#twst mother of all
harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Malleus: Your Majesty...? What are you doing here?
The queen: *his grandmother* *has come to Night Raven College without any notice*
The queen: I just wanted to check in on my precious grandson. Also, to see a certain spectral dragon who has been hiding from me for thousands of years.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: You mean... Nonna? She's teaching right now.
The queen: Bring me to her location.
Malleus: If you barge in, you'll cause a commotion. And where are your royal guards?
The queen: I've left them. You should not be concerned. I've assigned someone to keep an eye on my place while I'm away.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Please be patient. I'll inquire with Lilia.
The queen: Good. I want to talk to him too.
Malleus: ...
Lilia: *kneeling before Her Majesty*
The queen: Do you know why I've summoned you here?
Lilia: I have no idea, Your Majesty.
The queen: ...
The queen: Where is that despicable spectral dragon?
Lilia: She might be on break as of this moment.
The queen: Could you bring me to her? Or rather, drag her here.
Lilia: *troubled chuckle* Who am I to do that to her, Your Majesty?
The queen: I am displeased, Lilia Vanrouge. Stop making excuses for her.
Lilia: ...
*Crowley and the others evacuating the students as per Lilia's advice*
Ace and Deuce: *have stayed with MC because they don't understand why they need to leave*
Deuce: It seems the situation is quite urgent.
Ace: Eh... But the headmage didn't say anything.
MC: *looks chill* According to Lilia Vanrouge, we have an important visitor.
Deuce: Who might it be?
Ace: Right? I feel like they're someone scary.
MC: We will find out.
*then the sound of the horns*
Ace and Deuce: !!!
Lilia: *steps in* Bow down to Her Majesty, The Queen of Briar Valley.
Ace and Deuce: Eh? EH?!!
Sebek: Bow down, humans!
The queen: *walks in elegantly*
Ace and Deuce: ...
Deuce: Th-That's the queen of Briar Valley? What is she doing here?
Ace: I don't know! And let's kneel before she notice us!
The queen: *her eyes already fixated on MC*
MC: *meeting her gaze with equal fervor*
The queen: Are you not going to show your respect?
MC: I'm still tired from teaching a large group of children today. I'll do it when I feel like it. Still, take a seat.
Silver and Sebek: *stunned*
Lilia: *trying to hold back his laughter*
Ace: Eh? Madame? Are you sure that's how you talk to a queen?
Deuce: Ace is right, Ma. That seems... rude.
MC: My intuition tells me that we are on equal footing. So no.
MC: Lilia Vanrouge, am I mistaken?
Lilia: No. You are completely correct.
The queen: ...
The queen: *smiles* And here I am thinking you've finally changed. You're still as brazen as ever.
MC: I'll take that as a compliment. And I would appreciate it if you use our indoor shoes.
Silver: The Madame... She's really...
Sebek: ... Fearless.
The queen: *doing what she says*
The queen: Your house a filth.
MC: It's a vintage.
Lilia: *already crouching on the floor, silently wheezing*
Ace: Ah... So she came here to see how she's doing?
Malleus: Yes. I was worried at first, however, knowing my grandmother, she's the type to visit her friends whenever she feels the need to.
Deuce: I see... I'm getting more and more amazed with Mama. I wonder if I could be like her when it comes to creating connections.
Crowley: A-Ah! That's good to hear! I will let the students know that it's safe for them to come back and resume their classes.
Malleus, Ace, and Deuce: ...
Ace: Headmage, you amaze me sometimes.
Crowley: *frowns, crossing his arms* Don't try to be sarcastic on me, Trappola.
The queen: Now that we've exchanged pleasantries.
The queen: Explain to me why you broke your oath.
MC: ...
MC: Oath... I don't remember ever doing one.
The queen: ...
The queen: It seems Lilia is right.
The queen: You have no idea who you are.
MC: If it isn't anything frightening, I suppose I don't need to sweat the details.
MC and the queen: *clinking their wine glasses*
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ryllen · 4 months
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" so promise me you'll be born & grow healthily in the future "
( sequel x before she got sent home to her time )
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fruity-arts · 24 days
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Happy Mother’s Day to our beautiful princess!!!!🌹🌹🌹
She would be the most affectionate mom ever but malleus is in his “I’m a big kid” phase so he would be all tsundere like he is with lilia FDJDKSLS
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riddles-fiddles · 10 months
Octavinelle boys with a pregnant S/O
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Synopsis: I'm dealing with terrible baby ferver so I need to get this out of my system. Headcanons to how the boys react to your pregnancy all thorough the months (part 2) Characters: Azul Ashengrotto, Floyd Leech, Jade Leech Tags: SFW, fluff, domestic fluff Notes: AFAB gender neutral reader, cw pregnancy and birth
⁀➷ Azul Ashengrotto — make sure to give him the good news while the man is safely sitting down, or else you'll see him go weak on his knees. Azul prides himself on his collected demeanor and carefully woven expressions - vital skills for his business-oriented persona - but then he is inevitably crumbling down, staring at the positive pregnancy test wide-eyed, struggling to find something clever to say. His mind is racing wild but no rational thoughts are able to fall from his lips, so all he can muster is a very low, shaky "I am… going to be a father?"
Give him some time to digest the news and you'll be met by a very gentle, tender hug from the octomer. Azul is both thrilled and terrified of this new chapter of your shared life; he longed to achieve the same kind of love his mother and step-father shared with each other, to be cared for and desired in such a selfless and devotional way, inspired by the way their love reflected upon his own upbringing. On the other hand, however, his insecuriities threatened to surface once again, doubts and ghosts from the past whispering wicked lies about his worth as a future parent. He doesn't want to fail on you and the child, as a partner or a father, and though he's equally worried about the emotional aspect of parenthood, he sticks to the importance of material goods - they're more on his comfort lane and he does it flawless to ensure your growing family can have everything of need.
(Please leash him while shopping for nursery furniture or else he'll make the baby's room a monochrome nightmare)
Azul showers you with gifts almost everyday: jewels, clothes, accessories… anything he knows you like or make any minimal comments about, being his way of showing how much he loves and cares for you, and as you progress through the stages, he takes more leaves from Mostro Lounge. He loves his work, but you are the lighthouse of his life, the one he cherishes and clings to on stormy or bright days, and the pregnancy only fueled his sense of loyalty and sincerity to you. His cafe actually comes in handy when the cravings start, and Azul isn't even an ounce ashamed to take advantage of the students working under his contracts to request them to make whatever you hunger for, though it was a surprise at first to discover about that particular characteristic of human pregnancy; he was amused nonetheless, but then he will be more careful when handing your requests. He's a very attentive partner, though it could be hard for him to express all the emotions that bubbles within his chest, sometimes too worried about being 'too emotional', scared to say something and make himself a complete fool. He kneads the stress away from your body with careful fingers and helps you out on regular tasks - shampoo your hair, put your shoes on, change clothes.
When the big day finally comes, Azul is already set and ready to go. Fret not, for the darling octo-mer has picked only the best, comfiest and quietest room for the delivery with only the best nurses on the hospital and has already set a very special menu for you to indulge in after all your hard work. But suddenly he is panicking, the danger of human birth finally sinking in as he watches the way you writhe and sob on the bed, but he can't do much but hold your hands tightly and hope for the best as the nurses help you around. When his baby is finally placed over his arms and Azul gazes upon the serene features of the tiny bean, all his terrors and doubts melt away, exhaling out a sigh of relieve and renewed joy - Azul realizes he's madly in love with you and the frail life that lays withing his grasp. He understands that there's no need for him to be perfect, either.
⁀➷ Floyd Leech — very excited from the idea of having a mini Floyd running around the house, a pocket-sized partner in crime, but to expect he would be an exceptional partner is, unfortunately, wrong. Floyd is very complex and his emotions are hard to keep controlled, and now that you are pregnant, he becomes somewhat more intense because of your own hormones and the anxiety of parenthood gripping on his neck. He does tries his best to get his moods in check, though - he doesn't want you to be stressing over him, knowing how dangerous it could be, so whenever he feels like his mood is about to change drastically, he walks away to take a breath. Things can turn into quite a ruckus if you end up experiencing those annoying changes at the same time though, as Floyd struggles to understand why you're snapping at him all of a sudden when he was just asking you something. Jade helps him understand that you're extremely hormonal and how it affects your humor and helps you keep his brother's own on check.
He's a lot more possessive and protective of you now, if not clingier. Floyd will be wrapping his arms around your figure any chance he gets, and when in public he'll always be intertwining your fingers together or holding you by the waist, getting annoyed every time someone comes asking to touch your bump - "I'm the only one who should be allowed to touch my Shrimpy's belly! Strangers have no bussiness being so close to you." Going to the doctor is always amusing because that's the moment Floyd looks the most concentrated than you can ever remember. Human pregnancy is something so new and weird for him, he's totally enthralled; what do you mean you don't lay eggs? Oh, you're just like a whale! How fun! Though he is entertained from all the information he's learning, Floyd is lowkey terrified of the birthing process (he's flabbergasted to know human babies can come out the size of a small watermelon), but he does his best to calm you down, and if you'd prefer to get a c-section, then he'll totally support you! During the preparations for the baby's room, Floyd will prefer to decorate it with ocean-themed stuff, having a blast with the assorted toys you two have bought and you're worried he might be more excited with them than your child. You know that one meme of the dad stealing the kid's tricycle? Yeah, that's him.
The delivering day comes, and Floyd is a whirlwind. He's more scared than you and it shows, no more jokes or smart remarks to try and hide his desperation, only panic, and you need to calm him down, even though he's not the one dealing with hellish contractions. Also, for the love of all Sevens, do not allow him to drive. Once you two get in the hospital, Floyd makes use of scary eel privilege to swiftly arrange a delivery room for you and suddenly almost all the nurse staff is mobilized to take care of you. Floyd can't bear the idea of leaving you alone not for even a minute, so despite the recommendations, he'll sit through hours by your side even if he's tense and stiff, holding your hand tightly. Bless the nurses who'll be helping you, because they'll have to deal with Floyd going through all the emotions known to man. Don't worry though, once he knows his shrimpy and little fry are safe and healthy, he'll turn back to the usual easy-going happy Floyd.
⁀➷ Jade Leech — Jade is surprised to receive the news. Similar to Azul, he does have a bit of knowledge about human's particularities and biology, but he wasn't expecting for you two to be compatible, especially since he's a much more 'feral' kind of merman. Nonetheless, he's happy with the prospect of growing a loving family with you... though by the progression of months, he grows the most worried. He's relieved to see the way you glow, how you seem healthy, but intrusive thoughts sometimes creep on the back of his mind. What if something happens? What if your body rejects the child because of his eel-merman genes? What if— but then you come to him squealing about how you felt the baby's first kick, and suddenly he's relaxing, his heart washed from any lingering fears. He pulls you closer and lays his head on your bump, humming quietly as he feels the baby slowly settling down.
Jade does his own research just to be sure he's doing everything right and what to expect from the significant changes you two are inevitably experiencing, insisting on working out a routine of exams and appointments, always so attentive to every little detail and medical advice. The bad thing is, he strictly follows them, which means you won't be able to snatch something unhealthy for all of your pregnancy; even if you're trying to tiptoe your way to the fridge, Jade somehow knows, he's right there to remind you about 'doctor's orders'. He's got the best of intentions, though he may look too strict. But don't fret! As soon as mama Leech gets word about your pregnancy she's coming to help! Jade actually listens to her tips, recognizing her very valuable experience on the matter and trusting mama knows best. At least you get to eat some cheat food here and there - Jade's shocked and extremely entertained to be taught that humans believe that a baby could be born looking like a certain kind of food if the mother doesn't eat whatever she's craving, and so he indulges you into whatever you ask him to cook. Similar to Floyd, Jade grows more possessive of you, especially when out in public. He dislikes the attention your bump attracts, cautious of ill-intentioned people, so when your belly has grown to it's full glory, Jade gives curious passerbys a piercing cold look while you're not aware, and then carries on to grocery shopping, whispering sweet praises to your ear like the entire mall isn't turning heels as fast as possible the moment they land their eyes on you both.
When the baby's due date comes, Jade is the ever collected and relying gentleman you need. Since he's such a good observer and has kept track of every little thing during your pregnancy - mood swings, body changes, smell and heat - he already has a suspicion you're about to go into labour, so he has prepared everything you might need even before you can shout about your water breaking. It's so endearing how he already looks like a dad - diligently guiding you through the hospital halls, big maternity bags hanging on his shoulders as he coos quietly about how everything is going to be ok, how you're going to be a great parent and how much he loves you. If you ask him to stay with you on the delivery room, he'll gladly let you squeeze his hand into oblivion and look unaffected, watching as you work for hours on end with a ressuring smile and the most sincere devotion on his eyes, totally enthralled by your resilience.
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transcater · 1 year
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niche au 
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midnightmah07 · 6 months
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Took a 10 minute break from my studying to read these and relax and oh my Gosh I love Riddle and Ace so much💙💙💙 I love Heartslabyul💙💙💙😭😭😭
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luckytriplesevens · 11 months
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rook practice
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1dont-really-know · 5 months
The fun thing about the bad timeline is that Malva basically becomes a forest cryptid
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
All I want from my Adult Posie AU... is for her to adopt baby Riddle.... and just give him all the food he deserves!
None of this gram limit bullcrap! Boy needs his nourishment!
I don't care how it happens, freakin Jirachi whisking him away as a baby and putting him on Posie's doorstep. Or Hoopa accidentally sending him into a warp hole.
Posie would be a sweet mother to him. She'd be so patient and let him have all the tarts he wants!
Heck maybe she'd grow a strawberry patch in her daycare just for him to go outside and munch on!
I want Riddle to be as happy as this kid!
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
MC: I used to be bored to death whenever I had nothing to do. Now, your frequent, unexpected visits irritate the hell out of me.
Lilia: Yes. You've never been satisfied with anything since. I recall you attempting to obliterate me from existence.
MC: I have a feeling we weren't as acquainted as you claimed.
Lilia: *chuckles* Oh, no. Trust me when I say we were. In fact, I'd been your wingman every time you tried to woo a lady.
MC: "Woo a lady"?
Lilia: My dear friend, yes. You were irresistibly appealing to both men and women.
MC: That is something I believe to be true.
Ace: Wow... Madame, you should teach me your ways.
Deuce: O-Oi...
MC: You're far too young for it.
Ace: Wha— I'm sixteen!
MC: If you were a plant, you'd be a seed that hasn't yet sprouted.
Ace: *pouts*
Lilia: *chuckles* It's strange to see you act like a parent. I'm curious if you'd be like this to Malleus as well.
MC: Now that you mention it, you informed me that he was my grandson. Is it because I know someone in his family?
Lilia: You had a close relationship with Her Majesty, The Queen. Despite the fact that you were eternal enemies.
Deuce: Pardon me, but I'm curious. If you and Ma— I mean Madame, were friends before. How old should she be now?
Ace: Hey, Deuce. It's quite rude to ask about a woman's age.
Deuce: Ah! I-I'm sorry! Forget I asked!
MC: Don't be. I was never bothered by my age to begin with.
Lilia: If you're truly curious, Deuce Spade, your Madame would be more than two thousand years old now.
Ace: *coughs* T-TWO THOUSAND?!!
Deuce: H-How many civilizations have been created during those times?!
Ace: Geez, Madame. You're old-old. You should be a fossil by now.
MC: ...
MC: *both whacks them by the head*
Ace and Deuce: Ow!
MC: I did say I was unconcerned about my age. But to openly insult me? Hm. What happened to your manners?
Ace and Deuce: S-Sorry...
Lilia: *laughs* Anyway, before I forget, what grade level would you be instructing?
MC: Sophomores and freshmen.
Lilia: Come on now, Ooky. Why would you pick them? Malleus is a third-year student. How will you socialize with him while teaching younger levels?
MC: You appear to be unaware. But Malleus and I have been talking since the ball ended.
Lilia: Oh?
Deuce: That's true. He often drops by here for a cup of coffee.
Ace: He even has a room here in Ramshackle.
MC: Though I'm a little bit concerned. He's quite a shy kid.
Lilia: Haha, yes. But he can confident sometimes. He just needs to get used to his environment.
MC: Hm.
MC: No. I have a stable income now, so I wouldn't need anyone paying a rent.
Silver: Sebek, could you please lower your voice while talking to Madame?
MC: Huh. It's no surprise that child appears lonely. You're overprotective of someone who doesn't require it.
Sebek and Silver: ...
Silver: Please do understand, Madame. Malleus is a prince—
MC: Ha... This conversation isn't going anywhere.
Sebek: But Madame!
MC: I must attend to other matters. And as for Malleus, I'm confident I'll be able to protect him in the event of a crisis.
Sebek and Silver: ...
MC: Keep your tickets with you at all times. You don't want to be without them. *has gone to a theme park and bought Malleus tickets for different kinds of rides*
Malleus: Madame, you've never struck me as someone who enjoys theme parks.
MC: I'm not. But, after you said you couldn't remember the last time you went to one, of course, I'd feel obligated in some way.
Malleus: Is it because I'm technically a grandson to you?
MC: Maybe.
Malleus: Should I start calling you "Grandma"?
MC: ...
MC: Do you see that ferris wheel over there?
Malleus: Yes. Why?
MC: I will hang you up there if you try to do so.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Yes... Nonna.
MC: ...
MC: That's much better. Let's go.
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heartscrypt · 1 year
trying to articulate how riddle rosehearts is transfem to me. but not in the weird fetishy "this character looks effeminate so female-ization beam" way. i just think she is so he/she pronouns
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thetwstwildcard · 2 years
Erza opinion on my winged ocs?
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"Ah yes the colorful bird sir in Scarabia? I've never spoken to him, but my crows say that he has a habit of collecting shiny items. As long as he does not take Yua's broach or mum's locket I suppose I can give my crows some items for him to collect."
"Mx Featherwild? They're quite the maternal fae, would that make me have three maternal figures? They're much kinder than my birth mother though harpies aren't ones to be kind. There is something different about them but I don't quite know. Perhaps I'll ask Di-... Father..."
"Mister Asra is quite the interesting fellow. He reminds me of when I first arrived on the island, harpies are not exactly common here nor was I the typical harpy so I felt like a monster. I have talked to him on occasion and the conversations have been pleasant. My crows say he sings sometimes, perhaps I should stay at night raven a bit longer to see what becomes of him."
"Mister Cueva is truly an... Unique individual. If he is into horror so much he would get along with Lady Irae since she has a horror collection, perhaps I should ask her if I could borrow some to leave for him to uncover. My crows tend to avoid him but I don't understand why?"
"Mister Nyx is a talented soul, though I suppose he has to be to deal with Di-... Father's personality and dealing with our library. I've only ran into him a couple times but I doubt he would recall as that was with Yua. My crows have seen him be paternal to other wing individuals, it seems he'd be a better father figure than my actual one."
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squirshie · 6 months
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pov: book 6 is the scooby shit i wanted
anon asked: uhhhhhhh do a twst pov
inspired by various scooby doo media, twst book 6, the pomefiore trio, and ignihyde's theme
song list:
things that go bump in the night — allstars
under pressure — my chemical romance, the used
get chemical — polite fiction, audiodile
delirium tremendous — felix hagan & the family
puttin’ on the ritz — the real zebos
land of the dead — aurelio voltaire
anybody else — dom fera
trap of love — dreadlight, maiah wynne
dead walk — redhook
frankenstein — rina sawayama
holding out for a hero — adam lambert
can you hear the thunder? — animal sun
it’s terror time again — sesamoid
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liliavanrougelover · 1 month
Would the TWST boys wake up to your alarm?
Summary: Would the TWST boys wake up to your alarm and how would they react to it?
Characters: All NRC students (-Ortho)
Warnings: none(?) (please correct me if I'm wrong)
A/N: I'm working on the Riddle SMAU, but it's taking longer than I expected. Enjoy these silly head cannons while you wait.
Riddle Rosehearts:
Yes and he’s grateful for it. His mother made him wake himself up. She didn’t allow him to get an alarm clock and just expected him to wake up, and that’s not exactly an easy thing to do. While he’s happy, he is used to waking up earlier than you. He probably gets up at 5:30- 6 am, I could never. He would either set up an alarm on his phone or ask if you could set one on your phone. If you set one for him on your phone, he would be grateful, but if you didn’t, he would understand. On the mornings where he wants to sleep in, he would turn off his alarm and let yours wake him up.
Trey Clover:
Yes. He would wake up to your alarm, but he doesn’t. Why? Because he has his own alarm. His alarm is set to the same time as yours because he’s not willing to get up at the crack of dawn. If you sleep through your alarm, he’ll wake you up with breakfast in bed. He’ll make sure he knows what you like for breakfast and he’ll make sure to make it perfect for you. He likes making breakfast for you so much that you may find your alarm has been silenced.
Cater Diamond:
Yes and it upsets him. He groans, flops himself on top of you and tells you to turn it off. If you do, he’ll nuzzle into you and fall back asleep. If you don’t he’ll climb over you and turn it off himself. If you want him to wake up, you’ll have to wake him up yourself. He has made a few magicam posts about your alarm. “Their alarm is the only thing I dislike about them.” -The first post Cater made when you first slept over. He tells you to turn the sound down or you’re never sleeping over again. The ideal volume is none. He’s asking you to delete it.
Ace Trappola:
It takes at least 3 alarms to wake him up and if you have that, he’ll be upset. He doesn’t like waking up and when he wakes up from an alarm? He’s not happy. He’ll reach over you and try to turn your alarm off while sleepily complaining. You can’t even understand what he’s saying because his words are all slurred and quiet. Once he’s fully awake, he’ll make complaints that you can understand.
Deuce Spade:
It takes 2 alarms to wake him and he’d be glad if you had that. He’s slept in more than he likes to admit so he’s very glad that your alarms wake him up. He’ll be a bit confused at first and ask you what that noise is. You’ll have to remind him to get out of bed or he’ll just sit there trying not to fall asleep again. He’s happy your alarms wake him up and he lets you know.
Leona Kingscholar:
It takes 5 alarms to wake him up and he hopes to the sevens you don’t have that much. If you do have that many alarms, he’ll be pissed. He’ll straight up tell you to delete it. He’ll make you delete it. If you don’t then he’ll send you back to your dorm. If you’re really adamant about waking up, he’ll get Ruggie to wake you up.
Ruggie Bucchi:
It helps him wake up. He’s used to waking up early to get him and his grandma breakfast so he naturally wakes up early. If your alarm is natural volume (not too loud, not too quiet) he’s glad that it helps him. If it’s loud, it’ll scare him. He grew up in a pretty cut-throat environment and he’s used to something trying to attack him. Please, turn your alarm down for him. If it helps you wake up, he’ll wake you up himself. Just please turn it down or turn it off. His poor heart can’t take it.
Jack Howl:
He wakes up earlier than you do. The first thing he does when he wakes up is go for a jog so he doesn’t hear your alarm. He doesn’t even know you have one. When he gets back after his jog and you’re still asleep, he’ll wake you up and offer to make you breakfast. It’s just bland cereal and milk though so if that’s not what you like, make your own.
Azul Ashengrotto:
He wakes up early. It’s what a good business person does. He’s very tired when he does though. He’s groggy and he’s trying to keep his eyes open. But, you see, he grew up in the Coral Sea. The Coral Sea is known to be a very dangerous place. Jade has said that it’s very cut-throat, so Azul has gotten attacked (probably) more than once. He hears your alarm and is sent into a full blown panic. He’s fully awake now. He shakes you awake and tells you that something’s attacking. You have to turn off your alarm and explain it to him. He eventually gets used to it. Remember to be patient with him when he wakes you up the moment your alarm goes off.
Jade Leech:
Jade has his own alarm. He wakes up really early but is still groggy. He’s thankful to have your alarm wake him up as well. He would wake up from his alarm and just kinda sit up in bed and stare at the wall, and then your alarm goes off and he finally gets out of bed. He’s especially grateful if you wake up from your alarm so he has someone to talk to while getting ready. (And he totally won’t convince you to wake up Floyd for him /s).
Floyd Leech:
Oh no. You need a new phone. The alarm goes off and Floyd lunges at it and crushes your phone. And when you get mad at him, he blames you. He tells you that you should’ve turned it off before it woke him up (Like he didn’t destroy it the second it went off). He’ll buy you a new phone if you can make him feel better after being woken up like that. Maybe turn off your alarm when you sleep over again.
Kalim Al-Asim:
He doesn’t have an alarm. He has people to wake him up so he never needed an alarm. He’ll wake up when your alarm goes off and thinks someone’s calling you. He’ll just nuzzle into your arm and murmur about someone calling you. When you tell him it’s your alarm, he’s confused. He thought everyone got woken up by other people. Whenever he hears your alarm go off, he hurries to turn it off so he can continue cuddling with you.
Jamil Viper:
He has his own alarm, but sometimes it’s best if he doesn’t wake up to it. His alarm goes off super early, like 5 am early. With how much he does, he’ll sometimes sleep through it. The first time you slept over, he slept through his alarm, but woke up to yours and he assumes someone changed the time his alarm goes off. Even though he claims that he hates sleeping through his alarm, sometimes he’ll turn it off before going to bed so he can wake up with you.
Vil Schoenheit:
He also has an alarm that goes off earlier than yours. He’ll be in his bathroom doing early morning skincare when he hears your alarm go off. He waits a few minutes before returning to see if you woke up. If you didn’t, he’ll wake you up and tell you that you should wake up the moment your alarm goes off. If you did, he’ll ask how you slept and tell you to brush your teeth, take a shower, etc. etc. (If your alarm is super loud, he’ll ask about your mental health).
Rook Hunt:
Rook is the lightest sleeper in the school. It’s his hunting instincts. In fact, if you asked him, he’d say he never truly feels like he’s asleep (He says it more theatrically). So, technically, no. Your alarm doesn’t wake him up, because he wasn’t asleep. He’ll tell you how beautiful your alarm sounds. It could be set to a tornado warning sound and he’ll still think it’s beautiful (just like you). If you don’t wake up from your alarm, he’ll continue to lay in bed with you. You don’t move, he won’t move.
Epel Felmier:
Your alarm wakes him up and he’s grumpy. It doesn’t matter what wakes him up, he’ll be grumpy. He needs coffee. He wakes up and just curls himself around you. If you insist on getting up, he insists you bring him coffee. If you make him get up, he’ll groan and complain, but get up anyway.
Idia Shroud:
He has his own alarm. He calls it “Ortho”. He’s used to Ortho coming and waking him up, so when your alarm goes off, and wakes him up, he’s confused. Was that his phone? Is someone calling him? Oh sevens, he hopes not. When he realizes it’s your alarm, he calms down. He had a mini panic attack when he thought someone was calling him. If you didn’t wake up from it, he just pokes you and if that doesn’t wake you up, he just lays back down.
Malleus Draconia:
Malleus doesn’t know what an alarm is. Your alarm goes off and he shoots up in bed ready to attack whatever broke in (At least it woke him up?). You just have to sleepily explain what an alarm is. Every morning he forgets and still thinks something or someone broke in. Give him a bit of time to let it sink in. He’ll get used to it, eventually.
Lilia Vanrouge:
Lilia has his own alarm. Five to be exact. None of them wake him up. So, why would your alarm be any different? Lilia is a heavy sleeper, especially if he spent the night playing video games. The only way to make sure he gets up is to drag him out of bed. He thanks you for getting him up and offers to make you breakfast as a “thank you”.
Silver Vanrouge:
It doesn’t wake him up. His own alarms don’t wake him and neither does yours. I mean, a loud alarm would wake him, but he’d also rush to grab his sword because he thinks someone’s attacking. You’re gonna have to wake him yourself. Just shake him awake and tell him to wake up. He apologizes for making you wake him up, and it’s best to just accept it. You can try and tell him it isn’t his fault, but he’ll keep insisting until you “forgive” him (there's nothing to forgive).
Sebek Zigvolt:
He wakes up the moment it goes off. He's up and ready to fight. He looks at your phone, sees that it’s an alarm and asks what’s happening. Just like with Malleus, you have to explain what an alarm is. He doesn’t approve. What do you mean you can’t wake up on your own accord? He thought that was just Silver. He offers to wake you up in place of your alarm. The offer is not as nice as it sounds. He essentially yells in your ear to wake up. The alarm is better.
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dreamofjoys · 9 months
Synopsis: The dragons have decided to stake their claim on you by making you the mother of their children. They take turns to lay their eggs in you.
Characters involved(NOT separated): Malleus (TWST) x Zhongli (Genshin) x Neuvillette (Genshin) x DanHeng (HSR) x DanFeng (HSR) x Fem reader
C/W: Poly relationship, dark content, SMUT (spicy level -99), oviposition, knotting, masturbation, creampie, blowjob
A/N: I wanna write more oviposition for every dragon ppl but it's too time consuming. So i said fuck it and make them all in one shot. I badly wanted to include Danfeng so hehehehhehehehehhee also, it's short.
"Is she okay?" Zhongli murmurs, placing his forefinger on his chin, tilting his head slightly while staring at your fucked out expression. He was confused why you were staring up at the ceiling with your mouth open wide, as if his rock hard dick wasn't nestled inside your pussy. "She will be fine, Im going to give her a treat." Danfeng taps his dick lightly on your lips, and you obediently took his whole length inside your mouth, sucking it like an ice cream popsicle.
"If she can still suck you off like that, I guess she is fine." Malleus groans, the sight of another man fucking your throat while your pussy greedily sucking onto a dragon's dick was so hot, he fist onto his dick faster, feeling himself climax as his cum starts spurting out. He aims it at your body, wanting to paint you in white by the end of this session.
You didn't know how you got into this situation, but somehow your dragon boyfriends have decided to come into an agreement to claim you properly, in a dragon way. And really, what are dragons famous for? Laying eggs inside their non dragon partner! And now, you find yourself laying on your shared bed naked along with your boyfriends. Zhongli is currently the one egging you while you were giving Danfeng a blowjob. DanHeng, Malleus and Neuvillette were busy masturbating themself, waiting for their turn to fuck you.
"Hnnngh, ah-" Your body shakes, feeling Zhongli's dick getting bigger and bigger inside while something small and hard was pushing through your vaginal walls, and into your womb. You tried moving away, but find yourself unable to do so... it's almost as if you had become one with Zhongli!
"Sweetie, are you trying to move away from Zhongli?" Neuvillette whispers into your ear, feeling a little bad for your situation. "He is knotting you right now, that's why he feels big. It's to prevent the female from escaping while we lay our eggs inside you. Bear with us, alright?" Neuvillette kisses your cheek, and you watch as he starts creaming around his hand while you swallowed down the cum that Danfeng had dumped in you.
"Im done, Danheng, you are next." The archon finally pulls out, and you whined at the loss but was quickly replaced with Danheng's thick and slender girth. "Im sorry Y/N, I'll make it haah quick." Danheng apologises, also feeling a little bad. But can he really make it quick when your walls are squeezing so unbelievably tight around him? Now he knows why Zhongli was taking his time to egg you. Neuvillette switches position with Danfeng, deep throating you with his cum coated dick. You gave him kitten licks on his girth, using your small hands to fondle on his balls while Neuvillette throws his head, once again groaning while he cums down your throat.
"Mhmmm, let me try this on her." Malleus interjects, latching his lips onto your nipples while he sucks onto them like how you would do to Neuvillette's dick. "Holy shit, she just came-" Danheng gasped, feeling your pussy milk around his cock. He was trying to be quick and push his egg in faster, but the sheer tightness and warmth around his dick had his head spinning and heart beat accelerating into madness. Your pussy feels like a personal cocksleeve.
You were sure that your back is going to break with how much you are arching them off, your moans were all swallowed down by Neuvillette's dick, drools leaking down from the side of your mouth since the man refuses to give you a break. You look at Zhongli and Danfeng who were busy masturbating themselves at the sight of your dishevelled state, seemingly cumming whenever they see your belly getting larger and larger with their eggs.
So spread your legs wider and open your mouth bigger. Your dragon boyfriends desperately wants to see your womb filled to the brim with their eggs.
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