#tulsi powder
keralanaturals · 14 days
The Anti-Aging Benefits of Tulsi Powder for Your Skin
Aging gracefully is a desire shared by many, and while we can't turn back time, we can certainly slow down its effects on our skin. Enter tulsi powder, a natural powerhouse revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its numerous health and beauty benefits. In this post, we’ll explore how tulsi powder can become your secret weapon in the fight against aging.
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What is Tulsi Powder?
Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is a sacred plant in India known for its healing properties. Tulsi powder is made from dried tulsi leaves and is rich in antioxidants, essential oils, and nutrients that benefit the skin.
How Tulsi Powder Fights Aging:
Rich in Antioxidants:
Tulsi powder is packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals, which are one of the primary causes of aging. These antioxidants protect your skin from oxidative stress and environmental damage, helping to maintain its youthful appearance.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties:
Chronic inflammation accelerates aging. Tulsi powder has potent anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin, reduce redness, and prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin, the fibers that keep skin firm and elastic.
Enhances Collagen Production:
Tulsi powder promotes collagen synthesis, which is essential for maintaining the skin’s structure and elasticity. Regular use can help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a smoother, firmer look.
Natural Detoxifier:
Tulsi is a natural detoxifier that purifies the skin by removing toxins and impurities. This detoxification process can help brighten your complexion and reduce the signs of aging.
Hydrates and Nourishes:
Tulsi powder helps retain moisture in the skin, keeping it hydrated and supple. Its nutrient-rich composition nourishes the skin, improving its texture and tone.
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Incorporating tulsi powder into your skincare regimen can be a natural and effective way to combat the signs of aging. Its powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and collagen-boosting properties make it a formidable ally in maintaining youthful, vibrant skin. Give tulsi powder a try and embrace the natural path to ageless beauty.
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dharamgajera-blog · 1 year
Pure herbal powders free from chemicals & safe to consume
In a world where health-conscious individuals are increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of the products they consume, the demand for natural and chemical-free alternatives is on the rise. This is particularly true when it comes to herbal powders, which have gained popularity for their potential health benefits and versatility in various applications. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of pure herbal powders that are free from chemicals and safe for consumption, highlighting their importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
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Understanding Pure Herbal Powders: Pure herbal powders are derived from natural plant sources, capturing the essence of various medicinal plants and herbs. These powders are obtained by carefully drying and grinding the plant parts, such as leaves, flowers, roots, or bark, to a fine consistency. What sets pure herbal powders apart is their commitment to maintaining the integrity and potency of the plants without the addition of any harmful chemicals or additives.
Chemical-Free Production Process: The production of pure herbal powders involves a meticulous process that ensures the absence of chemicals. It begins with sourcing high-quality, organic plant materials from trusted suppliers who follow sustainable farming practices. These plants are then carefully harvested and processed using techniques that preserve their natural compounds and therapeutic properties. Strict quality control measures are implemented to ensure that no pesticides, fertilizers, or synthetic additives are introduced during any stage of production.
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Benefits of Pure Herbal Powders: a) Nutritional Value: Pure herbal powders are rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which contribute to overall health and well-being. These powders contain bioactive compounds that support various bodily functions and may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting properties.
b) Versatility in Consumption: One of the advantages of herbal powders is their versatility. They can be easily incorporated into different recipes, such as smoothies, teas, soups, or baked goods, providing a convenient and flavorful way to enjoy the benefits of herbs. Additionally, they can be used topically in homemade skincare products, promoting natural beauty and wellness.
c) Customizable Blends: Pure herbal powders allow individuals to create personalized blends tailored to their specific health needs. Combining different powders enables the customization of formulations targeting specific concerns, such as digestion, stress relief, or immune support. This flexibility empowers individuals to take an active role in their well-being.
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Safety and Quality Assurance: Choosing pure herbal powders from reputable brands or suppliers is crucial to ensure their safety and quality. Trusted manufacturers adhere to rigorous testing procedures, including third-party lab testing, to confirm the absence of contaminants and verify the potency of the herbal powders. By selecting reliable sources, consumers can have confidence in the purity and safety of the products they consume.
Pure herbal powders offer a natural and chemical-free alternative for individuals seeking to enhance their well-being. By harnessing the power of medicinal plants without the use of harmful additives, these powders provide a range of potential health benefits. Whether used in culinary creations, homemade remedies, or skincare products, pure herbal powders offer a safe and convenient way to incorporate nature's healing properties into our daily lives. Prioritizing the consumption of these powders allows individuals to embrace a healthier lifestyle while nurturing their body and mind with the goodness of herbs.
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Tulsi Helps Your Skin and Hair in Several Ways... Discover How!
Tulsi in Sanskrit means the inimitable bone and correctly so! Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil stands out from other sauces substantially because of the number of benefits it offers. You ’ll be surprised to know that this phenomenon factory isn't only good for our health but also for the health of our skin and hair.
Owing to its mending, antibacterial, antifungal andante-inflammatory parcels, tulsi benefits the skin by  precluding papules, acne and relieves skin infections, to name a many. Rich in vitamin K and antioxidants, tulsi benefits hair by stimulating blood rotation and promoting hair growth amongst others. Packed with vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and phytonutrients, Tulsi is the idol  component for healthy hair and skin. 
Tulsi does a lot further than just adding aroma and flavour to your tea and curries. Indeed when it comes to your beauty routine, tulsi benefits are comfortable. From curing a cold and heart complaint to  slipping skin and treating dandruff, tulsi is your magical condiment that  no way  disappoints! Tulsi is big in the world of Ayurveda. In Ayurvedic practice, the common uses of tulsi include treatments for headaches, asthma, cold, traffic, common pain and skin  conditions, to name a many.
In fact, Ayurveda recommends tulsi to regulate uric acid situations in the body as well as to soothe inflammation. And that’s not all! Its adaptogenic parcels increase the body’s capability to repel stress. And, who does not want to lead a stress-free life? thus, we ’ve got you a tip on the uses of tulsi and its effectiveness in your regular beauty routine. Then why you need to start including natural tulsi powder in your diurnal skincare routine.  
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1. Deep- cleans the skin 
Deep- cleans the skin  Environmental factors  similar as pollution, heat, dust and  smut as well as loading up on beauty products on a  diurnal base can take a serious risk on the health of your skin. And, when you do not give your skin redundant care and attention by  sanctifying it twice a day or you carelessly sleep with your makeup on, it adds up to your skin  straits,  congesting pores and giving birth to a number of other skin- related issues  similar as acne and  pustules. Tulsi benefits the skin by furnishing it with a deep-  sanctification effect. It not only completely removes dirt and contaminations but also the redundant oil.
However,  also this  sweet condiment is your stylish bet, If you have  unctuous skin. Take a  sprinkle of tulsi leaves, crush them and add some water to make a paste. Combine an egg white to the paste and apply the admixture  each over your face. Let the paste sit on your face for about 10- 15  twinkles before  irrigating. Use this remedy twice a week for clean, clear, and glowing skin.  
 2. Treats acne 
Treats acne is one of the most common skin enterprises amongst women today. However,  also  guarding it from acne can be a big challenge, If you have  unctuous or sensitive skin. The antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial  parcels of tulsi helps purify the blood and remove  poisons and bacteria from the skin. Being astringent in nature, tulsi benefits skin by soaking up the  redundant  oil painting and  humidity and drying up the being acne.
Prepare a simple face pack at home by mixing together one teaspoon of tulsi leaves, one tablespoon of sandalwood greasepaint and a many drops of rose water. Apply the pack on your face and leave it on until it dries fully. wash with cool water. Repeat this at least two to three times a week for effective results.   
3. Prevents early signs of geriatric 
Prevents early signs of geriatric Over-exposure to the sun is the number one cause for accelerating the  geriatric process. When the skin’s natural canvases  get washed out, the skin tends to lose plainness and fine lines and wrinkles start to appear. But, Did you know that tulsi benefits the skin by reversing the goods of unseasonable ageing? Yes, you read that right. Tulsi neutralizes free revolutionaries and rejuvenates the skin, reviving the  immature  gleam. All you need to do is boil a many tulsi leaves in water and consume every morning. Or you can crush the leaves once the water cools down and have it to get the same result.   
4. Lightens skin tone 
Lightens skin tone Overproduction of melanin, pollution and the harsh UV  shafts are the main causes of uneven skin tone or hyperpigmentation. But the good news is that tulsi can effectively lighten your skin tone. Its detoxifying goods gives relief from pollution, heat, stress as well as certain skin conditions. Tulsi contains essential canvases which help nourish and moisturize the skin and ameliorate the skin complexion.
To prepare a mask, mix some tulsi leaves, gram flour and water. Apply the admixture each over your face and allow it to dry fully. wash with cool water. Repeat this regularly for effective results. Then why you need to start including tulsi in your diurnal hair care routine.   
5. Prevents hair loss 
Prevents hair loss A lot of factors lead to lacing hair or hair loss. From genes to drug and infection, hair loss is a common miracle amongst both men and women. However,  also then an herbal treatment that's sure to help you  help hair loss, If you ’ve been  floundering with this condition. Tulsi is considered to be a major component in herbal hair loss treatments. Mix a sprinkle of crushed tulsi leaves with your regular hair  oil painting. blarney the oil painting into your crown and leave it on for about 30 twinkles.
Follow it up with soap and conditioner. Tulsi benefits hair by invigorating the hair follicles and strengthening the roots, which in turn checks hair loss. And that’s not all! This herbal treatment also promotes rotation in your crown and keeps it cool.    6. Banishes dandruff Banishes dandruff  Treating dandruff is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to hair care. Dandruff causes the skin on the crown to flake. Factors similar as  bothered,  unctuous skin,  perceptivity to hair care products and not shampooing enough can be some of the main causes of dandruff.
However, tulsi has got your  reverse! Tulsi benefits hair by controlling four types of fungal strains that may beget dandruff, If all your treatments for dandruff have failed. Simply add a small quantum of tulsi  oil painting to your regular  oil painting, massage it into your crown before going for a hair  marshland. This little trick won't only reduce dandruff and crown itchiness but also leave you with smooth, candescent permanents.   
7. No more unseasonable greying 
No more unseasonable greying  Spotting  slate beaches in your late 20s or early 30s can be an intimidating sight. still, unseasonable greying of hair is getting as common as cough and cold wave. So, what exactly causes your hair to start greying at an early age, you ask? When the cells at the hair roots stop producing the color which is responsible to give our hair its colour, your hair starts greying precociously.
In some cases, unseasonable greying is also due to lack of vitamin B12. Mix together amla and tulsi greasepaint and soak it in water overnight. Wash your hair with the admixture the coming morning. Repeating this treatment once a week can prove to be effective.   
8. Treats hair fall 
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Treats hair fall piecemeal from environmental factors  similar as heat, dust and pollution, it's also the everyday habits  similar as over-use of heat- styling tools, brushing wet hair  roundly and washing hair with hot water that beget hair fall. While losing a many beaches of hair every single day is common, drastic hair fall is a concern that needs immediate treatment.
Well, you can calculate on this herbal treatment for hair fall. Prepare a paste by mixing equal volume of amla and tulsi greasepaint and one tablespoon of coconut  oil painting. Add some water to make a smooth paste and apply it to your hair. Leave it on for 30 twinkles before washing off. Repeat this at- home treatment regularly to see conspicuous results.
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Pineapple Fireball Basil Margarita Mocktail (Vegan)
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hanumantraders · 8 months
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Hanuman traders is best natural henna powder manufacturer and exporter in India ,we serve from last 8 years, we provide organic natural henna powder. Contact us on 9599826974 or [email protected].
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ambenatural · 9 months
Ambenatural's Ashwagandha Powder is a premium quality ayurvedic health supplement made with the purest form of organic ashwagandha root extract. Its natural properties help promote physical and mental wellbeing for all age groups. This scientifically-formulated powder is free from any added preservatives or chemicals and is naturally vegan, gluten-free, and Non-GMO. With its superior benefits, this ashwagandha powder is an excellent boost for overall energy, improved immunity, and emotional balance.
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octaviustea · 1 year
Octavius Tulsi Kadha Powder-75 Gms Online By Octavius
Octavius Tulsi Kadha Powder is a 100% natural blend of Tulsi, ginger, black pepper, and other herbs that help boost immunity, aid digestion, and promote overall well-being.
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adviksavor · 2 years
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Dried Tulsi Leaves & Powder- Manufacturer, Supplier | Mevive
Check factory price of Dried Tulsi/Holy Basil Leaves & Powder from Mevive International. Prominent supplier, manufacturer, exporter in Tamil Nadu, India.
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luckshmi · 3 months
Ayurvedic Secrets to Radiant Skin: Understanding Your Dosha and Simple Homemade Skincare
In the pursuit of healthy, glowing skin, many of us seek solutions in expensive creams, serums, and treatments. But what if the key to vibrant skin lies in ancient wisdom that's been practiced for centuries?
Welcome to the world of Ayurveda, where the holistic approach to skincare goes beyond topical treatments to address the root causes of skin imbalances.
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What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, often called the "science of life," is an ancient healing system that originated in India thousands of years ago. At its core is the belief that our well-being is intricately connected to the balance of three fundamental energies known as doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Understanding Your Dosha:
Each person is born with a unique combination of these doshas, which influence not only our physical characteristics but also our mental and emotional tendencies. By identifying your dominant dosha, you can tailor your skincare routine to address specific skin concerns effectively.
Vata Dosha: If you have Vata-dominant skin, you may notice tendencies toward dryness, flakiness, and sensitivity. Vata skin often feels parched and is prone to premature aging. To nurture Vata skin, focus on moisturizing and nourishing practices.
Skincare Routine: Massage your skin with warm sesame oil to deeply moisturize and improve circulation. Use gentle, hydrating cleansers and rich, emollient creams to lock in moisture.
Homemade Recipe: Create a hydrating face mask by mixing mashed avocado with honey and a few drops of almond oil. Leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
Pitta Dosha: Pitta-dominant skin tends to be sensitive, prone to redness, inflammation, and occasional breakouts. Excessive heat and stress can exacerbate Pitta imbalances, leading to increased oiliness and irritation.
Skincare Routine: Opt for cooling and soothing ingredients like cucumber, aloe vera, and sandalwood. Use gentle, non-abrasive cleansers and avoid harsh exfoliants that can aggravate inflammation.
Homemade Recipe: Make a calming face pack by mixing sandalwood powder with rose water and a pinch of turmeric. Apply it to clean skin, leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Kapha Dosha: Kapha-dominant skin tends to be oily, prone to congestion, and enlarged pores. Kapha imbalances can result in dullness, blackheads, and a lack of vitality.
Skincare Routine: Focus on purifying and detoxifying practices to balance excess oil and congestion. Use gentle, oil-balancing cleansers and lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizers.
Homemade Recipe: Create an invigorating scrub by mixing ground oats with yogurt and a pinch of turmeric. Gently massage it onto damp skin in circular motions, then rinse with lukewarm water.
General Ayurvedic Skincare Tips: In addition to dosha-specific practices, there are some general principles of Ayurvedic skincare that benefit all skin types:
Practice Abhyanga, or self-massage with warm oil, to promote relaxation and improve circulation.
Drink herbal teas like chamomile or tulsi to reduce internal inflammation and support overall well-being.
Maintain a balanced lifestyle with adequate sleep, regular exercise, and stress management to promote skin health from the inside out.
Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to skincare that emphasizes harmony between mind, body, and spirit. By understanding your dosha and incorporating simple, homemade remedies into your skincare routine, you can unlock the secrets to radiant and healthy skin naturally. Remember, consistency and mindfulness are key to achieving lasting results. So, embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda and let your inner glow shine through!
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance on your Ayurvedic skincare journey.
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bishh-kanya · 2 years
𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮 - 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓘𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝔀𝓪𝔂
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This post contains Indian remedies to take care of yourself , i learned all of it from the woman around me and the internet .
𑁍multani mitti - also known as Fuller's earth is a form of clay which acts as a natural clenser, helps you to get rid of tan, acne, and blemishes, you can use it as a face pack along with turmeric , lemon juice , neem powder etc. Can be shopped through Amazon.
𑁍Neem- benefits such as controlled ache , clear skin , it boosts hair growth , it's an antiseptic, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, could be used in powdered form or you can buy a face pack, make a drink with leaves for detoxification
𑁍Aloe vera- benefits such as clear skin , moisturized skin , removes skin blemishes, removal of dark spots and stretch marks , could be used in the gel form . Also could be added to your fruit juices for blood purification .
𑁍Turmeric -Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components. These characteristics may provide glow and luster to the skin. Turmeric may also revive your skin by bringing out its natural glow. You can use it as a face mask mixed with various ingredients, or you can add turmeric to milk and drink it , it will help in the detoxification.
𑁍Coconut: coconut water helps in hydration, is low in calories, zero fat , filled with electrolytes helps you to get moderate blood sugar and it tastes really good ! Coconut oil helps in fat burning, improves skin glow , you can apply it in your hair for faster growth and shine , coconut milk is a great alternative for dairy products as well.
𑁍Herbal tea : ingredients like ginger , cardamom, ginger, clove , Tulsi and of course tea , you can mix it with boiled water and drink it in the morning for your day to have a fresh start .
𑁍Wake up early in the morning, preferably at Brahmamuhurtha , which begins one hour and 36 minutes before sunrise, and ends 48 minutes before sunrise , depending on where you stay.
𑁍Instead of buying kajal , you can make natural Kohl at home using ghee and following the procedure.
𑁍Practice pranayama breathing, improves sleep quality, mindfulness, reduces blood pressure, helps in calming the mind , increases focus etc.
᪥𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑖𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒᪥
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 ❣︎
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Lucan is picking out some nuggies, milk, eggs, instant coffee and some protein powder for his work out. He also keeps pointing at the most random stuff asking if it's needed.
Elowen just yeets a bottle of straight vodka in the cart then leaves
Balsam is the Mom Of The Group so he's picking out vegetables except he's stopping to read what each product contains so it takes forEVEr. Also I dunno why but I feel like he has reading glasses.
Tulsi also luckily has some sense and picks out important stuff like batteries, bulbs, shampoo n conditioner, bandaids, etc. She's just vibing and following along the cart with earphones in. Ask her what she's listening to so y'all can share the earphones and vibe together <3
Sage is sitting in the trolley while you're pushing it around and of course he's flirting with you ;) hey mc ;) thanks for the ride ;) but he finally shuts up when a bottle of vodka mysteriously lands at his groin. Poor kitty. But he does also occasionally yank your favourite snacks from the shelf and keep it in the trolley.
They do ultimately end up forgetting something tho
I FEEL LIKE SOMEONE WOULD GET PLANTS BUT I DUNNO WHO. Probably balsam. Smexy plant dad balsam? Shirtless balsam who's only wearing grey sweatpants putting on gardening gloves? Lil thing of tools strapped around his hips? And he's making this hot concentrated face? nad,,,an ,d he abs are squished together..cause of how he's hunched over,,,lil bit of sweat drips from his nose,,,,then he goes to shower and comes out with a towel wrapped really really low at his hips and his hair is down?,,,,lird habe mercu.,,,duhvfghjjhjhvi,,,,,,,,,hmgmhmhmHHHHAHEM AHEM-
-egg anon (dumb bitch anon)
Balsam would be a sexy plant dad,,, hehehe,,,,,
GN!Reader, Modern!AU, the Griefers share a braincell, Colored Bullet Rule (Balsam, Elowen, Lucan, Sage, Tulsi)
I would also like to suggest Modern!AU Griefers all sharing a house. Which is presumably why they're shopping together.
I'd like to imagine that Lucan and Sage take turns sitting in the cart. So this time is Sage, next time it'll be Lucan, so on.
Anyways this time it's Sage and big boy is sitting with his back to you so he can tilt his head back to look up at you,, keeps nuzzling against your arms/wrists,,, love-bites you a few times,,,,,, kitty likes being taken care of sometimes y'know?
Lucan gets the dino tendies. He insists they taste better than the normal ones. You can try to read the ingredients to prove they're the same thing but he doesn't care. They're Fun So They Taste Better. He will fight you on this.
If you guys are at a Target or Walmart or whatever and there's a bedding section, Lucan and Sage are grabbing pillows and attacking each other. Balsam lets them do it so long as they don't break anything. Once Sage gets bored he uses the pillow to take a nap, assuring you'll have to buy it because his hair is all over it now
If he actually does fall asleep he uses one hand to hold yours,, kitty needs you to be close,,, zzz,,,,,,,
You're standing still for too long (maybe trying to decide between two brands or whatever?) when Tulsi just sneaks up from behind and cuddles you. And at first you think she's being cute and clingy but then she sets her chin on your shoulder (she might have to stand on her tiptoes) and asks you if it's weird that you can look at something and your tongue will instinctively know what the texture would be like. You slowly look over at her one mounting dismay and she smiles really sweetly, kisses your nose, and drifts away to listen to her music
Seriously look around and pick something and you'll know what the texture would be if you pick it. Horrible. Hate.
Elowen,, doing this,, also go spam this art with love!!!
Balsam carefully weighing fruits and veggies before bagging them,,, he needs to be precise,,,,, it takes him forever to do literally anything,,,,,,,, and if you try to leave him he just grabs the cart and drags it back over next to him,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sage keeps bitching about it because he's bored
So when I was younger and we had to go to the market and it was taking too long my mom would get me a Lunchables and I'd eat it in the cart and we'd formally buy it when we checked out (course I'd usually eaten it all by then but whatever) and anyways you have to do that for both Sage and Lucan.
You try to get Balsam to hurry up by flirting with him a little,, lightly holding his waist and swaying a little like Hey If We Leave Here Soon Maybe You Two Can Have Some Fun ;) and Balsam leans over to smooch your cheek and says Nice Try But He Needs To Make Sure This Cookie Butter Has An Acceptable Amount of Sugar Before He Lets Lucan Get It
The toy section,, Tulsi keeps fiddling with the Rubik's Cubes and looking at the Legos and whatever and she always gets a Hot Wheel! She has a collection.
You jokingly throw a ball and Lucan sprints after it. Makes you throw it again. You're playing fetch now. Why would you do this.
You get a plushie for Sage and nuzzle it against his cheek and he's so flustered,,, soft,,,,,
Elowen casually taking the cart from you and ramming it into corners/walls/whatever to piss Sage off
Tulsi comes over and hands you one of her earbuds because a song you like came up on her playlist
Balsam checking all of Lucan's protein powder before letting him put it in the cart. He needs to make sure puppy isn't ingesting ungodly amounts of caffeine or smthn
Elowen throwing vodka in the cart (yes hitting Sage in the crotch, not on purpose but hey it's funny) and then grabbing you and dragging you away because she wants to go look at clothes
Alternatively Elowen dragging Tulsi away to look at clothes and Sage just dying because vodka is heavy,, you get him a bag of frozen peas,,,, Lucan is laughing his ass off
Tulsi gets some fairy lights for her workshop and she gets them in your favorite colors
Plant section! Balsam spends nearly an hour agonizing over the precise shade of green he's getting with various mint leaves or whatever,,, you try to help but honestly there's no helping this man. He's on his own. You just leave him there and go to grab some juices.
Yes the checkout person looks at you (Sage) weirdly.
Sage refusing to get out of the cart until you guys have shoved the groceries in the car. He's at least gracious enough to take it to the cart corral himself.
You all came in the same car so,, you uh,,, you're gonna have to sit on someone's lap for the ride home ;)
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lifeaveda1 · 2 years
Diet Chart for Diabetes
Introduction Diabetes is a condition in which the sugar levels in the blood rises above the normal level. Sugar levels get increased in the blood due to decreased insulin production and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Increased level of sugar can damage the heart, eyes, liver, and other organs of the body. Ayurveda deemed Diabetes as Madhumeha which states “Sweet (honey like) urine”. Increased blood sugar levels cause excess secretion of sugar in the urine as well. The signs and symptoms of diabetes include excess thirst, increased frequency to pass urine, digestion problems, inflammatory lesions, wasting of muscles, diarrhea, fever and necrosis.
Causes of Diabetes Diabetes is a Kapha disorder developed due to imbalance of Kapha dosha. The imbalance can occur due to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits such as excess or lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, consumption of sweetened food items, unrestricted intake of yogurt, etc. Imbalanced Kapha Dosha decreases the digestive fire (Agni) which further slows down the body metabolism. This phenomenon increases the blood glucose levels in the body.
Diet Chart for Diabetes Consumption of a balanced nutritious diet is essential to tackle diabetes by normalizing the blood sugar levels. In this segment, we have shared a generalized diet plan which if followed by diabetic patients might avoid a rise in the blood glucose levels.
Early morning- A glass or two of water + 1 teaspoon Fenugreek seeds/ Amla powder OR 1 glass Copper pot water + 5 Mint leaves + 1 or 2 Tulsi leaves
Breakfast– Veg Oats/ Veg Idli/ Veg Vermicelli/ Veg Upma/ Veg Khichdi/ Besan pancake/ Missi Roti/ Chapatti with Vegetable or Dal/ Egg whites
Mid-morning– Sprouts/ Coconut water/ Salad/
Lunch– Chapatti with Vegetable + Dal + Salad/ Fish/ Chicken (Occasionally) (Add 1 tsp Fenugreek seed powder 30 minutes before lunch)
Evening– Roasted Chana/ Herbal tea/ Homemade soup
Dinner– Chapatti with Vegetable + Dal + Salad/ Nutri Nuggets
*Completely stop the usage of Sugar in your diet
Foods To Consume in Diabetes Cereals: Oats, Whole grains, Whole Wheat Flour ratio: Wheat flour (1 kg) + Chana flour (250gm) Fruits: Apricot, Peach, Loquat, Pear, Plum, Blackberry (Jamun), Melon, Papaya, Guava, Apple, Pomegranate, Orange and Amla Vegetables: Curry leaf, Mint, Turnip, Coriander, Green pepper, Green chili, Ginger, Beetroot, Cucumber, Broccoli, Fenugreek leaves, Green beans, Peas, Pumpkin, Radish, Round gourd, Ridge gourd, Bottle gourd, Capsicum, Mushroom, Spinach, Beans, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Okra (Bhindi) Pulses: All split lentils and legumes Frozen pulses only Dairy products: Tofu Whole milk and Cream, Butter, Full fat Yogurt, Cheese and condensed milk Spices: Cinnamon, Fennel, Pepper, Ginger, Turmeric, Coriander and Cumin Drinks: Amla juice, Herbal tea, Bottle gourd juice, Bitter gourd juice, Coconut water, Neem juice and Giloy juice Flesh foods: Chicken soup, Roasted or Grilled fish and Egg whites Dry fruits and seeds: Sesame seeds, Flax seeds, Chia seeds, Pumpkin seeds, soaked walnuts and almonds Oils: Olive oil, Canola oil, Soybean oil, Cow ghee (Only in small amounts) Note: 500 ml of cooking oil to be used per month Other foods: Homemade products only All bakery items, artificial sweeteners, sweets, jams, fruit jellies, sauces, coconut bar, chocolate, cream soups, ice-cream, mayonnaise, pickles and fried foods Foods To Avoid in Diabetes Rice, Refined sugar, Whole refined flour and its products Sapodilla, Dates, Grapes, Litchi, mango, banana Potato, Taro root, Sweet potato, Eggplant,Yam, Jackfruit, Frozen and Canned vegetables, Frozen pulses only Whole milk and Cream, Butter, Full fat Yogurt, Cheese and condensed milk Red chilies Carbonated beverages, Cream based liqueurs, Alcohol, Whole milk drinks, Sugarcane juice, Canned and Packaged soup Egg yolk, Rabbit, Turkey, Ham, Lamb, Pork, Lean beef, Crab, Lobster, Prawns, Red meat, Goose, Duck, Mutton and organ parts like Chest, Liver and Kidney Peanuts, Raisins, Cashew and Pistachio Hydrogenated oil, Cream, Butter and Trans-fat All bakery items, artificial sweeteners, sweets, jams, fruit jellies, sauces, coconut bar, chocolate, cream soups, ice-cream, mayonnaise, pickles and fried foods Doctor Tips Go for a walk for at least 30-45 minutes. Eat more salad to complete the intake of fiber. Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast. Consume seasonal fruits and vegetables. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily. Use herbal tea prepared with Cumin, Coriander and Fennel. Eat 5 soaked almonds and 1 soaked walnut daily. Reduce stress levels by doing meditation daily. Find a Diet Consultation Online: Get Personalized diet chart for diabetes
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nnb17 · 2 days
To rid any house of chaos, mental tension and misery – thoroughly clean each nook and corner of the house – throw away the waste and get rid of any useless items, in the house – light a with mustard oil lamp in the home temple and near Tulsi plant
For wealth benefits ,hoist a yellow ,triangular flag atop a Lord Vishnu temple – is such a way that it continuously flutters – you shall have amazing wealth benefits – but it should be kept in mind that the flag should be permanently placed – if need be ,it should be changed from time to time.
Never pluck, Tulsi leaves [Basil] or the leaves of the ‘Bail Tree’ [Wood- apple tree] on Amavasya – if they have to be offered on the deity, ensure that you pluck them a day before
Pouring a spoon of milk on the earth, will help you get rid of hurdles, stopping the progress and every day wok. Also if barley is washed in milk and flown down in running water, then fate will always favor you.
To subdue the ill-effects of Saturn [Shani Dev] – every Amavasya ,offer mustard oil ,black ‘urad dal’ [black pulses],an iron piece ,black cloth , and a blue flower to the deity and chant the Vedic mantra of Lord Saturn – 101 times – “OM NILANJANSAMABHAS RAVIPUTRA YAMAGRAJAM . CHAYAMARTANDSAMBHUT NAMAMI SANESHCHARAM” –
Every Amavasya, offer five different kinds of fruits to a cow – the atmosphere at home shall always remain auspicious and happy.
Feeding wheat flour balls, to the fishes on Amavasya, bestow upon a person, his ancestors blessings and the blessings of the gods – issues / obstructions pertaining to incoming wealth, are also nullified.
If there is a person who is chronically ill – wake up before sunrise, post your bath – pull a strand of thread from any clothing, worn by the patient – with some additional cotton , make a wick of this strand of thread and cotton and dip it in a lamp filled with mustard oil – light this lamp and place it in front of an idol of Lord Hanuman and chant the ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ –
Take a fresh lemon and cut it into four halves – throw each half in each direction – i.e four halves in four direction –issues pertaining to unemployment shall be finished – please ensure, that you stand on a crossroad with four directions and also it has to be done secretly.
On the Amavasya night , take 8 almonds and 8 ‘kaajal’ boxes, tie them in a black cloth – and keep them in a box filled with red vermillion powder – very soon ,you shall be rid of financial problems.Change it every amavasya.
Feed a Brahmin on Amavasya. This shall keep the ancestors happy – obstacles shall be removed and there shall be no dearth of prosperity – and the house-hold shall be immune to the ‘evil-eye’ and other forms of black magic.
For gaining the blessings of the ancestors and getting freedom from the malefic effects of ‘pitr-dosh’ – pouring water ,milk, gangajal ,black sesame seeds ,sugar, rice all mixed together , in the roots of a ‘Peepal tree’, and offer flowers and the sacred thread ,chanting ;”OM NAMO BHAGWATEY VASUDEVAYE NAMAH” and circumbulating the tree, seven times .
The ancestors should be offered water on ever Amavasya – the right way of offering water is – In a copper vessel, water, mixed with gangajal , raw milk ,sesame seeds , barley ,Tulsi leaves, a grass blade , honey and a white flower – should be offered – facing the south direction , calling out – TAPRAANTAYAMI , TAPRAANTAYAMI , TAPRAANTAYAMI – thrice – the water should be poured out along the side of the thumb in to a vessel below – this does provide contentment to the ancestors – Remember to pour the collected water into some plant – do not throw this water any where in the house or outside – it should only be poured in to the roots of a plant.
According to the ‘Shastras’, the ancestors visit their homes, every Amavasya – so every person should donate to charity – as much as he can afford. Keeping a meal under a ‘Babool Tree’ [Acacia Tree] in the name of the ancestors also pleases them.
Ancestors have a special liking for ‘Kheer’ – [sweet porridge of rice and milk] – every Amavasya, preparing kheer and offering it to a Brahmin with his meals begets one of a thousand virtues. In the evenings, keeping a small portion of the ‘kheer under the ‘Peepal tree’, in the evening, helps in removing instability, from one’s life.
To avoid sudden mishaps and tame the enemies, can be fulfilled, by feeding a black dog, a chapatti smeared with mustard oil.
Install a Horse Shoe [of a black horse] on the top of the main door, on Amavasya; the open end should face the ceiling or above/up, if it is in your house; if, it is at the workplace, then the open end should face the floor or below/down – this saves one from the ‘evil-eye’ and stability of finances and happiness is ensured.
On Amavasya never start a, fresh business, journey, transaction, or any auspicious work.
Sai Numerology,
Neetu N Bhansali
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clevermindseo · 4 days
Why Sweet Mix Mukhwas is the Perfect Post-Meal Treat You’ve Been Missing
Are you looking for the perfect way to finish your meals? You might be missing out on an age-old tradition that’s both delicious and beneficial: sweet mix mukhwas. This flavorful concoction has been enjoyed in Indian households for generations and is known for its unique combination of taste and health benefits. Let’s dive into why sweet mix mukhwas should be your new go-to post-meal treat.
What is Mukhwas?
Mukhwas is a traditional Indian digestive aid and mouth freshener. It typically consists of various seeds, nuts, and sweeteners, including fennel seeds, sesame seeds, and sugar-coated confectioneries. These ingredients are mixed to create a flavorful and refreshing treat that is usually consumed after meals. 
The History of Mukhwas
Mukhwas has deep roots in Indian culture. Historically, it was not only used for its digestive properties but also served as a symbol of hospitality. Offering mukhwas to guests after a meal is a common practice in many Indian homes. This tradition has been passed down through generations, showcasing the importance of good digestion and oral hygiene in Indian culinary practices.
Ingredients of Sweet Mix Mukhwas
Sweet mix mukhwas typically includes:
- Fennel seeds: Known for their digestive properties and sweet, refreshing flavor.
- Sesame seeds: Rich in nutrients and add a subtle nuttiness.
- Coriander seeds: Aid in digestion and provide a citrusy note.
- Dried coconut flakes: Add sweetness and texture.
- Sugar-coated aconfectioneries: Enhance the overall sweetness and appeal.
Each ingredient plays a specific role in both the taste and health benefits of the mix.
Health Benefits of Sweet Mix Mukhwas
1. Aids Digestion: The primary purpose of mukhwas is to aid digestion. Fennel seeds, for instance, are well-known for their ability to reduce bloating and gas.
2. Freshens Breath: The aromatic seeds and sweet elements help to freshen the breath, making it an excellent natural mouth freshener.
3. Nutrient-Rich: Ingredients like sesame seeds and dried coconut flakes are packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
4. Antioxidant Properties: Many components of mukhwas have antioxidant properties, which can help in fighting off free radicals and boosting overall health.
5. Regulates Blood Sugar: Some studies suggest that the ingredients in mukhwas, such as fenugreek seeds, can help in regulating blood sugar levels.
The Cultural Significance of Mukhwas
Mukhwas is more than just a post-meal treat; it’s a **cultural tradition**. In many Indian households, no meal is complete without a spoonful of this delightful mix. It’s a gesture of care and hospitality, offering guests a pleasant way to end their meal. The tradition of consuming mukhwas transcends generations, bringing a sense of continuity and connection to Indian heritage.
How to Make Your Own Sweet Mix Mukhwas
Creating your own sweet mix mukhwas at home is simple and allows you to customize the ingredients to your liking. Here’s a basic recipe to get you started:
- 1 cup fennel seeds
- 1/2 cup sesame seeds
- 1/4 cup coriander seeds
- 1/4 cup dried coconut flakes
- 1/4 cup sugar-coated fennel seeds
- 2 tablespoons dried rose petals (optional)
1. Toast the Seeds: Lightly toast the fennel, sesame, and coriander seeds in a dry pan over medium heat until fragrant.
2. Mix Ingredients: Combine the toasted seeds with the dried coconut flakes, sugar-coated fennel seeds, and dried rose petals.
3. Store: Store the mixture in an airtight container to keep it fresh.
Different Varieties of Mukhwas
While the sweet mix mukhwas is a popular version, there are numerous varieties of mukhwas to explore:
1. Mint Mukhwas: Made with dried mint leaves and seeds, offering a cooling effect.
2. Spicy Mukhwas: Incorporates spices like black salt, hing (asafoetida), and red chili powder for a zesty flavor.
3. Herbal Mukhwas: Uses herbs like ajwain (carom seeds) and tulsi (holy basil) for their medicinal properties.
When to Consume Sweet Mix Mukhwas
While mukhwas is traditionally consumed after meals, it can be enjoyed at various times throughout the day:
- After Meals: To aid digestion and freshen breath.
- As a Snack: A small handful makes for a healthy and refreshing snack.
- Before Bed: Some people find it soothing to have a small amount of mukhwas before bedtime.
The Science Behind Mukhwas and Digestion
Fennel Seeds: These seeds are rich in essential oils that stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, helping to break down food more efficiently.
Sesame Seeds: High in fiber, sesame seeds help to promote healthy bowel movements.
Coriander Seeds: Known to have anti-inflammatory properties, these seeds can help soothe an upset stomach.
The Role of Sweetness in Mukhwas
The sweetness in mukhwas, often provided by sugar-coated fennel seeds or candied fruits, is not just for taste. It also plays a role in balancing the flavors and making the mixture more palatable. The sweet elements make mukhwas a delightful treat, ensuring that it’s something you look forward to after your meals.
Mukhwas and Oral Hygiene
Apart from aiding digestion, mukhwas is also beneficial for oral hygiene. The natural oils in fennel and other seeds help to fight bacteria in the mouth, reducing bad breath and promoting overall oral health. Chewing on mukhwas can stimulate saliva production, which is essential for maintaining a healthy mouth.
Incorporating sweet mix mukhwas into your post-meal routine is a simple yet effective way to enhance your digestion, freshen your breath, and enjoy a tasty treat. This traditional Indian practice offers numerous health benefits and is a delightful way to connect with a rich cultural heritage. So, the next time you finish a meal, reach for a handful of sweet mix mukhwas and experience the perfect combination of flavor and wellness.
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hanumantraders · 1 year
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