#tw:mentions of assault
mortuaest · 10 months
Large rant, sorry. Please ignore if any of the trigger warnings are going to be an issue. I need to get it off of my chest because if I rant on FB I get hit with a character limit and I should make a personal Tumblr which I think I have but dont remember shit about.
Ive been having severe, and I mean severe as fuck mental and emotional breakdowns because of the fact that its literally been almost a year (Its going to be a year October 29th) since I've had to put down Ice Cube, my ESA of 14.5 years. He had cancer in his cheek and it was placed right to where it would effect his quality of life severely negatively if we tried to surgically take it out, and he would possibly die on the table if we did it because of his age, and he was declining (He wasn't eating, he was drinking, he really wasnt eating as much as I wanted him to, he was spitting back up the pills I was giving him, he was suffering) and my mental and emotional health has been severely suffering each and every day that passes without him.
I have another cat, I got him in April, thinking I was alright. Which I was I guess. Im being reminded via FB memories and just my own fucked up brain wanting me to join him to where I'm legit giving myself until December 31st, 2023 to have someone. Anyone give me a fucking sigh to keep on living. Im going to be going through a program my friend suggested to make a will, making her I forgot the words she used but shes going to make sure that my will is listened to and Albert Whisker, the cat I have now is taken care of.
I cant keep on living, and the fact that this heartbreak is fucking me up so badly to the point where the large baggie of medications (ranging from insomnia medications to Very STRONG painkillers and such, as well as my daily medications the day of me going to attempt) is very tempting to take now. And I mean very tempting. Meaning I almost took it yesterday, after my first mental break and me physically hurting myself by slamming a brush ungodly hard into my head because I legit believe I deserve everything that has happened to me (The physical, emotional and mental abuse that I got for 20 some odd years from my mother, the severe car accident from last year, the rapes, everything. My friends being murdered or dying around me, loosing the only thing that even brought light to my life).
No one in my life cares. No one seems to care. Ive been severely struggling and each time IVe even bothered to reach out for help via friends. Since my father hates me for being trans and my sister doesnt give a fuck to even bother to help me. My mother was the cause of my two rapes/sexual assaults in my life and wants me dead because Im autistic. No one wants to help, or no one seems interested in even keeping me around.
Cosplay isnt helping. Video games aren't either. I havent felt any happiness since last year. I could deal with this if he was still alive. But at the same time Im lying to myself, I havent known what made me happy other than my past cat Ice Cube. I stayed for him since I love him. I had him since he was five weeks old. We bonded. Its not the case with Albert and I feel he loves me but we dont have the connection and never will.
Im never going to feel anything other than severe misery and depression. At least, that's what I 100% believe.
TLDR: Im severely struggling and dont know what to do anymore. I dont trust my new therapist even though she has stated more than once and my friend who also goes to her has stated more than once she wont send me to inpatient or CPAP and she tries to avoid hospitalization if we can. But because of multiple decades of PTSD, abuse, and being denied the proper treatment, help, support from friends and family that I should of gotten Im at the point where Im giving myself until December 31st to find a reason to stay alive and if I dont then Im letting my queue run out.
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
You Can't Kill Me
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Pogue!reader
TW:mentions of mental and physical abuse, mentions of violence, angst, I think thats it
Summary: Ward may be able to intimidate Rafe, but those tactics don't work on you.
Word Count:1.4k
A/N: I don't love how this turned out but im posting it anyway bc somebody needs to stand up for our boy
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Ward Cameron is everything you hate wrapped up in a neat bow. He's greedy, selfish, and a manipulative liar. Worst of all, he plays the role of a doting husband and father in public.
He's a textbook abuser, all the way down to the carefully constructed smokescreen that gives the allusion of a perfect all-American family. It's all schmoozing and practiced laughter around anyone that's not his namesake, but the sharpened teeth come out behind closed doors. 
You've been dating Rafe for two years now, much to Ward's displeasure. Your boyfriend has skirted around the topic, insisting that his dad is just hard on him. 
However, after an entire lifetime of growing up around people like Ward, you see right through him. He's never shown his true colors to you; even going as far as calling you his daughter to maintain the elaborate ruse. 
Under the surface, he knows he can't con you and that makes you a threat. You're not easily manipulated and gaslit like the Cameron siblings, and he hates that you're a wild card in a neatly organized deck. 
He can play house all he wants, but you're painfully aware of the ugly truth. He hates you, and though Rafe has never told you as such, you know he's been whispering in your boyfriend's ear trying to sabotage the relationship since he first introduced you as his girlfriend. 
He's destroyed every single one of his son's relationships, and he despises the fact you can't be scared off.
When you first met Rafe, he was spiraling. He was knee-deep in a coke addiction and had rage issues that rivaled Hulk. He was lost and confused, completely shrouded in his father's shadow. The two of you started as friends while he worked on himself, and after a few months, he was in a better place. 
He's always credited you with saving him, though you insist that's not the case. 
"You swooped in and saved me, Y/N." Rafe whispers as he holds you under the sheets. You shake your head and glance up at him. 
"No, Rafe. I just gave you the strength to save yourself. You did all the hard work and you deserve the credit."
Though your boyfriend has made progress, he still doesn't stand up to his father the way he should. He takes the verbal lashings and occasional physical assaults with his head down, and Ward takes that as still having some form of control over his son. 
You're watching from behind a door as Ward lays into Rafe, screaming about how he fucked over the family and needs to 'man up'. It's been about ten minutes, and you've remained silent as your boyfriend shrinks into himself. 
However, you perk up when you hear your name mentioned and it occurs to you just how deranged the elder Cameron is. You know he's done some shady shit; Rafe has told you how dangerous he is and tried to protect you.
"This all started when Y/N came around. Maybe I need to kill your little pogue fling so you can start to see clearly again."
Rafe may be afraid to speak up but you're not, and Ward is about to find out just how sharp your tongue really is. 
"Many have tried, all have failed. I've gone toe to toe with men that make you look like a trembling chihuahua, Ward. What makes you think you'll get me before I get you?"
Both men look startled at your sudden presence as you emerge from the shadows with a wicked glint in your eye. 
"Your first mistake is assuming you're more dangerous than me." 
Rafe's eyes widen at the thinly veiled threat, and suddenly Ward's wrath is laser-focused on you. 
"What did you say?" 
You roll your eyes and take a step closer, never breaking eye contact. 
"You heard me." 
He turns back to Rafe now, his features softening as he prepares to play the victim. 
"Rafe, you have to see how bad she is for you. For us! You've changed, son."
You can see the turmoil in your boyfriend's blue eyes as they dart between you and his father, and block his body with yours. 
"You mean he's not as easy to manipulate and control. Rafe's been doing your dirty work for years. You turned him into your sick twisted little puppet and I cut the strings."
Ward's eyes darken and you smile as you realize you struck a sore nerve. Ward may be used to confrontation, but he's not used to someone else holding the reigns. He bites because he has to; it's the only way he can control the narrative he wrote. 
However, you bite because it's fun. Arguments have always been a pastime for you, something you've perfected over the years. Kooks may have Pogues beat in every other walk of life but when it comes to fighting, whether physical or otherwise, you'll always come out on top. 
Rafe's hand squeezes your waist and Ward practically snarls as the mask comes off. 
"Listen here you little bitch-"
He's cut off when you take another stride forward, now chest to chest with the man. 
"No, you listen you psychopathic piece of shit. Your reign of terror is over. You lost. Kook rules don't apply to me, and so help me God if you so much as raise a finger to me I will pump you full of lead and claim self-defense." 
He falters for a moment, genuinely taken aback at your brazen threat, before scoffing. 
"You think they'll believe a pogue?"
You can tell he thinks he's got you, but his face drops when you smile. 
"No, but they'll believe Rafe."
Ward's eyes narrow and he's so close to you now that you can feel his breath fanning across your face in short pants. 
"I'm your boyfriend's father."
He doesn't even sound like he believes himself and you recognize fear in his eyes as he tries to appear unphased. 
"Why do you think you're still breathing?"
You pause to allow him time to snark back, and when he doesn't you continue. 
"You may have everyone else fooled, but I see you for what you are. You blame everything on Rafe, but the reality is you're the one that fucked up. Everything Rafe has done was because of you."
You feel Rafe pull you back slightly and relax into his arms. 
"It's okay, Y/N."
You shake your head, eyes still burning holes into Ward. 
"No, he needs to hear this. Did Rafe make some bad choices? Yes. Did those choices bring heat to your family? Sure. But all he wanted was your love and approval. The difference between you two is that he did what he did because he thought it was the right thing. Everything you've done is for another dollar in your pocket, and you're okay with throwing your kids to the wolves if it means you come out ahead. You're disgusting." 
Ward lunges for you, and you don't even flinch before Rafe pushes you behind him. 
"Don't. She's right. My whole life I've been begging for your attention and acceptance. I'm done."
He doesn't give his father a chance to respond, grasping your hand in his and pulling you out the front door. He doesn't stop until he's buckled you into his Rover and he drives away from the sound of screaming and shattering glass. 
"I'm proud of you." 
His eyes leave the road for a split second to glance at the side of your face and you look over. 
"Thank you. For saying you're proud of me and also for defending me."
Your hand reaches out to grab his and you squeeze gently. 
"Of course. You know if you need me I'll come running."
He gives you a grateful smile and you hesitate for a second before continuing. 
"Also, if you ever want me to beat his ass just say the word."
You say it so casually and Rafe's laugh echoes off the windows. 
"I'm serious! Put us in a boxing ring and I'll show him how Pogues do things. Closed fist, no gloves or anything."
He shakes his head at your antics and brings your knuckles to his mouth to give them a soft kiss.
"Who knew my girl was so scary?" He teases and you feign offense. 
"Everyone except you apparently. You think of yourself as big bag Rafe Cameron, the toughest guy in OBX. Everybody else knows I'm the one they should really be afraid of." 
You can't even finish your sentence without laughing and your heart soars when he joins you.
"I love you." 
"I love you too, you big softie."
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slightlystupidhun · 1 year
If The Shoe Fits…Bear It.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6,
Part 7
TW:Mentions of Assault
Summary: Prince Vincent Solaire, of Wonder Land, spends a wonderful night with a stranger, but what happens when the shoe left behind fits someone else.
It had been a three days since the assault and Lovely had only today, felt okay enough to eat and be around people other than Ollie and Vincent.
They felt unsafe, ashamed, and most of all angry. They would wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares, trying to make sure that he wouldn’t come back. Vincent had recently taken up staying in their room, just in case they would get a nightmare. On the night Vincent couldn’t be there, Ollie stayed just outside ready to help.
This morning they decided they were ready to have breakfast with everyone, and resume their etiquette lessons.
As they sat at the large wooden table it was quiet. Awkwardly so. There was an elephant in the room no one knew how to address. No one wanted to.
“Good morning your highness.” Ollie broke the silence first, as he poured them some tea.
“Good morning Sir Ollie.” They spoke out voice a little rougher than they intended.
“Your highness!” Tank called out, “Does Duke Sam here, not look like he would make a fantastic cowboy from one of those fairytales?” They asked, obviously trying to bring in some subject.
“Ah Well, I supposed the Duke would make a wonderful cowboy.” They offered Tank a smile.
“Respectfully your highness, I disagree, my partner here is just trying to make fun of me.” He playfully nudged Darlin.
“What? But Grand Duke, I fully believe you would make a wonderful cowboy! In fact perhaps that’s what we should call you rather than Grand Duke.” Vincent said playfully.
“Yes, quite.” William spoke up. “Oh, your highness.” He faces Lovely. “I have arranged for new tailors to come by. I want you to be part of the interview process. How would you feel about that?” He spoke quickly trying to rip off the bandaid.
“Thank you, your highness, I would appreciate that.” They spoke out softly and Vincent grasped their hand gently.
They had finished their lessons for the day and quickly pattered off the the meeting room where they could meet up with everyone for the interview.
They met with many tailors from all across the land. Their skills were impeccable, however, one stood out from the rest. Their name was Starlight and they had extremely impressive skills. Their seem work was top tier, and the garments they had already produced looked better than anything they had seen on any royal at the previous balls, granted they had only been to two.
Starlight would start this evening after dinner since they only had four days to create two outfits. They already had Vincent’s fitting complete and now only had to work on lovely.
They were set up in a new room. It was white with soft gold accents. It felt much warmer and more comforting than the other room that had previously been occupied by Adam.
As soon as lovely walked into the room, Starlight greeted them. It felt warm and welcoming, not pressured.
“Hello your highness, welcome in. If you could please stand in the center on the riser. Thank you.” They spoke, their voice equal parts cheery and tired. “So before we begin do I have your consent to take your measurements? I will only be touching you briefly, just enough to get your highnesses measurements.”
“Yes, you may, and thank you so much for asking.” They spoke, already feeling more comfortable.
“This is the bare minimum your highness. Alright, so first…” They began taking lovely’s measurements, explaining what they were doing and checking to make sure that it was okay each time. “Alright so that is all the measurements I needed, I will ask that your highness come back in three days starting today, so that I can do a last fitting.”
“I will thank you so much! I can’t wait to see your work!” Lovely beamed over at them.
“I can show you, if you would like, your highness.” They spoke grabbing a sketch book off of the desk.
“I would love to see!” They jumped up walking over.
“This first one is Vincent’s.” They spoke holding out the paper, with pinned fabric samples on it.
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“And I intend on adding white lace as well underneath. This way it will match with your highnesses.” They grabbed the other sketch next to it.
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“A black under shirt and fitted pants, with a long lace over coat, matched with a pair of black heels.”
Lovely was amazed by the sketches in front of them. The idea was already payed out for their gorgeous outfits and they couldn’t wait. When they left the room they saw Vincent there waiting for them. Why? Why was he just waiting outside of the room? He didn’t seem to pick up on their questions or their confused expression, he just offered them a smile.
“Would you like to accompany me to the garden?” He asked.
“At this hour?” They spoke, a smile creeping its way onto their features. “People will talk your highness.”
“It is alright if you wish to not come, I was offering because I want you with me, but if you have other plans…” he began walking away a smirk on his features.
“Oh I suppose I can accompany you, your highness.” They caught up to him as he held out his arm for them. Happily taking his arm they strode off to the garden together.
The stars were gorgeous that evening. They lit up the sky like lanterns, offering a soft glow to the flowers that filled the garden. They exchanged good conversation, and laughter, time always seemed to fly when they were together.
He picked a pink Camellia and placed it behind the left side of their ear. The pink camellia a sign of longing for you, a gorgeous flower. Their heart fluttered and they gave him a goofy lovesick smile.
In that moment as the light illuminated their face, the flower helping tuck their hair behind their ear. Vincent truly believed there was nothing more beautiful on the entire planet. He leaned down his face coming closer to theirs.
He wanted to kiss them, he wanted that warmth, he wanted to make that decree. But it wasn’t right. He couldn’t take that from them, not after what had just happened. So he began to back away. That was until they closed the distance themself.
It was soft, warm, tender, and sweet. Everything in the world stopped during that brief moment their lips connected. He would give his entire kingdom to feel that warmth again.
“Thank you, my prince, for everything.” They smiled as they cradled his cheek in their hand. He turned his head to kiss their palm and led them back to their room.
Everything would be fine, he thought. That night everything felt perfect. Everything would be fine.
*I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER!! I’ll try to get the next one out super fast, but I start classes back up again soon!! Also I know the sketches were bad I’m sry I was in a rush lol*
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cindersandroses · 4 years
Digital Get Down, Chapter 5
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AUTHORS: cindersandroses ( losille2000 and cinderella1181)
PAIRING: Actor!Henry Cavill/ Plus-Size OFC
GENRE: Romance/Fluff/HUMOR
FIC SUMMARY: When SuperHank met OrcPrincessPeach on the World of Warcraft message boards, it was love at first raid. Now, almost a year later, they’re ready to take the next step and meet in person. Half a world away from each other, both decide to meet in Atlanta for DragonCon, since she was already going to be there for her work as a game designer at Blizzard… never mind that she is a devout nerd. They both have to face the fact that reality is very different from a digital world.
RATING: Mature
WARNING: Mentions of assault.
AUTHORS NOTES: Love you all!
Also on AO3!
Chapter 5
Opal turned to the side as she looked at herself in the full length mirror on the back of the closet door. She smoothed the front of her dress over her rounded belly and picked at the slight ruching that was meant to help hide her imperfections along with the black color of the dress, but it did neither. There’d be no hiding anything. This was about as bodycon as one could get, and indeed she bought it a long time ago because she thought she looked hot in the form fitting silk. As soon as she got it home, though, and really looked at herself wearing it in the harsh light of day, she put it away, in the back of her closet with the other beautiful clothes she’d bought but never found the courage to wear.  
That was changing. Now. Today. Okay, not today. But as soon as she walked back into her house. She planned to go straight to her closet and pull them all out and wear each of them as soon as she had the right opportunity or occasion. Considering that most of them were on the fancier side of things, meant for dates, she figured she’d have more chances to wear them now, anyway.
Even though she and Henry would literally be halfway across the globe from each other after this weekend. She couldn’t dwell on that fact, though. If she did, then the sadness set in. She refused to let that particular emotion claw its way back. They’d make it work if it was going to work. It wasn’t like she couldn’t just take her computer places and work there.
If she could convince her boss to allow frequent trips.
And it wasn’t like he didn’t also spend part of his time in Los Angeles. 
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Henry walked by behind her, drawing her attention away from those troubling thoughts. He fumbled with the cufflink on his left shirt cuff. She was going to make a quip about it, but the words died on her lips when she noticed he looked at her like a fat kid looked at cake. He licked his lips, smiled, and walked into the bathroom.
She couldn’t help but blush. She never would’ve believed he was truly stealing glances at her, but that notion had been squashed earlier at the spa. In fact, now she was hyper aware of his long, molten stares. 
And it was all because of the wonderful esthetician who completed her facial after their massage. What had started out as a traumatic experience ended up making her feel the most confident she’d ever felt in her own skin, thanks in part to Jessa the esthetician’s enlightening conversation. 
“He’s looking at you like you are the purest water and he’s just had some hot sauce.” 
Opal giggled, and blushed, looking at the woman.  “I just keep thinking he’s going to be like, ‘Ugh, not my type’ and leave, Jessa.” 
“Girl, please. You got one of those peach bottoms that men love to get a handful of. You already got him eating out of your hand, he’s not stopped glancing over here this whole time,” Jessa said, putting her hand on her hip. “And if he does do that, I got a handful of fine brothers who would eat that peach bottom up. So you just let Jessa know and I’ll hook you up.”
The comment made Opal laugh loudly, disturbing the serenity of the spa and resulted in a few perturbed glares from other clients. Henry had glanced up, one eyebrow raised in interest. She smiled at him sweetly and he went back to his shave. Opal smiled. “Thank you, Jessa. I’ll keep you updated.”  
Opal had made sure to slip Jessa an extra tip, even though she was sure Henry had tipped everyone well. Stingy wasn’t really a word she would use to describe this man, not materially or emotionally. 
Or physically.
Definitely not physically. He liked touching. Being affectionate.
She did not; or, more aptly, she was not used to it in the romantic sense. But she wasn’t even that affectionate with her family. There were a few hugs here and there as a child, but they weren’t overly huggy. And then there was the other thing he didn’t know about, because she never talked about it, that prevented her from initially enjoying his touches.
It was getting easier, though, the more he touched her. She found, with some relief, that she actually quite liked being close to him in that way. Perhaps there was hope for her, after all.
Opal moved away from the mirror and followed his trail to the bathroom. She rested a hip on the door jamb and watched him finish his grooming. He saw her in the mirror and smiled. 
“Like what you see?” he asked, that insidious brow raised.
“Nah,” she said with a grin. “I was just thinking about how you use twice the product I do.”
Henry rubbed his hands on a hand towel to remove the remnants of whatever moisturizer he’d used on his freshly shaved jaw. “That’s because it takes a lot to make me look this good. You’re already bloody gorgeous, so you don’t need it.”
Her cheeks heated and she shifted her weight awkwardly on her bare feet. Why were compliments so difficult to take? 
“And as an answer to your question, I do like what I see,” she replied. “I appreciate your efforts. But I also love getting to just observe each other. That’s what we were missing over the last year.”
Henry stopped and smiled at her. “I watched you getting ready, and that’s why I’m so behind. I couldn’t stop watching you. You are enchanting,” he whispered. 
The air caught in her lungs upon hearing the deep gravelliness of his sentiment. He closed the distance between them. The hunger, the lust, the pain, the joy, the need, all passed across his face. He leaned down and brushed his lips across her temple.  “We’re going to make a hell of a couple tonight, Princess.”
“Yes, we are,” she replied breathlessly. 
“Let me finish getting ready. You are distracting.” 
Opal giggled. “Pot, kettle.” 
She moved away from the door and went back to the bed to struggle into the sky high heels she had thought would be great to wear, but now she regretted the decision to pack them. Her feet were going to ache by the end of the night. But--the minx inside her reminded--that could possibly lead to another massage. This time, just with Henry. 
As she finished up the last buckle on the strappy things and stretched her legs out to check how they looked, she noticed Henry watching from across the room with a glazed look in his eyes. She laughed at him, because it was the exact same look she’d had as he secured the waistcoat around his trim torso.  “This… me putting on shoes shut you down?”
Henry reanimated with a shrug. “I have a thing for really high strappy, almost slutty, heels. Nothing like…” He stopped and blushed slightly. “Uh, never mind.”
Opal stood up and went over to him, just barely shorter than him now, and grinned. “I will have to remember that for later,” she replied. 
“Oh, god, please do. Bonus points for silk stockings and the whole belt contraption,” he murmured.
She giggled. “You know, men and women are so different. You want the littlest piece of clothing on me, but I’d rather see you in a three piece suit.”
“I can fuck in a three piece suit just as well as I can without,” he teased.
His comment, and the harsh word, caught her off guard. Taking the opportunity, he went over to grab his cell phone. He beckoned her with a crooked finger. “Come here.” 
She didn’t ask for clarification or even think about it; her feet in their dangerous footwear moved of their volition. When she reached him, he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head, all while snapping a quick picture. He looked at it, smiled, and turned it around for her to view.
Her cheeks were high with color. Her skin glowed; her eyes sparkled. Her smile showed almost every one of her teeth. Everything about it made her seem so vital, so alive, so… beautiful. She had never seen herself so happy. Simply being near him made her want to beam from ear to ear. 
He smiled softly. “Now you see what I see when I look at you.”
“I don’t always look like this,” she protested.
“You do,” he replied. “Let me send this to you so you can send it to Amber.”
Opal shifted uncomfortably. She’d completely forgotten about sending Amber a picture. What kind of friend was she, anyway? 
“We can’t bring our phones tonight,” he explained. “Something about making sure nothing unflattering gets out.” 
Opal looked up at him and nodded. “Okay. Let me just send Amber a text telling her I’m going out for the night.” 
She saved the picture to her phone and opened up the text stream with her friend. She took the picture, sent it, and wrote, “I don’t think I ever expected my Hank to be this real. Going out for the night. Talk to you in the morning.”
She plugged her phone in, stood up, and took Henry’s hand. “Okay. Let’s go.” 
Opal stood in the atrium of the Georgia Aquarium and sighed. She was enchanted. She’d been here a ton of times before at previous cons, but never on a night specifically designed to be an intimate cocktail party with all of the con’s celebrity guests.  
What actually was her life right now? 
Henry talked to Dany and Dwayne, and she couldn’t get over the fact that she was standing next to The Rock. How many times had she sat next to her brothers while they watched this giant man wrestle? If someone had told her this was going to be her life when she left Los Angeles the night before, she’d have told them they were lying. It was all a little surreal.
Dany smiled at her, obviously picking up on the fact that she had zoned out and had literal stars in her eyes.  “So, Opal, what do you do?” 
Opal hummed and blinked at her. “Yeah, sorry. I’m a designer and programmer for Blizzard. I have been there, oh gosh, almost ten years now. Best job I have ever had.”
“And you live with?” Dany inquired. 
Opal understood Dany’s reticence to accept her into the group. Dany didn’t want anything to harm the business, and even though she seemed tough, she clearly cared deeply for both men as friends. Still, though, Opal didn’t think she gave off a crazy fan vibe.
“My best friend, from like middle school,” Opal said, moving to stand closer to Dany. She leaned in to speak quietly.  “I know you’re worried about me using him, I get that, trust me. If I was in your position I would, too. But honestly, Dany, I didn’t even know he was him… until this morning when I arrived. I just thought he was a dorky British guy named Hank. That was it. In the months leading up to this I just got to know his heart and who he is, not Henry Cavill, God’s gift to women. I knew SuperHank, the cleric who runs around healing people, because he is that guy. I got to know the Hank who was shy and loved to cook and gets excited about Warhammer and new fantasy novels. Who tells me constantly that I am worthy and beautiful.” 
Dany beamed at her. “That’s just what I wanted to hear.” 
“And frankly, you scare me a little bit, so I won’t do anything untoward,” Opal said.
Dany laughed and flexed a bicep. “Don’t you forget it.”
“I won’t.”
“But seriously, Opal,” she said and grabbed Opal’s hand. “He needs someone he can love with his whole being, and I’ve never seen him happier than when he has spoken to me about you.” She squeezed her hand. “It’s not going to be easy, but I promise to make sure you’re okay and safe, and that you can be with him.”
Opal grinned. “He is pretty special.” She looked beside her, expecting to find him there.  “And... gone, apparently.”
Lauren smiled at her.  “He and Dwayne went to get some drinks.” 
Opal felt her stomach clench. She tried to smile, but before she could muster one, Henry was back by her side. He handed her a flute of champagne. “Here, Princess.” 
Opal took the glass from him and didn’t say a word. Her jaw clenched and it took everything in her to stop her hand from shaking. 
Henry frowned. “Is that okay? Do you want something else?”
“Huh? Oh, no, it’s fine,” she replied and tried to smile again. Even though she couldn’t see it, she knew it came off as more of a grimace because of the expression Henry returned. He knew something was wrong, but the words to explain it to him failed to form on her tongue.
Not that she really had the chance to say anything, anyway. A loud, booming voice rang out across the atrium, “LITTLE BRUDDA!!!”
Opal spun around and watched in abject horror as two grown men raced towards each other and chest bumped each other like drunken frat boys.
Dwayne shook his head.  “Seriously, you two? We’re in public.” 
Henry came back and smiled.  “Jason, my man, this… is Opal.” 
Jason looked at her, his eyebrow raised.  “Well, hello there, beautiful. I’m Jason…” He took her free hand and kissed the back of it. “If he gives you any trouble, let me know.”
Opal blushed. “Thank you. I will.”
Dazzled once more by the Man Also Known As Khal Drogo, Henry startled her with a hand on the small of her back. She looked up at him, still holding the flute from which she had not yet had a drop of champagne.
Henry leaned down into her ear. “Do you want me to get something else for you?”
She shook her head.  “No, I just, uh… I’m going to get my own drink.” 
She excused herself and headed over to the bar, trying to convince herself that she wasn’t running away from him and running away from the conversation she should have already had with him, even before they both decided to meet here in Atlanta. 
She wasn’t in line long when she felt his presence behind her. 
“Are you okay?” he asked again, concern written all over his face.
“I am, honestly. I just… well… it’s stupid. I don’t drink anything that I don’t see poured myself, and I very rarely drink alcohol in public. I should have told you. It’s just my hang up and, gah... I’m sorry I freaked out a little bit.”
Henry’s eyebrows knit together. He nodded, but he clearly wanted more. 
“Let me get my drink and we’ll take a walk and talk, okay?” she asked, hoping to smooth things over.
He nodded and stood quietly with her. Even though he was clearly confused and maybe a little angry, his presence was still one that calmed her and she found herself resting against his sturdy bulk as they waited. Opal ordered her cranberry juice in a martini glass. To anyone other than herself and Henry, it looked like a Cosmo. It was her fallback when she wanted to hang out with the cool kids but didn’t want to do what the cool kids were doing. Because that one time she did what the cool kids were doing? She lived to regret it.
She took his hand and started to walk through the first exhibit. Opal paused at a tube enclosure in the middle of the room full of jellies. A black light shone down into the water, illuminating the sea creatures as they performed a graceful, haunting dance around their tank. She stood quietly, Henry standing next to her, silent, thinking. 
Finally, she cleared her throat from the heavy emotion making it difficult to breathe. “I was drugged.”
Henry’s fingers curled into her back. Though he tried to mask the sharp intake of air, his gasp was still audible. “Opal, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because,” she said, just barely above a whisper. “It wasn’t just that. Amber and I were freshmen in college and I wanted to fit in. We went to a frat party. A guy we had art history with invited us.”
His anger was palpable; it wasn’t anger directed at her, though. Somehow, she knew that, as she stared at the gelatinous orbs bobbing through the water. She took a sip of the cranberry juice before moving on.
“I woke up the next morning, head fuzzy, in a room I had never seen before, and my panties around my ankles.” She braved a look up at Henry, to gauge his reaction. The sharp line of his jaw was set, his rage evident.
For some reason, it was cathartic to share this secret with another human. Amber knew, of course. Amber had nursed her back from the brink after they got home from the hospital.
“It’s the reason I pull away sometimes when you touch me, and the reason I am so unsure of myself. I’m sorry I never told you before, but you have a right to know.”
Henry didn’t speak; he looked at a point beyond her, staring in stony silence for the longest time. He finally tore his focus away from that point and gazed down at her. His face spoke volumes, even before his words did. He rested his chin on her head and wrapped her in his arms. “You know I would never, ever do that.”
“Oh, no, I do! I just… I want so badly for you to touch me, to be yours, I just need… time,” she said. “I don’t even know if I’m actually a virgin or not. I don’t know what they did to me. The next morning, Amber took me to the ER and a rape kit was done, but it was inconclusive. I’m sorry if this changes the way you feel about being with me.”
Henry pulled away from her and put his drink on the floor. He took her face gently in his hands. “I never, ever would feel any different about you. I just… I understand now.” He kissed her forehead, but didn’t move his lips from the spot they’d touched. His next words were muffled, but the meaning behind them was everything. “My promise to you is that I will not hurt you, and it’s all going to be at your pace.”
She smiled and pushed his hands away from her face. With her free hand, she reached up and let her hand rest on the nape of his neck. “Well, then, we can do this, cause I’m very ready for it.” 
With little strength, she pulled him down to her and kissed him. It wasn’t passionate or chaste; it was somewhere in the middle. A reassurance. A promise. Her promise to be as open with him as possible. His cue that she was okay with him pushing her boundaries. And she loved him for it.
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gossip-gryffin · 5 years
We got to know - thoughts on everything going on with Bradley and Alana?My friend doesn’t think he did it but I don’t know if I agree with her.Why would Alana lie?
Ooof. This one is a lot to unpack. So obviously the Trtitons are, like, magnets for drama. Like loads of drama (yes, sweet Attina we’re looking at you). Alana has been embroiled in loads of drama too. Remember those fun secret flowers last summer? Hellooooo. Clearly Miss Alana was feeling a bit out of the spotlight. That’s clearly motive for lying. As far as Bradley like raping her? Well, girls, feel free to sound off! I’m all for my body, my choice and consent is key but what do we think? What do we really know about one Bradley Uppercrust?
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oddduckthatgirl · 3 years
Title: He Always knows
Warnings: Dom/sub dynamics. Dd/lg (slight mention), impact play, toxic family, mentions of sexual assault
Again massive TW:mentions of sexual assault, impact play(spankings), toxic mother
I didn’t tag anyone; I’m not that cool.
But please tell me what you think. I hope you enjoy!
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You both were incredibly busy. He’s a detective for God’s sake. It made your dynamic a little difficult at times but Walter was very diligent about checking in and using all sorts of ways to keep you on task. It also wasn't unusual for the two of you to schedule time for more detailed scene play. It was important enough to put down on a calendar according to Walter Marshall so it mattered.
He also knew you had been under more pressure than usual. Finishing your Masters program in journalism, all while working full time and being shortlisted for a Pulitzer this year was no easy feat. There was something else going on that had you on edge but he didn’t push you too hard. He knew better; he could hear you shutting down when he pressed. It was his entire job to be observant and when it came to you it wasn’t any different.
You had a hard time expressing emotion unless it was in writing. You would bottle it up as long as possible. It would often mean you would have no regard for your own care and it would make you be a bit of a brat. The night you had told him you in no way intended on eating dinner and you were busy you had thought for sure he would take you over his knee right there in the kitchen.
Instead, you saw the rage flash in his blue eyes and then he pulled out his phone. He turned the screen towards you. “Saturday I will be home early. You will be ready for me. I know this attitude is just a result of you needing some release. Would you agree you need some release, Little one?”
“Yes sir,” you knew deep down you did need it, “I’m sorry.”
He loomed over you, “I know you are. And you will be even more sorry once we adjust this attitude.”
It had been a few days but you found yourself looking forward to tonight. When he checked in with you over breakfast, he admitted he was looking forward to it as well. He told you he would just be typing up reports and would be home around four to five in the afternoon. His instructions are clear: be showered and waiting on your knees for him as soon as he texted the word green.
You had been cleaning the apartment most of the day. You were hoping it would help center you like it always did. In the middle of your good mood cleaning spree, your phone rang. You looked at the caller ID and knew it had to go to voicemail. You didn’t have the strength for that today. However, the persistent ringing was too much and you finally caved.
“What do you want Kelly?”
“I’m still your mother.”
“You gave birth to me. You most certainly weren’t my parent and after everything I’m just supposed to let you in? You wouldn’t agree with me. I know you told the police that I made it up. My own father raped me and you refused to let him rot in prison as he should have.”
The conversation only spiraled out of control from there. You blocked her number and made sure she was blocked on every social media platform she had found you on. It made your blood run cold thinking about her in any way. You tried to shake it off and keep going. You convinced yourself that the scene would set you right but now you weren’t so sure. Just as your mind began to go down a dark path, your phone dinged again. Only this time it was one word.
Walter knew you got the message. He silently was grateful for read receipts. As he gathered his things, he began to plan how this evening would go. He knew that you needed him to be in control and to catch you when you fell to pieces. And you would come apart at some point and he would gladly put you back together even stronger.
“You’ve done harder things Marshall,” he muttered to himself as he sent the last email of the day, “she needs you and you can do this the right way for her.”
Walking to his truck, he became so focused on what needed to be accomplished any worry he might have had melted away. The dominance came naturally to him and he enjoyed it. He just wants to get to the bottom of her behavior and with any luck she will be able to tell him whatever it is that has her so beside herself.
Pulling into his parking spot he took a few moments to himself. He repeated a mantra “be aware,” it's the same thing he says before entering a crime scene or tracking a suspect. He knew that you might not even be aware of your own mental or physical state during a scene like this.
After he entered his apartment, he removed his shoes and then locked his sidearm away. He took note that you had cleaned very thoroughly. It warmed his heart how much you had taken charge of the state of his home. He did take the time to check the dishwasher and noted there was only one extra plate in the dishwasher which he hoped meant you had something to eat but he had his concerns.
He put them aside as he walked to their bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe and drank in the sight before him. You were naked, hair carefully gathered as so it would out of the way. Kneeling in the center of the bed, palms facing up and your head bowed. It never mattered how many times he saw you like this; it always took his breath away.
“Beautiful little one,” he slowly approached the bed. He opened a drawer on his night stand and took a collar out. He sat in front of you, “eyes up.”
Your eyes met his and he couldn’t help but think something was off, “are you ready love?”
“Yes please,” your shoulders dropped when you locked your eyes on the collar, “I’m ready.”
They both understood that once the collar was in place that she was his to command. As he slid the leather around your neck and fastened it in place, you breathed out a sigh of relief. He smiled and whispered, “good girl.”
He got up from the bed and went to the chest where all the toys were. He pulled out a cane, paddle, flogger and riding crop. He then laid them out in front of you. He watches the heat travel over your skin. “On all fours please.”
You compiled without hesitation. He ran his hands down your back and traced the outline of your ass with each finger. Goosebumps rise with each stroke, “Color please?”
He nodded, “you are not in any trouble Little one. You clearly are holding something in and need to let go of it. Don’t worry; I will help you. I’m going to start with my hand and we will work our way upwards.”
“Yes sir.”
The second his hand struck, you whimpered. He thought that was unusual but perhaps it was more about being afraid to let go. He kept delivering gentle swats, nothing more painful than a slight sting and he could hear you sniffling back tears.
The next few minutes he delivered spanks with more intensity each time with his hands but nothing that would leave a mark, just redden the skin. It was the reaction that made him stop.
He saw the tears streaming down your cheeks along with the drip marks on the sheets from them. Your chest was heaving as you tried to catch your breath.
He knelt in front of you and grabbed your face, “Green I’m okay. It just hurts so bad and I don’t know why,” sobs took over and your whole body shook.
Walter gathered you into his arms and held you against him. “I’m not at all comfortable with your reaction so I’m ending this scene. Right now,” he carefully unfastens the collar and kisses your neck where it had been resting.
“But you were looking forward to this,” you wailed against his chest, “so was I. I can be good.”
He guided your legs around his waist so he could carry you, “ I was but it’s clearly not what you need. You are good. Let me take care of you, Little one. Give you a safe place for all those big things you’re feeling.”
You nod and nuzzle your face into his neck as the tears still fall. Whimpers and hiccups fill the space.
“I know. It’s all too much on you my sweet girl,” hand rubbing your back, “I’m going to set you down now so I can set up the shower for us and I can get undressed.”
You grumble in protest.
“Do you need to hold my hand? Will that make it better?”
You shake your head and take his big hand in yours as he sits you down on the vanity. He undresses as best he can without the use of a hand. The very second he's completely bare you reach for him, tears streaming down your face.
He happily takes you in his arms and holds you while he turns the shower on. He takes your hand and puts it under the stream, “okay?”
You nod yes against his chest.
He carefully walks the both of you into the shower. One hand making soothing patterns on your back, “alright Little one, I need to set you down so I can take care of you. I’m right here okay?”
You sniffle and nod. You lean your body against his and hold onto him.
“I know sweetheart. You want to be right next to me. I will do my best but we have to get you all clean. Wash away all this extra worry. I’m going to start with your pretty hair. Is that okay,” you nod, “just let me take care of you. It will be okay.”
He begins washing your hair and tears still fall down your cheeks. The silent sobs shake your frame and you try your best to keep still.
“Let it out,” he keeps on task but knows he has to get to the bottom of this, “just let me in. Tell me what’s got you so out of sorts. Is it your work?”
“No,” you mumble as you nuzzle back into his chest. He begins to wash your body, “I mean it’s been crazy but nothing more than the usual. And I’ll be done with classes soon. I wrote most of the final essays ahead of schedule so I wouldn’t have to worry.”
“I’m so proud of you,” he locks his eyes with yours even as he washes your skin, “so smart and diligent. Making sure you had the time you needed in order to finish on time and to not worry about overextending yourself. That’s my girl.”
You smile despite the sniffling, “it’s just that….I mean I think you’re the only one that’s proud of me. My only defender.”
He turns their bodies carefully so he can get under the warm spray even while keeping her close, “who wouldn’t defend you.”
You swallow before speaking, “my mother.”
Then it clicked in his head. This is what has her so upset, “has she contacted you? I thought you had said you haven’t spoken since you started your undergraduate degree.”
“She reached out to me. Said she wasn’t in good health. I know I should have ignored her,” tears sliding from your eyes and disappearing in the water clinging to his chest hair, “and then she started talking about my….father...and called me a liar and blamed me for his death and how it’s my fault their marriage was a disaster.”
He squeezes you tightly against his frame as he reaches down to turn off the water. He directs your steps as you both stand on the bath mat. He hurriedly dries himself and ties a towel around his waist. He begins drying you, “eyes on me.”
You lock your eyes with his and you let the tears fall. He wipes them away with the towel, “you know what that woman had to say was completely untrue. That...poor excuse for a man who committed one of the most vile acts on this earth doesn’t deserve her loyalty. Not only does she deny it now, she denied it to the police. She refused to let you, her only child, have justice for the sake of her own selfish desire.”
“I know that Walt,” you watch as he continues to dry you.
“I don’t want you speaking to her. Ever.”
“I already blocked her,” you swallow down the hiccups threatening to escape.
“Good girl,” he gathers your damp body against his and carries you back into the bedroom. He sits you down on the bed. He finds a soft pair of shorts and one of his shirts for you to sleep in. He carefully slips them on you and you can't help but smile when his scent hits your nose. He quickly throws on a pair of joggers and smiles sweetly at you. He pulls back the covers, “into bed now.”
You comply without argument. You feel the exhaustion in your body. He exits the room only briefly; you know he’s ensuring the apartment is secure. He comes back with his lockbox and places it on his night stand. Once he’s checked the windows in this room he turns off the lights and settles himself into bed.
“Come here. Lay on my chest,” you snuggle next to him and feel his warmth against your body, “we’re going to say some affirmations all right,” you nod against him, “just close your eyes and repeat after me.”
You sigh and nod. You did love how he takes care of you.
“I am capable.”
“I am strong.”
“I am a survivor.”
“I’m worthy.”
He notices how relaxed you’ve become after every phrase, “Now the most important one. Daddy loves you.”
“Daddy loves me,” you sigh and yawn after snuggling yourself next to him. Sleep takes over you quickly after that.
He watches as your body relaxes against his. He keeps running his hand up and down your back, “I’ll be right here little love. No matter what comes your way. I will pick up the pieces. I swear it,” he rolls onto his side and pulls you against him.
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m1sseveryth1ng · 3 years
TW:mentions of abuse, SA, physical assault.
Sk8 the infinity is probably one of my favorite fandoms to be in. It just feels like the least toxic/problematic fandom out there. My only complaint though is that people are so quick to hate and judge anyone just because they say Adam is an interesting character. Like I’ve made a few posts talking about his character and pretty much every time there’s someone commenting that I’m defending him and excusing his actions.
No I’m not. Of course I’m not. I in no way agree with him physically assaulting multiple characters, one of them being a minor. I in no way agree with him sexually assault another character, again a minor (his first race with Langa). And I in no way agree with him pretty much grooming a 13 year old child.
What I mean by he’s an interesting character is looking at his past, seeing him endure abuse by his aunts and them claiming it’s out of love. That gave him his warped perception and twisted views on how you show love. Then Tadashi showed him skateboarding and he found something his loved to do and made him happy, that’s why he says he loves all of his skating partners (at least that’s how I interpreted it). And then later his father burned his skateboard which 1. Took away the one thing he truly loved and 2. Reinforced sadistic ideas. Also his father outwardly opposing Adam skateboarding and everything else he experienced could have taught him to hide the true meaning of his words under something else. So him saying he loves all of his skating partners isn’t necessary attraction in any way, but loving the feeling of skating because that’s what makes him happy.
Also him hiding the actual meaning of his words would be exemplified in the last episode when he calls Tadashi his dog and saying he will be forever. A lot of people took that as something sexual, which yeah, on the surface implies that a lot, but Tadashi has been with Adam since they were kids. And again Tadashi showed him skating, Adam was happy when he was with Tadashi and he was skating. So it’s not necessarily sexual, but in a way, saying that Adam can’t live with Tadashi.
With all of that being said, I still hate him. He’s a terrible person and a creep. Beyond a creep even. But with everything I said before this, explains why he turned out the way he did. And while his abuse and trauma doesn’t excuse his behavior, it gives us a deeper understanding of the character. And if you think about it people who have been abused, either end up a better person and fighting against the pattern, or falling into it. Adam just happened to fall into it.
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theg-unit · 3 years
we feeling sad today
so here are some angsty head cannons. 
TW:mentions of eating disorders, implied sexual content, drug use/addiction and mentions of sexual assault.
-Shadow went to university and has a degree in horticulture but couldn’t find work, and now works as a florist as a result.
-Miya’s parents both come from wealthy families, but they both only work when they want and as such pressure Miya into a plethora of comps once he starts winning as a way to supplement their extravagant lifestyles. 
-Shadow has been taken advantage of by his manager, and she pressures him to work extra hours in that guilting backstabbing way. shadow hasn't noticed but the rest of the crew have and they actively hate her. Langa and Reki punctured her tires while Miya distracted her.
-Cherry bottles up all his stress and anger and is subsequently really mean to Joe, because he knows that Joe will just sit back and take it. it makes him feel terrible afterwords but he can never figure out the words to apologise with.
-puberty hit Joe like a B-double. as a result he has a bunch of stretch marks that he's really self-conscious about. he wasn't until in their last months together when they first started appearing, Adam made a mean comment about them and Cherry laughed at it, so he keeps any exposed ones hidden with waterproof concealer.
-reki really likes skater skirts and once bought one to try on, but his sisters made fun of him (in that patronising way) and he threw it away and hasn't tried since.
-Langa had a brief drug problem in Canada (mainly MDMA) and it was part of the reason that he and his mum moved. he hasn't told anyone because he knows how stigmatised those kinds of issues are in Japan and he doesn't want to lose them.
-Cherry has definitely snuck money to the Kyan family when Reki’s Hospital bills came in over the healthcare coverage. he remembers visiting joe, being in a struggling household with a bunch of young kids.
-langa develops Bulimia as a result of getting hit by the same B-double puberty truck that hit Joe. He gets a bunch of stretch marks because like many he goes out before he goes up (as a result of his appetite). both at a fast rate. he recovers only once he turns 21. Joe is the only one to know and helps him through it all. 
-Miya gets bullied by his old friends often, and one day they start insinuating really unsavoury things in regards to langa and reki “sharing Miya around”. they even write it on his desk. he’s devastated and withdraws into himself at school, becoming mute around his classmates.
- Langa has a relapse after Reki abandons him and everything with Adam goes down. He gets really high one night and Adam finds him  (due to drones). he assaults Langa and almost r*%#s him before Tadashi finds out and rescues him,  before dropping him to Reki’s house. Reki doesn't let Langa in and Langa has to walk all the way back home at night by himself. no-one finds out until a very drunk snake tells Joe what happened and Langa, after being confronted, breaks down in his and Cherry arms. Joe then almost murders Adam next at S and Cherry slaps Reki across the face.
stay sad hoes, and remember, as long as credit is given, all head cannons/ posts are up for repost/fic adoption to all. across all platforms. feel free to chuck us a request for specific characters or  head cannon extensions. 
kisses xx
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sparkiewine · 3 years
Ello it's me again here with some MonoDeku head cannons
Keep in mind this is in the setting of their 3rd year
・Izuku somehow got fucking massive and is about 6'1 while Neito didn't grow at all and is still 5'7
・But Neito is content with it because they can go somewhere and will never have a problem
・They've done "it" once and Neito was a very dominant bottom
・Izuku is a very Protective person so whenever their together you'll usually find him hugging Neito from behind or holding Neitos hand
・both class A and B where behind surprised when they found out they got together the only people that knew beforehand where Kendo and Momo
・They like to go on dates Most of the time it's usually at like a Cat or Dog Cafe because of how much both of them love animals
・Monoma had actually become friends with everyone in Class A even Katsuki and Before all of them thought he acted like a little sibling while actually he's a Total mom friend letting people talk to him, cooking for people, and even one time helped babysit Eri
・I Imagine Inko fell in love with Neito I mean Izuku was able to score a Beautiful Guy who's smart, creative, funny, and caring and Inko also just wants Izuku to be happy
・Their one of the couples to always show public affection
・May I also say their the school couple like seriously everyone knows that Neito from class 3B and Izuku from class 3A are together
・They very rarely ever fight and if they do it's because of something stupid but they did have a very big argument because of Neito saying how Izuku should Value his life more
・Neito loves wearing everyone's clothes I mean he worn stuff from Iida all the way to Katsuki but Izuku always hates that Neito just doesn't ask him for clothes
・Very big on Lap cuddles
・Small spoon Neito
・Neito has the to cook for the deku squad because they're all hopeless at cooking
・they got together during the end of the First year during summer
・Neito is very open about liking to wear skirts and crop tops even sometimes wearing dresses and Izuku loves it when he does
・Izuku was beyond nervous to meet Neitos Mothers I mean His mother Is beyond terrifying while his Maman is sweet but scary in her own way but they really liked Izuku and they want Neito to be happy
・One time Izuku caught Neito crying and then he soon found out Neito isn't all that narcissistic and is actually very doubting about himself this was in their first year
・If you ever hurt Neito prepare to die and then come back to life cause like I said before Izuku is very protectve
⚠TW:Mention of sexual assault⚠
・Someone had actually sexually assaulted Neito before while they were one a quadruple date with KiriTetsu, KamiShin, and MomoKen,Neito had gone out in a skirt and some drunk asshole decided it was a good ideas to grope him while Neito wasn't paying attention the asshole almost got his whole arm broken because of the power of the grip Izuku had on the guys arm showing him it wasn't a good idea to touch Neito
Okay this is the end hopefully I'll be able to do more head cannons later on
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mianitewiki · 4 years
(TW:Mention of things pertaining to Rpe but will use the scientific terms so as to not trigger anyone.)
For those not following me on twitter or not aware of the situation:
Tom has received allegations of having sexually assaulted multiple women.
The Wiki is not affiliated with the official Mianite team and we're awaiting further details like you. When they come to light, I will then act accordingly.
I know the series has a very young audience: It's okay if you don't know how to react to the situation. Talk to your friends/family about it and don't be afraid to seek the aid of professionals.
For now, Mianite as a whole is on pause.
No matter the outcome, this is not something to be sad about. Knowing that your community is taking these issues seriously is a thing to to happy for. Abuse and assault do not have their place in the Mianite community or any other.
If you have questions you can hit me up here or on twitter, my goal is always to keep the wiki and the fans safe.
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your-mother-is-gay · 3 years
I have so many damn head cannons about bakugo so I’m just gonna put them all here
//TW:mention of self harm, abuse, neglect, and sexual assault//
He uses he/she/it pronouns but is still cis
She’s bisexual
Holds itself at very high expectations and gets mad at himself when he doesn’t reach said goals
Was physically and sexually abused by her mother which lead to him not trusting adult women
Is autistic
Has felt terrible about how it treats people after finding out it’s not normal to be rude (he though thought it was normal because of its parents)
Really wants a friend he can actually trust
Her dream date would be a picnic at sunset is a flower field with nobody else around because then it could actually be himself without being judged
Her fave songs are ‘Washing Machine Heart’, and ‘HollyWood Dream’
Is neglected by his parents which lead to it maturing way before everybody else
Loves horror and gore
Was “the popular annoying kid that kept getting in trouble” in middle school to get attention in hopes people would like him and when her friends found out the way it acted was an act they betrayed him
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TW:mentions sexual assault
From Dr. Eliz Markowitz:
I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later.
I'm pro-Nabeeha who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child.
I'm pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11 year old body isn't mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal.
I'm pro-Melissa who's working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her.
I'm pro-Nhi who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child.
I'm pro-Emily who did IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction in order to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE amount of fetuses.
I'm pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster's child.
I'm pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat.
I'm pro-Anjaly who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager.
I'm pro-Courtney who just found out she's already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding.
You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is: I'm pro-life.
Their lives. Women's lives.
You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted.
It's not about which stories you don't agree with. It's about fighting for the women in the stories that you do agree with and the CHOICE that was made.
Women's rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation!"
#roevwade #prochoice #women #womensrights #mybody #mychoice #TexasHeartbeatAct #Texas #SB8 #MyBodyMyChoice
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mortuaest · 1 year
Ive been suffering and I dont want to be alive on new years eve, and if I dont stay too long at a friends house, my plan of possibly overdosing on a shit ton of pills will happen.
I lost a friend at the start of 2022.  I was never informed until I found out through FB then I was never informed of their funeral. I lost the job I had after 10 and a half years because Supervision and management. I got a new job, and within a week of that I had someone who was 87 years old blast through the red light they had while I was turning left.  Because of that Im now having more serious health issues.  Period for five and a half months.  My first severe concussion.  Staples in my head, broken bone. 
I lost my Emotional support animal.  Ive had him since he was five weeks old.  I was fifteen and a half.  He got me through so much abuse because of my egg donor not wanting an autistic child and an autistic adult as a child, and someone who’s Queer (I’m non-binary and asexual) and his cancer in his cheek got worse, fast.  He helped me through the medical rape I went through at 19 years old and he’s the reason why I lived for so long and stopped trying to take my life for so long. 
I expected to be dead by 14 years old.
Not even three weeks after loosing the light of my own life, I lost another friend.  His father didn’t really tell us the cause of death but it was an accident, and it wasn’t by his own hand which we’re happy that it wasn’t.  
Then I lost the last bit of family I thought I had on Christmas because of the fact that my father cannot accept the fact that I’m not his daughter, Im his offspring, and I havent been his daughter since around 2016 and havent used my Deadname unless its for legal reasons, since I dont have the time or money to legally change it since October 2018.  And my sister thinks that just respecting my pronouns and new name is all I need, and that whatever issues with my father I have with his severe transphobia is between him and I and not her issue, with her knowing full well Im dealing with so fucking much.
Friends JUST finally started giving a shit, not even a week ago.  A ton of them know and knew about my plans of suicide once my ESA passed, I cant last without him.  People know that he’s gone.  Im someone who has two sexual assaults, twenty plus years of physical, mental and emotional abuse, PTSD from that, PTSD from working during COVID-19 being immune comprimised and therapists not taking me seriously because I only have medicaid and I’m autistic and part of the LGBTA.
Im so, so tired.  I dont know if Ill be surviving this year and if I do its going to get even worse mentally and emotionally for me.  I don’t have a support system or anything that I know I need to survive and keep going and live.  I cant keep going.   Im so broken I don’t deserve to be fixed, and Im having my probably 30th or more mental breakdown because Im just so fucking tired of this year.
So if I disappear, and if I do survive this year, I’m sorry if I take a two week hiatus or something.  I don’t have replies barely ever to do anyway, so I doubt people will miss me.  Ill let people know.  I just, need to get this off my chest and I know my friends are tired of me ranting and bitching on FB.  They probably think Im over reacting on everything that happened.
I have a queue lined up to post memes once a day and I feel Ill be adding more as a just in case I do last past today.  
Im sorry if Ive disappointed anyone as a roleplay partner, Im sorry Im a shitty person.  Im sorry Im weak.
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Untitled (TW:mention of sexual assault and suicide)
Fuck It happened again Again I opened myself up Made myself vulnerable My heart, my head, in between my legs And all it seemed to get me was a tactic that I am far too used to From family, from friends, from lovers, to my body tearing it's own galaxies of complexity to shreds I'm used to it You claimed to be the one good one The one To lift me up instead of tear me down Like all that came before you Came, come, cum The only use you had for me Used and abused again I should've seen it coming You never asked first From our first kiss my eyes were closed and you timed it too perfectly You said you had it all planned out From that first episode of Princess Jellyfish where you made me think someone could handle all of me To the first time you held my hand when I screamed of suicide To the last episode of Kora where you just couldn't grasp that you hold so much privilege in this white ass male ass cis ass rich ass neurotypical ass society You pretended to stand by me as I was losing my mind But you were not standing with me you were actively standing against me Letting me fall Because you never cared But, oh god did you pretend to And you were so good at it Until I look back to the first time you refereed to us as a "straight couple" even though I confided in you time and time again that I am not a girl! I look back to when you did the one thing you promised not to You took my consent and mangled it Then refused to admit you did anything wrong You only shut your mouth, stifling your urge to argue, because you were afraid that if you spewed one more Wales that you would never be able to fuck me again I remember I drew you a beautiful hummingbird You said they were your favorite and I spent hours on it There was this poem in the background about how the likes of you drift from flower to flower Which, in this case translates roughly to survivor to survivor Turning them against each other so that no one could ever warn me You hid me We had a behind-closed-doors policy because you knew that if word of us got out my inbox would be pouring with warning Begging me to leave you When word did get out I realized I had spent from early December to the late nights of May with someone who lied about loving me And even worse, a Brett supporter It ended one night over text I could not have been more glad to be free But I will always hate how you made me a big part of me
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dadzxwa · 2 years
He couldn't see, he was struggling to move, something or someone was on top of him. He couldn't wiggle way, couldn't use his support device. They were crushing him, he couldn't breath. He wanted to scream, the terror inside of him growing desperate.
His eyes snapped open, but the dread stuck with him when he took in his surroundings. Shota's support device was gone, he was in the dark, the sewer, just like he had been so many years ago. He tried desperately to calm the panic, squinting into the darkness looking for any sign of escape.
He could hear the wet slap of foot steps, but the way they echoed made it impossible for him to discern their location. A familiar laugh echoed in the dim chamber. He could smell him. He was going to be sick. Shota's hand shot to the holster on his back, grabbing desperately for his knife only to find it wasn't there.
The man was getting closer, he could see the glue like ooze dripping from his hands. There was no escape, he couldn't activate his quirk, he had no means of protection. "All Might!" He called in desperation. "ZASHI!!!"
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