#tsuzuru x reader
bambuwu-writes · 2 years
Hi boo! 💕 Whenever you want and can think you could do a hc for (let's act surprised) Tsumugi, Omi and Tsuzuru when they are super whipped for their s/o?? like, i want them to love us so much ugh no shame asdfgh take care as always and sending you a big muah! 💕
Emi my bestieeee! <3
come get your man he’s legit talking to the flowers about you
“I’m so excited for you all to grow up big and strong :))) Once you’re all ready I’m gonna take you to meet someone :))) They’re very nice, I hope you like them!” BABE THESE ARE PLANTS,,,,THEY ARE NOT COGNISCANT OF THE FACT THAT THEY ARE GOING TO BE IN A MINIATURE BOUQUET
he is SO precious tho… i feel like in terms of love languages he’d be really into gift giving and quality time
so at least once a week you two either go out for coffee or make some at home and cuddle up in the garden for a nice and slow morning
he also has this really cute habit where, instead of giving you a kiss on the cheek or something, he’ll just kinda softly smoosh his face against you..what a weirdo [read: what a cutie :”””)))]
if you happen to dislike alcohol he absolutely doesn’t mind, but if you do like having a sippy sip every now and then, he is a great person to drink with
azuma and homare loving bringing home nice wines for the adults at mankai to sample during nights in, and guy is always willing to mix a drink or two for his friends
as much as he loves verbally expositing essays about theatre when he’s tipsy, he also becomes a TOTAL cuddlebug its vv cute <333
if you have to get up to grab some snacks or hop into the bathroom real quick, you will come back to tsumu looking the sliiightest bit mopey
he j wants to keep his hands on you :((( make sure you’re still right there with him :((( uk he loves you soooo muuu- OOO you brought pretzels yaaay :D!!!!!! [SILLY BABY,.,.HOLD HIM PLEASSSEEEE]
makes you really nice fluffy omeletts the morning after to make up for anything embarrassing he might have said the night before…. if you give him a little ‘good morning’ peck on the cheek he will brighten up considerably tho.
He,.,he’s kinda obsessed with giving you forehead kissies.,,
Like, he will not leave the dorms, nor let you leave without a forehead kiss, makes him feel safe :)
if you do it back to him he will go to the akigumi groupchat and literally tell them he’s found his future spouse. they cant bring themselves to clown on him. [banri clowns on him the tiniest bit but thats just bc he knows omi is being so honest rn that it makes the kid tear up a little. fuck man, you cant just go and prove love is real to me like this? ewwww???]
he has,,, ok DONT laugh, but…he has burned food bc he was thinking ab you…EMBARASSING right???? [he’s so cute wtf i cant even write this with a straight face ]
not a day goes by where he doesnt either text you or tell you in person how handsome and pretty and cute you are [EURGJK,,,he’s sooooo…]
you will find yourself wondering if he even knows what he’s doing to you…[answer: he DOES WTF WAUUUUGH,,.,]
ok he does this little thing…where like, when he hugs you from behind he’ll always say this precious little ‘hey :)’ so he doesnt scare you [SOBBING..GIMME A MINUTE…], and then he runs his hands up your back, over your shoulder blades, and down your arms before snuggling into the crook of your neck [im gonna SCREEAMM,,,HOW IS HE LIKE THIS…]
loves playing low romantic music while he’s cuddling with you [i’m currently back on my hozier kick and wauughg,.,good music..] and if you start singing along? god help this man i dont even think he’ll be breathing so he could hear you better..
gets all smiley and giggly when you baby him :”) turns out he really melts when someones taking care of him… he will pull you in for cuddles and you will not escape [he will begrudgingly let you go if you really want to, or need to get work done]
Gives you kisses on your temple! It just felt so right the first time he did it and it stuck!
Ok ok, i swear this isnt creepy, i promise i swear i pinky promise!! He really likes just snuggling his face to the nape of your neck, his lips pressed against your shoulder bc he really likes how you smell. It really calms him down.
Like he has stolen your clothes before so he could have you around even when,..,uk,,You The Person weren’t around
he is so used to being in a household of siblings so he thought sharing hoodies and stuff would come natural-WRONG WRONG WRONG DEAD WRONG
he looses his fucking marbles when he sees you in his clothes he is fucked up fr, god spare his SOUL if you swipe a pair of his shorts or sweatpants…he’s gonna have to actually turn away from you for a second to collect himself
like woaaaoww,.,.,.mine?,.,,mine??? like,,not in the objectify-y way but,..,,.omg mine???
cooking for you. 25/8. it will never end. so much yummby food,.,.,thank u tsuzu,.,.
fr like every single time you see him you’re getting fed SOMETHING like if you’re hanging out in the dorms? apron ON stove ON pan BUTTERED. if you meet somewhere outside? you’re either going out for a snack or he came with some food packed w him
he’s such a little weirdo too, like, if he’s in an affectionate mood there is a 62% chance he will lean in as if to give u a kissie and then fucking noms on your earlobe
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Spring Troupe Cuddling HCs
*PS this may be a little bit OOC, my first time writing anyone in spring troupe
Sakuya’s embraces are always so warm and full of love, his eyes sparkle when you let him know that you just want to even be close to him. 
If you’re feeling sleepy, he’ll start reading over his lines for an upcoming play softly while you lazily play with his hair. 
He does tend to ask questions while you guys are keeping each other company. Asking if he’s hugging you too tight, if where his hands are currently are okay, if you’re too warm, too cold, etc etc.. 
It’s the sweetest sentiment but to calm his nerves planting a kiss on his cheek will immediately stop him in his nervous tracks, burying his face in the back of your shirt in embarrassment. 
Sakuya for the most part likes to be the big spoon, hands interlaced with yours while you face away or towards him. 
Sakuya’s pretty shy about being the little spoon, as he gets flustered but feels immensely loved and cared for if he is. 
Masumi is very protective of you while the two of your are in each other’s presence, it only accelerates if you two were to be in each others arms. 
He always makes sure your close to him, that you fall asleep first so he can admire you in a constant light.
Constantly twirling his fingers softly through your hair, gently pushing stray strands behind your ear to get a better look at the face he loves so much.
Masumi loves showering you in compliments when you two are this close, whispering to you how much he appreciates you and loves you, his words making you flush in embarrassment.
Besides that, he’s not much of a talker while cuddling, instead it’s comfortably peaceful and quiet with him. The small actions that Masumi does, like pulling you in closer or pressing tiny gentle kisses across your face is how Masumi enjoys this tranquil moment with you.
He shoots death glares at anyone making a noise near you incase you wake up from it. Keeping your peace is his #1 priority.
If you wake up before him he most likely has a tight but comfy grip on you even in his sleep. His arms snug at your waist and face buried in your shirt.
Mumbles “five more minutes” half awake and hugs you tighter. If you had somewhere to be, you definitely don’t now.
Tsuzuru, although deathly tired, will always somehow be awake much later than you could no matter how messed up your sleep schedule is. 
He’d apologize for not being able to spend enough time with you being swamped in work by making you a cup of coffee or tea when you wake up. He’d know how much a warm cup of caffeine would be godsend to him.
If you show up to his room at 2 AM he’ll beg you to go to sleep, being the biggest hypocrite in the world in that moment. 
He promised that he’d stay with you for the time being and then get back to work, but exhaustion would get the best of him as he falls asleep against you. 
Before then, he’d fight it through small talk, but once he starts descending into cutesy compliments and pet names he’d never say wide awake to you, he’s out mere seconds later.
But during the day, the poor sleep deprived boy will not hesitate to take a cat nap while curling up next to you. 
Wordlessly he keeps you in his arms and rests his head at the crook of your neck. So close his breath tickles your skin.
He doesn’t mind. Relaxation is easy for him when it comes to you.
He’s almost immovable when he’s unconscious and your arms will probably go numb cuddling with him during the day. It would take a literal bulldozer to pry him off of you. 
Citron physically dives into your arms, giving you a deathly tight squeeze, excited to be in the same space as you. 
Citron enjoys holding you on the couch while you lay on top of him, his hand on the small of your back and letting your rest on his chest. 
He hums constantly in excitement of the time he’s spending with you.
But please don’t let him fall asleep. He is an absolute menace and will sprawl over you, taking up all of the space while snoring loudly.
Citron loves talking to you while you two are this close. Often giving you a small massage while asking you how your day’s going excitingly, wondering if you had done anything new to your hair or a new skincare regimen, his hands trailing around your head and face while asking. 
Most importantly, he’s an amazing listener!
He loves this especially when you two haven’t seen each other for so long, these moments he will find difficult to have to part again when needed. Even if it’s to go to the kitchen and find a snack or drink, his touch will tend to linger. 
“Itaru can you please come to bed with me” “Not now Y/N the boys online need me” “ITARU-”
Although this man is genuinely never near a bed, he still makes room for you to snuggle up against him while he’s playing any sort of video game.
It gives him control to not completely rage while you cuddle up next to him, asleep or not, he has a bit of restraint around you when you look so peaceful.
Loves to cuddle up next to you while watching a movie, with tons of food and drink on the table in front of you both.
His arm around your shoulders as you lean your head against him.
Itaru definitely spoils you a little when it comes to these intimate moments. Swallowed under blankets and pillows and snacking on your favorite foods with a movie you both enjoy.
It’s impossible to not fall asleep within the first couple of minutes. Itaru loses all focus when he sees you sound asleep, completely forgetting about the movie, the food getting cold and the drinks warm. At this moment you’re the only thing that matters to him.
He would definitely tease you at first of the idea of wanting to cuddle, but give into any sort of request you had in mind regardless. 
“Well, whatever helps you sleep at night” “Really? That’s what you need? Alright then, come here”
Such a filthy liar about only holding you for your benefit, and it shows in his body language.
Chikage’s constantly tending to you, his fingers trace gently down your arms, eyes locked on you watching your reaction and every move. Any sort of hint of negativity he’ll switch what he’s currently doing.
But when you smile at home, it was insanely difficult to hold in his satisfaction.
He’d rather die than to admit he wants to receive your affection either, so in a way this sort of doting is almost a diversion.
Yet he fell weak to your warm embrace either way. He let his guard down the closer you got to him.
Clasping his hands between yours, planting a small kiss at his fingertips, it made him so embarrassingly weak.
Any form of affection that you gave him seemed to come by surprise. It was a pleasant one, nonetheless, and he made sure to cherish it.
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moonstruck-writing · 1 year
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Title: Sheltered Winter Pairing: Tsuzuru Minagi x reader | A3! Rating: Teen C/Ws: gender-neutral reader, domestic fluff, established relationship, flustered Tsuzuru, Christmas fluff, they all enjoy teasing Tsuzuru Requested by @emilycollins00 <;3 Summary: Christmas arrives right after Tsuzuru and you have started dating, and Kazunari decides it’s the best time to invite you to spend time at Mankai – without Tsuzuroon knowing. Word count: 3k A/N: I hope you can enjoy this as a belated present for Reyes, Emi! I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you have just as much fun (if not more) reading it <3
Also, Christmas is used here in a general way, it doesn’t have to be the 25th.
Fog clung to the walls of buildings, blurring the skyline of the city. It was cold, but it was a good type of cold. It was Christmas, when it seems that winter isn’t so harsh, and the lights accentuate the beauty of the season. You tried to snuggle further into the scarf around your neck, but it wasn’t enough. Even then, the thought of your destination kept you warm somehow.
You were going to see Tsuzuru. And not just that, but you were going to spend Christmas with him. It felt like a dream, and you felt giddy and excited. It hadn’t passed that much time since you had last seen each other but seeing him in those circumstances felt extra special. Specifically, because you had only begun dating recently. That contributed to the feeling of walking inside a dream. You couldn’t quite believe it, but you knew that soon it would all feel real. The wide smile that spread on your face couldn’t be covered by the scarf.
Receiving the invitation to spend Christmas at Mankai had surprised you, since it came from Kazunari, but you hadn’t thought much about it. You had known him for a long time since you had friends in common, but it hadn’t been until you went to see one of the plays he starred in, that you met Tsuzuru. For some reason, Kazunari had insisted on introducing you and your friends to all the members of Mankai that were present, and that’s when you found out Tsuzuru wasn’t just an actor, but that he wrote the scripts for the plays too. You chatted with him a bit, and soon enough you two connected through your passion for writing and reading. It could’ve been a one-time thing, meeting a kindred spirit and then parting, but it was not. Tsuzuru texted you the title of a book he had mentioned to you – thanks to Kazunari for being the bridge that once again connected you, this time technologically – and you entered Tsuzuru’s world.
And that world came with every single member of Mankai.
You had spent countless times backstage, congratulating the troupe on their plays, and Tsuzuru on the script. You had even spent evenings at the dorms, hanging out with Kazunari and some of the others. But now, it was different.
Now you were spending time at Mankai as Tsuzuru’s partner. Not just a friend, but so much more.
As you approached the dorms, you wondered if you should text Tsuzuru or simply ring the bell. You weren’t sure who would open it, and as much as you wanted to think you were on good terms with many of his fellow actors, you still weren’t as comfortable as you would’ve liked. So you opted for the safer option.
<Tsuzu, I’m at the door.>
It wasn’t long until a message popped on your screen.
<What door?>
You looked around, trying to figure out if there was supposed to be more than one door to the dorms, even if you had always gotten inside through the one you were standing on.
<The entrance door?>
<You’re at the dorms?>
<Yes, I was coming today, don’t you remember?>
You saw his status change from typing to online and then change again. It made your stomach act up.
Meanwhile, Tsuzuru seemed to have started an impromptu gymnastics session. He jumped from the chair he was sitting on, typed and deleted a million questions, and ultimately decided to rush to the bathroom to check his appearance before opening the door.
He had no idea why you were there, but couldn’t bring himself to ask in the end. Had it been his mistake? Had you two made plans beforehand? Because of the way you had phrased it, it didn’t seem you had simply decided to surprise him.
He combed his hair a few times and straightened his hoodie, and then the butterflies appeared. He was going to see you. You were there.
When he opened the door, you greeted him with a smile and a shiver.
“I’m so sorry, you must be so cold, come in quickly.” He instinctively reached for your arm, pulling you inside. The contact lit a fire inside you, melting the cold that was biting at your skin.
“So, what were you doing?” You asked while taking off your shoes.
“Oh, just seeing what new plays were happing around. Fieldwork.” He put his hands inside his hoodie’s pocket and looked at you from behind.
“You want to go see some plays?”
“Yeah, I figured I can also study scriptwriting by seeing the actual performances, not just reading scripts and books.” He shrugged, even if you couldn’t see it. “Want to come with?”
You turned around and flashed him a wide smile. Tsuzuru couldn’t even hear your answer from the waves your reaction had created in him.
“Ah! You’re here!” Kazunari’s voice echoed in the entrance.
Tsuzuru turned around, facing Kazunari. It didn’t take long for him to put two and two together. Tsuzuru sighed, unable to do anything else. But instead of feeling defeated by Kazunari’s ideas, he felt grateful. You were here now.
“You can leave your things in Tsuzuroon’s room.” Kazunari addressed you. “You haven’t seen it yet if I’m not mistaken. And I’m sure you’re extra hyped for it.”
“Hey!” Tsuzuru couldn’t help but grumble. His room was a mess and there was no way he wanted you to see that. Kazunari should’ve given him a heads-up at least!
“Honestly, I do want to see your room.” You looked at Tsuzuru, standing up and finally properly entering the dorms. He didn’t really have any other options. Tsuzuru sighed again, closing his eyes.
“Okay, but just give me a couple of minutes.”
“Ohh, is there something you want to hide, Tsuzuroon?”
The glare Tsuzuru shot him petrified Kazunari. It wasn’t the first time he joked around with him, but it was the first time he saw him reacting in such a way.
“I’ll keep y/n company until you come back, so no need to worry!”
“That’s exactly what I’m worried about.”
You laughed and Tsuzuru’s face seemed to soften a little.
“I’ll come back quickly.” He searched for any signs of discomfort in your eyes, but he only found calmness. Once he disappeared down the corridor, you sat down on the sofa next to Kazunari.
“So it was your idea.” You looked at Kazunari, and he quickly understood what you meant.
“I wanted to WOW Tsuzuroon. You know the word vacay doesn’t really exist in his vocabulary.” There was nothing you could say to that, even if you knew he could’ve gone about other ways with the plan. “And you haven’t been here in a while.”
“Yeah, since before we started dating,” you muttered, more to yourself than to him. “Have you missed m—”
“You’re dating?” Kazunari interrupted you, chuckling to himself. “Man, I did all this to bring you closer!” He leaned further into the sofa, bringing his hands behind his head. “You didn’t need my help at all, did ya?”
You felt a needle pinching at your stomach. It had only been recently that you two started going out together, that’s why…
“I should’ve picked up on the clues, though. Tsuzuroon has been casually mentioning you every now and then.” Kazunari’s words calmed down the dark spiral that had begun forming in your head. “He also–”
“Okay,” Tsuzuru’s voice could be heard from the corridor. “You can come now.”
“We’ll leave this convo for another time.” Kazunari winked at you, and you giggled. He had managed to distract you and now you were more relaxed than before. You were glad you had a friend like him.
You quickly followed Tsuzuru to his room, glad that you hadn’t taken off your coat yet. You could see your breath as you crossed the courtyard. He turned around a couple of times while walking you there, and you exchanged smiles. You felt giddy.
“Masumi isn’t here now, so you can relax.” He said while closing the door after you.
You remembered him from the plays.
“He’s away visiting his family for the holidays?” You asked while removing your coat and scarf. Tsuzuru promptly took them from you and placed them on top of his coats on the hanger on his side of the room.
“He’s out with Izumi and some of the other guys that haven’t gone back home.” You started casually looking around the room and walked closer to his desk to see the books that were piling up there. There, something surprised you.
“You printed this picture!” You pointed at the photograph hanging from his wall, among quotes from plays and novels.
It was a picture of you two, smiling bashfully at the camera. It had been the first selfie you had taken together, and it showed. But you adored that picture.
“Yeah,” Tsuzuru bridged the distance between you two. “Omi was going to print some photographs and I asked him to print this one for me.” Tsuzuru stared at the picture in an attempt to calm his nerves. Having you in his room was doing things to him. Then, his eyes accidentally roamed over his shelves. “Oh! I need to give you your gift.” He picked up a package wrapped in gift wrapping from above. “I can’t believe I almost forgot.” He giggled, and you felt the urge to hug him. Even if you hadn’t talked about it, you two had bought a gift for the other. You felt comforted by the connection that action proved.
Tsuzuru offered the gift to you, and you two sat down on his bed. It was heavy and sturdy like a book, and you didn’t waste any time, quickly tearing the paper.
“What!” You gasped without peeling your eyes from the cover. “It’s the book adaptation of that series!” You looked at Tsuzuru, surprise, awe and confusion all mixing on your face.
“You looked so happy talking about that series, that I thought…” He smiled looking into your eyes.
“I love it!” You hugged him impulsively, trying to show your emotions. He hugged you back, the book you were holding with one hand still between you. “Ah! I also have something for you.” You let go of him, put down the book and went to your coat, searching the pockets. “Here.” You walked back to the bed, offering him the small gift.
He smiled widely, unable to contain his joy. When he finally ripped the paper and opened the small box, his smile widened even more.
“Wow, I—” he looked at you, speechless.
“Do you like it?”
“Of course I do! It’s wonderful.” He looked back at the box in his hands, containing the bracelet you had chosen. It was a thin chain with a small metallic quill. “Can you put it on for me?” You took it from the box, and he pulled his sleeve back, offering you his wrist. When you finished tying it for him, he quickly interlaced his fingers with yours, preventing you from pulling away. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it. I thought it could maybe offer you some support while you write.” You squeezed his hand, emphasizing your point. “And I love your gift, I can’t wait to start reading it.”
“I’m glad.” Tsuzuru’s features softened, and you felt his fingertips running over your knuckles. “Although I don’t want you going home any time soon, so that’ll have to wait.” A playful smile appeared on his lips, and you slowly leaned forward until you were only a few inches apart. He also leaned in, and you joined in a sweet peck.
A kiss that was soon interrupted by the loud sound of furniture being dragged around in another room. It startled you and you pulled away. Embarrassed by your reaction, you looked away, trying to hide your expression from Tsuzuru.
“Are you hungry? I can make us something quick to eat.” He left the box and torn wrapping paper to the side and stood up, tugging your hand.
“Oh, I’m fine, thank you.” You looked at him again.
“Let’s get something to drink, then.”
You stood up and made to let go of his hand, but he didn’t. He kept holding your hand while leaving his room, walking down the corridor to the kitchen. It made you nervous, shy and excited all at once, but more than anything it filled your heart with warmth.
“Oh, hello there.” When you reached the kitchen, a voice greeted you.
“Azuma, I thought you said work got busier during this season.” Tsuzuru looked slightly taken aback.
“Is that your way of telling me I’m not welcome?” He giggled, looking at your intertwined hands. “And who is the kindred soul?”
You had seen Azuma before in the Winter Troupe’s plays, but you had never actually spoken to him, so you quickly introduced yourself.
“Nice to meet you. I hope to be seeing you around here more often.” He gave you a smooth smile, and you wondered how many people had succumbed to that charm.
“I can make us some milkshakes if you want?” Tsuzuru let go of your hand and turned around to face you, to gain back some of the privacy that had been lost due to Azuma’s presence.
“I see you’re trying to show off here.” But his presence wasn’t something that could be forgotten so easily.
“Wha—, no, I’m not!” Tsuzuru quickly looked over at you. “Okay, maybe a little bit…” He owned up to it, surprising you.
“Nothing to be ashamed of, Tsuzuru.” He continued teasing, finding enjoyment in seeing how nervous the usually stoic writer could get. “I can also see why this is the first time I’ve met y/n. You don’t want anyone else taking them away from you, huh?”
“Azuma!” Tsuzuru blushed furiously. He felt humiliated and uncool, exactly the opposite of what he wanted to show you. He only dared to look at you for a second, in which meeting your intense gaze didn’t help to calm him down. To try to distract himself, Tsuzuru went to the cupboards and started taking out a couple of mugs. “I can make us some hot chocolate or coffee or something.”
“I’d love a hot chocolate, but it hasn’t been that long since I had lunch,” you hesitated out loud.
“How about making it a milkshake?”
“Make it three,” Azuma quickly added.
“What were you in the kitchen for?” Tsuzuru sighed, suggesting that he should make his own drink, but he still took out another mug from the cupboard.
“You make a great reluctant big brother, Tsuzuru.” Azuma observed him with a placid smile. You decided to move away to not be a bother to Tsuzuru and sat down next to Azuma. “Do you have siblings, y/n?”
That’s how the questions started – where did you met each other, did you see their plays, what was your favourite – while Tsuzuru worked on making the best milkshakes he remembered from one of his part-time jobs. You started feeling comfortable and wondered if there would be more days like this one in the future. Days where you spend time with Tsuzuru at home, and time seems to slow down.
After giving the whipped cream on top the final touch with some ground cinnamon, he handed you the beverages and sat down. You were all savoring your drinks when Azuma decided to stop drinking.
“What do you like about Tsuzuru?”
Sitting beside you, he seemed to choke on the milkshake and coughed a couple of times.
“Enough!” He was still whipping his mouth with a napkin when he reprimanded Azuma.
“Okay, okay, I’m leaving.” He raised his hands in momentary defeat, then took the mug and stood up. “Y/n can tell you alone.” Azuma winked, finally getting out of the kitchen. Tsuzuru sighed, wanting to dig a hole to get inside. First Kazunari and now Azuma… things weren’t going how he would’ve wanted them to. You hadn’t been dating for long, and he worried that he could do something to make you lose interest. He felt extremely clumsy and out of practice – when was the last time he had tried to impress anyone?
Maybe when he had written the first play for Mankai? But what he wanted to show you went far beyond that. He didn’t want you to just think of him as a good enough scriptwriter – he wanted so much more. And it was scary.
You slurped the last drops of your drink and the sound brought Tsuzuru back to reality.
“This was soooo good.” You licked your lips mindlessly, trying to get every last drop of flavor you could. “To be honest, I am impressed.”
He felt a flush of heat travel from his chest to his face. He eyed the hand you had rested on top of the table and moved his hand closer until your pinkies were touching. But before he could do something else, another person entered the kitchen.
“Oh, hello y/n, it’s been a while.” Tsumugi was carrying the watering can in one hand. He needed to use the sink since the hose in the back garden wasn’t working properly at that moment.
“How are the plants doing?” You had spoken to him when Kazunari and Tsuzuru first invited you to the dorms. Kazunari had insisted on giving you a tour of the place, and you had found him gardening.
“They’re doing well, but I see now it’s a shame I didn’t plant any mistletoe,” Tsumugi said while looking between you and Tsuzuru. “Although I am sure you don’t need it.”
That’s all it took for the both of you to get flustered. Tsumugi finished filling the watering can and turned the tap off, seemingly oblivious to the state he was going to leave you in.
“Feel free to visit the garden any time,” he said as a goodbye. When he left, you finally felt you could breathe again. Was it so obvious now that you were dating?
“Sorry about that, they’re all really… an interesting bunch.” Tsuzuru took the chance to take your hand between his.
“Yeah, I kind of had an inkling they’d be like that, Tsuzu.” You saw the worried look in his eyes and tried to reassure him. You were actually having a lot of fun being there with him.
“Hearing you say my name like that… makes me all warm and fuzzy.” The blush that had spread over his cheeks after Tsumugi’s comment intensified now, filling your heart with love.
You leaned your head on Tsuzuru’s shoulder and allowed him to play with the hand he had between his. Meanwhile, you basked in his heat.
Maybe some other resident of Mankai would come soon to interrupt you, but for now, that moment was yours.
I hope you enjoyed this, interactions and constructive feedback are highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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lcs-library · 1 year
I SAW THE REQUEST GAME AND CAME RUNNING. mmm im thinking rosehip & pomegranate for banri (my stinky beloved), tsuzu, and kazu if you haven't done those prompts for them already? thanks a bunch and pls be sure to hydrate lots and lots 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
FRIEND???? IN THE ASKBOX?? More likely than you’d think<3333. I haven’t done these prompts for them, and I’m sorry it took a while, but this was really fun to write! Thanks sm for the request hehe<3333333
Request game
Rosehip: How romantic are they? How do they show affection?
Pomegranate: At what point did they know they loved their s/o?
🍂He is romantic, yeah, and he loves you, but grand gestures or declarations aren’t really his thing. If you get one, you just KNOW it’s to see you blush, he doesn’t mean it.
🍂Or does he????🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
🍂“Hey.” You turn around at the sound of Banri’s voice to find him leaning over the kitchen counter, that iconic foxy look in his eyes. You have to sigh, almost entirely sure of what was going to happen next.
🍂“What?” You ask, knowing his next move.
🍂“Oh, there’s my dear. I love you~.” He croons, making a kissy motion. You couldn’t say you didn’t feel at least a little flustered, but that didn’t change the fact that this was Banri Settsu you were talking to.
🍂You stepped up to him, shoving your palm against his mouth.
🍂“Yeah, nice try.”
🍂“What? You used to like it when I was all flirty.” He pouted.
🍂“Mhm, not before I caught on to your stupid schemes.” You replied flatly, going back to the task at hand.
🍂“But it def helped ya fall in love with me a little more, didn’t it?”
🍂You had to cringe at the accusation, but you couldn’t deny it.
🍂“Shut up.”
🍂“That’s what I thought.” He replied with a sly grin.
🍂Even though he tends to mask his affection in cheesy lines and smug smirks, when he’s in a really romantic mood it’s like he’s a completely different person.
🍂He’s practically attached to you, his face in your shoulder mumbling things like “I love you” over and over again.
🍂Of course, this is something you only get to see in private, as he can’t let anybody know that Mr. Super Ultra Easy Mode has a weak spot.
🍂He’s also super affectionate, placing little kisses all over you as the soft mumbling continues.
🍂He’s more giggly with you as well. He has such a bubbly laugh that it’s a shame you don’t hear it more often.
🍂In conclusion, Banri + gap moe = cute
🍂The moment he knew he loved you was on a day out, when the two of you stopped by a coffee shop.
🍂The second your drinks arrived, he whipped out his phone.
🍂“C’mere, we gotta take a pic for the ‘blam.” He says, pulling you closer to him as he flips his phone to the selfie camera.
🍂“Do we have to?” You whine.
🍂“To keep the fans happy.”
🍂And so, holding your drinks up, you pose as the camera shutters. Immediately after, you turn away to start sipping at your drink.
🍂You may not have been aware of the expression on your face, but Banri was. He was very aware.
🍂It had been a long day, and the way your eyes went from having such a dull look to them to positively lighting up at the first sip; it was such a subtle change, and yet he couldn’t help but find it cute. Not that he’d ever say it, of course.
🍂Despite that, he felt something bubble up inside him. A sort of voice that screamed at him that he needs to be the one to make that happen more often.
🍂Was it love? Would he know?
🍂The feeling turned from a gurgling to a flood of questions and emotions as he continued to stare at you, unaware of his own expression, a soft, caring one.
🍂You turned around to face him at his sudden silence.
🍂“Banri? You okay?”
🍂It was as if your voice had snapped him out of some sort of hypnosis.
🍂“Huh? Wha-? Yeah, ‘m fine. You like what ya got?” He replied, a little flustered.
🍂“Yeah.” You said, a smile finally gracing your features.
🍂“Good.” Banri rubbed your head fondly. Maybe he’d figure out the funny feeling later and enjoy his time with you.
🍂He never ended up posting the pic to Instablam btw. He ended up cherishing it.
🖋️He has so much love to give, but it’s never in the most obvious way
🖋️It’s always the little things with him, like allowing himself to let loose and complain a little or taking time out of a busy schedule to take you for a meal.
🖋️And you can’t seem to get enough.
🖋️There’s just something about the way he stumbles over, exhausted, and asks to go out with you to lunch that day that is somehow so endearing.
🖋️Of course, he could have easily gone on his own, but he’d rather go with you, and that just makes every time ten times more special.
🖋️As for affection, that also lies in the little things.
🖋️Holding your hand as he proofreads a script, covering you with a blanket it you fall asleep on the couch, and small forehead kisses at random points are pretty common with him.
🖋️His love is always in small doses, but remains a constant, finding its way into your everyday life and seeping through the cracks of the mundane.
🖋️His love is like going on a walk and finding little dandelions popping up in the cracks of the sidewalk. A small thing, but so bright and constantly surrounding you.
🖋️He connected the dots about a few months after he met you, when he finally finished a particularly difficult script.
🖋️He had fallen asleep at his laptop this time, where Masumi had messily thrown a blanket over him. Empty packages of instant ramen and mugs surrounded him, each one having been stained with the absurd amount of coffee he had been drinking.
🖋️You knock on the door, jolting him awake.
🖋️“Hrmngh?” He sputters as you walk in.
🖋️“Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?”
🖋️“Nah, you’re fine. I’ve been awake for hours.”
🖋️You knew he was(terribly) lying, noting the blanket around his shoulders and dark circles around his eyes, but didn’t say anything.
🖋️“Well, I’m just checking in. Sakuya said you collapsed earlier, so I wanted to make sure you’re okay. I also brought some curry from Izumi. It’s probably better than the instant ramen Masumi’s been hopping you up on. And I brought a water bottle since I figured you have’t had anything other than coffee, and you know how Azami is about hydration— you good?”
🖋️Tsuzuru was staring at you like you’d grown a second head. A strange feeling washed over him and it was…nice? It felt good to know someone cared so much about him, it just made him want to return the favor. He blinked dumbly before finally snapping out of his trance.
🖋️“Uh, yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for all this. Just set it on the desk.” He replied as calmly as he could.
🖋️“Alright, I trust you to actually eat it.”
🖋️Tsuzuru chuckled. “I will, I will. Thanks again.” He grinned as he ruffled your hair. You blushed a little at the affection, but he could hardly guess as to why(he just thinks of the affection as the Older Brother Instinct).
🖋️“You’re welcome. See ya, then.”
🖋️“Mhm, see ya.”
🖋️The door shut behind you with a click.
🖋️FUUUUUUUUCK. Tsuzuru sank into his chair, his hands combing through his hair.
🖋️This can’t be…can it?
🌺He’s surprisingly traditional when it comes to romance.
🌺He goes on a few dates before declaring you official, doesn’t go too far without your consent, and says a lot of “I love you”s
🌺You know that post that’s like “‘Saying “I love you” too many times makes it lose its meaning’ to YOU. Not to me tho. It actually makes it stronger. I’m building a house out of ‘I love you’s.” Yeah that’s Kazu.
🌺Casual intimacy is a very common thing with him. He’s always touching you in some way.
🌺Whether it’s an arm around you, holding you hand, resting his chin on your shoulder, whatever, he’s attached to you at the hip.
🌺Except for in public, unless he has your consent or is trying to protect you.
🌺“Heya babes! How’s the most perfect being in the world doing?” He’ll typically greet, kissing your cheek.
🌺“Fine, fine. You?” You reply with a giggle.
🌺“Better now that you’re here!” He exclaims with a wink and some finger guns.
🌺You can’t help but laugh harder at his antics. “Love you too.”
🌺He’s the type to use his words to show his love, always coupling with his actions.
🌺I said this in another request, but he’s got about a thousand pet names for you.
🌺He’s a very lovey and silly boy :)
🌺It was on one of you dates before you two became official, a thrift shopping date to be precise.
🌺Kazunari had wanted to try the thingy where you both create outfits for each other then wear them to dinner.
🌺You each had taken your outfits to the dressing rooms and changed before you showed them off.
🌺“Okay, we’ll show ‘em to each other on three! One, two…three!”
🌺You turned around after his command, a delighted smile on your face.
🌺Kazu gasped.
🌺“Dude, you look adorbs!!!” He squealed, taking about a million photos of you.
🌺“You think so?”
🌺“I know so! I was the one who picked it out, ya ding dong!”
🌺“Well, it looks great! I love it!”
🌺“I’m glad!”
🌺It was in that giddy moment that Kazunari realized something. He wanted to see you that excited because of him all the time. It was decided. He’d ask you to be his partner that day. It was time.
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: sakuya sakuma | masumi usui | tsuzuru minagi | itaru chigasaki | citron | chikage utsuki summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: references to injury rating: sfw a/n: this was a different experience to write after all the supernatural nonsense of arcana and obey me, really not sure if this is as exciting as those ones, but y'know, sometimes a bit of a chill pill is a good thing.
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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≿━━━━༺❀ sakuya sakuma ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were, to put it nicer than anyone else at the time bothered to, a disgraced actor who'd just moved away from your home country to japan in order to start over so to speak. mostly you were just in the middle of getting situated into a new country and living style.
✿ you were 18, and out of those years you'd been an actor for nine. sakuya and you had barely a year of age difference, with him being 17 at the time.
✿ you were in veludo way as you'd heard it was a good place to look for employement as an actor, when you came across a young man advertising try-outs for their company, mankai. you politely asked for one, which ended in sakuya staring at you in awe for a long time before you just awkwardly took one of the fliers and fled the scene.
✿ you showed up to the try-outs the next day, which didn't end up being a lot as you were given the position immediately by the eager looking director. sakuya finally introduced himself and the two of you were set to share a room together.
✿ sakuya was immediately in awe upon seeing you, i mean, you were famous! a talented actor who had years on him in the industry! and you were talking to him! after calming down from his fangirling, he actually came to appreciate your positive and cheerful disposition. you thought sakuya was sort of cute, if not a little overwhelming with his hero-worship. but once he managed to calm down, he made for good company and was eager to help you get settled down in your shared room.
≿━━━━༺❀ masumi usui ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an aspiring actor, who despite your tremendous talent had thus far been rejected from every theatre company you'd tried out for. thankfully, a certain director happened to see one of your try-outs and scouted you to join her company.
✿ you were sixteen at the time, though you'd started your hobby of acting when you were just five years old to the delight of your mothers. masumi was also sixteen.
✿ you were brought to the mankai company doors by izumi, where she informed everyone that you'd be joining the spring troupe. masumi wasn't all too happy about the attention you were receiving from her, and after being informed that the two of you would be roommates proceeded to insult you and walk away.
✿ masumi pretty much ignored you from then on, even as you were moving to your shared room. you didn't really care, though you would've loved if he got off his ass long enough to pick up his own stuff from his side of the room. it's how he ended up with a book thrown at his face.
✿ masumi absolutely did not like you upon first meeting. you were far too pretty and izumi was already praising you, you were bound to take her away from him. the book incident most certainly didn't help his opinion of you either. you didn't pay any mind to masumi really, his opinions on you were his own problem. it wasn't until you actually had to start sharing a living space with him did you start getting even a bit annoyed with him and his habits.
≿━━━━༺❀ tsuzuru minagi ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a set designer looking for work, as you'd just recently become the legal guardian of your three younger siblings and needed to support the three of you. so, you'd applied to work at the mankai company and somehow got roped into doing acting work as well.
✿ you were 20 years old, two years older than tsuzuru. you'd been working as a set designer to about a year at that point, which is probably why you needed to apply at such a small company.
✿ you were hired to design and help build the set for mankai company's first production, which is why you didn't get to meet the rest of the actors at first. it wasn't until izumi brought tsuzuru to see the set for some inspiration did you two meet and hit it off, which lead to the two of you being assigned roommates.
✿ you didn't really spend a lot of time in your room, on account of having to look after your siblings and being busy with the set, so most of the time you only saw tsuzuru and the rest during practice sessions.
✿ tsuzuru admired your work immensely upon first meeting, and came to admire you as a person when he found out about your family situation. you were so... so kind and caring, always hard at work, that he couldn't help but grow a bit of a crush immediately. you didn't have much of an opinion on tsuzuru upon your first meeting beyond him being easy to get along with, but after being placed as roommates you came to appreciate his kindness and dedication to taking care of people.
≿━━━━༺❀ itaru chigasaki ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were recovering from a career ending injury that you had sustained while swimming in the ocean. having previously been a professional swimmer, you were still looking for what you wanted to do next and acting seemed like a good fit.
✿ you were 24, at the peak of your career just before it was all over. you'd been in recovery for about four months at that point. itaru was 23.
✿ you'd actually previously met in some online games you'd been playing while you had to be off your feet, but you didn't officially meet until you moved into the mankai dormitory after izumi recruited you to join the spring troupe. you were placed with itaru, to his initial annoyance.
✿ after moving into your shared room, you discovered itaru's "secret" and subsequently realized that you'd met before. after that whole debacle, itaru made it his life's mission to introduce you to as many games of his as possible.
✿ itaru was initially rather annoyed with your mere presence, but after realizing that you'd met before, playing games, he became much more amicable to your presence in his room. not to mention, you were hot as fuck. you didn't initially think much of itaru, until you figured out that they were your gaming buddy who'd been a great comfort to you during your recovery. after that your relationship skyrocketed in closeness, and your huge crush grew just behind.
≿━━━━༺❀ citron ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ well, truth to be told, you were a princex of a certain country, but due to your status as second born you were allowed certain freedoms that you took advantage of by travelling and looking for your personal paradise in the world.
✿ you were 24, you'd been spending the last five years just travelling and seeing the world. citron was 22, having just recently arrived in japan.
✿ you were vaguely aware of citron's existence even prior to meeting him, which is why it was surprising to come across him on the veludo way while you were sightseeing. extremely curious, you went up to him to have a chat which lead to him (poorly) telling you about the mankai company which led you to wanting to check it out, and then absolutely falling in love with the place and joining the spring troupe.
✿ izumi was... surprised by your enthusiasm for joining, but accepted after seeing your talent and assigned you to room with citron. and let's just say that we don't talk about the disaster that is two members of royalty sharing a room.
✿ citron found you so interesting, with all your worldly stories and knowledge. even if some of your talks were... strange, your free-spirit more than made up for it. if only you would stay still for more than five minutes to have those talks. you thought citron was just the cutest thing ever, especially his rudimentary japanese. sure, you could talk to him in his native tongue, but what's the fun in that? besides, his drive to learn was just too adorable.
≿━━━━༺❀ chikage utsuki ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a nurse working at the mankai company, though recently you'd also been recruited as an actor. while initially you'd started to work just for the free room, now you saw the company as your home and family.
✿ you were 26, the same age as chikage. you'd been working at the mankai company for a year at that point, and had been a registered nurse for three of those.
✿ you weren't around when chikage originally joined the troupe, as you were taking a supplementary medical classes in an another city. it wasn't until you were called back due to an injury to sakuya during practice that you actually met chikage, your new roommate. and to say that you didn't particularly like him at first was an understatement.
✿ you weren't particularly happy about having to share a room originally, especially not with chikage who you found... shady. so your initial days spent together were mostly in uncomfortable silence and several glares sent one way.
✿ chikage didn't originally have much of an opinion on you, as he mostly just heard about how nice you were from the other troupe members. but after meeting you, he found your suspicion of him to be rather amusing. you didn't trust him a single bit to start with, you found him to be incredibly shady and annoying. and it got only worse once he refused your medical check-ups, which you then made your life mission to get him to take.
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Spring Troupe's kisses
Sakuya Sakuma, Masumi Usui, Tsuzuru Minagi, Itaru Chigasaki, Citron x gn! reader
This has been a great way for me to be productive, so please bear with me. Also, I'm still sad the eng server of the game is down, so I need some A3 content to cheer me up Funfact: A3 was the first fandom I chose to write for here...No one ever requested A3 stuff &lt;;/3
Summer Troupe's kisses
Autumn Troupe‘s kisses
Sakuya Sakuma...
...kisses you in private, often for special occasions. His kisses are shy, yet full of joy and adoration for you. He gives you a feather light peck as a thanks for every little thing you do for him, and giggles shyly whenever you give him one in return. He only ever kisses you on the lips with your permission, and when he does, it's sweet and innocent, often lingering for about 3 seconds before he backs up again. Which gives you the opportunity to gaze at his rosy cheeks, while listening to his loving laugh.
Masumi Usui...
...kisses you whenever, wherever, however you want. He wants you to enjoy it as much as he does whenever his lips meet your skin, he is satisfied as long as he gets to kiss you. He absolutely loves long kisses. Pecks aren't on the table if you don't say you like them. His kisses always linger for a few seconds and go as deep as you allow them. The sound of lips seperating from the place they kissed sends an additional shiver run up and down his spine, makes him want more. He melts when being on the recieving end of your kiss, no matter where you kiss him. He swears, with every kiss he loves you even more.
Tsuzuru Minagi...
...kisses you in a more casual manner. He likes giving you a quick one on your head whenever you spend some time together alone. He appreciates recieving forehead kisses when he's sensing a headache from late night script writing coming up. The kiss might not magic the pain or fatigue, but it certainly lifts his spirits. He gets incredibly embarrassed by kisses when the other Mankai Company members are around, though. He once thought you were alone when he rushed over and gave you a quick kiss goodbye on your lips, turning around in horror when he heard Kazunari whistle behind him.
Itaru Chigasaki...
...kisses you for a few other reasons besides showing affection; distracting you from the game you're playing against him, to butter you up for a favor, good luck for gacha pulls...He likes to tease you when he notices you want to kiss him, maybe even make you 'go on a quest to get one as a reward'. He will end up giving you a lot of apology kisses because you know how to get back to him, all while quietly laughing into the kisses. His kisses overall are in a good middle point; not very long, but not very short, not very deep, but not very light either. Only in sentimental, in quiet moments, he takes his time to really appreciate the feeling of your skin, the feeling of your lips. He would cringe if someone would ever actually say it out loud, but he could kiss you all night long.
...kisses you multiple times, and with much energy and joy. He loves kissing you, especially when he catches you off guard doing it. And one kiss is hardly enough, he will always go in for another few quick pecks, sometimes moving from your lips to your cheek, to your neck to leave another few smooches there, loving the way you giggle at the ticklish sensation. He is not being a show off whenever he gives you a lot of kisses in public, he just really doesn't care when people see. Also, he doesn't like not being able to kiss you when he wants to. He begs you for kisses when he feels especially needy by wrapping his arms around you and puckering his lips, while repeating, "Gimme kiss! Gimme kiss!", over and over until you give in.
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mrshamada-dorian · 1 year
rating the a3! boys on how well they would do my hair ( spring edition )
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i first did this on my mcl account ( @rico-the-nicoo ) for the hsl boys and now im doing it for my a3! boys. reminder my hair is type 4C so im gonna format it as if they are learning how to do my hair
cw; hair i guess?
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sakuya sakuma
precious baby sweetie pie boy honey bun sugar plum-
he would suck at doing my hair im sorry-
like he would try his best
does his research and everything
but he just sucks at it.
but he's so passionate about doing it right
so ill keep letting him do it because i don't wanna see my son sad 😥.
masumi usui
surprisingly ( not that surprisingly ) good at.
but he's only good if izumi asked him to do it.
he wouldn't even look at my hair otherwise.
but in the case of izumi asking him to do it, he does a pretty good job.
he does all his research and everything.
i think he’d be perfect at some knotless braids.
i also think masumi is a bit of a perfectionist ( even more so when izumi asks him to do something ) so it’s gonna take FOREVER to get done.
he’s the type to restart the entire braid if it looks even slightly crooked.
not only that i feel like he would pop me with a comb if i move too much.
tsuzuru minagi
he’d definitely be better at simpler styles ( like a twist out or something similar ).
can not figure out cornrows or any sort of braiding to the scalp for the life of him.
( he like me fr. )
he's actually really gentle with my hair and tries not to pull too much lest he damage my hair.
he's also my go-to choice for help on wash day.
tsuzuru is so gentle and thorough with it that you woulda thought i got a new scalp by the time he's finished.
itaru chigasaki
i would only go to him if i was desperate pt 1.
that man is not touching my hair at all.
itaru's problem is that he doesn't know what the hell he's doing.
it doesn't matter how many times you tell him how to do it or how many times he looks it up, he just doesn't get it.
which is fine by him, he hates doing my hair.
if he can't get it done in under five minutes, he ain't doing it.
surprisingly ( actually surprisingly ) good at it.
you wouldn't think so, but he's a great option when it comes to doing my hair and my main hairdressers are not available.
he would be good at the slightly more complicated styles, but nothing too intricate or he will struggle.
citron's also really good at being gentle with my hair and not pulling too hard on it.
problem is he's very antsy and can't stay put for very long so it would take like a week to get some box braids done.
chikage utsuki
no no no no no.
absolutely not.
the idea of chikage being in the same vicinity as my hair is enough to want to shave everything off.
love him though.
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imaginesfora3 · 1 year
Hi!!! 💕 Waaah it's so nice to see you in the dash! Hope you are well. Can totally relate to wanting to write but then feeling something off and then it just... stop asdfghjk Still! You are one of the a3! blogs that motivated me to make mine (your writing was/is beautiful!) so I am really grateful!! If requests are indeed open and you can, could I ask 2 and 19 for Tsuzuru? Wishing you a wonderful day!
(Yay! love talking to fellow writers <3)
Minagi Tsuzuru:
2. ♥ When they have a crush on someone, how do they let them know?
Tsuzuru just wanted to do things for you. His love language had been taking care of people so it’s no surprise his flirting ended up being something that came so natural to him. It might be hard to tell as he was a naturally doting person, but there’s some extra care when it comes to preparing your lunches or receiving friendly reminder texts.
19. ♥ What was their first impression about their partner/person they are courting?
Tsuzuru thought you were a little intimidating, but had trouble pinpointing why. Even if you had a gentle personality he still felt this pressure to not embarrass himself in front of you, a feeling that the others in spring troupe have referred to as love at first sight (first flight, according to Citron). This only made him feel even more pressure to keep your impression of him positive, and after awhile you did let him know you wanted to know the authentic Tsuzuru (you later learned he just was a busybody, but he had a more relaxed side to him as well).
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cherry-pyon · 5 months
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The four seasons of Mankai company
Synopsis: Tachibana (Y/n) and her older sister Tachibana Izumi received a letter that came all the way from a theater company called Mankai company. You both decided to meet the mysterious sender, in hopes of finding answers about your father's whereabouts after 8 years of disappearance, only to find the said theater to be in debt from someone!
May contain incorrect grammars (English is not my first language)
A bit of changes in the plot
Different flow of story due to two protagonists (you and Izumi)
Reader is 16 while Izumi is 24 (not canon but is considered)
P.s: A3! Characters are legally and respectfully owned by Liber Entertainment Inc. and I do not claim them. I only own the changes in the plot of the story
Chapter 1:
Theater Town
"Wake up (y/n), we're here" you were awoken by a soft pat on your head, you soon realized you were leaning on your big sister's shoulder and fell asleep. You raised your head, stealing a few more seconds to doze off as you yawned and told Izumi just about how good your sleep was as she chuckled at you. A voice can be heard from a large speaker as it announces the train's destination, finally reaching your stop—Veludo station.
Izumi got up first, signalling for you to follow her behind so both of you won't get separated from each other. You began looking around as your sister took out the letter together with the company's exact location
"So this town really is full of theaters!" You exclaimed in excitement, admiring the colorful triangle banners surrounding the town, together with different theater companies on sight
"Now that you said it, it really is. The map says the Mankai company is in the corner of Veludo street, I wonder if this is really alright.."
Your sister mumbled the last words, clear enough so that you're the only one hearing it. It seems like she's taking your mother's words seriously about the letter. I mean it's suspicious to find that after all these years, your father's company would still be searching for him
"I don't even know where that man went! We've already cut ties and it's been 8 years since he left" you can still hear the words your mom said, sounds like she still holds a grudge against your father
Lost in your own thoughts, you were snapped back into reality when someone accidentally bumped into you, the impact left you both sitting on the floor, hissing at the pain in unison. He was quick to process anything and immediately apologized, offering a hand as soon as he got up—which you thankfully accepted, earning a relieved sigh from the poor boy
He looked like he ran away from someone, or rather finished a whole marathon, some of the strands of his dark-pink hair are sticking to his forehead which concerns you more
"I'm sorry! I wasn't looking at my way!" He bowed at exactly 90° making you flinch. He stayed like that for almost a minute
You're going to have to thank him for his politeness (even though he looks way younger than you) but this is too much!
"Ahhhhhhhh! Please raise your head now, it's okay it's okay! You don't have to apologize"
you panicked, continuously looking around as people are starting to stare at the two of you. He raised his head, showing his apologetic expression. He's thankful that you accepted his apology—lips forming into a charming smile as he giggled
You swear you see cherry blossoms blooming just around his face
Everything went well after that, not until you heard him made a surprised noise and saw his widened eyes looking at his wristwatch, it seems like he was late and it must've been that important based on his facial expressions. You feel more guilty than you were before
"Sorry, I didn't know you were going some-"
"Ah no! It was my fault! Sorry, I have to go!" He cut you off as he ran away hurriedly—leaving you processing all the things that happened just a few minutes ago
You didn't even realize your older sister was gone, and she probably didn't even realize you weren't with her
'what a perfect sibling dynamic' you jokingly thought
But as soon as you walk through a corner, there she is! Talking to a guy who's crouching on the floor, together with another guy who looks just as concerned as your sister does. I mean who wouldn't be concerned about a guy crouching down on the side of the streets that looks like he's in pain?
You're curious to know what happened, who knows? Maybe it might be best if you judge the situation first based on your understanding and let it live up to your imaginations—two guys falling head over heels to your big sister and are fighting for her love the first time they met her exactly on the streets of Veludo way. Yeah, that'll probably be it!
'I mean I'm not going to blame nee-san if boys fight over for her' you thought, trying to run very sneakily behind your sister
"What's happening? Is he okay?" You said, clinging onto your sister's arm, making her see the Gods from above for a second but sooner thank the Gods upon realizing it was just you
"(Y/n)!" She glared at you, apologizing to her by clinging more tightly. She does nothing but letting you do your own thing since she can't do anything about your behaviour sometimes
"Do adults really like to argue outside the streets?" You asked in curiosity, eyes glued to the scene infront of you—the crouching man before was standing now together with another man. It looks like they were having a complicated conversation
"That's not it, (y/n)-"
"Hey look, a street act!" The three of you stole a quick glance from the source of voice behind, and realized there were a lot of people watching
"I saw that guy on the stage before!" A passerby said. "They're so handsome!" Schoolgirls began squealing from the side. Yup, they're definitely popular
It seems like everyone enjoyed the performance, you won't even deny that both of them are very good at portraying their characters' actions and emotions. Not too long after, both of them bowed in unison, as they thanked all of the people watching them, a full-round of applause was heard as people began tossing lots of coins on a box infront of them, both you and your sister decided to toss coins too to show appreciation as they continuously thanked everyone who showed generosity
"I didn't even realize that was an act just now" Izumi clapped her hand once as she chuckled to herself, making the guy beside her ask in shock
"Eh? That was a play?" The light brown-haired guy must've been way more surprised than your sister does
"Mhm! Actors from theaters usually do these street acts in order to advertise or serve as a fundraising project to their upcoming plays, the scripts are most likely coming only from their ad-libs so it's really impressive once you know about it" Izumi babbled. Both you and the guy were happy to know about this new discovery. Your nee-san is knowledgeable about things such as this which left you admiring her more not only as an older sister, but also as your second guardian and your teacher
"As expected from a theater town...I think I need to study more" the guy mumbled something under his breath that you cannot hear quite clearly, but you just shrugged it off even though you are curious to know what it is
The crouching guy from before apologized to both of them, then the latter began scolding his friend that he came out so slow earlier when they performed
"Excuse me! Are you now recruiting members for God?" The light brown-haired guy suddenly asked out to the two actors, which both you and your older sister curiously watched from behind
'Maybe he wants to be an actor too!' you assumed
You examined the conversation they exchanged—upon discovering that he was looking for a dorm to stay on. You were sad for the guy after hearing that the God troupe doesn't have a dorm. He thanked both of them and parted ways, leaving both of you proceeding to your main objective
"Now i'm really looking forward to this play after seeing a street act" your sister's eyes beamed in excitement, and yours were beaming too
"Romeo gakuen heaven.." you mumbled, remembering the play's title when you saw it on the company's map as Izumi—who cannot wait any longer, led the way
"Mankai theater is supposed to be here, right?"
That was the first thing your older sister asked, upon looking up to see a theater infront of you with a huge signboard that says 'Mankai Theater'
"I mean it's in the signboard up there, so this must be it. We can't be discovering lots of Mankai theaters here when I'm sure father only owns a single one"
"But this one is...honestly crumbling" although you're hesitant whether it's right to comment about the appearance, she's got a point. It looks like it holds a LOT of history
"There's no sign of people even though there is a play today, is this really fine?" Izumi added, slowly pacing back and forth while lost in her own thoughts, unable to comprehend the things happening today. Was it a prank? Or probably the wrong map? But it can't be, the signboard literally says the theater and the company you're looking for
Because of this, your conversation together with your mom suddenly came into mind again
"The letter said it's from the Mankai company" you said, handing it out for your older sister to see
"Mom! Mankai company is dad's theater, right? The sender might know something about where dad is!" Izumi said
"Maybe if we meet with them, we'll definitely know something!" She added, too insisting to know your mother's response
"Then do it by yourself because mom doesn't know and-"
"Can I go with you, nee-san?"
"You're not allowed to go with your big sister, (y/n). You still have classes to attend tomorrow!" Your mother stated, too busy to look behind her to see your disappointed expression—arms crossed and furrowed eyebrows
"Can't she just transfer to another school? One that's near enough to the company? In that way we won't have to go back here and go back there" Izumi suggested, even though it sounds too much of a trouble to handle all of it, your mother only replied with an annoyed sigh, one that secretly makes you celebrate
"I'll take care of her, trust me on this mom" she added, smiling at your mother as she looked over through her shoulder to look at both of you, rethinking whether she will choose the right decision on this
"I hope you won't give too much trouble to your nee-san, (y/n). I'll let this slide but if I ever receive a letter that you skip classes without my watch, I'll be forcing you to go back home here, got it?" Mother warned you, glancing at the two of you back-to-back as you both nod in unison. You thanked your mother—hugging her as Izumi joined too
You were back to the Earth as you looked down at the letter in your hand and turned it around to examine it
"I didn't notice the sender's name was here. Nee-san, do you know who's Matsukawa Isuke?" You questioned, to which she replied back
"I don't know who this person is but I'm curious to know what kind of relationship they have with dad"
You were about to reply back to your sister when a voice suddenly spoke out, which made you flinch and your sister looking behind instantly
"Hey, do the two of you need something from this theater?" You looked behind nervously. It's an adult man with blonde hair and glasses, and if you tend to look closely and carefully, he has an attractive mole under his right eye. 'He's good looking yet he's intimidating' you thought
"Matsukawa-san?" Izumi said in a low and hesitant tone. Wait! He must be the sender of the letter, and with that you stand next to your sister which made the blonde-haired man slightly raise his one eyebrow
"You must be that person we're looking for, right mr.?" You asked, patiently waiting for his reply to which unexpectedly made him react the opposite of what you thought
"HUHH?!" He reacted. You can clearly tell by the looks of his face that it's the wrong person
But his face suddenly changed when he glanced over at your sister's face and looks like he discovered something, which weirded you out
"Wait aren't you.."
"Okay wrong person, nee-san! I repeat, wrong person!" You carefully but hurriedly grab both your sister's shoulder to back her up to the mysterious person who kept looking at her as if he's scanning her face as she nervously laughs, sweat slowly forming on her forehead
"Sorry, we got the wrong person. It's not like we received any letter! We're just passersby letter A-B!"
You began panicking, not having any choice but to agree with your sister's choice of words. It was obvious but there's no backing away now. Whoever this man really is, you know he's got something to do with this theater
"If you don't want to encounter a dangerous sight, it's best for the two of you to leave quickly. People who don't have any businesses here are not needed"
It was the last thing you heard before the ground began shaking, and a loud noise could be heard going nearer as you felt scared and decided to cling onto your sister. There goes a huge excavator that was coming towards the theater! Where did that even come from?! And why is it going forward?! And who is this man trying to destroy the theater?!
Your eyes widened, both you and your sister are surprised that this would take an unexpected turn of events
"Wait wait wait!! Please stop!! STOP!!!" A pleading-crying voice can be heard as another mysteriously looking guy with a rather ragged outfit came running very fast in an attempt to stop the excavator, but the scary blonde guy ignored the other as he talked to the one driving the excavator, the latter even called him 'Aniki!' so they were accomplices after all!
"Do it, Sakoda. Make sure you completely destroy the signboard, this will be fully demolished after and reconstructed into a bar-"
"H-hey! What are you doing!?" Izumi suddenly blurted out, there's no other way but to talk it out and that's the only help she can think of
"I just told you it'd be dangerous, didn't I?" He replied back, looking behind to steal a glance at the two of you, you can't do anything as your feet felt numb, almost as if you're stuck and unable to speak
"I beg you Furuichi-san! Please stop it!!!" The poor guy wasted no time and bowed, he stayed like that for minutes and completely began to sink lower and lower until his forehead became in contact with the floor, 'the theater must be super important to this guy' you looked down on him in pity, surely there must be some way we can help him, he might be the person we are looking for
"You're the one who said that if you can't pay all of your debts by the end of the show, I'll have to use force here!"
"Today is our main show!" He cried out, looking up at the blonde guy, who looks down on him in dissapointment
"I could pay at least the interest if I can get money from this performance! Just please think this over and let's talk!" He continuously cried out, being really vulnerable infront of him. It looks like there's no way of getting into him until he sighs in annoyance and gives an instruction from his accomplice
"Sakoda, stop"
As soon as the blonde haired guy named Furuichi-san stopped talking, the pitiful guy sighed in relief and stood up but soon got tense again when Furuichi-san leaned his arm around his shoulder, making the pitiful guy petrified
"How many tickets have been sold?"
"How about the full-house tickets?"
"Also zero!"
"What time is the performance?"
"3 minutes by now!"
The pitiful guy ended his sentence in a nervous laugh as Furuichi-san doesn't look a little big amused by his answers
"Sakoda, do it"
"WAIT!! WAIT! THE AUDIENCE ARE ABOUT TO COME!!" He said as he begged again, lots of crying noises can be heard as he purposely tried his best to leave the theater untouched into any damage, although it looks like it's gonna break by itself
'This is too much to handle!! God please help this poor guy!' you cried out in your mind, the cries of the pleading guy and the cruelty of a guy who doesn't look like he'll show mercy at any time is too much for your heart to handle, this is pure torture!
"Where are they?"
"Why do I feel like we're being stared at..." Your older sister muttered, her body stood still like a mannequin as her face made a weird expression
Your hand makes its way to fidget on the hem of your skirt, looking down as you slowly backed away, hiding behind your sister
Izumi might have seen your movements as a sign of telling her to help him, you might look tough at first but sometimes you're at a loss of words. That's why she took up all the courage and decided to speak up
"The audiences are right here" She defended, pressing her hand on her chest in a way she can present herself, while you remained hiding
"SEE?! T-THEY'RE HERE!!" The ragged-looking guy's face switched into pure excitement, too loud in your opinion but you understand his situation if you were in his shoes, you'd definitely be too hype
"Didn't you just say that you're just a passersby A and B?" He clicked his tongue
"We have the flyer as proof!" You showed him the flyer. It was the theater's exact performance for today which you're really looking forward to
It seems like it's enough proof to present, he sighed in defeat. "A few more audiences might still be on their way here, it'd be a total waste if we didn't get to watch the performance" you added, hoping it could warm this cold-hearted man
"Did you even watch this theater's recent performance?" He asked, his purple eyes piercing a hole through you. It's truly agonizing to feel little sometimes
"No..I don't?"
"That's what I thought"
"But this place. It feels familiar.." Izumi joined in the conversation, clutching her hands in her sling bag. She looked at the large banner right above the signboard—Deja vu coming through her "It's like I've been here when I was little" she added
"I see.." he pondered as his eyes landed on your older sister. You're really really sure for yourself that he LOVES to pierce a hole through anyone with how sharp his gazes are. It's scary
"PLEASE WATCH OUR SHOW! WE HAVE A NEW MEMBER AND IT'S GOING TO BE HIS FIRST PERFORMANCE!" The ragged-looking man begged, desperately crying out as you swore you felt a ringing in your ear just now
"So you got a new recruit?"
"THAT'S RIGHT!!" he yelled, obediently answering to Furuichi-san's questions
It's a huge relief that people rarely walk by here and witness a chaotic scene infront of the theater, where a large excavator is going to demolish a crumbling theater and the ragged-looking guy who you don't know the name of starts sacrificing his sanity just to keep the building untouched, and two audience who just wanted to know their father's whereabouts are now being forced to witness everything that's happening
"Sakoda, stay here"
Furuichi-san stood still infront of the theater, his back facing the three of you. You felt shivers down your spine, making the air feel colder than it was before
"Start the show now" the three of you suddenly feel like you've been freed from the suffocating silence, especially the ragged-looking guy, who happily obliged and replied back with a "YES!" Quickly assisting the three of you inside the theater
You looked around the interior—eyes wandering at every corner. You followed your older sister as she sat on the front row, sitting beside her as your lips can't stop itself from smiling. You're excited
Furuichi-san sat right beside you, and now you're in between, feeling the awkward air flowing inside the room
"Don't regret that you stopped us earlier"
"Eh?" You looked at him, only to witness his eyes closed and face in a much more relaxed expression. His index finger softly taps on the sleeves of his coat several times, it's probably the best not to bother him at this time or you'll regret it. The thought of it already makes your anxiety rose up
When the buzz stopped, the curtain lifts up, the lights from the stage started to warm up the atmosphere in the pitch black room. Your (e/c) eyes lit up as its only focus is on the stage, and to the familiar dark pink-haired boy
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
One person did it… He did not only surprise his crush, but also his friends and the whole audience!
I wish you a lovely birthday, @emilycollins00 , my dear twin or triplet bc of Banri!!💕 And I hope that you like this little present!💕
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“Good luck, Tsuzu.” You smiled at your dear friend, patting his shoulder, while he stared at you, trying to ignore the warmth that spread on his cheeks, making them pinkish due to his crush touching his shoulder. “Thanks.” He nodded his head, hoping that you won’t realize how flustered he always becomes, whenever you were nearby. His friend and crush.
“You will do it great, I’m sure of it! After all, you play the leading role in the play! Also you will be playing it on my birthday. That is so amazing!” A play in which he has to play a prince, who fell in love with the princess and was jealous of a knight, who was his dear friend. But the princess got kidnapped by a dragon and now the lead had to defeat the dragon to save his beloved princess!
He wrote the script and gave his everything during their rehearsal. You were very sure, that Tsuzuru will do it wonderfully!
But never had any of you thought, that it would end up like this…
“Don’t go there, prince James!” Itaru stood behind Tsuzuru, holding his arm. “I have to. I love her too much, my friend. I have to defeat the dragon.” Itaru shook his head. “You can’t. You are the future king. You have to go back. We, the knights, will go and save princess Lydia.”
Tsuzuru shook Itaru off, staring at his friend. “No, you will be in danger. I won’t let any of you nor the citizens die. I will go and kill the dragon and save my beloved princess.” Tsuzuru turned around, staring ahead and prepared to go to battle.
“I love her so much… I will do everything I can to protect her. My love. The one who makes me always smile. My angel… The dear princess who is like the sun. She can always cheer everyone and make even the most depressed days better… I will protect you. And I shall never stop loving you, princess (y/n)!”
Itaru and Sakuya, who stood both behind Tsuzuru raised their eyebrows, gasping at the name that the brunette had just said, while the audience glanced around in confusion.
“Did he say (y/n)? I thought the princess’s name was Lydia?” Some whispered irritated, but still watched the play, as Tsuzuru’s cheeks brighten up by his mistake.
His green eyes wandered towards the audience, making eye contact with his crush that he just had mentioned. Gulping nervously, he walked off, pretending that he hasn’t made any mistake, while you continued to watch him, flustered and heart throbbing faster than ever.
After the play has ended, you went to the spring troupe, giving them all flowers that you had bought for them, as they thanked you and giving you some alone time with Tsuzuru. Itaru even had winked at the nervous script writer, wishing him luck, before they all left. “Hey…” He greeted you nervously, putting the fresh and beautiful bouquet away.
“Hey… So uhm….” You didn’t know how to start this very important conversation, so you were happy that your dearest friend has interrupted you, to start talking about it. “I-I’m really sorry about it. I didn’t want you to know it like that… I was so nervous, because you liked the script and I just wanted to do a great job, especially because it is your birthday and I wanted you to be happy.” His eyes gazed around the room nervously until they have finally met yours. “B-But you know… Everything that the prince said was the truth… I love you as much as he loves the princess… Maybe that’s why it was so easy to write the script, because of my feelings for you…”
You walked a step to him, grabbing his hands into yours. (e/c) orbs meeting green ones. “I love you too, Tsuzu… And don’t worry about anything. I had a great birthday and a wonderful present this morning and this play… It was lovely. Thank you.”
The brunette smiled at you so sweetly once again. “Happy birthday, my angel!”
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jade-qilin · 2 years
Hello, I am the anon who asked for the HC for members having a crush on the director and I just wanted to tell you it was better than I had imagined!! It was so incredibly sweet and I loved it! I had actually mentioned Tsuzuru in my original ask and you did Tsumugi, but honestly your Tsumugi one was SO SWEET that I adored it anyway!!! Thank you SO MUCH again for your fantastic and heartfelt writing
tsuzuru w a crush on the director headcanons | A3!
notes: hello anon! this is very overdue but i’m so sorry for misreading your original ask! i’m glad you enjoyed the original set of headcanons though!
i do want to let you know that i did make some changes to the original ask/post due to change in morals. i am by no means upset; it is 100% on me and i should have clarified my rules much earlier. you can read the edited version (w/ an explanation of the changes) via the link below.
ty again for requesting and your kind comments! 🥺💙
[click here for part one]
honestly, he never expected to develop a crush on you when he first joined Mankai
i can’t really see him dating much when he was in high school either; he’s constantly swamped with caring for his siblings at home, so love has never really been on the table for him
now that he’s living independently (at least, from his family) and is less busy than usual, Tsuzuru finds that he’s developed a fondness for the director
he finds that that the moments where you two are together, looking over the new script he wrote, talking about the next play, has become something he treasured greatly
as his roommate, Masumi is the first to notice that Tsuzuru is… off. may the gods forbid he ever be one of the first to find out about Tsuzuru’s crush on the director though 😭
Kazunari and Citron are probably the first to find out who Tsuzuru has a crush on, and it takes a lot of teasing and distraction from his writing to get him to confess finally (Citron is very observant of his troupe mates, while Kazunari has known Tsuzuru before)
he treasures the moments you check up on him, bringing him coffee after pulling all-nighters, asking him about his university classes, helping him with chores and the cooking
he’d probably call his mom a lot, asking about advice. if he’s desperate enough, he’d also probably get research from one of Muku’s shojo manga
((the look on Sakyo’s face after being caught discussing a particularly cheesy manga with Muku has the entire dorm cringing for days))
and if he’s really desperate, he might just go to Kazunari. at that point though…
he’d finally have the courage to confess after a play that went off spectacularly, perhaps starting slowly by asking how it went, how he acted, how the script flowed well onstage, etc.
“um, director, i-i have something to confess. i like you, a lot more than as just a friend or colleague. i hope you can accept my feelings.”
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
Spring Troupe
- script annotation hcs
- saku’s greetings (mini hc/analysis)
- saku, muku, homare and Shakespeare (mini hc)
- tsundere s/o (hcs)
- juza and saku being buddies! (hcs)
- surrounded by love
-overworked s/o (hcs)
- script annotation hcs
- domestic fluff (x reader hcs)
-tsundere s/o (hcs)
- got any grapes?
- autopilot big brother
-sleeby part 2 :”D
-overworked s/o (hcs)
-playwriting shenanigans, pt1
- script annotation hcs
-tsundere s/o (hcs)
- fluffy ‘taru (x reader hcs)
-cosplayer s/o (hcs)
-overworked s/o (hcs)
-script annotation hcs
- juggling!!
- homare and citron as language learning buddies
-tsundere s/o (hcs)
- got any grapes?
- citron and lil kids!
-scarves n perfumes <3
-overworked s/o (hcs)
-musings on being muslim-coded
- script annotation hcs
-tsundere s/o (hcs)
-overworked s/o (hcs)
-tsundere s/o (hcs)
-scarves n perfumes <3
-overworked s/o (hcs)
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Random Yandere Headcanons: Most delusional to least delusional
Completely delusional:
Sakuya Sakuma  
Masumi Usui  
Kazunari Miyoshi
Misumi Ikaruga
Not completely in reality but not completely in a fantasy:
Tsuzuru Minagi
Tenma Sumeragi
In reality:
Itaru Chigasaki
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lcs-library · 3 months
I'VE BEEN LOVING THIS!! LC could i ask if possible one pomegranate and green tea for Tsuzuru as in, you know, the usual reader? and theeeeen could you do coffee for him again but with Haruna sob I don't have much of her but I trust you with my life ksdhchjk basic info is those two are a super slowburn, she's a med student and has a similar personality to tsumugi <3 love uuuuuuuu take your time no rush!!
WAHHHHH HI EMMMM<33333. You want…. Me??? To write Haruna??? Ueueueue…….. I’m so honored…. I hope I did her justice!!
Request rules
Request game
Pomegranate: answered here!
Green Tea: How do they comfort their s/o?
🖋️ Tsuzuru’s one of the best when it comes to comfort I think.
🖋️ He heard you had a bad day and he’s already at your side rubbing your back and asking if you want to talk about it.
🖋️ That said, he definitely goes into older brother mode and can and will treat you like a child on instinct.
🖋️ He’ll get you something to drink and tell you to be careful not to burn your tongue in the softest tone of voice, and make sure you don’t spill, even though you’re fully capable of handling it.
🖋️ He will also not leave you alone, he’s constantly at your side, you’re stuck with him. Sorry. He’s worried. He wants you to be okay.
🖋️ He seems like the type to already know your preferences and will follow them to a T.
🖋️ You prefer physical affection? He’s got you in his arms, patting your head, making sure you feel safe and grounded. You want a distraction? He’s already turning on your favorite movie and grabbing a snack.
🖋️ He’ll definitely talk you down from the situation until you’re calm again, offering you simple decisions to make, and putting the issue into a new perspective.
🖋️ “See, there you go, we’re all good now, right? Did you get everything out?” He asks gently, smiling even as your eyes are puffy and red from crying. You nod, and he sighs, relieved, as he ruffles your hair. “Good job, I’m proud of you,” he praises, kissing your forehead.
🖋️ And ofc it all ends in you two falling asleep on the couch ehehe<33
Coffee: Do they get jealous? How do they show it?
🖋️ I’m setting this during the pining stage you can’t stop me
🖋️ Tsuzuru’s not really the type to get jealous, honestly. He’s really chill about that sort of thing.
🖋️ That said, after becoming friends with Haruna, he’s surprised to find this feeling in his gut when some of the male students in her classes start trying to hit her up.
🖋️ Even when it’s simple things like asking her to a mixer, there’s this odd way his stomach starts to turn, unsure of how he feels about the idea of her going.
🖋️ What if she finds someone there? What if she likes them, and they like her back? What if they want to hurt her? Maybe she wouldn’t care, and she’d end up stuck in some torturous cycle, and she could end up living an awful life. He didn’t want that.
🖋️ Any friend would… right?
🖋️ But then why did his heart start to ache at the thought of her introducing him to a partner? Why did it hurt to imagine her leaving him? Wait, they weren’t even dating, why was he imagining a breakup? He didn’t even like her in that way!
🖋️ …right?
🖋️ “Tsuzuru? You alright there? Kentaro was asking if you wanted to come to karaoke with us!”
🖋️ Haruna’s voice snapped him out of his spiral of thoughts.
🖋️ “A-ah, no, I’m good. The next script for the company is due soon, so I’ve gotta head home soon anyway. Maybe next time, though,” he replied, his hand finding its way to the back of his neck.
🖋️ “You promise?” She asked jokingly.
🖋️ “Yeah, I promise,” he said with a grin, holding up his pinky on instinct.
🖋️ Haruna blinked for a moment, only to link her pinky with his, giggling.
🖋️ And when she let go, Tsuzuru couldn’t help but want more than their pinkies to touch.
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pink-alstroemeria · 1 year
✿ rules & tags ✿
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—✿ what i will write:
fluff, angst, and suggestive content (to an extent)
oneshots, headcanons, and character interactions
x reader (and sometimes character x character)
AUs/crossovers (as long as I know the other media well enough)
romantic and platonic/general relationships
—✿ what i won't write:
gore/descriptive injury
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—✿ characters i'll write for:
i'm sorry if there's a character you wanted to request but isn't on the list! some of them are just harder for me to write than others </3 (the genshin list may be updated when new characters are released!)
bold = strictly platonic only
◦ genshin impact ◦ — amber, bennett, fischl, kaeya, razor, diluc, jean, venti, klee, albedo, beidou, chongyun, xiangling, xingqiu, zhongli, xiao, yelan, thoma, gorou, heizou, kazuha, ayaka, itto, tighnari, cyno, wanderer, childe, dainsleif
◦ twisted wonderland ◦ — riddle, trey, cater, ace, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, epel, idia, ortho, lilia, silver, sebek, che'nya, neige, grim
◦ a3! ◦ — sakuya, masumi, tsuzuru, itaru, citron, tenma, yuki, muku, misumi, kazunari, banri, juza, sakyo, omi, taichi, tsumugi, tasuku, homare, hisoka, azuma, izumi
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—✿ special blog tags:
random posts (i.e. me posting random thoughts, ect) — 🌸.stray flower
non-request asks i answer — 🌸.small bouquet
writing (both requests and non-requests) — 🌸.floral arrangement
romance — 🌸.red rose
platonic/general — 🌸.yellow rose
fluff — 🌸.forget-me-not
angst —🌸.bleeding heart
suggestive — 🌸.jasmine
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mashuhiso-writes · 2 years
A3! Masterlist ❀
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Harugumi / Spring Troupe: ❀ Sakuya Sakuma ↳ none yet...! ❀ Masumi Usui ↳ Headcanons with a Fem!S/O that Crossdresses ❀ Tsuzuru Minagi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Itaru Chigasaki ↳ none yet...! ❀ Citron ↳ none yet...! ❀ Chikage Utsuki ↳ none yet...!
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Natsugumi / Summer Troupe: ❀ Tenma Sumeragi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Yuki Rurikawa ↳ Headcanons w/ a Quiet & Gentle S/O ❀ Muku Sakisaka ↳ Fluffy Dating Headcanons ↳ Best Friend Headcanons ❀ Misumi Ikaruga ↳ none yet...! ❀ Kazunari Miyoshi ↳ Reader Helping Taichi&Kazunari Dye Their Hair ❀ Kumon Hyodo ↳ none yet...!
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Akigumi / Autumn Troupe: ❀ Banri Settsu ↳ Banri Settsu x Veludo Arts Student!Reader HCs ❀ Juza Hyodo ↳ Headcanons w/ an S/O that has a huge sweet tooth like him ❀ Taichi Nanao ↳ Headcanons w/ an S/O who loves art ↳ Reader Helping Taichi&Kazunari Dye Their Hair ❀ Omi Fushimi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Sakyo Furuichi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Azami Izumida ↳ none yet...!
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Fuyugumi / Winter Troupe: ❀ Tsumugi Tsukioka ↳ Headcanons w/ an S/O that’s similar to him ❀ Tasuku Takato ↳ none yet...! ❀ Hisoka Mikage ↳ none yet...! ❀ Homare Arisugawa ↳ none yet...! ❀ Azuma Yukishiro ↳ none yet...! ❀ Guy ↳ none yet...!
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