#tros footage
catmaidetho · 1 year
before i go to bed i just wanna share this cool video essay by one of my favorite channels about notch!
i watched it all the way thru, and i find the very neutral and unbiased presentation interesting and one of my favorite things about the style!
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lammoc174 · 3 months
Năm 2023, Bố mất, hưởng thọ 77tuổi.
Từ một người ngồi đờ đẫn nghe nhạc trên chiếc sofa đơn, trở thành một khung hình trên bàn thờ.
Từ đôi bàn tay mềm và ấm tôi hay cầm để cắt móng tay, trở thành những nắm tro tôi tự tay quăng ra sông rộng.
Lúc đầu nhìn bố nằm trong quan tài, tôi chỉ nghĩ rằng bố đã thoát xác rồi, thoát khỏi phần thân xác đầy bệnh tật cản trở bố sống cuộc sống bình thường. Tôi nghĩ linh hồn bố giờ đã tự do, đã có thể đi đến bất cứ đâu, đã không còn mệt mỏi kéo lê thân thể từ ngày này qua ngày khác. Tôi mừng cho bố và chấp nhận cho mình như một điều đương nhiên sẽ xảy ra.
Về sau khi nhìn di ảnh, tôi mới thấy mình bị mất một người gắn bó với nếp sống của mình. Khi có bố, một ngày lười biếng trôi qua và có khi tôi chẳng nói với bố tiếng nào. Khi không có bố, một ngày tôi làm hết việc này tới việc kia nhưng vẫn thấy một khoảng trống im ắng quẩn quanh trong nhà.
Nhìn ảnh bố trên bàn thờ, tôi cứ muốn đưa tay chạm vào, dù biết chỉ là một khung hình. Tôi nghĩ đó là biểu hiện của nỗi nhớ, nỗi tiếc thương trong tôi. Một nỗi bi thương mới mẻ mà tôi chưa bao giờ trải nghiệm.
Điều này là bình thường với mọi gia đình từng mất đi người thân, tôi biết, chỉ là nó mới mẻ đối với tôi.
Phàm cái gì mới mẻ, thoạt tiên ta sẽ không biết phải đối diện với nó thế nào.
Những ngày tang lễ diễn ra trong bình tĩnh và đầm ấm, có niềm vui trong nỗi buồn. Tôi nhìn từng con người đang thể hiện yêu thương với gia đình mình, thấy mình mang nợ ân tình khá nhiều, nhưng cũng hiểu rằng đó là món nợ tốt, mà mình vui lòng để đền đáp về sau. Người với người, những mối dây giao tiếp cứ thế mà quện chặt vào nhau.
Tôi nghĩ bài học cuối cùng bố muốn dạy cho tôi, chính là bài học về nghĩa tình.
Một người thân mất đi, giống như một khoảng trống được khoét đi trong tim mình, ko bao giờ bù đắp lại được. Sau tang lễ, tôi thấy mình ko còn muốn kể lại cách bố ra đi. Cũng ko muốn xem lại những thước phim camera trong nhà quay lại những giờ phút cuối cùng anh tôi đưa bố đi cấp cứu. Không muốn nhớ lại khoảnh khắc anh tôi nói bệnh viện đang làm giấy báo tử, và tôi hỏi: Bố mất rồi hả? Trước đó vài phút chỉ là tin bố đi cấp cứu, trước đó nữa chỉ là cuộc gọi anh tôi gọi đến nói "không xong rồi" vào buổi sáng 2 má con đang đi du lịch. Trước đó nữa, là chúng tôi đang lên kế hoạch ăn tết cả nhà cùng nhau...
Tôi biết, phần khoét đi trong tim tôi, nhỏ hơn phần mất đi của mẹ tôi. Mẹ tôi tới giờ vẫn nói: mẹ nghĩ lại và thấy sao mà nhanh vậy...
Sáng nay, lần đầu tiên tôi khóc trước mặt mẹ vì nhớ tới bố và những điều nuối tiếc trong lòng tôi về những ngày bố còn sống. Nhưng tôi không cho phép mình yếu đuối quá lâu, bởi người chết thì không sống lại, còn người sống mỗi người đều có tâm sự riêng, mấy ai thực sự hiểu thấu lòng tôi và những gì tôi cảm thấy? Tôi cũng làm sao có thể hiểu hết tâm tư của mẹ mình?
Nên chúng tôi sống tiếp, bên nhau, với nhau, trong sự chấp nhận những yêu thương ko đúng cách và những khiếm khuyết về tính cách của nhau. Cuộc sống không có bố là một cuộc sống dễ thích nghi, sự kiện này cũng ko thể làm tăng thêm hay giảm đi sự khác biệt giữa mỗi chúng tôi. Nó chỉ khiến chúng tôi thay đổi một số thói quen thường ngày.
Tôi đã xoá toàn bộ hình đám tang và đưa tiễn. Mẹ tôi thì chưa, mẹ vẫn thường coi lại những footage cuối cùng của bố được ghi lại bởi camera trong nhà.
Sau lễ 49 ngày, tôi xả tang. Mẹ và anh trai thì vẫn giữ, chắc tới khi tròn 1 năm. Tôi xả tang, ko vì một lý do nào đặc biệt, chỉ vì tôi thấy điều đó ko còn cần thiết nữa, và tôi ko muốn để nỗi buồn cản bước mình trong những niềm vui mới của cuộc sống. Mình có thương tiếc hay không, chỉ cần mình biết, người đã khuất biết, không cần phải show ra cho thiên hạ. Nhà tôi không đeo kim băng để tang, không tiếp tục mặc quần áo đen trắng, vẫn mua váy đầm và hoa lá loè loẹt ngày tết, và vẫn nhắc tới bố trong mỗi câu chuyện.
Hôm mùng 1 tôi thắp nhang cho bố, tôi khóc một mình. Cái Tết đầu tiên không có bố. Nỗi buồn thương của mẹ thấm vào từng khớp xương, khiến mẹ đau nhức. Nỗi buồn thương của tôi thấm vào từng nơi có kỉ niệm. Lần gần nhất tôi vào bệnh viện Y dược, nhìn thấy khu vực cấp cứu, tôi nghĩ tới ngày anh em tôi đưa bố đi cấp cứu chỗ này, cứu được bố, và cũng nghĩ tới ngày anh tôi đưa bố tới chỗ này, và không cứu được bố nữa...
Tôi nghĩ số mệnh đã dệt cho bố tôi một sự ra đi êm đẹp nhất có thể, đã cho chúng tôi thời gian dài nhất có thể có với bố, đã để chúng tôi trưởng thành đủ để đón nhận mất mát này. Tôi không thể biết ơn, nhưng cũng chẳng thể trách móc gì, chỉ có thể quản lý những cảm xúc của mình một cách tốt nhất có thể.
Tôi biết bố sẽ đi tiếp con đường mà mỗi linh hồn phải đi qua sau cái chết. Vì bố đã sống đàng hoàng, tử tế, trọn vẹn cả cuộc đời. Vì bố không còn gì phải lo nghĩ, vì tôi và anh tôi đang thay bố bảo bọc mẹ, dù không thể thay bố bầu bạn cùng mẹ. Mỗi lần khấn bố, tôi thường khấn bố hãy đầu thai thật tốt, sống lại một cuộc đời mới, nếu được thì giàu có vô lo hơn. Còn nếu được nữa thì cho nhà tôi trúng số (tôi biết nếu bố làm được thì thế nào bố cũng làm!).
Trong phim Coco có một giả thuyết mà tôi rất thích: Linh hồn mất đi sẽ sống tại thành phố linh hồn, và chỉ hoàn toàn biến mất khi không còn ai nhớ về họ nữa. Những người vẫn còn lại trên bàn thờ của gia đình thì còn được ghi nhớ mãi mãi. Nếu như vậy thì bố đã vào "team" của ông bà, các bác, gặp lại nhau chắc cũng vui. Nghĩ vậy, mình thấy gia đình mình vẫn đủ đầy, dù là trong hình hài nào đi nữa.
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I know you mean well, and Johnny is NO saint, but Amber is not innocent either. I really did want to believe her, but there are so many inconsistencies in her story. Many of her ex partners have restraining orders against her and she even had a DV charge before Johnny. She was abusive to her personal assistant and even stole her rape story. You can also clearly see her posing for the camera in the court footage. Please pay attention to objective facts, not Vox articles.
I've watched dozens of hours of court footage as well as gone through many court transcripts and pieces of evidence (photos, text messages, audios, etc.) submitted by both teams. Given I've posted and reblogged many of these (many can be seen in my evidence tag, alongside some analyses and out of court statements and the like), I have no idea how you concluded I based my stance off Vox articles.
Since I do make a point to seek out objective facts, I'm happy to speak to the debunked myths you've named here. With the one caveat that I would need examples of these inconsistencies to speak to them specifically since I don't know what you're referring to (e.g. certain things may be a misunderstanding, or her forgetting a detail).
"Many of her ex partners have restraining orders against her"
This claim is new to me. Please send me your source. I tried googling it, but all of the results I could find (I went a few pages in) only talked about her TRO against Johnny, so I'm unable to evaluate this.
"[S]he even had a DV charge before Johnny."
She was arrested for DV and spent one night in jail, however no charges were actually filed (source, source). Tasya, who is still friends with Amber to this day and is on her witness list (source), has issued a statement:
Amber was wrongfully accused for an incident that was misinterpreted and over-sensationalized by two individuals in a power position. I recount hints of misogynistic attitudes toward us which later appeared to be homophobic when they found out we were domestic partners and not just ‘friends.’ Charges were quickly dropped and she was released moments later,” Van Ree told Us. “It’s disheartening that Amber’s integrity and story are being questioned yet again. Amber is a brilliant, honest and beautiful woman and I have the utmost respect for her. We shared 5 wonderful years together and remain close to this day.
(source -- also quoted in UK trial documents, which also give further evidence of the two's continued friendship)
A cop has come forward and said that she was the one who arrested Amber and she couldn't be misogynistic or homophobic because she is a lesbian (source). However, in the UK trial, Amber testified that the officer who put her in handcuffs is a man (source), which would fit with Tasya's statement. Granted, Amber obviously would have had a motive to lie there, so that's where we need to consider what makes the most sense, because something isn't adding up.
What would Tasya's motive be for lying? We don't have any evidence to suggest she is afraid of Amber. If Amber had abused her, it's possible we can't entirely rule out trauma bonding and as a result trying to cover for her, but that doesn't seem very likely a decade later (they were together 2008-2012) -- not impossible, but unlikely.
Ok, so what would the cop's motive be for lying? Well, we know there's an expectation for cops to cover for one another (collection of sources here). We can't prove to what extent Leonard specifically feels that pressure, but it is a potential influence. I also don't consider the police to be the most trustworthy source in general (given their tendency to murder People of Color, murder people with mental health conditions or other disabilities, and higher than average rates of DV). We don't know Leonard's specific stances; sure, there is a possibility she had good intentions and wanted to change the police force from within and was not complicit in the system. However, without evidence to prove that she was trying to be a change agent in the force, it seems entirely probable she would have reason to lie to cover for the other officer
We can't say with 100% certainty what happened until when or if additional evidence is presented. However, after evaluating the evidence, it seems to me more likely that Tasya was the one telling the truth.
"She was abusive to her personal assistant [Kate James]"
I'll set aside Amber's description of James as difficult to work with and drinking on the job (which we don't have proof of other than Amber's word), as well as my own thoughts about James' demeanor (which isn't evidence), but I do think it's relevant to mention Depp's text to James inviting her over to "fix her [Amber's] flabby ass, nice and good" (source) which suggests she may have motive to lie (to support Depp).
We don't have proof Amber abused James aside from James' own claims, and we don't have proof Amber did not abuse James aside from Amber's own claims. Since they both could be argued to have motive to lie, let's look for other evidence.
The UK trial judgment says, "I am afraid that I did not find Ms James a satisfactory witness. She had been dismissed by Ms Heard in February 2015 and the circumstances of her termination still appeared to be a cause of rancour with Ms James." So a judge already determined that it is unlikely James' testimony can be trusted. It doesn't guarantee her to be lying, but it definitely tips the scales more toward doubt.
Amber "stole her [James'] rape story"
James' story (from her second witness statement, UK trial): "When I was 26 years old and traveling in Brazil, I was violently raped by an unknown male at Machete point, having been woken by the perpetrator whilst sleeping alone in my dwelling. This ordeal went on for 5-6 hours and I narrowly escaped with my life."
Amber has recounted three instances of sexual assault: one in Hicksville in which she says Depp claimed he was conducting a "cavity search", one in the Bahamas in which she says he "shoved his fingers inside" her, and one in Australia in which she says he used a bottle to assault her.
The only similarities I can identify would be that both involve rape (obviously), both perpetrators are male, and both feared for their lives (extremely common during rape). I do not see any basis on which to conclude that Amber stole James' story.
In the aforementioned witness statement (dated July 12, 2020), James makes the claim that she became aware of Amber's story on June 25, 2020 when reading documents she received in preparation for her participation in the hearing.
It should be noted that the allegations of sexual assault were confidential in the UK trial, as we can infer in the judgment linked above, with sections on Hicksville, the Bahamas, and Australia all saying that "Further details of this incident are contained in the Confidential Schedule to the Re-Amended Defence." (There are other references to the confidential schedule, such as in Amber's 5th witness statement, however this is the most clear tie I've seen because all three locations match.)
On day 7 of the UK trial (July 15, 2020 -- 3 days after her second witness statement), James is asked, "Have you seen any confidential statements that Ms. Heard has made in these proceedings?" and she answers, "No, sir" (page 1229). This means that at the time she alleged Amber had stolen her story, she hadn't even read Amber's allegations.
The other possibility would be that James did hear Amber's allegations in some way, but lied about how she heard of them. We can't prove that either way with the evidence at hand, however it remains relevant that their stories have nothing significant in common aside from the topic (sexual assault). I'm not sure how one could compare the stories and argue that Amber "stole" James' story.
"You can also clearly see her posing for the camera in the court footage"
I assume you're talking about this. Well, I don't know about you but if I was blowing my nose and realized someone was about to take a picture of me, I would probably not want to pull the tissue away until after. Would you want to risk someone photographing you with snot hanging out of your nose or something??? Obviously I can't say for certain that was her intention, but neither can we say for certain her intention was to seek sympathy/publicity, because we aren't mind readers. As such, this doesn't go very far as evidence.
I have also heard that Amber didn't want the trial televised in the first place, however I am not using that as evidence because I haven't been able to find a primary source for that. If anyone has one, please link it to me.
Hope that helps! Of course given she is human, Amber is not perfect, but she should not need to be perfect to be believed.
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absolxguardian · 11 months
I know when it comes to the practical, the fact is that exploitative systems like capitalism will always find a way to use new technology to do more exploitation, but a lot of the posts I've seen about "CGI necromancy" treat the act itself as unethical, and while I don't have an answer, I do think something like that needs to be examined.
Because when it comes to mediums other than live action film/television, stuff like that has been happening for a much longer time. While there were all these articles and thinkpieces about CGI Tarkin in Rogue One and Disney even asked the permission of Peter Cushing's family- no one did anything like that for Tarkin appearing in the Clone Wars or Rebels. I don't think they would if there was a photorealistic CGI Tarkin for a video game. People did the same thing with Leia appearing in TROS via archival footage, but Carrie Fisher's death had no effect on Leia appearing in the comics or even casting someone to portray her in Star Wars Resistance.
Idk, I think there's some kind of instinct to say that actors have a level of ownership over the characters they portray when its live action, but when its a franchise that isn't really there. There are over 40 years of stories featuring the OT trio that didn't involve any of their original actors. No one blinks twice when actors sign away their image rights to be used to produce toys, video games, and/or comics. (Although the 'capitalists are going to exploit' aspect of it is that these companies will now use these signed away image rights to take work opportunities away from actors, rather than just for projects where actors have no place). Even the questions asked of actors in interviews show that we give them too much ownership over their characters, when those character's words and actions are decided by the screenplay.
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ca1iban · 10 months
'Let's go on an excursion to Warsaw and Rzeszow': Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko hints the Wagner mercenary group is 'itching' to march on Poland in cosy chat with Vladimir Putin | Daily Mail Online
Kurwa mać
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gpoust37 · 2 years
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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story… 6 years later. Well, like, 3 years since I watched it leading up to TROS. But you get it.
In the past 6 years, my opinion on the movie has mostly stayed the same. I like it overall, love the third act, and get triggered when people say it’s the best Disney or overall Star Wars. That remains true today, but I think I am a little more positive on it and can safely say I put it as my 3rd favorite of the Disney era behind TLJ and TFA. For a bit there, I considered Solo being better. but having seen that a couple months ago and seeing Rogue today, Rogue One is definitely better. Still enjoy Solo a good bit though.
Back to Rogue One, overall, it’s good. But that first hour has just never sat the best with me. I never found Jyn to be that intriguing at first. It starts to pick up for me when she is seeing her father’s message. The stuff leading up to that is a bit lacking for me. They present her as this apathetic loner who is just out for herself. But on Jedha, she saves that little girl during the fight, risking her life in the process. Which, I guess could just show that the whole loner thing was just a mask. But I always felt that such an action should have taken place after she heard her father’s message. That should be the catalyst (hahaha get it? Like the name of the prequel book. I’m so clever, clearly) that wakes her up from her apathy and desire to do what’s right at all costs. Based on trailer footage, they seemed to have cut some moment of her being a bit more sassy and potentially cynical. I’m basing this off the “I rebel” line that’s not in the film. Although there is no indication her saving the girl was added later in the process, regardless I feel it makes her arc less interesting if she was that heroic already. Feels like they wanted to make sure she was likable enough rather than give us the story that seems to be there. Her actions after the message all flow better to me. I just ignore her saving a child and her story feels more interesting to me. Not a massive problem but it’s always stuck out as something that lessens the movie for me. I do think we needed a scene of young Jyn and Galen bonding. Something that shows their bond beyond having a nickname. Something that would make sense with Jyn feeling abandoned but still ultimately missing him. Even just a quick scene of him teaching her something on the farm that can show their dynamic. A hug goodbye and a nickname just doesn’t cut it for me. Something to add depth to her seeing him for the first time after all those years.
Cassian falls sort of flat to me. While they do show he will murder even allies, it’s clear he does so because he believes it is the best thing for the rebellion. He does what he feels he must. I never took it as he was some bad dude or anything. Desperate times and all that. So, when he goes with Jyn to Scariff, it just feels like he is still doing what he thinks is right and best for the rebellion. He is willing to do whatever it takes. There is talk of him doing these things due to orders… but he kills the guys at the start by his own choice. He kills one of Saw’s rebels to cause chaos to save Jyn. He disobeys his order to kill Galen. He disobeys the council and goes to Scariff. Seems like he is his own person after all. I do like the scene after Eadu where he says he’s been in the fight since he was 6. It showed there was a story there, we just don’t really get it in the movie at all. I think we needed a bit more for him here but at least the show will give us far more. The sneak peek for Andor was good. I am now hyped to see the show. It said there is a 3 episode premiere on 9/21. Not sure if the three episode thing was announced already. Maybe it was? Anyway, while I like a rebel who will do anything to complete the mission, I wanted something more there and it just wasn’t there.
So with the two leads not doing much for me, particularly in the first hour, that’s a big downer for me, not ruining the movie or anything though. Just lowers the movie for me.
Saw’s portrayal is… odd, if you’ve seen his Clone Wars and Rebels stuff. Though, tbf, the Rebels stuff comes after Rogue One. While the monster clearly broke his mind, the Saw we know from before this would never just give up and wait to die. He would survive and keep fighting. In another version of the film, he would have gone with them and been a role model for Cassian as someone who does anything to complete the mission. But then he goes too far and shows Cassian there has to be a line that they won’t cross. Just feels like a missed opportunity there. Instead he dies because they didn’t know what to do with him? He also could have been another witness to the message and back up Jyn. But nah, just die already.
There are some other things that irk me and kind of take me out of the movie. The blue milk in that opening scene. The movie is filled with Star Wars things we know, I’m not against blue milk. But it’s the fact that it is front and center that just strikes me as odd. The placement just makes me give it a side eye. Just feels silly. Then there is the moment with Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan. It’s completely pointless. It only serves to have the audience go, “I know who they are!” I hate it. There are so many other things in the movie that make sense to be there based on context. X-wings? Of course. At-St’s? Makes sense. Tarkin? That fits with what we know. Vader? Of course he’d be involved in this stuff. And so on. There is no need to force references in when there are so many that just naturally comes with the time it takes place and the major players involved. The ones that feel forced stick out like a sore thumb.
Then there are just really odd decisions on how things are presented or added on. Like, when Bail steps up during the first meeting at the rebel base and they play the force theme and he says nothing and does nothing of note. I think he has like a line of dialog there? It’s so weird to give him that emphasis for nothing. The 3PO and R2 scene. I hate it. I know it’s only like 10 seconds, but again it just sticks out to me. Contextually they would be there as the ship they are on is present as we see when it break away from Raddus’s ship. But they serve no purpose. Just another “I know them” moment. I don’t like it.
I’m sorry, but Baze is completely useless and should have been cut to give a little more time to the other characters. He’s just along for the ride. His death is the most pointless. His only purpose at the end is to mourn Chirrut. He finds his faith again only to be killed in his next scene. I think it would have made way more sense for him to be the lone survivor. Living on to continue the fight with his renewed faith. But they committed to killing them all no matter what, I guess. Bodhi gets the transmission to Raddus. K2 buys Jyn and Cassian time. Chirrut flips the master switch allowing Bodhi to make that transmission. Jyn and Cassian do what it takes to transmit the plans, knowing they are trapped there to ultimately die. Baze was there because???? Feels like the easiest cut in the world.
Those are probably always going to be my biggest issues with the film. I think everything else works for me. The performances are good despite the material at times. The visuals are fantastic! I probably under appreciate the music. I found the Tarkin CGI convincing. The Leia face felt off to me, although, I swear what I saw today looked like an updated pass at the CGI of her face. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the case but I haven’t seen anyone else Point it out, so maybe I’m just crazy. It’s so brief it doesn’t ruin anything even if I find it off. I enjoyed Vader here, even the corny choking on your aspirations bit. Raddus is awesome and I loved the hammerhead maneuver. Chirrut and Bodhi work for me. Krennic is decent. The third act is near perfect. Best space battle in all of Star Wars. It leans hard into the wars of Star Wars and works beautifully.
All this to say, I’ll always consider this a good Star Wars movie. But best of Disney or overall? Eh. You’re getting an upset stare from me for that kind of comment. It’s a solid 6th place after episodes 4-8.
I’ve prattled on enough. Sorry for the essay.
TL/DR: This movie is good with some problems but still good. Excited for Andor now.
Okay, one final thought: I think they should have made Jyn and Cassian become a romantic dynamic. People going through something so important together and overcoming obstacles and saving each other’s lives and such would likely draw you to the other person. It is cliche to hook up your two main leads, in this case, I think it would have made sense and stayed true to the original trilogy. It would have been reminiscent of the Luke/Leia and Leia/Han dynamics. Maybe they shied away from it because they knew Rey/Kylo was happening and they didn’t want to have yet another couple dynamic as leads? Feels a lot better than Reylo’s kiss and ending that just kind of dives off a cliff into silly. I dunno. I just think romance and love is apart of Star Wars and it would have made sense here a lot more than in the sequel trilogy and added a little more depth to their characters.
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dindjarindiaries · 2 years
I saw someone say they typically don’t release the exact same trailers they show in person at these online. Do you know if that’s true or not? I really hope not, the music with the footage sounded amazing.
It depends! I think they’ll show this exact one to us eventually. They did the same with the TROS trailer, I believe!
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trust-the-fox · 2 years
LMAO "she even showed audio and pictures" you mean the ones she photoshopped while claiming they were different? or the audio where she said "i did start a physical fight" how ignorant can one person be?
Ok. That's it. I haven't seen all the footage from this trial, which might explain why I am having difficulties seeing what the jury saw, but I've read the judgement and a big chunk of the transcript from the UK trial, so I can refer to it.
You refer to the audio where Heard admitted starting physical fights, but what about all the once where Depp admits violence or doesn't deny it? The one about the headbutt, which he first lied about in the UK trial and the backtracked, saying he had done it while restraining her, and that it was his lawyers' fuck up that it wasn't I cluded in his statement?
What about the whole track for the "tell the world, that I, Johnny Depp.." audio? Where Amber refers to the previous incidents of violence, and that he'd called for iO to call the police because she was afraid that Johnny might accidentally kill her? What about the audio where she tells him to put his cigarettes off on someone else?
And the photo thing? Don't know what you are referring to in this case, because in the UK case at least it was proven that Depp's team had submitted a photo of "beaten Johnny after Amber's birthday party" as evidence only for it to be revealed to be from year before the date. Waldman had been so kind to send it to him, because "he had changed phones" and somehow Waldman was the one who had access to the backup data. Right. See for yourself below. The audios are easy enough for you to search on YouTube. If you weren't just shouting off and you actually believe what you say and are interested to learn more, I'm continuing below the image
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And what about his team seeing wounds and even encouraging her to hide them? We'll, Ben King's first statement said he saw no markings on Amber after the Australia incident, but after they found out that there was a recording with the then already deceased bodyguard, Mr. Judge referring to them, he had to switch his statement to include seeing scratches. When he admitted to it, he didn't only admit to seeing them, but even to hide them from the public.
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Let's go back to mr. Bett, because he got caught on another lie. Seems like a pattern is forming. This time it was about the time they spent in the penthouse during the 2016 incident that led to Amber filing for the TRO and divorce. According to Mr. Bett, they spent about 30 minutes there. They spent three times as long. Another lie. Wow. Huh.
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I have more, but I'll only add the ms. James one, because I already have it screenshotted. She lied that she hadn't had any contact with Depp since she was let go from her services as Heard's assistant. Only to have been contacted by Depp to "come over and fix her (Amber's) flabby ass". Over some wine.
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I admit, I have not seen all the footage - most even - from the current trial, but from what I heard, claims of fabrication about the photos was proven to be false. As in, not photoshopped. I'm seeing a pattern of lies on Depp's side, not so much on hers, so please, if you have some actual evidence, link to proof on how Johnny's team managed to pull this off with virtually no real evidence, at least no evidence stronger than hers, please let me know. Because I am having such a difficult time understanding the verdict right now.
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d2kvirus · 5 months
Dickheads of the Month: December 2023
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of December 2023 to make sure that they are never forgotten.  
The pro-Israel lies continued apace with Danielle Greyman claiming that all those photos and footage of dead children and babies being pulled from rubble in Gaza aren't actually dead children or babies, but actually lifelike dolls which Hamas placed there - which definitely doesn't make it look as if the Netanyahu apologists are so far gone they refuse to acknowledge dead children as human beings just because their "side" keeps bombing houses and hospitals they happen to be in at the time of yet another missile strike
...which was soon followed by David Collier lecturing Medecins Sans Frontieres  for having the sheer gall to report that they witnessed Israeli tanks destroying their clearly-marked vehicles by accusing MSF of not just "empowering and protecting" Hamas (because of course) but also accusing MSF staff of being Hamas agents, which is an interesting twist on "Look what you made me do"
...though then we had Benjamin Netanyahu decide to go Full Baddiel by accusing the International Criminal Court investigation of war crimes by Israel of being "antisemitic" - although he sprinkled in a little Trumpism too by referring to them as "fake war crimes" because why the fuck not at this point?
...as opposed to Eli David who responded to the death of Refaat Alareer and his entire family in an Israeli airstrike (one of those "fake war crimes", I presume?) by gloating that he deserved it because of a tweet. That's right a fucking tweet is now justification for your death in the eyes of Netanyahu apologists
...meanwhile the always calm and rational Tzipi Hotovely was once again raging about letting Israel "finish the job" without being asked the obvious question about what that means (clue: it's genocide) and following up with talk of how Palestinians have been allowed to live in peace for seventy years with heavy "So therefore..." connotations to what she was saying - even though what she was saying was, you know, a complete fucking lie as Palestinians have not been allowed to live peacefully next door due to Israel making sure they don't and more importantly can't live peacefully
...and then it turned out that the Israeli Defence Force really need to keep their murder boners under control when it emerged that they "mistakenly" shot and killed three Israeli hostages who were shirtless and literally waving white flags at the time they were gunned down - contrary to what Bethany S Mandel said about Hamas having them wear burqas when moving them from place to place which is why the IDF "mistakenly" shot them, by the way
...on the subject of murder boners David Azoulai apparently wanted to say that his was even bigger, advocating that the Israelis should make Gaza look like Auschwitz without considering that, hey, maybe that sort of rhetoric makes him look so utterly demented that he's reduced Auschwitz to a threat to make towards Palestinians?
...while on the other hand Fleur Hassan-Nahoum had her own way of dealing with reports that the IDF had bombed a Catholic church in Gaza: by pretending that there aren't any Catholic churches in Gaza, in spite the inconvenient little detail about how there are - and there's one less, due to the IDF bombing it
...but speaking far more plainly was Itamar Ben Gvir when he said that Israel should execute Hamas members they have in prison every single day that the Israeli captives are not returned, a statement which actually becomes even more monstrous when you realise who is and isn't a Hamas member in the eyes of Likud is based solely on how many people were around to witness them being shot or bombed regardless of age
...meanwhile Naftali Bennett was having trouble keeping track of his dogwhistles when he accuse Iran of being a terror octopus, apparently forgetting that any and all references to an octopus is "antisemitic" because that's what the hard Zionist extremists were screaming about Greta Thunberg
Ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak showed everyone just what an ultra-relatable nice guy he was by thundering how the UK is a sovereign country - which means that the government can overrule UK courts to bulldoze through whichever batshit insane policies it has decided are the hills they want to die on, in this particular instance the Rwanda policy which has been deemed unlawful repeatedly by British courts, and now Rwandan courts are looking into how unlawful it is
...and then a few days later Rishi Sunak showed just how in charge of his own party he is when he claimed the additional £100m of taxpayer's money given the the Rwanda scheme was signed off by Suella Braverman, which suggests that he doesn't even know when his (now ex-)ministers are throwing around colossal piles of taxpayer's money - or he knew and he's just a fucking liar
...but don't worry, ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak (and the camera crew he had with him) bought a few boxes of mince pies in a shop in King's Cross Station to give to key workers, which definitely didn't look staged nor draw attention to how those key workers continue to be diddled out of a pay raise but a few of them might get a mince pie at Christmas if they were in Sunak's vicinity
It took less than a month before Javier Milei opened the fascism box and, oh boy, he did so with gust not just ordering the army to break strikes and arrest protestors but also to take away the children of anyone arrested for either of the former
...and once Javier Milei opened the fascism box he just kept on going, introducing 300 new laws overnight without debate let alone a vote in parliament, laws which included complete deregulation of the housing market and planning permission, selling off state assets for chicken feed, and removing public transport subsidies meaning bus fares cost ten times what they did the previous week
Habitual liar George Santos managed to make history, becoming only the sixth Congressman to be expelled from Congress in US history, and all it took was him spending campaign funds on his Onlyfans subscription
Barking MP Margaret Hodge was so casual with how she told the News Agents podcast that she did everything in her power to prevent Jeremy Corbyn from becoming Prime Minister in 2019 - you know, the exact thing centrist twerps have spent four years saying was just something that you'd imagined. I'm sure that Keir Starmer will hear this and consult the constitutional rules of the Labour Party and expel her from the party, which is what they say he should do...
Unifying force for good Keir Starmer once again showed his credentials to lead Labour by praising Margaret fucking Thatcher, which seems to be a trait of his inner circle given Rachel reeves also did so, because if one thing will appeal to Red Wall voters it's praising the person who made their communities destitute in the 1980s
Once again billionaire manchild Elon Musk had another one of his genius ideas, this time deciding to run a poll about whether he should reinstate Alex Jones - in spite Jones being in repeat violations of Musk's ToS on Twitter, let alone the Twitter ToS of people who had a clue what they were doing
...this was soon followed by billionaire manchild Elon Musk publicly arguing with MS Word's inclusiveness function - and then arguing with the Twitter Community Note which pointed out that you need to activate the inclusiveness function in order for it to work
...and then billionare manchild Elon Musk demonstrated what a small, petty little douche he is by removing Disney+ from Tesla's streaming options as he continued his bizarre rants at Disney removing their ads from Twitter as if they were the only company to not want their ads promoted next to far right material, once again making the Very Clever Business Move of pissing off Tesla customers who definitely haven't gotten sick of his shit by now
Brilliant idea by the Israel Defence Force to drop pamphlets with a QR code on them telling Palestinians to leave the area so they can bomb more hospitals and schools and claiming those too are Hamas outposts, what with Gaza not having internet for over a month due to the Israelis cutting it off thus making the QR codes unusable for anyone who they dropped a leaflet on
Looks like the Jewish Chronicle was really determined in their efforts to smear Owen Jones, bringing out Hadley Freeman under the impression that she qualifies as "the big guns" - only for Freeman to vomit out an article riddled with factual errors that somehow, in an article putting out a hit Owen Jones for the version of "antisemitism" where valid criticism of Israel are "antisemitic", still found space to bleat non-existent fears about the trans community in spite being about as relevant to the subject as Freeman is to journalism
The GTA6 trailer dropped and billionaire manchild Elon Musk could only pontificate about how he couldn't get past the tutorial of GTA5 as it required him to shoot police, with Ian Miles Cheong wading in to say he too couldn't shoot police in Clusterpunk 2077...only for Twitter's Community Notes to say that was bollocks, but of course we all know the real reason neither can shoot NPCs in videos games is because NPCs are their target demographic
I get the feeling that Grzegorz Braun thought that taking a fire extinguisher to Hanukah candles in the Polish parliament would be a guaranteed vote-winner, as opposed to what it actually did which was make him look like Basil Fawlty's fascist cousin
So nice of proven liar Boris Johnson to sneak into the Covid enquiry at the crack of dawn in order to avoid the people outside who might have had a few things to say to him about his handling of the pandemic by arriving there long before they arrived, which makes him look so brave and non-guilty
There are ways in which Michelle Mone could improve public opinion about her and MedPro making off like bandits with dodgy PPE contracts, but bankrolling a documentary where she moans about people not liking her while claiming she had no idea how her company kept getting these dodgy contracts is not it
...though quite why Laura Kuenessberg though it was a good idea to jet off to Spain so her flagging show would have an exclusive interview with Mone begs all sort of questions, not least why the first question wasn't "Why did you want to be interviewed in Spain, is there any reason you don't like the thought of the British authorities knowing your exact location?" - though Michelle Mone still managed to repeatedly implicate herself in a car crash interview where she couldn't even deny everything properly
...all of which caused Lord Bethel to go on the offensive by posting screengrabs of WhatsApp messages between himself and Mone. This would be the same Lord Bethel who had previously told the Covid enquiry that he had quite conveniently lost all his WhatsApp messages when changing his phone but suddenly he found them, which I'm sure Rishi Sunak and proven liar Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson would be thrilled to hear given how they to had lost all WhatsApp messages
Yet again Liz Truss left the nation wishing she'd just fuck off into obscurity where she belongs, but no, we have to see her make Vote Leave architects Matthew Elliott and Jon Moynihan life peers in her resignation honours list
The current Health Secretary Victoria Atkins demonstrated just how qualified for the job she is by calling junior doctors "Doctors in training" during a TV interview, meaning she's either too stupid to understand what a junior doctor is or she's being patronising and failed to understand how being patronising made her sound too stupid to understand what a junior doctor is
You would think that waffling gargoyle Nigel Farage would be used to losing by now given the amount of elections he's lost to opponents both human and dolphin, but no, the grifting cunt did not take his coming in third place on I'm A Celebrity well and is whipping up his followers into attacking ITV because his bot campaign failed to win, which is frankly begging ITV to withdraw the £1.5m they paid him to be there
Bold move of Rafael Edward Cruz to introduce a bill to limit the use of preferred pronouns when you consider how he uses the preferred pronouns of Ted Cruz in his everyday life
Nominative determinism debunker James Cleverly once again did that thing where he opens his mouth and something utterly moronic spills all over the floor, this time thinking it would be a good laugh to joke about slipping Rohypnol into his wife's drink to keep her quiet over Christmas - a few hours after a crackdown on drink spiking was introduced by the Home Office, which just so happens to be the department Cleverly is the head of...
Totally normal behaviour from Derrick Evans to tweet a picture of Christmas tree ornaments that depict various members of Biden's cabinet being lynched on a Christmas tree on Christmas day - followed by an utterly cowardly attempt at walking that one back after it quite surprisingly drew a lot of backlash, with him claiming it wasn't his tree and admitting it was in bad taste...possibly because the FBI are particularly grumpy when having to talk with people who joke about murdering the government if they make those jokes on Christmas Day
So nice of Johnny Mercer to remind people that he exists by spending days on end yelling about Carol Vorderman on Twitter - not least because this was the latest in a long list of examples of Tories failing to understand the Streisand Effect, as it only drew attention to the fact Vorderman pointed out his pledge to reduce homelessness in the ex-military worked so well that it increased in 2023
Suffice it to say James Somerton did not take his utter dismantling at the hands of H.Bomberguy particularly well, with him rapidly deleting all socials and leaving co-writer Nick Herrgott to take the flak - and Herrgott didn't help himself by trying the defence that he can't be accused of plagiarism as he never did any research
...though somehow Internet Historian fans decided that they were the true victims of the H.Bomberguy video and that meant that H.Bomberguy must be destroyed, best exemplified by one of them posting on Kotaku in Action (which is still a thing, in 2023, long after the basis of GamerGate was exposed as a bitter ex-boyfriend making shit up...) offering a cash reward for any evidence that allows them to destroy H.Bomberguy, which is totally a normal response to pointing out that IH plagiarised the shit out of an article for a video
...and then James Somerton crawled out from under the rock he was hiding under in order to issue the standard nonpology - and by complete coincidence, with the nonpology video up he reactivated his Patreon without telling anyone and unprivated the videos on his Youtube channel, all in the hope of getting a nice little payout
Of course beanie-wearing testicle Tim Pool is the sort of person who spends days of the only life they will ever live trying to teach Grok AI to be transphobic and post the evidence of him doing so in the belief it doesn't make him look like a sad, pathetic waste of jism
Potato in a t-shirt two sizes too small for him Ricky Gervais has once again demonstrated what a thin-skinned little twerp he is by searching for his name on Twitter so he can retweet anyone and everyone who praised his latest Netflix comedy special, you know, the one which narrowly beat the competition from the fireplace effect for your TV screen for the prestigious title of most-watched thing released on Christmas Day
For some reason Joey Barton decided to put a lot of time and effort into trying to pick a fight with Mary Earps, presumably because he was narked by misplacing his book of inspirational quotes to post online and pass off as him having some sort of knowledge
So either Fntastic were in way over the heads with The Day Before and scaled back severely on their promised features when the game was released...for all of five days before it was pulled from Steam, or Fntastic were a bunch of scam artists who ran away with the money for their piece of shit game which they flung onto Steam before announcing the company closure - and judging by the statements they've issued, literally saying "Shit happens" in one case, the latter looks far more likely
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rebeleden · 6 months
Watch "Abuse footage revealed in Keke Palmer's TRO filing against her ex boyfriend Darius Jackson." on YouTube
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thecatsaesthetics · 9 months
Oooo SW, I miss you talking about that. Do you think will ever get a JJ cut of TROS.
I don't miss talking about it lol... I have been a much happier person since I let Star Wars go. I know I haven't talked about it much but I do enjoy the Disney Plus TV shows, they do a better job then ST every did.
I read the Thrawn Trilogy a while back and that's is my canon sequel series now. That series gives you EVERYTHING. George Lucas should have turned that into a movie series back in the 90s.
As for the JJ cut, I don't think we will ever get it. Mainly because JJ Abrams and Disney are on such bad terms. It does exist, it's painfully obvious from all the behind the scenes drama that JJ had about an hour or so of footage that was not included. Dominic Monaghan confirmed huge chunks were missing from the final project.
I do believe you could make a Directors Cut of the movie, but Disney likely will not allow it. I think the most we could ever hope for is JJ Abrams writing a book eventually about the production hell that movie seemed to go through. But I'm certain he's signed an iron clad NDA with Disney, so I doubt will ever get that. Abrams is a director and wants future work.
Look at what Disney did to John Boyega after speaking about his treatment by them.
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michaelcosio · 1 year
The Go-Go's ft. Belinda Carlisle - Our Lips Are Sealed (1981)
Broadcast date: 1981-12-12
This is to let you know that the video recording of the video clip was originally recorded by AVROTROS Broadcasting. AVROTROS Broadcasting hereby warrants and represents that it is the sole and exclusive owner of the physical film and/or videotape footage in this video clip.
The performance of the artist(s) in the clip was filmed and recorded with the written consent of the artist(s) and their representatives.
AVROTROS is a Dutch radio and television broadcaster, founded in 2014 from a merger of AVRO and TROS. From January 1st, 2014 the name of the merged broadcaster was used in joint programmes. AVRO was founded in 1923 as the Netherlands first public broadcaster. TROS started broadcasting in 1964. Toppop was a weekly AVRO pop program that was aired between 1970 and 1988.
AVROTROS Broadcasting PO Box 2 1200 JA Hilversum The Netherlands
TopPop was the first regular dedicated pop music TV show in the Dutch language area. Dutch broadcaster AVRO aired the programme weekly, from 1970 to 1988. Presenter Ad Visser hosted the show for its first fifteen years. World famous music artists performed on TopPop: ABBA, 10CC, Bee Gees, The Jacksons with Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Earth & Fire, Queen, Golden Earring, Boney M, KC & The Sunshine Band, Chic, Donna Summer and many many more.
from TopPop
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tittalisting · 2 years
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thegoblincities · 4 years
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I knew my Labyrinth obession would be put to good use one day. Anyway less than a month to canon reylo and the speculation is KILLING me ✍✍✍
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kylosroboarm · 4 years
ok but like, for real, who’s refraining from giving everyone good footage of TROS so we can make gifsets?
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