#ult dancing challenge
venomousnakes · 4 months
Lim Kim: Take the Dive ❤️‍🔥🔥🏊‍♂️#ULTCHALLENGE
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ohoshi · 2 years
pink venom dance challenge is sooo freaking good fun and easy to learn this is how it's done kpop groups
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spadesolace · 11 months
polaroid love - 18. right here. (half-written)
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“WHAT’S THE EMERGENCY??? WHY DO YOU NEED MY FACE THE SUN ALBUMS???” YN looked at her brother up and down, any signs of injury but all he did was smile at her.
“Ok, don’t get pissed at me but there is no emergency-”
“I’ll be on my way then.” Jake had pulled YN in time and pushed the girl towards one of the many rooms. The girl tried to reason with her brother that she was not in the mood to talk to his members after he admitted that some of them had a thing for her but he dismissed it.
“Trust me, you’ll like this.” In one of the dance studios that YN hasn’t visited, she heard shouting, laughter, and a familiar tune. Maybe she was hearing things but she’s familiarised herself with their voices by being a fan for years. The slow opening of the door, only for the idol to confirm her speculation.
“Won't let you down, won't let you down, 내게로 와, in my, in my, in my new world.” The group stopped what they were doing and looked at the Sim siblings. Jake pushed YN to go inside while she was speechless. It wasn’t her first time meeting some of them, she’s talked to the members before as a special MC for Music Core but seeing her bias, Woozi, the other idol who inspired her and gave her hope was there.
“You actually managed to bring her here?” Vernon side-hugged Jake and explained how he managed to pull it off. “Well, they all agreed to sign it.”
“WHAT?” That brought YN out of her trance and looked at the entire group, who gave her a warm smile and greetings.
“Then after that we can film the _World tiktok challenge.” Vernon was the one to explain about how the entire thing came to be. Jake had mentioned his sister’s ult groups being Twice and Seventeen to the group and they decided to invite her over as a surprise to hang out or sign your albums.
“So where do you want me to sign?” Woozi was first and YN could not contain herself.
“R-right here.”
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taglist [CLOSED]:
@lesbianslovesminji @sserajeans @trsrina @invusblog @haerinstolemyhrt @txtbrainrot @ddenoudepression @cfvgbhndun-new-blog @lcv3lies @rd0265667 @somsomishy @dream-chasers-things @captivq @limbforalimb @dmndtears @buuhsworld @oshyci @ksnu @falling-intoo-deep @sserafimez @hyukasverse @forever-in-the-sky2 @cixl-writes @wolfimini @j-wyoung @jisooftme @justme-idle @myahwritesss @paranoxic @edamboon @iluvhanni1
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hwaightme · 1 year
Your fan, Yunho (part 2)
(part 1) (your fan ml)
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🎮 pairing: yunho x game developer!reader 🎮 genre: fluff, slice of life, opposites attract, serendipity, humour 🎮 summary: a bulletpoint-style wordstream of what it would be like if yunho was stanning you 🎮 wordcount: 3.8k 🎮 warnings/tags: language, reader is a developer, coding and gaming is life, yunho is a gaming enthusiast, discussions of social anxiety, implied depressive episode, yunho teasing season open, mingi covering a corpse song, business friend saves the day, slight angst, rumination, ibb and obb, yeosang is a legend (best homie), mingi is a wingman, let me know if anything else 🎮 a/n: Hello! And thank you so much for the love and support!! Here is part two for Your fan, Yunho, where things go WILD. Previous part can be found here. Any likes, asks and reblogs appreciated and.... stay tuned for more things to come~
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Totally the type of duo to make username matched smurf accounts.
He was not sure what you would approve of, so he pushed his fantasies aside and pretended like he was also thinking of the duo name for the first time
You caught yourself overthinking, biting your lip in frustration, totally unaware of how hyperfocused Yunho was on your image on his screen.
Giving yourself a mental shove, you blurted out a suggestion, making Yunho glow at how unbelievably cute you were when even the tiniest bit shy.
And that was how you became "Ibbity & Obbity", homage to the two-player puzzle-platform coop game.
You two formed a rare dynamic. Having moved from chatting on Steam to Discord, you were happily alerting one another of when your ults were charged, or when you had a good opportunity to snipe someone, or when either of you needed support.
Initially, that was all you spoke about, with you not daring to deviate out of your comfort zone, and Yunho not wanting to hurt you or stop talking.
He could pay to hear you babble away about why one character was better than another or deep diving into why some obscure game's server crashed the other day.
These gaming sessions were almost instantly discovered by the other members, and the teasing was unstoppable.
Interestingly, Wooyoung, who had been there in the moment you two 'spoke' for the first time, kept it pretty tame, settling for suggestive winks and occasionally joining in if it was a game he liked (or if he was struggling with a part of Aenigmata - not that you would reveal any cheats)
Oh no, the most brutal was his best friend, Mingi, who had somehow convinced Hongjoong to record him covering the song "E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE" and playing it at full volume while they were at dance practice and wanted to try a bit of freestyling to warm up.
Needless to say, that evening Yunho had been more bashful than you had ever seen him before, attempting to mask it with laughter that came to haunt you in the best way possible, and when he noticed Mingi slipping (read as barging) into his room, phone in hand, nearly drop kicked the poor guy.
And that was the moment you knew you never wanted your time with Yunho to end. Talking to him was effortless, and he had an undeniably positive influence on you while never overstepping boundaries or challenging you.
The sessions were becoming less about the game, and more about each other, as you began to inquire after how his day was, how we was feeling, if he ate.
If someone had hooked up the heart rate monitor to him the first time you had, after a long pause (to the point where Yunho started checking his wifi), veered off your usual topics and directly addressed him, asked about him and him alone... they would probably wonder how he was still alive.
Words spilled out of him like a waterfall as he shared with you all the stories he had saved but never would have guessedyou wanted to hear.
And oh boy, how you did. How you wanted to see what he saw, do what he did, go where he went. There was a pang of jealousy for just how connected he appeared to the outside world, and just how much love he got to experience day to day.
But for the time-being, you brushed that off, deeming it to be something insignificant. What mattered was that, Yunho was ecstatic, and you too, for the most part.
As time went on, he was getting busy with more schedules, practices and had to divert his attention back to, well, his job. With your gaming/deep talk calls starting later and later, getting shorter and shorter, it was obvious that your routine was quickly becoming unsustainable.
He was an idol after all, and his entire lifestyle did not constitute physically staying in one place.
And who were you? A person who was perfectly content with staying in the comfort of Cogent Studio or your apartment, living a digital daydream. Your world was far-removed from the sold out stadiums. Far removed from the huge teams of stylists, managers, designers, coaches, and, basically everyone who Yunho would normally interact with.
You were just pixels on his screen, an illusion. Extended fan service. He probably lied about liking Aenigmata just to appease you and fool you into spending every day thinking about him.
Why did he have to charm his way into your heart, most probably with the full knowledge that it was not going to go anywhere?
So you did what you did best. Shut down.
Yunho was in a panic? Did he do something wrong? Did something happen? Were you okay?
A day, two more passed, and you had not logged into neither Discord nor Steam, or were purposefully hiding from him. Yunho scouted all of your streamer friends, Twitter accounts, YouTube, quite literally all accounts that he could think to be associated with you, but found nothing except standard announcements and activity not related to you.
He was out of it. Though he was not slacking off, and as a matter of fact even added to his workload to try forgetting about you even if for just a second, both his members and eagle-eyed fans noticed a change in his demeanour.
The energy maker, the happy virus. Those titles now sounded more like a curse to him.
It was like you were malware in his brain that he could not trace nor erase. And while performing, while being there in front of thousands, all he could ponder was if there was a possibility you would be bothered to see clips from the concert.
His members, who initially were merciless with their jokes, assuming that this was nothing to worry about and you just got busy, saw that Yunho's disposition was getting progressively worse.
He would toss and turn as a bout of insomnia got the better of him, mich to the dismay of his roommates.
Normally respectful of the cleanliness in their apartment, Yunho became more absent-minded and, risking his own life, left paper cups on the kitchen counters a couple of times.
Mingi could not stand his friend suffering anymore, so being the creative genius he was he made a suggestion that may just be a ray of hope.
Go live, and play Ibb & Obb.
Whilst Yunho had been struggling to keep a straight face and not fall apart on stage, you were crumbling in total isolation.
You were communicating with your colleagues almost exclusively through Github, newly pushed code being the best way to see that you were still out there... somewhere
Your co-founder, being the sweetheart that he was, had taken over any social media interactions that required senior involvement
And the rest of your team instantly adapted to your hermit mode, seamlessly continuing to communicate with you but via less personal means.
Normally, this extreme reboot would have worked in a day, however things were not looking bright.
You were feeling heartbreak, and so acutely, that you was very much an illness.
And paired with the overwhelming sense of guilt, three days in after 'the ghosting' you completely ceased to function.
It was your friend, the one who had given you your light and darkness, your reality in the form of Jeong Yunho, that dragged you out of your bed sheet  cocoon.
You had been watching some of Yunho's fancams and funny moment compilations, simultaneously wanting to beat yourself up until you blacked out for letting such a wonderful, kind and understanding human go.
When you suddenly heard your front door SLAM OPEN, leaving you wondering if it entirely flew off its hinges or not, and saw your friend's figure in the door frame to your bedroom, in a battle pose.
No amount of pleading could save your from the wrath of a friend who wanted to get you out of the wreck you created for yourself.
Once she had you cleaned up and forced you to change into a cute outfit "for the vibes", she sat you down and made you walk through, step by step, what happened.
Last time you had gone into such a state was because of your participation in a particularly large convention, where you had the opportunity to share the stage at an event with some legends of the game development scene.
And it would have been fun, had you not had a persistent fear gnawing at you, for hours on end as the event progressed. From the busy booths and  overcrowded fan events to the handshakes and talking and faces upon faces upon faces who all but blended into one large, disfigured and unidentifiable monster.
By some miracle you managed to stay standing, all the way until you walked into your hotel room, and had what had to be the closest thing to a personal apocalypse.
Since then, even a lateral association with crowds without a screen to separate you, or an in person interaction over which you had minimal control sent you spiralling down into an abyss.
Basically the very opposite of what Yunho thrived off.
The more you explained, about your perception of his social life, about his work day and even about his friendships and personality, the clearer it became to your carefully listening friend that you were head over heels, but equally terrified.
Because you fell in love with what was pretty much an alternative universe to you.
An yet, as your friend then explained, she could see that, more than ever before, you were willing to fight yourself and your demons to try your best and be a part of that universe.
For goodness' sake, you were a designer of whole worlds. Out of your brilliant mind came to fruition many best-selling games, with one having a storyline that was being considered for a movie adaptation.
You had a vision like no other, one where the most complex systems were much-admired intricate works of art. With you designing every piece and putting it all together.
You had the skills, and now it was time to apply them 'irl'.
The rest of the day was spent by listening to your friend giving you pep talk after pep talk; little did you know, the same thing was happening to Yunho, except instead of one life coach, he had a total of seven, shouting over one another, almost hopping from place to place on their large living room sofa.
The next day you were proud of yourself to have slept and woken up at a reasonable time, and better yet, you did pretty well in emulating a morning routine.
While you were booting up your computer, a notification popped up on your phone. ATEEZ YouTube channel? You were perplexed. Reading the title, your soul almost left your body. It was a Yunho and Mingi live. Without a second's pause, you tapped on your screen, to unveil the pair, sitting side by side, attempting to set up screen sharing.
You couldn't quite place a finger on it, but to you Yunho appeared more... sad? Maybe your eyes were playing tricks on you, but something felt off.
As you continued watching, you noticed just how gentle Mingi was with him. Making playful jokes, reading compliments from chat out loud and acting every bit like an older brother would, which from your understanding was not usually the case.
Finally, they set everything up, what you saw made your head spin. The puzzle platform coop. The game that you and Yunho had played a couple of times, but most importantly had based matching usernames off.
Before they started, Yunho went into an explanation of the game, its history and why it was special, and you noticed very familiar language. Language you had used when explaining the game to him. And once they launched into the game, of course he chose the character that his username was based off - obb.
You realised. This was his final call. You had to act, and act fast.
So you did the unthinkable and contacted the one other person who you felt you could comfortably speak to out of your newest acquaintances - Yeosang. You had also connected with him on Discord, though barely spoke outside of shared sessions with Yunho.
<e-y/n> hello
The reply came almost instantly
<sk8rboi> hi
You were nervous, but pushed it away as far as you could. This was not a match you could lose.
<e-y/n> this is going to sound really odd, but is there any way i can contact yunho?
<sk8rboi> come over
<e-y/n> ... nani?????
<sk8rboi> this mutual simping is wild
<sk8rboi> come get ur man pls I want peace
<sk8rboi> hey u there? if u ghost me i will ddos ur ass
<e-y/n> yeah yeah sorry just... did you say mutual?
<sk8rboi> yh bruh istg how did u even come up w aenigmata
<e-y/n> bruh what you mean
<sk8rboi> nvm just heres the address and u can come over like nowish
<sk8rboi> [address sent]
<sk8rboi> and while u wait for long boi to call it a day on ibbobb u can spill dev secrets >:)
<e-y/n> thank you *tips fedora*
<sk8rboi> ew yunho has one helluva taste
What in the world did you agree to just now?
Where was your rationality?
Were you really about to haul a ball of anxiety that was yourself across the city, and into the dorms of 8 grown men and celebrities?
You were wild. But you were wildly in love, so upon masking the majority of your still lingering episode under a bit of refreshing makeup and your confidence-boosting fit, you were off.
And back again because you needed your car keys - you were not about to conquer that barrier yet, the metro could stay as a no-go zone for a while longer.
Call yourself fast and furious, because you swore you used nitro boost to zoom through the streets of Seoul, dodging traffic like you did this on the daily. Adrenaline was your only fuel, and you were very much out of breath once you arrived at the large complex where ATEEZ lived.
Remembering some broken version of breathing exercises you had been taught some time ago, you steadied yourself and gave yourself some time. You cruised around the neighbourhood a couple times until you found an inconspicuous parking spot, because even though probably no one would care, you couldn't help it.
Face obscured by a mask, you shuffled over to the door of the building checking a couple of times to make sure you weren't making a mistake. Before buzzing them, you messaged Yeosang once again, and he promptly let you in.
Once on the right floor, he was already already waiting for you, dressed in a hoodie, knee-length shorts and slides.
"Woah, you actually made it. Big respect. Come on in, Y/N."
It was very easy to be casual with him, as he was practically your long lost brother.
You beamed at him after sliding off your mask, and carefully taking off your shoes at the door to replace them with a pair of slippers he set down on the ground before you. While doing so, you heard him suddenly start counting down...
"And a 3, and a 2, and a-"
"YO YEOSANG WHO IS AT THE DOOR?" that voice sounded very familiar, and soon enough, the one and only Wooyoung appeared around the corner.
And froze. Jaw dropped. Then shrieked.
You were a deer caught in the headlights, again finding yourself punching the daylights out of your false sense of bravery. You wanted to turn right back around when-
"Y/N? IT IS Y/N! THE Y/N! Oh you have no idea how happy I am to meet you in person finally, come through. Statue man, why are you not letting her in?"
"Bro you intercepted like no tomorrow, this was a covert ops mission and you are like a nuke."
"Man, you literally brought THE Y/N over to OUR PLACE and are telling me to chill?"
"Yeah, tone it down. Like a thousand notches. For everybody's mental health."
You gave Yeosang an appreciative nod as he cut Wooyoung's excitement short. To be fair, you were excited too, but at the moment your instincts were telling you to escape at the first possible moment.
Wooyoung rapidly switched though, much to your joy, and in a much softer tone, greeted you again and told you to follow him.
Once in the living room, you were met with one more inquisitive pair of eyes. When he noticed that you were not sure how to address him, be it because you did not know him too well or were just shying away, he, gallant as ever stood up and introduced himself. That was how you met San.
Aside from Mingi and Yunho, apparently the rest of the members had some work to be done so were out of the house and promised to not be back until late. So you took the time to try power through small talk with Wooyoung, Yeosang and San.
With Yeosang definitely mediating because he could somehow read your vibes scarily easily.
Soon enough the Woosan duo decided to push some buttons and turned on the Yungi live, enjoying seeing you falter as you were talking. And you thought you were going to be safe from teasing entirely? Rookie mistake.
Although they knew the details from Yunho's side, they wanted to hear at least a bit from you, but you were a tough nut to crack. They did not know just how much game industry insider information you were used to carrying all the time.
Personal info was nothing. But you kind of, sort of... did want to gush about Yunho. But not now, not when everything was hanging by a thread.
Fast forward to an hour later, and as a way to thank the guys for taking care of you and standing your presence for so long, you ordered them food. Then and there they labelled you as a certified homie.
Just when you and the guys had arranged everything on the kitchen counter, you heard the door unlock, and lo and behold, in came Mingi, followed by an unreadable Yunho.
While driving back, San had discreetly texted Mingi, so he knew what was coming, and gave you a megawatt grin and a thumbs up.
If only you could replay the moment Yunho had raised his eyes and saw you at least once every hour of the day (who were you kidding, your brain was going to take care of that)
It was the kind of glee that you had only encountered in particularly sappy movies or shoujo manga. You almost wondered where the flower petals were.
What happened next swept you off your feet, literally. Not giving a damn that the other members will finish him off or maybe even expose him as a hopeless romantic on some future variety show, he strode over to you and wrapped his strong arms around your frame, lifting you up slightly so you had to balance on your tiptoes. Your face was quickly turning red, but you couldn't and wouldn't pull away.
This action was all you needed to know that your ruminations were self-sabotage, and that you overcoming your fear even if just for today was more than right.
You buried your face in his shirt, careful not to smudge anything but nevertheless relishing in his presence the fact that this was all in real life. He was here. You were here.
Both of you ignored the hollering of the gathered members, some of whom took the chance to sneak the food out on display.
Yunho asked you out then and there, whispering the words into your ear, making a shiver go down your spine. You nodded again and again, and gave him another tight hug.
How desperately he wanted to plant a kiss on your soft lips. The ones that had formed a light cheeky pout as you two finally pulled away when Yeosang shouted "get a room". He wanted to show you in every way that he was yours. And that you could rest assured nothing was going to change that.
After all, you were like ibb and obb. Worked best together.
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Now for him, it was not easy keeping your relationship a secret. Not when he was smiling at his phone, and unabashedly calling you while literally backstage, just to show you how things were around there.
You were not ready to attend any of the big events yet, nor were you fond of the idea of hanging around the equally busy backstage, but you knew everything that was going on thanks to the stream of pictures, videos and calls you received. Down to documentary-style explanations where Yunho scouted for some funny close ups of his members.
Very early on you had discussed social boundaries, and you had explained to him the details of what battles you were yet to find, and fell in love with him all over again when he was the most respectful and understanding person on the planet.
You were slowly building up courage, and were already improving leaps and bounds - your business friend was overjoyed when you independently hosted your own livestream, and organised a q&a session for fans. Magazines and merch stores took a greater interest in your work, and you were happily liaising with them, of course with support of your team, and of your boyfriend, Yunho.
Both you and Yunho learned together what a balancing act life can be, but, with some adjustments and open communication, were making it happen. Step by step, closer and closer.
Staff were quick to ship you two, seeing how Yunho had somehow become even more attractive on stage, sending fans into a frenzy. Really it was so that he could later observe the effect he had on you.
At the same time, he quickly gained a soft spot in some gaming fans' hearts as he ventured into the area a little bit more, for the time being either alone or with another member.
If Yunho thought the e-girl jokes were going to die down, they only got stronger. And when some fans started forming theories about Yunho's patterns, wondering if there was either some collaboration on the horizon or something much deeper, started telling him to come clean to ATINY about his Twitch subscriptions.
Maybe someday, only when you told him you were okay with it, he would shout to the world that Yunho and Y/N were an item, but for now, he was more than in love with you and the two-player world you two built, and you were more than in love with him and his way to bring you to a beautiful reality.
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snug-gyu · 5 months
K-Pop Recap Of 2023!
tagged by @wifehwa 💜💜 thank you~
Groups You Started Stanning?
ateez if that's not clear yet lol i've been listening to ateez since black cat nero but i never really got into them, actively stanning. but who would have guesses a world tour would actually pass through south america so me and the bestie went and i was done for. ateez actively altered my brain chemistry and i'll never be the same. honorable mention to txt thanks to winnie
New Ult Biases?
yeosang and mingi
Idol(s) Who Got The Most Of Your Simping?
S-O-N-G M-I-N-G-I gonna know it's over
Most Streamed Group(s)?
Most Streamed Soloist(s)?
Top K-Pop Song(s) Of This Year (Opinion Or Streaming, You Choose)
personally my songs this year were halazia and arriba by ateez and cover me by stray kids
Top Debut This Year
i don't follow debuts really closely so i can't answer this
Choreographies You Learned
just like, the s-class and bouncy challenges i guess. i made my cat dance bouncy
Albums/Merchandise You Bought
3 versions of 5-star, fever pt 3, the world ep1 and ep fin
New Kpop Mutuals You Made?
my atinyblr moots~💜
tagging: @changbeens @hongamon @y-eontan @ggthydrangea @jinniebit @chanrizard @agibbangs @cheekyquokka @babycatlix @yangbbokari (no pressure)
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aohisworld · 8 days
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┊ ➶ 。˚   ° NOTES! : enhypen sub-unit in collaboration with riot games! (inspired by heartsteel/k.da based group).
┊ ➶ 。˚   ° contains, me yapping about my favourite video game, LOWK doesn’t make sense if you’re not a Val nerd HAHAHA, different idols, (harvey - xg, natty - kiof, xiulin and aohi portrayed by sakura - le sserafim ). Tragic character backstories. NOT A REAL COLLAB! ༉‧₊˚.
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╰┈➤ HARVEY - [code : tango]
Real Name: Heaven Kim
Age: In her 20s.
Best Weapon: Guardian.
Biography: A dancer that shakes up the battlefield, challenging her enemies to the best of her ability. The Dancer’s compatibility with any agent keeps her a natural choice for battles and a good teammate.
Harvey’s character, “Olive” was a dancer that was caught up in the radianite incidents around the world, she ended up being caught up in experiments and adopted under brimstone, being trained as the agent going by Olive.
Type: Controller.
E Ability: Dancebomb - deploys a smoke in a shape of a disco ball, lasting for up to 14.25 seconds and fakes noise if enemies step into it.
Q Ability: Bubblepop - is a molly/throwable that creates a slow field around a specific area and vulnerables them as they walk through.
C Ability: Music Buff - Gives Olive a speed boost and works like a Brim Stim. Throwing the dance pad on the floor helps for faster access onto a planting site.
Ultimate: Dance Battle - similar to Iso’s ult, but Olive’s technicolour disorients the enemy through a clone like Yoru, shoot the wrong clone? Creates a flash that stuns for a few seconds.
What was your first reaction to the collaboration offered to you by RIOT?
it was very shocking! Actually, one of the members that we collaborated was someone close to me, and to be able to work with her despite not being in the same group anymore, was very exciting.
What should we expect out of your character?
I think she’s a very challenging character to play against, and I also think a lot of people would enjoy her. I certainly did, collaborating with the riot developers into creating her!
Favourite agent besides Olive?
Astra! If not for Aohi, I would have no idea what to do in Valorant, and I’ve been enjoying playing controller a lot!
How was the collaboration with Enhypen’s female members and Natty?
It was very… how to say? Nostalgic? Natural? The girls reminded me a lot of the XG members, and they were a joy to talk to, and to miss Aohi, is definitely is an understatement.
Best Valorant player between you and the girls?
Aohi, all the way!
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╰┈➤ NATTY - [code : preppy]
Real Name: Tahlia Anchali
Age: 17-18.
Best Weapon: Marshal Sniper.
Biography: A street performer who has no problem getting attention of crowds and enemies, her explosive attitude and fiery entrance gives no space for another to take the spotlight. Her agent is always the centre of attention on the battlefield, holding down site for her team.
Natty’s character, Ty, is a street performer turned radiant through a car accident involving a radianite truck and her friend’s. She’s recovers with the help of Sage and Omen, figuring out her discovered powers under the supervision of Brimstone.
Type: Sentinel.
E Ability: Thermal Wave - sends out a heat wave to a part of site, the enemy’s body heat returning back to Ty for information.
Q Ability: Heat Packs - works like Chamber’s Trademark, marking any flanking enemies with a burn after effect.
C Ability: Volcanic Shield - works like a Harbour wall, pushing through the wall deals damage as long as you’re inside said wall.
Ultimate: Floor’s Lava - places a heated area that deals damage to any enemy that walks in, useful for holding site. Has the same time frame as a Killjoy ultimate.
What was your first reaction to the collaboration offered to you by RIOT?
It was new, that’s for certain! I was nervous for the most part because it was my first collaboration, and it was of Xiulin and Aohi of ENHYPEN as well, and I wanted to make a good impression!
What should we expect out of your character?
I hope that community enjoys my character’s voice lines as much as I did recording them, she’s upbeat and always grooving to her team’s flow, and I think I made her as fun as she could be.
Favourite agent besides Ty?
Definitely Clove! Their character design is very electric, and I have the most fun playing her against so many agents. Other than Clove, Skye is also one of my favourites! Her abilities are just as cool as Clove’s.
How was the collaboration with Enhypen’s female members and Harvey?
They’re an amazing bunch, these girls are one of the most coolest and chillest people I’ve ever met, we’ve all exchanged albums and to just see these talented people in person and be able to work with them is a blessing.
Best Valorant player between you and the girls?
I’d have to agree with Harvey, and say it’s Aohi.
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╰┈➤ XIULIN - [code : crystal]
Real Name: Biyu Chen
Age: In her Early 30s.
Best Weapon: Vandal.
Biography: A weapon made by her parents, Bao’s ability to take the site is dangerous, intimidating her enemies and letting her teammates take with no problem. This mafia’s princess is deadly, and she always bites.
Bao’s from an underground family of mafia from Fuzhou, her parents had conceived her to be placed into a secret experiment with Radianite, and she’s recovered in a mission by Iso and Gekko, and is now under viper’s care as she tries to stablize Bao’s radianite exposure.
Type: Duelist.
E Ability: Vile Exhaust - deploys a smoked flash, both blinding and sending enemies with a small twinge of decay for ten seconds.
Q Ability: Frame Jump - sort of teleport that happens at short distances, can be used to teleport or fake like a Yoru clone, taking advantage of enemy’s surroundings.
C Ability: Alternative - Bao is able to pick a certain enemy to switch places with, using her power to portal through and make a flank inside the enemy’s team.
Ultimate: Turning Tables - Bao controls the closest enemy in her vicinity while her real body is stationed like Gekko’s ult, using the enemy as her puppet. Ultimate ends if fifteen seconds pass, her body is shot down, or if her puppet is shot by the enemy team.
What was your first reaction to the collaboration offered to you by RIOT?
I was pretty chill with it, it’s really Batsy (Aohi) who enjoys Valorant, don’t get me wrong though I do enjoy gaming, but Aohi squealed more than I did, haha.
What should we expect out of your character?
I hope that people will be challenged a little more to be perceptive and have faster reflexes, it was a challenge for me and I’m ascendant ranked! Other than that, I hope the community does end up enjoying Bao.
Favourite agent besides Bao?
Sage! Honestly I’ve gotten used to her voice lines and Aohi’s always pocketing me when it comes to our games, so she’s grown on me! I’d also say Reyna as well, her voice lines are insane and I play her best.
How was the collaboration with Natty of KIOF and Harvey of XG?
Harvey’s one of Aohi’s old group mates, and I obviously have to treat her with the utmost respect for taking care of Aohi for so long. With Natty, Aohi and I admire her lots, especially with KIOF and their music, they’re just amazing.
Best Valorant player between you and the girls?
Me. No, I’m kidding, it’s Aohi and I, but her more— she’s hit radiant before and she probably will again.
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╰┈➤ AOHI - [code : angel]
Real Name: Etsuko Nakamura.
Age: Mid-20s.
Best Weapon: Operator/Phantom.
Biography: An invisible agent, who’s taught by the best. Elytra’s easily able to take advantage of the enemy team, always one step ahead. Elytra is Cypher’s and Killjoy’s successor, ultimately creating an absolute weapon on the field.
Elytra’s ties with the radiants stem from being a rescue and a run away. The radiant program sent her for a long while’s training and Elytra didn’t want to be turned into an agent for reasons only Cypher seemed to know.
She’s now under Cypher’s and Killjoy’s wings, being protected under heaps and heaps of hacking courtesy of the engineers.
Type: Sentinel.
E Ability: Bio-Hack - Like Cypher, Elytra places a cam around the map and is able to register a small bio-hack that reveals an enemy.
Q Ability: Fever Dream - Is a type of Hacked wall placed down like a Sage wall, it needs either a full 25 bullets to shoot down, or it must be walked through but disables abilities for five seconds.
C Ability: Angel’s breath - A sort of orb that Elytra can throw to the enemy team, giving them sleep which hazes their vision and gives them slowness.
Ultimate: Serenity - works like a brim ult, but it’s a moving target ult, three is able to shoot down and only Elytra could walk through said ultimate.
What was your first reaction to the collaboration offered to you by RIOT?
What else but excitement and joy? No, but really, I was jumping around me and Xiu-noona's room for like hours, and the boys probably listened to me yap about the Collaboration forever. Safe to say, they now have an idea of how much of a chronic gamer I am.
What should we expect out of your character?
Nothing but difficulty, I thought long and hard about Elytra's powers and it took some trial and error to make sure she wasn't too weak or overpowered. When you've mastered her, she's definitely a fun character to play with, and with a team who can utilize her abilities? It's an easy climb from there!
Favourite agent besides Elytra?
Sage and Jett! Obviously they're kind of basic, but they're who I started with, and it's difficult to just throw them out! I climbed most of my radiant journey with Sage and Jett, and I don't think I would be an absolute pro if not for these two characters!
How was the collaboration with Natty of KIOF and Harvey of XG?
...It was emotional for me, for sure. It's been a while since I've seen Harvey-nee, and she's always been considered as one of the closest people in my life. With Natty-noona, she was absolutely excited to gain a new dongsaeng, that's for sure! She couldn't leave my side, and honestly, after spending so much time around her, I don't think I could leave her side either!
Best Valorant player between you and the girls?
I think it's pretty obvious! It's me.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 2 months
when you learn a tiktok dance challenge and your ult posts a cover two hours later: 😨
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inphront · 6 months
what kpop girl groups the tlt cast would stan
just saw a post talking about the tlt cast doing kpop dance challenges and couldn't shut up so now i'm making my own post. i know significantly more about girl groups than i do boy groups, so i'm assigning everyone a girl group and/or female soloist enjoy.
judith: she was a wonder girls stan growing up and acts like it was just a casual phase but she still religiously awaits every comeback from sunmi
marta: mamamoo. she's not actually involved with the fandom in any way she just knows good vocals when she hears em
coronabeth: she has pretty broad tastes for the most part and tends to be a bit inconsistent with her ults-- these days it's ive and she is THE wonyoung defender, but she had a hell of a red velvet phase before that, and there was also a good while when she was big into momoland.
ianthe: aoa. miniskirt was the only song of theirs that she knew before the scandal she hopped onto that ship right as it was sinking. i do also think corona showed her the monster mv when it came out and she was obligated by sisterly law to make fun of it but then promptly binged every single thing red velvet has ever created.
babs: a boygroup stan but he makes an exception for ioi (somi specifically).
isaac: he likes nmixx and aespa, but i think he's more intense about craxy and a couple other nugu groups. he enjoys the newer songs that sound like three completely different songs got smashed together my boy wants NOISE.
jeannemary: DREAMCATCHER. girlie is the biggest somnie on earth and has a massive crush on dami and sua in particular. she's a big girlcrush enjoyer in general though she also stans everglow, pixy, and purplekiss.
abigail: girl's generation, obviously.
magnus: i mean he of course likes anything his wife likes especially because she appreciates the classics, but i think he also really loves like. gugudan and fromis. honestly? 9muses too idk why every group with the number 9 in it has his vibes but they all do.
palamedes: stans every girlgroup that has ever existed with all his heart and soul, but especially stayc, billlie, and loona. he's one of those orbits who actually knows all the lore too.
camilla: was a casual blackjack back in the day but the only gg she's really into is g-idle. she appreciates it when a group has some artistic freedom, and also can tell when an idol actually knows how to rap vs just not knowing how to sing.
dulcinea: nature, gfriend, and chungha. she likes cutesy groups that do total 180s in concept i think nature dropping girls was one of the best days of her damn life.
protesilaus: fifty fifty but he stanned before cupid released. also cignature he really likes nugu groups.
silas: gangnam style is the only kpop song he has ever heard and he is deeply distraught upon learning that there's more.
colum: he enjoys one (1) song by a kpop girl group and it is la vie en rose by iz*one
harrowhark: by and large does not listen to kpop but she saw the mv to paradise lost by gain as a young teenager and it Did Something To Her. i think there's a timeline out there where she's a cheshire but in that timeline her parents love her
gideon: so ik i gave mamamoo to marta but gideon appreciates a hot woman with hella ability to command a stage and mamamoo is four of those. she likes hyuna for the exact same reason but i am especially talking about red/roll deep/how's this era hyuna. oh and exid.
mercymorn: she's a blink.
augustine: and he, naturally, is a once!
gide1: rania do NOT ask me why because i do not have an answer.
pyrrha: sistar. she biases hyolyn like hell and considers dally to be the song of the myriad.
cytherea: was pristin's number one fan and that's why she's like that now
john: newjeans. you KNOW that man is super shy
nona: thinks every song by a girlgroup is the best song ever. palamedes got her into loona but she doesn't know any of the lore he tries to explain it and she just goes TAKE ME HIGH! HIGH! HIGH! HIGH-- she also loves itzy and now is getting into kiss of life but mainly that's because of the dance break in shhh (which she tried to learn but she can't balance on one foot that long)
alecto: honestly i think she would learn that the kpop industry exists and immediately go on a murderous rampage against every ceo in the universe, but she plays karma by blackswan in the background when she does it.
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amiharana · 1 year
revalink shitpost of the day: revali and link as kpop stans
revali is either a complete anti who openly mocks and says shitty stuff about kpop idols and runs blockchains on stan accounts, or he gets extremely defensive and aggressive because you didn’t like his nugu girl group’s comeback song because come on this is musical genius what do you mean it sounds like construction noises!!! he spams fancams of his bias and runs a protect/shooter account for his ult group. revali is definitely at risk for being a solo stan, though, he's got a couple of strong opinions about certain idols in certain groups...
as for link, no one had any clue that he likes kpop at all. his personal belongings have no indication of kpoppery and he never talks about it irl, but then you look up his youtube channel and its like 300+ videos of full length kpop dance covers. link performs it exactly like the original idols do down to a T and also has really nice outfits and sets, and the video is just really professional??? how did he film this??? champions+zelda would probably find out after doing a random kpop dance challenge for shits and giggles, but wait why is link slaying the choreography to antifragile by lesserafim rn…
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angelsquid · 5 months
kpop recap of 2023! ✨️
tagged by @starlostastronaut thanks 😘😘 (I really do have fun with these games and its get me so excited)
groups you started stanning?
Still don't know what stanning means even after googling it. I kind of just listen to whatever gets my attention. I didn't have the time or energy after finishing uni to get into different groups in 2023.
new ult biases?
Lee know... Now it's just Yugyeom and Lee Know battling it out for space in my head
idol(s) who got the most of your simping?
OT8 Stray Kids
Yugyeom from GOT7 (His music and fashion style just JUST OHGODIHGO)
Seonghwa from Ateez (Because of his genderless approach to fashion)
Ricky from ZB1 (Because of videos of him always serving face)
most streamed group(s)?
Stray Kids, NewJeans, 0WAVE and GOT7 <3
most streamed soloist(s)?
GOT7 solo stuff
Mostly been working through Youngjaes EP Do IT, next on the backlog is Marks Fallin', and Bambams Sour & Sweet album. I try to take my time with albums and other body of works.
top kpop song(s) of this year (opinion or streaming, you choose)
This is so hard because there was so many bangers in 2023. I'll just list the top songs not in any order
Super Shy by NewJeans
Perfect Night by LE SSERAFIM
Queencard by (G)I-DLE
Superbowl by Stray Kids
top debut this year
I didn't keep up with any debuts but the ones who caught my attention was Kiss of Life, xikers and ZB1
choreographies you learned
I'm not a dancer so I've only learnt the choruses or challenge parts. You know just in case someone plays the song randomly I gotta be prepared. I mostly just learnt the dances to entertain me and my friends during long uni work sessions. I don't remember them well nor do I dance them well. I learnt a lot and it made me a little bit more interested in learning how to dance so maybe I'll explore that this year 💃🕺
Killin' Me Good, You Calling My Name, Gum, Happily Ever After, Party O'Clock, LALALALA, Fact Check, Fast Forward, Perfect Night, Super Bowl, Love Me Like This (because of Binnie), Do Not Touch, ICKY, CAKE, Super Shy, Queencard, Fighting, S-Class, Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's wife, Bouncy, Easy, Do It, Fallin'
albums/merchandise you bought
This year I only bought one album and I was still broke.
It was the 5-Star Album! I pre-ordered it after seeing all the hype and I pulled Lee know focused stuff and Minsung PC inside. I got I.N as my POB but I ruined it 😭 it got damaged from my stupid PC holder
Other merch I got was from the SKZ concert back in Feb. I got the hoodie and shirt
Some lomo cards, photobooth birthday events, cupsleeve freebies and one of my besties bought me idol pokemon cards from a convention. They got me a holographic Leebit, I.N, Yugyeom and Changbin ☺️
oh and off brand skzoo lol I’ll put a photo of them somewhere.
new kpop mutuals you made?
All the mutuals I have are new as I only started using tumblr in 2023. They all have pretty blogs and I’m still a little too scared to talk to them and wont tag them in this part 🫣
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Tags for funsies @forlix @lixie-phoria
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starlostastronaut · 5 months
kpop recap of 2023! ✨️
tagged by mars (@stayconnecteed), thank youu!
groups you started stanning?
since 2023 is the year i became a kpop fan, it's everyone i stan lmao. but to name them: stray kids, xdinary heroes, ateez. i like a lot of other groups too, but i wouldn't call myself a stan, so...
new ult biases?
seungmin and hongjoong aka my current ults. for like the first half of the year my ult was chris tho
idol(s) who got the most of your simping?
christopher 100000%. my poor irl bestie, she had to listen to all my thoughts about him and man were there a lot of them-
most streamed group(s)?
stray kids and xdinary heroes
most streamed soloist(s)?
probably jackson wang? idk i don't really listen to soloists much lmao
top kpop song(s) of this year (opinion or streaming, you choose)
streaming wise, spotify says connected by bang chan. in my opinion, anything xdinary heroes (man in the box, freddy, sucker punch, hellevator cover...), also skz's lonely st. and lalalala
top debut this year
tbh i spent most of the year just learning about the kpop world so i have no idea who debuted when, but probably xikers. i like their energy and overall vibe!
choreographies you learned
oh i learned a lot. though never a full choreo, just the dance challenges/chorus/other part of the choreo. though i probably forgot some of them bc i haven't done the choreo in months. so:
case 143, maniac, god's menu, thunderous, back door, sclass, lalalala, queencard, eve psyche and the bluebeard's wife, bouncy, tricky house, do it like that, icky, rover
albums/merchandise you bought
everything i own, which is skzoo and then albums (various groups)
new kpop mutuals you made?
all of my mooties! i love you guys! <3
tagging (no pressure!): @ivaneedssleep @dreamy-channie @angelsquid @skzonthebrain @chaotickyrith + whoever wants to
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drainbangle · 1 year
i got octopath II today wish me luck! any strategy recs?
OO good luck!! As for early-game strategies/tips, off the top of my head I can think of:
If you use a scholar, try to go for either the Lightning spell or Advanced Magic skill first. Advanced Magic is the only way to get guaranteed multi-hit AOE magic for the Scholar class. Not only that, but if used on a cleric, it can also let them heal more HP to the whole party.
When you get Partitio, try to invest in Hiring someone with the skill Silver Tongue. It gives you a guaranteed 20% off on purchases, which can definitely help save money on bigger purchases. This also applies to the ship, which is normally 100,000 leaves, but can be reduced to a slightly less gigantic 80,000.
When you get Agnea, try to Allure someone with the skill Celestial Chorus, though chances are you probably won't be able to do this unless you're in mid-game or really lucky. Celestial Chorus is a handy skill to use with her passive, as it grants +1 BP to a target any time Agnea dances for them.
Consider getting subclasses/secondary jobs early in the game! They're usually in lv. 15 areas, and opens up a lot of versatility on your team.
Make use of Hikari's Challenge, as sometimes this is the only way to get AOE physical attacks without using characters' ults. He can also get skills that use outside of his class, which is really good to keep in mind.
Sacred Shield, when used at full BP, guarantees the next attack to deal only 1 damage. This is really handy for bosses, especially if you don't know they're next move and don't want your physical/magical DPS going down.
If you run into a rare monster (a cait or octopuff) don't try to attack it physically, especially in early game as they have high evasion. Instead, chuck a soulstone at it as they have low HP but can give a lot of EXP if you manage to kill/capture them in time.
I hope this list helps!! Feel free to shoot any asks for clarification/advice on specific things, I'm always happy to help with 8path stuff
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Each of them has to practice dancing to LESSERAFIM's "Impurities"
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They have decided to focus on practicing this move specifically and have fun with you in the process. 😉
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They each pitch in $1000, so a total of 4000 USD to make a fun challenge with you. Each of them will be interacting with you to the whole song (3 minutes and 16 seconds).
If you don't cum before all of them finish 'practicing' the hips-swaying move on you, you get to keep all the money. You sit down and ready yourself mentally.
You get to select who would be responsible for each of the following options:
In her white costume, her ass rubbing against your cock in your pants
With your lower half now naked, her bare ass rubbing against the underside of your cock, sometimes putting your cock between her cheeks and 'hotdogging' it
Same as above but now her lower lips rubbing against your tip, sensing her slick slowly dripping down your whole shaft, even feeling her nub rubbing against your slit
You are balls deep into her while she sways her hips, you feel her subconsciously clench around you tighter every time she changes direction of her hips sway
What is your choice?
If they are looking back at you, who do you think would make the best expressions when she's teasing you?
i think the answer for me is pretty clear cut honestly.
1 and 2. kkura or wonyoung, either of them doing number 2 would be really hot.
3. defo ahn yujin, she's got a very playful and teasing personality honestly.
4.chaewon, im just that down bad for my ult bias since like iz*one debuted.
honestly, if any of them looked back and teased me, it could go so many ways. kkura and wonyoung have amazing, seductive gazes. ahn yujin would smile like a maniac, revelling in the painful pleasure you're getting. chaewon would also be super seductive but if im already in her, does it matter? xD
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seungkwansphd · 2 years
Omg omg first I love your Jeonghan series but that aside XU MINGHAO WTF SIR!!?? He’s my like ult ult ult and Jeonghan my wrecker but like wtf is up with China line they are trippin 😩😩😩 and then did you see him drop that douyin challenge for Yixing’s Veil!? I was literally losing my shit over the choreo when that song dropped sayin how fire would it be if Hao did something with this and then I wake up this morning assaulted by the beg me and then that like pls 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ he’s so fine for what?! 😩
agh, thank you!!! i'm so glad you liked my jeonghan fics! 😍 i did see his veil dance challenge and HE ATE!!! yeah, i really need him to CALM THE FUCK DOWN. (or go to jail, idc at this point)
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fig 1. me rippin my hair out over this fancall
the other thought i keep having is like HOW FINE WAS THAT CARAT FOR HIM TO BE WILDIN LIKE THAT?!
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what-if-nct · 7 months
hiiii today's reminder is seungkwan 127 challenge video do you hear the sound of the world healing
Hiii! There is so much seventeen and NCT content lately and it's so cute, and it's not even in a dance studio or the staircase of music shows its at night in the park like they're just hanging out, in the world being friends. I want to see more. Someone just put Vernon and Mark in one room, I just want to see them together i wanna see what happens. One good thing came from whatever is going on with hybe and sm. Also after seeing Ten do the choreo for guilty with Taemin and Taemin and Hyunjin did their previous challenges together, I just want to see Hyunjin do the guilty choreo, its just so him and Seeing my first ever bias with my current reigning ult bias. Like it just brings me unexplainable joy. And looking at Yixing who is king bias, I really have to stop falling in love with different versions of the same man.
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nobully · 1 year
 comforting action prompts | send [assist] for the receiver to help sender with a level in a video game
‘...Boyfriend Carnival?’ Wang Yi tests the name on his tongue like some flavor of bad romance. He shakes his head.
‘Nope, sorry. Never heard of it. You ever play Punishing: Black Raven?’ When the other looks equally clueless, he takes out his phone and starts showing off. ‘Right, so it’s an action fighter mobage...’
20 minutes and three tutorial battles later, Wang Yi’s peering over Eiden’s shoulder as he tries his hand at the challenge mode fights.
‘When she raises her weapon that’s your indicator to dodge—don’t forget your QTEs, they’re flashing—yeah, okay that was good—oh god, run RUN she’s gonna unleash her ult—ack!”
The screen turns gray as the character on screen falls to his knees and dies, making the battle a failure. Wang Yi exhales. ‘You were pretty close. If you could survive through the last wave, it would’ve been a clear.’
Eiden rubs his nose while half scowling at the screen. “Yeah, I felt that. Can I try again?”
‘Sure, if you want.’
Take 2.
‘Okay, but you should just avoid the jitterbugs after luring them to one spot, because they’re timed to explode—’
Take 3.
‘That was 20 seconds too slow, if you’d killed them faster we’d chip away more at the boss HP...’
Take 4.
‘Yes, it’s 3-ping plus basic attack for this guy, but you want to just button mash for the girl, because her kit’s designed differently—’
Take 5, Take 6, Take 12... 
‘...give me the phone. I want to give it a go.’
To be honest, these battles were short and Eiden was doing remarkably well for a beginner. His hands all but danced over the buttons on-screen—maybe he was skilled with his fingers or something?—but there was just too much happening at once per fight for him to process it all.
Wang Yi expertly takes his phone back, checks his team, and enters the fray himself.
And then he dies less than 5 minutes later.
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‘...fuck, I want to throttle someone.’ 
“Uh, by that do you mean—”
‘Not you.’ Wang Yi butts in quickly, before throwing his phone aside with a sigh. ‘I should just take a break.’ This game’s way too provoking. He takes a peek at Eiden, who was in the middle of clearing his dailies, and scooted a little closer so he could see the screen. There were flashing lights and sparkly Christmas music surrounding a handsome silver-haired man who barely cracked a smile at the camera.
‘Is that your “boyfriend” or something?’ Wang Yi asks.
“One of them, yeah,” Eiden replied flippantly. “Oh man, but they haven’t uploaded the tutorial for this chapter yet...” His fingers hovered over the two dialogue choices as he frowned over which to choose. Wang Yi took a closer look and squinted at the options.
Ark is showing signs of shyness towards you! Do you...
A) Take his hand. B) Kiss him.
What the hell.
'Where’s the option to just talk?’ Wang Yi scoffs. 
“That’s not how the VN portions work,” Eiden mutters. “I should have enough affection to pick B...but if I fail it’ll set me back a week, while A can still get me some Dokidoki points, hmm...”
Wang Yi had no idea what he was talking about but felt plenty unimpressed. ‘Who kisses someone out of the blue? Just go with A, it’s more normal.’
“That’s not how the love lines work, either.”
Oh. Was this some weird novel logic at play? Wang Yi shrugs. ‘Then just do the opposite of what I said.’
Eiden hesitates. At times like this, he could usually find an answer from his closest in-game friend, but Mary Sue had been bragging about Christmas dates all week and he didn’t want to bother her in the middle of one (or worse still, get it into her head to invite him too). If he waits a while longer, the game forums would probably post a walkthrough, but he was in the event now and didn’t feel like replaying all those cutscenes just to come back to this one choice.
‘That guy moves a lot,’ Wang Yi observes while still staring at Eiden’s phone. ‘So what happens if he kisses you? Does he plaster his face against the screen or something?’
“That’s not how the live 2-D animations—look, why don’t you download it and play for yourself?” Eiden changes tack mid-conversation to shoot Wang Yi a look. “Who knows, you might like it.”
‘No I won’t.’
“How are you so sure?”
‘Because I—’ Don’t like guys? No, he’d already kissed one—uh, two? Besides, if he played as a girl it wouldn’t matter who the boyfriends were courting, right? Anyways, the point is I ‘—already have someone.’
Eiden stops staring at his screen to stare at Wang Yi instead, eyes unusually bright. “What, you mean like a boyfriend?”
‘He’s not my—’ Wang Yi starts, then stops in consternation. ‘I didn’t mean that.’
“So who’s ‘he?’“
‘No one.’
“...you know, you’re kinda bad at lying even without the flowers.”
Wang Yi rankles at that because he was a damned good liar when it counted. ‘I’m not lying. I left him already, so—’
“So he doesn’t count as a boyfriend because you broke up with him?” The sad puppy eyes look Eiden is shooting him could melt a freaking Ice Age.
‘We weren’t even dating!’
“A one-sided crush?” This time, Eiden’s voice softens as well. “Right, that happens...”
‘He was the one crushing on me!’ Wang Yi all but snaps back and regrets it.
Was Eiden cursed or something? Why did he end up blabbing all his thoughts to the guy whenever they talked? Even now, the dude’s just smiling at him good-naturedly as if waiting for him to spill more beans. It makes him want to pinch his face until the grin slides right off, or pull his ear until he winces, or scratch him up a bit so—
Wang Yi digs his nails into his palms and takes a few deep breaths. His self-control was worse since coming here too—probably some mix of stress and desperation eating at his mental state, who knows. He guesses he should be thankful Sao Ling isn’t here to make fun of him on top of everything else.
‘Anyways, what’s past is past,’ Wang Yi says simply and grabs his phone casually from the couch. ‘So, boyfriend game, right?’
Please don’t ask me any more questions.
Eiden is still smiling. “Right.”
2 Hours Later.
“...how did you manage to get every single guy to hate your guts?”
‘Look, it’s kinda my job, okay? Literally, I mean.’
“Uh no offense, but didn’t you fail pretty badly at that with the last guy you met?” Eiden blinks, unconvinced. 
‘Real life doesn’t always match what happens in books.’ Wang Yi looks at him, then looks away. ‘So what’d you end up picking for your dialogue choice?’
“Oh, that.” Eiden glances at his own phone, currently forgotten on the side. “It timed out, so I guess I’ll replay it later.”
‘Weren’t you trying to avoid that, though?’
“Eh, real life got in the way,” Eiden shrugs back with a cheeky gleam in his eyes. “Wanna play a different game?”
Wang Yi stares at him, then scoots away. His danger senses are tingling. ‘Like what.’
Eiden just sits in the spot on the bed that he’s vacated, still wearing that infuriating grin. “Multiple-choice question? A to hold hands and B for a kiss?”
‘Ugh, how about C for “see you later?’
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!”
‘Besides, aren’t you more of an act now ask questions later kinda guy?’
“Oh yeah?”
‘Yeah. Some parts of you are completely predictable.’ And Wang Yi suddenly grabs Eiden by the collar to pull him close, head leaning in to—
—completely bypass his face as he laughs softly by his ear. Like this.
‘Oops, I missed.’ Wang Yi deadpans a second later.
“No you didn’t.”
Wang Yi starts to pull away, but Eiden’s already got him, arms snaking up to pin him by the shoulders even as soft lips catch the bob of his Adam’s apple and trace a trail of kisses up his jaw. He stiffens at that—both upstairs and downstairs (to his annoyance).
“We can stop if you don’t want it,” Eiden pauses to mutter in his ear.
Wang Yi’s fingers are still gripping Eiden’s shirt. He relaxes them now, but starts to undo the guy’s buttons instead.
“Is that a yes?”
‘Shut up,’ Wang Yi retorts. ‘I’m just helping you finish what I started.’
Fade to black.
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