#tyra of course was huge in this one. i love her like crazy. it makes me look a little stupid
livvyofthelake · 7 months
i take back what i said earlier. that annoying kids mom is about to be timmy’s love interest isn’t she. i recall reading something like this on the wikipedia page all those moons ago. well. this one’s gonna be rough. we will persevere though as always.
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Let’s start this article with a quiz: Name a Black model from the 1990’s that isn’t Naomi Campbell or Tyra Banks?
Stumped? It’s safe to say that if the question were asked to name a White model that wasn’t Kate Moss or Cyndi Crawford, best case scenario you would’ve excelled with a list to provide. Maybe something like: Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer, Christy Turlington, Shalom Harlow, Carla Bruni, Heidi Klum..you get my point.
At times, Pop Culture can be a fair-weather friend. Monday’s It-girl becomes Friday’s nobody and by Sunday there’s a new hot thing in town to get all the girls in a fuss. But as nostalgia-trends rises as capitalism’s newest enterprise, endorsed largely by social media app, Instagram, history is being retold by the agenda of it’s curator. The selective hearing of  Instagram accounts like @90scelebvibes (391K followers) and @90sanxiety (793K followers) present a facade that the past was rather beige, leaving largely out the credit due to the Black and people of color creatives that developed and inspired the trends imitated today.
Bay area based, Fashion archivist Rashida Reneé, takes on self-love to a familial level celebrating her love and the appreciation of Black designers, models and other fashion industry influencers that otherwise go forgotten in our modern culture. In fashion, as in anything else, things old become anew. However, Reneé takes on the responsibility as a trend gatekeeper, providing evidence of what fashion used to be and recognizing the faces we longed forgotten.  
Q: Name a Black model from the 1990’s that isn’t Naomi Campbell or Tyra Banks?
A: Beverly Peele,  Gail O’Neill, Iman, Kara, Young, Karen Alexander,  Louise Vyent, Roshumba, Veronica Webb, etc.
Culture Jock: What is a typical day for the most hated hoe in the city?
RR: (laughs) It’s weird, I kind of like to keep it to myself. Keep track of what I like and my thoughts. I don’t know. I'm very low-key person in real life, but when I do leave the house (pauses) I do, I promise! I just like my personal time, but when it’s time to be out I am present, as much as possible. I do what I do becauseII like giving information to people and give them links and information just so they know.
CJ: What brought you into fashion archiving?
RR: My whole archiving process was originally for myself and filling in spots of information where there it was empty of black people. Of course, there is street fashion, but in terms of online fashion, sites like Manrepeller, you didn’t see a lot of black girls doing it and the people doing it I thought were lame. Finding other black people who weren’t anti-black in those kind of spaces. I felt a lot of people were trying to make us to assimilate. Everyone was kind of like doing the same things and it was like, ‘Naomi Campbell!’ But if it were any other dark girl it didn’t matter. So, I started my own blog and then I had to stop myself from posting Naomi Campbell’s photos too. I would do one picture of Naomi Campbell a day and try to really give props to other black woman involved and black people in general. When I was younger I was familiar with the other models not just Naomi Campbell, my mom was really in it with Naomi. She worked in a beauty salon, which had magazines of all the models. Like, black hair magazines, they always listed the models so, no matter what you knew who they were. Whoever it was in the 90s, ‘this is who that is and this who that is.’ You’d see the oldest Destiny Child’s video shoots in black hair magazines. I just haven’t seen other people doing that. There are other girls now that focus more on Hip Hop in 90s and 2000s. Livejournal, fashion spot, Tumblr, people didn’t go out of their way to scan the black models or even try to name them. It’s funny, people online, they don’t even try to hide their biases. No one was really fashion blogging the way I like or how I see .
CJ:In your piece for Office Magazine you mention, from Patrick Kelley to today’s influence of Dapper Dan, American culture from its roots drips of Black influence and culture. Why do you think Black culture is so immutable and where do you see the ownership of our creations.
RR: People I mean know, it’s just like, it’s weird and odd to even talk about. Not just people referencing me or copying, I feel like I am being gaslit all the time or being told that. People love stealing from black people. People love stealing from black people. People love stealing from black people and lying about it. People hate black people but they think we are cool. I can’t even (pauses)yeah it’s very weird. The twitter thing is weird (sighs).
CJ: It is weird.
RR: (sighs) It’s not really helping them. It’s boring to live with no personality. To see someone interesting and steal from them to bolster themselves. [On social media] we have the means to share with each other, like, moments that are of shared experiences of oppression and that is even imitated. I don’t know why the copy of things are okay. It is such a multi-layered thing. Or the way the Stans talk like mainly the Black queer and Black trans talk and how all of that is now being used by everyone. Ariana Grande, ya know, icons talk like girls on the ballrooms did back in 2006. Parodying things. It helps them develop their own brand, I don’t understand their fascination with us anyway. I’m into my own shit and own culture. I like the way black people express themselves and other people use us and what we do to talk to each other or communicate and then take that to feel cool. I’ve always been,like, ‘why would someone want to be like this?’ or pretend. I don’t get it. People run out of content. I know people used to make fun of me and the things I used to be and ironically they are into it now. People need to find their own hobbies. They are bored.
CJ: The internet is complex. It’s a parody of itself.
RR: Knowing your history is important. You need to know where you came from to know where you are going. When it comes to fashion archives the question is, ‘what is it that you are looking for or trying to highlight?’ My concern is that fashion archiving is feeding into nostalgic trends, where it’s easier to mimic what was done before rather then create new moments. Do you share the same sentiments?
CJ: What is it about fashion that excites you?
RR: It’s so fun and so funny. The dolls are taking over. That’s how most things go, the things that happened come back with a hyper focus. It really is going full out now. It’s interesting to see how people are dressing now. [Fashion] is always reflective of the political climate. Think about the 80s everyone is dressing like a dickhead. Then when people got sick of dressing like a dickhead, minimalism comes in. We cycle through trends so fast, today. I remember a girl wearing a hair clips and no one was into it. Then the next week everyone was wearing them, then I see Cyndi Lauper in an interview wearing hair clips. She’s like 50-something and she’s wearing hair clips made out of Swarovski crystals. It’s so interesting. It’s funny how it happens. Now everyone is into fashion.
CJ: Who are your biggest fashion influences ?
RR: My biggest influences are Naomi Campbell and my mom. Girls I follow on the internet. My mom is from San Francisco lives her own life and is very eclectic. I get a lot from her and different taste. Foxy Brown is also very inspiring, I reference her a lot I think about her and Steven Miesel. Steven knows how to do everything. Steven can do everything. Everyone knows I am a crazy Beyoncé fan. But, I have different girls for different moods. My main inspo is Naomi and Foxy Brown. I really gravitated to Foxy because she was more into Prada and Chloe when Stella McCartney was there. Because of Foxy I love Chloe. She was very cool. Naomi is, you just aspire to that level of greatness. There is no one else. Even in her flaws she handles them so well. I can’t imagine someone else with that kind of rap sheet to not get fully canceled. I judge people by how they react to criticism. She handles it really well. I find that really inspiring.
CJ: What film or television do you think has the best fashion catalog? If you could what character's closet would you love to raid?
RR: I am so frazzled. There’s so much stuff I like. I write things down specifically, because I can never remember. I watched The Nanny last year with Fran Drescher, when I was really depressed and was like, ‘Wow this is inspiring.’ Brenda Cooper, her mind. Everyone had a look in. Pose, is another one. Everything has intentions from the main characters to the background characters. I really like the first season of costume design. It’s commitment to that era. Someone is always dressed like, Karen White or Jodi Whitley. Elektra is very dynasty, that high lady energy. I love that about the show. I love Glow, the costume designer, Beth Morgan. I love when people do era shows, specifically the 80s and they don’t try to soften it, especially in makeup or hair. They aren’t scared to embrace the ugliness, I love that. That’s what good costume design is about. High fashion is easy, but what really gets me is watching old movies and looking at the clothes.  
CJ: We are moving into a new decade of 2020. I have a feeling it may be the year of 2020 vision and final clarity. What are your aspirations for this new era and what do you hope to see from the world?
RR: I feel like the children are our future. That’s what I’m looking at, to see what the kids are into. People are more focused into what they look like and I remember if someone dressed a little bit out of fashion it was a huge deal and get talked about. But now they are embracing their weirdness and experimenting. Do you watch that Tik Tok stuff? I just want a regular life. Happy, healthy, all my kids are happy and healthy. When I move to [Los Angeles] and get hotter, hotter and I want to  become, what is that called, a wellness person? I want a Goop moment, but with Solange aesthetics. Maybe make a propaganda film to get people to stop wearing wigs.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Your life is gonna change me (Biadore) Chapter 5 - AbbiNeedless
“Can we come in?”
Adore looked at her office’s door and found Aja standing with Farrah by her side.
She closed the book she was reading and looked at her students.
“Is something wrong?” “Not at all!” Aja said. “Actually we’re here to give you a little present.”
Farrah took from her backpack a little pink box with a white gift bow.
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” “I chose the wrapping and the bow.” Farrah said when she gave her the box. “I can see.” She opened their present and found four seeds with a red ribbon each. “I’ve seen these before but I don’t remember what are those.” “Those are ojos de venado.” Aja explained her. “It’s an amulet against bad influences, bad vibes and envies.” “Wow…” “Yeah, you should wear it now that you’re pregnant and give one to your wife, for protection.” “And these other two are for my kids?” “Yeah, my mama used to say that every baby should wear it so people couldn’t do them a mal de ojo.” “Thank you, girls, this is a very good and cute gift.” The girls walked to her and hugged her, Aja helped her to wear the amulet in her wrist. “You’re welcome, mrs Delano.” Farrah said and hugged her one last time. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” “See you, girls!”
Mom: Adore Adore: I didn’t do it! Adore: wassup? Mom: Come to the house, I have a surprise for you Adore: I’ll be there :3
Adore closed her car’s door and walked to the house.
“Why dos this fucking path has to be steep? Goddamn it.”
She opened the door’s house.
“Mom?” “Kitchen!”
Adore put her things in her mom’s couch and walked to where the voice came, she found her mom with a lot of worsted balls in the table and two little hand knitted blankets.
“Oh my God, you knitted those?” She sat next to her mom and took a pink blanket in her hands, it felt soft and warm. “I did.” Bonnie looked proud of her work. “You never knit.” “I only knit in special occasions.” She smile to her daughter. “I haven’t finished them yet, I still need to put their names with white thread so they look perfect for my grandbabies’ cribs.” “You still have four months, mom.” “Those months will be gone before you realize.” She took her daughters hands. “How have you being feeling?” “My boobs are bigger, mom and my back hurts a lot.” “Everyone can see that your boobs are bigger, Adore, they’re getting huge!” “I didn’t know that was something that happened now, I thought it would be when they were almost here.” “Nope, it happens now. What about your back? How many pillows do you need to sleep?” “Like five, my back always fucking hurts, even when I’m in bed and… Mom.” “What? Is something wrong?” “Mom…” “Is something wrong?” “They’re moving.” She took her hand and placed in her stomach. “They’re moving!” “Oh God.” She put both hands on her daughter stomach, she could feel how both of her grandbabies were moving inside of her daughter, it almost made her cry. “You better sign these kids in dancing lessons when they grow up.” “I’ll ask Alyssa or maybe Laganja.” She said with a big smile. “Sasha said that I’m going to be feeling their moves more often now that they’re bigger, it’s so surreal!” “I know, it’s always like this with the first pregnancy.” Bonnie said. “Ernie never let me sleep, he was always dancing in here!” “Ethan and Willow must be learning how to dance tango, just look at them!” “Sign them with Alyssa.”
Tyra: Bianca? Bianca: I’m on my studio, do you need something? Tyra: could you please come to my office? I need to talk to you Bianca: why don’t you come to my studio? I’m busy with the gown for Dakota Fanning Tyra: you serious? Bianca: you are the one who wants to talk with me Tyra: you win, I’ll be there in a minute
“Bianca?” “Come in, Tyra.”
Tyra got into her studio and walked to her, she studied the dress her mannequin was wearing.
“Take a picture.” Bianca said while she hand sewn the final details. “It last longer.” “I didn’t come here to talk about Dakota’s dress.” “Then?” “The New York fashion week of this year.” “What about it?” “Are you going to attend it?” “Of course I am, why are you asking?” “Well, I thought you were not going.” “Why?” She held the needle with her teeth. “Because of Adore’s pregnancy, I think it would better for Adore to have her wife by her side, we all know sometimes she can’t handle difficult situations like the one you are living now alone.” Courtney and Valentina turned their gaze at Bianca, she looked mad. “This is about to get real.” Courtney gave her cellphone to her daughter and looked at Valentina, she nodded. “Tyra.” Bianca said.“Adore’s pregnancy is not an impediment for me to go to the fashion week, by that time she is going to be a seven months pregnant lady and she is going to be just fine.” “If you say so.” She gave her dress a last look and walked to the door. “By the way, that dress needs a last stitch on the side.”
She took her cellphone out and typed a message.
Bianca: Can I kill Tyra? Raja: I’d love to see that but Marco would kill us if something happened to her Raja: why do you want to kill her now?? Bianca: she’s being a bitch Raja: nothing new Bianca: about Adore’s pregnancy Raja: kill her and then throw her body to a river Raja: I’ll help you!
Bianca smiled to her phone’s screen.
Bianca: I’ll have it on mind
She finished sewing the dress, it was a beautiful long sleeved dress, the fabric had a flower petal pattern that the Fanning girl had chosen herself.
“I don’t think the dress needs an extra stitch on the side.” Courtney said behind her.
Bianca nodded and walked to her desk thinking in how many ways she could call Tyra a bitch.
“Bianca, could you please stop mumbling about Tyra?” “Courtney, she was talking shit about my wife!” “Mama, what is shit?” The red haired girl who was sitting in one of the chairs asked her. “It’s a bad word that you cannot say, ok?” “But what is it?” “What Tyra says.” Bianca said and sat on her chair.
Victoria put the cellphone down and walked to Bianca.
“Don’t be angry.” “I’m already angry, Vicky.” “Then don’t be it.” “What a great solution.” She sighed and covered her face with her free hand. “Vicky, why don’t you go to play with Valentina? Auntie Bianca is a little bit upset.” “Ok, mom.”
The little girl left them alone and joined Valentina in the other side of the studio.
“Don’t be mad at Vicky, she is just worried about you.” “I’m not mad at her, I’m mad at Tyra, that bitch wants to take my spot in the fashion week so she can show her stupid bride dresses, they’re not even that good.” “Look, you have a lot of work here and that stresses you out and then there’s Adore and your kids, try to relax a little bit.” “I was relaxed until that bitch came and started to talk…” Courtney raised her eyebrows. “Dumb things about my wife.” “Try to focus on something else.”
Her cellphone lighted up with a notification, she opened the message and a smile was on her face again.
Baby Jesus eyes: look at this, Bea!! Baby Jesus eyes sent two pictures. Baby Jesus eyes: My mom knitted two blankets for Ethan and Willow with their names on it! It’s so cute I almost puked rainbows ❤❤❤❤ and two of my students gave me ojos de venado, they say it keeps envies and bad vibes from the person who’s wearing it, I’m already wearing one and I have one for you and for our babies :D My willow: that amulet is what I need right now Baby Jesus eyes: I’m at my mom’s, come after work and I’ll give one to you
“Auntie Bianca?” Victoria asked her, Bianca helped her to sit in her lap. “You’re not mad anymore?” “No.” She looked at the photo of the knitted blankets with her kids names on those. “Not anymore.”
“You shouldn’t wear that shit.” Bonnie said while she looked at her daughter. “Why not?” “Because is a bruja’s shit.” “It’s Santeria, I googled it and its white magic.” “All magic is bad.” “I don’t agree with that.”
The door opening noise distracted them from their fight, Bianca got into the house and smiled to them.
“Hi, Dorey. Hi, Bonnie.” “Bianca, thank God you’re here.” Bonnie said. “Come and tell your wife to stop this brujeria bullshit.” “Is this about the ojo de venado?” She kissed her wife and sat beside her. “Yeah, is not safe for her and the babies to wear that thing.” “Actually…” “…” “My mom used to make us wear them, they’re good for the person who’s wearing it.” Adore gave her mom a satisfied smile. “You see?” “Oh damnit, you know what? Do whatever you want, both of you are crazy.” “A little bit, yeah.” Adore rested her head on Bianca’s shoulder. “Well.” Bonnie handed them the knitted blankets. “These are for my grandbabies, put them on their cribs.” “We will.”
Bonnie gave them a big bear hug and walked with them to their cars.
“See you, later, mijas.” “See ya, mom.” Adore hugged Bonnie. “Take care of yourself, Adore.” “I always do it!” “I mean it, baby.” She took her daughter’s hands. “Take care of yourself.” “I will, mom, you don’t have anything to worry about.”
She got into her car and drove away.
Valentina: Tia Bianca Tia B: yes, kiddo? Valentina: can I spend the night at Violet’s? Tia B: hmm… Valentina: Pleaseeeeee? :3 Tia B: yeah, whatever Valentina: Yay! See ya tomorrow :D Tia B: Don’t drink too much Valentina: who said we’re going to drink? Tia B: our missing vodka bottle Tia B: rude Valentina: oops Tia B: just be careful Valentina: I always am!
Bianca put her cellphone back in her pocket and grabbed the popcorn bowl, she joined her wife in the couch and cuddled with her.
“What movie do you want to see?” Adore asked her while she scrolled down on Netflix. “Whatever is ok.” “Sure?” “Not Contact, I told Katya I was not going to watch that shit.” “Ok, Bea, no Contact.” She started to type a name in the searcher. “Last time we went to our checkup Cynthia recommended me a movie called ‘Viva’, wanna watch it?” “Sure, play it.”
Bianca was laying in the grass of their garden in the middle of the night just looking at the sky and playing with the amulet on her wrist, the movie made her think a lot about her parents and all the shit that happened when she came out to them. Dede and Sammy noticed there was something wrong with her and started giving little kisses to her face.
“Oh babies.” She kissed them back. “Mama is ok!”
Don’t lie to yourself, you’re not ok.
“I’m ok… I’m ok.”
Christmas 1993
“Mama…” “Don’t you dare to call me that again, Bianca.” All of her siblings went to their rooms when they saw their mom was getting angry, Tony gave her a worried look before he disappeared into the stairs. “Papa?” “Who are you?…” Her mother screamed to her not letting her husband speak. “You’ve known me your whole life and you ask me this? I am the same girl who loved to play with her brothers, I’m the same girl who had always the main role in the school plays, I am the same teenager who started to design her own clothes and I am the same Bianca you’ve called daughter for the last 18 years! I just got tired of lying to you.” “…” “I’m your daughter.” “You should have keep that for yourself.” Her mother looked away. “I raised you for better.” “Mom…” “I want you out.” “What?” “Pack your things and leave my house, I won’t have a butch living under my roof.” “Laida, come on.” Her father said. “It’s Christmas, don’t make her do this now.” “She didn’t think about that before doing this! Before she became lesbian!” “I didn’t ‘become’ a lesbian! I’m always been like this!” “Stop this, Bianca!” Her mom looked at her, the look in her eyes was terrifying, Bianca had never seen her mom this angry. “I took a decision, I want you out by tomorrow midday.” Her mother left the dining room and closed her bedroom door with a slam. “Dad?” Bianca saw the man she loved the most getting up from his chair. “Dad…” “I’m sorry, Bianca but a decision has been taken.” He walked to her and sat by her side. “I hate to do this, I really do, but it has to be done.” “You have to be kidding!” She wiped the tears from her face. “Where will I go? What am I going to do?” “We have money saved for your college, before your mother remembers it I’m going to transfer all of it to your account.” “What?” “You’ll be able to pay your studies and find a nice place for you to live, you’ll have to get a better job though but this will help you out.” “Papa…” She got up and hugged her father with all of her strength, she didn’t want to leave him, she didn’t. “Go pack your things, Bea. Tomorrow I’ll help you find a place, I’m not like your mother.” “I know… I love you, Papa.” “I love you too, Bea.”
She got up and entered her house again with the dogs behind her. She went to her office and turned on her computer, she opened a new document and started typing.
Adelaida and Dante.
This is Bianca, your daughter, do you remember me? It’s been a while since the last time we saw each other, Valentina’s quinceañera party, I think it was a good day, don’t you think?
I’m writing you because I realized a lot of things in the past months and I wanted to tell you about all that since I “left” your house.
I got two degrees, one in scenic arts and one as a fashion designer, after Hurricane Katrina I decided to move to New York, I lived there for a couple of years working in Broadway and when I turned 34 I moved to California, it’s an amazing city; the climate is great, no storms like in Louisiana, you’d love it.
Two years later I met someone, she has the most beautiful eyes in the world and the most beautiful smile and laugh too. She is super charismatic, clever, lovely and has the most enormous heart ever. We got married a year later, her name is Adore, I took her with me to Valentina’s quinces I don’t know if you remember her. She is a professor in the University of California and also a singer, you’d love to play guitar while she is singing, dad, I’m sure of that.
When we moved together we adopted two dogs, Dede and Sammy, they’re cute and small like Wendy was, my mother in law call them our perrijos, it’s really fun.
Also after we moved together I took Valentina, your granddaughter, under my wing. I have to say that I was pretty disappointed to know that you didn’t learn anything from what happened with me and the story repeated again with her. When Tony kicked her out after coming out she came to me and I gave her a place that she now can call home and she has a better life now; she studies dancing in the University of California and works with me as my model, she is doing great.
I’m also writing you because I wanted to give you news; my family is growing, Adore is pregnant, pregnant with twins and I realized that I want Ethan and Willow to know their grandparents. Adore’s mom is the sweetest grandmother I’ve known in the last few years, she has ten grandchildren and she knows all of their names and always gives them all the love she can. I want my children to have that with you.
I’m not forcing you to be back in my life again or to be in my children’s life, that’s your choice but it would be nice if my wife and my children could get to know my parents.
Your daughter. Bianca.
PS. I’m also sending you some pictures of the family and of my kids, they’ll be here in four months.
She printed the letter and put it on an envelope with the photos, she walked out of the house with her dogs and got to the mailbox.
“Well, it’s now or never.”
She put the letter into the mailbox and went back to her house without looking back.
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