#trey songz ff
famouslovehurts-ff · 4 years
Runnin PT. 4
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“Kelly wait.” He doubled back to the door sticking his head out but all he got was a view of her body walking further away with a middle finger being thrown back. She didn’t even give him the privilege of turning around. He wanted to go after her, but then what. How did he explain this entire ordeal? Too many questions. How the hell did she get inside his suite? Why was she here? Was him not answering texts and calls a big enough sign that he didn’t want anything with her. Seeing her behind the screen of his phone, fine, but in person was a whole different ball game that neither of them seemed ready for. It was constant back and forth between the two the way it had always been. And of course he had showed up with his guest of honor. Now Kelly probably had a whole scenario playing out in her head. So what. He thought. He shouldn’t have cared but the fact of the matter was he did even though she had moved on. Now that he had utilized the same courtesy she was in her feelings.
A sigh escaped his mouth as he reentered the suite. A raised eyebrow greeted him and the expression on her face was asking the questions she wouldn’t let leave her lips. He didn’t even wanna begin to explain that. Too complicated. Too much history. Besides he was sure Lori was adept to social media after all she was young. Was sure she’d seen their demise and knew of the drama circulating around the two. He was sure she had picked a side, sure she had speculated like the rest of the world and yet the only two people who knew what happened was them. “How did she get in here?” Her soft voice filled the space. That was a good question that he didn’t have the answer to but knowing Kelly he knew she got her way when she wanted it. Trey knew the solution would be to call the front desk to get them to nip this in the bud and get down to it but apart of him didn’t want the unnecessary drama or getting someone in trouble. Admittedly he had enjoyed seeing her. Knowing he still had the power for her to go out of character to get to him. Letting the thought settle in the back of his head he walked over to Lori wrapping his arms around her waist and sticking his face in the crook of her neck, causing giggles to escape her mouth.
He had a new woman to focus on that and he would do so.
Drais. His voice filled the club as he sung along to his song. His eyes scanning over the beautiful faces in the crowd as he spotted a familiar one. Here she was in her feelings but her man was around. Trey wanted to laugh. Homeboy had to realize he was a pawn in this game. It was quite comical honestly but he’d let her have her moment, for now, especially as she looked affectionately as him before leaning in and kissing her man. Trey could feel the jealousy surging through him as he grabbed a nearby bottle and drank from it. The back and forth not unusual between them. As he drank and watched her he couldn’t help that he himself was in huis feelings. Things were good between them and then they weren’t and now they were hot and cold. Truthfully it was tiring being angry but he was still hurt and rightfully so. As the night carried on he drank and had a good time. Just as he was ready to go he looked around hoping to spot her once more but he had no such luck. So he pulled out his phone and shot off a text before heading back to the hotel.
To: Kelly
Meet me by my room
I’d tell you the room number but you’re already familiar.
Just as he got through the threshold of the door he wasted no time toeing off his shoes before removing his shirt. The knock on the door caused him to turn around. Normally he’d look through the peep hole, but he was only expecting one person. Opening the door, he was greeted with Kelly’s face.
“What do you want?” She asked, attitude evident.
Trey grabbed her, pulling her into the room before her back met the door and his lips were on hers.
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It’s been a thousand years since I’ve been on here. I miss the old days lowkey but if anybody see this; Heyyyy!!
I started rewriting this story and it became a trilogy. If anybody still reads this or finds this and wants to read the completed series (on Wattpad) here’s the links!
Simply Amazing:
Die Tonight:
Gotta Make It:
Thank you and I love you guys for reading this even though i wasn’t a good writer 😭.
Til next time😌
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likeadrug-fanfic · 4 years
T H R E E : T W O
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K A I D E N 
I had just found a parking space when my brother shot me a text. Looking over I replied in my head and proceeded to park before getting out and making my way inside the airport. I was more than geeked about having my baby brother here with me. He was just like me, hotheaded, horrible attitude and a nasty mouth with no filter. 
I looked around for a good minute but then I saw that damn beard. My phone went off again and I could see him getting frustrated. “Yo Karter!” His head snapped back so fast I thought the shit was gon’ break off. “MY NIGGA!” We exclaimed together as we dapped and pulled each other in for a hug. 
I stepped back and crossed my arms observing him. “Bruh you done grew the fuck up on me.” He stroked his beard cheesing. “Shit it has been a while since we’ve seen each other,” I felt bad about that shit. “but fuck it. Im just stoked to be here man. I missed you.” He dapped me again laughing. I grabbed one of his suitcases and led the way out. 
Packing his shit in the trunk, we got in and you know I had to roll a fat wood. “Still in that shit huh?” I sighed and shook my head. “Not for long.” That was one thing he hated the most. Best believe he’s a pothead but dealing? You can kiss that goodbye. Soon as I mentioned something about it he turned and walked away from me. 
He would try and be funny sometimes paying me when he wanted weed but of course I slipped the shit back to him. Thats my bro so he always get free shit. “Londyn finally gave me chance.” I spoke out hoping to shift the topic and mood. “No shit! You bagged the baddest in the city. I follow her on instagram nshit and boooooy! She still fine.” 
My face flattened as I sealed the wood and mugged his ass. “Shut the fuck up nigga.” He held his hands up in surrender and leaned his seat back. I backed out of the parking space and lit the wood. “But it happened on some wild shit. Some drunk shit actually,” he chuckled, “took her on a nice little date nshit.” I puffed on the blunt before passing.
“Its shocking but not really ‘cause it was bound to happen. Everybody knew yall was gon’ end up together sooner than later.” He shrugged taking a hit. He did have a point though. When I say everybody and their mama knew, I meant that. “Oh shit before I forget, we going out tonight for her sisters shop opening. So I hope you’on got plans.” Karter scrunched his face. “Nigga what plans would I have?” I busted out laughing and snatched my blunt from him. 
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L O L A N I 
I groaned and pushed my head into the pillow as loud music blared through the house. “Get the fuck up! Get ready!” I popped up and seen Loryn standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. “You over slept Lani.” She walked over to my closet and placed my makeup box on the vanity. “Oh shit. I wanted to flat iron my hair.”
I sat at the edge of the bed. I still had to find something to wear. “You look beautiful with curly hair. Chop chop! Lets move.” She walked out closing the door behind her. I really didnt mean to over sleep but shit I was tired. After my bubble bath I smoked a blunt and watched movies on Netflix until I fell asleep.
I was still distraught about earlier today. I felt so stupid for wanting to text Omari. I wanted answers but then again I didnt. Shaking it off, I went to the closet and picked through my clothes. I could either go classy or simple but still fashionable. I decided on simple.
Once I got dressed I brushed my teeth then started on this lion mane of mine. All I had to was wet it a little and apply moisturizer. I needed my curls to pop tonight. Checking myself out in the mirror I blew a kiss then turned out the light before returning to the closet. “Have you heard from mama?” Loryn busted in my room once again. “No. Call her.” I said in duh tone. “You call her.”
She rolled her eyes and sat on my bed. “You look cute by the way.” I waved her off and continued to dial my mom. When she answered she said, “yes Lani? Make it quick.” I placed her on speaker phone and handed the phone to Loryn. “Ma? You cant miss this night. I need you there!” She expressed. “MA! You hear you?”
“I hear you baby. Oh shit, Im on the way home now.” You could her rushing off to somewhere and slamming a door closed. “Im grabbing my things now and leaving. I wont miss it. I promise.” She said her goodbyes and explained to someone what was going on. Lordyn didnt hang up until she heard the car start up. “Shes gonna miss it.” She whispered looking like she wanted to cry.
“Stay positive. Let go get a drink.” I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the kitchen yelling out for my other two sister. “C’mon girls!” Londyn and Leilani walked into the kitchen looking fly as fuck. I swear my mama made some fine ass twins. I took the bottle of Hennessy out the freezer and grabbed some shit glasses.
I poured shots for us and motioned for them to pick one. “I just wanna toast to my bad ass sissy Loryn. I couldn’t be more proud of you!” We clinked our glasses together chanting, “congrats suh!” before throwing the shot back. I heard the door open and my mom walked in. “Oh fuck im late.” My sisters and I fell out laughing. She threw her purse and bag on the couch shrugging her jacket off. “Ima throw something on then join in.”
I got another glass and poured us another shot. We waited for my mom to come out, and five minutes later she came out looking flawless as always. “Ok Ok,” my mom grabbed her glass and looked over at Loryn. “to my precious Ruby, Im more than proud to be your mother. Im more than proud about you opening up your own business. I pray for positive vibes and many more blessings to come your way.”
She raised her glass and we followed. “Mommy loves you baby.” We clung glasses again and down the liquor. “Kaiden is here. Lets roll.” Londyn announced and I instantly got nervous. We grabbed everything we needed before leaving out and locking the house. “Hey mama Loraine.” Kaiden, who had flowers in his hands, walked up to her giving her hug and kissing her cheek. “And congrats to the Ms. Loryn.” He handed her the flowers and kissed her forehead.
“Wassup Lei, Lil Lo?” Kaiden proceeded to kiss our foreheads leaving Londyn for last. He wrapped her in a bear hug placing a fat kiss on her lips. “This my lil brotha Karter, Kater this is Mama Loraine and the the twins.” He did a quick introduction. I was definitely checking out Karter. His beard. Those lips. Thats damn smile! Calm down Lani.. I coached myself.
“Yall look beautiful,” he complimented once he took his attention off of Londyn. “whats the riding plans?” He continued. “I’ll drive. And mama and the twins can ride with me.” Loryn spoke up. Kaiden looked back at me. “Wanna ride wit us Lil Lo?” I looked around before nodding my head. Londyn squinted her eyes and walked to the car.
“Follow me Kaiden.” “Already.” We parted ways and hopped in the car. “What you call yourself doing Kai?” He cocked his head to the side and cranked the car. “Fuck you talkin bout princess?” We had to wait for Loryn to back out of the driveway before we could move. As always, Kaiden pulled out a wood that was already rolled. “Ima wait til mama and them pass to light it.” He looked at me and Karter in the backseat.
“You know exactly what Im talking about. Dont play stupid.” She looked back at us and squinted her eyes again. “Girl mind ya business.” Kaiden turned her around and took off behind Loryn.
Not even thirty minutes later, we pulled to Loryns shop, Naturals. She had her own lot and plenty of space for clients. There was close to a hundred people waiting outside. I was shocked. Kaiden cut the engine and we got out at the same time. As we got closer to the door Loryn got teary eyed. “Wow! First and foremost, thank you all for coming out and celebrating with me. Im beyond grateful.” Everyone cheered clapping their hands.
“I would like to thank my family for motivating me and keeping me focused. Next, much much love to my wonderful working staff. Im more than excited for yall to see everything so, lets get it!” She slapped her hands together smiling hard and taking a pair of scissors. I watched on, with my cheeks damn near hurting and tears in my eyes, as Loryn cut the rope. “YES LORYN!” I yelled out clapping and whooping! Soon after everyone else joined in. 
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“Welcome to Naturals.” I hugged and welcomed everyone in. I was amazed by the crowd and was filled with joy. I couldn’t do anything but thank the Lord. My shop came out looking beautiful. Each hair dresser had their own personal space. I sat the flowers Kaiden got me on the receptionist desk and walked around. 
Seeing everyone smiling and enjoying their selves made my heart smile. “Congratulations beautiful.” Turning around I came face to face with Ace. “What are you doing here?” I haven’t heard from him in a while and now he decided to pop up. “I couldnt miss my girls day.” I leaned my head to the side and started to walk away. But then I thought, what good would that do? Knowing I was gonna end up in his bed later on. 
“Now Im your girl? I havent seen or heard from you in weeks. Whats that about?” I placed one hand on my hip and looked up at him. Ace sighed and stepped closer to me. “I had a drop to make out of town. Came back this morning and been resting up since then.” His hands were in his pockets. “And you couldnt let me know that?”
“So you could come up with every reason in the book to keep me from going?” He fired back. I had to give him that so I stayed quiet. “I gotta lil gift for you. You’ll get it later on tonight. “ He leaned down, kissed my lips and made his way over to my mom to greet her. I swear I couldn’t stand him at times but he made me happy. Looking around again, I stopped when I seen Lolani and Kaidens brother chalking it up the bar. 
He had to be saying some funny shit ‘cause she was smiling and laughing hard. Fuck they got going on? Deciding to leave it alone and ask later, I spotted Leilani and Londyn with Kaiden right behind her. “Hey yall.” I laughed a little approaching them. “Im loving the shop, its so spacious and classy.” I loved my twin. 
“I love the colors. I even took this bomb ass picture in the bathroom.” Leilani showed me the picture and I instantly gassed her. “You so fuckin fine.” One of the caterers walked around us a glass of champagne. “Congrats again sus!” I could get use to hearing that. 
It was close to midnight when my guest left. I cleaned up with the help of my family, which only took half an hour. “Thank yall again, I cant express how much I love yall.” I handed my mom the keys and told her that I was riding home with Ace. She kissed my cheek and led them out the shop. “Im proud of you.” My dimples sunk in as my I looked down smiling. “Ready for ya gift?”
“More than ready.” I grabbed my belongings, grabbed his hand and waked out locking up behind us. He opened the car door for me and then made his way to driver seat. One settled into the car he reached in the back and pulled out a duffel bag along with small gift bags. He sat the duffel in my lap and opened it. When I say my mouth dropped. 
It was neatly stacked bills filled to the top. “Thats for emergencies. Put in somewhere safe.” Next he handed me the small bags and I went searching. The bag held an iced Pandora bracelet. “Damn,” was the only thing I could say. In the next bag was a gold Cuban link chain. “Ice me out then!” We laughed and he took the jewelry to place them on me. 
“Dont get fucked up out here Loryn, remember who ya man is.” I smacked my teeth and pushed his hand. “I dont need no reminder nigga.” He pulled me in for a kiss and pushed my seat back. “Now sit back and shut up while I enjoy myself.” Ace took my thighs and made me spread eagle. “Why you free ballin’?” 
I looked down as he placed small wet kisses on my second lips. “Stop teasing me and get to it.” He slid two fingers inside of my mouth and flicked my clit. “I didnt tell you to talk so shut up?” He drug his tongue from the top the of my clit down to my opening. I grabbed onto his head shoving pushing him further into my pussy. “Fuck yeah baby!” I gyrated my hips and leaned my head back enjoying the moment. This was definitely the best way to end the night.   
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likeadrug-ff · 6 years
T H R E E . O N E
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L O N D Y N 
I smacked my teeth as my phone was going off the hook. Somebody was blowing me up so much that it fell off the nightstand. I roughly threw the covers from over my head and felt for my phone. Once I had it, it started to ring again. “What took you so long?” I sighed and threw myself back on the bed. “Maybe ‘cause I was sleeping boy.”
It had to have been at least two or three in the morning. It was still dark as fuck out. “Wake up mama.” I rolled onto my stomach and wrapped one arm around my pillow. “Im up baby, whats the matter?” I asked. “Im bout to come through after I make this slam,” I kind of left out the part about him being deep into the drug business. 
He started dealing our senior year of high school. I was the first to know and of course I didnt like it one bit. I begged him everyday to let it go but he was determined to make his money. “Ima be there in a hour.” I hung up and threw the phone next to me and drifted back to sleep. 
I felt a strong pair of arms slide around my bare waist and I instantly melted. My man was finally here. “You better not have no shit in my room.” He hugged me from behind and I felt that he was only in his boxers. “Only my book bag and weed.” Just when I thought I was going back to sleep he started grinding his dick onto my ass. I whined and tried pushing him back.
“Im tired Kaiden. Its four in the morning and I just went to sleep at one.” He went to leaving passion marks on my neck while using one hand to roll my nipple between his fingers. “Let me just slid in real quick. I need to bust.” Being that I was completely naked he grabbed my leg, lifted it in the air and pulled his dick out. 
He went to rubbing his dick all in my wetness and around my clit. His dick was so thick and long and I thought it was the prettiest thing in the world. “K-Kaiden.” 
Kaidens grip on my leg tightened as he pushed into me causing me to moan and shudder. “Its gon’ be quick mama.” Our bodies moved as one as he picked up his speed. “Dont stop. Dont..fucking..stop!” He covered my mouth as he pounded me from the back with no remorse. I was close. I felt it coming and so could he. In a matter of minutes we were both cumming. 
“Best quickie of my life.” He was practically panting breathlessly. “Aight you can go to sleep now.” Kissing me roughly on my cheek he pulled out but stayed close behind me. 
“Lon baby? Its mama.” She knocked softly and I scurried out of bed. Kaiden huffed and turned on his stomach covering his whole body. I snatched my silk robe off the door and opened the door as I tied the straps. “Good morning.” I cleared my throat. “Hey mamas Rosey,” I had to side eye her. “I made everyone breakfast sandwiches. Including Mr. Kaiden.” She gave me her best ‘I knew it’ face. 
“Im going to be staying the night at the hospital, please dont forget to study. I need you to be ready before we can put you in the field mamas.” My mom is the head pediatric nurse and she took her job very serious. “I’ll get on it.” She kissed my cheek and said her I love yous before leaving the house. I closed the door and cleaned up the sprawled clothes from the floor. 
“Yo ya ass is moving like crazy.” I turned to see that Kaiden was now woke and watching my every move. “You look so beautiful, I heard moms cooked.” He clapped his hands together and rubbed them together afterwards. “Whats the plans for tonight? Why you aint talkin’? Oh cat got ya tongue huh?” I stood completely still. Its too early for these questions. Like I just woke the fuck up. 
“Im working all day, both jobs. I wont get home until its time to get ready for Loryns grand opening.” I raked my hands through my hair and walked back to the bed. He sat up against the headboard and patted his lap. Of course I made my way to him and got comfortable. “My lil brotha coming in town so I gotta pick him up, get him situated and then we’ll be on our way here.” 
“Sounds good?” I nodded my head then kissed him quickly before getting up and getting ready for work.
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“Move the fuck out the way then bitch.” I grumbled when some old bitch honked her horn at me. I was speeding towards Lolanis school. She called me at the last minute asking if I could come pick her up. Rolling up to the exact spot she sent me I seen her arguing with some nigga. So me being me, I immediately threw the car in park and jumped out making sure to slam the door.
Heads turned in the process but I aint give not one fuck. “Whats da problem?” When I say she looked back like she seen a ghost. I had to keep myself from laughing man. “What-How did you even get here that fast?” Who ever this nigga was , was grilling the fuck out of us. “So this the nigga that got you ignoring me? Must’ve been why you broke shit off too huh?” Lil Lo got a man? Well shit, had a man.
“Omari you know exactly why I ended shit between us! You think you can have your cake and eat it too? You had a whole baby on me and didnt give a shit to even tell me!” Well this shit here is awkward. I aint know if I should say something or just wait in the car. This what my ass get for getting out in the first place rather than just letting her know that I was here.
“Aye..Ima just go wait-” Lolani quickly held her hand up. “Its not gonna take long. So you’re just gonna stand there looking dumb?” I wanted to laugh but it wasn’t the right place nor time. Well neither was this argument they were having but hell, shit happens.
Right when I thought we could walk away he decides he want to start talking. And of course I couldn’t help my overly dramatic sigh. “Look Im sorry aight? I aint.. I aint mean to hurt you Lani.” I probably looked bout crazy going back and forth between them. “You aint no fucking sorry!” She made us both jump back as she bucked at him and talked through clenched teeth.
“You’re sorry that I found out. You’re sorry that we can no longer fuck and chill anymore! Im done Omari. I wish you the best of luck with your child and everything but please, Im begging you to please leave me alone ok?” She turned and strolled to the car with me on her heels.
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Heartbroken. Shattered. Fucked. I dont know how to feel at this moment. Omari was my first everything and I just cant believe he would do something like this to me. But he did. The ride to my house was very much silent like I needed it to be.
I needed to get my thoughts together. Try to understand this whole thing. The only man I’ve ever loved and let explore my body has betrayed me. “You aight Lil Lo?” This nigga just had to ruin the peace and quiet. I picked at my nails and shrugged. “No but I’ll be fine. I get over it one day.” When I looked over at him he gave me a small side small. “You will.”
Why couldn’t Omari be like Kaiden? Even before he made things official with Londyn he was always loyal and true to her in their friendship. “You have any brothers?” He screwed his face then we both busted out laughing. “Ok ok, take me serious Kaiden.” He was in the middle of rolling a backwood as we sat at the red light.
“I do, hes suppose to be coming down tonight for Loryns grand opening.” He licked the wood closed and searched for his lighter. Looking up he saw that the light had turned green and proceeded down the road. “But if you’on mind me saying, Ion think its a good idea to just try to jump into something new after what I witnessed today.”
I crossed my arms and looked out the window. “Just like ya stubborn ass sister. Just hear me out Lil Lo aight?” He sparked the blunt before talking again. “Today you only got a lil taste of how grimey niggas can really be. I just feel like you should focus on yaself and school right now. Dont get me wrong we all wanna see you happy and living life, but dont rush it. Thats all Im saying.”
I sunk in my seat. “Fine. At least let me meet him.” He gave me a thumbs up and hesitated on passing me the blunt. I laughed and took it from him. Just because Im a college girl doesn’t mean I dont have my fun. Just as he pulled in the drive way we finished the wood. “Thank you again Kaiden. Please dont tell Londyn about this, I’d never hear the end of it.”
I smiled and patted his shoulder before letting myself out. Letting myself into the house I headed up the stairs and straight to my room. Being a pastry chef was not easy. Some days I have to work overnight and sometimes I dont get a break. I went to pick out some set of bra and panties. Then I gathered everything I needed for a nice hot bubble bath.
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Shoot Your Shot
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Ass and titties, titties and ass. The strip club had two of my favorite things, and all I had to do was throw a little money to get the women to do a dance for me. It  was a frequent stop of mine when my fiance, at home, was getting on my nerves, or when I needed to detach myself from my family. Recently they’d been on my case about proposing to Mariah before actually telling them about it. I would have told them, but they never liked her from day one. My mom mainly said she was a gold digger, and was only with me for the money promised to me. They didn’t see her like I did, and that made it awkward between all of us.
Tonight I needed to get away from all the wedding planning. The day was filled with looking at venues, flowers, and tasting nasty cake. What made it worse was that my brother Dante was blowing up my phone trying to get me to take on another client. Currently, I was managing a rapper, a girl group, and an Instagram thot. The IG vixen was one of most recent mistakes, in my mother’s eyes, but she was holding up her end of the bargain by bringing in good money for me. I wasn’t the fuck up that my family thought I was.
“Maaaaaaan, all this wedding planning shit is meant for the females. Just let me take care of my tux, best man, and vows. She can handle all that other shit. Talkin about should we have periwinkle flowers.” I scrunched up my face. “Fuck is a periwinkle.” I laughed with the boys.
“You the one got on that bad knee, and proposed.” My homebody Gavin from college chimed in.
“This bad knee will still cross ya ass up.” We laughed.
My circle was small, and stayed the same when I graduated college. My father always told me that users sought after people with success, and that I had to be careful who I brought around. It was a life lesson I would always keep at the front of my brain.
“I think that’s the new girl they were talking about.” The group of men looked up on stage.
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It was my first night, and my heart was pounding through my chest. I still couldn’t believe I was getting ready to do this, and make my dad turn over in his grave. I had to get those thoughts out of my head if I planned on making any money tonight, because I’m sure they could smell the fear like a predator sniffing out their prey. I took a shot of Gin, and walked out onto the stage seductively when “Brown Sugar”, was announced.
The music started playing, and all the eyes that were on me disappeared. My body began moving as if I had been trained to move in this way. To everybody gathered around the stage my thickness was a gift that they wished their girl at home had. As I started popping my rump the money started falling, and I could tell that they liked when I threw it in a circle. At first I wasn’t sure I was going to like money being thrown at me, but as the song played out I started to like it more and more.
I’d made it to the pole, and by this time the liquor started to settle in. Not hesitating, I showed out on the pole making sure all the whispers about me not being ready backstage were going to be put to a stop by the time I finished. They didn’t think I had it in me, and I didn’t know I did.
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Shorty was thick, and it looked like she wasn’t a newbie to the strip game. She was doing an amazing job, but it was going to take more for me to shower her in dollars. When she slid down the pole we made eye contact, and I could tell she realized I hadn’t made it rain on her yet.
“Gotta do more than that baby girl.” I said out to her.
That’s all it took for her to come off the stage, and make her way over to me. I sat back in my chair, and spread my legs to give her enough room to do her thing. When the ass hit my lap it was softer than I expected. Shorty wasted no time showing me how she rides the pipe, and I took it upon myself to give her ass a tap. That only excited her, and she really gave me a lap dance that made it impossible to not shower her with all of my money. Whoever Brown Sugar was I was going to need her to keep working here.
Wifey: I’m going to sleep. Be safe, and I love you.
I wasn’t aware of how late it was until my girl texted me. It was hitting four in the morning, and way past the time I should have been in the house.
“Aight yall I’m outta here.” I got up from my seat.
After the lap dance I got the rest of the night went by smoothly. Brown Sugar was nowhere to be found, but the usual faces made sure to show me a good time. It was a loss on her part, because I was ready to show the new girl what she had to look forward to if she stuck around.
“Damn, my bad I wasn’t looking.” My head shot up after I collided with the girl in front of me.
“Your good, I should have been paying attention.” She looked up at me.
It took me a minute to realize who it was. “Brown Sugar, right?” I smirked.
“Yeah that’s me.” She giggled. “You’re the lap dance guy right?”
“I look different outside the club or sunthin? Lemme know.” I chuckled.
“No, I was just making sure I had the right guy. At some point the faces all look the same.”
“Let me guess dollar signs?”
“You must have been a stripper before or something.” We laughed together.
“Nah, I just frequent them a lot.”
“Oh, well I’m sure I’ll see you again sometime soon.”
“Most definitely. Be safe out here.”
I walked off to my car. Once inside I got in, and rolled the window down.
“What do you mean you can’t come get me? What was the whole point of me letting you keep the fucking car tonight if- Hello?”
I heard her from my car, and by the sounds of it she was stranded. After the performance she gave tonight it was only right that I help her out. I put the key in the ignition, and pulled up to the entrance.
“You need a ride?” I rolled the window down.
“I’m good. I’ll just get an Uber.” She smiled, but I could tell that was the last thing she wanted to do.
“I aint no creep or nothing, and I’m only gonna ask if you sure once. You sure?” It was going to be up to her if she wanted to get in the car. I was ready to be in my own bed, and was only helping because I felt like it was my duty as a citizen. Plus, she was easy easy on the eyes.
She hesitated at first, but then walked towards the car. “Ok, but just to let you know this purse ain't just for show. I have all kinds of tricks in my bag.”
I snickered, but could tell she was serious. “Damn, it be like that for you?”
“Can never be too sure with the creeps, or the bitches at theses clubs. Aint about to catch me slipping.” She put her seatbelt on.
“I feel that.” I glanced over at her, and then pulled off.
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“What do yall think?” I opened my arms, and spun around the open area of the club.
Today I was showing my parents the recent piece of real estate that I purchased, and letting them in on the ideas that I had planned for it. I knew my mother was going to look at it as a business move, but my dad was going to see it as me stepping out on my responsibilities at the real estate company. I wasn’t planning on going out on my own just yet, but this was going to be my foot out the door. They just didn’t know that yet.
“It’s nice, and spacious. The location is good, but I think the interior needs a little remodeling.” Vivianne scanned the room with her eyes, and nodded in approval.
I had a feeling she was going to be with the masterplan, but my father was going to play hardball. Anything I did he over analyzed it, and gave me a hard time before he agreed to it.
“How long before it’s up and running?” He spoke finally.
“I’m banking on a few months.”
“Not yet.”
“Working on them.”
“The menu, DJ, or security?” He grilled me, and I could tell I wasn’t pleasing him with my answers.
“I just bought the place a few weeks ago, and with all my work with the family business I haven’t had the time.” I knew bringing up my workload at the real estate company was going to get him started.
“So you’re saying you put too much on your plate? You do this every time Desmond, and bite off more than you can chew.” He shook his head, and his face read disapproval.
“Pops, you be wanting me to have all this stuff right off the bat knowing it takes more than a day to have these things ready. Cut me some slack man.” This argument I was standing my ground, but also trying to get him to be patient with me.
“Because we’ve been down this road before. You get these grand ideas, and then they end up falling to the wayside never to be touched or looked at again. I’m just asking the questions your yes team won’t.” He glared at me.
I hated that stare, because being the oldest I received it my entire childhood. He always expected me to be great, and perfect. My brothers didn’t understand the pressure it put on my shoulders, and how drained I was. It took one failed business attempt, and now when I tried to do something he threw it in my face.
“When are we going to stop bringing up the restaurant? Gah damn, man.” I exhaled angrily, and threw my hands up in defeat.
“Fine, you want to act like a baby and throw a tantrum that’s on you.” Fed up with me, he walked away from the discussion. “I’ll be in the car.”
I was irritated beyond measure, because this was actually something I had a vision for. The club was going to be a big success, and even though I told myself it didn’t matter if he thought it was, it did.
“Baby calm down. Your father is just extra hard on you, because seeing you fall and crumble is hard for him. You’re a grown man, and coming to save you every chance he gets can’t happen anymore. He’s just making sure you’ve thought it through that’s all.” She looked at me with warm loving eyes.
“That’s fine, but come with a positive attitude so I’m not second guessing my decisions.” I was annoyed, and wasn’t even excited about the club anymore. I walked over to the bar, and took a seat on the stool.
“I’ll talk to him, and try to at least get him to be open to the idea. Alright?” She smiled, trying to get me to return one.
“What’s the catch?” I raised my eyebrow. I knew my mom too well. Majority of the time she was on my side, but this was a little much. There was another agenda.
“There’s no catch, but I would like you to go on this date I already told this young lady you already said yes to.” She spoke fast as if that would change what I heard.
“Ma, what?” My eyes got wide, and I couldn’t believe her. “Ma, no. I’m good with the whole dating thing right now.”
“C’mon you’re practically 40, with no kids, and have never been married. I want grandkids, so it’s time for you to get out there and mingle.”
“But on my terms. The blind date thing is a dub. I’m not going.” I dismissed it immediately, because if Chloe found out about it that was my ass.
“Dezzy it’s tomorrow, and I already made reservations at The Rooftop and you know how expensive it is.”
“That ain’t my problem. Go ahead, and call her to let her know I won’t be able to make it.” My foot was firm, and planted on the ground for this one.
“I can’t, because she also just flew in from LA. Also, I have to run to a meeting. I’ll have my assistant email you the details.” She walked up to me, and planted a kiss on my cheek. “I love you.” She smiled, and exited the club.
“My mother is trying to kill me forreal.”
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It was late, and creeping past midnight. Initially I planned on only being at the office until 10, but that changed when one of my clients went psycho on social media. Reality stars were the worst to manage, because anytime something didn’t go their way they threw a fit on the internet. Now promoters were questioning if they were a good look for their business. A headache that I didn’t want to deal with, but had to.
“Knock, knock.” A soft voice entered the room.
“Wassup, you still here?” I looked up, and smiled when it was Rai.
“Yeah, I don’t leave until the boss does. Can I come in? I brought food.” She held up the bag.
“Always when there’s treats involved.” I laughed lightly, motioning for her to enter the room.
I’d been working with Rai for a couple days now, but still hadn’t gotten a chance to speak to her one on one. Most of the time she was out with my mom, and today when she was in the office I was handling an emergency.
“You know you could have left when everybody else did.” I reached over, and grabbed the plate of food she offered me.
“I know, but I wanted to make a good impression and show you that I’m serious about my job.”
“I’m the last person you have to prove anything too.”
“Not really since you’re one of the princes around here.”
We laughed together, because hearing that out loud was funnier than I’d imagine it to be.
“Then you bring buffalo wings, and fries. Who told you my favorite?” I squinted my eyes at her with a smirk on my face.
“I might have asked around a bit.” She giggled, opening up her container filled with three well stuffed tacos.
“And she knows how to eat. You’re looking more, and more like my type of chick.”
“The body fools everybody, but I’m sure I could out eat you.”
“No doubt.” I nodded in approval. “Let’s go sit over there.”
I rose up from my desk, and carried the food over to the seating area to the left of the room. I had this brought into my office for nights like this. Before my divorce was final I spent many nights here just to escape the toxicity that was my ex wife. It became my second home even when I didn’t want it to.
“You must don’t have a man to go home to if you’re working hours like this.” I asked, taking a fry into my mouth .
“No, I’m single because most men don’t appreciate a hardworking woman. They want me home catering to them as if doing both isn’t possible.”
“All I know is a woman doing both. Look at my mom.” I chuckled, happy that there wasn’t a guy in here life I was going to have to push out eventually.
“She is a rockstar.”
“She aight.” I chuckled. “You live close tho, right?”
“I’m a big girl. You don’t have to worry about me.” She brushed her hair behind her ear.
“But I am.”
“You don’t have to though.”
“But I want to.”
For a second we just looked at each other, and then started eating again. Hopefully she was catching my drift.
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discreteluxuryff · 7 years
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It was a few days away from Thanksgiving and I was thinking of ways on how I would spend it. I knew I wanted to spend it with Skylar and the rest of my family, but would Charmaine let that happen? This would’ve been the perfect time for everybody else in my family to meet her and maybe even Vanessa. I know Vanessa may not fly out here, but I wanted to spend it with her as well. She always spent the holidays with me and my family and this break up between us shouldn’t stop it.
Every day without Vanessa was different, but it was something I was trying to get used to. Even when I didn’t want to think about it, Jermaine made sure he reminded me of what I had lost. He was good at rubbing that in my face and honestly I needed that. I lost a good woman, but I didn’t deserve her. Every day I’m paying for it and it’s nothing I can really do about it. Day one hundred and forty-three, that’s how many days it’s been.
“You good? You look all sad and shit.” Jermaine and Maya walked in and of course, they popped up.
“Yeah, I’m good. What y’all want and when did you get back Maine?“
“Well, I’m here because I need to talk to you about having a raise, can’t speak for Jermaine.” I sighed. Maya needed a raise every six damn months.
“I flew in last night. I stayed a few days later because I had to visit somebody else out there.”
“Visit who?” The only reason Jermaine ever flew out to New York was for his sister, or if I had business out there.
“Vashtie. That’s who.” Maya started laughing, but I gave him a look. I always knew he liked her.
When it came to Jermaine liking someone, he was always secretive about it. He could be with someone and I would never know because his excuse was “why would I tell who I’m dealin’ with if I know it’s not goin’ further than sex.”. Yes, it made sense, but he could’ve said something about Vashtie. I don’t know why he wanted that to be a secret.
“Damn, Maya. I can’t tell you shit, but that’s why I’m out here.”
“I keep forgettin’ she lives out there. I hope you don’t plan on flyin’ her out here for thanksgivin’. Or did y’all forget about thanksgivin’ bein’ here this year? “
“Well, I forgot. I’m supposed to be going to Atlanta to visit my family.” Maya said.
“Nigga I didn’t forget and why can’t she come? I already told her and she agreed to come out here and be nice to you.” He said chuckling. Wasn’t shit nice about Vashtie.
“Nice? Yeah, we’ll see.”
“And she might get Nessa to fly out here with her, but that’s a strong might.” Hearing that, I was almost excited. If Vashtie could get her to come, I would be happy. Even my mother would be happy, but knowing Vanessa she won’t.
I was actually looking forward to this, but I needed to make sure Charmaine would bring Skylar. I already know Charmaine was going to bitch about taking Skylar around her family, but I couldn’t miss this with her. Plus, that would make Skylar happy. I just hope if Vanessa comes, everything will go smooth. It would be awkward having Charmaine and Vanessa in the same room, though. I know Vanessa may be past all of that, but I know for a fact she would feel away. That’s my fault, though. Hopefully, everything goes well thanksgiving.
“Well if she does come, I need to make sure Charmaine drops Skylar off first. I don’t know how Nessa would react to her being there.”
“She probably won’t. She’s kind of over you, Trey. I mean you drove her to be over you and the things you do.”
“Maya, mind your business. While you’re here, you can run some errands for me.”
“Oh no, can’t. I have a hair appointment in an hour. So I’ll be getting out of here.” She said getting up.
“What? You’re supposed to be helpin’ me.”
“I know, but I need me time. I’ll see y’all later, just text me if you need anything.” Just like that, she left. If Maya didn’t know almost everything about me and how I operate, I probably would’ve fired her a long time ago.
Thanksgiving Day.....
It felt good being around my family. I haven’t seen them in so long because of all my personal shit that’s been going on. We decided to switch it up this year because normally we did holidays back home. So I️ decided to fly most of my family out here and honestly my mother was happy about it. She was getting ready to meet her Skylar and I️ knew how much she wanted another grandchild. The only thing that was making me nervous was my mom bringing up Vanessa. My brother told her Vanessa was pregnant and I️ already know she’s going to get me about that.
“So is my granddaughter coming?” my mother asked me
Yeah. I just talked to Charmaine and she’s bringing her over.”
"Mhmm. Vanessa? Or did you scare her away again?"
"No. She's back in New York. I didn't scare her off, we agreed to be apart."
"Well, I hope she and my soon to be grandchild are okay." I sighed. I knew this was coming.
I felt bad that I didn't mention Vanessa's pregnancy to my mother. I just didn't feel like hearing the "I told you so's" because I knew it was coming. I just wanted to have a nice Thanksgiving without all the Vanessa questions. Most importantly I didn't want to hear all the Charmaine and Skylar questions either. That situation is self explanatory and everyone should mind their business about that.
As the day kept passing by, everybody seemed to be happy and that's when I heard the doorbell ring. I was praying it was Charmaine so she could hurry up and drop Skylar off and avoid my mother. I already know my mother was going to give Charmaine the side eye and I didn't have time for that.
" Hi, Jermaine! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." shit. My mother answered the door before I could. I just hope he only brought Vashtie.
"whats up ma? How have you been? You remember Vashtie, Vanessa's friend right?"
"I sure do. How are you?" after that, it felt like everything was going mute. I saw Vanessa's face as soon as Vashtie moved out of the way and that's when my mother started smiling and hugging her.
I didn't know how to react to Vanessa being here. Everything about this was about to be awkward as hell. I already know Jermaine, my mother and brother weren't going to make this situation even better. I just hope they don't make Vanessa uncomfortable to the point where she would want to leave.
"Hi, is Trey here?" Oh shit. This day couldn't get any worse.
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Being at Trey's home was already a lot and then to see this woman with a little girl walking up behind us made the vibe weird. I already knew that she was the mother of Trey's daughter, but I didn't want to show any expressions on my face. His daughter was damn near his twin. I'm not sure if this is something he planned, but I didn't want to let everybody see how uncomfortable I became. This wasn't about me, though. I only came because Vashtie and Jermaine thought it was a good idea. They both felt that me showing up would really show some type of “growth”. I just didn’t want things to be so awkward and I could tell by glancing over at Trey, things were already funny. The look on his face when the both of them showed up said it all. I just wanted to dismiss myself all together.
“Hello, yes he -“
“What’s up Charmaine?”
“Hey, I just wanted to drop Skylar off. Hope we’re not interrupting anything.”
“No, everything is good. Charmaine this is my mother, that’s Jermaine, Vashtie, and Vanessa. Everybody this Charmaine, Skylar's mother.” I didn’t speak to her. I just looked away and walked towards the kitchen. I know it was rude, but I couldn’t look at this woman without feeling some type of way.
Taking a breather in Trey’s kitchen, Vashtie and Jermaine walked in. They could tell something was wrong, but of course, I pretended nothing was bothering me. I didn’t want to upset myself, so that’s why I just walked away and plus I don’t need all the extra stress. I just need to breathe and ignore all of that because it doesn’t even matter. What’s done is done and I can’t do anything about it.
“You alright?” Vashtie asked me.
“I guess. Jermaine, I’m assuming that’s her?”
“Yeah, that’s Skylar’s mother. Don’t sweat it though. Trey already feels bad about that whole situation.”
“Yeah, but it’s hard knowing that she’s the one who had his child before I could. I just didn’t want to show any expressions that could make things go left.”
“Girl, don’t let that bother you. You’re not here for that. You really came to show you two could coexist and plus you said you wanted to see his mom, right?”
“I did say that, Vashtie. I just didn’t think things would be like this.” Even though I moved on and finally forgave Trey, it still hurt.
Yes, I moved on, but to see her and his daughter was just a mother level of hurt. I didn’t expect to feel like this, but It felt like a hole burned in my chest. I knew this day would come, but it was too soon. I just hope I can get over this and worry about my own daughter once she gets here.
Watching Trey walk into the kitchen abruptly, I could see the nervousness on his face. The tension in the air became thick and Jermaine and Vashitie seemed to be uncomfortable.  I think could sense something, but to be honest I wasn’t going to get mad or yell. I didn’t care to do that anymore.
“Can y’all excuse me and Vanessa for a minute?” Trey asked Jermaine and Vashtie. Without hesitation, the both of them walked out. “Nessa.”
“I hope you aren’t uncomfortable. I didn’t expect you to actually come and I didn’t think Charmaine would come in right behind y’all.”
“Why are you explaining yourself? I don’t care, Trey. You have a daughter and I expected her to be here with her mother. The only thing I felt uncomfortable about was actually facing the woman that you put in a bad position. Honestly, this will not upset me.”
“What don’t you care about?” He asked raising his brow.
“Us. The back and forth. The feelings, I don’t care about it anymore. I’m over it, Trey. I just want us to be good parents to our daughter.”
“Then why are you here, since you don’t care.”
“I only came to see your mother and to show you that I’m actually grown enough to be around you. I can leave, though. I don’t have to be here. I actually have someone’s house I can go to.”
“Well do what you have to do.” He walked out with an attitude and honestly I didn’t care. I didn’t even feel sad about it. This just lets me know that he still hasn’t let go and feels a way about me actually letting go of him. I just hope he can kill this childish ass behavior of his.
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buyaheartfiction · 7 years
01|A Bad Situation
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Even though I was almost two months into my third year of medical school my body still found it difficult to adjust to the hours I was putting in like now. My eyes felt heavy and the steady beating of the rain against the hospital window wasn't proving helpful to my current situation. Attempting to keep up my grades, I was doing some reading on the conditions I had come across with patients during rounds this morning, but all I really wanted to do was sleep. A yawn escaped my Ruby Woo painted lips before my phone nearly startled me as it vibrated against my leg.
I was thankful I was in the M3-M4 lounge and not on the floor with my attending physician. Fishing the iPhone out my pocket my face scrunched up in confusion as I registered the caller. It was Shayla: my cousin. Our relationship hadn't been the same over the last few years. We went from speaking just about every day to not really speaking at all so I couldn't fathom why she'd be calling me, but nonetheless, I exited the lounge not wanting to disturb anyone else as I answered my phone.
“You need to get down to Methodist hospital right now. I'm here with your mother.”
“Wait what! Is she okay? What happened?”
“She’s in surgery. Trinity please just get down here.”
The familiar beep let me know the call ended and I couldn't gather my things fast enough as I went to find my resident and let them know of my sudden family emergency. I ran as fast my feet would carry me and caught the first cab I could get into. Any other day I would have gotten on the subway to get me to Brooklyn, but the hour long ride wasn't going to cut it today: not while my mother was sitting in the hospital and I had no idea what was going on.
As the cab drove through the busy streets of New York City my mind kept running over different scenarios. I hadn't gotten a chance to see her this morning because when I left she was still in bed, but up to last night she'd been just fine so what could have gone wrong while I was at school. What could be wrong that she’d be in surgery? My mind was spinning and it didn't help that I didn't have any information besides the fact I needed to haul ass. The salty liquid left my eyes causing me to wipe at my face as I pulled my phone from my pocket.
I wanted to call Shayla back, but if she wasn’t willing to give me answers before I knew she wouldn’t give them to me now and honestly I wasn’t sure if I could handle the information I was seeking in my fragile state. So instead of dialing her number, I hit my second favorite contact and placed the phone to my ear. Upon hearing my best friends voice I didn’t even give him our usual stupid greeting.
“Caleb, mama is in the hospital,” My voice shaky.
“What? Is she okay?”
“I don’t know.” As the words fled my lips I felt a sense of hopelessness leave with them causing a sob to push its way through.
“Calm down baby girl. Don’t get yourself worked up until you know any thing for sure. Where are you now?”
“I’m in a cab on my way to Methodist.”
“I’ll meet you there and I know you’re stressing yourself out. Stop it! Mama is going to be fine.”
The line disconnected and though I knew his words were sincere I still couldn’t stop my brain from getting ahead of itself. I could feel the driver looking at me from the rear view mirror, but I had no shame as I continued to let everything out not caring that I was embarrassing myself in the back of this cab. Pulling up to a red light he handed me some tissues and I mumbled a barely audible thank you before dabbing at my face.
“You’re welcome beautiful. Keep it positive.”
The trip from the Lower East Side to Brooklyn didn't take too long considering it was rush hour and upon overhearing my situation the driver put a little peep in his step. Pulling up to Methodist I was pretty much out the cab before it could come to a complete halt.  Upon entering I wasted no time asking for directions to get where I needed to be. The elevator doors let me out on the third floor and I immediately spotted Shayla, but she wasn’t alone. By her side was her fiancé Brandon. It wasn’t that I disliked him I just didn’t know him very well and that was partially to blame on the lack of communication between Shayla and myself. Had we been close like we once were I’m sure things would be different. Rushing over to them I skipped over the formalities.
“Tell me what’s going on.” My tone demanding.
With tears in her eyes and trembling lips, Shayla looked up at me and immediately I could spot how uncomfortable she was and maybe that’s why she didn’t oblige with my request. Instead, it was Brandon who gave me the 411.
“She’s still in surgery, and the doctors haven’t given us much word yet, except they believe she had a stroke.”
“A stroke?” I asked in disbelief. “How?” My question was rhetorical because I didn’t expect Shayla or Brandon to have those answers, but why didn’t I notice something. Maybe because stroke symptoms weren’t exactly obvious and I’d never heard her complain about said symptoms. That could’ve been it or perhaps it had something to do with me spending most of my day at a hospital worrying about everyone else’s issues but my own. Was I not the girl with six figures worth of debt all in pursuit of a career in medicine, yet I couldn’t see problems in my own household or with my own mother? I was already failing.
Plopping down in the seat next to Shayla I buried my face into my hands as I found myself crying again. My emotions were getting the best of me again and I absolutely hated it. I felt a hand on my back offering comfort, but the touch felt forced and it made my sense of anxiety even higher. With my tear filled eyes, I looked over to Shayla as I shrugged away from her touch, feeling myself growing angry and frustrated.
“Don't touch me.” I spat.
“Excuse you?”
“You heard me.”
“Let's get something straight I don't need to be here. That isn't my aunt or mother in that operating room. And FYI had I not found her she'd probably be on her way to the coroner’s office you ungrateful brat.”
“Ungrateful? When my father was around she was your aunt, right? When your mother did -” I got ready to tell her something she might not be too fond of hearing, but someone calling my name stopped me from reading her for filth.
Looking to the caller of my name I got out my seat and engulfed Caleb in a hug. His touch on my back was one of security. It felt soothing as I cried into his shirt while he attempted to hush my cries. Pulling away from me he held my face as the pads of thumb removed stray tears from my face.
“She had a stroke. What am I going to do if she doesn’t pull through? I can’t lose her, Caleb. I can’t go through that pain of losing a parent again.”
Almost eight years ago I’d lost my father to coronary artery disease. I knew he was watching over mama and me, but it wasn’t the same thing as him being here. I missed our car rides where we’d drive around aimlessly talking about any and everything. The only cap and gown he’d seen me in were my high school one. He wasn’t there to see my biggest accomplishment thus far: graduating from NYU with my bachelors of science in biochemistry.  Even though it’d been so long I still thought about him and tried to honor his memory.
“I know. Mama’s a fighter. She’s gonna make it and the first thing she’s going to do is whoop your ass for doubting her.”
A chuckle escaped our lips. I appreciated his efforts to cheer me up with everything going on.
Taking a seat, we began playing the waiting game hoping to hear some good news.
The three hour surgery felt like it had lasted forever, but the doctors finally emerged to update us on my mother's condition
“So Mrs. St. James suffered a hemorrhagic stroke caused by a brain aneurysm. We were able to stop the bleeding from the aneurysm, but there might some side effects from the stroke. With the stress of her stroke we had no choice, but to put her into a medically induced coma. We’ll be monitoring her.  For now, her condition is critical but stable. “
My mouth felt dry as words failed to form. How was I supposed to respond to that? She was alive and I was grateful, but she was in a coma. What was I going to do without my mama?
“Can we allow her daughter to visit her for a few minutes?” Caleb spoke up.
“Certainly. We encourage you to talk to her.”
My feet felt like they were stuck to the floor, but I somehow found it in me to move forward and follow the doctor my mother's room in the ICU.
She looked to be in a deep sleep, but I knew it was more than that. I didn't even bother taking a seat bed side; I instantly took a hold of her hand.
“Mama, I need you so you have to snap out of this. You can not leave me.”
Casting my gaze to the ceiling I was attempting to keep my tears at bay.
“You have to watch me graduate from med school and start my residency. We have to argue about where I'm going to pursue my residency. We aren't done yet. Our story isn’t done. We still have so much to discuss. I just... I love you, mama.”
There was so much more I wanted to say, but she’d hear it when she woke up from this coma. Placing a kiss on her forehead I exited the room and walked right into Caleb’s arms.
“Let’s go,” I said.
Taking one last look at Shayla I shook my head as Caleb and I headed to the parking lot.
Music poured from the speakers of Caleb’s Maxima, but other than that the car ride was silent. I was all in my head over analyzing trying to put my medical knowledge to the test, but it wasn’t doing anything for me. Taking a deep breath, I repeated the words said to me earlier.
‘Keep it positive.’
The familiar white and blue brownstone house came into view before the car came to a stop.
“Do you want me to stay the night?”
“No, it’s okay Caleb. Thank you though. I appreciate the offer.” I gave him a small smile before placing a kiss on his cheek.
Exiting the vehicle Caleb didn’t pull off until I made it inside. I immediately went to shower hoping for it give me a more relaxed state of mind and it did exactly that as I had come out half an hour later. Getting comfortable in the living room I attempted to get some studying done, but that was useless especially with my stomach grumbling letting me know I should feed myself.
Searching the fridge, I pulled out yesterday's leftovers which consisted of breaded pork chops, baked potatoes, and a side of veggies. Heating it up I sat at the dining room table, but even with me being as hungry as I was my appetite wasn’t there.
Memories of Mama and I preparing the food flooded my head. We were happy and laughing as we cracked jokes. Now, what if this was the last time I had one of her meals?
I couldn’t do this to myself and I wouldn’t. I would not drive myself crazy and throw a pity party. Mama wouldn’t want me to so I decided to take Caleb’s offer, but it wasn’t him I was inviting over. Picking up my phone I dialed an old friend up knowing he’d find the perfect way to keep me occupied.
“Finally figuring out how the phone works?”
“Tristian, I need you to come over.”
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fabioquartararhoe · 3 years
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onelifetoliveff · 4 years
Would anyone be interested in a Trey Songz fic??
Or y’all over stories lol. if not, follow me on @collateralfiction. I got something cooking! 
Or if y’all just wanna chat.
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theknowing-ff-blog · 7 years
Los Angeles, 11:30 am
My body was still in the process of healing. I thanked God every day since I've woken up from my coma. I had just got out of the hospital a few days ago and my doctor told me I should be on bed rest. Of course, I didn't listen because I still had business to take care of. Carmen was out of town on business, again and I told her she shouldn't go since she's pregnant. Plus I needed help, but Carmen said needed to go on this trip because it was important. She had business in Chicago, so of course, I'm worried. I know I should be the last person telling her not to leave because I'm worried about her safety, but if I don't focus on my business then I won't have one. I was only going to be in Los Angeles for two days; then I was heading back home. I just hope I don't run into Samarah while I'm in town.
As much as I would like to see Samarah, seeing her wouldn't be a good thing considering I'm trying to focus on my wife and my business. I wanted to thank her for coming to the hospital, but Carmen didn't want me having any contact with her. The only reason I knew she was there was because of my mom and sister. Whether Carmen liked it or not, I was going to contact Samarah soon. I know she has a so called boyfriend and everything, but I don't care. I know she can't even focus on that fake relationship without worrying about me.
"You need to be getting ready for this meeting, it's in an hour. What are you waiting on?" Aaliyah said as she came into my room.
"Do you work for me, or do I work for you? How did you get in here anyway?"
"I made the front desk give me a key. You know you're sort of handicap now."
"Yeah, yeah don't remind me. Can you hand me my shirt over there?"
"Okay, so after the meeting, you get to look at the property you're trying to purchase. Hopefully, the space is big enough. You know all the hotspots that celebrities frequent are in Hollywood."
"I know, that's why I think this is perfect. I actually think this one will pull me double the amount."
"You think? You already do good in NYC."
"That is true, but for some reason, I feel like I'll pull even more money in. I'm even thinking about staying here for a few months after the grand opening." Living in Los Angeles for a while would be a good thing, but I know for a fact Carmen wouldn't go for it.
I've always thought about moving, but Carmen was always said we weren't moving because she didn't want to. I sacrificed a lot for her, yet she doesn't do the same. I honestly don't know what's gotten into her lately. She isn't the same person and I'm sick of this shit. It's like now I feel forced to still be with her since she's pregnant, but I really want to be separated. I feel like it's the best thing for us and I want her to realize that. She already acts like she doesn't want to be with me, so we can take the steps to getting a divorce.
Divorce has been running through my mind for a while, but something kept holding me back from actually making that move. Even before the baby, I still couldn't find it in me to actually go through with it. I know once I tell her I want a divorce and everyone finds out, everyone will probably be happy. I know my mother will be happy as hell. She has this hate for Carmen and I still don't know the actual reason. A lot of people don't care for her, but I didn't care about that in the beginning. I didn't get married to them, I got married to her. I loved her, but Carmen acts like she doesn't feel the same.
"Hmm, you think the Mrs. wants to move?"
"I really don't care if she does." I said buttoning up my shirt.
"Trouble in paradise?"
"You don't know half, Aaliyah. Next time you see me, I'll probably be damn near single."
"Hmm, well you know I hate getting into people's business. Just make sure you know the decision you make is the right one."
"Believe me it is." I grabbed my shoes and thought about all of this. I wanted to be done with Carmen and her shit. It was stressful and that's something I didn't need. She put so much stress on me and she didn't care. I just hope this whole separation and divorce shit can end well and not ugly.
"Well that went well and plus the building is nice. I actually can't wait for the grand opening, but the question still remains, will I have a job?"
"Really, Aaliyah? You know you will. Why would you think that?"
"Because you plan on moving out here."
"Only for a few months, though. You can still help with my other club. Don't even worry."
"Okay, I'll hold you to it. Let's hurry up and get some food." We decided to go to this little sushi restaurant right in Beverly Hills. I'm not really a sushi person, but Aaliyah wanted to go. The restaurant was packed and I didn't want feel like staying, but my eyes couldn't stop focusing on this one person.
The feeling that I had was something different. My blood was boiling and I couldn't move fast enough to get an explanation. I saw Carmen and she was here with another man. The fact that her ass told a whole fucking lie about going to Chicago pissed me off. Who was this nigga? She really thought it was cool to lie and to be with someone else?
"Where are you going, Dominic?"
"I need to handle something, hold on." I know I was on crutches, but that wasn't about to stop shit.
Heading towards Carmen, the guy she was with made eye contact with me and I could hear Carmen asking him, what was wrong. That's when she turned around and she was shocked to see me. You could see the fear on her face and just from her body language, she was uncomfortable and knew she was about to be embarrassed.
"Chicago, huh? When did you leave, Carmen?"
"Dominic, what are you doing here?
"I should be asking you the same thing? Who is this? He know's you're married?"
"Dominic, can you please leave? You're embarrassing me."
"Nah, you out here with other niggas and you failed to tell me that you really weren't going to Chicago." Her face was turning red and that's when she had a smirk on her face.
"I don't have to tell you anything. You don't care about me anyway!" She raised her voice and people were peering over to us.
"Carmen, calm down. You're pregnant, no need to yell."
"Fuck out of here, Carmen. I don't care about you?! Why are you lying? Oh, so he know's you're pregnant with our child too?" He looked at me with a confused look on his face like he didn't know or something.
"You didn't tell him?" He chuckled sarcastically and shook his head.
"Tell me what?"
"Nothing, now leave Dominic!"
"No, he deserves to know that our baby has nothing to do with him." After I heard our baby, that's when I blacked out and my fist landed on the side of his face.
Fighting on crutches wasn't the easiest thing, nor was it the smartest. I heard Aaliyah screaming at me and I completely ignored it. I couldn't believe this nigga said "our baby" what the fuck was he talking about? Carmen was a lot of things, but the fact that she cheated and got pregnant by someone else, just shows how much she really cared about this marriage. Yeah, I cheated with Samarah, but that was a mistake. I did it once and never did it again because I was thinking about my wife. It's clear Carmen has another life. Now it makes me wonder how long she's been cheating.
"I fucking hate you, Dominic! You ruin everything!" I heard Carmen screaming and that's when she rushed over to him. I was done with her ass for good.
"Sir, you need to leave now!" It was security and he tried his best to escort me and Aaliyah out. I was heated and I wanted to kill that nigga.
Getting inside of the car, I was pissed. I couldn't believe Carmen. I'm her husband and she acted like I didn't exist. What type of shit was that? It was clear that he was more important than me and honestly, he could have her. When I get back east, I was going to get a lawyer and make sure this divorce could happen. Plus I wanted a DNA test just to be sure. If I'm not the father, I'm done with her for real.
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lovedroughtff · 5 years
Chapter 1~ Emotions
It's over and done But the heartache lives on inside And who is the one you're clinging to instead of me tonight? And where are you now, now that I need you? Tears on my pillow wherever you go go I cry me a river that leads to your ocean You never see me fall apart In the words of a broken heart It's just emotions taking me over Caught up in sorrow Lost in the song But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight Goodnight, goodnight  
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I sighed, getting off of the ground wiping the dirt off of my knees, and making sure that I did the same for Brielle.
“Mommy, I’m hungry.” She said as I picked her up and started to carry her away from the gravesite
“I know, me too Bri, we're eating at grandma’s and baba’s house.” I told her once we got to the car.  
She started to wiggle from excitement in my arms, which made me laugh on such a bad day.
“Cmon silly girl, we gotta go!” I said strapping her into her seat. Once I made sure she was secure, I walked around to my side to get in the car. But I had to pray first.
“Lord, please give me the strength today. I really need it.”  
I looked at the tombstone again, and got back into the car before I started to cry. 
Leaving the cemetery was a struggle, but I knew that I couldn’t stay here without breaking down like I did every year when I came. Today was the day that the love of my life, Julian was brutally murdered. He was my high school sweetheart, and it’s been seven years since he was killed, yet it hurts like it was yesterday.
My sisters were cooing over my stomach and rubbing, as I just told them that I was pregnant. Even though, I’m only 20 right now, I couldn’t wait to have this baby. Julian and I decided to keep the pregnancy a secret, especially since once we told our parents we knew shit would hit the fan. But also, to make sure that nothing happened to the baby.
I was four months pregnant today, and barely showing, and glad for it.  
“Does Mama and Baba know?” Kristen asked,
I nodded, “Baba nearly put JuJu through the wall in the kitchen. I had to stop him from hurting him.” Chuckling at the thought.
Baba is Persian for Dad.  
“Of course he would, you know Baba doesn’t play about us.” Rocky laughed.
We were all light hearted and cracking jokes and making up baby names for my and Julian’s child, when his younger sister called me. I picked it up still laughing with my sisters.
“Hey Jilly-“ I paused and sat up once I heard her crying.
“Sienna, you gotta get to St. Mary’s Now!” She sobbed.
“What’s the matter Jilly?”
My sisters were now concerned at the nervousness in my face and how my body stiffened while being on the phone.
“He was shot Sienna! You gotta get here now!”
“W-who was shot?”
I started trembling at the thought, that I knew exactly who she was talking about.
I didn’t even hear her when she said Julian’s name, I just dropped the phone with tears running down my face.
He was dead by the time that I made it to the hospital. Brielle never got to meet her father, and doesn’t know his side of the family.
I blinked coming to as I looked up and noticed we were at my parent’s house. I don’t even know how I got here. I really was on auto-pilot today.  
I looked in the backseat and saw Bri knocked out cold and I thought it was the cutest thing, she looked so much like Ju it was scary.  
I picked her up and carried her into the busy house that had all of my siblings and my parents. I laughed when Bash, my 14 year old brother, nearly ran into me.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry Sissy.” He said calling my nickname once he realized who I was carrying.
“It’s fine Bash, can you take her to her room please? My daughter is heavy.” I smiled.
He nodded, “I think it’s a shame that she has a better room than I do, and I live here.” He laughed, carefully taking Bri out of my arms making sure that she didn’t wake up.  
“Thank you Bash!” I said kissing his forehead, right before he ran up the stairs.
“No problem.”
When he was out of my sight, I let go of my exterior and frowned. I didn’t know how I was going to get through tonight like this. I was miserable and sad, all I wanted to do was fall asleep cuddling my daughter in my bed.
I left from the front of the house and started walking towards the living room and past the kitchen when I heard a commotion come from in there.
“Salvador! Please get out of my kitchen!!” I heard my mother yell, if she was calling Baba by his first name she really was pissed.
“Alright, Alright, I’m leaving!” He said with his hands in the air, retreating from the kitchen.  
I laugh catching his attention.
“Oh Sienna! How’s my baby girl?” He asked engulfing me in the biggest hug.  I smiled laughing at his excitement to see me and his thick accent.
“I’m fine Dad. Thank you for asking.” I mumbled in his chest, He gave the best hugs. I honestly felt myself smiling once he let me go.
“I know that Julian was a great love, and today is tough. But I know he is looking down on you and Brielle from above.” He spoke.
I nodded appreciating the words that he was telling me.
“You know I always liked him.”  
That had me crying, “Baba, you know that was a lie, you tried to severely hurt him once you found out I was pregnant with Bri.”
He shrugged his shoulders and muttered things in Persian.
“Ay! Baba. What are you talking about!” Kristen yelled, I guess she heard him rambling when she came into the house.
“He said he liked Ju and I told him that was a lie,” I chuckled trying to hide my smile at the fact that my step-father was still rambling on.
Kristen just shook her head, “Baba, please. English.”
He rolled his eyes, “You understand me either way.”
We nodded, that was true.
“Salvador, Leave the Vivienne and Violet alone!” Ma shooed as she came out of the kitchen
He started speaking in Persian and waving his hands around, then walked off, still rambling. Mom was totally confused, but Kristen and I were damn near on the floor.
“What is he muttering on about.” Mom looked at us.
“Long story short, He said “Your Maman is crazy!” And started talking about you kicking him out of the kitchen.”  
Mom rolled her eyes, “Your father is nuts!��
We both shook our heads and let mom rant while walking in the kitchen.
“Where you coming from Kris?” I asked her
She shrugged, “Daddy’s house, with all the other siblings. He says Hi and if you need anything to call him.”
I nodded, Her dad always cared for me.
My family dynamic is interesting to say the least. My mother is Valentina Harris- Jimenez and I don’t know who my real father is. My mom had me at 17 and from what she tells me, my father was extremely older than her and that when she found out she was pregnant at 16, she told my dad and he dropped the bomb on her that he was married with children, and walked out. She never saw him again. My mom doesn’t talk about my father and I don’t ask. Besides my mother and I, I have younger siblings consisting of four sisters and one brother.
Kristen is 2 years younger than me and her dad is Tony Hayes. He was like a father to me and then mom and Tony split up. He has 3 other kids by his wife.
Then there’s my baba. Salvador- But everyone calls him Mateo. He literally took Kristen and I under his wings and raised us with my mom. He also fathered my little sisters Rocky, Ari and my brother Bash.
Kristen and I love Baba like he is our own dad and he loves us just like were his own daughters.
“Hello, earth to Sienna!” Rocky snapped her fingers in my face
I rolled my eyes, Rocky and I hardly ever got along, she was always argumentative and I never understood that.
“Yes Raquel?” I was already annoyed.
She tightened her lips, “I was asking you if you were okay, being that today is the day your boyfriend got killed, but never mind then.”  She walked past me, but not without bumping my shoulder.
“You don’t have to be a bitch all the time, Veronica.” Kristen called out.
“Dont give a shit Violet.” She called back
Ari was coming down the stairs with Bash and Brielle on her heels.
“I guess we know who got Baba’s temper.” She said
Ari came to hug me and Kristen picked up Brielle.
Before we could even talk, mom came out of the kitchen, “TIME TO EAT!”
I whispered in my head, “Thank you God”, because I could not answer another question about Julian.
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Laying in my bed, I played in her perfect straight black hair that she had just got done. We were both sweaty and sticky, but it was fun to get this way with her.  
“What are you thinking about?” Dahlia asked me.
I shrugged, “Nothing really, I like your hair like this.”
“Like what?” She shifted herself and the covers, so that she could look at me , but it just showed her naked body even more.
“I like it straight, I know you prefer curly hair but I like your hair straight.”
She made a mhm sound, and got up from the bed going into the bathroom. Sitting up, I watched as her fat ass swayed in my bathroom
“You like to tease me huh?” I called out
She poked her head out of the bathroom, “Of Course, why wouldn’t I, Papi?” She smirks going back into the bathroom,
Dahlia and I have had a very long on and off relationship since we were kids. We lost our virginities together, had pregnancy scares, went through a miscarriage, a lot of ups and downs. She cheated on me when we were younger as well, and I stopped fucking with her, for years. She broke my heart and made me become heartless, but I still love her.  
A friends with benefits kind of situation. That’s all I can allow to happen, because I don’t trust her, but I still only want to be with her.
I heard the shower start, so I slipped on some boxers and shorts and made my way downstairs.
I was shocked when I saw Austin and Cash in my kitchen.
“Niggas, the keys I gave you are in case of emergencies only.” I was annoyed as shit that they were here. Especially since D is upstairs.
“This was an emergency. We were hungry.” Austin mumbled while shoveling my left over pasta in his mouth.
I wanted that, I smacked my lips.
“How long y’all been here.” I muttered while looking in my fridge.
“Long enough to hear you fucking some hoe.” Cash said, while looking at her phone.
“She’s not a hoe.”  
I turned around to put the ingredients to my breakfast on the counter so I could start cooking.
“Who was it?” Austin asked.
“Don’t worry about it.” I mumbled.
I know that caused them to look at each other, because they got extremely quiet. After a few minutes of me cooking and Austin and Cash playing with each other, I was glad they didn’t ask me anymore questions.
“Ash!!” Dahlia called out, and I sighed, because I knew I was about to get an earful from my sister and best friend.
She came in the kitchen and stopped once she saw them.  
Dahlia cleared her throat, “Hey Austin, Autumn.”
“What’s up D?” Austin said, he hugged her and I could tell that she had missed hanging out with him.
Cash didn’t say anything, except throw death glares at her.
Once her hug from Austin was over, she came and hugged me and kissed me on the lips. She whispered in my ear, “I had a great time last night and this morning, maybe next time we can do this without an audience.”
I smirked and laughed, “Lemme walk you out D.”
We walked out the kitchen and she grabbed the remaining of her stuff before walking out of the door. Leaving the house and going to my driveway, both of us were silent, until we reached the car. I spun her towards me and gave her a very passionate kiss. She moaned and I immediately wanted to bend her on the hood of her car and take her.
“D, you can stay.” I mumbled against her lips, grabbing her ass.
She shook her head, “I can’t I got shit to handle, and plus your sister would literally kill me.” She got out of my hold and started to get into the car.  
“I don’t know why she hates me.” D mumbled.
That instantly pissed me off, “You know exactly why she hates you.”
Seeing me get irritated, she sighed, “I know, and I apologized many times Ash.” I didn’t respond.
“I love you.” She said looking at me, I didn’t respond again, I just stared at my feet.
I heard her hurt and looked up at her, “I love you too, call me when you get home.”
She nodded and got in and drove off.
I turned around to see Cash and Austin standing in my window. Cash looked pissed as fuck. I sighed knowing exactly where this was going.
Three hours, three hours is how long my sister yelled at me for messing with Dahlia. And she’s still fucking going.
“AUTUMN! FUCK! I get you! You don’t want me fuckin with Dahlia again. I get it.”
“No! You don’t because you were literally just fucking her a few hours ago. How could you put your dick in that bitch!” She yelled in my face.
She was taking this shit too far.  
“Because I actually love her!! I wanted to marry her! You need to stop disrespecting her” I Yelled back  
“How, How do you love her! You literally let this bitch walk all over you, she cheated on you constantly and here you are. Letting her back in.”
“Mind your fucking business Cash.” I mumbled.
“What? You mad? Cause you know I’m right? Huh.”
“Cash, stop.” Austin mumbled, He knew that if I got too mad that I would be on a rampage.
“No. You wanna talk about how you love that girl? That bitch didn’t have a miscarriage, she had an abortion and you know it.” Cash spat at me.
My head snapped to her, and before I could even do anything, Austin stood in front of me. He pointed to the stairs.
“Go cool off.”
I let out an angry groan, and stomped towards the stairs, I bumped shoulders with Autumn and walked to my basement door.
Before I left, “Both of y’all get the fuck out of my house and leave y’all fucking keys!” I yelled, and slammed the door.
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famouslovehurts-ff · 7 years
Runnin’ PT. 2
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The events of last night didn’t sit right with her. She could barely sleep as the conversation replayed itself. He was angry with her and that frustrated her more so, because she didn’t prepare herself for it. She expected him to be waiting with his arms open. Needless to say those arms were crossed guarding his heart. Could she blame him though? Laying in the bed she tried to imagine if Trey had acted the way she did over these last couple years how would she feel. The corners of her lips fell towards the floor. She would be pissed but most importantly she’d be hurt because at one point he’d been one of the most important people in her life. She just left him and then every now and then tried to reinsert herself as if their history was non existent.
Her slender hand reached under the covers feeling for her iPhone. Pulling the device up she settled against the headboard as she went through notifications mentally sorting which ones were relevant and which could get cleared from her screen. Kelly then proceeded to the real reason she picked up the device. Going to the FaceTime app she pressed the info button next to the last call she had received before saving Trey as a contact. Kelly knew this could be detrimental but she needed to do this.
Pressing the message button she began typing.
Can we talk?
Read 10:03 AM
Her eyes were locked on the read receipt and the fact that there were no ellipses at the bottom of the thread signaling that he was responding to her. She knew he was in Miami because even after their little spat she’d still tortured herself and watched his Instagram story to make sure that she hadn’t ruined his night. Him being in Miami meant he was 3 hours ahead of her so it was 1 PM. What was he doing? Was he really that mad that he would leave her on read and not respond?
A minute had passed and then suddenly a few more passed and still nothing. Maybe this was a sign that she needed to actually leave him alone once and for all.
Locking the device she brought her knees to her chest. Tears pricked the back of her eyes as her bottom lip trembled. The familiar chiming of her phone briefly stopped her pity party.
Take initiative like the night you left
He took a shot and he didn’t miss. He just fucking dunked on her and then rubbed it in her face that he scored.
She pressed his contact and attempted a Facetime video.The phone rang in her hand and soon enough it stopped. Had he denied her call? The female retried the call and got the same result. Bringing up their messages her fingers furiously swiped against the keyboard.
Really? So you’re not gonna answer the phone.
It only took a few seconds before a rely came through.
Who said I wanted to see you?
To: Trey What is wrong with you?
From: Trey All the things that aren’t wrong with you.
She read the message over several times trying to figure out the meaning behind his words. Was he implying she wasn’t sad about their current status? Then again look at what her life was now. She had a damn engagement ring on her finger. What reason did she have to be sad?
Tired of busting her brain. She pressed call and brought the phone to her ear clenching  her fist when his voicemail greeted her. Calling again his voicemail greeted her a lot quicker this time letting her know he declined the call.
Just as she removed the phone from her ear she noticed the new text message.
From: Trey
If you wanna talk start typing.
To: Trey
Can you give Trey his phone back?
From: Trey
Kelly stop playing on my line. You can start talking or I’m blocking your ass.
She didn’t wanna have this conversation via text. It’s not where it was meant to be had. She wanted to hear his voice. Watch his facial expressions to see where his head was. That wasn’t an option so she settled for his voice and he wouldn’t even give her that.
She knew what she had done but he was being cold as if they didn’t love each other at one point. Hell if she was being honest the love was always there even behind the fear but it wasn’t enough to keep her where she was. Instead of going with the risky option she picked safe. Look how that played out for her.
She held down the microphone and began speaking.
“Trey I’m tired of your fucking attitude. I know I was wrong and I can admit that but this hostility you have to me isn’t warranted. You think I don’t hurt over what happened between us? You don’t think I know what happened between us. You’re taking shots and being cold. For what? All I’m trying to do is reach out since you reached out. ”
Even thought she was dead wrong for that message she still sent it. it was unfair of her to be asking for sympathy from him. She didn’t deserve it. Not to mention he was entitled to his emotions so who was she to dictate them and tell him how he should handle her. She was simply in her feelings because he wasn’t playing the game she started by her rules.
Holding down the microphone, she began recording another rant.
“Look, I’m sorry. I miss you and I just wanna talk, okay. We don’t even need to talk about us we can talk about the weather or the sky being blue. I just... I miss you is all.”
From: Trey 🤣🤣 You big mad or little mad? And you can’t be serious right now. Social media is just that. Nothing serious. Just cause I like a few photos doesn’t mean I’m extending an olive branch. It ain’t like you ugly.
From Trey Glad you realized your hurt cause mine morphed I’m into anger a long ass time ago. And all this idle chit chat you trying to make seems appropriate since we’re practically strangers.
Strangers? He was cutting her and then twisting the knife. She stared at the phone because what did you say to that? She wanted him back in her life but it was clear he didn’t want her. She was about to consider this a lost cause because she wasn’t about to beg him to forgive her but she needed to swallow her pride because her pride is what had gotten her here in the first place.
To: Trey Listen name a time and place and we can meet up. I fly out of LAX in a few days. Maybe I can make a trip if your schedule permits.
She stared back at the read receipt feeling hopeless.
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Hey girl can i get the mobile chapter list to this fanfic and the sequel?
I’ve actually started rewriting this!
I haven’t updated it on tumblr but This story, the sequel and the third story are all on Wattpad.
Simply Amazing
Die Tonight
Gotta Make It
Gotta Make it -T.Songz 3/3
Thank you sooo sooo much for reading 😭❤️
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adeelusionaldiary · 7 years
Fatal Attraction|06
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With her phone in hand Kelly let out a sigh as she read over the text message she had typed up with the intention to send to Giselle. The two still hadn’t repaired things after their falling out, but with everything going on in her life she was ready to wave her white flag because she needed her best friend. Giselle had reached out after finding out about Kelly’s hospitalization a little over a month ago, but they hadn’t done much talking since then.
  On top of that Tremaine and her were still going through their rough patch since her being discharged from the hospital. He was trying and she gave him an ‘A’ for effort but was he really trying hard enough was her question. Granted, she wasn’t making it easy and if she had to admit it she could say she was definitely being stubborn when it came to certain things, but she felt her attitude was justified.
 Everything was his fault. Her she was pregnant for a second time and she couldn't even be completely excited about it. Instead she was worried about what was going on with them. It was like walking around on egg shells in her own home. Their conversations were like those of two strangers and everyday she wondered if she had the strength to do this. She loved Trey she did, but a part of her questioned if she would be able to leave him if things didn’t work out the way she wanted them to.
 The doorbell sounded throughout the large house causing Kelly’s eyebrows to rise in confusion for she wasn’t expecting company and Trey wasn’t home.  Placing her phone on the bed she got up and made her way down the stairs as her visitor continued to assault the doorbell. Those actions alone told her all she needed to. Confirming her guess, she looked through the peephole to see Chris. Opening the door, she stepped aside to let him in.
 “Hey, Chris.”
 “What’s up Kellz?” He responded to her greeting as he gave her a side hug.
 “Nothing much.”
 “Where’s Trey?”
 “He’s not here. He stepped out to run some errands, but he should be back soon considering he’s been gone for a while now.”
 Not to mention Robyn’s video was premiering and Trey wanted her to sit down with him and watch it. Admittedly she had been a fan of the female, but as of recent her opinion had changed. She didn’t think anything bad of her, but she could be honest and admit she didn’t like all the attention her husband was giving the woman.
 Closing the door, she followed Chris into their living room where he made himself comfortable.
 “Do you want anything to drink?”
 “I know Trey got some liquor in here. Hit me with a shot of something.”
 A few chuckles escaped Kelly’s mouth as she looked at Chris.
 “Chris it’s barely one in the afternoon.”
 “Shit. It’s five o’clock somewhere. Why don’t you join me?”
 “You’re not serious, are you?”
 Confusion coated his features causing Kelly to frown. The only way Chris wouldn’t know about the baby is if Tremaine didn’t tell him. He claimed he wanted this child, but his best friend and right hand man didn’t even know his wife was expecting.
 "I’m pregnant Chris"
 His eyes nearly bulged out their sockets as he roamed over her body looking for a sign of dishonesty. Rubbing his hands over the back of his neck he spoke up.
 "Congrats Kellz."
 "Spare me your false sympathy, Chris," She spat.
 "Kelly." His tone hurt by her sudden shift in demeanor.
 "You know you can talk to me, right?"
 Avoiding his gaze, she nodded.
 "Are you two keeping it?"
 "I want to and Trey claims he wants to but is that really what he wants. You didn't know about the baby. Not to mention since I’ve been home from the hospital I’ve spent so much time alone. He's always working and every other second all I hear is Robyn. Robyn this. Robyn that.  Honestly I wanna say fuck it and just give up. I've given so much of myself to that man over the last eight years, but I don’t know if I can continue to do this. I want my son or daughter to grow up in a home where they're loved unconditionally, but also where the parents love one another and right now I don't think Tremaine and I are there or will ever get back there."
 Chris probably wasn’t the person she should be expressing her feelings to, but she had reached her limit. Chris immediately pulled her into an embrace and she let out a sigh.
 Pulling their bodies apart slightly he locked eyes with Kelly before speaking up.
 "I know Trey is my mans, but I love you Kelly so whatever you need I got you"
 "Thank you Chris."
 "What the fuck is going on here?” Tremaine’s voice boomed through the room startling the pair.
 “Nothing,” Kelly stammered as if she’d been caught in a lie.  “Umm...Chris I'll be back with that drink.” What she really needed was a quick moment to herself and Chris would prove the perfect excuse. 
 "Nah. Keep your ass right there. Chris get out!" Trey snapped. 
 Her eyebrows rose as she stood up from her spot on the couch to look at Trey. Clearly Tremaine had lost his mind talking to her the way he was. 
 "Excuse you? You don’t get to come in here and speak to me like that after being off doing God knows what. Chris is more than welcome to stay in our home.” Turning her attention to Chris she asked, "You good with Henny?" 
 Trey laughed as he stepped further into the living room, stopping right in front of Kelly. 
 "Keep playing like I don't got something for that ass." He gritted. 
 "Bro your wildin' right now." Chris said, approaching the couple. 
 "Get the fuck out of my face." 
 "Nah. You over there with them big balls on your wife step to someone who can actually fight back."
 Trey threw the first punch causing Kelly to scream.
 “Please stop.” She begged, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as the two threw blows at one another. If she wasn't pregnant she could perhaps intervene, but she'd be reckless to do so in her current state. No matter what she needed to protect her baby. A vase fell of the table from their tussling causing the men to stop.
 Trey's lip was bleeding while Chris' face held a few bruises.
 "Are you okay?" She asked examining Chris’ face.
 “I'm good ma. Check on your boy." He responded sending a glare Trey's way. 
 She quickly went to the closet that held toiletries and grabbed a hand towel accompanied by a quick stop in the kitchen to retrieve an ice pack. Walking back to the two men she threw the towel in Tremaine’s direction. As far as she was concerned he could handle himself since he wanted to be an idiot. Kneeling before Chris’ she placed the ice pack to his face. He hissed from the coldness meeting his hot skin. 
 “You sure you’re alright?” She asked.
 He nodded. 
 “Yeah, I’m gonna head out.” He said getting up. "I meant what I said earlier.”
 She nodded, contemplating if she would take him up on his offer, before walking him to the door.
 “Please text me when you get home."
 “Will do and be safe.” He warned.
 Tremaine watched without saying a word. He wanted to snatch Kelly up. Sure he started this, but that still didn’t give a good enough reason as to why she was tending to Chris rather than him. Instead of returning to the living room she was making her way upstairs. Looking down at the towel he silently cursed at the sight of his own blood. Chris had been lucky with that one. Getting up, he made his way upstairs to find Kelly. The sound of Robyn’s voice led him to their bedroom. Kelly sat up in the bed with tears welled up in her eyes that were glued to the TV.
  With all the madness going on he'd forgotten about the video, but clearly Kelly remembered.
 “Baby, I’m sorry for what just happened downstairs.”
 Silence is what greeted him. She didn’t even budge. He slowly approached her taking a seat next to her and still it was as if he wasn’t there.
 “Why do you like making me look stupid?” She asked. He got ready to say something, but she spoke up again.
 "Is it fun for you to repeatedly disrespect me? You brought your ass in here and had the nerve to promote this video to me and even after you showed your ass downstairs I’m still here supporting your dumbass. When you told me about this video why didn’t you tell me you kissed her? I have to sit here and watch this with the rest of the world. Did you conveniently forget that like the women you’ve screwed throughout the duration of our relationship? The least you can do is give me a heads up so I can go out into the world and continue to act like we’re the perfect couple.”
 “What the fuck are you talking about Kelly? It’s a video. None of this shit means anything.”
 “I find it funny because this isn’t the first time those words have left your mouth. Your actions continually speak for you and you say you love me, but your actions say you don’t care. You put me through so much shit and I stay and put up with it. Honest to God I can’t do this anymore Trey. I’m done. I deserve better and so does my child.”
 “So that’s it. You’re just gonna leave?” 
 “I’ll have my lawyer contact yours and we can work everything out so we can part amicably.”
 Part amicably? Was she serious? Kelly couldn’t leave him; he wouldn’t allow her to. He loved her and when he took his vows he meant every word. It was until death do us part so unless she planned to kill him she was stuck with him.
 “You’re not leaving me,” He said grabbing her chin so she could look at him. 
  “I love you and don’t you ever question that. I know I haven’t been the best man and I’ve made my share of mistakes, but I’m trying to do better for you and our baby. You know me. Not the persona or facade I put on for the world, but the real me. Tremaine Aldon Neverson the man you fell in love with eight years ago. The man you married four years ago. You’ve held me down for eight years and I’m asking that you be patient with me. I’m sorry about the video and if I knew it would’ve gotten you this upset I would have told you. I wasn’t trying to be sneaky or conniving but I mean it when I say Robyn doesn’t mean anything. It wasn’t planned for me to be there. Someone got sick and I stepped in for my artist on her first official project. It was for the cameras and I checked her right after. I already know we’re not in the best space, but I’m trying to get it right for you. Through the bad you saw the better in me and I’m just asking for you to continue to do that. I know I’m not making this easy. I’m trying to gain your trust back and prove to you that I can be that man you love and need. I just need you to be patient and help me out some. My love for you isn’t going anywhere Kelendria.”
 “Tremaine…” The sob in her throat cut off her sentence.
 “Shh.” We’re going to get through this” He said as he pulled her into his arms.
 For now it seems like he had stopped her from jumping over the edge, but only time could tell where they were headed.
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likeadrug-ff · 6 years
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L O N D Y N 
After Loryns grand opening we waited for her to come back so we could go out and celebrate but this hoe never came home. So the girls and I went to bed while mama went back to work. Kaiden ended up sleeping over but left early to check on his brother. 
All this week I had my head in the books studying for my exams. It was definitely crunch time. I had just got done taking my exams and I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I had a good feeling about my results so I called the girls after I got in the car. I leaned the seat back and got comfortable while waiting. 
“Waddup bitch?” I could tell that was Leilani stupid ass. Laughing at her I said, “what yall doing tonight?” 
“Wait. Can we make this a group face time?” I huffed and pulled the phone away from my ear. I clicked the face time option and seconds later their faces popped up. “Yall hoes aint doin shit.” I mumbled looking at them. 
“Girl I just left the shop. Im relaxing so shut up.” Loryn replied. “Speaking of the shop, where you disappear to last week?” Waiting for her reply, she looked away smiling hard, im talking dimples hard. “Must've been with Ace huh? I seen him sneaking in.” Leilani blurted out. 
“Girl,” Loryn smacked her teeth, “he came in there talking bout he had a gift for me in the car. I know yall seen me leaving with him. Anyway, we get in the car and this nigga hands me a duffel full of stacks.” My jaw dropped. “This bitch didnt say a stack. Her ass said full of stacks!” Lolani beat me to it. “Girl get out of my head!” I teased. 
“This the good part here, he also got me this Pandora bracelet,” she lifted her arm to show us, “and a Cuban link chain. Then gon’ come out his mouth and say, dont get fucked up out here. Remember who ya man is.” We all screamed and gassed it up. “Oh shiiiiit sus! My sista got a man, my sista got a man!” The girls and I sung. The only thing Loryn could muster up was, “I guess so.” 
After we all calmed down I repeated my question from earlier. They replied with basically saying nothing. “I just got done taking my exams, and I dont feel like going to work at that bargain store.” Leilani smacked her teeth. “They gon’ fire you yo.” I shrugged. “And I wont give a fuck. Anywho, lets go out tonight? Drinks on me cause I know I aced that shit!” 
“Free drinks? Hell to da yeah!” Lolani snapped her fingers and started dancing. In high school I had this friend that made fake IDs. I asked him to make some for us and he did it with no problem. It had our pictures on it but he just changed the birthday. “Thats what Im talking bout. Well Im on my way home so get shit popping.” I hung up on them and cranked my baby up. 
When I made it home and inside, the girls had Dreezy playing throughout the house. Mama was still at work of course. I went to my room and hopped in the shower before running the flat iron through my hair. “Let me use your foundation.” Loryn came in the bathroom looking through my cabinets. “Im almost running out now.” Shes been using my shit more than me. “I’ll get you some more.” She replied and walked out with the foundation in her hand.
“Are you ladies ready?” I glanced at the clock and seen it was hitting eight thirty. I had enough time to do my hair, a nice beat and get fly as fuck. I picked up my shoes and everything else I needed before turning the light out and heading in the living room. All my sisters looked good. Right when we were about to walk out mama walked in.
“And where in the hell are yall going?” She examined our outfits and shook her head. “Where the rest of yall clothes at?” I leaned all of my weight on one leg and sighed. “Ma c’mon now.” She kissed our foreheads and said, “please be safe and look out for each other.”
“Oh yeah, can we drive the Rubicon?” Loryn was fidgeting with her hands. Mama cocked her head to the side. “And who will be driving?” They snapped their heads in my direction saying, “Londyn.” She took the keys off the wall and held them to me. “Dont wreck it!” She yelled as we rushed out the house in excitement.  
Stepping inside of the club, I drug them to the bar and ordered shots of Hennessy. “Lets get fucked up!” I asked the bartender for another round of shots and after downed them, we went to the dance floor. “Girl dont look now, but I think I see Kaiden.” My head snapped in the direction Loryn was looking in so fast. Now why would this bitch even tell me not to look?
Kaiden and I made eye contact and he gave me a good overlook. When he noticed how I was dressing he got up from the table, whispered something in his brothers ear, who I just noticed was here, and made his way to me. “Wassup ladies?” He greeted my sisters. “You single now or sumn?” I was beyond confused. 
“I mean you dressed like you aint got no man so you must be.” I didnt see anything wrong with my outfit. I thought I looked good as fuck. “Fuck wrong witchu Londyn?” I jerked my head back. “Hey to you too, yeah my exams went well today.” I fired off sarcastically. His face softened. “Damn I forgot you had to take ya exams this week.” This nigga here. 
“I already know ya smart ass passed that shit so congrats princess.” He lent down pressed his lips to mines. His hands made their way to my ass. “Lets go to the bathroom real quick.” I pushed him back a little and shook my head. “Pause. What are you doing here anyway?” I placed my hands on my hips only for Kaiden to slap them down. 
“Working.” He responded nonchalantly shrugging. “With your brother here?” I could already see him catching an attitude. “We goin’ to the bathroom or what?” I rolled my eyes. “No nigga. Buy me a drink.” He pulled his pants up a little and grabbed onto my hips. Walking back to the bar I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Lolani and Karter was looking mighty comfortable, enjoying each others company and shit. 
“You tryna be a love doctor I see.” I slid into the small space between him and the bar. I looked up at him as he ordered two Hennessy straights. “Whatchu talkin’ bout?” I gave him my best nigga please face. “Your brother and Lolani?” 
Kaiden searched around for them then suddenly stopped. “Girl mind yo business. And for two, I aint even know yall was gon’ be here.” My sister is my business. “That girl is grown believe it or not,” he handed me my drink and I gladly took a sip, “she gon’ do what she wanna do regardless. She probably aint even gon’ give his ass a chance.” 
“Why you think that?” He opened his mouth but closed it back shrugging. “Just a guess.” Mhm, you think you slick nigga. Ima just leave it alone until shes ready to tell me about Karter. Downing the rest of our drinks Kaiden wrapped his arms around my waist, swaying our bodies to the music. “I've been missing you like crazy.” He left trails of soft kisses on my neck. “Shit. I cant tell.” I fussed. “I haven't seen you this whole week.”
I poked my bottom lip out. I was really missing my man and only wanted to be under him while studying. “My fault baby. Ive been busy wit work and everythang. Niggas short on money nshit like that.” He sighed looking down at me. I applaud Kaiden for being about his money, I just wished he went about it another way. “You got all my attention.” We were in our own little world. Not giving a damn who seen us slobbering each other down at the bar. 
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L E I L A N I 
Seems like I was the only bitch single out here and the dj had some nerve. Playing slow jams all night. Loryn, who was holding the keys in her purse, handed them over to me about an hour ago. This hoe was ditching us again for Ace. Said he had “plans” for them. Lolani and Londyn were in their own little worlds so I made me way outside and to the jeep. 
“Where you been hiding at lil mama?” I knew that voice like the back of my hand. “I been here, just staying lowkey.” I could feel him burning a whole through the back of my head. “Oh yeeeeah, staying lowkey after you killed my child huh?” In a swift second I was facing him. 
“Dont,” I held my hand up. “we would've ruined that kid and you know it. You was running around fucking mad hoes.” Jamal took a step towards me and I held my breath. “You aint so innocent LeiLei.” I loved when he called me that. “I never crossed you! Anything I did, was done after you. I know you think I was wrong for killing the baby but I did what was best for us.” I refused to cry. I did enough crying after I aborted my child. 
That was something I had to do on my own; without my sisters. Without their comfort. My family was against abortion but I couldn't bring that child into this world knowing I couldn't raise it. “Are you happy without me?” Truth be told I couldn't answer that. “Ive changed LeiLei. And I know Ive said that many time but I mean it this time. Let me show you.” Jamal was never the type to beg. 
I met him in middle school and from then we had this love hate relationship. But when it came time for high school we hooked up, and boy we were fucking like rabbits. Everyone thought we were dating so played along not knowing that it would end up serious. The same day I found out about being pregnant was the same day his fuck buddy came to me. Also the same day Jamal got arrested, for damn near killing her. 
She wanted to be bold and let him know what she had done, and that was the reaction he gave her in return. “Lei?” He now had his hands on my waist. I missed his touch. I quickly backed up and handed him my phone. “Put your number in and I’ll hit you up. I gotta smoke on this shit.” Without hesitation he put his number in.
When I got my phone back I proceeded on my way. My leg felt like jelly and I was too geeked when I found the truck. I got in the backseat and immediately went for the weed and woods. I cant believe this nigga just popped his ass up on me. How? Why? After all this time you decided to just show up? Now? He just gotta be shitting me man.
It only took me five minuted to roll up and I sparked it with quickness after I was done. I sat in nothing but silence and a cloud full of smoke. Mama would kill me if she knew about me smoking in here but shit, oh well.
Lolani almost made me shit bricks when she knocked on the window. I unlocked the door and opened it. “Why you just aint use ya phone stupid?” I scolded. She shrug ans slid in beside me. “Why you aint getting lit?” I lifted the wood. “I am.” After snatching it from me she questioned,”I mean in there Lei.” She bent down to unzip her heels.
“Yall bitches left me and went after some dick. Loryn is with Ace, Londyn in there swallowing Kaiden tongue and you,” I looked over at her “well shit you here now.” She hit the wood a couple of times before passing it back to me. “Karter wont really bout shit ya know? It was like a one way conversation if you asked me.” 
“You could've fooled me.” Smoke got caught in my throat and coughed hard as hell. “You sound like a man.” “Fuck you. But anyways you do know thats gonna be your brother in law?” I took another hit and passed it to her. “Kaiden and Londyn really fucking with each other. So I think you should just let that go sus.” I only wanted the best for my twin. 
“Omari has a baby on the way.” “I just seen Jamal.” We blurted at the same time. Lolani quickly put the wood out and turned her body towards me. “Where has he been?” “Your guess is as good as mine. He just popped the fuck up. Scared a bitch too.” Be both shared a laugh. “Nah but listen, he went to jail for beating up a bitch he was cheating with and now he says that he changed. I missed him. A lot.”
I felt like venting so thats what I did. “It was like, during our relationship my whole world revolved around him. I did everything I could for him and it still wasn't enough. He just had to dip into something new.” I picked at my nails. “I ended up getting pregnant but aborted it.” A single tear fell from my eye. “Lei,” 
“I never wanted to do it Lolani. I swear! I still think about how fucked up I was for killing an innocent child, but..” Lolani slid close to me and hugged me tight. “Who am I to judge Lei? Im your sister and Im far from innocent.” She kissed my forehead and sighed. “Fuck Jamal. You dont need him. Shit we dont need these niggas girl. You can always find someone better who will literally worship the ground you walk on. Trust me, I know.” 
She continued comforting me until our phones chimed. It was Londyn letting us know that she was going on home with Kaiden. “Andrews?” Without saying a word we both jumped in the front. Might as well eat before we head home. “You better air this shit out.” Lolani reminded me. 
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almostloseit-ff · 7 years
06 Part 2
Third Person Perspective
Elle watched as Jarell’s hand dragged down his face before twisting his lips. She knew he had questions but he was trying to come up with the right words to ask.
“I remember that. She told us you were going to come but you never did,”
“I woke up a tad too late and then we talked again. Rather than us hatching it out, it turned into me venting out further frustrations and him leaving. Had I gone I probably would have been moody. I wouldn’t have never met Noah,” She spoke thinking back on the day after Trey had showed up. She decided against staying in her apartment and left out without a place in mind. Somewhere along that walk, she met Noah. Who eventually became her boyfriend.
Jarell side eyed her for a moment.
“I wasn’t thinking back on him. Just the rest of that day,” She chuckled, lightly kicking him with her foot that was closest to him.
“Was he always like that?” He inquired playing with his chin hair as he put his feet on the ottoman in front of him.
"No. He was always mindful about my school life and such. Vice versa. He was rooting for me even from a far. If I chose to go and support him during the school year, he would ask me why I was there rather than doing my school work. So, when all that change? I don’t even know.”
"I have to ask," Jarell sat up and licked his lips. Turning his body so he was facing Elle, he placed his arm on the back of the couch and folded his hands. "Were y'all dating?"
"No. We were just friends." Elle shook her head. "At times, it seemed like something else to other people but it wasn't.”
“Another thing, would he have anything to do with you not liking anybody calling you Gabby?”
She nodded breaking eye contact with him after a while. Jarell nodded his head taking in that information. He just wanted to be sure of what basics of their relationship was before they fell out. He was secure in his relationship, he never had a reason to not trust Elle and vice versa. He couldn't help but think their relationship was something more because she hid it. What else was he supposed to think when he knew just about every other aspect of her childhood?
“And the two of you weren’t dating?” Trey’s assistant, CiCi inquired. Her eyebrow arched as high as it could go as her lips frowned.
“Nah,” Trey simply answered as his hand brushed the top of his hand. Licking over his lips, he put his feet on the wooden border of the table and crossed his arms in front of him. The night before his cousin Javar had met him in the city. Trey had recapped the events of Los Angeles for him including the surprise reunion between him and Elle. That news Javar took as a joke. Simply because it was rare for Trey to bring up Elle’s name if a memory wasn’t being remembered. After speaking on their reunion, Trey found them talking about the demise of their friendship.
“What happened after that?” Trey stroked the small patch of chin he had been growing in as grew even more comfortable against the couch. He sighed to himself and looked down as the next morning briefly replayed through his mind.
"I went to sleep on the couch. Woke up and barely remembered what happened. She looked so irritated by my presence that morning. I said something about it and she started to talk to me about but then my phone rang. It was my boys, I didn't expect for the conversation to be long. But knowing them, I should have known better. That phone call made her more irritated cause I was talking to them like I wasn't in the middle of something with her. She continued to tell me about the night before. It was coming back to me, being late and told off. I was wrong for that. Besides her voicing how she felt about me being inconsiderate about her time, she reminded me of how she's always been there for me but when she needed me, I bailed on her."
Trey grew quiet as the look on her face that morning came back to memory. He couldn't recall a time Elle had looked more hurt than when she broke up with her boyfriend just as summer break started. That should have been enough to make him apologize for what had been said and done but he was selfish and arrogant. Far too prideful. When he wanted to apologize, it had become too late for that as Elle's number had changed and she had moved across the country.
"Did y'all talk?" Jay asked looking at Trey with a raised brow. Trey frowned and shook his head.
"Nah. I mean I had the chance to briefly apologize. We weren't able to really talk about it. Besides that, it wasn't the time nor place."
“Have you talked to her since then?” Javar asked turning his head away from the television.
“No,” Trey answered then excused himself from the living area of the hotel suite. Once the door to the bedroom had closed, Javar had stretched his arm across the table for the yellow post it Trey had balled up.
Hearing her phone ring, Elle dried her hands with paper towel and briskly made her way towards her office. Picking up the device she plopped down in her swivel chair all while swiping the green icon across the screen.
Elle’s eyebrows furrowed for a moment before she recognized the voice and connected the name.
“Jay? What’s up, man? How have you been?” She blabbed. A smile on her face as she spun the chair 180 degrees.
“I’ve been good. I can’t complain”
"How you been Elle?"
"Good. I can't complain either. Work has been good."
"That's good to hear. You have your own studio?"
"Stuck to the plan. That's what's up. Where at?"
"Cleveland? What made you go to the Midwest?" Javar face had scrunched up but it followed with a chuckle that caused Elle to do the same.
"The offer I had from a friend that has a wedding business. I partnered up with her and then I got my solo thing going." She replied. "I don't plan to be here too much longer. I've been considering a change of scenery. Don't know where though."
"Man, I'm proud of Veezy. I’ll have to stop through and see you. It's been way too long."
"It has. Just let me know when,"
Trey had returned from the bedroom, his eyes locked in on Javar who was a tad bit loud causing Trey to look at him with curious eyes. He was fully engaged into the conversation he was having with an old friend, he never realized his cousin’s reappearance. Trey took his seat eyeing Javar, fully engross in the conversation.
"You sound busy so I won't hold you up any longer. Don't be a stranger, G."
"I won't. Bye Jay," She laughed. Pressing his thumb to end icon, he put his phone in his lap and cross his arms.
"She even sounds like a different person. That didn’t sound like the little geek I knew," He laughed making Trey laugh right along with him.
The next day
After deactivating the alarm, Elle trudged into her personal office space. Placing her belong on the couch, she walked around her desk and unzipped her coat. After hanging it, she removed the rest of her winter accessories before taking a seat in the leather chair. As she waited for her computer to power up, she fumbled through her phone. She didn't have any scheduled sessions today but she did have some to prepare for later in the week. Her first order of business was to call Roc Nation and let them know she would be accepting the offer. Now that she had spoken with Rell, she felt a little at ease.
"Hey, Cami Cam! What do I owe this phone call?"
"That nickname," Camille groaned. Ever since they were kids, Elle would call her that despite the obvious dislike her cousin had for the nickname.
"Like I've been telling you for years, it could be worse. Like, Camillione or something. Continue dealing,"
"How are you?" Elle laughed to herself as her cousin dismissed what she had said knowing it was true. She would have hated it that.
"I'm good. You?" Elle frowned.
"Good. I just wanted to check on you because we haven't talking since LA. You seemed like you had a lot on your mind,"
"Oh, yeah. I'm good. Rell came back and he asked about Trey's attendance."
"How did that go? You know your baby is territorial over you."
"It wasn't as bad as I thought he could have been. He asked so I told him just about everything. Which led him to ask me if we dated."
"Y'all practically did," Camille mumbled.
"But we didn't. We were just too close," Elle mumbled tapping the top of her pen against her desk planner.
"Have you talked to Trey since that night?"
"No. Don't think I have a reason to as of now."
"What? Wait, as of now?"
"Now, I don't feel comfortable talking to Trey. I may have seemed fine and dandy that night, but I just feel like my emotion will be all over. I’m not ready. The as of now is because come February I will be seeing him just about every day because I was offered a gig to go on road with Jay Z and Trey just happens to be on it."
There was silence on Camille end for a few seconds.
"How does Rell feel about it?"
"He's supporting me in doing. Do I know if he has an issue with me being around Trey? I don't know. I know he trusts me. I assured him he has nothing to worry about but I think he’s still skeptical."
That's what she was sticking with. The two of them had put too much into making sure their relationship worked with them being in separate states. Jarell knew how skeptical Elle was of long distance relationships and did what he could to earn Elle's trust. She could only do the same. Elle was no longer young and dumb.
"Well good. Although I was kind of rooting for that back then, but Rell got you. I know for sure you're good.”
"But what was that you and Nelle were speaking at my Grandparents?"
"Reminiscing and trying to get you to stop being stubborn. You know you needed the closure. Which, did you even get that?"
"Hey, Elle, can I borrow your Nikon 35mm lenses. I left mine at home and I haven't gotten the other repaired."
"Yea, give me a moment." Elle's eyes left their widened state as Stacey left her doorway. When did she walk in. "Camille, I have to go. Love you, and I'll talk to you later."
“Look at you, saved by the bell. Bye and love you too, Elle Cakes.”
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