#trying a more creature esque design for him
cins-brainrot · 4 months
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90% of gamblers quit before getting a mending book
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Danny Phantom Merfolk AU
Ok so I wrote about merfolk batfam (you should check it out It’s my favorite thing I’ve ever written), so it’s time to write about Merfolk Amity.
Ok so get ready for some worldbuilding and some wack-as-hell creatures because, as I have said before, I am a hoe for biology. These bitches are gonna be funky sea creature people and look scary as hell. (all sea creature species will be linked to its name)
Danny: Comb Jellyfish. I have so many reasons for this one.
1.) they look rad as fuck. enough said.
2.) they asexually reproduce by making clones of themselves so Dani can literally be one of his clones and that is sick as hell.
3.) they are bioluminescent and imagine the cool shit you could do with that and Phantom
4.) he could have a super cool looking jellyfish bell tail and be semi-transparent (one may even say ghostlike). The bioluminescent and rainbow parts of his bell travel up his sides and back and go up the underside of his arms and all the way up to the back of his neck. He has two long tentacles w/ that trail behind him that are a part of his bell that like gently sway in the water really ethereal-like. 
I tie between that OR a Glass Octopus
Like, look at that thing. It’s so beautiful and also v ghosty. It even has little green spots!
In this rendition. Danny is like 10ft long in total with all his tentacles. He has suckers on the undersides of his arms, and his body looks almost fully see-through even though you can’t see any of his organs (idk it’d just look really creepy if it did.) He still eats with his beak so his mouth is used solely for conversation. 
Jazz: I was debating between the Venus Girdle, Fangtooth, and Giant Manta Ray and I think that I’ll stick to Giant Manta Ray. They have the biggest brain of any fish and they pass the mirror test! Super smart animals. these fuckers have a 29ft wingspan they’re positively massive. Jazz has black and white skin, her arms are connected to the top part of her fins, and she also has a barbed stinger and will stab the shit out of you if she feels like it. 
Tucker: Mantis Shrimp. homie got the shrimp tail and legs. he can see all of the colors. his body has a reflective rainbow colored plating all over and he has eyes on stalks. you can fight me on this. He has claws on the ends of his arms. Manta Shrimp literally make vacuums in the water with how fast they punch their prey (acceleration as fast as a 22 cal.) with these funky little clubs they have near their mouth. The dude can easily break your skull in two with his claws if he wished. Tucker is sick as hell. 
Sam: Was debating between Stonefish, Terrible Claw Lobster, Stoplight Loosejaw, but I think I’ll have to settle on Hagfish. These living fossils are the reason I got into researching strange aquatic life. These bitches be jawless. No jaws but they DO have teeth. their teeth aren’t even like regular teeth. They’re made of keratin. KERATIN. These bitches are bottom dwellers that feast on already dead fish on the ocean floor. Wanna guess why they haven’t evolved from their 500 million-year-old evolutionary design? Their defense mechanism is to produce mass quantities of slime whenever threatened. It chokes out fish that try to eat them and causes the predator to back off. If it ain’t broke I guess. 
Anyways I went on a far too long tangent. Sam has a very long hagfish-esque tail. her skin is slightly purple. She does in fact have actual teeth and a proto jaw. It’s difficult to speak English with sadly and she keeps her jaw open as a scare tactic.
I was trying to aim for more funky sea creatures for what they would be as merfolk but absolutely feel free to share what type of sea creature/animal you’d think fits best! or for anyone in the DP universe 
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lackablazeical · 2 years
WOAH, I really love ur Addams/rottmnt AU! I really love their designs, especially April and Mayhem's! few questions
why is mikey so feral in this AU
Whats raph like? he's always so quiet and Donnie looks like an evil scientist
hows splints and casey(or Cassandra) in this au AKA Could you share some stuff on this beautiful au pls (don't mean to come off as demanding just in case XP)
But yes I do have some answers for these!
1. Mikey is feral mostly bc he's very spoiled and he grew up In an environment that encouraged behavior like that! He is the 'Mama's boy' (in the AU, Splinter and Big Mama are canonically married, Splints still lives in the NY sewers, BM still in hidden city and her hotel), and BM definitely encourages his bad behavior. No one really tells him no, and he's an attention hog. He likes getting reactions so doing outlandish stuff and saying cruel things gets him that reaction! He's also an adrenaline junky and a pyromaniac, he'll put himself/others into danger for fun! Plus, BM DOES treat him like a pet, what do you expect. Boy is flea ridden/hj
2. Raph is very quiet and stoic! He still hates being alone, but he also definitely Dislikes being bothered, teased, or pranked. While the most outwardly 'chill', he's very quick to violence. He is the reason Leo has those bite/teeth marks on his shell! Raph bit him <3. His comfort item is Mrs. Cuddles and he always has her with him, which definitely makes it a target for Mikey shenanigans and such! He does still love hugs and snuggles tho, and likes bows, sewing, and cartoons! He doesn't talk much, and he especially won't if his brothers aren't around. He doesn't care much about anything, he's just along for the ride! The brothers often try to, like, 'sic' Raph on eachother by blaming things or just asking REALLLYYYYY nicely (also yes, Don is definitely a mad scientist. Please get him some lab safety etiquette at least some lab goggles)
3. LEOSAGI <3333333 ACTUALLY JUST MY COMFORT CHARACTERS I SWEAR. I have a writer friend who enjoys making small snippets of this AU, and I may ask her if I can post them here or if she would like to post them on A03? So yall can get even more content of the Boyz <3 (NewFallenLeaves on A03! Check out her ROTTMNT stuff, it's wonderful)
4. APRIL AND MAYHEM YES!!!!!! They are both definitely some of my favorite designs of this AU, April is just so beautiful and Mayhem is such a little Creatur. Babey demon demigorgon. Evil beast/pos (fun fact! Mayhems face can split apart in 4 different ways, one way looking like a demigorgon! I'll probably post that sketch sometime soon!)
5. Splinter is great! As Lou Jitsu, he was a film star who behind the scenes was involved in a lot of crime, especially back in Japan with things like the Yakuza. As a rat, he is VERY MUCH based on Gomez Addams. He's fun loving, caring, and loves a good spar session. He may be a bit neglectful of his boys (same as in canon) but he loves and accepts their weird and wacky behavior all the same.
This is his design! Some bits may change but as it stands I am happy w/ it! :D
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He owns a decent of pieces of the Shredder Armour as, like, almost trophies? It also helps mean that the Foot will not build the Shredder fully, Aka none of that mess to deal with :]
As for Cassandra, she's not really in the AU at all! I just haven't really been able to think of much for her. As an antagonist, I didn't know whether to lean towards more Addams esque behavior or make her more 'normal' (as normal as she can be JSBSJEB) to have a type of parallel. Idk? Any suggestions and ideas for her would be welcome and I'd tag you if I ended up using/posting any of it!
As for extra content, tomorrow or in the next following days I will either post more random sketches, more Usagi lore (specifically his family) or maybe some finished refs? Whatever I feel like, so look for that >:]
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praxcrown5 · 7 months
The world of Disney/Pixar Cars has insane science fiction potential…especially when you delve into reproduction, and whether or not they're fully biological creatures wearing car-shaped mech-suits or integrated techno-organic constructs.
God, I love writing fanfiction for this universe even more than Transformers.
Here's a little snippet that I'm working on:
Context: Doc Hudson's Mom and Grandfather are retrieving him from the Hudson Motors Factory. The year is 1937
It was mid-November and Annette and her father rolled to a stop just outside the Hudson Motors Factory gate.
It was a large, imposing metal door emblazoned with the factory logo: two ships and two towers separated by a diamond-esque trapezoid and the word “Hudson.”  The door, itself, was a solid slab of steel with no discernable hinges or seams; Annette hypothesized that it slid sideways to open, maybe even tucking into the perimeter wall.
To the right of the gate was something that she’d never seen before.  It resembled the digital readout of an oscilloscope, but larger and backlit broadcasting a message in at least ten different languages.
“Access limited.  Trespassers will be met with lethal force.”
“Kinda hard to trespass…” Annette said letting her eyes follow the imposing, concrete and steel perimeter wall towards the horizon.  Even a fully-loaded semi traveling at top speed couldn’t hope to smash all the way through.
“What goes on in a factory is one of life’s greatest mysteries…” Otis explained, gaze distant.  “Loads of folk have given up their own lives trying to scratch that itch.”  He tapped his daughter lightly on the fender and gestured towards the left side of the gate.  A chrome button sat smartly atop a low, marble platform.  “We probably shouldn’t linger too long.  This button should open the door.”
“Wait…” Annette shook her front end.  “You mean…we just push it, and they let us in?”
“That’s how it was when your Ma and I went to the Cadillac factory.  Though, I gotta warn ‘ya…” He looked at her, sternly.  “The button activated some sort of…device, with technology that was more advanced than anything I’d ever seen.” He smiled as if revisiting a happy memory.  “It scared the heck outa your Ma.”
Annette nodded and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. 
The button made a pleasant click as it was depressed. 
She expected a long wait, but the response was instantaneous.  A panel on the door opened and a strange looking cable appeared, angling down towards her and her father.  Then an image of a car appeared in the air above her hood, like a living, three-dimensional photograph.  It blinked and breathed and tracked her movements as if it were actually parked there with them. 
An angel… Annette marveled, taking a moment to study its chrome finish and unique design.  It had a low-slung front end with a split grille, turbine-finned wheels, and a curved rear window above where the trunk would be on a normal person.   
The sudden appearance of a red beam of light stopped her thoughts cold.  It passed over her body, and the angel said: ‘CS621949346CU07221925 Cycle 9, Rotation 195 Batch 46A.”  It’s voice was…angelic, for lack of a better word.  Deep and oddly soothing.  “Designation: Annette Elizabeth Longhauler, nee Glenrunner.”
The beam passed across her father.  “O05E1927185CU05121905 Cycle 9, Rotation 183, Batch 12B.  Designation: Otis James Glenrunner.”  The angel looked at them and seemed to smile.  “Plasma Carrier Signal detected.  Please follow the designated markings to Bay Twelve.”
The cable disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and the door slid sideways, opening just wide enough for Annette and her father to pass through side-by-side.
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lampfacedstudios · 2 years
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Those of you that have been around my account since 2009 might recognize this lady. Quinn is formerly one of my first stitchpunk OCs, Qoppa, and technically this version first surfaced in 2016. Six years later here I am finally getting the motivation to do a proper reference sheet, as well as touch some things up about her design.
Quinn is a weird little vampire bat/flying squirrel-esque creature, mostly living on blood but capable of consuming meat as well. She has highly accurate sonar "sight" that may be just as accurate, if not more in some areas, as actually having eyes. Especially when it comes to seeking out things with working circulatory systems. For being a tiny vampire she's quite cheerful and friendly and is pretty polite about who/what she "hunts". Then again, she's not exactly the primary hunter in her situation. Samek (formerly another stitchpunk OC named Sampi) is her enormous monster of an apex predator partner, and it's way easier for both of them for him to do the hunting. She helps clean him up after hunts of any extra blood or gore. It's weird and gross to others, but they don't care. The two of them are never seen apart, and Quinn can get away with practically anything around Samek, and with her his version of declining (when it does happen) is surprisingly gentle, when he's extremely intimidating and not afraid to be violent with anyone else so much as trying to test his boundaries. Samek's update will hopefully not take too much longer. :V
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cervicrazed · 1 month
walt + all the other named members of his species
GAH this one took so long whoops
Haven't technically introduced other members of The Jek just yet, but I'll throw in one lil guy I've been rotating in my mind
OC Lore under the cut! (body horror cw)
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^ Walt's "Human" form ^ 'Standard' Jek form
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Walt-> a year or so after I made Wilton, I made Walt(on) - they weren't originally gonna be in the same story so I didn't notice there was only a vowel difference between them🤦🏽 I fixed this by having Walt choose his name to be similar on purpose, unknowingly bonding the two forever afterwards
Iniko -> originally heard it from an amazing artist of the same name! Really liked how it sounded so I looked more into the etymology & started crafting the story from there (working backwards this time around)
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
The Jek as a species are as old as fear itself - but Walt is around 80 or 90 years old by the start of the Dead Wood plotline
Iniko is about 15 years older than Bambi
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Walt -> There've been a few, but Wilton is the only one he would die for. Since emotions are all he can see/smell, he often forgets that others can't tell what he's feeling just by looking
Iniko -> Not yet. They're a bit too preoccupied plotting revenge to think about anything else
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
All Jek feed on Nightmares, but as an individual, Walt's favorite are ones that involve the dreamer being chased by A Creature™ (Adrenaline is particularly sweet)
Iniko enjoys the taste of paranoia the most - it's not as filling as a full on nightmare, but it's in a much richer supply
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Walt -> Fulfills the role of a Boogeyman-esque urban legend to keep potential trespassers away from his family. Not to say he doesn't enjoy it, as the fear he inspires is it's own reward.
Iniko -> political subterfuge/espionage; despite having no interest in whatever politics are going on. Their services can be bought, but not with money; they'll only take the job if you agree to do something for them first (you may live to regret it).
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Walt -> Painting! He can't actually see the final product, but part of the fun is hearing Bambi and Wil try and guess what the art depicts
Iniko -> Enjoys studying and growing plants since they're the only living thing they can't mimic very well
🎯 -What do they do best?
Walt -> he's a skilled strategist! Prides himself on staying at least two steps ahead of everyone else; unfortunately doesn't mean he's never wrong
Iniko -> Mimicry! They've perfected their shapeshifting into an art - even being able to seemlessly mimic the voices & cadence of others
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Walt -> Loves spending time with his family! Wil and Bambi are his entire world. Holds nothing but righteous rage towards Casters (magic users) - he blames their greed for driving The Jek to (near) extinction
Iniko -> Loves the feeling of 'getting away with it' & gossiping. It's a valuable way to get information, but they easily + inadvertently get too involved with local affairs. Hates everything about the Rader family, especially Bambi.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Walt -> Dutifully watching and waiting for his daughter to grow. It took her a year and a half before she was ready to pluck out of the ground
Iniko -> Finding out they had a sister this whole time!
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Walt -> Watching Wilton waste away to disease. While happy there was a way to revive him, Walt's not sure he can survive losing him again
Iniko -> Finding out they had a sister this whole time.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Walt -> kinda? His 'human disguise' hasn't really changed that much, but his 'true form' has changed at least 3 times
Iniko -> as of rn they don't have a design yet 💀 I'm workin on it!!
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Walt -> i wanted to make an OC based off supernatural's leviathans + that balerina girl from Cabin in the Woods (2011) bc I really liked the idea of a person's head/face being nothing but teeth
Iniko -> Getting this ask & watching Boy Kills World (2024). I haven't made another Jek character since Bambi, kinda wanted to change that thanks to this ask!
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Walt -> Animated Dark Comedy, but bonus points if the hypothetical director can pull off the live action practical effects
Iniko -> Dark Fantasy Revenge Thriller....like The Prestige (2006) if there were monsters as well as magicians
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Walt -> Masc but not exclusively + Demisexual
Iniko -> Agender + Asexual
🙌 - How many siblings does your OC have?
Walt -> one, but he suspects they're long dead by now
Iniko -> one, and they hate her
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Walt -> Was stolen from his family shortly after sprouting; still aches for that lost connection but tries to make up for it with his new family
Iniko -> Relentlessly hateful towards their parents. Doesn't want to kill them, but not out of mercy; they want to take everything away from them first.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Walt -> teef. They make drawing him take foreverr but it's always worth it to me. Pincushion of a creature
Iniko -> their antagonist status. Dead Wood's been desperately needing one for a while now and they're a very fun fit
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Walt -> admittedly haven't drawn him in a while ...gotta change that
Iniko -> been drawing them a lot trying to figure out what they even look like. Haven't settled on a design I like yet
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Walt -> nah. He'll live forever, which is much more tragic
Iniko -> maybe? They're too new for me to want to do that
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Walt -> I guess technically he has all of them?
Iniko -> the only fear they have is of failure
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Walt -> his father in-law, an ancient forest demon
Iniko -> their sister, a moody teenager
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Walt -> Easter, 2015...9 years...
Iniko -> as I'm writing this... a month or so?
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Walt -> 14...
Iniko -> 22 💪🏽
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unclassedguy · 2 months
The Details of Genderbend Naoya Au:
*yap incoming*
Just a collection of my thought process and ramblings about this collection of drawings to scratch the itch in my brain.
General ramblings:
This is not a fleshed out au. There isn't much of a storyline and I don't exactly know if I will ever make one.
The au doesn't follow the jjk canon apart from some general things like Toji leaving Megumi and Tsumiki etc.
The ‘story’ follows Naoya Zenin after an accident that should have killed him instead leaves him unscathed. That is, until he wakes up the next day with a girl's body, a kogane companion, and the ability to see strange creatures (cursed spirits) and people who should have been long dead.
Bro is basically now part of a culling game-esque event involving people who were saved from death like him, those who died long ago and were resurrected, and creatures that should have never entered the living realm. Some people such as him with bad karma for their actions, are given certain handicaps and/or punishments when they're brought back from death. Hence girl-Naoya.
But, by destroying the souls of beings with even more bad karma than you, you can gain points that will give you access to abilities (cursed techniques) or lessen your own punishment or handicap.
The Kogane function the same here as they do in canon.
Basically, this is me drawing fem Naoya with a bunch of extra steps 💀
Drawing one:
A lot of the ‘story’ of this au just happened randomly as I was doodling, Kenjaku and Takaba running Naoya over being part of that.
I wanted to draw Naoya reacting to him becoming a girl for the shits and giggle, yk, the sillies
And before I knew it I had Naoya getting run over by a truck 💀
The reason Takaba is the driver is because of that one scene in Kenjaku vs Takaba, Kenjaku is in the passenger's seat just because.
There is no reason as to what they're singing besides me wanting them to have been distracted by something goofy 
You might have noticed Naoya is holding something. Idk what it is though 
Its like….a wand…a club…? It's based off his first form as a cursed spirit, the one where he looks like a worm
Yes, his shirt does indeed say “why women deserve less”. It's based on that one fanart of him reading a book with the same title. 
Drawing two:
The first thing I thought of when I imagined Naoya going on a ‘quest’ to become a man again was that ant carrying a bindle.
(It gives pathetic energy, which i enjoy giving my Naoya drawings)
This is actually my first time drawing Hana, I actually like drawing her
I'm so sorry to people who like Nobara and Maki, I can't draw them that well 😭😭😭
I'm thinking Hana/Angel are trying to fix whatever is going on with the souls of the deceased/players, and are thus gathering allies (though they also want to defeat a certain king of curses even in this au as well 👀)
Naoya ends up joining her, Maki, and Nobara as allies (no one is happy about this)
They will put him in his place, especially Maki.
(I wonder what would happen if he met Yuki…)
Naoya and Hana is a combination I didn't think I'd ever draw interacting tbh 💀
But for some reason that's what ended up happening
Other thoughts:
It's so cute how the kogane have different designs sometimes based on who they belong to. It reminds me of the crows in kny.
I wonder if they're meant to represent something about each player???
For example, the one we see with Naoya when we're first introduced to his curse form has a skull like face, which we later see on Naoya's second curse form.
His looks so crusty and I love it
I rlly wanted it to be his companion in this au
Honestly, I was thinking Naoya upon turning into a girl would try everything he could to make himself look more traditionally masculine
But I still wanted to draw him in a skirt, you know, because
So…uh…yeah 👍
His ass doesn't even want to be a woman, but let's be fr, he be styling his hair in the mirror or some shit thinking things like ‘if only every woman paid half as much attention to how she holds herself as me!’ Thinking he's giving everyone a good example or something 💀
Stfu Naoya 
I have a third addition to this collection of drawings in the works. It'll probably be up in a few days, depending on if I have time to work on it or not. This will probably be the last piece of this au for a while.
Part 1 , Part 2 Edit: Part 3
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codecicle · 5 months
HELLO !!!! Wondering what. Ur favourite video game is rn. And persnaps🦀 things in it u enjoy ??? (*^_^*)
Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero will be my favorite set of games forever and ever man. Mentally I'm still there and I will never leave those games gave me my passion for both robotics and deep-sea travel/creatures in real life its what made me as insane as I am today ^_^
The Reaper leviathans (and all the leviathans in the game for that matter. reefbacks are peak fuck the haters 🔥🔥) always have a little compartment in my brain and I will never shut up about their design and how effective they are when it comes to horror. The way they're introduced AFTER the player runs into the completely friendly reefbacks so their fear of "loud noise/big = bad" is subdued and broken down so their guard is lowered right before entering the dunes and feeling true primal fear for the first time apon seeing them is just executed SO perfectly I've never seen something come even close to comparing. I wouldn't say they're my favorite thing across BOTH games though because oh my goddd that spot is definitely reserved for AL-AN
Him and his whole planet will forever live in my head rent-free (both because I'm not a landlord LMAO and also. Insane about him disease) every little detail about him makes me so insane. The fact that his species is mainly robotic and mechanical so he doesn't understand a majority of Robin's feelings and experiences that she's been through, the way they built apon the original virus on 4546B by explaining the way it showed up and mutated to annihilate every species on that planet was BECAUSE of the very architects that meant to protect it. Them having to build the original quarantine system that crashed Riley's ship (The Aurora) because their bodies weren't entirely mechanical, and all of their biological components were made out of the most efficient and compatible parts of 40-ish species which means once they caught the original disease, every other species that they pulled from could now get it. That only makes them trapping the Emperor Leviathan so much sadder because they didn't realize she could communicate with them and actually give them what the whole planet so desperately needed because they talk through entirely closed off mental frequencies, so even their bio components couldn't let her talk to them. AL-AN being one of the few to try and go against the current and felt bad about what they were doing to the queen is just so in character for him, especially with how he acts to all "lower" lifeforms that Robin runs into. Him being cut off from his entire family and neural-link is just so fucking devastating and him finding that comfort and connection through Robin, going so far as to rescue her and take her off-planet with him once she builds his body will NEVERR leave me man godd what an ending
Speaking of his body, I've gotta say it's the single coolest alien design I've ever fuckin seen. Look at this shit
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like oh my god??? what the fuck right??? everything about it makes me so insane. NOT TO MENTION this concept art (which IS his final design btw just not 3d rendered yet) is made by Pat Presley, who also ended up making concept art for all the other Archetects that we haven't met yet and will meet in Subnautica 3 (whenever the fuck that will begin development LMAO)
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like look at how different they are from him. how much more mechanical and less colorful, more hivemind-esque and lifeless they seem. even just down to the pose he's standing in gives off so much more life than they do and it makes me INSANEEEEE his time with Robin absolutely changed him and his physical form reflects that. He is such a combination of all the other archetects while also being NOTHING like them at the same time. The fact that he is literally able to move and change the shape of his arms and be fluid the same way he is fluid and willing to change unlike all of those on his home planet is crazy to me.
Speaking of his home planet too, it's also sick as fuck and I just need to show this finale screenshot real quick because oh my GODDDD I'm losing it. You have no idea how hyped I was to watch this shit when the full game released
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AND ONE MORE THING!!! speakkkinnggg of the full-game release, the game actually released in beta testing with a different opening than the final version!! and in the beta testing, you started out in the final area where the finale takes place in the final release version. Visiting that old station again at the very end of the game feels like such a nice nod to the beta-testers that feels perfectly planned out. It really makes the game come full circle, even if you don't have the context of the beta testing version to appreciate.
Subnautica is (either story or gameplay-wise) probably the objectively better game imo, but Below Zero holds such a special place in my heart for the AL-AN story line alone. Godd he makes me so insane I love him sm <3 <3 rant over thank you for the ask
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gamebunny-advance · 1 year
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Grab Bag Doodles
Nothing really feels "right" anymore. I dunno, I just feel creatively bankrupt as of late. But nonetheless, I still find some occasions to put the pen nib to the tablet.
Notes under the cut.
1-2) A few attempts at some different "mini Kun3h0s." I'd like her mini form to look fairly consistent across appearances, some I'm trying to work out a good simplified look for her.
3-5) Misc. Kun3h0 Sketches. Still getting a feel for drawing her more consistently. I keep drifting back towards her original proportions. Also the rare semi-x-ray view. I've done a lot more recently, but I just wanted to post a small sampling since they're all essentially the same.
6) Sweetie & Katrina doodle. Going through the old posts made me a little nostalgic, so I drew a couple of the girlies from TPS. No, the show really hasn't aged that well, but it's always gonna a special place in my heart.
7) Mini!Kul Fyra + Young Kliff. Silly doodle trying to solidify their young designs. You can still see the original sketch underneath the new one, so you can probably tell that originally Fyra was supposed to be picking up Kliff by his shirt collar. It's my headcanon that at some point she just started carrying him around like luggage because it was more convenient.
8) Puppet Party. A call back to this doodle from a while back. I originally joked that how sinister the image was depended on how you interpreted Kliff as a character, so here's that more sinister take on the idea. But I'm not that into it, so I doubt I'm gonna come back for it.
9-12) Animal Crossing Open Seas character sketches. Some terribly rough sketches of a few NPCs from Open Seas. I'm not happy with any of them yet, but I hope that I'll find the motivation to put more work into them.
First are "The Katz," the potential cover band that teaches you how to play different instruments in exchange for food. I don't have names for any of them yet and I'm not even sold on them being cats.
The Faraway Museum Curator. This sketch really isn't close to what I want for them. I'd like something more "wise" and imposing looking to contrast with the kind of bumbling Blathers. I'm thinking that they're a stoic looking character that nonetheless gets really giddy when you show a genuine interest in the museum. Kind of like a tsundere, but they're old.
Brewster's Apprentice. I think they're supposed to be a budgie, but I honestly can't remember XP. I haven't developed them at all~
Castaway Creature. Implied to be the mayor that got lost during "the incident". They got washed up on a small neighboring island and have been living there ever since. The idea was to completely obscure what kind of animal they originally were, so their fur has grown out and matted so much that most of their features have been obscured. I need to refine it, but I think they're really cute. I have a distinct mental image of them waddling around and wagging their tail when you give them something nice. I'll try to detail exactly what they do in the "Boats" post for Open Seas.
Snowman Seal Villager. An idea for a potential seal villager. I think the seal lends itself to a snowman-esque design, so I made one. The name isn't set in stone, but I've taken to calling them "Snowbert" for the time being. Alternative name suggestions are welcome~
I have a few more sketches of both seal and ferret designs, but this one is the most complete right now.
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cloudster-clown · 1 year
Might redesign Scott's design to make him more creature esque. I sort of have an idea. We'll see how today goes cause I was trying to draw yesterday and nothing came out right TwT
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mostlyonthefloor · 1 year
Brotherband AU
If anyone saw my other post, I did say to expect a The Sea Beast brotherband au in about a week. This sort of combines that with a How To Train Your Dragon sort of vibe? I cannot write an AU outline of a manageable or accessible length so enjoy the essay I guess.
So Skandians are and have been for centuries at war with the Creatures. For simplicity I'm going to call them dragons since I basically imagine them as httyd-esque dragons
Skandians have forced them out to the deep sea and the far north, for the most part
Also I think they live mostly in cold climates, so countries further south don't have these problems
They're prone to attacking both settlements and boats, and so people (mostly Skandians) develop elaborate land- and boat-based ways to defend against them
In brotherband training, everything goes normally, the whole making a sail plan and forming the Herons and other stuff goes the same (perhaps it's a bit controversial to be called the Herons since flying things are generally associated with bad luck and death. Birds are a bad omen because they look a bit like dragons in silhouette)
There's definitely also dragon fighting stuff included in the brotherband training, the whole these creatures are bad, they're trying to attack us and kill us, we have to kill them first schtick
While sailing the Heron around, they has surprisingly few hostile encounters with dragons. In fact, they have a couple of harmless fly-bys that seem more out of curiosity than anything else. Hal makes the executive decision, during and after training, not to fire on them and they go away on their own (plot points: Hal thinks Differently to Most People and Dragons Are Not Automatically Hostile)
They figure out at some point that this is because the Heron, having a strange sail plan and beam of wood out the bottom and generally being small and looking nothing like most ships in the area, isn't recognised by the dragons as human ship and a threat
The Herons begin to wonder if dragons are so bad. Maybe they have some tentatively friendly interactions. I'm not sure man
Does Hal design the Mangler partly as a ranged defence from aerial attacks? Maybe
They go on their journey to try and recover the Andomal, they sink Zavac's ship, they get the Andomal back
It turns out, the Andomal is an egg that was stimulated to hatch by being submerged in water
So now they have this little orange baby dragon
And she's like important in some way so other dragons, including some the Herons recognise were hanging around them before, start hanging out in earnest now
They discover that dragons aren't so bad and they go home to spread the good news. Hooray.
They make friends with them and it's cute
Stig plays fetch with a dragon. Or does the dragon play fetch with him. Who knows
Edvin acquires a tiny little dragon who cuddles him for body heat at all time like a scarf
Secret lore that Hal probably figures out at some point:
I imagine the dragons as semi-aquatic - they fish for food in the shallows or deep sea, and while they can sleep in water, on land or while flying, they like to roost and raise young on land
Dragons were initially attacking because humans sought to drive them out of the cliffs and fishing grounds around Hallasholm, which were an important food source and habitat for them
This then escalated as humans sought to drive them essentially out of sight altogether and dragons just started attacking human ships on sight
So now Hal, who understands why this whole thing is happening, essentially has to explain to all of Hallasholm that actually the dragons that we've been fighting for centuries are not that bad and actually if we just let them fish around here and live in the cliffs they'd leave us alone
That goes about as well as you'd imagine
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lilsk-n · 1 year
my original idea for Delilahs makeover actually came from astralspiffs newest fnaf fangame video, i was instantlly enraptured by the so called "withered mermaid babe" and how she moved so uniquely compared to all the other animatronics in canon, say maybe shattered monty.
The fan game Five Nights at Chica's Party World is made by Jurassic ARK Games, and you can find out more about it over here https://gamejolt.com/games/ChicasPartyWorld/491556
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(image from DarkTaurus youtube video simply because my computer can't handle playing the actual game)
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(immediately had to try and draw her lol)
From the extras mode i found out that Felix the Shark was an actual animatronic who dubiously exists in the fnaf well. everything. From him i found out we actually have an at-least-canon-to-her-specific-book canon mermaid animatronic! Delilah the Mermaid!
in Tales from the Pizzaplex #4: Submechanophobia Delilah is one of the animatronics the novels protagonist is tasked with fixing. according to the books description she has faded red hair and a missing eye, which one of the older versions of the bookcovers depicts actually! She also looks way more human in the oldest version, but there was two other bookcovers, and the newest one has a more anime esque mermaid with blond hair pink eyes and both arms and hands! which, well she didnt originally have. (I've yet to actually read the book in its entirety but its in the plans.)
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..shes seen better days for sure!
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as you can see i took great care in trying to take stuff into account for this one, but certain stuff just wasnt visible in her original design.
i did debate on wether she had a very faint tattered skirt or a side fin, which is what i ultimately decided to go with!
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first i tried to trace and copy what we could see from the cover and then extrapolateda few thing from there, such as her torn off jaw and neck, hands and arms, and her tail!
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for her headpiece i decided to give her more pearls, as it looked so sparse and it mightave become broken during all that time, and gave her those really cool sidefins! at first i debated in making htem somewhat operational, like ive seen on some dolls and other irl animatronics, but decided not to.
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- like so! (photo credit (and doll credit) https://www.flickr.com/photos/le-tama/10051269873)
Ultimately i think she came out really cool!
though i did have some ideas about how i would design her for my au, which this whole reconstruction was all about, and my firsts thoughts was some sort of cool animatronic mascot buddy! similar to funtime freddy and bonbon, in the way that bonbon replaces ft!freddys hand completely, and the cupcake from the original first line of games!
(you can see my amazing try at drawing th ecupcake from memory before i looked up a reference)
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I was also considering some other sea creature as the animal companion to her design in my au.. as my au is a combination of more than one thing but in the Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplexs setting. The whole idea si to try and imagine it without the well. osha violations and most of the murder.
thats it bye!
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galactic-hunter · 2 years
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The Force Awakens was a pretty good toy movie. No we didn't get any awesome creature toys - a crime, where is my Luggabeast? - but it was one of the better lines in terms of mixing in a few reruns of lapsed fans alongside brand new weird figures that Hasbro has seemingly decided are not the way to go. Which is bad - once you get away from weird figures, Star Wars is just another boring toy line.
Thankfully we got a Guavian Enforcer, or the Target product placement henchman. What's funny is that this figure would probably be a beloved cult favorite were it some forgotten 1970s or 1980s design from an action figure line you've never heard of. I like the red coloring, the Darth Vader-esque shoulder plate, the abundant belts, and what I can only assume is a space fanny pack. I don't care how much you do/don't like the movie, it's a neat figure.
5POA figures are generally unfairly maligned. While it's true they aren't as fun to pose, they're easy to pick up and play with - the ball-jointed neck was a big improvement, and the swivel limbs make it easy to just shove him in a vehicle, and get him standing again immediately upon removing him. There's no "go find a display stand" or "try to find his center of gravity." It's a good, functional action figure as a toy.
He had two blasters - one from the movie, one from a NERF fever dream - and has been hanging out on my desk after being exiled to a back room. He's not as cheap as he used to be, but he looks like he'd fit in with the Toy Pizza/Knights of the Slice guys just as much as your classic Star Wars toys.
I'd love to live in a world where we got more figures like this rather than "a trooper, but in new colors" or "a resculpt of a figure you can buy on eBay for $13" but this is the current weird and generally uninspiring state of the line when there are countless factions of fans to satisfy. If you have to make something for the Jedi: Fallen Order crowd, and Original Trilogy fans, and Prequel Trilogy fans, and stuff for the new show, and probably some repaints and exclusives, it's kind of amazing just how much stuff we get these days - but I do miss the creativity that we only seemed to get when Hasbro was basically supporting some weird new thing with all of its heart. I kind of wish we got more new Mini-Rigs style vehicles too, but I guess I'll just have to dig out the old ones.
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shut-up-its-funny · 3 months
My AUs in a list, with pictures and links to the AO3 if there are fics attached.
There are other designs and stories I have made that are not attached to an AU I will not be including those.
I will however include AUs I have thought about but have not made anything for under a notable mention area!
Under the cut, I have no idea how long this'll be! (Pretty fucking long)
My canon sides! (RemRom) (LoMoCeit)
AO3 Link These are for the canon Thomasphere. Note: I have since revamped Remus' design in touch his titties Tuesday and plan on doing so with Roman eventually.
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On The Sidelines! (RemRom) (SleepAlity) (DeMas) (AnaLogical)
AO3 Link This is my RemRom band AU where they were separated when they were teens and by coincidence meet back up as adults because Roman's band buys the space under Remus' apartment. (Feat: Patton and Logan)
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Slice of Life AU! (RemRom) (MoCeit) (AnaLogical)
AO3 Link This is what I dubbed my human AU when I first started it but it's basically just a slice of life AU of them as humans, being and doing people things. (I do have other AUs where they are human but those have more of a distinction to them.)
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Punk AU (RemRoMas)
AO3 Link Just as the title says, I honestly don't have much for this story wise (just yet) I just thought it would be fun (also Roman is more goth-esque) (Feat Patton & Thomas)
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Ghost AU (RemRomLoCeit)
I don't have any writing out for this (I did start it a long time ago though) and I only have two drawing for it. But It's what it says ghost AU! Where Remus is dead, and Roman wants to find his killer cause he knows he was killed but the police issued it a suicide. Then one day Roman finds the murder weapon! (Remus' own dagger) and now Roman can see Remus who is bound to the dagger!
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Troublesome Trio AU (RemRomAlity)
Blog Link This is an ask blog about Roman, Remus and Patton owning a drive in theater, in the middle of the woods where cryptids and mythical creatures live.
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Circus AU (RemRom)
Another thing that I have not exactly done anything for except started writing for it a long time ago, but it's basically Remus and Roman are fleeing from someone and they end up working at a circus!
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Borrower AU (RemRom)
I have... done nothing but this one picture for this AU but I love it and I do intend on doing more with it.
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R3 AU (RemRomRem)
I have got almost nothing for this too, except that Remus and Roman and married and they both get a crush on Remy at the same time and try to woo him. (as you can see... I kinda changed a few things between these pictures)
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Murder Bros AU (RemRom)
Blog link Just a fun silly little blog about murderers, and considering I made this 4 years ago and only now started another post for it this picture, really doesn't do them justice.
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And Now! For The Notable Mentions!
These are AUs I have thought of doing, but sadly have not done anything for, some I have talked about some I have not.
Cryptid/Ghost Hunter Remus and Creature Roman AU! Roman is a huge fuzzy creature living in a dilapidated estate deep in the woods, when one day Remus stumbles upon it and decides it's the perfect place to investigate.
Sugar Baby Remus Big Celebrity Roman AU! Just as it says, Remus is the older brother who is the sugar baby to younger brother movie star/singer Roman.
Ghost Soulmate YouTuber Remus AU! Everyone is born with a marking of their soulmate, it turns up when you turn 18, Remus however doesn't get one, until he does a ritual in a graveyard For The Views and ends up accidentally summoning Roman -who also doesn't have a soulmark and is very salty that he died without one- but neither of them notice at first that theirs show up when Roman is awoken, and is now bound to Remus who gets Roman to do things to get him more Views.
Reaper AU! Based on the TV Show Reaper, Remus' parents sold his soul to the devil before he was born now on his 21st birthday he has to hunt down escaped souls from Hell.
Pushing Daisies AU! Again based on the TV show of the same name. Roman has the gift to bring back the dead, and if it exceeds one minute the person stays alive but something of equal value nearby dies. Remus is obviously in the role of Chuck.
Lisa Frankenstein AU! This one, kinda speaks for itself through the name, I also have not fleshed it out all the way yet, except that Remus is in the role of Lisa, Roman is in the role of The Creature and Patton is in the role of Taffy. Will update when necessary.
Dr Horrible Remrom AU.
I have thought of an Intruality AU for this moodboard that I wanna do more of. So maybe!
If I think of any more I have missed or if I come up with more I will update!
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worldismyne · 2 years
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(Yes I know the dorm's name is Ramshackle, but I feel like this house name better encompasses who ended up in it. I.E. a human from another world and a magical creature with no where to go.)
SO! This is my Haunted Mansion inspired take on the MC/Yuu from Twisted Wonderland.
One of the characters makes an off-handed comment about how no girls go to their school, and I was like "Oh, I guess I'm playing a male character. Or at least male presenting."
I immediately went to designing a what kind of character that would fit the description the mirror gave while at the same time matching the dorm. So I went with this ghostly looking person, I imagine them saying all the dialogue options super dry and sarcastic. Very running on 3 hrs of sleep with no coffee.
They have no magics, but definately a spiritual descendent of Madame Leota, what with all these spiritual visions, ghost camera scenes and the twist-tune game mechanics. I like the idea of overblot being the source of their magic/visions, like they can tune into it and the heavy emotions that come with it for their predictions.
I used cast-members as a ref from the 'old uniform' Yuu's stuck wearing. Though I couldn't decide if the vest should be hip length or mid-torso length with a high waisted pant. So both are valid, and they just circulate through them.
None of the other prefects seem to really pick on you or come after you in the game so far (I mean, Azul I guess, but you go starting stuff with him first :/). So I thought it'd be funny if the reason is that MC's got this really uncanny-esque aura about them; like because they're from another world, it feels wrong for them to be there. Sometimes students forget Yuu's there, and there's the jumpscare vibe when they notice Yuu's been there the whole time.
The Heartslabyul crew's used to weirdness and are relatively unfazed by Yuu's whole vibe, but it can kick up when it comes time for choosing who gets to go into a fight.
Also, I have a very sweet but egotistical Siamese at home. So I can't help imagining Grim as more cat-like like my boi. Especially the idea of him just crawling over peeps during class and trying to be taller than everyone.
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heartofnowhere · 3 years
omg i finished Project Hail Mary and it was literally SO good and FUN!!! the funnest book i’ve read in SO long! rambly spoilers under the cut i need to get some things off my chest lol
im really glad i didnt look anything up about it before starting because it was just fucking WILD going into that not knowing there was gonna be aliens, let alone like an 80s buddy comedy vibe! WHAT! i remember when i finished the martian i was like damn i love the realism here but it would have been so fucking wild and cool if halfway through he like discovered alien life. and i remember thinking i wish that watney had given us more emotion... tbh i feel like andy weir heard me personally because project hail mary had all that in buckets. i did cry lol
I can just see how the scene where he remembers about how he “volunteered” for the mission is going to be such oscar bait in the film honestly. speaking of the film i did find out halfway through my read that they had cast ryan gosling to play grace and i was like! INTERESTING. i had been trying on leading men in my mind as i read.... some memorable ones were chris pine (too captain kirk).... ryan reynolds (TOO snarky)... bill hader (?? just cant see him in space ???) and had ultimately settled on charlie day.... rogue i know. but he worked for me.  ryan gosling is a great actor so i think he will be good. i’m very excited to just see how they do this film. the settings are very vivid in my mind. i’m anticipating some very impressive inception esque spinning room zero g effects and hopefully a creature design that feels real and solid and vaguely 80s??? like ET texture lol. i wonder who they will cast as stratt because i feel like she will really make or break the flashback scenes. OMG and the sound design, i wonder how theyll do all the communication!!!!! excite excite excite!!
i really loved the structure and the way the memories were revealed to us. at first i did feel like it was a bit gimmicky like oh of COURSE the coma made him forget everything so the reader can discover alongside him. OF course. ;) but it didnt bother me at all because ultimately it was lending itself to a really interesting way of unravelling of the story... in an almost over the top camp way???? but then the twist where stratt had done that on PURPOSE really turned that on its head for me. i loved that so much. it was genuinely harrowing????? like so scary what the FUCK??? it really just shook everything for me. that was when i was like “oh, this is. really genuinely something”. and then grace gets to prove himself as brave dskjfhjdksfhs im crying again just thinking about it 
i have read some stuff from andy weir on goodreads that in the martian he was very intentionally not telling anything about watney that wasnt immediately relevant to the story because... like. not relevant to the story. so i was expecting that a little with project hail mary too, i wasn’t asking questions about his life before the start of the story. but then when stratt just lays into him about how he’s a coward and has no relationship because he’s scared i was like. oh so this man is gay. that is my reading of it. it makes sense to me. id like to spend some time with andy weir interviews and try and Get him some more but the impression i got was that the book and grace in general was written in a kind, thoughtful way that doesn’t confirm or deny for a reason, so that the reader can make their own mind up. my mind was made up when he gave rocky male pronouns and then a male name for his mate.... gay rights :’)
anyway yeah that went on longer than i thought but im literally desperate to talk about this book so HAVE MY RAMBLINGS. incidentally has anyone here read artemis. why does everyone hate it... im going on holiday in like 2 days and was thinking about getting the ebook to read but some people are actually SCATHING about it LOL whats that about 
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