#tw: cumflation
honeykaes · 2 years
So, a question if you don't mind, do you think Venti's cum would give his s/o a belly bulge? Since you know he's not human and is an archon, would the amount of cum be much more than the average human male?
Oooo this is interesting.
I honestly think that Venti would produce more cum…because he can change his body at his will. I feel like sometimes he would produce sometimes nothing to see how you would react and other times copious amounts to watch it pour out of you.
He is a trickster god so…you will never know what to expect with him!
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pin-k-ink · 27 days
kinda common request but ushijima with a size kink 👀
lusus // ushijima wakatoshi
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tw ⇢ size difference, size kink, belly bulge, cumflation, mentions of pregnancy and marriage, a couple of clit slaps, teasing, pet names, “just the tip”, creampie, nipple play, unprotected sex, breeding kink
wc ⇢ 6.5k
a/n: i got a bit carried away… :(
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It started as an idle observation - one Ushijima couldn't quite pinpoint the origins of amidst the endless cycle of practices, drills, and critical preparations filling his laser-focused mind. But gradually, possibility after innocent possibility arose where he found his sharp eyes catching on the sheer... daintiness of the team's new manager.
The first instance blazed into sudden, startling existence one afternoon as you attempted to ascend the rickety ladder for hanging the championship banners. Engrossed in charting out a fresh tactical overhaul with the coaches, Ushijima only registered your presence in his periphery as a flicker of movement.
Then came the tell-tale wobble of unsteady footfalls on the rungs, followed by a muffled yelp that managed to penetrate even his intense concentration. Before conscious thought could engage strategy, Ushijima was already in motion.
In what seemed like a single, supernaturally fluid heartbeat, his powerful strides had covered the short distance just as the ladder began tipping treacherously from beneath your feet. Another eyelash-blink later, and Ushijima's forearm banded like an iron bar around your trim waist - halting your stomach-dropping plummet with shocking ease.
But just as swiftly as your unconscious peril arose, it was snuffed out again by Ushijima's unhesitating intervention. That smooth-as-oiled-silk response was merely the product of endless repetitions and drilled conditioning honed to surgical sharpness.
What stole the breath from Ushijima's very lungs like a physical force was the sudden, bewildering intimacy of having your curves pressed flush against his chest in that follow-through motion. The way your back arched subtly against his solid wall of support as he cradled your astonishingly delicate frame against the immovable force of his body with negligible effort.
Even through the layered fabrics separating you, Ushijima swore he could feel every pliant inch of your modest silhouette molding against his ongoing inhale. Like liquid sin itself taking hypnotic shape and tempting form against the hardened steel of his physique.
It was such a disconcerting realization in that breathless moment that his brain lagged several precious pulses in catching up with the new data input overload. When Ushijima finally registered the quiet pants of shocked exhales ghosting warmly over the juncture of his throat, the sensory input proved as disarming as a physical blow.
The molten rasp of your breaths so unnervingly close... the plush press of your feminine curves all but swallowed up in the circle of his arms... the dizzying spiral of flowery shampoo and understated perfumes swirling between your two forms in a scent as unmistakably alluring as it was forbidden for the hyper-focused ace to dwell on...
With a ragged exhale, Ushijima abruptly disentangled you both by depositing your feet squarely back onto stable ground and swiftly disengaging contact. Though not before his senses insisted on greedily imprinting every nuance of your shared gravity - from the startled flutter of your lashes against flushed cheekbones, to the pleasing heft and hint of curvature fitting so unexpectedly neatly into his protective embrace.
As soon as the supporting rungs regained their burdened, you'd instinctively straightened with some reflexive murmur about being more careful in the future. But when your luminous gaze finally turned up to meet Ushijima's inscrutable stare, the words seemed to stutter and die on your lips.
For a suspended, molten pause, all the ace could comprehend was the sudden direct line of intimate access now open between you. The way your features were angled up towards him in the wake of that near-debacle, practically commanding his hyper-attuned focus lower...lower...to the utterly disarming swell of your parted lips that Ushijima swore he could nearly taste the breath-warmed fullness of despite no move being made.
It was such an unforgivable lapse of iron focus that in the next instant, Ushijima felt like he'd been doused in the coldest shower imaginable. A violent, full-body rejection of the distracting detour those inappropriate contemplations had nearly started meandering down.
That innocuous moment of dizzying intimacy seemed to awaken something deeply primal within Ushijima's consciousness - an insistent awareness that refused to fade back into ignorant complacency no matter how fervently he attempted to re-immerse in his usual flow of strategies and repetitions.
Everywhere he turned, his heightened attentions now persistently snagged on the same unavoidable observation: just how deceptively tiny and delicate your stature managed to be in direct contrast to his own honed, unyielding physicality.
During grueling practice sessions when the squad formed shoulder-to-shoulder for breaking down gameplay footage, Ushijima couldn't prevent his focus from repeatedly drifting to where you stood off to the side. The way the top of your head barely crested the center of his carved pectorals always delivered a strange molten punch to his gut - awakening unbidden flashes of you tucked securely against that very expanse of muscle mere days prior.
He found his stare lingering overlong on the gentle swell of your throat whenever you leaned in to inspect the tactical court maps unfurled across the staging tables before him. The delicate tendons shifting beneath satiny skin as you swallowed or angled your features in consternation would transfix Ushijima utterly. All he could envision was the scorching brand of his palm spanning that tantalizing column in a possessive caress as he angled your jaw higher to...
The inappropriate trail of thought would initiate a violent sub-routine reboot before it could bloat into something more disturbingly indecent. Ushijima's hands would unconsciously curl into white-knuckled fists at his sides as he forcibly rerouted higher brain function back to the neutral gameplans and optimizations spread before him.
But the struggle to maintain iron discipline only worsened from there as the days marched onwards. Like a riptide pummeling away at his steadfast restraint with each new swell, every innocuous reminder of your distractingly dainty proportions seemed to carve away another chunk of his control.
The mortifying afternoon Ushijima's broad shoulders and over-dense muscle mass saw him catching the spray of an entire water cooler you'd accidentally upended while attempting to carry the ungainly vessel. He hadn't registered more than a vague impression of your strained efforts across the gym before liquid splashed in a wide fan - drenching you from the crown of your head down to the tips of those petite, adorably flexed toes peeking from your sensible flats.
In the span of two lightning inhalations, Ushijima had closed the distance between you in a sinewy viper-strike of potent urgency. His hands - calloused, powerful, and larger than any person's had a right to be - spanned the width of your upper arms in an utterly dwarfing cradle as he instinctively inspected every inch for harm or hurt.
But there was no chance for actual injury of course, only your frozen astonishment and the way every fiber of Ushijima's existence zeroed in on that sudden soaked intimacy with frightening intensity. The cloying scent of your damp locks and the cool moisture beading along the plush pout of your lips in that breathless second redirected every one of his faculties with terrifying singularity.
He was mesmerized by the tiny rivulets of transparency skating across the high, delicate planes of your blushing cheekbones and down the tantalizing silk of your throat. So transfixed by the display of such naked fragility and untapped softness that the world beyond your shared gravities simply ceased to exist for one dizzying eternity...
Until eventually, you emitted the smallest, most temptingly breathy noise of surprise that managed to jar Ushijima from his reverie hard enough to wrench back to reality. Back to harsh fluorescents and squeaking sneakers and ambient shouts of exertion from his teammates resuming undisturbed drills. All the elements of the gym's familiar, safe equilibrium which starkly juxtaposed the darkly decadent awareness now swiftly metastasizing in his conscious thoughts.
Without preamble, Ushijima withdrew from your molten orbit as swiftly as he'd intervened - retracting those dangerously possessive hands before they could map out any more forbidden terrain or shape sin itself around your slender, soaked silhouette. An unforgivable indulgence the calculated, hyper-disciplined ace simply could not permit.
Or at least, so he had desperately resolved to convince himself in that moment of roiling weakness. Even as those traitorous eyes of his drank in one final, searing glimpse at the damp fabric now semi-translucent against the generous swell of your chest, straining invitingly over every tantalizing hint of feminine curvature concealed just beneath that teasing veil...
Encounters like that only seemed to escalate in both frequency and molten potency as the weeks drifted onwards. Until eventually Ushijima realized the gut-punched awareness plaguing his every waking moment was not some freak intermittence to be powered through with sheer determination, but a persistent condition demanding far more creative counterattacks.
Merely avoiding direct proximity to your daintiness proved an exercise in abject failure when the rest of the team apparently relished any opportunity to loudly emphasize the stark contrasts in your respective statures. As if the very sight of Ushijima's broad-shouldered bulk looming effortlessly over your petite figure acted as flashing neon bait to the resident school of minnows always nipping at his heels.
"Hey y/n! Get over here and compare hand sizes with Ushiwaka for the squad contest!" Tendou's vocals pierced the din of one post-practice cooldown with all the subtlety of a backfiring jet engine.
Ushijima felt his spine go ridgidly upright at the grating tones, shoulders unconsciously squaring off as he braced for the juvenile antics sure to fol--
"Yeah, find out if the great Ushiwaka's hands are truly the most gigantic mitts on the team, little lady!"
You obediently trotted over with an exasperated roll of your eyes, already offering up one slender wrist in resigned acceptance of whatever crass "competition" the randier hooligans had concocted during Ushijima's rare mental lapse into the indecent reveries swiftly spiraling out of control.
Before either of your startled regards could register, Tendou eagerly snatched at your proffered appendage and wrenched it upward in a comparative display beside Ushijima's own outstretched palm and fingers. The contrast in size made the breath stutter harsh and molten in the ace spiker's lungs.
Your soft, tapered digits barely spanned from the pointed tip of Ushiwaka's calloused thumb to the first knuckle at the base. Like comparing a child's plaything to the implacable, sinuous strength of a well-oiled machine purposely engineered for delivering controlled devastation. It abruptly felt utterly unconscionable for the two examples to be juxtaposed so overtly.
"Well I'll be damned..." Semi drawled somewhere from the peanut gallery, voice heavy with meaning. "Our little homeroom angelcake has Thumbelina hands after all!"
A few raucous hoots and whistles greeted that filthy observation, no doubt aimed at further fanning the flames of Ushijima's suddenly tenuous restraint. His free hand curled into an unconscious white-knuckled fist at his side as raw, unfettered possession roared to vivid life in his veins like an insidious poison.
The primal urge to snatch your tiny wrist free from Tendou's irreverent grip and reclaim your delicateness into the protective circle of his embrace grew increasingly maddening with every rasping inhale. To erase every set of degenerate eyes currently devouring the soft vulnerability of your feminine composition with their sordid regards from existence entirely. All while drowning in the molten awareness of how utterly and effortlessly your fragility fit beneath his dominion.
Only your smooth, infinitesimal squirm of apparent discomfort broke through the toxic spiral starting to cloud Ushijima's enraged senses in ruby shades of sin. His stare snapped to your features instantly, honing in on the way your cheeks had gone ruddy pink, your generous lips pressed into a flat line of perturbed propriety.
Meeting those wide, reproachful eyes - so innocent yet utterly unguarded in their honest chastisement - acted like a bucket of arctic water over the flames engulfing Ushijima's possessive urges. You didn't deserve to be subjected to the darker facets of awareness cresting inside the Ace's subconscious, he rebuked himself harshly. The quiet dignity and warm support constantly exuded by your graceful presence within their team dynamic far outstripped any sordid justifications brewing within his own repressed psyche.
Heavy footfalls crunched in the stale auditorium hush surrounding the gym as Ushijima turned on his heel to stalk mindfully away from further temptation. He couldn't trust his mental fortitude around you anymore, not with these unaccountable lapses into devouring indecency plaguing his iron restraint.
At least, not until the reckless firestorm of primal hunger silently raging in his core had been expertly doused and redirected once more into something resembling their usual polished professionalism.
Behind him, the continued jeering whoops and whistles dissolved into background static, tuned out utterly in favor of his silent, singular mission to wrestle his runaway restraint back into immovable discipline before it was too late...
The fever pitch of Ushijima's smoldering awareness continued spiraling to dizzying new nadirs with every subsequent team outing. As if some unspoken cosmic force seemed hellbent on testing the superhuman restraint of even the most stoic and unshakeable ace with a relentless barrage of fresh intimacies.
The yearly athletics festival proved to be a particular gauntlet of temptation in that regard. Your petite stature made navigating the rowdy crush of bodies lining the parade route essentially impossible without getting hopelessly turned around or even inadvertently trampled amidst the chaos.
Which was how Ushijima found himself glancing over at one point, only to feel a molten punch of concern twist his gut at the tableau laid out before him. There you stood, straining up onto your tiptoes in a fruitless attempt to glimpse whatever activity currently held the crowd's raucous attentions in thrall from your disadvantaged sightlines.
One broad sweep of his discerning gaze rapidly took in the squirming press of torsos and rippling sea of elevated arms boxing you into a near-suffocating pocket of confusion and mild panic. Your features pinched with that unmistakable look of overwhelmed dismay Ushijima was swiftly coming to recognize as a siren's call demanding his undivided intercession - propriety and personal restraint be damned.
Without preamble, his powerful strides easily ate up the short distance separating you as he shouldered his way through the rowdy crowd with unhesitating force. A few surprised yelps and grunts of displeasure met the wake of his passage. But Ushijima paid them no heed whatsoever, already caught up in the scorching undertow of his singular mission.
No words were exchanged, no by-your-leaves requested or offered as he coasted to an abrupt halt before your petite silhouette. You didn't even have a chance to register his sudden, looming proximity before Ushijima had already stooped into an effortless crouch and banded one heavy arm behind the pliant give of your knees.
The other swept out to catch the surprised bend of your lower back in a fluid, steely arc - essentially scooping your entire diminutive frame up into the air with all the ease and negligible effort most would exert when retrieving a magazine from the coffee table before them.
A soft, startled noise punched its way past your parted lips at the abrupt relocation. But before any reflexive protests could surface, Ushijima had already straightened back up to his towering full height with you easily cradled in the protective circle of his arms.
From this elevated vantage just beneath his squared jawline, you couldn't begin to even see over the tops of his powerful shoulders -- much less rejoin the rest of the team amidst the crowds. Ushijima's broad, marble-carved features stared inscrutably down at you through those perpetually shadowed lenses as a lush wash of heat flooded your cheeks.
In that suspended heartbeat of molten connection sizzling between you, the Ace spiker permitted himself the indecency of simply...savoring the moment stolen away against all propriety or restraint. Of drinking in the ephemeral impression of having your waifish curves and feather-light composition utterly subsumed within his protective embrace with utterly zero effort extended.
He allowed his larger-than-life palms to map out the delicious give of your lower back and hamstrings in one unhurried, possessive caress. Was mesmerized by the tiny, delicate bones of your wrist and the swell of tendons shifting beneath fragile skin as you instinctively curled your fingers over the carved geometry of his clavicle to steady your ascent.
There was simply no denying the rapturous delight thrumming through Ushijima's every tendon at how unimaginably minuscule you felt gathered against the solid wall of his torso like this. How confidently, how naturally your slight form seemed to melt into the cradle of his broad arms and chest as though every inch of whittled musculature had been divinely sculpted with this exact indecent cradling in mind--
With a harsh inhalation lancing through his nostrils like dragonsmoke, Ushijima abruptly resumed his sinewy strides forward once more - jaw clenching on a punishing grind as he ruthlessly smothered that wildfire of wanton fantasies before they could truly ignite. He refused to allow himself to be so thoroughly unmade and derailed by your doe-eyed prettiness again and again...no matter how transcendentally perfect your fragility felt molded against his immovable dominion in reality.
No. He was the consummate discipline in humanoid form, the very avatar of hyper-focused intensity and restraint. He would not be reduced to some dribbling, base cretin rendered incoherent by the fleeting impressions of tenderness and possession currently drug-hazing his senses.
Or at least, that's what Ushijima fervently told himself with every subsequent footfall resonating between you. Even as your quiet, self-conscious giggle of amusement suddenly wafted up on a humid zephyr - close enough that he could taste the sweetness of your breath on his tongue.
And close enough to rip the foundations out from beneath his fragile reasonings once again...
Ushijima really should have known better by now than to allow any scenarios where prolonged proximity to you proved unavoidable. And yet, time after time he seemed to stumble into these charged intimacies through sheer happenstance or unthinking habit.
Like the afternoon you'd both ended up seated side-by-side reviewing fresh game footage, with the rest of the team circled loosely around the solitary monitor on offer. It had seemed innocuous at first - nothing Ushijima hadn't experienced a thousand times before amid the endless cycle of preparations and chalk-talk sessions.
But the moment you shifted slightly closer, brushing your shoulder companionably against his in the tight confines, everything abruptly snapped into hyper-focused clarity once more. Ushijima became excruciatingly aware of even the most infinitesimal details radiating off your modest frame in dizzying waves.
The delicious floral bouquet of your shampoo and subtle perfume swirling between you in one intoxicating melange. The silken friction of your skirt whispering against his thigh with every minute readjustment. Even the warm puffs of your quiet breathing seemed to skate tantalizingly down the side of his throat in a searing caress he couldn't shake.
It was like being unwillingly submerged in an ocean of scintillating distractions and forbidden temptations, all designed to lash against the rickety moorings of Ushijima's restraint. He grit his molars hard enough for his jaw to creak in protest, determined not to allow himself to drown in those swirling indulgences again so easily.
Until the moment you made an abortive move to rise from the enveloping couch cushions - no doubt intending to step out briefly during a lull in the tactical breakdown occurring.
Before any rational thought could properly engage, Ushijima's hand was already lashing out in a reflexive, steely arc to halt your departure. Those same powerful fingers and sinuous tendons he relied upon to bludgeon spiker after spiker across the net wrapped like an immovable vise around your upper thigh with zero difficulty.
The jolt of heated realization that slammed into him was as disorienting as a physical blow. Ushijima froze utterly at the dizzying impression of his palm and splayed fingers spanning nearly the entire circumference of your thigh with space to spare. Of how easily that compact muscle strained and flexed beneath his grasp - as though every individual tendon comprising your modest curves had been purposefully scaled down to entice maximum inspiration from proportionally oversized grips like his own.
You'd startled at the unexpected contact just as thoroughly, pink lips parting to release some muffled noise or breathy exclamation of surprise. But all of Ushijima's strained focus abruptly hemorrhaged elsewhere in the wake of that heated touch.
All he could process was the rapturous give of your soft skin pulsing like molten silk against his calloused fingertips as you instinctively pressed back into the solid cradle of the sofa. The fine vee of your pelvis canting subtly against his knuckles in a sleek, powerful motion somehow throbbingly evocative of wholly indecent undulations and surrender.
An incendiary tidal-wave of wanton fantasy detonated behind Ushijima's eyes without preamble. Of ruthlessly leveraging his disproportionate physicality to seize every inch of your pliant, untapped softness in an iron grip and wringing out plaintive whimpers with each filthy glide of supplication...
Only your startled squirm and the faintly bewildered look now creasing those delicate features managed to pierce the scarlet haze building to criticality in Ushijima's skullfornace. Those too-large fists of his slowly unclenched from their vice with what felt like herculean effort -- leaving a burning imprint of possession seared into his flesh where unforgivable temptation had blossomed in the blink of an eye.
"Ushijima-san?" you queried hesitantly, no doubt picking up on the sharp disquiet simmering beneath his stoicism like corrupted code refracting beneath a still surface.
He didn't dare meet your gaze fully, instead making a Herculean effort to refocus on the tactical video still playing across the monitor before you both with hypnotic regularity. Perhaps if he immersed himself in those safe, sterile patterns once more, the more primal spirals of desire trying to pull him under again could finally be filtered ou—
"I'm just going to get some air," Ushijima growled before you could probe his sudden storm front further. He was on his feet before the words had even finished rasping past his lips, strides already eating up distance from your molten gravities in an urgent retreat.
The confused furrow pinching your brow as you watched his abrupt departure didn't even register to Ushijima. He was already compiling fresh deterrent subroutines in a frantic bid to wrangle back control of the rising inferno intent on consuming him from within over any further innocuous intimacies.
The dam finally burst during one of their routine evenings reviewing overhead camera footage from practice drills in Ushijima's private quarters. What should have been a perfectly sterile, professional exercise in optimizing spike angles and read progressions rapidly snowballed into something far more insidious.
Perhaps it was the dimness of the solitary desk lamp casting intimate shadows across your features as you leaned over the scattered topography of notes and stills spread before you. Or the way you'd automatically settled onto the edge of Ushijima's bed for lack of a second chair, creating a molten tableau of softness amidst his spartan sleeping arrangements that screamed of sin in the flickering half-light.
Whatever the catalyst, all it took was a single absentminded brush of your bare calf skimming up against Ushijima's as you shifted your weight - and every last vestige of restraint he'd been desperately grappling to maintain went nuclear in an eyeblink of culpability.
The live-wire frisson of that ephemeral contact jolted straight down to his very foundations like a lightning strike forking the sky. Before his conscious mind could fully grasp what was happening, Ushijima had already reacted on searing instinct honed across endless hours of emergency reads and scenarios.
In one blurring inhalation, his hand whipped out to lock around the flexing swell of your knee in an inescapable vise. With the other fist riveted into the mattress behind your hip, he effortlessly leveraged that staggering differential in strength to swivel your entire frame flush against his own coiled undulations before you could strangle out more than a whimper of surprise.
The rapturous juxtaposition of having your supple, dainty softness suddenly splayed out so nakedly within the cradle of his indomitable physicality very nearly punched every stray volt of higher reasoning from Ushijima's razored focus in a single shattering detonation. Finally, FINALLY, you were pressed so exquisitely into the scorching brand of him with zero boundaries or illusions of propriety separating you.
His senses veritably whited out beneath the molten lash of that merciless sensory overload as your heady bouquet, your delicate warmth, the whisper-slick friction of your cotton shorts clinging to the flexing sinew of his quads all slammed home in a rapturous deluge. For one endless, shuddering inhale, the primal immensity of having your frail, coveted prize conquered within his dominion rendered Ushijima utterly unmade.
Only one other base compulsion seemed capable of piercing that blinding nova scorching away the last vestiges of lucidity between you. With a harsh growl that seemed to emanate from the very dregs of his subconscious, Ushijima surged forward - simultaneously dragging your pliant form further into the cruel vanquishing of his embrace as he sealed his lips over yours in a branding conflagration of possession.
Any muffled whimpers of surprise or protests were instantly swallowed up and reduced to mere background white-noise in the wake of that indecent detonation. You instinctively melted and writhed, alternating between fitful struggles and the boneless surrender of prey before an apex predator's unhesitating advance as Ushijima's mouth plundered yours with nearly animalistic intensity.
Every hot exhalation stuttering from your gasping lips was instantly consumed and made air by the harsh rake of his next growling inhale. Lush whimpers transmuted to molten keens as his calloused palms mapped out every untapped inch of softness and burgeoning curve with searing brands of marking possession.
The taste of you on his tongue rapidly became the single point of obsession anchoring Ushijima's restraint to reality. Cloying floral and hints of something sweeter--the remnants of candy you'd treated yourself to earlier that day no doubt. The knowledge that he was finally savoring the true essence of your temptation after being starved of it for so long only served to inflame his primal desperation to experience everything all at once.
His iron-wrought frame visibly shuddered and heaved with each fresh glut of restraint rapidly ceding ground before that onslaught of unleashed lust. Everywhere his grasping hands ventured, electric ribbons of molten desire seemed to trail in their wake - intent on bathing you in the scorching, centered totality of pleasures Ushijima so rarely ever permitted himself to indulge at all.
Before that towering obsession could well and truly drown you beneath roiling tidal waves of sin, a final gossamer filament of conscience finally managed to penetrate the eruption enough for Ushijima to tear his lips free with a hoarse, bestial snarl of exquisite torment.
"You...have no idea..." he rasped in a slaughtering graveled baritone drenched in consumed want yet still somehow begging for Purchase. For you to meet him in the raging inferno of abandon he'd prepared to burn for. "What you do to me, little one..."
A desperate noise punched its way free from the back of your throat at those words - as if voicing the very same primal understanding now thrashing at your core as well. You were suddenly everywhere at once, pliant and heated and utterly unraveled, panting hot entreaties against the fury of Ushijima's next merciless inhale.
"W-what do I do, Wakatoshi?"
A harsh groan rattled loose from somewhere deep inside the ace spiker's chest cavity at those words. At the sheer, audacity of them. The brazen invitation they implied.
It was a question he couldn't possibly answer in any rational capacity. A question that demanded total and utter subjugation in the face of its overwhelming implications.
And one which Ushijima could no longer refuse.
With a vicious exhale, his broad, calloused palms slid to cup the generous curve of your rear in a claiming caress. Without pause, Ushijima dragged you upwards against his rippling torso, angling your head and lips back against his with an unhurried, deliberate savagery.
This kiss was different from the others. Gone was the frenetic pace and wild abandon of your initial collision. Now, his mouth moved over yours with a languid, unrepentant thoroughness - mapping out every seam and crease of plush compliance with the implacable, measured focus he normally reserved for the court.
A breathy keen vibrated from the center of your throat, and Ushijima seized the opportunity to delve deeper with a sinuous twist of his tongue, claiming the wet warmth of your mouth for his own once more. His large fingers dug into the pliant swell of your rear, kneading and spreading the supple globes apart until he could feel the wet heat radiating off your pussy soaking through the thin fabric of your shorts against his straining arousal.
A groan tore loose from Ushijima's chest, raw and needy, as he began rocking his hips in slow, deliberate circles, grinding his clothed cock into the slickness gathering between your thighs. The feel of your cunt pulsing against his length was like a match striking a dry forest. He couldn't remember a time in his life when he'd been so hard. So fucking desperate.
But the way your arms locked around his neck and your slim legs hooked around his waist as he continued rolling his hips sent an avalanche of need roaring through him. It wasn't enough. Not nearly enough. He wanted you spread and bared, wanton and desperate beneath him.
"On your back, little one," he growled against the damp swell of your bottom lip.
The way your pupils dilated and your eyes darkened at the order was so damn sexy. The way you scrambled to obey was even sexier.
Without releasing his grip, Ushijima lowered himself atop you, careful not to let the full weight of his bulk rest upon you. He was a big man. Too big to risk crushing your smaller frame beneath his.
He would have to find other ways to keep you pinned beneath him.
With the tip of his index finger, he traced a path down the silky column of your neck, over your collarbone, and across the slope of your chest, watching as your nipples pebbled and hardened under his feather-light touch. He paused for a moment, admiring the view, and then he slid his finger down to the hem of your shirt.
He lifted his eyes to yours. "Arms above your head."
Your eyelids fluttered as you lifted your arms over your head, your breath coming in short bursts, and then you complied.
Ushijima pulled your shirt off, tossing it somewhere behind him. He didn't bother unhooking your bra. Instead, he shoved it up, baring your tits to his hungry gaze.
He dipped his head, capturing a nipple between his lips and sucking it into his mouth, while his hand cupped the soft swell of the other. A low, breathy moan echoed from the back of your throat as you squirmed beneath him, and he couldn't suppress a groan. Your taste was better than he'd imagined.
His teeth scraped over the sensitive peak, and a whimper bubbled from the back of your throat. You arched your back, pushing your breasts further into his mouth and hands, and he released the nipple with a wet pop, lifting his head and giving you a stern look.
"No moving. I'll tie you down if I have to."
The thought of tying you up sent another rush of blood to his already throbbing dick, but now wasn't the time. He could tie you up and torture you later, when he'd had a chance to go to the store and pick out some pretty restraints and maybe a vibrator.
Instead, he returned his attention to the task at hand, his thumb stroking over your hardened nipple while his lips descended upon the other. You gasped, writhing beneath him, and he nipped the delicate flesh with his teeth, eliciting a squeak.
"Be a good girl," he murmured. "Stay still for me."
And then, without waiting for an answer, he returned his mouth to your tits, licking and sucking, biting and pinching until the peaks were red and swollen, and you were a shivering mess beneath him.
By the time he finally lifted his head, the crotch of his shorts was soaked, and he could feel your own slickness soaking through the thin material of your panties.
He slid a hand between your bodies, tracing the outline of your folds through the soaked fabric. You moaned, arching your hips, and he gave a sharp smack to your thigh.
"Don't move," he ordered.
He hooked a finger under the hem, tugging it to the side, and his cock twitched at the sight of your glistening pussy. His mouth watered at the prospect of tasting you, but his own arousal was quickly becoming a problem. His erection was straining painfully against the fly of his shorts, and he was dangerously close to coming just from the friction of the fabric rubbing against him.
He tugged your underwear the rest of the way off, and you shivered as the cool air of the room washed over your heated flesh.
"Cold, baby?" he murmured, and you nodded.
"We'll fix that soon enough," he promised.
He pulled his own shirt off and tossed it aside. He didn't bother to unfasten his shorts, just unzipped them and pushed them and his boxers down enough to release his cock.
His balls tightened as his shaft sprang free, bobbing heavily between his thighs. He wrapped his fist around his shaft, pumping it slowly. He didn't need much stimulation. Just seeing you sprawled out before him, naked and wet, was enough to get him there.
He shuffled a bit closer and rested his heavy cock on the soft skin of your abdomen, hissing as the head of his cock rubbed against the smooth plane of your stomach. He couldn’t believe how tiny you were. How his cock could cover your entire stomach. How the tip of it almost reached your sternum.
He groaned, pumping his cock a few more times before lifting it and sliding the length between the wet lips of your pussy. You gasped as his cock glided over your clit, and he repeated the motion, enjoying the way you moaned and writhed.
"Look at you, taking my cock so well," he breathed, watching as his shaft slipped and slid over your clit.
You whimpered, and he increased his pace, rocking his hips and fucking his length between the swollen lips of your pussy. "S’ too big…" you whimpered, the walls of your cunt contract around nothing.
He grunted, thrusting faster, feeling your slickness coat his cock, making it easier for him to slide between the folds of your pussy. You moaned, arching your hips and trying to rub yourself against him, but he didn't let you. Instead, he pulled his cock away, smacking the underside of his length against your clit.
"Fuck!" you gasped, your hands flying to his shoulders, gripping the solid muscle and squeezing as you tried to find purchase.
"Don't move," he repeated, swatting his cock against your clit a second time, and then a third, before pressing the tip against your entrance.
Your eyes widened, and you stared up at him with an expression that was half-terror and half-excitement. He smiled down at you, his fingers tangling in the hair at the base of your skull, pulling your head back so you were forced to meet his gaze.
"You're going to take my cock like a good girl," he told you, and you shuddered, a whine slipping past your parted lips.
"I- I don't know if I can," you whispered, your voice shaky and uncertain, and he chuckled.
"Oh, you will," he assured you. "I’ll fuck you with just the tip first, okay? We'll start there and work our way up."
Your brow furrowed, and he could tell you were trying to figure out exactly what he meant by that. But then he was pressing his cock into your tight hole, and all thoughts flew from your mind as his girth stretched you open, stretching you wider than you'd ever been stretched before.
He didn't push his length into you right away, just slid his fat tip in and out, working you open. It felt incredible. You were so tight, so wet, and the way your muscles clenched and pulsed around his shaft had his balls drawing up, ready to blow his load.
"Fuck, baby, you're gonna make me come," he grunted, pulling his cock free from your pussy and rubbing the head against your clit, enjoying the way you shivered and writhed, the way your juices dripped from your hole.
"Want to fill you up," he muttered, pushing his cock back into your cunt, watching the way his thick girth stretched you, disappearing inside of you, inch by inch. "Fill you with my cum and make you pregnant."
Your eyes widened, and you stared up at him with an expression that was part shock and part fear. He didn't care. You'd take his cum, and he'd fill you with it over and over until he was sure you were knocked up.
He slid his length the rest of the way inside of you, until his balls were pressed against the curve of your ass. Until he saw the imprint of his cock bulging through your abdomen. Until his entire shaft was buried deep inside your hot cunt, the head bumping against your cervix.
"Gonna fuck you with my whole cock," he told you, and you moaned, the walls of your pussy fluttering around his shaft. "Gonna make you come all over me."
You gasped, your hands moving to grip his biceps, your nails digging into his skin as he began to pump his length in and out of you, fucking you with his entire shaft. He fucked you fast and hard, his hips snapping, the head of his cock hammering against your cervix, and it didn't take long before your muscles were clenching around his girth, milking him as he pounded into you.
You cried out, your eyes screwing shut, your body trembling as your orgasm tore through you, and he knew he couldn't hold back anymore. With a groan, he thrust his cock deep inside your pussy and came, spurting thick ropes of cum inside your cunt, painting your inner walls with his potent seed. He didn’t stop flooding your womb with his virile cum until he saw the skin of your belly distend and your lower abdomen rounding slightly.
He pulled his cock out, his shaft glistening with his spend and your juices, and you winced, squirming beneath him as his cum trickled out of your cunt, leaking down your ass crack. He pressed his palm flat against the bulge in your belly, watching as the cum gushed out of your stuffed cunt.
"Fucked you so full," he said, rubbing the head of his cock against your swollen clit, making you shiver. "Gonna be dripping my cum for days."
You groaned, your eyes falling shut as he continued to tease your clit, and he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips, his tongue darting out to trace the seam.
"I'm not finished with you yet, little one," he murmured, and you moaned. "I'm going to fill you with my seed over and over again until I'm sure you're pregnant. And then we’ll get married, won’t we?"
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kiwicopia · 6 months
🔞 MDNI | Kinktober: Exhibitionism 🔞
🎃 True Form!Sukuna x Fem!Concubine!Reader 🎃
TW: Jealousy, two cocks, fondling, cumflation, cum marking, belly bulge, mentions of murder, slight blood, cunnilingus (tummy tongue), reverse cowgirl position, squirting, rough riding.
tags: @stygianoir @shes-so-insane @uzxotic
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Ryomen Sukuna was a lot of things. King of Curses, The Disgraced One, the strongest, a murderer, possessive��� but one thing you never thought he’d be was jealous. Possessive, yes, but the man never once donned a jealous expression, until now. When he caught a servant flirting so shamelessly with you while his back was turned. You didn’t belong to that peasant. You were Sukuna’s—his little toy to do with as he pleased. Such insolence was met with a swift demise for the servant and a punishment for his little concubine.
A sharp gasp slipped out as his stomach’s tongue wiggled inside your cunt, stretching your gummy walls even further as it tasted you. One pair of arms kept your thighs apart as you sat in his lap, back pressed firmly against his chest while his hands on the other pair cupped your breasts. His thumbs rolled over your nipples, drawing a soft moan from your lips. “Master Su—.”
“Don’t speak,” he said, cutting you off from speaking. One hand left your tit and grasped your face before tilting your head back, letting your eyes meet his. “This is a punishment. You need to be taught a lesson and remember who it is you belong to.” His thumb stroked your cheek before his grip tightened a little more, causing you to whimper from the pressure. It wasn’t enough to harm you, but it certainly got his point across.
To make matters worse, he had summoned every single servant at his disposal to witness it. He was going to let them all see that you were his, and that they were not allowed to speak or touch you. His hand turned your head once more, forcing you to look out at the many eyes that watched as his tongue savored your little cunt. Your body squirmed from having an audience and the fact that your arousal trickled down onto his thighs.
His stomach’s tongue reached deeper inside of you, the tip pushing against your cervix harshly. It hurt, but you couldn’t deny how good it felt as well. A small whine broke out the second that pressure was removed, only to be replaced by a moan when the tongue roughly licked up against your clit. Your legs trembled lightly from the pleasure it gave you, and as much as you wanted to move your hips against the appendage, his arms kept you spread in place. “Master,” you moaned, drawing a smirk from the curse.
Your legs shook a little more, and your hands slid down to further the pleasure, yet you were apprehended as his other hand left your tit and gripped both of your wrists. “Ah, ah,” he tutted, his smirk broadening, “don’t you dare.” His hand tightened around your wrists, pulling another whine from your pretty lips. He wasn’t about to let you do as you pleased, oh no. This was punishment, not pleasure, and you needed to be reminded of that. The tongue then retracted back into his stomach as the arms that kept your legs spread apart lifted you just enough for the head of his cock to settle at your entrance.
Sukuna showed no mercy as his arms suddenly slammed your body down, causing you to scream out as his dick shoved its way inside your pussy. Your walls had no time to accommodate to his size, and you felt yourself clench at how full he made you feel. One hand let go of your leg and gripped your waist as he moved you up and down, forcing you to take more and more of his length every time. The hand that held your face tipped your head downward, allowing you to see the way he made your stomach bulge from his size.
It was painful with him not letting you get used to his size, and it would’ve been worse if you hadn’t already been so wet from the tongue prior. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as his thick cock bullied your little cunt, forcing you down more and more before finally bottoming out inside of you. He growled low at the tightness, marveling in the way your pussy gripped him like its life depended on it. It didn’t matter how many times he took you, your body was always the same, and it would end the same, too.
His hand moved your head again, now forcing you to look back at the peasants that watched the scene. He heard their whispers but paid no mind to them. All he was focused on was showing them that you were his. “Look at them,” he whispered, his hot breath tickling your ear, “look at the way they watch you bounce on my cock.” His smirk was still plastered to his face as he relished the moment. Your eyes closed halfway as he continued moving your body up and down on his dick, building up the pleasure that slowly consumed your body. His second cock twitched, the movement causing it to rub against your clit.
Your body jolted up at the feeling, and it only made the curse hum in delight as he thought. His other hand soon let go of your other leg as it drifted down to his throbbing erection, and it wasn’t long before you felt him press it against your bundle of nerves. Pleasure shot up your body each time he brought your body down on his first cock while the second rubbed harshly against your clit. Your thighs clenched at how intense everything was for you, and the way the audience watched you did nothing to deter you from wanting to climax. You didn’t care if it was in front of them. Not when they’ve already seen you bare and taking your master’s cock like the good girl you were.
“Gonna cum,” he mumbled, “gonna fill you up and make them see.”
Your mouth hung open as you attempted to speak, but incoherent babbling was all anyone heard as he forced you to ride him so roughly. Your mind was muddled with lustful thoughts as your body clenched, a simple sign that you were fixing to cum. Sukuna knew this and his movements increased as he brought you down on his dick, shoving it further inside of you. The tip kissed your cervix harshly before bringing you down one final time. A low groan left his lips as his nails dug into your waist, drawing a little bit of blood as his first cock shot a thick load inside you. His second came shortly after, decorating part of your face, chest, stomach and thighs with thick, white ropes of seed.
It was all too much. The pressure of his first dick inside of you followed by an increase of that from him filling you up was what brought you over the edge. Your entire body shook as you unraveled, your pussy fluttering wildly and creaming all over the cock that was still inside of you. His dick caused a large stomach bulge, yet his cum added on to that. The crowd watching murmured low with one another as he marked and bred you like a bitch.
When the man lifted you up off of him, your slick and his cum seeped out of your cunt. He then lowered you back down, letting you rest against his chest as you stared at your audience with a look of being fucked out of your mind on your face. Now everyone knew you were his. They weren’t allowed to talk to you, to touch you, not even look at you, either. You belonged to Sukuna and only to Sukuna. His little toy. His little concubine.
No one would forget this day. How could they? The way your chest heaved with exhaustion, the marks on your waist from his nails, how his cum painted your body so beautifully, and the fucked out expression on your face would be burned into their memories forever.
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nanqmies · 1 year
Mean!JJK Men Headcanons
i need them rn!! gender neutral reader
tw : in each fic!, canon au for gojo
featuring: Toji Fushiguro, Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento (in order)
wc : 1k
not beta read there may be mistakes !
nsfw under the cut~
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Toji Fushiguro
tw : overstim, cumflation, dumbification, breeding, degradtion, creampie, daddy kink, spit kink, small size kink, biting
hes so mean !!
grabs onto your hips, fucking into you while he laughs at the drool running down your chin
he makes fun of you when you cum too fast calling you his stupid needy baby
he'll keep rutting against your ass even when you've came for the nth time
begging him to give you a break cause its too much
he'll shove his thick fingers in your mouth to shut you up
forces you into a mating press making you brain turn into mush when you cum again :(
all you can do is whine out incoherant pleads when he abuses that sweet spot of yours
he holds your chin between his fingers forcing you to stare at his dark green eyes
coos at you for being a dumb slut just for him
he WILL come inside no matter what
filling you up once more your tummy bloated full of his thick seed
you think its over until he starts moving again
"Dirty little slut, did you cum again?" Toji questions you, his girthy cock bullying into your sex. All you could do was nod as your eyes rolled back, still so sensitive after your last orgasm. Drool drips down your chin when he pins your thighs higher. Toji groans in your neck, leaving bite marks in his path. He closes the distance between you, his lips smashing against yours in fervor. Your arms push at his shoulders, attempting to push him away when your climax builds up once again. "Push me away again and i'll tie your bratty ass up." his balls hitting your ass at his rough pace, "You fuckin' take what Daddy gives ya, yeah?" You don't hear a word he says, sounding like nonsense in your empty head. Soon enough Toji squeezes your chin until your mouth forcefully opens, a warm glob of spit lands on your cheek, "Are you that fucking dumb you can't even speak?" he rubs his spit in your skin, "I'll just have to train you til you listen.."
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Gojo Satoru
tw : oral (m + receiving), facial, he makes sure you can't breathe so breath play?? slight exhibitionism cause hes on the phone
annoying little shit
pushes your head down til you gag around his base
laughs at you when you say you can't breathe
he WILL take a call while you're giving him head
his shit eating grin mocking you when you swallow down his cock
probably records you for long time missions
will either cum down your throat or all over your face
scoops his cum on his fingers and makes you lick it off
Your jaw aches as you bob you head around him, running your tongue flat on the underside of his pretty cock. Satoru hand knits in your hair shoving your head down, his tip hits the back of your throat each time he forces you back down. "Come on sweetie~ Take me deeper.." he coos. Your eyes water filling with burning tears, just before they fall Gojo's phone rings. His legs spread wider as he keeps your head down to his pelvis, your nose brushes against his trimmed pubic hair trying to take a deep breath. "Yo its Gojo whatd'ya need?" drawling out the last word. The conversation lasts a while, about his new mission in Yakushima he hums at the reply from the other person, he glances down at you, big fat tears stain your cheeks. Struggling to breathe with him down your throat, your eyes roll up at him. An innocent smile paints his face, a finger pressed against his lips signaling you to be quiet. Your lungs burn as you fight to breathe, just before you feel dizzy he pulls you off him. Satoru's cum spurts all over your face, dripping down to your thighs. He swipes a finger on your cheek and pushes it between your lips. "Let's record one more before I go~"
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Nanami Kento
tw : spanking , slight bondage he just ties up your hands, empty threats, dacryphilia, sadism
patient and stone cold
his face is unreadable when you peer back at his face
your bent over his lap naked while he's dressed fully in his suit
his hands are so rough and calloused
each hit burns against your ass
you whine when he rubs the flesh after
will wipe your tears of your pretty face
your hands struggle against the tie wrapped around your wrist
sighs when you mess up counting again
adds 2 each time you mess up
he will not look at you or he'll cave in
he just can't resist when you pout
"Two strikes more, start counting again." Nanami's monotone voice rings in your ears, at this point you can't tell how long this has been going on. Your ass is spanked raw and bruised, squirming each time his palm hits your cheeks. "Nng-g! F-five! Thank you s-sir.." you bite your life roughly, muffling your moans in the sheets. You feel so hot, you're shaking like a leaf at this point. The next hit brings shivers down your spine, you yelp and grab your ass to ease the tingly feeling. Nanami quickly grabs your wrists and pins them together, "Why can't you take your punishment? Don't you want to be good for me little one?" humming as he pulls off his leopard print tie and ties your wrists together. "Now let's start from the top, start counting." he says firmly "If you try anything i'll make sure you won't walk for weeks." 10 minutes pass when he rubs your sensitive skin to relieve the pain. Your face is soaked in tears, Nanami wipes them away every so often. He pets your hair sighing once more, "I hate to punish you darling.." lying through his teeth, his erection pressing against your tummy each time you tried to move away. "But bad behavior cannot go unpunished.." His hands push between your legs slowly caressing your sex with his fingertips, "Maybe if you cum enough i'll let it go just this once.."
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@nanqmies 2022
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usetheeauthor · 1 year
When A Stranger Knocks At Your Door… (MDNI +18)
“Doctor”Emnu x Virgin!NurseNun!Reader
Summary: It’s the night of halloween in your little town and everyone is aware of the rule to stay indoors during demon hours. But when a mysterious doctor arrives to your nunnery looking to assist you with the ill patients, how could you possibly refuse?
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Word Count: 8.0k+
A/N: this is a work of fiction and purely fantasy. real non con is absolutely pure evil. Anyway, i think Enmu is pretty and so underrated. I wish he had more screen time. Ah well, I love writing for underrated characters so here it is. This is a PWP fic with a twist and it will be based in a made up modern town named Wakimashi where it is multiracial with mostly Japanese cultural influence to somewhat remain true to the lore. Some lines for Enmu come directly from the show with some renditions. The images i use are a mix of screen caps from the show and artwork created by some really talented artists who’s work motivated me into creating this. I had some images to pair with the story but tumblr wont show my story in the tags so i guess i’ll make a separate posts with the lines in the story along with the images. I love the dynamic of demon x religious!reader so i did it here. It’s loosely based knowledge on nurse nuns. Please enjoy and thank you for reading!
TW Warnings/Tags: NON CON, DUB CON, violence, blasphemy, some hinted!Rengoku x Reader, religious imagery and undertones, Master kink, reader is called ‘pet’, mentions of murders and death, graphic language, blood kink, blood drinking, somnophilia, (dream) self harm, loss of virginity, tentacle sex, face fucking, oral (m & f receiving), dacryphilia, p in v (unprotected), anal play/anal sex, scratching, biting, creampie, cumflation, hairpulling, sub/dom dynamics, delayed orgasm/orgasm denial, squirting, nipple play, enmu’s BIG dick, monsterfucking, yandere!enmu, enmu’s hand, sex positions (the lazy doggystyle, spooning position, riding), somewhat fluffy towards the end, dilemma/cliffhanger ending
Halloween, it was once called. A holiday all in good fun. Back then, no one felt the need to worry in a town where everyone knows everyone.
But things have since changed.
But things have since changed.
One night, some years ago, completely changed the meaning of this holiday for future generations to come when a mass of demons passing themselves as humans in costumes would then massacre a total of 50 townsfolk in just under an hour. The only reason there had not been more victims was because an emergency alarm sounded all over town.
The day is now known as “The Devil’s Purge” stemming from the idea that the town of Wakimashi is cursed by God or the Devil himself.
Whenever the fateful night arrives, police stations and hospitals would shut down and people would be encouraged to stay home.
Yet as a nurse, you couldn’t bring yourself to abide by those standards. Especially when there are people out there with no homes and or people in dire need of first aid. So every year, the nunnery where you reside secretly opens to the residents during these times. Food and shelter are provided to anyone who hears of the shelter discreetly through word of mouth since the authorities would shut it down if exposed.
The nunnery would work with the Hashiras, providing first aid in exchange for protection and other assistance.
This year, however, the police were adamant on people staying indoors. So with the prospective thought that the nunnery wouldn’t be expecting many patients or people seeking shelter for the night, a majority of your fellow Sisters decided to board the Mugen Train this morning to do some charity work out of town only leaving you and 1 sister to tend to the 14 refugees.
A certain blonde-headed Hashira with red flamed tips greets you at the door. His smile is big and bright as always, something you’ve always admired about him. Despite facing gruesome situations, the man remained positive. “Y/n! Happy Devil’s Purge! Are you well and prepared?”
“I’m very much so, Mr.Rengoku. I’ve prepared as much as I could. I was just in the process of shutting all the windows in the home.”
“Will you be needing my services for tonight? I can check around the property for you before I go. Or if you’d like I can send a friend of mine over here for your protection. Wouldn’t want you to be all alone in here.”
“No, no. I’ll be okay. Sister Agatha is here as well.”
“Word of advice, do not answer the door for anyone after 6 pm. You are aware that once the sun goes down, the night belongs to them.”
“Then maybe you should stay,” You blurt out, slightly blushing and embarrassed. “I don’t mean to frighten you. But…I experienced a terrible nightmare the night before. I have a scary feeling that there is a reason why the authorities are enforcing stricter lockdowns. It’s as if they’re aware of what the demons plan to do.”
“I’ve got that same feeling.” He says solemnly.
“Please stay,” You take his hands in yours, seeing him blink in surprise at your bold contact. You quickly attempt to pull them away but he holds them in place. Exhaling, you continue to plead. “I get the worrying feeling that…I won’t get to see you again. You don’t have to slay demons all night, every night. Especially not on a day like this. Please…Kyojuro.”
You really worry for him. He is the only man who you have ever known this close in familiarity as the life path you lead expresses limited contact with those of the opposite sex.
Rengoku squeezes your hand. “I can’t stay,” He whispers, leaning in enough for you to feel his breath tickling your nose. “I wish I could. But I’ve made a promise to someone in my life that I will use my strength to protect those that need to be protected. I promise I’ll be fine. So don’t you worry. We’ll meet again. Okay?”
You stare up into his eyes, nodding. “Okay.”
The two of you part and Rengoku gains his happy-go-lucky composure. “I’ve come bearing gifts before I depart,” He whistles and a young boy enters with heavy baggage. “You can set those in the kitchen, friend.”
“What’s that?” You question.
“Bentos! I purchased them from a kind older woman and her granddaughter. You have plenty in case you experience a surplus of residents before sundown.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. Rengoku!” You beam.
“Please, you know to call me Kyojuro. And I’d do anything for you, Y/n.” He quickly catches himself, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, I should be heading off now. My colleague and I will be boarding the Mugen Train.”
“Is it still in service? I was told that my sisters would be boarding the last train.”
“Yes, the train’s been delayed for hours but it seems that it’s running up again. I’ll be on a train with your sisters and protect them to the best of my abilities. I’m sure there will be some demon activity during the ride so it’s good to be one step ahead of them.” He says in a boisterous, rich tone.
“I will keep you in prayer.” You smile.
“Thank you. Well, off we go then! Enjoy the Bentos! They’re delicious!” He grins, waving out. The young Hashira bows his exit then soon follows after.
Locking the door behind you and adding the chain, you continued your preparation shutting the blinds and lighting the various candles throughout the home. You made a note to yourself that once you tended to the residents, that you would go into prayer to calm your nerves.
You spot Sister Nurse, Agatha, fixing some tea and cookies on a tray in the kitchen and you quickly go in to assist.
“The guests will love your cookies, Sister. They’ve always been a fan of your baking. I am, too, of course,” You smile.
“Would you like one? They’re fresh out of the oven.” She says excitedly, handing you a chocolate chip cookie.
You take a bite, moaning at the gooey softness of the confectionery. “Perfect as always. You’ve got to give that recipe,” You noticed her carrying trays on either hand, rushing over to take one. “I’ll carry the tea tray. It looks much too heavy for you to carry this all on your own.”
“Thank you, dear Sister,” She smiles. The two of you silently head up the stairs until she breaks into the empty air. “By the way, you and Rengoku have been spending an awfully close amount of time together…has anything become of it?”
You gasp at her, nearly dropping the tray. “Certainly not, Sister. Whatever you insinuate, I want to clarify that Rengoku is a man of honor as I am a woman of Mother Mary’s holy ward. I shall remain true to my vows of purity.”
“That’s what I was worried you’d say.” She mutters to herself almost as if she’s pitying you.
“Whatever do you mean, Sister?”
“It is nothing, Sister Y/n.”
“Are you saying that you are not…a virgin?” You whisper the last part like a bad word.
“I am a born again virgin. That counts where it matters.” She says, turning up her nose.
“Why, of course. My intentions are never to judge you. I’m simply curious as you are about my status. H-have there been rumors spreading about Rengoku and I? Do the other sisters know of this?”
The two of you reach the large room for the residents. “Nevermind that now, dear Sister. We wouldn’t want our guests to hear you speak such crass things. You take one side of the room, and I, the other.”
You offer the treats, carefully adjust pillows, and give a small blessing prayer to each guest. “Shall I lead tonight's prayer, Sister Agatha?” You question.
Then, you hear a knock on the door downstairs, you, glancing at the sky through the bedroom window. It’s sundown.
“I will lead the prayer, Sister,” Agatha says. “You can go on downstairs and greet the guest in need.”
“B-but Rengoku…he said I shouldn’t answer after sundown.”
“This isn’t our first year doing this, Sister. There’s no need to be afraid. What are the odds of coming in contact with a demon here? I’ve created a ring of salt on our porch for protection. There’s no possible way a demon could set foot past it. Go on, dear child. You don’t want to keep them waiting in the dark.”
“Yes, Sister,” You bow your head before rushing down the stairs. There is another knock again as you take cautious steps towards the door. Unlocking it, you leave the chain on and open it just enough for you to peer through the small crack. “Good evening.”
“Good evening, Sister,” A man says in a syrupy smooth voice that could melt butter. “I am Dr. Enmu. A sister of yours spoke with me earlier on my way home about needing my services here. I believe you possess some sickly patients. I can assure you I’ll do all I can to help them.”
There’s a presence about him that shakes you to the core. Could he be a demon? You’ve never actually seen a demon in person but you were given details from those who’ve encountered them. He’s a little pale, sure, but he seemed human. He’s eerily beautiful as well which didn’t help his case in terms separating him from the otherworldliness.
He has the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen, his black hair was shoulder length aside from the two hanging strips that go past it, and his face was so prettily structured that his beauty was comparable to that of a woman. He looked the part of a doctor, too. A white coat, stethoscope, dress pants and all.
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But there was just something about him. This whole situation is suspicious.
“I apologize…but I—“
“Sister Y/n,” Agatha scowls as she approaches you. “I asked for this man to join us this evening. He is a fine doctor and willing to provide his services with no charge. Now, would you please let him in? The storm could be approaching any minute.”
“My apologies.” You say, giving in and stepping aside to let him through.
Maybe if he were a demon, he would have attacked by now. But this man was calm, a small smile never leaving his face. And he didn’t have those distinct markings that the demons usually are said to bear.
“I’m so sorry Dr. Enmu. It appears my dear Sister here is not of sound mind tonight.” She turns her attention to you.
“It is fine, Sister Agatha,” The man says. “Please do not be so hard on the poor girl. She is just being cautious. As we should, in times like these.”
You’re left surprised in his defense of you. There’s clear amusement in the way he looks at you. Like you were some prized collectible item.
“Sister Y/n, I’ll be showing the doctor to our patients.“Why don’t you stay down here and get a quick moment’s rest. I’ll be right with you.” Agatha says to you then turns her attention to the man. “Follow me right this way, Doctor.”
Enmu looks at you one last time and you swear you saw a sinister spark in his eyes before the ascent upstairs. You tremble, wanting to shake this darkened feeling. Getting onto your knees on the carpeted living room floor, you clasp your hands together and pray. “O, Mother. I pray to thee today for your guidance and protection. The enemy is at work and—“
Another knock at the door. You don’t think you could handle another strange encounter. But this was your duty and no matter how hard your heart pounds, you needed to bring yourself out of shock to help others. You pull the door open, revealing a rain-drenched Rengoku.
“Kyojuro…what are you doing here? What happened to boarding the train?”
“I just had to see you once more. Ever since you told me that you were worried you might not see me again…it stuck with me,” His hand cups your cheek. “I want us to be together and safe.”
“R-really? But people are talking about us in town.”
“It doesn’t matter,” He smiles. “I just want you.”
He pulls you into a hug and, at first, you were shocked but you soon melt into his embrace.
“But what about my vows? Your duties? It simply would not allow us to be together.” You whisper.
He lifts your chin. “We can be together as long as we relinquish those parts of us. We could leave town and find our new home.”
You look up at him confused. Earlier, Rengoku stated he made a promise to someone he deeply cared for about protecting others as a Hashira. This is so opposite of him. “Y-you’re cold. Um, would you like some tea? We also have cookies and bentos in abundance.”
“Sounds great!”
The two of you head into the kitchen where you set two tea cups for the two of you. You pour his fill then your own, trying to breath and calm your nerves.
The two of you clasp your hands in prayer and simultaneously bless the food. “Thank you for the meal.”
You raise the teacup to your lips, spotting a reflection of yourself distressed and screaming underwater. Everything clicks.
This isn’t your reality.
In a state of shock, the tea cup slips from your fingers and the glass shatters to the ground. Dream Rengoku raises his eyes from the meal to you.
“Everything alright, Y/n?”
You hyperventilate, smacking your head on each side. “Wake up! Wake up!”
“Y/n, what are you doing?!” Dream Rengoku yells in concern.
You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to drown out your surroundings. “Wake up!”
In real time, your body is in a sitting position on the living room couch. Everyone in the home was now currently under a deep sleep. All except Sister Agatha who now crawled and begged on her knees, pleading for mercy from the demon.
She whimpers, tears flowing down her cheeks and her face lying down on the ground in submission. “I have fed everyone the cookies baked in your blood. And the Virgin girl is still pure. The Hashira has not bedded her. I’ve confirmed. There are no signs of corruption. Please…I’ve done all you’ve asked of me. I just want to see my baby girl again. I want to hold her in my arms. Please….”
“Certainly,” Enmu smiles, crouching over her bowing frame. “You’ve done a fine job. Now sleep forever and dream of a life with your newborn child.”
Sister Agatha collapses going into a deep slumber. Enmu could just chuckle with joy. This was a lot easier than he expected. But he doesn’t expect much from humans. To him, they are all so pitiful.
Tonight Enmu plans to devour every single human in the home. Although he wishes for a taste of you, he knows he’d be better rewarded if you were given to Muzan instead. He longed to impress his master in hopes of receiving more blood and becoming stronger. Then he’d get to terrorize even more humans.
He looks down at you. You look like a sleeping beauty incarnate. It wouldn’t hurt if he played with you just a little.
Lowering himself in front of you, he circles a sharp nail around your aroused bud, poking through your thin collared top. He twists and rolls it, watching your lips part as you mumble something again and again.
He kisses your neck, feeling your heart beating in it and he all but claims you there. Remembering that his mission was to gift you to Master Munzan, he quickly lurches away from you and presses down on his growing member.
Enmu retreats upstairs to his potential victims. He’ll be dining well tonight.
You rack your head over and over. Dream Rengoku tackles you to the ground, pinning your hands to your chest. “What is wrong with you, Y/n?”
You needed a way out but Dream Rengoku was just as strong. There was no way you could free yourself. Then, you notice the giant glass shards from the tea cup you dropped previously beside your neck.
Were you really going to go through something so dangerously foolish? Well, it is like you had a choice.
You look up at the man above you who seemed genuinely concerned. It felt so real and you could easily get lost in this mimicry.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper before grazing your neck against the sharp edges. It cuts deep, severing an artery. He watches in horror as you begin to choke on your blood and eventually succumb to the wound.
Everything fades to black.
You gasp loudly, eyes shot open as you frantically grip at your neck and check your surroundings. You can hear the roaring of the storm outside. The setting around you no longer had the dreamy filter lenses over your eyes. Everything was cold and gloomy.
This is reality.
Standing on your feet slowly, you spot a body on the floor, nearly screaming until you slap a hand over your mouth. The demon couldn’t know you’re awake just yet. Inspecting the body, you recognized it to be your sister who’d also been slumbering away. Trying to shove her awake, you recognized that she wouldn’t budge awake this way, too far gone.
Searching for a knife in the kitchen to equip yourself, you go up the stairs. Trying to go up as quietly as possible, you remove your shoes and your nylon-covered feet muffles the creaking against the floorboards.
When you reach the top of the stairs, you notice the door to the patients’ room opened half-way. Mustering up the courage, you jump in with your knife raised only to be met with the horror before you. He was drinking the blood of one victim’s arm, straddling their body as they began to turn pale but they’re too deep in their sleep to sense any danger.
You can see that some patrons were still alive, cringing and tossing as if they’re experiencing the worst of nightmares.
You drop the knife, mouth agape as you back away. Enmu hears this, turning to you. He was in full demon form. Greenish-yellow markings lined down his cheeks, veins protruding through his near translucent skin, the lower rank one eye, as well as the black hair highlighted with red and blue tips.
“What’s this? You’re awake?” He asks, baffled but impressed. “Did I not give you a dream tailored to your desires?”
He stalks towards you and you begin to feel for the door. “W-why?”
“That look of anguish and horror on your face is exquisite,” He moans. “Maybe I do prefer that you’re awake for this. I’d love to dine on your fears.”
You let out a shuddery breath, squeezing your eyes like somehow it would rid you of him in your presence.“Mother Mary, if you hear my prayer like you’ve done before. I ask for your protection,” You gasp through tears. “Protect us, dear mother. For there is a demon before me who wishes to take the souls of your people.”
You’re just so intriguing to him that he simply lets you continue in your prayer. Most humans would run by this point but you were standing your ground, praying to a being that would not answer you.
“This being that you pray to…are they all knowing?” He covers a fist over his mouth to stifle his laughter. “Could they tell you of all the things I plan to do to you?”
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“I’m not afraid.” You hiss.
“Oh, is that so? The sound of your heart pounding in your chest says otherwise.”
“I am divinely protected. Mother Mary has saved me from your magic and she will save me again. I have nothing to fear. But you do. Free everyone from the spell or you will be facing God’s wrath.”
“But why would I free them…when they are right where they want to be. Everyone wants sweet dreams, my dear pet. Your sister practically sold you to me with no resistance just for a glimpse of a good life.”
You shake your head. “I don’t believe you.”
“How do you think you ended up asleep in the first place? Those cookies weren’t just made out of bitter truths. You humans are so easily swayed by your desires. I recognized this truth when I practiced as a doctor many years ago. Humans don't care for truths. They want to hear things that will make them happy. Blissfully unaware. I’ve had chronically ill patients believing they’ll heal from their ailments. I'd encourage them that they’re cured of their illness even though it was all lies.”
“How could you do something like that?”
“Because believing in fantasy is more powerful and so exciting that it’s easy to see it as reality. They may have died thinking they were healed but they died happily! I give hope as quickly as I can take it away,” He walks over to the bedside of one patient. “This man wishes that he married the one who got away instead of who he’s married to currently. And that woman wants to be young and beautiful again. All of these people, in this room and out, have their own dreams. Dreams that can reveal all your hopes and your fears. It is the central core of all humans. And now I’ve been gifted a power bestowed upon me by my Master to manipulate those cores as I please. To have the delight of watching people as they dream peacefully before their minds shatter into the descent of darkness…it’s like a sweet nectar to me.” He in a dreamy tone, his cheeks a crimson shade of blush.
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Your breathing quickens as his tongue circles around his lips to collect the blood on them. “That look of pure agony and anguish on one’s face whenever there’s that sense of danger they have no way of escaping…mmm. It’s like that look on your face now,” He’s closer than ever but as much as your body tells you to run, you knew that his inhuman speed would only give him the advantage. He presses himself against your body. “You excite me, my dear.”
You try to push him, only for him to pin your hands above your head. “Let me go.” You bite.
“Why should I? Hmm? You’ve interrupted my meal,” His teasing, soft voice morphs into a dark growl. “I should punish you for that.”
You feel an unmistakable hardness against your tummy. Your fears aroused him. Enmu could smell it on you the second he arrived. He’d left his mission for the Mugen Train figuring you were a much better catch. Indeed, you were. So much so that Enmu wanted to taste you. The pure blood of a young virgin nun. He wishes he could corrupt you for himself. Make you belong to him instead.
He brings his lips to your tear-stained cheeks, ghosting them over your skin before flicking a tongue up to lick away the salty liquid. Even your tears taste incredible!
You cringe, the scent of blood wafts your nose as he licks away. Then, he suddenly pulls back to stare angrily at you.
“Do you desire that fool?”
You stare up in confusion. “Who?”
“That Hashira,” He spits out as if it were a slur. “Is he who you wish to deflower you?”
“I would never—.”
“Liar,” Enmu hisses. “If he was not who you desired, then you wouldn’t have dreamt of him.” He pinches either side of your cheeks with his thumb and index, forcing you to purse your lips.
He continues in an increasingly dark tone.“I should be the one you lust for. I am the one who could give you all that you ever need,” He’s once again playful in his tone. “If only you’d let the dream continue a little longer, you would’ve gotten to the best part. The part where I force him to watch you take every inch of me. Your poor virgin cunt wouldn’t be able to handle it. He’d watch you stretch and bleed around me. And you’d scream and beg. Both of you, helpless because there’s nothing either of you could do to stop it. Then, I’d kill him and fuck you against his lifeless corpse.”
“No.” You whimper, weakly.
He buries his face in your neck, nuzzling his nose against the thickest vein in your neck. “You don’t have to keep up this charade of yours, Y/n. I know your body. I hear it calling. Every part of you beats for me: from the veins in your neck, the heart in your chest, to the pearl between your legs.” He attempts to cup your pussy but you clamp your thighs together.
“Don’t touch me!”
A red, fleshy entity curls itself around your neck. You begin to claw at, gasping for air. “I can touch you as I please. You’re my pet after all. I tend to make good use of you,” Feeling like you’d had enough, he loosens the grip around your neck. “Would you like to try this again?”
He scans your face and you look at him with fury in your eyes but remain still for him to proceed. His hand cups your pussy and you’re embarrassed to realize that you’re drenched. “I like these games you play, my pet; pretending as if you don’t wish me to be inside you right here, right now. In fact, should I provide you evidence?” A tentacle lift your long white skirt out of the way. Pushing past your pantyhose and panties, his thick fingers rests below your sopping folds. He runs two fingers through them until he makes it to your sticky little nub, tapping on it repeatedly. You bite your lip, feeling your knees buckle under you.
“Just as I thought,” Enmu removes his black polished hands from you, revealing their glistening wet state. You felt humiliated! He hadn’t even gone inside you yet and you’re s puddle. “Your reward, my dear pet.”
He shoves his fingers into your mouth and down your throat, making you gag around them. “Better get used to that. You’ll be taking something a lot bigger. Very soon.” He giggles softly.
Enmu grips the back of your head, forcing you down on his fingers over and over. You were drooling all over yourself, eyes watering from your gag reflex being triggered over and over.
He yanks your mouth away and you end up coughing, slobbering all over your chin as you catch your breath. “Forgive me Father God and Mother Mary,” You whine just before he slams his lips onto yours. His tongue was rather explorative as he swirled it around your mouth. The taste of salty blood on his tongue and lips were enough to make you scream.
You feel his knee apply pressure to your core as he deepens the kiss. Enmu expects you to grind yourself against him which you were adamant on not doing so. He breaks the kiss, a thick line of saliva and blood on your lips. You pray, quietly, against his lips. “Forgive me, Mother Mary, Father God.”
Again, a kiss. And you felt your resistance weaken. “Forgive me…”
Another kiss but this time he pulls away prematurely and you find yourself being the one to lean in, searching for his lips.
“Eager little thing, aren’t we?” He teases, nose rubbing against your own. “Would you like to go further?”
“N-no. I want to keep my vows, my virginity.”
“You and I both know that isn’t going to happen tonight,” He tilts your chin up. “You’ll give yourself to me no matter what your head tells you because your body knows what it craves. Look.” He brings your attention between your bodies, your hips were mindlessly rolling into his for any form of friction.
“I can give you inexplicable pleasure or speechless pain and you’d take it all like the obedient pet you are.” He smirks, pinching your cheeks. The red flesh-like tentacles slither up and coil themselves around your body and between your inner thigh until you feel the pressure of it against your clothed core.
Your eyes look up at him, pleading. “No! It’ll hurt.”
“Don’t fight it or it won’t go in easily,” He cups one breast, kneading it through your shirt while kissing your shoulder. “Your screams are what I sought after anyway. So if you wish to please me, I want to hear you.”
Enmu tears your lacy underwear from your body as if it were made of paper. Your skirt is lifted out of the way once again as the tentacle attempts to squirm its way inside you.
“Please…” You whine and thrash, feeling it trying to force itself in.
“Oh pooh,” He pouts. “I’m not breaking through. You’re simply much too tight. I just might tear you apart if I push any further. We wouldn’t want that, would we? We’ll just have to get you worked up until you're ready.”
You’re forced onto your knees, face inches away from his cock which dares to burst from his pinstriped pants. He frantically makes work of the buckles on them, wanting to feel your frightened little throat close around him.
Enmu frees his freakishly large and veiny member and it springs forward colliding on top of your face. You’d never seen a penis before but you’ve heard stories of women expressing how unappealing most looked.
Enmu’s cock was furthest from that description. Despite being pale, it was girthy and long in length with a bubblegum pink bulbous tip. The thick veins that show through them were enough to make your mouth water for a reason you weren’t sure why.
“That’s going i-inside me?”
“Precisely. But for now, we’ll make use of your pretty mouth. Stick out your tongue,” He orders. You shyly stick out a quarter of it and he huffs. Pinching the tip of your tongue between his fingers, he tugs on it to bring it out further. “There you go.” He smiles.
Tapping the heavy length on your tongue, the tip leaks with his essence and you catch the sticky liquid on your tongue. The taste of him is addicting. He rocks his hips, letting himself slide back and forth on your wet appendage before shoving himself deep into your throat without warning. You gag around him, hands on his thighs to push him off. But the tentacles that kept you pinned down along with his grip in your hair makes you swallow him down and adapt to breathing around the huge length.
The horror of it all was how much you were beginning to enjoy it. The feelings of lust he’s brought upon you are more intense than the guilt you felt. You were sure your juices were currently gushing out of you onto the wooden board.
You should feel terrible that you were doing this in a room of people who came seeking your help from the very being that claims your body and soon virginity tonight. Yet, you suck him earnestly, bobbing your head up and down as you feel your restraint and sanity continue to slip away.
“That’s a good girl,” Enmu moans, petting your head. He also notices your change in behavior. He was right all along. You would eventually give yourself to him and sadly it didn’t take long. “You look like a dream. I could get used to you like this before me.”
One of your hands leaves his thigh to slide between your legs, playing with yourself as you moan around him. The vibrations cause him to whine out.
“For servant of Catholic scripture, you’ve got quite a sinful mouth. Am I turning you into a sexual deviant?” He gets his answer when you wrap a soft hand around his base, stroking him firmly while you continue to swirl your tongue around the tip. You kept your eyes on his bright blue ones the entire time; watching as they would flutter, widen, or bore intensely into yours.
He throws his head back relishing in the way your mouth wants to savor his taste. The blush on his face creeps up and his mouth drops open as he begins to salivate in a state of bliss.
“Master?” You say, ceasing all actions and looking up at him.
His eyes snap to yours, brain short-circuiting for a moment. To think of himself as a master. Like Muzan. It was a tempting fantasy, to say the least. He already has such an obedient pet who’ll serve his needs. “Y-you mean me?”
“Yes, master,” You notice his surprise at your sudden submission, smirking to yourself as you give his tip a kitten lick. “Could you please come in my mouth? I want to taste more of it.”
“How would you like it?” He says, thumb caressing your cheek.
“Fuck my mouth. Please.” You beg, your mouth back around him.
“Such dirty words for a good girl. But I’ll give you what you need,” He growls, fingers gripping the strands of your hair to force you down on him. The sounds of your gagging echo in the room and tears begin to stream down your face. A tentacle presses against your throat, applying pressure to the print of his cock in your throat; feeding then unsheathing over and over.
“Are you ready to receive another reward, my pet?” You stare up at him with starry eyes as an answer. He moans, high-pitched and shaky as you suckle hard to drink him dry. “Oh my, I’m coming!” You dig your nails into his thigh as he does so. He shoots his warm cum into your mouth and you’re swallowing him down joyously.
He cups your face to remove your mouth, lines of saliva break off from his semi-erect cock. You hold out your tongue showing him that you’ve swallowed it all. He smiles down at you through hooded eyes, baring his sharpened teeth. Under the moonlight, shining through the window, Enmu looks absolutely ethereal. Almost God-like himself.
“You’re beautiful.” You whisper to him.
He chuckles. “I can say the same for you, little one. I’m enamored to say the least.”
You kiss his hand, nuzzling your face against it. “I desire you.”
You felt something wet brush your cheek, jolting you enough to inspect his hand which had a sentient mouth. He smirks down at you. “He likes you.”
You place a kiss on its lips lifting your shining eyes to the demon before you. “I desire every part of you.”
He lowers himself to lift you in his arms, carrying you to an empty bed in the room. Once he lays you down so that you’re seated at the edge of the bed, he gets on his knees in front of you. Enmu begins to remove your nylon stockings and skirt and you make haste with your top and bra.
You're fully naked before him and he feasts his eyes all over you. Glistening wet pussy and hardened nipples, you’re like a 5-star meal and he’s a man starved. He groans, hands sliding down your body from your neck to the valley between your breasts then to your mound.
You’re hairy, having never needed to shave because of your faith. Enmu doesn’t mind this. In fact, it turns him on so much more.
He grips the hairs on your mound, pulling them upward to open you up more and expose your swollen clitoris. He just stares at you gushing more of your juices out of you, doing nothing to relieve the ache you felt. You whine, rolling your hips for him to do something.
His free hand comes up to pinch the sensitive nub eliciting a yelp from you. “It’s better than a dream.” He sighs.
He wastes no time, burying his head between your legs. His moans are desperate against your quivering core. His sweet, seductive voice is already enough to make you wet, now added with whininess and you’re flooding tongue.
You tug at his dark hair, grinding yourself against his face. He alternates between sucking and nipping your core with his sharp teeth, looking up at you with those big bright eyes.
“Thank you, master. You make me feel so good,” You mewl. He brings his mouth up to yours, allowing you to taste yourself. You feel yourself already accustomed to the taste of blood, your tongue running along his fangs.
Circling his longest finger around your tight entrance, he forces it causing you to gasp into his mouth at the foreign feeling. “How splendid,” He says. “Could you possibly take another?” You hear the squelch when a second finger enters you, mouth dropping as he begins to pump them slowly.
“Oh, fuuuck.” You whine, capturing his lips in a desperate session of tongues and clashing teeth.
He fucks his fingers into you deeper. “Am I really all you desire? Do you still care for the Hashira?”
“N-no, I only want you.”
“What about your God?” You were getting wetter and wetter by the second, liquids splashing your inner thighs and his fingers.
“I’ve renounced it all. I belong to you.”
“Do you mean this?” He flicks two curved fingers back and forth then swirl them around, thumb toying with your throbbing clit.
“Yes, master! Yes!” You sob. “Please just fuck me. I want your cock.”
Enmu feels a sense of pride at your admittance. He climbs over your body, kissing you roughly and nipping your bottom lip. You could feel his hardening cock sliding through your folds.
“Master…I want to feel your skin on mine.” You whisper, trying to remove his jacket. He watches you, amused by your desperation to feel him against you when moments ago you were pleading for him to stay away.
He figures he should assist you since you were begging to be fucked badly, crying tears of pain from not being filled. So, he quickly discards the reminder of his clothes.
You pull him on top of you, rolling around so that you are the one straddling him. You rest your core over the large tip. “May I please have you this way, master?”
“As you wish.” He says, breathlessly.
You sink down on his length immediately, eyes rolling into the back of your head. You hyperventilate, struggling and wanting to pull away from the intense pressure only for his hands to grip your hips and slam you down fully on his length. Your clitoris, making contact with his pelvis.
“Oh, my god.” Your hand flies up to cover your mouth in shock.
“Mmm, I wish you could see how perfect you look with horror on your face. I could feel the pain coursing through your veins intensifying. Ohh, it feels so good!” He laughs manically, fucking up into your extremely wet pussy. He pounds so deep you can see him poking within your tummy.
“My precious pet. So good. So needy.” He cries. Enmu has no doubt he’s broken the barrier within you. It was like you’d both felt the metaphorical “popping” off your cherry and soon you could smell the faint scent of blood.
You bounce on his cock, fucking him back. Even as the red tendrils slithered up to pin your hands behind your back, your rhythm doesn’t falter. He pulls your head down to look where the two of you neet, his thick trunk of a cock ramming into your swollen pussy which is now coated in a mixture of your arousal and blood.
“This means I own you now.” He beams and it almost appears as if he meant it out of love.
“Thank you, Master Enmu. I’m so grateful you’ve chosen me.” You pant.
He sits up, sucking a hardened nipple into his mouth then spanks your asscheek and you moan out his name. “We make a great pair, dear. I like to inflict pain and you like receiving it like a good little whore. I almost feel terrible ever thinking of offering you.”
“I’m yours. Only yours, Enmu.” You kiss him, sucking on his tongue and bobbing your head the way you would with his cock. You release his hand collides with another of your soft, plush globes.
“You just taste so sweet,” He whispers against the valley between your breasts. “Something I never could’ve imagined.”
His nails dig into your ass, scratching and separating them. Then, you feel something wiggle in the entrance of your puckered hole. “Relax and it shouldn’t hurt too much.”
A tentacle feeds itself into your ass and you cry out, biting into his shoulder which makes him cry out in delight. He just as much liked pain inflicted upon him, too.
Your nails dig into his back as he wriggles even more of it inside of you, stretching you. You felt so full, eyes crossed as he began to fuck you in both holes. His lips purse around your pebbled nipples again and it furthers your arousal as you cream around his cock.
“You’re sooo huge!” You whine, practically drooling on him.
Enmu rams into you over and over, the tip of his cock pistons for the soft trigger within you repeatedly. He alternates the motions so that whenever his cock goes in the tentacle would go out then vice versa and sometimes they’d pound into you at the same time and rhythm.
You’ve never experienced an orgasm but you were sure this one will possibly break your mind. Yet, you still chase it. Your hand slides in between your bodies to rub yourself when another set of tentacles take your hands again and pin them behind you.
“You don’t get to cum yet. Not until I know you’ve surrendered yourself to me fully.” He drives deeper into your cunt in time with the tentacle in your ass.
“Hnnngh.” You groan, only the whites of your eyes are shown.
All movement stops and he’s pulling out of you. You whine but soon find yourself being lifted like a feather and placed on your stomach. Your face is planted into the pillow beneath you. Without much preparation, he’s pounding into you again the sounds of your ass colliding with his pelvis sounding in the room.
“Fuck! Enmu, you’re so fucking good.” You’re crying into the pillow, the squelching and shlucking noises of your pussy around him drives you to madness.
He grunts above you, indulging in your constricting walls. Enmu knew at that moment he couldn’t possibly give you away to him. Especially not after the feelings you are making him feel when he’s never been the type to care for sex this badly.
You dig your nails into his hands, the sentient mouth biting down on your fingers. Enmu’s sweaty hair falls over his face as he fucks you into the mattress with deep, long strokes. The bed creaks under you, headboard banging loudly against the wall in competition with your screams.
A tentacle tugs your hair forcing your face to the side and brings itself to your mouth to suck on. You happily suck on it and the way he’s moaning lets you know that he’s feeling it as if you were sucking his cock.
He turns you both to the side, spooning you from behind and you can tell that he’s close by frantically he’s rutting into your suctioning core. Enmu brings your leg back, hooking it around his waist so that your clit is exposed, allowing the tentacle to suction on your clitioris. The tentacle has a tongue-like appendage that laps away at the sensitive bud as well.
“I’m close. I can feel it, Master. Oh, please can I cum? I’ve been so good!”
“Once, you cum. That means I officially own you, my dear. You’ll do everything I say from now on.”
“Whatever you want, master. I’ll obey,” You bring your hand to cup the back of his neck, forcing his lips onto yours. Your tongues fighting for dominance. “I want your cum, master. Own me. Own my pussy.”
“Ohhh baby…” He moans, feeling the familiar build up.
With your face turned up, you look over your shoulder keeping your face near his face as it hovers. The two of you breathe each other’s air, swallowing down every moan and sob as you stare intensely. His hands play across your stomach then press down on the bulge and your vision goes white.
In a silent scream, you spray your juices on his cock and all over him. At that moment, he bites into your neck and the feeling intensifies. You tighten around him like a vice and he’s cumming deep into you. His essence feels hot as it rages through you, painting as deep as it could and pushing past your cervix and it fills you to the brim. You felt so full inside you were sure that his cum made your stomach bloat a little in the process.
You moan out, feeling yourself lightheaded as he drinks your blood. All you could do is grip his hair for reality and that it’ll be over soon.
You go limp when he finally releases your neck, hitting into you one last time and playing with your clit and you were coming again and hard; despite your low energy. You’re shocked by how it was possible to do so. It felt so sudden yet here you were weeping and gasping on his cock.
You’re screaming again as the tentacle has no mercy, playing with your overly sensitive clit. You can hear horrifying screams outside in the night mixing in with your blissed out ones. Your eyes searching the room as you see the patients writhe in their beds still terrorized by his spell.
“Enmu, please…set them fr—Oh goddd,” You cry out, the pleasure is too intense to even concern yourself with the horrors that surround you.
“That’s right, pet,” Enmu teases, cock wreaking through you. “Let’s compete with those screams! While they’re experiencing their nightmares, you to live out your wildest dreams. It’s exquisitely beautiful.”
“Fuuuc—Ohhhh mmuhg.”You can hardly for words, twitching against him and eyes glossed over. The neverending orgasm finally ends and you now lay boneless, officially corrupted.
He kisses your neck, chest flushed against you. You wanted to cover your ears and block out the screams but you couldn’t move. You couldn’t even bring yourself to remove his cock from inside you. It didn’t seem like he wanted to slip out of you either, curling an arm around your waist.
“You’re mine forever,” He nuzzles against you. “That is our deal until the very end.”
“Yes, Master.” You say squeezing your walls around him and earning a guttural moan from him.
“Good girl. We’ll be getting you cleaned up once you gain your movements. You’re coming back home with me.” He rubs your stomach.
“M-master…is it possible that you could free these people? No more casualties need to happen tonight. You’ve fed on me. Am I not enough? I beg you. Release them.”
He pokes your cheek, playfully. “You’re much too kind for your own good. Tell you what…I’ll free these people… in exchange for the Hashira’s blood.”
You stare up at him in horror. “No! I—“
“This should be an easy choice. Must I remind you that you are the one who said you didn’t care for him anymore? So what’ll it be, my pet?” He smiles down at you wickedly and it was at that point you’re reminded exactly why he’s considered a demon.
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squ1shytum · 1 year
tw/fw- omorashi, breeding, cumflation. (afab partner)
long time, no see!
and i’ve got a weird, multi-fetish, probably slightly far-fetched, scenario for those who just love seeing how much you can push the limits, seeing how tight and full someone can actually get.
you have your partner eat every last piece of food, along with the large drink, preferably soda, you choose to order for them, the soda and food making all kinds of cute, loud noises as it mixes with the air from the carbonation in their tummy. i’m a sucker for tummy noises, so i will tell you to sway your hips here and there, just to demonstrate how heavy and full you are.
even before and during this, you make sure to have them drink constant amounts of liquid, it doesn’t matter what, just enough to keep them full, and fill up that bladder, so that after they eat, their tummy isn’t the only thing that’s full to the brim.
you’re even lucky if their bladder is already tight before they start to eat, because as a little bonus you could stroke and push on their bladder as they eat and drink more, filling their tummy, just edging and teasing them on as you push on their distended lower stomach.
after they’ve eaten as much as they could fit, making sure they top it off with finishing that drink of course, take some time to enjoy and tease how tight and full your love looks, just for you. rubbing, kissing, squeezing, licking, poking and pushing onto their tummy, hoping to feel them writhe for more against you. and they’re lucky, because there is more. much more.
asking them to bend over for you, and they do so, moaning in the process as this squeezes at their double-distended tummy, but they have to sit there, bent over unpleasantly until you’ve helped them ready for an enema. now, should it be air or water? up to you.
in reward for them being so good just for you, you leave them in control with how much they’re currently taking, in control of when to stop and when to go. you’re still in front of them, touching and teasing, which obviously influences how much you’d love them to take for you. they love your hands all over them anyway, so they won’t stop until you say so, regardless.
let’s see how well they can hold being so tight and full in three different places, maybe even four if you wanna get creative and add in a lil cumflation for fun after, breeding their cute, tight little hole. creampie the fuck out of your full baby.
if they can’t hold it all, they’re punished.
and i’ll leave that part up to your imagination.
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manuscrypts · 5 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀RULES
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if you fit the basic dni criteria ( racist, homophobic, sexist, hateful etc ).
you spread hate in any way , do not abuse my ask box with hate for me or other people , to spread rumors , hate on characters / writing — anything like that
if you’re under 18 , have a blank / ageless blog , spam like. I check my following often and will hard block anyone who doesn’t follow my rules
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I post and interact with dark content, if you don’t like that then scroll past or block me. I don’t care about your opinions on dark content , I tolerate zero hate toward it. all tw and cw will be tagged at the beginning of each post so please read those and curate your own online experience.
I share and post aged-up characters , so if you don’t like that then please block me and do not bring drama to my blog! all characters in my writings are age 21+ including the reader. respect others opinions on the subject , and do not engage if you share a different opinion , I will not get into this discourse.
I am a slow writer and only do this as a hobby , i’ll write when I want so please don’t rush me , I’m also trying to get better at writing so please excuse that
nearly all my posts are female / gender neutral oriented unless stated otherwise , I try to avoid reader descriptions as much as possible and tag everything accordingly — if I miss any tags please tell me!
I use the block button freely, you may get blocked for a number of reasons ; being hateful , being a minor / blank blog , spam like , associate with someone I don’t like , or I simply don’t feel comfortable around you. I break mutuals with hard blocks to avoid awkward situations , so please don’t take it personally!
I currently do not write anywhere other than tumblr , so please if you see any of my work anywhere else, tell me!
I don’t always take requests, but I am open to thirsts and general chit-chat in my ask box , so don’t be afraid to send an ask! if you send a request and I don’t write it but I write someone else’s , don’t take it personally , I just write what I find most interesting to me at the time <3
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aphrodisiacs , anal , age gaps , breeding , breath play , bondage , cumflation , cum eating , cuckolding , corruption kinks , dubcon , dacryphilia , daddy / mommy kink , drugging (sometimes) , degradation , femdom , fisting , fear play , gun play , knife play , kidnapping , lactation , monsterfucking , noncon , pegging , pet play , power dynamics , praising , roleplay , stepcest , spitting , somnophilia , tentacle fucking , water sports , and more.
age play , anything involving animals , child abuse , eating disorders , extreme gore , foot fetishes , gender dysphoria , heavy drug use / addiction (heroin, meth etc) , high school student × high school teacher (college is fine) , suicide , stds , self-harm , scat , snuff , vomit , vore , and probably more.
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dhr-ao3 · 7 months
The Gryffindor Princesss Self-Appointed Knights
The Gryffindor Princess’s Self-Appointed Knights https://ift.tt/zMYTPNy by sirsbrattyfox1997 Three years after the war Hermione has been with Ron for that amount of time but only engaged for the last two and when she repeatedly shows up to Grimmauld Place beaten and bruised to a pulp, 10 extremely handsome, angry, powerful, Hermione-obsessed wizards appoint themselves as her Knights in Shining Robes. But what happens when the alcoholic rage-induced Ron Weasley finds out and tries to get his fiancé back? All Harry Potter characters are owned by J.K. Rowling ⚠️TW mentions of R@pë & Seggsu@l Assault⚠️ ⚠️Warning: Pørñøgr@phįc elements such as, ⚠️tentacle impregnation ⚠️cumflation ⚠️futas/women with 🍆 ⚠️Bę@štįalïty ⚠️women impregnating women ⚠️polyamory ⚠️polygamy elements Words: 21802, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: Multi Characters: Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Severus Snape, Viktor Krum, Remus Lupin, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Charlie Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Abraxas Malfoy, Forbidden Forest Centaur Herd (Harry Potter), Acromantula Characters (Harry Potter), Giant Squid (Harry Potter), Grawp (Harry Potter) Relationships: Sirius Black/Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley, Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum, Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley, Hermione Granger/George Weasley, Hermione Granger/Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger/Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood/Rolf Scamander, Hermione Granger/Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Neville Longbottom, Padma Patil/Parvati Patil, Hermione Granger/Rubeus Hagrid, Firenze/Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger/Abraxas Malfoy Additional Tags: Oviposition, Tentacles, Impregnation, Hermaphrodites, Multiple Partners, Twins, ABF, Lactation, Breastfeeding, Centaurs, Giant Spiders, Giant Squid of Hogwarts Lake, Egg Laying, Eggpreg, Milking, Lesbian Sex, Interracial Relationship, Adult Hermione Granger, Gangbang, Group Sex, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape/Non-con Elements, Tentacle Rape, Tentacle Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Breeding, Babies, squid - Freeform, Anal, Magic, Polyamory, Large Breasts, Rape, Sexual Assault via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/9rmbtDv November 09, 2023 at 05:59PM
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L.O.V kidnap you. when you wake back up you've lost your memory.
Marbles (Mr. Compress x Reader)
Warnings: Noncon, cumflation, belly bulges, forced filming, butt stuff, massive amount of cum, yandere
Nullified Quirk  (Shigaraki x Reader)+ Aizawa
TW: Noncon
Shigaraki fucking Aizawas daughter/student/someone v close to him, and having Aizawa be forced watch and use his quirk so Shigaraki can touch her fully without her truning into dust
Ensnared (Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi) 
 Warnings: Noncon, stuck in a wall sex, forced oral sex, forced orgasm, facefucking, degradation, water sports (Shigaraki be pissing), yandere
shigaraki fucking all mights daughter who is quirkless.
Warnings: noncon, forced breeding, yandere
MANNERS Shigaraki Tomura x Fem! Reader x Shuichi Iguchi (Spinner)
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kiwicopia · 5 months
🔞MDNI | Neuvillette x GN!Reader x Zhongli (blurb) 🔞
TW: threesome, hybrid forms, Eiffel Tower position, size difference, throat fucking, stomach bulging, reader tied to a table, cum swallowing, some praise, m×m kissing, cumflation.
Note: based around an art piece by KiraShion on X/Twitter. 🤭
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"Look at that," cooed Zhongli. One hand firmly held your hip while the other slid up and over the bulge he caused. His thumb pressed down on the top, where his tip was, and he hummed in satisfaction before sliding his hand back down to your hip. His claws dug into you after he pulled back and slammed his hips against yours, bringing forth a moan that was muffled by the other cock that kept your mouth stuffed.
Neuvillette growled softly when you moaned, his dick twitching at the pleasant vibration that sent chills down his spine. His claws dug into the table the harder he gripped the sides of it, and he growled again as his hips snapped forward, sending him further down your throat. Your nostrils flared as your body squirmed in place, causing the geo dragon to huff as his claws dug into your hips a bit more. If the pair hadn't tied you down to the table, you certainly would have been moving more than you currently were, and they preferred you to stay still for them.
"Stop moving," Zhongli said. His eyes narrowed slightly, only relaxing when your body followed his order. He hummed softly before ramming into you again, pulling yet another moan from you that caused the hydro dragon to groan as he fucked your mouth. "Look at you, making such cute sounds." His eyes flicked from you and to Neuvillette, watching as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back in pleasure. Compelled by the pleasure, Zhongli reached out and slid his fingers through the man's ashen locks before tugging his head forward a little.
Neuvillette's eyes cracked open and, before he knew it, his tongue slid out to meet Zhongli's. You were too fucked out to notice, but you could tell what was happening based on the way the hydro dragon's tail whipped around. The geo dragon growled softly as his tongue wrapped around the other, and it wasn't long before his lips crashed against the man's. Neuvillette's hips sputtered as the taste of wine registered in his brain, and he let out a groan as his movements picked up. His cock tore through your throat repeatedly while Zhongli bullied your tight hole.
The wooden table creaked the harder the hydro dragon fucked your mouth, and your muffled moans served to bring him closer to the edge. His tail thrashed wildly from the pleasure that flooded his senses, soon sending him over the edge. Neuvillette broke his kiss with the other dragon as he came undone with a soft groan. His head leaned back and his tail twitched as his cum shot down your throat, and you instinctively swallowed when he pulled out. Your breathing was ragged, and the expression on your face when your head shifted to look at Zhongli finally broke him.
His hips slammed into yours one last time, letting you milk his cock for every last bit of cum he had. His own tail twitched at the sensation, and a low growl left his lips as he watched the way your stomach bulged further from how much he emptied into you. Zhongli then slid himself out and watched as his seed seeped out of your hole. Both dragons marveled at how you looked. Lips parted, tongue lolled out to the side, cum still present on the corners of your lips, and your body twitching slightly from the pleasure of it all. You were enthralling, like a small, blank canvas that had now become a delicious work of art.
"You did well," the geo dragon cooed, praising you. Neuvillette hummed in agreement, though both dragons knew you weren't listening. "The poor thing."
"They're all tired now," said the hydro dragon.
The two then switched positions, and your eyes followed each of them. "Shame," Zhongli sighed. "We're not finished yet."
It was going to be a long, pleasurable night.
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nanqmies · 2 years
(Late) Halloween Headcanons w Toji
ftm reader implied!
tw : slight degradtion, cumflation, breeding kink, creampie, clothed sex, modern au, daddy kink, overstim, slight dumbification?, toji is a good father
wc : 0.8k
not beta read so there might be mistakes !
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Toji wouldn't give a shit about the holiday unless you did, he'd sigh and go shopping for halloween decorations and candy with you. If you take him to get pumpkins he WILL be annoyed if you ask him which ones to get
"They all look the fuckin same anyways." he rolls his eyes at you.
He is surprisingly good at carving pumpkins, way better then you. He does laugh at you if you mess up but he'll help if you pout. His is detailed and and look nice, spooky faces and characters are carved on the skin. Your pumpkin is a little derpy and more cute next to his. He'll tell the trick or treaters that you made the nice looking ones just to make you feel better.
Megumi is excited to have his sleepover and go get candy with Nobara and Yuji , hes dresses as a wolf with fluffy ears and a tail with his pumpkin basket.. You can't help but kiss his chubby cheeks all over and fill your gallery with pictures. "Look at you! Oh you look so adorable!" you coo, leaving pecks all over his face, his hands placed on your shoulders, Toji grins at the both of you. "You're smothering him again.."
He wants to scare the trick or treaters while he gives out candy, his costume is very different compared to yours. Your costume is cute while he used too much fake blood on his.
When Gojo takes Gumi out to trick or treat with his friends in his cute costume, you both put on your owns. Toji of course wanted to scare the kids with his, he wore a jason mask and had a fake machete to scare them. You sigh at him as the kids were too scared to take the candy out the bowl so you had to give them handfuls yourself.
Toji would constantly try to sneak some pieces of candy while you weren't looking so you would have to swat his hands away every time he reached in for one. He frowns at you when he pops a piece of chocolate in his mouth and you roll your eyes again. “Don’t eat all the candies they're for the kids!" you say, glaring at him. He shrugs in response and grabs one more before leaving you there without a word.You huff and cross your arms as you watch him go back inside.
nsfw under the cut~
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It's 8pm when your candy bowl is empty, you walk back into the house to refill but Toji stops you. He pulls you to the couch and shuts the front door, kneeling behind you.
His big hands grab the fat of your ass through your tight outfit, you groan from the roughness and pull out of his grip. "I need to give out the rest of the candy.." you whine trying to get away from his grasp, he only laughs and presses his hard on on your ass, "You think you can run away after being dressed like this?"
Pulling your bottoms to the side and stretching your sex around his thick fingers, hitting spots you'd never be able to yourself, "Teasing me like that, dressing up all slutty so i'd fuck you hm?" He bites the shell of your ear, licking down to your throat. "You want that so bad? So bad you'd dress up like this?" He whispers harshly, pumping his fingers faster, "So I could fuck ya right here? Right now?" You pant and nod your head quickly, bucking your hips against his hand, feeling the pressure building in your tummy.
You cum atleast twice before he finally entires your abused hole, his fat tip pushing into you with ease as he kisses your neck. He grips your hips harder as he starts thrusting slowly, you gasp and let him know how good it feels. It doesn't last for long before he starts fucking you roughly, the grip around your hips getting tighter everytime his pelvis smacks against your ass. "Daddy's gonna breed his little slut yea?" he moans out, kissing the side of your neck roughly, "Mhm… Daddy.. m-more please!" you moan out, grabbing at the couch to hold on to something. "Please!" you whimper, tears running down your cheeks while your eyes roll back. Toji keeps pounding into you, your walls clenching against him each time he goes in deep, his hand digging into your hips.
You cum again and again as Toji fills you up full with his warm cum, he pants as his orgasm washes over him once again. He pulls out, his previous loadx dribble out before pushing it back in."This one will take.." he breathes, rubbing your bloated tummy. Your eyes flutter closed humming softly in response, "All breeded full for me.. Maybe we'll give Gumi a sibling.." he pecks your lips gently.
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@nanqmies 2022
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4gotnn · 5 months
Aes blog: @4g0t3n (tw: gore/blood)
Cw for blog: untagged horny posts, hardcore kinks, generally nsft, occasional blood (but no gore)
More about me:
I use they/them pronouns, I'm transmasc, bisexual, and T4T
Turn ons: breeding, noncon, dubcon, CNC, blood, guro, monsterfucking, tentacles, BDSM, femdom, bondage, milking, light cumflation, me being forcibly detransed
Turn offs: incest, beastiality, scat, I'm iffy on piss but in most scenarios its a no, pedophillia, race play, feeder/feedee (I have an eating disorder)
My AO3 is degenregen. There will be no fandom trash on this blog.
I do not condone IRL rape, murder, mysogyny, or transphobia. If you are genuinely transphobic, (TERF, truscum, right wing, ect.) DNI. I use kinks to cope with my trauma. If my kinks are harmful to you, block me.
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I know not many fics exist of this but a noncon muscular x reader would be pretty sweet
Muscular/F!Darling: Late Night Craving
TW: Noncon, slight belly bulge and/or cumflation
Goto was someone who acted on impulse. He wanted something? He took it. Someone was annoying him? He beat them to a bloody pulp or threw them across the room to shut them up. If he found himself eyeing a cute little thing that made his pants tight and his mind wander south, he'd fuck them regardless of whatever they wanted. And if they happened by chance to be walking past him on a late night, clearly not seeing the warning signs of being alone in this neighborhood while he enjoyed a smoke outside his place, how could he not take that chance? She was practically dropped onto his doorstep.
She'd been so terrified when he'd snatched her out of nowhere on the sidewalk. Her surprised scream had barely made a sound with his hand clamped over her mouth, and he quickly kicked open the front door to his apartment building. She desperately tried to look around and call for help, but to her dismay nobody else was in the dingy and dimly-lit lobby. Goto turned her around in his arms to face him and forced her lips against his while she squirmed in his grasp. The more she struggled and tried to push him away, the stronger his grip on her waist became. "On your way home from a night out, huh?" He shoved two fingers into her mouth to keep her from screaming as he lowered his head to sloppily kiss her neck and rock his hips against her. "I can taste the booze on your tongue."
She tried biting his fingers, but the sudden burst of muscle and sinew wrapped around them and he barely felt her teeth graze him. He laughed and used his arm around her waist to hoist her up, carrying her while she punched and kicked him and tried to jerk her head back. Despite how hard she was fighting, Muscular was used to the way his girls tried to fend him off; all he had to do was thicken up his muscles a bit and make his way to his door while they tired themselves out with that initial rush of adrenaline.
He'd only just gone out for a smoke and thankfully had left his door unlocked (everybody in the building, even if they were all criminals and Villains, knew better than to try and steal from him while he was out). He pushed the door open with his hip and kicked it shut behind him, and he pinned her to the nearby wall with one hand. "Here's how this can go," he said bluntly. "You can keep fighting with those weak little kicks and punches and scream for help, but nobody who can hear you is gonna come save you. And if you manage to piss me off, I'll just break your jaw before fucking you so you don't make any more noise." He brushed the side of her face with his thumb, and she whimpered in fear.
"Or..." He moved his fingers back a little bit to give her some room to breathe, and slowly rocked his hips against her. "You can be a good girl, and instead of crushing any bones, I can make you feel good too." He started to kiss her neck again, grazing his teeth against her soft skin. "Maybe instead of ripping you up by going in dry, I'll grab some lube for you. Or I'll make my own by eating your pussy first." His cock stirred as he rutted against her thighs and felt her start to tremble underneath him; that adrenaline was waning and being replaced with fear. Hopelessness. This was happening whether she wanted it to or not--the only choice she had now was how painful it was going to be.
She'd started crying the moment he'd first grabbed her, and now tears streamed down her face as she struggled to not gag on his fingers in her throat. After a few seconds of muffled whimpers and sniffling, she looked up at him with bleary red-tinged eyes and nodded weakly. He grinned and finally removed his fingers, and she coughed and gasped now that she could breathe freely again.
"Sounds nice, yeah?" Muscular snickered and lifted her up, and she instinctively put her arms on his shoulders to keep from falling. He carried her over to his bedroom and lay her down on her back against his large (if a bit unkempt and worn) mattress. "Y'want me to taste your cute little pussy?"
She sniffed and turned her head away from him as she pressed her thighs together in a desperate attempt to keep his words from coming true. Muscular gave her a mock pout and leaned closer to her. "Oi, I'm not a mind reader, y'know." He placed one hand against her cheek and turned her head to face him again. The light from a nearby street lamp peeked through his window blinds; as she stared up at him with wide eyes, her tearstains shined across her cheeks. "If you want me to eat you out and make you cum, you gotta tell me." He pressed his thumb against her bottom lip, and her mouth opened just a crack.
"I..." She pressed her lips together and shifted uncomfortably underneath him. "I w-want...I want you to eat me out and...and make me c-cum," she echoed, her voice thick with tears and hollow as she was forced to play along with him. She wanted anything but this.
Muscular unzipped his pants to give his cock some freedom against the strain of his clothing, and groped one of her breasts before grabbing her shirt in his fist. "Let's get this off then," he said. His voice was already getting a bit ragged as he panted and salivated at the sight of her exposed skin. Fuck, it had been a while since he'd done this. He hastily kicked his pants off and tossed them aside before doing the same to her shirt, and then her pants. He hooked his fingers around the waist of her panties and easily ripped the fabric off; soon her bra met the same fate before being discarded on the side of the mattress.
"Name's Goto, by the way." He pressed his thick fingers against her clitoris and started to rub circles into her, making her tense her thighs and hiss at his fast pace. "You're gonna say my name when you cum." He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow. "Aren't ya?"
____ hastily nodded and tried her best to just stare at the cracked ceiling as she tried to shut Goto out. All she had to do was let him do what he wanted, and once he's done he'll just throw her back outside. She can go to the hospital, go to the police or a Hero, go home and break down alone...but for now, she had to get through this. The discomfort that initially came from the rapid movement of his fingers gradually gave way to a bit of pleasure and heat. That sensation only got stronger as he moved his other hand to play with her breast and bent his head down to alternate between sloppy kisses, sucks, and bites along her neck and other nipple.
He didn't talk very much as he toyed with her, wanting to enjoy his new girl's whines and pants while he got her nice and wet. Truth be told, he only ever toyed with his victims like this because he knew they'd probably die if he fucked them dry. Although as ____'s eyes started to flutter a bit and she started unwittingly rocking her hips a little against his hand, he couldn't say that he wasn't enjoying this as much as she seemed to be.
The feeling of his lips and teeth against her skin, the sudden sting when he'd bite her followed by a lingering dull pain, the sickening sound of her own arousal against his hand as he toyed with her clit...everything about this felt so disgusting and shameful and awful. Why was she getting wetter, then? Why did any part of this feel good? Why was that heat inside of her getting closer and closer to its peak?
Goto noticed the little signs that she was getting close: the way she clenched her thighs, the rising and falling of her chest, the way she squirmed underneath him and whined and whimpered a little louder and needier. He dragged some of his fingers down to her hole and experimentally slid one in. The stretch of just one of his thick fingers made her gasp, but the small rush of precum that ran from her lower lips eased any discomfort. "Yeah...you seem nice n' ready," he mused. He curled his finger inside of her to toy with an extra velvety spot in her walls, and she let out a squeal as he rubbed it and left her seeing stars. When he removed his finger and grabbed her by the hips, she felt a sudden rush of fear. She looked down and saw his cock at full attention; it was so much bigger than his fingers. She had managed to handle that, but as the head twitched and flushed pink as he set her down lower, a new wave of tears spilled down her cheeks. "No, no, please," she begged. She tried to push him away and shut her thighs together. "It won't fit, it'll kill me! You can't, please!"
"It'll fit," he replied firmly. "Here, you've been a good girl, so I'll give you some extra help." He reached with one hand for a half-empty bottle of lube on a makeshift cardboard nightstand near the mattress and flicked off the cap. Once his fingers were coated, he slid them inside of her walls--first one, then two, then three. The sudden cold of the gel was lost inside of her after a few seconds thanks to the heat radiating from her. Even with her own arousal and the lube, she felt completely stuffed with his fingers so deep inside of her. Goto pumped them in and out, subtly lowering her onto his lap and grinning when she started to rock her hips again in time with his hand. "See? You're taking three of my fingers at once, and you're barely crying anymore." He curled his fingers inside of her and her hands flew to cover her face in shame at the lewd moan she let out. "You're the perfect size for me to have around my cock. All nice n' tight."
He withdrew his fingers and guided his cock to line up with her entrance. She felt the blunt head against her and grabbed onto his shoulders to brace herself for what was coming. "Tell me your name first, baby," he cooed. "If I'm thank you for being such a nice little cocksleeve, I wanna know."
____ sniffled and tried to look down to avoid his gaze, but quickly looked back up when she saw his cock pressing against her. He'd licked his lips a moment ago, and they still shined with saliva as he leered at her. "____..."
Goto held her closer against him and finally lowered her onto his cock, practically aching with a need to fill something up. He let out a low groan at the feeling of her tight walls surrounding him almost like a second skin. He hated having to go slow like this when he first entered someone, just because it felt so goddamn good to be completely inside them right away. ____ gasped and clenched around his length, crying and burying her face against his shoulder as she clung to him for support. After a few moments he bottomed out inside of her and bit his lip with a smile. "Fuck, you feel nice," he breathed. He squeezed their backside and started to move his hips at a slow-but-deep pace. Every time he sheathed himself completely, she cried out and clenched even tighter around him.
____ had no idea how long he kept this slow pace. She couldn't talk, she couldn't think about anything but the unbearable heat and fullness that seemed to knock the wind from her lungs with every movement inside of her. It hurt, God, it hurt so much...but that stretch was starting to become intertwined with that damned heat and pleasure she was desperate to deny was even there.
Soon he sped up, moving her up and down like a doll as she clung to him as her only support. His breath was heavy against the curve of her neck, and soon the two of them were covered with a sheen of sweat as he went faster and faster. He wasn't talking much anymore, which she was thankful for, but the animalistic way he was panting and growling was even worse.
Goto squeezed her sides and moaned, and suddenly he pistoned his hips as he chased the orgasm that was getting closer and closer. ____ gasped and wailed as that unwanted heat inside of her grew and grew alongside the pain of his fast and brutal pace. His panting grew faster as well, and more shallow as he followed his high and bounced her up and down his cock. "Fuck...fuck...fuck I'm gonna..." He bit and sucked on a fresh bruise to her shoulder, making her cry out again. Her sharp gasps and cries punctuated each thrust of his cock, and soon he was fucking her so quickly and roughly that she didn't even realize she was wailing as she came.
The moment he felt her squeeze and clench, convulsing and moaning while her breasts bounced and her cunt milked his cock left him drooling. He came inside of her a few thrusts later, throwing his head back and moaning with gritted teeth as his seed filled her up and trickled down her legs.
Goto stayed still for a moment and glanced down at her to admire his handiwork. He let out a shaky laugh. "H-holy shit..." He could see the faintest outline of his cock and the bulge around her womb from how much cum was trapped inside of her. Usually he tried to pull out of his girls before he came, but if THIS was the result of staying inside he wished he'd done it sooner. He ran his thumb over her lower stomach and felt her shiver.
He placed one hand on the back of her neck and forced her to look down at her lower half. "Watch," he ordered. He slowly lifted her with his other hand, and ____ let out a broken whimper as he eased his way out of her. A few strands of white clung to his cock and connected the two of them; a thick stream of cum dripped from her twitching cunt and splattered onto his lap. She fell forward and became limp in his arms now that he had pulled out of her, and Goto wrapped his arms around her with his lips parted in a small satisfied smile.
He turned around until he was underneath her and sank into his mattress, and lazily reached for a blanket to pull over the two of them with one hand. "That was...fuck, it's been a while since I felt that good," he muttered. He rubbed the side of her shoulder and maneuvered her into a more comfortable position on top of him, with her head against his chest. "Normally I'd toss ya out after I was done, but...I don't think I'm done with you yet. I'm gonna keep ya, ____." He sighed and smiled sleepily as he played absentmindedly with one of her breasts to help him fall asleep. ____ continued to shiver and stared in shock at the cracked wall across from her. A few silent tears ran down her face as she finally let her exhaustion take her. Maybe when she woke up, she'd be anywhere else.
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Kinktober #6 - Cumflation
A/N: Short and sweet, this installment was a challenge if only for the lack of concept. Once we found one, it flowed and I was content. Endeavor/Enji is a wealth of kinks waiting to be mined. Hopefully this one lands...
Office chatter was never really on Enji's radar until you came back from an assignment from the Public Safety Commission with a healthy glow rising in your cheeks. His ears perked at the sound of your voice, like caramel to his ears, and he pantomimed finishing his reports. Going through the motions, pen dragging aimlessly as he checked boxes and scribbled in half-assed notes, he couldn't help his mind from wandering as his aqua eyes raked over your body. 
 As you were recounting your meetings or the upcoming regulation changes with hero registration laws Enji was busy imagining how lovely you would be draped over the rough planes of his torso in nothing but your perfume. The fabricated memory of your delicate fingernails clawing into his back made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. You'd be rougher than his meek little trophy wife-- he could feel it down to his marrow, could see it in the way your lips curled in a charmingly disarming smirk as you spoke. How desperately would you have Endeavor beg just to drag his tongue along your curves to taste your sweat? He turned the page on the report sheet and felt the heavy ache thrum in his costume in time with his quickening heart. 
It came in flashes- a scene Enji kept tucked away like a dirty secret hidden away at the bottom of an underwear drawer, and he played on repeat in his head whenever you were near.
A flicker of cum-stained, red silk hidden beneath a gray tweed pencil skirt only hinted at the depravity he wanted to share with his unsuspecting PSC liaison. The beginning changed, but the ending was always the same. Sweat began to bead on his brow the longer he dwelled on the sight of your needy cunt drooling and twitching in anticipation. You were so tiny in comparison-- he could almost wrap his hand around your waist and sink into your warmth as if you were just another cocksleeve for him to fill. Under his heavy palm, he could feel your organs struggle to shift to accommodate what had to be the most impressive cock you've ever taken in your life. He wondered if you'd scream into the stretch, or if you'd open and accept that he had zero intentions of pulling out…
His eyes glazed over at the thought, licking his fingertips carefully to turn the page on his report. You perched yourself on the corner of your desk, unknowingly flashing Enji a scintillating view of your garter belt clipping into your stockings. The porno unfolding in his head continued, and briefly he swore he could feel your pussy clenching around his clothed cock in time with the cadence of your words. 
He could see you seated proudly on his lap, legs splayed open and dripping slick down his balls as he rutted deeper into you. His thick fingers played on your slick-soaked clit and he knew it was only a matter of time before you'd fall apart and send him careening over the edge with you. The meat of his palm rested on the obvious bulge in your abdomen, so apparent he could almost stroke himself through your soft skin. The longer he let himself linger on how best to ruin you the more Enji was left shifting in his office chair, eyes heavy with lust and want as they burned through your clothes with hellfire intensity. He felt himself seize inside your hungry pussy, craving that sensation of being milked and drained into a fertile, worthy vessel. 
The image of your panting, drooling, crying face as your stomach stretched with the Number One hero's potent seed would be forever seared into Enji's imagination. He rutted his hips up into you just to pump more of his cum into your wasted hole and to watch your belly swell. The thought of fucking a baby into you on the first go-around left him vibrating with repressed sexual desire. He crossed his legs to try and relieve some of the pressure on his tumescence. 
"Endeavor?" you murmured over him, blinking at the mess of ink and illegible reports you'd have to doctor before handing off to the PSC. It wasn't like the flame hero to ignore you. Laying a tiny, doll-like hand on his mammoth shoulder, you gave him a slight push. "Enji, are you alright?"
He looked up at you, shaking himself from his dirty daydream and felt fire burn in his pale cheeks when his eyes met yours. Hip cocked to the side, it was your turn to undress the volcano of a man with just your stare. You licked your lips and flashed him a demure smile before taking his hand, eyes flickering down to the painful erection outlined in flame-retardant spandex. 
"Let me take care of that for you."
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Dude I feel it when you mentioned womb fucking in that kiri thirst. Like I know womb fucking is probably not realistic and most likely painful but like my fantasies say no ~. The idea of getting fucked so hard in your womb that you’re babbling mindlessly and drooling makes me 🥵🥵🥵. Like yes you can have my womb and cum in it too * cough * tomura * cough *
Oh yes, the mind knows it’s not realistic but the horny lizard brain does not care. Just the idea of you getting stretched so far open that something is inside your womb, pressing against the skin so that you can visibly see it... whoever is fucking you pushes down and feels themselves inside of you.
You’re so far gone that you can’t stop cumming and squirting everywhere, making it easier for them to slip even further inside of you. And then when they finally cum, you see your belly move and swell as they empty themselves directly into your womb and you black out from the sheer intense pleasure of it.
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bullshxtvixen · 4 years
i like to think that Aone or Ushi would press on ur stomach to feel how deep they're inside u 👀👀👀
The idea of this has me clenching.
But specifically if they did this after they’d filled you with so much cum that you got a cute little belly bulge 🥰
Just the sight of it has them already hard again while they’re still balls deep inside you, their slick skin flush against yours.
They press lightly at first, Marvelling at how full you feel, but then they slowly grind hard against you and when they feel the pressure of their cock beneath their palm it triggers something inside them.
As you whine and writhe beneath them, your body spent but still oh so sensitive that just the slightest bit of pressure is so intense that it’s painful, they can’t help but press down a little too hard at the same time they put all of their power behind one last thrust.
Their cum immediately starts pouring out of your abused little cunt right as your body is thrown into one last orgasm. It’s so intense that your spine feel like it might snap from how your back arches from the bed and white flashes across your vision as you convulse around their cock.
They can only watch in awe as you’re left twitching on the bed, your body and mind a mess as a slow stream of white leaks from between your legs.
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