min-yumniverse · 2 years
Stroke My Whiskers One Last Time (2)
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This story contains: fluff, food, nudity, death.
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“This is the Theatre, where shows are performed. Plays and such, you know,” the girl explained to the prince. She pointed to the big wooden and straw theatre. The maroon curtains sway to the light breeze. She had been walking around with him for hours. They were stopped a few times by citizens noticing the prince, giving him formal invitations for events.
The Prince, never before seen outside of The Castle or large formal events. Most people had only seen portraits of him, which in no way did his looks justice. But they were enough to be able to identify him. He was way nicer than anyone would have anticipated. He was always described as quiet and cold. But it wasn’t even slightly true. He was very friendly, especially to (Y/N).
They stopped their journey around the kingdom to eat lunch in a deli near the theatre. “I can pay,” the prince insisted.
“No, it’s fine, I’ll pay,” the girl cut in front of the prince with her coin purse. “Here you are~!” She pulled out her money and handed it to the lady. They went to one of the polished oak wood tables outside the deli. There was a mustard sun umbrella providing shade to the table.
“I could have paid… it’s the least I could have done,” the prince said in a pout to the girl. He felt bad for letting her pay, especially since he was the more wealthy of the two… And the man.
“No, I should be the one to treat you, Your Highness.” (Y/n) flashed a smile at him, he avoided her eye contact and looked away.
“Just call me Yoongi,” he whispered, inaudibly. His face was still turned away from the girl, and she couldn’t hear him.
“Pardon me, Your Highness; I didn’t hear you.” She leaned closer to The Prince.
“It was nothing.” He rubbed the back of his neck while turning back to face the girl. Her lips formed an ‘oh’ shape as she backed away. The Prince looked down, realising he may have just turned her off. “I never got your name,” The Prince said to (Y/n). Her face lit up from its previously gloomy state.
“Ah- I- Um… It’s (Y/n),” She replied, looking around the scenery. Before he could say more, a lady came to their table with their lunch. (Y/N) was given her mutton, broccoli and mashed potatoes, steaming with graving oozing off of everything. The Prince had his lamb chops with the same sides as (Y/n). "Wow, it looks delicious!" She grabbed her fork and knife and started cutting open the juicy meat, letting it cool off before eating.
After a while, she noticed how The Prince didn't touch his food. He was sitting there, staring at her. "Do you not like it, Your Highness?" She asked him. He blinked a few times as if he was snapped out of a spell.
"Oh, I got distracted. It's just fine," he replied, shaking his head. He lifted his utensils off of the napkins placed on the table. His hands shook as if he were in the middle of a blizzard with no coat on. His clammy hands caused the fork to drop out of his hands and fall onto the floor.
"I wouldn’t have expected you to be so clumsy, Your Highness." She chuckled to the man, covering her mouth with her napkin, "here." She grabbed his plate and began cutting the lamb for him, feeding him with her own fork. His cheeks displayed a rose hue, his eyes half-lidded as he focused on the hands that fed him. She was like a mother. Like his mother. He missed her terribly after her death a few years back. She was the only one who could convince his father to do anything. She was the one who took him into consideration; who chose family before anything else in his life.
The Prince hushed out a “thank you” as he took another bite of the lamb from her fork. She shook her head as if to say he didn’t need to worry about it. He was a member of the royal family after all. Of course, she would do something as small as this for him.
Upon finishing eating, The Prince had to go back to The Castle. The place he resented so much. “Can we meet up again tomorrow (Y/n)?” The Prince looked back at her.
“I would love to. We can watch the 6 o’clock play together. I hear this time they’re performing a Shakespear play,” She suggested.
“That sounds perfect!” The Prince shined a bright gummy smile at the girl. He got closer to her to pick up her hands, “I’ll see you then,” he said to her happily. He walked off towards The Castle. (Y/n) watched until he was too small to see anymore.
The pitter-patters of the rainfall on the window usually brought comfort to (Y/n). But not this morning. The girl paces around her cramped living room. Last night, her little kitten never showed up, causing her to stress about him, and the fact that it was raining meant the play would likely be cancelled.
“Have I really been done like this?” she fell onto her bed purposefully, resting her arm on her forehead. Her long eyelashes brushed her cheeks as she closed her stress-filled eyes. How could one be so unlucky?
Dreading to get up, (Y/n) dragged herself out of the house to open the bakery. Her brolly was old, it was her mother’s. There was a gash on the edge of the maroon fabric allowing water to sprinkle through.
It was an understatement. She was completely drenched by the time she arrived at the bakery. Her shoes squished and her hair dripped. She left puddles on the barely polished oak wood floors with every step she took. She could only hope that the towel that was usually placed in the staffroom was still there today. She sluggishly walked herself to the room and peered at the desk where the towel was usually placed. “Thank God,” she sighed, skipping up to the desk and grabbing the towel. Starting with drying her hair as best she could, then the rest of her.
His arms were thrown in the air for a mighty stretch. Groans escaped his lips. His puffy eyes were clamped shut for a few seconds. The Prince bounced off the bed and made his way to the bathroom.
The kingdom was the only building with running water. Other, lower class, citizens had to labour over bringing water into their houses daily, for cleansing and food.
The prince splashed his face with the cold running water. He started the bathwater and walked out of the bathroom with a towel to dry his face. The Prince’s room was huge with many unnecessary decorations. And a single, but large, painting of a family portrait with his father, mother and himself. His mother wore a black and golden gown, complemented with a peacock feather brooch. The prince was nothing more than a lad at the time, wearing his blue and gold dress. Funny, he still kept that dress, due to his mother’s request.
The prince looked out through his window as the droplets of rain splattered and raced down the glass. “It’s raining today… what am I going to do about this?” The prince looked down to his feet. He never liked the rain, it made his skin itch and he always got sick after being outside. He walked back to the bathroom and hopped in the bath. The hot water put him more at ease.
The bell attached to the bakery’s door rang loudly. The prince walked in through the door, closed his brolly and shook off some of the water before hanging it on the racks. “Welcome in Your Highness,” (Y/N) bowed to the prince. The two made eye contact for a minute, before (Y/n) broke it and bowed down hastily. “Would you like something to drink while I get ready?” She offered.
“Just tea will be fine,” The Prince replied. He played with the cuffs on his coat and sat down at one of the tables. His eyes were wide open, and his cheeks were dusted with a light pink shade in contrast to his milky white skin. The Prince never fidgeted, it was ill-mannered, but he couldn’t control himself today. The back of his hands felt dry like a rash was forming on them. From experience, he knew not to scratch them. The Prince sighed, “I hate the rain…”
“Did you say something You’re Highness?” The girl startled the Prince. She placed his cup and plate on the rustic mahogany tables. He pulled the plate closer to him and began to fidget with the edge of the teacup plate.
“No, nothing,” he replied to the girl. “We should make new plans because of the rain… How about this? Would you like to go to The Castle with me?” The girl’s arms went stiff. She looked up into the Prince’s eyes to check for any sarcasm or a crooked grin. But none was seen. She slid into the seat across from him and gripped the edge of the table tightly.
“Are you sure your highness? I’m merely a peasant, I do not belong in the—” she was cut off by the prince’s finger touching her lips. The customers in the bakery all gasped, watching The prince’s actions.
“I’m sure. I know your promise was to show me around the kingdom, but this once let me show you around The Castle. Is that alright?” He asked her, taking his finger off of her lips. She didn’t know how to feel, what would become of her image in the public eye if she said yes. What about if she said no, she’d be known as the ‘girl who turned down the prince’ which would be degrading towards The prince. But what if she was addressed as ‘the prince’s mistress’ or something to indicate a sexual relationship? Either option was bad, but she would rather ruin her own reputation than his.
“I- I’ll go then,” she muttered out, looking at the table.
“Look at me,” he commanded gently. This was the first time he had ever given her a command. Even though the tone in his voice was sweet and gooey, (y/n) was still startled. She immediately looked back into his deep eyes. They were soft but filled with loneliness. How did she not realize this before? He didn’t care about the kingdom, he likely knew it like the back of his hand. What he really wanted was someone he could talk to and someone to keep him company… yet he has hundreds of servants within The Castle, why couldn’t he just talk to one of them?
The patrons in the bakery were all watching her, some with looks of sympathy and others with looks of disgust. Her cheeks flushed, and she suddenly felt shy. This was the first time she had ever been in the spotlight, and now she was caught in it. She wanted to run, to hide. She couldn’t bear the thought of the look of pity and disgust that the people were giving her. She could practically hear them calling her a “whore,” and a “slut”. “I bet she whines and begs for him to warm her side of the bed at night,” she imagined them saying. She felt the prickling sensation in her head, as her thoughts were becoming clouded. She let out a nervous laugh and shook her head to rid the thoughts.
In reality, the patrons were in disbelief. Jealousy clouded a few of them, they wanted to be next to the prince in (Y/n)’s stead. But the rest of them knew just how kind-hearted and deserving of this (Y/n) was.
“(Y/N) look at me,” the prince repeated, sterner this time. She hesitantly looked up at the beautiful, black-haired prince in front of her. Her movements were too slow for him, however. He grabbed her cheeks and turned her to face him. “You’ll be fine,” his forehead moved to touch hers, “I promise.” Her head began to spin in circles, and her legs became weak. You wicked man Prince Min Yoongi. How could you be so deadly attractive and cute at the same time your highness? The warmth of his hands left her cheeks, it moved down her arms instead. He pulled her by her wrists, “Come on (Y/N), let us go.” His childish grin stole the hearts of every customer in that bakery.
“Wait, Your Highness! What about my things? I can’t waltz into The Castle in torn clothing!” Her legs moved on their own to keep her off the ground. The jingle of the door felt more like a “So long” rather than the usual greeting it had before.
“There’s clothing at The Castle!” He didn’t even turn back.
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(Next chapter at 50 notes)
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 year
I hate it when people draw engineer skinny like WHAT DID YOU DO??where the FUCK DID HIS TITTIES GO???? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE????????
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*slaps the roof of Mark Heathcliff*
This bad boy can fit so much Religious Trauma in him!
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silkydaspider · 10 months
Me when my wife (my tablet) of four years passes away tragically (it’s broken) and now I must mourn her death. (Wait for new tablet to arrive)
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littlebirdy0301 · 9 months
why did I get a grade lower than the class average on my last art assignment nooo I was so proud of it :’(
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thatemo · 22 days
Charles Xavier and and Erik Lensherr's love story is a tradgety and I cannot read fluff fanfic about them cuz that's really all they are.
Soulmates damned to fight eachother because love isn't all there is.
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6flyingosprey6 · 1 year
I really want the islanders to have a win.
Ever since the beginning of the server they’ve seen nothing but tradgety. Their children are hunted down and killed, and the prospect of them being revived is constantly teased and rarely given. They have lost two of their own, and we have no idea what happened to them.
I know it’s incredibly unlikely, but I hope that they get a nice, clean win today. They’ve more than earned it.
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animnightmare · 1 month
MASH tradgety vs House MD tradgety, go
You can use whatever qualifications you want to decide. Wich upsets you more personally, wich episode was more tragic narrativley, whatever.
My own thoughts in reblogs ;)
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comradeboyhalo · 8 months
Please, Bad needs to get one of us to recap egg lore for him 😭 The stream may last all day, but that’s okay, because everyone MUST know about c!skephalo and the tradgety of everyone involved. Animatics as presentation examples are a must.
how to explain that its imperative to hear quackity drop the line "then why do you still not have skeppy?" to fully experience the egg arc. awesamponk was done especially dirty by all the recaps AGHHHHH someone make a thorough clip compilation im BEGGING
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lmelodie · 11 months
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Doodle Dump lets gooooo! Haven't been drawing as much lately so it been a little bit since one of these appeared. Let's get into it
The underlying theme for this one is: What if Older!Fiera and Chimera were friends or something? And now they ARE (to me at least). Idk it just seems like they would vibe. Like a weird, kinda estranged auntie type figure.
I feel like Chimera has a lot of advice about guys that Fiera could listen to. She didn't peg her for one to be so head over heels with such a normal guy. But she's happy for her none the less.
Chimera can also breathe fire! It's always green and the both of them together is a whole smoke show.
Also, I have no idea if I'm gonna keep giving Fiera Jacks little hair flippy thing. I'm still on the fence about it, so you'll probably see it come and go lol.
OK I HAVENT YET WATCHED ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE. I KNOW THAT ITS A TRADGETY. But I wanted to play around with spidersona designs for Kills and Jacquie anyway. Cause they would be very cool conceptually. Arachnophobia and Snowspider everyone!
Stands to reason that if you have telekinesis that you'd be able to lift yourself around, right? This might make it into CC or it might not. Still on the fence about that particular ability lol. But Jack being able to turn into air and wind is just something a really vibe with.
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min-yumniverse · 2 years
Stroke My Whiskers One Last Time (1)
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This story contains: fluff, food, nudity, death.
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"Order up!" A (h/c) girl said, spinning up to the table with a plated angel cake in her palms. The sweet smell of cream and bread filled the warm building. The chatty customers add to the fullness of the rustic building. "Enjoy." She walked to the back of the bakery, opening a heavy wooden door leading to the kitchen. A light steam from baking escaped through the door.
(Y/n) wasn't the richest, but she was happy with the way she lived. She didn't have a lot of money but she had a lot of spirit. Many of the boys and girls loved being by her side. She was always so cheerful and full of positivity, she was always adored by the adults around her.
"What would you like to order ma'am?"
"Your highness, please come back!" A woman in a servant dress came running out of a large room. A stressed sweat was visible while she swiftly moved, holding up her mustard gown so as to not trip on it. She hastily approached the young man in baby blue silk pyjamas. As she got closer to him she reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him from escaping the building. He turned around to glare at her with his deep black eyes. If looks could kill, she would already be buried six feet under.
"There's no way I'll marry someone I don't even love!! Who do you take me for wench?!" He turned around pushing the lady away from him before walking away farther. The boy was beginning to approach the stained glass doors which lead to the large garden. Just five more seconds and he could be free of all the naggings. Free from other people's expectations and orders.
"You heard the King's orders, you can't just walk out like this!" The woman continued to chase him. He picked up his speed to the door, opening and slamming it on the lady's face. "Oh dear..." the lady put her hand to her face, massaging her temples. "He can't avoid marriage forever he's almost twenty for god's sake." She shook her head and walked back to the King's headquarters.
The sky was dark, crickets chirped keeping the night from being silent. (Y/n) locked up the bakery, securing the wooden plank in front of the door with an iron lock. "Meow~" She heard a cat whining at her.
"Back again Little Prince?" She crouched down to pet the black cat. He had bright blue eyes and grey mitten paws. He comes by usually at night after (Y/n) gets off of work.
"Meow~" The cat purred out, rubbing his head on (Y/n)'s legs. He especially loved his ears and chin being scratched. Soon enough (Y/n) picked the cat up and brought him to her little home. As she stood back up she patted down her striped blue skirt and butter-stained apron.
"Alright Little Prince let's head home and eat," she said to the cat, earning an excited meow back. She walked along the dark streets, barely litten up by the lantern posts. Her home was small but cosy. "Mom, Dad, I'm home!" She shouted out replacing the shoes on her feet with house slippers.
Silence replied to her. She walked into the kitchen, "Fish again?" she asked as she opened the icebox taking out some fish that she bought the previous day. She put them next to her cutting board, gutting, deboning and scaling the fish. She squeezed some lemon and lime juice onto the fish, marinating them. While she waited for the fish to absorb the lemon-lime mixture she put rosemary and butter in a large pan over her cooking fire. Throwing the fish in the pan caused a large splash and sizzle sound.
The cat purred while watching her from the table. He dragged the picture frames from the middle of the table near the chairs, making it appear as if there were more people in the home. (Y/n) fetched a potato and some carrots from the vegetable basket, cut the potato down the middle and threw everything in the oven to soften. She mixed the middle of the potato with cheese, parsley, garlic and butter. "Little Prince~ dinner is ready!" She brought 3 plates to the table. giving one with a single cooked fish to her parent's painted portraits. One with a fish and chopped carrots to the cat and finally her own plate with fish and a potato. "bon appétit," (Y/n) said as she and the cat began feasting on the delicious meal.
Upon finishing the food, (Y/n) walked to her bedroom, which only fit a dresser and a bed. Mint green hues glistened off of her walls. "I should take a bath." She grabbed a wooden bucket and headed outside, the cat following her every last step. She walked up to the metal hose pump, grabbed the handle and began thrusting it for water to come out of the spout. When her bucket was full she walked back into her house to pour the water into the bathtub. She put on a fire under the tub to heat the water before leaving again to get more water to fill up the tub.
It took four, maybe five trips back and forth to get water to put in the tub. Sweat dripped from (Y/n)'s face as she put out the fire. The water was just a few degrees too cool to cook her alive. The perfect temperature. The cat waited outside while (Y/n) bathed herself. He never entered the bathroom with her, cats don't typically like water. She, of course, wouldn't expect him to.
An hour passed by and the cat began meowing and scratching the door. "Alright, alright!" (Y/n) giggled out to the cat, rinsing off her hair one last time. Then getting out of the bathtub, too lazy to drain it at the moment. She got out and wrapped herself in a towel. While she dried her hair she opened the door to reveal the one who was meowing on the other side. "Are you happy now?" She giggled while picking the cat up and laying down on her bed, still in her towel.
He purred and rubbed his head on her collarbone and chin while she pet him. Soon enough she fell asleep and the cat pulled a fuzzy blanket onto her.
By the time (y/n) woke up her little friend was already gone. She was still in just a towel and her hair was frizzy from sleeping on it wet. “I wonder where he goes off to every morning?” The girl got up from her bed and dressed, struggling to tighten her corset herself.
She opened the bakery once more and repeated her usual day. “Welcome~”
“Yoongi! How dare you run out of The Castle like that?!” His father, the King, raised his hand to the boy. The stinging sensation led to his eyes tearing up. But the prince refused to cry. He was a grown man. ‘Men don’t cry,’ as he was taught at a young age. All the adults spread these words for him to hide his emotions and never share them… Toxic masculinity if you would.
The prince always got yelled at for leaving The Castle. Why did he have to be born the prince of a large kingdom? Born into this cursed life of high standards? Oh, how he just wanted to leave and explore the kingdom without being recognized. “Yoongi, you’re going to get married whether you like it or not. It’s for the sake of our kingdom,” his father flamed at him. He sat up from his bed laid with silky white sheets.
“But how am I supposed to marry someone I don’t even love! Father, isn’t your top priority to make me happy? This is making my life miserable,” The prince shouted back to his father, letting the warm tears simmer down his cheeks. His fists were squeezed shut, shaking from the tension. He was furious. How he wanted to punch his father with all of his might and knock the man out cold. Though, he knew he couldn’t do so. He would never be let out of his room, let alone out into the kingdom. “Shouldn’t you choose family over anything else? What would Mother say?” The prince wept out.
“My top priority is the Kingdom, to give my family a good life.” The king narrowed his dark eyes at the boy. “And to give you a good life, you need to marry a capable woman,” his father sighed, sitting down, on the large bed, next to the prince.
“What if I found someone for myself?” The prince’s eyes shimmered with hope. “I can find a capable woman, that I love,” he went off, wanting to convince his father. The King sighed at the boy.
“I’ll give you by the end of the month. You know what happens if she finds out though.” The prince’s face gleamed with his smile. He nodded vigorously at the king.
“Yes, yes. I know father, I won’t tell her,” The prince bounced up from his bed. He dashed to his changing quarters, putting his coat, trousers and hat on, and then he ran out the door. His father looked at him amused. Did the prince already have someone in mind? Or was it just an excuse to see the Kingdom he loves being in so much? The King chuckled at his son’s ambitiousness.
“Welco- Oh my, Good morning Your Highness!” (Y/N) bowed, her hair covering her face. The prince lightly bowed back to the girl as a reply,
“And to you.” He sat down at one of the unpolished mahogany tables. There were a few water stains here and there on each table, adding to the rustic-themed bakery. The girl was flustered, she had never thought she would meet anyone in the royal family.
“Your Highness, what can I do for you?” The girl stood at the prince’s table waiting for his order. Her hands got clammy from her nerves, and she tried not to clench them or rub the sweat off on her apron. The prince gave her a gummy smile.
“A Fiadone Corse with a coffee, no sugar,” the prince replied to the girl. She nodded to him telling him how long it would take to make the pastry. The prince waited patiently for the girl to bring him his coffee, and a little bit after a slice of freshly made Fiadone Corse. The prince’s mouth watered from just the scent of the beautiful dessert. “Thank you,” he blurted out to the girl. Flustering her further.
“It’s my honour to serve you, Your Highness.” She just barely got out of stuttering in her sentence. She walked back into the kitchen to get other orders out onto customers’ tables. The prince was ecstatic with his Fiadone Corse, it had a satisfying creamy texture with an ideal balance of the citrusy flavour. And the coffee mixed perfectly with the flavours. His smile never faltered from his face.
When the girl glanced over to him, seeing his bright smile, a grin formed on her face too. ‘Happiness is contagious,’ they say. And she was getting the disease. She walked over to the prince, “How is you food, Your Highness?” The prince gave her a gummy smile in return, before composing himself, lowering his smile.
“It was super,” he replied to her question, smirking at the girl. She smiled in return.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she gratefully told the prince. She gave him the price for the meal and saw him off into the kingdom.
“Would… would you be willing to accompany me? I don’t know my way around these parts,” the prince asked the girl. Could this be happening? She barely processed that The Prince of the kingdom was at her bakery, and now he was asking for her to be his tour guide. She didn’t know how to think anymore and blurted out the first thing that ran through her mind.
“I- I have the bakery to look at… I can close it early. Yes. Yes I would love to show you around!” Her bright red cheeks made it apparent how flustered and anxious she was.
“Can I stay in the bakery until you close then,” he asked the girl. She nodded vigorously. She was at a loss for words. In disbelief. The kingdom’s prince? At her bakery? Asking her to show him around town? No way. This was obviously a dream. She wasn’t some main character in a play written by Shakespeare. She was no Juliet. If she was to be any character in Romeo and Juliet, she would be Peter. “Thank you,” the prince said to (Y/n), detaching her from her train of thoughts. She bowed to him and led him to the kitchen,
“Ma’am, would it be alright if I left early? The prince requested for me to show him about the kingdom.” An older lady put down her whisk and looked at the girl in disbelief.
“What are you still doing here? If he wants you to leave go with him immediately!” the old lady hurried the girl out of the door, the prince following closely behind. “I’m so sorry Your Highness, she needs to learn her manners around the royal family,” the lady said, glaring at the girl in mild disappointment. “Well, I don’t want to keep you waiting, Your Highness. You two should be off now.” The lady shoed them away from the bakery, “I can handle the bakery for today.” The girl nodded in response to the lady.
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If I missed any mistakes I made uhh 🙈 ignore them. Also if anyone sees my work somewhere other than on min-yumniverse’s (my) page, sue them, beat them up in an undisclosed parking-lot and send me their name.
Thank you all for reading my story!! Look forward to more!
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ogdoadfates · 6 months
What is "this summer is for us" about? :D You have so many wips. I can't even. xD
Heya! XD Haha yeah I got lots lol.
This summer is for us is a au and this file has the draft notes for the three stories that are a part of this au! (it's a modern au)
A never-ending summer is a story of when all of vox machina were children. It's a very fun and in some cases light hearted slice of life with a few sprinkles of angst here and there till it turns a bit sad at the end when they all get split up.
Next Summer, is the next story and a continuation. The gang are all in their teens now and all of them are moving back to their home town all of them re-meeting and relearning each other after the tradgeties that befell them after they got seperated!
And lastly. This summer is for us, the final story of the series which takes place when they are all adults, Vex and Percy married, Pike and Scanlan freshly married, and some surprises with Vax and Kiki!
It's a very bitter sweet slice of life au/series of stories that I hope to get working on once I'm done with my currently planned stories or if I just let my whims take me it might be started sooner lol.
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sandandlightning · 2 years
Set Friendly Holidays
For my fellow friends of Set who are looking for more Set friendly holidays, whether he’s your patron or you just want to opt out of some of the violent-angry that worked its way into some festivals in later periods.
Feast of Victory- its popular, but it’s you know, all about Heru literally stabbing Set in the balls. And Set stabbing Heru in the eye. And a lot of down with the bad guy vibes that don’t really fly if you work closely with Set a lot. As an alternative I like to celebrate:
The Great Feast of Two Lands- This is a lovely celebration of the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, which focuses on the peace between the two sides rather than victory of one over the other, and uses a lot of imagery of both Heru and Set on either side of the Pharaoh bestowing the new unified crown, and other symbolic unification imagery (I saw one where they were tying flowers and grain together!) Like many holidays when it comes to Set, unfortunately the nope-y ones are better cataloged and easier to research. I personally tend to focus this celebration on themes of unity and peace in general.
The Hakar Festival- or also known as the Osirian Mysteries. This is a festival about Wsir’s death, which grew over time from being just a few days to weeks long. While it was, at some point, celebrated in a context with less ‘Set is the bad guy here’, the version we have super spiffy records detailing practice and rituals are from later times. There are a couple ways to go about this one-
    Sokar- you can opt to skip this holiday entirely and focus on a similar Sokar festival (that was eventually assimilated into the Hakar Festival anyway), and not acknowledge the whole Wsir getting merced myth at all. I enjoy Sokar a lot and honor him during this time, and when I was younger exclusively celebrated his festival rather than including Wsir. Since this was one of many festivals that involved sailing or arading of effigies, I made a teeny tiny little barque out of some plastic and put a little paper rendering of Sokar in it and let it float around in a fancy basin. This was something I would do when I still lived with my parents and my space was heavily limited, I think it’s a great idea for folks with similar limitations!
    Celebrating Wsir’s death as a tradgety not a murder- While there are less records, it stands to reason there would have been times where this happened! I like Wsir and respect him, especially as my patron’s brother, so eventually cutting out his holiday to tip-toe around unsavory myth didn’t sit well with me personally. I now celebrate the full Hakar festival honoring both him and Sokar, simply striking the parts of the celebration that focus on reprimanding Set and instead include him with his Sisters as those mourning Wsir. 
Set’s Birthday- Set’s birthday falls on the 3rd of 5 intercalary days between the end of one year and beginning of the next on the Egyptian calendar. All of Geb and Nut’s 4 children, and Heru, have their birthdays during this time.
Other days for Set include smaller holidays marked on calendars such as “Set goes Forth” these smaller festivals dedicated to single gods were very common and there are a lot of them if you are looking for something to give your patron some extra love! I did a lot of research to decide on dates- now, the Kemetic calendar is… a whole thing. It’ll need its own post, but basically this is a disclaimer that my dates might not line up with others (especially the gregorian dates!!) and obviously people should shift things around to what feels right to them, but I wanted to share those dates regardless for ease of access.
Set Feast Days: 2 Peret 14 (Dec 28), 4 Peret 25 (Mar 9), 4 Shomu 4 (Jun 16), and of course Set’s birthday, the third intercalary day (Jul 15).
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sweetie-peaches · 8 months
unrelated to todays tradgety, I won’t be able to post a new chap today. Im sick as hell :(
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fairydust-stuff · 1 year
I have mixed feelings about Moaning Myrtle. One hand she’s treated horribly by the heroes. Ron and Harry and her tradgety is very dismissed. But on the other hand she got flat out creepy in later books. 
Spying on the male prefects while they were bathing in their privite baths  and then later the implied creeping in the boys bathroom where she met Draco. 
Yeeesh! Myrle Honey no! Just no!   
I’m kinda just upset JK Rowling made her such a gross incel creep later on. Because before I actually was cool with her and never understood why everyone was so mean to her. 
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cleve-in-a-can · 2 months
Not my usual kind of post, but I'd just want everyone who sees this to take a moment to renemeber the tradgety that happend today 38 years ago (26 April 1986.) may we never forget the victims of the Chernobyl nuclear accident and include all the angelic liquidators in your prayers.
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