#types of tea
*For bonus points, tell me in the tags what you'd serve a valued guest vs what you'd serve someone you dislike.
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dilnak · 9 months
The Art of Tea: A Journey through Culture, Health, and Flavor
Tea, the second most consumed beverage in the world after water, has a rich and diverse history dating back thousands of years. Beyond being a comforting drink, tea embodies culture, health benefits, and a world of flavors. In this article, we'll take a journey through the world of tea, exploring its origins, its impact on culture, its many health benefits, and the myriad of flavors it offers.
The Origins of Tea
The story of tea begins in ancient China, where legend has it that Emperor Shen Nong discovered tea around 2737 BCE when tea leaves blew into a pot of boiling water he was preparing. Over time, tea became deeply ingrained in Chinese culture, influencing everything from art and philosophy to medicine and daily rituals.
Tea eventually made its way to Japan, where it took on its own unique traditions, most notably in the form of the Japanese tea ceremony, or Chanoyu. This ritualistic practice celebrates the preparation and consumption of matcha, a powdered green tea that emphasizes mindfulness, aesthetics, and respect.
The British also played a significant role in tea's global spread. During the 17th century, the British East India Company began importing tea from China, making it popular in England and eventually leading to the Boston Tea Party in 1773, a pivotal event in the lead-up to the American Revolution.
Tea and Culture
Tea has had a profound influence on the cultures it has touched. In China, tea has long been associated with Confucianism and Daoism, and it has played a central role in various social rituals and ceremonies. In Japan, the tea ceremony is not just a cultural practice but a spiritual one, emphasizing harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility.
In British culture, the tradition of afternoon tea became popular in the 19th century, and it remains a cherished custom today, complete with finger sandwiches, scones, and a pot of Earl Grey or English breakfast tea.
Tea and Health
Beyond its cultural significance, tea offers a wide range of health benefits. The leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which produces black, green, white, and oolong teas, contain polyphenols, antioxidants, and other compounds that have been linked to various health advantages.
Antioxidants: Tea is rich in antioxidants, such as catechins in green tea and theaflavins in black tea. These compounds help combat free radicals in the body, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
Mental Alertness: Tea contains caffeine, which, though less than coffee, can provide a gentle and sustainable energy boost without the jittery side effects.
Weight Management: Green tea, in particular, is believed to aid in weight management by boosting metabolism and promoting fat oxidation.
Digestive Health: Herbal teas like peppermint and ginger can soothe digestive discomfort, helping with issues like indigestion and bloating.
Stress Reduction: The ritual of making and sipping tea can have a calming effect, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
Flavors of the World
Tea's diversity goes beyond its cultural significance and health benefits. Different types of tea are created through varying processes, resulting in a wide array of flavors.
Green Tea: Known for its grassy and earthy flavors, green tea is minimally processed, preserving its natural color and fresh taste. Varieties like Sencha, Matcha, and Dragonwell offer distinct profiles.
Black Tea: Black tea, with its robust and bold flavors, undergoes full oxidation. Varieties like Assam, Darjeeling, and Earl Grey showcase the diversity within this category.
White Tea: White tea is the least processed, resulting in a delicate, floral, and slightly sweet taste. Silver Needle and White Peony are well-known white tea varieties.
Oolong Tea: Falling between green and black tea in terms of oxidation, oolong teas are complex and nuanced. They can range from light and floral to dark and rich, with Tie Guan Yin and Da Hong Pao being notable examples.
Herbal and Fruit Infusions: Beyond the traditional tea types, there's a world of herbal and fruit infusions, including chamomile, peppermint, hibiscus, and more, each offering unique and delightful flavors.
Tea is more than just a beverage; it's a cultural treasure, a source of well-being, and a voyage of flavors waiting to be explored. From the serene Japanese tea ceremonies to the bustling British afternoon teas and the myriad health benefits, tea continues to captivate hearts and minds around the world. So, whether you're seeking a moment of tranquility, a boost of energy, or simply a delightful taste experience, a cup of tea is always ready to take you on a journey of culture, health, and flavor.
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gelassen-in · 4 months
Different Types of Tea: A Guide for Tea Lovers 
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What are True Teas?
True teas are teas that are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, also known as the tea plant.
There are six main categories of true teas, often referred to as tea types: green, yellow, white, oolong, black, and pu-erh.
The difference between these tea types is in the cultivar and how the tea is processed or manufactured.
All true teas contain caffeine, but the amount varies depending on the type of tea, the brewing method, and the steeping time.
All true teas also have antioxidants, catechins, and polyphenols that can have various health benefits, such as boosting metabolism, improving digestion, enhancing mood, and protecting against diseases.
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tinalilith1 · 9 months
Ceylon Leaf Tea: Benefits, Types and Recipes
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Regular consumption of Ceylon leaf tea may reduce the chances of stroke.
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breweda · 11 months
6 Surprising Lemon Ginger Tea Benefits
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You must have already heard about lemon ginger tea or must have already tried this tea. Lemon ginger tea has exceptional benefits that our regular tea. Drinking a herbal beverage like lemon ginger tea has exceptional health benefits. Lemon is already known as beneficial for its Vitamin C content. And ginger for its phenolic compounds. Here are a few benefits of Lemon ginger tea.
What is lemon ginger tea good for?
As mentioned above, lemon ginger tea is good for lot many things. They are easily available, cost-effective, and can be prepared in the comfort of your home. 
1. Immunity Booster
Lemon and ginger are rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C which are crucial in boosting the immune system and protecting against various illnesses.
2. Treats Digestive problems
Ginger is also known to be anti-inflammatory. This helps treat nausea and Vomiting related problems. And lemon aids better digestion by stimulating the production of digestive juices. 
3. Reduces inflammation
As ginger is anti-inflammatory it helps reduce inflammation in the body ultimately resulting in reduced pain and swelling.
4. Promotes weight loss
Lemon and ginger, when consumed in the morning, are known to boost metabolism and also decrease hunger cravings which in turn helps us to lose weight. 
5. Enhances mood
Lemon in general cools down the body and has a calming effect on the mind while ginger is shown to have positive effects on the mood. 
6. Improves skin health
Lemon is famous for its rich source of Vitamin C. And Vitamin C is known to improve skin health by reducing the appearance of dark spots, and wrinkles and giving a radiant glow to the skin.
Is lemon and ginger tea good for you?
Ginger is thought to lower the risk of certain cancers, while both lemon and ginger contain components that are also believed to decrease the risks associated with cardiovascular disease and liver disease. Drinking lemon ginger tea can effectively alleviate pain related to inflammation, arthritis..... Read More
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buried-in-stardust · 4 months
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A tea "gangster"
This is the gongfu method of brewing tea (功夫茶藝):
刮沫 (gua1mo4) Rotating the tilted lid around the outer edge of the cup to remove foam
搓茶 (cuo1cha2) Rotating the lid around the inside to press on the tea leaves and release their fragrance
搖香 (yao2xiang1) Putting the lid on, then tilting and turning the whole cup to let the excess spill out
入海 (ru4hai3) Pouring out the tea (first onto the "tea pet", then after refilling, into teacups)
蝶舞 (die2wu3) Turning over the saucer and place the cup on top
(There are more steps but OP didn't do them)
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leavestea · 1 year
Types of Tea Based on Your Summer Adventures | TEALEAVES
Summer is a season full of possibilities. A time to check items off your summer bucket list ideas. Whether it’s reliving your favorite coming-of-age movie or stepping outside your comfort zone, discover your best tea for summer. Hot or iced, TEALEAVES can accompany you on your self-discovery journey.
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yummraj · 1 year
About tea in general, the story of Darjeeling Tea & a trip to Kurseong to stay at Chia kutir Darjeeling, Makaibari Estates
The first part is all about Darjeeling tea & the second part is a review of our stay at Taj Chia Kutir In a nutshell: A beautiful stay at a lovely villa inside a beautiful property inside Makaibari tea estate, warm hosts, good food, great activities conducted by the hotel. Some seriously disappointing tea at breakfast & very disturbing ‘high tea’!!!! Address & other details: Taj Chia Kutir,…
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omyindian · 1 year
A Guide to the Different types of Indian Tea
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India is a country with a deep-rooted tea culture, being the second largest producer of tea in the world. Tea is an integral part of Indian society, serving as a source of comfort, tradition and community. The diversity of India is reflected in its variety of teas, with different regions producing unique flavors and styles. In this article, we will explore some of the different types of tea found in India, including Assam, Ginger, Darjeeling and Nilgiri.
Assam tea is known for its strong, full-bodied flavor and amber color, grown in the Assam region of northeastern India.
Ginger tea, or "adrak chai," is a popular beverage in India, believed to have numerous health benefits and commonly consumed during the colder months.
Darjeeling tea is grown in the Darjeeling region of West Bengal, known for its light, delicate flavor and muscatel aroma.
Nilgiri tea is grown in the Tamil Nadu state, known for its fruity fragrance and floral flavor. Each of these teas offers a unique experience and is a true delicacy for tea lovers around the world. To know more, visit the Types of Indian Tea blog on OmyIndian.
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gayaest · 1 month
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House of the Hearth : Pokemon Teams
Lyney: Fire/Fairy
Lynette: Flying/Grass
Freminet: Ice/Water
PSA; this is ourside of pokemon lore, so if there is an inconsistency like “(blank) can’t have (pokemon) bc of (blank)” I don’t care! This is for fun!
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Chais Of India: 8 Different Types Of Chai From Across The Country
Chais Of India: 8 Different Types Of Chai From Across The Country
We can all agree that chai isn’t just a beverage in India, it is an emotion. There’s one thing a couple of cup of freshly brewed kadak chai that immediately lifts our temper even on the dreariest of days. Whether it is early within the morning, at midday or within the night after a tiring day at work – a robust cup of chai at all times makes every part higher! Don’t you agree? While we’re all…
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 15 days
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Yue Qingyuan and Tianlang Jun having tea together ☕
[Commission for @absolmon!]
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catcze · 8 months
Spoilers for Wriothesley's backstory !! References to leaks of his backstory !!
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When Wriothesley was younger and homeless on the streets of Fontaine, an orphan who ran from his foster home to fend for himself, there was no one for him to rely on. It was a dog-eat-dog world, and putting your trust in the wrong person could result in lying facedown in a ditch, just another casualty of the city.
Wriothesley was prepared to fight for himself for the rest of his life. Was prepared to sleep with one eye open, and ready to get stabbed in the back at any second. Everyone around him wouldn't cast him a second glance and wouldn't offer him a shred of help.
No one, maybe, except for you.
You were around his age— that much was evident from the first day he met you, when you found him crouched in an alleyway half-starved and soaked through by the rain. You were kind, if the umbrella you covered his head with was any indication. You had gotten soaked yourself, but you still smiled at him and told him to keep it, that he needed it more.
And lastly: you were born into good, good money. He found that out the next day when you bought him a packaged meal of warm meats and bread. Although he was hesitant to accept your kindness, cautious of what price you would attach to such a thing, the grumbling of his stomach won out and he finished the whole meal in less than five minutes. It was one of the best things he had ever tasted.
You said nothing as you sat beside him, uncaring of how the dirt of the sidewalk stained your clothes. When he was finished, you offered him a bottle of water. As he chugged it down, you gave him your first name, and when he hesitated to tell you his, you smiled and shook your head.
"It's fine, you don't have to tell me," you told him with a slight smile. And that was that.
From then on, you find him every few days at the same spot. He doesn't talk much, you discover, but he's always willing to listen to you talk. Anything under the sun— your lessons, your absent parents, the droves of socialites who try to butter you up with hollow words and false admiration— you can ramble about it for hours and hours and he'll sit beside you, interjecting on occasion, but generally letting you take the lead in conversation.
Once, you brought him a canister filled with tea, and watched as his eyes lit up at his first taste.
"This is some really good stuff," he told you, awe in his voice, already going for a second sip. You smile, seeing him so pleased.
"I'll bring you more next time. I'll try to make a different brew, too, to see if you'd like that even more."
When he gets scuffed from street fights, you're there to patch him up. Clumsily at first, with a furrowed brow and tangled strips of bandages, but you get better and better at it over time. He doesn't reject the help, and you don't scold him for getting hurt. It is times like these where your hands —only calloused by the grip of a pen and nothing more, unlike his that are so scarred and rough— make you both remember how different your worlds are.
One day, you go to the place you two had been meeting for nearly a year now, and it's empty. That's not particularly unusual— it's happened once or twice before where your friend couldn't make it, so it's no cause for concern. You merely leave the food and water in a little nook he had shown you before, and make your way home, hoping that he's alright and not too banged up.
When you get home, the maids and the butler all tell you of a recent incident that happened not too far away in the city— of an assault and a mangled body, of the perpetrator on death's door himself, barely rushed to the hospital in time. While you have dinner alone, they urge you to exercise caution if you go out tomorrow.
So you take heed of their words, bringing a new platter of food and hide small knife in your pocket as you head back to the same place yesterday. The food and water from before is still there, hidden in the little nook only the two of you know of.
Anxiety grips you, but you try to shake it off. You return the next day. And the next. And the next. Each day, the food you leave remains untouched every time.
You fear the worst after a week is up— you fear for his safety, for his health. You fear for the only genuine friend you had ever made, who had seen you as more than just your parents' only child. You don't leave your room for a week, poring over the newspaper and anything else you can get your hands on. The househelp thinks you're ill— and you are. You're sick with worry, sick with the late nights spent up as you stretch yourself thin trying to find something, anything about him. But when your parents learn of your seclusion, you're forced to give up your search. In the end, you're the only one left to remember the nameless boy with the soft smile and a love for tea.
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It is years and years down the line. Wriothesley had been doing well as the administrator of the fortress— so much so that he had been invited to the Palais Mermonia to receive the title of Duke. He had barely managed to sidestep a grand investiture ceremony, instead opting to sign, take the relevant certificates, and be done with it.
When he enters the office of the Iudex, he's met with the man himself and a surprisingly familiar face. One that he had never forgotten, even on days where the ground threatened to crumble underneath him and the walls of his prison cell felt like they were closing in.
Your eyes blow wide, your grip on the documents threatening to rip the papers, and he doesn't miss the slight wobble in your lip as you gaze at him.
"Good afternoon, I'm pleased that you could join us," says the Iudex. He sweeps one hand in your direction. "This is one of our top attorneys,assigned to assist with the processing of your documents and certificates."
Wriothesley smiles, wider than he has in a long, long time, and reaches a hand out for you to grasp.
"Hi," he says, never taking his eyes on your face. He squeezes your hand and feels you tremble in his hold. "My name is Wriothesley. It's nice to meet you."
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atompalace-official · 3 months
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Atomian Sylveon’s Magical Afternoon Tea ⚜️🎀🩵🫖✨ Happy Sylveon Day 2024!!!
{ my trainersona and pokésona } 🩵💕
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(If you chose any of the milk options specify how much milk in the tags)
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poohsources · 1 year
🐝  *  ―  𝑪𝑶𝑪𝑲𝑻𝑨𝑰𝑳 𝑸𝑼𝑰𝒁. ( send one or multiple of these to learn a little more about my muse(s). )
[ mai tai ]  if they could have any superpower in the world, what would they choose? [ white russian ]  what would they do if they won the lottery? [ grasshopper ]  what / who would they dress up as for halloween? [ tequila sunrise ]  how would they spend their perfect day? [ californication ]  what do they think is their greatest achievement in life? [ caipirinha ]  if they could change one thing about themself, what would it be? [ painkiller ]  what is their greatest regret? [ moscow mule ]  if they could travel through time, where would they go? [ dry martini ]  what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to them? [ tom collins ]  which living person would they most want to meet? [ greyhound ]  if they could have a dinner with just one person ( dead or alive ) who would they choose? [ planter's punch ]  how long does it take to befriend them? [ sangria ]  do they have any special routines they follow every single day? if yes, which? [ whiskey sour ]  what is the biggest lie they ever told someone? [ zombie ] do they believe in life after death? [ margarita ]  what are their biggest pet peeves? [ mojito ]  what is one goal they are working towards? [ appletini ]  who do they consider the most important person in their life? why? [ cosmopolitan ]  what is their happiest memory ever? [ gin tonic ]  who influenced them the most? [ bloody mary ]  what would they do if they only had one week left to live? [ manhattan ]  where would they like to travel the most? [ old fashioned ]  what would their adult self tell their kid self if they could go back in time? [ blue lagoon ]  how do they typically react when faced with something they fear? [ sidecar ]  what type of person are they most likely drawn to? [ negroni ]  what is one piece of advice they would give others? [ hurricane ]  which song describes them the most? why? [ sex on the beach ]  what do they consider red flags in a relationship? [ mimosa ]  which incident shaped them the most? [ long island iced tea ]  if they had the chance to redo their life, what would they do differently the second time around? [ mint julep ]  which was their dream job as a kid? [ singapore sling ]  how do they react to disappointments? [ alexander ]  what would they do with one million dollars / euros / pounds / whatever currency they use? [ screwdriver ]  which habit do they wish they could get rid of? [ gin fizz ]  do they consider a glass half-full or half-empty? [ aperol spritz ]  which is one thing they still think about a lot? [ piña colada ]  how do they show affection? [ swimming pool ]  what is the most important lesson they've learned in recent years? [ b52 ]  how would they describe themselves in as few words as possible? [ daiquiri ]  do they believe in true love? why or why not?
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