#twice reaction
shuhwaa · 2 years
Twice as Types of Kisses
Twice all members x gn!reader genre: fluff warnings: slightly suggestive in some parts
Author’s note: I’ve finally given in to the need to write for them, so I thought I’d post this little imagine for a start~
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deep, adoring kisses
loves kissing you whenever and wherever she can
will literally pull you aside, seeming like she has something important to say, but she just wanted to share a quick kiss with you
always looks at you so fondly because she loves you and the way your lips feel against hers
every single kiss she shares with you is filled with her feelings for you - there will never be a kiss that means nothing
sneaky, playful kisses
will carefully tiptoe up to you and wrap her arms around your body before pressing her lips against your jaw
likes catching you off guard with kisses on the lips or elsewhere on your face or hands (or tbh anywhere she knows you like receiving them) just to see you all flustered because of her
always apologizes with a warm smile
but that’s just another excuse to kiss you again
chaste kisses all over your body
loves tracing the lines of your body with her fingertips and trailing kisses along them
when she’s hugging you from behind she will sometimes brush her lips against your shoulders, kissing her way up your nape until she reaches your ear
they’re always light kisses, careful and teasing
loves nipping at your collarbones and jaw too
smiles victoriously after a kiss to the corner of your mouth because it’s clear as day that you’re already under her spell
energetic and all over the place kisses
feels the need to tightly squeeze your hand, hug you or kiss you whenever she’s excited
will pull you close, and if you initiate the kiss she’ll be blushing and super happy at the same time
breaks the kiss in a smile, but as soon as she’s collected herself she’ll take the lead
grabs your face and presses a big smooch on the tip of your nose and then your lips
kisses you all over your face and smiles happily in between, until there’s no more space to do anything else in between kisses
caring, warm kisses
she’s so fond of you, and everytime she sees you, she wants to convey that to you with a kiss
loves putting her arms around your shoulders before grinning at you and slowly going in for a kiss
her kisses are usually both deep and make you feel safe
there’s warmth in the way she moves her lips against yours, and she always matches her energy with yours
sometimes that warmth turns into fiery kisses that might lead to more
lingering kisses
a bit shy about kissing you, especially when other people are around
but once she has the courage to simply walk up to you and to kiss you, she will do it fairly often
very careful whenever she touches you
loves the feeling of kissing you so much, she might actually break the kiss because she can’t suppress her smile
soft kisses that linger, foreheads pressed together
she doesn’t want this moment to end
morning kisses
loves nothing more than to wake you up in the morning with kisses
will already be snuggled up to you when you open your eyes and be overflowing with love as she sees your sleepy face
soft kisses on your cheeks and forehead to help you wake up
cups your face with her hand when you’re fully awake and presses her lips against yours
some days it ends like that, other days it’ll turn into a lazy morning make-out
feathery light kisses
loves surprising you with pecks on the cheek or your neck, that make both of you smile
this often ends in her hugging you tight and scattering light kisses on your neck
will make you laugh at the ticklish sensation before applying just a bit more pressure to feel you melt into her kisses
she might go back to just hugging you, resting her head on your shoulder
or things will end in a make-out session
hand kisses
dramatically picks up your hand to kiss the back of it
laughs at the silly gesture, but from the sparkles in her eyes you can see how much she adores you and that her kiss was genuine
other times she’ll play with your fingers while holding hands absentmindedly
then she suddenly brings your hand up to her mouth to brush her lips against your knuckles
shows you a soft smile and continues placing soft kisses on your hand as her cheeks redden, because you really are her whole world
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insomniakisses · 1 year
HC: Tzuyu x pregnant omega
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Requested? yes
Idol: Tzuyu (twice)
reader type; omega, g/n, female anatomy
Warnings/notes: pregnancy, omegaverse
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- Growling at anyone who comes near u
- even her members
- refuses to leave u alone
- “what if u get attacked while I’m gone”
- “ur going downstairs… while i shower..”
-“But… But… soap is dangerous! U could slip”
- “tzu..”
- “🥺”
- “…. Fine”
- insert happy tzuyu
- shower hugs
- belly kisses
- hands always cupping or softly stroking your bump
- before you start showing shes still gonna kiss and trace your stomach
- love filled eyes x 1000
- if the girls tease her she just glares at them and picks u up to go into her room
- if they hug you they have to ask her first
- god forbid they squeeze a little tight
- no-one can look at ur bump without permission
- or touch it.
- at night before bed she kisses all over your stomach and talks to the pup(s)
- scents and nuzzles ur belly ALL. THE. TIME.
- very very soft tzuyu
- if ur back or feet ever hurt then she will carry you and give you gentle massages.
- you have cravings? Shes gonna buy the whole stores worth of what u want
- often wake up to her just starting at u all adoringly
- ive spoken about alphas being able to make sorta a low noise and the pups react to it. She does that alot.
- esp if ur clumsy and slip or get hugged too tight
- wants to know that there okay 🥺
- doesn’t care about gender or secondary gender
- is super proud she got u pregnant
- proud look everytime she sees ur bump
- loves cuddling in the bath, esp if ur tired
- tries and fails to make nests for u
- teaching her how to do it
- locking u out of the nursery till all the heavy lifting jobs and painting have done. (Doesn’t want u near paint fumes)
- when u go into labor shes like “oh okay”
- …..
- panicking
- Running around and looking for things
- her members end up snapping her out of it and she looks at the door to see u staring at her, hospital bag and car keys in hand
- embarrassed
- runs to get u to the car.
- alphas cant stay while omegas give birth
- they get to aggressive and protective when ppl put there hands on them
- so shes just pacing outside the room
- agitated scent filling the corridor
- gets many warning when trying to come into the room
- when shes finally let in rushes to you only to freeze when she sees you holding your pup(s)
- happy scent filling the room
- totally cries but denies it
- nuzzles and kisses both u and the small bundle(s) in your arms
- is so proud of you
- best mom and gf ever tbh.
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purecantarella · 2 years
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
day six yall HAHAHA i hope yall are enjoying this kinktober with me bc i am having fun doing this everyday HAHAHA i am incredibly sleepy and writing this while in class tho i hope you all enjoy this one HAHAHA myoui mina x reader disclaimer/s : smut. i suggest going to look for fluffier or angstier content.
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mina in this gif has me on my knees
It was incredibly difficult to catch Mina's attention, but when you did it was impossible to get you out of her mind. It became a little bit of a controlled obsession but she didn't want it to get in the way of anything.
Especially when you of all people caught her eye. Her bandmate and best friend's girlfriend.
When Mina first met you, there was no spark. After all she was meeting you for the first time as Momo's girlfriend. She hyper-analyzed you as a potential partner for her closest friend in the group. While she did think you were attractive and kind enough, she didn't think anything more of you.
Her opinion on you was nothing more than someone she would see often around the dorm. That wouldn't change until one night.
She had been careless and dazed during their dance practice and wound up tripping and twisting her ankle. It wasn't too severe but she was asked to go home as to not further worsen the injury.
The managers weren't able to stay home and take care of her though given that they needed to take the girls to other schedules. So Momo asked you to go over to the dorms, despite Mina's insistence that she could stand to be alone for a couple hours.
"Hey, I'm here." You called from the door, much to Mina's dismay. She looked up at you as you entered the common space with a variety of random medical equipment. The Japanese woman stifled a laugh as she watched you looking around anxiously.
Mina waves from the couch while smiling widely, "Over here."
Your gaze shoots over to her and you're instantly relieved and you jog over to her. Like a puppy, Mina thinks to herself as you kneel down before her, examining the ankle delicately. "You should really be careful, Mina..." You pause, looking up into her eyes. "I would loathe the idea of you being hurt any worse."
Her heart jumps into her throat as she stares deeply into your gaze, the sincerity and concern that dripped from them. You pull your attention away from her momentarily, "Momo told me they applied a cold compress in the car so I'm just going to wrap it, alright?"
She nods before you take a medical bandage and pull it around her foot. Mina winces as you knot the ends together, you place a hand on her thigh, dangerously high. She now winces for an entirely different reason. The Japanese woman looks down at you, checking if you'd meant to do it, but you were so focused on her foot.
Her cheeks flush as you slip your hand to her knee before you smile up at her kindly. "There you go, now let's raise this thing." Again, her eyes bulge and her cheeks deepen in hue. But you simply prop her injured foot onto a nearby ottoman.
You sigh before standing up, "You want some water? Some food? Anything?"
Mina stares up at you shyly before quickly shaking her head. You smile awkwardly before sitting down beside her carefully, trying not to move her foot more than it should've been.
You two sit silently for a moment. Both of you weren't alone for long periods of time, Momo or someone was always there to break the silence. It was foreign to Mina but she found comfort in your presence...far more than she'd have liked.
Finally, she speaks, "I'm...I'm sorry that you had to go through the trouble of coming here." You chuckle and fall into the back of the couch, facing her and looking at her intently. The usually pale woman was now an embarrassing tint of pink as you were a mere fist away from her own face.
Your voice is soft, so soft she could lay in it forever, "You aren't a burden, Mina. Anywhere or anytime, I'm there if you need me." You nudge her shoulder playfully before pulling away, "Plus it's a nice apartment, I could be stuck in worse places."
She giggles and her eyes begin to droop as you prop your own feet up next to hers on the ottoman. You were still speaking but your voice was now muddled as she drifted off to sleep.
Mina's eyes opened and she was in, not her bedroom, but Momo's. She rubbed her eyes shocked. 'Did you bring her here? Did you not want to invade her privacy by just tucking her here?' She thinks to herself.
It was odd, her foot wasn't feeling as sore. Maybe the swelling had gone down. She swings her legs off the bed to try and look for you and thank you for taking care of her.
"Minari." Your voice soft and teasing, it made her heart jump.
The feeling was like nothing she'd ever felt before when she thought or saw you. Your eyes were hooded, a stark comparison from how wide-eyed and happy you always looked. "Y/n! You scared me."
You smirk her way as you take small steps forward, "I like it when you scream my name, Minari." The Japanese woman feels herself heat up before laughing awkwardly. Before she can retort anything, you're in front of her, on your knees as you were earlier. You were dangerously close to her lips and her eyes were the size of the moon as you stared at her, the smirk on your face never wavering.
"Y-Y/n. We—" You tut and press your index finger to her lips, dragging her lower lip down with your digit gently. Instantly, her mind is blank as you do that. Her mouth is dry and she can feel ever bodily fluid rush to her legs.
"Do you think I could pull more screams from that pretty mouth?" You ask, your breath fanning her lips only tempting her further. Your hands are quickly on her thighs, rubbing up and down while applying light pressure. She bites back a reluctant moan as you do so, only making your smirk grow wider. "Don't hide those noises...I'm sure they sound irresistible."
Her head is fuzzy but she utters out a shaky voice, "But I can't do this to Momo."
You scowl before shaking your head, "Fuck her..." You snarl, leaning down to kiss and suck her neck, very clearly leaving marks. Mina finally releases an airy moan as her hand flies to the back of your head. "It's only you and me here." You move back up and force her to look directly at you, "And you're all I want, Mina."
You pull her lips down onto yours roughly, the Japanese woman groaning upon impact before relaxing into your arms. You grin against her lips as your hands make haste to the waistband of her shorts.
With one swift motion, you slip her shorts and underwear off, leaving her slit exposed to you. You pull your lips away from hers, quickly making your way between her legs. Tongue poking out and trailing from her knee to right onto her inner thigh, repeating the same process on the left leg. She shifts uncomfortably, guilt boiling in her chest, Momo not straying far from her mind, but all at once it fans the flame of her desire for you.
"Ohhh, you just smell so delightful, Mina." Your thumb presses onto her waiting clit, just enough to have her whine so high for you. You grin, pressing just a little harder, enjoying just how much she squirmed for you. "Do you want me?"
Mina nods, her tongue out as she panted like a dog in heat and her eyes glassy. 'Morals be damned' She thinks to herself before pulling you into her lips again roughly. Her hands tug at the locks of your hair, starving for your lips, your touch, you.
"I want you so bad, Y/n." She moans as she pulls away. "Please give me everything." You smirk before nodding, lowering your head to her drooling cunt.
"Anywhere or anytime, I'm there if you need me." You whisper before shoving your face into her, tongue lapping and leaving broad strokes in and around her center. She cries out in sudden ecstasy at the indelicate movement of your tongue.
Mina's eyes glue shut as she chants out your name, "Y/n...Ohhhh Y/n. Y/N!"
She jolts out of her actual rest. Wailing in pain as her foot falls to the ground again. "Agh!"
"Shit! Are you alright?" You ask from beside her. Concern filling your eyes, a rather unwanted shift from when she last saw you.
Mina reorients herself to where she is. She's sitting with you in the living room, right where she fell asleep last. You jump onto your feet, and dash to the kitchen, returning with a cold ice pack.
"You were shifting so much and whining in your sleep. I thought..." You trail off before pressing the ice cold pack onto her ankle. She stares at you, on your knees, so focused on her before your dedicated eyes move to meet hers.
She's suddenly burning red and she looks away embarrassed, you brush it off as nothing more than shame from accidentally hurting herself again. "Does that feel alright?" You ask, rubbing her swollen ankle.
"FINE!" Mina screams, the look in your eyes catching her off guard, before thinking that the ice pack would feel nice much higher.
You quirk a brow before excusing yourself to cook both your dinners. Leaving Mina to reflect on her dream, a hot flush hitting her each time she thinks of you and her in such a compromising position.
'This got complicated fast...' She thinks before pressing the ice pack to her dampening center with a soft groan.
the ending made me laugh and i can't explain why HAHAHAH i hope you all enjoyed this!! i'm beginning to feel a little overwhelmed by this on top of school but i'm still having fun HAHAHA i will see you all tomorrow!! keep safe and i love you all vv much!! - r
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blu-joons · 2 years
When She Compares You To Her Ex ~ Twice Reaction
It took a moment for you to realise what you heard Nayeon say, taking a deep breath as you spun around to face her. “Say it again,” you told her, wanting to know that you were right.
“Y/N, don’t do this,” Nayeon told you, resting her head into her hands dejectedly.
Your head shook straight away back across at her, “tell me what you just said to me again, tell me how much you hate that I’m not as chatty as H/E/N was.”
“I don’t want to say it again,” Nayeon told you with a sigh, “I shouldn’t have even said it for the first time to you.”
“I can’t believe you decided to just say that to me.”
Nayeon struggled to know what to do as you looked away from her. “I can’t say sorry enough, it was so stupid of me.”
“I’ve done nothing to you,” you reminded her, something that she knew too. “You always told me that our relationship was a fresh start for you.”
She nodded in agreement with you, “it is a fresh start for me, I guess for some reason H/E/N just popped into my head.”
“Really?” You chuckled, “just a sudden reminder that they’re better.”
“They’re not better than you Y/N.”
Your hands ran through your hair as Jeongyeon spoke, trying your best to keep yourself relaxed. “If H/E/N was so good to you then why don’t you go back to them instead?”
“Why would you say that?” Jeongyeon quizzed, looking cluelessly to you.
A roll of the eyes followed from you at how oblivious Jeongyeon was. “Do you not hear yourself making the constant digs at me about H/E/N, Jeongyeon?”
“When? I’ve never compared you to H/E/N,” she defended, surprised when your head shook back at her in response.
“You don’t even realise you’re doing it to me, do you?”
Jeongyeon shrugged as she struggled to know what to say, “if I’ve ever compared you to H/E/N, then I never meant to do it Y/N.”
“You do it so much it’s become a habit for you,” you identified, “all this time and you’ve never once realised how much it hurts me to be compared.”
Her head nodded as Jeongyeon listened intently to you, “if I ever do it again, tell me, and I’ll make sure that I apologise.”
“Every time?” You questioned, “because I could be doing it quite often.”
“Every single time you can do it.” 
The moment that you heard Momo, you stood up from where you were, quickly looking around for your bag. “I shouldn’t be here,” you muttered to yourself as you moved.
“Y/N, where are you going?” Momo called out as she watched you move.
You looked back at her momentarily, “if you’re just going to keep sitting there and talking about H/E/N then what’s the point of me being here?”
“I’m not just talking about H/E/N,” Momo told you, surprised to see your head shaking back across as she protested.
“It’s all you’ve done today, what has gotten into you?”
A slight sigh came from Momo as she looked across at you, “I didn’t realise that I was doing it, I guess that it just came out.”
“Just came out?” You challenged, “I could appreciate if that happened once, but it’s about five times you’ve done it tonight, let alone the other times.”
You caught Momo’s head nodding out of the corner of your eye, “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, but please just stay.”
“Will you stop talking about H/E/N?” You asked, “focus on me?”
“I promise that I’ll do that.”
Your head shook in disbelief as you heard Sana speak, knowing that she knew exactly what she’d said too. “Why would you say that?” You asked, deciding to keep your voice calm.
“I didn’t mean to,” Sana mumbled, unable to bring herself to look at you.
After a few moments, you stood up from where you were sat. “I make one mistake and the first thing that you think to do is compare me to H/E/N?”
“I just didn’t know what to say,” Sana tried her best to tell you, “I should’ve thought and not said that at least.”
“Is this how it’s going to be when I’m not good enough?”
Sana’s head shook back at you straight away, “it was a one-time thing, I’d never say anything like that to you and really mean it.”
“If you didn’t mean it, then why say it?” You questioned, watching on as Sana stuttered, struggling to know what the right thing to say was in reply to you.
Sana looked back to you with a sigh, “I wish I could answer you, but I really don’t know why I said that just then.”
“I don’t know if that’s better,” you admitted, “I just don’t understand.”
“All that I can say is sorry Y/N.”
You kept your eyes looking forwards as you heard Jihyo walk into the room, occupying yourself with your phone instead. “I’m busy,” you spoke as you felt her come closer.
“Don’t be like that,” Jihyo asked of you as she took a seat at the end of the bed.
Your head shook slightly as you felt the bed dip, letting go of a sigh. “If you’ve come here to tell me that you’re sorry or that you didn’t mean it, save it.”
“Of course, I’m sorry,” Jihyo quickly told you, “I shouldn’t have said what I said, there was no need for me to do it.”
“I can’t exactly argue with that, there really was no need.”
Jihyo shifted her body so that she was facing you properly, “I get why you’re mad, I don’t expect things to go back to normal either.”
“How can things just go back to normal?” You enquired. “How many times have I done something, and you’ve compared me to what H/E/N used to do.”
Jihyo struggled to know what to say as you asked your question, “not as often as you think that I have done.”
“You’ve still done it though,” you whispered, “and that’s what hurts me.”
“I know, and I really am sorry.”
You could tell that Mina wasn’t exactly impressed as she walked into your apartment, looking around at the mess. “I’ve not had much time to be able to tidy I’m afraid.”
“Even H/E/N wasn’t this messy,” Mina jokingly remarked back to you.
Unlike Mina though, you weren’t laughing, the expression on your face blank. “I’m sorry that I can’t compare to H/E/N if that’s how you’re feeling then.”
“H/E/N?” Mina asked you as you quickly began to move around your apartment and put things where they belonged.
“You said H/E/N’s name, don’t even pretend like you didn’t.”
A faint sigh escaped from Mina, “I’m sorry, I thought it was a funny thing to say, but quite clearly it wasn’t a funny thing at all.”
“I don’t want to be like H/E/N because I’m Y/N,” you pointed out, “if that’s something you find hard, then maybe we need to rethink a few things.”
Mina began to move to help you to tidy up too, “I won’t mention H/E/N’s name ever again, there’s no need to.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, “I don’t need to be compared to anyone else.”
“Of course, no one is like you Y/N.”
No one quite knew where to look as Dahyun mumbled to herself, with everyone hearing her. “Excuse me?” You asked her, feeling Momo’s arm move around you.
“What?” Dahyun innocently asked, feeling you and the girls staring at her.
A shake of the head came from Jihyo who was on the other side of you too, “do you not realise what you just said? Or are you just pretending it didn’t happen?”
“Me?” Dahyun quizzed, looking around to see everyone nodding back at her, completely taking her by surprise.
“Why did you decide to say Y/N isn’t as funny as H/E/N was?”
The smile on Dahyun’s face dropped as everyone carried on nodding. “Did I really say that? Y/N, I’m so sorry, I had no idea that I said that.”
“It’s not the first time,” you told her, feeling the other members move around you. “If I don’t make you smile, or laugh, then what’s the point of us Dahyun?”
Her head shook as she began to panic, “you do make me smile, and laugh, you’re the funniest person that I know.”
“Don’t say that,” you scolded, “because I know that you don’t mean it.”
“I do, I made a mistake Y/N.”
Your smile was sheepish as you met Chaeyoung’s eyes, noticing her laughing across at you. “I don’t understand,” you admitted, knowing that she was confused as you shrugged.
“How do you not get how to do it?” Chaeyoung asked you, almost in disbelief.
You shrugged once again as your eyes briefly looked over the instructions. “I just don’t get all the pieces, why do they have to give you so many?”
“You’re as bad as H/E/N was when we used to try and build things to put up in my dorm,” Chaeyoung hummed to you.
“It’s nice to know that I’m not any worse than H/E/N was at least.”
You placed the bits that you were building down, pushing it away from you. “What are you doing? You can’t just give up because you’re struggling.”
“This isn’t what I’m struggling with,” you swiftly replied, “what I’m struggling with is you feeling the need to constantly see me in H/E/N’s shadow, Chaeyoung.”
As you stood up from the ground, Chaeyoung’s eyes followed you. “Where are you going? Are you leaving this?”
“I need space,” you told her. “Maybe you can give this a go instead of me.”
“Y/N, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
There was a tension in the room as soon as Tzuyu arrived home, offering you a weak smile. “What are you doing here?” You snapped, opting not to entertain her at all.
“This is my home too,” Tzuyu reminded you as she took a seat in the room.
A sigh came from you knowing that you couldn’t argue with that. “Are you sure that you wouldn’t rather be with H/E/N instead, I bet their place is nice.”
“Why would I want to be at H/E/N’s, I’ve not spoken to them for months,” Tzuyu groaned, giving you your moment to get a dig in.
“If you don’t want to be with them, why are you talking about them?”
Tzuyu’s head nodded slowly as she began to figure how upset you were with her. “I didn’t mean to say what I said Y/N, it just came out a little bit wrong.”
“It came out of nowhere,” you whispered, feeling Tzuyu coming towards you, “this is our relationship, it has nothing to do with how you and H/E/N were.”
Her head continued to nod in agreement with you, “I can’t say sorry enough, you’re right, I should separate the two.”
“I’m not H/E/N,” you reminded her, “it would do you good to remember that.”
“I promise that I will from now on.”
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dancetheficaway · 2 years
What would Mina be like on your first time with her?
I feel like she'd be a little nervous, maybe hesitant to show herself off freely at first, but after some kisses and reassuring words, she'd realise that you're also shy. It makes everything a little simpler, and helps to ease her nerves. She would probably want to be on top, and would take things pretty slowly to begin with.
Her touches would be careful, and she'd be happy to spend time discovering what spots make you gasp. When it comes to her own pleasure, she'd guide you if needed, but all in all, your first experience would be more centered around the emotional aspect this night would have on your relationship more than the physical pleasure side of things.
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acornplays · 1 year
British Girl Reacts To TWICE "READY TO BE" Opening Trailer
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ryupages · 2 years
this is gonna be a veryyy long write, i might have to split into two parts 😭
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Slimecicle: [After singing the "JuanaFlippa" song] Are you happy you made me relive that? Are you happy you made me relive that - my darkest moment?
Baghera: We have the fake one right now, it's ok.
Slimecicle: I don't fcking give a sht about this fcking Egg, dude. I don't give a sht! I told Tubbo and I'll say it live - If he -
Baghera: Oh yeah, we have a new daughter now, we have Sunny! :D
Slimecicle: I'm talking about Sunny. If Tubbo logs in and mistakes happen, and that fcking Egg is at half a heart, I might happen- I might- I might just have to slip, and click the "Join Server" button, and uh oh! My finger's still a little- [he waves his hand over the mouse] A little slippery, and I might circle back around and hit the click button again - That's all I'm saying because she is not JuanaFlippa. Or he is not JuanaFlippa, I don't even know. I don't even know that Egg. And I never will.
Baghera: People are saying "metagame" we have Twitter since four months-
Slimecicle: I'm- I'm REAL! This is- I'm not metagaming, I'M REAL! THIS IS ME, I'M A PERSON! I'M NOT JUST A CHARACTER IN YOUR MIND!
Baghera: [Cracking up]
Slimecicle: I dunno- that came from a deep place-
Baghera: I loved it!
Slimecicle: That came from a deep place inside me, I dunno where that was.
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fallingforspring · 1 year
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Dp x dc fics in a nutshell.
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idlesana · 7 months
dear sana, i know about your affairs
minatozaki sana x fem reader ; angst, open ending, ft. miyeon
summary: your dear sana, dear sana who is caught up in “work” which just so happens to be seeing another woman
cw: cheating, cursing, sexual mentions, not proofread
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dear sana, stay safe and healthy throughout work today!
sana smiles, folding the paper and pocketing it, leaving far before the sun could rise.
she wonders for a moment, wonders at what time do you set out these notes so she doesn’t see them until she leaves. the thought quickly wipes her smile, she doesn’t like thinking of you up, not able to sleep, still devoting your time to her— only her. sana frowns.
she shuts the only light on, in the kitchen, making the room glow eerily by only the moon and cityscape lights beaming in through the large window, spread through your living room.
the high rise apartment you and sana got together, or, sana got, insisting you move in with her. her smile reappears at the memories, she feels warm, for some reason. she contemplates shutting the kitchen light off and slipping back into her pajamas, spending the day with you.
mi : are you on your way, baby?
sana frowns, again. she let’s out a small huff, or groan, or a mix, but nevertheless, leaves the apartment, letting the door shut behind her, making sure to guide the handle to suppress the sound as much as possible.
even if she was cheating, she still cared for your rest, still cared for you.
“don’t you think her hours are a bit…?” nayeon trails, leaving the the word she wants to say in thin air, knowing the suspicion she had was valid, but also knowing the declaration of said suspicion could be problematic.
“i mean, she’s a ceo, is she not?”
to be fair, you’ve had the same suspicions, from the exact moment sana started to come home smelling of lilacs and roses instead of her strawberry and peony mixture.
“sure, but, it’s just…” nayeon looks around, chewing on her straw as she lets synonyms bounce around in her head, ultimately settling on, “strange.”
“i- well,” it’s stuttered, your fingers tapping on the table anxiously, now gnawing on your bottom lip, trying to find courage to voice your worries. you don’t want to give in and say that you’ve been thinking this for a while now, because your sana would never, but, this sana may not be yours anymore. you furrow your brows tightly.
you cared about sana, loved her, loved her more than anyone or anything, and you’d never want to doubt her, but, she made it hard. not hard to love her, of course, but hard to hold out hope.
she’s always leaving at the wee hours of morning, leaving you alone until the late, late hours of night.
“you’re right, i’ve been, kinda on edge.” you try and shrug it off, but the bouncing of your leg under the table is a dead giveaway to nayeon, who can feel the shaking of the table.
she runs a hand across the table, cupping it over one of your own, “i’m sure it’s fine, y/n. let’s not worry.”
she smiles, warm and genuine, betraying the blatant lie she tells.
she wasn’t sure it was fine, not one bit.
dear sana, i miss you, lots. i feel like we don’t see much of each other these days.
sana surprisingly isn’t leaving when she finds the note, but maybe worse, coming home.
it’s 4 AM and she knows she’s practically caught at this point, all disheveled and sweaty, but she can’t help but sit and stare at the note. she tries to pat down her hair, but there’s not much use, maybe the sloppily tie or crooked buttoning of her shirt was more so the giveaway.
the note still has her frozen, chest tightening with each heave. she wasn’t so sure how much longer she could keep this up— and to make matters worse, she didn’t know if keeping up meant staying with miyeon, or staying with you.
she snaps her head up, lips parted, eyes widened.
you stand, baggy tee, hers, baggy sweats, hers, cute kitty socks, gift from her to you. her heart twists.
you move to rub an eye, sleep still weighing in your movements, her heart stings.
“y/n.” she sticks the note back to the counter, shuffling around the island, taking steady, hesitant steps toward you.
she feels a familiar pressure build in her throat, a burn of tears forming at the back of her eyes.
“oh, y/n.” she stumbles at you, throwing arms around your waist, pulling you into her, feeling your nose tickle her neck just how she likes. the tears almost slip, she’s happy, but also, so, so sad.
you breathe in and out through your mouth, puffing warm air into her, doing so as to not smell the other woman on her. just to have her as yours, even just for the night.
she’s holding you tight, her body shuddering slightly against yours, and you hold her as tight as you can.
“god, y/n, i love you.” you hear the warble in her voice, the shaky inhales and exhales.
“i know. i love you.” you mutter back, pressing a soft kiss to where her neck and jawline meet.
“y/n, i’m s-so sorry.” you can tell she’s crying now, shaking a little harder in your arms. you feel your heart crack, her words confirming your worst fear.
“i know.”
you’re occupying space in nayeon and chaeyoung’s apartment, letting them pamper you as sana, is at your shared apartment.
you aren’t sure why, why she took work off, why she isn’t with her mystery woman. but you try to not let it bother you, though, that’s not working too well.
“i don’t really know what to do.” you look down at your lap, fingers toying at the promise ring sana got you.
“i mean, isn’t it obvious? you should-“ chaeyoung smacks a hand over nayeon’s mouth, silencing whatever dumb, unthoughtful remark she had in the makes. nayeon side eyes her, but doesn’t move away, knowing she was deserving of it.
“maybe talk to her, y/n.”
chaeyoung looks unsure, but you’re grateful to her being the wiser between the two girls, despite her being younger. she tries to show remorse in her eyes, and you smile, it’s sad, but you try, for her.
you shut the door behind you, for once, it’s you sneaking in late. instead of being sweaty and hot, you’re freezing cold, eyes red and puffy.
you’d taken a lap around your block as soon as you made it home, not sure how to face the inevitable— sana.
one turned to two once you couldn’t stop crying, and now your body is chilled to the touch, all except your face, still flushed from the tears.
you cross to the kitchen, ignorant to the hum of the tv, focused on the way your keys clang on the table. you start to space, and you’re sure it’s from exhaustion, blinking slowing as you stare at the keys, mind somewhere else, for a moment.
maybe you’re trying to settle your mental battle of ‘sana or no sana’, because at this point, it’s not much you fighting for what you want, but you fighting for ways or reasons to keep her— because losing seems beyond inevitable.
“hey.” you blink, once, twice, and definitely quicker than you were before because that isn’t your voice and definitely not in your head.
but you know the voice, you know it too well.
“hi, sana.” you murmur, voice almost getting caught in the atmosphere of the room, but sana hears you, she always does.
she clenched her jaw, nervous before you for the first time since you’d started dating, she’s positioned at your side, but god does she want to be closer.
she opts to lean on the table, hands grasping the edge of it as a way to take out her stress.
“you got home late.” it’s weak, and to you, you can tell sana’s been crying all day, her voice is hoarse and not in the way it is in the mornings, now it just sounds painful to talk.
you look up to her, tears welling in your own eyes again.
because sana, sana always looks so gorgeous, even with red eyes and nose, even when she’s hurting. you want to be mad, you want to ask why she’s crying when she’s the one who cheated, but you know sana would never be so evil.
you gnaw at the inside of your cheek, trying your hardest to keep the tears at your waterline from slipping down your skin.
“yeah, sorry, i was with nayeon.” you push away from the table, crossing your arms before you as you just stare at her. sana’s eyes flicker to something else, and she furrows her brow.
“nayeon? why were you alone with her?” sana’s gripping the table firmer now, jaw visibly clenched and you scoff.
“sana, am i really the person between us who should be getting berated right now? for being out with my friend? at least i’m not fucking someone else right behind my girlfriends back.” it’s a lot, and you’re not sure you said everything right, but it’s fine, you’re emotional, you’re bound to stutter on words. bound to mess up.
you want to move away from sana but her pull is too strong, and that’s when you feel the heat return to your cheek, wet hot slipping down and pooling at your chin.
sana looks as distressed, anger replaced with an unreadable sadness in her eyes. she can’t speak, but her chest is rising and falling quicker with each breath.
you roll your eyes, moving to push through to your room.
“i’m going to bed, sana.” and with that, you cross pass sana, avoiding touching her by any means, to no avail, because she’s grabbing your arm and tugging you into her.
“please don’t leave me.” sana whimpers against you, you still in her arms, feeling her body shake vehemently. your back is to her front, her face nuzzled into your hair as she cries, and suddenly your anger is replaced with worry.
because who were you fooling, you’d never not be loving sana. you turn in her arms, struggling, but nonetheless, wrapping your arms around her as she tugs you closer by the waist.
“please don’t.”
the sun leaking through the blinds is what wakes you, not sana’s warmth slipping away from you, which, gives you hope. especially when you feel her arms still possessively wrapped around your torso.
something about it warms your heart, but maybe too much, because you swear it stings a little being with her.
you shift in her arms, trying to move away from her grip, because no matter how good it feels, there’s still that lingering in your heart.
sana groans, tugging you closer into her, still half asleep but muttering “don’t leave”— memories from last night settle in your head.
it only fuels you to pull away more, eventually slipping from her arms, the warmth leaving your body, you can’t tell if you like it more than being in her arms or not. but, that’s a mental battle for you to fight later.
for now, you’ve decided to go out, specifically, back to holding up space in nayeon’s apartment.
dear sana, i can’t tell if i love or hate you, or maybe a mix of both. what would i call it when it hurts so badly to be near you, but i’m a masochist?
sana’s sat at the island, atop a stool, fingers caressing the pen ink that was imbedded into the cute pink slip of paper. her mind racing, panicked on the inside but keeping a cool exterior, ignoring the buzz of her phone.
miyeon had been blowing her up since yesterday, unfortunately.
sana was fighting her own mental battle, but, she sorta already knew the outcome. she knew she’d stay with you, the only trial left for her to face was if you’d stay with her.
she moves her eyes for the first time all day, it feels, opting to look at her phone screen, ignorant to all those messages, instead focusing on the time: 8:34 PM.
you should be home soon, she wants you home to her, her heart hurts more thinking how you must’ve felt all those nights.
she groans, letting it echo through the barred apartment, putting her arms before her to rest her head in them, ignoring the discomfort in her spine at the bend.
she shuts her eyes, whining and frustrated, she slips into her thoughts again.
never had she ever regretted something so bad.
you got home at 10, sharp. jittering the key in and out of the lock a couple times, struggling with cold fingers. but, once you push inside, you lock eyes to sana, smiling softly, but visibly nervous.
“did you wait for me?” you ask, teasing, but with an underline of mocking, shocked the roles had finally swapped.
“of course.” sana tries to keep her smile up, she’s sleepy, but, nonetheless, willing to stay up longer, willing to for you.
“i’m shocked— you’re not out for once.” you pause when you slip off your shoes, continuing when you stand up, eyes narrowed over sana. you walk toward the island, ending up on the opposite side, facing her.
“i’m no longer seeing her, i haven’t, for some time.”
“since i found out?” you grit your teeth, rolling your eyes at her, but unmoving. sana stays hopeful, only huffing before straightening her posture.
“yeah, since you found out. but, i want to clear it up, clear up things with,” she waves her hands around, “her.”.
you scoff, leaning over the table slightly, head in your palms, “go on.”
“i don’t love her, like i love you. in fact, i don’t care for her at all.”
you mull over what she said in your head, trying to not let the ‘i love you’ get you flushed, trying not to fall for her words, even though you know it’s inevitable.
“by the way, your note is gorgeous. the way you voice your feelings has always been— incredible to me.”
again, you huff, forcing yourself to stand tall at the face of sana’s charms.
“if you don’t love her, by the way, why cheat on me?” you feel a small burning at your eyes, and you know your not long to cry, but you try swallowing it down.
sana stills, unsure on how to answer, because why did she?
“i wish, i wish i could tell you.” sana sighs, new sadness over taking her features, and you can’t bare look at her, looking down at the counter.
you try to blink you tears away, but it only makes things worse when you’re facing down. tears spattering to the marble countertop.
“oh, y/n.” sana mutters, you hear a chair screech soon after, followed by light footsteps, and you brace yourself by clenching the table tighter.
and sana, of course, engulfs you in her arms, tugging you into her, her warmth, her oh so familiar arms that somehow make you feel better, even when crying over her.
“it’s okay, i promise, we can do this.” she mutters into your hair, pressing a small kiss into it, gripping you a little tighter, and you wish you didn’t love the comfort of her touch so bad.
you sob a little harder, throwing your arms around her hopelessly, taking in her perfume, all her now, no longer did she reek of another woman.
“please, stay, we can do this.” sana hums, followed by more quiet whispers of affirmation, and you feel yourself slipping more, because how could you stay away from sana?
she leans down a little, grazing her jaw against your own, the skin to skin making you shudder in her arms.
“i love you, y/n.” she whispers to your ear, warm and right into your ear. you can’t tell if she’s helping or making it harder for you.
“please, stay with me.”
how could you say no to her?
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ghostykapi · 1 month
i know you don't wanna leave [stay here after hours]
son chaeyoung & fem!reader // tw: an attempt of s.a., drinking, arguments, like one slap and that’s it
surprise! i’m alive? here have a fic
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it starts with an acquaintance. it always does.
not this time, this time it starts with one of your best friends, myoui mina
when mina says she wants you to meet her members after so long, you freeze and start panicking in your discord voice call. despite the long time knowing each other, twice has yet to meet one of mina's close friends, a fellow introvert that bumped into each other one too many times that it was inevitable to start a bond.
"it's going to fine y/n" you can still hear mina's voice in your head, her hands holding yours as you both walk up to a secluded restaurant "they are going to love you"
despite the reassurances, you couldn't shake off the anxiety off you, nervous to make the best first impression of you.
despite your worries, the girls immediately take a liking to you. a romantic liking to you, as you would recall half of them already fighting to get your attention
“so y/n” you can still remember jihyo asking you, a small glint present in her eye “are you single?”
ever the protective person your best friend was, the immediate response of “she’s off limits” shoots any questions down. all possible suitors immediately follow mina’s words
almost all possible suitors
son chaeyoung doesn’t follow it
after all, she’s the one who sat beside you, slipping her number well within your palm with a smile after dinner and exchanging jokes. the same number that you chat with a simple hello, and the same number that continuously texts you every morning, afternoon, and night
chaeyoung is even so bold to causally chat you even if she sits right beside mina during practice. she doesn’t get caught at all. not even by the prying eyes of her members, her ever carefree attitude when texting you not raising any suspicion
it goes on for weeks, until an opportunity for her to go on a date with you pops up. so she asks you until you find yourself going to weekly dates with her, sneaking in surprise deliveries to one another, calling more often than texting, clothes sneakily being left on each other’s apartment
she’s been sweet. the way she’s been kissing you? tastes like strawberries. the way she holds your hand on dates? warm and fuzzy. the way she looks at you? like you’re her forever muse
it’s just that the way she holds you everytime, with her arms around you as you settle on the couch, she holds you like you’re about to disappear into air.
it’s not the case
it’s her who has to walk out the door and leave every night. despite her saying the words ‘i love you’, you aren’t even her girlfriend. you aren’t even fully together. not when she’s still in that ‘break’ with her (ex?) boyfriend. you only found out about it after your 7th date with her
if only you knew sooner, maybe you could have stopped yourself from falling for her. maybe you don’t have to let the tears fall again. even when she tries to get up you always grasp her hands, begging with your eyes into her conflicted ones (it happens every time)
"stay" you whisper, she tries to hard to avoid looking at you (it kind of drives you insane) "please stay"
she doesn't stay, but she kisses you. kisses you like she won’t break your heart just a bit again, like she doesn’t pull away and whispers you that she does have to go.
and so you’re left alone. again. left alone to cry.
she comes back though. every morning shift in that hole in the wall cafe you have she shows up, ready to clock in late even if jihyo is about to drag her to practice. even when you have to stay up late, she calls you up, asking if you can buzz her in even at 3 am, even when you have to finish that commission.
she’s relentless with her pursuit for you, but she’s unforgiving for having to pull away when you’re falling deeper and deeper into her spell.
well that’s how you got here.
at a club, definitely somewhere obscure that lets in any person no matter who they are or what they even represent. it doesn’t matter, the lighting is dark, it’s crowded, the music is to loud and the alcohol is swimming around the room.
you don’t even know how much you consumed, everything is starting to spin already. the environment proving to you that this is just a place that you don’t even wanna be in to begin with, and still it’s better because this is the last place where your brain can even think of chaeyoung.
all you can think about is the bodies that are grinding against you, the smell of booze invading your senses, the numerous eyes that look at you and your body on the dance floor, the lady that’s been dancing with you for a while now, her eyes drinking you in
you don’t even notice that she’s manage to lead you away from the dance floor, now in a corner, where you have no where to go. your blurry vision can barely understand the scene in front of you, so you try to go along with it, even if your heart begs for you to stop
before anything happens, you can see her being pulled away by a group of people, all screaming to why she’s targeting a clearly too drunk woman. you can barely make out the group until someone catches you before you stumble, the familiar sent of the perfume instantly calming you down
“let’s get you home yeah?”
it’s motherfucking son chaeyoung. the person who just shoved a person away from kissing you and the one person you were trying to get over.
you can see another figure approaching you, and you can tell it’s your best friend. her worried eyes scanning you from head to toe before releasing a sigh and helping chaeyoung to bring you to the car
the ride was quiet, the only sound the entire ride is the radio playing music. the haziness of it call made it feel short to you, but as soon as you set foot in your apartment and sat down on your couch, you can slightly see things better.
“call me when you’re ok” mina gives you a hug on the couch, her voice softly calming you down before you have to face chaeyoung “it’s ok, your safe now”
she stands up to leave, facing chaeyoung who’s probably no better than you
“you will explain everything to me” mina whispers to her “but make sure y/n is well taken care of tonight”
she hugs chaeyoung before she leaves, having to catch a late night visit to her girlfriend, tzuyu.
that leaves you though with the person you tried to avoid in the first place. you can barely reject her. no. you can’t even push her away and scream ‘leave me alone!’
but you try, you try anyway for the sake of it
“excuse me?”
you try to stand up, and despite the absolute shit state you are in, you look at her with all the venom you can show.
chaeyoung is flabbergasted, mostly worried, but is flabbergasted by the way you manage to turn around your feelings towards her. yesterday you both were just fine
“y/n” she’s cautious, threading on what to say “you’re drunk. let’s get you to bed”
“leave” despite the glare you’re sending her way, she’s coming closer to help you to bed. “you better leave”
“no stop saying i should leave” she’s trying to keep you calm, but that sentence ticks you off to shout
a step closer to you to reach out and you’re body does the first thing a rage filled body can do
a loud smack can be heard across the apartment
it’s silent now, the shock and realization hits chaeyoung as she looks at you. you who had smiled at her like she was the sun, you who had kissed every single one of her tattoos to cheer her up, you who had danced in the rain to the music of a faint distant piano, you who had no hesitation of choosing her again and again and again even when you had every right to break things off
endlessly, with devotion and loyalty
you who had always welcome her back even if you knew she always returned to him
“i-i” you’re speechless, your hand suddenly feeling like it doesn’t belong to you “c-chaeyoung i—”
you can can feel the words clog in your throat. the air starting to feel like it’s not enough. you can feel her slipping away
no, she kneels right in front of you. her hands holding yours and her eyes shining with nothing but love, guilt and shame.
“i’m sorry” chaeyoung kisses your hand, despite the slap you just delivered a minute ago “i’ve been nothing but a meanie haven’t i?”
you break, everything crashing down.
“i’m so sorry” she wipes away your tears, heart taking all of the guilt she had tried to run from, as she sees you like this. her mind finally realizing full extent of the pain she has inflicted on the both of you “my love i’m so sorry”
you sob, sob until she’s holding you close, rubbing circles on your back like she always does to calm you down, her apologies and words of affirmation spilling out of her like she’s rapping to one of her songs.
it takes you a while to calm down, and when you do you can barely move. it takes you another couple of minutes for her to move you to bed at least. changing you into your sleeping clothes (the shirt is her’s, she feels her heart pull at that), cleaning up your face and tucking you into bed
“get some sleep my love” chaeyoung whispers, her finger brushing out any hair that’s fallen on your face “i’ll fix this i promise”
your eyes focus on her’s. eyes that are red as yours from crying. you wonder why she still looks so pretty even if she just broke you
“will you stay?” it’s the last thing you say, and the warm kiss on your cheek is the last thing you feel before you fully surrender to slumber.
in the morning, you manage to wake up with a throbbing head. the headache hurts, everything seems to be too bright or too loud. you can’t even figure out who’s body is spooning you from behind, hands gently playing and combing through your hair
“morning my love”
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vex91 · 10 months
Twice - Toy
Pairing: Twice x Female Reader (Non Idol AU)
Fandom: Twice
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Can I request g!p twice with sub poly reader
Summary: After being kicked out of your house by your landlord, your sister asks her friends to let you stay with them at their dorm. What you didn't expected was becoming their sex toy as a payment for staying.
Warning(s): Smut, 18+ content, G!P Twice, Degradation, Y/N basically sleeping with every Twice member
A/N: I hope that it came out alright and to your liking. Thanks for requesting <3
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3rd's POV
"Yeah, they said that it's fine for you to stay there until you find another place for yourself, Nayeon assured me about it hundreds times already"
Your sister's words resonated throughout your head as you stood in front of the big building. The paper with an address on it in your hand as you looked between it and the building nervously, confirming that you were indeed at the right place. Your sister assured you that her friends were fine with you staying for a while so you shouldn't be so nervous right? But on the other hand you've never met them so it's okay for you to be nervous, especially since you are going to be living with them for some time.
Sighing you knocked on the door waiting for a reply, on the other side you could hear multiple different whispers and the sound of footsteps coming up. Suddenly the door swung open and to your eyes came a woman that you recognize from the picture of her and your sister. Jihyo was her name if you remembered correctly "Hi, you must be Y/N right? Come in" She smiled at you as she took a step aside to let you in. You walked in with your luggage as you looked around the living room.
In front of you stood eight other women, all of them just as gorgeous as the one who let you in. You smiled awkwardly at them, feeling even more nervous because of all these eyes on you. You weren't expecting to be living with nine other people, you thought it's going to be three or four maybe. As if sensing your nerves, Jihyo stepped in "Okay guys come on, you'll only make her nervous with all this staring. Now my name is Jihyo, and this is Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu" Jihyo introduced each of the girls before looking back at you "You're the same age as our Tzuyu right? Then you will be sharing a room with her" Tzuyu came up to you to help you carry your stuff to her room.
"Such a shame, I would love to share a room with her" Jeongyeon slapped Sana's shoulder after she said that as you only blushed. Her eyes only made the comment even more suggestive. You quickly followed Tzuyu upstairs, still feeling their eyes following your every move. You tried brushing it off since you were someone they didn't knew yet but still, something in their eyes told you that they were up to some no good. Still they were your sister's friends so you had to trust her that she wouldn't put you in the house full of psychos.
"Ah fuck-" You cursed as Sana's cock pumped in and out of you. You gripped the table as she pushed you more and more into it with her every thrust. You weren't sure how you found yourself in this situation, a few minutes ago you were making a food for yourself when Sana came in and now you were pressed against the table with Sana's cock filling you up from behind you. You knew that you shouldn't do it with a girl you knew only 2 weeks but it felt too good and you didn't wanted her to stop.
"Does it turn you on? The thought of anyone coming in and seeing you being a whore for my cock?" She punctuated each word with deep thrusts causing you to come with a scream that was muffled by her hand. She continuing pumping in and out of you until she came deep inside you. Just then Dahyun came to the kitchen, seeing you two in such a position caused her own dick to harden. You gulped nervously while Sana only smirked "Oh such a good timing, want to join?" Honestly Dahyun didn't had to be told twice, her pants were already on the floor when Sana finished her question.
Sana pulled out of you and switched places with Dahyun who spitted on her cock to lubricate it before pushing it in you. You were still sensitive from Sana's one so you whined at the feeling. Still your hips pushed themselves more into her with every thrust. As Dahyun continued fucking you, you looked to the side to see Sana jerking herself off while watching you two. The smirk still on her face when she looked at how fucked out and desperate you were. She walked back to you and put her dick near your lips "Come on, I know you want it" She pushed her whole length in your mouth, grunting at how warm your mouth was.
They continue fucking you like this, Dahyun thrusting in your pussy and Sana in your mouth until they filled you full of their cum. They looked at the work they did with smiles before they left you there, all fucked out and tired.
Of course Sana couldn't keep her mouth shut for long and the news about what happened between you, her and Dahyun reached Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Mina. Of course they got curious about it because who wouldn't, especially when they were very interested in you already. That's why they decided that they wanted to have some fun with you too so they called you over to Jeongyeon's room. You went there because you thought that they wanted to talk about something but instead you found yourself gagging on Jeongyeon's cock while Mina and Chaeyoung fucked your holes.
Mina was busy with your pussy while Chaeyoung pumped in and out of your ass, both weren't too keen on going slow making you lose your mind especially since at the same time Jeongyeon was using your mouth as a living fleshlight made just to get herself off. They continued fucking you like this until they came but even then they just switched positions before resuming what they've started, not caring if you were tired or not and for some weird reason you liked the roughness of it all.
It's safe to say that you've spend a good few hours in that room with them before you walked out on wobbling legs.
Momo managed to get you along with Tzuyu in the bathroom. You were taking a shower when Momo suddenly barged in, not knowing that you were in there "Oh god, I'm sorry I didn't knew you were here" She tried to apologize and look away but you could see from how hard she got that she didn't wanted to look away "It's fine but you can come in if you want to" Honestly you would be lying if you said that you didn't wanted Momo to took you right there and then so how could you just let her leave after getting her hard?
To help her, you let her fuck you however she wanted so she decided to fuck you hard against the wall. Her dick thrusted deep inside you as she held you up and against the wall. Truthfully the fact that she showed how strong she was only made you more turned on for her. She continued pumping in and out of you and soon the door opened and Tzuyu walked in, freezing when she saw what was happening. Momo being too busy fucking you, didn't noticed her until she finally came in you.
When she finally noticed the youngest of them standing there, she smiled "Come here Tzuyu" Doing as she was told Tzuyu walked over slowly. Momo put you down and went behind you, letting Tzuyu take the front. Tzuyu looked at you for an approval and after getting it, she pushed herself into you, moaning at the feeling of your walls clenching around her. Just as she was slowly fucking you, Momo entered your ass from behind and held you up a little to give herself and Tzuyu better angle to thrust.
And just like before they continued fucking you until they tired you out but instead of leaving you, they helped you get cleaned up before helping you to bed.
Of course after hearing about all of this Nayeon couldn't just let herself be the one who hasn't fucked you yet so she called you over to her room. After talking with you for a bit she started getting very touchy with you before she straightforwardly said that she wanted to fuck you, so she did. She pushed you into the bed as she fucked you against it, your moans muffled by the bed and back all covered in marks made by her.
"You like it huh? You like being our little sex toy? Honestly if you continue paying us like this then you can stay here forever, you would like that huh?" You could only wordlessly nod, the feeling of her cock hitting all the right spots deep inside you made you unable to make any coherent sentence. Your wall clenched around her as you reached your climax and came right along with her. Her warm cum filled you to the brim as you moaned at the feeling.
Before you could say anything Nayeon started moving her hips again, planning to breed you multiple times.
Lastly Jihyo, your sister best friend. Of course she also wasn't able to resist you and had to have you to herself alone in her room. She had you pinned against her bed as her cock moved inside you slowly, she made sure to savor the moment before she went crazy "Your sister would kill me if she found out about this" Her hips started moving faster at the thought of your sister finding out about her friends constantly fucking her precious little sister. Jihyo knew that she won't be happy but your pussy just felt too good.
"She told me to take good care of you so that's what I'm doing right?" She thrusted inside you faster and faster as you nodded at her words "F-Fuck yesss, sooo good fuc-" You managed to get out and Jihyo smiled. She sucked on your boobs as her moves started becoming more and more unsteady and soon she was cumming inside you. Still her hips couldn't stop moving and she continued this whole thing not caring if your sister was going to find out or not.
It was your decision to let yourself be their toy and you were okay with letting them use you like this since they let you live with them. Plus you liked the feeling of being used like this by them.
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insomniakisses · 6 months
Helloo! Can you do Stepmother g!pSana × femreader, where Sana gets jealous on your boyfriend (idk who actually). Then days later on your 19th birthday you caught your boyfriend cheating on you then you go home crying and Sana saw and went to comfort you which ended up on a confession and birthday sex.🫠 Can you do that? Lol it's been on my mind the whole day😭 Thank you!
He is Nothing
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Pairing: Sana (Twice)
Reader: Gender Neutral (AFAB)
Warnings/Notes: omegaverse au, alpha sana, she has a dick, p in v sex, MINORS DNI, CIS HETS DNI, NSFW CONTENT, creampie, breeding kink, mommy kink, brief mentions of cheating.
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The sound of you crying and a door slamming woke sana up, getting out of bed she makes her way to your room knocking gently before she pushes it open. Her heart clenches when see sees you, puffy eyed and shaking as you cry.
“Oh my sweet baby!” She makes her way to you quickly softly scooping you up and pulling you against her feeling your face nuzzle into her neck inhaling deeply her scent to calm yourself.
“Mommy” you whine and she clenches her jaw cussing at herself for her cock twitching. “Whats wrong baby? Hmm?” Her voice is strained but you don’t pick up on it simply shaking your head with a whine.
“Baby please..” she probes kissing your head and you whimper pulling away from her neck, eyes closing as she wipes your tears.
“H-he cheated on me” you frown and her jaw clenches once more eyes hardening. “He.. what..?”
You swallow shifting uncomfortably at the harsh deep voice escaping her throat and she sighs cupping your jaw. “Listen to me baby, he is NOTHING and its his loss because he doesn’t get a perfect omega like you. Hmm?”
You cant help but blush looking at your lap at her words and she smiles kissing your head once more and you cant help but move to grab her face leaning her face still. Biting your lips you lean in pleasantly surprised when she follows crashing her lips together with yours with a hungry moan.
“Fuck,” she cusses pushes you to lay under her and caressing your face thumb brushing your lips. “I want you baby, I love you, really i do and-“ she doesn’t get to finish because you kiss her again she smirks into the kiss bulling at your shorts until there off humming in approval when you pull her cock out of her boxers.
“Fuck baby,” she moans pulling away. “Are you sure?” You nod biting your lip and she groans pushing in mouth falling open at your tight wet heat.
“M-mommy!” You yelp, grabbing onto her shoulders as she shushes you. “Its okay baby, mommy is gonna take care of you”
Placing one last kiss to your lips she starts thrusting fast and deep, one hand coming down so she can rub at your clit. “God your so fucking tight baby, gonna take all of mommys seed huh?”
You nod moaning as she nips and kisses at your neck groaning into it when you cum on her cock, walls clenching hard as your juices drip to her balls. Her cock twitches balls pulsating as she cums too filling you with a heavy load of warm runny cum.
“Fuck baby,” she husks still rubbing at your clit as you both catch your breath, it takes a minute but she starts up her thrusts once more teasing you with her knot every thrust as it grows. Just barely popping it in before she pulls away.
When she feels you start clenching and your walls tightening she rubs her thumb against your clit faster. “You want my knot baby? Wanna be stuffed by your mommy and made to carry her pups?” She teases, almost taunting you and you cry out in need. Begging for it, and who is she to deny you slamming her knot in and rubbing your clit till your both cumming. Panting against each other and whispering soft “I love yous”.
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A/n: Sorry i kinda changed it! Also only after finishing it did i see “g!p” and not “alpha”
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Twice Headcanons: How They Act When They’re Jealous!
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on the outside, she’s completely calm. she gives off such calculated control, you’d never even know she was jealous
however on the inside, she’s having a complete downward spiral
her jealousy just validates the insecurities she already has; that she’s not pretty enough, not smart enough, not cool enough… not good enough for you.
she’ll start overanalyzing everything about her personality until she’s drowning in her own self criticism
all of this introspection makes her grow distant, which is your ONLY sign that something is wrong
the only thing that will snap her out of this is if you sit her down to her and explain in vivid detail how much you love everything about her, and how no one could ever replace her 💞
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scarily quiet
doesn’t like feeling threatened, so she gets insecure whenever someone seems to be making you happier than her
will start digging for dirt on whoever seems to be interested in you, doing a full background check
“hey Y/N, did you know they flunked out of college? no? oh, i just heard that through the grape vine.”
gives you a cold glare every time you mention their name
will protectively place a hand on your lower back the whole time you’re out with them
it’s not that she doesn’t trust you, it’s them she doesn’t trust.
if she gets pushed hard enough, she won’t hesitate to call them out on it in front of everyone
“why don’t you find your own girlfriend/boyfriend/ partner instead of chasing after mine? it’s honestly really pathetic.”
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the opposite of jeongyeon, she’s loud and fiery about her jealousy
not afraid to make a scene whatsoever
it’s kind of hot honestly
won’t hesitate to publicly humiliate someone for coming onto you
“Oh, you thought they were interested in you? That’s cute. Why would they want you when they already have me?”
would get violent if anyone put their hands on you
“get your filthy hands off of them before i break every bone in them.”
will kiss you in public if it makes people stop staring at you, and will smirk at them from across the room afterwards to rub it in their face that she’s the one who gets to kiss you
you would never even think of trying to make her jealous, she would be far too terrifying 😭
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her? jealous? no, never. jealousy is barbaric and petty, something totally beneath her!
at least… that’s what she tells you
if it’s just some average person, she wouldn’t care and just brush it off
but if it’s someone she perceives as more successful than her, she’ll start getting insecure
she doesn’t like competition, so if someone manages to shake her, she turns a little sour 😙
very passive aggressive
“why don’t you go hang out with them, since you two are so close?”
however, she’s adorable when she’s jealous, and has the cutest little pout… you can’t stop yourself from grabbing her face and kissing her, which 9 times out of 10 makes her feel better
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she doesn’t get jealous very often, she trusts you a lot and knows you wouldn’t run off with someone else just because they showed interest in you
she doesn’t see other people in your life as competition, she’s secure in the fact that she’s the one you chose as your partner
she would pretty much only get upset if she felt that you were blatantly disrespecting your relationship by shamelessly flirting with others
she doesn’t like to be controlling, but there are times when she’ll tell you not to associate with certain people anymore because of how they don’t honor your relationship. it’s not an ultimatum, more of a test to see how much you really care about her
but that’s only in the worst case scenario. most of the time she’s very open about her feelings. she’s not afraid to be vulnerable with you :)
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she doesn’t get jealous too often, but when she does, it can be intense
she doesn’t like coming off as insecure so she tends to keep it to herself
if it starts getting to her, she might start mirroring your actions
you start hanging out with your friends more than her? she can do that too. you have friends of your preferred romantic gender? she has some of those too
it will either go two ways: one, you’ll feel hurt and realize how you’ve been making her feel, and then the behavior will stop on both ends
or two, you’re perfectly fine with what she’s doing, and she realizes her jealousy was silly and lets it go
after this, she would FINALLY feel secure enough to have a talk with you about spending more time together 😑
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turns into a completely different person
she’s highly competitive, and will immediately double down and turn their little game into a death match
if you don’t seem interested in the other person, she’ll go to extreme lengths to secure your love by making extravagant public displays of affection
that person needs to know that she loves you more than they ever could
however, if you decided to play with her heart and act interested in this person? you’ll surely regret it
she has a ph.d in revenge, and will make you 10x more jealous than you made her 💋
she hates feeling replaced or forgotten, so if you start making her feel that way, she’ll immediately try and flip it back on you before it sinks in.
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she’s highly possessive in her relationships. you belong to her, and she belongs to you. that’s the agreement you both made when you made things exclusive
and she’s not likely to stay with someone who doesn’t honor that commitment, so if you think she’ll tolerate you flirting around and playing the field, she won’t 😬
however if you’re not actively trying to make her jealous, she’s way more calm in how she handles things
she won’t lash out on you, but rather explain to you that it bothers her how this person looks at you/ talks to you. that way, if you continue to let it happen, she can’t say she didn’t set clear boundaries with you 😗
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probably the least jealous member tbh
has a mindset of “if they want to, they will.”
i.e, if you want to cheat on her, you will. then she’ll leave you and move on with her life 💁🏼‍♀️
but obviously you don’t want to, because HELLO you’re dating chou tzuyu???
for real though, she’s super confident in herself, so she doesn’t get threatened easily
if you ever did manage to make her jealous, she’d probably just tell you straight out
and you’d apologize profusely because you’re WHIPPED for this woman as you should be
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blu-joons · 2 years
When The Two Of You Hold Hands For The First Time ~ Twice Reaction
The swing of Nayeon’s arm kept catching your attention as the two of you walked, lifting constantly. As you walked, you took a small step towards Nayeon, close enough for your hands to brush, and then connect.
“Much better,” you smirked as you felt her eyes suddenly turn to look at you.
“What was this for?” Nayeon grinned, more than happy to feel your hand holding on tightly to her own.
“Just because,” you laughed, looking around the park where the two of you walked. “There are plenty of other couples around, why not join them?”
Nayeon didn’t quite know what to say, but her smile said a lot for her. “Are we a couple?” She quizzed, keeping her eyes firmly on you as she searched for answers.
“We’re as good as,” you mused, relieved to see the grin on her face, “this feels like I’m making something official with you.”
“I’d like it if you did,” Nayeon responded, catching your bright smile too for the first time, “I want to be a couple like them.”
“I guess this makes us official then.”
Her eyes were engrossed on the film that played, hand resting on the arm between the two of you. A shaky breath came from you as you built up plenty of courage before deciding to reach across and hold her hand.
“Don’t mind me,” you whispered as Jeongyeon’s eyes looked to you straight away.
“Your hands are warm,” Jeongyeon whispered too, surprised by how nice it felt to have your hand on hers.
“I’d been sitting on them for a while to make sure they weren’t cold to scare you,” you admitted, watching the smile on Jeongyeon’s face grow.
She appreciated the effort that you went to in order to make her more comfortable beside you. “It worked,” she spoke, keeping her voice quiet still with others around you.
“Shall I keep my hand here for the rest of the film?” You asked her, wanting to make sure that Jeongyeon was happy.
“Yeah,” she responded without even having to think, knowing that she was definitely comfortable with you holding her hand.
“I was hoping that you’d say that.”
Your hand grabbed onto Momo’s as you noticed a quiet spot in the venue where you could stand. You didn’t even realise what you had done until you stopped, noticing Momo looking down at your grip.
“Sorry,” you told her, quickly adjusting your grip so that you could let go of her.
“Don’t,” Momo told you, grabbing your hand and placing it back where it was straight away, “and don’t say sorry.”
“I just wanted to make sure you followed,” you explained, slightly nervous to suddenly be holding onto her hand. “Are you sure that you don’t mind?”
Momo’s head nodded straight away as a chuckle escaped from her. “Y/N, I wouldn’t have put your hand back if I didn’t want you to hold onto me,” she reassured you.
“It feels funny,” you admitted, slowly getting used to things. “I always wondered what this sort of moment would be like.”
“I think I could get used to it,” she teased, nudging against your side, “the first time is over, there’s no need to panic now.”
“You’re right, I’m a lot more settled now.”
Panicked eyes looked across at you as Sana’s ankle continued to be checked out by the medics. You knew that she was searching to you for help, leaving you reaching out for her hand, making her feel looked after.
“You’ll be alright,” you whispered, watching the first tear roll down her cheek.
“I’m scared, I don’t want to be on the side,” Sana told you, unable to bring herself to look down at her ankle.
“You won’t be, you’re in safe hands,” you assured her, “and even if you are, I’ll be right here to take care of you and make sure that nothing bad happens.”
You lifted up your intertwined hands to make sure that she saw them. “What would I do without you here?” Sana asked gripping even tighter onto your hand to keep you there.”
“I think you’d be alright,” you told her, knowing that Sana was too busy to really pay attention to your hands.
“Will you come with me if I need to go somewhere?” Sana asked you, following your gaze down to your hand that was in hers.
“I won’t let go wherever you go.”
You had no real idea as to what Jihyo was saying as she continued to fret and vent beside you. As she continued to stress herself out, you knew that you needed to calm her down somehow, deciding to grab her hand.
“Stop worrying yourself,” you told her, hearing her stop under your touch.
“Sorry,” she groaned, relaxing slowly, allowing your grip to reassure her and help her to calm down as well.
“You need to look after yourself,” you told Jihyo, placing your other hand over the top of hers too. “I know the pressure is tough, but you’ll hurt yourself soon.”
A sigh came from Jihyo, staring across at you as she knew that you were right. “I’m sorry for going on for so long, I’ve probably made you dizzy by talking for so long tonight.”
“It’s alright, it’s good that you got it off your chest,” you smiled, “you know that I’m here for you, don’t you?”
“Of course,” Jihyo assured you straight away, “honestly I don’t know what I’d have done recently without you right by my side.”
“I’ll stay right here; I’ll always help you.”
Your eyes could look nowhere else as Mina moved alongside you, her hand was the only thing that you were focused on. As your confidence grew, you finally did what you wanted to do, reaching across to her.
“Hi,” you stuttered as your action immediately caused her to look around.
“Hi,” she laughed, as shy as you were, relieved to see that it was you that was holding onto her hand.
“You don’t mind, do you?” You asked her, nodding down at your intertwined hands that were in between the two of you. “It just felt like the right thing to do.”
Her head shook back at you, allowing her smile to grow. “I definitely don’t mind,” she assured you, “I think it feels right too, I never expected your hand to feel so comforting.”
“You’ve definitely got a dancer’s hand,” you laughed, admiring the dainty hold that she had against your hand.
“It feels nice,” she whispered, surprised herself by how comfortable she felt suddenly holding your hand, “it’s a nice surprise for me.”
“In that case, I think I’ll hold your hand more often.”
You felt pretty helpless as Dahyun wiped underneath her eyes, trying to regain her composure beside you. As you watched her, you noticed her hand just beside you, reaching out and taking a hold of it.
“You’re not alone,” you told her, a weak smile on your face to offer too.
“Thank you,” Dahyun told you, sniffing back the tears as she found comfort from the feeling of your hand on hers.
“It’s alright to get upset, you can let it all out around me,” you added, finding a surprising confidence from the feeling of being able to hold her hand and reassure her.
Dahyun’s smile slowly turned up as she too felt reassured knowing that you were by her side. “I didn’t think that the business of work would get to me as much as this.”
“You work hard,” you reminded her, “it’s alright to say when you’re finding all of that a hard thing to get on with.”
“You’re right,” Dahyun agreed, holding on a little tighter to your hand, “thank you for letting me get upset around you, it means a lot.”
“You don’t need to thank me, I’m here for you.”
You rushed up from the sofa as you watched Chaeyoung struggle to carry the many things for the studio that she had in your arms. You stretched out to take some things from her, only as you did, your hand brushed hers.
“Sorry,” you told her as you tried to take one of the boxes from her hold.
“It’s alright,” Chaeyoung chuckled, feeling the linger of your hand against the back of hers, her smile instinctively growing.
“Do you want me to take anymore?” You asked her, not quite knowing where to look as you too felt the feeling of her hand replay again and again in your head.
Chaeyoung’s head shook in reply to you, “don’t be nervous,” she told you, noticing the slight panic in your eyes as you realised that you’d touched her hand for the first time.
“That wasn’t quite how I imagined my first time making contact with your hand to be,” you admitted, giggling shyly.
“Let’s just say that it doesn’t count,” Chaeyoung suggested, “I mean it wasn’t really a hold, it was more of just a stroke, it’s not the same thing.”
“I’d like that, I definitely didn’t hold your hand then.”
As soon as your eyes landed on Tzuyu, it was instinct for you to reach your hand out to her to make sure that she didn’t get lost. Her hand slid into yours straight away, picking up her pace to be able to reach you.
“Are you alright?” You asked her once you had her back in front of you.
“Y-yeah,” Tzuyu stuttered, looking down to notice your hand still in hers, having forgotten to let go of her whilst rushing.
“Sorry,” you whispered as you realised what she was looking at, attempting to let go of her hand, only for Tzuyu to grab back hold of your hand straight away.
Her smile widened as she looked back across at you, “don’t apologise,” she told you. “It feels nice holding onto your hand,” she assured you, tightening her grip on you.
“I agree,” you whispered, suddenly losing all confidence as you intertwined your grip in tighter with Tzuyu’s at the same time.
“Thank you for pulling me through the crowd,” Tzuyu told you as the two of you fell silent, “I thought I was going to get lost for a moment there.”
“I’ll always reach out whenever you need me.”
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eurydia · 3 months
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(meme) template under the cut, enjoy
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