#tristan higgs
The innocence of the outfit vs the suggested fantasy Branch wants to enact
I assume the photo was destroyed with other evidence?
After Oliver Branch's death, his house was subject to an intensive criminal investigation. Deepening the mystery of just who had done him in was the fact that no digital devices were located. No cellphones, no laptops. The hard drive to a desktop computer had been removed.
Nothing else seemed to be missing from the home. Just those devices. And, strangely, the home and offices of his defense attorney were also burglarized, with a hard drive removed and entire file folders missing.
They never recovered any of it.
In a wholly unrelated event, the Garden's older gentlemen treated the younger ones to a few rounds of good strong beer... providing they could destroy a pile of specific items beyond any possible recovery or even identification.
And then burn it all afterward.
Because nobody is ever going to get their rocks off looking at Paul Higgs's boy. Not now that his kin have anything to say about it.
And, most importantly, Tristan won't ever even need to know the images existed.
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I just re-read this wonderful chapter of baby Tris yesterday, after sweet Vicky rebloged it for autism acceptance month so of course I just had to draw my all time fovorite baby <3 <3
I’m sorry Rony the shirt doesn’t glitter but it has a unisaurus :D :D
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|| ♔ || News from Home: Tristan & Eden || ♔ ||
He could've picked anywhere on the grounds to ask his sister to meet him, but he picked the gardens. He wanted her to feel as much in her element as possible when he told her the news that would change so many things for her. Perhaps even everything. That was the worry—the unsettled twisting which ebbed and flowed deep within him. He knew his sister better than anyone else alive, but he hadn't the faintest notion how she would react to this.
Tristan held the letter in his hands, brown eyes tracing over the printed words for what must have been the hundredth time since it had found its way into his hands. He had known and understood its contents perfectly well the very first time he'd read them, but somehow still, even to him, they didn't quite seem real. 
Eden had always been a dreamer, floating around and through some lush and invisible world which existed only within the confines of her vibrant, sunlit mind. She was pastel hues and flower petals, clear blue skies, and the sparkling of the Mediterranean Sea. Weaving through it all—between the bright smiles, the swishing of skirts about her knees, and the playful movement of her dark brown hair—there was the clever wit, the boundless energy, and the warm hazel gaze that always sought a way to conjure a smile out of whomever it was aimed at. Here was a girl born into a life of tradition and etiquette, rules and expectations and boundaries, who in every concievable way, personified freedom. The freedom to choose, to care, to heal, to grow, to love. Tristan could only hope that the news this letter carried wouldn't feel like shackles to her, but that hope found itself perched on unsteady foundations.
Tristan lifted his head as footsteps signalled Eden's arrival, and he grasped his cane to aid him in getting to his feet. She stopped a few paces before him—a rather apprehensive distance for her—with her hands at her sides, no doubt in an attempt to appear calm. But the way she worried the fabric of her skirt between her fingertips made her nervousness as clear to her brother as the subtlest furrowing of her brows. She gazed at her brother expectantly, but said nothing. He gestured at the letter in his right hand.
"News from home." he said. Eden's eyes grew wider.
"From home..? Did something happen? Are mamá and babás okay?" she replied, the anxiety in her voice rising with every word.
"Yes. They're fine. Everyone's fine." Tristan assured, and some of the tension gripping her form lifted away. "But this is important, and they wanted you to hear it from me."
"Okay...? Hear what..?"
Tristan took a breath. "Eden, you're betrothed." he declared, ripping off the band-aid, "To Aidan Higgs. The Duke of Leinster. Marcus' cousin."
A silence followed which, despite the pleasant warmth of the day, chilled Tristan to the bone. The colour drained from Eden's face. Her hands clutched her skirt and balled into fists. Her mouth formed a hard line.
Tristan blinked, taken aback. 
"No." she repeated, but this time it was different. There was an indignation behind it, a disbelief. But also...a pain?
"I'm not—I can't be. Not now..." As she trailed off, Tristan watched her attempted facade of neutrality utterly crumble before his eyes. She dropped her gaze and took a step to the side, running a hand anxiously through her hair while a million thoughts clearly raced through her mind. He had to bring her back, focus her, calm her down from some fear or anxiety which entirely eluded his understanding.
"Eden, hey...I know this is a surprise, but it's—"
"You don't get it, Tristan!" she snapped, wide eyes turning on him. Fearful eyes. Tristan jumped slightly at the exceedingly rare sharpness in her tone. "This can't happen. You need to write them back and tell them no." she insisted, though the edge in her voice had swiftly dulled. It now cracked at the edges. Suddenly, Eden was fighting to hold herself together, and losing by the second.Tristan stared at her and shook his head, baffled and increasingly concerned. 
"You've lost me, Eden. Where is this coming from? You've known since we were kids that this might happen. That it would probably happen, one day. You've never been this...vehemently opposed to it before. What happened? What changed?"
Eden didn't want to meet Tristan’s gaze. Her brother knew her better than anyone else alive. If she looked at him, he'd see an answer in her eyes, even if she didn't want him to. But she hated hiding from him, even the smallest pieces of herself. This was no small piece, and she had known—from the first day it had begun to take shape—that eventually Tristan would need to know it. Today, it seemed, the universe had deigned to force her hand. Eden took a breath, and raised her eyes. A moment passed, and sure enough, Tristan’s expression shifted from incredulity to understanding. 
"Not what...who." he said, more to himself, as if he could see the words running through her mind. "Eden, are you...with someone?"
Eden remained silent, eyes losing their courage and dropping away yet again, while a breeze rustled the leaves over their heads. But Tristan could read that, too, as easily as words on a page.
"You want to be..." Another moment drifted by—the last moment before he'd ask the question. The one she was decidedly not ready to answer. Not to Tristan. 
"Who is it?" Tristan’s tone was gentle, but not enough to mask the wariness behind it. Eden hesitated, eyes unable to fully meet his. She'd avoided this for so long, kept it hidden from her brother to a degree of success which was honestly shocking. Even so, she knew he'd find out one of these days, whether through her obviousness or her words, if she ever happened to be struck by the burst of courage it would take for her to tell him outright. She tried to conjure that courage now, as she heard Tristan sigh. "Eden...come on. You've told me every one of your crushes since you were twelve. You can't tell me th—"
"His name is Jesse." Eden interjected, stunned that the courage was there when she needed it. Tristan knew now. It was done.
The silence which followed was by far the most uncomfortable yet. Eden crossed one arm over her chest while the other hand lifted to rub the back of her neck, all the while her heart—and the threat of impeding regret—pounded in her ears. Even in her periphery, she could see the gears turning behind Tristan's narrowed eyes. She knew they'd clicked into place the moment he spoke again.
"Jesse Strömberg-Oslin?...The Crown Prince of Sweden?" Tristan almost didn't finish the sentence as he tossed the letter onto the bench behind him, raised his now-free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, and let out a heavy sigh. "Eden..."
"What?" she replied, some of the edge having returned.
"That's who you've been spending so much time with lately, isn't it? The 'new friend'?" he queried. Her silence was answer enough. As he dropped his hand to his side and looked at his sister, the meaning of what she'd revealed began to hit home. His expression softened to an apprehensive sympathy. "Eden...he's betrothed too."
"I know that." Eden said firmly, still unable to truly meet her brother's gaze. "So what?"
"So what? Eden, that's not—this isn't—it's not feasible." Tristan replied, his tone turning even softer. He knew this would hurt her. The scoff which followed was therefore unexpected.
"Since when are my crushes feasible, Tristan? I don't exactly develop them based on what's convenient."
"This one is particularly inconvenient."
"So you want me to, what, just switch it off? You know it doesn't work like that."
"Does he even feel the same way?"
It felt like a sudden, silent crack of thunder going off between the siblings as Eden finally looked at Tristan properly, eyes brimming with defiance and with hurt. Tristan knew instantly that he'd struck a raw and painful chord within her. She hesitated, swallowing thickly before she found her voice again.
"No." she answered, the word fraying at the edges. Tristan felt his heart fracture at the look on her face. Eden believed what she'd just said, truly believed it. But hers was not the face of someone merely affirming what they knew. It was the face of a girl who lived by her fragile hopes and dreams admitting that they were both crumbling beneath her. But he sensed that somehow, she was still holding on.
"Did he say that to you?" Tristan asked, all at once feeling a flare of indignation at the notion that any man would reject his beloved sister's affections, and a glimmer of hope that perhaps her hope still had a chance of survival, despite the complications he knew its fulfillment would present. Eden sighed.
"He doesn't need to." she replied, dropping her gaze with a thinly-veiled dejection. "He's charming and playful and he flirts all the time, but he does that with everyone. I don't think he even notices." she explained, and Tristan sensed a poignant frustration beneath the last few words, "But if he really has feelings for someone, he'll tell them. That's the way he is. I've known him since our first week here. Plenty of time. So...no."
Tristan merely looked at his sister for a moment, remembering all the times he'd had to help put her back together again after her heart had run out ahead of her, and come back empty-handed. Eden never looked smaller than when she was in the throes of heartache, and he couldn't stand the sight. Gripping his cane, he stepped forward and pulled her in with his free arm, hugging her tight as she finally cracked.
"I'm sorry, Eden...I really am." Tristan said, feeling her tremble as she cried against him, and begrudging his cane and his damn leg for preventing him from putting his other arm around her as well, "But I think maybe, this time, it's for the best."
Poor choice of words. Eden immediately pushed back from her brother, teary eyes flaring at him defiantly. 
"Why!?" she demanded, though she knew the answer. And the answer infuriated her. "Nothing is certain, Tristan. Nothing is set in stone. And I'm tired of everyone acting like it is!" she declared, "Nobody knows what's going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month. Nobody knows what's going to happen when we all leave this place. Nobody knows anything. And even if they did, it could all change in a second. So why is everyone acting like a bunch of prophets who can see into the future!? Everyone is miserable, Tristan. Cassie is miserable. Sarika and Lena and Izzy are all hurting. Cas and Cal hate each other. You're worried and anxious and sad and in pain and barely sleeping and having nightmares every day and night. And I can't fix it, Tristan! I can't fix any of it!" Eden paused, chest rising and falling with shaky breaths. "By rights that should make me miserable, too. Know why I'm not?" She pointed back towards the palace. "Him."
Tristan couldn't find the right words. Perhaps there were none. It only made sense that this had all been weighing so heavily upon his sister's shoulders, and the fact that she'd barely breathed a word of it to anyone while remaining her cheerful self?—well, that was the Eden he knew.
"There's no sadness or hurt or worry when I'm with him, Tristan. There's just...warmth and laughter and dumb jokes and music...that little flutter you get in your chest..." Eden continued, unable to prevent a smile and a breathless chuckle from weaving through her words as she thought of it all. "We became friends so fast. It's like we just...crashed into each other, and it worked." she added. But then, the smile faded. "It would be so much easier if that was it. I know that. And I am trying, Tristan. Believe me. I'm trying every day to make that be it. I've gotten over this stuff so many times, and it's always worked out and been fine. But this time...I dont know why, but it's not working. I can't let go." Eden said, shaking her head in defeat. "And, honestly?...I don't want to."
Tristan merely looked at his sister for a moment, absorbing everything he'd just heard and seen. Eden cared for this man. Deeply. And it only made all of this harder...and more perplexing. "Answer me one thing.” he began, “Why are you upset that you're betrothed, but you don't care that he is? That doesn't make sense to me."
Eden's gaze drifted down again as she shrugged her shoulders. Her voice was quiet, almost a murmur. "Getting out of one betrothal seems a hell of alot easier than getting out of two."
Tristan narrowed his eyes at her, suddenly gripped by a burgeoning sense of frustration at his ongoing confusion."Getting out of—" he blinked tightly, shaking his head. "Eden, hold on a minute. You're not even with this guy, and you're talking about getting out of betrothals?"
"I can dream, okay!?" Eden nearly yelled the words, even as her eyes welled once again. Tristan would have been once again taken aback by her tone, but this time, his jaw clenched as frustration won out.
"What exactly are you hoping will happen here? That he'll just wake up one morning and realize he's in love with you? Call off his betrothal so you two can run off together?" he challenged, and her eyes once again answered. "Eden, that is so—" Tristan bit back the word, unable to speak it, knowing how deep it would cut her. Another mistake.
"So what? Say it." Eden demanded through gritted teeth. When he hesitated, anger flared behind her eyes. Her mouth formed a hard line, and she shook her head, taking her turn to strike a deep nerve. "Tristan, don't you dare. Don't you dare skirt around and avoid saying what you mean, like you did with Tetyana—!"
"Childish, Eden!" Tristan snapped. Sure enough, Eden winced at the word, her expression fracturing into hurt. "You're twenty-seven years old. You have to move on. You can't just sit there and build some little fantasy world around yourself and never face reality!" 
The siblings stared at each other for several moments of terrible silence, shame and regret settling into each of them for having hurt the other in such a knowing, poignant way. But it was Tristan's regret that stung the deepest. He had already been so weighed down by it since arriving in this place, for the exact reason Eden had weaponized against him a moment ago. Still, the knowledge that he’d just wounded his sister in retaliation made him hang his head with a deep and shameful sigh. His entire being appeared deflated, and the sight made Eden's heart clench. When Tristan finally raised his eyes to her, everything about him was once again gentle, tender, and sympathetic. A silent but heartfelt apology—one she instantly accepted.
"You talk as though having this hope, this dream, makes you happy, but..." he began, gesturing weakly towards her with his free hand—the hurt on her face, the tears in her eyes, "...look at yourself, Eden. This isn't happiness. You're torturing yourself with this. And being around him all the time is clearly doing the opposite of helping."
"I can't just stop seeing him, Tristan. He's my friend." she replied, shaking her head.
"I know...but maybe you need to take a step back for a while. Help yourself move past this, so you can actually be content in that friendship. I know you said that hasn't worked so far, but it might just take more time than in the past. It's been a while since you felt this strongly about someone."
"I've never felt this strongly about someone." she declared.
Eden met her brother's gaze with heartache behind her eyes, but also with a conviction he wasn't sure he'd ever seen in her before. And just like that, Tristan finally understood how difficult this had been for her, and how difficult it would continue to be. He stepped forward once again and drew her in with his right arm. She wrapped both of hers around him in kind, and this time, she stayed.
"Eden...I'm sorry it had to be him. Sorry it had to be now." Tristan said, already determined to do whatever he could to help his sister—to see her light returned to her, "I will write back. Tell them you're not happy with this. Maybe they can get it called off, and we can try to wait until you find someone on your own. I wish I could make promises, Eden, but until we have an answer, I think you need to proceed like this is happening."
"I don't know if I can do that..."
"You have to try. I'm sorry, Eden. You don't deserve this."
It's never been about what we deserve... Eden thought ...maybe it never will be.
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hogwarts1850s · 6 years
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Gryffindors Head Boy: Chester Weasley --7th year. Pureblood. Cousin to Allison, is on good terms with her but teases her bookish ways. He’s very popular and generally thought to be attractive and charming. Is excellent at dueling. DADA. Magical Creatures, Herbology Head Girl: Alvira DeWitt – 7th year. Halfblood. Known to have been a hat-stall between her house and Ravenclaw. Very strict and prim, enjoys her authority and makes a good leader. She tends to have an answer for everything, and can be scathingly critical. Transfiguration. Spell Theory, Ancient Runes Prefect: Artie (Arthur) Ringwald --7th year. Pureblood but doesn’t care about blood status. Friendly, hunk-next door type who likes to help out. Is a back up for the Quidditch team. DADA. Spell Theory, Magical Creatures. Prefect: Cherie Beaufort --7th year. Pureblood, entitled and tyrannical, terrorizes the school with her prefect authority. She’s manipulative, and twists the truth to cause chaos. Craves approval and admiration. Friends with Gloriana and Veronica. DADA. Divination, Ancient Runes  Prefect: Bryony Fleamont --6th year. Friendly but has spunk. Harry’s great-great-great grandmother. On the Quidditch team. Charms. Astronomy, Magical Creatures. Gerard Potter – 6th year. Quirky but charming. Harry’s great-great-great grandfather. DADA. Herbology, Divination. Tiberius Ironside – 6th year. Intimidating but occasionally offers help. On the Quidditch team. DADA. Alchemy, Spell Theory. Garett Salug – 6th year. Pureblood. Seems a little dense, but brave and born to be an auror.  DADA. Magical Creatures, Herbology. Celia Trachtenberg – 6th year. Halfblood cousin to Saralyn. Often sick, but sweet. Wants to be a healer. Potions. Magical Creatures, Alchemy Donella Simmers – 4th year. Annoying kid sister of Saralyn. Charms. Magical Creatures, History of Magic.  Tristan Park – 4th year. Halfblood. Popular, charming, and prideful. Charms. Magical Creatures, Astronomy. Alonna Gundry – 4th year. Halfblood and half-sister to Charles in 5th year. Admires him, and makes reckless attempt to be brave like him. DADA. divination, magical creatures
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Slytherins  Head Girl: Darla Malfoy – Pureblood. Rules the school with Gloriana. Generally dismissive of others, but simpers and sucks up to professors. Is very elegant, and throws her wealth around. Comes from an old blood supremacist family, who’s ideals she spouts with care. Potions. Alchemy, Astronomy. Head Boy: Bentley Shacklebolt – Pureblood. Generally kindly and resourceful. His house claims he is always helpful, and sure to be a famous wizard. He is quite magically talented, and knows how to find and use people’s strengths. He’s very curious and protective, a stickler for the rules and authority. [Boyd] Transfigutation. Spell Theory, Alchemy Prefect: Veronika Consuelos --7th year. Pureblood. Refined, confident and determined. Tends to be boy crazy, but has more depth. From a very wealthy family with a lot of influence, recently moved from Spain. Potions. Astronomy, Alchemy Prefect: Reginald Muldoon --7th year. Pureblood. Never holds himself accountable, a snide school bully. Friends with Domenic. DADA. Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes Aurelia Mulciber – 7th year. Pureblood. Threatening, but has delicate features. Clueless about muggles, friends and sometimes competitive with Darla. DADA. Magical History, Ancient Runes Ursula Underwood – 7th year. Pureblood, friends with Annika Yaxley in 5th year. Nosy and morally questionable. Loyal member of Darla’s crew. Charms. Magical History, Ancient Runes Tobin Crouch – 7th year. Pureblood, narcissistic and materialistic. Throws around his wealth and bullies others. Transfiguration. Astronomy and Herbology. Domenic Bulstrode – 7th year. Pureblood, vindictive and cruel. Charms. Spell Theory, Alchemy Thomas Higgs – Brother to Tobias. Fairly popular but intense. 7th Year Charms. Magical Creatures and History of Magic.  Prefect: Severna Prince – 6th year. Antisocial but talented. Pureblood Ancestor of Snape. Potions. Alchemy and Ancient Runes. Dimitrius Lamette – 6th year. Pureblood, gay. Ambitious and cunning. Older brother of Imperia. Potions. Alchemy and History of Magic. Elzabet Avery – 6th year. Pureblood cousin to Tara in 5th year. From a known dark family, consistently berates and teases her cousin. Self-righteous and critical, part of the 6th year queen bees. Transfiguration. Ancient Runes and Alchemy Duke Mears –  2nd year. Halfblood, charming and mischievous younger brother to Baron. Transfiguration.  Crysanthe Lamette – 2nd year. Pureblood. Spoiled but bright younger sister to Imperia. Friends with Duke. Charms.
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Ravenclaws  Head Girl: Cassandra Trelawney – Seer, 7th year. Pureblood. Known to be a talented seer, even at her young age. She is sweet, but generally distracted and even stressed. She is frequently the target of gossip and jinxes, which she takes in stride. She is already being hired by witches and wizards to divine their futures.Frequently she helps out with Prof. DeVargas’ apprentices.  Charms. Divination, Astronomy Head Boy: Giles Bletchley – 7th year. Pureblood. Captain of the Quidditch team (Chaser). Was a trouble-maker when he was younger, but smartened up in his 6th year. He wasn’t a prefect previously. He gets excellent grades, and is generally helpful but sarcastic. Is also in music club, plays guitar and sings. DADA. History of Magic, Spell Theory Prefect: Forythe Pendleton --7th year. Muggleborn. Philosophical aspiring writer, fights injustice, and is a bit of a loner. Transfig. Ancient Runes, Spell Theory Prefect: Josephine Baker --7th year. Pureblood. A little snooty and contolling, most because she is driven and dedicated to her pursuits. Mother is high in the ministry, father is the celebrity Wizarding Orchestra conductor. Is a talented singer. Charms. Alchemy, Magical Theory Basil Perks - 7th Year. Technical, tall, intelligent, speedy. Charms, Alchemy, Ancient Runes Larissa Sprout – 7th Year. Pureblood. Can be preachy and know-it-all, but has good intentions. Says “I told you so” a lot. Sister to Thelonius. Transfiguration. Alchemy, Herbology. Prefect: Ivy Brink – 6th year. Cousin to Theodore in 5th year. Ambitious and curious. Transfig. Alchemy, Spell Theory Prefect: Gerbold Octavius Ollivander – 6th year. Son to the current Ollivander’s shop owner Gallen Ollivander, younger brother to his sister Griselda who runs the Hogsmeade branch. Charms. Alchemy. Spell Theory  Margueritte Edgecomb - 6th Year. Bubbly, flirty, and creative. Good grades but flaky. Charms, Divination, Magical Creatures Hannetta Kerrigan - 6th Year. Straight forward, clever. Dating Hufflepuff Captain. DADA, Herbology, Magical Creatures Miranda Penrose – 4th year. Insane but brilliant, curious. DADA, Divination, Ancient Runes  Mirabella Plunkett – 1st year. Will eventually fall in love with a merman in Loch Lomond on holiday. Redhead with freckles.From the HP canon. DADA, History of Magic, Magical Creatures
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Hufflepuffs Head Boy: “Lorn” Ashlorn Macnair – 7h year. Pureblood. Estrained from his dark family, already disowned as a blood traitor. He is openly gay, and runs the Theatre club with Madame Murray. It is well known that he got his green skin and red eyes from a failed attempt to be an animagus. He is very vocal about the rights of muggleborns and halfbreeds. Charms. Magical Creatures, Herbology Head Girl: Gloriana Trimble – Pureblood. Tyranical, 7th year. Pureblood. She is tyrannical, ruling her school year with Darla Malfoy as queen bees. She’s quite proud, mocks others, and gloats at any chance. She will tell anyone who will hear that she is the ancestor of a Hogwarts Headmaster. She can frequently be seen preening and flirting, while shirking her Head Girl duties.  DADA. Alchemy, Spell Theory Prefect: Bette (Elizabeth) Copperpot --7th year. Halfblood. Generally thought to be wholesome and sweet, is also known for being curious and investigative. Charms. History of Magic, Spell Theory Prefect: Casey Cott --7th year. Halfblood. He can be a little reckless and curious, outspoken but loyal. Tends to think the best of people. Son of an Auror. Charms. Spell Theory, Astronomy Saoirse Callaghan - 7th year. Captain of the Quidditch team. Friendly and competitive, dating Ravenclaw Hannetta. Cassia Swoopsticks - 6th year. OCD. On Quidditch team. From a family of inventors and businessmen. Invented many household cleaning supplies. Charms. Herbology, Magical Creatures Lydia Humphrey – 4th year. Musician and aspiring wizarding fashion designer. Charms. Herbology, Spell Theory [Jenny] Ercullus Spore - 4th year. Lazy but friendly. Loves cats, artist. On Quidditch team. Transfiguration. Spell Theory, Magical Creatures Ziegfried Delamarquise - 4th year. Quirky and funny actor and musician. Androgynous. On Quidditch team. Transfiguration. Alchemy, Divination Charlotte Grimblehawk - 2nd year. Shy and timid younger sister to Melanie in 5th year. Potions. Jordan Osbert - 1st year. Overzealous and excitable cousin to Sebastian in 5th year. Transfiguration.
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garudabluffs · 2 years
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Kathy Kallick and Friends - Dodi Kallick (Live Oak/22)
In 2001, Kathy Kallick released My Mother’s Voice, an album of songs learned from Dodi Kallick, who was a folksinger and educator in Chicago’s thriving folk scene of the 1950s and ‘60s. Dodi helped found the Old Town School Of Folk Music and several iconic venues – and passed on the music to her daughter. George Hauenstein in Country Standard Time, noted that the songs played and swapped by Dodi "are, for the most part, very familiar, the treatment given them by Kallick and company is fresh and very pleasing,” while WPLN Radio’s Dave Higgs says that “the CD contains a mouth-watering array of talent who play these songs better than they've ever been played before.” The only thing the album lacked: performances by Dodi Kallick herself. However, a reel-to-reel tape was discovered in the WFMT archives labeled "Dodi Kallick Midnight Special, 1966 and 1969.” That’s inspired an 18-track sequel to Kathy’s 2001 album, combining new recordings by Kathy and her musical friends of additional songs learned from Dodi with highlights from those Midnight Special radio shows. What Are They Doing In Heaven Today? is scheduled for a 2022 release on Live Oak Records. DODI KALLICK 1. What Are They Doing In Heaven Today? 2. I'm A Long Time Traveling 3. Cotton-Eyed Joe 4. One Hundred Miles 5. Row Us Over the Tide 6. Red Clay Country 7. Down In the Willow Garden 8. My Home's Across the Blue Ridge Mountains 9. The Parting Glass
All tracks (except as noted): Dodi Kallick – vocal, dulcimer 4: Dodi Kallick – vocal, guitar 9: Dodi Kallick - vocal All tracks (except as noted): The Midnight Special, WFMT, 1966 or 1969 7: with Hobart Smith (fiddle), 1963 8: Frank Proffitt Memorial concert - Old Town School Of Folk Music, 1966 KATHY KALLICK (guitar, vocal) with 1. MOLLY TUTTLE: Put My Little Shoes Away MT: guitar, vocal 2. TRISTAN  SCROGGINS: Sittin' On Top of the World TS: mandolin, vocal 3. CLIFF PERRY & LAUREL BLISS: Little Moses CP: guitar vocal; LB: dobro, vocal 4. JIM HURST: Jimmy Brown the Newsboy JH: guitar, vocal 5. KATHY KALLICK BAND: Footprints In the Snow Annie Staninec: fiddle; Tom Bekeny: mandolin; Greg Booth: banjo; Cary Black: bass 6. KKB + JUNIPER WALLER, RILEY THOMPSON, and PAUL SHELASKY: The Wild Side Of Life > It Wasn’t God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels KKB + JW: vocal; RT: vocal: PS: fiddle 7. ANNIE STANINEC: Handsome Molly AS: fiddle; KK: percussion (and no guitar) 8. MIKE COMPTON & JOE NEWBERRY: Farther Along MC: mandolin, vocal; JN: banjo, vocal 9. LAURIE LEWIS & SUZY THOMPSON: What Are They Doing In Heaven Today? LL: fiddle, vocal; ST: guitar, vocal
Kathy’s putting the finishing touches on an her second album of songs learned from her mother, Dodi Kallick. Unlike My Mother’s Voice, this one includes some performances by Dodi herself, mostly from The Midnight Special radio show in the 1960s. The new release also includes Kathy’s collaborations with Molly Tuttle; Mike Compton & Joe Newberry; Tristan Scroggins; Laurie Lewis & Suzy Thompson; Jim Hurst; Cliff Perry & Laurel Bliss; Juniper Waller & Riley Thompson; and others — including the mighty Kathy Kallick Band.
The post Put My Little Shoes Away from Kathy Kallick and Molly Tuttle appeared first on Bluegrass Today.
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createdfromonemind · 7 years
Character List
A very long list of all my characters. Ones with a (p) next to their name are pets)
Aaron Dayson Ace Adam Ryder Adrian Moore Akako Nakamura Akuzen (p) Alek Blythe Alice Young Amber Prescott Amelia Stone Amy Reeves Andor Conway Andrew Chase Anthony Marsh Anton Carter Anubis Apollo (p) April Knight Arial Fain Arina Demeter Axel Kay
Bailee Forester Benjamin Himura Bethany White Blaze Blitsu Buddy (p)
Cain Fogrin Callum Flint Captain (p) Casper (p) Cedric Foxwell Cedrus Charcoal (p) Charlie Higgs Chris Farraday Connor Redford Cory Redford Cyrus Holten
Daisuke Myers Daiterokos The Darkness Guardian (p) Daitoka Dakoto Kade Dale Marsh Damien Shaw Daniel Howard Darren Foster Dave Benton Death Dieter (p) Doctor (p) Dylan Key Dyos
Earthina Charms Eclipse (p) Edward Hogat Emil (p) Endel
Famine Felix Mallard Flame (p) Frazar Fritzi (p) Fuyuki Kokawa
Gabriel Clarke Gage Borne Gakisu (p) Gobutsu Gokama (The Five Demon Rejects) Gwendoline Frost
Hachika (p) Halonar Hanako Nakamura Hannah Anderson Harry Benton Haru Matsura Hayden Beckett Hika (p) Hikari Hiken (p) Him Holly Parker Hunter Mason
Ichikama (The Five Demon Rejects) Indi (p) Isabella Rose Issac Keeton Ivon Hameln
Jace Preston Jack Larson Jade Bennett Jake Lynn Jalik James Turner Jamie Sandervall Jared Landon Jasmine Parker Jason Wright Jasper Greyfield Jax Keyson Jay Evans Jei Jessica Elson Jika (p) Josh Houghton
Kai Sharp Kaleb Darley Kali Rose Karasu Amos Kashi Katie Lynn Katran (p) Katsua Keitsu Kimiko Acton Kinzoku Kira Koji Rhodes Komi (p) Kurami (p) Kyle Houghton
Lakondai Laura Hensworth Lave Leader Len Finox Leon Taggart Lestat Atrum Liam Barker Lilith Lilly Webb Lou Newton Lucas Fettel Lucy Newton Luke Lynn Lupus Greyrose
Mark Newton Masha Timkowski Matthew Lawson Max Rockwell Mayu Chou Megan Robinson Melody Parisa Mikato Mitzuo Moku Shimizu Moriyu
Nanuk (p) Nao Nashimi Natalia Timkowski Nathan Evermore Neil Murray Neko (p) Nikama (The Five Demon Rejects) Nimuka Nito Bowen Niyuka Fellers Nukai
Oliver Oscar Castro
Palude Alienis Percy Dustin Pestilence Petal Stewart Pierce Lander Pumpkin (p)
Rahku Ray Denton Rayner Valkyrie Red Blackwood Rena Finville Riley Cross Robert Marr Rogue Withers Rose Chiyasha Roshiwa Rowan Harper Ruka Kaori Ryan Lawson Rymashi Ryshi
Saber Tate Safia Dalton Saki Moran Sakisu Sammy Deville Sanuma (The Five Demon Rejects) Sara Gale Scar (p) Sekimo Sergei Fellner Seth Wright Sevchenko Shadow Shane Astor Shezmu (p) Shikimako (p) Shikama (The Five Demon Rejects) Shiyu Goldsmith Sizorath The Ancient Sky Linnet Skylar Soma Netherfield Sonya West Sophie Dalton Stan Gazman Steve Dixon Sukami (p) Sven Reinhard Swaera Sylvester Rakin Sylvia Black Syther (p)
Taika (p) Tatsu Kimura Taylor Sharp The Butcher Thomas Rakin Timaru Titan (p) Tokayu Tommy Blake Toshi (p) Tristan Maxwell Tsukai Tsumi (p) Tulip Winfield Tyler Tyson Dulcet
Valtor Vance Blythe Vanessa Samson Ventor Vindi (p) Vogel (p) Volker (p)
Yami Chevic Yumi Chevic
Zayne Naoru Zefron Mason Zephyr Maxwell Zero Miller Zethan Zuka (p) Zulik Zumaka (p)
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events: Anxiety on High
Let’s face it—the bulk of this week’s chatter in the art world isn’t going to be about Donald Trump’s Inauguration, but Marilyn Minter and Madonna’s talk Thursday evening at the Brooklyn Museum lamenting it. And that’s as it should be. Resistance to this new presidency is essential.
Friday, we’ll be participating in the #J20 Art Strike, so no content on our website will be available but for a livestream of Rachel Mason lip synching the inauguration as FutureClown. Those seeking to participate in the art protests can head to the Whitney where Occupy Museums will be hosting a “Speak Out”.
Other than that, we’re recommending a show about soul crushing anxiety and despair at LUBOV, and a show called “Infected Foot” at Greene Naftali, because sickness also seems like an appropriate theme for the week. Sorry to be depressing. Unfortunately, there’s no other honest way to paint the events.
Orgy Park
237 Jefferson Street, 1B Brooklyn, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Boning of the Thrownes
What is this show? We’re not exactly sure… but I clicked on it because I thought it might involve an even more-sex-filled (or spookier) parody of Game of Thrones. No such luck, but the brief, cryptic description also sounds enticing: “Thrown’ Bones for the pot, soup’s on and we’re gone veggie.”
At any rate, the list of participating artists looks extremely promising:
Liz Ainslie, Andrea Arrubla, Katherine Aungier, Rory Baron, Joshua Bienko, Tess Bilhartz, Kate M. Blomquist, Lauren Collings Schwarz, Corydon Cowansage, Nicholas Cueva, Julie Curtiss, Emily Davidson, Sonya Derman, Rachel Fainter, Elise Ferguson, Angelina Gualdoni, Yuhi Hasegawa, Clinton King, Jenny Lee, Stuart Lorimer, Ioana Manolache, Anthony Miler, Patrick Carlin Mohundro, Dominic Musa, Steve Mykietyn, Dan Oglander, Maria Stabio, Adam Sipe, Tracy Thomason, Charles Tisa, Zuriel Waters, Lindsay Wraga
Greene Naftali Gallery
508 W 26th St New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Infected Foot
Another contender for this week’s best “Mystery Exhibition with a Weird Name.” We’re not sure what the works in Infected Foot have in common, if anything at all, but Mathieu Malouf’s paintings are always a treat, just like this strange and lovely one above.
Artists: Monika Baer, Thomas Bayrle, Merlin Carpenter, Tony Conrad, Michaela Eichwald, Jana Euler, Genoveva Filipovic, Andrea Fourchy, Sergej Jensen, Michael Krebber, Mathieu Malouf, Laura Owens, Paul Sharits, Reena Spaulings, Josef Strau, Stefan Tcherepnin, Amelie von Wulffen
The Noguchi Museum
9-01 33rd Road Queens, NY 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Website
Self-Interned, 1942: Noguchi in Poston War Relocation Center
February 17th, 2017 marks the 75th anniversary of the United States’ inconceivable decision to forcibly relocate Japanese-Americans to internment camps during the second World War. Remarkably, Isamu Noguchi volunteered to leave New York (where Japanese-Americans weren’t subject to the order) and become interned in an Arizona desert camp.
This exhibition features work from the years immediately before, during, and after the sculptor’s internment, and traces the impact of that atrocity on his practice. It’s a timely exhibition not just because of the upcoming anniversary—it seems appropriate this show would just before the inauguration of Donald Trump, who proposed registering Muslim Americans and has plans for mass deportations.
Baxter St at The Camera Club of New York
126 Baxter St New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Sadie Barnette: Do Not Destroy
Here’s another timely exhibition about the US government’s repression and bullying of minorities. Sadie Barnette has been mining a 500 page FBI document about her father—labelled “Historical Value/Do Not Destroy”—as source material for artworks. Her father, Rodney Barnette, founded the Compton chapter of the Black Panther Party in 1968, and was of course the subject of an extensive surveillance program on the part of the state. The younger Barnette has reclaimed this invasive archive—bedazzling pages like a child’s family scrapbook and enlarging photos to fine-art scale. So good.
El Cortez
17 Ingraham St. Brooklyn, NY 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.Website
Happy Anniversary Roe V Wade
Happy 44th Birthday, Roe v. Wade! We wish we had a better gift for you than a Supreme Court vacancy in the hands of sociopaths, but at least you’re getting a kick-ass party!
The evening is a fundraiser for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, and features performances from artist Viva Ruiz (with special guest Bjorn Majestik, drag innovator Matty Horrorchata, comediennes Adrienne Truscott & Suni Reyes, and music from DJ Eli Escobar.
TICKET DETAILS: Advance $15 At the door $20 VIP $50 VIP Admission includes: booth seating, free beverage sponsor drinks, $20 of raffle tickets & fun feminist swag
The FLAG Art Foundation
545 West 25th Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Cynthia Daignault: There is nothing I could say that I haven't thought before
Painter Cynthia Daignault collaborates with artists by asking them if she can paint one of their works. Specifically, she approaches artists whose own practices deal with issues of appropriation. The resulting images look a bit like images from a catalog of a show she’s curated about complicated notions of authorship. Yes, this is a pretty “fish-meets-barrel” conceit, but the paintings look pretty darn good. The works she’s depicted come from a pretty impressive list of artists:
Cory Arcangel, Sadie Barnette, Carol Bove, Sara Cwynar, Andy Coolquitt, Peter Dreher, Jessica Eaton, Awol Erizku, Roe Ethridge, Robert Gober, Josephine Halvorson, Anthea Hamilton, Peter Harkawik, Matthew Higgs, Jim Hodges, John Houck, Jeff Koons, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Margaret Lee, Allan McCollum, Josephine Meckseper, Jonathan Monk, Roula Partheniou, Richard Phillips, Charles Ray, Magali Reus, Jenna Rosenberg, Ed Ruscha, Tom Sachs, Erin Shirreff, Lorna Simpson, Julia Wachtel, Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa, Fred Wilson, and Letha Wilson
Two other series on view, “MoMA, 2017” and “The Certainty of Others” similarly play with authorship. In the latter, she’s asked a series of representational painters to recreate one of her still lives, the original of which was destroyed. Those painters include Conor Backman, Jason Bereswill, Todd Bienvenu, Canyon Castator, TM Davy, Gregory Edwards, Matt Hansel, Daniel Heidkamp, Paul Jacobsen, Chason Matthams, Tristan Unrau, and Dylan Vandenhoeck
Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.Website
Brooklyn Talks: Madonna X Marilyn Minter
Be still my heart! As part of the Brooklyn Museum’s A Year of Yes: Reimagining Feminism, Marilyn Minter and Madonna (yes, really) will be talking shop on the eve of the inauguration. This is a no-brainer must-see, if you can find a way to get tickets to this thing. They’re sold out.
Whitney Museum
99 Gansevoort St 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Website
Occupy Museum Hosts A Speak Out on Inauguration Day
As concerned citizens we need to make it our job to speak out against the new Trump government. That job starts Friday so we need to show up in whatever capacity we can.
Occupy Museums is beginning by hosting a “speak out” at the Whitney, which will be followed by a day of assemblies and actions led by the #J20 Art Strike organizers and Sense of Emergency.  Many of the details have not yet been released, but know that the speak out begins at 11:00 a.m. and runs through 2:00 p.m. and the days activities will culminate at Foley Park at 5:00 p.m. for a protest.
Confirmed: Martha Rosler, Kalup Linzy, Noah Fischer, Naeem Mohaiemen, Tracy Morris, Amy Sillman, Mira Schor, Paddy Johnson (yours truly) and more.
Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions and Art F City
6522 Hollywood Blvd 11:30 a.m. ESTWebsite
Rachel Mason, FutureClown
FutureClown, the Internet Avatar of Rachel Mason, will lip synch the swearing in ceremony of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. The performance will take place in real-time and will be streamed online via YouTube.
From our perspective, clowning the entire event is pretty much the only reaction a sane person could have to the inauguration. As a result, the content of our entire site will be inaccessible but for a popup of Mason’s live stream. It’s the only sensible thing to do.
Trestle Projects
400 3rd Ave Brooklyn, NY 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Through a Honeycomb
The debut exhibition from Trestle Projects’ Curator-in-Residence for 2017, Jesse Bandler Firestone, Through a Honeycomb looks to be a great start to the year. The exhibition brings together artists, designers, and landscape architects to consider aspects of the built environment from agriculture and sustainability to surveillance and labor. It’s nice to see at least one event thinking utopian in these dark days.
Artists: Katie Torn, JaNae Contag, Juan Camilo Rodelo Vargas, Janne Höltermann, EcoAge (Emmaline Payette + Paula Pino), Laurencia Strauss, Sean Donovan, and Blue Planet Consulting
373 Broadway New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Hard Cry
Another timely show, this one about soul-crushing despair and anxiety.
Curator Gabriel H. Sanchez has brought together five artists from famously-neurotic NYC to “revel in the emotional sludge of contemporary living”. That includes social media fatigue, political horror, and so much more. Yay!
Artists: Ian Swanson, Cristina de Miguel, Tariku Shiferaw, Ryan Oskin, Kyle Haddad Welch
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2izr4Ue via IFTTT
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falmouthuniwork-blog · 14 years
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Swimwear by Tristan Higgs
Model Heloise Joyce Trott
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BBU Community Days
@bbu-on-the-side * {Day 9: Owner} Make a post linking a favorite piece during captivity / time with owner (one by you, one by someone else) with commentary on what makes these ones special to you
Hm... For my own work, I think probably Oliver's Little Joke. It's one of the cruelest and most blatantly evil things that Branch ever did to Chris, and those who loved him and were still always wondering what had happened to him in the end.
The gymnastics team that Akio Nakamura is a part of, and that Tristan Higgs was on before he was pulled out by his aunt and then disappeared after his parents' deaths, goes to visit their state governor.
And Oliver knows something they don't.
Runner-up: The entire Kidnapped mini-arc with Jameson and Nanda:
Snitches and Stitches
Family Business
That was just so much fun to write.
For someone else's...
@hackles-up wrote some fucking amazing training pieces with her OC B under her old url. I don't think all of the have been reposted but this is one of my faves. It's B before he is fully B, suffering on the Drip, and Connor enjoying entirely too much what he knows is coming.
I love it because it's Connor being so immensely awful and cruel and evil and also affectionate and touchy. And Daniel having all that rage and aggression that will be sublimated into B's obedience to Ridley later on still flaring inside of him.
Moose's work with B, especially her Facility stuff, is SO SO GOOD.
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BBU Community Days
@bbu-on-the-side * {Day 12: Decisions} What is something special about your setting (be it BBU or adjacent)? Does it differ from the "standard"? In what way does this decision influence the story you're telling?
Whoops, I accidentally did tomorrow's prompt this morning instead of today's...
I think one thing that I do that tends to set my work apart is start from after runaway or rescue and let the details of time in captivity build from there.
I didn't start that way with the BBU. Kauri starts off very much in Owen Grant's possession, although we don't see Owen's violence until later on. But you didn't see who Liam Harker had been until long after you know Kauri. You knew nothing about Tristan Higgs when Chris showed up in the story as a young runaway living in Nat's safehouse. You don't know what Antoni did, or who that Jameson was once cared for... You knew none of that going in.
I tend to unravel the entire fabric when you started off in just a corner of the overall pattern.
I don't know if that actually sets me apart or anything, but I do feel like having my stories focused so heavily on After the Worst Happened, and on recovery and rebuilding, is something readers often tell me is distinctive.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
Ronnie, what is one thing you want people to know about Tristan?
Found this old question in my inbox today from an ask game months ago and just... felt compelled to channel Ronnie today
"I would want people to know... to know that he's just a kid." Ronnie sits back, latte in hands, a lipstick mark at the edge of the lid. Her eyes move over the inside of the coffee shop before coming back to yours. "You know? When people learn he's autistic, they treat him like an infant or like we're living in Rain Man, and it pisses me off. Tristan's not a baby - he's almost fifteen! He's a teenager! He rolls his eyes and sulks in his room when he's mad at me and hangs out with Aki and the other gymnastics kids until the wee hours of the morning. He makes himself breakfast! He does all the same shit every other kid his age does!"
She sighs, taking a sip.
"They hear he's autistic and people say things like, oh, that's why he's so good at gymnastics, the savant thing - and excuse you, Brenda, because no that is not 'why'. Not every autistic kid is a savant. Tristan works his ass off. Just like every other kid on his team, he loves the sport and he works like hell to be good at it. Yeah, he stims after a good routine or if he has struggles that get him frustrated, but that is just how his brain gets out the happiness or the stress! It's normal!"
She rubs at her temples.
"I'm not saying savants aren't out there, of course they are, but there's this stereotype that just clings and clings and I know it hurts when he hears people talk about him like that. I know it does - because he works so hard and people discount all that work. It's another way they treat him like something other than human, but because it's seen as a 'good' dehumanization, he isn't supposed to get mad about it? He's supposed to be grateful that they tell him he's not like other kids with autism? Fuck that. He is like other autistic kids, and you know why? Because he's autistic! And he's allowed to get angry when people act like that gives them a license to pretend he's not right there hearing them talk about him! To anger is human. He deserves that anger. You know? He deserves to get to be mad as a hornet at people who treat him like he's doing an amusing trick. My son is an athlete, and he deserves to be treated - and respected - like one. No, he deserves to be respected just for being human and living in a world that wasn't designed for him in the first place."
There's another pause. She taps her fingers on the side of her cup.
"People treat him, sometimes, like he doesn't hear them, or he can't. And I do my absolute best to burn those shit assumptions to the ground, to teach him to speak up for himself, to be exactly who he is and to love that person as much as I love him... I just have to hope I've taught him well enough. I guess I got off track, huh?" She laughs. "I guess... I just want everyone to know Tristan is the hardest-working person I know, and he's not even fifteen years old. And that he's just the embodiment of joy. And that nothing on earth has been as amazing as being his mother."
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
A thought:
Paul and Ronnie with tiny new Tristan, Ronnie on the phone at midnight with Paul's mom crying because she doesn't know how to make Tris stop crying and Paul's mom saying that Paul used to be just the same if it was too quiet at night.
"I used to hum," Paul's mom says, sleepy but trying to help, knowing Ronnie can't go to her own parents for assistance. "Hum until I lost my voice, until I was hoarse. Just hum and hum, or whisper 'sssshhhhhhh' over and over again. He needed the sound to feel not alone."
Paul's mom coming over to watch Tris for a few hours on Paul's day off, while Ronnie takes a test for her GED.
After the test, Ronnie and Paul going out and buying a little white noise machine shaped like a dinosaur.
"That isn't shaped like any real dinosaur," Paul says, but he agrees that it is better than the other choices.
They plug it in and it's the first time Tris sleeps peacefully.
Ronnie wakes up in a panic, sure something has gone terribly wrong, and looks with her heart in her throat to find baby Tris awake and looking calmly around, staring with fascination at his own fingers.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
“You have nothing to be ashamed of. You did what you had to do.”
"You have nothing to be ashamed of."
She's talking to herself, and her voice is too loud in this tiny space. She pours herself a shot - but really, she's pouring directly into a normal glass so it's more like pouring herself a shot and a half, or two, because she's sure as hell not measuring.
The words are hollow. She knocks back the liquor and then coughs, leaning forward as it burns all the way down. She has to chase it with water, gulping down the cool clear liquid, swallow after swallow until she sits back, mouth wet, dripping down her chin until she wipes it with one arm.
"Shit, god damn... damn it."
She has to hit pause, and use her finger to scroll back a few seconds. Then, the little music starts back up again - peaceful and serene, the background a calming series of blues in a sort of gradient, shifting and evolving.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of," She repeats, along with the soft, authoritative voice of the video's narrator. They sound almost like a harmony. "You did what you had to do."
Joanne Botham takes a deep breath, and pours herself another shot.
Just as she does, she hears something fall to the ground with a thump from the little storage room and jumps, her heart in her throat until she gives a nervous laugh.
She hits the pause button again.
The door to the storage room opens, and Tristan wanders out. He sways, making her feel seasick just watching him, as he walks with flat feet and without looking up at her to the little hallway bathroom, disappearing inside. His red hair sticks up from his head, and Joanne thinks for a second that her teenage nephew isn't actually atrocious-looking, like that.
After a long pause, the toilet flushes. The sink runs. He reappears, blinking a little now. He pauses in the doorway, finally seeing her, and she looks back at him, glass in hand. "A-... Aunt Jo?"
"Go to bed, Tris," She says, pitching her voice to be steely, hard, without give or even the barest hint of affection.
"It's, it's, um, it's, it must be-... it h-has t, to to to-to be-"
"Three a.m.? Yeah, I know. I have the day off. I said go to bed."
"But w-... why... why did you take the, the, the day off?" His voice is slurred with sleep. He wears a loose-fitting t-shirt and equally loose pajama pants, his arms heavily muscled from gymnastics. Not that he goes any longer.
"I have a meeting," She replies, evenly. "In the afternoon. To take care of some stuff after Ronnie."
His green eyes widen, just a little, and search hers. Immediately, she sees nothing but goddamn Paul fucking Higgs in the narrowness of it, the freckles, the stupid fucking Irish of it all.
She hates him, so much - Paul and his bastard, ruining her sister's life, getting Ronnie killed. Her fingers tighten around the glass.
"Mom? Can, can, can, can I help with, with, with... with whatever it is you have to do? Can, can, can I help?"
"But, but, but if it's about Mom-"
"Go to goddamn sleep, can you not fucking hear me? Are you deaf now, too, on top of everything else wrong with you?"
Her voice is louder than she means it to be, and Tristan flinches back from her. She catches the flare of pure childlike hurt in his face before he hurries back into his room - her storage room, which he stole from her, just like his father stole her sister's love, just like he stole her sister's entire life.
She's taken the day off, all right. So she can meet with the Acquisitions team and tell them about the little birthday dinner she's going to plan for her stupid fucking nephew to solve all her problems once and for all.
She scrolls back on the video, takes a deep breath, and starts all over again.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of... you did what you had to do."
She'll do what she has to do.
She has nothing to be ashamed of.
She's done nothing wrong.
She's not the one who got Ronnie killed, after all. She's not the one who should have to suffer for it.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
Crhis,, please I must know...What are your three favorite dinosaurs? (Mine are Tyrannosaurus rex, Tripcertops and Ankylosaurus) Do you like minecraft, too?
Tristan Higgs stands before his class, slightly gap-toothed, shifting from foot to foot nervously. "And, and these are my, um, my favorites. Um." He turns and points to a painstakingly drawn, wobbly image of a creature like a colorful turkey, only with teeth. A lot of teeth. "This, this, this this-this is archaeopteryx, who, who who has feathers. And this-" he moves on to the next, short and squat. "This is, um, anklyosaurus, see, see his big um big big big club tail? And and and dilophosaurus, who, who who who they don't think really spit acid like in um Jurassic Park, but-"
"Oh, dear. Tristan, honey, do your parents know you've seen Jurassic Park?" The teacher leans over her desk, concerned.
Tristan blinks, interrupted in his thought. He stares at her. "What?"
"I asked-"
"Yeah, um, they know," He interrupts her as brain and ears and mouth catch up to one another. "I, I, I watched it with um with my dad."
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
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You ever just see some Pride stuff and daydream about your OC at his first Pride parade with his mom there to support him and then you just start throwing money at @boxboysandotherwhump and then black out and when you wake up your dream has come true?
Just me?
Look! Theo drew me Tristan and Ronnie Higgs at Tristan's first Pride!
(not included: the giant noise-canceling headphones he wore to help make it easier to handle all the happy people)
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
I feel like Tristan/Chris would’ve absolutely watched The Land Before time as a kid.
Next to her, on the couch, Tristan sniffs and buries his head against her side, under her arm. Ronnie shifts, blinking down at him. She has a book open on her lap, lost in the story of a woman in 1940s London, and she's surprised to hear his breathing is ragged and rough, his fingers clutching into the loose fabric of her t-shirt. "Tris? What's wrong, baby?"
He sniffs again, turning red-rimmed green eyes up to her. "Little, um, Littlefoot's mom died," He says, with grave seriousness, as if discussing the tragic death of someone he genuinely truly knows.
Ronnie glances up at the screen, startled. The scene is dark, rain falling all around, and the huge form of the little dinosaur's mom lies on her side on a rock outcropping, barely distinguishable from it. She is motionless, painted into the background like old animation always did for something that won't be moving.
The camera slowly pulls back, bit by bit, until her body is fully in frame.
"Oh, I didn't realize," Ronnie says, mind racing with exactly what she needs to say. Why doesn't she have something ready to go for this? "That's sad, huh?"
"She, she, she, she died," Tris whispers, his hands running compulsively along the seam sewn into the hem of her shirt. "She died, she, she, she died, she-"
"I know, honey. That's very sad. But he has his friend, right? The, um, the little... what's-her-face-"
"Cera," Tris says, distracted from his sadness momentarily to correct her. "She's a, um, a triceratops. Named named Cera."
"Right. So I'm sure they'll figure it out together, huh? Cera and, uh, Littlefeet."
"Right." She watches with her son as the lightning flashes in the sky on screen, and the two little dinosaurs must leave Littlefoot's mother's body behind and keep going towards a nebulous promise of somewhere safe. She frowns, a little.
She should probably have remembered how sad this movie is in this part.
"Mommy?" Tris is rocking, now, and she frowns seeing that he's really more bothered than she thought he'd be. He doesn't always have the emotions on films sink in to him, but this one must have. She sets her book aside, dogearing her page, and puts her arms around him. He climbs immediately onto her lap, rocking back and forth while she holds him.
"Yeah, Tris?"
"Are, are, are you gonna die?"
Oh, for fuck's sake. Not this conversation. Not already.
Ronnie swallows against a sudden lump in her throat. "Hopefully not for a very, very, very long time, baby," She murmurs, and presses a kiss to his soft strawberry-blond hair. He leans back against her, his fingers dancing over her hands where they lay over his stomach. The tapping is so constant that it's soothing to her as much as it is to him by now.
"But, but, but, but if you, um, if you die who, who would take care of me?"
"Your grandparents, silly boy. Don't worry. Nothing's going to happen to me or your dad, and even if it does, there will be people who will love you very much to take care of you, okay?"
"Oh, oh, okay. But, um, don't die, okay?"
"I promise I'll try very hard to be around until you are a wrinkly old man."
He giggles, and she knows she's sidestepped that minefield.
For now.
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