paandaan · 7 months
Donation For Demolition Victims In Karachi
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Karachi did not have then means to house all migrants coming in post partition. Eventually, they housed themselves. The government provided them with electricity, gas, water lines, etc. Much of Karachi has been built this way. Mujahid Colony is one of these neighborhoods. People who live here have lived here since the creation of Pakistan. They populated this vacant area and brought commerce, housing, life here. Multigenerational homes, multiethnic mohallas. Now this land is valuable for luxury developers and greedy builders. They distort and exploit the corrupt nexus of land and governance stakeholders and have used police to raid these homes in the middle of the night and fire bullets on children, drag women without purdah from their homes, use tear gas and bulldozers to clear the way. Hospitals were told not to record the injuries or take in the injured. Many died from heart attacks and extreme stress as well. Suddenly homeless with all property destroyed, they had nowhere to go. Daily wage earners asked to pay lakhs in security deposits. They lost everything.
• Mujahid and Wahid Colony faced demolitions last year
• The rubble is still lying there
• The affectees have been living in the area since the Partition
• They built the neighborhood from scratch, and the government wants to displace them to Taiser Town, where no gas, electricity, and water lines exist
• They want to stay in their own neighborhood
• Affectees have legal documents of property ownership and paid bill records of decades
Please donate to StopEvictionKHI as follows:
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Here is the link to the GoFundMe:
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three-troublemakers · 3 years
yeah dont worry about it melody. hey! whats your favorite dinosaur actually ":D
Oh uh...velociraptor! Wait, no, miniraptor! Wait no-
They like small, cute feathery dinosaurs.
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paandaan · 2 months
friends, are the beauty of joseon serums good?
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paandaan · 5 months
crochet youtube channels
channels i find inspiration from, channels with great tutorials, channels with unique designs, etc
day la hanh: clothing; accessories; bags
yawning yarning crochet: bags and pouches; hair accessories and hats
mahum 🎀: room decor; lots of cute accessories; book sleeves and bags; keychains and amigurumi (lots of pinks and whites and greens and beiges)
sirin's crochet: clothing; coasters; shawls; blankets
it's erin b. : clothing - lots of variety from scarves and beanies to summer t-shirts, sweaters and skirts
kiara's hooks:
make it yourself
ralee hands
etm's studio
by red bean
함께하는뜨개질 [캣츠,룸]
lingzhi handmade
olga poltava
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paandaan · 1 month
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paandaan · 1 month
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paandaan · 1 year
I think it was about that time that Nitani Kunimatsu (Ainu name Nisukrekkur, born 1888), Nitani Tarō (Uparette, born 1892), and my father Kaizawa Seitarō (Arekaynu, born 1893) gathered for a conversation. They were the last three Nibutani residents who spoke fluent Ainu. As they agreed, “The first among us to die is the luckiest. The remaining two will perform iyoitakkote [guiding the passage to the other world] in Ainu, according to traditional ritual, so he will be certain to return to the realm of the gods. Whoever dies first is the lucky one.”
“Whoever dies first is the lucky one”—I repeated it again and again in my heart. I was saddened by their words. Their import cannot possibly be grasped by those who have not been robbed of the very roots of their culture and language.
It is said that when people age, their fear of death diminishes. There is still, however, a wish to be led to the other world in an appropriate manner. The desire to die early simply for the sake of a meaningful funeral shows the extent to which culture and language are important to us Ainu.
The “luckiest” among the three turned out to be my father. Realizing that time was running short, my father sent for Nitani Kunimatsu in February 1956. Gaunt with illness, he made the following plea to Kunimatsu: “Elder brother [an appellation used as a sign of respect, even with a younger person or one without blood ties], I am seriously ill, as you can see. I cannot even dream that I will recover my strength. I would like you to perform the deathbed rite so that when I die I can return to my parents without losing my way.”
Kunimatsu responded with onkami, the formal Ainu greeting. Then he spoke to my father slowly, in Ainu: “I accede to your request for the rite. Rest in peace, as I will recite the lines without fail. Now, although it’s difficult to do this at your final moment, there is one thing I must ask you. Please answer my question fully.” Our neighbors, my mother, and I held our breath in anticipation, not knowing what question Kunimatsu would pose.
“You have always been an outstanding orator. I have heard that you once threatened someone, claiming you could use your oratorical skills to place a curse of death on others. I believe it was a mere rumor, but I would like to learn, directly from you, the truth or falsity of the incident. If true, you must first apologize to the gods before I can perform the rite with a clear conscience. Also, if you threatened someone in jest without thinking, I need to intercede on your behalf. Whatever the case, I want you to answer honestly in your last hour.”
We waited for my father’s words, secretly fearing his answer. He answered in Ainu in a quiet, though steady, voice: “Elder brother, please don’t worry. It is indeed a mere rumor. I know no such evil words as would cause others to die. In my youth, I certainly used to get carried away and pretend to know what I did not, and both my words and conduct might have misled people. But nobody taught me such evil words, nor have I ever wished to curse another to death. In the old days the lineage of one who learned such words was said to die out. I, however, have sons and their children. After I die, my children will have at least enough to eat. Elder brother, you need not worry about this. There is no need to ask the gods for forgiveness, nor do I need special intercession on my behalf.”
Hearing this reply, Kunimatsu looked relieved. “I see. I’m glad I asked, though it was difficult. I am not the only witness to your reply; your wife and sons are, too. Humans with their ears aren’t the only ones who heard you; all the gods in the house, especially the goddess of fire, also heard. Be at ease now.” No sooner had he said this than big teardrops rolled down his cheeks, and he added in Japanese, “Seitarō, you’re so lucky to be able to go first. Who will send me off when I die?” Clasping my father’s slender hands in his, he could say no more. Imagining how the two old men felt, not one of us could hold back tears.
The funeral of my father, the “luckiest” because he died first, was held on February 19, 1956. As he had sworn, Kunimatsu performed a completely traditional sending-off ceremony.
Our Land Was A Forest : An Ainu Memoir, Shigeru Kayano (trans. Mark Selden)
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paandaan · 5 months
2023 favorite first watches
[tagged by @heavenlyyshecomes 🤍]
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films in order: all about lily chou chou dir. shunji iwai / piku dir. shoojit sircar / joyland dir. saim sadiq / cure dir. kiyoshi kurosawa / pariah dir. dee rees / murmur of youth dir. lin cheng-sheng
tagging: @bigshoeswamp @mangojournals @shiftinyou @hyperculture @sugarsugarunes @sawasawako
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paandaan · 5 months
good morning, last day of 2023
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paandaan · 4 months
summer is an elated door and the room, the stomach of a fish the ponds of this year are lonely playful they are not, hushed in their nobility fish eaten by bird eaten by human a flame wills to keep irrepressibly flickering, as long as you haven't regretted it's creation. are the memories of the fish relocated inside the bird? are the memories of the bird relocated inside the human? i am given the heart i have wished for in reverence, in shrieking calls rubbed on the coarse barks of trees. in between the cold grass and the shivering embryo underground - a meticulous way we all follow i locate on the branch shivering against the door of summer - blued body chosen for a winter i am given the heart i wish to receive. do you trust where the memories of the fish come from? a stomach? a liver? a heart? when trust is abandoned, so is regret. well human, are you given the undefendable heart you have been willing to keep?
by t.h., from an old chapbook
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paandaan · 3 months
tagged by @khlur to post 5 songs im really into right now , thank u <3
plan for solitude - shizuka
so many ways (ft. poison girl friend) - kiss facility
lemon brandy - railway suicide train
andre99 - silica gel
licking an orchid - yves tumor
additional one just because
love's unkind - donna summer
tagging: @heavenlyyshecomes @aegissi @shiftinyou @mangojournals @bigshoeswamp <3
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paandaan · 2 months
some people need to unlearn what they learned in uni ....
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paandaan · 3 months
what's the average number of years after which you find a decent job that's actually good after graduation (with a bachelor's not a masters)?
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paandaan · 4 months
i say a lot about wanting to learn for a guy who doesn't have the capacity to retain any sort of information/instructions whatsoever
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paandaan · 4 months
white people on youtube when they're clearly cooking a dish from a non-white country/area that already has billions of recipes but they say they invented the recipe (saw someone say they make this one pot rice dish which is very easy but it' was literally pulao ... be serious ...)
note: especially common with vegans
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paandaan · 3 months
last reblog - a sociology professor asked us generally in class who got hit by their parents and 80% of the class answered they did (we were studying a text on family)
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