#tsumugi seems useless
foryoupeko · 7 months
My sister and I might play DRV3 soon
I wanna draw something to illustrate how I feel about the characters before and after the game
But please don’t be mad at me when I say I hate a lot of fan favs hahahaha j-just remember I don’t know these characters so it’s based off the little I know of them! Who cares what I have to say? I didn’t even play the game!!! (Cries because I know it’s not gonna go well but I’m neurodivergent so I have to over share or else I’ll die)
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Idk if you still write for Danganronpa, but i have a idea
What about Yandere remnants of despair with a darling that they thought that died, like after they got brainwashed darling went missing, but after some time they discover that they actually are alive and now works for the future foundation!
Bonus: They are now dating another member of the future foundation and darling is/acts like Tsumugi Shirogane(without the despair and mastermind thing, so darling is just a silly little person who cosplays and is the ultimate former cosplayer! You can ignore this part!)
Thanks for reading! Really, thank you so much! <333
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Found Again | Yandere Danganronpa
Since your class had turned to the remnants of despair the best thing you could do was pretend. Playing the part of a fellow brain-washed remnant before you could slip away to instead aid the future foundation. Now move on with your life it’s a shame that you seemed to be a poignant point in their fall to despair and now that they know you’re alive things are going to change:
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Sonia Nevermind
“What's this…how could you….how dare you take my sunshine?!”
Released from the brainwashing of the Ultimate Despair and returned to normal
During the rescue of those in future foundation finding you walking around and directing others
It’s horrifying because you are hers
So why do you have a ring on your finger
A small stupid ring that isn’t half the size of what she would have given you
She might take advantage of the chaos to convince you to come with her
Surely you wouldn’t mind helping her acclimate to a proper and hopeful life
Whoever gave you this useless ring shouldn’t need you
“Come on (Y/n)I Don’t you remember?! You are my sunshine! I need you to be good!”
Should she find out while still in the throes of despair, it’s a little bit of the same
“So my loyal subjects your king has been abducted and brainwashed by those unhopeful rats! Come my subjects! On my order burn down the future foundation and retrieve my King!”
As a princess turned Queen having the whole kingdom behind her in her rule of despair is incredibly helpful
Immediately informing the moles that lure you from your partner and subdue you
Bringing you to her kingdom in Novoselic
“There my King is in their rightful place….NOW~SHALL WE PRACTICE THE PUNISHMENT OF YOUR ABDUCTERS!?”
She’s still a remnant of despair 
Remnant of despair who delighted and yearned when she found evidence of your death
A remnant of despair who continues to swoon at the way your face morphs into fear
“There~ that is a face I will torture for to fill this Queen with despair.” 
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Nagito Komaeda
“Ah~To think my one true hope would be alive!”
He’s so so so happy you are even alive
He remembers the despair he was thrilling himself with and your supposed death definitely added to that
So him being able to experience this blossom of hope when in the process of saying so
He’s ecstatic 
Actually he abandons helping the future foundation to devise a plan—based on his luck—to get you on the ship with the rest of his class
He knows with his luck he’ll be able to pull it off
Though he’s certain there will be a death somewhere
But as long as it's not you, he doesn’t care 
Your back~and you’ll be his again
As a remnant of despair through his eagerness to have you knows no bounds
He almost doesn’t believe it
He doesn’t believe it
“I’ll believe it when I feel the despair of finding their body.”
It’s too hard to fool him
Likely you never did 
Him being constantly on the hunt to see your despair as he breaks your legs and does whatever he can to keep you in the pits of despair
And right by his side
He so dearly made his dear Junko a part of him is it insane he’d want to do the same
“My Despair! I’ve found you!” 
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Gundham Tanaka
“My Divas, please aid me in apprehending our fallen star!”
It’s fate that he should find you again
That he should have you again+
It was devastating waking up to find after his execution that he wasn’t reunited with you
But now he has
“Will you please just help the founders? I’m not your ‘star’ anymore.”
“How could you not be? Now that I’ve seen you, you’re burning so beautifully!”
“I’ve…found someone else Gundham.”
“....I see.”
He’ll understand liar
He’ll get back on his ship and leave you behind an act
He’ll let you live out your life alongside someone new wrong
The minute you’re around any large wildlife or swarm it’s over
They’ll do their dear Ultimate Breeder a fan by bringing you to him 
Switching off with others when it comes to water or islands
Eventually plopping you on the beach where he happily welcomes you
Commending their loyalty, he claims they did this without his judgment
“Their loyalty betrays my Star’s wishes, I’m sorry.But please for our class’ safety, you’ll stay with me us.”
As for the Remnant of Despair, it’s a miracle you even made it out
The animals are so much more vigilant 
Prepared to cripple you and drag you back to his side the second you step away
He is very intense about including you in his reshaping of the world
After all who wouldn’t be eager to share in the ritualistic sacrificing of those for despair
“It is I Gundham Tanaka! And my Star and I will be the ones to usher in this glorious revelry that is disastrous despair!”
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the-himawari · 6 months
A3! Tsukioka Tsumugi - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Feature (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Izumi: It looks like everyone’s ready.
Tsumugi: I see Tasuku is guest starring again after Franz’s spin-off story.
Tasuku: Apparently there was a scene Minagi wanted to include.
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Azuma: As for the story, it takes place before Izumi and Reo met… It shows the period before he moved to that town. I won’t be appearing that much. But I’m looking forward to meeting Tsumugi’s Izumi again for the first time in a while.
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Izumi: If you consider your role, Reo shouldn’t want to meet Izumi!
Azuma: Fufu. That’s true.
Tasuku: Alright, shall we start filming soon?
Izumi: (It’s a pleasant morning. Izumi is making holy water at the church.)
Izumi: “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”
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Believer: “Good morning.”
Izumi: “Good morning. What a nice morning we’re having.”
Believer: “Yes, indeed. It feels like the air has become clearer after you came, Izumi-san.”
Izumi: “It’s genetic. I come from a lineage of clergymen who have been doing this job generation after generation, so I wonder if that’s the cause.”
Izumi: (Izumi touches his own earring as he jokingly laughs.)
Believer: “Hm? Is that a habit? Touching your earring, I mean.”
Izumi: “…Perhaps it is.”
Izumi: (At nightfall… Izumi goes to work as an exorcist.)
Izumi: “There is only one target to subjugate tonight. The frequency and number of vampires appearing has been decreasing day after day.” “Perhaps—.”
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Lower grade vampire: “GWAHH!!”
*dodges a hit, and a light flashes*
Izumi: “Tch! Haa!”
*light flashes*
Lower grade vampire: “Gyahhh!”
Izumi: “A lower grade vampire without an ego? This one must the target I’m aiming to eliminate.” “HA!”
*light flashes*
Vampire: “Eeeek…!!”
Izumi: (The vampire is attacked by Izumi and quickly breathes its last.)
Izumi: “Phew… it’s unresponsive. I wanted to make it suffer more as I killed it though.” “As I thought, the grade of the vampires appearing are getting lower and lower. They’re all useless weaklings.” “I would have to assume the high grade vampires have moved to the next town.”
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Izumi: (Izumi’s expression and tone which makes him seem like a completely different person from when he was speaking at the church… brings a shiver down my spine.)
Izumi: “Tonight’s mission ended quickly. I’ll head home now. …Hm?”
Izumi: (All of a sudden, Izumi notices a spurt of blood bursting out. The blood has also splattered onto his earring.)
Izumi: “…This is the worst.”
Izumi: (Izumi looks back over his shoulder at the low grade vampire with a cold stare as it fades away into ashes…)
Izumi: “There will be no morning for the likes of you.”
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Izumi: (That day, Izumi had a dream. Amidst the blazing flames, he could see the image of a vampire attacking people.)
Reo: “—”
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Izumi: “I see… is this vampire my next target?” “I always have this dream after I’ve killed a vampire… It’s like a punishment.” “However, living as an exorcist has been my destiny since I was born." “…It seems I’m a prisoner to blood, just like the vampires…” “Even so, if I wipe them out, I won’t have anymore nightmares, and I’ll be free.” “If I hurry up and kill the vampires…”
Izumi: (And so in the morning… Izumi makes holy water in the church.)
Izumi: “By the power of God, please let the vicious devils and evil spirits that roam this world, seeking to harm souls, be struck down to hell. Amen.”
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Believer: “Good morning.”
Izumi: “Good morning.”
Believer: “Izumi-san, I heard you're leaving this place. What a shame. Please, stay well.”
Izumi: “Please stay healthy as well. And please be wary of liars.”
Believer: “Fufu. Because they’re devils?”
Izumi: “Indeed. But morning won’t come for devils, so don’t worry.”
Izumi: (Izumi touches his cross earring as he says so.)
Izumi: “…It's just a habit.”
Izumi: (Then, in search of Reo, his target, Izumi moves towns and to the apartment complex where Kota lives…)
Kota: “Are you having trouble over there?”
Izumi: “Oh, no… I moved here recently, so I was just taking a stroll around.” “Do you live in this complex?”
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Kota: “Yes. The name's Seo.”
Izumi: “I'm Izumi. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Kota: “If there’s anything you don’t understand or that causes you trouble, please let me know anytime.”
Izumi: “Fufu. Thank you. “…You look like a good person, so please be wary of liars.”
Tsuzuru: …
Tsumugi: Are you working on your laptop, Tsuzuru-kun?
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Tszuru: Oh, Tsukioka-san. I’m actually watching the video of Izumi’s spin-off right now. Seriously, no matter how many times I watch it, I’m blown away by your acting.
Tsumugi: You’re exaggerating. The script you wrote was spectacular after all.
Tsuzuru: It’s a little embarrassing to hear, but I’m glad if you say so. Hold on, is there something wrong with your ear, Tsukioka-san?
Tsumugi: Hm?
Tsuzuru: You’ve been touching your ear the whole time… It’s just like Izumi when he’s thinking about vampires.
Tsumugi: Ah… it looks like I touched it unconsciously. Fufu, I suppose it’s become my habit now too.
Izumi: please god, kill all the vampires in the most painful way possible and let them burn in hell 🙏🙏🙏
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A3! Chigasaki Itaru | R - For You to Enjoy Muscle Training | Translation
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* The card name might change in the future.
Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. I had fun translating this backstage so I took some liberties writing some lines. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Muscle Training Goods to Boost your Motivation / 1
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Tasuku: I’m ba— woah! Tsumugi: Welcome back, Tasuku.  Tasuku: …Hey, Tsumugi. What’s the meaning of this?  Tsumugi: Eh? Tasuku: I’m asking you why Chigasaki is lying on the floor. I almost stepped on him. Tsumugi: Ahaha… It seems like Itaru-kun didn’t get who he wanted in a gacha game.  Itaru: I’m having an F in the chat moment. Tasuku: That’s ridiculous. Itaru: It’s not “ridiculous” at all. Tasuku: If you want to lie down, go do it in your room.  Itaru: Yeah, no. I’m too heartbroken for that.  Tsumugi: It looks like Chikage-san has also called him ridiculous for being all depressed in their room.  Tasuku: And he’s right.  Itaru: If I tell others about it, or they get the same reaction or take it too seriously and get worried…  Itaru: A soul who can accept it in a moderate degree my pain and comfort me-–.  Itaru: It’s none other than Tsumugi. He’s the only one who can accept the pain I’m feeling right now.  Tsumugi: …Now that you know why, could you bear with him for a while, Tasuku?  Tasuku: Why should I? Itaru: You see, I don’t feel bad for spending money on games, but not getting a single copy until I hit pity…  Itaru: “But you get it for free at pity.” Yeah, I’m not positive enough to agree with that.  Itaru: My wallet has its limits too… But everything for my most precious fave…  Tsumugi: I-It’s that so?  Tasuku: I didn’t understand that much what you were saying, but you reap what you sow. Itaru: Ughn… Tasuku: If you want to strengthen your mental strength, why don’t you do muscle training? It helps to relieve your stress.  Itaru: How come?  Tasuku: Exercising your muscles can improve your mental strength. And that’s because physical strength and mental strength are related.  Itaru: And by that you mean…?  Tsumugi: Well…  Tasuku: Why don’t you start moving your body a little day by day? There are various games for that nowadays.  Itaru: Those games you mention are in a gym, and that’s a big no. If I do it even once, I won’t be able to go to work. Itaru: Sigh… If only muscle training could be more fun…  Itaru: Huh? I think I’m starting to feel better after talking about those useless things.   Tasuku: I don’t get why. Tsumugi: Ahaha… but isn’t that nice? Itaru-kun feels better now. He lightened up after letting it out a little.  Itaru: I’m drowning the rest of my pains in alcohol today. Tsumugi: Let’s do it together. You too, Tasuku.  Tasuku: …Guess I will.
Muscle Training Goods to Boost your Motivation / 2
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Itaru: Sigh… Today’s meeting took forever.  Itaru: I’m so tired that I feel like melting… I want to go home asap to play games… Itaru: Hm? That is…  Itaru: A more fun… with muscle training…  Itaru: Maybe I can use this… 
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Itaru: …And that’s how today starts Itaru Chigasaki’s journey doing muscle training.  Tsumugi: Doing muscle training… with that beer mug?  Itaru: That’s right. Isn’t this dumbbell beer glass cool?  Itaru: With this, I can do muscle training and drink from it… making it actually fun. A brilliant item, don’t you think?  Tasuku: Hah? Itaru: “Hah?” wasn’t what I wanted to hear.  Tasuku: Where did you buy that dumb thing?  Itaru: There’s nothing dumb about it. It gets heavier when you fill it up with beer, doesn’t it?  Tasuku: First of all, alcohol and muscle training don’t go together. If you’re doing it, then you should refrain from drinking for that period.  Itaru: You said that as if you’re not drinking now, too, Tasuku.  Tasuku: I don’t drink alcohol when I tone up my body. Itaru: Eh? But I just saw you doing push-ups. Tasuku: Those are just from my daily exercise routine. Itaru: Of course. What should I expect from a muscle daruma… Tasuku: Hm? Itaru: Nothing.  Tasuku: Well… it’s beer glass shape lets you hold it easily. And it has a good weight…  Tasuku: If you fill it up with sand, it could work well for muscle training. Itaru: Yeah, no. It’s a fragile item so you have to handle it with care.  Tasuku: Then, you can use it to drink a protein drink…  Itaru: No! It’s not for that!  Itaru: Sigh… this won’t do. Tasuku made me lose all my motivation. Itaru Chigasaki is no longer doing muscle training from today and on.  Tsumugi: Eh!  Tasuku: Don’t blame others for that.  Itaru: Yeah, muscle training is not for me. You won’t want to see me all brawny. Tasuku: … Tsumugi: M-Mhm…  Itaru: Wait, I was just saying, you don’t have to imagine it… I’m feeling really awkward right now.  Tasuku: Well, if you start doing it at the end, I’ll join you.  Itaru: Uhh— You’re on another level for taking this joke too seriously, Tasuku.  Tsumugi: Ahaha… 
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yandere-daze · 9 months
Hello! could I request Strength, The Star and Temperance for Tsumugi Aoba (enstars)? ty also congrats on 1400!! ^__^
Can you guys tell that I´m very slow when it comes to writing requests? kjfnsjn
I´m so sorry this took so long anon, you really had to wait a very long time, but I hope you still enjoy ^^
I haven´t written a lot for Tsumugi yet so I apologize if my unfamilarity with him makes this more ooc than your average yandere post would already be.
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! <3
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, self-deprecation (Tsumugi), mention of death, mention of Tsumugi´s home life situation
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Strength - How outwardly passionate is this yandere around their darling? 
I think Tsumugi as a yandere would definitely let you know how much he cares for and loves his darling, but I don´t think he would be crazy intense about it like say, Mika for example. He´s a bit more mellow, if that is the right word for it.
Sure, he would openly praise his darling for all of their unique and wonderful qualities and traits and often mentions you in conversations whenever the topic at hand is even even vaguely connected to them. You can definitely tell that Tsumugi is very smitten and even a bit too fixated on you, but it wouldn´t be anything obviously concerning most of the time.
I think just his general personality and maybe more reserved or gentle way of speaking prevents him from being worryingly passionate. I believe he also wouldn´t be too touchy with you, preferring to instead hold your hand or hold you close. It´s still very intimate to him anyway.
The only very concerning thing about yandere Tsumugi would be about how much he talks himself down in comparison to you. He very much does worship you and as such often throws in comments about how he´s useless or incapable or makes other self-deprecating remarks. You´re really not quite sure how to deal with it. You´re not the only person he does this with, it´s just a general problem he has, but you still obviously worry when he says things like that.
It´s just uncomfortable to watch Tsumugi put himself down to raise you even higher up.
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The Star - How would this yandere deal with their darling’s loved ones?
I think for once, your loved ones won´t really have to fear anything from a yandere. Tsumugi is not going to hurt them because they are important to you and I also don´t really see him as someone that would really try to isolate his darling just like that.
Your friends and family might think he´s a little airheaded or strange at times but all in all pretty endearing in his own way. He´s usually pretty cheerful and calm and so they wouldn´t really have any problems if you were in a relationship with him anyway.
He helps out in the library and is part of an idol group, he´s got to be pretty responsible, right? And he doesn´t really exhibit any immediate red flags like other people might. Tsumugi´s obsessiveness and strangeness is more lowkey.
So why do anything if they don´t really seem to mind him? Tsumugi doesn´t have much of a problem with you spending time with other people as long as you still find it in you to also give him some of your attention from time to time.
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Temperance - What made this person yandere for their darling? 
First of all, I think with Tsumugi it would be a bit of a slower process for him to completely fall for his darling, it wouldn´t be a love at first sight kind of thing.
I think more than anything, he would admire someone that is very kind and helpful. someone hard-working that doesn´t mind helping out someone like him even.
As I mentioned before, Tsumgi doesn´t have very good self-esteem and a lot of that stems from his home life and childhood. He wasn´t treated very well ( remember him just casually saying that if he were to drop dead, his mother would complain for him to get out if the way? Yeah.) and that facilitated his thinking of believing that he isn´t made for achieving great things. He´s not special and he´s not worth a whole lot.
So to see someone so willingly still help him out, someone that is willing to be there for him and to listen to him, someone so truly good from the bottom of their heart (whether that is really true or not doesn´t really matter that much to him). Well, what can he do but hopelessly fall in love?
And yet, he isn´t very sure of the fact that he would be able to win you over. And that scares him. He so desperately wants to be close to you, he wants to latch on to the person that showed him comfort and love in a way no one ever did when he was still a child.
And well, he just starts to slowly lose his mind the more he comes to "realize" that you would possibly never feel the same way he does. I mean how could you when he´s so far below you, so useless?
All Tsumugi knows is that you´re the best thing that ever happened to him and he doesn´t want you to leave him, ever.
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jujumin-translates · 1 month
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 18 - Leaving The Nest
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Muku: It’s going to be kind of lonely without Spring Troupe here.
Misumi: Here’s a triangle for good luck~.
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Sakuya: What a pretty seashell. Thank you!
Citron: I will forever forget you all~!
Tsuzuru: I sure hope you meant “never”.
Taichi: You’re all overreacting!
Yuki: Are we really having a whole farewell party when they’re not even going to be gone for that long?
Omi: Maybe it’s more like a send-off party?
Homare: Precisely. It’s a party to encourage Spring Troupe to embark on their new adventure. Now then, allow me to recite a poem of mine to celebrate their embarkation!
Izumi: The green curry’s done~.
Azami: The hell kinda menu’s got sushi and a curry set?
Citron: The sushi was my request~.
Izumi: And I wanted all of Spring Troupe to remember the taste of the MANKAI Dorms curry…!
Sakyo: It’s like a MANKAI Dorms speciality.
Manager: Looks like we’ve found what our next set of merch is going to be!
Sakyo: The hell we have. That’s way too elaborate for us to launch anytime soon.
Izumi: There can be no compromises!
Tasuku: But still, it’s a pretty bold move for the entirety of Spring Troupe to leave the dorms right before their performance.
Azuma: Maybe that’s exactly the reason they’re doing it.
Banri: Sometimes the only way you can have a breakthrough is if you go out ‘n take on a new challenge.
Tsumugi: Becoming assistant director was that challenge for you. It seems like you’re all headed in different directions, but we want to support you.
Omi: Because even seemingly useless detours can be necessary sometimes.
Sakuya: That reminds me, why don’t we also use that app Towa-kun mentioned?
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Itaru: BlooCha?
Sakuya: I mean, we have LIME too, but with this, you can know who’s online, and it looks like it keeps a log of when you leave and join the chat, so we can feel like we’re all in the same place a little more, y’know?
Chikage: I’m not opposed to it.
Itaru: The timing for this is perfect. BlooChat’s gotten pretty popular lately, so basically everyone’s using it.
Citron: I will download it right away!
Tsuzuru: Seems like you’ve gotta register first and then create an avatar.
Masumi: There’s no curry avatar…
Chikage: That makes sense.
Citron: My avatar is done!
Sakuya: Oh, is it a cat? Wait no, maybe a worm? Huh?
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Itaru: How’d you even end up with that?
Citron: I combined as many thing as possible!
Tsuzuru: That abomination talking the way Citron-san does is going to be what does in humanity.
Sakuya: Your name is “UC”, Chikage-san?
Chikage: I mean, it’s a pretty standard choice, isn’t it?
Citron: Too standard! I nearly mistook you for an error message!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Sorry for leaving so early in the morning.
Izumi: Don’t worry about it. I saw everyone else off, so there’s no way I’d leave you out, Sakuya-kun.
Izumi: You haven’t forgotten anything, right? Got all your medicine and everything?
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Sakuya: Don’t worry, I’ve got it all.
Izumi: Haha, okay, okay. You can buy most of what you’d need wherever, and you can always come back for something if you need to.
Izumi: (I saw him off like this when we pseudo-disbanded, but this time it was all so sudden that it feels a little different.)
Izumi: (I guess with the situation being the way it was back then, we all made that disbandment decision together.)
Izumi: (Somehow, it really feels like he’s leaving this time…)
Izumi: It’ll be kind of lonely without you.
Sakuya: This isn’t goodbye. We’re just leaving the nest. For the future’s sake.
Izumi: Right.
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun really has grown up to be pretty reliable.)
Izumi: (He’s able to think and act in such a level-headed way, both for his own future, and the troupe’s.)
Izumi: Take care. Stay safe, okay?
Sakuya: I’m off!
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asordinaryppl · 1 month
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 16: My Allies
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Izumi: That should be all the groceries.
Tsumugi: Ah, right… I ran out of fertilizer…
Izumi: Should we go to the florist?
Tsumugi: No, they’re kinda heavy. I’ll ask someone for help and go with them.
Izumi: Oh, speaking of florists, I often pass by a shop where a fan of ours lives—
Towa: …
Izumi: Hm? Towa-kun?
Towa: Ah…
Izumi: Are you okay? Do you feel bad?
[Towa’s stomach growls]
Towa: I wanna eat… rice…
[Towa collapses]
Izumi: Eh?
Tsumugi: … Did he just collapse?
Towa: Thank you for the meal!
Tsumugi: Looks like you were starving.
Izumi: But your aunt is that florist nearby, right? How did this happen…?
Towa: To be honest… I ran away from home.
Sakuya: You ran away!?
Sakyo: Reminds me of a certain someone.
Azami: There’s a bunch of guys like that here.
Kumon: Ahaha, that’s true~
Tenma: You’re one of them.
Izumi: Did something happen at home?
Towa: …
Masumi: If nothing happened, then go back home.
Sakuya: Now, now. The situation might be complicated.
Towa: … I’m sorry for all the fuss.
Towa: … I’ve always admired you all. I’ve always wanted to be someone who’s passionate about something.
Towa: I’ve done everything half-heartedly and without pushing myself all my life.
Sakuya: … Why?
Towa: … Because I didn’t want to disappoint myself.
Towa: I think I don’t want to try hard, fail and realize I’m useless.
Towa: I’ll feel embarrassed. It scares me. I think it'll kill me.
Towa: But when I saw the Spring Troupe’s, MANKAI Company’s performance, entirely by chance, I became obsessed with how bright everyone sparkles.
Towa: I thought to myself that I want to try hard like this, I want to sparkle and accomplish something.
Towa: But I just don’t know what that something is…
Towa: Anyway, I wanted to be close to where everyone is, so I changed schools and applied to Hanagaku last minute and came to Veludo Way.
Izumi: That’s why you’re here…!?
Banri: That’s pretty impressive. The standard deviation there’s pretty high.
Towa: I studied more than I had my entire life before that!
Sakuya: You’re really good at taking the initiative. 
Masumi: You’re reckless.
Towa: Although I really wanted to be close to everyone here, there’s one more reason…
Towa: Everyone in my family spoils me, and they’re always ready to help me with anything and everything.
Towa: They always listen to my selfish requests, and my friends get jealous when I tell them, so I wondered if it was okay for me to stay that way…
Towa: No one argued when I changed schools.
Towa: They just told me to do what I wanted to do, and even found me a private tutor and a cram school.
Towa: They also asked my aunt to let me live with her.
Towa: My family is kind, and I love them, but I hate how spoiled I become when I’m with them. So I decided to leave.
Yuki: You’ve got guts.
Tsumugi: So they support your choices. That’s a good family you have.
Towa: But… It seems they thought I’d immediately go back home.
Towa: “It’s not like he has anything he really wants to do.”, “It’s unlikely he can make it on his own.”
Towa: When I heard my aunt and my mom have a conversation like that over the phone, I got mad and ran out.
Towa: … Everything they said was right, though. All I’ve got is my fixation, and I don’t have anything I actually want to do.
Towa: I can’t do anything by myself…
Sakuya: I don’t think that’s true.
Citron: You have already made it this far.
Chikage: You’ve even gotten into your beloved company’s kitchen.
Towa: Ah…
Itaru: You studied hard, got into Hanagaku, and stepped into your sacred place. Isn’t that proof enough?
Sakuya: I think it’s amazing that you’ve stepped into a whole new world all by yourself.
Itaru: There’s no need to rush. Everyone eventually finds what they want to do.
Tsumugi: I think Banri-kun knows that better than anyone.
Banri: This kinda thing’s got to do with your timing and, well, your connections. No point in rushin’ it.
Juza: Though, you were just tryin’ shit out on a whim. (1)
Banri: Ahh?
Izumi: It’s not like you can’t do anything.
Izumi: If we hadn’t met you, we would’ve never thought of the workshop.
Towa: … Thank you very much. I’m sorry for troubling you.
Izumi: Your aunt is probably worried too, so contact her. Can you do it yourself?
Towa: Yes.
Towa: — Ah, I’m getting notifications from my chat.
shiki: contact us
Kar: don’t die
Iv: wanna come @ my place?
shiki: stay calm and don’t rush things!
Izumi: Chat?
Towa: A group chat I have with friends I met from a game called “Bloom Game”.
Towa: We talk about all sorts of things in BlooCha– the in-game chat.
Towa: We’ve never met, and we don’t know what each other looks like, but because of that we can talk about anything, and I feel like we’re always connected.
Towa: To me, that’s my home away from home.
Izumi: I see. Make sure you contact them too.
Towa: Okay.
Sakuya: Should I take you back home?
Towa: It’s okay. It’s pretty close, and my aunt said she’ll pick me up on the way.
Sakuya: I see. Be careful on your way home.
Citron: If you run away from home again, come here again!
Masumi: You don’t have to do that.
Tsuzuru: We have got to be the only place that welcomes runaways like it’s nothing. But I guess a place like that is good too.
Izumi: See you.
Towa: Thank you for everything! Good luck on your next performance! I’m looking forward to it!
[Towa walks away]
Tsuzuru: Our next performance, huh…
Itaru: We gotta face our problems head-on too, eventually.
Chikage: … That we do.
[Phone blips]
Sakuya: Ah… I have to cut this out and reply…
Sakuya: *sigh* Something that’s like us, huh…
Tenma: Does the next Romeo say lines like that?
Sakuya: Eh? Ah, no, he doesn’t.
Tenma: Seems like rehearsals aren’t going so smoothly.
Sakuya: … Yuzo-san watched our practice today.
Sakuya: He told us to think again what kind of plays the Spring Troupe does, and what the debut performance means to us.
Sakuya: We’ve gained lots of experience, but there’s something we lack compared to back then…
Sakuya: Even though, even our feelings are stronger than they were back then.
Tenma: So something’s missing, huh? There were a lot of those things in the original RomiJuli
Tenma: The acting was rough at best, and lots of parts would make you cringe, but still… I wonder what it was that made it so sparkling.
Tenma: All of you seemed to be enjoying the new world of theater you had just discovered with all your heart.
Sakuya: The new world…
Tenma: When I saw that, I was also drawn to it– it made me think it was time for me to leap into the world of theater, too.
Sakuya: When you praised RomiJuli after you joined, I was really happy.
Tenma: Come to think of it, you had to overcome lots of hurdles during the rehearsals for your debut, right?
Tenma: I had asked you how you did that during the Summer Troupe’s rehearsals.
Sakuya: I remember��
Sakuya: Back then, Yuzo-san had told us we don’t understand the first thing about theater—...
Sakuya: That’s it! Thank you, Tenma-kun! I’m going to get to know the stage one more time!
Tenma: — Sure.
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(1) i wasn't sure what juza's original line (こっちにとっては 当たり屋の交通事故みたいなやつだったけどな) meant exactly, i assumed he's talking about banri's journey of self-discovery in act 11, and made it something with that in mind
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mamadarama · 2 years
I have never played ensemble stars and I know nothing about it beyond rhythm gacha game, I just like memes. these are my conclusions based on meme only context
-purple hair in braid seems to be some kind of neurotic socially inept vampire (mood)
-ginger with the stupid headband thing appears to be a bit of a slut
- there's too many gingers it took me way too long to realize there were probably identical twins in there and not one guy pasted twice
-on second thought headband guy seems like a lot of a slut
-the guy with greenish blue hair and glasses looks like a pathetic pile of issues. I don't mean this as an insult I mean this in way you'd react to a cat with its head stuck in a plastic bag
-red hair glasses is a crypto bro
-I can't tell all the gingers apart please help me
-bright aqua hair is like. aquatic? a swimmer? a fish? just really likes water for some reason? soggy???
-gray hair dead anime mom hairstyle has anime boy personality trait of eats all the time
-short black hair has anime boy personality trait of sleeps all the time
-long black hair might also be a vampire??? where are these vampires coming from. or at least he's goth and weird about it I dunno
-how many blondes are there???
-there's too many of them I give up. also why was one of them in a bee costume
HEHEHE these are pretty accurate !!!
the purple haired guy is mayoi and that is exactly what he is , except hes more of a ghost than a vampire ( he is scared of vampires )
stupid headband boy is rinne , and he is definitely a complete manwhore
the twins are hinata and yuta !! its a bit tricky to tell the difference at first but hinata has pink hairclips and wears them on the right , and yuta has blue hairclips and wears them on the left .
green glasses guy is keito . cat stuck in a plastic bag is a pretty good way to sum him up . hes a responsible guy , but also a total nerd .
( edit: i got a bit confused who you were talking about , BLUE glasses guy is tsumugi , and that description is exactly what he is )
red glasses guy is ibara , he is DEFINITELY a crypto bro .
bright blue guy is kanata !! he loves water and marine life and does not like being dry for long periods of time , so he immediately soaks himself in any water source in sight . ironically he cant swim and often nearly drowns .
gray hair is niki !! hes a chef and thinks about nothing but food at any given time and doesnt really care about anything that isnt cooking related . hes always trying to quit his job as an idol so he can be a chef full time but it never works out for him . he has super high metabolism so hes hungry constantly .
short black hair is ritsu , hes a vampire and sleeps all day , and then wakes up at night .
long black hair is rei who is also a vampire , hes ritsus older brother . he also is pretty useless until nighttime but hes more tolerant of daytime than ritsu . their whole family has an illness that makes them have a lot of vampiric traits .
i believe there are 8 blondes , which is a lot yes .
the bee costume is bc his unit is called crazy:b , which is bee themed !! one of the events has them funny little bee outfits , its very cute .
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aeoki · 1 year
SHINSEKAI - Empire of Fantasy: Chapter 11
Location: Tohoku Town (SHINSEKAI) Characters: Mika, Shuu & Tsumugi
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Shuu: Hmph. I see you’ve had your fun criticising us to your heart’s content. You’re really not Tsumugi Aoba himself, are you? Your speech and actions are exactly the same.
Tsumugi: “Ahaha~ Thanks to the workings of the brain, humans are easily deceived by one’s appearance. By simply borrowing Tsumugi Aoba-kun’s body and talking in it, it makes it seem as if I really am him.”
“In reality, everything is completely different from each other, even our ages.”
Mika: “Ages?”
Tsumugi: “This is an interesting toy~ I had the same thought when virtual idols were becoming popular.”
“If the technology is well-developed and people come to accept it as something that exists in everyday life, then…”
“Maybe a few generations later, humans won’t be needed to fulfil the job of an idol. I’m sure everything will suffice with just a programme.”
“When that time comes, perhaps I will finally be relieved of my post.”
Mika: ………?
Tsumugi: “Oh, I’m not here to talk about that, though. That won’t do~ The older I get, the more airs I tend to put on.”
“Young people want to make progress quickly, don’t they?”
“In actuality, I didn’t come here to criticise you two at all. In anything, I’m here to help. I’m a helper character, after all.”
Shuu: Your help is unnecessary. How annoying. You could have appeared as the Boy or Chibisuke instead.
Mika: I like Tsumu-chan-senpai, though?
Tsumugi: “Ahaha, rest assured. My role is to simply give explanations.”
“But it’s just that you two are far too useless and it seems you don’t like variety-based activities like PVP…”
“So I prepared a support character who will aid you in your PVP battles!”
Shuu: A support character…?
Tsumugi: “Yes. It’s like a set of training wheels on a bike, so if you use that support character in your PVP battles, your chances at victory will increase exponentially.”
“Think of its position in your team like an employee from another unit on temporary assignment – Or I suppose a helper.”
Shuu: A helper? We need no such thing. “Valkyrie” is complete with just the two of us!
Tsumugi: “Is that true? But originally, you were a unit of three, no?”
“I’m sure you’re working as a pair now because it was inevitable, but it’s possible that ‘Valkyrie’ can only demonstrate its true power when it’s in a unit of three.”
“The Trinity, the Three Sacred Treasures of Japan – Three has been an auspicious number since long ago.”
Shuu: It sounds absolutely suspicious hearing it from you, Aoba.
Mika: U-Uh, it’s true we were a unit of three up until last year, though? Does this, uhh, mean that the support character is…
Shuu: Huh? N-No, it can’t be. Nito should have been sent to another region as part of “Ra*bits”...
Mademoiselle: “Shuu-kuuun!”
Shuu: W-Woah!? M-Mademoiselle!
Mademoiselle: “That’s right! It’s me! Oh gosh, why do you look so surprised?”
“We’re normally always together, aren’t we? But we have to be apart when you’re on stage performing, so I’ve been sad the entire time ♪”
Shuu: T-That’s because you might be damaged so– Wait, why is Mademoiselle speaking!?
Mika: Ahaha. What’re you talkin’ about? Mado-nee has always been talkin’~♪
Shuu: Yes but that’s not the point! She’s not only speaking but moving! How is that possible!?
Mademoiselle: “Ahaha. We’re in a strange world inside a game – Something like this shouldn’t be surprising to you anymore.”
Mika: Hm~? Does this mean Mado-nee is another game character like Tsumu-chan-senpai where someone is controllin’ her?
(Yeah, I have an inklin’ and think it’s “that person” who’s inside Tsumu-chan-senpai… But who’s inside Mado-nee?)
(Or is there no one inside and it’s just one of those NPCs?)
(Ngh~! This situation is so nonsensical, I don’t know what’s goin’ on anymore!)
Shuu: Hmm… A living and moving Mademoiselle, huh.
Tsumugi: “Quite adorable, isn’t she?”
“I’m sure you feel psychologically hesitant adding Nazuna Nito-kun to your team, even as a character in a game.”
“She would be easier to accept, right? For you and for your fans.”
Mika: Hmm~ Mado-nee has always been our comrade, friend and family, though. And she’s known Onii-chan longer than I have.
Shuu: It does bother me knowing that there’s a complete stranger controlling her from the inside, though.
Mademoiselle: “Ah, don’t ask who’s inside, okay? You also don’t like others nosily digging into your personal life, right, Shuu-kun?”
“Treat others the way you wish to be treated, okay?”
Mika: Ahaha. That sounds like somethin’ motherly Mado-nee would say~♪
Tsumugi: “What do you say? I’m not forcing you but do you agree to have her accompany you two as a support character?” 
“By the way, you must pay a fee for support characters! It’s one of those so-called paid features!”
Mika: It costs money!?
Tsumugi: “Of course. Otherwise, it would be unfair to the other players. The management team for ‘SHINSEKAI’ cannot make exceptions for you two.”
“You must pay the appropriate price to receive the appropriate benefit. That’s the ABCs of sorcery… If I said that, does that make me sound a bit more like Tsumugi Aoba-kun?”
Mika: Ngh~? I don’t get who’s who and what’s what! It feels like I’m goin’ crazy!
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vespertin-y · 1 year
it’s liveblog o’clock babeee!! this time from the beginning of ch1′s trial to The Switch :’)
-”ah-haha, oh man, i haven’t been in a trial in, like, forever!” “oh, so you have experience with trials...?” tsumugi is using her sweating sprite here, too...adding this to my ‘kokichi was season 52′s second sacrifice’ conspiracy corkboard.
-the mechanical podiums in v3 are fucking SICK. i especially love the way they yank prime suspects into the middle of the trial circle. the standardized size is funny though, poor gonta and korekiyo look so awkward. at least they gave ryoma a stool....
-the monokubs are talking about the fastest class trial to date, and they say: “he was like...a leaf on the wind.” “oh yeah...i guess now he’s one with the wind.” “yeah, i think about him this time of year too.” “the way he soared through the enemy fleet all badass, just to die like a li’l punk!” it seems like the guy was a military aviator(?) who either killed someone right in front of the others, or confessed immediately. sucks for him, but a good basis for an oc...hmmm....
-it’s childish, but seeing two dr characters on the screen with a giant CONSENT!!! between them never fails to make me laugh. in an ideal world they put these in the love hotels.
-the way kokichi’s voice wobbles up and down during his fake crying continues to be hilarious, and ryoma’s amused little “...cool your jets, kid.” is great also.
-oh, i just realized they all call gonta by his first name! i though it was just kokichi that did that, but it seems like he just drops his usual -chan.
-korekiyo suggests they torture those who went to the basement for information, but shouldn’t he know that’s a useless way to interrogate people...? and no one even comments on it, either??? they just let it slide and move on!
-”if the culprit is among that group, then wouldn’t maki be the most suspicious? just look at her - she could definitely kill someone.” lines like this make me inclined to believe kokichi wasn’t lying when he says he’s known about maki for ages in ch2. was he just waiting for the proof the motive videos provided? or maybe he knows literally nothing and is just dicking around here. that’s always an option!
-watching shuichi be suspected for forgetting about the camera intervals shatters my heart. but hearing miu call him kaede’s boytoy with zero pushback from either of them puts it back together.
-i wonder what the intermissions are, in-universe? i hope they’re bathroom breaks...standing in one spot for that many hours would be awful.
-shuichi’s panic spiral is definitely not helped by being moved to the middle where he’s surrounded by eyes from all angles 😬 i’d clam up too!
-the pulsing scribbly eyes during perjury are SO cool-looking,,,
-kaede’s JP VA is absolutely INSANE. the fact that i can hear her smiling AND tearing up, at the same time, across a language barrier????
-that’s all for now...i’ll be back with the next part of the trial sometime soon, for now i just need to lay down......(இ﹏இ`。)
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
you: Ok but what if v3 was actually broadcasted me: they would not livestream it to the public, not with their name attached to it, at least you: They use Junko’s old twitch account “How did you even get the password for that???” “Tsumugi is very dedicated” me: but I still feel like they'd want to keep it secret & maybe reveal it if they succeeded, maybe still keep their method secret, because they don't want people to know if they fuck it up, but even more immediately, they don't want people to believe they failed to protect the Ultimates in the meantime Yin: oooo and this is how the parents learn what's happening to their kids! they didn't broadcast the other 49 but they broadcasted this one! "you used MY SON AS A BACKUP SHUICHI?!?!?! and made him PARTICIPATE IN 49 OTHER KILLING GAMES?!?!!" you: And even then if things go too terribly they could easily just blame it on the remnants me: the Remnants they have supposedly taken down during DR3? you: “Oh noooooo the remnants escaped and kidnapped some kids! In their desperate attempt to appease the late Junko they recreated her killing game with these innocent NHPA students!” me: if they blame the fanatic stragglers it makes them seem useless, if they blame the main RoDs it reveals a previous cover-up, if they claim the project as theirs there'll be huge backlash and then doubled, tripled when it doesn't even succeed. I assumed "taken down" means killed. you: They can be vague if it fits the story me: but why would they want to make it public from the start? it causes those complications for them you: Don’t worry about it guys (I don't think I'll listen to that)
firedemongaming: The irony that they tried to make Shuichi the ultimate hope and had Rantaro as a back-up, but neither of them were actually the ones to become the ultimate hope, it was canonically Kii-bo
Nanami anon: “The Remnants of Despair are not a threat anymore” [16 years later] “So um. About the Remnants of Despair…” One overworked PR employee sobbing in the background
Yin: to show off "LOOK WE MADE A NEW ULTIMATE HOPE!" "and how did you do that?" "uhhh no comment" me: that's what would happen if they only made a reveal after succeeding, otherwise people will know HOW and that's an issue Yin: shrug maybe they livestreamed accidentally instead of video lol me: just. accidentally making a several weeks long stream without realizing you:Oopsie woopsie someone accidentally hit start stream
firedemongaming: Branch 14 is PR, Branch 14 is the branch naegirigami belongs to. The pr team is definitely not helping them this time XD I was explaining what branch 14 is in canon. I'm aware Byakuya and Kyoko aren't in it anymore in the AU. Doesn't change the fact that they pissed off their PR team AND their mascot Nanami anon: The project heads poached one (1) member of branch 14 to help with this. It’s not going well Yin: ......they purposely pissed off their PR team? lol me: the person, supposed to click "record" got distracted by seeing Makoto trip, clicked stream instead Nanami anon: … midway through V3 Makoto hosts a press conference since they kicked him out of the observation room. The FF is FUCKED
firedemongaming: long story short. FF is overthrown. The people try to install Makoto as emperor. Makoto has to quickly find legitimate reasons to convince them not to. Byakuya is just in the background 'do it coward' Yin: Makoto: I appoint my husband as emperor as I think he can do it better than I can Togami: oh I know I can do it better firedemongaming: 'i know I can do it better. But I'm not about to steal the glory from you. I'm more than happy to be a shadow ruler from the sidelines' Yin: Makoto: I don't want the glory! I want to be a house husband! you do it! me: Togami proceeds to dismantle FF into several smaller organizations with less power to avoid that shit happening ever again, like, sorry, but we can't have one organization that's above the law and does whatever they want because they're saviors if society is ever to properly recover firedemongaming: 'instead we'll install this one family that's above the law and does whatever they want because their family heads are saviours' me: no, no, he doesn't stay as the leader of all of them firedemongaming: I was making a joke about the emperor bit
... but I still think about the logic of immediately trying to fill up the position of absolute power when it's being taken down, why is this actually a realistic thing people would do. Eh, on to the next bomb in your askbox
Love me some sonic snap cube duo references
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weebtarurights · 2 years
Sakyo Furuichi SR (Brilliance of Blooming)
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Read full translation under the cut~! 
Story Title: "Mankai Livestream! ~LIVE: Sakyo~
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 1 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Izumi: Kazunari-kun will join us in today's leader's meeting. Kazunari: Heya~! Banri: Up with somethin' again? Kazunari: Spot on, Setzer! There's something I want everyone to do. Actually, I conducted a project survey askin' the fans about stuff they want us to do~! Sakuya: A project survey? Izumi: Yup. Kazunari-kun suggested conducting it for the fans. Kazunari: Thankfully, Mankai Company's popularity has skyrocketed! Tenma: That’s right. The number of new fans have considerably increased. However, some people who have been supporting us for a long time said that it feels like we've become distant. Some say it makes them a little lonely. Kazunari: Still, no matter how popular we might become, we wanna be a theater company that's close to our fans, right? Banri: I see. That's why you came up with a project survey? Tsumugi: How was the result? Kazunari: Most of them responded with, "I want to see more Inste-live!" or "I want to see more selfies!”. Tenma: The number of our Inste-lives varies from person to person after all. Tsumugi: Same goes for selfies. It's basically left to the members who are good at using SNS. Kazunari: That's why! I suggest we hold a 24-day solo Inste-live and selfie fest as a special project! Banri: Selfie fest? Kazunari:  If we'll snap a selfie during livestream and up it on Inste later on, it'll be more excitin'! Izumi: I already consulted Sakyo-san about it. He said, it's fine as long as I'll watch over carefully to make sure there will be no trouble during the livestream. Kazunari: So~ the rest is up to everyone... What do you think? Sakuya: I want to do it! Of course, I want everyone to be happy but... I'm also glad to have the opportunity to talk to all our fans through the screen! Tsumugi: I want to try it too. I might get to understand Inste-live little by little. Tenma: But we're not just going to chat idly, are we? Kazunari: About that, I think it's totes sick to send another survey to check out what the fans wanted the members to do. Banri: That'll make things easier for us. Izumi: It's interesting because each livestream will be different. Kazunari: It's settled then! Leave the form creation and tallying to me! Sakuya: Thank you very much Kazunari-san! Izumi: Then leaders, please share the information regarding Inste-live and selfie fest project with the members of each troupe. Leaders: Got it!
Sakyo: (These requests are hard to do....) Izumi: Eh, Sakyo-san. Are you still working at this hour? Sakyo: No, I'm reviewing the surveys for Inste-live but the contents of their requests are a bit... Izumi: What kind of requests did you receive? Sakyo: ...I received a lot of "I want you to scold me for being useless" requests from the survey. Izumi: I-I see... Seems like a lot of people want to receive a scolding from Sakyo-san. Sakyo: You make it sound like a good thing. However, how am I supposed to give a scolding while livestreaming? Izumi: .....Um, Sakyo-san. Remember when we went to an art festival before? Sakyo: Yeah, you're talking about the Greek Mythology-themed festival, right? Izumi: That time, you unknowingly gave the visitors some life advice while playing as Zeus during the participatory event. Sakyo: Come to think of it. I have no idea how it ended up like that. Izumi: I think it's because they felt that Sakyo-san would give them good advice and give them the push they need if they talk to you about their problems. That's why the results of the survey came out like this. Sakyo: I see. If that's the case, then I should try listening to the viewer's problems, giving them a scolding or advice... Izumi: I think it's a great idea! Sakyo-san's advice is accurate after all. Sakyo: Well, I'd say it depends on the person. But if you say so, I'll go with it. Izumi: It's kinda like a radio advice corner! Sakyo: Fhm, you're right. Well, I think it's better to have a different livestream from those guys. My generation is more familiar with radio shows. I guess it'll be easier for me to think of it as one instead of Inste-live. Izumi: Would you like to pick comments and give advice on the spot? Sakyo: No... I don't want the livestream to become disorganized. It's better to ask in advance. It will spoil the contents of my livestream but we should accept mails in advance.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 2 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Izumi: Seems like we have received a lot of emails from people who are looking for advice. Sakyo: Yeah. Miyoshi also helped out. Izumi: Should we start the livestream now? Sakyo: No problem.
Sakyo: This is Autumn Troupe's Furuichi Sakyo. Can you see me properly?
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Comment: I can see you! Comment: Hi, Sakyo-san! Sakyo: Looks like it's working properly. Today, I will listen to the problems everyone sent in advance. Actually, I received quite a lot more emails than I expected. I honestly didn't expect to receive this much response. Thank you for that. Comment: I sent an email! Comment: I hope you can read mine. Sakyo: I'm not sure if it's possible to cover all the emails you sent me but I will do my best to read as much as the time permits. Let's get started... The first one is from Blooming-san. "I started dieting but I'm losing motivation from time to time. What should I do?" I see...It depends on the reason why Blooming-san wants to go on a diet. Don't you think it's better to do it peacefully? It becomes stressful if you don't eat well even if you want to eat. As a result, losing weight is going to be more difficult for you. Rather than imposing a difficult task on yourself from the beginning, why don't you try doing simple muscle training? It's best to ask Takato and Sumeragi for muscle training recommendations. Comment: Nice advice Comment: It was helpful! Sakyo: The second one is from Mamitan-san. "I tend to take my frustration out on my family and I hate myself for it. Is there any good way to avoid being frustrated?" Well...Unlike our friends, we don't hesitate around our family. If you think you've done something wrong, you can apologize later when you have calmed down. They're your family, so I'm sure they will understand. You realized that taking it out on your family is not a good thing. That is why you sent me an email in the first place-- If you are aware that you should not do it in the future, I'm sure Mamitan-san will change for good too. Comment: Cut the knot Comment: Your message resonated with me! Sakyo: That's good to know. Let's see...Next one is...Hm? ----*chime sound* That sound…Could it be... Misumi: I got here first~! Ehh, Sakyo? Sakyo: Oi, I'm in the middle of livestream right now!
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Misumi: Waah, I'm sorry! I’m sorry, everyone~! Sakyo: I'm sorry about that. Ikaruga might've entered by mistake. Comment: Sakyo-san's real scolding! Comment: This is gold lol.
Choice 1: "Is it always like this?" Comment: Is it always like this? Sakyo: The scolding? Well, it's not like I like doing it but... Since I'm older than most members, I get the most opportunity to scold the younger ones. Comment: What a respectable adult! Comment: Company's dad lol
Choice 2: "Scold me too!" Comment: Scold me too! Sakyo: Aah? What the hell are you saying? You know I can’t scold anyone who hasn't done anything bad, don't you? Comment: Sakyo-san is perplexed! Sakyo: And who's fault do you think it is? ---
Sakyo: We're almost out of time. I will be taking a selfie after this. As you know, I'm not good at taking selfies so please don't expect too much. Well, I think it's good enough as long as my face is visible in the photo. That's all for my Inste-live. Thank you for watching till the end. We look forward to your continued support of Mankai Company.
Izumi: Sakyo-san, good work! Sakyo: Director-san, good work too. Geez, why did Ikaruga suddenly barge in like that? Izumi: Just as Sakyo-san said, it might've been a misunderstanding. Ah, that's right! Please choose a photo to upload on your Inste. Sakyo: Alright.
Misumi:  I'm sorry for barging inside the training room during your livestream... I made a mistake in the training schedule. Sakyo: It's fine. I ended up scolding you when you suddenly entered. For some reason, I received a lot of response due to that. Misumi: Is that so? Did everyone want to see Sakyo-san's scolding? Sakyo: That's not the kind of image I want to show to everyone... Misumi: Ah, well, that's Inste-live for you! Are you uploading the pictures you took today? Sakyo: Yeah, I already had director-san check it. All's left to do is to post it. Misumi: I'm sure everyone will be happy to see Sakyo's photos! Sakyo: I hope so.
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1) Unlike the other backstage, the choice lines from 5th anniversary cards doesn’t come from Izumi’s POV but from the livestream viewer’s POV so I opted to use “Comment”, instead of “Izumi” for the choice lines. 
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kym2020 · 2 years
T/N: an "anon" suggest it would be good if every end of Natsume's sentence will put in Capital for better and less work, so thank you to the "anon" who suggest that...
Shine▲Polyhedric Tri-Lights Covered in Hearts
The Tower Chapter 2
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Sora: …Shisho~, Senpai. Sora is sorry.
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〈The next day. After the meeting with the other company.〉
Tsumugi: No. It's good the person in-charge of the other party is so kind♪
As expected, from a company strong in sports fashion. I got a sample of their underwear and it's on development, and it seems that I can stay warm even in the cold winter days♪
Natsume • Sora: ............
Tsumugi: What's wrong with both of you being so quiet?
Let's get hype~?  I have decided to work on a corporate tie-up for "Switch"♪
Natsume: ¹Yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ sᴏ ɴᴏɪsʏ, sʜᴜᴛ ᴜᴘ!
Have yoo forgotten the words you said beforE?
They told us that they wanted a reality that would make them shine even morE, rather than being inward-looking likE "magical or fantasy".
Is it ironic that we're and indoor magician grouP? Really, how much did came out of your hearT!
Tsumugi: No, I think it's overreaction.
But, as expected, we are looking for something different from our usual colors. So far, I've only shown the image of a "witch".
This time, it's necessary to show us a different side other than a "magician". It ’s not that easy, right?
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Sora: …Shisho~, Senpai. Sora is sorry.
Because Sora said he wanted to take on a new challenge, he bothered both of you.
Natsume: Sora's not in faulT. We're just not prepared to show them the new sides oF "Switch".
I think, other "units" in ES activitieshas increase aside from performancE, through variety appearance and solo activitieS.
Even us can't stay the samE. In this kind of situatioN.
The sudden change is a burdeN. I'm sorry I didn't look through thaT, Sora.
Tsumugi: Natsume-kun wasn't the only one who's in the situation. Even I somewhere in my heart always thought about solo work aside from "Switch".
I will work hard to realize Sora-kun's ideal.
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Sora: ...Sora too!
Um. The sandwiches and drinks Sora ordered were untouched! Let's talk about the sports "Switch" will be participating while eating together.
Natsume: Mmm. We'll do it with a burning souL. If we're seriouS, we'll have to show them somethinG.
We'll become a "unit" that is polished and shiny and will be the most embodied "unit", and the other party will be given a gratitude of the three wishes.
Tsumugi: Natsume-kun, ²you have a lot of it on your roots, don't you?
Natsume: Of course, I havE. It's too rude to question after seeing the resultS. Don't use the name oF "Switch".
First of alL, it'd be a problem if you were told to polish yourself so suddenlY, righT?
The company's side can't finD out exactly what do we want to dO. Ha, I wonder if we're the ones who need to find a concept for this shoW.
Sora: Hmm~. Shisho~ as you said, it ’s a difficult problem.
Sora also like sports, but the people who are in the athletic club are the best example of "polishing yourself", wasn't it?
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Tsumugi: For a person who's good at such things. I only have one person in mind.
How about asking Mikejima-kun? He's the former leader of the track and field club, and I'm sure his "heart" is still active in athletic circles.
He kindly agreed to help me during [Phantom Airship], and I've been relying on him for some chores for NewDi♪
Sora: HaHa~♪ If it's the "Giant"~♪ Sora is his roommate, Sora think we can trust him!
Natsume: Are you both seriouS? I don't want to be indebted to that persoN.
Tsumugi: Oh. Natsume-kun, is Mikemija-kun useless?
When we met him at NewDi, you talked to him in a friendly manner, and I thought he was on good terms with you.
Natsume: You thought sO, did someone mimic me or somethinG?
I don't care about the friendly relationship Senpai and Sora has with hiM, but that Mikejima Senpai's intention can only be seen by those who are alerT.
At the [Phantom Airship], he just collaborated with Eichi Tenshoin in a rebellioN. I think it will be a troublesome situation if we're indebted to hiM.
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Tsumugi: U~m. I think Natsume-kun need to believe in more people, right?
Natsume: You don't believe mE. Many have seen Mikejima Senpai's actioN. I've seen him tossed various people in the aiR, righT?
It's a self-evident that you can't rely on hiM, who saw that scenE.
Tsumugi: Ahaha. That's one interesting part of Mikejima-kun, including that one.
Natsume: Senpai's recognition for others is appropriate?
For worK, I'm sure there is no better person than Mikejima SenpaI... It may be good to ask for oncE, just unwillinglY.
Tsumugi: Then, I'll contact him for you.
Sora: Yes, thank you so much, Senpai♪
The "Giant" has two "units", and Sora's sure there is a wide range of knowledge he has♪
Natsume: It's "Double Face" and "MaM"...  The two "units" sometimes have strange activities, and I don't trust them.
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They had a power of a demon or a snakE. Either waY, it seems that we have no choice but to make painful reformS.
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[1] some story of Natsume had seen him using fonts like this
[2] root means your culture or something
This story was late posted because I was absorbed at playing Looking Glass(enstars fan made game), and was touched by the true ending scene...
「Sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴛᴀɢs:
@keqinxx 」
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erinhysh · 3 years
𝗥𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 / 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 2
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Season : Autumn
Location : Hallway
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Tsumugi : He~y, Anzu-chan ♪
I managed to get out of the hospital safely, it was great
Didn't I tell you to, please don't try too hard and work at a more moderate pace? Please reflect on that
I'm not trying to preach. After all, I do want Trickstar to move forward without sacrificing anyone
Even though in theory, it is ideal to work like that
Ahaha. It looks like everytime I do the same thing as your situation, I get sermons and dents from it
But not I'm not mad, I'm more worried about you
In adition. I keep saying something that contradicts with my own statement, so please don't feel so small over this
Afterwards, let's be more careful and think about the balance
Anzu-chan, please do your best and do only what Anzu can do
Anyways. This is a nice timing, Anzu-chan..... do you by any chance know where Tsukinaga-kun is? You two are good friends right?
Eeh, you learned composing from Tsukinaga-kun, right?
Well, "Producer" works like some sort of manager, but it's convinient to be capable of doing more than what is required~ ♪
Hmm. After checking my schedule, I didn't have any jobs for Knights today so might as well learn about composing with him... Like that?
Hm~, He composes while singing and making a lot of noise, so you might be able to find him by tracing the sounds.. [1]
Thank you, that was very helpful~ ♪
Therefore, I'm going to say it here! Anzu-chan please don't forget to take care of yourself, ok~?
Location : School Infirmary
Adonis enjoying himself and Tsumugi entering the room
Tsumugi : Excuse me~
Uuh, I heard Tsukinaga-kun composing, so I thought he's here.... But I can't seem to find him..?
Adonis : Um, hello Aoba-senpai. Are you looking for Tsukinaga-senpai?
That person is there rolling on the floor and composing
Leo : Mhmmh~hh....♪ The tears of the Goddes is flowing! Let's make an image of winter, with a crimson royal fern in a pure snow white field!
Tsumugi : Oh? Tsukinaga-kun, you know your clothes will get dirty if you lie down on the floor right?
Leo : You can just wash it if it's dirty!
The bed is occupied by the "unconcious kid" or whoever that came to the infirmary earlier~ There's no other option then to lay down on the floor, right?
Huh, Who's there? It sounds like Oba-chan! Come give me something♪
Tsumugi : Everytime we meet each other, you'd say "give me something" like it's some sort of greeting
Well this time I came to thank Tsukinaga-kun, so I'd like to give you whatever you'd like
Leo : Eh? Thank you? Me? What did I even do?
Tsumugi : Fufu, do you not remember, Tsukinaga-kun? You helped with the library comitee work before.......
You made a poster like "Return the Book!" with the library comitee before. Don't you remember?
Leo : Oh, yeah I did! That was fun~, I wanna do it again♪
Tsumugi : Fufu, Tsukinaga-kun likes creating anything. It was a nice help~, maybe I wouldn't have finished it by graduation?
Leo : Oba-chan's hands are just too slow~, just don't think about it! Just start moving!, Seriously don't think about it!
Tsumugi : What shoud I feel then... Is it the inspiration Tsukinaga-kun has has always talked about?
But it's always good to take your time and work hard on it
Anyways. Tsukinaga-kun, did you use the poster from the school library comitee as a CD jacket of your songs?
Practice songs can be rented if you pay the fee in school...
All the students can easily borrow that CD, so if you put a jacket on it, everyone would be able to see it
That was a great idea, I didn't really think about that
Leo : Eh, was it wrong?
Is it really not allowed? But I wanted to show off the poster to everyone because I drew it really well~?
Tsumugi : Oh no, it wasn't useless~, that's why I came to thank you
Thanks to Tsukinaga-kun, everyone recognized the message from the poster
The number of people using the library have increased, amd the school praised me for improving their manners
Leo : I see, it was nice ♪ It feels good to do good deeds!
Tsumugi : Yep. That's why I would like to thank you.... Do you, have anything you want in mind?
I didn't properly gave you anything as a reward, so I only just remembered it and was in a rush.
Leo : Wahaha☆ I'm grateful~, but everytime I meet Oba-chan, I need to get something for him!
That's why I feel like closing my balance between us, because I feel like I've gotten too many rewards! [2]
Anzu is the one talking technically
No I actually don’t know what それで『とんとん』で帳尻は合ってる means. I tried to translate word by word but it sonded weirder than what this is already is
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Translations: Erin
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momota-kaiharem · 3 years
i wish we as a fandom talked more about kaito’s flaws. i don’t mean like, the supposed homophobia or the toxic masculinity-- well, maybe sort of the toxic masculinity? but what i mean is the deep insecurities he has that come out in chapter four, when everyone is calling him an idiot and boosting shuichi.
i talked about it a little in my last analysis-y post but i think that kaito has very low self esteem, despite how he presents himself. if you do kaito’s ftes a lot of what he tells you about himself are complete lies-- just, children’s stories of adventures that almost definitely never happened. kaito’s self image is largely built on lies about himself, being a hero, helping people who went on to do amazing things, conquering parts of the earth and the sea. which in itself isn’t too worrying, it just shows that he’s a bit childish, but if you consider the way that he reacts when he’s put down, with anger and indignation and then eventually really genuine upset, i think it really seems like kaito doesn’t have a lot going for him in that department.
as much as it sucks that kaito doesn’t seem to think very much of himself, this comes in as one of (if not the largest) his largest flaws. as i mentioned in my training trio analysis, part of the way kaito snaps at shuichi is due to the fact that shuichi never stood up for him in chapter four. but a lot of it also stems from kaito’s own insecurities, and the fact that in that context, shuichi has a lot more practical use to the group. i mean, of course he does. he’s a detective. how is an astronaut supposed to be more useful than a detective during an investigation? but kaito isn’t coping with it well, and it shows during the investigation how much kokichi’s shit is wearing on him, and how much the constant praise of shuichi (and constant putting down of kaito) is upsetting him. there’s even a scene where tsumugi and someone else(?) tell kaito he was sort of useless and kaito asks shuichi to say something in his defense. :(
it shows during the trial, too. shuichi starts explaining a concept and kaito interrupts him, without letting him finish, explaining why his theory is impossible. it just straight up isn’t true, and kaito’s objection only comes up because he didn’t let shuichi finish. the dude was about to explain. it’s really fucking embarrassing actually kaito stop
i think that kaito’s sort of fall from grace in chapter four comes less from his upset at what happened with gonta. i mean, obviously he’d be upset about gonta, but if anything i think he would ordinarily blame kokichi for that more than he’d blame shuichi, given that shuichi was just the messenger. just doing what he had to. they all would’ve died if he hadn’t pulled the plug, and kaito knows that. eventually you have to stop spouting idiotic speeches and face the truth, and kaito was able to face the reality of kaede being the culprit, so again!!! i don’t think it was entirely about gonta.
no, i think kaito was upset because it was everything. it was because shuichi was right over and over, and he was wrong, and he was useless, and shuichi booted him from the simulation without asking because he was that useless during the investigation, and kokichi called him an idiot over and over again during the investigation and trial, and shuichi didn’t stick up for him, and then when kokichi pulled up this theory that kaito hated, shuichi sided with him, AGAINST kaito, and didn’t bother telling kokichi to lay off of kaito. and when kokichi punched kaito in the gut and kaito fell over coughing, where was shuichi? not by his side. he decided to get in this Epique Combacke(tm) instead of being there helping kaito to his feet. then he suddenly decides he wants to support kaito now, after letting everyone take the piss out of him all this time? nah nah nah nah nah.
the chapter five conflict isn’t shuichi’s fault, i want to be clear. a big chunk of it is just kaito punishing shuichi for being smarter than him, for circumstances that were out of control, and in chapter five when they speak through the bathroom window, kaito acknowledges this, saying that he was jealous and out of line and it wasn’t shuichi’s fault. but shuichi could’ve done a lot to prevent what happened, had he once made it clear how valuable kaito’s help is to him, or even told kokichi to fuck off when he was continuously calling kaito a moron, maybe things would’ve gone differently. i don’t know.
i realise this was supposed to me talking about kaito’s flaws but i ended up ragging on shuichi again shuichi my main man i’m so sorry (head in hands) i’m a kinnnie and it shows.
one other thing i want to say, which isn’t really going to help in the area of no longer taking the piss out of shuichi, is that i think it took a lot of maturity for kaito to like... acknowledge what he did wrong and apologise. obviously, when you do things wrong (which kaito did, by putting shuichi through the wringer over things that were out of his control) you’re supposed to apologise, but nobody talked to kaito. nobody told him what he did wrong. maki and everyone else sort of just looked at kaito and shuichi and went “yikes that’s awkward” and decided to let them work things out on their own. but after kaito went in the hangar he probably had a lot of time to think, or maybe just time to get the fuck over himself, and he owned up to what he did to shuichi, and apologised for it. it was a good apology, too!!! kaito my beloved.
i’m a bit disappointed by that part of the game, just because i wish that kaito’s fall from grace had been completed? i mean, kaito exposed a Huge flaw there, you’d think that shuichi would take off the rose tinted glasses and go “oh, he’s not perfect” but he,, didn’t, really? i mean, kaito dies, and then shuichi and maki just carry on idolising him like before. i don’t know that i’d hold this against shuichi though so much as i would the writing of the game. it’s just so dissatisfying. you’re gonna give me this sexy flaw moment with kaito and then no payoff??? dude.
anyway. i’m. going to make a shuichi appreciation post after this. i can’t have my six followers thinking i’m a shuichi hater. love that twink. but yeah talk about character flaws they are so cool okay see you later
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kotokos-cafe · 2 years
KiiNaga Week Day 2: AU
For @kiinaga-week-2022
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"Yes, that's right..." Kiibo said coldly. The other students cowered in fear as Kiibo strode over to Monokuma's throne and picked up Monokuma. "The Mastermind you had sought all along..."
"Was us!" Angie finished off, joining Kiibo. The two linked hands, intertwining their fingers and sealing their confirmations of a twisted criminal love. "Angie bets you're all wondering why, yes? Well, the answer is a rather simple, predictable one. Because it was Atua's will!"
"What?!" Kokichi cried out angrily, tears beginning to flood his eyes. These two people, who always seemed so bubbly and cheerful... had been the ones behind it all...? The same people that took the girl he loved away from him? "Are you fucking kidding me?! All of this for some stupid god?! Really?! You two psychos killed people!"
"Yes, Ouma-Kun. All part of the plan," Kiibo confirmed with a bitter edge to his voice. Uncaring. Cold. Callous. "And now that there are three of you left, you must vote someone out for the Ultimate Punishment, as per the rules. Go on, we'll give you ten minutes to decide."
"This is plain cruel...!" Tsumugi jeered, looking at her two remaining classmates, save for the mastermind duo. Either Kokichi, Miu, or herself... One of them was going to die, and it was plain to see that she was the most useless of the three, in her eyes. Then again, Kokichi was the most disliked. Maybe they could vote him out together? "Miu, you're invaluable to Kiibo... And I could help Angie and Kiibo make plain outfits... So we both have use! Therefore, it should be Ouma who dies!"
She felt sick to her stomach hearing herself say it. She didn't want him to die. She didn't want anyone to die. But if not him, it could just as easily be her.
"What?! Me?!" Kokichi gasped angrily. He wasn't ready to die, either. He wanted to kill the masterminds. That was always his plan. It never wasn't his plan. And Miu could help, Tsumugi couldn't. "Says the plain jane with no use beyond sewing like a goddamn weaboo housewife! Assuming you could ever sucker some poor sap into marrying you, that is!"
"Would both of you just shut the fuck up?!" Miu screamed over her two arguing former friends. "Look, one of us has gotta go, yeah? And Mugi, sorry, but Kokichi's right. You're fuckin' useless as far as talent goes. So... sorry."
"Atua has just about heard enough of this incessant bickering!" Angie interrupted. "Well, then! Place your votes! Atua demands a show, and it is about time we give Him one! Nyahahahaha~! Praise Atua!"
Tsumugi began to cry as all three voted. Tsumugi voted for Kokichi, but Miu and Kokichi voted out Tsumugi, as expected. However, none of them could have suspected that they would all be dragged away to individual executions. Meanwhile, Kiibo glared at his three former "friends", momentarily wondering how he was going to get a new inventor or mechanic to do his repairs when he needed them. Then again, as a Danganronpa show host, he could afford any mechanic work he needed done and then some.
"So what do you think?" Kiibo asked his girlfriend. He must admit, she looked rather beautiful in her black and white garb and with her true red eyes glowing in the darkness as the lights of the school fell dark. The game was over, the mastermind duo were the victors. "Beautiful, isn't it?"
"Nyahahahaha~! So despair-inducing!" Angie chirped. She held up a bloodstained knife to Kiibo, insinuating the next phase of their plan was time to commence. "And now, we must give Atua His final show..."
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