#toshiro hitsugaya smut
brittscafe · 5 months
Yello can I request this it's gonna be weird but always wonder what would it be like of captain Yamamoto having a granddaughter who is doted and most like in the entire soul society turns out she was pregnant and finding out the father was no one else but hitsugaya toshiro himself
I find this hilarious cause no one probably suspect that he was the father cause of his captain attitude being all serious the all gotei probably was searching who was the culprit but instead was in front of them the whole time
Helloooooooo!! I had so much fun writing this! <3
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Captain Yamamoto has the entire soul society out on a chase. He's got his most trusted captains and lieutenants looking for the man responsible to get you pregnant. Little did your grandfather know that one of the men by his side was in fact the very man who got you pregnant.
At first, you and Toshiro were just messing around and trying to have fun in the times of stress. Then it started to get serious and you ended up starting a relationship, but one that you had to keep a secret.
You were sure that your grandfather would approve of Toshiro, but he would be watching over all the time.
You're casually walking throughout the Soul Society and everyone is running like they have taken something Mayuri made in his lab.
Your eyes catch a glimpse of white hair and your heart skips a beat as you recognize the captain. You rush over and grab onto Toshiro's wrist, spinning him around to face you.
"Toshiro, what the hell is going on?" you sigh out, chewing on your bottom lip nervously.
"He knows," Toshiro lowers his head with shame.
"Who? Who knows what?" you ask, shaking your head frantically.
"Captain Yamamoto knows that you're pregnant and he's trying to find the man who got you pregnant," Toshiro explains and your face goes blank.
Your jaw drops open and your stomach twists into uneasy knots. "Oh my God. What?! This cannot be happening," you gulp.
"None of them have any idea that it's me. It's okay. It's all going to be okay," Toshiro reassures you, grabbing onto your hand and pulling you into his embrace.
Your body relaxes in the comfort of his arms and embrace before pulling away.
"We just have to act normal, right?" you ask and Toshiro nods his head, a faint smile forming along his face.
"Captain Hitsugaya," a deep voice growls out from behind the two of you. The two of you can recongize that deep, threatening voice from anywhere.
The smile quickly fades off of Toshiro's face. You and Toshiro share a fearful glance and you let out a shaky breath.
"Run on 3?" Toshiro whispers, extending his hand to yours.
"Yeah," you nod your head, grabbing onto his hand and interlacing your fingers with his.
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readerinsertz · 7 months
(age 20) toshiro s/o who gets turned on by watching him do his paper work. he just looks so good. you wanna play with him so you into his office to stir him on
Rating: Explicit, MDNI 
Warnings: afab!reader, fingering
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But that man is very fiiiiine 
He's sat there doing his own work and you're busy sitting on his sofa thighs squished together to get even a little bit of friction 
He’s just so in the zone and authoritative and attractive 
You're thinking about slipping a hand down and maybe getting a little friction on your slit
Without looking up, Toshiro will tell you to come over to him
Points at his lap without breaking in his writing. If you take too long, he will grab you with his left hand and will pull you down to straddle his thigh.
“Ride.” Is all he’ll say to you. So you begin to grind on his muscular thigh, starting off slow and a bit shy.
Toshiro will probably squeeze an ass cheek with his free hand to encourage you, maybe pushing you down a bit as he flexes his thigh. 
“C’mon, I want to hear all those dirty moans.” He whispers into your ear.
At this point, you’re over your shyness and are busy humping the material. A wet spot appears embarrassingly quickly but there’s something about him that gets you going.
Especially since he’s not stopped his paperwork, capable of taking care of you and the files 
Probably will chill his finger and run it over the skin of your back. 
Eventually, it won’t be enough and after a few pitiful whines, he will give you his full attention. 
Probably pushes back from the table a little to have a bit more room.
His right hand worming its way down your trousers and into your wet pants. Toshiro will slide his fingers through the wetness clinging to your lips and slicking them up 
Two fingers push into you easily, curling to massage your gspot. It’s intense and pleasurable and not enough all at the same time. 
Toshiro beginning to nip at your sensitive neck as he starts moving his digits in and out of you as his fingertips continue to hit that spongy spot that has your legs clenching around his forearm
Will manoeuvre so he can grind the heel of his palm into your clit, left hand on your hip and guiding you to grind down and take everything he’s giving.
Will start scissoring his fingers to stretch out your walls before adding a third finger
increases the pace, as his teeth scrape down your bared neck
"Gonna cum for me, my dirty officer" "can you feel you clamping down on my fingers"
this man will run his mouth but like in a sweet way.
praises you but also talks you through your orgasm
will still his fingers but press circles into your clit with his thumb to help you ride out climax.
Will slide his fingers into his mouth, slurp up your juices and give a few pats to your ass then turn back to his paperwork and continue as if nothing happened whilst your quivering legs struggle to get your body back onto the sofa.
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jplupine · 8 months
Day 10: Toshiro Hitsugaya ~ Vibrator
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Pairing: Toshiro Hitsugaya x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~3.8k Date Published: October 10, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Dom!Switch!Toshiro, Established Relationship, Teasing, Handjob, Vibrator, Light Praise, Hair Pulling, Aided Masturbation Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Toshiro also uses terms like 'my love' and 'sweetheart' to refer to Wynter. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: Toshiro has some special plans for Wynter.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  The room was quiet as I sat at my desk poring over paperwork. Twirling my pencil to help keep myself focused, I went page by page, checking details and correcting mistakes. The silence was becoming irritating enough to make me turn on the radio sitting on the edge of my desk.
  My head turned when I heard the door open. Captain Hitsugaya walked in with a neutral expression and calm steps, and he quietly shut the door behind himself. He had a file in his hand that he gently set on my desk while looking down at me.
  "I need you to go over this before it gets submitted. Can you do that?"
  "Of course, Captain. When does it need to be done?"
  "By the end of the day." I nodded to his response, but he continued to stand there as his gaze wandered over my face. Toshiro then glanced around the room before looking back at me with his head tilted. "Did you do as I asked this morning?"
  "This morning? You'll have to be more specific, Captain. You asked me to do several things this morning." I flipped to the next page as instrumentals softly came from the radio's speakers.
  "My request....from before you came into work." Toshiro had yet to move as he continued to watch me closely.
  "You mean the note?" I questioned while feeling my ears getting warmer. A little smile pulled at the corners of his mouth as his eyes glittered in the sunlight coming through the window.
  "Yes, the note. Did you do it?"
  "I did. But I have to ask, what are your plans for after work? Or are you not going to tell me until later?"
  "After work." He hummed and turned away from my desk to go to his own on the other side of the room. His long legs carried him to his chair, and he sat down.
  "So you really won't tell me?"
  "You'll find out soon enough." The way he smirked sent a tingle up my spine. Given what his request had been, I was eager to find out what he had in store.
  While I was getting ready that morning, I'd found a note on my bed along with a neatly laid out pair of panties. They were black with a small silk bow on the waistband, and the note had been asking me to wear them. Toshiro wasn't usually one to ask me to wear certain things, so it had genuinely made me curious.
  Especially after I'd found the secret pouch inside them that closed with a snap button.
  "Hm?" I looked up from the paperwork in front of me.
  "Come here for a second." Toshiro gestured, and I set down my pencil while getting up. Crossing the office, I stood in front of his desk expecting him to hand me something. "Around here." He tilted his head, and I went to the other side of the desk as he turned in his chair.
  Having me stand in front of him, Toshiro then pulled on my sash to loosen it.
  "Toshiro!" I hissed in surprise and grabbed his wrists.
  "Calm down. This will only take a few seconds." His low voice remained steady, and I swallowed while letting his wrists go. My eyes were trained on the door to make sure no one would walk in to see us like this.
  He pushed my hakama down before his fingers curled behind the hem of the panties to pull them lower. I heard a snap from the button of the pouch being undone, and I looked down to see Toshiro digging in his pocket before producing a small thing shaped like an elongated egg that was no bigger than my finger. When he slid it into the pouch, it dawned on me what it must be.
  "Toshiro, is that a vibrator?!" I whispered out of shock since I hadn't expected him to pull out such a thing at work.
  "Hold onto it for me." He snapped the button closed and kissed my lower stomach.
  "What the Hell are you planning?"
  "Are you really that worried? Don't you trust me, Wynter?"
  "You just pulled out a sex toy. How do you expect me to react?" I questioned as he pulled my hakama back up.
  "I expect you to behave and get your work done." He was still so calm while tightening my sash, and I could feel the vibrator pressing against me through the fabric of the panties. It wasn't too distracting that I couldn't get work done, but there was no way I'd be able to forget it being there.
  Was that why he'd put it there already?
  He looked up at me from his seat while letting his hands travel down my legs. There was something in his eyes that told me this would not be the only surprise for today.
  "Go on, then. That paperwork won't finish itself."
  "Mm." I turned to go back to my desk when he smacked my ass. I jolted, but when I looked back, he was already sifting through things on his desk to get to work. Sighing through my nose, my imagination was running wild with the possibilities of what might be in store.
  Sitting down at my desk made me even more aware of the vibrator as the chair pressed it harder against me. Swallowing, I tried to ignore it as much as possible.
  Going through the paperwork on my desk, I managed to get more done. Piling what was completed to the side, I glanced over at Toshiro to see him still working. His calm demeanor and focus on what was in front of him gave nothing away as I wondered what he was thinking about.
  Shaking my head, I tried to focus on anything but what was now in my underwear. As the minutes ticked by, it became easier to work.
  Until I shot out of my chair with a yell just as the door opened. My pencil was now broken in my hand as well, and Rangiku was looking at me from the doorway with wide eyes and raised brows.
  "Sorry. Cramp. I've been sitting down a while." I quickly lied before stretching out my legs as if trying to ease the tension in my muscles.
  "Oh, you poor thing. You have got to stop overworking Wynter." Rangiku pouted at Toshiro, and he just sighed while not even looking up from the desk.
  "What do you want?"
  "I came to let you know that there will be a Captain and Lieutenant meeting soon."
  "I'll be there."
  "Good. Then Wynter can take a break." Rangiku winked at me with a smile. "I give you full permission to slack off while he's gone."
"Thank you, Lieutenant Matsumoto." I chuckled and gave a polite bow.
  "Aren't you adorable?" She waved at me before leaving, and my eyes shot to Toshiro as soon as the door shut.
  "That was on purpose, wasn't it?"
  "What was?"
  "Just now. You turned the vibrator on before Rangiku came in." I pointed, and a sly smile grew on his face before he looked up at me.
  "Perhaps I did."
  "You didn't say it was remote-controlled!"
  "You're already blushing."
  "Because that was embarrassing!" I waved my hand toward the door.
  "Well, you heard her. I have to get to a meeting." Toshiro got up from his desk and came over to gently grab my chin as he looked down at me. "I shouldn't be gone long." He kissed me before smiling again with his eyes only half-open. "Behave." His other hand was in his pocket, and I felt the vibrator turn on again, making me jolt before he turned it off.
  Was that a warning?
  Toshiro then left, and I bit my bottom lip. He had no intention of waiting until after work to carry out his plan. He'd just shown willing to mess with me at work.
  And now I could only wait until the next time he decided to strike. I also knew him telling me to behave meant he didn't want me removing the vibrator while he was gone either.
  Sitting back down, my mind was racing as my heart beat quicker. He could turn the damn thing on at any second. I couldn't help but find that a bit exciting.
  Digging into one of the drawers of my desk, I found another pencil to replace the broken one and began to sharpen it. I tried to continue working and took some calming breaths to help me focus.
  I lost track of time with all the things on my mind until I was yanked back to reality when I flew out of my chair and hit my desk from the sudden vibrations right against my clit. They were way more intense than earlier, letting me know this fucking thing had different settings. My nails dug into the desk when it buzzed even harder as my thighs pressed together.
  No matter how hard I tried, there was no escaping it, and then it suddenly shut off again. Taking deep breaths, I let my head hang from my shoulders as my muscles relaxed.
  Just how far was the signal's reach for him to still be able to turn on the vibrator while in a meeting?
  Looking over the papers on my desk, I saw how me hitting it had put them in disarray. Heavily sighing, I began to gather up the papers to neatly stack them again. When I reached for the file on the edge of my desk, I paused.
  Something was sticking out of the folder now that had different colors on it rather than it being a normal page with text. I grabbed the folder and pulled it closer to look inside. Toshiro had mentioned this was paperwork that needed to be done by the end of the day, so why did it look as if there was a picture inside?
  My mouth hung open as I looked down at what was indeed a photo instead of paperwork. As if knowing I'd opened the file, the vibrator turned on again at a lower intensity. The buzz felt good as I looked at the photo of Toshiro done in a pin-up style from behind.
  The lighting caught the muscles of his back that were framed by his kimono hanging off his shoulders. He had one leg sticking out, showing bare skin up to just below the top of his thigh. The pose and his expression as he had his face turned to the side was so erotic.
  Biting my bottom lip, curiosity had me moving the photo to see if there was another underneath. And there was.
  This one was taken from the front with his arms raised and his hands behind his head. His kimono was still loose on him, showing his chest and most of his stomach while his leg was still bare. I could see the small wisps of white hair beneath his belly button before the sash got in the way.
  The vibrator began to buzz in a throbbing rhythm that made me grunt. Grabbing my chair, I pulled it closer before sitting down. There were more photos in the file that showed more and more skin until Toshiro was fully naked.
  When had he taken these pictures? They were so well done and would've taken time to get.
  Swallowing, I covered my mouth with one hand while trying not to make a sound because of the vibrator. It was still going and driving me up a fucking wall. Sighing through my nose, I shifted in my chair to start grinding against the toy instead of trying to fight it.
  The photos of Toshiro laid out in front of me made him look so enticing and inviting. This hit even harder since I wasn't used to him doing stuff like this. Our sex life wasn't boring, but he'd never been this....outright. Even PDA was rare with Toshiro, so I hadn't been prepared for any of this.
  But I didn't dislike it.
  Fuck, how long would his meeting last?
  I gave a frustrated groan when the vibrator suddenly shut off. Taking a deep breath, I ran a hand down over my face. My cheeks were warm as heat coiled in my gut.
  Looking at the photos on my desk again, both the kimono shots and the nude ones held my attention. Toshiro was a beautiful man, and I was ecstatic to get to see these sides of him. I only wished he was here so that I could get my hands on him as well.
  The cycle continued of Toshiro turning the vibrator on and off at different intervals, never leaving it on long enough for me to actually get anywhere. He was tormenting me. I was left squirming in my chair and huffing in frustration with a throbbing clit and soaked panties.
  Humming while grinding against the vibrator as it buzzed, I froze when I heard a knock at the door. The toy turned off, and I quickly scrambled to get the photos back into the file before they could be seen. The door opened, and I threw the file into a drawer and slammed it shut.
  And relief washed over me when I saw it was Toshiro. He smiled with amusement while looking me over, and I sighed.
  "You're horrible."
  "I see you found the pictures." He closed the door behind himself, and I leaned against my desk.
  "I did. They're fucking gorgeous, by the way."
  "Thank you. I tried." His tone was steady as he reached behind himself toward the doorknob. His eyes never looked away from me, and I heard the lock click. "There won't be any more meetings for the rest of the day." Toshiro then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small remote.
  He came closer and made a show of pushing the button to turn the vibrator on again. He softly smiled when my thighs twitched before he sat on the edge of my desk. I felt the vibrator pick up pace as he gently grabbed my chin to lift my face.
  "You must be pretty desperate by now. You're blushing so much."
  "You have no clue." Standing up, I placed my hands on his hips while leaning against him. He reciprocated the kiss I gave, letting his hand wander from my jaw to the back of my neck.
  He upped the intensity of the vibrator again, making me groan at the back of my throat. Toshiro stepped forward and turned while having me follow him without breaking the kiss. We only parted when he sat in my chair and patted his lap.
  My heart was pounding as I straddled his thighs and grabbed the back of the chair. Toshiro fiddled with the vibrator's settings until he found one that made me moan.
  "I'm surprised you didn't say 'fuck it' and take things into your own hands." Toshiro chuckled as he placed a hand on my hip.
  "I thought it'd be more interesting to let you have your fun."
  "How nice of you." His voice purred as he rubbed his thumb over my hip in lazy circles. "Did anyone come by while I was gone?"
  "No, thankfully."
  "Did you manage to finish your work?"
  "My, that's a lot more than I would've guessed." Toshiro flipped through the stack of paperwork on my desk. "Perhaps I should reward your efforts."
  "Yes. Yes, you should."
  "It'll have to wait until after work, though. Then I can really show my appreciation for your hard work." His low voice caressed my ear before his lips did. He kissed down the side of my neck as his hand on my hip moved away from me. Tilting my head to the side, I made it easier for him to leave more kisses.
  I heard fabric rustling and looked down to see Toshiro's hand was in his hakama. He began to suck on a spot near the base of my neck, and I softly moaned near his ear. His hand came back out of his hakama while palming his hardening cock.
  I watched as he began to stroke himself while biting my bottom lip. My thighs clenched, and with the remote in his other hand, he turned the vibrator up one level.
  "Oh, fuck!" I hissed while crumpling in his lap.
  "Too much?"
  "No." Shaking my head, my nails dug into the back of the chair. His breath faltered as he continued to stroke himself. He was fully erect now with his fingers circling the head of his dick in a firm grip.
  "I couldn't stop thinking about you while I was gone. I kept wondering what you could be doing in here." Toshiro whispered before dropping the remote onto the desk. He then grabbed my ass and pulled me closer until his cock was pressing against me. His head fell back as he groaned through clenched teeth, feeling the vibrator now trapped between us.
  I moaned while grinding against him. I could feel how soaked the panties were as the vibrator pushed right against my clit. Toshiro even bucked into it while squeezing my ass in his hands.
  "Touch me." He kissed the edge of my jaw, and I wrapped my arms around him with my fingers in his soft hair. "Good boy. Keep moving your hips. Just like that." I buried my face in his neck while panting and grinding with such need.
  It felt so good and had my entire body humming. Toshiro's strong hands traveled up my back before pulling my kisode to the side to kiss my collarbone. My head was spiraling between his soft lips and the vibrator pulsing against my clit without mercy.
  "I've got so much more in store for you later, my love." Toshiro muttered into my shoulder before nipping.
  "You gonna....tell me?"
  "It's a surprise."
  "A hint?"
  "You forgot again, didn't you?" Toshiro chuckled and kissed a trail up the side of my neck. I tried to focus and think about what I could've possibly forgotten. "Wynter, why do you think I'm doing all of this?"
  I bit my lip because I couldn't think of an answer. It was a bit embarrassing, but I knew for certain today wasn't a holiday or an anniversary. So what the Hell could it be?"
  "It's your birthday, you idiot." Toshiro nipped my ear as his hand ran up my thigh. "How hard have you been working?"
  "Oh, that explains a lot. And....a lot."
  "Mm. I had a feeling." He sighed and grunted while his hands continued to wander. "When we get home, I'll make you dinner. Run you a bath. And keep you in bed all fucking weekend."
  "All weekend?" Excitement sparked, and he kissed just beneath my ear.
  "After how many birthdays you've forgotten due to work, I'm making sure you remember this one. And maybe next year you won't forget again." His hand ran up my spine while the other one squeezed my thigh. Toshiro suddenly stood up, and my back hit the desk as he still held me close. "How's that sound, sweetheart?"
  "Good. Really good. Fuck!" My legs wrapped around his hips as he rutted against me. Toshiro's cock kept the vibrator in place, and he groaned as the toy continued to buzz with the sound mostly muffled.
  "Look at me. No more work for the rest of the day, understood?"
  "No. My slacking-off Lieutenant is more than capable of doing her job. You just worry about you....and me." Toshiro held my jaw while leaning in for a kiss. It was gentle and sweet despite his hips thrusting in a way that made me feel as if I might explode.
  His tongue swiped across my bottom lip, asking for entrance that I readily gave. He moaned into the kiss, making me shiver in delight. My back arched off the desk as my legs pulled him even closer.
  I should've figured out the special occasion sooner- From the panties to slipping the vibrator in earlier and even the photos. All things Toshiro wouldn't normally do but had done without hesitation....just to get me to focus on us instead of work.
  Well, he'd succeeded. My mind had been racing all day about what he could be planning instead of being stressed out. And now knowing what was in store for later left me even more excited and eager.
  We parted from the kiss, panting and moaning as the toy between us kept vibrating regardless of anything else going on. I wasn't sure I could last much longer after being teased for so long before.
  My head lolled back as I gripped Toshiro' Captain's haori and cried out. Had anyone been passing in the hallway, they would've no doubt heard me. I could only hope no one had.
  "Toshiro! I'm- Aaah~!" My knuckles turned white from how hard I was gripping his haori. He cupped my cheek in his hand, kissing my other cheek before brushing his lips along my jaw as he panted. He didn't stop grinding against me even as my thighs began to shake.
  "That's it. Don't fight it. Just let go, love." Toshiro whispered. My back arched again as my muscles tensed. His hips bucked, and my pussy was clenching around nothing as my orgasm hit.
  The vibrator forced me to ride the high as it wrenched everything from me. My mind blanked with my moan drowning out the radio on the desk. Toshiro fumbled for the remote, gradually turning down the vibrator once he found it to make sure I didn't get overstimulated.
  I was left panting on the desk while my muscles finally relaxed. Toshiro smiled while humming and rubbing my thighs.
  "That good, huh?" He questioned, and I nodded while slowly blinking. "I think you might've ripped my haori." He chuckled before kissing my cheek again.
  "No, don't be. Your pleasure is my goal today, Wynter." He purred my name in a way that made me shiver.
  Looking at him, I took in a deep breath before pushing him back. He fell into the chair, and I was on him in less than a second. Pulling his hair to lean his head back, I kissed him as I wrapped my other hand around his cock and began to stroke it.
  Toshiro moaned into the kiss when my thumb smeared his precum over the head. His hands landed on my sides to cling to me. I knew he was close, so I focused on the tip of his dick while my tongue caressed his. He whimpered and groaned until the very end when he was cumming in my hand. His hips bucked, making even more of a mess on my fingers.
  Pulling away from the kiss, I saw how dazed he looked while panting. His brows knit together as his chest rose and fell with each heavy breath.
  "What's that look for? It's my birthday after all, isn't it, Toshiro?" I cooed while licking the cum off my fingers with a smile. He scoffed and watched me clean my hand as he tried to catch his breath.
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coffee-cupps · 1 year
Absolute filth of a story coming up… it’s long af too. First official smut I’ve posted here
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katsuma6 · 4 months
Can we get a part 2 of “asking for pics” with some other guys? Some of the captains, Shinji in particular 🥺 Thank you in advance if you do it!
Part 2: Asking Bleach Men for pics.
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kyokutsu-sama · 6 months
Can you do Bleach Captains favorite "positions" with reader?
In no particular order with scenarios? 👀 Shunsui, kenpachi, Byakuya, Kensei, shinji and Toshiro.
A/n: Hi @kr0wu !! Here is your request and I hope you like it ❤️ Tw: Smut content below
Shunsui :
So, this man loves physical contact and closeness with you, so I believe that during the act he want to be as close to you as possible. I think his favorite position would be missionary where he could have your body right underneath him and be able to look into your eyes while your hands hold him close to you like he loves to feel. He simply loves seeing all your expressions of pleasure from the way your eyes roll to the way your body twitch and your legs pull him to keep him inside you. He's all about intimacy and romanticism, something that suits him
Kenpachi :
Unlike the previous captain, he is not soft most of the time, he simply can't be very romantic. And when he try, you end up laughing at him and he rolls his eyes and turns his back on you. I don't need to mention that this man loves doggy style, whether it's on the bed or against the wall. He loves pulling your hair or marking your skin with his hands, just as he loves pinning your arms behind your back and watching you struggle to free yourself from his grip. There are countless reasons why he loves having you in this position, but mainly seeing his cum run down your legs and hearing the wonderful sounds you release. Another position I think he would like would be pressing your back against his broad chest and wrapping his arm around your neck while pulling your body back to slam into you.
Even though he looks serious and emotionless all the time, he loves you deeply. He would be a mix of Kenny and Shunsui, or maybe a middle ground, he is very soft with you but also likes to be a little more dominant sometimes. His favorite position would be either missionary where he could be close to both your lips and your neck to leave some small marks on your skin, or on your side hugging your body against his and lifting your thigh while he buried himself in you. He really likes to kiss or leave a few marks on you, regardless of the two positions.
This man is like Kenpachi, he is not patient or gentle and he doesn't even try to be romantic. So you already know what you will find there. He likes intensity and something rough, so I'm going to bet on doggy style where he will keep one hand on the back of your neck and pin you against the mattress while he hits you from behind or thrust you with both of your legs over his shoulder while keeping the other hand on your neck, choking you. He will order you to keep your eyes open just so you can see the mess he is causing you.
To be honest, I see him being more of a sub than a dom and a green flag. He likes it when you challenge him too, given his silly personality he will always be putting you to the test. So, I think he would like you riding him with both hands roaming his body, he would probably be witnessing one of the most beautiful sights of his life and yes he will want to have you dominating him like that more than once. He also really likes having your lips, so it's good for you to give this man some big kisses.
Toshiro :
(Firstly, I'm writing for the adult version of the character, just so y'all know)
He is careful with you and in addition to hugging you a lot, he also likes it when you hold his hand, showing him some kind of "connection". So, here, I think it would be two possible positions, either missionary where you can hold hands while he enters you gently and your bodies are very close or if you are on his lap running your hands over his shoulders and through his white hair while you ride him slowly. He is very protective of you and that is why it is normal to see his arms holding you all the time.
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yutaoko · 6 months
The ‘Hellevator’ (Toshiro x Female Reader)
The title pretty much suggests it, but what happens when you get stuck in an elevator alone with Toshiro?
NSFW warning
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The awkwardness between you and this man were unbearable.
You were the only 2 people in this elevator, and the silence was starting to make you feel uneasy. The only sound you could hear was when one of you moved a bit and your clothes rustled. Other than that, it was pure distress for you.
“What floor did you say you needed to go on, again?”
You turned to face the man. He was glaring at you, waiting for a response.
“10th…floor.” You said.
He nodded.
“Guess I’ll let you go first. It’s the 11th floor for me, surprisingly.” He said.
All of a sudden, the elevator made an unsettling noise and you felt it stop moving.
The man began shaking his head.
“Again? Seriously? This is the second time in a week ever since this damn elevator stopped working.” He sighed.
You suddenly felt your panic increase.
“What…do we do? When will we be free? Wh-”
The man walked over to you and pinned you against the wall of the elevator.
“Stop panicking. There’s nothing to worry about.” He spoke.
He was so close to you that it made your heart skip a beat. He was just so handsome that you felt your cheeks warm up while you were admiring his features. And it was obvious that he noticed because the serious expression on his face curled up into a small smirk.
“What are you looking at?” He whispered, moving his face closer to yours.
You tried to look away from him in embarrassment, when all of a sudden he held your chin and made you face him, diving deep into a passionate kiss. You slowly closed your eyes as his tongue intertwined with yours, causing quiet moans and grunts in between.
You were shocked at his sudden approach, but oh you did not know what this man was doing all this time.
Ever since you walked into that elevator, he fell in love in an instant. He could not take his eyes off the way your body looked in that dress, your curves so perfect and exquisite and your shoulders fully exposed. He could immediately tell that you just came back from a party, but he was eager to make this night even more exciting. And while you were looking away from him, he’d occasionally check on his hard throbbing cock, waiting to be sucked by you. And now, he could not wait any longer.
The man pulled away from you, his face tense and serious again.
“Do me a favour.” He said.
“Hm?” You said in response.
His lust filled eyes looked into yours.
“I want you to suck my dick. Right now.” He said.
You immediately jumped.
“What?! But aren’t there c-”
He covered your mouth with his hand, then smirked.
“I already took care of that when you weren’t looking.” He said.
You look up and saw that the camera was destroyed.
How did he even manage to do that?
The man removed his hand from your mouth.
“So then. We good to go?” He said, placing his hand on his belt.
You nodded.
His smirk grew wider. He took off the belt to his pants.
“The name’s Toshiro, by the way. Just thought I’d let you know.” He said as he pulled his pants down.
You crouched down in front of him while he pulled his boxers down, greeting you with his large throbbing cock.
“Go ahead. It’s all yours.” Toshiro held your head and pushed you closer.
Your lips slowly wrapped around the tip then you slowly moved the entire thing into your mouth. Toshiro let out a grunt.
You began sucking, slow at first but then you began to pick up your speed.
“Fuck yeah baby…you’re doing so good…” Toshiro’s grunts became louder and serious the more you went back and forth. He covered his face from how intense this was for him, sweat dripping down the side of his face while his skin warmed up. He felt like he was about to cum already, especially after seeing how focused you were on his cock.
“Hold on…fuck…I gotta cum.” Toshiro said, holding your head. He immediately took his cock out of you then turned away but you stopped him.
“Do it…on my face.” You said.
Toshiro’s eyes widened.
“Well, if you say so.” He grinned, facing his cock towards you. In an instant, you felt his warm cum soak your face. You traced your fingers along your skin then licked the cum off each finger. It tasted sweet.
“What a pretty sight.” Toshiro laughed, as he pulled his pants up and fastened his belt.
All of a sudden, the elevator door opened.
“Oh, hey! It got fixed.” Toshiro said. He looked back at you.
“We’re on the 11th floor. I did say that I’d let you go first, but how about you stay at my room instead tonight?” He smirked.
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maissafespace · 1 year
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Toshiro Hitsugaya x Reader
Request from @coffee-cupps : Maybe Toshiro x reader? Their first make out sesh? I am craving that man.
Warnings: inappropriate relationship. captain!toshiro, fourthseat!reader. smut. kissing, a lot of kissing, hands going places they shouldn’t.
A/N: this had no business being this long. hope you like it love! we should show some more love to toshiro to be honest. even though is something simple, please request if you want! like and comment.
Masterlist - Masterpost
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To say you had a crush on the white haired prodigy captain was too little, it was an understatement.
Years ago, decades ago, it could have been looked at as a crush like one of those in those shoujo manga Rukia had told you about after coming back from the human world.
Now, and for quite some time, it was pure affection and love, it was far more than admiration and enchantment from his good looks. It was you liking everything about him, feeling as if the world wasn’t so bad when he appeared in a space you were in.
But as everything happened, there was still a distance between you two. He was a busy captain that most of the time had to spend his time with his own lieutenant or doing paperwork rather than socialize with others. He had always been like that, when Isshin Shiba was Captain, Toshiro was still the workaholic he is at current times.
Your only way to be close to him as you were in the past was by being something like his personal assistant, bringing him everything he could crave in the midst of his day behind the desk. And then spark some conversation to make him relax a little.
Today was supposed to be no different than the others. But for once as you passed the hallways of the barracks with the tray in your hands and opened the door to his office, he wasn’t there.
It wouldn’t have been strange if only he had notified you and your partner, the third seat. A bit of anxiousness knotted in your throat as the only other times this happened was when the war was coming or any huge battle was being declared.
“Y/N?” The voice that calmed your soul echoed through the room, after a sigh you could see from the little space in the paper walls that he was on the patio outside.
A small smile appeared on your lips. “Toshiro.” You called him back, taking the tray back in your hands from the desk and handing towards him outside.
You didn’t miss the tsk at the sound of his name and you didn’t for sure miss the same grumble about calling him captain.
“Toshiro, you had me scared I thought you had gone to an emergency or something bad was happening.” You poured the hot tea in his mug. “But you were just out here.”
“Thank you.” He took his mug in his hands, blowing over it a little. “I just needed some fresh air, I was sat on that chair since yesterday night as I had to look over some reports and write my own. I needed a few minutes for a break.” He sighed.
He looked as tired as one could be, it pained your heart to only be able to witness and not doing much for him effectively. “Uhm… Do you want me to go? So I can give you space to rest?”
“No, no, it’s fine, stay here.” He put his hand on your forearm putting you back in place beside him. “We haven’t had much of a moment for some time, things were a bit easier when Isshin was captain.”
“No, they weren’t.” He chuckled at your bluntness. “You were still covering for the majority of his work.”
Silence settled, the two of you looked at the green, the flora and fauna of the garden, the chirping all around was soothing and a reflect of your current need of peace. Your body slumped, relaxing way too much, till the side of your head gently rested on his shoulder.
His body stiffened for a few seconds, relaxing knowing it is you.
You who stayed beside him for all of this time, you who could understand him, you who tried every day to make him smile with the few words you could exchange.
He didn’t know when exactly you two distanced yourself this much, that your touch could have him feeling nervous, you used to do it a lot before and he was fine with it.
Maybe he was so focused on work that he lost sight of his surroundings, lost sense to his own feelings. He closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of your perfume, his hand moving to find yours with his heart thumping against his rib cage and breath hitching when your finger entertained with his.
“Toshiro?” He hummed at you. “Can we do this more often?”
Your head turned as you asked the question, your face so close to his, looking and admiring his profile.
You both were wondering if the other could hear the loud beating of your hearts, if the heat one felt the other could too at such a distance.
His throat went dry as he hummed and nodded not trusting his own voice to be as secure and stoic as it is usually.
He turned towards you, blue eyes observing you back, half lidded, going back and forth between your eyes and your lips, plump and soft, that he wanted to try and savor.
You wondered who was the first that leaned in but your lips were on one another’s seconds later. It was soft and hesitant, there was no pressure at all, a lasting peck that had your eyes closed as the only thing that gripped were your hands.
Pulling away slightly, your eyes met, an evident blush on his face as he felt out of place and embarrassed on what to do next. Your smile calmed him as now you were the one that went in for another kiss, one that was more than the previous.
Your lips were moving slowly, picking up the pace by the second, tilting your head to the side for a deeper kiss, a low moan escaping your mouth as his hand went up to your waist while the other slipped from your hand and went up to the side of your face.
His thumb caressed your skin, the smacking of your lips wet from each other drowned in the outside noise. Your were praying and hoping for no one to come out of the shadows at this moment with everything escalating so fast.
He was sat up straight, pulling you to him, you seemed as if you were on your knees in front of him, your hands planted on the wooden floor were the only thing keeping you up.
Pulling away for some air, your breathing were heavy, your body disheveled in front of him, he only craved more. “Fuck-“
He smashed his lips against yours once more, this time you were both not shy to sounds you were making, he took the chance when a moan had your mouth open just enough to insert his tongue.
His grip on you was rougher, trying to feel more, you were a bit hesitant to respond to him, eventually you tried following his lead, tongue to tongue, his saliva mixing with yours messily. The heat in you pooled more and more, till your thighs were visibly squeezing to relieve the sensation, your hand went up to his captain robe, holding it as if your life depended on it.
His nails dug into your skin, at the moment he wasn’t the respectable captain and you weren’t the good tamed fourth seat that everyone could deem innocent, you were two friends that had fallen into the temptation after so long, two people whose only thought in mind was to strip off the robes you were wearing.
Feel the bare skin onto the other, unite into one and make love to suppress the current carnal desire that was taking over. You didn’t even care of your public position, how anyone passing by could see you.
The moans and groans were shamelessly loud, and as his hand fell onto your neck he fought the urge to slip his hand under it and taking it off. He whined a little, pulling away from you, pecking your smile face as he just hugged you close to him to keep it under control. Your arms wrapped around his waist as your half laid body leaned against his.
Your ear to his chest, let you hear his irregular heartbeat. “This is a superior-employee like relationship, it’s inappropriate in the same squad.” He muttered, reciting some rule he doesn’t even know if it exists.
“But I still want to try… to be with you… let’s try, please.” He could hear the slight pleading in your tone and even if you hid it there was probably some pain crossing your features, he couldn’t handle that.
He wouldn’t even deny this if he tried, not after what you two already started, he simply wanted more, here and once you two were home.
“We can try.”
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herseyboktan · 1 year
Bleach has amazing characters
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brittscafe · 1 year
can i request how adult toshiro would deal w a wife/ s/o with a high sex drive ? tysm i love the way you write him <3
Thank you so much! <3 <3
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Honestly, Toshiro won't ever admit it, but he doesn't mind it. He carves attention and getting to make love to you is like a slice of heaven for him.
He knew before marrying you what your sex drive was like. You did warn him multiple times what he was getting himself into.
It's a great way for him to release his pent up anger. There will be days when you come into his office, begging for him and he'll eventually give in, bending you over the desk and taking you right there.
Or he'll come home, ready to take out his anger on you. You have no problem letting him pound into you and telling you how horrible his day was or how you're a pain in his ass.
There are days where he's surprised to find your cunt soaking wet and the morning has just literally just started.
He'll roll over in bed as your ass is pressed up against his cock and he'll stick his hand inside your pants.
"Why the hell are you wet already?" Toshiro asks, his fingers running under your soaking wet underwear.
"Why are you touching me there?" you retort back, a smirk tugging on your face.
"Seriously?" he scoffs out, a deadpan expression takes over his features.
He's super hard to read as he'll always wear a deadpan expression, but his actions say differently. Toshiro would never even dare to have sex with you in a meeting or even glance over at you as you tease him endlessly.
His mouth is watering and his cock is aching, but he's too professional to act on his impulses.
As soon as the meetings over, you grab onto his hand and drag him into an empty room. It's safe to say that all the captains at this point, know what you sound like.
Toshiro also has no complaints when you take the head of his cock into your mouth and start to pleasure him. He might get overwhelmed at times, but you always know when to stop.
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kxkyuu · 2 years
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Temperature Play: sensual play where objects and substances are used to stimulate the body's neuroreceptors for heat and cold for sensual effect
Synopsis: Toshiro and the cold go hand in hand. 
Warnings: soft!dom!Toshiro, fem!reader, temperature play(ice), nipple play, oral (f!recieving), multiple orgasms, praise, explicit smut, marking, creampie
Word Count: 1.5k
Pairing: Toshiro Hitsugaya x F!reader
“Is it too cold, my love.” Toshiro asks as he traces the tip of the ice cube down the center of your abdomen slowly, watching as it melts and the cool water trickles down your sides. His turquoise eyes trail back up to your face, seeing the way your mouth drops open in pleasure from the chill of the frozen cube. Lifting it from your tummy, he circles it around your nipple as you arch your back from the sudden chill to your headed flesh. “I asked you a question, darling.”
You shook your head in response to his earlier words. “No, Toshiro, it feels good.” Your teeth worried your bottom lip when his warm lips closed over the pebbled bud in an apology for the chill. “T-Toshiro...” You whine out as he uses the ice to circle your neglected breast as the fingers if his other hand ghosts down your center to cup between your thighs. 
Toshiro’s tongue gently scraps over your nipple as he rubs the ice over the other one before switching. Taking the cold stiff peak into his mouth to warm and soften it under his hot touch as he cools the other one. He keeps the ice there until it melts from your body heat and from the intense circling. His other fingers tease your slit, gathering the slick that pools there and coating your thighs with it. 
He grabs another cube of ice from the cup on the nightstand as he crawls down your body, licking a line down your chest as he did so. Once he was between your thighs, he gently spreads them, biting your thighs softly. “You’re so beautiful, my love.” He purrs as he slips the ice into his mouth and blows the cool air over the bite marks he left on your inner thighs. Marks that only he woudl ever see like the marks you leave on his back. “Just relax and let me do everything, okay?”
You lick your bottom lip as you curl your fingers into his pretty white hair, tugging lightly as he dips his head between your thighs and tossing out legs over his broad shoulders. Arching your back perfectly for him as his hands slide under you to cup you rear as his cool tongue laps at your center, gathering as much of your essence as he could on the flat of it. “My god, Toshiro...” You moan out his name as your fingers tighten in his hair.
“Feels good?” He asked, the tip of his tongue teasing the little bead of flesh hidden between your lower lips. A hum rumbles in his throat at the soft moan you gave as you try to guide his head deeper against your aching core. “You’re so cute.” He coos at you, bringing his mouth back to your cunt, melding his lips against it as he flicks his tongue through your sticky folds.  His fingers dug into the flesh of your rear you try to pull away from the ice he was slowly pushing inside your warm walls with his tongue. “Don’t run from me, love.”
You feel a shiver go down your spine from the cold penetrating your warmth. “Toshiro...” you cry out, tugging on his hair with both hands now. Feeling the ice melt, dripping out of you and back onto his eager tongue, your head fell back against the pillows. “Oh my god...” your clit throbs as his tongue seeks out more of yoru slick, gliding through your cool folds to warm them back up now that the ice cube is melted.
Toshiro dips two of his slender fingers into your opening, scissoring as he laps at your sensitive little clit. “Want you to cum for me, pretty one.” He says softly, his voice a deep timber that sends vibrations up your spine. Thrusting his fingers at a leisurely pace, teasing and tempting you into an orgasm with his touch. He could feel the way you were clenching down on his fingers and knew you just needed a little more to push you over that edge. Closing his lips over your clit, he sucked harshly while increasing the tempo of his thrusts.
A loud moan left you as you arch your back up once more as you came hard from the intensity. Toshiro greedily laps up everything you had to offer, his tongue swiping through your slick folds. His fingers continue to move within you to draw out your oragasm, overstimming you just a bit as he wants you to enjoy every moment of this alone time with him. Slowly, he pulls away and licks his lips. 
“Sweet.” Toshiro lifts his soaked fingers to your mouth, pushing down of your bottom lip lightly untl you open up for him. Sliding them inside, he groans lightly when your tongue peeks out as you clean his digits of your essence. Fumbling with his bottoms, your lover unties them and pushes them down to his thighs, his heavy cock nudging at your thigh. “Let me contine to make you feel good.” He coos softly as he grabs the base and rubs the tip against your clit.
You whine out as he guides himself inside, pushing past that tight ring of muscles and pressing deeping against your slick folds. Your nails found purchase in his back as your head fell deeper against the pillow, legs wrapping around his lean waist. “To...shiro...” you keen out as he slowly pushes inch by delicious inch inside your throbbing core. When he finally bottoms out, your nails had formed bright red crescents into his skin.
Rocking his hips against yours, Toshiro leans down and kisses your soft lips and slides his tongue against yours. “Just let me rest inside you for a moment. I want to appreciate how snugly you hug me and memorize every look that crosses your face. This pain from you marking up my back is ingrained in my memory.” He lazily snaps his hips into yours, watching as your cute, pouty mouth falls open to let out a beautiful sounding moan.
“Toshiro...” You moan out his name in a mantra-like chant as you meet him thrust for thrust, neither of you in a hurry for the other to finish. “I love you. So much.” one hand leaves his back to tangle into the fine hairs at the nape of his neck, holding him close to your face so if you wanted to press your lips against his you could. As your breathing mingled with his, you could feel the speed and power of his thrusts increase. “Oh, god. That feels so good.”
Turquoise eyes meet with yours as sweat starts to bead at his forehead. “Yeah?” He says as his hands move to grab your thighs and push them closer to your chest and further apart. “Let’s make it feel even better.” Toshiro speeds up until he is thrusting in and out at a moderate pace, watching the pleasure contort your face as you dig your nails into his shoulders. A shudder goes down his spine from the sting as his tongue slid out to wet his lips. “You’re taking me so well, love.”
You could barely understand what he was saying, the pleasure washing over you as heat grew in your belly, spreading down to the tips of your toes. Your mouth falls open as you wrap your arms more tightly around his neck as you try to keep up with the intensity of his hips, but soon gave up as he increases it more until the sound of skin against skin fills the bedroom. You could only hang on to him and moan out his name as Toshiro sought to bring you to competition.
He could feel the way you were clenching down on his cock, the fluttering of your inner walls as your love making continues. “Going to cum again, love?” He coos as he brushes some of your hair out of your sweaty face before pressing his lips sweetly against yours. “Go on, you can. Cum.” He angles his hips to put pressure on that sweet spot within you, smiling when he finds it when your back arches deeply and pushes your breasts against his chest. To add to your pleasure, his thumb goes to the spot where you two were joined and rubs slow circles over your clit.
You feel your thighs beginning to tremble from the pleasure as that heat tightens in your belly. “Please, please, please?” You beg, needing to feel that sweet release that only he could provide. Your gut tightens as his tip presses deep and your body trembles as your orgasm washes over you and our walls quiver around his length. Your cunt drenches his cock in your slick juices.
Toshiro lets out a quiet moan from the feeling of your cumming around him. His palm cups your cheek as he gazes tenderly into your eyes. “You’re so pretty when you cum so earnestly for me.” His teeth worries his bottom lip as he feels his cock twitching within your clenching walls. “Can I?” He ask for permission. “Can I cum inside, baby?”
You eagerly nod your head. “Please, Toshiro. Want you to cum inside. Want you to make me feel so warm.” You dig your nails into his back once more, leaving behind even more of your marks as you hold him closer and wrapping your legs even tighter around his waist when he lets them fall from your chest. You could feel his thrusting became sloppier as he began to lose himself to the pleasure.
He curses as he gives a few more heavy thrusts before his hips lock into yours and his seed spills over into your warm. Toshiro’s breath came out in harsh pants as he rested his forehead against yours. “I love you, too.” He whispers sweetly before pressing his lips gently against yours.
Tag list: @semisgroupie @anime-nymph @evierena @natural-goddess @punchingsasukebymoonlight @spiral_flood @makaylasierra789 @thus-spoke-gee @fandomterrorist @randomveyn @sinsayah @nanami-n-nichole @shoutaswhore @actually-a-tampon @deputy-videogamer @kashasenpai @tokyo-ballroom @tokyometronetwork @bakugosbratx @awilddreamermain @monaukah @ovarysnake23 @itsjustfics @mikasavqx @animeguyswhore030208 @whatelsecouldgowrong @metalpink @megumri @mindlesschicca @cherrymangobanana @nappingwithyuuji @leoncito1503 @petalsrdead @o3o-aya @misslovingpearl @chaos-night @starry-supernova @slutforkyojuro @stygianoir @bvnnichuu @shirohyorin @twbachira @sailewhoremoon 
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nymphoheretic · 1 year
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Nymph: I love this man so much. And yes he is the King of Body worship. He loves deeply once you've thawed his heart of ice.
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, post-coitus cuddling, one clit kiss, marking
Pairing: Toshiro Hitsugaya x fem!reader
Words count: .5k
Tags: @tokyometronetwork @sailewhoremoon @nagumoan @linpunny @bakugosbratx @bookandyarndragon @rozentias @semisgroupie @alucrds @strawberrystepmom
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Toshiro was not a very big fan of PDA, he was stoic, cold, and to the point with everyone. Everyone except you. You managed to thaw the ice around his heart. He allows you to hold onto his arm while taking late night strolls, shyly kisses your cheek when out on dates, even once allowed you to sit on his lap when the train was crowded. Toshiro was smitten by you and every little thing you do.
So, once the two of you are behind closed doors, he simply cannot keep his hands off of you. His lips kiss every inch of your body, No part of you goes untouched. You are divine to him and he cherishes you more than anything. You have become his one and only, his partner, his one true love. And Toshiro wants you to know that in the most intimate ways.
Laying down next to you, fingers intertwined as you bask in the afterglow of your lovemaking, Toshiro brings your hand to his lips. He gently kisses each fingertip, running them over his mouth as he works his way down your arm. He mumbles sweet nothings against your skin as he pulls you closer to him.
He wants to be as close to you as possible to make up for the lack of affection while out. “I love every little thing about you.” His lips trace over the scar on your shoulder you had gotten during the battle with Aizen. “Every blemish, every freckle...” His ghosted his mouth over the small cluster of faint freckles that dusted over your cheeks, “Everything about you, I want to cherish.”
His voice is husky as it rings in your ears, your hand comes up to cup his cheek. When he lifts his turquoise eyes to admire the beauty of your face, you kiss him softly as your try to pour every bit of love you hold for him. “Everything?” you ask breathlessly.
“Everything.” Toshiro kisses your cheek, biting it gently. “I love how soft your cheeks are.” He trails kisses down to your neck, nibbling the skin. “Love how sensitive your neck is.” His lips trace down your collarbone to your chest hand cupping your breasts as he lavish them in kisses. “Love the way your breath hitches when I kiss these beautiful breasts.”
Your back arches when Toshiro lays his kisses down your tummy, his tongue flicking out to taste the salt from the light sheen of sweat that still covered your skin from your previous activities. “To...shiro...” You whine out softly feeling his teeth graze over your belly as his left tiny marks on your skin on his descent down your body.
“I love how your back arches so perfectly for me as I lay kisses down your stomach. I also love how your legs tremble when I have them over my shoulders.” He whispers, looking up at you as he does just that. His large hands wrap around your thighs to rest them over his broad shoulders. “I love how sweetly you moan for me when I barely even touch you, how cutely you squirm when I spread you open.” His thumbs move to open your lips to his gaze and he leans down to place the lightest, barely there kiss to your clit. “I love that you’re all mine.”
“All yours."
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©️2022-23 nymphoheretic - I do not give permission to copy, edit, alter, or distribute my work. Do not adverse on tiktok. Do not repost on any other platform.
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coffee-cupps · 1 year
Toshiro Hitsugaya X GN! Reader
{❄️Relationship HC’s❄️}
[In which Toshiro is soft with you…]
Hello! I’m officially off of Vacation from Florida and plan on writing a few things! Here is the first one! Most of them will be about Toshiro, maybe Byakuya or Gin. Maybe even Aizen.
Heavy fluff
Soft Toshiro
Soft kisses
Cuddling and hugs
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Toshiro is the type to not really show any affection to you, acting as if he was annoyed with you while attempting to cover up an obvious blush that dusted his face.
The longer the crush has lasted, the harder he will fall, and will slowly start to show his affection, only if the crush doesn’t disappear.
And for you, it never disappeared.
Toshiro likes to wake up early, to get a good start on his paperwork for the day, but he struggles sometimes when your warm body is draped around him, protecting him from the chilled room.
When he finally gets you off of him, he is already late but he couldn’t really care. Sitting in his bed kissing you softly over and over agin, he didn’t want to leave. He couldn’t leave.
He’d lazily get up, walking into the bathroom to shower while you rolled out of bed to start breakfast.
By the time he was finished, breakfast was ready and he sat next to you, kissing your lips before beginning to eat before heading to work.
Toshiro loved to give you little gifts. Small ice sculptures, rocks, little trinkets, ect. He loves it.
He doesn’t always show his emotion or speak his mind so the little gifts is one of his best ways to show affection.
He loved to hold your hand. To brush his thumb over your skin. He loves it.
When in public, you show each other respect, showing no signs of your relationship. People know, but you two just never show it out of respect for the other.
Toshiro loves to do paperwork with you. Just sitting in silence and enjoying the other’s presence is enough for him.
He loves to hug you, privately of course but, he really loves your warmth. He could stay up all night, holding your warm body in his arms, gently kissing your head.
He is so in love with you, he can’t wait to ask you to marry him.
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Plot bunny
Hey everyone! So I’m a long time fan fiction lover recent obsession is bleach , and I’ve been playing around with an idea of a story I’m on the fence of writing
will be based around my oc kumiko (miko) satsuki. Which basically means beautiful purple moon
she’s around 5”6 fuller figure, with long purple hair and light purple eyes. Shes kind and playful but has a short temper
her zanpakuto is named ayumu ookami ( dream wolf )
I’ve not worked out all the details yet, playing around with the idea of her being sent from another soul society, hell, or another secret decision. Reason she is being located is due to bad guy wanting to use her power (not decided on bad guy yet) but got a rough idea
miko has a strange condition which causes her to feel an overwhelming feeling when I’m the presence of a captain level person releasing their spiritual pressure.
“scared, bored, safe, laughing, tired, drunk” are all ideas of the uncontrollable feeling she will encounter
examples are
urahara-feeling of joy and laughter, will not stop laughing
Ukitake- feeling of complete protection and safety
Mayuri Kurotsuchi- absolute fear, unable to move from fear
Shūsuke Amagai-feeling tipsy/drunk
and my favourite
shunsui kyoraku- overwhelming sexual pleasure
I’m planning on plenty of smut with shunsui kyoraku and a one night stand with urahara
I don’t plan on following any time line so the captains will be made up of a few of my favourites
does this sound like anything anyone would want to read?
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therealmofamorus · 1 year
Type: Ask
AU: Original Male Stud AU
Summary of the Question: Which sister ks hotter Toshiro? Karin or Yuzu?
“I will not undignified myself to answer this boorish question.” Toshiro replied with a deadpan expression. Refusing to comment the attractiveness of either Karin or Yuzu Kurosaki.
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skskskwkqms · 4 months
i want more hitsuhina smut doujinshi/fanfics
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