#uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk. i like them
adriartts · 10 months
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forgot about posting artfight attacks lmao so here's a few,,
Enzo by @sunken-samsonian, Fakir by Glummywyrm, Zaba by @eddies-pepperoni, and both Ester and Krystal by @ch1ck3n-t03s
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icyfox17 · 9 months
apart from harry songs, have u listened to non-radio one direction songs?
i think I'm on my 1d missionary grind instead of tswizzle LOL
i know i watched some of their music videos?? when i was younger??? like dont drag me down was one of my favs ever and best song ever is iconic but idk if those are non radio, i didnt dive too deep into them tbh i was never a really big boyband gal yknow??
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myster-tea · 2 years
Trying to think of stuff to talk about
I guess the lore and backstory and stuff on my world?
I need to post something so sure
Ok so my world that almost all my ocs are in is called Pangea (yes like the “all one land chunk” thing because it sounds cool and that’s what it is) the original species to live there is Pangeans, human like creatures with animal dna in them. There are at the current time only 4 left wich is…. F u n. Pangeans are needed to not die out because without them the planet would literally crumble to dust! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay :D
So Pangeans almost died out because of the queen named Queen Rona (yes she is based off of good ol’ rona virus) and she was like “ew, people aren’t all cis-het here? Become a zombie ig” so she made lgbt people become her brain dead (literally and figuratively) minions it stopped because to many fruity people existed so she wanted to have at least SOME living subjects to rule over and traumatize.
They also have a god, Aelia or something idk
She is supposedly the god who made everything in the universe
And there is someone named Dio who thinks he is a human version of Aelia, “a gift from the heavens and to not let the world crumble to dust in the palm of our hands you must give sacrifice and gifts to me so that I may hand them to our loving god Aelia from the earth to the heavens.”
Now there are 5 groups of people in my story (if you count the townspeople I guess 6)
-Vilco (Ryan, Blaze, Himiko, Suki, Scorpion, Arlo, Raz & Daz
-Villain Circus (Aqua, Milo, Shard, Moon)
-Cult (Dio and a lot of unknown members)
-Queen rona (+her army)
-The Heros! (River, Indus, Mica, red haired unnamed guy, and old lady I have no name for either)
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newgameplus · 6 years
10-20 & 28: the same ones u asked me (^_^)
10:What book have you been avoiding reading and why?’the gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue’ hhhh... im not really avoiding it its just that i bought it ages ago and never got it in my head to actually read it.. i even put some $15 in it at one point to be like “oh u can have it when you read it” and i. Still havent. ... rip
11: Favorite head phone brand?aw fuck i dont actually know the brand name but fr the longest time i was using this pair that i stole outta my moms purse and they lasted fr So Long, even when the wire was exposed and hanging all over the place (they still work! i just have not bad ones now- i played dnd w/ u w/ them fr So Long)
12: Favorite scent?pine, oranges, vanilla and lavender (but not all at once probably)13. Favorite idiom?this is technically a proverb but “Ask my companion if I be a thief”- i explain it too poorly to do so here, but Here is a link to a list14. How many friends do you have that don’t live in the same country as you?many many many for some strange reason i just Keep Befriending Dutchies
15.What is always in your wallet that doesn’t need to be?theses lil avengers cards that my friend n@ gave to me, i got hawkeye hulk and capt america i think
16. How big is too big for a wallet?if it dont fit in your pocket...... my wallet is a bit large but when im out i have purse and it fits in there fine so i dont care ig
17. What class did you write the best notes in? What grade did you get?hhhhh uhhhhhhhhh maybe.......bio.... im not sure i was a bad student. in bio i got an 80% tho which was my best grade that year :,)
18. What was your pet peeve when you had a substitute teacher in school?mmm i guess if they fuckt with a certain like... ig ‘ritual’ of doing things. i really like when theres a set order of things and messing w that on purpose after someone’s said “we do this first, then this” is >:/
19.What is a strange red flag you have when pursuing a relationship?uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hard 2 say fkdsjgs??? idk 
20.What do you look for in someone’s online dating profile?non-smoker honestly i dont  jive w/ that and i dont jive w/ recreational drugs either.
28.What is the coolest name that you would never name a real human child?
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my-autistic-things · 6 years
Screw tagging rules, I'm doing this for me bc I want to :)
nickname: Maxi Moo, but mainly just Max. The kid I babysit calls me Vicki for no reason too lmao
gender: Queer, masc presenting
star sign: Sagittarius
height: 5'9″
time: 4:15pm, Friday (HST)
birthday: Dec 5th
favorite bands: Twenty one pilots, Panic! at the disco, Fall Out Boy, Set it Off, Neon Trees tbh, Wrabel (?)
favorite solo artists: Panic! at the disco, kinda Ed Sheeran but only like 3 of his songs, Wrabel (?idk if they are solo or a band?)
last movie i watched: oh jeez, the Shape of Water in the theatres and Cap. Underpants on Netflix
last show i watched: Gossip Girl, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, The Good Doctor
when did i create my blog: a few months ago
what do i post: autism-related things that I find relatable, iiaat/autism asks, adhd related posts, positivity, my own textposts, and positivity as well as jokes
last thing i googled: the exact definition f cultural assimilation for a discussion board response 
do you have any other blogs: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah
do you get asks: never omg please ask me stuff even if it’s just “hi” bc i’ve never answered an ask before and i really want to do that
why did you choose your URL: well, here i post/reblog about my autism symptoms/autism things i find relatable for my own compilation of autistic things, so, my-autistic-things is pretty self-explanatory
blogs who follow you: well i guess it would be in general blogs who post a lot about neurodivergencies, fandom blogs, people who post lots of Tumblr memes, etc
favorite colors: my favorite color is hot pink but gotta also be emo so black too, and also blue is really pretty, and red is also kinda nice and green is omg and the ride shade of yellow is so pleasing and orange is honestly just gorgeous and ya know what so is grey too and purple is my favorite hair color bc its so beautiful oh jeez.......
average hours of sleep: oh...sleep? idk her.  jk i sleep for 11-16 hours
lucky number: 2? a lot of good things are happening this year so maybe it’s gonna change to 17 or 18 (im 17, turning 18, and its 2018)
dream trip: oh my, honestly leaving this rock would make me so happy take me anywhere.  my (feasible) dream trip i’m planning rn actually where I go to Toronto, Canada for Pride.  i would also like to see the northern lights and also Europe like all of Europe and also take a road trip across the US and also just go to New York bc ive always wanted to go there 
instruments: my joints; i can play a symphony of crackly pop pops, I used to play piano for 8 years but then I stopped and i suck now
what am i wearing: my ugly pain stained bright teal baggy basketball shorts (that also have blood on them....for an unspecified reason...lol) and my “pj” shirt which is actually my uncles that i kinda stole--it’s a baggy artistic skull pattern shirt (black shirt with a white design)
how many blankets do i sleep with: i always sleep with my thin sheet on at least my legs even if it’s like 90+ degrees.  or I use my comforter if its below 72 degrees lol
dream job: oh......a plan?..............whaaattttttt??????? actually, i would love to be a behavioral/social researcher and analyze social relationships/patterns/interactions specifically for neurodivergent teens/adults as well as lgbtq (trans mainly) people
favorite food: everything tbh, um, potatoes, Ceasar salad (but vegetarian), ice cream, cake, pie, sugar in general, beans(refried ones), cheese, eggs, avocados, tofu!!!!!!!!!, rice, fried rice(vegetarian ofc), etc, etc,etc
nationality: White AF (Portuguese, Austrian/German, French, Irish)
Anyone who read through all of that consider yourself tagged lol
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1, 16, 27, 38, 44, 45, & 65!!! sorry its a lot, hee!! i hope youre havin the best night ever eli! 💜
1: Do you have a crush at the moment? 
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah ;;;;;;;;
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”?
no,,,,, i think u shld rly like. idk rly know the person and to know you love them and its not just. infatuation (is tht th word) i guess fsjkvbsf
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
haha dont date tht fucker when u were in yr 7 tht was scary
38: Do you enjoy love films?
mmmmmmmmm i dont think ive actually. watched many if any ;;; so i dont think i can rly make a choice jkfdvhbf
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”?
hmmmmmmmmmmm i guess jfhcbsdf ppl  hv. said tht b4 aaaaa
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
mmmmm i guess ?? aha
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?
it wld be. rly nice to hug sm1 yeah h
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