#ubbe ragnarrson
hc-geralt-23 · 1 year
Ragnarrsons meeting each other again in Valhalla
Brother in Blood
In the great hall of Valhalla, the warriors feasted and drank mead, their voices rising in songs of glory and battle. Among them were five Vikings who had once sailed together, fought together, and faced death together. They were Bjorn Ironside, Ubbe Ragnarson, Ivar The Boneless, Hvitserk Ragnarson, and Sigurd Ragnarson - sons of Ragnar Lothbrok, the legendary king of the Northmen.
As they sat together, memories flooded back - of their youth, when they had set out to conquer new lands and earn the fame that would ensure their place in the afterlife. They remembered the battles they had fought, the enemies they had slain, and the triumphs they had won. They spoke of their father, Ragnar, who had led them to greatness, and of the legacy they had inherited from him.
But they also spoke of their differences, of the quarrels that had driven them apart, and the wounds that had never fully healed. Bjorn, the oldest and most ambitious, had sought to expand their kingdom by conquering new lands. Ubbe, the peacemaker, had sought to balance his brother's ambitions with diplomacy and alliances. Ivar, the cunning strategist, had always been willing to resort to treachery if it served his purposes. Hvitserk, the restless wanderer, had often followed his own path, seeking adventure and new experiences. And Sigurd, the youngest and most impetuous, had chafed under his brothers' authority, eager to prove himself in battle.
Despite their differences, they had always shared a bond of blood and brotherhood. And now, in Valhalla, they were reunited once more, free from the mortal concerns that had once driven them apart.
As the night wore on, the five Vikings raised their horns in a toast to their fallen comrades, who had not made it to Valhalla. They spoke of their exploits and their virtues, and of the honor they had brought to their clan. And then they turned to each other, raising their horns once more.
"To the sons of Ragnar!" Bjorn declared, his voice ringing out across the hall. "We may have fought and quarreled, but we have always been brothers in blood. And now, in this hall of heroes, we are reunited once more. Let us drink and feast, and remember the glory we have won together."
The others raised their horns in agreement, and the feast resumed. As the night wore on, the stories grew wilder and the laughter louder. And for a while, at least, the five Vikings were once again the young warriors they had been, united in their thirst for adventure and glory.
But as the night drew to a close, and the fires burned low, a solemnity settled over the hall. They knew that they would have to part once more, to face the battles that awaited them on the mortal plane. But for this moment, at least, they were together, and that was enough.
As they rose to leave, Bjorn turned to his brothers. "Until we meet again, my brothers," he said, his voice heavy with emotion. "In this life or the next, we will fight and feast together once more."
The others nodded in agreement, and then turned to leave. As they walked out of the hall, they felt a sense of peace and contentment that they had not known in a long time.
The five Vikings went their separate ways, but the memories of their reunion in Valhalla stayed with them. They continued to fight and conquer, but now they did so with a renewed sense of brotherhood and camaraderie. They often thought of the others, wondering where they were and what battles they were fighting. And whenever they met a fellow Northman, they would ask if they had heard of the sons of Ragnar - and more often than not, they had.
Years passed, and the five Vikings grew old. They had all suffered injuries and defeats, but they had also achieved great victories and earned the respect of their peers. And when their time came, they each died with honor, knowing that they would join their comrades in the halls of Valhalla.
And indeed, when they arrived, they found that their reunion was even sweeter than the first. They were greeted by the warriors they had fought alongside in life, and they were hailed as heroes for their deeds. But most of all, they were reunited with each other - Bjorn, Ubbe, Ivar, Hvitserk, and Sigurd.
They feasted and drank mead, just as they had before, but this time there was no tension or rivalry. They laughed and joked, sharing stories of their exploits and adventures. And when the night drew to a close, they hugged each other tightly, knowing that they had all found the peace and happiness they had longed for.
As they parted once more, they knew that they would always be brothers in blood and in spirit. They had fought and conquered together, and they had found their way back to each other in the afterlife. And that was all that mattered.
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thyshadowwriter · 1 year
Ragnarrsons ivar tries to kill himself after finding out Ragnar abandoned him as a child headcanon
A\n: Oh boy, so much angst. There’s no joy here, only angst.
Ubbe & Hvitserk:
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Those two will go together because they literally tried to kill themselves out of maternal neglect.
Out of everyone else, they get it. They understand painfully well where Ivar is coming from and what he’s feeling.
Even if they blame Ivar for being the cause of Aslaug's lack of attention to them, they don't necessarily blame Ivar for feeling Ragnar’s neglect, nor for reacting that way.
Talking about their emotions is not their strongest suit, but as far as silent understanding goes, they are at it.
Might very well push Ubbe more into a ‘caring’ role.
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Sigurd will be judgmental and he’ll make it known.
He might not speak of it if it happened while they were children as he’s pretty closed up at that age, but once they get older, he’ll definitely use that against Ivar.
Just like he uses the fact Aslaug breastfed him to a late age, he’ll use his suicide attempt.
When their fight gets heated enough, he’ll go as far as saying Ivar should have gone through with it, possibly mocking him for having failed at it.
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Like Sigurd, Bjorn will be judgmental. Unlike Sigurd, he will be quiet about it.
He’s not so much bothered by Ivar wanting to end his life as much as he is bothered by how this could impact the social standing of his family.
He’s not a sentimental person, so this subject would never be brought up by him.
Bjorn took in stride the death of his first daughter, it won’t be Ivar that will shake him up.
Ivar was supposed to die when Ragnar abandoned him, if he wants to end his life now, then so be it.
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queenstormbornn · 3 years
Gunnhild's death is still one of the biggest disappointments I have with Vikings. She was a Valkyrie and deserved a powerful death on the battlefield fighting beside Björn; for the future of their faith and their people.
BUT I would've loved to see her be THE queen of Kattegat, the one who keeps Bjorn and the OG character's memories alive as well as their faith going into an unknown future. For me, Ingrid wasn't a character I didn't care about, nor felt like there any reason for her to be apart of the show. If a woman was going to rule Kattegat by the end of the show, it should've been Gunnhild. Gunnhild deserved to have a healthy child and a happy future. After all, she was the "Mother of Kings."
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crystalpistol · 5 years
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"They are insufferable.” Sigurd grimaced at the sight from a distance, you and Ivar having a heated argument about whatever - basically brow to brow. Ubbe and Hvitserk were partially distracted as they were practising their aim, but when they turned to gauge what Sigurd was talking about, they immediately understood.
“I wish Y/N would just kill him already.” Hvitserk joked with an uneven grin. Ubbe jabbed him with his padded elbow and shot him a dirty look, only to return his gaze to his other brother.
“I do not understand why Ivar insists she comes if this is all they are going to do.” Just as the words left Sigurd’s mouth, all three brothers felt their souls almost leave their bodies as Ivar grabbed the back of your head and began smothering you with his lips.
Hvitserk let out a shocked croak before raising a finger. “I believe that is why.”
Part Two
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akamaiden · 5 years
Ragnarssons' Reaction: Fairy
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A/N: This was requested by @rabeccablake. Enjoy! 🧚‍♀️✨
Bjorn would look at his wound and probably thinks that he would die so this wouldn’t be enough to stop him, when he tries to stand up and screams in pain you immediately would follow the sound.
Once he sees you he would be sure that he already died and you are a valkyrie sent by Odin himself to guide him to Valhalla.
When you approach him and starts looking at his wound, then he would know that he didn’t die after all.
He would look at your wings and the way your skin glows in a beautiful shade of gold he would ask you what actually are you, to which you would tell him the true and say that you’re a fairy that normally lives hidden in the woods and if he didn’t decide to bleed till death you would be still hiding from humans like him.
Once you use your magical powers to heal him, he would be very grateful. He leaves you hidden in the woods but he promise you he will come back so he can get to know you better.
Once Ubbe sees you he would be damn sure that he is in Valhalla and you’re the first Valkyrie he gets to know.
When you start actually healing him, he would ask you a million questions, because yes the boy is that curious.
After he is satisfied with your answers he would ask you more, but this time about how you live your life. He would be fascinated as long as you tell him about your people.
As a signal of gratitude Ubbe promises you to protect the wood where you and your people live at, he would understand what may happen if someone knows about powerful creatures like you.
Hvitserk wouldn’t understand shit about what’s happening, he would think that thanks to him wound he’s going crazy and having hallucinations and seeing a beautiful woman with wings and glowing skin. That’s not a chance that this is true.
He would be scared once he realizes that you just healed him. He would think that you’re a witch, to which he would absolutely freak out and pull out a knife pressing it to your neck demanding some answers.
After you explain everything to him he would apologize and ask if there’s something he can do, after all you literally saved his life, you wouldn’t answer him and just say that if you need some favor in some day, you would already know who to ask for.
Sigurd would be too shocked to have another reaction than look at you with his mouth open.
Once he recollect his own shit, he would ask you what kind of witch are you and why did you save his life.
You would say that you just did that because you found him really cute which would make his cheeks burn in embarrassment.
Eventually Sigurd would come visit you in the woods every now and then, you too would grow closer together and you would become the most uncommon friend he has.
Ivar also would think that you're a Valkyrie and when you heal him, he would have the proof that he's honored enough to get into Valhalla, this would warm his heart.
Once you tell him that you're actually a fairy he would look at you like you're the most precious thing that he ever lay his eyes on.
Ivar is very possessive, so he would do literally anything to keep you safe, he knows your value and know that with you around him he's kinda invincible.
But in the end he would show his softest side to you, because you're pure and he knows he can trust you.
Tagging: @amour-quinn  @ivarsshieldmadien @ivarswickedqueen   @nothingeverdies  @mblaqgi @dangerousvikings   @feistybaby  @attorneyl  @readsalot73   @dewy-biitch  @rekdreams-fandom @jade770   @lisinfleur   @filthy-lil-thing  @ivarslittlebadgirl  @laketaj24  @threewintersoldiers   @tephi101  @ivaraddict @captstefanbrandt   @grungyblonde   @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla  @funmadnessandbadassvikings  @alicedopey   @moose-squirrel-asstiel  @cbouvier23   @winchesterwife27   @holydream @stanclub   @hallowed-heathen   @therealcalicali @moondustmemories   @floatautumnleaf  @flokidottir-imagines-br @thisishowdynastiesareborn   @missrandomista @93generation
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me reacting to Vikings 5x20: the finale
Ivar: *creates a solid strategy that utterly destroys Bjorn/Hvitserk and their forces, is still an awesome tactician with a plan*
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Also Ivar: *gets betrayed by Freydis. Kills her for it. Loses Kattegat to Bjorn and his brothers and has to escape with a few men*
Also Me: 
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Freydis: *is asked by Ivar if its true she betrayed him*
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Bjorn: *loses the battle to Ivar. Makes an emotional speech about being the Son of Ragnar and they are his people*
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Also Bjorn: *ends up getting help from Freydis and so wins and becomes King of Kattegat, and everything looks right in the world...then gets bone-chilling still shot of Bjorn with bodies around him, a repeat of Ragnar’s words to Bjorn, and the Seers prophecy.
Also Me:
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King Harold: *fights fiercely. Gets stabbed in battle, injuring him greatly*
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Also King Harold: *fights again. saves Bjorn and ends up getting stabbed badly trying to do it again, yet seems to have survived all the same and is still living his best life*
Also Me:
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Magnus: *has some last minute revelation about Odin and him being the son of Ragnar yet again. Dies after having little to no relevance or any confirmation of his parentage*
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Ubbe/Bjorn/Hvitserk: *all reunite*
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Overall Episode:
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Well, that was a pretty good finale honestly.
I honestly expected what happened to Ivar to go down something like that. I just hope this means his character development will finally kick off now that he’s lost his Kingship, his home, his wife and his people. 
Bjorn is now King Bjorn of Kattegat. Hopefully he can take that rule and do something great with it like Ragnar.
I’m a little disappointed we didn’t get an Ubbe/Hvisterk hug. I wonder if this is going to be addressed in a bigger way next season, seeing as how they left each other wasn’t exactly on the best terms.
I’m still concerned about the way that scene cut with Bjorn at the end. I wonder if a lot more people died than we were led to believe. But I guess we’ll see.
Overall, I thought it was a good finale, I enjoyed it. 
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oppositeurmama · 3 years
The Bear and the maiden fair (Bjorn X Reader)
A/N - this contains smut with dubious consent! I don’t want anyone to get triggered, so if you are not comfortable with this, pls don’t read! <3
Warnings; violence, dub-con
P.s - I don’t condone any of the following actions, I find it repulsive.
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The castle had been stormed hours ago. The villagers had died first, slaughtered in their homes and in their forges, the blacksmiths branded with their own tools, the butchers sliced and diced like prized hogs. And after the village had been burned to the ground, the plunderers came to the castle. They forced down the great oak doors, killed any who stood in their way. 
My father had been the first to die. He’d been on his throne when one of the barbarians had launched a spear, and it hit him straight through the gullet, the sharp iron tip pinning him into the wood backrest. My mother had been the second to die, after she screamed for god to help. 
But the gods were cruel. They didn’t listen to women anymore, even high-born ones like me, even though i was the lucky one. As my family were gutted, i had hid in the only place i could dare think to hide; my bedroom. It wasn’t a clever or sneaky place to hide, to be true, but the door locked and there was only one key, and i was the sole owner.
Hours passed. The screams filled my castle, blood splattered the wall and stained the cobbled floors, and those damned screams and pleas of help fell on deaf ears, forgotten by the barbaric cries of the savages who seeked only to slaughter, to take and to take, to never give back. 
I was beneath my bed when the door came crashing down. A great axe stuck through the wood and stripped back the bark, hack hack hack! I held my breath, placed my hands over my mouth as my chest heaved, seeking sanctuary in the dark low confines underneath my wooden bed. 
The door opened, squealing on iron hinges. Goosebumps prickled my skin. The viking stepped through the doorway, treading heavy over chunks of splintered wood and debris. “Princess.” He called, in a growling rasp. “You ran, little princess, and we didn’t know where.” The viking walked across the vast expanse of my room and he dragged his sword against the floor, the iron sparking against the cobbles. “i found you, princess. And now . . .” 
I swallowed a sob and the scraping of his sword stopped. He turned on his heel and before i could barely comprehend, he’d gripped my ankle and pulled me out from under the bed. “You’re mine!”
He pinned me down, and I glanced up at him, too frightened to dare speak, my words catching in my throat, my tongue growing fat from fear. And despite my terror, no tears fell. “Bjorn ironside.” I said, shakily. “You’re Bjorn Ironside.”
A flash of moonlight set his face alight. His smile was cruel and thin. “I am.” He admitted, and my jaw trembled. My chest heaved with the effort it took to breath and not scream for help, or even to sob. “Are you going to kill me?”
Bjorn smiled and gripped my jaw between his thumb and forefinger. He studied me as though i was a fine piece of art-work, his favourite book, a goddess of lore. Finally, he spoke. “No, i won’t kill you. You’re too . . . sweet, for a thing like that, princess.”
I tensed my shoulders, but his eyes were too bright, almost eerie. They cut through me like glass, stripped me bare, left me ashamed and uneasy. His voice was a low, guttural rasp. “Will you fight me, little princess?” He questioned, raising my hands above my head. “Will you beg me to stop?” He took a small dagger from the leather throng at his side, and used it to divulge me of clothing. 
I shook my head. “No.” I said, quietly, too meek to even resist. I truly beleived that, even if i tried to protest or even raise my knee to that tender spot between his legs, he’d beat me black and bloody. 
At my answer, the Viking smiled. “Good.” 
The stone floor was cold against my back. Even if i wanted to fight, i couldn’t. He was too heavy, covering me with his bulk. His hands were rough and careless against my skin, as the icy blade of his dagger slit the soft silk of my bodice and when he lowered his face to kiss me, i tasted blood.
Bjorn’s fingers were mean and cruel against my warm skin, and they travelled to my core, only to find me dry. He grunted against my mouth, irked. When we parted, i turned my face to the side, wrinkled my nose up in disgust. 
Bjorn chuckled lowly and spat on his hand, then lowered it between my legs. “Don’t worry, princess.” He assured, slipping a thick finger into my cunt. “You’ll learn to like this soon enough.” 
It was uncomfortable and foreign. I squirmed and his hot, hungry mouth lowered to bite and nip and kiss my neck. I tried to lift my torso, but he was impossible to move. “Don’t.” I said, harshly. 
He raised his face and smiled. I spat in his face. 
His eyes grew cold, like pale blue ice. It frightened me, and my heart beat heavy and hard beneath my chest, thump thump thump, faster than a snared rabbit’s. “Fiesty, huh?” He questioned, and laughed cruelly. 
The swollen head of his cock was at my entrance. He was big, and he was brutal. With one hand pinning my arms above my head, the other gripped my hip, leaving bruises in his wake. and with one sharp thrust, i wept. 
His jaw clenched and, as though he was punishing me, Bjorn pulled his hips back hard if only to slam back inside me again. The metal of his armour scratched my tender skin, and my cunt burned around his cock, raw and red and aflame.
His movements grew more frenzied, the harsh thrusting depriving me of air in my lungs. His hand firmly squeezed my hip, my back hit the ground hard, and then  I collided against his torso the next. It was almost as if we were fighting instead of coupling. When he thrust forward and the tip of his dick hit my cervix painfully, a bolt of hot pain shot through my stomach when he slammed back into me, harder than before. I shut my eyes and yelped. 
He grimaced and pushed me back to the floor, with his hand forcing my arms into the stones. His groin bumped against my sensitive mound, assuring that no trace of my precious maidenhead remained. “Hold onto me.” He grunted, lifting up one of my thighs. 
I glanced over his muscular shoulder, my eyes trained on the ceiling and the twinkling chandelier, though in the gloom everything was unrecognizable. I did as he bid, wrapped my legs around his hips and looped my arms around his neck, unwilling to fight anymore. 
When Bjorn thrust inside me, it didn’t hurt as much. Encouraged, i clutched at him as tightly as i could, the smell of sweat and blood filling my nostrils, the sound of his moans vibrating against the shell of my ear. I arched my back and predicted his cruel thrusting, and slowly, the friction from Bjorn’s cock pounding away at my cunt managed to rouse a queer tickling sensation at the pit of my stomach. My eyelids grew heavy.
Bjorn lowered his other hand to palm my breast, pushing aside the silk fabric of my slashed dress, as he rolled my hardened nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “You like that, princess?”
My cunt clenched at his incessant pounding. I dug my nails into the tanned nape of his neck, and whimpered. He pressed his warm lips to mine and kissed me, tasting strongly of iron. His beard scratched my face, and he plunged his tongue deeper into my mouth. He brought his hand between our bodies and i flinched, expecting more pain, only to find pleasure; hot, flashing bolts of pleasure. 
The friction of his manhood as he tirelessly impaled me, and the queer warmth which was pooling in my stomach tainted my thoughts. I moaned into his mouth and he cursed, “Fuck.” 
Beneath him, my whole body shook when he played with my clit. I hit my peak, toes curling, back arching, breasts pushed flat against his muscled chest, quivering and whimpering beneath him, my gasps and pleas smothered by his hot, hungry mouth. And with my climax, came his. 
Bjorn shoved himself to the hilt and uttered a long, low growl. He kept me flush against him for more than a moment, and after a few desperate thrusts, he stiffened and collapsed, crushing me beneath his bulk.
The corner of his mouth twitched into a smile. When he pulled out and leaned back on his heels, lifting up my silk skirts to look admiringly at my tender pussy, he grinned. Between my thighs was a sticky mess of cum and blood. He leaned down and licked the entirety of my cunt from hole to mound, and i pushed him away, too tender to be played with. “Please.” I begged, shaking my head. “No more.” 
Bjorn crawled atop me and wedged his knee between my thighs to keep me from closing them. “Easy now, princess.” He muttered, capturing my face in his hands, pressing his lips to mine. He kissed me rough and i tasted blood, my blood, on his tongue. “You’re mine.” He said, finally. “All mine.”
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runesandmoons · 2 years
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Stranger Things
Peaky Blinders
Bill Skarsgard:
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
ijustwant2write: Vikings Masterlist (Updated 21/02/21)
Cast Imagines:
I Ship It-Alex Hogh Andersen x Reader
Sickly Love-Alex Hogh Andersen x Reader
Drama On Set-Marco Ilso x Reader
Rumours-Alexander Ludwig
Ivar Ragnarsson:
It Wasn’t You / Part 2
A Short Temper
Too Close
Lost In Love
A Typical Love Story
The Benefits of Friendship
A Modern Day Family-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ivar Ragnarsson
A Perfect Match
All Because of a Tantrum (Sigurd x Reader x Ivar)
Hvitserk Ragnarsson:
You Must Decide-Ubbe Ragnarsson x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sigurd Ragnarsson x Reader
Just Confess
I Don’t Need Your Help / Part 2
I Am One Of You / Part 2 / Part 3
Certain Affairs
Rest Beside Me
An Unforeseen Future Series (6/?)
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3 
Part 4 
Part 5 
Part 6
Ubbe Ragnarsson:
Gentle Viking
You Must Decide-Ubbe Ragnarsson x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sigurd Ragnarsson x Reader
You’re Both Mine-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ubbe Ragnarsson
A Real Farmer
You Look At Me Differently Series (5/5)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Sigurd Ragnarsson:
You Must Decide-Ubbe Ragnarsson x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sigurd Ragnarsson x Reader
All Because of a Tantrum (Sigurd x Reader x Ivar)
Bjorn Ironside:
Useless Excuses
You’re Both Mine-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ubbe Ragnarsson
Trapped-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Halfdan The Black
A Modern Day Family-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ivar Ragnarsson
A Missing Piece
Ragnar Lothbrok:
Friends Till The End
The Funny Foreigners
A Strange Bond
Halfdan The Black:
Trapped-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Halfdan The Black
Vague Memories
Just Be Gentle
Dark Things
I Am Not Small
I’ll Be There To Save You
A Learning Curve
The Quiet One Series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Harald Finehair:
The Carpenter
Sticking Together
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So, if you deny valhalla to Ivarr, does Ubba really try to fight you? I didn't give him the axe in my first playthrough because I was so full of grief and horror, but definitely dont remember Ubba trying to fight me? Gods that would have been devastating!
Im so sensitive lol, i should stop playing assassins creed games
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wildlife360 · 3 years
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Finally 😍😍😍
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hc-geralt-23 · 1 year
Ragnarrsons reaction to sigurd killing ivar (sigurd was the one who threw the axe)
Title: The Fractured Brotherhood
Bjorn Ironside, Ubbe Ragnarson, and Hvitserk Ragnarson were gathered around a fire, discussing their latest conquests and future plans. Suddenly, they received news of a shocking event that left them stunned and shattered their brotherhood.
Their brother, Sigurd, had killed their other brother, Ivar, in a fit of rage. Sigurd had thrown the fatal axe that had struck Ivar's heart, and he now stood accused of fratricide.
Bjorn, Ubbe, and Hvitserk were torn apart by this news. They had always known their brotherhood was strong, but this event had shattered it beyond repair. They were each grappling with their own emotions - shock, sadness, anger, and betrayal.
Bjorn, the eldest of the brothers and the most experienced warrior, was the first to recover from the shock. He vowed to bring Sigurd to justice for his crime, no matter what it took.
Ubbe, the most level-headed of the brothers, tried to find a way to reconcile the broken bonds between them. He spoke to Sigurd, trying to understand what had driven him to commit such an act. However, Sigurd was unrepentant, stating that Ivar had been plotting against the brothers behind their backs.
Hvitserk, the youngest brother, was torn between his loyalty to Ivar and his love for Sigurd. He struggled to come to terms with the fact that his own flesh and blood had committed such a heinous act.
In the end, the three brothers went their separate ways, never to fight together as a united force again. The brotherhood that had once been their strength was now a distant memory, and they were left to fight their own battles.
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How should the idea of being thirsty for Hvitserk be spelt?
I came up with a portmanteau of Hvitserk and Thirsty (cus that’s how i feel abt him) but can’t decided which is the best spelling.
@whenimaunicorn @honestsycrets @laketaj24 @grungyblonde @ivarinleatherpants @ivarsshieldmadien @writingfromasgard
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crystalpistol · 5 years
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(A/N: DISCLAIMER, mentions of incest.)
Imagine: being the adopted daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok to his previous marriage and growing up alongside his four sons. Ivar falls in love with you and hatches a plan to capture your admiration once and for all.
It was a horribly cold night and you were wrapped in as many furs as humanly possible, barely any flesh untouched by the silky beast skins. The fire was lit but dying and you cursed it from a distance, eyes watching the gentle sway of the flames.
You had to get up and tend to it before it died but the instant freeze of the cold kept you still, unmoving in your bed. The fire dwindled and collapsed into glowing embers, signalling your demise. You had Hvitserk and Ubbe collect timber for you, but had burned through most of it in a few days. You had no more to relight the fire and the room would surely drop in temperature. This was the only thing keeping you from hypothermia’s cruel grip.
Reeling over possibilities in your head, the drape that acted as a door was pulled to the side, revealing a slumped figure wrapped in similar furs to your own.
Instantly, you shot up and shrieked as cold air crept in from the corridor, “Close it, you fool, or we’ll both freeze to death!” You hissed quietly, only to have a hand come right to your mouth.
“We will both be dead if someone hears you and discovers me here, Y/N.” The moonlight narrowly avoided his face, but you could still see the blue glistening in his eye. Ivar.
“What are you doing, crawling around in the dark? It is far too cold to be wandering at this time of night.” Ivar didn’t even bother to ask, just slid in beside you, the cool air paling in the reward of his warm skin on yours.
“I could not sleep, so I came to you. Is that so terrible?” He nuzzled into you, taking a deep breath of your scent. You rolled over to face him, legs tangling together. “And what if I say, it is terrible, Ivar, why would you do such a thing?”
Even in the dark, Ivar knew you were smiling, he could hear it in your voice. His nose touched yours, “Then I would say, but it was you that introduced me to such a habit.” You kissed him softly, and heated up when you felt his lashes flutter to a close. He moaned, propping himself up on one elbow and responding with vigour.
“That may be, but I did not introduce you to things such as this.” You enjoyed Ivar’s need for you, but were also far too exhausted to continue. In that moment, you wanted to sleep.
“Dear sister, what exactly are you implying?” You turned your back to him, but not before flashing him a suggestive smile. “I am implying that we sleep, Ivar.”
He shifted for a while before resting close to you, disregarding your personal space and laying almost on top of you. “I must confess, I did not come here just to torment you. I am restless.”
Sleepily, you opened your eyes and hummed gently, counting the remaining embers in your fire pit. “What troubles you?”
Ivar didn’t talk, but his grip on you tightened immensely. “Ivar. Speak to me.”
“I have a surprise for everyone in the morning, you will be amazed, Y/N.” The boy prince shook with excitement, “A good surprise, I hope.”
Ivar parted your hair and kissed your ear, stroking you gently. “I know you would not be amazed by something terrible. No, this.. this you will love, I am sure.”
A part of him was disappointed when you didn’t press for more, he almost wanted to spoil it and just tell you but contained himself. Ivar continued to stroke your hip beneath the warmth of your covers, intentionally keeping his breathing in line with yours as you fell asleep.
Ivar didn’t sleep that night, how could he with the knowledge that when morning came, he’d finally be able to stand on his own two legs in front of you for the first time? Somehow, the idea of him taking long, heavy strides to you and taking you in his arms in front of all had him gritting his teeth with anticipation.
After tomorrow, he wouldn’t have to drag his way to your room at night - he would walk to it.
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
March Snippets Masterlist
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Blind!Ivar touching your face so that he can ‘see’ you
Ivar being in love with you, a hopeless romantic
Ragnar being the only one that can calm you down (Ragnardottir!reader)
Being from the future and confusing everyone with the way you speak and act
Aslaug and the brothers seeing you and Ivar being affectionate to each other
The Ragnarssons learning that you don’t feel emotions (female witcher!reader) (part 2)
Ivar being protective of you when you start showing your pregnancy (teen!reader) (part 2)
Making Ivar promise to love your son because you know you’re about to die in childbirth
Trying to explain to your child why she needs to be careful when sitting on Ivar’s lap
Always sitting on Ubbe’s lap to escape the flirtation of drunken men
Being protective over Ivar during a feast when a woman keeps eyeing him
Coming across Ivar passed out on the floor with your two toddlers around him
Threatening Bjorn when he tries to seduce you
Being sweet around Ivar, but having an iron grip on the household when he is away
You trying to hint to Ivar to propose to you but he’s oblivious
Having a soft, cute relationship with your brother, Bjorn
Ragnar letting it slip that he’s been snooping on you bathing since before you were married
Bjorn calling you ‘mom’ and you crying because you’re so happy (lagertha x reader)
NSFW Ivar being obsessed with how tight you always are for him
Hvitserk using a baby carrier for you baby
Forcing your brothers to go with you to a Broadway show with you
The Ragnarssons fighting over you
Ivar being kicked out of bed by his 3 sons in the middle of the night to cuddle with a very pregnant you
Ubbe telling you that he’s going to keep you filled with a child after you give birth
Ivar not wanting his brothers to feel his baby kicking
Ivar only listening to you when you tell him not to do something
Ragnar stating to the army to mind their own business while training when you pass them
Ivar fearing that you and his children are dead after learning that assassins have attacked
Fixing up Ivar’s wounds after a battle
Ubbe being loving how your boobs have grown in pregnancy
Hvitserk being annoyed when you're pregnant because he can’t lay with his head in your lap
Ivar trying to earn your forgiveness by disposing of the woman he cheated on you with
Making a decision between your boyfriend or Ivar
Ivar always coming back to your kissing booth
Ivar demanding family a family snuggle
Ivar spoiling you because money isn’t an object for him
Only allowing yourself to be soft when alone with Ivar
Ivar making his baby laugh
Your son trying to get something by asking Ivar, who reminds him that he must do as you say
The Ragnarrsons babysitting Ivar’s many children and it ending in chaos
Ivar telling you that you are the most beautiful thing to happen to him
Ivar thinking you stole someone’s baby because you have baby fever
Ubbe suggesting to Ivar that he should start a family with you (part 2)
Your sister being jealous at your wedding that she didn’t win Ivar’s affection (part 2)
Ivar trying to get you to stop stripping in your drunk state (part 2)
Returning to Kattegat and becoming Ivar’s queen and swearing to protect Igor (part 2)
Calming Alpha!Ivar down after being kidnapped (part 2)
Showing Ivar how much you appreciate his rescue from your blind date (part 2)
Ivar steals you away so that Floki and marry you two
Replacing your sister in the arranged marriage to Ivar
Ivar promising his newborn baby that he will love them no matter what
Confronting your secret admirer; Ivar
Becoming your rescuer’s - Ivar - mate before you're kidnapped (prologue)
Sigurd giving you canned corn when you get upset that someone took the last one
The brothers warning Ivar that treating their sister as if she’s perfect could be bad but he doesn’t care
You not understand why Ivar’s legs are like they are and he explains it to you (young sister!reader)
Ivar doing everything and anything for his little sister
Ragnar and the boys rescuing you because it’s too quiet without you (part 2)
NSFW Being a complete sub to Ivar with a degradation and masochist kink
Refusing to let Bjorn go out in a blizzard and Lagertha finding your method to make him stay funny (part 2)
Ivar being shocked - in a good kind of way - to hear his son’s friends say you’re ‘a total milf’
NSFW Chocking on Bjorn’s dick
NSFW Ivar teasing you all day before finally letting you cum on his fingers that night
NSFW Calling Bjorn ‘daddy’ for the first time
Ivar falling for you after they kidnap you while he keeps an eye on you (part 2)
The Ragnarssons watching you kill the monster you came for and being in awe at your skills (female!witcher) (part 3)
NSFW One of the boys finding out that just because you don’t feel human emotions doesn’t mean you can’t have sex (female!witcher) (part 4)
Playfully challenging Bjorn to an archery contest (part 2)
The alpha that kidnaps you tries to make you his, but Ivar arrives just in time (prologue 2)
Hvitserk asking his brothers for advice when he wants to propose to you
Walking in on your daughter braiding flowers into Ivar’s hair
Telling Ivar you’re pregnant after trying for 3 years
Your sister trying to seduce Ivar on your wedding night, but he only wants you (part 3)
Ivar and your children praying and making sacrifices to the Gods every night because you’re sick
Ivar telling you what he’d like to do with your sister after everything she’s tried to do to tear him away from you (part 4)
Ivar taking his chariot by your house every day because he knows you love horses
Hvitserk convincing Sigurd to share his girl with him
Ivar refusing to believe that he’s sick and you have to force him to rest
Ubbe taking care of you when you’re sick and his sons not understanding why he does it
The brothers being upset to see that you’ve chosen Ivar from the scratch marks on his back
Ragnar ignoring the woman that are flirting with him because he’s more interested in you (young daughter!reader)
NSFW Being a complete mess as Ivar fucks you hard
NSFW Ragnar loving the age difference between you two
Ivar convincing you to wear tight dresses so you can show off your pregnant body
Getting pissed and killing the person who tried to kill your mate - Ivar
NSFW Ubbe teasing you by fucking you slow
Steve and Bucky protecting you from a pervy man trying to sneak his phone under your skirt
Bucky being overwhelmed when you say you want to name your child after him 
Alpha Bucky being worried when you pass out in front of him because you’re sick
Calming Bucky down when you tell him your pregnant
Steve rescuing you from being stuck under a collapsed building
Figuring out you have ice powers and Loki loving it (The Bookshop Universe)
The Ragnarssons learning that you don’t feel emotions (female witcher!reader) (part 2)
Softly singing ‘Toss a Coin’ to Geralt to help him sleep
Scenting Jaskier when other omegas try flirting with him and he only realizes it when Geralt points it out
Alpha Geralt scenting his newborn daughter as you sleep
Geralt saving you and you meeting Jaskier who is your soulmate
The Ragnarssons watching you kill the monster you came for and being in awe at your skills (Witcher x Vikings) (part 3)
NSFW One of the boys finding out that just because you don’t feel human emotions doesn’t mean you can’t have sex (female!witcher) (part 4)
Cuddling with Alpha Geralt
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filthyshieldmaiden · 6 years
Request #7
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Well anon, thank you for your request! I honestly don’t know what happened but it’s all angst 😂😂 This fic just kinda got away from me and there’s basically no fluff at all lmao. It was fun writing it! I hope you enjoy it!!
Ubbe x Reader/ Male OC x Reader
Warnings: it’s all angst. Love triangle. Minimal fluff.
Word count: 1950
Ubbe and you have been very close. Ever since he saw you training with your elderly father and offered to train you, himself. He helped you see your potential and you became quite an amazing shieldmaiden. Training together every day, made you become best friends. You told each other everything. He was there for you when your father finally passed away. He sat up with you the entire first night and laid with you in bed, as you buried your face in his chest and cried for hours until you fell asleep. Ubbe was really the only person you had and he was always there when you needed him.
You couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable when he would talk about the women that he would see. You hid it well, he’s your best friend. He should be able to talk to you about this stuff. But still, you couldn’t help but feel a pit in your stomach as he talked about his conquests. These feelings made you question whether he was just your friend, to you. Are you disturbed when he talks about the women because you wanted to be in their place?
You didn’t want those feelings to ruin your friendship, so you started looking for a romantic companion in Kattegat as well. You met Leif, in the marketplace. He was so sweet and handsome. He was built like a god, but when he was not off raiding with the Ragnarrsons, he was just a simple baker. Leif packed some freshly baked bread and took you to a secluded waterfall in the woods. The both of you talked about anything and everything. He was a very interesting man and it was a very sweet date. Leif kissed you and you nearly melted at his touch. You almost forgot what it felt like to kiss, it’s been so long since you have had this kind of attention, you were loving it. When it got dark, he walked you home and kissed you, goodnight.
[The Next Day]
“Y/N, I was sad to not see my best friend at my little feast, in the great hall, last night. Where were you?” Ubbe asked as he lunged at you with a sword, just barely missing your side.
You twisted away from the thrust of his sword and countered.
“I’m sorry I missed it. I always love watching you and your brothers get too drunk to hold a conversation. Last night, I was out on a date.” Your words caught Ubbe by surprise and you were able to trip him and pin him to the ground.
“Who did you go on a date with?” He questioned and raised his eyebrow. You got off of him and went to grab a drink.
“Leif” you replied and sipped your ale.
“The baker that raids with us?” He laughed.
“Why are you laughing? I really like him.” You added as you held out a full cup, offering it to Ubbe. To which he got up and accepted.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m just a bit surprised. For some reason I just can’t imagine the two of you together.” He said and chugged his ale.
“You don’t have to imagine it, it’s happening and he wants to see me tonight.” You said in a snarky tone.
“Perfect, then why don’t you bring him to the gathering that Hvitserk is hosting. We are all gonna get drunk around campfires on the beach, it’ll be fun.” You were skeptical but agreed.
[that night]
You were getting ready as you heard a knock on your door.
“Come in!” You yelled from your room.
“Y/N? Where are you?” Leif asked as you walked into the room.
“Wow, you look beautiful.” He said, admiring your tight pants and nice blouse with leather details that showed off some of your cleavage. Leif pulled you in for a kiss and you told him what the two of you were going to do. He gladly escorted you to the beach and you were greeted by your good friend.
“Y/N! You made it!” Ubbe yelled just as he stumbled over a drunk man that was already passed out.
“Are we a little late? Seems like most of you are completely drunk already.” You laughed as you pointed to the drunk man on the ground.
“Oh don’t worry about him, he just challenged Hvitserk to a drink-off. Clearly you know who won.” Ubbe said, pointing to Hvitserk making out with a woman on the dock.
“I’m gonna go say hi to everyone, Leif are you okay here?” You asked and he kissed your hand and nodded.
After awhile of socializing with everyone at the party, you noticed that Ubbe and Leif were talking. The look on Leif’s face concerned you. You excused yourself from the conversation you were having with some of the women from the marketplace. As you walked over, they both fell silent and Ubbe smiled as you approached them.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” You smiled at them as Leif handed you a fresh drink.
“Not at all, we were just talking about future raids. If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go check on my brothers.” Ubbe said and walked away.
“Okay what were you really talking about?” You asked Leif and he smirked.
“Seems like Ubbe has a crush on you, I don’t blame him.” He said as he brushed a stray hair from your face.
“What makes you say that, Leif?” You asked as your heart pounded.
“Well, he was trying very hard to convince me to no longer see you. He offered me gold and silver as a reward.” Leif laughed and downed the rest of his drink.
“Are you kidding me?! I’ll kill him. How could he do that to me? As soon as he sees that I really like someone, he wants to keep them away. I’m sorry Leif, I gotta go talk to him.” You kissed Leif very passionately.
“Okay, just know, that I like you very much too. He could offer me my weight in silver and gold and I’d choose you.” You smiled at his words and he kissed your cheek.
You turned and spotted Ubbe talking to a woman. You grabbed someone’s shield from the ground and threw it with all your might at him. It hit his arm and shoulder and his face filled with anger.
“What the fuck was that, Y/N?!” He yelled at you and everyone around you silenced themselves to watch you two.
“How could you try to bribe Leif to leave me?” You yelled back at him looking for another object to throw at Ubbe.
“It’s not what you think” he said as he slowly approached you.
“Oh, okay then explain to me why the second I tell you I like him, you make me bring him here for you to try to convince to never see me again?” You grabbed a drink from the closest person and threw the tin cup at his head, hitting him spot on.
“Fuck, Y/N STOP!” He closed the gap between you and gripped your clenched fists in his hands.
“Let go of me!” You fought back, struggling to free yourself from his grip.
Leif angrily approached the two of you, ready to fight Ubbe.
“Leif, no. He won’t hurt me.” You told him and he threw his hands up and backed off.
Ubbe let go of you and turned around gathering his thoughts.
“Why Ubbe? You’re my best friend, why don’t you want me to be happy?” Your eyes teared up. Ubbe turned himself around and looked at your face. seeing tears trailing down your cheeks, made his face soften.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to be happy, Y/N. I just I can’t handle seeing you with anyone else. I want you to be happy. I want you to be happy with me.” Ubbe looked up as he heard Leif scoff.
“Oh fuck off, you’ve been with her for two days, I’ve been by her side for 3 years. Imagine how I feel.” Ubbe spat at Leif. Then waved for a slave girl to fill his drink.
You were speechless, and all of the eyes on you were not helping. You finally found your words.
“I-I don’t understand, Ubbe.” You said, wiping your tears.
“What isn’t there to understand, Y/N? You’re absolutely gorgeous, you’re kind, caring, smart, your attitude drives me nuts in a very good way, you’re an extraordinary shieldmaiden, and you’re always there for me. All of That is why I fell in love with you.” His voice was shaky when he said those last words.
You couldn’t believe it. You had feelings for him and just as you got over it and really connected with someone else, he pulls this. It still didn’t make sense to you. He never showed any type of affection. He never showed that he liked you more than a friend.
“What? So your slave girls and nightly concubines aren’t enough for you, anymore?” You crossed your arms and all the attention was now on Ubbe.
“Y/N, that’s just sex, it means nothing to me. But you, You mean everything to me. Just think about it, we’re great together, we already know that. Please Y/N, be Mine.” His words made you cry again.
Ubbe Lothbrok is begging you to be with him, in front of basically everyone in Kattegat. You couldn’t believe it, somehow this was happening. You looked over a Leif who was just staring at you, there for you if you needed him. You looked back at Ubbe and felt a pain in your chest. You didn’t know what to say or what to do.
“Y/N?” Ubbe snapped you out of your thoughts.
“I-I have to go. I can’t deal with this right now, it’s too much, Ubbe. I’m going home.” You said and turned around, beginning to walk.
“Let me walk you home, at least?” He asked you.
“No, Leif is perfectly capable of escorting me home.” You said and Leif shot up, walking beside you as you left everyone behind you and walked home. The both of you could hear Ubbe yelling in frustration.
“Well…. that was interesting.” Leif finally spoke, breaking the silence. You laughed and cleared your face of tears.
“I would’ve never brought you there if I would’ve known…” you said almost ashamed.
“Y/N, it’s not your fault. And to be completely honest, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I was in that situation. I know we’ve only been keeping each other company for a couple days, but I do like you. I’ve had a crush on you for a long time, actually. The second you walk in the marketplace, I just light up.” He chuckled to himself and stopped walking, Turning you towards him.
“You have a difficult decision to make, but no matter what feelings I have for you, I will respect your decision.” He said, kissing your forehead.
“I’m not even sure what to do, I’m so confused. I need some sleep.” You sniffled.
The both of you continued walking to your house, he walked you to your door and kissed your hand, once more.
“Goodnight, dear Y/N.” He spoke softly.
“Goodnight, Leif.” You smiled and closed the door behind you.
You threw yourself in bed and could no longer control your tears. All you could think of is Ubbe begging for you and Leif being right there, supporting you through a very awkward situation. If you choose Ubbe, you would lose your connection with Leif. If you choose Leif, you’ll lose your best friend. You can’t lose Ubbe.
Taglist: @tephi101 @ivarsshieldmadien @akamaiden @laketaj24 @cbouvier23 @captstefanbrandt
Please let me know if anyone wants to be added to the tag list 🌹
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