#true survivor
idotsu · 4 months
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it's in lore now
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bluemoonperegrine · 5 months
Feeding the flames with fire on the edge of fury
Even if you haven't seen the indie comedic masterpiece that is Kung Fury, you'll enjoy this. It is literally impossible not to.
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swordofthefang · 2 years
True Survivor — David Hasselhoff
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thecyberblackjack · 2 years
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shrimpricebowl · 4 months
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oh thank god
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admiralgiggles · 2 years
I forgot how good this was. 
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friendrat · 7 months
Geez... I was just doing some reading on the internet and got a punch in the gut.
This started because I saw a post in a womb twin survivor support group where someone had posted and was describing how they were born with a pin hole in their spine, which sounded very similar to my own diagnosis of Spina Bifida Occulta.
Anyway, certain health problems are more common in Vanishing Twin Survivors, and I thought I remembered that Spina Bifida was one of them, so I was looking it up to see if I was remembering correctly.
As I'm scrolling, one link said, "Spina Bifida a vanishing nightmare." So I clicked on it, and it was a quick thing about how numbers were going down, and they weren't sure why, but part was attributed to terminating affected pregnancies. The conclusion was that if they continued "preventative measures" i.e. termination, Spina Bifida could disappear. Of course! The solution to this health problem isn't to work on an *actual* cure or improve treatments... it's to just kill the people who have it. That will solve everything.
I'm just... I don't even know why I'm surprised. They wanted to kill me then. Of course, they would want to kill me if I was born today. I don't know why I would expect anything else... but it made me so... sad.
You know... I had an older cousin who had a much more severe case of Spina Bifida than I do. And when I say older, I mean he was like my parents' age. He was worse off than me, but he was always smiling. He was always joking with people. He volunteered his time to his local church, he stood by his principals, he helped out people in need without ever asking anything in return... and when he died, the funeral home was packed. There was a line around the building of people waiting to say their goodbyes, and it kept up the entire visitation. People were parked way down the road and had to walk to get there. My cousin was a light in people's lives.
But if he had been born right now, people would just weigh his life based on his disability and determine that he should be killed before his light could reach anyone. But sure... we can eliminate this disorder by killing the people who have it. It's disgusting that people think that way. There's no other word for it.
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animatedjen · 3 months
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Cal Kestis | Jedi Survivor
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thecorvidforest · 1 month
i’m so sick of people treating cults like silly little props for their stories. here’s a list of cozy games where you start a cult! try this board game where you’re competing to be the most successful cult leader! want to join my fake cult roleplay server? cult leader character design! read this forbidden erotica romance book about a cult leader and a cult member!
it’s so endlessly frustrating. the majority of my life i suffered awful abuse because of the cult i was in. every part of my body holds an immense amount of trauma that i may never be able to let go of, and i may never be able to function independently because of it. and people are out here acting as if cults are just silly fantasy and would never happen in real life. cults are real! their victims are real! the abuse and the trauma is real!
media about cults can absolutely be well-done and respectful - but at this point it feels like it’s almost always used for either shock value or treated like a fun cutesy storytelling trope. the commodification and normalization of our trauma is nauseating, especially when the majority of cult survivors will never see justice.
idk. i’m just so sick of it. cult survivors deserve better.
(anyone can interact but please be normal. i’m not sharing any identifying info about the cult i was in, don’t bother asking.)
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kaitobromota · 3 months
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post-game or something
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freakinator · 21 days
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Shop owner: *sees Cal standing nervously behind Greez*
Shop owner: Aw, he’s so cute!
Greez: Thanks, he’s a rescue.
Cal: Stop telling people that!
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morbidology · 2 months
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Ten-year-old Krystal Surles and her seven-year-old sister, Marque, went to the Harris household in Del Rio, Texas, on New Year’s Eve, 1999. They were having a slumber party with 13-year-old Kaylene Harris. They went to bed that night, unbeknownst to them, they were going to be targeted by a sadistic and opportunistic serial killer.
Marque slept in a spare bedroom while Krystal slept in the top bunk in Kaylene’s bedroom. Kaylene was asleep below her. Marque had wanted to sleep on the floor of the same bedroom but the two older girls wouldn’t let her. She went to bed upset but this decision undoubtedly saved her life.
In the middle of the night, Krystal awoke to the sound of a loud struggle and Kaylene screaming from the bunk bed below her. Krystal noticed that there was a man with a large boning knife attacking her friend. Krystal pretended to be asleep in the hopes that the man wouldn’t notice her. It almost worked.
After the attack on Kaylene, the killer started to move around the room, “almost like he was cleaning up evidence.” Then he noticed Krystal open her eyes and lunged towards her with the knife and slit her throat. Krystal initially attempted to fend the killer off but then feigned her death by stopping to move. Miraculously it worked and the killer fled the house.
When Krystal heard him speed off in his car, Krystal, saturated in blood, pulled herself from the bunk bed and checked on Kaylene. It was too late: she was dead. She had been stabbed 16 times before having her throat slit. She was also sexually assaulted. Krystal’s windpipe was severed, her fingers had been sliced while attempting to defend herself, and her vocal cords were nicked.
She made her way to the bedroom her sister was sleeping. Unable to awaken her, she assumed the entire house had been slaughtered. Thankfully, Marque and the rest of the Harris family were left untouched. The killer seemingly knew what target profile he had in mind that night.
Krystal staggered to the nearest neighbour which was approximately a quarter of a mile away. Unable to speak due to the severity of her wounds, Krystal assisted police with handwritten notes. She described the attacker and a composite sketch was drawn up. Within two days, serial killer Tommy Lynn Sells was apprehended for the crime. Krystal recognised him immediately as the man who murdered her friend and attempted to murder her.
He was suspected of killing at least 22 people and executed in 2014.
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oh chonky boi, what is your favourite food to eat and why?
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Gourmand: My favourite part of it all is seeing everyone's face light up when I give them a big filling meal! Oh to one day share food with a large colony again... is sharing a meal not one of the wonders of life?
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jahiera · 10 months
Please,,,, please more rambles about astarion and him healing and his slowly changing relationship with (-tav-) Sex and intimacy and choice and-
Okay gonna talk about the Grave Scene. this scene truly lives in my head rent free. I've been rewatching it a few times and every way it plays out is so touching. Especially the way he.. hmm... expresses himself here? There's such earnestness to him that frankly is unimaginable to the person we met in act 1. He really went from being both so sly & yet obviously lying ("[you trusted me...] an objectively stupid thing to do.") to someone who admits and lists the way Tav makes him... feel.... SAFE? and held? and I understand why it's not something a lot of people focus on but I actually am so heart-touched by how complex and intricate his journey to reclaiming sex and desire is at the end of this conversation. None of it is gratuitous. None of it is for show. The blending of the nonsexual intimacy, and openness (the grabbing of the hands, the showing of the grave, the raw admittance of so much vulnerable material he gives to Tav; all things he would never have even CONCEIVED of offering up in even act 2.)
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("I've been dead in the ground for long enough. It's time to try living again." ... "With everything that life has to offer.")
It's an extremely nuanced and thoughtful approach to an SA survivor rediscovering & reclaiming what they want to make of their desires, their sexuality, in the aftermath of what was done to their bodies without their consent. It's so thoughtful & beautiful imo. Finally here at his grave, he tells Tav that they're someone he feels safe & accepted with, & he can experience intimacy on both sides with someone who has put forth the effort, the time, the willingness to learn and wait and watch and care for his own desires in a manner no one else EVER has.
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("I feel safe with you. Seen. And whatever the future holds for me, I don't want to lose that.")
It REALLY... gets me in the heart here. It doesn't avoid the difficulties of sexuality in the aftermath of abuse, and it ultimately shows one individual's journey toward reclamation and reconciliation with autonomy on their own terms. That's so vital here, that he reaches out, chooses to make the step forward, HIS choice. There's no lingering gratuitously on the trauma, if that makes sense? the descriptions and vulnerability are raw; Tav is grounding person here, Tav gives him room to speak. The true balance of intimacy in verbalizing his feelings, intimacy in being close physically with Tav, intimacy in discerning for himself what he desires, intimacy in accepting touch, contact, affection, togetherness. It's all so... [BITES INTO FIST SCREAMING]. And the ending. Where he and Tav get to set off on another adventure. Get to explore who they are truly now, with each other, without any higher powers looming over and putting a yoke around their necks. I'm personally partial to the "finding a way for you to be in the sun," ending myself but all of them are just ... so delightful. He really SHINES in a way that exceeded my expectations so completely in act 3. he went from totally closed off and locked away and unaware of how to navigate his own personal relationships, no idea what a "relationship," even was, no idea how to express boundary or unravel his complicated ideas and feelings around his body, what it was forced to do for Cazador, to:
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("For nearly two centuries I stalked the streets like a ghost while the person I was lay here, dead and buried. Now I need to figure out who I am. What I want.")
also laying a flower on his grave and all he says is "cute." but there's such a minor moment of tenderness there. I weep I wept I will weep.
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atavist · 2 years
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When a storm surge swept dozens of wild horses and cattle from the coast of North Carolina, no one expected there to be survivors. Then hoofprints appeared in the sand. Issue no. 132 — “True Grit,” by J.B. MacKinnon — is now live at The Atavist.
The shifting, amphibious nature of Cedar Island was never more apparent than on the morning of September 6, 2019. Under the whirling violence of Hurricane Dorian, maps lost all meaning. The Pamlico and Core Sounds joined to become a single, angry body of water, shrinking Cedar Island to a fraction of its acreage. It was no longer separated from the mainland by the thin blue line of the Thorofare, but by nearly six miles of ocean.
Most of the 250 or so people living on the island were safe, their homes built on a strip of not-very-high high ground precisely to weather the wrath of hurricanes. The wild horses—49 in all—were in much deeper trouble.
There were also some cows. The cows did not have names.
Our latest feature, "True Grit," is a remarkable story about the unexpected survivors of Hurricane Dorian. Read it today!
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