine like you are not too fat to get top surgery and have it be flat and nice and feel better
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flymmsy · 5 months
So if you're telling me Durge was the first person to be tadpoled, and Gortash tadpoled his parents...
Gortash not only showing up to Flymm Cobblers unannounced, despite avoiding his parents for decades in the same city, seeking revenge driven by his abandonment issues ...but give me absolutely unhinged Gortash who shows up ALSO driven by grief and loss and rage.
Give me a Gortash who is a new brand of scary. This is not the ruthless politician. This is not the arms dealer. This is not Bane's Chosen. This is something foreign even to himself that verges on madness.
He shows up at their door disheveled in a way he would never allow himself to be. He smiles wide, his only intention to harm, and laughs and laughs through the tears streaming down his face.
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redbean-nom · 14 days
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(aka trash children, chaos children, and children who understand 98 is getting graded on this)
Inspired by @thefoundationproject! Closeups under the cut:
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jesse got this pic from jangotat:
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sankt-jesper · 8 months
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@fordoweek - UNCONVENTIONAL WEAPON: ALPHA-17 (literally)
ID + bonus under the cut
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This came to me in a vision and fomo made me quite lichrally draw it at the last minute so please excuse any inaccuracy 🙇🏽
[ID 1: Fanart of Fordo and Alpha-17 from the Star Wars franchise. They are both in armor; Seventeen is upside down, his left leg held by Fordo who seems ready to throw him with all his strength like one would a spear, except the spear happens to be Seventeen. /END ID]
[ID 2: Close up of Seventeen; a thought bubble has been added with the text: "Not this shit again…" /END ID]
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mangostahiti · 10 months
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friendship is magic
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#17: You Led Me Here (S7E12)
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Of course Say Yes has found it’s way back to the list. 😊 This is such a powerful and important conversation between these two. And the scene is stunningly acted from them both. It’s moving every time I see it and while it’s heartbreaking that this van scene ended up having some foreshadowing with the fact that Rick and Michonne will in fact “lose” each other 2 seasons later, it also is such a beautiful declaration of how much they love, respect, trust, need, and believe in each other. Rick and Michonne have had such a valuable impact on each other and this scene depicts how aware they are of that...
First, I love how Rick wanting to extend this trip with Michonne came up consistently in so many Say Yes scenes. And it’s super sweet that he wants her to know how much he loved this time with her when he pulls the van over and says he could've gone a few more days and would have liked that.
He knows Michonne's feeling a lot rn, and he wants her to know that while that was a scary moment with the whole Walker/deer thing, the overall honeymoon trip has still been everything they could’ve wanted.
If they could’ve stayed on this run for a month, homeboy would have been down for it, I'm telling you lol. He so openly loves her and wants to be around her. He has for seasons, and I love that post-canon he now gets to more directly express that.
Then Rick just breaks my heart and boosts my respect even more when he admits to her that he hasn’t been sleeping thinking about what they lost and thinking about his friends.
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I love that Rick is always so willing to be vulnerable with her and let her see his most human side.
Side note: Another thing I think about is how in the TWD pilot, Rick talks with Shane and shares that while in front of Carl, Lori asked Rick if he even cares about her and Carl at all. It’s a line that intentionally has some real irony to it, as throughout this series we see Rick go on to demonstrate just how much he unquestionably cares about and will do anything for his family. But clearly, because Rick and Lori weren’t actually each other’s person there’s this inability to truly understand each other. It’s really one of TV’s most compelling depictions of a fail-marriage if you ask me. And I noticed that Lori always felt like Rick didn’t open up and show his care enough for her liking, which just makes me think about how much Rick grew over the seasons and how much Michonne brought out a side of him that was so different than with Lori. You know Rick found his true person in Michonne because he is always so willing to express himself with her. He shares his fears, his pain, his secrets, his hopes, and especially his adoration for Michonne always. And I just love seeing that Rick knows he can let Michonne into every part of his heart. 😊
And Michonne is always so willing to be there for Rick in these vulnerable moments like the one in this van because, upon hearing this, she immediately reacts and puts her focus on him, allowing what he’s sharing to resonate even above the personal state she’s in.
You can just see how much she feels for Rick and doesn’t take it lightly that he’s confiding in her right now.
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Ok so then this is when these two don’t take their foot off the gas when it comes to getting me emotional as heck. Cuz Rick opens up about Glenn which is already just heartbreaking to hear them talk about him, but then he says how Glenn saved him but he couldn’t save Glenn. And it’s just tragic. 😢
Like you really feel the weight of this loss when Rick says this, and it’s painful knowing he feels almost like he let Glenn down by having to just sit there and not save him in the lineup.
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Then when Rick says “it’s normal I know that” cue my tears because seeing him get teary trying to grapple with these heavy emotions and remind himself it’s normal to be stuck on it is just so heartrending. Like the way Michonne is looking at him at this moment is how I’m looking too. You just feel for the guy. 😢
(Another side note: I’ve seen people dismiss Say Yes as filler, but I actually think there’s important things that happen in this ep. I mean, even if the episode was just a time of levity for Rick and Michonne to enjoy their love and have some well-deserved alone time on their honeymoon before the war, I’d personally still have been sat and satisfied. But regarding the series, this is where we get valuable insight into two very important characters' mindsets about the looming war, their recent losses like our baby Glenn, and about life, which is necessary to see imo. And this particular Say Yes scene plants a seed for the show's future as we see Rick essentially choose a successor for who he thinks is most fit to lead the people if something were to happen to him. Which is notable. And, of course, Rick's choice of who should lead the others forward is his own leader - his exceptional wife. 🤗)
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When Rick says they went through something that’s not cured, Michonne does just the most heartfelt thing as she softly places her hand on his face and whispers, "Rick, I’m sorry."
I adore the way she comforts him. The way they always hear each other and are present with each other. The way she sees him feeling so much and just instinctually reaches for him and expresses empathy. It’s beyond beautiful. 
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And then it’s Rick’s turn to do the sweetest thing ever when he looks at her with so much love in his eyes and takes her hand and kisses it. It’s similar to when she did the same and kissed his hand in a very special scene earlier in the episode (oh we’re gonna talk about it 😋).
The way Rick cherishes Michonne is so evident as he kisses her hand and continues to hold it close to his chest. I’ve always adored how Rick and Michonne are these fearless warriors to everyone else but with each other that’s their baby who they would do anything to care for and protect. And that profound love for the human in front of them was on display in these two gestures from them. 
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Rick tells her how they’re going to fight the saviors. He says that’s what happens next, and they’re gonna lose people, maybe a lot of them. I’ve always felt like there’s this layered sadness in Rick finally having to talk to Michonne about the real possibility of this war not ending how they hope it will.
Because throughout this ep, Rick so enjoyed seeing Michonne happy and he wanted to stay present in this positive bubble with her. But as the trip concludes, and as Michonne has now learned that losing Rick could potentially make her empty out to the point of dropping her katana in the face of walkers, Rick now knows he has to let talk of unfortunate possibilities in this war enter into their bubble.
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And while it’s not fun to talk about, I appreciate how he still holds her hand throughout this cuz he’s comforting her while knowing this topic is not something she or he really wants to consider. But as the leaders, it’s a discussion that has to be had.
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Then Rick says how they may even lose each other. Which again, how Michonne reacts is how I react because we are not trying to hear that.
She turns away and stays quiet because both her winning mentality and her love for Rick won’t even allow her to entertain the idea of losing the love of her life.
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But Rick isn’t wrong. It’s possible. And I just like that he puts them in their own category because there are the people they love - and they really do love their people - but the idea of losing each other specifically is a very unique type of devastating for them. 
Rick says, "Even then...it’ll be worth it" and, watching it back, maybe it’s just me but I really do hear something in his voice that says he’s not 100% convinced about that point. But he’s trying to believe it and help her believe it too because he knows how distraught she became thinking she lost him and wants to remind her the fight has to continue even if she’s without him.
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And if I wasn’t shedding big tears before...this next part happens.
After shaking her head at the notion of losing each other, Michonne starts to open up as she says, “When I thought that…” and just the trailing off alone is gonna break me every time. Because she can't even bring herself to say the words of thinking he was gone.
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And then Michonne pauses and turns to him and, in the most devastatingly beautiful and vulnerable way, says, “I can’t lose you.”
When I tell you I react to that moment like I’ve never seen it before every time. My heart breaks every time. 😭 The love she has for that man is just so deep, and that was so extremely clear in this moment. I’m shedding a tear every time I hear it idc. 
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Like wow. It’s such a big deal for Michonne to feel this and express this. She was the ultimate lone wolf when we were introduced to her. This was a woman who had lost so much so abruptly at the refugee camp and felt she had to then keep people at a bit of a distance to avoid being heartbroken yet again.
To see how far she’s come to have opened herself up so fully to team family, and to the Grimes family, and particularly to Rick to the point that now she loves him so much she feels she can’t lose him. It's so meaningful.
And this actually speaks to Michonne's strength because her strength isn't just derived from her katana or her ability to fight and survive - Michonne's strength is also radiantly reflected in her willingness to be vulnerable and open her heart up again even despite the risks.
When I tell you this well-rounded character is an inspiration. I stay looking at Michonne (& Danai) like...
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And then y’all, those magnets seem to be kicking in cuz Rick is getting as close as he can to her to remind her that he hasn’t forgotten what she said when she asked him what kind of life they had just surrendered. I love that one thing Rick will never do is forget Michonne or anything she's ever said or done. 😊
Rick expresses that he agrees it wasn’t a life, but what they did while out on this run (and I do think he means everything they did on this run 😋) and fighting for their kids and the communities is what living really is.
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It’s precious seeing Michonne nod through tears as she agrees with him about how making a future for their daughter, Judith, and Glenn and Maggie’s baby and fighting the fight is living. Rick repeats her words from earlier in the ep by bringing up 'fighting the fight' which is sweet.
Again, Richonne tones for the win as Rick tells Michonne that she is the one who showed him that’s living. I love that he always gives her so much credit and acknowledges the positive influence she has on him. Not only does he trust her to have this power in his life but also to straight up tell her she has this power in his life because Michonne would never use her influence for bad or to manipulate.
Rick says she can lose him, and Michonne and I really just be on the same wavelength lol, cuz when she turns and says "no," I felt that. Like even though she knows they have to fight for the future, she still loves Rick so much that she doesn’t want losing him to be on the table. 
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But Rick says she can and that he can lose her. As I’ve noted before, it’s def meant in a literal sense of a physical possibility of losing each other rather than an emotional ability to lose each other and be fine. 
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He softly places his hand on her as he shares they can lose friends, and people they love, and while we hadn’t heard 'I love You’s' by this point, you still just knew how aware they were of how in love they are on this trip.
Interestingly, Rick says, "it’s not about us anymore." The "anymore" makes me think it's said that way because at one point it was somewhat about them for Rick. Not losing Michonne, Carl, and Judith and having more time with them was a big reason why Rick didn't want to fight beforehand.
Then it is a very big deal when Rick tells Michonne that she’ll have to lead the others forward if he doesn’t make it because she’s the one who can. He says it with such conviction, and I adore how much he wholeheartedly believes in her. 
Michonne is truly so perfect in Rick's eyes and so capable. They are each other's biggest fans in the best way.😊
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After all this time spent as the head leader, Rick entrusts Michonne most to pass the baton to in his absence. They’re such equals, and he knows that she can carry the torch and continue doing what he has dedicated his life to doing - which is leading the others forward. 
It’s powerful and also heartbreaking foreshadowing that she’ll have to do just that when he’s taken away. But seeing Michonne protect their ungrateful community post-Rick’s departure was heartwarming to me because it felt like her honoring what Rick shared with her in this van in 7.12.
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Michonne asks how he knows she’s the one who can and then Andy just perfectly delivers the line, “Because you led me here” Powerful. I adore that the scene ends on this. It is so moving and so fitting for Rick to acknowledge the way Michonne has led him here.
Michonne has truly led him in so many ways, and I love that Rick is fully cognizant of that and seems so happy to look at her and let her know the immense impact she has. Rick is always going to give Michonne her flowers. Always. 😌💐
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It’s great seeing Rick get to lift Michonne up and instill some empowerment, honesty, and encouragement to her with this whole conversation. They're both so good at speaking right into the other's heart.
It was a beautifully acted scene, a powerful conversation, and also very telling to both how Rick and Michonne feel about each other and how they’ll proceed when they eventually do get unwillingly separated.
And thank goodness losing each other wasn’t permanent and these magnetic soulmates will finally get to be back in each other's arms once again. It’s where they’re most meant to be. 🥰 
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abybweisse · 2 months
Ch211, Spoilers part 3
When will we ever find out if the kids can flood the facility, destroy it in some other way, or even save anymore of the children? Not this month, and probably not for several months to come.
Because we get a cliffhanger, just like at the end of Baldo and Lau's mission. 😭
We return to Lau's Opium den, where their clothes have been repaired and cleaned, so Seb is removing the Chinese outfit he'd borrowed and putting on his usual butler's uniform. Sorry, but there's no fan service for the Seb simps, unless you are into what's not shown... or gloved hands.
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Ran-Mao and other ladies from the establishment show up with several boxes of clothes and at least one box with a hat, maybe two. One hat is from Lock & Co. Hatters, on St. James Street, in London. The rest comes from Hopkins, so that means Nina's still helping them.
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They need fresh clothes for their upcoming mission to the resort hotel in Brighton. Sebastian goes to his young master's room to get him ready for travel. Our earl asks something about the clothes from Nina. Or about Nina herself.
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I don't know what all they say, but Sebastian does point out that the kid's current outfit reeks of opium (which would never do for where they are headed).
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So, time to change clothes. I think we've seen scenes like this a few times throughout the series. It's very methodical and almost ritualistic. In a way, for demon and master, it is a sort of ritual, though.
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Are his short pants slightly longer now? 🤔
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And off they go.
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So! It looks like we are going to Brighton next month, after all.
I was right we'd get the kids struggling to reach the river. Anyone who guessed we'd cut to our earl and Sebastian starting their mission was also right.
A whole new scenery next month.
But when will we ever get back to Finny... or Baldo?
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sprinklersart · 1 year
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they should show up to kazansky family events together occasionally over the years and do fun family things like share an air mattress in the living room with ices 19 year old cousin and take a 4 hour trip to the grocery store just for milk and chainsmoke behind the shed with ice’s sister. they deserve it ❤️
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dykevanny · 3 months
flashlight duo being silly and getting into shenanigans [:) maybe a fashion show
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Aha.. an excuse to draw my older gregory design
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acespaceacepilot · 5 months
gnawing the bars of my enclosure thinking about how absolutely Perplexed astarion would be at the fact that wyll ravengard put “kill gortash,” and “kill cazador,” on his to do list before they even got to baldur’s gate over the course of a single conversation and nothing more
astarion being like you have to want something in return!!! you must have demands to make, surely!!! like What Do You Mean you’re doing this for the greater good and the relief that your friends are safe?????
and astarion being like. hawk-eyed watching wyll, expecting it to be a trick. holding his breath for the other shoe to drop. convinced that wyll’s gonna turn around and leverage his good deeds and kindness for Something. and he just ends up watching wyll being that kind and helpful to literally everyone they meet on the road.
and then he’s even trying to refuse gold for their services!!!! what the fuck is this guy’s deal, now he’s being selfless to the point of stupidity. and astarion’s losing his fucking mind about how consistent wyll is because now he kind of believes this fool really doesn’t have ulterior motives, which is the most absurd and ridiculous thing!!! everyone has ulterior motives, right?????
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missmaywemeetagain · 6 months
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Um…was anyone gonna tell me those pants were leather?!?
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musickickztoo · 3 months
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Alex Chilton † March 17, 2010
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honeydots · 7 months
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i know im late but xanlow pocky doodle was a must....
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maxormillie · 1 month
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WIP I drew Vel topping so now I'm doing the exact opposite cuz they all deserve some variety. She's having a great time, don't worry, you'll see
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feralnumberfive · 10 months
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Found this ad on Instagram with an AI generated B-17/image and I was pretty surprised. Look how the massacred my boy, it's grotesque compared to the real thing ⬇️
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"Thunderheads Over Ridgewell" By Robert Taylor
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A painting of B-17F "Memphis Belle" by Egbert Friedl
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abybweisse · 2 months
Ch211, Spoilers part 1
So, for the cover/title art, the top students are literally making a run for it, but I don't see Finny.
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Back to how ch210 ends, we see the shooting scene from a different viewpoint, and it's very clear that Finny has been shot in the left shin.
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The five kids all go deeper into the water, Finny basically still pushing Oliver along, as the staff get to the edge of the drain. The staff might be talking about how the kids won't get far, but I'm not sure.
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They are swimming as best they can but find a grating at the exit to the outside.
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Earlier, like a month or two ago, I'd suggested we might see Finny tear down a fence or gate, once they get out of the water. Instead, we might just get him breaking through this grate...
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...and that's exactly what we get.
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The others go on ahead of Finny, and I'm surprised how well Oliver is swimming through the current, using a hand to cover his mouth and nose. Artie is also holding a hand over his own mouth and his other hand at his throat. Not an easy way to swim!
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Finny is losing the battle of holding his breath, but the hole in the drain brings back memories of coming out of the hatch at the drug facility and being taken in by our earl and Sebastian, and Finny presses onward.
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Finny reaches out towards the surface and is pulled up by two hands reaching down.
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More to come in a moment or so.
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