sarafangirlart · 1 month
Thinking about how Typhon was buried underneath Mount Etna, also about Hephaestus having a forge inside Mount Etna, which reminded me of Princess Bubblegum and her brother in Adventure Time…
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theoihalioistuff · 1 month
Do I sometimes like to picture Gaia and Ouranos as the Buried and the Vast from The Magnus Archives?
I need retellings where primordial deities from the dawn of time are presented as awe inspiring, terrifying, unknowable, immeasurable entities whose mere pondering on inspires dread. The Iliad already started this trend when it says that even Zeus dreads causing Nyx displeasure, or the Homeric Hymns when Hera calls on ancient powers to concieve the writhing nest of serpents that is Typhon. The horror is explicit.
Now it's time for modern authors to pick up the slack.
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miramilocamimira · 27 days
For @nectaric
But It Was
Inspired by their Zeus fics about Typheous.
Warning: nightmares, references to gore, hurt & comfort
Zeus hurls a bolt at the beast. Thunder roars as Typheous meets him blast for blast, strike for strike. He cannot lose. Even one misstep could be disastrous.
Sharpened winds of the giant’s storms cut through his skin. Ichor trails down from the various cuts and wounds. Here is where it happened.
Where one of the tornadoes pick up a tree and knocks him to the ground. His body stings and aches as he screams inside himself. It’s not real! It’s just a memory- just a dream!
It doesn't stop the pain. It doesn't stop Typheous from digging his claws into Zeus legs and tearing the flesh. It doesn't stop him from being dragged into the gods damned cave. It doesn't stop him from being chained.
It stops when there's pressure on his shoulder and he lunges- something the chains should prevent- lighting cracking at his call when a familiar voice screams his name. Halfway off the bed, the energy fizzles out.
“Hera?” He breathes, eyes focusing through the haze as he looks at his wife. She's cradling her hand and horror fills him. He looks at her burn. “Love, are you alright?”
“Am I alright? Zeus, are you?” Her other hand reaches out and touches his cheek. She wipes at his cheek and that's when he notices he is crying.
“I’m fine. We need to get you to Apollo.”
“No.” She commands when he moves to get up. “My love, you promised me you'd tell me anything I wish to know.”
He doesn't want to speak of it. It wasn't real. It's not like Typheous and him were back in the cave. It's not like she and their family had left him again. It was just a dream. It doesn't matter.
It shouldn't matter.
“It was merely a memory.” Hera doesn’t move. He needs to get it over with. Electrical burns, even for gods, need to be treated as soon as possible. “About Typheous.”
Her posture softens and she murmurs his name.
“You know you can talk to me. I’m here for you.” She’s right. She always has been. Except…
“I was fighting him when some debris hit me. After that, I was back in the cave, Hera. It's fine.” He says. “It’s not real. That burn is, though, and you need to get it checked-”
“But it was.” What? “It was real and you suffered, Zeus. What had happened was horrific.” He speaks her name and she shushes him.
“We said that it wouldn’t happen again, right? That we will be beside you no matter what.” As always, his brilliant wife put together the issue way to quickly. “You were alone, fighting to save our home- to save us, and we weren't there.”
His eyes sting and Hera keeps her hand on his cheek.
“I will apologize for leaving you however many times it takes, husband. I am not going to run away again.” Her eyes are fierce as she continues, “And if the storm giant dares to wake, he will not get to you. I won't allow it.”
“I love you.” He chokes out and she brings his head to her as the tears continue to pour. She keeps her good hand in a loose hug around him. Repeating the words back at him as she held him.
Zeus does make her check-in with Apollo despite her own insistence that it barely counts as a burn.
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deathlessathanasia · 5 months
Why do I almost exclusively hear about Ixion when the topic of people who were interested in Hera is brought up? Here is a more comprehensive list:
Ixion - the first kinslayer among mortals, purified by Zeus and brought to Olympos, where he proceeded to show his gratitude by trying to sleep with Hera: „For although he received a sweet life among the gracious children of Cronus, he did not abide his prosperity for long, when in his madness of spirit he desired Hera, who was allotted to the joyful bed of Zeus. But his arrogance drove him to extreme delusion; and soon the man suffered a suitable exquisite punishment. Both of his crimes brought him toil in the end. First, he was the hero who, not without guile, was the first to stain mortal men with kindred blood; second, in the vast recesses of that bridal chamber he once made an attempt on the wife of Zeus. … the man in his ignorance chased a sweet fake and lay with a cloud, for its form was like the supreme celestial goddess, the daughter of Cronus. The hands of Zeus set it as a trap for him, a beautiful misery. Ixion brought upon himself the four-spoked fetter, his own ruin.” (Pindar, Pythian 2)
Endymion - Famous for being Selene's sleeping lover, but according to a fragment from the Hesiodic Corpus he was brought to Olympos and fell in love with Hera, slept with a cloud shaped like her just as Ixion, and was sent down into Hades: „In the 'Great Eoiae' it is said that Endymion was transported by Zeus into heaven, but when he fell in love with Hera, was befooled with a shape of cloud, and was cast out and went down into Hades.” Epimenides of Crete has a slightly different account: „Endymion in heaven fell in love with Hera, and Zeus condemned him to eternal sleep”.
Eurymedon - One of the Gigantes, he either raped the young Hera or was her lover before Zeus married her, whereupon both Eurymedon and the son Hera bore to him, Prometheus, were punished. The story is attributed to Euphorion and is quoted in the Iliad scholia: „Hera, while she was being nurtured by her parents, was raped by one of the Gigantes, Eurymedon, and she became pregnant and bore Prometheus. Zeus, after marrying his sister and learning of the event, punished Eurymedon by throwing him into Tartarus, and Prometheus, under the pretext of fire, was bound in chains.” (Schol. ad Il. 14.295); „Some say that Hera, when she was a maiden, fell in love with Eurymedon, one of the Gigantes, and by him bore Prometheus. Zeus, knowing this, hurled Eurymedon into Tartarus, and on the pretext of the stolen fire, chained up Prometheus.” (Schol. T ad Il. 14.296)
Ephialtes - One of the two Aloadai, the gigantic sons of Poseidon who attempted to make war on the gods. According to the Library of Apollodoros, „Ephialtes paid amorous attention to Hera, as did Otos to Artemis.”
Typhoeus - Zeus's greatest adversary, for whose birth Hera is sometimes responsible. In the Dionysiaca of Nonnos, he plans to take Hera as his wife after his defeat of Zeus: „Kronion also shall lift the spinning heavens of Atlas, and bear the load on weary shoulders – there shall he stand, and hear the song at my wedding, and hide his jealousy when I shall be Hera’s bridegroom.”
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dwollsadventures · 4 months
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Also from June of 2021.
Here you can see I was planning my sketches for what would become the Greek Dragons illustration, with Typhoeus and a Hydra head in detail.
I was also experimenting with some stylized designs for Paracelsus' elementals. While I've drawn plenty of sylphs, gnomes, and salamanders, I hadn't done very much with undines. Though she got a larger design at the bottom, I actually liked the smaller version at the top right with a single eye and no limbs.
During this time I was also reading @tyrantisterror 's novel No Sympathies, so I drew two of the main characters Pug and Alichino (which I misspelled). As I've said before when I drew the four protagonists of The Lost World, I like to doodle the character designs, or what I think they look like, while I read. In this case the characters already had established illustrations, so it was more like drawing them in my style.
And finally some ugly, ugly art of another character named Dwoll (don't worry about it) and some face exploration for an orangutan-based yeti.
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alephskoteinos · 4 months
Trinacris, the vast isle of Sicily, had been heaped over the giant’s limbs, and with its great mass oppressed buried Typhoeus, he who had dared to aspire to a place in heaven.
- Ovid, Metamorphoses
(note: this is from Ovid's story of how Typhon terrorized the gods and forced them to flee to Egypt, and was then defeated by Jove and buried beneath the whole island of Sicily; aspects of this story feel suspiciously similar to the fall of Satan in Christian myth, what with the whole "Typhoeus daring to aspire to a place in heaven" thing)
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z-eusie · 18 days
started watching blood of zeus S2 and I have.. thoughts. I will try and articulate them better later but my biggest gripe is how and which myths they choose to alter and the consequences that has on portrayals of literally all the deities
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nectaric · 4 months
unni's got me thinking abt zeus and hades now and I'm literally on my knees begging for. Soft threads between these two brothers who LOVE EACH OTHER and are close as work allows, it's all I've ever needed, all I've ever wanted--
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gremoria411 · 7 months
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Gundam Build Metaverse then, now that I’ve finished watching it.
Well, that was shit.
That’s kind of my opinion in a nutshell, but unlike Gundam Breaker Battlogue, I actually want to talk about this one. I’ve mentioned previously that I hold up Build Divers as an example of what I don’t want to see, but while Build Metaverse shares some flaws, it’s a whole new level of failure.
I do want to acknowledge beforehand though that, as with the rest of the build series, Gundam Build Metaverse is aimed at a younger audience and is pretty blatant about its intention to sell toys. Perhaps this precludes it being seriously analysed as a work of entertainment. However, I quite like the original Build Fighters series so I at least want to compare it to that. Gundam Build Metaverse also has the air of: “we’re not doing anything else with this series, ever” about it, simply because it’s almost a reunion of prior characters from the series. As such, I’d like to consider it as the end of the series (because I likely won’t watch any future instalments).
Alright so, the plot as it is; Rio Hojo is joining the Gundam Metaverse in Hawaii and wants to impress his mentor, Seira Urutsuki. Unfortunately she’s sworn off Gundam Metaverse due to a falling out with her sister Maria, in which her Maria used her Gunpla parts without permission in a battle and still lost, revealing her insecurities about not being as good as her sister in the process. Rio eventually challenges Maria and defeats her, healing the rift between the sisters. Along the way Rio meets and interacts with past series protagonists and characters. It’s about as insipid as it sounds.
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I want to specifically focus on Maria, the antagonist, because the reveal of her motivation was essentially the point I realised it wasn’t going to get better. The usage of somebody’s Gunpla parts without permission is exactly as dumb of a motivation as it sounds, but the feelings of inadequacy actually has some weight to it, since it’s the sort of topic Build Fighters has touched on before. What bothers me about Maria is that she presents this cool, unbothered persona for her early encounters, but the second Rio mentions her sister, she basically has a breakdown with zero prompting. Over an event that happened two years ago. But wait! It’s typical Gundam protagonist style to talk female foes in giant mobile suits (Maria’s Typhoeus Gundam even incorporates psycho Gundam Mk-II parts), surely Rio can get through! And what does he say?
“But you kept buying the toys, right?”
Real classy there Hojo. And this actually works too, so it just underlines how stupid this entire conflict was.
It bothers me more, because in the original Build Fighters, Aila Jyrkäinen was essentially being forced to compete against her will due to her extraordinary abilities in the field, so Reiji helping her escape that had actual meaning and stakes. But Maria’s grievances are so stupid that it’s just meaningless, moreso that she’s apparently been holding onto this for two years.
Unrelated point, but everyone’s the same age in this, despite the fact that time was pretty clearly established to have passed in the older series. It’s possible that everyone’s using younger avatars for some reason, but both Reiji and Aila show up in crowd scenes set in the real world with their original designs, despite being established as having a child together. I know no-one really cares about chronology in the build series (myself included), but it’s still notable.
There’s two new designs I haven’t discussed yet that I also want to talk about;
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First, the Gundam Typhoeus.
I like the Raphael Gundam, I think it’s a nice unit, but the Typhoeus is just grossly overbuilt. I’m used to the build series having gigantic mobile armours to communicate a sense of threat, but when the Typhoeus showed up I genuinely thought “How the fuck is that legal?” It just one-shots three suits with zero effort. I don’t really like designs that are just a bunch of weapons and systems crammed on to make something appear strong, and the Typhoeus is undeniably that. I understand that its model kit gives it a proper loadout when its just in its mobile suit form, but the additional armour is just unnecessary.
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The Amazing Barbatos Lupus. As a design, I kinda like it. It’s a reasonably solid update to the Barbatos Lupus and I like how the backpack resembles a Pluma (or indeed, a mini-Hashmal). The mace also reminds me of the shot lancers from Gundam F91, so it feels like a natural “fit”. The new horns are also lovely. My only real criticism of the design is that I feel more could have been done to make it feel “Amazing” - the legs and front skirt for example, are pretty much unchanged. The shoulders I mind less, since the backpack compensates for their plainness, but the lower half just feels lacking.
However, I feel it had a very poor showing in series.
Part of this is because of a wider issue - while the Typhoeus and Maria are very well-animated, the rest of the series seems to have a very limited budget for animation. Many of the fights were short and I spotted instances of recycled animation. Even the first episode with the 00 Diver Arc, which I would say is the best fight in the series (though that isn’t saying much) feels distinctly wooden. I don’t rate the fights, in a nutshell. Furthermore, despite me gushing over Mask Lady’s design last time, we never get to see her properly animated - she’s in two cockpit scenes, largely static, and another where we only see her head and shoulders. It’s a shame.
But the Amazing Barbatos Lupus seems to have been designed to get around this. It’s virtually always seen in static poses - the only time it’s shown to attack is raising its mace and shooting (allowing the rest of the suit to remain still) or firing a beam cannon out of its mace (while the rest of the suit moves in a single pose). So I’m just thinking this the whole time:
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So the Barbatos, a suit defined by its approach to melee combat, just flies about shooting a beam cannon out of its mace. The only dynamic shot it actually has is when it pulls out it’s claws to fight Kyoya Kujo, a fight which we do not see. Speaking of Kyoya Kujo, it’s built up that Meijin Kawaguchi III is finally going to have a climactic battle with Sei and Reiji, then Kyoya (who is, and always has been a nothing character) just shows up out of nowhere to challenge him and prevent the fight (to save them having to animate it, presumably).
Speaking of Nothing Characters, basically every returning character’s bereft of personality in this. They’re just here “to fight”. There’s no motivation or anything, they just want to fight in the Gundam Metaverse. So they feel like cardboard cut-outs. (For the record, I liked Magee in Build Divers, but in this they’re just…. Stereotypical? I think?). Speaking of a cast of cardboard, pretty much all the female characters get pushed aside in this. I’m not going to dwell on it, since I don’t find it surprising given the shows demographic, but none of the female characters are shown with any agency, they lose pretty much every fight they’re in and Maria ascends to the title of “Lady Kawaguchi VII”. So, the seventh Lady Kawaguchi, despite no-one having dethroned Meijin Kawaguchi III in all this time, you’re telling me there’s been six Lady Kawaguchi’s? Almost like the position’s disposable? (You could maybe say Gyanko’s an exception to losing every fight, but that feels like grasping at straws, since she’s barely a cameo).
Gundam Build Metaverse - a show that really wants you to be excited for the Metaverse, and has a plot almost as sufferance.
I feel like the fact that my highlight of the show was seeing 0.3 seconds of the Schuzrum Gallus probably illustrates how little I liked this show.
EDIT: I somehow made this entire post without remembering the name of the series protagonist, Rio Hojo. Instead, I mixed him up with Wistario Afram, the protagonist of Urdr Hunt. So yeah, the protagonist is pretty forgettable, because I literally forgot him.
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omegamechanicum · 3 months
HG Thyphoeus Gundam Chimera Speed Build
Now up for all to see, the speed build of the HG Chimera from Gundam Build Metaverse. A fun kit with a lot of potential.
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sarafangirlart · 5 months
The version of Typhoeus’s origin where Hera is his mother goes hard af narratively but it also means that Cerberus (as well as every monster in Greek mythology) is her grandchild and that’s hilarious to me.
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razehider · 7 months
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lifer day! a minotaur beetle, Typhaeus typhoeus. i had no idea these could be found in my area and i'm very happy because they're not supposed to be easy to find. this guy didn't look like he had long to live, which at least allowed me to grab him and get a good look at his spikes. he expressed his disapproval with light hissing
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may his children be feasting on dung as we speak
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miramilocamimira · 4 months
Prompt time again!!!
What if instead of the gods going to fight back Typhoeus, only Zeus does, again? What if he's terrified, shaking, and can't show it, as he watches his family run off again? The lingering feelings of resentment and abandonment, the words he wants to say get gagged by his own mind as he watches them leave. At how they are free to run away and stay safe. How guilt bubbles up along with fear.
After all, how can those you love stay safe if you fail? How can he be upset that they choose to cower when it is he who gives them that option? But the relief that comes at knowing they'd be safe for even a minute longer stops him from speaking. He steels his nerves, grasps his bolt, and meets the creature that had nearly ruined him before.
Then Percy asks Poseidon to help him.
What if when Poseidon gets to the fight? He's there just in time to see Zeus on the ground with Typhoeus moving towards him. He can see his brother shaking and concern courses through him.
“Once again they leave you to me.” Gaia’s youngest speaks without emotion. “You fight for those that do not fight with you. A pity, I suppose.” Zeus attempts to scramble away but the beast grabs his leg. “Unlike you, though, I will not make the same mistake.” The sky king responds with a verbal middle finger.
Typhoeus grins and Zeus, his brother, his little brother howls. Someone whom everyone called the strongest god, someone who many believed it was impossible to hear scream. To make a sound so haunting, so anguished, as Typhoeus ripped the tendons from one of his legs.
The thing in front of him reaches over for Zeus’ other leg. He doesn't think he's ever felt so angry before. The feeling grows, rising over the limit, Poseidon blasts the beast off of and away from the sky god.
He wastes no time and moves between the two. His baby brother behind him chokes out his name and he can see that the tendons weren't all that were hurt. Zeus’ tear-stained face, the various wounds from battle.
In this moment, he is more thankful for having Percy than any other hero he's sired before. Zeus truly thought he'd lose here and with it, everything. And if his son hadn't brought him out to help…
“You would dare.” Poseidon growls.
The dirt beneath them gives under the fury of the earthshaker. Above it darkens as winds loyal to the Stormbringer, ally with the thundering clouds. The Cyclopes of Poseidon join the fray.
No no nonononono, why was Poseidon here? Typhoeus was dangerous. No. No. He has to focus. This is… it's good- everything is going to be fine. Zeus still has a working leg and two arms. He's not done for yet.
He forces himself up and grabs his bolt. He will not let Poseidon do this alone. Not like he did.
They won. The fact that Typhoeus was once again defeated allows his breath to slow. His good leg, weak from fear, gives way once the adrenaline stops. He curses.
They still need to get back to Olympus and he's so weak that he can't get his body to rise. Zeus hears some movement behind him and yet he cannot gather the strength to care. His body is still trembling as he tried his best to wipe away the tears that had fallen.
Later, he will advise himself to pay more attention to his surroundings. This, of course, is due to his second eldest brother. While he was not paying attention, Poseidon decided to come over and pick him up.
He can't help the noise that comes out. Thankfully, the older doesn't comment but his face still heats up. Poseidon has one arm under his legs and another around his ba- freaking bridal style?!?
“Put me down! Poseidon, put me down now!” The older ignores him, asking his army if any had seen where the tendons ended up. Zeus moves around, well, he tries to. The grip on him tightens and Poseidon takes it a step further by using a hand to bring the younger’s head to his shoulder. A young cyclops, he believes is named Tyson, comes up with the tendons and hands them over.
“Apollo,” says the most annoying individual Zeus has ever had to live with. There's a moment before he can feels his son’s gaze shift over to them. “Meet me at Olympus.”
He tries again to get the sea god to put him down and he gets shushed. SHUSHED. Like a child. The king of gods has never felt so humiliated. Tendons of one leg in hand, held in that gods-be-damned princess carry, and a face he's certain is strawberry red.
It's in that situation that Poseidon teleports them to the building beneath rather than Olympus. A barrier or something must have been placed but Apollo is there and wastes no time in directing them where to go. Zeus would try to ask for updates on the battlefield but his son is in doctor mode and would just refuse to answer anyway.
When they get to where his son has deemed well enough to stitch him back up, Poseidon still needs to be convinced to set him down. Even when he does he hovers over him despites Zeus telling him to go. Multiple times.
Eventually, he gets Poseidon to go on the condition that he is immediately informed when it was done.
Apollo is steadier than Hermes was. But tendons are tricky. Zeus is just glad it was only one leg this time.
“He's worried.” The sky god just barely hears his son’s words. “Uncle P has rarely ever refused to leave when I ask. I- Father, how bad was it that uncle…?”
“It was nothing.” He lies. He still remembers his heart racing, the bolt nearly falling out of his hand from his shaking, the thoughts that plagued him. “He's being weird.”
It doesn't look like the sun god believes him. Yet he is not questioned further. He does not go to Poseidon when Apollo is done.
Instead, he feels the call of the hearth and brings himself to the throne room. He follows it. The room is damaged, demigods before him, and his fellow immortals having appeared. He glances at Poseidon.
Zeus is a king. He is their king. He does not gulp upon seeing the look on his brother’s face.
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deathlessathanasia · 3 months
„He [Typhon] felt an urge to usurp the rule of Zeus and not one of the gods could withstand him as he attacked. In panic they fled to Aigyptos, all except Athena and Zeus, who alone were left.” - Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses
„Not otherwise did Typhoeus, boasting that already the kingdom of the sky and already the stars were won, feel aggrieved that Bacchus in the van and Pallas, foremost of the gods, and a maiden’s snakes confronted him.” - Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica
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flaroh · 11 months
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Capricorn is here ♑🐐
For this piece the mythological being Aegipan is representing this pragmatic sign🧡
Sometimes distinct from, and other times assimilated with the god Pan, Aegipan was represented either as a faun (half goat half man) or half goat half fish. The latter is usually associated with when the gods fled the monster Typhoeus in a river (Like Aphrodite and Cupid in my Pisces illiustration!)
✨Prints and merch [X]
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a-d-nox · 1 year
typhon, father of monsters (asteroid 42355) 
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Typhon, sometimes referred to as Typhaon or Typhoeus, is the son of Gaea and Tartarus. Oftentimes, he is depicted as a fire-breathing dragon with one hundred heads. Typhon and Zeus went head to head in one of the first battles of the Titanomachy - Typhon repelled all the Olympians except Zeus, who had every tendon pulled out of him by Typhon. Hermes took back these tendons, and Zeus then used his bolt against Typhon and confined him under Mount Etna. Typhon was then said to be the cause of volcanic and seismic activity in the area. IN MY OPINION Typhon in your chart can represent a) where you breathe fire, b) where you scare people away, and/or c) where even suppressed, you make your presence known.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of typhon along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of typhon AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede typhon!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: gaea (1184), zeus (5731 / h42), and hermes (69230)!
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