#turns out i might have some ideas after all 😎
toytle · 24 days
Have you ever considered making DC stickers?? Your JoJos ones were SO cute and I'd love little justice leagues like those
everyday i consider this. whether or not i have the skills and/or ideas is another question entirely
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saturdaysky · 9 months
been playing Baldur's Gate 3 lately and having a blast running a little gnome warlock named Mayhew! he gets into shenanigans on the reg, some of which i intend to draw. like so:
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a few sessions ago, there were these cool masks lying unattended on a table in Auntie Ethel's teahouse lair. just sitting there, waiting to be worn! i am not one to pass up an opportunity.
now you might say, "sky, wearing masks a hag left for you to find sounds like a terrible idea" but actually it turned out great
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naturally i am blaming it on an in-character decision and not the fact that i press buttons first and ask questions later. poor Mayhew, really earning that low WIS score 😔 maybe he'll learn restraint one day
sketch and chatter under the cut!
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The sketch! It came to me as a complete idea, more or less.
I am very into moments where a character's will is suborned and they turn on their friends. "Light them up, pretty" moments, to be Caleb Widogastian about it. So, it was a very interesting experience to have this decision backfire so spectacularly! I've been playing Mayhew as someone who will take risky gambles for power -- after all, he's already made several dumb gambles that paid off; that's why he's a warlock.
When I beat Ethel, the game actually handed the conversation to Lae'zel, not Mayhew. I like to think that was because the entire party decided his judgement couldn't be trusted. This was smart of them because right after that he drank one of the hag's potions ("it says parasite! maybe it gives me powers") and permanently debuffed himself to 7 strength. 😎 only the best decisions are made in the saturdaysky household
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An image of how Reader heals the Pilgrim gang~
Gentle as can be~ takes her time to slowly heal every possible (or imagined) scratch and bruise, all with a loving hand~ …. And while teasing the absolute shit outa him… 😜
🤝🏻 Sandy 🤝🏻
Her bestie? Her BFF?? The go to method for healing the big blue good-boy™️ is of course their secret best-friends handshake~ 😎
😐 Pigsy 😐
Every time this guy tries to go in for a hug.. and every time he gets slapped in the face.. healing through violence… somewhat contradictory? Perhaps, but it works~
🙏🏻 Tang 🙏🏻
… She pinches his nose in a firm grip, and start lecturing him.. “repeat after me, I will NOT listen to Pigsy and go near the obviously suspicious Bogota in the distance, especially when everyone else tells me not to!” basically a Mom moment~
🐴 Ao Lie 🐴
Gentle head pats.. after his own Father sentenced him to death, the poor kid deserves some form of genuine affection.. another Mom moment~
YOU. You get it.
And if you don’t mind me adding on to this~ because this in turn gave me more ideas lmao
Honestly Wukong doesn’t even go to you for healing to begin with. He’s the Monkey King??? Immortalx6???? He doesn’t need your healing he can just heal himself 🤨. Yes it does hurt him to have to regrow or repair himself, I imagine it’s less that he heals himself and more just…speeds up the process of the injuries healing themselves meaning he gets a fuckton of pain all at once, but given he is both immortal and impatient, he doesn’t really think much of the pain…or he tries to tell himself that anyway.
But after one of the battles where he’s forced to go to Guanyin for help he finds himself angrily sulking because he doesn’t like having to ask for help. But then you come over and just…place a friendly hand on his shoulder and heal him. He is prepared for it to hurt like how he heals himself but it doesn’t?? In fact it feels nice??? What the Fuck™. He could have been getting THIS the whole time??
Every battle after that he is first in line to get healed (listen it’s just quicker if you heal him ok don’t look too deep into it-) even going so far as to push Pigsy out of the way at points. Don’t come between the monkey and his (excuse to get your hands on him) heals. See he thought he knew what he was getting into. A quick heal and (your touch…) he’s back to full health. He was wrong because reader is wise to his schemes and makes it their personal mission to fluster the shit out of him.
“Why is this taking so long??”
“Because you keep fidgeting”
“Well you need to hurry up!!”
“I’m adding on a minute of heal time for every time you rush me.”
“What?? No just finish up already!”
“Three minutes.”
“Stop going so slow!!”
“Four! Do I hear five?? Goodness your gonna give me the wrong idea if you keep this up. It’s like you want my hands on you~”
All the while you’re slooowly dragging your hands across him and he’s doing everything in his power to not think about how good it feels, how nice it feels to have your gentle and delicate touches on him and looking anywhere other than at you. Jokes on him though he may not blush super easily but his ears are always the first to show it.
Sun Wukong was NOT prepared for this. He’s used to admiration from his subjects, fear from his enemies, respect from those he’s fought. But this??? This is new. He’s not used to this. Even back on flower fruit mountain he was never subjected to this kind of attention. He doesn’t…hate it per-say, but he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He might try to cross his arms, make himself look intimidating he doesn’t know-
“Nah-ah, uncross those arms mister I need access to your chest.”
He is suffering. Your going to kill him he’s sure of it. This is how he dies. Just by being subjected to your ministrations. Yes he knows he could leave at anytime but he’s not going to.
It doesn’t really occur to him that you’re taking your time on purpose at first because it’s not exactly like he was paying attention the first time you healed him and he accepts your explanation of it being more precise when you touch him like that readily enough. To his credit he does eventually catch on to what your doing by being purposefully slow and handsy. But like by that point he’s down bad and doubles down.
He flips the script BIIIG time when he goes from “feelings are dumb” to courting/relationship status though. If he was a menace before now he is INSUFFERABLE.
“You missed a spot”
“Oh? Where?”
“Move your hands lower”
“I am injured! Don’t you want to see me get better? 🥺”
Or otherwise now he is intentionally doing whatever he can to increase how long it takes
“Hey you still intend to go slower if I rush you right?”
“Probably? Why do you ask-“
“WOW you are going so slow you need to hurry up and finish already because this is taking forever, we’ve been here like all day seriously how much longer is this going to take??”
“How long does that buy me?”
*Insta-Heals him*
As for the others,
Sandy/Sha Wujing is an absolute sweetheart, always patiently waiting for his turn to be healed or for you to finish. Always asks for heals with a please and thanks you every time. Secret handshake is absolutely how he gets healed. 10/10 would heal again. Best patient ever.
Tang is….fine most times. He’s real sorry for making you go through the trouble though. Really sorry. Has he told you how sorry he is? Because he is. He’s really really sorry. Swears he won’t do it again. A simple shoulder pat is all he really needs as he feels reaaaaally sorry and just feels the worst about this. No but fr he feels SO GUILTY. Healing him is part actually healing him and part feelings jam because he probs needs to be reassured that what happened wasn’t his fault.
Oof but when it’s because of Pigsy starting shit again and pulls him into danger? That’s when the pinching starts. How many times have you and Wukong told him not to listen to Pigsy?? So many times?? AND YET??? …he’s still really sorry tho
Ao Lie doesn’t really need healing all that often due to being a horse most of the time but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t occasionally sidle up to you and push his head under your hand to ask for it. Carrying the monk all that time has gotta be tiring, even if he is a dragon. Especially since he isn’t even doing it in his natural form! So that little boost of energy you give him really helps him out. Also a sweetheart 10/10 (why can’t Pigsy be like you and Sandy FR)
Pigsy tho…bless Reader’s heart you TRIED to actually properly heal him once. But unfortunately with Pigsy being Pigsy that went about as well as expected. As soon as he found out you heal through touch it was all over. “Oh my fair friend I am dying!! Only your sweet kiss can heal me. 😚” which did result in the slap heal. To his…tiny tiny bit of credit he does stop the antics after the first few times. Not because he realized that it won’t happen, but because Wukong won’t let him. Literally, he tries to be his fail-suave self during a time when Wukong is standing right behind you and one very intense glare coupled with a hand going to his ear to pull out his cudgel is all it takes to get him to stop….mostly. Still tries it when Wukong isn’t around though. Always results in a slap.
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asksidon · 1 year
okay, so i have a personal headcannon that with the zora, bathing together is pretty normal, especially among friends. its pretty much just like hanging out for them sense they're prolly desensitized to nudity for most part. at least within their race. here's the idea / request ~
the prince and his dear friend / crush hang out n bathe in a lake after a little adventure leaves the reader scraped up. maybe he has questions about hylian anatomy, or maybe the reader has a couple scars hidden under their shirt.
i know this might sound like a weird request but i promise it doesn't come from a weird place, i just think it would be fluffy and cute. 100% okay if it's to weird for you though 😎 but you can't argue that it's not canon.
fem or non binary reader if you're willing to do it though please n thank you <3
"Well, I'm sure we'll get a glimpse of the Lord of the Mountain one of these days," Sidon says as he takes your hand to guide you through the piles of leaves and twigs littering the ground. You're headed toward a lake at the base of the mountain. Both of you are dirty after taking on a lynel that haunts the area, the result of one too many wrong turns trying to find the best route up the mountain. The two of you reenact your favorite moments from the battle and chit-chat occasionally along the way, the sparse silences between you comfortable and warm.
When you arrive, both of you dip your toes into the pristine water. It is surprisingly warm and inviting. Sidon lets go of your hand and starts to remove his armor without hesitation. You watch him for a few moments before realizing you're staring at him, and you turn your gaze elsewhere, hoping your cheeks aren't as red as they feel. You can't resist one last glance at his backside before it is submerged in the water. You quickly look away again as he turns to give you a smile, calling to you to join him. And here you thought you'd be taking turns, backs turned while guarding the other's personal belongings.
Shrugging, you disrobe too. Given his nonchalance about stripping in front of you, and your reassurance that you are wonderfully alone, why not?
You don't feel so weird about watching him when you realize he's doing the same to you. It's not in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, but you can tell he doesn't feel the need to rip his eyes away from your form as you did with him. For him, it seems the most natural thing in the world.
You hear the tinkling sound of the water as he pulls one of his hands out and gestures to his own chest. "You have a lot of scratches. Right around here."
You look down at yourself. He's right -- you had vaguely noticed the burning sensation there but it hadn't been first on your mind. "Huh. I guess the lynel did do some damage," you say.
He chuckles. "You say that like it's something that happens to you every day."
You wade into the water until it is up to your waist, splashing some onto your face and hair. "It's mostly thanks to you that it didn't do more," you say.
"You're kidding, right? You were absolutely fierce and marvelous, Y/N. A born warrior." You don't have time to reply before he goes underwater, doing some fancy Zora swimming moves before emerging closer to you. His gaze drops but quickly returns to your face. "Do all Hylians have . . . er, I'm sorry, I forget the name . . ."
You look at where he's gesturing and note the difference between the two of you. "Nipples?" you supply, blushing again at the word. "Yes."
He nods and looks contemplatively into the distance. "As a boy, I once saw a Hylian woman in the village with her hatchling to her chest. People were acting a bit strangely about what she was doing, but it involved her . . . her nipple. Muzu told me that I shouldn't stare, that that's how they feed their young. I suppose it makes a bit more sense, now that I see one up close."
You smile at the word hatchling. Things are different for the Zora, but in several ways, they are the same given the anatomy you've just observed on the prince himself.
Without thinking first, you find yourself blurting out, "Hylians don't normally bathe together, unless." You stall by splashing water on your face again. You didn't mean to end the sentence there, but you worry about how he might respond to the idea that it's more a romantic or intimate gesture among Hylians. You don't want him to think you're interpreting this incorrectly, because you know it does not mean the same thing to the Zora.
"Unless?" he prompts you.
"It's, um, more of a romantic thing, if we do it together. Not we, as in you and I, I mean." You bite your lip to resist the urge to babble.
"How curious! So it is a ritual of courtship among Hylians, then." Recognition flashes in his gaze. You haven't the heart to correct him by mentioning that it typically takes place well after courtship has been well established. "Oh. But I do hope this isn't uncomfortable for you with me. Now I understand why you hesitated at first."
Shaking your head, you reply, "It's refreshing, really. The Zora ways. I wish Hylians didn't view things like nudity or breastfeeding with so much shame. So much need for hiding and secrecy, like these things don't exist or there's something wrong with them. Not that I want everyone to walk around naked or anything, but I mean . . ." Now you're babbling. You giggle, close your mouth and submerge yourself entirely under the water before launching toward the deeper end of the lake. You surface several feet away from Sidon and float on your back, looking up at the clouds.
Sidon allows your silence and the distraction for a while and busies himself with doing laps around the lake. You feel an unspoken tension between the two of you. You turn to tread water again when you feel him beside you. "I apologize if my curiosity made you uncomfortable," he says softly. "If there is ever anything you want to know about me or . . . my body, or the Zora, I hope you know I am an open book, Y/N."
"You didn't make me uncomfortable," you say quickly. "And I appreciate that. I think I will, some time." You want to tell him you're enjoying this, that you hope to do this more often, but your conditioning toward awkwardness about these things makes it difficult to speak your mind.
His expression relaxes a bit. "Shall we start back for the Domain? I think we ought to get your scratches looked at, just in case."
You nod even though you wish the moment could last longer. "Only if you promise we can do this again some time. Um, maybe just the two of us, though. I don't know if I'm ready to be naked in front of a crowd yet. Hylian conditioning and all that," you say.
He takes your hand once you reach the shore and gives it a little squeeze. "Understood. And, I promise."
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avatarrecom · 8 months
Day 5: Daddy/Mommy kink
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader (can be read as character x reader)
Word count: 800
A/N: First time writing smut, so it probably sucks lol. I'm using the tag #Kinktober Avatar_Recom for my kinktober stories.
And I'm starting to use the tag #Avatar_Recom writing for all my other writing, so be sure to follow those tags!
I know this is a short one, but since I only decided to participate in kinktober a couple days ago, I didn't have time to prepare. So I'm not sure if I can get out a prompt every day, I'll try of course, but with school and my shitty mental health, I'm not sure I can. I'm sorry and I hope you guys understand.
Also, you might have seen that I put a note in my masterlist that I'm changing the prompts of day 10, knife kink and day 27, anal. I did this because I'm not comfortable with those prompts. I've already chosen 2 other prompts, which will be a surprise. Hope you guys don't mind! I'm sure that if you're waiting for those prompts, there are dozens of other fantastic writers out there!
Now enough rambling from me lol, enjoy this prompt!
Kinktober masterlist
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch Definitely has a daddy kink. I mean even tho he’s in a 20 year old Recom body, he was still like 52 when he died… and of course an actual daddy lol. He honestly wants you to call him daddy all the time. But especially during sex. He’d refer to himself as daddy while he’s fucking you into oblivion. He totally went feral the first time you called him daddy and has told you to call him that ever since. He’d tilt your chin up so you’re looking at him when he wants to give you a kiss, “can daddy have a kiss, darlin?”
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet Every time you call him daddy, he has an instant hardon. The whole time he’s pounding into your pussy, he asks you if daddy is making you feel good. He won’t respond to any other name when you’re having sex. I’m pretty sure that he was about the same age as Quaritch when he died (even if he’s not, just imagine he is), so the fact that he could basically be your father, plays a role too.
🍬 Recom Z-dog After the first time you call her mommy, she refuses to respond to any other name. Both during sex and in public (except when you’re working or in the same room as a CO). Loves the name and loves how obedient you look while you call her that. She goes almost feral hearing you whine mommy while her fingers are buried deep in your pussy or while he’s eating you out like her life depends on it.
🥽 Recom Walker The first time you called her mommy, she paused in shock. After she comes back to her senses, she has the most shit eating grin on her face. She’d say something along the lines of “Yeah? do you need your mommy to fuck you?” She will start referring to you as her good girl. Every time you walk sheepishly into her room asking for mommy to fuck you, she’s dripping within seconds.
😎 Recom Mansk Though he’s very dominant, he doesn't like being called ‘daddy’. He much prefers ‘sir’ when he’s pounding your pretty pussy. It gives him a sense of control over you, especially if you’re a soldier like him.
🧯 Recom Prager Initially he's a bit unsure about how to deal with or how to respond. However, he can't deny that it really turned him on for some reason. You both have a deep conversation about it, where he genuinely wants to understand your needs, expectations, and why it's important to you. You answer each of his questions in great detail. It takes some time for him to find his footing, as he wants to make sure he doesn't say or do anything that might make you uncomfortable. But he eventually gets the hang of it. You unintentionally turned him into a daddy god in bed.
⚕️ Recom Ja He's totally cool with being called daddy. However, he's not the type to call you daddy's girl in response to you calling him daddy, he thinks that’s weird and frankly disgusting. He thinks it sounds like you’re actually his child. But he does enjoy the idea of control or domination he has over you. While he can definitely live without being called daddy, if it's something you're into, he's willing to give it a shot at least once.
🧢 Recom Brown The first time you called him daddy, it flipped some switch in him. Now it’s all he wants to hear. He loves it when you get needy and you beg for your daddy. He adores it when he can discretely slip his hand in your pants in public and he whispers to stay still for daddy and he CERTAINLY LOVES when it slips off your tongue in babbles as he fucks you into the next life. 
📿 Recom Lopez This guy definitely has a thing for being called daddy/papi, I would honestly be shocked if he didn't. I mean, the moment you whispered "daddy/papi please fuck me," during a passionate make-out session, he practically tore your clothes off and pulled you on top of him. He was thrusting into you with such intensity that you had to hold onto his shoulders tightly to avoid being thrown off.
⛓️ Recom Fike The first time it happened, he was the one who unintentionally said it. You had just knelt down and gently placed your lips on the tip of his cock. "Show me what you've got, mama." As soon as the words slipped out, you glanced up at him with curiosity, noticing a slight blush on his cheeks. You smirked, but didn't mention it. Instead, you waited until he let out a particularly loud groan, and then playfully smiled up at him. "Do you enjoy that, daddy?" You asked innocently. You could feel his cock twitch in your hands, confirming what you suspected.
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falloutjuli · 1 year
like pissed at narancia because he broke their favourite cd? OHHHH BOY ITS A FUCKING CHIHUAHUA
Otherwise, have a lovely day and hopefully you've got some good requests to keep you busy, i know what it's like to be painstakingly bored lmao. if you don't feel like writing this one tho, that's fine :)
And thank you so much for your kind words, always means a lot! Drinking water as I'm writing this. And now other people who read this... DRINK SOMETHING. NOW.
Anyways, i think it's on the more platonic side, but i think it can also be interpreted as romantic. Hope you enjoy my little writing!
Same content warning as before, typed on phone by an unhinged person 😎
Bucci Gang x Alien!GN!Reader - Shapeshifting adventures
The boys and Trish are pretty used to your sometimes weird antics but when they bit by bit discovered the shape shifting? OH BOY.
They were all used to you messing up small things that were normal to them, like teaching you idioms and stuff. But this? This is a whole new level of crazy.
First. The Narancia incident.
It's Narancia, so he pretended to know nothing about no CD. Especially not broken ones he helped pick out. No no, he knows nothing about this, never even heard of CDs.
But you know him and his bullshit so you keep nagging him about it, getting agitated by his constant lies.
And just when you wanted to full on speak your mind to him, poof. Bark.
He stares at a little Chihuahua where just Y/N stood that looked like it was ready to bite him.
Once everything in his brain clicks, he laughs his ass off. Tears in his eyes, his laughter filling all of the house, eventually drawing in Abbachio who just wants some piece and quite and now has to deal with Narancia crying/laughing on the floor and a.... Chihuahua angrily barking at him.
It took a while until Abbachio got answers out of the younger one and once everything was explained (well, everything despite what happened to the CD) he went off to get the rest of the gang, trying to contain his laughter on the way.
So everyone was informed then. Fugo and Giorno were super interested in this newfound quirk you discovered, Bruno and Trish were worried at first but once they saw that you had suffered no harm or were stuck in the form their worries subsided. Abbachio found it a little funny but was also glad you were alright.
Meanwhile to Mista and Narancia it's the funniest shit they have ever seen. They keep referencing it. "Ohhh Mista, don't steal their desert or they might turn into a puppy again!"
Those two are true idiots and once they pushed you a little too far and you accidentally turned into a grizzly bear, they finally stopped. For while.
Bruno had that worry again. He wasn't sure if you could maybe hurt yourself or them if this kept happening but you kept assuring him that's you'd never. It's just the form that changes, never the Y/N inside of the form.
Trish and Giorno are super kind to you as always and would barely ever push you into such extrem emotions to the point of accidentally shifting.
Abbachio and Bruno will always look out for you and will tell the others to stop bothering you/calm you down if they deem it necessary. They are never pushy about it, especially not Abbachio.
Fugo is... Certainly something. You're sure if he too was from your planet he'd be a walking zoo with how easily angered he is. You two spoke about that once and Fugo never felt happier to be from Earth.
While Mista and Narancia can certainly drive you up the walls, they also know when it's too much and after you turning into a bear, they decided they would stop trying to set you off on purpose. (Especially since Narancia brought up the possibility of you turning into a dinosaur. Which they deemed cool. But scary.)
This doesn't mean they will stop bickering with you over tiny things.
Mista also called you once a "Discount Giorno." Nobody found it funny and Giorno was tempted to transform his newly bought shoes with Golden Experience but decided against it.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 2 years
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga yet, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 65... You have been warned...! 👌
Okay... Before I start going crazy about THAT ENDING, I'm going to start by sharing my initial reactions and discussing the chapter as a whole...
First things first, this chapter was not initially about Anya like I thought it would be... But instead, it was all about Yor!! 😁
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And since this chapter was about Yor, it delve into more of her worries about being "normal"... Which always makes me sad... 😔
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You deserve the world, Yor...!! ❤
Continuing on, as Yor is out shopping, we are shown this woman and servant... And when I saw this panel, I knew that she was going to be important...!! I just didn't know how! 😅
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As the woman is heading up the stairs, she suddenly trips and is about to fall...!! But luckily, Yor was there to help!! 😄
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Amazed by her rescuer's skills, the woman offers Yor to come and join her for a rousing game of volleyball!! 😆
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Which means that every member of the Forger family (except Bond) has been involved a sport...!! Which makes me laugh!! 😂
It turns though, this wasn't just a regular volleyball thing... It was an All-Mothers Volleyball League!! 😲 Which also had thinking that maybe some of these women were the mothers of some the Eden Academy kids...!! 🤔 Which, yet again, I didn't know for sure...!! 😅
Anyway, I kinda stop theorizing and just had so much fun watching Yor play volleyball with these other mothers!! 😄 There was so many great scenes in the volleyball match that wish I could put in here (y'know because of the 10 image limit), but I think my favorite has to be THIS:
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After all was said and done, Yor and the other mothers went out together...!! They asked her a few questions and Yor started to talk about how she doesn't know what's she supposed to do as mother or a wife... But, the women reassured Yor that none of them know what their doing either, which really warmed my heart...!!! 💗 But then...
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I was like: "Wait...!! does that mean--"
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This chapter completely threw me for loop!! 😵 First I thought this chapter was going to be about Anya, then I thought it was just going to be a fun little chapter, and now... MY MIND IS BLOWN!!! 😲 I now have like 20 theories going on in my head...!! So here's a few:
Could Melinda be actual true mastermind and not Donovan?
Does Melinda know more about the Forger than she lets on?
If she does know more about the Forger family, could she possibly be the one ask Yor to assassinate Twilight?
Can she read minds like how some people believe that Donovan can?
Is Demetrius Desmond also apart of this?
These are only some of my thoughts but you get the idea... It's funny because I was actually going to write theory (more of a speculation) about Demetrius and how he might be working with his dad...! But now with Melinda Desmond showing up, a new can of worms has just opened up!! 🤔
Anyway, this chapter was freaking amazing and I can't wait to see what happens next!! 😆 Until the next Mission!! Peace!! ✌😎
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rzyraffek · 1 year
I got infected with Gage brainrot and I have only hearcanons with him in my head right now so prepare. Today's idea is Sole with no social skills. Requests open
Gage with Sole who has no social skills
Sole is a great fighter, really they are awesome, but as quickly as they find out that they have to talk to somone they turn into weak beans. Like face-to-face conflicts always end up with Sole just freezing and Gage has to do all talking for them
"Yo Boss, Mason is looking for you he wants you to do something" ":(( noooo he's too scary" "dude is litteraly ginger what the fuck you mean too scary"
I can imagine Sole agreeing to anything just to avoid conflicts. Like ANYTHING, and ofc gangs will use it against them, like: "yoyo boss you know i need LITTLE tiny favour-" "YESYESYESYES SURE BAI" "lets go😎"
Then Gage has to intervine, boss pls do not do any deals without him cuz you gonna end up dead someday
Yea Gage tries to be all good and a bit helpful now but oh boi at the start? He did not get it at all, okay they might be stressed due to all those raiders surrendering them, but why Sole stuttered so much??? Why do they avoid talking and any eye contact?? He had no clue he spooked them so much haha... well wait till he finds out that its not being spoked but nervous
I can imagine Sole just mentally preparing to talk to somone just pacing around the room making up whole conversation in their head and Gage just sitting in background judging them HARDLY "and fuck ya doing Boss?" "AA ah I'm preparing to talk to Nisha, I helped her kill one dude and now I have to let her know that the job is eone" "Geez Boss she will be pleased, you did it well" " :(( but what if-" "Boss i swear its 11pm go to sleep"
Oh how akward it was between Gage and Sole at start, Gage tagged along with Sole to make sure they don't run away to help them clear parks! And for first few days of travel there was no small talk, no conversation, nothing. At start Gage thought they were still altered and spooked, then he though that maybe they are partially mute and just don't speak or something. Untill one of them couldn't stand the akward vibe and just stared small talk with some question or comment about environment like: "ee Gage? Why did Colter want this place anyways? It stinks" (Sole almost died while speaking first btw)
After Sole vented to him about their issue he tried to understand and help them with stress by talking to people for them, to be honest he kinda likes that cuz since he's the one speaking he can change their words a bit so they appeal to raiders more
Overall 7/10 Gage is approved 🤠👍
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kathren-is-here · 1 year
Lil oc intro
Whoa- howdy there it’s been a hot minute whoops, completely forgot to post here
but might as well show of my second favorite oc I made yet 🕺🏻
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Meet Brass (Ford) Buzzard! My lil guy!
he was shortly made after I kept on thinking about ideas for Brass Mirror (which I have yet to explain whoops) and I love him!!💖💖💖
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Here’s some info on him!
So the story so far is Bradford goes behind Cassidy's back to make a clone hybrid child when he got the chance to, not sure what he was thinking, but it ended up resulting in an angry Cassidy, and he technically got what he wanted? A baby duck/vulture/thing! Cassidy eventually warms up to them both again but not after some heavy angst with Bradford :)
this is after the show events btw! Unless I made an Au that states otherwise!
He's super like his parents, loves to observe people and stuff, generally a quiet kid early on but love to talk about what he's currently into and loves asking questions,
As a little kid, he loves that stringy rubber fidget toy, he finds it fun to play with and it's for his sensory issues:)
He gets into reading at an early age, and his parents keep on getting new material for him to read to keep up his reading level that's always expanding (Cassidy wants to get one of those really long books but Bradford wants to save that for when he's older haha). When they couldn't get more reading material, Cassidy suggests teaching writing to him so they do just that, and so starts his fixation on writing.
He often tends to go out in the world as Cassidy tries to show him how the world works, funny, since Cassidy isn't from this world in the first place, but it works out.
He also likes going to his local library! And spends hours reading there. That's his go to safe space.
Cassidy tries to inadvertently teach him how to sneak and fight, by playing some games disguised as lessons with him!
He gets a music box he likes to listen to! It's entirely made out of un-melting ice! I wonder who gave him that who has full control over ice/water magic🤔 (definitely not Cassidy who I fail to explain him and his story so far whoops)
He loves going to the beach, playing in the sand and water, having enough space to do all sorts of stuff, wonderful!
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As he grows up, he gets into Spells! Because Cassidy was partly known for making and using spells! But Brass is mostly interested on what words mean and what meaning they hold when it involves a spell, he just likes words!
Bradford is cautious of him learning spells (can you blame him), but trusts Cassidy enough for him to teach Brass about it and the history of spells. (Totally gonna reference Merlin haha)
He later learns the ins and outs of dulling and fighting with magic, Merlin style😎
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Brass, does meet the McDucks eventually! I’m assuming this is after Cassidy finds out about them, so both of his parents try and keep him away from them, without telling him exactly.
he does pass by them once or twice while he’s reading in the local library, he tries to be nice and polite, but will quickly get impatient if they’re causing too much of a ruckus around him.
he actually meets Webby first! And just bc I can, I decided to do a little parallel with him, Bradford, Webby, and Scrooge!
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after the kids invite brass over for some sort of gathering one day, they accidentally take him on and adventure! Which his is not too exited about at all. He finds them all overwhelming and a lot, after he leaves as a new rival/in their eyes an enemy, he meets three girls.
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Turns out these girls already have beef with the kids over there, and were spying on them, Brass meets up with them and teams up with them!( I personally call them the fake clones haha) since they have a common rival to deal with.
after he teams up with them, he quickly finds out he likes being a leader! Actively working on solving problems and organizing against someone! Definitely a trait passed down by both parents.
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I’m still figuring out future stuff but here’s what I got planned so far!
He’s really proficient with magic spells and casting and all that!
His hair gets nicer! Not as clean and tame when he was a baby, but definitely better than when he was a kid that's for sure
His hair gets nicer and longer!
And his feathers get darker! idk if I’m gonna keep the fade from his younger feathers though 🤔
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Here’s a few alt designs for him I did! Since I’m running out of things to say!
I have a few more art pieces with him but that’s all for now! Just glad to get all his info into one post so far!
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silliest-of-sillys · 7 months
Aight, so I was thinking,
The puppet was built to protect Charlie, after she died, she ‘fixed’ her the only was she knew, by making her possess the puppet itself, in turn, making her somewhat ‘alive’.
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After this she continued her task to protect and ‘fix the broken’.
Backstory over, still with me?
When Gregory goes to the megaplex there are 2 animatronics who stand out, 1: sun, 2: the all important glam rock Freddy.
These 2 stand out as they are the only animatronics who don’t seem affected by the virus (obviously we know what happens to Freddy later with that, but we’re gonna set that aside for now.) Freddy is protective of Gregory, it’s plain to see, if he’s in touble, Freddy will stop at nothing to help in any way he can, if Gregory is hurt, Freddy will help him. This is when we hear it again, when Gregory first goes down to the maintenance tunnels the escape before 12, Freddy can somehow tell he is hurt and says “I feel you are broken” before immediately abandoning the original plan and taking him to get patched up right away dispute the fact that this could lead to him being stuck overnight.
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(Ignore markiplier, I know he’s pretty but stay with me here)
When this inevitably happens, Freddy acts as a form of body guard for Gregory. Much like the puppet to Charlie, or afterwards, those other kids.
My theory is that glamrock freddy works much like lefty in a way, a housing, a shell almost, for the puppet, who still after all these years is following the task first set to her when she was created.
Maybe this task is why Freddy feels the need to protect this weird kid who appeared in his stomach.
After all, we know some form of the puppet is in the megaplex, be it a puddle of melted metal or an alive animatronic who managed to escape the fire her father started to free her.
Any who, I could be entirely wrong or be very stupid, twas just an idea I had, but hey, might be right, might not. It’s just a theory😎
If I have gotten anything wrong could you please correct me, or if you think I’m onto something, a lil more evidence would be nice! Thanks✨🦞
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dirtyvulture · 7 months
😎 I had a really stupid idea popped in my head about Wolverine R and her about to confront the RR agents. There is two and both start of and end the same . How it starts :
Nat says her cliffhanger line from the end of the 1st chapter, we do that old man sigh of being tried of this shit. We give her our flannel shirt and jacket so we are just in jeans and our white under shirt. We cup her face in our hands looking into her eyes saying she is safe with us . Shots rings out and we were shielding her with our body. We stretch our back out with the bullets popping out and check that nothing hit Nat and then turn our head giving them a death glare.
1st thought : We yell “ Trying to have a fucking emotional  moment here!!!!, something that I am Not very good at but I am the best at what comes next !”
2nd thought : We yell “ That is  mahogany !!!! Oh you are so gonna get it you little shits, come over here!!!!”
How it ends : The RR agents try to scramble away from the destroyed cabin door trying to run away while our ( depends) bone or metal claws come out chasing after them . Feral wolverine sounds and the sounds of RR agents dying but we made sure to do it away from Nat’s line of sight. Because we are a gentleman ( gentlewoman?) to the ladies 🥰
Enjoy my dumb ass thoughts that popped into my head 🤣🤣🤣
😎 anon! (Also, I still have your latest Sergeant Beef headcanon in my inbox, I haven't gotten around to writing an answer yet, my apologies)
I've been upstaged 😭😂 I might as well let y'all write this story at this point lol. But in all seriousness, some of your ideas may or may not have already made it into the final cut. :) Well done 😎 anon.
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beloved-daydreams · 8 months
Folktober2023 Prompt: "Corn maze" 🌽🥺
An attempt by
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Hosted by @jurdannet and @jurdannetrevels
📘 1 100+ words
😎 Characters: Taryn, small Jude, small Vivi, brief mention of Locke, Myriadh (oc)
✒️ Tags: Flashback, childhood, reflection
📢 Summary: Widowed, but actually the murderer of her own husband, young matriarch of her cruelly inherited household and pregnant at 19 years old. Taryn is standing on the grounds that are now hers as she thinks back to the past.
🧐 Author’s note: If everything goes well, this will actually be the first part of a 3 parter fic! 2nd part to be out for "My sister, the serial killer" and 3rd part for "graveyard meet-cute". I know that it might be a "bad" move to give Taryn a multiple parter for folktober since she’s a very polarizing character, but you know what? I think despite everything, she still deserves at least some attention and I’m gonna do what I want. Also, I bet most people will understandably be writing most if not all of their entries with Jude and/or Cardan as their central character, so I’d like to give at least some of the spotlight to Rynryn for once 😤
I look down to my belly and trace my hand over it, like I've been doing for the past seven months. Only two to go. Myriadh is following close behind me as I'm pacing through the maze of my castle's grounds, the one that was once Locke's. Her short black hair sways as she’s walking as loudly as she can manage in order to make sure that I’m always aware of her presence. Though it would be difficult not to, with her violet colored eyes constantly piercing holes in the back of my head.
"If I may, I think it would be good to go back inside now." She says with a calm tone, probably because she's saying it out of obligation to look after me. Not necessarily because she's worried.
Myriadh is the attendant-slash-servant sent by Jude. A faerie whose specialty is making the fae fall asleep. Her lullaby is as magical as a hard hit to the head, or so they say. Cardan had chimed in when Jude was trying to sell me the idea of "hiring" her, pointing out how useful she will be once the baby is born, how restful my nights will be even with a baby in my care. I held back on telling them how restless all of my nights always are, they were before I married Locke. They still were after I married him and they are even after I killed him and inherited his household.
I easily move across all of the nooks and crannies of the maze, having walked through those paths many times. Having stared at the structure from the top of the castle countless times, I had by now memorized every single turn and loop. Finally, I make it to the middle. This is where Locke would hold his "revels". Music, wine, shameless kissing. Sometimes more than kissing. Some fae truly couldn't care less about exposing their bodies. Not something us humans could easily think about doing. Not with our wrinkling bodies. Not in public.
I would stare at them, at their perfect skin. Their ethereal figures. Their flawless hair and nails. Something I could only dream of getting close to after hours and hours of skincare, hair products brought from the human world by Vivi, proper exercising and waxing. I wanted to look like them, even if it came down to doing the same things over and over and over again.
I try to wash the unpleasant thoughts away. What am I even thinking about? I'm a 19 year old with a baby, that's what I should be focusing on. Yet the thoughts keep flowing. They flow and they bring me back to over ten years ago, when we were still little girls playing with dolls and running around the neighborhood, playing and fighting. Fighting and playing.
One time, our parents brought us to the giant corn field that was located about 20 minutes away by car from our house. They told us to go pick up some corn and bring it back for us to eat. I asked if it was safe. "But mom, isn't stealing bad?" Mom smiled and said "Not if the one you're stealing from has much more than you." I nodded and went on ahead to join Vivi and Jude who were already discussing what game to play as we'll be taking the corn from this farmer owned land.
Vivi had offered to try to find the biggest, most delicious looking corn and bring it back to compare. So we did. Not scared of anything, Jude went further and further in. I figured we should try to stick close together, so I followed her. Then as I lost sight of her I finally realized just how tall the corn stems were. And instead of screaming or crying I just stood there, lost but quiet. I don't know why, I just stood there, blending into the background. I didn't know what to do so I made myself small, Jude will find me. Jude always finds me. But I know that if it were her that got lost, she wouldn't stay quiet. She would scream and run around, making herself be heard. And even if she didn't manage to carry her voice far enough to be heard, if she kept on running, she would find the edge of the field eventually. Even if it would be at the complete opposite from where she came in, she'd be out of it. She would find her way out on her own.
I couldn't, I needed someone to find me then carry me back by holding my hand. I think part of the reason being that our teacher had told us to stay where we were if we got lost, so that our parents wouldn't miss us as they would try to find us. And so I did as I had been told, although in this context, it was probably the worst thing to do. A couple of minutes went by. Maybe 10, maybe 20. I started to sweat. What if Jude was also lost? Though I would doubt it, she often knows where she's going.
Finally, as soon as I heard our parents calling out to me, only then I screamed. They took me out of there, Vivi and Jude were already outside. When I saw that I cried, why was I the only one who got lost? Because I listened to what I've been told to do in a situation where I shouldn't have followed the advice. Jude looked at me, sorry. I bawled, asking her why she didn't try to find me before getting out of there.
She said: "I thought you'll find your way back too."
She thought of me as someone who’s just as capable as her, but I instinctively knew I wasn't. So I must've subconsciously decided that whatever she could do, I'd give up on it. And whatever she couldn't do, I would do it. As if skills were territorial. As if you could call dibs on them. How stupid.
I let the wind caress my ears as it tries its best to pass through the walls of the maze, then I open my eyes.
"I'll get rid of it." I say absent-mindedly. Myriadh's pointy ears catch my soft voice immediately and she answers me, as if I was talking to her and not to myself.
"Get rid of what, my liege?" She asks.
"Of this god-awful maze that smells like alcohol and copulation. Get a carriage ready Myriadh, let's pay a visit to my sister."
She bows slightly, then hurries her way out of the maze without me, knowing that I know the way back way better than she does anyway.
Even as the carriage is there, I take my time in my room, choosing a midnight blue coat with golden buttons, and putting on gloves that match my coat, I’m ready to go.
I hope I’m doing a somewhat good job so far? Taryn is a character I’m really interested in, since I feel like she often gets completely misunderstood or denied the permission to have "layers" unlike the male characters around her who are always either automatically assumed to have deeper meanings in their cruel actions or outright forgiven/forgotten. It is unfortunately a common phenomenon seen in how the audience perceives fictional characters, although I’m not sure if it has a specific name. The men are assumed to have legitimate reasons for all the horrible things they do while the women (who are often times so clearly traumatized) are assumed to be shallow, jealous and uninteresting. And if not, everything about them needs to be spelled out for the audience to even come close to understanding/forgiving.
Anyway, this is almost going into a rant, sorry! Won’t happen for the next parts, promise 💖 As always, please consider leaving comments/tags! Those are the things fanfic authors value the most 🥹
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garbagefarm · 2 months
Garbage Farm (#48)
2024-03-25, session #48 of Garbage Farm! Spanning Winter 3 through Winter 9 of Year 4!
me (@mothmute)
E.B. (@blueherin)
Kimi (@2kimi2furious)
Highlights include, but are not limited to the following:
it's been a while, but Garbage is back, woohoo!
—oh. logistical difficulties. welp, it was bound to happen.
“so, uh, what'd you have for dinner?”
I did my Garbage Homework and I came prepared with a to-do list and everything! But nobody knows what we're doing.
(the song from titanic plays softly in the distance)
Possum is gonna be so so glad to see us, he might do a li'l hop and everything, maybe get all flat
Winter 3:
oh god I've got clown shoes on and they jingle now, let's see how long before they notice
(spoilers: they don't)
I visit Marnie. Lewis assures me he is there strictly for business reasons.
Cringefail, one (1) more duck.
felled tree remains mysteriously appear in the graveyard??
Kimi finds a mystery door......
Clint caught me digging in the trash, who cares
Special order for Taro Root!
Alex is wearing his special shorts, but Kimi's are more special (hint: they are purple)
Winter 4:
Mr. Qi flies by on an airplane. Mystery boxes can now be found.
The Wizard Catalog is amazing.
I try to renovate my house, but all my stuff is in the way!
Made another shed big, though.
E.B. finds a mystery box. “what's inside?” “mystery, duh”
Honestly, a lot of the day is spent mindlessly wandering.
Big chests!! I'll miss the stone ones' aesthetics, but big chests!!
We all went to bed early
Winter 5:
Bookseller is in town???
Cool pig had an Elliott Portrait, that's not weird at all
(apparently had an Alex portrait, too)
I go ahead and max out the ducks
then I go consume all the books at once
Kimi finds powdermelon seeds??
Winter 6:
After moving all my furniture, I get a bunch of renovations to my house. To be honest, I have no idea what to do with all this space, my place was already a little sparse.
Kimi dies in the volcano because she didn't bring food!
(Somewhere in here, I suggest EB take the lead on the Taro Root quest)
Wind in the night...
Winter 7:
The big tree! Noooo! —eh, it was only there a few days.
A little hardwood turns it into a cute little house, though
Turns out, I'm the only one of us cool enough to explore the mystery cave 😎
It's wine night, and I drastically underestimate just how many kegs I have
Winter 8:
There's always so much to do! —and yet I can recall almost none of it!
Ice fest??
Kimi is running late to ice fest, but no worries. ... okay, maybe some worries, I am anxious-typed.
Hey, whole bunch of new dialog!
Evelyn is worried it might be the last time she make a snowman with Alex. That's so sad!! (It's okay, nobody dies here)
Harvey froze his face
Clint is completely useless at making snowmen
(it's okay)
I call out how nobody noticed my literal clownshoes and then realized, “shit, I sound like Clint,” 100% clown behavior
Winter 9?:
non-canon day!!
possum gives us a snail
MAYO CHUG hang on let's try and get a picture
Kimi tries and fails to count down
I suggest using a bomb as a timer; when the bomb goes off, drink!
we are so bad at this
over 12 in-game hours and no mayo chug picture, truly phenomenal
crystalariums for coffee project and so many stairs
I've been putting off kegs, preserves jars, and some tree-tap improvements for so many sessions, now
walnut room......
long-term projects, shopping lists
OPERATION MAGIC HAT (strictly confidential)
Keep exploring 1.6 content!!
Gotta defeat the ocean. The whole ocean.
... do we want extra garbage cottages?
oh right, darts
A short session, but it's good to be back, and I'm looking forward to exploring more 1.6 content with my friends
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mikuni14 · 11 months
Be My Favorite Ep 9
I was worried that BMF might lose some quality as soon as Kawi and Piseang became a couple, but again the show didn't disappoint me 💖 Piseang and Kawi have been true to their personalities, they still have GREAT communication, they still talk to each other a lot and Piseang is a relentless flirt 😁
What I also like is that the series has scenes that I objectively don’t like, but which fit the plot and characters' personalities: - Piseang gives Kawi a choice: me or the work/hobby, which isn't cool. But somehow it fits in with Piseang in this moment, who FINALLY got Kawi, though he just thought it would never happen and would selfishly want to keep him by his side for as long as possible. It also matches the behavior of Piseang - A Rich Boy, who has a different view of these things than Kawi - the same differences in the view of money showed up in his offer to buy a phone (also thanks for the nice flashback to Unintentional Love Story😉) - I personally hate this trope when one of the MLs insists on kissing (or sex) and the other keeps rejecting it, acting like the physical aspect of love is, idk, inferior or dirty. I didn't like Kawi's behavior, but on the other hand, his reluctance to kiss in public turned out to be right after what Not did. Besides, Kawi is that kind of a person: he easily gives in to emotions, he panics, he doesn't know how to behave, he always wants to look and act the best and not let anyone down, he has low self-esteem and a lot of anxiety, he is skittish, so maybe he just needs more time for physical closeness. Especially when it's with a man. Piseang has already gone this journey and feels confident, and Kawi has only just discovered his attraction to a man, having been in love with a woman and convinced of his sexual orientation all the time and needs time to adjust. I don't think physical intimacy is a problem for Kawi (after all, they've kissed before), so I decided not to care about it much 😎
I really like that Piseang always confronts Kawi, that he always tells him about his feelings and how Kawi's behavior makes him feel. Because it gives Kawi the opportunity to explain himself and cut off all speculations, false scenarios created in Piseang's head. And I love it, I don't understand why all other shows prefer to create tension and build the plot on misunderstandings, when they can shoot an exciting and interesting scene where the characters confront, where they clash with each other and explain things.
Kawi worrying about others, feeling guilty that he is happy and others are not, is exactly what I expected of him. Plus, he's just a good guy, and it's obvious he'll care. I really liked Piseang's reaction, who did not ignore Kawi's worries and supported him at the moment. Fortunately, the show AGAIN didn't let me down and cut off any possibility of Pear's relationship with Not *shudders*, Pear and Not scene was so good! Actually, the whole Pear’s story in this episode, her private life, was great. I have no idea what Kwan sees in Not. But nice girls falling in love with complete assholes is something I've seen, so it's actually very real. The other thing that I liked is that Piseang and Pear, though angry with Kawi, still manage to stand up for him and act decently. Also Kawi sticking to his decision not to drink? Piseang respecting his decision and supporting him, taking his drink (another nice flashback to The Untamed this time)? How cool is that! 💖
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funkybotwstuff · 2 years
Hi! I'm not sure if your still taking requests, but if so, can you do something like: your Links younger sister (like 12-13 years old) and meeting the champions/how the champions would react to her and how they would like you. idk this was just a random idea I had, it's okay if you can't write it! <3
School year’s over, so finally some time to get back to requests! Thank you @milbert-maggot for the request 😎 I adore this concept, so hope you enjoy these! 
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Let’s start with the most motherly one of the group!
She was pleasantly surprised that Link had a younger sister in the first place since he never really brought you up in conversation at all
Then again, he’s not too much of a talker in the first place
She’s got a good sense of humor about it too; she’d poke fun at Link for a second for never mentioning what a sweet little sister he has
She’d adore you so much it’s not even funny
Urbosa would take you under her wing immediately and vow to protect you should Link not be there for some reason, especially since you’re a young girl and particularly vulnerable considering the current state of Hyrule with monsters running amuck
Very gentle and easygoing around you, and incredibly patient to boot
So much so that she’d playfully excuse any minor mistakes you make, but turn it into a learning experience at the same time
After all, you’re just a kid, but you still need to learn the ins and outs of everything to grow into a well rounded person
She’s willing to listen to your input on situations and believes it’s important to do so as it builds a stronger bond between the two of you and helps build trust in her
She likes to listen to any interests that you’re inclined to tell her to keep you entertained and distracted from the massive issue at hand (AHEM Calamity Ganon)
Urbosa’s also encouraging!
She understands that it’s difficult having a loved one constantly leaving to serve a duty to protect Hyrule (as the Hero of Hyrule no less), so she’s very much sympathetic in that regard
She’ll often ask about Link as well, saying things such as “He is a good brother, is he not?” and sometimes asking about how he is at home to gauge what he’s truly like as a person 
Urbosa knows it’s hard to “follow in the footsteps” of a Goddess-blessed highly skilled knight, so she whittles down any extreme expectations you might have about yourself or that others bestow upon you and reaffirms that it is best to be your own person and strive for the greatness only you can achieve
Hey, it might seem heavy for a kid, but she’s aware of the impacts expectations have on young people
I mean, have you seen Zelda? And Link for that matter. Hell, even Revali
She’s supportive too, like if you told her that you wanted to be a knight just like your big brother? Absolutely! Fight for what you believe in! You want to make a living as a tailor one day? Fantastic, she’s all about it. Baker? Stablehand? Jeweler? Blacksmith? She’s sure you’d be amazing at any of these
As long as you put in the work of course!
She’d definitely take you on sand seal rides! Urbosa would let you stand on the same shield she’s on so you don’t fall off
Oh, and as a bonus: she’d absolutely take you for sunset rides on Vah Naboris with Link’s permission
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Daruk would honestly be really excited to find out that Link has a little sister
The more, the merrier after all!
He'll be like that one cool uncle that gives you piggyback rides and roughhouses with you and is just an all around chill dude
Link would probably have to stop Daruk and intervene before he does anything reckless though, because I just KNOW he’d try to give you some prime rock roast with Goron spice as a treat or try to teach you the values of Goron wrestling to get big and strong
He means well, he just forgets how fragile Hylians can be from time to time
Otherwise, he’s a really gentle dude around you (if not nervous about accidentally hurting you) and of course he’d protect you at any cost
Because if he wasn’t gentle, goddess forbid he’d give you one of those back slaps that’d totally send you out into orbit 💀
Honestly, Daruk would just give you a Goron-kid-sized Cobble Crusher as a surefire way to defend yourself if you weren’t in the presence of Link or the other Champions
A for effort, Daruk, but perhaps giving a 12 year old Hylian something meant for a Goron kid might not be the most productive
He’d probably give you a nickname like he does with Link and Zelda, something like Tiny Hylian or flat out call you Kid
He’d be talking about your relationship with Link too like “It must be awesome to have Link as yer big brother, he must give the best piggybacks. Y’know, I’m sure you’re a big help to the little guy at home!”
He would absolutely constantly be coming up with new jokes to tell you to make sure you’re happy and definitely not bored
It’s illegal to be bored around Daruk! He’s the life of the party
Daruk would have so many stories to tell you! Everything from battles to tasty rock feasts to life near Death Mountain, he can guarantee that he’ll keep you entertained for hours
Always accompanies you on walks. It’s always nice to have a huge Goron bodyguard as your buddy!
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So the Hylian Champion whom he already dislikes has a KID sister?! Oh boy.
This is just not a good mix really. You're screwed either way. Good luck girl
You were doomed to be his least favourite (aside from Link) from the start. I mean, he's all about being stoic and stern, so adding a kid to the bunch does not sit well with him
It’s not a secret that he wouldn’t be the biggest fan of you from the start, it's written all over his face: rolling eyes, sighing every other time you talk… yeah, it's obvious to tell
If Link brought you along to a Champion’s meeting, Revali wouldn’t be thrilled to say the least. In fact, he'd oppose it greatly
“A child should not be concerned with our business. Really, did you think this through?”
Suffice to say he’d try to ignore you ಠ ೧ ಠ so get used to being brushed aside and ignored if you tried to initiate any sort of bond
He has a moral obligation to keep you safe (can't taint his reputation by letting a kid get hurt while he's around), but frankly doesn't want to spend time following you around and making sure you don't accidentally kill yourself
In his mind, that's solely Link's responsibility, seeing as he brought you to this probably confidential and no nonsense Champions meeting in the first place…but he'll (reluctantly) look after you if no one else can step up to the plate
He wouldn't be very talkative around you should you happen to be alone together
The most you'd initially get out of him is something along the lines of "Don't stray too far," Or "I won't follow you if you slink away, so you better be careful, or else."
He'd also say things like "I would advise you not to try my patience", but in reality, it's mostly a bluff
I say 'mostly' in the way that he can't legitimately do anything bad to you, but he WILL smack talk you into compliance
If he ever brought up his disdain for Link around you and you proceed to tell him off, he'd just start bickering back
He'd respond sardonically if you were ever snarky to him. It's childish to retort like that, so he wouldn't do this in front of anyone else. But in his mind, he's just claiming the high ground over some snooty child.
And if you touched his feathers out of curiosity, he'd recoil and tell you off
Honestly, you'd be able to break through and charm him with your little kid spunk given enough time
He'll deny it if prompted, but he'll slowly get accustomed to your presence
After a while, he'll still act dismissive of you, but he cares more than he lets on
Eventually, he'd just start acting like a cynical big brother to you and he'll maaaaybe let you touch his feathers without chewing you out
Who knows? If you manage to really get through to him, then he may comply with giving you a little flying tour of the Tabantha region 👀
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Did someone say sisterly love??? Well I did, and that's what you're getting from Mipha
Because of Link's past with Mipha, there's a very high chance that the two of you got acquainted when you were pretty young and continued to build up a relationship from there
Mipha is a welcoming girl with a kind and polite persona, and you'd be no exception to her sweetness
With your history together, she would definitely act as a surrogate big sister type to you
And since she's got so much experience having a younger sibling, she'd practically be an expert on how to keep you entertained and focused
She'd be very encouraging towards you because you feel safe sharing things with her that would feel too personal for the other Champions to hear
If you were at a Champions meeting, there's no doubt that you'd mostly cling to Mipha since she's the only other familiar face around (other than Link of course)
She would also be a tad overprotective of your whereabouts. She wouldn't be suffocating God no, but she would be worried about how you're faring
Mipha would make sure you'd be in arms length of the group since she's aware that the current state of Hyrule is no place for a child to get lost in
She's just anxious about keeping you safe and secure. You're a pretty important person
Commenting about how much you're growing would probably be an almost monthly occurrence. She's been her short stature for a while, so seeing you sprout like a weed is exciting
If you hung onto her hand, she'd swing her arm back and forth while you walk like you do when you walk with Link. She's subconsciously adapted some of the mannerisms that Link has towards you
She also likes to talk with Link about arranging potential play dates between you and Sidon for a bit of cute little kid bonding time
Overall, she just really likes having you around like you're the little sister she never had
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
(Nutjob anon)
Everyone simping after Tighnari or Haitham, and then there's me, going feral because FELIXFELIXFELIXFELIX MY BELOVED FELIX SNFJEJJEVGRRRRRR this chapter's insults were endorsed by Felix. Not a lot of boars, but the vibe was there so it's a win for me! I would nominate him as possible next underboss... but we both know that that's a bad idea lmao.
And since you are adding 3h characters, ai have a feeling Childe and Sylvain could be good friends! ... Only for them to talk trash behind the other's back ("I swear! His personality is so fake. How come you can stand him?")
And I'll also like to raise you: Linhardt and Tighnari being friends: Green, sassy, doesn't care for titles and only his research? Yes, they'd be very good friends.
I am also getting Lysithea vibes from the capo: wanting to do a lot but little time, and everyone needs to give them a vibe check for that attitude lol I hope Barbara can smack some sense into them, because I can't help but think that capo is also operating under the "there's nothing more terrifying than a man who has nothing left to lose". Yes, they are fighting for their men, but they personally don't care about what might happen to them, so we better watch out that sanity meter, or else the capo will turn into the real hazard all along the way.
And dunno Ansy, I know you want to help us with hinting that bringing Cyno is bad, but the one that I don't trust is Haitham lmao Cyno said it himself: don't kill Tighnari. Even if what he did makes his blood boil, at least he is conscious enough to first get the cure. But Haitham is quite prideful, so maybe he'll come with some shit that he is the only one we need and he can always steal what Tighnari have done and finish it. After all, the main point is to cure you, right? Anything else is expendable. And maybe having Cyno there might help him clarify some questions he might have.
I don't like how autorithive Haitham is, with ordering us to leave (even if it was good for us). That means he has no reservations in misleading us if what we are doing doesn't go with his agenda. So with Tighnari, someone who is... somewhat on the same ground as him in terms of research, he might not think as your underboss but as an academic rival when acting.
Anyways, angst hurts me but boy that I will spin that death wheel with gusto 😎
HDIAOAOAK I TRY MY BEST TO MAKE THE FE:TH CHARACTERS SUBTLE HERE (that very much failed with dimitri cause first off I'm a simp and second it's weird if the reader doesn't grieve for at least one chapter lol) SO I CAN'T MAKE FELIX THE UNDERBOSS EVEN IF I WANT TO 😭😭 (i actually added him in cuz I thought of you lolol)
(kazuha was almost the underboss tho but Alhaitham won lol)
I think not a lot of genshin players are major FE:TH fans so I gotta be real sneaky with the characters lol... But that sylvain idea 🤔🤔🤔 considering childe's whole comical side story with lumine rn I could invite mister steal your girl for some dumb sht lol. Lindhart is a rather european name so I could have him as another one of Focalor's people ehe, though he'd probably ask for Tighnari to do his job for him cause he's too lazy–
AND YES LYSITHEA AND CAPO WOULD HAVE BEEN BESTIES 😭😭😭 THEY'D UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND THEY'D PROBABLY FEEL LESS ALONE USIAOWO THESE POOR PEOPLE– the difference between the two of them is that lysithea always feels like she's being looked down on like a kid while the capo feels like they have too many burdens to bear– making these two vent to one another would probably be therapeutic for them ;;----;;;
My two au's right now both have nothing left to lose vibes, although capo!reader has that a lot less than our unhinged hyshum!reader. The only thing holding them back is that some of their men are still alive. They do care, it's just that they don't want to overthink:
These men have families, wives, husbands, children– what would become of them if they recklessly charged for revenge? There's no need to drag these people into nonsensical slaughter. It's your problem Capo, it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. And it's selfish to make them die for you when they have a better reason for living.
Their conscience won't allow it.
These type of thoughts just pull them back. It's all true, of course, their reasoning is sound but it is suffocating. Hence, most of their inner turmoil are repressed.
Oh and don't get me wrong! I respect your choices for bringing Cyno along– I love the chaos. I'm just tryina warn those certain simps that "something bad is about to happen to you and you should definitely question what happens of one of them dies-"
Or you know, I may be misleading everyone because I want a bad ending.
: )
Since when was I known for writing happy endings for my fics? Ehehehehehehehehehhehehehehheheheehehehehhehehehehhe–
And oh my darling nutjob anon...
Both Cyno and Alhaitham want to take credit for your cure. That's one of the many things that made these three idiot's truce work.
Alhaitham is authoritative, no doubt about that, but he respects you a ton. He could've done something stupid like kidnap you or try to remove you from being a Capo– but he'd rather spend some (very limited) time with you as someone you won't forget this time, (N/n).
You can consider Cyno the one with the "hidden agenda" because he's loyal to the church. He considers it his personal blessing that he was the one assigned to monitor you. Cyno is a very lonely person here. He is very prone to making idealized versions of you that fits his imaginations, and fortunately for him the Cardinals acknowledge his devotion to his missionary works.
And then there's our used-to-be-Innamorati-Familia's-informant, Professor Tighnari.
"The main point is to cure you, everything else is expendable." is exactly the dangerous mindset he is on. We'll get to him soon! It's about time he sees his Capo again!
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