#troupe: tsuki
zukalations · 1 year
Second of the 2022 recap features.
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protect-namine · 2 months
one one hand, I kinda see why all the other classes would make their jack ace and al jeannes their class leader. like, if you were a univeil student, I can see the student logic of going, "yeah this guy knows how to put on a good performance, let's make him the leader!"
but in hindsight... that's such a bad decision?? like, imagine as the lead performer, you have to be in charge of both the performance and the class. that's too much responsibility! instead of focusing on delivering on stage, you now have to split your attention with everyone else's roles. not even takarazuka does this. the top star and kumichou are usually not the same person. so I would assume that's also how the tamasaka troupe works. univeil students what are you doing lmao
I think one of the reasons why quartz works is because neji isn't the lead performer. he writes, he directs, he acts, he dances, he sings, but he's not the main lead. by taking on responsibility for the backstage work (except for props/tech/etc.), fumi/kai/kisa/whoever can focus on their own craft as performers.
like. how is kaido leading onyx while also being the jack ace? how is he getting and working on feedback? I could say the same for tsukasa, but at least tsukasa has minorikawa doing a lot of the heavy lifting. amber is kind of a special case, I guess, because they all want chui to be the stage. but honestly if chui was a better leader, amber wouldn't have to be this way lmao. like, chui is great but he's holding amber back, sorry to say. they could do so much more than this
(hm I guess the teachers in other classes are more hands-on and provide more guidance and support than enishi, so they can get away with lead performers being class leaders)
I was thinking about this because I was imagining what kisa's year two in univeil would be like. the next class leaders are gonna be mitsuki, sugachi, and minorikawa, right? and all three of them tend to step back to let other people shine or to play support, so I actually think they're very logical choices for the next class leaders. plus that would probably be the year chui would try to like. make friends and human connections. so I'm just imagining that year two would be quite healing for univeil, especially since in year one they are all still kinda hung up on tsuki being univeil's treasure. you can have other treasures!! love tsuki, but he isn't the only golden boy here!!
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Let me introduce to someone I know
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This is Tsuki, an oc of mine that a I love very much♡
Goes by She/he/they... any pronouns is good.
They're a winter monkey with origins in Japan,
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She's a menace to society and a headache to her friends. And now to the Mk troupe.
It all started with a trip to Japan... But that's for another time. Soon maybe.
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Mk is in denial. He can't even believe that he's in love with an asshole like them, but well... Here we are.
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tsukasa-writes · 2 months
It's me yume again! So recently my brother and his class play was a success and now the grade 10 and 9 were practicing together and I'm going to watch his play on a Friday and their teacher byakuya togami also sanka’s dad and Sonia nevermind the queen of novelist (or whatever it was called)been teaching and practicing with them non-stop some of their class were interrupted with their practice even yuki and these two twins named moonbow and sunbow asahina were with him practicing with him they were the “white knights” and they were the defenders of the kingdom the asahina twins were at our house to practice and their mom aoi asahina was their
“Now all you kids need to say is we are the knights of white!” Said my dad yume was considered handsome as a knight by moonbow while they were practicing. I saw a old photo album with kirir cause why not? We saw a picture of kirir’s mom(natsumi)as the white knight and even my dad hajime was a white knight and there was their king which there wasn't any other good king) and her butler was kirir’s sister sakyu and the advisor was manachi
I was surprised to see tsukasa tenma a troupe performancer who still is he's a traveling actor and had a kid named suta who was just a middle schooler they were helping the kids practice as I…uh don't know…
(Yuki’s pov)
I was practicing waving my sword I got and it's pretty heavy you ask me I was with sanka and manachi there was the asahina twins and ,tsuki,our director and narrator he was super bossy about the play making sure everything was okay and good he wanted to impress tsukasa and I'll admit I want to impress him too as time flew by the last practice I was improving knowing all my moves my other classmates were doing good I was such a good leader fufu I'm such a good leader :) enough of that, at the end of the day me and manachi were cleaning up the theater room “okay breathe manachi…” he took a big sigh and started saying his lines “you're doing good mana you'll good don't worry!” I said as I headed out
The next day my family and my aunt and uncle were there, I was excited my dad's and my lil sis wished me good lucked I saw tsukasa and suta talking to some of the parents
“Okay kids are you ready?” Mr. Togami said in a stern said we all said “yes!” As we did the play started and tsukasa and suta were there watching being excited
As the play went by we were going good the whole plot that the kingdom of white has been in war with the kingdom of black, the king aka sanka asked for three bodyguards for her the advisor manachi got me,moonbow and sunbow as her guards but however the queen gets kidnapped by the knights of black “oh no! The queen!” I Said in a dramatic voice “we must save her!”
“Yea as we are the…” moonbow said raising her sword as we all said in unison “we are the knights of white!”
…(Narrator pov)
Tsuki was breathing heavily “everything is going by the script all and Mr tenma is pleased by the play…” as the scene where yuki saved sanka from the knights of black and had a nice moment together but the part where manachi and yuki were going to have a tension….
“Yuki…you need to understand…”
“What understand…?”
“You need to understand…”
Tsuki said his lines of the narrator “the knight stared at the queen’s advisor
“You need to protect the queen not fall in love with her
“Eh?! What do you mean?!”
Just as Manachi was about to talk he couldn't say anything at all (oh no oh no I think I forgot my lines!”
Hajime realized that he put his hand on his chin “dad do you know what's going on?” Yume said, shaking his hand, “Yes, it looks like the advisor needs to tell the lead knight he can't love the queen since y'know he's a knight?” He said manachi widen his eyes realizing what hajime said
“(Ah! yes!)You can't fall in love with the queen, you're a knight!”
“huh?!” yuki went back to talking
“I see the way you look at her! You can't fall in love with her”
“but… I love her…”
“If you truly love her…let her go”
The scene was finished as the next scene played out without manachi
“Manachi, did you forget your lines?!” Tsuki said looking a bit angry
“Yes…” he muttered a bit
“If it wasn't for Mr Hajime then the show could have flopped!”
“Ye-yea I'm sorry I'll do my best next scenes”
The rest of the play went perfectly well,the last scene with manachi was the part where manachi talks with sunbow for the last time before the part where yuki gets kidnapped by the black knights
“shizu… listen…” manachi took a deep breath “I loved you since you arrived but…I know I couldn't”
Sunbow fixed manachi’s hair “I love you too my dear”
The part where manachi was going to talk but… then (what was the line again?!”) manachi dropped to floor stuttering”no no I forgot my lines!”
The crowd muttered in surprise “was this apart of the play?” Tsukasa and suta were worried about manachi,manachi's mom mikan was about to get manachi
“Ummm the knight and the advisor had a nice moment and uhh there's part two tomorrow good night!” Yuki stepped in and cut the curtains as the members of the play went out into the backstages as tsukasa,suta,hajime and fuyuhiko,yume, mahiru (tsuki’s mother)went to the backstage
“What was that all about?!” Tsuki said, putting his hand into a fist and yuki trying to calm things down “you just forgot your lines!”
“I'm sorry I'm sorry!” Manachi pleading
“You just ruined the play. I can't believe this! You made the play look weak!”
“Tsuki please calm down!” Sunbow said in a slightly panicking voice
“Shut up!” He said directly at him “I can't believe you said you practiced day and night but then you ruined everything for us!”
Byakuya ran to them
“Dad!” Sanka said running to him “so you practiced day and night just to ruin everything for us?!”
“Tsuki!” Said yuki angrily as Manachi ran away
“I can't believe you said that to him”
“So? He ruined everything for us”
“Everything? Mess up one scene and its ruined”
“The look on mister tenma’s face said so!” tsuki got closer to yuki,Yuki looked disappointed
“Listen tsuki you're not one to do this..”
“this is supposed to be a chance to impress my idol!”
“Impress? So you didn't care how manachi felt he was anxious and you know what happens when that happens,in your eyes you don't care if someone doesn't feel comfortable as long your satisfy” yuki turned around but said something “you'll never impress someone with that attitude” fuyuhiko and hajime saw yuki “dad,father let's go I don't think I want to continue the play” “oni-chan..”
Knights of white part 2
Yume's pov
Eek! Oh my god, my brother's play went terrible manachi got anxious and had a mini breakdown on stage. Not only that my brother and his classmates got into an argue,next day I couldn't find yuki. Where is he?
…(Narrator pov)
After the disaster at the theater room yuki and the others avoided tsuki for a while until today yuki found tsuki “you're lucky I don't hold grudges for too long..” yuki said kicking his legs in the water “y'know my dad use to have something similar to your situation” tsuki looked at him “really?” “Yea he told my little sister once and he told her that when he used to be in a play he got mad at uncle kazuichi simply because a robot of his malfunction”
“Yea I'm pretty sure he got mad because he didn't got to kiss my father”
“That's not true!” A voice was heard by them it was yuki’s parent hajime and fuyuhiko alongside yume
….(Yuki’s pov)
So tsuki had a talk with tsukasa tenma telling him he was impressed and he reminded him of himself which he was glad
Manachi and tsuki had a talk. manachi wanted to make tsuki proud and sanka was holding a grudge slightly maybe because she wanted to smooch me fufu~ but other then that we redo the play with the help of the tenma family and our parents
“My queen , me and my knights will swear to protect you!” Sanka was a bit nervous but smooch me on the cheek fufu after the whole thing tsukasa was impressed by us and tsuki wa happy hehe!
(I think I given up half way cause like I literally erased half of the stuff I was putting her)
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dossei-dossei · 2 years
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baddy sweetheart cigarette kiss
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koukamisstuff · 3 years
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✅ = Completed
✴ = Ongoing
💠 = To Be Announced
🎟 = Scenarios
⚠️ = Warnings
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☆ 1st SMAU Series ☆
Kuroo Tetsuro : Healing Heart ✅
Daichi Sawamura : Escaping the Friendzone ✴
STORY 3 - 💠
STORY 4 - 💠
STORY 5 - 💠
☆ 2nd SMAU Series ☆
Kita Shinsuke : Ready to Love ✅ ***Atsumu's Side Chapters ✅***
Osamu Miya : Taste of Love ✴
☆ Scenarios ☆
Y/N wears boyfriend's jacket 🎟
Y/N receives flowers from shy boyfriend 🎟
Taking our pet to the vet 🎟
Y/N gets jealous 🎟
One Bed Troupe + Confessions 🎟
Drunk Texts with S/O 🎟⚠️
*Oikawa,Iwaizumi,Bokuto,Suna,Osamu, Atsumu*
When Exams are Over 🎟⚠️
*Iwaizumi,Oikawa,Kuroo,Osamu, Atsumu, Akaashi,Bokuto*
Egg is a Funny Word 🎟
*Ushijima,Daichi,Sakusa,Tsuki,Osamu,Noya, Kuroo*
Y/N tries to prank boyfriend about having date plans 🎟
Pantsing Prank🎟⚠️
Accidentally Revealed Relationship *SMAU Version* 🎟
*Kenma,Sakusa,Kuroo,Atsumu,Suna,Ushijima, Daichi,Akaashi,Osamu,Yuuji*
Bestfriend & Y/N 🎟
Crush on Reader 🎟
Crush in Chat 🎟
Helping pick a Ballgown🎟
Singing a song but they think it's about them🎟⚠️
Surprising Y/N with Yarn🎟
*Kita, Osamu, Atsumu, Aran, Suna, Ren*
Love Language Series
1. Acts of Service *SMAU Version*
*Asahi, Matsukawa, Tsuki, Kita, Osamu*
2. *TBA*
3. *TBA*
4. *TBA*
5. *TBA*
☆ Seasonal Scenarios ☆
Discussing Halloween Couple Costumes 🎟
Thankful for the meals your boyfriend cooked 🎟
🎄🎁 December
Christmas with You💕 🎟
*Kita,Oikawa,Atsumu,Osamu,Noya,Akaashi, Kuroo,Iwaizumi, Ushijima,Daichi*
🥂🎆 January
New Years Kiss💋 🎟
*Kita, Bokuto, Asahi, Tsuki, Akaashi, Hanamaki,Suga,Tanaka,Suna,Ushijima*
💌💐 February
Valentine's Day Confessions 🍫 🎟
*Aone,Yamaguchi,Matsukawa,Kageyama, Asahi,Hinata*
Valentine's Date💕 🎟
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>>> Please leave an ask, message or comment if you would like to be added to the taglist of which story or tagged on the master taglist <<<
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>>> If you'd like for me to try writing a short scenario with a favorite character of yours just send in your request. You can send an ask or PM about who you'd like me to write about and what is a concept or troupe you'd like to see happen. Looking forward to hearing from you! <<<
© 2019-2021 koukamisstuff, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, repost, reupload, or translate any of my work for original concepts and characters
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Haikyuu characters or the artwork used. I fully credit those who deserve the amazing works provided throughout my stories.
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xbuster · 2 years
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Oh! The girl next to Usagi is talking about the Takarazuka Revue! That’s the theater troupe that Sakura Wars very directly took inspiration from as it’s an all-women’s troupe where the actresses play the roles of both women and men. Sakura Wars even stole the names of Takarazuka’s troupes, the big ones being the Hana-gumi (the main cast of Sakura Wars and the ones who perform on stage), the Hoshi-gumi (the division Orihime and Reni belonged to before joining the Hana-gumi), and the Tsuki-gumi (the covert division that operates from the shadows).
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awxward · 3 years
A3! Boys + My Stuffed Animals
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Spring Troupe:
Gabriel is a small elephant with big ears that constantly make him fall over. He has a pink bowtie that says 'I Love You'
Makes Saku feel safe and Gabriel is a reminder to himself that he's loved and appreciated by everyone at Mankai.
Named after a friend from theatre class :)
George Washington
George Washington is a tiger. He is small, but his arms are like those slap bracelets so you can wear him on your wrist (or let him hang on the side of shelf like I do).
So I got Georgy-Boy for easter 2020. i asked my friends for name ideas. They sent me stuff like 'Stripes'. I went offline for a few minutes and when I came back online I told my friends his name was George Washington.
Me: tiger has a name now
Friend: which name did you choose?
Me: his name is George Washington.
Friend: what the fuck. how'd you get George Washington?
Pretty sure he got the name bc I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack.
Daniel is mostly pink but has other pastel colors that look like watercolors. He's a unicorn. And a ketchain. And he's one of those dream lites, so he lights up. (He's supposed too anyway, but he's never lit up since i got him like 7 years ago at a yard sale).
Named after Daniel Howell (formerly danisnotonfire) [YouTube]
Lucifer is a small panda pillow pet. Very easy to travel with bc he fits in most backpacks.
My mom told me she wanted me to have a stuffed animal with a biblical name, i picked him up, looked her in the eye and said "His name is Lucifer." My mom tried to protest. "You said a biblical name, Mom. Lucifer is in the bible."
Pao is a panda. They are also a phone holder thingy. Like it'll hold your phone if you're watching movies or whatever.
Like 5-ish years old. Got them from a friend. They have a tag with their name on it, but I read it once and then just called them "the panda" for some reason instead of their actual name and now the tag is too faded to read the name, but i am 38% sure it says Pao or something close to that.
Tsuki is a dinosaur. Tsuki is a sparkly dino. He's green rn, but if you brush your hand over him, the sparkles turn over and he becomes orange. I like green tho bc his tummy and the bottom of his feet are orange and so are his eyes.
Named after Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu)
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Summer Troupe:
Hinata is a narwhal. A bright orange narwhal. Infact he is the same color as Tenma's hair.
Named after Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu) [bc its the same color as his hair. there is a theme with this narwhal and the anime boys i associate with them]
Steve is a regular teddy bear, except he has a shirt that has pikachu on it. (the shirt was originally Tsuki's bc i got tsuki at a friends build a bear bday party, but it fits Steve better)
I just think Yuki would try new designs/color schemes/styles by making clothes for Steve to see how they look.
I got Steve from a claw machine (my bf at time won him for me just before we watched Endgame together.)
Named after Steve Rogers (Marvel)
Muku most definitely loves the Winnie the Pooh movies and I will fite for this hc. He gets my Eeyore. You know how Eeyore's tail is always going missing or falling off??? Eeyore's tail comes off (velcro) but its attached to his actual body with a string so it cant be misplaced.
Eeyore has a patch that says "official disney store" but i got him for $3 at a thrift store.
Sherlock is a polar bear. Sherlock is very huggable. He makes Misumi feel safe. He has a hat and scarf (that don't come off. they are sewn on him)
the hat has a pom pom on top and the scarf has a pom pom on each end. the hat and scarf and the bottom of his feet have a blue/white plaid pattern.
Victor is a puppy and the first big stuffed animal of mine on the list! He's all tan and abt maybe 3-4 ft long. Victor lays pretty flat so he's comfy to lay/sit on. I think Kazu would like sitting or laying on him when drawing. Probably has him on his bed so he's like a giant pillow.
Victor is from Toys R Us. I got him last August-ish from my Aunt and Uncle who found him at a thrift store and thought I'd like him.
Named after Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
PJ is a small white tiger. He is also a ball. He can fit in one hand. When Kumon is thinking or stressed or bored (etc) he just lays on his back and tosses PJ up into the air.
When Kumon is laying on the floor tossing PJ, Misumi sits on the bed closest to where PJ is and tries to grab him (but only if Kumon is in a good mood and okay with it) It's a fun little game they made up they like to play.
Pretty sure he was named after KickthePJ (YouTube)
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liber pls give us a pic with all of autumn i am begging
Autumn Troupe:
Sammy is another one of my large stuffed animals. He is also a puppy, but unlike Victor he is sitting instead of laying. He's abt 2-3 ft tall. His fur is the same color as Banri's hair. Great to squeeze at anytime, but very therapeutic when you're in a bad mood. Has a heart on his ear.
i got him abt 7 years ago. I had just finished spn season 2 and was upset abt the finale and had no way to start season 3.
Named after Sam Winchester
Tiggs is a beanie baby tiger. Tiggs is a little larger than PJ (and not a ball). He's a regular orange tiger instead of a white tiger like PJ. He'd buy Kumon PJ so they could have matching stuffed animals. Small and very comforting to just hold/hug.
Benedict (Ben)
Benedict, also known as Ben, is a small koala. Just a little bigger than Tiggs. He has a heart on one of his feet (i think the right one). very soft. very fluffy.
Named after Benedict Cumberbatch (Actor)
Dean is my largest stuffed animal. He is a dark brown teddy bear that's abt 4-ish ft tall. He can be put in a corner and used as like a bean bag chair, or he can lay down flat and be a good pillow like Victor can.
It's very fun to just wrap around him and squeeze as tight as you can. Especially in when your in a bad mood. Very comforting to cry into.
I got him a couple years ago at a thrift store.
Named after Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Lev is a lion abt the size of a regular teddy bear (maybe slightly larger). I got him a thrift store so he's slightly worn out from age. He's mostly a pastel dark yellow-ish tan and his mane is dark brown. very huggable.
He's the stuffed animal I sleep with. Smells nice all the time, like the fabric softener.
Named after Lev Haiba (Haikyuu)
Emotional Support Iron Man
So Iron Man is small and he sparkles. He will hurt you/someone if thrown hard enough. Sakoda likes heroes bc they remind him of Sakyo they look cool. I'd hc that he got Iron Man from Sakyo when he was younger and its one of his most valued possessions and goes everywhere with him (or stays with Azamo or Sakyo at the dorm. Maybe Izumi or a couple others are on the list of who can watch over Iron Man.) Very protective of it.
Got the emotional support part of his name from a friend.
She saw Eddie Redmayne on a movie cover (think it was The Danish Girl) and started freaking out bc she loved him. I handed her the Iron Man and the next day she thanked me and said he was an Emotional Support Iron Man and the name stayed.
[Emotional Support] Spooder-Mon
Sakoda knew Azami as a kid. He most definitely got him the Spider-Man so they could have matching plushies.
Spider-Man is square and has little blob hands doing the web thingy. The tag said travel pillow, but he probably just chills by Azami's bed. When needed, Iron Man will be placed next to him if Sakoda can't take Iron Man with him.
I brought him to school one day and we had a bio test and all the people sitting around me passed him around and gave him a pat for good luck. We all got good grades and then he was dubbed as Emotional Support Spooder-Mon, but the Emotional Support title isnt part of his name (unlike the Iron Man).
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i wanted guy in the pic, but i also wanted tsumu and hiso in the pic so you get 2 pics for winter
Winter Troupe:
Phil is a zebra. He is a pillow pet zebra. Like Lucifer, Phil is also easy travel size. The bottom half of Phil is pink, so I refer to him as my pink zebra.
I just think it'd be cute to have Tsumugi with a pillow pet ok. I also thought he'd probably have has Phil for many years (since he was a kid) and Tasuku most definitely brings up things from when they were kids and shit.
Tasuku: you chose the pink zebra, and for what???
Tsumugi: its a very aesthetically pleasing pastel pink.
Tsumugi: dont talk bad abt Phil.
the rest of mankai: ????????
I got phil before I got Lucifer many years ago. He was old when i got him and he is very old now. I love him so much.
Named after Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) [YouTube]
Cap is a husky. He was won from a claw machine with Steve.
There's just something abt the grey and white that gave me Tasuku vibes. Also, Cap's eyes are abt the same shade of blue as Tsumugi's and Tasuku knows this bc they are in love. Very squishy when hugged and with the way he sits, you could make it look like he's guarding something.
Named after Captain America (Marvel)
Ushijima (Ushi)
Ushijima, also called Ushi, is the last of my giant stuffed animals. He is abt 2-3 ft tall (like Sammy) and has a tail abt the same length.
Ushi is a raccoon thats mostly hot pink. Ushi's eyes are also pink and just abt the same shade as Homare's hair, although Ushi's fur is brighter by a few shades.
Ushi hurts when thrown/swung hard enough. Very fun to hug bc he's filled with beans (like beanie babies) so unlike all my other giant animals, he doesn't have to be fixed/adjusted after everytime you squeeze him. The tail has cotton tho and makes a good pillow.
Homare would definitely just see a 3 ft tall hot pink raccoon and claim it with no explanation.
Named after Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd (Vlad, Drac)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd, who has many other names but usually goes by Vlad or Drac, is a vampire (surprise).
Vlad is a squishmallow thingy, and their tags say something abt them being able to be used as pillows, and thats why Hisoka gets Vlad.
Vlad is triangular in shape, with triangle ears, and triangle fangs, so I thought abt Misumi, but i figured Hisoka bc it's a pillow.
He's like the perfect travel size and he has a cape and a bowtie.
Named after Vlad the Impaler, the real life inspiration behind Dracula (my brother thought he was named after Vladmir Putin and I wanted to punch him for that but I was too busy laughing.)
Also named after Dracula, who was a vampire.
Idk where 'the 3rd' came from, but it's part of his name for forever.
Sebastian is a dinosaur thats blue with a white tummy.
He's also a squishmallow, but he's bigger than Vlad by abt 2× as wide, so he'd be harder to carry around, which is why Hisoka got Vlad instead. Being a squishmallow means he looks more blob than dinosaur and i love it.
His tag said his name was Dominic or something, but I named him Sebastian before I actually checked the tag, so he's Sebastian.
Named after Sebastian (Black Butler) and Sebastian Stan (Actor)
Moriarty is my other polar bear. I got him with Sherlock and named him Moriarty bc Moriarty is Sherlock's nemesis.
He's just a plain white bear thats very huggable and adorable. I usually have a bowtie on him bc it makes him look fancy.
Guy would like him bc he's plain white and very fluffy.
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zukadiary · 3 years
The whole top star subject is fascinating! Would you be willing to hypothesize on who seems to be the next top star/nibante/Sanbante in each troupe? Purely for fun, we know things can change!
Ok ok ok.... I will do this if
we all remember that in Takarazuka the rules are made up and the points don’t matter... I’d never stake anything on anything
no one @’s me about my hunches!!
(Full names only because lots of newbies in my inbox this week)
🌸 Towaki Sea is for all intents and purposes Hanagumi’s nibante. I know like... she’s not getting cast in nibante roles yet, and even with Seto Kazuya’s weird nibante-but-not reign coming to an end, Minami Maito might keep pulling rank for a bit. BUT, Towaki Sea is the Visa girl, she was pulled into Hanagumi to be top star, and barring transfers I think she’s pretty much guaranteed to be the the next top star.
Below that, well, Hanagumi isn’t exactly flush with upperclassmen. Seino Asuka is the next definitely tracked person, with 3 shinko leads and a solo bow, but she’s allllll the way down still in shinkos. Between her and Towaki Sea there’s Hiryuu Tsukasa with 1 shinko lead and 1 shared bow lead hovering in a kinda will-they-or-won’t-they scenario (I’m betting they won’t which is NOT my assessment of what should happen, just what I think probably will happen). I have no idea who they will treat as sanbante once Towaki Sea is consistently getting nibante roles, and honestly I think that between Yuzuka Rei and her so many years will pass that the landscape will change before Towaki’s successor.
🌙 Tsukigumi’s line of succession hasn’t changed since the Tsukishiro/Asami swap in 2017, with the exception of Miya Rurika removing herself from it. Ostensibly, Tsukishiro Kanato > Akatsuki Chisei > Kazama Yuno. 
HOWEVER, the next top combi has not been announced yet, and despite the relatively clear lineage, I also think Tsuki is the strongest candidate for RECEIVING CHAOS, just by virtue of the fact that they’re the only troupe with a top spot coming open in the visible future. I still think Tsukishiro Kanato WILL be top of Tsuki (even if there is a chaotic interlude), and if it’s immediate, I don’t know if Houzuki An is planning to stick around and steal the nibante roles for a little while, or if she’s going to leave with the outgoing tops.
This is based on NOTHING but a hunch but.... there are also a couple of troupes that feel, uh, a little unstable. I personally think Kazama Yuno is a good transfer candidate, because she’s IMO one of the few youngsters with I-can-save-this-troupe vibes almost as strong as Towaki Sea’s.
❄️ For the purposes of this exercise, I’m commenting on Yukigumi’s already announced next generation led by Ayakaze Sakina. I suppose TECHNICALLY, the lineage is Asami Jun > Aya Ouka > Agata Sen... however, I think Agata Sen is the only one of those three who might actually become a top star.
I HOPE they let Asami Jun do it, I think she’s interesting. But tbh, I don’t think Yukigumi’s next top star is in the troupe right now. 
⭐ FuuuuUuuUuuUUuuuck if I know. Seo Yuria was the latest bloomer out of the 95ths who became anyone, and literally just as the company decided “hey maybe Seo is a thing!” they also boinked Aizuki Hikaru right in front of her. So now we have something that looks like Aizuki Hikaru > Seo Yuria > Ayaki??? Hikari????? > Amahana Ema > Kiwami Shin 
The last and only time a nibante who outranked the top star (in terms of graduating class) was actually present in the troupe with the younger top AND actually became top afterwards was Kuze Seika taking over from exception-to-every-rule Amami Yuuki in 1997, so I don’t know if that’s a great endorsement for Aizuki Hikaru’s prospects statistically.
Why move Aizuki Hikaru in front of Seo Yuria if they really wanted to keep Seo on the path to stardom?? That said, I still think that of all the CURRENT in-troupe possibilities, I feel like her taking over next is the least far fetched.
(I don’t actually think Ayaki Hikari is a contender here)
They just like, FEEL WISHY WASHY about Amahana Ema to me. I can’t explain it with concrete evidence, they just do.
I think Kiwami Shin will be a top star. I have no idea when or where.
My actual prediction is they plan to milk Rei Makoto for like six years, and by the time she’s ready to retire the troupe will look nothing like it does today. In the meantime, we should all start stocking up on smelling salts for Amato Kanon 2029.
🌌 Serika Toa > Sakuragi Minato... however, especially now with COVID, either Serika Toa’s clock is hella ticking, or giving her a proper top run would force Sakuragi Minato’s clock to start ticking. I personally hope they just chill out, practice patience, and let them succeed one another, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some chaos surrounding one of them. 
After them, I think Kazuki Sora will get the roles, but we’ll be talking Rukaze Hikaru/Takato Chiaki/some transfer when it comes to the actual future top. 
Maybe I’ll reblog this in 3 years and see how much I embarrassed myself :)
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mrs-dynamight · 3 years
Be Nice To Me 5
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Part 4.
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Swearing, steamy make out session (borderline porn but not really), mentions of other couples form 1A
Chapter: 5/?
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 3.9k
Author's note: This is sooo long, but I loved writing it, I deeply suggest you listen to the song of the title (here). I'm honestly living my coming-of-age indie kid fantasy with this chapter, as always any suggestion is welcomed.
Chapter 5 First Day of my Life- Bright Eyes
Thank to every single Deity that my weekend was packed with internship work so I didn’t have a minute to think about the emotions bubbling up in my heart and my mind, I came to my room exhausted and directly to sleep.
I didn’t talk to any of my friends that weekend, I had a couple of texts from the groupchats, in one of them there were unresolved questions about my date with Katsuki, and on the other one were the flashes for the Fridays gig and good luck wishes to Bakugo who was going to leave the morning after the show, so they planned a goodbye party in the dorms after the gig, Aizawa surprisingly agreed but under any circumstances we were allowed to having alcohol or any other illicit activity inside the UA facilities, not like that could’ve stopped my favourite trio of dumbasses, Mina, Denki and Sero were already planning on smuggle some liquor to the dorms, that was going to be one epic night.
Monday morning finally came, and as much I would love to just spend the day in my bed sleeping and watching Tiktok I needed education, my muscles were sore of the whole weekend roaming the city with Mirko, who seemed unable to getting tired, but I stilled reunited the forces to get dressed, brush my teeth and tried to look like a decent human being, emphasis in the tried part.
As I climbed down the stairs to the common room for a bite of whatever was in the fridge, I saw a beautiful ash blonde guy drinking his usual morning juice with protein powder.
-Morning Draw, you look like shit-
-Well you look handsome as ever ‘Tsuki, thanks for the kind words of the day, you know how to make a woman start the week in the best way possible- I replied while heading to the kitchen
-But seriously what is that Bunny forcing you to do on weekends? Crack? -
I didn’t reply but instead I just blowed him a kiss and start munching on a toast with excessive amount of jam, Tsuyu and Ochako were eating cereal next to Deku, the three of them saw my whole interaction with Katsuki with those weird eyes that just screamed “marry him already”, I told them I had to talk to them, and they all agreed that lunch time with Tenya and Shoto were the gossip time of choice, I waited for the girls to finish eating and we headed class.
-YOU TWO FINALLY KISSED?!?- Ochako screamed with excitement
-Is he a good kisser? - Asked Deku pulling out his notebook in the “Kachaan” section
-How’s that relevant to the hero notebook? – I asked Deku
-Wait, isn’t he going to another country on Saturday? –
-Well yes Tenya, that’s the other thing I wanted to talk you guys about-
Then I started to explain the whole predicament of waiting for him and his words about that.
-Wow did he really said that having a girlfriend would be a distraction? - said Tsuyu with a concerned look on her face
I didn’t really thought about that harsh phrase, but it was Bakugo, right? He always says things that hurt other people’s feelings, that’s just him
-He sounded honest, but he shouldn’t have hurt your feelings like that-
-It didn’t hurt my feelings, Shoto, I’m used to him saying things like that all the time-
-That can’t be good Y/N, you can’t just get used to people hurting you, especially if you want to have a relationship, and a long-distance one, where things usually get a little tougher- Said Ochako
-I would consider wait for him to return Y/N, so that way you can both be clear about what you expect for each other- Deku said hiding his face in the Katsudon plate in front of him
I wanted to talk to them about what happened with Denki, but I was afraid they just said that I was overthinking, we’ve always been very close friends; but so were they, why was I so reluctant to talk about me and Denki? Maybe saying it out loud could somehow make it more real.
We finished our lunch and headed to class, the rest of the day went pretty neutral, as well as the rest of the week, but the thought of Bakugo leaving haunted me, he didn’t said or did anything special, we didn’t talked about our kiss or our lovely words, it was like it didn’t happen at all, we came back to being just friends. Denki was purposely avoiding me, I could notice it, anytime I wanted to talk to him he just made up some excuse and leave quickly, the rest of the Bakusquad was busy with the whole party preparations and the Dekusquad was as lovely as always, they told me a million times in that week that they will be there for me no matter what I choose to do; as for me, I was just as confused as Monday morning.
I didn’t wanna go to the party, or the gig, I just wanted to go to my room, listen to sad music, and feel pity for myself until I ceased to exist, but it was definitely off limits, I promised Denki I would go with him to the soundcheck, there was only this last one class, but I wasn’t really in the mood for maths, so I decided the best for me was head back to the dorms and stop thinking so much about everything, missing a class wouldn’t kill me.
When my life crumbles down there is only one thing in the whole world that could make me feel better, and that is loud music, so there I was, headphones to the max, airplane mode on, eyes closed and mouthing every word like a prayer, I felt like every lyric was washing away my worries and doubts, reassuring me that everything was (not) okay, I was so concentrated in my music I didn’t heard the knocking on my door, and didn’t heard a certain blonde calling my name, it was until I felt a big hand in my shoulder that I realized that Bakugo wasn’t in class either, but in my dorm room, with a worried face.
-Fucking dumbass, why aren’t you in class? You’re going to fail math, again-
-I wasn’t feeling like going to class- I said with a bit of guilt, it probably sounded like a lame ass excuse, but at least it was the truth
-Not feeling like going to class? What the fuck do you think this is, a game? Math is your worst subject and if you fail I won’t be here to tutoring you, you can’t fail-
He was worried, I could tell, he just turned every emotion in pure acidic rage, not like knowing this would make his words hurt less, I didn’t want to admit that the thought of being far from him made my heart ache and my eyes water, and it didn’t help the lack of contact of the week, I was looking forward to another one of his tender kisses, or any sign that what happened last Friday was real
-I’m hurt Katsuki, a week ago it seemed like you wanted to be with me, despite everything and this past days you were acting like nothing happened, I don’t know what to think or what to do, I don’t know what's going on with you, how are you feeling, you don’t say anything, you don’t do anything, you just hide your feelings away in your cocoon of rage-
-See, that is exactly why I didn’t want to kiss you in the first place, I knew it would only lead to problems, that’s the reason I didn’t want to tell you I liked you before going away, I knew you would react like this, I told you the truth, I can’t be your Boyfriend, I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings-
And surprisingly I found myself inside his big arms in a tight hug, his face hiding in the crook of my neck, I put my arms around his slim waist and we just stayed there for a solid ten minutes before breaking the contact.
-I don’t want this to hurt you Y/N, I can’t be with you right now, I can’t give you what you need, and as I told you the other night, I don’t want you wasting your time waiting for me-
-I don’t wanna let you go ‘Tsuki- I said with tears in my eyes
-You won’t, think it like this, if this is meant to be, and I know it is, when we see each other again, in a better place, in a better time, it will happen. I don’t know where or when, but I promise you we will be together, but please don’t throw your life away waiting for me-
- That sounded as if we were breaking up-
-We aren’t, this is only the beginning, I promise-
I was being selfish, it was obvious that this was also hurting him, he was being mature and caring, thinking about what was good for the both of us, before the things we wanted, maybe he was right, this was meant to be, just not right now, right person wrong time troupe right, but with a happy ending, right?
That was one of the most bittersweets moments in my life, I was happy to know that Bakugo thought about us as endgame, just like I did, we were still young, we had plenty of time, all the time in the world, I shouldn’t have worried about his feelings, he told me I should never doubt that he liked me, and I was willing to make that compromise.
-Let’s have a good time tonight, ‘Tsuki, for what I know, tomorrow you could be kissing some European woman and forgetting our promise-
-You get jealous that easy, Draw? Already afraid you’d lose me, huh? - He said with a smirk on his face and getting closer to me
I swallowed with nervousness, but I didn’t break the visual contact
-Aren’t you afraid I fall for another guy in the meanwhile? -
-You’ll have to find someone better than me first, and we both know there isn’t such thing, and besides that, you’re not mine, I don’t owe you, I only own the feelings you have for me, and as long as those exist I’ll do everything to be with you. So, that’s a no, I don’t care about any other guy- He said with his lips softly brushing against mines -But right now, I want to be the only thing in your mind- And saying those words he kissed me.
He wasn’t being gentle like the last time we kissed, there was a hunger, a neediness within his kiss, he wasn’t being rough tho, but I could feel the burning intensity in his movements. He pulled apart and looked into my eyes for any sign of discomfort, but when he met my half lidded gaze filled with love, he slammed his lips against mines one more time, his tongue brushed my lips asking for consent to enter my mouth, to which I responded opening it just enough for him to start moving it, massaging it with my own with a rhythmic pace, his hands travelled down to my hips, it seemed like he wasn’t nervous at all, but I on the contrary was almost shaking, we broke the heated kiss with flushy cheeks and sweaty hands, I looked into his eyes and I could see the lust behind his crimson irises. A million questions started bubbling in my mind, does this means he want to have sex with me? Right here and now? He must have noticed the concerned look in my face because his next words were
-Hey, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, sorry if it was too much-
-It wasn’t, it’s just I’ve never, I mean I haven’t… have you? – I asked with an obvious blush on my cheeks
-Just once, it wasn’t bad, but I figured out it could have been better if it was with someone I loved, like you. We don’t have to do anything tho, I just wanted to kiss you-
A strange relief passed my body, he didn’t want me to give myself to him in this exact moment, and I was glad for it, as much as I loved him I felt like this wasn’t the right moment for it, but I still wanted to do other things with him, I mean, this was his last day in the UA, and my first time making out with somebody, we still had a few of hours before the soundcheck. I lead him to my bed and pushed him into it so he could be sitting.
-Y/N are you sure you want to do this? – He wanted to be sure that there was no pressure in doing anything I didn’t want to
-We don’t have to go all the way in, I just want to make sure you feel loved and have fun on your last day, and besides, we already missed math class- And just as this last words escaped my lips I sat in his lap and started kissing his cheekbones softly, his hands went from his sides to my hips as he started to plant open mouth kisses in my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.
-And what about you? You want to feel loved too? – He said against my ear, nibbing at the lobe, I nodded softly, closing my eyes and giving myself in to the feeling of his strong hands in my body, his raspy voice in my ear and the feeling of his lust between my legs.
Our heated make out session made me forgot everything I had in my mind, I was only focused in Bakugo, I couldn’t even began to explain how loved he was making me feel in that moment.
-I have to go packing, but I really like your lips, see my problem here? – He said with a sigh, after a while -I’m actually not in the mood for a party tonight, I would rather having a good night of sleep-
-You’re so boring ‘Tsuki, you sound like an old man with two divorces who is starting to get bald-
-‘Tch, would you rather seeing me drunk and staying up late and doing dumb shit I’ll regret about when I sober up like the rest of those losers? –
-Yes! Only this one time, before you have to go away, let’s get drunk and watch the sunrise, then I could go on with my life in peace-
- Ugh and being hungover in a 7-hour fly? Really, that is your idea of a last night with me? –
I tried to make the best puppy eyes I could as I just said “pretty please” in the most dramatic way possible.
-UGH fine, but don’t you forget that you owe me something for being a fucking loser in Mario Kart-
-Anything for you ‘Tsuki- I said while planting a kiss on his cheek
With a smirk on his face he told me he would tell me what he wanted right before leaving, and I was okay with that, we said goodbye with one last kiss and he went to his dorm room to finish packing. Then I remembered I had my phone on Airplane mode, as I deactivated it I saw a bunch of unread messages, most of them were from my concerned friends asking if I were okay, I answered in the dekusquad groupchat that everything was fine, and immediately they began asking questions about Bakugo and me being both missing math class, I replied a single smiling emoji and they knew we were together. Denki messaged me about ten minutes ago “Hey Y/N I can’t wait for you to come to the soundcheck with me” followed by a cursed image of someone T-posing on top of a drumset, I couldn’t help but laugh, and I replied with an even more cursed image.
I was in Denkis car, Katy Perry blasting through the speakers and Denki and I having a carpool karaoke singing Last Friday Night like our life depended on it, it felt like he hasn’t being avoiding me all week, there we were laughing and having a good time. The soundcheck was actually really funny, Jirou who is usually very quiet was obviously the leader, giving orders here and there, I wasn’t completely alone while the band was getting ready to perform, Momo was an official member of the band but she didn’t continue playing with them, but she never missed one of Jirous’ performances, they were obviously very much in love, I couldn’t help to notice the way she looked at Jirou the whole time, and I wondered if that was the same way I looked at Bakugo, I remembered the words that Tsuyu said to me, does everyone knew I was in love with Denki?...
Shit, my mind pictured Denki when my train of though was about Bakugo; it probably were because I was watching Denki plugging his guitar and waving at me at that exact same moment, or did I really thought of Denki when I was thinking about love? A feel of guilt started to build in my heart, just a few hours ago I was making out with Bakugo, and now I was watching Denki going different directions with cables and amplifiers and I couldn’t help but feel like I was in love with him. Momo probably noticed my worried expression because she asked me if everything was right, I just had to lie and tell her that I was okay when in reality I was panicking, I excused myself and went to the bathroom to splash some cold water in my face like the actresses do in every movie to calm themselves down, and apparently it worked, so with more confidence I walked out of the bathroom. When I came back to the table Momo and I were sharing I noticed that people were starting to arrive, I sat next to Momo again and tried to have a casual conversation about school, training, internships and just normal student stuff when I felt a well-known pair of hands covering my eyes.
-Hi Denki- I said as I chucked
-How did you knew it was me? – He genuinely asked
-How couldn’t I? -
-Hey Kaminari, we’re starting in ten- Said Jirou planting a kiss in her girlfriends’ lips
Bakugo arrived just in that exact same moment, I almost forgot he was also going to perform, I didn’t know how to act with other people around us, I wanted to kiss him, but I also didn’t want Denki to see it, I couldn’t help but feel like an awful person for my last thought.
-Hey Draw, long time no see you- Said Bakugo like his tongue wasn’t on my throat a few hours ago
I flipped him off with a smile and blowed him a kiss and continued talking with Denki about who would win in a fight between a bear and a shark, we were currently discussing how long the bear could hold his breath, I turned my head to look at Bakugo and he was already staring at us with the saddest expression I’ve ever seen, and as he noticed my eyes on him he changed it to his usual annoyed one
-You two are the dumbest persons I know- He said, giving us one of his angry looks
-Guys, we’re up- Said Tokoyami grabbing his guitar pick and heading to the stage
-Break a leg guys! - Said Momo giving Jirou one last good luck kiss
Bakugo winked an eye to me and went to the stage without saying anything, my eyes followed his figure to the stage when a sudden voice in my ear made me jump a little bit
-Keep your eyes on me- Whispered Denki in my ear before planting a kiss on my cheek
They started the show, the powerful voice of Jirou quickly caught everyone’s attention, they gotten better over the years, you could tell they were in their prime, usually my eyes were always fixed in the blonde drummer, but tonight they were mesmerized with Denkis fingers skilfully playing with his guitar chords, pearls of sweat in his forehead, a big smile on his face, and golden eyes all over me, he looked perfect.
Suddenly I began to notice everything the boy did, every time his voice intertwined with Jirous’ for a perfect harmony, every movement looked so natural and… sexy? I didn’t noticed I was holding my breath until I heard Shotos’ voice next to me, trying to be heard over the noise coming from stage
-Sorry we’re late, Tenya got lost-
I heard it, but my mind was somewhere else, it was in Denkis’ Kaminari palm. It was almost an hour of absolute bliss, without a single thought crossing my mind just the image of the boy in front of me. I heard the last song of their setlist and prepared for the usual announcement of the end of the show but instead they all waved and came down from stage, all except one, Denkis’ voice was a little shaky when he spoke on the microphone:
-Hi everybody! Thank you so much for coming today, hope you’re doing alright, now we don’t usually do this, but you’ll see, tonight is a very special night, the last one for a while because we’re going to be drummerless tomorrow morning, sooo anyways, I would like to sing a very special song for a very special someone who is here with us tonight, she’s just everything to me, Y/N this is for you-
I felt like I was on fire, the rush of blood went straight to my cheeks, I was suddenly shaking with nervousness, my palms were sweating and I swore everyone could hear my heartbeat, I didn’t wanted to look away from Denki, but I could feel my friends eyes on me. Was this actually happening? The first chords of Denkis’ acoustic guitar confirmed that it wasn’t a dream, his soft voice drowned every other sound, suddenly everything else went dark, it was only the two of us. I paid attention to the words he was saying, he was pouring his heart out, in front of everyone, for me
"Yours was the first face that I saw
I think I was blind before I met you"
This was a love song; Denki was telling me he loved me with every syllable coming out of his mouth and every note from his guitar
"And so I thought I'd let you know
Yeah, these things take forever, I especially am slow
But I realized that I need you
And I wondered if I could come home"
It was perfect, I couldn’t help but tearing up, nobody has ever done something remotely as romantic as this, he sounded so sincere, so drunk with affection, he was obviously nervous, but his eyes were fixed on me
"I'm glad I didn't die before I met you
But now I don't care, I could go anywhere with you
And I'd probably be happy
So if you wanna be with me
With these things there's no telling
We just have to wait and see
But I'd rather be working for a paycheck
Than waiting to win the lottery.
Besides, maybe this time is different
I mean, I really think you like me."
The last strumming of his guitar vanished in the air, and suddenly everything went back to normal, the people around us, the noises, the shocked faces in my friends faces, and the absence of Bakugo.
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Wowowow this was an emotional rollercoster, but what can I say I love drama, thanks to @warrior-princess1 for proof-reading this
Taglist: @mikasalt
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zukalations · 4 years
Hope from the stage - Takarazuka Revue Moon Troupe Top Star, Tamaki Ryou
This interview preceding the opening of Moon Troupe’s current show was published by Osaka Nichinichi News (no listed author) on September 19, 2019.
Hope from the stage - Takarazuka Revue Moon Troupe Top Star, Tamaki Ryou
The Takarazuka Revue's Moon Troupe will be performing the traditional dance revue, WELCOME TO TAKARAZUKA - Snow and Moon and Flowers and the musical Frenesie A Pigalle: From Shakeseare's Twelfth Night in the Takarazuka Grand Theatre, from September 25 through November 1. Top Star Tamaki Ryou is excited to be on stage for the first time in around half a year: “I want to give the audience any spirit, cheer and energy I can”.
WELCOME... is the first Takarazuka project executive produced by Bandou Tamasaburou, and is written and directed by Ueda Shinji. The show features Japanese dance choreographed to Western music; 'Snow' is set to 'Winter' from Vivaldi's Four Seasons, 'Moon' is set to Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata', and 'Flower' is set to 'Waltz of the Flowers' from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker.
Tamaki explains that, for example, 'Moon' "expresses the cycle of the moon from new to full moon, and with the subtle, quiet melody, the imagery in the choreography shows the strength of people gradually advancing on earth, and the life energy of humanity." It is her first traditional dance revue since the centennial commemoration performance in 2014.
Master of Japanese dance and decades-long contributor to the company, Senka  member Matsumoto Yuri, announced that she would retire with this production. "I don't know how to express how I felt," Tamaki says. "She is always so cheerful, and the embodiment of 'Pure, Proper, Beautiful'. When I went to re-introduce myself to her after becoming Top Star, she told me 'if it's you then it will all go fine,' and I was so grateful. I want to work together with her to give the audience a great show until the very last day."
Frenesie A Pigalle is written and directed by Harada Ryou. It moves the action of Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night to the Belle Epoque era in Paris' Pigalle district, and portrays an assortment of men and women holding different secrets and the love affairs between them. The luxurious and extravagant revue scenes are one of the highlights of the show. This is Tamaki's first time challenging herself with a double role, but she is excited at the prospect. "I was wondering how it would turn out, but I think it's fun to create something like this for Takarazuka."
This production will also be the debut performance for the 106th class, whose debut in the company had been postponed. When Tamaki watched their private demonstration of the debut line dance "I ended up tearing up with emotion. 'You can all finally be onstage!' - it was a strange kind of parental feeling," she laughs, blushing. She states that the joy of dancing and the delight of being onstage, "all of their feelings were conveyed so directly to us, and it made me think that that's really the most important thing." It brought her back to her own foundations.
They are approaching their long-awaited opening day. "We want to reassure everyone by communicating to them 'Takarazuka is here, Moon Troupe exists right here," she insists firmly. Also, while there currently is no conclusion in sight to the coronavirus situation, "there's always hope. Through the Takarazuka Revue I've been able to have dreams and hope. I hope the audience will also be able to see me on stage and get hope from that," she says.
In order to avoid risks of a cluster forming, the number of performers onstage has been reduced, and scenes where the performers enter the audience have currently been cancelled.
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protect-namine · 2 months
final performance thoughts (kisa's route) and I guess just overall thoughts on the game.
the thing is, I did expect the final arc to be a bit (thematically) underwhelming because it's hard to follow up oh rama havenna when both the play and the lead up to it was perfectly executed. and I mean, I was right, but I'm still a little bit disappointed lol. I see what ishida and towada wanted to do with the "jack jeanne" role, and I was really hoping it would land hard during kisa's route. it didn't hurt the game, but it also just. could've been more.
some thoughts on sissia of the central nation:
great music, probably has some of the best costumes for the cast. jj being a visual novel definitely removes some of the showmanship but I understand how sissia would be amazing to see live. it's like if you watch a mix of the greatest showman and les miserables. the border performance is like if a circus performed on the barricade from les mis.
I'm sure ishida and towada was itching to write a greater message with sissia but they're at least aware that they're writing an otome game lol
I think because all the actors have already gone through their character development in previous arcs, the rehearsals seemed a bit too easy? sissia rehearsals have to accommodate seven routes, so I imagine there are individual conflicts in each LI route. but when it comes to kisa's route, neji didn't really give anyone a challenging role. I realize that my favorite element of the story is when actors struggle to connect with their character, and there wasn't much of that in kisa's route. and because kisa's route focuses on sissia's relationship with the kielce troupe instead of individuals, there is a loss of intimate character moments that usually make neji's plays so good
the conflict was more around quartz vs amber. it's nice, but man I kinda wish the winter performance rehearsals was saved for the final performance because having neji give every single quartz member challenging roles to overcome for the finale with the help of kisa acting as the glue that keeps them together? and them winning because of it? feels like a better way to show that "gear" metaphor they love to use
but I also prefer that mitsuki was the one doing that during the winter performance, so idk. I get it
(watsonian) you know, I was gonna say that I can't believe that neji thinks sissia is one of his best plays when oh rama havenna exists, but actually, that's very in character lmao. neji himself didn't understand what made oh rama havenna entertaining. he's a writer whose inspiration can sometimes work on a deeply unconscious level sometimes.
I also just realized what else was lacking in kisa's route. I wish there was more improv!!! every quartz play has an improv scene that's designed to go straight to the actor's heart. sure, sou did improvise his monologue and kisa did tsuki's line at the beginning, but it's not the saaaame. it's not the same as figaro riling up charles riling up mary, or rukiora/mitsuki's "that applies to you too", or neji and kisa reworking mukai's characterization the day before the performance without telling anybody. I wish someone had thrown an improv scene at sissia. or even better, maybe kisa met eyes with chui in the audience and went off-script.
I like the exploration of gender expression in the game, so I was disappointed that they didn't really do more with the jack jeanne role. they SAY it's a revolutionary concept in univeil but like. there isn't anything in the script in kisa's route that really highlights how she's neither/both jack or/and jeanne. again, doesn't really hurt the game and its overarching themes, but it just could've been more. it could've landed harder. maybe it's highlighted more in the other routes though (I have high hopes for mitsuki to at least touch on this), so we'll see.
the closest we get is mitsuki and mare's commentary on it, as well as the audience's, but like. that's outside perspective. the actual play itself doesn't really do anything about it? neither does kisa's voice acting lend itself to being ambiguous about gender, which was supposedly the goal. if anything, it was closer to her voice acting as maiden. I thought her voice acting for chicchi and charles were closer to what the jack jeanne role intended, but that's just me
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but!! for all the finale lacked, chui made up for all of it. which is ironic, but really, there's like so many things going on with the neji/kisa/chui dynamic on a relationship and theme level. love whatever's going on with them. I am petitioning for sui ishida to write a side story where they're all amber students
anyway, kisa is a great protagonist and I'm really glad all her lines are voice acted because I don't actually self-insert that much in these games. going through the other routes will be painful because this is 80% common route, but I am also so glad the common route is long but sprinkled with a lot of flavor text (I finished one route and I've only gone through 21% of the text). very slow burn. I'm also the kind of person who usually would just do 1-2 routes and move on, but because the common route is so long, all of the characters have endeared themselves to me, so now I do want to go through all the routes. amazing.
but I have to make the executive decision to do neji and mitsuki's route last because if I finish them first, I really will probably not do anyone else's routes. to me, neji is the deuteragonist of the game even if he's not intended to be.
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kenkamishiro · 3 years
Jack Jeanne Playthrough Part 1 (Prologue)
I started a Jack Jeanne playthrough a few days ago on Twitter, but I’ll also post here since Twitter is terrible about archiving. I plan on summarizing the entire demo (which is basically up to the end of the 1st performance), and wooing all of the main cast (lol) for all of Ishida’s stills.
Thanks and enjoy!
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Fun fact, the background on the title screen changes depending if it's day or night.
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The first screenshot of the game I posted has the night version, and it pans out over the entire city of Tamazaka.
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Young Tachibana Kisa and Yonaga Souichirou are playing make believe with Kisa's older brother, Tsuki (Kisa calls him Tsuki-nii). Kisa and Yonaga (Sou-chan) Kisa and Yonaga are siblings fighting against Tsuki the Moon King to save their father who's been turned into stone by him.
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Tsuki boasts he's gonna use their father to decorate his palace, and he sprinkles moondust on Kisa and Yonaga to turn them into stone too.
Tsuki: Hahahahahaha! ......okay, that's enough for today.
(Tsuki's totally gonna be the big bad in JJ, I can already tell)
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Tsuki stops since the sun is already setting to the kids' dismay. Kisa wishes there was a school where she could spend the entire day singing, acting and performing on stage instead of doing mundane schoolwork. And be able to attend it with Yonaga and Tsuki.
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Flash forward a few years, Kisa is watching Tsuki perform at Univeil Revue Academy (not Univers, I checked the JJ site), from the Quartz class. He's got lots of fans, called the pride of the academy. Skilled at singing, dancing, acting, etc. The best.
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Kisa wants to perform on that stage just like her brother. If only she could attend Univeil, but since she's not a boy...
Btw, the one on the left is Fumi. Same mole, and Tsuki's bio mentioned he performed with 1st year Fumi when he was in his 3rd year.
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Some time later. Kisa is delivering lunches everyday for the local lunch vendor. She runs into her friend Akane Ao (Ao-chan) after finishing deliveries. Ao notes it must be difficult working everyday, but Kisa says it's fun, plus she gets a free lunch.
Ao is preparing for high school entrance exams. Her top choice is the school close to Tamazaka City, where Univeil is located, since she loves watching Univeil's revues. She won't be able to see Kisa as much, but Kisa reassures her they'll continue to meet.
Ao asks if Kisa really isn't going to keep going to school.
Ao: You've got a dream too, right Kisa?
Kisa: No, not really. My father's going through some trouble, so I need to help however I can. I have to go back to the lunch vendor soon. See ya!
(avoiding the topic, huh)
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Ao: Ever since her brother disappeared, her family...seems to be going through hard times. I'm worried for you, Kisa-chan.
(My Tsuki-being-the-antagonist vibes are getting more justified. Did his ego get so big that he ditched his family?)
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Kisa goes home, about to eat the lunch that auntie packed for her. She hears a noise and wonders if it's a debt collector. But it ends up being a weasel with a crescent-moon on its belly.
Kisa: Eh!? A cat...no, a tanuki? A weasel? In the middle of the city?
The weasel runs around and makes a mess in the closet before it runs away. Kisa ends up finding an album of her and Tsuki. She finds the one of Tsuki at Univeil, and remembers her dream of being on stage at Univeil. But it'll never come true.
Kisa finds a photo she doesn't remember of her, Tsuki and Yonaga playing make-believe at a shrine. Yonaga moved away before middle school so she hasn't seen him in ages. She ends up visiting the shrine, remembering how there was once three of them, but now she's alone.
Kisa: ...Univeil. Univeil Revue Academy is a place where revues are created by male students. Only boys are allowed to attend the school and stand onstage...lucky Tsuki-nii. I wanted to go to Univeil too... 
 A suspicious man: Ohoh, just what I was looking for.
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Chuuza Shuuri, voiced by Koyasu Takehito (Dio, Takatsugi), the headmaster of Univeil. He recognizes Kisa right away as Tsuki's younger sister and tells her to enroll at Univeil, shocking Kisa.
He has to ask her to check the school site to prove he's not trying to scam her lol.
When asked why, Chuuza states Univeil and its predecessor, Tamazaka Revue Academy has a 200+ year history, 300+ years if the original traveling troupe "The Tamazaka Company" is included. Every year of its history performed by men only.
But Chuuza finds that tradition stale and wants to breathe some new life into the academy. Why do the same thing for ages when both men and women can have the talent? Kisa will be that new life. Follow Tsuki's footsteps to Univeil and test her strengths there.
There will be resistance against Kisa even if it's the headmaster who's allowing it, so he asks her to disguise herself as a boy. Kisa just needs to pass the entrance exam, and Chuuza will deal with the application.
The chances are high of her being discovered as a girl, and if she is, she will be expelled. If she passes, tuition and dorm fees will be covered and she'll get paid while performing on stage so she doesn't have to worry about her father's debts.
Chuuza: There's no need to give up on your dreams.
Kisa: ...!!!
He leaves so Kisa can think it over.
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patchy-patchy · 2 years
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Meet Verdell~💚
Some Facts -
As a larva Verdell got separated from the Grimm Troupe after she was accidentally left behind when she wandered off while the others were packing up. Scared, lost and alone, Verdell took shelter under a tree for comfort and was soon taken in & adopted by a moth named "Tsuki" who had their own larvae. She was eventually reunited with with the Grimm Troupe and now lives happily with them, but occasionally comes back to visit her moth guardian & siblings. Now 14 years old & stands 5.7ft in height, Verdell has developed moth-like behavior such as being slow & drowsy during the day and enjoying nectar rather than the troupe eats. She can usually be seen wandering the forest, gathering food for herself & her family such as berries, nuts & other fruits or just taking strolls in said forest and will offer food to bugs in need or take them to her Tsuki if she notices they're injured. Verdell has a large scar down her right side, caused by a attack from a mantis while she was defending one of her moth siblings from the large bug.
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unrivaledsun · 7 years
I feel Personally Victimized by the Revuebon
esp my kid aslkdfjaskdfjl
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[Stages] OCTOBER 2021
♪ October 1st, 2021 ~ December 5th, 2021 ニンジャバットマン ザ・ショー (ninja batman the show)
♪ October 6th, 2021 ~ October 24th, 2021 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰、中也、十五歳 」(butai bungou stray dogs dazai, chuuya, 15sai)  
♪ October 6th, 2021 ~ November 14th, 2021 ミュージカル「October Skyー遠い空の向こうにー」(musical october sky -tooi sora no mukou ni-)
♪ October 6th, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 にっかり青江 単騎出陣 (musical touken ranbu nikkari aoe tanki shutsujin)
♪ October 7th, 2021 ~ October 17th, 2021 舞台「HELI-X II~アンモナイトシンドローム」(butai heli-x II ~ammonite syndrome~)
♪ October 8th, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 『バクマン。』THE STAGE (bakuman. the stage)
♪ October 9th, 2021 ~ October 21st, 2021 青山オペレッタ THE STAGE  ~ルーナ・ピエナ/満ちる月~ (aoyama operetta the stage ~luna piena/michiru tsuki~)
♪ October 9th, 2021 ~ October 24th, 2021 ミュージカル『忍たま乱太郎』第12弾 ~まさかの共闘!?大作戦!!~ (musical nintama rantarou dai 12 dan ~masaka no kyoutou!? daisakusen!!~)
♪ October 9th, 2021 ~ October 21st, 2021 令和千本桜~義経と弁慶 / コロッケものまねオンステージ 2021 (reiwa senbonzakura ~ yoshitsune to benkei / korokke monomane on stage 2021)
♪ October 10th, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 ミュージカル「マドモアゼル・モーツァルト」(musical mademoiselle mozart)
♪ October 13th, 2021 ~ October 17th, 2021 アメツチ 舞台版「あやかしむすび」(ametsuchi butaiban ayakashi musubi)
♪ October 16th, 2021 ~ October 24th, 2021 銀岩塩vol.4-5 FUSIONICAL STAGE 『ABSO−METAL~黎明~』(ginganen vol.4-5 fusionical stage ~ abso-metal ~reimei~)
♪ October 20th, 2021 ~ November 2nd, 2021 舞台「一瞬の風になれ」(butai isshun no kaze ni nare)
♪ October 22nd, 2021 ~ November 7th, 2021 舞台「血界戦線」Blitz Along Alone(butai kekkai sensen blitz along alone)
♪ October 22nd, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 LIVE STAGE『スケートリーディング☆スターズ』(live stage skate-leading☆stars)
♪ October 22nd, 2021 ~ November 12th, 2021 音楽劇「キセキ ーあの日のソビトー」 (ongakugeki kiseki -ano hi no sobito-)
♪ October 23rd, 2021 ~ November 14th, 2021 劇団「ドラマティカ」 ACT1/西遊記悠久奇譚 第1回公演「西遊記」(gekidan dramatica act1/saiyuuki yuukyuu kitan)
♪ October 26th, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』Troupe LIVE ~SUMMER 2021~
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